MEDMARX Data Report
MEDMARX Data Report
MEDMARX® Data Report A Report on the Relationship of Drug Names and Medication Errors in Response to the Institute of Medicine’s Call for Action Findings 2003-2006 and Trends 2002-2006 Featuring: • Look-alike and/or Sound-alike drug names from two national medication error reporting programs • The drug naming process in the U.S. • Drug name pronunciation guide from USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names • Summary of Error Information for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ISO 9001:2000 Certified Definition of Medication Error “A medication error is any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the healthcare professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, healthcare practice, healthcare products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring and use.” Definition of Harm “Impairment of the physical, emotional, or psychological function or structure of the body and/or pain resulting therefrom.” Source: National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (1995) Suggested Citation: Hicks RW, Becker SC, Cousins DD, eds. (2008). MEDMARX data report. A report on the relationship of drug names and medication errors in response to the Institute of Medicine’s call for action. Rockville, MD: Center for the Advancement of Patient Safety, US Pharmacopeia. © 2008 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this report, in full or in part, for educational purposes provided the copyright notice is retained. Prior written permission must be obtained from USP if the material is to be used for commercial or other purposes. PS00126-0208 DigiCode Data File ACCOUNT : 923900 U S PHARMACOPEIA ORDERED BY : MARILYN STORCH P.O. NUMBER : 24419 0% 5% INVOICE NO. : 1196406 (PC EPS via EMAIL) Created on 1-16-08 at 11:49:07 by SYMBOLOGY, INC. Maple Grove, Minnesota, 55369 12601 Twinbrook Parkway 763-315-8080 Rockville, MD 20852 25% 50% 75% 95% Email: Phone: 1.301.881.0666 Fax: 1.301.816.8532 Encode: 728252156503 PU MAG 100 NBAR .0130 BWA -0.0025 THE MEDMARX DATA REPORT A REPORT ON TH 7 28252 15650 3 100% NOTICE: This DigiCode file is cons It must be inspected and Use of this file confirms a See the back of the Sym MEDMARX® Data Report A Report on the Relationship of Drug Names and Medication Errors in Response to the Institute of Medicine’s Call for Action Findings 2003-2006 and Trends 2002-2006 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Section 1 Introduction The Drug Nomenclature Process Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Section 2 Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Section 3 Findings of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Product Errors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Section 4 Summary of Error Information for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 Appendix 1 Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................201 Appendix 2 Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 249 Technical Appendices (MEDMARX Historical Findings) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 377 Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 397 2 MEDMARX DATA REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) is pleased to publish its eighth report to the nation on medication errors with a specific focus drawn from analyses of medication errors involving drug nomenclature as voluntarily reported to either MEDMARX® or the USP-ISMP Medication Errors Reporting Program. The Institute of Medicine’s 2006 report, Preventing Medication Errors, as well as reports of other leading organizations, indicate that drug names that look alike and/or sound alike increase the risk of a medication error. In 1993, USP published Quality Review 24, entitled What’s in a Name, as a means of encouraging dialogue about drug and drug product naming issues. USP then published Quality Reviews 31, 59, 69, and 73, which highlighted catastrophic errors originating with similar names. In 1995, USP began publishing its Similar Names List, which first appeared as Quality Review 49 and later as Quality Review 66 (1999), Quality Review 76 (2001), and then Together, Quality Review 79 (2004). Voluntary medication error reporting has led to changes in both brand and generic names. One of the earliest instances of a name change involved Losec, for heartburn, which was confused with Lasix, a diuretic. The resulting brand name was Prilosec. This new name has since been confused with other drug names, such as the antidepressant Prozac. A more recent name change was Reminyl (for Alzheimer’s disease) to Razadine, following multiple reports of mix ups involving Amaryl (lowers blood sugar). Another example of a name change occurred in 2000 when amrinone was changed to inamrinone by USP and eventually by the United States Adopted Names Council to avoid confusion with a very different cardiac drug, amiodarone. Name changing is not a simple process, and prudence is required when changing names of products because new opportunities for errors can be introduced, as was seen in the change of Losec to Prilosec. This report brings a new dimension to USP’s list of look-alike and/or sound-alike drug names by providing additional evidence about how communicating drug orders can directly lead to medication errors. The nation will now be able to access the most comprehensive list of similar names that is based on actual reports of errors and, for the first time, a list that further delineates the effects of the errors on patient outcomes. Two important sections augment the utility of this report. First, this report provides a comprehensive guide to therapeutic classifications of products involved in the errors. Second, the report includes a drug pronunciation guide to assist readers in proper articulation of many nonproprietary names. these drug names constituted more than 3,170 pairs—nearly double the 1,750 product pairs appearing on the 2004 list. USP reviewed more than 26,000 records and identified 1,470 unique drugs implicated in these medication errors due to brand and/or generic names that looked and/or sounded alike. Together, these drug names contributed to more than 3,170 pairs—nearly double the 1,750 product pairs appearing on USP’s 2004 list. According to this report’s findings, 1.4% of the errors resulted in patient harm, including seven errors that may have caused or contributed to patient deaths. An important finding of this year’s report is the role of pharmacy staff in look-alike and/or soundalike errors. Although pharmacy personnel, 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report also identifies an emerging trend: look-alike drug names in computerized direct order entry systems are an increasing source of confusion for prescribers. generally technicians, made the majority of errors, pharmacists as a group identified, prevented, and reported more than any other staff. This may be more the result of sustained medication safety activities by pharmacy personnel who have documented and reported errors diligently over the years. The report also identifies an emerging trend: look-alike drug names in computerized direct order entry systems are a source of confusion for prescribers. This trend will likely continue as these systems become a standard of practice. The problem of look-alike and/or sound-alike errors is further compounded by the indiscriminant use of suffixes, look-alike packaging, and labeling. For readers tracking trends in medication errors, the technical appendices to this report provide aggregated data from MEDMARX spanning the 5-year period from 2002 through 2006. During 2006, 519 facilities submitted 176,409 errors, with 1.25% of the errors resulting in harm, including 14 reports where medication errors may have caused or contributed to patient deaths. The percentage of harmful errors has remained above 1% for more than seven years. Improving the healthcare system requires the attention of many stakeholders, and USP believes that this report provides the first and most important step of identifying confusing name pairs to answer the call for action issued in 2006 by the Institute of Medicine. After reviewing many thousands of records, USP believes the following efforts will stimulate improvements in patient safety and reduce both the incidence and burden of medication errors: 4 MEDMARX DATA REPORT 1. In concert with national health priorities, healthcare facilities should increase the rate of adoption of proven technological solutions that offer error protection, including, but not limited to, computerized prescriber order entry systems, robotic fills, bar code technology, and electronic health records. Low-tech solutions, such as shelf markers or segregated look-alike and/or sound-alike drugs, can be implemented quickly, easily, and inexpensively. 2. A national forum should be convened to resolve discrepancies in the use of drug suffixes, such that adoption of a standardized nomenclature occurs universally. 3. All prescriptions, regardless of the setting in which they are written, whether manual or computer generated, should include the indication for using the drug. 4. Ambulatory patients should exercise their right to counseling by a pharmacist at the point of medication dispensing or refilling. This counseling provides a final safety net to catch look-alike and/or soundalike errors. 5. The application of human factors principles and similarity detection software should be encouraged early in the drug approval process to identify potential weaknesses in drug names, drug labels, and drug packaging. 6. Healthcare practitioners should commit to the on-going reporting of medication errors resulting from similar names to allow the public dissemination of these name pairs for awareness by all stakeholders. USP hopes that this 2006 MEDMARX Data Report will become a useful resource for clinicians, regulators, industry, and policymakers in addressing the drug-naming issue; and that the media will help the public understand the extent of the problem and its role in error avoidance. Diane D. Cousins, B.S., Pharm. Vice President Center for the Advancement of Patient Safety Healthcare Quality and Information Documentary Standards Division U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgments The Drug Nomenclature Process USP is a practitionerfocused, standardssetting organization that draws heavily on the expertise of its volunteers. USP recognizes the work of these dedicated individuals for their contributions. Thomas P. Reinders, Pharm.D. Chair, USP Nomenclature Expert Committee Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 23298 William M. Heller, Ph.D. Executive Director, USP (Retired) Stuart, FL 34994 Ruth K. Miller, J.D. Senior Counsel U.S. Pharmacopeia Rockville, MD 20852 Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion Bruce L. Lambert, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacy Administration Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice Adjunct Professor, Department of Communication University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL 60612 Dr. Lambert gratefully acknowledges the contributions of: Paul Luce, Ph.D.; Swu-Jane Lin, Ph.D.; Conor McLennan, Ph.D.; Laura Dickey, Ph.D.; William Fisher, Ph.D.; John Senders, Ph.D.; and Clement Yu, Ph.D. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality supported part of this project (Grant numbers 5R01HS011609-04 and 1U18HS016973-01). Dr. Lambert’s paper grew out of a presentation given at the Institute for Safe Medication Practices’ National Summit to Prevent Drug Name Confusion, Philadelphia, PA, October 9, 2007. Progress Report on Safe Drug Naming Practices Michael R. Cohen, R.Ph., M.S., Sc.D. President Institute for Safe Medication Practices Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 USP acknowledges the staff members who contributed their time and expertise to the production of this report. Rita Calnan, B.S., R.Ph. Pranee Dhadasih, B.A. Dorothy Demczar, Pharm.D. David Gordon, Summer Intern Roland Israel, B.A. Jymeann King, B.S., R.Ph. Claudia Okeke, Ph.D., R.Ph. Larry Paul, Ph.D., R.Ph. Denise Penn, B.S., R.Ph. Deborah Perfetto, Pharm.D. John P. Santell, M.S., R.Ph, FASHP Rick Schnatz, Pharm.D. Jeffrey Silverstone, M.B.A., R.Ph. Marilyn Storch, B.S. M. Susan Zmuda, R.N. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Introduction The Drug Nomenclature Process Drug naming has been a confounding issue dating back to the founding of the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) in 1820. Today, thousands of proprietary (trade) and nonproprietary (generic) names exist in the United States, although most of them are not currently active. The increasing number of new drug substances and increasingly complex dosage forms developed during the latter part of the 20th century required significant new efforts to establish systematic procedures and principles for assigning drug names. Understanding these procedures is key in dealing with the complex process of minimizing errors associated with drug nomenclature. Types of Drug Names The most common names associated with drugs include the chemical name, the nonproprietary name, and the proprietary name. Chemical Name—A chemical name provides precise information about the chemical structure of a drug substance. Most often, this name is the systematic chemical name assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service in concert with the recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. A pharmaceutical manufacturer or sponsor applies for a patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office when a new chemical compound with clinical potential is synthesized or isolated from natural sources. Although the chemical name is useful to scientific and technical personnel, it is not practical for use by health professionals. Nonproprietary (Generic) Name—Nonproprietary or generic names for drug substances are made official by the USP or National Formulary (NF) monographs of strength, quality, and purity after drugs are marketed. However, since 1964 the United States Adopted Names (USAN) Council has produced simple and useful nonproprietary names for drug substances in the early stages of drug development. The Council was established by the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and USP. The Council now comprises one member from each of the sponsoring organizations, one member-at-large agreed upon by SECTION 1: The Drug Nomenclature Process Section 1 the three sponsoring organizations, and one member from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The 5-member Council must be unanimous in its decisions. The selection of a nonproprietary name usually begins with the onset of clinical investigation when an investigational new drug (IND) application is filed with the FDA by a drug manufacturer. Submissions for a USAN must conform to established Guiding Principles that are published in the USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names. Currently, there are eight General Rules, with 15 sections, such as (1) the primary criterion for judging usefulness is suitability, including safety for use in the routine processes of prescribing, ordering, dispensing, and administering drugs throughout the United States; (2) the name for the active moiety of a drug should be a single word, preferably with no more than four syllables; and (3) a common, simple word element (a "stem") should be incorporated into the names of all members of a group of related drugs when pertinent, common characteristics can be identified (e.g., similarity of pharmacological action). When pharmacological similarity is found in drugs of distinctly different chemical nature, stems should differ (e.g., the antipsychotics, promazine and haloperidol; the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, ibuprofen, etodolac, and isoxicam). There are 15 Specific Rules, with 22 sections, such as (1) the letter "f" should be used instead of "ph"; (2) the letter "i" should be used instead of "y"; and (3) the letter "w" should be avoided to ensure appropriate translation into other languages. Isolated letters, numbers, or hyphenations are restricted to those groups of substances for which such usage fulfills a clearly demonstrable purpose (e.g., interferon alfa-2b, technetium Tc 99m siboroxime). Group relationships in a name preferably should be indicated by the use of syllables or stems (emphasis added); conversely, use of the stem for other than the appropriate group should be avoided. When multiple stems are available, the stem conveying the most information should be used. So, it is a Rule that related drugs should be characterized by a stem. For example, the stem “ast” is defined as antiasthmatics/antiallergics (not acting primarily as antihistamines; leukotriene biosynthesis inhibitors) and has the subgroups • • • • • lukast, leukotriene receptor antagonists milast, type IV phosphodiesterase inhibitors trodast, thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists zolast, benzoxazole derivatives tegr-, integrin antagonists (note: can occur as an infix stem, as well as a suffix stem.) SECTION 1: The Drug Nomenclature Process 7 Clearly, if one understands the rules of coining nonproprietary names, they become more informative than simply rote memory words. The 2007 USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names contains more than 500 stems. More are added each year as drugs with new actions are discovered. Gene therapies, cellular therapies, biotechnology drugs, and other biological substances are even more complicated, such that the Council has adopted a special nomenclature system just for them. Once a nonproprietary name is coined, it is rarely replaced. However, it can happen. For example, the Council and USP changed amrinone to inamrinone to distinguish it further from amiodarone after a number of serious errors were reported. More than 10,000 nonproprietary names are listed in the 2007 USP Dictionary. About 1,000 USP and NF names listed were coined before the USAN program started or are outside the scope of the USAN program. Among the latter are names of excipients, prophylactic vaccines, and mixtures that do not have an FDA IND number. Suggested USANs are published in the Pharmacopeial Forum, a periodic publication of the USP intended to permit public review and comment. In the event of controversy concerning the selection of a drug name, the issue can be referred for a final opinion to the independent 6-member USAN Review Board created by the sponsoring organizations. Proprietary Name or Trademark—When an investigational drug begins to show clinical promise, the manufacturer or sponsor will prepare a new drug application for submission to the FDA and will seek to obtain a trademark from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a proposed proprietary or brand name. If the drug will be considered for international use, the name will be submitted to the foreign agencies equivalent to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Although manufacturers develop a preferred proprietary name, the final approval of a brand name in the United States resides with the FDA. For example, the FDA does not permit names that might be associated with the drug’s indication or efficacy. A company may use different trade names in different countries. Conversely, the same trade name may be applied to different drugs by different companies in different countries. International Nomenclature Harmonization Although the USAN Council functions primarily as a drug-naming program in the United States, many drug manufacturers market their products throughout the international community. The international harmonization 8 MEDMARX DATA REPORT of drug names and related terminology reduces the confusion that would be associated with multiple nonproprietary names for a single drug. Since 1953, the World Health Organization has assumed the responsibility of coordinating drug nomenclature at the international level by recommending International Nonproprietary Names (INN). About half of the names considered at each INN meeting come from the United States via the USAN Council. Many of the international nonproprietary names are identical to USAN, USP monograph titles, and NF names. The USP Nomenclature Expert Committee The USP Nomenclature Expert Committee establishes nonproprietary names for drug substances and drug products, excipients, biologics, dietary supplements, and medical devices for humans and animals; and it promotes uniformity and consistency among the official titles in USP and NF. The Committee is concerned with nomenclature for dosage form monographs and other aspects of the language used in the prescription, dispensing, sale, or manufacture of drugs. The Committee works in a collaborative fashion with the USAN Council, and USP has committed to using the USAN as the title of a drug monograph for that substance. The Committee’s authority to develop official nonproprietary names is identified in section 502(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The section indicates that a drug is misbranded if its label does not include the “established name” of the drug and each ingredient. Section 502(e) specifies that the established name of a drug or ingredient is the official title used for the drug or ingredient in an official compendium such as USP or NF, as long as the FDA has not designated an official name in accordance with section 508 of the FFDCA. In early 2006, a federal appeals court decision confirmed that the nonproprietary names assigned by the USP Nomenclature Expert Committee take precedence over the names informally approved by the FDA during regulatory review. Several years may elapse before USP issues an official, public monograph containing standards for strength, quality, and purity for an article. USP has established policies for naming drug products. For example, USP general chapter ‹1151› defines and describes Capsules (hard shell and soft shell, delayed-release and extended-release); Ophthalmic Solutions (isotonicity value, buffering, sterilization, preservation, and thickening agent); Suppositories (cocoa butter, cocoa butter substitutes, glycerinated gelatin, polyethylene–glycol base, surfactant bases, and tableted or inserts); and much more. When the USAN Council coins a new name, it suggests a pronunciation as well. Unfortunately, in the 40 years since the program began, two inconsistencies have developed: (1) the Council was inconsistent in its pronunciation for drugs containing the same stem, or infix, or prefix; for example, some statins were designated sta' tin and some stat' in, and (2) the method of indicating the phonetic pronunciation was inconsistent; for example, a long “o” was indicated sometimes by oh, sometimes by oe, and sometimes by o. The latter problem was solved by the Council's adoption in 2002 of the “Drug Pronunciation Guide for Drug Names” (see Appendix 2). Since 2002, the USP Nomenclature Expert Committee has been reviewing the pronunciation of all the USAN, USP, and NF names in the USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names to ensure consistency first in the pronunciation of the stems and then in the syllabication and pronunciation of the first syllables of all the names. The names are then reviewed for variations from common usage. For example, the Council suggested that ibuprofen be pronounced eye bue' proe fen, but it was commonly pronounced eye" bue proe' fen, so the entry in the Dictionary was changed accordingly. In the standardization of pronunciations by the USP Nomenclature Expert Committee, the following principles have evolved: (1) pronounce words/ names the same when they are spelled the same; (2) retain and build on established precedents; (3) keep the USAN stem intact, if phonetically reasonable; (4) be consistent with first syllables; (5) refer to common dictionaries for common first-syllable usage, and consider the influence of the pronunciations of popular trade names; (6) put the primary accent on the USAN stem; (7) insert a secondary accent to differentiate among the names with the same USAN stem; and (8) follow the Pronunciation Guide. Yes, indeed, nonproprietary names of drugs are designed to look alike and sound alike—up to a point. When the USAN Council believes a new name might be too similar to an existing name, it draws the line. Also, the Council protests when drug companies coin brand names out of elements of the previously chosen nonproprietary name, but can do little about it. Numeric Identification of Names Those who believe that the nomenclature system based on words is too fallible might consider the Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) system being developed by the FDA and USP. The UNII is a random, 10-character, alphanumeric code that is planned to cover every ingredient in FDA-regulated products and eventually to be adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection SECTION 1: The Drug Nomenclature Process Name Pronunciation Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and other government agencies, as well as USP. Drugs to which UNII have been assigned will carry those codes in the 2008 edition of the USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names. Conclusion USP, the world’s oldest continuously operating pharmacopeia, has been involved with drug nomenclature since its beginning in 1820. It has adapted to the times and has joined with others in a world-wide system of drug nomenclature through the World Health Organization. Understanding the construction of nonproprietary names can help practitioners associate one drug with another and, conversely, disassociate one drug from another. Reliance on the use of nonproprietary names is a starting point toward reducing medication errors that are associated with patient injury and death. Thomas P. Reinders, Pharm.D. Chair, USP Nomenclature Expert Committee Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy Virginia Commonwealth University William M. Heller, Ph.D. Member, USP Nomenclature Expert Committee Former USP Executive Director (1968-1990) Ruth K. Miller, J.D. Senior Counsel U.S. Pharmacopeia 9 SECTION 1: The Drug Nomenclature Process Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion Many pairs of drug names look and/or sound alike (e.g., Materna® and Matulane®, hydroxyzine and hydralazine, Paxil® and Taxol®, fomepizole and omeprazole). Despite advances in technology, policy, and practice and at least 10 years of focused effort, preventing confusion among clinicians and patients over drugs with similar-looking and similar-sounding names remains an elusive goal. This summary reviews recent developments in the prevention and detection of drug name confusion. The first section positions drug name confusion in the larger context of concerns about the quality of medical care. The second section reviews the fundamental causes of name confusion errors. The third section discusses the need to have better systems to measure and monitor trends in the rate of drug name confusion. The fourth section reviews recent research on techniques for preventing these errors. The final section suggests a research agenda for moving the field forward and discusses potential obstacles. What Is the Big Picture? Concern about drug name confusion does not exist in a vacuum, isolated from other concerns about business, policy, and practice. Rather, the desire to reduce the incidence of drug name confusion errors is part of an international effort to improve the quality of medical care more generally. In the United States, the National Academies’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) has led this effort. Most of the issues are well summarized in four books published by the IOM during the last 10 years: To Err is Human1 (1999), Crossing the Quality Chasm2 (2001), Preventing Medication Errors3 (2006), and The Future of Drug Safety4 (2007). These books make a series of claims about medical care in the United States. At the highest level, the IOM asserts that medical care in America suffers from severe and widespread quality problems. As a result of these problems, “Health care today routinely harms and too often fails to deliver its potential benefits.”2 The chasm referred to in the title Crossing the Quality Chasm is the discrepancy between the quality of care most Americans receive and that which is achievable under the best possible circumstances. These problems have their roots in the education of clinicians and patients and in the way care is regulated, financed, organized, and delivered. Medical errors are among the most disturbing symptoms of low-quality healthcare. Examples of medical errors include making the wrong diagnosis, 10 MEDMARX DATA REPORT operating on the wrong side of the body, and giving the wrong medication.1 Because drug therapy is the most common type of medical treatment, medication errors are the most common type of medical errors. There are many types of medication errors: wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong route of administration, wrong patient.5 In addition, clinicians often fail to recognize or account for drug–drug interactions, drug–disease interactions, drug– food interactions, drug–lab issues, and drug allergies. Modern drug therapy is complex—a lot can go wrong and it often does. In outpatient pharmacies, where roughly 3.7 billion prescriptions were dispensed in 2006,6 the overall dispensing error rate is estimated to be 1.7% (or 62.9 million errors per year).7 The breakdown of errors by type is shown in Figure 1-1. As Figure 1-1 illustrates, wrong-drug errors account for only 8% of all errors in outpatient pharmacy and occur in perhaps 0.13% of all dispensed prescriptions. This means that, by best estimate, patients at outpatient pharmacies get the right medication almost 99.9% of the time. That sounds impressive until one realizes that the massive volume of prescriptions dispensed in the United States means that even events that occur rarely on a percentage basis still occur very frequently on an absolute basis. A wrong-drug error rate of 0.13% of 3.7 billion prescriptions still means 4.8 million wrong-drug errors per year. If only 6.5% were clinically significant, that would still mean potential harm to almost 312,000 people per year. Most patients, providers, and policymakers agree that this is an 8% Wrong drug 3% Omission 1% Wrong dosage form 10% Wrong strength 12% Wrong quantity 14% Wrong label information 52% Wrong label instructions Figure 1-1. Types of medication errors in outpatient pharmacy Data from Flynn et al.7 What Causes Name Confusion? Multiple factors cause drug names to be confused. There are four basic types of errors: (1) visual perception errors,9 (2) auditory perception errors,10,11 (3) short-term memory errors,12 and (4) motor control errors.13 Visual perception errors occur when, for example, a handwritten prescription for Isordil® is read as Plendil®.14 Typewritten names can also be misperceived visually. Auditory perception errors occur when a name such as omeprazole is heard incorrectly as fomepizole.15 Short-term memory errors occur when a pharmacist reads a prescription for hydroxyzine, goes to the shelf to get the bottle, has a memory lapse, and mistakenly grabs a bottle of hydralazine. Motor control errors occur, for example, when selecting the wrong drug from a computerized drop-down list.13, 16, 17 Although it is possible to draw conceptual distinctions between these types of errors, it is often not possible in the real world, after the fact, to determine which process contributed to the error. When the wrong bottle is retrieved from shelf stock, one can never be certain whether it was a memory error or a visual perception error. Fortunately, knowing exactly which process is involved in every error may not be essential for reducing the rate of name errors: the same basic contributing factors of similarity and frequency are at work in all of these errors.18 Visual and auditory perception and short-term memory are all vulnerable to similarity-based errors. In addition, these errors are strongly influenced by prescribing frequency (or familiarity). Similarity tends to influence which pairs of names will be confused with one another (e.g., Taxol® and Paxil®, not Taxol® and hydralazine). Frequency tends to influence the direction of the error, with misperceptions trending in the direction of the more familiar name (e.g., dirithromycin will often be misheard as erythromycin, but not vice versa). Two other factors seem to be important in explaining when name confusion will occur: stimulus degradation and cognitive load. By stimulus degradation, we mean anything that undermines the legibility, clarity, or intelligibility of the name. In the visual domain this may mean poor handwriting, a fax machine running low on ink, poor lighting, small print, poor contrast, etc. SECTION 1: Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion intolerably high number. It is not surprising that wrong-drug errors are the most common source of malpractice claims against pharmacists.8 Keep in mind, however, that not all wrong-drug errors are the result of drug name confusion. Labeling and packaging similarity, adjacent storage, and other random and unknown factors can result in dispensing the wrong drug. In the auditory domain, it may mean static on phone lines or voice mail, background noise, regional or foreign language accent, narrow auditory bandwidth, etc. Cognitive load refers to the extent of the demand placed on memory and attention during a given task. Both memory and attention are finite resources. Multitasking and distractions increase cognitive load and often lead to errors in performance. All other things being equal, the probability of error will increase as stimulus degradation increases and cognitive load increases (beyond some threshold). The implications for error reduction efforts are clear: reduce stimulus degradation and cognitive load. What does this mean in practical terms? Practices or devices likely to increase degradation (e.g., handwriting, fax machines, small print, telephones) should be avoided or their use minimized whenever possible. Factors likely to increase cognitive load (e.g., distractions, noise, multitasking) should also be minimized when possible. Much of this is common sense. Areas where drugs are ordered, dispensed, and administered should be, to the maximum extent possible, quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions, including background music and ringing telephones. Much of the focus in the professional literature has been on similarity, not on stimulus degradation and cognitive load. This makes some sense because many of the factors that increase degradation and load are difficult to change. Chain pharmacies, emergency rooms, hospital wards, and operating rooms, for example, tend not to be quiet places free from distraction, and it is not clear that they could ever be made so. So it is assumed that the environmental factors are such that errors will occur, and the focus shifts to which names will be confused. Hence, in The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals19 and in communications from USP and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), there is an emphasis on identifying certain pairs of similar names and taking action on them. Certainly, these efforts should continue, but additional effort should be made to examine ways to minimize the chances of stimulus degradation and also reduce cognitive load. Furthermore, if errors are viewed as inevitable, given the complexity of the drug use process, then more effort should be focused on mitigation of harm via rapid detection of errors after the fact. Lack of Progress due to Inability to Measure Error Rate Despite all the focus on prevention, there is little evidence of large-scale improvement in the wrong-drug error rate. We are not suggesting that no one has been successful at minimizing these errors, it is just that few have been able to demonstrate convincing evidence of success, especially on 11 SECTION 1: Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion a national scale. Recent work with bar codes appears promising,20 but generally speaking, no one knows how well any of the existing prevention techniques work. As a result, prevention efforts have come to resemble a patchwork of various methods, all of uncertain value. This represents a serious gap in current knowledge about medication safety. The lack of a valid, reliable, and efficient method for detecting name confusion errors is the main reason for this gap in our knowledge. It is a fundamental principle of quality control that if a process cannot be measured, it cannot be improved. To bring about significant, sustained reductions in the wrongdrug error rate, it is essential that there be a valid, reliable, and efficient method for measuring the wrong-drug error rate. Existing Approaches to Detecting Medication Errors and Measuring Error Rates Voluntary Reporting Systems—Two main approaches to detecting medication errors are currently in use. The first relies on voluntary or “spontaneous” reports from practitioners and patients. The FDA MedWatch system, the USP-ISMP Medication Errors Reporting (MER) Program, and USP’s MEDMARX are the best-known examples of voluntary reporting systems. The strength of these systems is their ability to detect emerging causes of medication errors from a wide range of settings. These systems also have some (limited) capacity to follow up with error reporters to get additional detail about the clinical context of each error. New and serious threats to medication safety often emerge through these channels, as conscientious practitioners take the time to report errors that they have seen and made. The main weakness of these systems is the inability to derive error rates from voluntary reports. Voluntary reports are not a valid basis for estimates of error incidence or prevalence because reporters are not a representative, random sample of the population and because voluntary reports are subject to both over-reporting and under-reporting biases. It is thought that fewer than 1 in 100 errors are actually reported, and the rate may be even lower.21 Consequently, voluntary or spontaneous error reporting systems cannot be used to assess the effectiveness of efforts to reduce drug name confusion (or any other type of error) because one cannot know whether observed changes in reported errors are the result of over-reporting, under-reporting, or real changes in the error rate. Direct Observation of the Medication Use Process—The current gold standard for the detection of medication errors is to have trained observers stationed in clinical areas where drugs are prescribed, dispensed, and 12 MEDMARX DATA REPORT administered.7, 22-24 These individuals observe every step of the medication use process and document any observed errors. This method is timetested, valid, and reliable. Most of what is known with confidence about medication error rates comes from studies that use direct observation. However, criteria for a useful method are validity, reliability, and efficiency. Unfortunately, the method of direct observation has not been efficient enough to have gained wide acceptance. Furthermore, the method is time consuming and expensive. The observers need to be trained, and they are typically licensed health professionals whose time is expensive. The direct observation itself takes time. Because errors are relatively rare events (i.e., 1 in 1,000 prescriptions may result in a wrong-drug error), large numbers of prescriptions must be observed to have a valid assessment of error rates. Taken together, these factors have prevented direct observation from being widely adopted as a method for measuring error rates. Instead, research projects often use this method where the expense is covered by external sources of funds. Most community hospitals, and even academic medical centers, have had difficulty justifying the cost of ongoing measurement using direct observation. What is needed is a better business case for error measurement or a method that has the reliability and validity of direct observation but is not as resource-intensive to use. One such alternative may be to use integrated, electronic medical record systems to detect wrong-drug errors soon after they are made. Retrospective Detection of Potential Drug Name Confusion Errors Phatak et al.25 sought to develop an algorithm to detect potential drug name confusion errors in a database of Idaho Medicaid prescription claims. The researchers considered two drug products, Drug A and Drug B, to have similar names. Any other drug was represented as Drug X. Two types of errors were defined: initial and refill. Each type corresponded to a different sequential pattern in a patient’s prescription record. An initial error pattern was defined as XXXXX[BA]AAA, where the brackets indicate that Drug B and Drug A were temporally adjacent records in the database. This pattern was meant to capture a situation where Drug A was prescribed, but Drug B was initially dispensed by the pharmacy, presumably as a result of name confusion. Then the error was detected and corrected, with subsequent prescriptions correctly filled for Drug A. The refill error pattern was defined as BBB[BA]BBB. This pattern was meant to capture a situation where a patient is on chronic maintenance therapy with Drug B but, on one occasion, is given Drug A by mistake. Again, the error is somehow detected and the subsequent refills are for the intended Drug B. Phatak et al.25 demonstrated that the basic approach was plausible and could be applied to large prescription data sets. Unfortunately, their work suffers from several significant weaknesses. First, validation of errors did not occur. The researchers only claim to have found “potential” errors, and they never did any validation to determine which of their potential errors were real errors. This serious flaw prevented them from reporting the classification performance (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) of their system, although they do cite an unpublished study that showed a 16.74% false-positive rate. In addition, they did not report the total number of prescriptions examined. the distinctiveness of names, or insisting on double-checking for products thought to be vulnerable to confusion.5 Below are brief reviews of some of the main currents in research on predicting and preventing drug name confusion. This research is reviewed in more detail elsewhere.26 In our own lab, we have shown that it is possible to develop objective, numerical measures of look-alike and sound-alike similarity between drug names.33, 34 In simulated tasks, these measures predict the probability of confusion in visual perception, auditory perception, and short-term memory.9, 10, 12, 30 These measures can also be used to build a drug name search engine where new names are submitted as queries and existing names are retrieved and ranked in descending order of similarity to the query.27, 35-38 Such a system is currently in use at the FDA.39 The effectiveness of such search engines in reducing error rates has not been demonstrated. Recent Research on Preventing Drug Name Confusion Preventing drug name confusion involves both pre-approval and postapproval strategies.26 Pre-approval strategies ensure that confusing new drug names do not enter the marketplace. A variety of pre-approval methods are used to examine a name for vulnerability to confusion, such as conducting computerized searches for existing similar names or products,27 soliciting expert judgments about confusability,28 conducting traditional psycholinguistic tests on memory and perception,12, 29, 30 and observing error rates during simulated ordering, dispensing, and administration tasks.31, 32 Recent research has focused on label attributes that may increase the distinctiveness of drug names. So-called “tall man” letters (i.e., capital letters) have received the most attention. In one study, Filik et al.40 found that using capital letters to distinguish similar names from one another increased accuracy in a task that incorporated elements of visual recognition and recognition memory. This study may lack external generalizability because it used artificial labels and, more importantly, college students rather than health professionals, as research participants. In a related study by the same research team, neither upper-case letters nor color was effective in reducing recognition memory errors.41 In a task where participants needed to say whether two names were the same or different, the use of tall-man lettering was marginally effective in reducing the time needed to make the same/different judgment but only when the subjects knew the purpose of the intervention in advance. Error rates were not assessed. Additional typographical methods for increasing the distinctiveness of drug names on package labels have been investigated by Gabriele,42 but the study was too small and preliminary to yield generalizable results. Preventing confusion between similar names that are already in use needs a different set of strategies. Preventing such confusion typically involves collecting voluntary reports of drug names involved in confusion errors, posting warnings and alerts both electronically and in areas where drugs are used, writing the purpose for use on the prescription, storing confusing drugs in different locations, improving lighting, providing magnifiers, removing one of the confusing drugs from the system, using both brand and generic names in prescribing and dispensing, modifying labels to increase In general, the results of studies examining the effect of tall-man lettering have been inconsistent. When there has been a positive effect, it has been of a relatively small magnitude, and because the experiments were not based on the performance of health professionals, they have questionable external validity. One additional issue with tall-man letters concerns their placement within each name. There has been no systematic approach to identifying which letters in each name should be capitalized, or whether capitalization should be applied to one or both names in a confusing pair. If the retrospective detection technique could be further validated, it might provide an additional method for assessing, and thereby tracking improvements in, the wrong-drug error rate. SECTION 1: Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion The researchers selected 300 random drug pairs, 10 each at 30 different levels of similarity. They then scanned seven years of Idaho Medicaid prescription claims, looking for sequences that matched the initial or refill error pattern. They detected 1,138 total errors, at least one error for 106 of the 300 test pairs of names. Most (82.5%) matched the refill error pattern. The remainder matched the initial error pattern. The number of errors increased as the similarity between names increased, although the reported correlations were low (0.13 to 0.22). 13 SECTION 1: Recent Developments in the Prevention and Detection of Drug Name Confusion Given that the use of tall-man letters is now a reality in many U.S.-based practice contexts, these issues deserve more careful investigation. One area of recent research that provides a basis for optimism is the effectiveness of bar codes in reducing dispensing errors, especially wrong-drug errors. Poon and colleagues20 examined the effect of using bar codes on the dispensing error rate in a single, 735-bed, tertiary-care hospital. Although bar coding was adopted throughout this hospital, its implementation was slightly different for different medications. Regardless of the implementation, the use of bar codes resulted in impressive reductions (60% to 96%) in dispensing error rates and adverse drug events. In two of the three implementations, adverse drug events were reduced by 86% to 97%. Notably, in one implementation, the rate of adverse drug events actually increased. Wrong-drug errors declined by 56% overall in the postbar code setting, with even greater reductions (92%) in the implementation that used bar codes most consistently to scan every dose. These findings lend support to the FDA’s decision to mandate bar codes on almost all drug products,43 and they should reassure hospitals, pharmacies, and health systems that investments in bar code technology should yield substantial reductions in dispensing errors, especially when the implementation emphasizes scanning when shelves are stocked, when stock is retrieved from the shelf, and when each and every dose is administered.20 Research Agenda and Obstacles Stimulus degradation, cognitive load, similarity, and frequency are the factors that appear to drive drug name confusion. These areas should be the focus of future research. On the issue of degradation, several questions need answering: How can we reduce or eliminate handwritten and faxed prescriptions? How can we minimize the use of telephones, cell phones, and voice mail to communicate verbal orders for medications? How can we reduce the amount of noise in areas where drugs are ordered, dispensed, and administered? What can be done to improve lighting and magnification in pharmacy dispensing areas? On the issue of cognitive load, there are more questions: How can we reduce the risk of multitasking in busy clinical settings that almost demand multitasking? How can we minimize distractions? Several questions pertain to similarity and its effect on errors: What labeling and packaging characteristics increase the distinctiveness of similar names? What other distinguishing information (e.g., the drug’s indication) could be put on the prescription to minimize confusion? Do any of these labeling characteristics (e.g., tall-man letters) have a demonstrable effect on error 14 MEDMARX DATA REPORT rates? What alternatives exist to alphabetical storage of drug products? When two names are known to be confusingly similar, what steps should be taken to minimize the risk of confusion? What type of user interface innovations can minimize the risk of menu selection errors involving similar (often alphabetically adjacent) names? Several questions arise in connection with automated screening and computerized searching for similar drug names: What measure of similarity should be used? Should similarity measures incorporate similarity in strength, dosage form, and route of administration, and how should these different factors be weighted? What database of existing drug products should be searched? What similarity threshold, if any, should be used as a cue to remedial action? Should the similarity threshold be lower for highalert drugs? Should the FDA’s drug name search engine be made available to drug manufacturers for pre-approval screening? Many of these questions seem basic, and one might wonder why there are not more answers. The main reason is that the problem of drug name confusion is a complex, real-world problem. If it were simple, it would already have been solved. The problem exists in a very dynamic context. The names themselves constantly change (and this is surely part of the problem). The technology for ordering, dispensing, and administering constantly changes. New dosage forms, delivery systems, whole classes of therapeutics (i.e., biologics) continue to emerge, often making new demands on nomenclature (e.g., the need for suffixes to identify the type of delivery system). In addition, as noted at the beginning of this section, the problem of drug name confusion does not exist in a vacuum. At the same time that practitioners and administrators are trying to minimize name confusions, they must also reconcile all medications at every transition of care, reduce the risk of chemotherapy overdoses, dynamically manage the doses of nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic drugs, reduce the incidence of hospitalacquired infections, reduce the incidence of falls, reduce the incidence of bed sores, standardize abbreviations, and on and on. And increasingly this must be done in an environment of reduced reimbursement, nursing shortages, etc. In retail pharmacy and outpatient clinic settings, the challenges are different, but in all cases there are multiple, competing priorities that limit the amount of money and time that can be spent on preventing drug name confusion. Still, there is more that could be done. Valid measures of drug name confusion error rates must be taken on an ongoing basis to assess the legal protection around trademarks. It is critically important for companies to create distinctive differences among trademarks to avoid infringement litigation. These distinctive differences brought with them the perception that if legal infringement issues were satisfied, medication safety would be a byproduct. This is not the case. Bruce L. Lambert, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacy Administration Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice Adjunct Professor, Department of Communication University of Illinois at Chicago The Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers of America has drafted a Good Naming Practices document that puts safety issues on an equal footing with legal infringement issues. Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices Background Medication safety is at the top of the national healthcare agenda. Medication safety is transforming priorities in many, if not most, of the organizations that have a role in healthcare in the United States. The title of the 2006 report from the IOM, “Preventing Medication Errors”, serves as a banner and clarion call for action. The New England Journal of Medicine placed medication safety in stark perspective when it opened its book reviews of the 2006 IOM report and the American Pharmacists’ Association’s Medication Error with the words: “Health care is inherently risky, and filling a handwritten prescription could be the most dangerous of all medical procedures.” The Roles of the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries In the not too distant past, name safety issues were not on the radar screen for most pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as they developed trademarks for their products. Most companies relied on extensive and intensive legal searching protocols that are designed to create a zone of SECTION 1: Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices effectiveness of any attempted interventions. More sharing of information about errors and successful mitigation strategies, especially from retail pharmacies and large health-systems, should take place with appropriate safeguards for confidentiality or anonymity. Institutions of all types could do more to integrate human factors expertise into pharmacy design, planning, and operations. State and federal regulators, working with professional associations and consumer groups, should consider whether information about the reason for using the drug (i.e., its purpose) should be a legally required element of all prescriptions. The problem is so complex and dynamic that no single intervention will be effective, but if concerted action is taken in several areas at once, the wrong-drug error rate, and the rate of drug name confusion in particular, might be reduced, and harm to patients might be prevented. The complexity of the healthcare system at all levels tends to blur the distinctive differences among pharmaceutical trademarks, and this reality is factored into the modern trademark development process. What began as a cottage industry of informal and ad hoc efforts to gain information and insights from front-line practitioners on how trademarks might be confused in the clinical setting has become an integral part of the name development process at many companies. The Role of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration The FDA conducts pre-market trademark evaluations and pursues postmarket tracking for medication errors. Pre-Market Evaluations—The FDA relies on its Division of Medication Errors and Technical Support (DMETS) unit for pre-market trademark evaluations. A sponsor can request a review of one or two trademarks as early as the end of Phase II clinical trials. Under the current process, the request for trademark review is made to the Review Division that is handling the New Drug Application (NDA) for the product. The Review Division then forwards the request to FDA’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communication (DDMAC), where it undergoes an evaluation for nonsafety issues, such as exaggerated safety or efficacy, unapproved indications, or unacceptable linkage to the generic name. After DDMAC approval, the trademark moves to DMETS for a safety evaluation. At DMETS, a group of safety evaluators uses a multifactorial approach to determine the safety acceptability of the trademark. A number of drug references are used to identify existing or recently approved drug names that could create potential error concerns. A computer program known as Phonetic and Orthographic Computer Analysis (POCA) employs a number of algorithms to provide a list of names from the program’s database that share some similarity with the trademark 15 SECTION 1: Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices under evaluation. POCA has not yet been validated and is not available to sponsors or the public; however, discussions are under way for the outside developers to make it available in the near future. various stakeholders deal with safety issues surrounding trademarks. The three major components to the trademark-related PDUFA IV provisions are outlined below. DMETS engages about 100 FDA volunteers with pharmacy, medical, or nursing degrees to participate in simulated dispensing scenarios using written and verbal orders. Led by the project manager, a DMETS team considers all available information and comes to a decision regarding the acceptability of the trademark from a safety perspective. A detailed written consult is prepared and forwarded to the Review Division. DMETS acts as a consultant to the Review Division. The Review Division Director makes the final decision on trademark approval or rejection and then informs the sponsor accordingly. Typically, the sponsor has an opportunity to rebut a negative DMETS consult by providing information to the Review Division that clarifies or addresses concerns, which can result in trademark approval. Performance Goals for Trademark Review—For trademarks submitted with the NDA filing, a decision on acceptability or rejection will be made within 90 days of the submission. For trademarks submitted during the IND phase, a decision on acceptability or rejection will be made within 180 days of the submission. The current rejection rate of about 40% is a concern among sponsors, and efforts are under way to make adjustments and improvements so that timing and predictability are improved without compromising safety. Post-Market Tracking—There are times when the DMETS’ theoretical concerns about the error potential of a trademark are at odds with a safety assessment by the sponsor that could include a positive opinion from an independent expert source. In these cases, the Review Division has the option to approve the trademark on a contingency basis. The contingency could be a Post-Market Medication Error Monitoring Program, often combined with a Risk Management Program. The details of both programs are negotiated and often include provisions for a name change in the event that serious medication errors persist in the face of intervention strategies aimed at the point of prescribing or dispensing or administration in the treatment setting. These post-market tracking programs call for periodic reports from the sponsor to the Review Division, where decisions are made for adjustments or additions to the intervention activities. The current experience is that these programs are in place for one to two years after launch. The Promise of Prescription Drug User Fee Act IV On September 27, 2007, President Bush signed into law the FDA Amendment Act of 2007, which includes the reauthorization and expansion of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA). For the first time, PDUFA legislation contains provisions for significant changes in how the FDA, industry, and 16 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pilot Program—A pilot program designed to explore the feasibility of a paradigm shift in trademark evaluation will begin with a public meeting before October 2008. Information generated during the public meeting will be assembled into a concept paper to be published no later than October 2008. The paper will include the logistics of the pilot program, contents for a trademark submission, and criteria for trademark review. The pilot program will run between October 2009 and October 2011. During this time, the agency will follow a parallel program using the current trademark review process. At the conclusion of the pilot program, data findings will be incorporated into a guidance document for the industry. Guidance and Development of a Manual of Policies and Procedures—In addition to the development of a Manual of Policies and Procedures for internal use by the FDA, there will be three guidances for industry. One will describe the details for a complete submission of a trademark review request (to be issued on or before October 2008). One will deal with best practices for naming, labeling, and packaging of drugs and biologics to reduce medication errors (a draft is to be issued on or before October 2010). One will deal with proprietary name best practices (a draft is to be issued on or before October 2012). The Role of Private Sector Safety Testing Services A growing number of evaluation models for trademark safety are available to industry. Some are designed to mirror the trademark evaluation procedures used by the FDA’s DMETS. Some take a quantitative approach using relatively large sample sizes of 100 or more practitioner respondents and statistical analysis, whereas others take a qualitative approach using relatively small sample sizes of 50 or less and an analysis based on expert opinion and medication error experience. The ultimate goal is to simulate the medication use process to expose potential problem areas such as look-alike or soundalike names and confusion with medical terms so that actions can be taken to minimize or eliminate possible medication errors. This simulation takes into account the environments in which the product will likely be procured, Although, as noted, none of the models have been validated, all share the common goal of placing the proposed trademark into a simulated clinical setting so as to reveal potential problems in the prescribing, dispensing, and administration of the medication. Computer programs similar to POCA that generate data on phonetic and visual similarity among trademarks are part of some evaluation services and will become more widely used, more sophisticated, and more useful as complex algorithms are built into the programs. The Role of The Joint Commission writing responsibility to office staff who may not have requisite training and supervision to pen prescriptions. If the physician does not review the prescription before giving it to a patient, it could open a new pathway to medication errors. If legibility legislation forces pharmacists to reject cursive prescriptions, the law could lead to treatment delays for sick patients and disrupt the professional relationship between prescribers and pharmacists and the personal relationships between healthcare professionals and patients. The National Summit to Manage Drug Name Confusion The Joint Commission has established National Patient Safety Goals, one of which is for accredited organizations to identify a list of look-alike and sound-alike drugs and to take action to prevent mix-ups among these drugs. Although the latest Joint Commission statistics for this goal cite a 92% compliance rate, data from error-reporting programs indicate that drug name mix-ups are still common, even in accredited facilities. This may indicate that practitioners and organizations are not implementing the most effective risk-reduction strategies. Many organizations seem to rely simply on warning stickers to reduce the risk of mix-ups, when measures that are more effective are available and needed. ISMP hosted a National Summit to Manage Drug Name Confusion on October 9–10, 2007. During this historic event, in which USP participated, a full range of pharmacy professionals from a variety of settings, including community, hospital, chain, and mail order, interacted with representatives from stakeholder groups in medicine, government, and industry. The objectives of the summit were to The Joint Commission will continue to refine its patient safety goals, which may specify how organizations should choose targeted name pairs, update the list, and monitor the medication-use process to determine whether their risk-reduction efforts are successful. • Activity by State Legislatures A number of state legislatures are taking aim at the prescription pad in an effort to reduce medication errors. Florida appears to be the first state to take such an action, doing so in 2003. Under Florida Law SB 2084, drug prescriptions must be legibly printed or typed to ensure that pharmacists can understand them. Since 2003, 10 other states have passed legislation dealing with some aspect of prescription writing, and another 15 have similar legislation under development, discussion, or debate. The most aggressive legislation was the 2005 enactment of Montana Law HB 254, establishing a civil penalty of $500 for each illegible prescription. It is clear that the intention of the legibility legislation is to encourage clear communication and set the stage for computerized prescribing, either of which would reduce the risk of dispensing errors. As often happens, there are unintended consequences of well-meaning legislation. For example, some physicians may delegate more of the actual prescription- SECTION 1: Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices prescribed, transcribed, dispensed, and administered. • • • • Look at existing error prevention strategies for drug name-related errors to identify opportunities to correct such errors; Improve the scope and effectiveness of current drug name-related error prevention strategies; Brainstorm new recommendations for drug name-related error reduction strategies; Discuss options for identifying and documenting drug name-related medication errors; and Communicate relevant recommendations to the various stakeholders for their consideration. ISMP expects that a full report will be available early in 2008. Conclusion Although progress is evident, all stakeholders in the healthcare industry can do more to reduce significantly the risk to patients from preventable product mix-ups due to look-alike and sound-alike names. Michael R. Cohen, R.Ph., M.S., Sc.D. Institute for Safe Medication Practices 17 SECTION 1: Progress Report on Safe Drug-Naming Practices References 1. Kohn LT, Corrigan J, Donaldson MS, eds. To err is human: building a safer health system. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine; 1999. 2.Committee on Quality Health Care in America. Crossing the quality chasm: a new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2001. 3.Aspden P, Wolcott J, Bootman JL, Cronenwett LR. Preventing medication errors. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2006. 4. Institute of Medicine. The future of drug safety. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2007. 5.Cohen M, ed. Medication errors. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 1999. 6. Top 200 Prescription Drugs of 2006. Pharmacy Times; 2007. (Accessed October 22, 2007, at Article.cfm?Menu=1&ID=4629.) 7. Flynn EA, Barker KN, Carnahan BJ. National observational study of prescription dispensing accuracy and safety in 50 pharmacies. 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(Accessed October 29, 2007, at http:// 19 SECTION 1: REFERENCES 20 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia USP operates two nationally recognized medication error reporting programs: The USP-ISMP Medication Errors Reporting (MER) Program and MEDMARX®. The MER Program began in 1991 and enables healthcare professionals who encounter actual or potential medication errors to report confidentially to USP. Since its inception, the program has amassed more than 12,000 reports, many coming from community pharmacies, home health agencies, hospitals, and patients. USP reviews and codes each report before entering the information into a database. USP shares copies of the reports with manufacturers, the FDA, and ISMP. On the basis of its experience with the MER Program, USP created the MEDMARX Program. MEDMARX facilitates the collection and analysis of medication errors occurring in hospitals and related health systems. It is an anonymous, subscription-based, voluntary reporting program that incorporates a nationally recognized taxonomy of the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP). Because of the significant size of the database—now more than 1.3 million medication error records—participating facilities can collect, analyze, compare, and disseminate their data, including the practical solutions taken in response to the error, to other subscribing facilities. Facilities can use the collective learning of all participating facilities as part of ongoing quality improvement efforts aimed at advancing safe medication use. MEDMARX collects medication error data in a standardized format through a series of required and optional fields (Figure 2-1). A glossary of terms for the list of possible selections associated with each data field is provided. Part of the standardized format includes NCC MERP’s definition of a medication error, as well as its Index for Categorizing Medication Errors. USP refers to this index as the Error Category Index, and these data reflect the outcome of the error relative to the patient. This year’s report summarizes key medication error data, with a focus on those drug products involved in look-alike and/or sound-alike medication SECTION 2: Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia Section 2 errors. Section 3 of this report lists the drugs involved in errors, and Section 4 summarizes other medication error data about those errors. For purposes of this report, USP provides the following definitions: • Products: The products screen in Medmarx provides the generic (nonproprietary) and/or brand (proprietary) name, manufacturer, and therapeutic classification of the drug(s) involved in the medication error. Drugs associated with records are selected and entered by the users from the MEDMARX drug product table and may reflect the drug intended for use, the drug not intended for use, or both. When applicable, drugs with the same generic name have been combined, regardless of dosage form or drug formulation (e.g., all oral and parenteral forms of morphine sulfate). • Error Category Index: This single-select field captures whether a medication error occurred, and if it occurred, its effect on the patient. In NCC MERP’s Index for Categorizing Medication Errors, Category A represents circumstances or events that have the capacity to cause error. Category B indicates that a medication error occurred but it did not reach the patient (i.e., intercepted). Categories C and D designate medication errors that reached the patient but did not result in patient harm. The varying levels of patient harm are reflected in Categories E, F, G, and H. A medication error that resulted in, or may have contributed to, a patient’s death is classified as Category I. • Node: This single-select field identifies where the initial medication error occurred in the medication use process (i.e., Procurement, Prescribing, Transcribing/Documenting, Dispensing, Administering, or Monitoring). Node is applicable to Categories B through I. • Types of Error: This field denotes the type of error that occurred. Fourteen types of medication error are included in the multi-select pick list (e.g., Wrong patient, Wrong time, Omission error). • Causes of Error: This multi-select pick list denotes the 71 causes associated with a medication error, six of which (Brand names look alike, Brand names sound alike, Brand/generic names look alike, Brand/ generic names sound alike, Generic names look alike, Generic names sound alike) are the primary focus of this report. • Contributing Factors: This multi-select field comprises a 24-item pick list that provides information about factors that influence a medication error (e.g., Poor lighting, Workload increase, Emergency situation). • Staff: This field identifies the level of staff that made the original error. 21 SECTION 2: Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia Figure 2-1. MEDMARX fields and information collected Categories C - I Records Required (13) Category B Records Required (10) Category A Records Required (7) Error category Source of record Date potential error was discovered Description of potential error Types of potential error Causes of potential error Location of potential error Error category Source of record Date of error Description Types of error Causes of error Contributing factors Node L ocation of initial error Level of staff that made initial error Product by generic name Brand name Manufacturer Therapeutic class Dosage form Intended route of administration Labeler Compounded ingredients Investigational drug name Strength/concentration Type of container Size of container Number of occurrences Time of error Source of error Location of detail Level of staff that discovered the potential error 22 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Action taken to avoid similar error Action taken and recommendations to avoid future similar error Internal control Device involved Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous 2 Product by generic name Brand name Manufacturer Therapeutic classification Dosage form Intended route of administration Labeler Compounded ingredients Investigational drug name trength/concentration SType of container Size of container of occurrences Number Time of error Source of error Location detail Root cause analysis summary Level of staff that perpetuated the error Contributing factors Level of staff that made initial error Product by generic name Optional (29) Optional (25) Optional (23) Error category Source of record Date of error Error description Node of error Types Causes of error Location of initial error Patient age Error result on level of patient care Level of staff that discovered the error Action taken to avoid similar error Action taken and recommendations to avoid future similar error Internal control Device involved Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous 2 rand name B Manufacturer Therapeutic classification Dosage form Intended route of administration Labeler Compounded ingredients Investigational drug name Strength/concentration Type of container Size of container Number of occurrences Source of order Location detail cause analysis Root summary Time of error Level of staff that perpetuated the error Level of staff that discovered the error Action taken to avoid similar error Action taken and recommendations to avoid future similar error Internal control Gender Details of error result on level of care Tests/labaratory data, with dates, if relevant to the error Other patient history, including pre-existing medical conditions, if relevant to the error Concomitant drug therapy, with dates, if relevant to the error Device involved Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous 2 Both MEDMARX and MER contain “Cause of Error” key values that are assigned to records involving look-alike and/or sound-alike drug name confusion. In MEDMARX, the reporter submitting the record assigns the look-alike and/or sound-alike value. In the MER Program, USP staff members assign the value when processing the record. Medication error records may contain any one or all of the values, depending on the nature of the error. Both programs have fields that identify the generic name and/or the brand name of the product involved in the error. The last publication of USP’s Similar Names List was based on data submitted to both reporting programs from inception through 2002. The list identified approximately 750 drug pairs (brand/brand, generic/generic, or brand/ generic) as having been involved in look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. The purposes of this year’s efforts were to 1. Identify look-alike and/or sound-alike drug pairs reported to both reporting programs between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006; and 2. Further differentiate the look-alike and/or sound-alike drug pairs by displaying the Error Category Index associated with each pair. From the two reporting programs, USP staff extracted all records submitted between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 that contained any of the look-alike and/or sound-alike codes. Each extracted record included the generic name and, to the extent possible, the brand name of the drugs involved in the look-alike and/or sound-alike error. USP staff first reviewed all MEDMARX records containing at least two drugs within the product fields and compared these names against those in the Similar Names List for purposes of identifying new drug pairs for addition to the list. Queries were built using the exact names of the product pairs contained in the list to generate the data for this report. A number of medication error records from the MEDMARX program contained only one drug in the product field. In these instances, USP staff reviewed the error description (along with associated look-alike and/or sound-alike codes) and back-filled any missing drug name (generic or brand name). SECTION 2: Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia Methods USP reviewed all of the MER Program records indicating any look-alike and/ or sound-alike value and extracted all product pairs for comparison with the Similar Names List. All newly identified drug pairs were added to the list. Queries were then built using the exact names of the product pairs contained in the list to generate the data for this report. In a review of records, USP noted that certain products had been removed from the market, had undergone voluntary name changes, or were not marketed within the United States. The name pairs were included in the list because they were valid at the time USP received the record, and practitioners may be unaware of the removal or the name change. Some records were excluded from the final analysis of the Similar Names List. The criteria for exclusion were: • Any record listing only one drug, and no additional drug could be recovered from the textual description of the error; • All records with intravenous fluids identified as the drug involved in the error; and • Combination drugs sharing one of the generic ingredients (e.g., acetaminophen and acetaminophen with codeine). Queries were built using all identified drug pairs (regardless of brand or generic name) from the updated Similar Names List. Both medication error reporting programs were searched within the specified time frame. The lookalike and/or sound-alike queries searched the drug pairs in one of three ways: (1) generic name to generic name, (2) generic name to brand name, or (3) brand name to brand name. Query results for each product pair also identified the distribution of medication error severity in terms of the Index for Categorizing Medication Errors. This report displays each drug involved in a look-alike and/or sound-alike error, alphabetically, as a heading. The corresponding drug pairs are listed below each heading. The report also contains the therapeutic classification (based on the VA Coding System) of the parent drug involved in any lookalike and/or sound-alike error. The USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names is the source of the pronunciation guide. 23 SECTION 2: Background of Medication Error Reporting at U.S. Pharmacopeia Limitations The analyses presented in this report were derived from self-reported records submitted by healthcare practitioners, patients, and healthcare facilities and may not be representative of all medication error occurrences in the U.S. The possibility of under-reporting, both internally and externally, exists despite the ability to remain anonymous when reporting. No judgments can be made pertaining to the validity of the product pairs reported because USP recognizes that handwriting, regional accents, and other circumstances contribute to errors. These data findings are primarily descriptive in nature, and no attempt has been made to apply statistical methods. Although inter-rater agreement on the use of the NCC MERP Index for Categorizing Medication Errors showed substantial agreement, other components of the reporting programs have not been similarly tested. * * A study of 101 MEDMARX users conducted by researchers at Ohio State University showed substantial inter-rater agreement for medication error events ranked according to the NCC MERP Index. Findings were statistically significant (K = 0.62). 24 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Section 3 Findings of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Product Errors USP identified 1,470 drugs involved in look-alike and/or sound-alike (LASA) errors. Each of these drugs is listed in the Drug Name Index. USP also lists the other drug(s) involved in the mix up. An “X” designates where at least one report was received for a specified category(s). These categories are based on the Index for Categorizing Medication Errors as developed by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (See Table 4-1) Example Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Alprazolam X X X X Ativan Alprazolam X X X X Clonazepam X X Alprazolam Alprazolam Alprazolam X In this example, the drug alprazolam was reported to have the potential to be involved in a look-alike and/or sound-alike error with Ativan, clonazepam, and lorazepam as designated by the “x” under Category A. This drug has also been associated with errors that a health professional intercepted as designated in Category B. Errors that did not result in harm were seen with all 5 look-alike and/or sound-alike drug pairs including X Diazepam X Lorazepam diazepam as designated by the “x” under Category C-D. This same drug has been associated in at least one harmful outcome when confused with Ativan, clonazepam, or lorazepam as noted under Category E-H. alprazolam was not associated with a death due to a look-alike and/or sound-alike drug name mix-up as indicated by the absence of “x” under Category I. Brand names are italicized. 25 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ABBOKINASE Abbokinase Streptase x ABELCET Abelcet x Abilify x Accolate x x x AmBisome ABILIFY Ambien ACCOLATE Accolate x Accupril x Adalat x Accolate ACCUPRIL Accupril x Accupril x Accutane Accupril x Accuzyme Accupril x x Aciphex x x Altace x Amaryl x Aricept Accupril Accupril x Accupril x Accupril x Avapro x Accupril x Accupril x Zestril Accutane x Accupril Accuzyme x Accupril Aceon x Trilafon Acetaminophen x x Acetazolamide Acetazolamide x x Acetaminophen Acetazolamide x x Acetazolamide x x Ramipril ACCUTANE ACCUZYME ACEON ACETAMINOPHEN ACETAZOLAMIDE Acetazolamide 26 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Acetohexamide Acetylcysteine x Methazolamide Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Trichloroacetic Acid x x Acetazolamide SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ACETIC ACID Acetic Acid ACETOHEXAMIDE Acetohexamide x Acetylcysteine x Aciphex x ACETYLCYSTEINE Acetazolamide ACIPHEX Aciphex Aciphex x Accupril x Adipex-P Altace x Aciphex x Aciphex x x x Aricept x Vioxx ACTIGALL Actigall x Actiq Actiq x Actigall Activase x x Retavase Activase x x TNKase Actanol x Actonel Actonel x Actanol ACTIQ ACTIVASE ACTANOL ACTONEL Actonel x Actonel x x x x Actos Atenolol Actonel Hectorol x ACTOS Actos x x x Actos x x Actos x x Actonel Altace Atacand ACULAR Acular x Ocuflox 27 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x Error, Death Category I ACYCLOVIR Acyclovir Acyclovir Acyclovir x Ganciclovir x Retrovir x Valacyclovir x Daptacel x Accolate ADACEL Adacel x ADALAT Adalat ADDERALL Adderall x x x Adderall XR Adderall x x x Dexedrine Adderall XR x x x Adderall ADDERALL XR ADIPEX-P Adipex-P Aciphex x ADRENALIN Adrenalin x x x Ephedrine x x Advicor ADVAIR Advair Advair x x Advair Diskus x x Advair Diskus x x Altocor ADVAIR DISKUS x Advicor Advil Advair Diskus x x Atrovent Advicor x x Advair x Advair Diskus ADVICOR Advicor x x Advicor x x Altocor Advil x x Advair Diskus ADVIL AGENERASE Agenerase 28 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Aggrenox Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Aggrastat x x Aggrenox Aggrastat x x Argatroban x Agenerase x Aggrastat x Diamox x x Atenolol x SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I AGGRASTAT AGGRENOX Aggrenox Aggrenox x Aggrenox ALBUTEROL Albuterol x Atrovent Albuterol x Labetalol Albuterol x Pirbuterol Aldactone x Aldomet x Apresoline Albuterol x ALDACTONE Aldactone x Aldactone x x Trazodone ALDOMET Aldomet x Aldactone x Risedronate x Yasmin ALENDRONATE Alendronate x ALESSE Alesse ALFENTANIL Alfentanil x Sufentanil ALFUZOSIN Alfuzosin x Alkeran x Azulfidine ALKERAN x Leukeran ALLEGRA Allegra x x x Allegra-D Allegra-D x x x Allegra x Alrex ALLEGRA-D ALLERX AlleRx 29 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Allopurinol x x Allopurinol x Alphagan x Alphagan P x Auralgan Otic Alphagan P x Travatan ALLOPURINOL Atenolol Enalapril ALPHAGAN Lumigan x ALPHAGAN P ALPRAZOLAM Alprazolam x x x x Ativan Alprazolam x x x x Clonazepam Alprazolam Alprazolam x x x x Diazepam x Lorazepam ALREX Alrex x AlleRx x Accupril ALTACE Altace x Altace x Altace x Aciphex x Actos Altace x Artane Altace x Atacand x Norvasc Altace x Altace x Ultrase ALTEPLASE, RECOMBINANT Alteplase, recombinant TNKase x ALTOCOR Altocor x x Advair Altocor x x Advicor ALUPENT Alupent 30 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Atrovent Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x x SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I AMANTADINE Amantadine Amiodarone Amantadine x Cimetidine Amantadine x Flumadine Amantadine x x Levothyroxine Amantadine x x Rimantadine x Accupril AMARYL Amaryl x Amaryl x x x x Amaryl x x x x Avandia x Reminyl AMATINE Amatine Namenda x AMBIEN Ambien x Abilify Ambien x x AmBisome x x Ativan AMBISOME AmBisome x Abelcet x Fungizone x x Amikacin x x x x AMICAR Amicar Amicar x x Omacor AMIKACIN Amikacin Amicar AMIKIN Amikin x Amiloride x Amukin AMILORIDE x x Aminophylline x x Aminophylline x x Amlodipine AMINOPHYLLINE Amitriptyline Ampicillin AMIODARONE Amiodarone x x x Amiodarone x x x Amlodipine x Inamrinone Amiodarone x Amantadine 31 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x Aminophylline x x Amlodipine x x x Nortriptyline x Amiloride AMITRIPTYLINE Amitriptyline Amitriptyline x Amitriptyline AMLODIPINE Amlodipine x x x Amlodipine x x x Amiodarone Amlodipine x x x Amitriptyline Amlodipine x x x Felodipine Amlodipine x x Memantine Amoxapine x Amoxicillin Amoxicillin x Amoxapine AMOXAPINE AMOXICILLIN Amoxicillin x x x Amoxicillin x x x Amoxil x x x Ampicillin x Augmentin AMOXIL Amoxil Augmentin Diamox x AMPHOTERICIN B Amphotericin B x x x x Amphotericin B Liposome AMPHOTERICIN B DESOXYCHOLATE Amphotericin B Desoxycholate x Amphotericin B Lipid Complex x Amphotericin B Desoxycholate AMPHOTERICIN B LIPID COMPLEX Amphotericin B Lipid Complex AMPHOTERICIN B LIPOSOME Amphotericin B Liposome 32 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x x x Amphotericin B Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I AMPICILLIN Ampicillin Ampicillin x x Aminophylline x x Amoxicillin Ampicillin x x Augmentin Ampicillin x x Cefazolin Ampicillin x x Nafcillin Ampicillin x Oxacillin Ampicillin x Penicillin G Sodium Ampicillin x Piperacillin Ampicillin x x x x Unasyn AMPICILLIN AND SULBACTAM Ampicillin and Sulbactam x Nafcillin AMUKIN Amukin Amikin ANAFRANIL Anafranil x Anafranil Enalapril x Tofranil ANAGRELIDE Anagrelide x Anastrozole Anaprox x Naproxen ANAPROX ANAPROX DS Anaprox DS x Bactrim DS ANASTROZOLE Anastrozole x Anagrelide Anastrozole x Letrozole Anexsia x Arixtra ANEXSIA ANTIVERT Antivert x Anzemet Antivert x x Atarax Antivert x x Ativan 33 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ANZEMET Anzemet Antivert x APRESOLINE Apresoline x Apresoline x x x Aldactone Atropine AQUASOL A Aquasol A x Aquasol E Aquasol E x Aquasol A Aralast x Aranesp Aranesp x Aralast Aranesp x Aricept Argatroban x x Aggrastat AQUASOL E ARALAST ARANESP ARGATROBAN ARICEPT Aricept x x x Accupril Aricept x x x Aciphex Aricept Aricept Aranesp x Azilect x ARIMIDEX Arimidex x x Aromasin ARIPIPRAZOLE Aripiprazole x Lansoprazole Aripiprazole x Omeprazole Aripiprazole x Rabeprazole ARIXTRA Arixtra x Anexsia ARMOUR THYROID Armour Thyroid x Aromasin x Thyrolar AROMASIN Aromasin 34 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Arimidex x Aygestin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ARTANE Artane x Altace Artane x Ativan Artane x x Navane Asacol x x Os-Cal x Visicol x Pegaspargase ASACOL Asacol ASPARAGINASE Asparaginase x Atacand x ATACAND Atacand Actos x Altace x x Antivert x x Ativan ATARAX Atarax Atarax Atarax MiraLax x Atarax Xanax x ATENOLOL Atenolol Actonel x Atenolol x x Albuterol Atenolol x x Allopurinol Atenolol x Atenolol Carvedilol x x Labetalol x x Ativan x x Ambien Ativan x x Antivert x Artane x x Atarax x x Clonazepam x x Atorvastatin ATIVAN Ativan x Ativan Ativan Ativan x x Alprazolam ATOMOXETINE Atomoxetine 35 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Atorvastatin x x Atomoxetine Atorvastatin x x Lovastatin Atorvastatin x x Pravastatin Atorvastatin x Atorvastatin x ATORVASTATIN Rosuvastatin x Simvastatin ATROPINE Atropine Apresoline x ATROVENT Atrovent Atrovent x Atrovent x x Advair Diskus x x Albuterol x x Alupent Atrovent x x x Azmacort Atrovent x x x Combivent Atrovent Flovent x Atrovent Serevent x AUGMENTIN Augmentin x x x Augmentin x x Amoxicillin x x Amoxil Augmentin x x Ampicillin Auralgan Otic x Avalide x x Avapro Avandamet x x Avandia AURALGAN OTIC Alphagan P AVALIDE AVANDAMET AVANDIA Avandia x x Avandia x x Avandia x Avandia Avandia x x Avandia 36 Avandia x Avandia x MEDMARX DATA REPORT Amaryl Avandamet Avelox x x x x Cardura x Coumadin x Diovan Evista x Prandin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I AVAPRO Avapro x Accupril Avapro x x Avalide Avapro x x Avelox Avelox x Avelox x Avelox x Zyvox Aventyl x Elavil AVELOX Avandia Avapro x AVENTYL AYGESTIN Aygestin x Aromasin x Azithromycin AZATHIOPRINE Azathioprine x Azilect x Azithromycin x x AZILECT Aricept AZITHROMYCIN Azithromycin Azithromycin x x x x x x x Azathioprine Aztreonam x Erythromycin x Zaroxolyn x x Atrovent x x Nasacort AQ x x Pulmicort Turbuhaler x x Azithromycin x Alfuzosin Azithromycin AZMACORT Azmacort Azmacort Azmacort x AZTREONAM Aztreonam AZULFIDINE Azulfidine Azulfidine x Azulfidine x x Sulfadiazine Baciim x x Bactroban Silvadene BACIIM 37 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Bacitracin x x x Bactroban Bacitracin x x x Mupirocin Baclofen x x Bethanechol Baclofen x BACITRACIN BACLOFEN Blocadren BACTRIM Bactrim x Bactroban BACTRIM DS Bactrim DS x Anaprox DS x x Baciim x x Bacitracin BACTROBAN Bactroban Bactroban x Bactroban x Bactrim BECLOMETHASONE Beclomethasone x Betamethasone BENADRYL Benadryl x Benadryl Benadryl Benazepril Benicar x x x Bentyl x x x x Benicar x Benadryl BENAZEPRIL Benazepril Benazepril Benazepril x Benazepril x x Enalapril x x Lisinopril x Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide Benazepril x Benztropine BENAZEPRIL AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Benazepril and Hydrochlorothiazide Benicar HCT Benazepril and Hydrochlorothiazide x Benefiber x BeneFix BeneFix x Benefiber BENEFIBER BENEFIX 38 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I BENICAR Benicar x Benicar x x Benazepril Benicar x x Bextra x BuSpar Benicar Benadryl BENICAR HCT Benicar HCT Benazepril and Hydrochlorothiazide x BENTYL Bentyl x x Bentyl x x x Benadryl Fentanyl Bentyl x BenzaClin x x Benzamycin Benzamycin x x BenzaClin Benzocaine x Trental BENZACLIN BENZAMYCIN BENZOCAINE Benzocaine Benzoin x Benzonatate Benzocaine x Benzoyl Peroxide Benzoin x Benzocaine BENZOIN BENZONATATE Benzonatate x Benzocaine x Benztropine Benzonatate x Benzoyl Peroxide x Benzocaine Benztropine x Benazepril Benztropine x BENZOYL PEROXIDE BENZTROPINE x Benzonatate x Betoptic BETAGAN Betagan BETAMETHASONE Betamethasone Betamethasone x x x x Beclomethasone Dexamethasone 39 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I BETAXOLOL Betaxolol x Bethanechol x Bethanechol x Bethanechol BETHANECHOL x Baclofen Betaxolol BETOPTIC Betoptic x Betoptic Bextra x Betoptic Betagan x Timoptic x Benicar BEXTRA Bextra x Bextra x Betoptic Bextra x Bicitra Bextra x Lexapro Bextra x x x Valdecoxib Biaxin x x x Biaxin XL Biaxin x x Biaxin XL x x x Biaxin Bicillin C-R x x Bicillin L-A Bicillin L-A x x Bicillin C-R x Bextra x Brimonidine BIAXIN Claritin BIAXIN XL BICILLIN C-R BICILLIN L-A BICITRA Bicitra BIMATOPROST Bimatoprost x Bimatoprost x Latanoprost BISACODYL Bisacodyl x x x Bisoprolol Bisoprolol x x x Bisacodyl x Risperdal BISOPROLOL Bisoprolol 40 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Bleph-10 x x x Blephamide Blephamide x x x Bleph-10 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I BLEPH-10 BLEPHAMIDE Blephamide Cetamide x Blephamide x Blocadren x x x Sulfacetamide BLOCADREN Baclofen BOOSTRIX Boostrix x Infanrix Boostrix x Pediarix BOTULISM IMMUNE GLOBULIN Botulism Immune Globulin x Brethine x Hepatitis B Immune Globulin BRETHINE Brethine x Methergine x Thiethylperazine BREVIBLOC Brevibloc x Brevital Brevital x Brevibloc x Bimatoprost BREVITAL BRIMONIDINE Brimonidine x Bromocriptine x ProAmatine Budesonide x Bumetanide Bumetanide x Budesonide BROMOCRIPTINE BUDESONIDE BUMETANIDE BUMEX Bumex x Demadex 41 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I BUPIVACAINE Bupivacaine x Levobupivacaine Bupivacaine x Lidocaine x x Ropivacaine x x x x Buspirone BuSpar x Benicar BuSpar x Proscar x Bupropion x Risperidone Butalbital, Aspirin, and Caffeine Bupivacaine BUPRENORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Butorphanol BUPROPION Bupropion x BUSPAR BUSPIRONE Buspirone x x Buspirone BUTALBITAL, ACETAMINOPHEN, AND CAFFEINE Butalbital, Acetaminophen, and Caffeine x x x x x x Butalbital, Acetaminophen, and Caffeine x x Buprenorphine Hydrochloride x x Carafate BUTALBITAL, ASPIRIN, AND CAFFEINE Butalbital, Aspirin, and Caffeine BUTORPHANOL Butorphanol CAFERGOT Cafergot CALAN Calan x x Calan SR Calan x x Colace Calan x x Diltiazem x x Calan x x Cardizem CD x CALAN SR Calan SR Calan SR 42 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Calcitriol x x Calcitriol x Captopril Calcitriol x Colestipol SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CALCITRIOL Calcitriol Calcium Carbonate x Calcitriol Paricalcitol x Ropinirole CALCIUM ACETATE Calcium Acetate x Calcium Acetate x x Calcium Carbonate Calcium Polycarbophil x CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D Calcium and Vitamin D x x x x x Calcium Carbonate CALCIUM CARBONATE Calcium Carbonate Calcium Carbonate x x x Calcium Carbonate x x x Calcium Carbonate x x x Calcium Carbonate x x Calcium Carbonate x Calcitriol Calcium Acetate Calcium Citrate Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium Gluconate Calcium Polycarbophil CALCIUM CHLORIDE Calcium Chloride x x x Calcium Citrate x x x x Calcium Gluconate CALCIUM CITRATE Calcium Carbonate CALCIUM DISODIUM EDTA Calcium Disodium EDTA x Disodium EDTA CALCIUM GLUCONATE Calcium Gluconate Calcium Gluconate x x x x x Calcium Carbonate x Calcium Chloride 43 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I CALCIUM POLYCARBOPHIL Calcium Polycarbophil x Calcium Polycarbophil x Caltrate x Calcium Acetate Calcium Carbonate CALTRATE x Carafate x Catapres CAPOTEN Capoten x CAPTOPRIL Captopril Captopril x x x Captopril Calcitriol x x Captopril Carvedilol Cytomel x x Enalapril CARAC Carac x Carrasyn CARAFATE Carafate x x Cafergot Carafate x x Caltrate Carafate x Kayexalate CARBAMAZEPINE Carbamazepine x Carisoprodol Carbamazepine x Chlorpromazine Carbamazepine x x Oxcarbazepine Carbatrol x x Labetalol Carbidopa x CARBATROL CARBIDOPA Carvedilol CARBOPLATIN Carboplatin x x Cisplatin CARDENE Cardene x x Cardizem Cardene x x Cordarone Cardene x x Nifedipine 44 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Cardizem x x x Cardene Cardizem x x x Cardizem SR SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CARDIZEM Cardizem x Cardizem CD x Cortisone CARDIZEM CD Cardizem CD x Cardizem LA x x Cardizem SR x x Cardizem SR x Cardizem SR x Cardura x Cardura x Calan SR x Cardizem SR CARDIZEM LA Cardizem SR CARDIZEM SR Cardizem x Cardizem CD Cardizem LA x CARDURA x x Avandia x x Coumadin Carisoprodol x Carbamazepine Carrasyn x Carac x CARISOPRODOL CARRASYN CARTIA XT Cartia XT Procardia XL x CARVEDILOL Carvedilol x Carvedilol x Carvedilol Atenolol x x x x Captopril Carbidopa CATAPRES Catapres x Capoten Cefaclor x Cefadroxil Cefadroxil x Cefaclor x CEFACLOR CEFADROXIL Cefadroxil x Cefuroxime Cefadroxil x Cephalexin 45 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I CEFAMANDOLE Cefamandole x Cefotetan x x Ampicillin x x Cefepime CEFAZOLIN Cefazolin Cefazolin x Cefazolin x x x Cefazolin x x x Cefazolin x x x x x Cefazolin Cefazolin x Cefotan Cefotaxime x Cefotetan Cefoxitin x x Cefprozil x x Ceftazidime x x Ceftizoxime x x Ceftriaxone Cefazolin x x Cefuroxime Cefazolin x x Cephalexin x Oxacillin x x Rocephin x x Zosyn x Cefprozil x Cefazolin Cefazolin x Cefazolin Cefazolin x Cefazolin Cefazolin x Cefazolin CEFDINIR Cefdinir CEFEPIME Cefepime x Cefepime x x Cefixime x x Cefotan x x Cefotaxime Cefepime x x Cefotetan Cefepime x x Cefoxitin Cefepime Cefepime x Cefepime x x Ceftazidime Cefepime x x Ceftizoxime x x Ceftriaxone Cefepime x x Cefuroxime Cefixime x Cefepime x CEFIXIME 46 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Cefepime Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x x x x Cefepime x x Cefotaxime x x Cefoxitin SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CEFOTAN Cefotan Cefotan Cefotan x Cefotan Cefotan Cefazolin x x Ceftin Cefotan x x x Ceftriaxone Cefotan x x x Claforan CEFOTAXIME Cefotaxime x x x Cefazolin Cefotaxime x x x Cefepime Cefotaxime x x x Cefotan Cefotaxime x x x Cefotetan x x Cefoxitin x x Ceftazidime x Ceftizoxime Cefotaxime Cefotaxime x Cefotaxime Cefotaxime x Cefotaxime Cefotaxime x x x x Ceftriaxone x x Cefuroxime x x Maxipime x Cefamandole CEFOTETAN Cefotetan Cefotetan x Cefotetan Cefotetan x Cefotetan x x x x x Cefazolin Cefepime x x Cefotaxime x x Cefoxitin Cefotetan x x x Ceftazidime Cefotetan x x x Ceftriaxone Cefoxitin x x Cefazolin Cefoxitin x x Cefepime Cefoxitin x x Cefotan Cefoxitin x x Cefotaxime CEFOXITIN Cefoxitin x x Cefotetan Cefoxitin x x Ceftriaxone Cefoxitin x x Cefuroxime SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors 47 Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x Cefazolin x Cefdinir x x Cefazolin CEFPROZIL Cefprozil Cefprozil CEFTAZIDIME Ceftazidime x Ceftazidime x x Cefepime Ceftazidime x x x Cefotaxime Ceftazidime x x x Cefotetan x x Ceftizoxime Ceftazidime x x Ceftazidime Ceftazidime x x x x Cefuroxime Ceftriaxone Ceftazidime x x Maxipime Ceftin x x Cefotan CEFTIN Ceftin x x Cefzil Ceftin x x Cipro Ceftizoxime x x Cefazolin Ceftizoxime x x Cefepime x Cefotaxime x Ceftazidime x Cefuroxime x CEFTIZOXIME Ceftizoxime Ceftizoxime x Ceftizoxime CEFTRIAXONE Ceftriaxone x x x Cefazolin Ceftriaxone x x x Cefepime Ceftriaxone x x x Cefotan Ceftriaxone x x x Ceftriaxone x Ceftriaxone x x Cefotetan x Cefoxitin x x x Ceftriaxone x x x MEDMARX DATA REPORT Cefotaxime x Ceftriaxone 48 x x Ceftazidime Cefuroxime Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CEFUROXIME Cefuroxime x Cefuroxime x x Cefazolin Cefuroxime x x Cefepime Cefuroxime x x Cefotaxime Cefuroxime x x Cefoxitin Cefuroxime x x Ceftazidime x Ceftizoxime x x Ceftriaxone x x Cephalexin x x Ceftin Cefuroxime Cefuroxime x Cefuroxime Cefadroxil CEFZIL Cefzil x Cefzil Kefzol x CELEBREX Celebrex x x x Celebrex x x x Celebrex x Celexa Cerebyx Clarinex x CELEXA Celexa x Celexa x x Lexapro x Zyprexa Celexa x Celebrex x x CEPACOL Cepacol x Cetacaine Cephalexin x Cefadroxil Cephalexin x x Cefazolin Cephalexin x x Cefuroxime x x CEPHALEXIN Cephalexin x Cephalexin x Ciprofloxacin Cyclosporine Cephalexin x Valtrex x Celebrex CEREBYX Cerebyx x Cerebyx Cerebyx x x x Cetirizine Precedex 49 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I CETACAINE Cetacaine Cepacol x CETAMIDE Cetamide Blephamide x CETIRIZINE Cetirizine Cerebyx x Cetirizine x x Cetirizine x Cetirizine x x x Cetirizine x x x Cetirizine x x x Claritin x Clonidine Cyclobenzaprine Loratadine x Olanzapine CHLORAL HYDRATE Chloral Hydrate x Chlorothiazide Chlordiazepoxide x x Chlorpromazine Chlordiazepoxide x x Lithium Carbonate CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE Chlorhexidine Gluconate x Chlorhexidine Gluconate x Chlorothiazide x x Cyproheptadine Hexachlorophene CHLOROTHIAZIDE Chlorothiazide Chloral Hydrate x Chlorthalidone CHLORPHENIRAMINE Chlorpheniramine x Chlorpheniramine x Cholestyramine x Cyproheptadine CHLORPHENIRAMINE AND PSEUDOEPHEDRINE Chlorpheniramine and Pseudoephedrine 50 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CHLORPROMAZINE Chlorpromazine x Chlorpromazine x x Chlorpromazine x x Chlorpromazine x x Chlorpromazine Chlorpromazine x Carbamazepine Chlordiazepoxide x Chlorpropamide Chlorthalidone x x Clomipramine x x Compazine Chlorpromazine x Cyclobenzaprine Chlorpromazine x Perphenazine Chlorpromazine x x Prochlorperazine Chlorpromazine x x x Thioridazine Chlorpropamide x x x x CHLORPROPAMIDE x Chlorpromazine CHLORTHALIDONE Chlorthalidone x Chlorthalidone Chlorthalidone Chlorothiazide x Chlorpromazine Clomipramine CHOLESTYRAMINE Cholestyramine x Chlorpheniramine Ciloxan x Cimetidine x Cipro x x Ceftin Cipro x x Cleocin Cipro HC x x Ciprodex Ciprodex x x Cipro HC CILOXAN x Gatifloxacin CIMETIDINE Amantadine CIPRO CIPRO HC CIPRODEX 51 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Cephalexin x x Gatifloxacin x Levofloxacin x Moxifloxacin CIPROFLOXACIN Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin x CISPLATIN Cisplatin x x Carboplatin Cytoxan Cisplatin x Citalopram x x Escitalopram CITALOPRAM CITRACAL Citracal x x x Citrucel Citrucel x x x Citracal CITRUCEL CLADRIBINE Cladribine x Cytarabine Cladribine x Fludarabine CLAFORAN Claforan x x Claforan x Cefotan x Cleocin CLARINEX Clarinex Celebrex x Clarinex x x Clarithromycin x x x Claritin CLARITHROMYCIN Clarithromycin Claritin x Clindamycin CLARITIN Claritin x x Claritin x x x Cetirizine Claritin x x x Clarinex Claritin x x Biaxin Clarithromycin Claritin x x Claritin-D Claritin-D x x Claritin CLARITIN-D 52 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Cipro Cleocin x Claforan Cleocin x Cubicin SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CLEOCIN Cleocin Cleocin Oxycodone and Acetaminophen x CLINDAMYCIN Clindamycin x Clarithromycin x Clinoril x Gentamicin x Vancomycin Clindesse x Clindets Clindets x Clindesse x Clindamycin Clindamycin x Clindamycin Clindamycin x CLINDESSE CLINDETS CLINORIL Clinoril x Clinoril x Clinoril Clozaril x Elavil x Clotrimazole x Halobetasol CLOBETASOL Clobetasol x Clobetasol CLOFAZIMINE Clofazimine x Clozapine CLOMID Clomid x x Clomipramine Clomiphene x x Clomipramine CLOMIPHENE 53 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I CLOMIPRAMINE Clomipramine Clomipramine Chlorpromazine x Chlorthalidone Clomipramine x x Clomid Clomipramine x x Clomiphene Clomipramine x x Clozapine x Imipramine Hydrochloride Clomipramine CLONAZEPAM Clonazepam x x x Clonazepam x x x Clonazepam x x x x Alprazolam Ativan x Clonidine Clonazepam x x x Clozapine Clonazepam x x x Diazepam Clonazepam x x x Lorazepam x Olanzapine Clonazepam CLONIDINE Clonidine x Clonidine x x x x Clonazepam Cetirizine Clonidine x x x x Colchicine Clonidine x x x x Klonopin x x Clobetasol x Cotrim x x Miconazole x x Clomipramine x x Clonazepam CLOTRIMAZOLE Clotrimazole Clotrimazole Clotrimazole CLOZAPINE Clozapine x Clozapine Clozapine x Clofazimine CLOZARIL Clozaril Clozaril Clozaril 54 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Clinoril x Colazal x x x x Pletal Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Colace x x Calan Colace x x Cozaar Colace x x Peri-Colace Colazal x Clozaril Colazal x Colesevelam Colazal x Welchol SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I COLACE COLAZAL COLCHICINE Colchicine x x x x Clonidine COLESEVELAM Colesevelam x Colazal Colesevelam x Colestipol Colestipol x Calcitriol Colestipol x Colesevelam Colestipol x COLESTIPOL x Questran x GoLYTELY COLYTE Colyte COMBIPATCH CombiPatch x Combivent Combipres x Combivent COMBIPRES COMBIVENT Combivent x x x Atrovent Combivent x CombiPatch Combivent x Combipres Combivent x Combivent x Combivir x x Combivent Combivir x x Epivir x Combivir Serevent COMBIVIR 55 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Chlorpromazine Compazine x x Phenergan Compazine x x COMPAZINE Compazine x Promethazine COMVAX COMVAX Recombivax HB Pediatric/ Adolescent x CONCERTA Concerta Sonata x CONJUGATED ESTROGENS Conjugated Estrogens x Conjugated Estrogens Esterified Estrogens x Estratest x CORDARONE Cordarone x Cardene Coreg x Coreg x Coreg x Coreg x Corgard x Coreg Corgard x Cozaar Cortef x Cortisone x Cardizem Cortisone x Cortisporin Cortisone x Cortrosyn x COREG Corgard x Cortef Cortone Acetate Cozaar x CORGARD CORTEF x Coreg CORTISONE Cortisone 56 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Hydrocortisone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I CORTISPORIN Cortisporin x Cortisone Cortisporin x Mupirocin Cortisporin x x Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution CORTONE ACETATE Cortone Acetate x Coreg Cortrosyn x Cortisone Cosopt x CORTROSYN COSOPT x Trusopt x Clotrimazole COTRIM Cotrim COUMADIN Coumadin Coumadin x x x x Avandia x Cardura x Coumadin x Mephyton Coumadin x Phytonadione Cozaar x x Colace Cozaar x x Coreg Cozaar x Cozaar x x Hyzaar Cozaar x x Zocor Creon 10 x x Crestor Crestor x x Creon 10 x Cleocin COZAAR Corgard CREON 10 CRESTOR CUBICIN Cubicin 57 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I CYCLOBENZAPRINE Cyclobenzaprine Cyclobenzaprine Cyclobenzaprine Cetirizine x x x Cyclobenzaprine Chlorpromazine x Cyproheptadine x Phenazopyridine CYCLOGYL Cyclogyl x x Cyclomydril Cyclomydril x x Cyclogyl Cyclophosphamide x x Cyclosporine CYCLOMYDRIL CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE CYCLOSPORINE Cyclosporine x Cyclosporine Cephalexin x x Cyclophosphamide x Chlorhexidine Gluconate x x Chlorpheniramine x x Cyclobenzaprine CYPROHEPTADINE Cyproheptadine Cyproheptadine Cyproheptadine x CYTARABINE Cytarabine x Cladribine Cytarabine x Cytoxan Cytomel x Captopril x Cytotec CYTOMEL Cytomel x CYTOSAR-U Cytosar-U x x Cytoxan CYTOTEC Cytotec x Cytoxan x Cytomel x CYTOXAN Cisplatin Cytoxan x Cytoxan x 58 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Cytarabine x Cytosar-U Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I DACTINOMYCIN Dactinomycin Daptomycin DALTEPARIN Dalteparin x Dalteparin x Darbepoetin x Enoxaparin x Dantrium DANAZOL Danazol Danazol x Dapsone DANOCRINE Danocrine x Dantrium Dantrium x Danazol Dantrium x Danocrine DANTRIUM DAPSONE Dapsone x Danazol DAPTACEL Daptacel x Daptomycin x x Adacel x Dactinomycin DAPTOMYCIN x DARBEPOETIN Darbepoetin x Dalteparin Darvocet x x Darvocet-N x x Darvon Darvocet-N x x Darvon-N x Fioricet x x Percocet Darvon x x Darvocet-N Darvon x Darvon-N x DARVOCET x Percocet DARVOCET-N Darvocet-N Darvocet-N x DARVON Diovan DARVON-N x Darvocet-N 59 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I DAUNORUBICIN Daunorubicin Doxorubicin DEBROX Debrox Domeboro x DECADRON Decadron x Depacon Decadron x Dexedrine Declomycin x Declomycin x Dicyclomine x Doxycycline DELESTROGEN Delestrogen x Deltasone x Depo-Estradiol DELTASONE x x Prednisone x x Prelone Deltasone x Trazodone Demadex x Bumex Deltasone DEMADEX Demadex x x Demerol Demadex x x Diamox x Dicyclomine x Demadex DEMECLOCYCLINE Demeclocycline DEMEROL Demerol x Demerol x x Dilaudid Demulen x x Desogen x Decadron DEMULEN DEPACON Depacon DEPAKENE Depakene x x x Depakote Depakene x x x Divalproex Depakote x x x Depakene DEPAKOTE 60 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I DEPO-ESTRADIOL Depo-Estradiol x Delestrogen Depo-Medrol x x x x Depo-Provera Depo-Medrol x x x x Solu-Medrol Depo-Provera x x x x Depo-Medrol x x x Lupron Depot DEPO-MEDROL DEPO-PROVERA Depo-Provera DEPO-TESTADIOL Depo-Testadiol x DepoTestosterone DEPO-TESTOSTERONE Depo-Testadiol DepoTestosterone x Desferal x DexFerrum x Desyrel x Dipyridamole x x Nortriptyline x x Loratadine x Vasopressin x x Demulen x x Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol Desyrel x x Desipramine x Elavil DESFERAL DESIPRAMINE Desipramine x Desipramine Desipramine DESLORATADINE Desloratadine x DESMOPRESSIN Desmopressin DESOGEN Desogen DESOGESTREL AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x DESYREL Desyrel Desyrel x x Seroquel 61 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I DETROL Detrol Detrol Detrol LA Ditropan x DETROL LA Detrol LA x Detrol LA x x Detrol x x Ditropan XL x Glucotrol XL x Betamethasone Detrol LA DEXAMETHASONE Dexamethasone x x Dexamethasone x Dexamethasone x Dexamethasone x x Dexamethasone Dexmedetomidine Doxazosin x x x Methadone DEXEDRINE x Adderall Dexedrine Dexedrine x Decadron DexFerrum x Desferal x DEXFERRUM DEXMEDETOMIDINE Dexmedetomidine x x Dexamethasone DEXTROAMPHETAMINE x x x x Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin x x Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin DiaBeta x x Diazepam Diabinese x Dextroamphetamine DEXTROMETHORPHAN Dextromethorphan DEXTROMETHORPHAN AND GUAIFENESIN DIABETA DIABINESE 62 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Diamox Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I DIAMOX Diamox Diamox Diamox Aggrenox x x Diamox x Amoxil x Demadex x Diabinese Diamox Diamox x x Diazoxide x Diuril x Alprazolam DIAZEPAM Diazepam x x Clonazepam Diazepam Diazepam x x x DiaBeta Diazepam x x Diazepam x x Diazepam x x Diltiazem Ditropan Doxepin Diazepam x x x Lorazepam Diazepam x x x Midazolam x Oxazepam x Temazepam x Diamox Diazepam Diazepam x DIAZOXIDE Diazoxide DICLOFENAC SODIUM Diclofenac Sodium x Diclofenac Sodium x Diflucan Docusate Sodium DICLOXACILLIN Dicloxacillin x x x Doxycycline DICYCLOMINE Dicyclomine Declomycin x Dicyclomine x Demeclocycline Dicyclomine x x x Dicyclomine x x x x Diphenhydramine Doxycycline 63 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I DIFLUCAN Diflucan x Diclofenac Sodium Diflucan x Diflunisal Diflucan x Diflunisal x Diflucan Digibind x Digoxin Digoxin x Digoxin x x Levothyroxine Dilantin x x Diflucan x x Dilaudid Dilantin x DIFLUNISAL DIGIBIND DIGOXIN Digibind DILANTIN Dilantin x Dilantin x x x Diltiazem Dilantin x x Neurontin Dilantin x x Nystatin x x Demerol x x Dilantin x Dolophine x Calan DILAUDID Dilaudid Dilaudid x Dilaudid DILTIAZEM Diltiazem x Diltiazem Diltiazem x x x x x x Dilantin Diazepam x x Diphenhydramine x Avandia DIMENHYDRINATE Dimenhydrinate DIOVAN Diovan Diovan x Darvon Diovan x x Diovan HCT Diovan HCT x x Diovan DIOVAN HCT 64 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x x x x Dimenhydrinate x x x Dipyridamole x Desipramine x x x Diphenhydramine SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I DIPHENHYDRAMINE Diphenhydramine Diphenhydramine Diphenhydramine Dicyclomine DIPYRIDAMOLE Dipyridamole Dipyridamole DISODIUM EDTA Disodium EDTA x Calcium Disodium EDTA DITROPAN Ditropan x Ditropan x x Diazepam x x Ditropan XL x x Detrol LA x x Ditropan Ditropan x Detrol DITROPAN XL Ditropan XL Ditropan XL x Ditropan XL x Toprol-XL DIURIL Diuril x x Diamox DIVALPROEX Divalproex x x x Depakene Divalproex x x x Valproic Acid Divalproex x Valtrex DOBUTAMINE Dobutamine x x x x Dopamine Dobutrex x x x x Dopamine Docetaxel x x Paclitaxel Docetaxel x x Taxol Docusate Sodium x DOBUTREX DOCETAXEL DOCUSATE SODIUM Diclofenac Sodium 65 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I DOLASETRON Dolasetron x Ondansetron DOLOPHINE Dolophine Dilaudid x DOMEBORO Domeboro x Debrox Donepezil x Doxepin DONEPEZIL Donepezil x Donepezil x x Rabeprazole x Ramipril DOPAMINE Dopamine x x x x Dobutamine Dopamine x x x x Dobutrex DOXAZOSIN Doxazosin x Dexamethasone Doxazosin x Doxycycline Doxazosin x x Prazosin Doxazosin x x Terazosin Doxepin x Diazepam Doxepin x Donepezil Doxepin x Doxidan DOXEPIN Doxepin x x x Doxycycline DOXIDAN Doxidan x Doxepin DOXORUBICIN Doxorubicin 66 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x x Daunorubicin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Declomycin SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I DOXYCYCLINE Doxycycline Doxycycline x x x Dicloxacillin Doxycycline x x x Dicyclomine Doxycycline Doxycycline x x x Doxazosin x Doxepin Doxycycline x Minocycline Doxycycline x Tetracycline Drisdol x Ursodiol Duricef x Ecotrin x DRISDOL DURICEF Omnicef x ECOTRIN Foltrin EFFEXOR Effexor x x Effexor XR x EFAVIRENZ Efavirenz x x Lamivudine EFFEXOR XR Effexor XR x Effexor XR x x Effexor x Eskalith Effexor XR x Exelon EFUDEX Efudex x Ela Max x Elavil x x Lidex ELA MAX EMLA ELAVIL Aventyl Elavil x Clinoril Elavil x Desyrel x Enalapril Elavil x Elavil x Elavil Epivir x Flexeril 67 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ELDEPRYL Eldepryl x Enalapril x x Elimite x x EMLA x x Elidel Elspar x x Oncaspar EMLA x EMLA x ELIDEL Elidel x Elidel ELIMITE Elimite x ELSPAR EMLA Ela Max Elidel x EMTRIVA Emtriva x Sustiva Enalapril x Allopurinol Enalapril x Anafranil Enalapril x Enalapril x Enalapril x x ENALAPRIL Enalapril Enalapril x Benazepril Captopril x Elavil x Eldepryl x Escitalopram Enalapril x x x Enalapril x x x Prinivil x Quinapril Enalapril Enalapril x Enalapril x Engerix-B x Enoxaparin x x Enoxaparin x x Enoxaparin x x x Lisinopril Ramipril x Verapamil ENGERIX-B Pediarix ENOXAPARIN 68 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Dalteparin x Fluvoxamine Fragmin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Ephedrine x x x Adrenalin Ephedrine x x x Epinephrine SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I EPHEDRINE EPHEDRINE SULFATE Neo-Synephrine Ephedrine Sulfate EPINEPHRINE Epinephrine x x x Ephedrine Epinephrine x x Neo-Synephrine Epinephrine x x Norepinephrine Epinephrine x x Phenylephrine Epivir x x Combivir Epivir x EPIVIR Epivir Elavil x Retrovir x Neupogen EPOGEN Epogen x ERGOLOID MESYLATES Ergoloid Mesylates Pergolide Mesylate x ERTAPENEM Ertapenem Ertapenem x Imipenem and Cilastatin x Meropenem ERYTHROMYCIN Erythromycin x x x x x x Azithromycin ERYTHROMYCIN AND SULFISOXAZOLE Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate ERYTHROMYCIN BASE Erythromycin Base Erythromycin Stearate x ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATE Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate x x Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole 69 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ERYTHROMYCIN STEARATE Erythromycin Base Erythromycin Stearate x Escitalopram x Escitalopram x Enalapril x Ezetimibe ESCITALOPRAM Escitalopram x Eskalith x x Citalopram ESKALITH Effexor XR ESOMEPRAZOLE MAGNESIUM Esomeprazole Magnesium Lansoprazole x x Esterified Estrogens x x Conjugated Estrogens Estrace x x Estratest Estradiol x x Estratest x Conjugated Estrogens ESTERIFIED ESTROGENS ESTRACE ESTRADIOL ESTRATEST Estratest Estratest x x Estrace Estratest x x Estradiol ESTRING Estring x x NuvaRing ETHAMOLIN Ethamolin x Ethionamide Ethionamide x Ethamolin ETHIONAMIDE ETHYNODIOL DIACETATE AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x Trandate ETOMIDATE Etomidate 70 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I EVISTA Evista Avandia x EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE Excedrin Migraine x Excedrin Sinus Excedrin Sinus x Excedrin Migraine EXCEDRIN SINUS EXELON Exelon x Effexor XR EZETIMIBE Ezetimibe x Fabrazyme x x Escitalopram FABRAZYME Myozyme FAMOTIDINE Famotidine Famotidine x x x Famotidine Fluoxetine x Furosemide x Lisinopril x Paroxetine Famotidine x Famvir x Femara Felbatol x Labetalol Feldene x x Felodipine Feldene x x Fluoxetine Feldene x x Paroxetine x Phenytoin Sodium FAMVIR FELBATOL FELDENE Feldene FELODIPINE x x Amlodipine Felodipine Felodipine x x x Feldene Felodipine x Selegiline Femara x Famvir Femara x Femhrt Femara x Provera FEMARA 71 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I FEMHRT Femhrt Femara x FENTANYL Fentanyl Bentyl x FENTANYL CITRATE Fentanyl Citrate x Sufentanil Citrate FEOSOL Feosol x x Ferrous Sulfate FERRO-SEQUELS Ferro-Sequels x Seroquel FERROUS FUMARATE Ferrous Fumarate x x x Ferrous Sulfate x x x Ferrous Sulfate x x Feosol FERROUS GLUCONATE Ferrous Gluconate FERROUS SULFATE Ferrous Sulfate Ferrous Sulfate x x x Ferrous Fumarate Ferrous Sulfate x x x Ferrous Gluconate Filgrastim x x Sargramostim Finasteride x FILGRASTIM FINASTERIDE Furosemide FIORICET Fioricet x Darvocet-N x x Fiorinal Fioricet x x Florinef Fioricet x x Percocet x x Fioricet Flavoxate x x Fluvoxamine Flax Oil x Fioricet x FIORINAL Fiorinal x FLAVOXATE FLAX OIL 72 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Flexeril Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I FLEET ENEMA Fleet Enema Fleet PhosphoSoda FLEET PHOSPHO-SODA Fleet PhosphoSoda Fleet Enema FLEXERIL Flexeril x Elavil Flexeril x Flax Oil Flexeril x Plendil FLEXIUM Flexium x Flomax x Nexium FLOMAX x Flomax Flomax Flomax x Flonase x Flovent Foltx x x Flomax x x Fosamax x x Nolvadex FLONASE Flonase x x x Flomax Flonase x x x Flovent Florinef x x Fioricet Flovent x FLORINEF FLOVENT Flovent Flovent x Atrovent x Flomax x x Flonase x x Ocuflox FLOXIN OTIC Floxin Otic 73 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I FLUCONAZOLE Fluconazole x Flucytosine Fluconazole x Fluconazole x Fluconazole x Fluoxetine Furosemide x Itraconazole Fluconazole x x Metronidazole Fluconazole x x Phenytoin Sodium FLUCYTOSINE Flucytosine x Fluconazole FLUDARABINE Fludarabine x Cladribine FLUDROCORTISONE Fludrocortisone x Fludrocortisone Fludrocortisone Hydrocortisone x x Fluocinolone x Fluticasone FLUMADINE Flumadine x Amantadine FLUNISOLIDE Flunisolide Flunisolide x Fluocinolone x x Fluocinonide x Fluticasone FLUOCINOLONE Fluocinolone x x Fludrocortisone x Fluocinonide x Flunisolide x x Fluocinolone Fluocinonide x x Fluocinonide x x Fluticasone x x Prednisolone Acetate x x FLUOCINONIDE Fluocinonide Fluocinonide x x Fluorouracil FLUOROMETHOLONE Fluorometholone FLUOROURACIL Fluorouracil 74 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Fluocinonide Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I FLUOXETINE Fluoxetine x Fluoxetine x x Feldene Fluoxetine x x Fluconazole Fluoxetine x x Fluvoxamine Fluoxetine Famotidine x Fosinopril Fluoxetine x x x Furosemide Fluoxetine x x x Paroxetine x Thiothixene Fluoxetine FLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Sodium Fluoride x FLUPHENAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE Trifluoperazine Fluphenazine Hydrochloride x x Flurazepam x x Temazepam Fluticasone x x Fluocinonide x Fludrocortisone FLURAZEPAM FLUTICASONE Fluticasone x Fluticasone x x Flunisolide Fluticasone x x Mometasone Fluvoxamine x x Fluvoxamine x x Flavoxate Fluvoxamine x x Fluoxetine Foltrin x Ecotrin Foltx x Flomax Fortovase x FLUVOXAMINE x Enoxaparin FOLTRIN FOLTX FORTOVASE x Invirase 75 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Flomax Fosamax x x Fosamax Plus D Fosamax x x Fosinopril x Zithromax x Fosamax FOSAMAX Fosamax Fosamax FOSAMAX PLUS D Fosamax Plus D x Fosinopril x FOSINOPRIL Fluoxetine x x Fosamax Fosinopril x x x Furosemide Fosinopril x x x Lisinopril Fosinopril x x x Prinivil Fosinopril FOSINOPRIL AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Fosinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide x Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide Fosphenytoin x x Fragmin x x Enoxaparin x AmBisome x Famotidine FOSPHENYTOIN x Phenytoin Sodium FRAGMIN FUNGIZONE Fungizone FUROSEMIDE Furosemide x Furosemide x x Furosemide Finasteride x Fluconazole Furosemide x x x Fluoxetine Furosemide x x x Fosinopril Furosemide x Loperamide Furosemide x x x Gabapentin x x Gabapentin x x x x x Torsemide GABAPENTIN Gabapentin 76 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Gatifloxacin Gemfibrozil x Guaifenesin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I GABITRIL Gabitril Glucotrol x GALANTAMINE Galantamine x x Galantamine x x x Glimepiride Glutamine x GANCICLOVIR Ganciclovir x Ganciclovir x x x Acyclovir Valacyclovir GASTROGRAFIN Gastrografin x Gatifloxacin x x Ciloxan Gatifloxacin x x Ciprofloxacin Griseofulvin GATIFLOXACIN Gatifloxacin x x Gabapentin Gatifloxacin x x Guaifenesin Gatifloxacin x x Levofloxacin x Moxifloxacin Gatifloxacin GEMCITABINE Gemcitabine Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin x GEMFIBROZIL Gemfibrozil x Gemfibrozil x x x Gabapentin Glimepiride GEMTUZUMAB OZOGAMICIN Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Gemcitabine x GENTAMICIN Gentamicin x Gentamicin x x Gentamicin x x Gentamicin Clindamycin Genteal x Tobramycin x Vancomycin GENTEAL Genteal x x Gentamicin x Lamictal GEOCILLIN Geocillin 77 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x x x GLIMEPIRIDE Glimepiride Galantamine Glimepiride x Gemfibrozil Glimepiride x Glimepiride x Glipizide x x Glimepiride Glipizide x x Glucophage x x Glipizide and Metformin x x Gluconorm x Glucophage x Glucophage x x Glipizide Glyburide GLIPIZIDE Glipizide x x Glyburide GLIPIZIDE AND METFORMIN Glyburide and Metformin GLUCONORM Glucophage GLUCOPHAGE Glucophage x Glucophage x Glucophage XR x x x Glipizide Gluconorm x x Glucophage XR Glucovance x GLUCOPHAGE XR x x x Glucophage Glucophage XR x Glucotrol XL Glucotrol x Gabitril x Glucotrol XL GLUCOTROL Glucotrol x Glucotrol Glucotrol x Glucovance x x x x x Glyburide GLUCOTROL XL Glucotrol XL x Detrol LA Glucotrol XL x Glucophage XR x Glucotrol Glucotrol XL Glucotrol XL 78 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x x Glucovance Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I GLUCOVANCE Glucovance x Glucophage x Glucovance x Glucotrol Glucovance x Glucotrol XL GLUTAMINE Glutamine x Galantamine GLYBURIDE Glyburide x Glimepiride Glyburide x x x x Glipizide Glyburide x x x x Glucotrol x x Glipizide and Metformin GoLYTELY x Colyte Granisetron x Ondansetron GLYBURIDE AND METFORMIN Glyburide and Metformin GOLYTELY GRANISETRON GRISEOFULVIN Griseofulvin Gastrografin x GUAIFENESIN Guaifenesin x x Guaifenesin x x x Gabapentin Gatifloxacin Halcion x x Haldol x Halcion HALCION HALDOL Haldol x Haldol x Hytrin Haldol x Nadolol Haldol x x Stadol HALOBETASOL Halobetasol x Clobetasol HALOPERIDOL Haloperidol x Haloperidol Haloperidol Hydralazine x x x Hydromorphone Nadolol 79 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I HAVRIX Havrix x Heptavax Healon x Hyalgan Hectorol x Actonel HEALON HECTOROL HEPARIN Heparin x x Heparin x x Hespan x Refludan x Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant HEPATITIS A VACCINE, INACTIVATED Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated x HEPATITIS B IMMUNE GLOBULIN Hepatitis B Immune Globulin Botulism Immune Globulin x Hepatitis B Immune Globulin x Hepatitis B Immune Globulin x Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant x Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) HEPATITIS B VACCINE, RECOMBINANT Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant x x Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant x x Hepatitis B Immune Globulin x Havrix HEPTAVAX Heptavax HESPAN Hespan x Hespan x x x x Heparin x Hextend x Chlorhexidine Gluconate HEXACHLOROPHENE Hexachlorophene 80 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I HEXTEND Hextend x Hespan x HOMATROPINE Homatropine x Humatrope Homatropine x Somatropin HUMALOG Humalog Humalog Mix 50/50 x Humalog x x x NovoLog Humalog Mix 5/50 x Humalog Humalog Mix 5/50 x Humulin 50/50 Humalog x x Humulin R x HUMALOG MIX 50/50 HUMALOG MIX 75/25 Humalog Mix 75/25 x x x Humalog Mix 75/25 x x Humalog Mix 75/25 x x Humatrope x x Humulin 70/30 Novolin 70/30 Novolog Mix 70/30 HUMATROPE Homatropine HUMULIN 50/50 Humulin 50/50 Humalog Mix 50/50 x HUMULIN 70/30 Humulin 70/30 x Humulin 70/30 Humulin 70/30 Humulin 70/30 x x x x x Humalog Mix 75/25 Humulin R Novolin 70/30 x x x x NovoLog Mix 70/30 HUMULIN R (CONCENTRATED), U-500 Humulin R (Concentrated), U-500 x Humulin-U 81 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Humulin R x x x Humulin R x x Humulin 70/30 x Novolin 70/30 HUMULIN R Humulin R Humulin R x Humulin R x Humalog Novolin R x NovoLog x Humulin R (Concentrated), U-500 Hyalgan x Healon Hycodan x Vicodin x Hydrochlorothiazide HUMULIN-U Humulin-U HYALGAN HYCODAN HYDRALAZINE Hydralazine Hydralazine x x Hydralazine x Haloperidol x Hydralazine Hydrocortisone x Hydroxyzine HYDREA Hydrea Hytrin x HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Hydrochlorothiazide x x x Hydralazine Hydrochlorothiazide x x x Hydrocortisone Hydrochlorothiazide x x Hydroxychloroquine Hydrochlorothiazide x Hydrochlorothiazide x Hydrocodone x Hydrocodone x Hydroxyurea Maxzide x HYDROCODONE 82 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Hydromorphone x x Hydrocortisone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I HYDROCODONE AND ACETAMINOPHEN Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Hydrocodone and Guaifenesin x Hydrocodone and Homatropine x Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen Hydromorphone x x x x x Oxycodone and Acetaminophen HYDROCODONE AND GUAIFENESIN Hydrocodone and Guaifenesin x x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Cortisone x Fludrocortisone HYDROCODONE AND HOMATROPINE Hydrocodone and Homatropine HYDROCODONE AND IBUPROFEN Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen x x HYDROCORTISONE Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone x x Hydralazine x x Hydrocortisone x x Hydrocortisone x Hydrocortisone x x Prednisone Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate x x Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate x x Hydroxyzine Pamoate x x x Hydrocodone HYDROCORTISONE SODIUM SUCCINATE Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate x 83 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I HYDROMORPHONE Hydromorphone x Hydromorphone x Hydromorphone Hydromorphone Haloperidol x Hydrocodone x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen x Morphine Sulfate HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Hydroxychloroquine x Hydroxychloroquine x Hydroxychloroquine x Hydroxyurea x Hydroxyurea x x Hydrocortisone x Hydroxyurea HYDROXYUREA Hydrochlorothiazide x Hydroxychloroquine x Hydralazine HYDROXYZINE Hydroxyzine HYDROXYZINE HYDROCHLORIDE Meclizine Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride x x Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride x x Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Hydroxyzine Pamoate x x Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate HYDROXYZINE PAMOATE HYTRIN Hytrin x Haldol Hytrin x Hydrea Hyzaar x x x x x x x Inderal x x x Inderal LA x x Isordil x x K-Dur HYZAAR Cozaar IMDUR IMDUR IMDUR x IMDUR IMDUR IMDUR 84 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Imuran Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I IMIPENEM AND CILASTATIN Imipenem and Cilastatin x Ertapenem IMIPRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE Imipramine Hydrochloride x Imipramine Hydrochloride x Imipramine Hydrochloride x Imitrex Indapamide x Clomipramine IMITREX Imitrex x Imitrex x Imipramine Hydrochloride x Inapsine IMMUNE GLOBULIN INTRAVENOUS (HUMAN) Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) Hepatitis B Immune Globulin x IMODIUM Imodium x Pyridium x IMDUR Imuran x Tenormin Inamrinone x Amiodarone Inapsine x Imitrex IMURAN Imuran x INAMRINONE INAPSINE INDAPAMIDE Indapamide Indapamide Indapamide Indapamide x Imipramine Hydrochloride x Indomethacin x Isosorbide Dinitrate x x Isradipine 85 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x x x x Isordil Inderal x Isuprel Inderal x Neoral INDERAL Inderal Inderal IMDUR INDERAL LA Inderal LA x Indomethacin x x x IMDUR INDOMETHACIN Indapamide INFANRIX Infanrix x Boostrix Infanrix x Pediarix INFLIXIMAB Infliximab x x Inspra x x x Rituximab INSPRA Spiriva INSULIN Insulin Symlin x INTERFERON ALFA-2A, RECOMBINANT Interferon Alfa-2a, Recombinant x Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant x Interferon Alfa-2a, Recombinant x Fortovase INTERFERON ALFA-2B, RECOMBINANT Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant INVIRASE Invirase x IODINE Iodine x Lodine x IODOSORB Iodosorb x Isosorb 2000 x Tiotropium IPRATROPIUM Ipratropium x IRBESARTAN AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Irbesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide 86 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Losartan and Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I IRINOTECAN Irinotecan x Topotecan Isocal x Os-Cal x Isosorbide Dinitrate x Isosorbide Mononitrate ISOCAL ISONIAZID Isoniazid ISOPROTERENOL Isoproterenol ISOPTIN Isoptin Isordil x ISOPTO HOMATROPINE Isopto Homatropine IsoptoTears x ISOPTOTEARS IsoptoTears x Isopto Homatropine x x IMDUR x x Inderal Isordil x Isoptin Isordil x Zestril Isosorb 2000 x Iodosorb ISORDIL Isordil x Isordil ISOSORB 2000 ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE Isosorbide Dinitrate x Isosorbide Dinitrate x Isosorbide Dinitrate Isosorbide Dinitrate x Indapamide Isoniazid x x x x x Isosorbide Mononitrate Isotretinoin 87 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE Isosorbide Mononitrate Isosorbide Mononitrate Isoproterenol x x x Isosorbide Dinitrate x x x x Isosorbide Dinitrate x x Indapamide Isuprel x Inderal Itraconazole x Fluconazole ISOTRETINOIN Isotretinoin ISRADIPINE Isradipine ISUPREL ITRACONAZOLE JANTOVEN Jantoven Orvaten x K-DUR K-Dur x Kayexalate x IMDUR K-Dur x K Phos x PhosLo K-Phos Neutral x Neutra-Phos-K Kaletra x K PHOS K-PHOS NEUTRAL KALETRA Kaletra Keppra x Levitra x KAOPECTATE Kaopectate x Kayexalate x x x Kayexalate KAYEXALATE Kayexalate Kayexalate 88 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Carafate K-Dur x x x x Kaopectate Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Keflex x x Keflex x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I KEFLEX Keflex Keppra Ketek Valtrex x KEFZOL Kefzol Cefzil x KENALOG Kenalog x Ketorolac Kenalog x Mycolog II KEPPRA Keppra x x Kaletra Keppra x x Keflex KERLONE Kerlone x Ketorolac KETEK Ketek Keflex x KETOCONAZOLE Ketoconazole x Ketoprofen Ketoprofen x Ketoconazole Ketorolac x Kenalog KETOPROFEN KETOROLAC Ketorolac x Klonopin x Kwell x Kerlone KLONOPIN x x x Clonidine KWELL Qwell 89 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I LABETALOL Labetalol x Albuterol Labetalol x x Atenolol Labetalol x x Carbatrol Labetalol x Felbatol Labetalol x x x x Lamictal Labetalol x x x x Lamotrigine Labetalol Labetalol Labetalol Lipitor x x x x x Lopressor x x x x Metoprolol Tartrate Labetalol x Tegretol Lac-Hydrin x Lotrimin Lactaid x x Lactinex Lactinex x x Lactaid Lactinex x Lactulose Lactinex x Lamictal Lactulose x Lactinex Lamictal x Geocillin LAC-HYDRIN LACTAID LACTINEX LACTULOSE LAMICTAL Lamictal x Lamictal Lamictal x x x Labetalol Lactinex x x x x Lamisil Lamictal x x x Lomotil Lamictal x x Loxitane LAMISIL Lamisil x x x x Lamictal x Efavirenz LAMIVUDINE Lamivudine x Lamivudine x Lamivudine 90 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Lamotrigine x Zidovudine Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x x x x Lamivudine x Levetiracetam x Levothyroxine SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I LAMOTRIGINE Lamotrigine Lamotrigine Lamotrigine Labetalol Lamotrigine x Lanacane x Lanolin Lanolin x Lanacane Lanoxin x Lasix Lanoxin x x Levaquin Lanoxin x x Levothyroxine x x Levoxyl LANACANE LANOLIN LANOXIN Lanoxin Lanoxin x Lanoxin x Levsin x Lomotil Lanoxin Lotensin x Lanoxin Lovenox x LANSOPRAZOLE Lansoprazole x Lansoprazole Aripiprazole x Lansoprazole Esomeprazole Magnesium x x Latanoprost Lansoprazole x x x x Omeprazole Lansoprazole x x x Rabeprazole Lantus x x x Latanoprost Lantus x x x Xalatan x Zaroxolyn LANTUS LARIAM Lariam LASIX Lasix Lasix Lanoxin x x x x Lovenox 91 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I LATANOPROST Latanoprost x Bimatoprost Latanoprost x Lansoprazole x Lantus Latanoprost x Loteprednol Letrozole x Anastrozole Latanoprost x x LETROZOLE LEUCOVORIN Leucovorin Leukeran x Leucovorin x Leukeran x Levothyroxine LEUKERAN Leukeran x x Alkeran Leucovorin LEVAQUIN Levaquin x x Lanoxin x x Levothyroxine Levaquin x x Levoxyl Levaquin x Levaquin x x Lovenox Levaquin x x Tequin Levaquin x Unasyn Levaquin x Warfarin Levbid x Levlite Levaquin x Levsin SL LEVBID LEVETIRACETAM Levetiracetam x Levetiracetam Lamotrigine x x Levocarnitine Levetiracetam x x x Levofloxacin Levitra x Kaletra Levitra x Lexiva LEVITRA LEVLEN Levlen 92 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Levlite Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I LEVLITE Levlite x Levlite x Levbid x Levlen x Bupivacaine LEVOBUPIVACAINE Levobupivacaine LEVOCARNITINE Levocarnitine x Levetiracetam Levodopa x Levofloxacin LEVODOPA LEVOFLOXACIN Levofloxacin Levofloxacin Levofloxacin x Levofloxacin Levofloxacin x Ciprofloxacin x x Gatifloxacin x x x x x Levetiracetam Levodopa x x Levothyroxine Levofloxacin x x Moxifloxacin Levonorgestrel x LEVONORGESTREL Levothyroxine LEVONORGESTREL AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Levophed x x Lopressor Levorphanol x LEVOPHED LEVORPHANOL Levothyroxine 93 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Levothyroxine x x Amantadine Levothyroxine x x Digoxin Levothyroxine x x Lamotrigine Levothyroxine x x Lanoxin LEVOTHYROXINE Levothyroxine x Leucovorin Levothyroxine x x x Levaquin Levothyroxine x x x Levofloxacin Levothyroxine x Levothyroxine Levothyroxine Levonorgestrel x x Levorphanol x x Liothyronine Levoxyl x x Lanoxin Levoxyl x x Levaquin LEVOXYL LEVSIN Levsin x Lanoxin x Levsinex Timecaps Levsin SL x Levaquin Levsinex Timecaps x x Levsin LEVSIN SL LEVSINEX TIMECAPS Levsin LEXAPRO Lexapro Lexapro x x Bextra x Celexa LEXIVA Lexiva Levitra x LEXXEL Lexxel Lomotil x LIBRAX Librax x x x Librium Librium x x x Librax x Limbitrol LIBRIUM Librium 94 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Efudex x Bupivacaine SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I LIDEX Lidex LIDOCAINE Lidocaine Lidocaine x Linezolid Lidoderm x Nicoderm CQ LIDODERM LIMBITROL Limbitrol x Librium LINDANE Lindane x Lodine Linezolid x Lidocaine Linezolid x Lisinopril Lioresal x x Lotensin x x Levothyroxine LINEZOLID LIORESAL LIOTHYRONINE Liothyronine x LIPITOR Lipitor x Lipitor x Lipitor x Lopid Lipitor x Lortab Lipitor x x Mevacor Lipitor x x Zocor Labetalol x Lisinopril 95 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Lisinopril x x x Lisinopril x x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I LISINOPRIL Lisinopril Lisinopril x x Benazepril x Enalapril x Famotidine x Fosinopril Lisinopril x Lisinopril x x Lipitor x x Losartan x x Lisinopril x Lisinopril Linezolid x Lovastatin x x Monopril Lisinopril x x Quinapril Lisinopril x x Restoril Lisinopril x Risperdal Lisinopril x Verapamil Lisinopril x LISINOPRIL AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide x Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide x Lithium Carbonate x Benazepril and Hydrochlorothiazide Fosinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide LITHIUM CARBONATE x Chlordiazepoxide LODINE Lodine x x Iodine Lodine x Lindane Lodosyn x Lotensin LODOSYN LOESTRIN Loestrin x x x Loestrin Fe Loestrin Fe x x x Loestrin LOESTRIN FE 96 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Lomotil x x x Lomotil x Lanoxin Lomotil x Lexxel SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I LOMOTIL Lomotil x x Lomotil Lamictal x Loperamide x Lortab x Lotensin LONITEN Loniten Loniten x x x ProAmatine x Furosemide LOPERAMIDE Loperamide x x Lomotil Loperamide x x Lorazepam Lopid x Loperamide x LOPID Lipitor LOPRESSOR Lopressor x Lopressor x x x Labetalol x x Levophed Lopressor x x x Toprol-XL Loratadine x x x Cetirizine Loratadine x x x Desloratadine Loratadine x x Lorazepam Loratadine x Loratadine x x Lovastatin x x Ranitidine Hydrochloride LORATADINE Loratadine Lortab 97 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Lorazepam x x x x Lorazepam x x x Clonazepam Lorazepam x x x Diazepam x x Loperamide x x Loratadine x x Midazolam LORAZEPAM Lorazepam Lorazepam Lorazepam x Alprazolam Lorazepam x Oxazepam Lorazepam x x Temazepam Lorazepam x x Zolpidem Lorcet x Lortab Lorcet x Percocet Lorcet x Ultracet LORCET LORTAB Lortab Lipitor x Lortab x Lortab x Lortab Lomotil Loratadine x Lorcet x x Lotrel x x Lisinopril Losartan x x Lovastatin Losartan x Valsartan x Irbesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Lortab LOSARTAN Losartan x LOSARTAN AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Losartan and Hydrochlorothiazide LOTENSIN Lotensin Lotensin x Lotensin x Lotensin x Lotensin 98 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x x Lanoxin x Lioresal Lodosyn x Loniten Lovastatin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I LOTEPREDNOL Loteprednol x Latanoprost x Lortab LOTREL Lotrel x Lotrimin x Lotrimin x x Lotrisone Lotrisone x x Lotrimin Lovastatin x x Atorvastatin Lovastatin x x Lovastatin x x Loratadine Lovastatin x x Losartan Lovastatin x x Lotensin Lovastatin x x Lovenox Lovastatin x LOTRIMIN Lac-Hydrin LOTRISONE LOVASTATIN Lovastatin x x x Lisinopril Pravastatin x Simvastatin LOVENOX Lovenox Lovenox Lanoxin x x x Lasix Lovenox x x Levaquin Lovenox x x Lovastatin Lovenox x x Loxitane x Lumigan x x x Luvox LOXITANE Lamictal LUMIGAN Alphagan x LUNESTA Lunesta x Neulasta x LUPRON DEPOT Lupron Depot x x x Depo-Provera 99 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I LUVOX Luvox Vioxx x Luvox x x M-M-R II x x Meruvax II x x Maalox Total Stomach Relief x x MiraLax x x x x Macrodantin x Micro-K x Mucobid LA x Lovenox M-M-R II MAALOX Maalox Maalox MAALOX TOTAL STOMACH RELIEF Maalox Total Stomach Relief Maalox MACROBID Macrobid x Macrobid Macrobid Macrobid Nitro-Bid x MACRODANTIN Macrodantin x x x Macrobid x x Megace x x MAGNESIUM OXIDE Magnesium Oxide MAGNESIUM SULFATE Magnesium Sulfate x Morphine Sulfate MARCAINE Marcaine x Sensorcaine Marinol x Maxzide MARINOL MAVIK Mavik x Plavix Maxalt x Paxil MAXALT MAXAQUIN Maxaquin 100 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Maxipime Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x Cefotaxime x x Ceftazidime x Maxaquin SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I MAXIPIME Maxipime Maxipime Maxipime MAXITROL Maxitrol x Metipranolol MAXZIDE Maxzide x Maxzide Maxzide x Maxzide x x x Marinol x Meclizine Minizide x MEBARAL Mebaral Mellaril x MEBENDAZOLE Mebendazole x Metronidazole MECLIZINE Meclizine x x Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride x x x Maxzide x x x Methylprednisolone x x Magnesium Oxide Megestrol x Mesalamine Mellaril x Mebaral Meclizine MEDROXYPROGESTERONE Medroxyprogesterone MEGACE Megace MEGESTROL MELLARIL MELOXICAM Meloxicam x x x Molindone MELPHALAN Melphalan x Myleran x Amlodipine MEMANTINE Memantine x Memantine x Mesalamine Memantine x Methimazole 101 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B x x Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I MENACTRA Menactra Menomune MENINGOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Menomune x MENINGOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDE VACCINE Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine x MENOMUNE Menomune x Menomune x Menactra x Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine MEPERIDINE Meperidine x x Methadone Meperidine x x Morphine Sulfate Mephyton x Coumadin x Methotrexate Meribin x Meridia Meridia x Meribin MEPHYTON MERCAPTOPURINE Mercaptopurine x MERIBIN MERIDIA MEROPENEM Meropenem x Ertapenem Meropenem x Metronidazole Meropenem x Meruvax II x Midazolam MERUVAX II x M-M-R II x Megestrol MESALAMINE Mesalamine Mesalamine x Mesalamine x 102 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Memantine x Metaxalone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I MESTINON Mestinon x Mexitil x Mesalamine METAXALONE Metaxalone x Metaxalone x Methimazole Metformin x x x x Methocarbamol Metformin x x x x Metronidazole METFORMIN METHADONE Methadone x Dexamethasone Methadone x Meperidine Methadone x Methadone Methimazole x Methylin Methadone x x Methylphenidate Methadone x x Metolazone Methadone x x Morphine Sulfate Methamphetamine x METHAMPHETAMINE Methylphenidate METHAZOLAMIDE Methazolamide x x Acetazolamide Methazolamide x x Methimazole Methenamine Hippurate x Methenamine Mandelate Methenamine Mandelate x Methenamine Hippurate x METHENAMINE HIPPURATE METHENAMINE MANDELATE METHERGINE Methergine Methergine x x Brethine x Metolazone 103 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I METHIMAZOLE Methimazole Methimazole x x Methimazole Methimazole Memantine Metaxalone x x x Methimazole Methadone x Methazolamide x Methimazole Misoprostol x x x Metolazone x x x Metformin METHOCARBAMOL Methocarbamol x Methocarbamol Methocarbamol x x Methocarbamol Metoclopramide x x Metronidazole x x Nabumetone METHOTREXATE Methotrexate Methotrexate x x x x Methotrexate Methotrexate Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate x x Metolazone x Metronidazole Mercaptopurine Methotrexate x Methotrexate x Minoxidil Mitoxantrone METHYLERGONOVINE Methylergonovine x Methylergonovine x Methylprednisolone Methysergide Maleate x METHYLIN Methylin x Methadone x Methadone METHYLPHENIDATE Methylphenidate x Methylphenidate x Methamphetamine METHYLPREDNISOLONE Methylprednisolone Methylprednisolone x Methylprednisolone x Methylprednisolone 104 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Dexamethasone x x Medroxyprogesterone x Methylergonovine x Prednisolone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x x x x x SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE Methylprednisolone Acetate Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM SUCCINATE Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Methotrexate x x x Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate x Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate x Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate x x Metoclopramide Metronidazole Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate x METHYSERGIDE MALEATE Methysergide Maleate Methylergonovine x METIPRANOLOL Metipranolol Maxitrol x METOCLOPRAMIDE Metoclopramide x Metoclopramide x Metoclopramide Metoclopramide Metoclopramide Methocarbamol x x x Metolazone x x x Metoprolol Tartrate x x x Metoclopramide x Metolazone x Metolazone x Metolazone x x x Metronidazole METOLAZONE x Methadone Methergine x Methimazole Metolazone x x x Methotrexate Metolazone x x x Metoclopramide 105 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Metoprolol Tartrate x x x x Metoprolol Tartrate x x x x x Error, Death Category I METOPROLOL TARTRATE Metoprolol Tartrate Labetalol Metoclopramide Mirtazapine Toprol-XL Metoprolol Tartrate x x x MetroGel x x x MetroGel-Vaginal MetroGel-Vaginal x x x MetroGel Metronidazole x x Fluconazole Metronidazole x x METROGEL METROGEL-VAGINAL METRONIDAZOLE Metronidazole Mebendazole x Meropenem Metronidazole x x x Metronidazole x x x Methocarbamol x Methotrexate Metronidazole Metronidazole Metronidazole Metronidazole Metformin x x x x x x Miconazole x Omeprazole x Potassium Chloride Metronidazole Metronidazole x x x Metoclopramide METYRAPONE Metyrapone x Metyrosine Metyrosine x Metyrapone Mevacor x METYROSINE MEVACOR x Lipitor x Mestinon MEXITIL Mexitil MIACALCIN Miacalcin 106 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Mupirocin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Micardis x x Micardis HCT Micardis HCT x x Micardis SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I MICARDIS MICARDIS HCT MICONAZOLE Miconazole x x Clotrimazole Miconazole x x Metronidazole Miconazole x Terazol MICRO-K Micro-K x Macrobid x x Midodrine MIDAMOR Midamor MIDAZOLAM Midazolam x x x Diazepam Midazolam x x x Lorazepam Midazolam x Meropenem Midodrine x x Midamor x x Minoxidil MIDODRINE Midodrine x Mifeprex x MIFEPREX Mirapex MINIPRESS Minipress x Minoxidil x Mirapex Minipress x Minizide x Maxzide Minocin x Minoxidil Minocycline x Doxycycline MINIZIDE MINOCIN MINOCYCLINE 107 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Midodrine x Minipress MINOXIDIL Minoxidil Minoxidil x Minoxidil Minoxidil x Minoxidil x Methotrexate Minocin x Monopril MIRALAX MiraLax Atarax x MiraLax Maalox x x Mirapex x x Minipress Mirapex x x Permax x x Metoprolol Tartrate x x Temazepam x Methimazole x Mitoxantrone MIRAPEX Mirapex Mifeprex x MIRTAZAPINE Mirtazapine Mirtazapine MISOPROSTOL Misoprostol MITOMYCIN Mitomycin x MITOXANTRONE Mitoxantrone x Mitoxantrone x Methotrexate Mitoxantrone x Moban x x x Mobic Mobic x x x Moban Molindone x x x Meloxicam Mometasone x x x Mitomycin Mutamycin MOBAN MOBIC MOLINDONE MOMETASONE 108 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Fluticasone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I MONOPRIL Monopril x Lisinopril Monopril x Monopril x Monurol Monopril x Plendil Monopril x Minoxidil x x Prinivil Monopril x x Zestril Monurol x x MONUROL Monopril MORPHINE SULFATE Morphine Sulfate Morphine Sulfate x x x x Hydromorphone x Magnesium Sulfate Morphine Sulfate x x Morphine Sulfate x x Methadone x x OxyContin x x Ciprofloxacin x Gatifloxacin x x Levofloxacin x x MSIR x Morphine Sulfate x x Meperidine MOXIFLOXACIN Moxifloxacin Moxifloxacin Moxifloxacin MS CONTIN MS Contin x MS Contin x OxyContin MS Contin x Roxanol MS Contin x Roxicodone x MS Contin MSIR x Oxy IR MSIR x Roxicodone x Mucomyst x Macrobid MSIR MSIR x x MUCINEX Mucinex x x MUCOBID LA Mucobid LA 109 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Mucomyst x x x Mucinex Mupirocin x x x Bacitracin MUCOMYST MUPIROCIN Mupirocin x Cortisporin Mupirocin x Miacalcin Mutamycin x Mitoxantrone MUTAMYCIN MYCOLOG II Mycolog II x Kenalog Mycolog II x Mycostatin MYCOSTATIN Mycostatin Mycolog II x MYLERAN Myleran x Melphalan MYOZYME Myozyme Fabrazyme x NABUMETONE Nabumetone x x Methocarbamol Nadolol x Haldol x Haloperidol Nadolol x Nateglinide Nadolol x Propranolol Nadolol x Sotalol Nafcillin x NADOLOL Nadolol x NAFCILLIN Nafcillin Nafcillin Nafcillin x x Ampicillin x Ampicillin and Sulbactam x Oxacillin x Piperacillin and Tazobactam x Nystatin NAFTIFINE Naftifine 110 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I NALBUPHINE Nalbuphine Naloxone NALMEFENE Nalmefene x Naloxone NALOXONE Naloxone x Naloxone x x x Nalbuphine Nalmefene NAMENDA Namenda x Amatine NAPHAZOLINE AND ANTAZOLINE Naphazoline and Antazoline Tetrahydrozoline x NAPRELAN Naprelan x Naprosyn Naprosyn x Naprelan NAPROSYN Naprosyn x Neomycin Naprosyn x x Niacin Naprosyn x x Niaspan NAPROXEN Anaprox Naproxen x Naproxen x x Neomycin x x Niacin Naproxen x NARCAN Narcan Narcan x x Norcuron x Nubain NASACORT AQ Nasacort AQ x Nasacort AQ x Nasacort AQ x Nasacort AQ x Azmacort Nasalcrom x Nasalide x Nasonex NASALCROM Nasalcrom x Nasalide x Nasacort AQ NASALIDE x Nasacort AQ 111 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I NASONEX Nasonex Nasacort AQ x NATEGLINIDE Nateglinide x Nadolol NATRECOR Natrecor x Natrecor x Navane x x x x Norcuron Primacor NAVANE Navane x Artane x Norvasc NEFAZODONE Nefazodone x Nelfinavir Nefazodone x Nevirapine Nefazodone x Nelfinavir x x Trazodone NELFINAVIR Nelfinavir Nelfinavir Nefazodone x Ritonavir x Tenofovir NEMBUTAL Nembutal x Nembutal Pentothal x Thiopental x x Naproxen x Naprosyn x x Niacin x x Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Gramicidin x x Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Bacitracin NEOMYCIN Neomycin Neomycin Neomycin NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B, AND BACITRACIN Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Bacitracin NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B, AND GRAMICIDIN Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Gramicidin 112 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I NEORAL Neoral x Inderal Neoral x Neurontin x Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution NEOSPORIN OINTMENT Neosporin Ointment x NEOSPORIN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution x Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution x x Neo-Synephrine x x x Cortisporin Neosporin Ointment NEO-SYNEPHRINE Neo-Synephrine Epinephrine x Epinephrine Sulfate Neo-Synephrine x Neo-Synephrine x x Nitroprusside x x Norepinephrine Neo-Synephrine x Nitroglycerin NEPHROCAPS Nephrocaps Nephrocaps x x Nepro x Neutra-Phos x Nephrocaps NEPRO Nepro NESIRITIDE Nesiritide x Nipride x Lunesta NEULASTA Neulasta x Neulasta x x Neumega Neulasta x x Neupogen Neumega x x Neulasta NEUMEGA 113 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Neupogen x x Epogen Neupogen x x Neulasta x Neurontin x Dilantin Neurontin x Neoral Neurontin x Neupogen x Nitrofurantoin x Zarontin NEUPOGEN Neupogen NEURONTIN Neurontin x Neurontin x Neurontin NEUTRA-PHOS Neutra-Phos x Neutra-Phos x x x x x Neutra-Phos-K Nephrocaps NEUTRA-PHOS-K Neutra-Phos-K Neutra-Phos-K x x x K-Phos Neutral x x Neutra-Phos NEVIRAPINE Nevirapine x Nefazodone Nexavar x Nexium NEXAVAR NEXIUM Nexium Flexium x Nexium x Nexavar Nexium x Norvasc Niacin x x Naprosyn x x Naproxen NIACIN Niacin x Niacin x x Neomycin Niacin x x Niacin SR Niacin x Niacin x x x x Niacinamide x Niaspan Niacin x Nicobid Niacin x Nystatin 114 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Niacin SR x x Niacinamide x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I NIACIN SR Niacin NIACINAMIDE x Niacin x Niacin NIASPAN Niaspan x x x x Nicardipine x x Nicardipine x Niaspan x Naprosyn NICARDIPINE Nicardipine Nifedipine x x Nimodipine x x Nitroprusside NICOBID Nicobid x Niacin Nicoderm CQ x Lidoderm NICODERM CQ NICOTINE Nicotine x x x Nitroglycerin Nifedipine x x Cardene Nifedipine x x Nicardipine Nifedipine x Nifedipine x Nifedipine x Nifedipine x x Nortriptyline Niferex x x Norflex NIFEDIPINE Nisoldipine x Nimodipine Nizatidine NIFEREX NIMODIPINE Nimodipine x x Nimodipine x x x Nicardipine Nipride x Nesiritide Nisoldipine x Nifedipine Nifedipine NIPRIDE NISOLDIPINE 115 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I NITRO-BID Nitro-Bid x Macrobid Nitro-Bid x Nitro-Dur Nitro-Dur x Nitro-Bid Nitrofurantoin x Nitrofurantoin x Nitrofurantoin x Nitrofurazone x NITRO-DUR NITROFURANTOIN Neurontin x Nitrofurazone x Nitroglycerin NITROFURAZONE Nitrofurantoin NITROGLYCERIN Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin x x x Neo-Synephrine x Nicotine Nitroglycerin x x Nitrofurantoin Nitroglycerin x x Nitroprusside Nitroglycerin x Nystatin NITROPRUSSIDE Nitroprusside x x Neo-Synephrine Nitroprusside x x Nicardipine Nitroprusside x x Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside x Nizatidine x Nifedipine x Ranitidine Hydrochloride Nizoral x Toradol Nolvadex x Norepinephrine NIZATIDINE Nizatidine NIZORAL NOLVADEX Nolvadex x Flomax x Norvasc x Norvasc NORCO Norco 116 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I NORCURON Norcuron Narcan x Norcuron x Natrecor NOREPINEPHRINE Norepinephrine x Norepinephrine x Norepinephrine x Norepinephrine x Epinephrine x Neo-Synephrine x Nitroprusside x x x x Phenylephrine x x x x x x Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Niferex x Noroxin NORETHINDRONE AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol Norethindrone and Mestranol NORETHINDRONE AND MESTRANOL Norethindrone and Mestranol NORFLEX Norflex NORFLOXACIN Norfloxacin NORGESTIMATE AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x NORGESTREL AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol x x Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol x NORINYL Norinyl x x Nor-QD x Normodyne x Norpramin NOROXIN Noroxin x Norfloxacin x Norpace CR NORPACE Norpace x x 117 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I NORPACE CR Norpace CR Norpace NORPRAMIN Norpramin x Norpramin Normodyne x Nortriptyline x x Norinyl Nortriptyline x x Nortriptyline x x Desipramine Nortriptyline x x Nifedipine x Norpramin x x Altace x x NOR-QD Nor-QD x NORTRIPTYLINE Nortriptyline x Amitriptyline NORVASC Norvasc Norvasc x Norvasc x Norvasc Navane Nexium x x Nolvadex x Norco Norvasc x Norvasc x Norvasc x x Univasc Norvasc x x Vasotec x Zyrtec Norvasc Norvir NORVIR Norvir x Norvir x x Norvasc x x x Retrovir NOVOLIN 70/30 Novolin 70/30 Novolin 70/30 x Novolin 70/30 Humulin 70/30 x Novolin 70/30 Novolin 70/30 Humalog Mix 75/25 Humulin R x x x x x x Novolin R x x x Novolog Mix 70/30 x x x Novolin R NOVOLIN GE NPH Novolin ge NPH 118 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I NOVOLIN N Novolin N x NovoLog Novolin R x Humulin R NOVOLIN R Novolin R x Novolin R x x x Novolin 70/30 x x x Novolin ge NPH Novolin R x x x x NovoLog NovoLog x x x Humalog NovoLog x x Humulin R NovoLog x NOVOLOG NovoLog Novolin N x x x x Novolin R x x x x NovoLog Mix 70/30 Novolog Mix 70/30 x x Novolog Mix 70/30 x x NovoLog NOVOLOG MIX 70/30 Humalog Mix 75/25 Humulin 70/30 Novolog Mix 70/30 x x x x Novolog Mix 70/30 x x x x Nubain x x Novolin 70/30 NovoLog NUBAIN Narcan NUTROPIN Nutropin x Nutropin AQ Nutropin AQ x Nutropin NuvaRing x NUTROPIN AQ NUVARING x Estring 119 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x Dilantin x Naftifine NYSTATIN Nystatin Nystatin Nystatin x Niacin Nystatin x Nitroglycerin Nystatin x x Phenytoin Sodium x x Ocuflox OCUFEN Ocufen x OCUFLOX Ocuflox Ocuflox x Acular x x Floxin Otic Ocufen Ocuflox x x x Olanzapine x x x OLANZAPINE Olanzapine x x Olanzapine Clonazepam x Olanzapine Olsalazine x Olanzapine x Olanzapine x Cetirizine Ondansetron Quetiapine x Sertraline OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL Olmesartan Medoxomil x Olsalazine x Omeprazole OLSALAZINE Olanzapine OMACOR Omacor x Omeprazole x Omeprazole x x x x Amicar OMEPRAZOLE Aripiprazole x Omeprazole x Omeprazole Omeprazole x Lansoprazole Metronidazole Olmesartan Medoxomil x x x x x Rabeprazole x x Duricef OMNICEF Omnicef 120 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I OMNIPAQUE Omnipaque x Omniscan Omniscan x Omnipaque x Elspar OMNISCAN ONCASPAR Oncaspar x Ondansetron x ONDANSETRON Dolasetron Ondansetron x Granisetron Ondansetron x Olanzapine OPTINATE Optinate (Prenatal vitamin in U.S.) x Optinate (Risedronate in other Countries) Oracea x Orencia Orencia x Oracea ORACEA ORENCIA ORTHO-CEPT Ortho-Cept x Ortho-Cyclen Ortho-Cyclen x Ortho-Cept x x Ortho Tri-Cyclen x x Ortho Tri-Cyclen ORTHO-CYCLEN Ortho-Cyclen x ORTHO EVRA Ortho Evra ORTHO-NOVUM Ortho-Novum x x x Ortho Tri-Cyclen Ortho Tri-Cyclen x x x Ortho-Cyclen x x Ortho Evra x x x Ortho-Novum x x x Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO x x x ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN Ortho Tri-Cyclen Ortho Tri-Cyclen Ortho Tri-Cyclen ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN LO Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO Ortho Tri-Cyclen 121 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ORVATEN Orvaten x Jantoven Os-Cal x Os-Cal x Os-Cal x x Os-Cal D Os-Cal D x x Os-Cal Oxacillin x Ampicillin Oxacillin x Cefazolin x Nafcillin OS-CAL x Asacol Isocal OS-CAL D OXACILLIN Oxacillin Oxacillin x Penicillin G Potassium x OXANDRIN Oxandrin x Oxandrin x Oxandrolone x x Oxazepam Oxandrolone x x Oxycodone Oxaprozin x Oxcarbazepine Oxaprozin x Oxybutynin x OxyContin Prandin OXANDROLONE OXAPROZIN OXAZEPAM Oxazepam x Oxazepam x Oxazepam x Diazepam Lorazepam x Oxandrolone Oxazepam x Oxycodone Oxazepam x Temazepam x Carbamazepine OXCARBAZEPINE Oxcarbazepine x Oxcarbazepine x 122 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Oxaprozin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I OXYBUTYNIN Oxybutynin x Oxaprozin Oxybutynin x x Oxybutynin x x OxyContin Oxybutynin x x Tolterodine Oxycodone x x Oxandrolone x Oxazepam x Oxycodone OXYCODONE Oxycodone Oxycodone x x x Oxybutynin Oxycodone x Oxycodone x x Roxanol Oxycodone x x Roxicet Oxytocin OXYCODONE AND ACETAMINOPHEN Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Cleocin x Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Oxycodone and Acetaminophen x x x Oxycodone and Acetaminophen x x x Oxycodone and Aspirin Oxycodone and Aspirin x x x Oxycodone and Acetaminophen OxyContin x x x Morphine Sulfate OxyContin x x MS Contin OxyContin x x Oxandrin OxyContin x x Oxybutynin OxyContin x Roxicodone Oxy IR x MSIR x OXYCODONE AND ASPIRIN OXYCONTIN OXY IR OXYTOCIN Oxytocin x Oxytocin x Oxycodone x Vasopressin OXYTROL Oxytrol x Oxytrol x Roxanol x Uroxatral 123 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I PACERONE Pacerone x Paclitaxel x Pancrease MT 20 PACLITAXEL x Docetaxel PALLADONE Palladone (Hydromorphone in U.S.) x x Pallidone (Methadone in New Zealand) Pallidone (Methadone in New Zealand) x x Palladone (Hydromorphone in U.S.) Pamelor x Panlor DC Pamelor x Panlor SS PALLIDONE PAMELOR PAMIDRONATE Pamidronate x Papaverine PANCREASE Pancrease x Pentasa Pancrease MT 20 x Pacerone Pancuronium x PANCREASE MT 20 PANCURONIUM x Pancuronium Vecuronium x Protonix PANGESTYME Pangestyme x Pentasa PANLOR DC Panlor DC x Pamelor Panlor SS x Pamelor PANLOR SS PANTOPRAZOLE x x Paroxetine Pantoprazole Pantoprazole x x Pravachol Pantoprazole x x Pravastatin Pantoprazole x x Propranolol 124 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PAPAVERINE Papaverine x Pamidronate Papaverine x Parafon Forte DSC x Pavulon PARAFON FORTE DSC x Profen Forte Paricalcitol x Calcitriol Parlodel x Pindolol Parlodel x Plendil PARICALCITOL PARLODEL PAROXETINE Paroxetine x x Famotidine Paroxetine x x Feldene Paroxetine x x x Fluoxetine Paroxetine x x x Pantoprazole Paroxetine x x Piroxicam Paroxetine x Pravachol x Prednisolone Acetate Pavulon x Papaverine Paxil x Maxalt PATANOL Patanol PAVULON PAXIL Paxil x x x Paxil CR Paxil x x x Plavix Paxil Pravachol x Paxil x Prilosec Paxil x Prinivil Paxil x x x Protonix Paxil x x x Prozac Paxil CR x x x Paxil x Pediazole PAXIL CR PEDIAPRED Pediapred 125 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I PEDIARIX Pediarix Pediarix Boostrix x Engerix-B x Pediarix x Infanrix Pediazole x Pediapred x Asparaginase x Penicillin PEDIAZOLE PEGASPARGASE Pegaspargase x PENICILLAMINE Penicillamine Penicillamine Penicillamine x x Penicillin G Benzathine x Penicillin V Potassium x Penicillamine PENICILLIN Penicillin PENICILLIN G BENZATHINE Penicillin G Benzathine Penicillin G Benzathine x x x Penicillamine Penicillin G Procaine PENICILLIN G POTASSIUM Penicillin G Potassium Oxacillin x PENICILLIN G PROCAINE Penicillin G Procaine x x Penicillin G Benzathine PENICILLIN G SODIUM Penicillin G Sodium x Ampicillin PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM Penicillin V Potassium x Pentasa x x Penicillamine PENTASA Pentasa 126 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pancrease x Pangestyme Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PENTOBARBITAL Pentobarbital Phenobarbital PENTOTHAL Pentothal x Nembutal PEPCID Pepcid x Pepcid x Prevacid x Prinivil PERCOCET Percocet x x x Darvocet-N x x Fioricet x Lorcet x Percodan Percocet x Prevacid Percocet x Ultracet x Percocet Percocet x Percocet Percocet Percocet x x x Darvocet x PERCODAN Percodan x x PERGOLIDE MESYLATE Pergolide Mesylate Ergoloid Mesylates x PERI-COLACE Peri-Colace x Periactin x Perphenazine Peridex x PHisoHex x Colace PERIACTIN PERIDEX PERIOGARD PerioGard x PerioMed PerioMed x PerioGard x x Mirapex x x Pimecrolimus PERIOMED PERMAX Permax PERMETHRIN Permethrin x 127 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I PERPHENAZINE Perphenazine x Chlorpromazine Perphenazine x Periactin Perphenazine x Promethazine PHENAZOPYRIDINE Phenazopyridine x Phenazopyridine x Phenazopyridine Cyclobenzaprine x x Phenytoin Sodium Phenazopyridine x x x Prochlorperazine Phenazopyridine x x x Promethazine Phenazopyridine x x Pyridoxine Phenergan x x Compazine Phenergan x x Phenobarbital Phenergan x Phenobarbital x x Phenobarbital x x x x Pentobarbital x Phenazopyridine PHENERGAN Phenylephrine PHENOBARBITAL Phenobarbital x Phenergan x x Phenytoin Sodium PHENOXYBENZAMINE Phenoxybenzamine PHENTOLAMINE PHENYLEPHRINE Phentolamine x Phenylephrine x x x x Phenylephrine x Phenylephrine Epinephrine x Norepinephrine Phenylephrine x Phenergan Phenylephrine x Phentolamine PHENYLEPHRINE AND GUAIFENESIN Phenylephrine and Guaifenesin 128 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PHENYTOIN SODIUM Phenytoin Sodium x Feldene Fluconazole Phenytoin Sodium x x Phenytoin Sodium x x Phenytoin Sodium x x Phenytoin Sodium x x Phenytoin Sodium x x Phenytoin Sodium x Phytonadione PHisoHex x Peridex PhosLo x K Phos Physostigmine x Phytonadione x Coumadin Phytonadione x Phenytoin Sodium x Fosphenytoin Nystatin Phenazopyridine x x Phenobarbital PHISOHEX PHOSLO PHYSOSTIGMINE x Pyridostigmine PHYTONADIONE PILOCARPINE Pilocarpine x Proparacaine x Permethrin PIMECROLIMUS Pimecrolimus x Pimecrolimus x x Tacrolimus PINDOLOL Pindolol Pindolol x Pioglitazone x x Parlodel x Plendil PIOGLITAZONE Rosiglitazone PIPERACILLIN Piperacillin Piperacillin x x Ampicillin Ticarcillin PIPERACILLIN AND TAZOBACTAM Piperacillin and Tazobactam x Pirbuterol x Nafcillin PIRBUTEROL Albuterol 129 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Piroxicam x x Paroxetine Pitocin x x Pitressin Pitressin x x Pitocin Plaquenil x Platinol Plaquenil x Pravachol Plaquenil x Provigil Platinol x Plaquenil Plavix x Mavik PIROXICAM PITOCIN PITRESSIN PLAQUENIL PLATINOL PLAVIX Plavix x x Paxil x Plavix x Plendil Plavix x Pletal Plavix x Plendil x Flexeril Plendil x Monopril Protonix x PLENDIL Plendil Plendil x Plendil Plendil x Parlodel x Pindolol Plavix x x x Pletal x Plendil x Plendil x x Prinivil x Proscar Plendil x x Pletal x x Prandin PLETAL Pletal x Pletal x MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Clozaril Plavix x Pletal 130 x x Plendil Prinivil Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine x Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent x x x Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent x x x Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Pneumovax 23 x x x Prevnar x x PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE POLYVALENT PNEUMOVAX 23 POLYCITRA-K Polycitra-K Potassium Citrate and Citric Acid POLYSPORIN OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT Polysporin Ophthalmic Ointment x Polytrim POLYTRIM Polytrim x Polysporin Ophthalmic Ointment POLY-VI-FLOR Poly-Vi-Flor x x Poly-Vi-Sol Poly-Vi-Sol x x Poly-Vi-Flor Poly-Vi-Sol x POLY-VI-SOL Tri-Vi-Flor POTASSIUM ACETATE Potassium Acetate x x x Potassium Chloride x x Potassium Chloride POTASSIUM BICARBONATE Potassium Bicarbonate 131 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x x x x x x Potassium Chloride x x Potassium Chloride x x x x x x Potassium Phosphates x x Potassium Chloride Potassium Phosphates x x Sodium Phosphates Prandin x x Avandia Prandin x Oxandrin Prandin x Plendil POTASSIUM CHLORIDE Potassium Chloride Potassium Chloride x Potassium Chloride Potassium Chloride x Metronidazole Potassium Acetate Potassium Bicarbonate Potassium Citrate Potassium Phosphates Sodium Chloride POTASSIUM CITRATE Potassium Citrate x Potassium Chloride POTASSIUM CITRATE AND CITRIC ACID Potassium Citrate and Citric Acid Polycitra-K POTASSIUM PHOSPHATES PRANDIN Prandin x Prednisone x Pantoprazole PRAVACHOL Pravachol x Pravachol x Paroxetine Pravachol x Paxil Pravachol Pravachol Plaquenil x x x Pravachol x Prevacid x Prinivil Pravachol x x Pravachol x x 132 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Propranolol Protonix Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Pravastatin x x Pravastatin x Pravastatin x x Pravastatin x x Pravastatin x x Simvastatin Prazosin x x Doxazosin x x x Prednisone x ProSom Prazosin x x x Terazosin Precedex x SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PRAVASTATIN Atorvastatin Lovastatin Pantoprazole x Propranolol PRAZOSIN Prazosin Prazosin PRECEDEX Cerebyx PREDNISOLONE Prednisolone x PREDNISOLONE ACETATE Prednisolone Acetate x Prednisolone Acetate x x Fluorometholone Patanol PREDNISOLONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate x 133 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Deltasone x x Hydrocortisone x Prandin PREDNISONE Prednisone Prednisone Prednisone Prednisone x x x Prednisone x Prednisone x x x x Prednisone x Prednisone x Prednisone x Prednisone x Prednisone Prednisone x Prazosin Prevacid x Prilosec x x x x Primidone Prochlorperazine Promethazine Propranolol x Pyridoxine x Trazodone PREDNISONE INTENSOL Prednisone Intensol x Prelone x Prelone PRELONE Prelone Deltasone x Prednisone Intensol x Prelone Prilosec x Prelone x Prozac PREMARIN Premarin x Premarin x x Prempro Remeron x PREMPHASE Premphase x x x Prempro Prempro x x x Premarin Prempro x x x Premphase Prempro x PREMPRO Prempro 134 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Provera x ReoPro Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Pepcid x Percocet x Pravachol SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PREVACID Prevacid Prevacid Prevacid x Prevacid Prevacid x x x x Prevacid x Prevacid x Prevacid x x x Prednisone x Prilosec Primaxin Prinivil x Procardia XL PREVACID NAPRAPAC Prevacid NapraPAC Prevpac x PREVNAR Prevnar x x x Pneumovax 23 PREVPAC Prevpac x Prevacid NapraPAC Prevpac x Propac Prevpac x Propecia x Paxil x Prednisone PRILOSEC Prilosec Prilosec x Prilosec x Prilosec Prelone x x x Prevacid Prilosec x x x Prozac Primacor x Natrecor Primaquine x Primidone Primaxin x Prevacid Primaxin x x PRIMACOR PRIMAQUINE PRIMAXIN x Protonix 135 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x x x PRIMIDONE Primidone Primidone x Primidone x Prednisone Primaquine x Pyridoxine PRINIVIL Prinivil x x x Enalapril Prinivil x x x Fosinopril Prinivil x x x Monopril x Paxil x Pepcid x Plendil Prinivil Prinivil Prinivil Prinivil x Pletal x Prinivil x Pravachol Prinivil x x Prevacid Prinivil x x Prinzide Prinzide x x Prinivil PRINZIDE PROAMATINE ProAmatine x Bromocriptine x Loniten ProAmatine x Protamine Sulfate Probenecid x x Procainamide Probenecid x x Procanbid Procainamide x x Probenecid Procanbid x x Probenecid x Provera ProAmatine x PROBENECID PROCAINAMIDE PROCANBID PROCARDIA Procardia PROCARDIA XL Procardia XL x Cartia XT Procardia XL x Prevacid 136 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Prochlorperazine x x x Chlorpromazine Prochlorperazine x x x Phenazopyridine SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PROCHLORPERAZINE Prochlorperazine x Prochlorperazine x Prochlorperazine x x x Prednisone x Promethazine x Propranolol PROFEN FORTE Profen Forte x x Parafon Forte DSC Progesterone x x Provigil Promethazine x x Promethazine x PROGESTERONE PROMETHAZINE Promethazine x x Compazine Perphenazine x x Promethazine x x Promethazine x x Phenazopyridine Prednisone x Prochlorperazine PROPAC Propac x Prevpac Propac x Propecia x Propranolol x Pilocarpine PROPANTHELINE Propantheline x PROPARACAINE Proparacaine Proparacaine x Tetracaine PROPECIA Propecia x Prevpac Propecia x Propac PROPOFOL Propofol x Propranolol 137 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I PROPRANOLOL Propranolol x Propranolol x x Propranolol x x x Pravachol Propranolol x x x Pravastatin Propranolol Propranolol x Propranolol Propranolol Nadolol Pantoprazole x Prednisone x Prochlorperazine x x Propantheline x Propofol PROPYLTHIOURACIL x Purinethol Propylthiouracil x Proscar x BuSpar x Plendil PROSCAR Proscar x Proscar x Prostin VR x Proscar x ProSom Proscar x x Provera Proscar x x Prozac Proscar x Zocor PROSOM ProSom x Prazosin ProSom x Proscar PROSTIN VR Prostin VR x Proscar Protamine Sulfate x ProAmatine Protamine Sulfate x Protirelin Protamine Sulfate x PROTAMINE SULFATE x Protonix PROTEINEX Proteinex Protonix x PROTIRELIN Protirelin 138 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Protamine Sulfate Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I PROTONIX Protonix Protonix x Pancuronium x x Paxil Protonix x x Plavix Protonix x x Pravachol Protonix x x Primaxin Protonix x x Protamine Sulfate Protonix x Proteinex x Protonix Topamax x PROVENTIL Proventil Provigil x PROVERA Provera Provera Femara x Prempro x Provera Provera x Provera x Procardia x Proscar x x Prozac PROVIGIL Provigil x Provigil x Provigil Plaquenil x Progesterone Proventil x Provigil Seroquel x PROZAC Prozac x x Prozac x x Prozac x x Prozac Paxil x Prozac x x Prelone x Prilosec Proscar x Provera 139 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I PSEUDOEPHEDRINE AND GUAIFENESIN Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin Chlorpheniramine and Pseudoephedrine x Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin x x Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin x x Phenylephrine and Guaifenesin x x PULMICORT TURBUHALER Pulmicort Turbuhaler Azmacort PURINETHOL Purinethol x Pyrazinamide x Pyrimethamine x Propylthiouracil PYRAZINAMIDE PYRIDIUM Pyridium x Imodium Pyridium x x Pyridoxine Pyridostigmine x x Physostigmine x x Pyridoxine x x Phenazopyridine x Prednisone x x Primidone x x Pyridium x x Pyridostigmine x x Thiamine x Pyrazinamide x Colestipol PYRIDOSTIGMINE Pyridostigmine x PYRIDOXINE Pyridoxine Pyridoxine Pyridoxine Pyridoxine Pyridoxine x Pyridoxine PYRIMETHAMINE Pyrimethamine QUESTRAN Questran x Quetiapine x QUETIAPINE Quetiapine 140 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Olanzapine x x Sertraline Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I QUINAPRIL Quinapril x Enalapril Quinapril x x Lisinopril Quinapril x x Ramipril Quinidine x Quinine Quinine x Quinidine QUINIDINE QUININE QWELL Qwell Kwell x RABEPRAZOLE Rabeprazole x Aripiprazole Rabeprazole x x x Donepezil Rabeprazole x x x Lansoprazole Rabeprazole x x x Omeprazole Rabeprazole x Raloxifene Raloxifene x Rabeprazole RALOXIFENE RAMELTEON Ramelteon x Ramipril x Ramipril x Remeron RAMIPRIL Accupril x Donepezil Ramipril x Ramipril x x Enalapril Ramipril x x Ranitidine Hydrochloride x x Ranitidine Hydrochloride x Ranitidine Hydrochloride x Quinapril x Trihexyphenidyl RANITIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE Loratadine Nizatidine x Rimantadine RAZADYNE Razadyne x Rozerem 141 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I REBETRON Rebetron x Rifabutin RECOMBIVAX HB PEDIATRIC/ADOLESCENT Recombivax HB Pediatric/ Adolescent x Refludan x COMVAX REFLUDAN Heparin REGITINE Regitine Reglan x REGLAN Reglan x Reglan x Reglan Regitine x Regonol x Relafen Reglan x Renagel Reglan x Requip Reglan x Robaxin Reglan x Zofran x Reglan x Reglan x Robaxin REGONOL Regonol x RELAFEN Relafen Relafen x Remeron x REMERON Premarin Remeron x Remeron x x x x Ramelteon Restoril REMINYL Reminyl x Reminyl x x x Amaryl Rimadyl RENAGEL Renagel x Reglan Renagel x Renal Caps Renal Caps x Renagel RENAL CAPS 142 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I REOPRO ReoPro x Prempro Repaglinide x Repaglinide x Repaglinide x Reprexain x Requip x Requip x x REPAGLINIDE x Risperidone Ropinirole x Rosiglitazone REPREXAIN Xifaxan REQUIP Reglan Risperdal RESERPINE Reserpine x x x x Risperidone Reserpine x x x x Risperdal Reserpine x Ropinirole Restoril x x Lisinopril Restoril x x Remeron Restoril x x Risperdal Restoril x x Zestril Retavase x x Activase Retrovir x Acyclovir Retrovir x Epivir RESTORIL RETAVASE RETROVIR Retrovir x x x Norvir Retrovir x x x Ritonavir REVATIO Revatio x ReVia ReVia x Revatio REVIA 143 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x Riboflavin x Rifampin RIBAVIRIN Ribavirin Ribavirin Ribavirin Robaxin x RIBOFLAVIN Riboflavin x x x Ribavirin x Rebetron x x Rifadin x x x x Rifabutin Rifadin x Rifamate Rifamate x Rifadin Rifampin x Ribavirin RIFABUTIN Rifabutin Rifabutin Rifabutin x x Rifampin RIFADIN Rifadin RIFAMATE RIFAMPIN Rifampin x x x x Rifabutin Rifampin x x Rifaximin Rifaximin x x Rifampin RIFAXIMIN RIMADYL Rimadyl Reminyl x RIMANTADINE Rimantadine x x Amantadine x x Ranitidine Hydrochloride Risedronate x x Alendronate Risedronate x x Risperidone Rimantadine RISEDRONATE 144 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I RISPERDAL Risperdal x Bisoprolol Risperdal x Risperdal x x Requip Risperdal x x Restoril Lisinopril Risperdal x x x x Reserpine Risperdal x x x x Risperidone Risperdal Rocaltrol x RISPERIDONE Risperidone x Buspirone x x Repaglinide x x x x x x x x x Ropinirole x x x Rosiglitazone x Nelfinavir Risperidone Risperidone x Risperidone Risperidone Risperidone Risperidone x Reserpine Risedronate x Risperdal RITONAVIR Ritonavir Ritonavir x Ritonavir x x Retrovir x Saquinavir x Rituximab RITUXAN Rituxan x RITUXIMAB Rituximab x x Rituximab x x x Infliximab Rituxan RIZATRIPTAN Rizatriptan x Sumatriptan Rizatriptan x Zolmitriptan Robaxin x Reglan Robaxin x Robaxin x Robaxin x Robaxin x ROBAXIN x Relafen Ribavirin x Rocephin Skelaxin 145 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Robitussin x x Robitussin AC Robitussin AC x x Robitussin Rocaltrol x ROBITUSSIN ROBITUSSIN AC ROCALTROL Risperdal ROCEPHIN Rocephin x x x Cefazolin Rocephin x x Robaxin Rocuronium x ROCURONIUM Rocuronium Romazicon x Vecuronium x Valdecoxib ROFECOXIB Rofecoxib x ROMAZICON Romazicon x Rocuronium Rondec x Rondec DM Rondec DM x Rondec Ropinirole x Calcitriol Ropinirole x Repaglinide Ropinirole x Ropinirole x x Risperidone Ropivacaine x x Bupivacaine x Rozex RONDEC RONDEC DM ROPINIROLE Reserpine ROPIVACAINE ROSAC Rosac ROSIGLITAZONE Rosiglitazone x Rosiglitazone x x Repaglinide x x Risperidone Rosiglitazone 146 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Pioglitazone Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ROSUVASTATIN Rosuvastatin x Atorvastatin ROXANOL Roxanol Roxanol x Roxanol x Roxanol x Roxanol Roxanol Roxanol x MS Contin x Oxycodone Oxytrol x x x x x Roxicet Roxicodone x Roxicodone Intensol x Uroxatral ROXICET Roxicet x x x x x x Roxicodone Roxicodone x MS Contin Roxicodone x MSIR Roxicodone x OxyContin Roxicet x Roxicet Oxycodone x Roxanol ROXICODONE Roxicodone x x Roxanol Roxicodone x x Roxicet Roxicodone Roxicodone Intensol x ROXICODONE INTENSOL Roxicodone Intensol Roxicodone Intensol Roxanol x Roxicodone x ROZEREM Rozerem x Razadyne Rozex x Rosac x Selegiline ROZEX SALAGEN Salagen x 147 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x x x Sandimmune x x Sandostatin Sandostatin x x Sandimmune Sandostatin x Sargramostim Sandostatin x Simvastatin SALMETEROL Salmeterol Solu-Medrol SALSALATE Salsalate x x Sulfasalazine SANDIMMUNE SANDOSTATIN SAQUINAVIR Saquinavir x Ritonavir x Filgrastim SARGRAMOSTIM Sargramostim x Sargramostim x Sandostatin Sarafem x Serophene Selegiline x Selegiline x Selegiline x Selenium Sulfide Selegiline x Sertraline Selegiline x Selenium Sulfide x SARAFEM SELEGILINE Felodipine Salagen x x Stelazine SELENIUM SULFIDE Selegiline SEMPREX-D Semprex-D x Septra DS SENNA Senna Soma x SENOKOT Senokot x Sinemet SENOKOT-S Senokot-S 148 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Sorbitol Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I SENSORCAINE Sensorcaine x Marcaine Septra-DS x Semprex-D SEPTRA-DS SERENTIL Serentil x Seroquel Serentil x Sertraline SEREVENT Serevent Atrovent x Serevent x Combivent Serevent x Sertraline Serevent x Serevent x Sinemet x Spiriva Serevent x Zoloft Serophene x Sarafem x Desyrel SEROPHENE SEROQUEL Seroquel x Seroquel x Ferro-Sequels Seroquel x Provigil Seroquel x Serentil Seroquel x x x x Sertraline Seroquel x x x Serzone Seroquel x x x Sinequan Sertraline x x x x SERTRALINE Sertraline x Olanzapine x Quetiapine Sertraline x Selegiline Sertraline x Serentil Sertraline x Serevent Sertraline x x Sertraline Sertraline x x x x Seroquel Serzone Spironolactone 149 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x Error, Death Category I SERZONE Serzone Serzone Seroquel x Sertraline x Trazodone Serzone x Sildenafil x Sildenafil x Silvadene x Azulfidine Silvadene x Silvasorb Gel Silvasorb Gel x Silvadene Silver Nitrate x x x x x x SILDENAFIL Tadalafil x Vardenafil SILVADENE SILVASORB GEL SILVER NITRATE Silver Sulfadiazine SILVER SULFADIAZINE Silver Sulfadiazine Silver Nitrate SIMETHICONE Simethicone x Simvastatin Simethicone x Sotalol Simethicone x Spironolactone SIMVASTATIN Simvastatin x x Atorvastatin x x Lovastatin Simvastatin x x Pravastatin Simvastatin x Simvastatin x Sandostatin Simvastatin x x x Simethicone Simvastatin x x x Singulair Simvastatin x Valsartan SINEMET Sinemet Sinemet Sinemet 150 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Senokot x x Serevent x x Sinemet CR Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I SINEMET CR Sinemet CR Sinemet SINEQUAN Sinequan x Seroquel Sinequan x x x Singulair Singulair x x x Simvastatin Singulair x x x Sinequan Sirolimus x x x Tacrolimus SINGULAIR SIROLIMUS SKELAXIN Skelaxin Robaxin x SLOW-BID Slow-BID x Slow-K Slow-K x Slow-BID SLOW-K SODIUM BICARBONATE Sodium Bicarbonate x x x Sodium Chloride SODIUM BIPHOSPHATE AND SODIUM PHOSPHATE Sodium Biphosphate and Sodium Phosphate Sodium Phosphate x x x x x x SODIUM CHLORIDE Sodium Chloride Sodium Chloride Potassium Chloride x Sodium Bicarbonate SODIUM FLUORIDE Sodium Fluoride x Fluoxetine Hydrochloride x Sodium Biphosphate and Sodium Phosphate SODIUM PHOSPHATE Sodium Phosphate x 151 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x Potassium Phosphates Solu-Medrol SODIUM PHOSPHATES Sodium Phosphates SOLU-CORTEF Solu-Cortef x x x Solu-Medrol x x x x x Salmeterol x x Solu-Cortef SOLU-MEDROL Solu-Medrol Solu-Medrol x x Depo-Medrol SOMA Soma x Senna Somatropin x Homatropine Somatropin x Sumatriptan SOMATROPIN SONATA Sonata Concerta x Sonata x Soriatane SORAFENIB Sorafenib x Sunitinib SORBITOL Sorbitol x Senokot-S Sorbitol x Sorbitrate Sorbitrate x Sorbitol SORBITRATE SORIATANE Soriatane x Sonata SOTALOL Sotalol x Nadolol Sotalol x Simethicone Spiriva x SPIRIVA Spiriva 152 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Inspra x Serevent Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I SPIRONOLACTONE Spironolactone x Sertraline Spironolactone x Simethicone SPORANOX Sporanox Topamax x STADOL Stadol Stadol x x x Haldol Toradol x STELAZINE Stelazine x x Selegiline STREPTASE Streptase x Abbokinase Streptokinase x Urokinase Suboxone x Subutex Subutex x Suboxone STREPTOKINASE SUBOXONE SUBUTEX SUFENTANIL Sufentanil x Alfentanil SUFENTANIL CITRATE Sufentanil Citrate x Fentanyl Citrate x Blephamide SULFACETAMIDE Sulfacetamide x x Sulfadiazine x x x x x x x SULFADIAZINE Sulfadiazine Azulfidine x Sulfasalazine SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim x Sulfasalazine SULFASALAZINE Sulfasalazine x x x x Salsalate Sulfasalazine x x x x Sulfadiazine x x Sulfasalazine Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim 153 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I SUMATRIPTAN Sumatriptan x Sumatriptan Rizatriptan x Somatropin SUNITINIB Sunitinib x Sustiva x Symlin x Sorafenib SUSTIVA Emtriva x SYMLIN Insulin SYMMETREL Symmetrel x x Synthroid Synthroid x x Symmetrel SYNTHROID Synthroid x Tacrolimus x Tacrolimus x x Thyroid TACROLIMUS Tacrolimus Tacrolimus x Pimecrolimus x x Sirolimus x x Tamsulosin x Tolterodine Tadalafil x Sildenafil Tadalafil x TADALAFIL x Vardenafil TAGAMET Tagamet x Tambocor x Tamoxifen Tambocor x Temodar Tamoxifen x Tambocor x Tamsulosin x Temazepam x Tegretol TAMBOCOR TAMOXIFEN Tamoxifen Tamoxifen 154 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Tamsulosin x x Tacrolimus Tamsulosin x x Tamoxifen Tamsulosin x Tegaserod Tamsulosin x Tensilon SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I TAMSULOSIN Tamsulosin Tamsulosin x x x Terazosin x Tolterodine TAPAZOLE Tapazole Topamax x Tapazole x Trazodone TAXOL Taxol x x Docetaxel Taxol x x Taxotere Taxotere x x Taxol Tegaserod x Tamsulosin Tegaserod x Tolterodine Tegretol x Labetalol TAXOTERE TEGASEROD TEGRETOL Tegretol x Tegretol x Topamax x x Trental x x Trileptal x x Tylenol Tegretol Tegretol Tegretol x x Tagamet TEGRETOL-XR Tegretol-XR x x Toprol-XL TELMISARTAN Telmisartan x Valsartan 155 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I TEMAZEPAM Temazepam x x Diazepam Temazepam x x Flurazepam Temazepam x x Lorazepam Temazepam x x Mirtazapine Temazepam x Oxazepam Temazepam x Tamoxifen Temazepam x Triazolam Temodar x Tambocor x Xanax TEMODAR TENEX Tenex x Tenofovir x Nelfinavir x Trandolapril TENOFOVIR Tenofovir Tenofovir x Trizivir TENORMIN Tenormin x Imuran Tenormin x Tretinoin Tensilon x Tamsulosin Tequin x Terazol x Terazosin x x Doxazosin TENSILON TEQUIN x Levaquin TERAZOL Miconazole TERAZOSIN Terazosin x x Prazosin Terazosin x x x Tamsulosin Terazosin x Terbutaline Terazosin x Trazodone TERBINAFINE Terbinafine Terbinafine 156 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Terbutaline x Tetracycline Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I TERBUTALINE Terbutaline x Terazosin x Terbinafine x Thiethylperazine x Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension x Tetanus Toxoid (fluid) Tetanus Toxoid (fluid) x Tetanus Immune Globulin Tetracaine x Proparacaine Tetracaine x Tetracycline Tetracycline x Doxycycline Tetracycline x Terbinafine Tetracycline x Tetracaine x Naphazoline and Antazoline x Thiamine Terbutaline x Terbutaline TESSALON Tessalon TETANUS IMMUNE GLOBULIN Tetanus Immune Globulin TETANUS TOXOID (FLUID) TETRACAINE TETRACYCLINE TETRAHYDROZOLINE Tetrahydrozoline THALOMID Thalomid THEOLAIR Theolair x Thyrolar THERAVITE Theravite x Thiamine x Thiamine x Thalomid Thiamine x Theravite Thiamine THIAMINE Thiamine x x x x Pyridoxine Thorazine 157 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I THIETHYLPERAZINE Thiethylperazine x Brethine Thiethylperazine x Terbutaline THIOPENTAL Thiopental x Nembutal THIORIDAZINE Thioridazine x x Chlorpromazine Thioridazine x x Thiothixene Thioridazine x x Thorazine x Fluoxetine x Thioridazine x Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride x x Thiamine Thorazine x x Thioridazine Thorazine x x Trazodone THIOTHIXENE Thiothixene Thiothixene x Thiothixene THORAZINE Thorazine x THYROID Thyroid x x Synthroid x Armour Thyroid THYROLAR Thyrolar Thyrolar x Theolair x Tizanidine x Timentin TIAGABINE Tiagabine x x x x Tygacil x Piperacillin TICAR Ticar Ticar TICARCILLIN Ticarcillin TICLID Ticlid 158 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Tigan Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I TICLOPIDINE Ticlopidine Tikosyn x Ticlopidine x Tolterodine TIGAN Tigan x Ticlid TIKOSYN Tikosyn x Ticlopidine TIMENTIN Timentin x Timentin Ticar Tygacil x TIMOPTIC Timoptic x Betoptic Timoptic x x x Timoptic-XE Timoptic-XE x x x Timoptic x x Ipratropium x x Tiagabine TIMOPTIC-XE TIOTROPIUM Tiotropium TIZANIDINE Tizanidine x TNKASE TNKase Alteplase, recombinant x TNKase x x Activase x x Gentamicin Tobramycin x Vancomycin Tofranil x Anafranil Tofranil x Topamax Tofranil x Toradol TOBRAMYCIN Tobramycin x TOFRANIL TOLMETIN Tolmetin x Tolterodine 159 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I TOLTERODINE Tolterodine Tolterodine x Tolterodine x Oxybutynin x Tacrolimus x Tamsulosin Tolterodine x Tegaserod Tolterodine x Ticlopidine Tolterodine x Tolmetin Tolterodine x Torsemide Tolterodine x Trandolapril Topamax x Protonix TOPAMAX Topamax Sporanox x Topamax Tapazole x Topamax Tegretol x Topamax Tofranil x Topamax x x x Topiramate x x x Toprol-XL Topamax x x Topiramate x x x Topamax x x Toprol-XL Topamax x Trazodone TOPIRAMATE Topiramate Topiramate x Topotecan x x Torsemide TOPOTECAN Irinotecan TOPROL-XL Toprol-XL x Toprol-XL x x x x x x Toprol-XL Toprol-XL Toprol-XL Ditropan XL x Toprol-XL Toprol-XL 160 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Metoprolol Tartrate x Tegretol-XR x x Topamax x x x x x Lopressor x Topiramate Tramadol Hydrochloride Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I TORADOL Toradol x Toradol x Nizoral x Toradol x Toradol Stadol Tofranil Tridil x TORSEMIDE Torsemide x x x Furosemide Torsemide x x Topiramate Torsemide x Tolterodine TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE Tramadol Hydrochloride x x Toprol-XL TRANDATE Trandate x Trandate x Trandate x Etomidate Trazodone x Trental TRANDOLAPRIL Trandolapril x Tenofovir Trandolapril x Tolterodine Tranxene x Trazodone Travatan x Alphagan P Travatan x Xalatan TRANXENE TRAVATAN 161 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I TRAZODONE Trazodone Aldactone x Trazodone x Deltasone Trazodone x x Nefazodone Trazodone x x Prednisone Trazodone x x Serzone x Tapazole Trazodone Trazodone x Terazosin Trazodone x x Thorazine Trazodone x x Topamax Trazodone x Trandate Trazodone x Tranxene Trazodone x Triazolam Trental x Trental x x Tegretol Trental x x Trandate x Tylenol TRENTAL Trental Bentyl TRETINOIN Tretinoin Tretinoin Tenormin x x x x x Triamcinolone Acetonide TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE Triamcinolone Acetonide Tretinoin TRIAMTERENE Triamterene Triamterene x x Trientine x Trimethoprim TRIAZOLAM Triazolam Triazolam x Temazepam x Trazodone TRICHLOROACETIC ACID Trichloroacetic Acid 162 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x x Acetic Acid Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I TRICODENE Tricodene x Tricor Tricor x Tricodene Tridil x Toradol TRICOR TRIDIL TRIENTINE Trientine x Triamterene x x Fluphenazine Hydrochloride x x Trihexyphenidyl TRIFLUOPERAZINE Trifluoperazine Trifluoperazine TRIFLUOPERAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride Thiothixene x TRIHEXYPHENIDYL Trihexyphenidyl x x Trihexyphenidyl x x Trilafon x Trileptal x x Ramipril Trifluoperazine TRILAFON Aceon TRILEPTAL x Tegretol TRIMETHOBENZAMIDE Trimethobenzamide x Metoclopramide Trimethobenzamide x x Trimethoprim Trimethoprim x x Triamterene Trimethoprim x x Trimethobenzamide Tri-Vi-Flor x TRIMETHOPRIM TRI-VI-FLOR Poly-Vi-Sol TRIZIVIR Trizivir x Tenofovir Trizivir x Truvada x Cosopt TRUSOPT Trusopt x 163 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I TRUVADA Truvada Trizivir x TUSSI-12 Tussi-12 x Tussi-12 D Tussi-12 D x Tussi-12 TUSSI-12 D TUSSI-ORGANIDIN LIQUID Tussi-Organidin Liquid Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension x TUSSI-ORGANIDIN NR Tussi-Organidin NR x Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC SUSPENSION Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension x Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension x Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension Tessalon Tussi-Organidin Liquid x Tussi-Organidin NR TYGACIL Tygacil x Tygacil x Ticar x Timentin TYLENOL Tylenol x x Tylenol x Tegretol x Trental TYLENOL WITH CODEINE Tylenol with Codeine x x x x Tylox TYLOX Tylox 164 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Tylenol with Codeine Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ULTRACET Ultracet x Lorcet Ultracet x Percocet x Ultram x Ultrase x Ultracet x Voltaren Ultracet x Ultracet ULTRAM Ultram x Ultram ULTRASE Ultrase Altace x Ultrase Ultracet x UNASYN Unasyn x x x x Ampicillin Unasyn x Levaquin Unasyn x x Zosyn Univasc x x Norvasc Urex x Valtrex Urised x Urispas UNIVASC UREX URISED Urised Urocit-K x URISPAS Urispas x Urised UROCIT-K Urocit-K Urised x Urocit-K x Vitamin K Urokinase x Streptokinase UROKINASE UROXATRAL Uroxatral x Uroxatral x x Oxytrol Roxanol URSODIOL Ursodiol x Drisdol 165 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I x x Acyclovir x Ganciclovir VALACYCLOVIR Valacyclovir Valacyclovir Valacyclovir x x Valdecoxib Valacyclovir x x Vancomycin VALCYTE Valcyte x x x Valtrex Valdecoxib x x x Bextra Valdecoxib x x Rofecoxib Valdecoxib x x Valacyclovir Valdecoxib x Valium x x Vicodin x x Divalproex VALDECOXIB Valsartan VALIUM VALPROIC ACID Valproic Acid x VALSARTAN Valsartan x Valsartan x Valsartan Losartan Simvastatin x Valsartan x Valsartan x Telmisartan Valdecoxib x Verapamil VALTREX Valtrex x Valtrex Cephalexin x Divalproex Valtrex x Keflex Valtrex x Urex x Valcyte Valtrex Valtrex x x Zovirax x VANCENASE Vancenase x Vanceril Vanceril x Vancenase VANCERIL 166 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x Clindamycin Vancomycin x Gentamicin Vancomycin x Tobramycin x Valacyclovir SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I VANCOMYCIN Vancomycin Vancomycin x Vancomycin x x Vancomycin x x x Vecuronium Vibramycin Vardenafil x x Sildenafil Vardenafil x x Tadalafil VARDENAFIL VARICELLA VIRUS VACCINE LIVE Varicella Virus Vaccine Live Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin (Human) (VZIG) x VARICELLA-ZOSTER IMMUNE GLOBULIN (HUMAN) (VZIG) Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin (Human) (VZIG) x Vasodilan x Varicella Virus Vaccine Live VASODILAN x Vasotec x Desmopressin VASOPRESSIN Vasopressin Vasopressin x x Oxytocin Vasotec x x Norvasc Vasotec x x Vasodilan Vecuronium x x Pancuronium x Rocuronium VASOTEC VECURONIUM Vecuronium Vecuronium x Vecuronium x x x Vancomycin x Zemuron VENOFER Venofer x Venofer x x Vfend Viread 167 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Verapamil x x Verapamil x Verapamil x Versed x Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I VERAPAMIL Enalapril Lisinopril x Valsartan VERSED Vistaril VESICARE VESICare x Visicol VFEND Vfend x x Venofer Vibramycin x x Vancomycin x Hycodan VIBRAMYCIN VICODIN Vicodin Vicodin x Vicodin Valium x Vicodin x Visicol Vytorin x VICODIN ES Vicodin ES x Vicoprofen Vicoprofen x Vicodin ES VICOPROFEN VINBLASTINE Vinblastine x Vincristine Vincristine x Vinblastine Vincristine x Vinorelbine Vinorelbine x Vincristine Viokase x Vioxx VINCRISTINE VINORELBINE VIOKASE Viokase 168 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Visken Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I VIOXX Vioxx x Vioxx x Aciphex x Luvox Vioxx x Viokase Vioxx x Xanax Vioxx x Viracept x Viramune x x Zyvox x x Viramune x x Viracept VIRACEPT VIRAMUNE VIREAD Viread Venofer x VIRAVAN Viravan x Vivarin VISICOL Visicol Asacol x Visicol x VESIcare Visicol x Vicodin VISKEN Visken x Viokase VISTARIL Vistaril Vistaril Versed x x Zestril Vitafol x Vitafol-PN Vitafol-PN x Vitafol x x VITAFOL VITAFOL-PN VITAMIN B1 Vitamin B1 x x Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 x x Vitamin B1 VITAMIN B6 169 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I VITAMIN C Vitamin C Vitamin C x Vitamin E x x Vitron C x x Vitamin E x Vitamin C x Vitamin D x Urocit-K x Vitamin C VITAMIN D Vitamin D x VITAMIN E Vitamin E Vitamin E x x VITAMIN K Vitamin K VITRON C Vitron C x VIVARIN Vivarin x Viravan VOLTAREN Voltaren Voltaren x Vytorin x Voltaren Ultram Xalatan x VYTORIN Vytorin x Vicodin Vytorin x Voltaren WARFARIN Warfarin Levaquin x WELCHOL Welchol x Colazal WELLBUTRIN Wellbutrin x x x Wellbutrin SR Wellbutrin SR x x x Wellbutrin Wellbutrin SR x x x Wellbutrin XL Wellbutrin XL x x x Wellbutrin SR WELLBUTRIN SR WELLBUTRIN XL 170 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D x x x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I XALATAN Xalatan Lantus Xalatan x Travatan Xalatan x Voltaren XANAX Xanax Xanax x Xanax x Xanax x Atarax x Tenex Vioxx x Xopenex x Zanaflex Xanax x Xanax x Zantac Xifaxan x Reprexain XIFAXAN XOPENEX Xopenex x Xanax Yasmin x Alesse YASMIN Yasmin x x x Yaz Yaz x x x Yasmin Zafirlukast x x Ziprasidone Zaleplon x x Zolpidem Zanaflex x x Xanax x Zaroxolyn YAZ ZAFIRLUKAST ZALEPLON ZANAFLEX Zanaflex Zanaflex x Zofran ZANTAC Zantac x Zantac x Zantac x Zantac x x Xanax Zocor x Zofran x x Zyrtec ZARONTIN Zarontin x Neurontin SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors 171 Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ZAROXOLYN Zaroxolyn x Azithromycin Zaroxolyn x Lariam Zaroxolyn x Zanaflex x x Zyprexa x x Zetia Zaroxolyn ZEBETA Zebeta x Zebeta x Ziac Zebeta x Zegerid x Zestril Zelapar x Zemplar x Zyprexa x ZEGERID ZELAPAR ZELNORM Zelnorm Zonegran x ZEMPLAR Zemplar Zelapar x ZEMURON Zemuron x Zerit x x Vecuronium ZERIT Zerit x Zestril x Zestril Zyrtec ZESTRIL Zestril Accupril x Isordil Zestril x x Monopril Zestril x x Restoril x x Vistaril Zestril x Zestril Zestril Zestril Zestril Zegerid x x x Zerit x x Zetia x x Zocor x x Zestril Zestril 172 MEDMARX DATA REPORT x Zyprexa Zyrtec Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H x x x Zebeta x x Zestril x Zocor x Zyrtec SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ZETIA Zetia Zetia Zetia Zetia x x ZIAC Ziac x x Zebeta Ziac x Zyrtec Zidovudine x Lamivudine x Zithromax x Ziox ZIDOVUDINE ZINACEF Zinacef x ZINC OXIDE Zinc Oxide ZINC SULFATE Zinc Sulfate Zithromax x ZIOX Ziox x Zinc Oxide x Zafirlukast ZIPRASIDONE Ziprasidone x Ziprasidone x Ziprasidone Zonisamide x Zyprexa x Fosamax ZITHROMAX Zithromax Zithromax Zithromax Zithromax x Zithromax Zithromax Zoloft x x Zyvox x Zinacef x Zovirax x x x Zinc Sulfate 173 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I Zocor x x Cozaar Zocor x x Lipitor Zocor x Zocor x x Zantac x x Zestril x Zetia x Zoloft ZOCOR Zocor x Zocor Zocor x Zocor x Proscar Zofran x ZOFRAN Zofran Reglan x Zofran x Zanaflex Zofran x Zantac Zofran x Zocor Zofran x x Zofran x Zofran x x Zoloft Zometa x Zosyn x Zometa ZOLADEX Zoladex ZOLOFT Zoloft x Serevent Zoloft x Zithromax Zoloft x x x Zocor Zoloft x x x Zofran Zoloft x x Zomig Zoloft x x Zyrtec Zolmitriptan x Zolpidem x x Lorazepam Zolpidem x x Zaleplon Zometa x ZOLMITRIPTAN Rizatriptan ZOLPIDEM ZOMETA Zometa 174 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Zofran x Zoladex Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Zomig x x Zomig x Error, Harm Category E-H SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Error, Death Category I ZOMIG Zoloft Zonegran ZONEGRAN Zonegran Zelnorm x Zonegran x Zomig Zonisamide x Ziprasidone Zostrix x x Zovirax Zosyn x x Cefazolin Zosyn x x Unasyn Zosyn x x Zofran Zosyn x x Zyvox Zovirax x ZONISAMIDE ZOSTRIX ZOSYN ZOVIRAX Zovirax x Zovirax Valtrex x x Zithromax x x Zostrix x Zyloprim Zovirax Zovirax x x Zyvox Zyflo x x Zyvox Zyloprim x Zovirax Zyprexa x Celexa ZYFLO ZYLOPRIM ZYPREXA Zyprexa x x Zaroxolyn Zyprexa x x Zebeta Zyprexa x Zyprexa Zyprexa x x x x Zestril Ziprasidone x Zyrtec 175 SECTION 3: Findings of Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Product Errors Drug Name Index Potential For Error Category A Intercepted Error Category B Error, No Harm Category C-D Error, Harm Category E-H Error, Death Category I ZYRTEC Zyrtec Zyrtec Norvasc x x x x x Zantac Zyrtec x Zyrtec x x Zestril x x Zetia x Ziac x x Zoloft x x Zyrtec x Zyrtec Zyrtec Zyrtec x Zerit x Zyprexa Zyrtec x Zyrtec D Zyrtec D x Zyrtec ZYRTEC D ZYVOX Zyvox Zyvox Avelox x x Zyvox x Vioxx x Zithromax Zyvox x x Zosyn Zyvox x x Zovirax Zyvox x x Zyflo 176 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Section 4 Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Background ............................................................................................................ ......................................................................................... 178 Table 4-1. Distribution of Records by Error Category Index for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ................................................................ 179 Case Vignettes: Group 4-1. Selected Cases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in Permanent Patient Harm (Category G) ........................................................... .................................................180 Case Vignettes: Group 4-2. Selected Cases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That Required Intervention Necessary to Sustain Life (Category H) .................................................................................................................................... 182 Case Vignettes: Group 4-3. Selected Cases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in the Patient’s Death (Category I)....................................................................................................................... 184 Figure 4-1. Comparison of Brand and Generic Names Contained in the USP Similar Names List ........................................................................... 186 Table 4-2. Drugs by Therapeutic Class Associated with the Greatest Number of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Drug Pairs ............................ 186 Table 4-3. Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Involving Three Drugs ............................................................................................................ 187 Table 4-4. Node in the Medication Use Process Where Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Occur .................................................................... 187 Case Vignettes: Group 4-4. Sample Cases by Node for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ....................................................................... 188 Table 4-5. Leading Types of Error Associated with LASA Errors ...................................................................................................................... 190 Case Vignettes: Group 4-5. Case Examples of Unauthorized/Wrong Drug of Errors due to Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Names ............ 191 Table 4-6. Leading Additional Causes Associated with Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ......................................................................... 193 Case Vignettes: Group 4-6. Leading Additional Causes of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ............................................................... 194 Table 4-7. Staff Involved in Initial Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ........................................................................................................... 196 Table 4-8. Contributing Factors Associated with Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors ................................................................................... 197 USP Recommendations to Reduce Medication Errors due to Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Drug Names ................................................... 198 177 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Background USP reviewed both medication error reporting programs to summarize the major medication error variables associated with 26,604 look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. From the MEDMARX program, there were more than 670 healthcare facilities contributing 26,092 records. The USP-ISMP Medication Errors Reporting (MER) Program contributed 512 records to the sample. This section presents an overview of the data along with the findings from the look-alike and/or sound-alike errors reported between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006. The variables summarized include: • Error Category Index (a measure of error severity, outcome, and effect on the patient), • Node (or phase of the medication use process), • Type of error, • Causes (in addition to look-alike and/or sound-alike) associated with the error, • Level of staff identified as having made the initial error, and • Contributing factors. USP considers a record that has an error classification of either Category G, Category H, or Category I as a sentinel event, meaning the most serious of all errors reported. Case vignettes1 support the findings and illustrate the general nature of the look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. This section concludes with recommendations aimed at reducing and avoiding look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. 1 1 Case vignettes are actual error reports. Some modification to the cases may have been done for purposes of clarity and presentation. 178 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-1. Distribution of Records by Error Category Index for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Error Category Result of Error Number of Errors n=26,604 % of Total Actual Errors Categories B - I n=25,530 (95.3%) No Error Category A Circumstances or events that have the capacity to cause error 1,254 4.7 Number of Errors % of B-I 12,503 47.0 12,503 49.3 Errors That Reached the Patient Categories C - I n=12,847 (48.3%) Error, No Harm Category B An error occurred but the error did not reach the patient Category C An error occurred that reached the patient but did not cause patient harm Number of Errors % of C-I Errors That Reached the Patient and May Have Contributed to or Resulted in Harm or Fatality Categories E - I n=384 (1.4%) 10,976 41.3 10,976 43.3 10,976 85.4 1,487 5.6 1,487 5.9 1,487 11.6 Number of Errors % of E-I An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention 276 1.0 276 1.1 276 2.1 276 71.9 An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization 79 0.3 79 0.3 79 0.6 79 20.6 Category G An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in permanent patient harm 10 0.04 10 0.04 10 0.08 10 2.6 Category H An error occurred that required intervention necessary to sustain life 12 0.05 12 0.05 12 0.09 12 3.1 An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in the patient’s death 7 0.03 7 0.03 7 0.05 7 1.82 Category D An error occurred that reached the patient and required monitoring to confirm that it resulted in no harm to the patient and/or required intervention to preclude harm Error, Harm Category E Category F Error, Death Category I 179 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-1. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in Permanent Patient Harm (C ategory G) Error Description Location Drug An elderly patient was found unresponsive after diazepam was administered instead of diltiazem. The physician was notified. Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Diazepam Diltiazem A prescriber entered an order for an infusion of carboplatin 320 mg. The pharmacist entered the order into the pharmacy system as cisplatin 320 mg. The cisplatin was administered to the patient and the error resulted in the prolongation of the patient’s hospital stay by several days. Pharmacy, inpatient Carboplatin Cisplatin Patient became pregnant when a refill prescription for NuvaRing was incorrectly filled with Estring. Pregnancy was not desired and was terminated by the patient. Pharmacy, outpatient NuvaRing Estring Lamivudine was filled for Efavirenz by a pharmacy technician in an outpatient setting. The patient’s CD4 count dropped. Contributing factors to this medication error included an inexperienced pharmacy technician along with insufficient staffing during the time of the error. Pharmacy, outpatient Efavirenz Lamivudine A handwritten prescription for “Bleph 10” was filled by an outpatient pharmacy as Blephamide Ophthalmic suspension. The patient had the prescription re-filled 6 times without the error being noticed. During a follow-up appointment 9 months later the physician identified the error and diagnosed the patient with steroid induced glaucoma. The patient incurred permanent harm as a result. Pharmacy, outpatient Bleph 10 Blephamide 180 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-1. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in Permanent Patient Harm (C ategory G) (continued) Error Description Location Drug Approximately 5 days after a patient had a right craniotomy and subsequent aneurysm clipping for a subarachnoid hemorrhage, the patient was re-admitted to the hospital. Nimodipine (Nimotop) 60 mg was ordered and Nicardipine (Nicardene) 60 mg was dispensed in error. The MAR was incorrect but had been documented as being checked by a nurse. The patient received 9 doses of Nicardipine before the error was discovered 2 days later, however due to a decreased level of consciousness, the patient was ordered to receive nothing by mouth, and, therefore missed an additional day of Nimodipine dosing until a feeding tube could be inserted. Over the next couple of days the patient developed a decreased level of consciousness and inability to follow commands. Nimodipine still had not been resumed. A repeat CT scan indicated new ischemic changes and the patient continued to deteriorate. The patient was now unresponsive to verbal stimuli and developed a flaccid upper extremity. Pharmacy, inpatient Nicardipine Nimodipine A physician wrote a prescription for an elderly patient for Norvasc 10 mg with instructions to take one a day. A pharmacist misinterpreted the prescription and dispensed Navane 10 mg with instructions to take one a day. The prescription was picked up by family members. The pharmacist felt that the prescription was clearly written for Navane and therefore did not contact the physician. The patient took the Navane for approximately 90 days until the error was discovered by another physician (a neurologist) during an evaluation for mental status changes. The patient suffered mental status changes that persisted after the discontinuation of the Navane. Pharmacy Navane Norvasc A patient was supposed to receive Cardura 4 mg for hypertension. At the pharmacy, the order was interpreted as Coumadin 4 mg which is a blood thinner. The patient took the blood thinner for a month and was eventually hospitalized for treatment of a stroke. Pharmacy Cardura Coumadin 181 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-2. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That Required Intervention Necessary to Sustain Life (C ategory H) Error Description Location Drug A pharmacist entered Amaryl 4 mg daily into the computer system for an elderly patient in which Reminyl 4 mg daily was ordered. Patient became extremely hypoglycemic, experienced altered mental status changes, was intubated and given Dextrose 50%. A code was called and the patient was transferred to the ICU, and after resuscitation, the patient stabilized with no permanent harm. The error was noticed by the pharmacist who reviewed the transfer orders and noticed that the medication did not match the patient’s diagnosis. Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Amaryl Reminyl Hespan was ordered for a patient but Heparin was removed from the automated dispensing machine (ADM) and the entire 500-ml bag was administered to this patient. The close proximity of the medications in the ADM, in addition to human error, contributed to this medication error. Actions taken to prevent future occurrences include utilizing the automated dispensing machine’s interface which asks the nurse “do you want HEParin or HESpan”. A suggestion was also made that physicians include the intended indication for a one-time or PRN medication. Intensive Care Unit, General Heparin Hespan A labor and delivery nurse was caring for a patient who was experiencing hypotension during her labor. Based on standing orders, the nurse was supposed to administer Ephedrine for the condition. The nurse went to the anesthesia cart and withdrew Neosynephrine instead. She attempted to confirm the medication with other nurses in the unit. All incorrectly verified that Neosynephrine was in fact Ephedrine. She then administered the medication. The patient immediately experienced a severe headache, tetanic contractions and the fetus went into distress. An emergency caesarean section was performed which ultimately resulted in the recovery of the mother and baby. Maternity Ephedrine Sulfate NeoSynephrine A nurse intended to order Hydralazine (a medication for high blood pressure) through the computer system. The medication was to be administered three times a day. Inadvertently, the nurse ordered Hydroxyzine. As a result, the patient received 10 doses of the wrong medication and developed a series of complications, which included a bowel obstruction, and worsening of congestive heart failure. The patient required a transfer to a critical care unit for stabilization. Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Hydralazine Hydroxyzine A pharmacy technician filled an order for Amaryl 8 mg twice daily instead of Reminyl 8 mg twice daily. The elderly patient (more than 85 years old) received one 8 mg dose of Amaryl and experienced severe hypoglycemia, confusion, and vague abdominal discomfort. An emergency situation was identified, and the patient was treated with glucose gel, juice and also Dextrose 50% and IV fluids were started. The patient recovered. After investigation, the error appeared to be caused by a manual pharmacy filling. The incorrect 8 mg dose was provided by two 4 mg tablets and was missed by the checking pharmacist. In the future, Reminyl and Amaryl will be filled automatically by the pharmacy robot, warning labels have been placed on both medications to alert staff to this potential mix-up during manual pharmacy filling, and pre-printed order sets for Amaryl are being developed to prevent handwriting errors. Pharmacy, inpatient Amaryl Reminyl 182 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-2. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That Required Intervention Necessary to Sustain Life (C ategory H) (continued) Error Description Location Drug A nurse mistakenly administered 5 mL Pancuronium (a drug used for muscle paralysis) intravenously to a young adult instead of Protonix (a drug used for gastroesophageal reflux). As a result of the error, the patient had to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. The patient required admission to the hospital for observation. Contributing to the error was the finding that the storage bin of Protonix contained the wrong drug, the nurse was not wearing glasses at the time of the error and did not read the entire label, and the nurse was working a night shift. Emergency Department Pancuronium Protonix A nurse called the pharmacy and provided a verbal order for Fentanyl in preparation of an endoscopic procedure. The pharmacist heard Sufentanil for endoscopy and the Sufentanil was dispensed. The Sufentanil was administered. As a result of look-alike names, the patient received the wrong medication and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The error was discovered later when the written orders were reviewed by the pharmacy which confirmed Fentanyl was ordered instead of Sufentanil. Pharmacy Fentanyl Sufentanil A pediatric patient was experiencing seizures. The physician ordered Diazepam 2 mg intravenously. A nurse obtained Lorazepam 2 mg. The nurse confirmed the dose, but not the drug name, with a second nurse prior to administering the drug. As a result of the error, the child required resuscitation and eventual transport to a children’s medical center. The patient recovered. Emergency Department Diazepam Lorazepam An elderly, non-diabetic patient received Amaryl 4 mg for 3 days instead of Reminyl 4 mg. As a result of the error, the patient had to be admitted to the critical care unit where medication to reverse the effects of the wrong drug was administered. Nursing Unit Amaryl Reminyl An elderly non-diabetic patient received Amaryl instead of Reminyl 8 mg twice daily as a result of the pharmacy dispensing the wrong medication. The nursing staff found the patient unresponsive with a critically low blood sugar. The patient required dextrose solutions to restore the blood sugar to normal limits. Pharmacy, Inpatient Amaryl Reminyl An elderly non-diabetic patient received Amaryl in error for 3 days instead of Reminyl. The patient became unresponsive and was transferred to the critical care unit where glucagon infusions were administered. Pharmacy, Inpatient Amaryl Reminyl 183 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-3. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in the Patient’s Death (C ategory I) Error Description Location Drug An order for a Natrecor drip was written to increase the infusion rate to 9 mL/hr. The patient was also receiving a Norcuron drip at 30 ml/hr and Versed drip. The Norcuron drip ran out in the evening and was replaced with another Natrecor drip. The patient became hypotensive and a fluid bolus was ordered with a Levophed drip. It was then noticed that two Natrecor drips were infusing simultanously at which time they were both stopped. The patient experienced bradycardia and a physician was called. The patient expired. Policies were reviewed and changes will be made to IV infusion policy. Drip calculators will be added to monitors. Pharmacy labeling will be reviewed as well as distribution of medications for infusion. IV flow sheets wil be re-evaluated and proper documentation of IV drip orders will be included in the educational process. Intensive care unit, Medical Natrecor Norcuron An emergency department physician was preparing to intubate a patient and calculated the dose for Rocuronium (a pre-intubation agent used to assist with the procedure). The physician gave orders for the nurse to obtain the medication and indicated the volume to administer to the patient. The nurse obtained Vecuronium instead of Rocuronium and administered the volume ordered to the patient. Because of dosing differences between the two products, the patient received a large amount of the wrong agent, which in turn led to a fatal heart arrhythmia. Emergency Department Rocuronium Vecuronium An autistic pediatric patient was given the wrong product when Disodium EDTA (a hypercalcemia treatment) was administered instead of the chelation therapy Calcium Disodium EDTA (FDA approved for treatment of lead poisoning) prescribed in the attempt to help treat the patient’s autism. Physician’s office Calcium Disodium EDTA Disodium EDTA 184 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-3. Selected C ases Involving Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Where an Error Occurred That May Have Contributed to or Resulted in the Patient’s Death (C ategory I) (continued) Error Description Location Drug An adolescent with a seizure disorder was dispensed the wrong product (due to similar generic drug names). Instead of the prescribed seizure medication (Primidone), the patient was given Prednisone. The attending physician’s handwriting was implicated as a cause of error. Physician’s office Prednisone Primidone A terminally ill patient was prescribed Phenytoin. During transcription of the physician orders, the person transcribing the order wrote “pheno” 100 mg, 3 tablets every morning for seizures. Instead of Phenytoin, the pharmacist dispensed Phenobarbital. Patient’s home Phenobarbital Phenytoin A non-diabetic elderly woman was discharged from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility. At the time of discharge, the physician correctly dictated a prescription for Reminyl. However, the prescription was incorrectly transcribed as Amaryl. The patient was given Amaryl at the skilled nursing facility until being found unresponsive. The patient was taken to the hospital and given dextrose and other medications and revived. The patient was then discharged back to the facility where the wrong medication continued to be given. The patient again experienced a period of unresponsiveness, but did not recover. Hospital Amaryl Reminyl 185 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Figure 4-1. Comparison of Brand and Generic Names Contained in the USP Similar Names List Generic names 631 (43%) Brand names 839 (57%) The USP Similar Names List now contains 1,470 drugs that have been involved in look-alike/ sound-alike medication errors. Of the reported names, 839 (57%) are brand (proprietary) names and 631 (43%) are generic names. Table 4-2. Drugs by Therapeutic Class Associated with the Greatest Number of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Drug Pairs Drug name (Therapeutic Class) Drug Pairs (n) Cefazolin (Antimicrobials) 15 Lisinopril (Cardiovascular Medications) 13 Enalapril (Cardiovascular Medications) 12 Prednisone (Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers) 12 Trazodone (Central Nervous System Agents) 12 Metronidazole (Antimicrobials, Dermatological Agents, Genitourinary Medications) 11 Zestril (Cardiovascular Medications) 11 Accupril (Cardiovascular Medications) 10 Cefepime (Antimicrobials) 10 Cefotaxime (Antimicrobials) 10 Chlorpromazine (Central Nervous System Agents) 10 Diazepam (Central Nervous System Agents) 10 Labetalol (Cardiovascular Medications) 10 Levothyroxine (Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers) 10 Prinivil (Cardiovascular Medications) 10 This report identified 1,470 drugs that had been involved in look-alike/sound-alike medication errors. This analysis identified 798 (54%) drugs that were involved in look-alike/sound-alike errors with only one other product, thus creating 800 distinct pairs. The remaining 672 (46%) were paired with two or more distinct drugs. Table 4-2 displays the 15 drugs associated with the highest number of distinct drug pairs. Cefazolin (15) and Lisinopril (13) appeared most frequently with other drugs. 186 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Involving Three Drugs Drug Names Error Category Index Aripiprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole A Oxytrol, Roxanol, Uroaxatral A Pamelor, Panlor DC, Panlor SS SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-3. Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Table 4-4. Node in the Medication Use Process Where Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Occur Node* Procurement n % 119 0.5 Prescribing 2,060 8.1 B Transcribing/ Documenting 2,544 10.0 Prevpac, Propac, Propecia C Dispensing 16,314 64.4 Vioxx, Ziox, Zyvox A Administering 4,251 16.8 Zestril, Zetia, Zyrtec B Monitoring 61 0.2 Zestril, Zetia, Zyrtec C TOTAL 25,349 *Node is not applicable to Category A records The USP-ISMP Medication Errors Reporting Program contained seven records that involved three different products. Three of the “triple” drug records were Category A, indicating the potential to be involved in errors. An additional two were Category B errors that were intercepted, and the remaining two were Category C errors that reached the patient and did not result in harm. The importance of these findings demonstrates that it is possible for one drug to be confused with more than one other drug, which expands the opportunities for errors and patient harm. An important note is that the findings represent multiple classes of drugs. This could provide further support for the call to include the indication for use on prescriptions as a means to help distinguish look-alike and/or sound-alike products. The largest percentage of errors (64.4%) originated in the Dispensing phase of the medication use process. This phase begins at the point that the pharmacy department receives the order and continues with a pharmacist’s assessment of a medication order to the point of releasing the product for use by another healthcare professional or the patient. The dispensing phase also represents the greatest opportunity for error given that all medications pass through the pharmacy. The Administering phase of the medication use process was associated with the second largest number of look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. Administering activities (e.g., MAR/patient armband check) may begin in the patient care unit, care delivery area, or patient bedside and continue through actual drug administration to the patient. 187 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-4. Sample C ases by Node for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Error Description Node Error Category Index Type(s) of Error Location Drug A physician misinterpreted a pre-admission medication listed as “Hydrocortone” to be Hydrocodone. The order was written and Hydrocodone was administered for 6 days instead of Hydrocortisone. Prescribing F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Unauthorized/ wrong drug Operating Room Hydrocodone Hydrocortisone Clofazamine 50 mg was ordered, but Clozapine 50 mg was given to an elderly patient. A unit secretary/clerk entered the wrong medication into the electronic medication information system, which was verified by pharmacy. Two doses were given. After investigation it was determined that the root cause for the occurrence of the error resulted from staff being unfamiliar with the drug Clofazamine along with the medication being misspelled on the order sheet. Transcribing/ documenting E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Unauthorized/ wrong drug Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Clofazamine Clozapine 188 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-4. Sample C ases by Node for Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors (continued) Error Description Node Error Category Index Type(s) of Error Location Drug An elderly patient received Methimazole instead of Metolazone, which resulted in a weeklong hospitalization. Patient was under the observation of a cardiologist. A pharmacy technician confused Metolazone with Methimazole 5 mg when she typed the shortcut MET 5 into the computer. Both drugs were listed and she picked the first one. A pharmacist checked the label and the drug inside the bottle but did not catch the error. Dispensing F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Unauthorized/ wrong drug Pharmacy, outpatient Methimazole Metolazone Physician instructed a nurse to give Diazepam to a patient having a grand mal seizure. The nurse retrieved Diltiazem instead and administered 0.5 mL. Administering E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Unauthorized/ wrong drug Emergency Department Diazepam Diltiazem 189 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-5. Leading Types of Error Associated with LASA Errors Type of Error n % Unauthorized/wrong drug 15,274 57.6 Drug prepared incorrectly 4,660 17.6 Improper dose/quantity 3,336 12.6 Wrong dosage form 2,664 10.0 Prescribing error 1,659 6.3 Omission error 495 1.9 Mislabeling* 412 1.6 Data based on 29,230 selections associated with 26,508 records. * Selection not available all 4 years The most common (57.6%) type of error reported was an Unauthorized/wrong drug (a wrong product error), meaning that the similar looking or sounding generic or brand name of the intended drug was confused for another drug. This finding would be consistent with practice, given that mistaking one drug for another does result in an error involving the wrong drug. Drug prepared incorrectly was the second leading type of error (17.6%). A review of these records suggest that this selection code was applied when the wrong drug 190 MEDMARX DATA REPORT was pulled from the shelf, rather than the incorrect manipulation in preparing the drug. The third most common type of error was an Improper dose/quantity error, and these errors occur when a dose differs than ordered or intended (e.g., diazepam 5 mg versus diazepam 10 mg). Drug suffixes connected to brand names can contribute to Improper dose/quantity errors, Wrong dosage form errors, and Prescribing error. Look-alike and/or sound-alike errors can contribute to or be complicated by other types of errors. SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-5. C ase Examples of Unauthorized/Wrong Drug Errors due to Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Names Error Description Type(s) of Error Error Category Index Upon discharge from the Emergency Room, a pediatric patient received a take-home prescription for Zyrtec 5 mg. A pharmacy technician at a retail pharmacy filled the prescription incorrectly with Zyprexa 5 mg. The patient returned to the ER after fainting, at which time the medication error was discovered and the pharmacy was contacted. Unauthorized/ wrong drug F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization An elderly man received a prescription for Coreg 25 mg (1 tab twice daily), which was filled with Cortef 25 mg instead. The pharmacist contacted the physician once the error was discovered. The physician stated that the patient experienced oral thrush, a 20-lb. weight increase, water retention, and edema (requiring an increase in Lasix dosing from 40 mg to 80 mg daily) and an elevated HbA1C from 7.4 to 8.4, while taking the incorrect medication. The physician then needed to start a steroid taper to appropriately take the patient off the steroid. Unauthorized/ wrong drug Clonidine 0.5 mg was given to a patient instead of Klonopin 0.5 mg. The patient had to be transferred to the medical intensive care unit for intervention and monitoring. An elderly woman was to receive Primidone 50 mg 2 tabs four times a day. The order was interpreted as Prednisone instead. Node Location Drug Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Zyprexa Zyrtec E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Coreg Cortef Unauthorized/ wrong drug E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Administering Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Clonidine Klonopin Unauthorized/ wrong drug E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Dispensing Nursing (Patient Care) Unit Prednisone Primidone Continued next page SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors 191 Case Vignettes: Group 4-5. C ase Examples of Unauthorized/Wrong Drug Errors due to Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Names (continued) Error Description Type(s) of Error Error Category Index A prescription for Topamax was erroneously filled by a pharmacy technician with Toprol XL. The error was discovered upon refill of the medication. While taking Toprol XL, the patient was being evaluated by a cardiologist for bradycardia and was being worked up for pacemaker placement. The physician was notified once the error was discovered and the patient was instructed to return to the cardiology clinic for evaluation once off the Toprol XL. Unauthorized/ wrong drug E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Toprol-XL Topamax An elderly patient had an order for Colchicine 0.3 mg twice daily, which was entered incorrectly by the pharmacy staff as Clonidine 0.3 mg. The patient’s hospitalization was extended due to the patient’s low blood pressure. Unauthorized/ wrong drug F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Dispensing Pharmacy, inpatient Clonidine Colchicine A refill for Labetalol 200 mg was incorrectly filled by a pharmacy technician with Lamictal 200 mg. Lamictal is stored on a separate shelf identified as the “look-alike/soundalike” shelves in this particular pharmacy. The patient took the wrong medication for 2-3 weeks and was admitted to the hospital for several days with elevated blood pressure and nausea/vomiting. Unauthorized/ wrong drug F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Dispensing Pharmacy, Inpatient Labetalol Lamictal 192 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Node Location Drug SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-6. Leading Additional Causes Associated with Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Additional Causes of Medication Error n % Performance deficit 9,170 52.4 Procedure/protocol not followed 2,902 16.6 Computer entry 2,636 15.1 Knowledge deficit 2,316 13.2 Prefix/suffix misinterpreted 1,834 10.5 Transcription inaccurate/omitted 1,656 9.5 Storage proximity 1,632 9.3 Similar packaging/labeling 1,370 7.8 Dispensing device involved 1,328 7.6 Dosage form confusion 1,326 7.6 Documentation 1,294 7.4 Drug distribution system 1,162 6.6 Communication 1,129 6.4 Handwriting illegible/unclear 1,093 6.2 Similar products 1,026 5.9 Nearly two-thirds of the look-alike/sound-alike medication error records contained at least one additional selection from the cause of error pick list. Performance deficit was the leading selection, indicating that the person involved in the error had the requisite skills and knowledge to discharge their duties safely, but failed to do so in this instance. This selection accounted for more than half of the co-causes. The second leading co-cause was Procedure/protocol not followed. In such cases, policies and procedures are in place and workable. Deviation from the policies and procedures can be deliberate or unintentional. Computer entry errors involve either selecting the wrong product from the display screen or entering incorrect data. Knowledge deficit as a selection signals that the person involved in the error did not have the appropriate knowledge, which led to the error. For Prefix/suffix misinterpreted, the drug name contained either a prefix or suffix and the person involved in the error failed to identify it, recognize it, or correctly interpret it. The remaining selections represent less than 10% of the cases reviewed. Data based on 17,510 records associated with 44,385 selections 193 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-6. Leading Additional C auses of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Error Description Co-causes Error Category Index Node Location Drug During transplant surgery, an anesthesiologist gave Depo-Medrol instead of Solu-Medrol in the operating room. Once the error was discovered, the Solu-Medrol was given later. Performance deficit F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Administering Operating Room Depo-Medrol Solu-Medrol A physician noted that a patient had returned to atrial fibrillation. Upon inspection of the prescription bottles, it was identified that the patient had been taking Topamax instead of Toprol XL. The original prescription was correct but it was entered incorrectly by the pharmacy. The patient may have been taking Topamax for approximately 240 days. The patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment. Upon investigation it was found that both medications were listed under the short computer code of “TOP25”. Recommendations for prevention of future errors included discouraging the use of short codes when typing names.The short code for Topamax was removed from the computer. Computer entry F An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Toprol-XL Topamax A nurse was changing a patient’s Nicardipine drip and discovered that a Nipride drip was infusing instead. The patient was treated with Sodium Thiosulfate injection to reverse the effects of cyanide toxicity. Knowledge deficit E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Administering Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Nicardipine Nipride 194 MEDMARX DATA REPORT SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Case Vignettes: Group 4-6. Leading Additional C auses of Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors (continued) Error Description Co-causes Error Category Index Node Location Drug Kayexelate was entered into the computer system, sent to the unit and administered for 2 doses instead of Kaopectate. Patient’s potassium level decreased to 3.1. Performance deficit E An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention Dispensing Pharmacy, inpatient Kaopectate Kayexelate A patient attempted to pick up a refill prescription at the outpatient pharmacy for Wellbutrin SR. A pharmacy technician prepared the refill and it was verified by the pharmacist. The patient noticed that the tablet was marked Wellbutrin XL. The patient returned the bottle to the pharmacy for correction. Prefix/Suffix misinterpreted C An error occurred that reached the patient but did not cause patient harm Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Wellbutrin SR Wellbutrin XL A prescription was written for Melphalan 2 mg. The trade name of the product is Alkeran. The prescription was dispensed as Leukeran, because it was incorrectly chosen as the trade name for Melphalan. The patient took the wrong medication for 7 days. A month later, the patient returned with another written prescription for Melphalan. A second pharmacist reviewed the patient’s profile and saw the previous dispensed medication Leukeran. The pharmacist contacted the physician for clarification. When reporting the error, it was noted that both products appear in identical bottles and both products share the same strength. Similar labels/ packaging D An error occurred that reached the patient and required monitoring to confirm that it resulted in no harm to the patient and/or required intervention to preclude harm Dispensing Pharmacy, outpatient Alkeran Leukeran 195 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-7. Staff Involved in Initial Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Staff n % Pharmacy Technician 9,745 Pharmacist Materials Management Personnel 4 0.02 38.5 Optometrist 4 0.02 5,995 23.7 Nuclear Medicine Technician 3 0.01 Nurse, Registered1 4,862 19.2 Information Technology Personnel 2 0.01 Physician2 1,857 7.3 Psych Tech/Mental Health Technician 2 0.01 Pharmacy Personnel, non-specific 1,423 5.6 Nurse, Licensed Practical/Vocational 461 1.8 Data based on 25,293 records identifying the staff making the initial error (1): Includes: Nurse, Graduate; Nurse, Registerd; and Nurse, Travel (2): Includes: Physician; Physician, Intern, and Physician, Resident (3): Includes: Anesthesiologist and Nurse Anesthetist Unit Secretary/Clerk 287 1.1 Nursing Personnel, non-specific 204 0.8 Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse 106 0.4 Physician Assistant 99 0.4 Student 66 0.3 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 38 0.2 Patient/Family Member/Caregiver 31 0.1 Respiratory Therapist 30 0.1 Anesthesia Provider3 15 0.1 Nursing Assistant/Aide 15 0.1 Radiology Technician 13 0.1 Phlebotomist 11 0.04 Emergency Medical Services 8 0.03 Dentist and related specialties 6 0.02 Physical Therapist 6 0.02 196 MEDMARX DATA REPORT The Level of Staff Identified as Having Made the Initial Error is applicable to medication errors with Categories B through I. Nearly all of the records (99%) contained an entry associated with the initial error. Slightly more than two-thirds (67.8%) of the records were associated with staff members from the pharmacy department (e.g., technicians or pharmacists). The large number of errors associated with the pharmacy department is internally consistent with the Node findings. Because all drugs pass through a pharmacy, the pharmacy staff members also have the greatest number of opportunities for error. An additional 22% of the errors were associated with nursing service personnel. These errors occur late in the medication use process where there are fewer opportunities to intercept the error. Although involved in fewer errors, physicians (7%) and other prescribers (e.g., nurse practitioners, physician assistants) may eventually face many of the same look-alike/sound alike issues as they begin operating computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems. The design of such systems must include cautionary messages and human factors principles (e.g., in terms of alternating row shading or font size) to help distinguish products displayed as lists and to avoid future errors. SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors Table 4-8. Contributing Factors Associated with Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Contributing Factor n % Distractions 5,052 None Busy 20 0.1 35.4 Range orders 19 0.1 4,892 34.3 Patient names similar/same 13 0.1 Workload increase 2,474 17.4 Overworked (extra hours/days) 2 0.01 Staff, inexperienced 2,047 14.4 Not enough work space 1 0.01 Staffing, insufficient 1,175 8.2 No 24-hour pharmacy 513 3.6 Imprint, identification failure 363 2.5 Cross coverage 362 2.5 Staff, agency/temporary 264 1.9 Staff, floating 226 1.6 Shift change 203 1.4 Staffing, alternative hours 148 1.0 Emergency situation 144 1.0 Fatigue 144 1.0 Computer system/network down 120 0.8 No access to patient information 87 0.6 Patient transfer 82 0.6 Poor lighting 82 0.6 Code situation 46 0.3 Work environment 23 0.2 Data based on 14,258 records associated with 18,502 selections Contributing factors are those situational, organizational, or environmental elements that ripen the opportunity for an error to occur. Contributing factors in and of themselves do not cause errors. Rather, they influence the progression of errors, and thus, are sometimes difficult to recognize. Slightly more than half (55%) of the actual error records identified at least one contributing factor. The contributing factor most often selected was Distractions, which resulted in the person being interrupted (e.g., answering a phone, responding to a question) while performing his or her duty. The selection, None, indicates that the person reporting the error did not associate any particular contributing factor to the event. 197 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors USP Recommendations to Reduce Medication Errors due to Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Drug Names This report extends the USP Similar Names List to differentiate drug names reported in near-miss events, events that reached the patient and did not cause harm, and harmful events. Given that thousands of drugs are available worldwide, the problem is a global one. Compounding the problem are product-related issues of similar packaging, similar labeling, and the indiscriminate use of product suffixes. Some firms in the United States are using trademark review service companies to help ensure that the proprietary name they choose will be trouble free. The proprietary drug name is actually placed into the dispensing and administration path and rated on the basis of certain risk factors such as:1 • • • • • • • • Look-alike names Sound-alike names Same dosage as a similar looking or sounding drug Same or similar dosage strength Same or similar dosage form Same or similar dosage regimen (i.e., once daily) Same or similar clinical indications Similarity to a popular drug. A product in the top 100 creates a special risk situation because it is more likely to be viewed as the correct product based on frequency of dispensing • Similar names from the same manufacturer • Catch-all category, Error potential, is evaluated in the context of special considerations, such as refrigeration requirements, controlled substance status, etc. By conducting pre-market risk analysis through trade name reviews, a company in the United States should be able to reduce the possibility for nomenclature errors related to the use of its product. 1 USP Quality Review 34, What’s In A Name, Nombre, Nom, Naam? 198 MEDMARX DATA REPORT A healthcare facility may also find the application of such risk factors useful in assessing the error potential for drug name mix-ups in the products it stocks. To further assist facilities in their analysis of risk, USP suggests the following: • Evaluate your facility’s existing formulary and identify which products appear on USP’s Similar Names List. Perhaps a good place to start is to review your most severe errors and the drugs involved in those errors. • If you are considering adding a product to your formulary, use USP’s list to determine if there could be a potential look-alike and/or sound–alike problem with that product and others on your formulary. • Use the list to determine if products with similar names are stocked next to one another in the pharmacy and any area where medications are stored. If so, physically separate these products or use some other method to distinguish them from one another (i.e., use colored dividers to separate the products on the shelves; apply brightly colored stickers alerting staff to the potential for similarity, etc.). • Track medication errors caused by look-alike and/or sound-alike drug names and identify the products most frequently involved. Create ways to alert staff to the mix-ups, such as posting the information in a newsletter. • Use tall-man lettering to distinguish the appearance of the product name. This technique works especially well on the manufacturer’s packaging but can also be implemented in pharmacy software and labeling. Prescribers might consider this technique when writing orders or prescriptions. • Implement policies that prohibit verbal orders for products that sound alike, especially those already mixed up at your facility. • Perform a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, especially for mixups that can result in harmful or fatal outcomes. 1. In concert with national health priorities, USP encourages healthcare facilities to increase the rate of adoption of proven technological solutions that offer error protection, including, but not limited to, computerized prescriber order entry systems, robotic fills, bar code technology, and electronic health records. Low-tech solutions such as shelf markers or segregated lookalike and/or sound-alike drugs can be implemented quickly, easily, and inexpensively. 2. A national forum should be convened to resolve discrepancies in the use of drug suffixes such that adoption of a standardized nomenclature occurs universally. 3. All prescriptions, regardless of the setting in which they are written, whether manual or computer generated, should include the indication for using the drug. 4. Ambulatory patients should exercise their right to counseling by a pharmacist at the point of medication dispensing or refilling. This counseling provides a final safety net to catch look-alike and/or sound-alike errors. 5. The application of human factors principles and similarity detection software should be encouraged early in the drug approval process to identify potential weaknesses in drug names, drug labels, and drug packaging. 6. Healthcare practitioners should commit to the on-going reporting of medication errors resulting from similar names to allow the public dissemination of these name pairs for awareness by all stakeholders. SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors USP offers the following recommendations to the various stakeholders in the healthcare system to address drug name confusion more broadly: The 2006 report of the Institute of Medicine, Preventing Medication Errors, provided an action agenda to address medication errors resulting from similar drug names and called upon the FDA, USP, and others to address the key problems that affect medication safety and quality. USP believes that this year’s MEDMARX Data Report provides the first and most important step of identifying confusing name pairs to answer the call for action. 199 SECTION 4: Summary of Error Information for Look-Alike and/or Sound-Alike Errors 200 MEDMARX DATA REPORT APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Appendix 1 Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors —A common taxonomy for organizing drug brand or generic names is the VA coding system. All drugs receive at least one therapeutic classification. Drugs are further subcategorized by distinct classes, such that similar acting products appear within the same subclassification. For example, amoxicillin is in the broad class of antimicrobials. It has a subclassification of beta-lactam antimicrobials. The following list associates the brand or generic name of the drugs involved in look-alike or sound-alike errors with the respective classification and subclassification. 201 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Abbokinase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Abelcet Antimicrobials Antifungals Abilify Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Accolate Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Accupril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Accutane Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Accuzyme Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Aceon Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Acetaminophen Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Acetazolamide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Acetic Acid Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Acetohexamide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Acetylcysteine Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Acetylcysteine Respiratory Tract Medications Mucolytics Aciphex Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Actanol Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Actigall Gastric Medications Gastric Medications, Other Actiq Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Activase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Actonel Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Actos Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Acular Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Acyclovir Antimicrobials Antivirals Acyclovir Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Adacel Immunological Agents Vaccines Adalat Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Adderall Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Adderall XR Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Adipex-P Gastric Medications Appetite Suppressants Adrenalin Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Advair Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Advair Diskus Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Advicor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Advil Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Advil Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics 202 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Agenerase Antimicrobials Antivirals Aggrastat Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Aggrenox Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Albuterol Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Aldactone Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Aldomet Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Alendronate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Alesse Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Alfentanil Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Alfuzosin Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents Alkeran Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Allegra Antihistamines Antihistamines Allegra-D Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Allerx Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Allopurinol Musculoskeletal Medications Antigout Agents Alphagan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Alphagan P Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Alprazolam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Alrex Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Altace Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Alteplase, Recombinant Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Altocor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Alupent Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Amantadine Antimicrobials Antivirals Amaryl Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Amatine Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Ambien Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics AmBisome Antimicrobials Antifungals Amicar Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Amikacin Antimicrobials Aminoglycosides Amikin Antimicrobials Aminoglycosides Amiloride Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Aminophylline Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Amiodarone Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Amitriptyline Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants 203 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Amlodipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Amoxapine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Amoxicillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Amoxil Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Amphotericin B Antimicrobials Antifungals Amphotericin B Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Amphotericin B Desoxycholate Antimicrobials Antifungals Amphotericin B Lipid Complex Antimicrobials Antifungals Amphotericin B Liposome Antimicrobials Antifungals Ampicillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ampicillin and Sulbactam Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Amukin Miscellaneous Anafranil Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Anagrelide Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Anaprox Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Anaprox Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Anaprox DS Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Anaprox DS Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Anastrozole Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Anexsia Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Antivert Gastric Medications Antiemetics Anzemet Gastric Medications Antiemetics Apresoline Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Aquasol A Vitamins Vitamins Aquasol E Vitamins Vitamins Aralast Respiratory Tract Medications Respiratory Agents, Other Aranesp Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Argatroban Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Aricept Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Arimidex Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Aripiprazole Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Arixtra Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Armour Thyroid Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Aromasin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics 204 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Artane Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Asacol Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Asparaginase Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Atacand Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Atarax Antihistamines Antihistamines Atenolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Ativan Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Atomoxetine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Atorvastatin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Atropine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Atropine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Atrovent Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Atrovent Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Augmentin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Auralgan Otic Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Avalide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Avandamet Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Avandia Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Avapro Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Avelox Antimicrobials Quinolones Aventyl Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Aygestin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Azathioprine Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Azilect Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Azithromycin Antimicrobials Macrolides Azmacort Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Aztreonam Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Azulfidine Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Baciim Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Bacitracin Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Bacitracin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Bacitracin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Baclofen Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Bactrim Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials 205 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Bactrim DS Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials Bactroban Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Beclomethasone Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Benadryl Antihistamines Antihistamines Benazepril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Benazepril and Hydrochloro- Cardiovascular Medications thiazide Antihypertensives Benefiber Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents BeneFix Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Benicar Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Benicar HCT Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Bentyl Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications BenzaClin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Benzamycin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Benzocaine Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Benzocaine Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Benzocaine Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Benzoin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Benzonatate Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Benzoyl Peroxide Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Benztropine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Betagan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Betamethasone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Betaxolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Betaxolol Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Bethanechol Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Betoptic Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Bextra Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Biaxin Antimicrobials Macrolides Biaxin XL Antimicrobials Macrolides Bicillin C-R Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Bicillin L-A Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Bicitra Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Bisacodyl Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents 206 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Bisacodyl Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Bisoprolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Bleph-10 Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Blephamide Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Blocadren Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Boostrix Immunological Agents Vaccines Botulism Immune Globulin Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Brethine Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Brevibloc Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Brevital Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Brimonidine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Bromocriptine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Budesonide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Budesonide Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Budesonide Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Budesonide Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Bumetanide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Bumex Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Bupivacaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Bupropion Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Bupropion Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants BuSpar Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Buspirone Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Butalbital, Acetaminophen, and Caffeine Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Butalbital, Aspirin, and Caffeine Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Butorphanol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Cafergot Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Calan Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Calan SR Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Calcitriol Vitamins Vitamins 207 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Calcium Acetate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium and Vitamin D Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium Carbonate Gastric Medications Antacids Calcium Carbonate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium Chloride Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Calcium Chloride Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium Citrate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium Disodium EDTA Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Calcium Gluconate Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Calcium Gluconate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Calcium Polycarbophil Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Caltrate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Capoten Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Captopril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Carac Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Carafate Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Carbamazepine Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Carbatrol Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Carbidopa Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Carboplatin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Cardene Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Cardizem Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Cardizem CD Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Cardizem LA Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Cardizem SR Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Cardura Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Carisoprodol Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Carrasyn Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Cartia XT Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Carvedilol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Catapres Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Cefaclor Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefadroxil Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefamandole Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials 208 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Cefazolin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefdinir Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefepime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefixime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefotan Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefotaxime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefotetan Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefoxitin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefprozil Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ceftazidime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ceftin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ceftizoxime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ceftriaxone Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefuroxime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cefzil Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Celebrex Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Celexa Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Cepacol Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Cephalexin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Cerebyx Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Cetacaine Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Cetamide Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Cetirizine Antihistamines Antihistamines Chloral Hydrate Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Chlordiazepoxide Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Chlorhexidine Gluconate Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Chlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Chlorpheniramine Antihistamines Antihistamines Chlorpheniramine and Pseudoephedrine Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Chlorpromazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Chlorpropamide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Chlorthalidone Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Cholestyramine Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Ciloxan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents 209 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Cimetidine Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Cipro Antimicrobials Quinolones Cipro HC Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Ciprodex Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Ciprofloxacin Antimicrobials Quinolones Ciprofloxacin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Cisplatin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Citalopram Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Citracal Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Citrucel Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Cladribine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Claforan Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Clarinex Antihistamines Antihistamines Clarithromycin Antimicrobials Macrolides Claritin Antihistamines Antihistamines Claritin-D Antihistamines Antihistamines Cleocin Antimicrobials Lincomycins Clindamycin Antimicrobials Lincomycins Clindamycin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Clindesse Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Clindets Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Clinoril Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Clobetasol Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Clofazimine Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Clomid Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Clomiphene Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Clomipramine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Clonazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Clonidine Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Clonidine Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Clotrimazole Antimicrobials Antifungals Clotrimazole Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Clotrimazole Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Clozapine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics 210 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Clozaril Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Colace Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Colazal Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Colchicine Musculoskeletal Medications Antigout Agents Colesevelam Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Colestipol Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Colyte Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Combipatch Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Combipres Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Combivent Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Combivir Antimicrobials Antivirals Compazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Comvax Immunological Agents Vaccines Concerta Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Conjugated Estrogens Genitourinary Medications Estrogens, Vaginal Conjugated Estrogens Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Cordarone Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Coreg Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Corgard Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Cortef Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Cortisone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Cortisporin Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Cortone Acetate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Cortrosyn Diagnostic Agents Diagnostic Agents Cosopt Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Cotrim Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials Coumadin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Cozaar Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Creon 10 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Crestor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Cubicin Antimicrobials Lipopeptides Cyclobenzaprine Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Cyclogyl Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Cyclomydril Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents 211 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Cyclophosphamide Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Cyclosporine Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Cyproheptadine Antihistamines Antihistamines Cytarabine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Cytomel Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Cytosar-U Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Cytotec Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Prostaglandins Cytoxan Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Dactinomycin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Dalteparin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Danazol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Danocrine Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Dantrium Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Dapsone Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Daptacel Immunological Agents Vaccines Daptomycin Antimicrobials Lipopeptides Darbepoetin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Darvocet Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Darvocet-N Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Darvon Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Darvon-N Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Daunorubicin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Debrox Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Decadron Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Declomycin Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Delestrogen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Deltasone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Demadex Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Demeclocycline Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Demerol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Demulen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Depacon Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Depakene Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Depakote Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants 212 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Depo-Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Depo-Medrol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Depo-Provera Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Depo-Testadiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Depo-Testosterone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Desferal Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Desipramine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Desloratadine Antihistamines Antihistamines Desmopressin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Desogen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Desyrel Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Detrol Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Detrol LA Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Dexamethasone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Dexamethasone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Dexamethasone Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Dexedrine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants DexFerrum Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Dexmedetomidine Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Dextroamphetamine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Dextromethorphan Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants DiaBeta Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Diabinese Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Diamox Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Diazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Diazoxide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Diazoxide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Antihypoglycemics Diclofenac Sodium Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Diclofenac Sodium Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Diclofenac Sodium Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Dicloxacillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials 213 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Dicyclomine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Diflucan Antimicrobials Antifungals Diflunisal Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Digibind Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Digoxin Cardiovascular Medications Cardiac Inotropic Agents Dilantin Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Dilaudid Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Diltiazem Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Dimenhydrinate Antihistamines Antihistamines Dimenhydrinate Gastric Medications Antiemetics Diovan Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Diovan HCT Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Diphenhydramine Antihistamines Antihistamines Dipyridamole Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Disodium EDTA Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Ditropan Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Ditropan XL Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Diuril Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Divalproex Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Dobutamine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Dobutrex Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Docetaxel Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Docusate Sodium Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Docusate Sodium Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Dolasetron Gastric Medications Antiemetics Dolophine Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Domeboro Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Donepezil Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Dopamine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Doxazosin Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Doxepin Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Doxepin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Doxidan Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Doxorubicin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics 214 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Doxycycline Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Drisdol Vitamins Vitamins Duricef Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ecotrin Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Efavirenz Antimicrobials Antivirals Effexor Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Effexor XR Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Efudex Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Ela Max Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Elavil Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Eldepryl Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Elidel Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Elimite Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Elspar Antineoplastics Antineoplastics EMLA Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Emtriva Antimicrobials Antivirals Enalapril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Engerix-B Immunological Agents Vaccines Enoxaparin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Ephedrine Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Ephedrine Sulfate Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Epinephrine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Epinephrine Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Epivir Antimicrobials Antivirals Epogen Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Ergoloid Mesylates Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Ertapenem Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Erythromycin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Erythromycin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Erythromycin Base Antimicrobials Macrolides Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate Antimicrobials Macrolides Erythromycin Stearate Antimicrobials Macrolides Escitalopram Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants 215 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Eskalith Central Nervous System Medications Antimanic Agents Esomeprazole magnesium Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Esterified Estrogens Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Estrace Genitourinary Medications Estrogens, Vaginal Estrace Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Estradiol Genitourinary Medications Estrogens, Vaginal Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Estratest Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Estring Genitourinary Medications Estrogens, Vaginal Ethamolin Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Ethionamide Antimicrobials Antituberculars Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Etomidate Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Evista Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers, Other Excedrin Migraine Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Excedrin Sinus Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Exelon Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Ezetimibe Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Fabrazyme Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Famotidine Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Famvir Antimicrobials Antivirals Felbatol Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Feldene Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Felodipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Femara Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Femhrt Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Fentanyl Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Fentanyl Citrate Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Feosol Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Ferro-Sequels Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Ferrous Fumarate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Ferrous Gluconate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Ferrous Sulfate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Filgrastim Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation 216 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Finasteride Dermatological Agents Dermatologicals, Systemic, Other Finasteride Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents Fioricet Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Fiorinal Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Flavoxate Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Flax Oil Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Fleet Enema Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Fleet Phospho-Soda Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Flexeril Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Flexium Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Flomax Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents Flonase Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Florinef Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Flovent Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Floxin Otic Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Fluconazole Antimicrobials Antifungals Flucytosine Antimicrobials Antifungals Fludarabine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Fludrocortisone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Flumadine Antimicrobials Antivirals Flunisolide Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Flunisolide Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Fluocinolone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Fluocinonide Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Fluorometholone Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Fluorouracil Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Fluoxetine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Flurazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Fluticasone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Fluticasone Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Fluticasone Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Fluvoxamine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other 217 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Foltrin Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Foltx Vitamins Vitamins Fortovase Antimicrobials Antivirals Fosamax Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Fosamax Plus D Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Fosinopril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Fosinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Fosphenytoin Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Fragmin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Fungizone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Furosemide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Gabapentin Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Gabitril Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Galantamine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Ganciclovir Antimicrobials Antivirals Ganciclovir Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Gastrografin Diagnostic Agents Ionic Contrast Media Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Gemcitabine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Gemfibrozil Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Gentamicin Antimicrobials Aminoglycosides Gentamicin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Gentamicin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Gentamicin Phamaceutical Aids/Reagents Otic Agents Genteal Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Geocillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Glimepiride Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glipizide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glipizide and Metformin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Gluconorm Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glucophage Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glucophage XR Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glucotrol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents 218 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Glucotrol XL Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glucovance Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glutamine Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Glyburide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Glyburide and Metformin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents GoLYTELY Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Granisetron Gastric Medications Antiemetics Griseofulvin Antimicrobials Antifungals Guaifenesin Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Halcion Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Haldol Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Halobetasol Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Haloperidol Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Havrix Immunological Agents Vaccines Healon Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Hectorol Vitamins Vitamins Heparin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated Immunological Agents Vaccines Hepatitis B Immune Globulin Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant Immunological Agents Vaccines Heptavax Immunological Agents Vaccines Hespan Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Volume Expanders Hexachlorophene Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Hextend Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Volume Expanders Homatropine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Humalog Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humalog Mix 50/50 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humalog Mix 75/25 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humatrope Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Humulin 50/50 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humulin 70/30 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humulin R Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin 219 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Humulin R (Concentrated), U-500 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Humulin-U Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Hyalgan Musculoskeletal Medications Musculoskeletal Agents, Other Hycodan Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Hydralazine Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Hydrea Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Hydrochlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Hydrocodone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Hydrocodone and Guaifenesin Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Hydrocodone and Homatropine Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Hydrocortisone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Hydrocortisone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Hydromorphone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Hydroxychloroquine Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Hydroxyurea Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Hydroxyzine Antihistamines Antihistamines Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride Antihistamines Antihistamines Hydroxyzine Pamoate Antihistamines Antihistamines Hytrin Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Hyzaar Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives IMDUR Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Imipenem and Cilastatin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Imipramine Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Imitrex Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Imodium Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Imuran Immunological Agents Immunomodulators 220 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification Subclassification Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Inapsine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Indapamide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Inderal Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Inderal LA Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Indomethacin Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Indomethacin Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Indomethacin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Infanrix Immunological Agents Vaccines Infliximab Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Inspra Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Insulin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Interferon Alfa-2a, Recombinant Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Invirase Antimicrobials Antivirals Iodine Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Antithyroid Agents Iodosorb Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Ipratropium Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Ipratropium Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Irbesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Irinotecan Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Isocal Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Enteral Nutrition Isoniazid Antimicrobials Antituberculars Isoproterenol Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Isoproterenol Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Isoptin Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Isopto Homatropine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Isoptotears Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Isordil Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Isosorb 2000 APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Inamrinone Miscellaneous Isosorbide Dinitrate Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Isosorbide Mononitrate Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals 221 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Isotretinoin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Isradipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Isuprel Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Isuprel Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Itraconazole Antimicrobials Antifungals Jantoven Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers K Phos Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Kaletra Antimicrobials Antivirals Kaopectate Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Kayexalate Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control K-Dur Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Keflex Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Kefzol Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Kenalog Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Kenalog Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Keppra Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Kerlone Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Ketek Antimicrobials Ketolide Ketoconazole Antimicrobials Antifungals Ketoconazole Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Ketoprofen Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Ketorolac Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Ketorolac Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Klonopin Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Kwell Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Labetalol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Lac-Hydrin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents LactAid Gastric Medications Digestants Lactinex Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Lactulose Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Lamictal Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Lamisil Antimicrobials Antifungals Lamisil Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lamivudine Antimicrobials Antivirals 222 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Lamotrigine Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Lanacane Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lanolin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lanoxin Cardiovascular Medications Cardiac Inotropic Agents Lansoprazole Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Lantus Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Lariam Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Lasix Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Latanoprost Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Letrozole Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Leucovorin Vitamins Vitamins Leukeran Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Levaquin Antimicrobials Quinolones Levbid Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Levetiracetam Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Levitra Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other Levlen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Levlite Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Levobupivacaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Levocarnitine Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Levodopa Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Levofloxacin Antimicrobials Quinolones Levofloxacin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Levonorgestrel Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Levophed Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Levorphanol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Levothyroxine Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Levoxyl Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Levsin Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Levsin SL Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Levsinex Timecaps Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Lexapro Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Lexiva Antimicrobials Antivirals 223 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Lexxel Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Librax Gastric Medications Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics Librium Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Lidex Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lidocaine Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Lidocaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Lidocaine Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lidocaine Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Lidoderm Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Limbitrol Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Lindane Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Linezolid Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Lioresal Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Liothyronine Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Lipitor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Lisinopril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Lithium Carbonate Central Nervous System Medications Antimanic Agents Lodine Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Lodosyn Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Loestrin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Loestrin Fe Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Lomotil Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Loniten Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Loperamide Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Lopid Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Lopressor Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Loratadine Antihistamines Antihistamines Lorazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Lorcet Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Lortab Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Losartan Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Losartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives 224 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Lotensin Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Loteprednol Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Lotrel Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Lotrimin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lotrisone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Lovastatin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Lovenox Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Loxitane Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Lumigan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Lunesta Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Lupron Depot Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers, Other Luvox Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Maalox Gastric Medications Antacids Maalox Total Stomach Relief Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Macrobid Antimicrobials Nitrofuran Antimicrobials Macrodantin Antimicrobials Nitrofuran Antimicrobials Magnesium Oxide Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Magnesium Sulfate Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Magnesium Sulfate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Marcaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Marinol Gastric Medications Antiemetics Mavik Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Maxalt Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Maxaquin Antimicrobials Quinolones Maxipime Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Maxitrol Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Maxzide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Mebaral Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Mebendazole Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Meclizine Gastric Medications Antiemetics Medroxyprogesterone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Megace Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Megestrol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Mellaril Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics 225 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Meloxicam Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Melphalan Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Memantine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Menactra Immunological Agents Vaccines Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Immunological Agents Vaccines Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Immunological Agents Vaccines Menomune Immunological Agents Vaccines Meperidine Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Mephyton Vitamins Vitamins Mercaptopurine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Meribin Vitamins Vitamins Meridia Gastric Medications Appetite Suppressants Meropenem Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Meruvax II Immunological Agents Vaccines Mesalamine Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Mesalamine Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Mestinon Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Metaxalone Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Metformin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Methadone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Methamphetamine Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Methazolamide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Methenamine Hippurate Antimicrobials Methenamine Salt Antimicrobials Methenamine Mandelate Antimicrobials Methenamine Salt Antimicrobials Methergine Genitourinary Medications Oxytocics Methimazole Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Antithyroid Agents Methocarbamol Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Methotrexate Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Methotrexate Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Methotrexate Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Methylergonovine Genitourinary Medications Oxytocics Methylin Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Methylphenidate Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants 226 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Methylprednisolone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Methylprednisolone Acetate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Methylprednisolone Sodium Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Succinate Adrenal Corticosteroids Methysergide Maleate Miscellaneous Agents Metipranolol Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Metoclopramide Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Metolazone Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Metoprolol Tartrate Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related MetroGel Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other MetroGel-Vaginal Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Metronidazole Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Metronidazole Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Metronidazole Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Metyrapone Diagnostic Agents Diagnostic Agents Metyrosine Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Mevacor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Mexitil Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Miacalcin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Micardis Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Micardis HCT Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Miconazole Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Miconazole Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Micro-K Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Midamor Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Midazolam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Midodrine Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Mifeprex Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers, Other Minipress Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Minizide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Minocin Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Minocycline Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Minoxidil Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Minoxidil Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents MiraLax Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents 227 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Mirapex Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Mirtazapine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Misoprostol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Prostaglandins Mitomycin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Mitoxantrone Antineoplastics Antineoplastics M-M-R II Immunological Agents Vaccines Moban Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Mobic Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Molindone Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Mometasone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Mometasone Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Monopril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Monurol Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Morphine Sulfate Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Moxifloxacin Antimicrobials Quinolones Moxifloxacin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents MS Contin Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics MSIR Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Mucinex Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Mucobid LA Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Mucomyst Respiratory Tract Medications Mucolytics Mupirocin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Mupirocin Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Mutamycin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Mycolog II Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Mycostatin Antimicrobials Antifungals Myleran Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Myozyme Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Nabumetone Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Nadolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Nafcillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Naftifine Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Nalbuphine Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Nalmefene Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control 228 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification Subclassification Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Namenda Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Naphazoline and Antazoline Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Naprelan Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Naprosyn Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Naprosyn Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Naproxen Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Naproxen Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Narcan Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Nasacort AQ Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasalcrom Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasalide Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasonex Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nateglinide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Natrecor Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Navane Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Nefazodone Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Nelfinavir Antimicrobials Antivirals Nembutal Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Neomycin Antimicrobials Aminoglycosides Neomycin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Dermatological Agents Bacitracin Dermatological Agents Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Ophthalmic Agents Bacitracin Ophthalmic Agents Neomycin, Polymyxin B, and Ophthalmic Agents Gramicidin Ophthalmic Agents Neoral Immunomodulators Immunological Agents APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Naloxone Neosporin Ointment Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Neosporin Ophthalmic Solution Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Neo-Synephrine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Neo-Synephrine Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Neo-Synephrine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Nephrocaps Vitamins Vitamins Nepro Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Enteral Nutrition 229 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Nesiritide Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Neulasta Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Neumega Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Neupogen Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Neurontin Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Neutra-Phos Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Neutra-Phos-K Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Nevirapine Antimicrobials Antivirals Nexavar Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Nexium Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Niacin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Niacin Vitamins Vitamins Niacin SR Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Niacinamide Vitamins Vitamins Niaspan Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Nicardipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Nicobid Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Nicoderm CQ Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Nicotine Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Nifedipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Niferex Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Nimodipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Nipride Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Nisoldipine Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Nitro-BID Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Nitro-Dur Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Nitrofurantoin Antimicrobials Nitrofuran Antimicrobials Nitrofurazone Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Nitroglycerin Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Nitroprusside Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Nizatidine Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Nizoral Antimicrobials Antifungals Nolvadex Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Norco Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics 230 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Norcuron Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Norepinephrine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Norethindrone and Mestranol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Norflex Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Norfloxacin Antimicrobials Quinolones Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Norinyl Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Normodyne Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Noroxin Antimicrobials Quinolones Norpace Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Norpace CR Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Norpramin Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Nor-QD Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Nortriptyline Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Norvasc Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Norvir Antimicrobials Antivirals Novolin 70/30 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Novolin ge NPH Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Novolin N Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Novolin R Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin NovoLog Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin NovoLog Mix 70/30 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Insulin Nubain Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Nutropin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Nutropin AQ Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary NuvaRing Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Nystatin Antimicrobials Antifungals Nystatin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Nystatin Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Ocufen Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents 231 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Ocuflox Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Olanzapine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Olmesartan Medoxomil Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Olsalazine Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Omacor Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Omeprazole Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Omnicef Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Omnipaque Diagnostic Agents Non-Ionic Contrast Media Omniscan Diagnostic Agents Diagnostic Agents Oncaspar Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Ondansetron Gastric Medications Antiemetics Optinate Vitamins Vitamins Oracea Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Orencia Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Ortho Evra Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Ortho Tri-Cyclen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Ortho-Cept Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Ortho-Cyclen Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Ortho-Novum Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Orvaten Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Os-Cal Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Os-Cal D Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Oxacillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Oxandrin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Oxandrolone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Oxaprozin Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Oxazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Oxcarbazepine Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Oxy IR Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Oxybutynin Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Oxycodone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Oxycodone and Aspirin Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics 232 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification OxyContin Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Oxytocin Genitourinary Medications Oxytocics Oxytrol Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Paceron Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Paclitaxel Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Palladone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Pallidone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Pamelor Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Pamidronate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Pancrease Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Pancrease MT 20 Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Pancuronium Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Pangestyme Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Panlor DC Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Panlor SS Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Pantoprazole Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Papaverine Cardiovascular Medications Peripheral Vasodilators Parafon Forte DSC Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Paricalcitol Vitamins Vitamins Parlodel Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Paroxetine Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Patanol Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Pavulon Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Paxil Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Paxil CR Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Pediapred Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Pediarix Immunological Agents Vaccines Pediazole Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Pegaspargase Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Penicillamine Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Penicillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Penicillin G Benzathine Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Penicillin G Potassium Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Penicillin G Procaine Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials 233 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Penicillin G Sodium Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Penicillin V Potassium Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Pentasa Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Pentobarbital Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Pentothal Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Pepcid Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Percocet Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Percodan Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Pergolide Mesylate Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Periactin Antihistamines Antihistamines Peri-Colace Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Peridex Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Periogard Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Periomed Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Permax Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Permethrin Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Perphenazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Phenazopyridine Genitourinary Medications Analgesics, Urinary Phenergan Antihistamines Antihistamines Phenobarbital Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Phenoxybenzamine Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Phentolamine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Phenylephrine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Phenylephrine Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Phenylephrine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Phenylephrine and Guaifenesin Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Phenytoin Sodium Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Phisohex Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents PhosLo Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Physostigmine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Phytonadione Vitamins Vitamins Pilocarpine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Pimecrolimus Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Pindolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related 234 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Pioglitazone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Piperacillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Piperacillin and Tazobactam Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Pirbuterol Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Piroxicam Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Pitocin Genitourinary Medications Oxytocics Pitressin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Pitressin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Plaquenil Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Platinol Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Plavix Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Plendil Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Pletal Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Immunological Agents Vaccines Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent Immunological Agents Vaccines Pneumovax 23 Immunological Agents Vaccines Polycitra-K Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Polysporin Ophthalmic Ointment Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Polytrim Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Poly-Vi-Flor Vitamins Vitamins Poly-Vi-Sol Vitamins Vitamins Potassium Acetate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Potassium Bicarbonate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Potassium Chloride Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Potassium Citrate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Potassium Citrate and Citric Acid Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Potassium Phosphates Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Prandin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Pravachol Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Pravastatin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Prazosin Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Precedex Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics 235 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Prednisolone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Prednisone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Prednisone Intensol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Prelone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Premarin Genitourinary Medications Estrogens, Vaginal Premarin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Premphase Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Prempro Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Prevacid Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Prevacid Naprapac Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Prevnar Immunological Agents Vaccines Prevpac Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Prilosec Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Primacor Cardiovascular Medications Cardiac Inotropic Agents Primaquine Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Primaxin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Primidone Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Prinivil Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Prinzide Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives ProAmatine Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Probenecid Musculoskeletal Medications Antigout Agents Procainamide Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Procanbid Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Procardia Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Procardia XL Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Prochlorperazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Prochlorperazine Gastric Medications Antiemetics Profen Forte Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Progesterone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Promethazine Antihistamines Antihistamines 236 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification Subclassification Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Amino Acids/Proteins, Parenteral Propantheline Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Proparacaine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Propecia Dermatological Agents Dermatologicals, Systemic, Other Propofol Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Propranolol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Propylthiouracil Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Antithyroid Agents Proscar Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents ProSom Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Prostin VR Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Prostaglandins Protamine Sulfate Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Proteinex Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Amino Acids/Proteins, Parenteral Protirelin APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Propac Miscellaneous Agents Protonix Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Proventil Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Provera Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Provigil Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Prozac Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Pseudoephedrine and Guaifenesin Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Pulmicort Turbuhaler Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Purinethol Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Pyrazinamide Antimicrobials Antituberculars Pyridium Genitourinary Medications Analgesics, Urinary Pyridostigmine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Pyridoxine Vitamins Vitamins Pyrimethamine Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Questran Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Quetiapine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Quinapril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Quinidine Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Quinine Antiparasitics Antiparasitics Qwell Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes, Other Rabeprazole Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Raloxifene Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers, Other 237 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Ramelteon Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Ramipril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Ranitidine Hydrochloride Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Razadyne Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Rebetron Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Recombivax HB Pediatric/ Adolescent Immunological Agents Vaccines Refludan Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Regitine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Reglan Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Regonol Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Relafen Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Remeron Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Reminyl Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Reminyl Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Renagel Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Renal Caps Vitamins Vitamins ReoPro Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Repaglinide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Reprexain Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Requip Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Reserpine Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Restoril Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Retavase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Retrovir Antimicrobials Antivirals Revatio Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other ReVia Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Ribavirin Antimicrobials Antivirals Riboflavin Vitamins Vitamins Rifabutin Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Rifadin Antimicrobials Antituberculars Rifamate Antimicrobials Antituberculars Rifampin Antimicrobials Antituberculars Rifaximin Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Rimadyl Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics 238 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Rimantadine Antimicrobials Antivirals Risedronate Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Risperdal Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Risperidone Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Ritonavir Antimicrobials Antivirals Rituxan Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Rituximab Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Rizatriptan Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Robaxin Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Robitussin Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Robitussin AC Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Rocaltrol Vitamins Vitamins Rocephin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Rocuronium Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Rofecoxib Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Romazicon Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Rondec Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Rondec DM Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Ropinirole Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Ropivacaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Rosac Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Rosiglitazone Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Oral Antidiabetic Agents Rosuvastatin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Roxanol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Roxicet Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Roxicodone Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Roxicodone Intensol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Rozerem Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Rozex Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Salagen Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Salmeterol Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Salsalate Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Sandimmune Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Sandostatin Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents 239 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Saquinavir Antimicrobials Antivirals Sarafem Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Sargramostim Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Formation Selegiline Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Selenium Sulfide Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Semprex-D Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Senna Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Senokot Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Senokot-S Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Sensorcaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Septra-DS Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials Serentil Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Serevent Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Serophene Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Seroquel Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Sertraline Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Serzone Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Sildenafil Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other Silvadene Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Silvasorb Gel Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Silver Nitrate Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Silver Sulfadiazine Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Simethicone Gastric Medications Gastric Medications, Other Simvastatin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Sinemet Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Sinemet CR Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Sinequan Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Singulair Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Sirolimus Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Skelaxin Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Slow-BID Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Slow-K Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Sodium Bicarbonate Gastric Medications Antacids Sodium Bicarbonate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals 240 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Sodium Biphosphate and Sodium Phosphate Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Sodium Chloride Genitourinary Medications Oxytocics Sodium Chloride Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Sodium Fluoride Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Dental and Oral Agents, Topical Sodium Fluoride Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Sodium Phosphate Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Sodium Phosphates Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Sodium Phosphates Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Solu-Cortef Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Solu-Medrol Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Soma Musculoskeletal Medications Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Somatropin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Sonata Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Sorafenib Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Sorbitol Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other Sorbitrate Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Soriatane Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Sotalol Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Spiriva Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Spironolactone Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Sporanox Antimicrobials Antifungals Stadol Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Stelazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Streptase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Streptokinase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Suboxone Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Subutex Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Sufentanil Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Sufentanil Citrate Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Sulfacetamide Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Sulfadiazine Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Antimicrobials Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials Sulfasalazine Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents 241 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Sumatriptan Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Sunitinib Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Sustiva Antimicrobials Antivirals Symlin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Blood Glucose Regulation Agents Symmetrel Antimicrobials Antivirals Synthroid Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Tacrolimus Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Tacrolimus Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Tadalafil Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other Tagamet Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Tambocor Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Tamoxifen Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Tamsulosin Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents Tapazole Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Antithyroid Agents Taxol Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Taxotere Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Tegaserod Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Tegretol Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Tegretol-XR Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Telmisartan Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Temazepam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Temodar Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Tenex Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Tenofovir Antimicrobials Antivirals Tenormin Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Tensilon Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Tequin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Terazol Genitourinary Medications Anti-Infectives, Vaginal Terazosin Cardiovascular Medications Alpha-Blockers/Related Terbinafine Antimicrobials Antifungals Terbinafine Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Terbutaline Genitourinary Medications Labor Suppressants Terbutaline Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Tessalon Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants 242 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Tetanus Immune Globulin Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Tetanus Toxoid (fluid) Immunological Agents Vaccines Tetracaine Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Tetracaine Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Tetracaine Rectal, Topical Rectal, Local Tetracycline Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Tetracycline Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Tetrahydrozoline Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents THALOMID Immunological Agents Immunological Agents, Other Theolair Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Theravite Vitamins Vitamins Thiamine Vitamins Vitamins Thiethylperazine Gastric Medications Antiemetics Thiopental Central Nervous System Medications Anesthetics Thioridazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Thiothixene Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Thorazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Thyroid Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Thyrolar Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Thyroid Supplements Tiagabine Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Ticar Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ticarcillin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Ticlid Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Ticlopidine Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Tigan Gastric Medications Antiemetics Tikosyn Cardiovascular Medications Antiarrhythmics Timentin Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Timoptic Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Timoptic-XE Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Tiotropium Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Tizanidine Musculoskeletal Medications Musculoskeletal Agents, Other TNKase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Tobramycin Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Tofranil Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants 243 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Tolmetin Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Tolterodine Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Topamax Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Topiramate Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Topotecan Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Toprol-XL Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Toradol Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Torsemide Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Tramadol Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Trandate Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Trandolapril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Tranxene Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Travatan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Trazodone Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Trental Cardiovascular Medications Cardiovascular Agents, Other Tretinoin Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Tretinoin Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Triamcinolone Acetonide Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Triamcinolone Acetonide Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Adrenal Corticosteroids Triamcinolone Acetonide Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Triamcinolone Acetonide Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Triamterene Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Triazolam Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Trichloroacetic Acid Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Tricodene Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Tricor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Tridil Cardiovascular Medications Antianginals Trientine Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Antidotes, Deterrents, and Poison Control Trifluoperazine Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Trihexyphenidyl Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Trilafon Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Trileptal Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Trimethobenzamide Gastric Medications Antiemetics 244 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Trimethoprim Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Tri-Vi-Flor Vitamins Vitamins Trizivir Antimicrobials Antivirals Trusopt Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Truvada Antimicrobials Antivirals Tussi-12 Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Tussi-12 D Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Tussionex Pennkinetic Suspension Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Tussi-Organidin Liquid Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Tussi-Organidin NR Respiratory Tract Medications Antitussives/Expectorants Tygacil Antimicrobials Glycylcyclines Tylenol Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Tylenol with Codeine Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Tylox Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Ultracet Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Ultram Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Ultrase Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Unasyn Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Univasc Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Urex Antimicrobials Methenamine Salt Antimicrobials Urised Antimicrobials Methenamine Salt Antimicrobials Urispas Genitourinary Medications Antispasmodics, Urinary Urocit-K Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Urokinase Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Uroxatral Genitourinary Medications Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Agents Ursodiol Gastric Medications Gastric Medications, Other Valacyclovir Antimicrobials Antivirals Valcyte Antimicrobials Antivirals Valdecoxib Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Valium Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Valproic Acid Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Valsartan Cardiovascular Medications Angiotensin II Inhibitors Valtrex Antimicrobials Antivirals Vancenase Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical 245 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Vanceril Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Vancomycin Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other Vardenafil Genitourinary Medications Genitourinary Agents, Other Varicella Virus Vaccine Live Immunological Agents Vaccines Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin (Human) (VZIG) Immunological Agents Immunomodulators Vasodilan Cardiovascular Medications Peripheral Vasodilators Vasopressin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Pituitary Vasotec Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors Vecuronium Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Venofer Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Verapamil Cardiovascular Medications Calcium Channel Blockers Versed Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics VESIcare Autonomic Medications Autonomic Medications Vfend Antimicrobials Antifungals Vibramycin Antimicrobials Tetracyclines Vicodin Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Vicodin ES Central Nervous System Medications Opioid Analgesics Vicoprofen Central Nervous System Medications CNS Medications, Other Vinblastine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Vincristine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Vinorelbine Antineoplastics Antineoplastics Viokase Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Enzyme Replacements/Modifiers Vioxx Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Viracept Antimicrobials Antivirals Viramune Antimicrobials Antivirals Viravan Respiratory Tract Medications Cold Remedies, Combinations Viread Antimicrobials Antivirals Visicol Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Visken Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Vistaril Antihistamines Antihistamines Vitafol Vitamins Vitamins Vitafol-pn Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin B1 Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin B6 Vitamins Vitamins 246 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Classification APPENDIX 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike errors Brand & Generics Subclassification Vitamin C Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin D Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin E Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin K Vitamins Vitamins Vitron C Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Vivarin Central Nervous System Medications CNS Stimulants Voltaren Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Voltaren Musculoskeletal Medications Antirheumatics Vytorin Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Warfarin Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders Blood Coagulation Modifiers Welchol Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Wellbutrin Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Wellbutrin SR Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Wellbutrin XL Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Xalatan Ophthalmic Agents Ophthalmic Agents Xanax Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Xifaxan Gastric Medications Laxatives/Antidiarrheal Agents Xopenex Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Yasmin Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Yaz Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Sex Hormones/Modifiers Zafirlukast Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Zaleplon Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Zanaflex Musculoskeletal Medications Musculoskeletal Agents, Other Zantac Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Zarontin Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Zaroxolyn Cardiovascular Medications Diuretics Zebeta Cardiovascular Medications Beta-Blockers/Related Zegerid Gastric Medications Antiulcer Agents Zelapar Central Nervous System Medications Antiparkinson Agents Zelnorm Gastric Medications Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents Zemplar Vitamins Vitamins Zemuron Musculoskeletal Medications Neuromuscular Blockers Zerit Antimicrobials Antivirals Zestril Cardiovascular Medications Ace Inhibitors 247 APPENDIx 1: Therapeutic Classification of Products Involved in Look-alike and/or Sound-alike Errors Brand & Generics Classification Subclassification Zetia Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Ziac Cardiovascular Medications Antihypertensives Zidovudine Antimicrobials Antivirals Zinacef Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Zinc Oxide Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Zinc Sulfate Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes Electrolytes/Minerals Ziox Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Ziprasidone Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Zithromax Antimicrobials Macrolides Zocor Cardiovascular Medications Antilipemic Agents Zofran Gastric Medications Antiemetics Zoladex Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers, Other Zolmitriptan Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Zoloft Central Nervous System Medications Antidepressants Zolpidem Central Nervous System Medications Sedatives/Hypnotics/Anxiolytics Zometa Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers Calcium Regulating Agents Zomig Central Nervous System Medications Non-Opioid Analgesics Zonegran Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Zonisamide Central Nervous System Medications Anticonvulsants Zostrix Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Zosyn Antimicrobials Beta-Lactam Antimicrobials Zovirax Antimicrobials Antivirals Zovirax Dermatological Agents Dermatological Agents Zyflo Respiratory Tract Medications Antiasthma/Bronchodilators Zyloprim Musculoskeletal Medications Antigout Agents Zyprexa Central Nervous System Medications Antipsychotics Zyrtec Antihistamines Antihistamines Zyrtec D Antihistamines Antihistamines Zyvox Antimicrobials Anti-Infectives, Other 248 MEDMARX DATA REPORT APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Appendix 2 Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key The United States Pharmacopeia continually publishes the text of the USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names as part of its public health mission, and, further, to support the United States Adopted Names (USAN) program. The need for such a compilation grows even greater as the list of drugs available increases. The dictionary contains more than 10,000 nonproprietary drug name entries. The dictionary also includes all International Nonproprietary Names (INN) published by the World Health Organization. The following table lists drug entries from the USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names and associates the drug name with a standardized pronunciation guide. 249 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Abacavir Succinate a bak’ a vir sux’ i nate Abacavir Sulfate a bak’ a vir sul’ fate Abafilcon A a” ba fil’ kon Abamectin a” ba mek’ tin Abarelix a” ba rel’ ix Abatacept a bat’ a sept Abciximab ab six’ i mab Abetimus Sodium a be’ ti mus soe’ dee um Ablukast ab loo’ kast Ablukast Sodium ab loo’ kast soe’ dee um Abrineurin a” bri noor’ in Acadesine a ka’ de seen Acamprosate Calcium a kam’ proe sate kal’ see um Acarbose ay’ kar bose Acebutolol a” se bue’ toe lol Acecainide Hydrochloride a sek’ a nide hye” droe klor’ ide Aceclidine a sek’ li deen Acedapsone a” se dap’ sone Aceglutamide Aluminum a” se gloo’ ta mide a loo’ mi num Acemannan a” se man’ nan Acepromazine Maleate a” se proe’ ma zeen mal’ ee ate Acetohexamide a seet” oh hex’ a mide Acetohydroxamic Acid a seet” oh hye” drox am’ ik as’ id Acetophenazine Maleate a seet” oh fen’ a zeen mal’ ee ate Acetosulfone Sodium a seet” oh sul’ fone soe’ dee um Acetylcysteine a seet” il sis’ teen Acifran a’ si fran Acitretin a” si tre’ tin Acivicin a” si vye’ sin Aclarubicin a” kla roo’ bi sin Acodazole Hydrochloride a koe’ da zole hye” droe klor’ ide Acofilcon A a” koe fil’ kon Acofilcon B a” koe fil’ kon Acolbifene Hydrochloride a kol’ bi feen hye” droe klor’ ide Acotiamide Hydrochloride a” koe tye’ a mide 250 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Acrisorcin ak ri sor’ sin Acrivastine ak” ri vas’ teen Acronine a’ kroe neen Actaplanin ak” ta plan’ in Actinoquinol Sodium ak tin” oh kwin’ ol soe’ dee um Actisomide ak tis’pr oh mide Actodigin ak” toe di’ jin Acyclovir ay sye’ kloe vir Acyclovir Sodium ay sye’ kloe vir soe’ dee um Adalimumab a da lim’ ue mab Adapalene a dap’ a leen Adaprolol Maleate a da’ proe lol mal’ ee ate Adatanserin Hydrochloride a da tan’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Adefovir a def’ oh vir Adefovir Dipivoxil a def’ oh vir Adenosine a den’ oh seen Adenosine Phosphate a den’ oh seen fos’ fate Adinazolam a din az’ oh lam Adinazolam Mesylate a din az’ oh lam mes’ i late Adiphenine Hydrochloride a dif’ e neen hye” droe klor’ ide Adozelesin a” doe zel’ e sin Adrenalone a dren’ a lone Adrogolide Hydrochloride a droe’ goe lide hye” droe klor’ ide Afimoxifene a” fim ox’ i feen Afovirsen Sodium a” foe vir’ sen soe’ dee um Agalsidase Alfa ay gal’ si dase al’ fa Aklomide ak’ loe mide Alagebrium Chloride al a” je bree’ um klor’ ide Alamecin al a mee’ sin Alanine al’ a neen Alaproclate al a proe’ klate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 251 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Alatrofloxacin Mesylate al at” roe flox’ a sin mes’ i late Albendazole al ben’ da zole Albiglutide al” bi gloo’ tide Albinterferon Alfa-2b al bin” ter feer’ on al’ fa Albumin, Aggregated al bue’ min ag’ re gay” ted Albumin, Aggregated Iodinated I 131 Serum al bue’ min ag’ re gay” ted eye’ oh di nay” ted Albumin, Chromated Cr 51 Serum al bue’ min kroe’ may ted Albumin, Iodinated I 125 Serum al bue’ min eye’ oh di nay” ted Albumin, Iodinated I 131 Serum al bue’ min eye’ oh di nay” ted Albuterol al bue’ ter ol Albuterol Sulfate al bue’ ter ol sul’ fate Albutoin al bue’ toin; al bue’ toe in Alcaftadine al kaf’ ta deen Alclofenac al kloe’ fen ak Alclometasone Dipropionate al” kloe met’ a sone dye proe’ pee oh nate Alcloxa al klox’ a Alcuronium Chloride al kure oh’ nee um klor’ ide Aldesleukin al” des loo’ kin Aldioxa al dye ox’ a Alefacept a lef’ a sept Aleglitazar al” e gli’ ta zar Alemcinal a lem’ si nal Alemtuzumab al” em tooz’ oo mab Alendronate Sodium a len’ droe nate soe’ dee um Alentemol Hydrobromide a len’ te mol hye” droe broe’ mide Aletamine Hydrochloride a let’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Alexidine a lex’ i deen Alexomycin a lex” oh mye’ sin Alfaprostol al” fa prost’ ol Alfentanil Hydrochloride al fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Alferminogene Tadenovec al” fer min’ oh jeen ta den’ oh vek Alfimeprase al fim’ e prace Alfuzosin Hydrochloride al fue’ zoe sin hye” droe klor’ ide Algeldrate al jel’ drate 252 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Algestone Acetonide al jes’ tone a seet’ oh nide Algestone Acetophenide al jes’ tone a seet” oh fen’ ide Alglucerase al gloo’ ser ase Alglucosidase Alfa al gloo koe’ si dase al’ fa Alicaforsen Sodium a li ka’ for sen soe’ dee um Aliflurane a li flur’ ane Alipamide a li’ pa mide Aliskiren a lis kye’ ren Aliskiren Fumarate a lis kye’ ren fue’ ma rate Alitame a’ li tame Alitretinoin a” li tret’ i noin; al” i tret’ i noe; a” li tret’ i noe in Allantoin a lan’ toin; a lan’ toe in Allobarbital al” oh bar’ bi tal Allopurinol al” oh pure’ i nol Allyl Isothiocyanate al’ il eye” soe thye” oh sye’ a nate Almadrate Sulfate al’ ma drate sul’ fate Almagate al’ ma gate Almitrine Mesylate al’ mi treen mes’ i late Almotriptan al” moe trip’ tan Almotriptan Malate al” moe trip’ tan Alniditan Dihydrochloride al ni’ di tan dye hye” droe klor’ ide Alofilcon A al” oh fil’ kon Alogliptin Benzoate al” oh glip’ tin ben’ zoe ate Alonimid a lon’ i mid Alosetron Hydrochloride a loe’ se tron hye” droe klor’ ide Alovudine a loe’ vue deen Alpertine al per’ teen Alpha Amylase al’ fa am’ i lase Alphafilcon A al fa fil’ kon Alpidem al’ pi dem Alprazolam al pra’ zoe lam Alprenolol Hydrochloride al pren’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Alprenoxime Hydrochloride al pren’ ox eem hye” droe klor’ ide Alprostadil al pros’ ta dil APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 253 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Alrestatin Sodium al re stat’ in soe’ dee um Altanserin Tartrate al tan’ ser in tar’ trate Alteplase al’ te plase Althiazide al thye’ a zide Altinicline Maleate al tin’ i kleen mal’ ee ate Altrenogest al tren’ oh jest Altretamine al tret’ a meen Aluminum Carbonate, Basic a loo’ mi num kar’ bo nate Aluminum Chlorohydrate a loo’ mi num klor” oh hye’ drate Aluminum Chlorohydrex a loo’ mi num klor” oh hye’ drex Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate a loo’ mi num ses” kwi klor” oh hye’ drate Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly a loo’ mi num zir koe’ nee um tet” ra klor” oh hye’ drex glye Aluminum Zirconium Trichlorohydrex Gly a loo’ mi num zir koe’ nee um trye” klor oh hye’ drex glye Alvameline Maleate al va’ me leen mal’ ee ate Alverine Citrate al’ ve reen sit’ rate Alvespimycin Hydrochloride al ves” pi mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Alvimopan al” vi moe’ pan Alvircept Sudotox al’ vir sept soo’ doe tox Alvocidib al voe’ si dib Amadinone Acetate a ma’ di none as’ e tate Amantadine Hydrochloride a man’ ta deen hye” droe klor’ ide Ambomycin am” boe mye’ sin Ambruticin am” broo tye’ sin Ambuphylline am bue’ fi lin Ambuside am’ bue side Amcinafal am sin’ a fal Amcinafide am sin’ a fide Amcinonide am sin’ oh nide Amdinocillin am dee” noe sil’ in Amdinocillin Pivoxil am dee” noe sil’ in Amdoxovir am dox’ oh vir Amedalin Hydrochloride a med’ a lin hye” droe klor’ ide Ameltolide a mel’ toe lide Amesergide am e ser’ jide Ametantrone Acetate a met’ an trone as’ e tate 254 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Amfenac Sodium am’ fen ak soe’ dee um Amfilcon A am fil’ kon Amflutizole am floo’ ti zole Amfonelic Acid am” foe nee’ lik as’ id Amicloral a” mi klor’ al Amicycline a” mi sye’ kleen Amidapsone a” mi dap’ sone Amidephrine Mesylate a” mi def’ rin mes’ i late Amifloxacin a” mi flox’ a sin Amifloxacin Mesylate a” mi flox’ a sin mes’ i late Amifostine a” mi fos’ teen Amikacin Sulfate a” mi kay’ sin sul’ fate Amiloride Hydrochloride a mil’ oh ride hye” droe klor’ ide Amiloxate a” mil ox’ ate Aminacrine Hydrochloride am in ak’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Aminocaproic Acid a mee” noe ka proe’ ik as’ id Aminolevulinic Acid Hydrochloride a mee” noe lev” ue lin’ ik as’ id hye” droe klor’ ide Aminorex a min’ oh rex Amiodarone a” mi oh’ da rone Amiprilose Hydrochloride a” mi pril’ ose hye” droe klor’ ide Amiquinsin Hydrochloride a” mi kwin’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Amitivir a mit’ i vir Amitraz a’ mi traz Amlexanox am lex’ a nox Amlintide am’ lin tide Amlodipine Besylate am loe’ di peen bes’ i late Amlodipine Maleate am loe’ di peen mal’ ee ate Ammonia N 13 a mone’ ya Ammonium Lactate a moe’ nee um lak’ tate Amolimogene Bepiplasmid am” oh lim’ oh jeen bep” i plas’ mid Amorolfine a moe’ role feen Amotosalen Hydrochloride a” moe toe’ sa len hye” droe klor’ ide Amoxapine a mox’ a peen Amoxicillin a mox” i sil’ in APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 255 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Amoxicillin Sodium a mox” i sil’ in soe’ dee um Amphecloral am fe klor’ al Amphomycin am” foe mye’ sin Ampicillin am” pi sil’ in Ampicillin Sodium am” pi sil’ in soe’ dee um Amprenavir am pren’ a vir Ampyzine Sulfate am’ pi zeen sul’ fate Amquinate am kwin’ ate Amsacrine am’ sa kreen Amustaline Dihydrochloride ay mus’ ta leen dye hye” droe klor’ ide Anagestone Acetate an a jes’ tone as’ e tate Anagrelide Hydrochloride an ag’ re lide hye” droe klor’ ide Anakinra an a kin’ ra Anamorelin Hydrochloride an” a moe rel’ in hye:dp droe klor’ ide Anaritide Acetate an ar’ i tide as’ e tate Anastrozole an as’ troe zole Anazolene Sodium an az’ oh leen soe’ dee um Ancestim an ses’ tim Ancriviroc an” kri vir’ ok Ancrod an’ krod Anecortave Acetate an e kor’ tave as’ e tate Angiotensin Amide an” jee oh ten’ sin a’ mide Anidoxime an i dox’ eem Anidulafungin ay nid” ue la fun’ jin Anilopam Hydrochloride an il’ oh pam hye” droe klor’ ide Aniracetam an” i ra’ se tam Anirolac a nye’ role ak Anisotropine Methylbromide an eye” soe troe’ peen meth” il broe’ mide Anistreplase an is’ tre plase Anitrazafen an” i traz’ a fen Anoxomer an ox’ oh mer Anthelmycin an” thel mye’ sin Anthramycin an” thra mye’ sin Antimony Trisulfide Colloid an’ ti moe” nee trye sul’ fide kol’ oid 256 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Apadenoson a pa den’ oh son Apafant a’ pa fant Apalcillin Sodium ay” pal sil’ in soe’ dee um Apaxifylline ay pax if’ i lin Apaziquone ay paz’ i kwone Apazone ap’ a zone Apilimod Mesylate a pil’ i mod mes’ i late Apixaban a pix’ a ban Aplaviroc Hydrochloride ap” la vir’ ok hye” droe klor’ ide Aplindore Fumarate ap’ lin dor fue’ ma rate Apolizumab ap” oh liz’ oo mab Apraclonidine Hydrochloride a pra klon’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Apramycin a” pra mye’ sin Apratastat a pra’ ta stat Apremilast a pre’ mi last Aprepitant ap re’ pi tant Aprindine a prin’ deen Aprindine Hydrochloride a prin’ deen hye” droe klor’ ide Aprinocarsen Sodium a prin” oh kar’ sen soe’ dee um Aprotinin a proe tye’ nin Aptazapine Maleate ap taz’ a peen mal’ ee ate Aptiganel Hydrochloride ap ti ga’ nel hye” droe klor’ ide Aranotin ar” a noe’ tin Arbaclofen Placarbil ar bak’ loe fen pla kar’ bil Arbaprostil ar” ba prost’ il Arbutamine Hydrochloride ar bue’ ta meen hye” droe klor’ ide Arcitumomab ar” si toom’ oh mab Arclofenin ar” kloe fen’ in Ardenermin ar de ner’ min Ardeparin Sodium ar dep’ a rin soe’ dee um; ar” de par’ in soe’ dee um Arformoterol Tartrate ar” for moe’ ter ol tar’ trate Argatroban ar gat’ roe ban Arginine Glutamate ar’ ji neen gloo’ ta mate Arginine Hydrochloride ar’ ji neen hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 257 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Argipressin Tannate ar” ji pres’ in tan’ ate Arildone ar’ il done Aripiprazole ar” i pip’ ra zole Armodafinil ar moe daf’ i nil Arofylline ar of’ i lin Arprinocid ar prin’ oh sid Arsenic Trioxide ar’ se nik trye ox’ ide Arteflene ar’ te fleen Artegraft ar’ te graft Artesunate ar tes’ oo nate Articaine Hydrochloride ar’ ti kane hye” droe klor’ ide Artilide Fumarate ar’ ti lide fue’ ma rate Arzoxifene Hydrochloride ar zox’ i feen hye” droe klor’ ide Asenapine Maleate a sen’ a peen mal’ ee ate Asoprisnil as oh pris’ nil Asparaginase as par’ a jin ase Aspartame as’ par tame Aspartic Acid as par’ tik as’ id Aspartocin as” par toe’ sin Asperlin as’ per lin Astemizole a stem’ i zole Astifilcon A as” ti fil’ kon Astromicin Sulfate as” troe mye’ sin sul’ fate Atazanavir Sulfate a ta zan’ a vir sul’ fate Atenolol a ten’ oh lol Atevirdine Mesylate a te vir’ deen mes’ i late Atilmotin a” til moe’ tin Atipamezole a ti pam’ e zole Atiprimod Dihydrochloride a” ti prye’ mod dye hye” droe klor’ ide Atiprimod Dimaleate a” ti prye’ mod dye mal’ ee ate Atiprosin Maleate a ti proe’ sin mal’ ee ate Atizoram a ti zor’ am Atlafilcon A at” la fil’ kon Atolide a’ toe lide 258 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Atomoxetine Hydrochloride a” toe mox’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Atorvastatin Calcium a tor” va stat’ in kal’ see um Atosiban a toe’ si ban Atovaquone a toe’ va kwone Atracurium Besylate a tra kure’ ee um bes’ i late Atrasentan Hydrochloride a” tra sen’ tan hye” droe klor’ ide Atreleuton a tre loo’ ton Atropine Oxide Hydrochloride at’ roe peen ox’ ide hye” droe klor’ ide Auranofin aw ran’ o fin Avanafil av an’ a fil Avasimibe a va’ si mibe Avilamycin a vil” a mye’ sin Avitriptan Fumarate a” vi trip’ tan fue’ ma rate Avobenzone a” voe ben’ zone Avoparcin a” voe par’ sin Avridine a’ vri deen Axitinib ax i’ ti nib Axitirome ax i tye’ rome Axomadol ax oh’ ma dol Azabon ay’ za bon Azacitidine ay za sye’ ti deen Azaclorzine Hydrochloride ay” za klor’ zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Azaconazole ay za kon’ a zole Azacosterol Hydrochloride ay” za kos’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Azalanstat Dihydrochloride ay” za lan’ stat dye hye” droe klor’ ide Azaloxan Fumarate ay za lox’ an fue’ ma rate Azanator Maleate ay zan’ a tor mal’ ee ate Azanidazole ay za nye’ da zole Azaperone ay’ za per one Azaribine ay zar’ i been Azarole ay’ za role Azaserine ay za ser’ een Azatadine Maleate a za’ ta deen mal’ ee ate Azathioprine ay za thye’ oh preen APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 259 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Azelaic Acid ay ze lay’ ik as’ id Azelastine Hydrochloride a zel’ as teen hye” droe klor’ ide Azepindole ay ze pin’ dole Azetepa ay ze tep’ a Azimilide Dihydrochloride ay zim’ i lide dye hye” droe klor’ ide Azipramine Hydrochloride ay zip’ ra meen hye” droe klor’ ide Azithromycin ay zith” roe mye’ sin Azlocillin az” loe sil’ in Azolimine ay zoe’ li meen Azosemide ay zoe’ se mide Azotomycin a zoe” toe mye’ sin Aztreonam az tree’ oh nam Aztreonam Lysine az tree’ oh nam lye’ seen Azumolene Sodium ay zoo’ moe leen soe’ dee um Bacampicillin Hydrochloride bak am’ pi sil’ in hye” droe klor’ ide Baclofen bak’ loe fen Balafilcon A bal” a fil’ kon Balamapimod bal” a map’ i mod Balsalazide Disodium bal sal’ a zide dye soe’ dee um Bambermycins bam” ber mye’ sins Bamethan Sulfate bam’ e than sul’ fate Bamifylline Hydrochloride bam if’ i lin hye” droe klor’ ide Bamnidazole bam nye’ da zole Bapineuzumab bap” ee nooz’ oo mab Barmastine bar mas’ teen Basifungin ba” si fun’ jin Basiliximab ba” si lix’ i mab Batabulin ba” ta bue’ lin Batabulin Sodium ba” ta bue’ lin soe’ dee um Batanopride Hydrochloride ba tan’ oh pride hye” droe klor’ ide Batelapine Maleate ba tel’ a peen mal’ ee ate Batimastat ba tim’ a stat Bavituximab bav” i tux’ i mab Bazedoxifene Acetate ba” ze dox’ i feen as’ e tate 260 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Becanthone Hydrochloride be kan’ thone hye” droe klor’ ide Becaplermin be kap’ ler min Becatecarin be” ka tek’ ar in Beclomethasone Dipropionate be” kloe meth’ a sone dye proe’ pee oh nate Becocalcidiol be” koe kal” si dye’ ol Bectumomab bek toom’ oh mab Bedoradrine Sulfate bed or’ a dreen sul’ fate Befetupitant be fet ue’ pi tant Begacestat be gas’ e stat Belagenpumatucel-L bel” a jen” pum a too’ sel Belatacept bel at’ a sept Belfosdil bel fos’ dil Belimumab be lim’ ue mab Belinostat be lin’ oh stat Belotecan Hydrochloride bel” oh tee’ kan hye” droe klor’ ide Beloxamide bel ox’ a mide Beloxepin bel ox’ e pin Bemarinone Hydrochloride be ma’ ri none hye” droe klor’ ide Bemesetron be me’ se tron Bemitradine be mi’ tra deen Bemoradan be moe’ ra dan Bemotrizinol be” moe triz’ i nol Benapryzine Hydrochloride ben ap’ ri zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Benazepril Hydrochloride ben az’ e pril hye” droe klor’ ide Benazeprilat ben az’ e pril at Bendacalol Mesylate ben dak’ a lol mes’ i late Bendamustine Hydrochloride ben” da mus’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Bendazac ben’ da zak Benorterone ben or’ ter one Benoxaprofen ben ox” a proe’ fen Benperidol ben per’ i dol Bensalan ben’ sa lan Benserazide ben ser’ a zide Bentazepam ben taz’ e pam APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 261 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Bentiromide ben tir’ oh mide Bentoquatam ben’ toe kwa” tam Benurestat ben ure’ e stat Benzbromarone benz broe’ ma rone Benzetimide Hydrochloride ben zet’ i mide hye” droe klor’ ide Benzilonium Bromide ben” zil oh’ nee um broe’ mide Benzindopyrine Hydrochloride ben zin” doe pye’ reen hye” droe klor’ ide Benzoctamine Hydrochloride ben zokt’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Benzodepa ben zoe dep’ a Benzoxiquine ben zox’ i kwin Benzoyl Peroxide ben’ zoe il per ox’ ide Benzoylpas Calcium ben zoe il’ paz kal’ see um Benzquinamide benz kwin’ a mide Benzydamine Hydrochloride ben zid’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Bepridil Hydrochloride bep’ ri dil hye” droe klor’ ide Beractant ber ak’ tant Beraprost ber’ a prost Beraprost Sodium ber’ a prost soe’ dee um Berefrine ber ef’ rin Berythromycin be rith” roe mye’ sin Besipirdine Hydrochloride be si’ pir deen hye” droe klor’ ide Besonprodil be son proe’ dil Beta Carotene bay” ta kar’ oh teen Betadex bay’ ta dex Betahistine Hydrochloride bay” ta his’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Betamethasone bay” ta meth’ a sone Betamethasone Benzoate bay” ta meth’ a sone ben’ zoe ate Betamethasone Dipropionate bay” ta meth’ a sone dye proe’ pee oh nate Betamethasone Valerate bay” ta meth’ a sone val’ er ate Betamicin Sulfate bay” ta mye’ sin sul’ fate Betaxolol Hydrochloride be tax’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Bethanidine Sulfate be than’ i deen sul’ fate Betiatide be tye’ a tide Bevantolol Hydrochloride be van’ toe lol hye” droe klor’ ide Bevirimat Dimeglumine be vir’ i mat dye meg’ loo meen 262 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Bexarotene bex er’ oh teen Bexlosteride bex loe’ ster ide Bezafibrate be” za fye’ brate Bialamicol Hydrochloride bye” a lam’ i kol hye” droe klor’ ide Biapenem bye” a pen’ em Bibapcitide bye bap’ si tide Bicalutamide bye” ka loo’ ta mide Bicifadine Hydrochloride bye sif’ a deen hye” droe klor’ ide Biciromab bye sir’ oh mab Biclodil Hydrochloride bye’ kloe dil hye” droe klor’ ide Bidisomide bye dis’ oh mide Bifeprunox bye” fee prue’ nox Bifeprunox Mesylate bye” fee prue’ nox mes’ i late Bifonazole bye fone’ a zole Bimatoprost bye mat’ oh prost Bimosiamose Disodium bye” moe sye’ a mose dye soe’ dee um Bindarit bin’ da rit Binetrakin bin e’ tra kin Binfloxacin bin flox’ a sin Biniramycin bin ir” a mye’ sin Binodenoson bin” oh den’ oh son Binospirone Mesylate bin” oh spye’ rone mes’ i late Bipenamol Hydrochloride bye pen’ a mol hye” droe klor’ ide Biphenamine Hydrochloride bye fen’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Biricodar Dicitrate bye” ri koe’ dar Bisacodyl Tannex bis ak’ oh dil tan’ ex Bisantrene Hydrochloride bis an’ treen hye” droe klor’ ide Bisdisulizole Disodium bis dye sul’ i zole dye soe’ dee um Bismuth Aluminate biz’ muth a loo’ mi nate Bismuth Carbonate biz’ muth kar’ bo nate Bismuth Subcarbonate biz’ muth sub kar’ bo nate Bismuth Subgallate biz’ muth sub gal’ ate Bismuth Subsalicylate biz’ muth sub sa lis’ i late Bisnafide Dimesylate bis’ na fide dye mes’ i late Bisobrin Lactate bis’ oh brin lak’ tate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 263 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Bisoctrizole bis ok’ tri zole Bisoprolol bis” oh proe’ lol Bisoprolol Fumarate bis” oh proe’ lol fue’ ma rate Bisoxatin Acetate bis ox’ a tin as’ e tate Bispyrithione Magsulfex bis” pir i thye’ one mag sul’ fex Bithionolate Sodium bye thye’ oh noe late soe’ dee um Bitolterol Mesylate bye tol’ ter ol mes’ i late Bivalirudin bye val’ i roo din Bizelesin bye zel’ e sin Bleomycin Sulfate blee” oh mye’ sin sul’ fate Bolandiol Dipropionate bole” an dye’ ol dye proe’ pee oh nate Bolasterone bole as’ ter one Boldenone Undecylenate bole’ de none un de’ sil en ate Bolenol bole’ e nol Bolmantalate bole man’ ta late Bornelone bor’ ne lone Bornyl Acetate bor’ nil as’ e tate Borocaptate Sodium B 10 bor” oh kap’ tate soe’ dee um Bortezomib bor tez’ oh mib Bosentan boe sen’ tan Bosutinib boe sue’ ti nib Boxidine box’ i deen Brasofensine Maleate bra” soe fen’ seen mal’ ee ate Brecanavir bre kan’ a vir Bremelanotide bre” mel an’ oh tide Brequinar Sodium bre’ kwin ar soe’ dee um Bretazenil bre taz’ e nil Bretylium Tosylate bre til’ ee um toe’ si late Brifentanil Hydrochloride bri fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Brimonidine Tartrate bri moe’ ni deen tar’ trate Brinolase brin’ oh lase Brinzolamide brin zoe’ la mide Brivanib Alaninate bri va’ nib al a nin’ ate Brivaracetam briv” a ra’ se tam 264 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Brocresine broe’ kre seen Brocrinat broe’ kri nat Brofoxine broe fox’ een Bromadoline Maleate broe ma’ doe leen mal’ ee ate Bromazepam broe maz’ e pam” Bromchlorenone brome klor’ e none Bromelains broe’ me laynz Bromfenac Sodium brome’ fen ak soe’ dee um Bromhexine Hydrochloride brom hex’ een hye” droe klor’ ide Bromindione broe” min dye’ one Bromocriptine broe” moe krip’ teen Bromocriptine Mesylate broe” moe krip’ teen mes’ i late Bromoxanide broe mox’ a nide Bromperidol brom per’ i dol Bromperidol Decanoate brom per’ i dol dek” a noe’ ate Broperamole broe per’ a mole Bropirimine broe pir’ i meen Brotizolam broe tiz’ oh lam Bucainide Maleate bue’ ka nide mal’ ee ate Bucindolol Hydrochloride bue sin’ doe lol hye” droe klor’ ide Buclizine Hydrochloride bue’ kli zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Bucromarone bue kroe’ ma rone Bucrylate bue’ kri late Budesonide bue des’ oh nide Bufilcon A bue fil’ kon Buformin bue for’ min Bumetanide bue met’ a nide Bumetrizole bue me’ tri zole Bunamidine Hydrochloride bue nam’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Bunaprolast bue” na proe’ last Bunolol Hydrochloride bue’ noe lol hye” droe klor’ ide Bupicomide bue pik’ oh mide Bupivacaine Hydrochloride bue piv’ a kane hye” droe klor’ ide Buprenorphine Hydrochloride bue” pre nor’ feen hye” droe klor’ ide Bupropion Hydrochloride bue proe’ pee on hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 265 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Buquinolate bue kwin’ oh late Buramate bue’ ra mate Buserelin Acetate bue” se rel’ in as’ e tate Buspirone Hydrochloride bue spye’ rone hye” droe klor’ ide Butacetin bue ta’ se tin Butaclamol Hydrochloride bue ta kla’ mol hye” droe klor’ ide Butalbital bue tal’ bi tal Butamben bue tam’ ben Butamben Picrate bue tam’ ben pik’ rate Butamirate Citrate bue ta mye’ rate sit’ rate Butamisole Hydrochloride bue tam’ i sole hye” droe klor’ ide Butaperazine bue” ta per’ a zeen Butaperazine Maleate bue” ta per’ a zeen mal’ ee ate Butaprost bue’ ta prost Butedronate Tetrasodium bue” te droe’ nate tet” ra soe’ dee um Butenafine Hydrochloride bue ten’ a feen hye” droe klor’ ide Buterizine bue ter’ i zeen Buthiazide bue thye’ a zide Butikacin bue ti kay’ sin Butilfenin bue” til fen’ in Butirosin Sulfate bue tir’ oh sin sul’ fate Butixirate bue tix’ i rate Butoconazole Nitrate bue” toe kon’ a zole nye’ trate Butonate bue’ toe nate Butopamine bue toe’ pa meen Butoprozine Hydrochloride bue toe’ proe zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Butorphanol bue tor’ fa nol Butorphanol Tartrate bue tor’ fa nol tar’ trate Butoxamine Hydrochloride bue tox’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Butriptyline Hydrochloride bue trip’ ti leen hye” droe klor’ ide Cabergoline ka ber’ goe leen Cabufocon A kab” ue foe’ kon Cabufocon B kab” ue foe’ kon Cactinomycin kak” tin oh mye’ sin 266 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Cadexomer Iodine kad ex’ oh mer eye” oh dine Calcifediol kal” sif e dye’ ol Calcipotriene kal” si poe trye’ een Calcitonin kal” si toe’ nin Calcitriol kal” si trye’ ol Calcium Chloride Ca 45 kal’ see um klor’ ide Calcium Chloride Ca 47 kal’ see um klor’ ide Calcium Glubionate kal’ see um gloo bye’ oh nate Calcium Polycarbophil kal’ see um pol” ee kar’ boe fil Calcium Undecylenate kal’ see um un de’ sil en ate Caldiamide Sodium kal dye’ a mide soe’ dee um Calfactant kal fak’ tant Calteridol Calcium kal ter’ i dol kal’ see um Calusterone kal us’ ter one Cambendazole kam ben’ da zole Camiglibose kam” i glye’ bose Camobucol kam” oh bue’ kol Candesartan kan” de sar’ tan Candesartan Cilexetil kan” de sar’ tan sye lex’ e til Candicidin kan” di sye’ din Candoxatril kan dox’ a tril Candoxatrilat kan dox’ a tril at Canertinib Dihydrochloride kan er’ ti nib dye hye” droe klor’ ide Canfosfamide Hydrochloride kan fos’ fa mide hye” droe klor’ ide Cangrelor kan’ grel or Cangrelor Tetrasodium kan’ grel or tet” ra soe’ dee um Canrenoate Potassium kan ren’ oh ate po tas’ ee um Canrenone kan’ re none Cantuzumab Mertansine kan tooz’ oo mab mer tan’ seen Capecitabine kap” e sye’ ta been Capobenate Sodium kap” oh ben’ ate soe’ dee um Capobenic Acid kap” oh ben’ ik as’ id Capravirine kap” ra vir’ een Capreomycin Sulfate kap” ree oh mye’ sin sul’ fate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 267 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Capromab Pendetide kap’ roe mab pen’ de tide Capromorelin Tartrate kap” roe moe rel’ in tar’ trate Captamine Hydrochloride kap’ ta meen hye” droe klor’ ide Captopril kap’ toe pril Capuride kap’ ure ide Caracemide kar a’ se mide Carbadox kar’ ba dox Carbamazepine kar” ba maz’ e peen Carbantel Lauryl Sulfate kar’ ban tel lawr’ il sul’ fate Carbaspirin Calcium karb as’ pir in kal’ see um Carbazeran kar ba’ ze ran Carbenicillin Disodium kar” ben i sil’ in dye soe’ dee um Carbenicillin Indanyl Sodium kar” ben i sil’ in Carbenicillin Phenyl Sodium kar” ben i sil’ in fen’ il soe’ dee um Carbenicillin Potassium kar” ben i sil’ in po tas’ ee um Carbenoxolone Sodium kar” ben ox’ oh lone soe’ dee um Carbetimer kar bet’ i mer Carbidopa kar” bi doe’ pa Carbiphene Hydrochloride kar’ bi feen hye” droe klor’ ide Carbocloral kar” boe klor’ al Carbocysteine kar” boe sis’ te een Carbomer 910 kar’ boe mer Carbomer 934 kar’ boe mer Carbomer 934P kar’ boe mer Carbomer 940 kar’ boe mer Carbomer 941 kar’ boe mer Carbon Monoxide C 11 Carboplatin kar” boe pla’ tin Carboprost kar’ boe prost Carboprost Methyl kar’ boe prost meth’ il Carboprost Tromethamine kar’ boe prost troe meth’ a meen Carbosilfocon A kar” boe sil foe’ kon Carbuterol Hydrochloride kar bue’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Carfentanil Citrate kar fen’ ta nil sit’ rate Carfilzomib kar fil’ zoe mib 268 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Cariporide Mesylate kar ip’ or ide mes’ i late Carisbamate kar” is bam’ ate Carmantadine kar man’ ta deen Carmustine kar mus’ teen Carnidazole kar nye’ da zole Caroxazone kar ox’ a zone Carperitide kar per’ i tide Carphenazine Maleate kar fen’ a zeen mal’ ee ate Carprofen kar proe’ fen Carsatrin Succinate kar sa’ trin sux’ i nate Cartazolate kar taz’ oh late Carteolol Hydrochloride kar tee’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Carubicin Hydrochloride kar oo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Carumonam Sodium kar oo’ moe nam soe’ dee um Carvedilol kar ve’ dil ol Carvedilol Phosphate kar ve’ dil ol fos’ fate Carvotroline Hydrochloride kar voe’ troe leen hye” droe klor’ ide Carzelesin kar zel’ e sin Casanthranol ka san’ thra nol Casopitant Mesylate kas oh’ pi tant mes’ i late Caspofungin Acetate kas” poe fun’ jin as’ e tate Catramilast ka tra’ mi last Cedefingol sed” e fin’ gol Cedelizumab sed” e liz’ oo mab Cefaclor sef’ a klor Cefadroxil sef” a drox’ il Cefamandole sef” a man’ dole Cefamandole Nafate sef” a man’ dole naf’ ate Cefaparole sef’ a pa role Cefatrizine sef” a trye’ zeen Cefazaflur Sodium sef a’ za flur soe’ dee um Cefazolin Sodium sef a’ zoe lin soe’ dee um Cefbuperazone sef” bue per’ a zone Cefdinir sef’ di nir APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 269 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Cefepime sef’ e peem Cefepime Hydrochloride sef’ e peem hye” droe klor’ ide Cefetamet sef et’ a met Cefetecol sef et’ e kol Cefixime sef ix’ eem Cefmenoxime Hydrochloride sef” men ox’ eem hye” droe klor’ ide Cefmetazole sef met’ a zole Cefmetazole Sodium sef met’ a zole soe’ dee um Cefonicid Monosodium sef on’ i sid mon” oh soe’ dee um Cefonicid Sodium sef on’ i sid soe’ dee um Cefoperazone Sodium sef” oh per’ a zone soe’ dee um Ceforanide sef or’ a nide Cefotaxime Sodium sef” oh tax’ eem soe’ dee um Cefotetan sef” oh tee’ tan Cefotetan Disodium sef” oh tee’ tan dye soe’ dee um Cefotiam Hydrochloride sef” oh tye’ am hye” droe klor’ ide Cefovecin Sodium sef” oh vee’ sin soe’ dee um Cefoxitin sef ox’ i tin Cefoxitin Sodium sef ox’ i tin soe’ dee um Cefpimizole sef pim’ i zole Cefpimizole Sodium sef pim’ i zole soe’ dee um Cefpiramide sef pir’ a mide Cefpiramide Sodium sef pir’ a mide soe’ dee um Cefpirome Sulfate sef’ pir ome sul’ fate Cefpodoxime Proxetil sef” poe dox’ eem prox’ e til Cefprozil sef proe’ zil Cefquinome Sulfate sef’ kwi nome sul’ fate Cefroxadine sef rox’ a deen Cefsulodin Sodium sef sul’ oh din soe’ dee um Ceftaroline Fosamil sef tar’ oh leen fos’ a mil Ceftazidime sef taz’ i deem Ceftibuten sef” ti bue’ ten Ceftiofur Hydrochloride sef tye’ oh fure hye” droe klor’ ide Ceftiofur Sodium sef tye’ oh fure soe’ dee um 270 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Ceftizoxime Sodium sef” ti zox’ eem soe’ dee um Ceftobiprole sef” toe bye’ prole Ceftobiprole Medocaril sef” toe bye’ prole me dok’ a ril Ceftriaxone Sodium sef” trye ax’ one soe’ dee um Cefuroxime sef” ue rox’ eem Cefuroxime Axetil sef” ue rox’ eem ax’ e til Cefuroxime Pivoxetil sef” ue rox’ eem piv ox’ e til Celecoxib sel” e kox’ ib Celgosivir Hydrochloride sel goe’ si vir hye” droe klor’ ide Celiprolol Hydrochloride sel” i proe’ lol hye” droe klor’ ide Cellulase sel’ ue lase Cellulose Sodium Phosphate sel’ ue lose soe’ dee um fos’ fate Cenersen Sodium sen’ er sen soe’ dee um Cephacetrile Sodium sef a’ se trile soe’ dee um Cephalexin sef” a lex’ in Cephalexin Hydrochloride sef” a lex’ in hye” droe klor’ ide Cephaloglycin sef” a loe glye’ sin Cephaloridine sef” a lore’ i deen Cephalothin Sodium sef a’ loe thin soe’ dee um Cephapirin Sodium sef a pye’ rin soe’ dee um Cephradine sef’ ra deen Cerivastatin Sodium se riv” a stat’ in soe’ dee um Ceronapril se roe’ na pril Certolizumab Pegol ser” toe liz’ oo mab peg’ ol Ceruletide se roo’ le tide Ceruletide Diethylamine se roo’ le tide Cesium Chloride Cs 131 see’ zee um klor’ ide Cetaben Sodium see’ ta ben soe’ dee um Cetalkonium Chloride see” tal koe’ nee um klor’ ide Cetamolol Hydrochloride se tam’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Cethromycin seth” roe mye’ sin Cetiedil Citrate se tye’ a dil sit’ rate Cetirizine Hydrochloride se tir’ i zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Cetocycline Hydrochloride see” toe sye’ kleen hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 271 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Cetophenicol see” toe fen’ i kol Cetraxate Hydrochloride se trax’ ate hye” droe klor’ ide Cetrorelix Acetate se” troe rel’ ix as’ e tate Cetuximab se tux’ i mab Cevimeline Hydrochloride se vi’ me leen hye” droe klor’ ide Cevipabulin Fumarate se vip” a bue’ lin fue’ ma rate Cevipabulin Succinate se vip” a bue’ lin Chenodiol kee” noe dye’ ol Chlophedianol Hydrochloride kloe” fe dye’ a nol hye” droe klor’ ide Chloral Betaine klor” al bee’ ta een Chloramphenicol Pantothenate Complex klor” am fen’ i kol pan toe’ then ate Chlordantoin klor dan’ toin; klor dan’ toe in Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride klor” dye az” e pox’ ide hye” droe klor’ ide Chlorhexidine Gluconate klor hex’ i deen gloo’ koe nate Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride klor hex’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Chlorhexidine Phosphanilate klor hex’ i deen fos fan’ i late Chlorindanol klor in’ da nol Chlormadinone Acetate klor ma’ di none as’ e tate Chlormerodrin Hg 197 klor mer’ oh drin Chlormerodrin Hg 203 klor mer’ oh drin Chlorocresol klor” oh kree’ sol Chlorophyllin Copper Complex klor” oh fil’ in kop’ er Chlorothiazide Sodium klor” oh thye’ a zide soe’ dee um Chloroxine klor ox’ een Chloroxylenol klor” oh zye’ le nol Chlorphenesin Carbamate klor fen’ e sin Chlorpheniramine Polistirex klor” fen ir’ a meen pol” ee stye’ rex Chlorphentermine Hydrochloride klor fen’ ter meen hye” droe klor’ ide Chlorprothixene klor” proe thix’ een Chlorthalidone klor thal’ i done Choline Fenofibrate koe’ leen fen” oh fye’ brate Choline Salicylate koe’ leen sa lis’ i late Choriogonadotropin Alfa kore” ee oh goe nad” oh troe’ pin al’ fa Chromic Chloride Cr 51 krome’ ik klor’ ide 272 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Chromic Phosphate Cr 51 krome’ ik fos’ fate Chromic Phosphate P 32 krome’ ik fos’ fate Chromonar Hydrochloride kroe’ moe nar hye” droe klor’ ide Chymopapain kye” moe pa pay’ in Ciclafrine Hydrochloride sye klaf’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Ciclazindol sye klaz’ in dol Ciclesonide sye kles’ oh nide Cicletanine sye klet’ a neen Ciclopirox sye” kloe pir’ ox Ciclopirox Olamine sye” kloe pir’ ox ole’ a meen Cicloprofen sye” kloe proe’ fen Cicloprolol Hydrochloride sye” kloe proe’ lol hye” droe klor’ ide Cidofovir sye dof’ oh vir Cidoxepin Hydrochloride sye dox’ e pin hye” droe klor’ ide Cifenline sye fen’ leen Cifenline Succinate sye fen’ leen sux’ i nate Ciglitazone sye gli’ ta zone Ciladopa Hydrochloride sye” la doe’ pa hye” droe klor’ ide Cilansetron sye lan’ se tron Cilansetron Hydrochloride sye lan’ se tron hye” droe klor’ ide Cilastatin Sodium sye” la stat’ in soe’ dee um Cilazapril sye laz’ a pril Cilengitide sye len’ ji tide Cilexetil sye lex’ e til Cilmostim sil’ moe stim Cilobamine Mesylate sye loe’ ba meen mes’ i late Cilofungin sye” loe fun’ jin Cilomilast sye loe’ mi last Cilostazol sye loe’ sta zol Ciluprevir sye loo’ pre vir Cimaterol sye ma’ ter ol Cimetidine sye me’ ti deen Cimetidine Hydrochloride sye me’ ti deen hye” droe klor’ ide Cinacalcet sin a kal’ set APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 273 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Cinacalcet Hydrochloride sin a kal’ set hye” droe klor’ ide Cinalukast sin” a loo’ kast Cinanserin Hydrochloride sin an’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Cinepazet Maleate sin” e paz’ et mal’ ee ate Cinflumide sin’ floo mide Cingestol sin jes’ tol Cinnamedrine sin a med’ rin Cinnarizine sin nar’ i zeen Cinodine Hydrochloride sin’ oh deen hye” droe klor’ ide Cinoxacin sin ox’ a sin Cinoxate sin ox’ ate Cinperene sin’ pe reen Cinromide sin’ roe mide Cintazone sin’ ta zone Cintredekin Besudotox sin” tre dek’ in be soo’ doe tox Cintriamide sin trye’ a mide Cioteronel sye” oh ter’ oh nel Cipamfylline sye pam’ fi lin Cipemastat sye pem’ a stat Cipralisant Maleate sye pral’ i sant mal’ ee ate Ciprefadol Succinate sye pref’ a dol sux’ i nate Ciprocinonide sip” roe sin’ oh nide Ciprofibrate sip” roe fye’ brate Ciprofloxacin sip” roe flox’ a sin Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride sip” roe flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Ciprostene Calcium sye prost’ een kal’ see um Ciramadol sir a’ ma dol Ciramadol Hydrochloride sir a’ ma dol hye” droe klor’ ide Cirolemycin sir oh” le mye’ sin Cisapride sis’ a pride Cisatracurium Besylate sis at” ra kure’ ee um bes’ i late Cisconazole sis kon’ a zole Cisplatin sis pla’ tin Citalopram Hydrobromide sye tal’ oh pram hye” droe broe’ mide Citenamide sye ten’ a mide 274 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Citicoline Sodium sye tik’ oh leen soe’ dee um Cladribine klad’ ri been Clamoxyquin Hydrochloride klam ox’ i kwin hye” droe klor’ ide Clarithromycin kla rith” roe mye’ sin Clavulanate Potassium klav’ ue la nate po tas’ ee um Clazolam klaz’ oh lam Clazolimine klaz oh’ li meen Clazuril klaz’ ue ril Clebopride kleb’ oh pride Clemastine kle mas’ teen Clemastine Fumarate kle mas’ teen fue’ ma rate Clentiazem Maleate klen tye’ a zem mal’ ee ate Clevidipine Butyrate klev id’ i peen bue’ ti rate Clevudine klev’ ue deen Clidinium Bromide kli din’ ee um broe’ mide Clinafloxacin Hydrochloride klin” a flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Clindamycin klin” da mye’ sin Clindamycin Palmitate Hydrochloride klin” da mye’ sin pal’ mi tate hye” droe klor’ ide Clindamycin Phosphate klin” da mye’ sin fos’ fate Clioxanide klye ox’ a nide Cliprofen klye proe’ fen Clobazam kloe’ ba zam Clobetasol Propionate kloe bay’ ta sol proe’ pee oh nate Clobetasone Butyrate kloe bay’ ta sone bue’ ti rate Clocortolone Acetate kloe kor’ toe lone as’ e tate Clocortolone Pivalate kloe kor’ toe lone piv’ a late Clodanolene kloe dan’ oh leen Clodazon Hydrochloride kloe’ da zone hye” droe klor’ ide Clodronate Disodium kloe droe’ nate dye soe’ dee um Clodronic Acid kloe dron’ ik as’ id Clofarabine kloe far’ a been Clofazimine kloe faz’ i meen Clofibrate kloe fye’ brate Clofilium Phosphate kloe fil’ ee um fos’ fate Cloflucarban kloe” floo kar’ ban APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 275 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Clogestone Acetate kloe jes’ tone as’ e tate Clomacran Phosphate kloe’ ma kran fos’ fate Clomegestone Acetate kloe” me jes’ tone as’ e tate Clometherone kloe meth’ er one Clominorex kloe min’ oh rex Clomiphene Citrate kloe’ mi feen sit’ rate Clomipramine Hydrochloride kloe mip’ ra meen hye” droe klor’ ide Clonazepam kloe naz’ e pam Clonidine kloe’ ni deen Clonidine Hydrochloride kloe’ ni deen hye” droe klor’ ide Clonitrate kloe nye’ trate Clonixeril kloe nix’ er il Clonixin kloe nix’ in Clopamide kloe’ pa mide Clopenthixol kloe” pen thix’ ol Cloperidone Hydrochloride kloe per’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Clopidogrel Bisulfate kloe pid’ oh grel bye sul’ fate Clopidol kloe’ pi dol Clopimozide kloe pim’ oh zide Clopipazan Mesylate kloe pi’ pa zan mes’ i late Clopirac kloe’ pir ak Cloprednol kloe pred’ nol Cloprostenol Sodium kloe prost’ en ol soe’ dee um Clorazepate Dipotassium klor az’ e pate dye” po tas’ ee um Clorazepate Monopotassium klor az’ e pate mon” oh poe tas’ ee um Clorethate klor’ e thate Clorexolone klor ex’ oh lone Cloroperone Hydrochloride klor oh’ per one hye” droe klor’ ide Clorophene klor’ oh feen Clorprenaline Hydrochloride klor pren’ a leen hye” droe klor’ ide Clorsulon klor’ sul on Clortermine Hydrochloride klor’ ter meen hye” droe klor’ ide Closantel kloe’ san tel Closiramine Aceturate kloe sir’ a meen a set’ ue rate 276 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Clothiapine kloe thye’ a peen Clothixamide Maleate kloe thix’ a mide mal’ ee ate Cloticasone Propionate kloe tik’ a sone proe’ pee oh nate Clotrimazole kloe trim’ a zole Cloxacillin Sodium klox” a sil’ in soe’ dee um Cloxyquin klox’ i kwin Clozapine kloe’ za peen Cobaltous Chloride Co 57 koe bawl’ tus klor’ ide Cobaltous Chloride Co 60 koe bawl’ tus klor’ ide Codeine Polistirex koe’ deen pol” ee stye’ rex Codoxime koe dox’ eem Colesevelam Hydrochloride koe” le sev’ e lam hye” droe klor’ ide Colestilan Chloride koe les’ ti lan Colestipol Hydrochloride koe les’ ti pol hye” droe klor’ ide Colestolone koe les’ toe lone Colforsin kol for’ sin Colfosceril Palmitate kol fos’ e ril pal’ mi tate Colistimethate Sodium koe lis” ti meth’ ate soe’ dee um Colterol Mesylate kol’ ter ol mes’ i late Conivaptan Hydrochloride koe” nye vap’ tan hye” droe klor’ ide Conorphone Hydrochloride koe nor’ fone hye” droe klor’ ide Contusugene ladenovec kon too’ soo jeen la den’ oh vek Copper Undecylenate kop’ er un de’ sil en ate Cormethasone Acetate kor meth’ a sone as’ e tate Corticorelin Acetate kor” ti koe rel’ in as’ e tate Corticorelin Ovine Triflutate kor” ti koe rel’ in oh’ vine trye’ floo tate Cortivazol kor ti’ va zol Cortodoxone kor” toe dox’ one Cosyntropin koe sin troe’ pin Cotinine Fumarate koe’ ti neen fue’ ma rate Coumermycin koo” mer mye’ sin Coumermycin Sodium koo” mer mye’ sin soe’ dee um Crilvastatin kril” va stat’ in Crisnatol Mesylate kris’ na tol mes’ i late APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 277 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Crofelemer kroe fel’ e mer Crofilcon A kroe fil’ kon Cromitrile Sodium kroe’ mi trile soe’ dee um Cromolyn Sodium kroe’ mo lin soe’ dee um Croscarmellose Sodium kros kar’ mel ose soe’ dee um Crufomate kroo’ foe mate Cupric Acetate Cu 64 kue’ prik as’ e tate Cuprimyxin kue” pri mix’ in Cyanocobalamin Co 57 sye” an oh koe bal’ a min Cyanocobalamin Co 60 sye” an oh koe bal’ a min Cyclacillin sye kla sil’ in Cyclamic Acid sye kla’ mik as’ id Cyclazocine sye klaz’ oh seen Cyclindole sye klin’ dole Cycliramine Maleate sye klir’ a meen mal’ ee ate Cyclobendazole sye” kloe ben’ da zole Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride sye” kloe ben’ za preen hye” droe klor’ ide Cyclofilcon A sye” kloe fil’ kon Cycloguanil Pamoate sye” kloe gwahn’ il pam’ oh ate Cycloheximide sye” kloe hex’ i mide Cyclopenthiazide sye” kloe pen thye’ a zide Cyclophenazine Hydrochloride sye” kloe fen’ a zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Cyclosporine sye” kloe spor’ een Cyclothiazide sye” kloe thye’ a zide Cyheptamide sye hep’ ta mide Cypenamine Hydrochloride sye pen’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Cypothrin sye’ poe thrin Cyprazepam sye praz’ e pam Cyprolidol Hydrochloride sye proe’ li dol hye” droe klor’ ide Cyproquinate sye” proe kwin’ ate Cyproterone Acetate sye proe’ ter one as’ e tate Cyproximide sye prox’ i mide Cysteamine sis tee’ a meen Cysteamine Hydrochloride sis tee’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide 278 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Cystine sis’ teen Cytarabine sye tayr’ a been Cytarabine Hydrochloride sye tayr’ a been hye” droe klor’ ide Dabuzalgron Hydrochloride da bue’ zal gron hye” droe klor’ ide Dacarbazine da kar’ ba zeen Daclizumab dak liz’ oo mab Dactinomycin dak” tin oh mye’ sin Dalbavancin dal” ba van’ sin Daledalin Tosylate dal ed’ a lin toe’ si late Dalfopristin dal” foe pris’ tin Dalteparin Sodium dal” te par’ in soe’ dee um; dal tep’ a rin soe’ dee um Daltroban dal’ troe ban Dalvastatin dal” va stat’ in Danaparoid Sodium dan ap’ a roid soe’ dee um Danazol dan’ a zol Daniplestim dan ip’ le stim Danofloxacin Mesylate dan” oh flox’ a sin mes’ i late Dantrolene dan’ troe leen Dantrolene Sodium dan’ troe leen soe’ dee um Dapagliflozin dap” a gli floe’ zin Dapiclermin dap” i kler’ min Dapiprazole Hydrochloride da pip’ ra zole hye” droe klor’ ide Dapoxetine Hydrochloride dap ox’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Dapsone dap’ sone Daptomycin dap” toe mye’ sin Darapladib dar ap’ la dib Darbepoetin Alfa dar be poe’ e tin al’ fa Darbufelone Mesylate dar bue’ fel one mes’ i late Darglitazone Sodium dar gli’ ta zone soe’ dee um Darifenacin dar” i fen’ a sin Darifenacin Hydrobromide dar” i fen’ a sin hye” droe broe’ mide Darodipine dar oh’ di peen Darunavir dar ue’ na vir Dasantafil da san’ ta fil APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 279 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Dasatinib da sa’ ti nib Daunorubicin Hydrochloride daw” noe roo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Dazadrol Maleate day’ za drol mal’ ee ate Dazepinil Hydrochloride day zep’ i nil hye” droe klor’ ide Dazmegrel dayz’ me grel Dazopride Fumarate day’ zoe pride fue’ ma rate Dazoxiben Hydrochloride day zox’ i ben hye” droe klor’ ide Debrisoquin Sulfate dee bris’ oh kwin sul’ fate Decitabine dee sye’ ta been Declenperone dee klen’ per one Decoquinate dee” koe kwin’ ate Dectaflur dek’ ta flur Deferasirox dee fer’ a sir ox Deferitrin dee fer’ i trin Deferoxamine de fer ox’ a meen Deferoxamine Hydrochloride de fer ox’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Deferoxamine Mesylate de fer ox’ a meen mes’ i late Deflazacort dee flayz’ a kort Degarelix deg” a rel’ ix Delapril Hydrochloride del’ a pril hye” droe klor’ ide Delavirdine Mesylate del a vir’ deen mes’ i late Delequamine Hydrochloride del e’ kwa meen hye” droe klor’ ide Deligoparin Sodium del” i gope’ a rin soe’ dee um; del” i goe par’ in soe’ dee um Delmadinone Acetate del mad’ i none as’ e tate Delmitide Acetate del’ mi tide as’ e tate Deltafilcon A del” ta fil’ kon Deltafilcon B del” ta fil’ kon Deltibant del’ ti bant Delucemine Hydrochloride del ue’ se meen hye” droe klor’ ide Demecycline dem” e sye’ kleen Demoxepam dem ox’ e pam Denagliptin Tosylate den” a glip’ tin toe’ si late Denatonium Benzoate den” a toe’ nee um ben’ zoe ate Denibulin Hydrochloride den” i bue’ lin hye” droe klor’ ide 280 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Denileukin Diftitox den” i loo’ kin dif’ ti tox Denofungin den” oh fun’ jin Denosumab den ose’ ue mab Denufosol Tetrasodium den” ue fos’ ol tet” ra soe’ dee um Depelestat de pel’ e stat Depreotide de pree’ oh tide Deprostil de prost’ il Deracoxib der a kox’ ib Desciclovir des sye’ kloe vir Descinolone Acetonide des in’ oh lone a seet’ oh nide Desflurane des floo’ rane Desipramine Hydrochloride des ip’ ra meen hye” droe klor’ ide Desirudin des” i roo’ din Desloratadine des” lor a’ ta deen Deslorelin des” loe rel’ in Desmopressin Acetate des” moe pres’ in as’ e tate Desmoteplase des moe’ te plase Desogestrel des” oh jes’ trel Desonide des’ oh nide Desoximetasone des ox” i met’ a sone Desvenlafaxine Succinate des ven” la fax’ een sux’ i nate Deterenol Hydrochloride de ter’ e nol hye” droe klor’ ide Detirelix Acetate de” ti rel’ ix as’ e tate Detomidine Hydrochloride de toe’ mi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Deuterium Oxide due teer’ ee um ox’ ide Devazepide dev az’ e pide Dexamethasone Acefurate dex” a meth’ a sone a” se fue’ rate Dexamethasone Acetate dex” a meth’ a sone as’ e tate Dexamethasone Beloxil dex” a meth’ a sone bel ox’ il Dexamethasone Dipropionate dex” a meth’ a sone dye proe’ pee oh nate Dexamisole dex a’ mi sole Dexclamol Hydrochloride dex’ kla mol hye” droe klor’ ide Dexelvucitabine dex” el vue sye’ ta been Dexetimide dex et’ i mide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 281 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Dexfenfluramine Hydrochloride dex” fen flur’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Dexibuprofen dex” eye bue proe’ fen Dexibuprofen Lysine dex” eye bue proe’ fen lye’ seen Deximafen dex im’ a fen Dexivacaine dex iv’ a kane Dexlansoprazole dex” lan soe’ pra zole Dexmedetomidine dex me” de toe’ mi deen Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride dex me” de toe’ mi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride dex meth” il fen’ i date hye” droe klor’ ide Dexormaplatin dex or” ma pla’ tin Dexoxadrol Hydrochloride dex ox’ a drol hye” droe klor’ ide Dexpanthenol dex pan’ the nol Dexpemedolac dex” pem ed’ oh lak Dexpropranolol Hydrochloride dex” proe pran’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Dexrazoxane dex ray zox’ ane Dexsotalol Hydrochloride dex soe’ ta lol hye” droe klor’ ide Dextofisopam dex toe fis’ oh pam Dextran 40 dex’ tran Dextran 70 dex’ tran Dextran 75 dex’ tran Dextrates dex’ trates Dextroamphetamine dex” troe am fet’ a meen Dextromethorphan Polistirex dex” troe meth or’ fan pol” ee stye’ rex Dextrorphan Hydrochloride dex tror’ fan hye” droe klor’ ide Dextrothyroxine Sodium dex” troe thye rox’ in soe’ dee um Dezaguanine dez” a gwa’ neen Dezaguanine Mesylate dez” a gwa’ neen mes’ i late Dezinamide dez in’ a mide Dezocine dez’ oh seen Diacetolol Hydrochloride dye a seet’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Diamocaine Cyclamate dye a’ moe kane Diapamide dye ap’ a mide Diaplasinin dye” a plas’ in in Diatrizoate Sodium I 125 dye” a trye zoe’ ate soe’ dee um 282 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Diatrizoate Sodium I 131 dye” a trye zoe’ ate soe’ dee um Diatrizoic Acid dye” a trye zoe’ ik as’ id Diaveridine dye” a ver’ i deen Diazepam dye az’ e pam Diaziquone dye az’ i kwone Diazoxide dye” az ox’ ide Dibenzepin Hydrochloride dye benz’ e pin hye” droe klor’ ide Dibenzothiophene dye ben” zoe thye’ oh feen Dibotermin Alfa dye boe’ ter min al’ fa Dibromsalan dye brom’ sa lan Dichlorvos dye klor’ vos Dicirenone dye sye’ re none Diclazuril dye klaz’ ue ril Diclofenac Potassium dye kloe’ fen ak po tas’ ee um Diclofenac Sodium dye kloe’ fen ak soe’ dee um Dicloralurea dye klor” al ure ee’ a Dicloxacillin dye klox” a sil’ in Dicloxacillin Sodium dye klox” a sil’ in soe’ dee um Dicumarol dye koo’ ma rol Didanosine dye dan’ oh seen Dienogest dye en’ oh jest Difenoximide Hydrochloride dye” fen ox’ i mide hye” droe klor’ ide Difenoxin dye” fen ox’ in Diflorasone Diacetate dye flor’ a sone dye as’ e tate Difloxacin Hydrochloride dye flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Difluanine Hydrochloride dye floo’ a neen hye” droe klor’ ide Diflucortolone dye” floo kor’ to lone Diflucortolone Pivalate dye” floo kor’ to lone piv’ a late Diflumidone Sodium dye floo’ mi done soe’ dee um Diflunisal dye floo’ ni sal Difluprednate dye” floo pred’ nate Diftalone dif’ ta lone Digalloyl Trioleate dye gal’ loe il trye oh’ lee ate Dihexyverine Hydrochloride dye hex” i ver’ een hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 283 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Dihydroergotamine Mesylate dye hye” droe er got’ a meen mes’ i late Dilevalol Hydrochloride dye lev’ a lol hye” droe klor’ ide Diltiazem Hydrochloride dil tye’ a zem hye” droe klor’ ide Diltiazem Malate dil tye’ a zem Dimefadane dye mef’ a dane Dimefilcon A dye” me fil’ kon Dimefline Hydrochloride dye mef’ leen hye” droe klor’ ide Dimefocon A dye” me foe’ kon Dimepranol Acedoben dye me’ pran ol a” se doe’ ben Dimethadione dye meth a dye’ one Dimethicone dye meth’ i kone Dimethicone 350 dye meth’ i kone Dimethindene Maleate dye meth’ in deen mal’ ee ate Dimethisoquin Hydrochloride dye meth eye’ soe kwin hye” droe klor’ ide Dimethisterone dye meth is’ ter one Dimethyl Fumarate dye meth’ il fue’ ma rate Dimethyl Sulfoxide dye meth’ il sul fox’ ide Dimoxamine Hydrochloride dye mox’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Dinoprost dye’ noe prost Dinoprost Tromethamine dye’ noe prost troe meth’ a meen Dinoprostone dye” noe prost’ one Dinsed din’ sed Diohippuric Acid I 125 dye” oh hip ure’ ik as’ id Diohippuric Acid I 131 dye” oh hip ure’ ik as’ id Diotyrosine I 125 dye” oh tye’ roe seen Diotyrosine I 131 dye” oh tye’ roe seen Dioxadrol Hydrochloride dye ox’ a drol hye” droe klor’ ide Dioxybenzone dye ox” i ben’ zone Diphenidol dye fen’ i dol Diphenidol Hydrochloride dye fen’ i dol hye” droe klor’ ide Diphenidol Pamoate dye fen’ i dol pam’ oh ate Dipivefrin dye” piv ef’ rin Dipyridamole dye” pir id’ a mole Dipyrithione dye pir” i thye’ one 284 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Dipyrone dye pye’ rone Diquafosol Tetrasodium dye kwa fos’ ol tet” ra soe’ dee um Dirithromycin dye rith” roe mye’ sin Dirlotapide dir loe’ ta pide Disiquonium Chloride dye” see kwoe’ nee um klor’ ide Disobutamide dye” soe bue’ ta mide Disofenin dye” soe fen’ in Disomotide dye soe mor’ tide Disopyramide dye” soe pir’ a mide Disopyramide Phosphate dye” soe pir’ a mide fos’ fate Disoxaril dye sox’ a ril Disufenton Sodium dye” soo fen’ ton soe’ dee um Ditekiren dye te kye’ ren Ditiocade Sodium dye tye’ oh kade soe’ dee um Divalproex Sodium dye val’ proe ex soe’ dee um Dizocilpine Maleate dye zoe’ sil peen mal’ ee ate Dobutamine doe bue’ ta meen Dobutamine Hydrochloride doe bue’ ta meen hye” droe klor’ ide Dobutamine Lactobionate doe bue’ ta meen lak” toe bye’ oh nate Dobutamine Tartrate doe bue’ ta meen tar’ trate Docebenone doe se’ be none Docetaxel doe” se tax’ el Doconazole doe kon’ a zole Docosanol doe koe’ sa nol Docusate Calcium dok’ ue sate kal’ see um Docusate Potassium dok’ ue sate po tas’ ee um Docusate Sodium dok’ ue sate soe’ dee um Dofetilide doe fet’ i lide Dolasetron Mesylate doe las’ e tron mes’ i late Domazoline Fumarate doe maz’ oh leen fue’ ma rate Domiodol doe mye’ oh dol Domiphen Bromide doe’ mi fen broe’ mide Domperidone dome per’ i done Donepezil Hydrochloride doe nep’ e zil hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 285 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Donetidine doe ne’ ti deen Dopamantine doe” pa man’ teen Dopamine Hydrochloride doe’ pa meen hye” droe klor’ ide Dopexamine doe pex’ a meen Dopexamine Hydrochloride doe pex’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Doramapimod dor” a map’ i mod Doramectin dor” a mek’ tin Dorastine Hydrochloride dor as’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Doretinel doe’ re tin el Doripenem dor” i pen’ em Dornase Alfa dor’ nase al’ fa Dorzolamide Hydrochloride dor zole’ a mide hye” droe klor’ ide Dothiepin Hydrochloride doe thye’ e pin hye” droe klor’ ide Doxacurium Chloride dox a kure’ ee um klor’ ide Doxapram Hydrochloride dox’ a pram hye” droe klor’ ide Doxaprost dox’ a prost Doxazosin Mesylate dox az’ oh sin mes’ i late Doxepin Hydrochloride dox’ e pin hye” droe klor’ ide Doxofylline dox of’ i lin Doxorubicin dox” oh roo’ bi sin Doxpicomine Hydrochloride dox pik’ oh meen hye” droe klor’ ide Doxycycline dox” i sye’ kleen Doxycycline Fosfatex dox” i sye’ kleen fos’ fa tex Draflazine draf’ la zeen Dribendazole drye ben’ da zole Drinidene drin’ i deen Drobuline droe’ bue leen Drocinonide droe sin’ oh nide Droloxifene droe lox’ i feen Droloxifene Citrate droe lox’ i feen sit’ rate Drometrizole droe me’ tri zole Dromostanolone Propionate droe” moe stan’ oh lone proe’ pee oh nate Dronabinol droe nab’ i nol Dronedarone Hydrochloride droe” ne’ da rone hye” droe klor’ ide 286 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Droperidol droe per’ i dol Droprenilamine droe” pre nil’ a meen Drospirenone droe spye’ re none Drotrecogin Alfa (activated) droe tre koe’ gin al’ fa ak’ ti vay” ted Droxacin Sodium drox’ a sin soe’ dee um Droxifilcon A drox” i fil’ kon Droxinavir Hydrochloride drox in’ a vir hye” droe klor’ ide Duazomycin doo az” oh mye’ sin Duloxetine Hydrochloride doo lox’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Duoperone Fumarate doo oh’ per one fue’ ma rate Durapatite dur ap’ a tite Dutasteride doo tas’ ter ide Dydrogesterone dye” droe jes’ ter one Dymanthine Hydrochloride dye man’ theen hye” droe klor’ ide Ebastine e bas’ teen Ecadotril e kad’ oh tril Ecalcidene e kal’ si deen Ecallantide e kal’ lan tide Ecamsule e kam’ sool Eclanamine Maleate e klan’ a meen mal’ ee ate Eclazolast e klaz’ oh last Econazole e kon’ a zole Econazole Nitrate e kon’ a zole nye’ trate Ecopipam Hydrochloride e” koe pi’ pam hye” droe klor’ ide Ecopladib e koe’ pla dib Ecraprost e’ kra prost Ecromeximab e” kroe mex’ i mab Eculizumab e” kue liz’ oo mab Edaglitazone Sodium e” da gli’ ta zone soe’ dee um Edatrexate e” da trex’ ate Edetate Calcium Disodium e’ de tate kal’ see um dye soe’ dee um Edetate Dipotassium e’ de tate dye” po tas’ ee um Edetate Sodium e’ de tate soe’ dee um Edetate Trisodium e’ de tate trye soe’ dee um APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 287 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Edetol e de tol’ Edifoligide Sodium e dif” oh lig’ ide soe’ dee um Edifolone Acetate e dif’ oh lone as’ e tate Edobacomab e” doe bak’ oh mab Edodekin Alfa e” doe dek’ in al’ fa Edonentan e don’ en tan Edotecarin e” doe tek’ ar in Edotreotide e” doe tree’ oh tide Edoxudine e dox’ ue deen Edratide e’ dra tide Edrecolomab e” dre kol’ oh mab Efalizumab ef” a liz’ oo mab Efaproxiral ef” a prox’ ir al Efaproxiral Sodium ef” a prox’ ir al soe’ dee um Efegatran Sulfate ef” e gat’ ran sul’ fate Efipladib ef ip’ la dib Efletirizine Dihydrochloride ef” le tir’ i zeen dye hye” droe klor’ ide Eflornithine Hydrochloride ef lor’ ni theen hye” droe klor’ ide Efrotomycin ef” roe toe mye’ sin Eglumetad e gloo’ me tad Egtazic Acid eg tayz’ ik as’ id Elacridar Hydrochloride el ak’ ri dar hye” droe klor’ ide Elantrine el’ an treen Elarofiban el ar” oh fye’ ban Elastofilcon A e las” toe fil’ kon Eldacimibe el da’ si mibe Eletriptan Hydrobromide el” e trip’ tan hye” droe broe’ mide Elfazepam el faz’ e pam Elsamitrucin el sam” i troo’ sin Elsibucol el” si bue’ kol Eltrombopag Olamine el trom’ boe pag ole’ a meen Elucaine el’ ue kane Elvitegravir el” vi teg’ ra vir Elvucitabine el” vue sye’ ta been Elzasonan Citrate el” za sone’ an sit’ rate 288 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Elzasonan Hydrochloride el” za sone’ an hye” droe klor’ ide Embutramide em bue’ tra mide Emedastine Difumarate em” e das’ teen dye fue’ ma rate Emilium Tosylate em il’ i um toe’ si late Emitefur em it’ e fur Emivirine em” i vir’ een Emtricitabine em” trye sye’ ta been Enadoline Hydrochloride en ad’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Enalapril Maleate en al’ a pril mal’ ee ate Enalaprilat en al’ a pril at” Enalkiren en al kye’ ren Enazadrem Phosphate en az’ a drem fos’ fate Encainide Hydrochloride en’ ka nide hye” droe klor’ ide Enciprazine Hydrochloride en si’ pra zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Enclomiphene en kloe’ mi feen Encyprate en si’ prate Endralazine Mesylate en dral’ a zeen mes’ i late Endrysone en’ dri sone Enflufocon A en” floo foe’ kon Enflufocon B en” floo foe’ kon Enflurane en’ flur ane Enfuvirtide en fue’ vir tide Englitazone Sodium en gli’ ta zone soe’ dee um Enilconazole en” il kon’ a zole Eniluracil en” il ue’ ra sil; en” il ure’ a sil Enisoprost en eye’ soe prost Enlimomab en lim’ oh mab Enloplatin en” loe pla’ tin Enofelast en oh’ fe last Enolicam Sodium en ole’ i kam soe’ dee um Enoxacin en ox’ a sin Enoxaparin Sodium ee nox ap’ a rin soe’ dee um; ee nox” a par’ in soe’ dee um Enoximone en ox’ i mone Enpiroline Phosphate en pir’ oh leen fos’ fate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 289 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Enprofylline en prof’ i lin Enpromate en’ proe mate Enprostil en prost’ il Enrofloxacin en” roe flox’ a sin Ensulizole en sul’ i zole Entacapone en tak’ a pone Entecavir en tek’ a vir Entsufon Sodium ent’ soo fon soe’ dee um Enviradene en vir’ a deen Enviroxime en” vir ox’ eem Enzacamene en” za kam’ een Enzastaurin Hydrochloride en” za staw’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Epafipase e paf’ i pase Epanolol e pan’ oh lol Eperezolid e per ez’ oh lid Epetirimod e” pe tir’ i mod Epetirimod Esylate e” pe tir’ i mod Epicillin ep i sil’ in Epimestrol ep” i mes’ trol Epinephryl Borate ep” i nef’ ril bor’ ate Epipropidine ep” i proe’ pi deen Epirizole e pir’ i zole Epirubicin Hydrochloride ep” i roo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Epithiazide ep” i thye’ a zide Eplerenone e pler’ en one Epoetin Alfa e poe’ e tin al’ fa Epoetin Beta e poe’ e tin bay” ta Epoetin Delta e poe’ e tin del’ ta Epoprostenol e” poe prost’ en ol Epoprostenol Sodium e” poe prost’ en ol soe’ dee um Epostane e’ poe stane Epratuzumab e” pra tooz’ oo mab Eprinomectin e prin” oh mek’ tin Epristeride e pris’ ter ide 290 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Eprodisate Disodium e proe’ di sate dye soe’ dee um Eprosartan ep” roe sar’ tan Eprosartan Mesylate ep” roe sar’ tan mes’ i late Erbulozole er bue’ loe zole Ergoloid Mesylates er’ goe loid mes’ i lates Eribulin Mesylate er” i bue’ lin mes’ i late Eritoran Tetrasodium er” i tore’ an tet” ra soe’ dee um Erlizumab er liz’ oo mab Erlotinib Hydrochloride er loe’ ti nib hye” droe klor’ ide Ersofermin er” soe fer’ min Ertapenem Sodium er” ta pen’ em soe’ dee um Ertiprotafib er” ti proe’ ta fib Erythrityl Tetranitrate e rith’ ri til tet” ra nye’ trate Erythromycin Acistrate e rith” roe mye’ sin a sis’ trate Erythromycin Estolate e rith” roe mye’ sin es’ toe late Erythromycin Propionate e rith” roe mye’ sin proe’ pee oh nate Erythromycin Salnacedin e rith” roe mye’ sin sal na’ se din Escitalopram Oxalate es” sye tal’ oh pram ox’ a late Esmirtazapine Maleate es” mir taz’ a peen mal’ ee ate Esmolol Hydrochloride es’ moe lol hye” droe klor’ ide Esomeprazole Magnesium es” oh mep’ ra zole mag nee’ zee um Esomeprazole Sodium es” oh mep’ ra zole soe’ dee um Esorubicin Hydrochloride es” oh roo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Esoxybutynin Chloride es ox” i bue’ ti nin klor’ ide Esproquin Hydrochloride es’ proe kwin hye” droe klor’ ide Estazolam es taz’ oh lam Esterifilcon A es ter” i fil’ kon Estradiol Acetate es” tra dye’ ol as’ e tate Estradiol Enanthate es” tra dye’ ol e nan’ thate Estradiol Undecylate es” tra dye’ ol un de’ sil ate Estramustine es” tra mus’ teen Estramustine Phosphate Sodium es” tra mus’ teen fos’ fate soe’ dee um Estrazinol Hydrobromide es traz’ i nol hye” droe broe’ mide Estrofurate es” troe fure’ ate Eszopiclone es” zoe pik’ lone APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 291 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Etafedrine Hydrochloride e ta fed’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Etafilcon A e” ta fil’ kon Etalocib e tal’ oh kib Etanercept ee tan’ er sept Etanidazole e ta nye’ da zole Etarotene e tar’ oh teen Etazolate Hydrochloride e taz’ oh late hye” droe klor’ ide Eterobarb e ter’ oh barb Ethacrynate Sodium eth” a krin’ ate soe’ dee um Ethacrynic Acid eth a krin’ ik as’ id Ethambutol Hydrochloride eth am’ bue tol hye” droe klor’ ide Ethamivan eth am’ i van Ethamsylate eth am’ sil ate Ethanolamine Oleate eth” a nol’ a meen Ethiodized Oil I 131 eth eye’ oh dyzd Ethionamide e thye on’ a mide Ethonam Nitrate eth’ oh nam nye’ trate Ethosuximide eth” oh sux’ i mide Ethoxazene Hydrochloride eth ox’ a zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Ethybenztropine eth” i benz’ troe peen Ethyl Dibunate eth’ il dye’ bue nate Ethylestrenol eth” il es’ tre nol Ethynerone e thye’ ner one Ethynodiol Diacetate e thye” noe dye’ ol dye as’ e tate Etibendazole e ti ben’ da zole Etidocaine e tye’ doe kane Etidronate Disodium e ti droe’ nate dye soe’ dee um Etidronic Acid e ti dron’ ik as’ id Etifenin e” ti fen’ in Etilevodopa e” ti lee” voe doe’ pa Etintidine Hydrochloride e tin’ ti deen hye” droe klor’ ide Etiprednol Dicloacetate e ti pred’ nol dye kloe as’ e tate Etocrylene e” toe krye’ leen Etodolac e toe’ doe lak 292 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Etofenamate e” toe fen’ a mate Etoformin Hydrochloride e” toe for’ min hye” droe klor’ ide Etomidate e tom’ i date Etonogestrel e toe noe jes’ trel Etoperidone Hydrochloride e” toe per’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Etoposide e toe’ poe side Etoposide Phosphate e toe’ poe side fos’ fate Etoprine e’ toe preen Etoricoxib e toe ri kox’ ib Etoxadrol Hydrochloride e tox’ a drol hye” droe klor’ ide Etozolin e” toe zoe’ lin Etravirine e” tra vir’ een Etretinate e tret’ i nate Etryptamine Acetate e trip’ ta meen as’ e tate Eucalyptol ue” ka lip’ tol Euprocin Hydrochloride ue’ proe sin hye” droe klor’ ide Evernimicin e” ver ni mye’ sin Everolimus e” ver oh’ li mus Exametazime ex” a met’ a zeem Exaprolol Hydrochloride ex” a proe’ lol hye” droe klor’ ide Exatecan Mesylate ex” a tee’ kan mes’ i late Exemestane ex e mes’ tane Exenatide ex en’ a tide Ezetimibe ez et’ i mide Ezlopitant ez loe’ pi tant Fadolmidine Hydrochloride fa dol’ mi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Fadrozole Hydrochloride fad’ roe zole hye” droe klor’ ide Falimarev (CEA, MUC-1, fowlpox virus) fa lim’ a rev Famciclovir fam sye’ kloe vir Famotidine fam oh’ ti deen Famotine Hydrochloride fam’ oh teen hye” droe klor’ ide Fampridine fam’ pri deen Fananserin fan an’ ser in Fandosentan Potassium fan” doe sen’ tan po tas’ ee um APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 293 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Fanetizole Mesylate fan et’ i zole mes’ i late Fantridone Hydrochloride fan’ tri done hye” droe klor’ ide Farampator far am’ pa tor Farglitazar far gli’ ta zar Faropenem Medoxomil far” oh pen’ em me dox’ oh mil Fazarabine faz ar’ a been Febantel fe’ ban tel Febuxostat feb ux’ oh stat Felbamate fel bam’ ate Felbinac fel’ bi nak Felodipine fe loe’ di peen Felvizumab fel viz’ oo mab Felypressin fel” i pres’ in Fenalamide fen al’ a mide Fenamole fen’ a mole Fenbendazole fen ben’ da zole Fenbufen fen bue’ fen Fencibutirol fen” si bue’ ti rol Fenclofenac fen kloe’ fen ak Fenclonine fen’ kloe neen Fenclorac fen’ klor ak Fendosal fen’ doe sal Fenestrel fen es’ trel Fenethylline Hydrochloride fen eth’ i lin hye” droe klor’ ide Fenfluramine Hydrochloride fen flur’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Fengabine fen’ ga been Fenimide fen’ i mide Fenisorex fen eye’ soe rex Fenleuton fen loo’ ton Fenmetozole Hydrochloride fen met’ oh zole hye” droe klor’ ide Fenmetramide fen met’ ra mide Fenobam fen’ oh bam Fenoctimine Sulfate fen ok’ ti meen sul’ fate Fenofibrate fen” oh fye’ brate 294 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Fenoldopam Mesylate fen ol’ doe pam mes’ i late Fenoprofen fen” oh proe’ fen Fenoprofen Calcium fen” oh proe’ fen kal’ see um Fenoterol fen oh’ ter ol Fenpipalone fen pip’ a lone Fenprinast Hydrochloride fen’ pri nast hye” droe klor’ ide Fenprostalene fen prost’ a leen Fenquizone fen’ kwi zone Fenretinide fen ret’ i nide Fenspiride Hydrochloride fen’ spir ide hye” droe klor’ ide Fentanyl fen’ ta nil Fentanyl Citrate fen’ ta nil sit’ rate Fentiazac fen tye’ a zak Fenticlor fen’ ti klor Fenticonazole Nitrate fen” ti kon’ a zole nye’ trate Fenyripol Hydrochloride fen ir’ i pol hye” droe klor’ ide Ferric Carboxymaltose fer’ ik kar box’ ee mawl’ tose Ferric Chloride Fe 59 fer’ ik klor’ ide Ferric Fructose fer’ ik fruk’ tose Ferriclate Calcium Sodium fer’ i klate kal’ see um soe’ dee um Ferristene fer’ i steen Ferrous Citrate Fe 59 fer’ us sit’ rate Ferrous Sulfate Fe 59 fer’ us sul’ fate Fertirelin Acetate fer” ti rel’ in as’ e tate Ferucarbotran fer” ue kar’ boe tran Ferumoxides fer” ue mox’ ides Ferumoxsil fer” ue mox’ sil Ferumoxtran-10 fer” ue mox’ tran Ferumoxytol fer” ue mox’ i tol Fesoterodine Fumarate fes” oh ter’ oh deen fue’ ma rate Fetoxylate Hydrochloride fe tox’ i late hye” droe klor’ ide Fexofenadine Hydrochloride fex” oh fen’ a deen hye” droe klor’ ide Fezolamine Fumarate fe zol’ a meen fue’ ma rate Fiacitabine fye a sye’ ta been APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 295 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Fialuridine fye” al ure’ i deen Fibrinogen I 125 fye brin’ oh jen Fidexaban fye dex’ a ban Fiduxosin Hydrochloride fye dux’ oh sin hye” droe klor’ ide Filaminast fil am’ i nast Filgrastim fil gra’ stim Filipin fil’ i pin Finasteride fin as’ ter ide Fingolimod Hydrochloride fin gol’ i mod hye” droe klor’ ide Firategrast fir” a teg’ rast Firocoxib fir” oh kox’ ib Fispemifene fis pem’ i feen Flavodilol Maleate flay” voe dil’ ol mal’ ee ate Flavoxate Hydrochloride flay vox’ ate hye” droe klor’ ide Flazalone flay’ za lone Flecainide Acetate flek’ a nide as’ e tate Fleroxacin fler ox’ a sin Flestolol Sulfate fles’ toe lol sul’ fate Fletazepam fle taz’ e pam Flibanserin flib an’ ser in Flindokalner flin” doe kal’ ner Floctafenine flok” ta fen’ een Flordipine flor’ di peen Florfenicol flor fen’ i kol Flosequinan floe se’ kwin an Floxacillin flox” a sil’ in Floxuridine flox ure’ i deen Fluazacort floo az’ a kort Flubanilate Hydrochloride floo ban’ i late hye” droe klor’ ide Flubendazole floo ben’ da zole Flucindole floo sin’ dole Flucloronide floo klor’ oh nide Fluconazole floo kon’ a zole Flucrylate floo’ kri late 296 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Flucytosine floo sye’ toe seen Fludalanine floo dal’ a neen Fludarabine Phosphate floo dayr’ a been fos’ fate Fludazonium Chloride floo” da zoe’ nee um klor’ ide Fludeoxyglucose F 18 floo” de ox” i gloo’ kose Fludorex floo’ doe rex Flufenamic Acid floo” fen am’ ik as’ id Flufenisal floo fen’ i sal Flumazenil floo maz’ e nil Flumequine floo’ me kwin Flumeridone floo mer’ i done Flumethasone floo meth’ a sone Flumethasone Pivalate floo meth’ a sone piv’ a late Flumetramide floo met’ ra mide Flumezapine floo mez’ a peen Fluminorex floo min’ oh rex Flumizole floo’ mi zole Flumoxonide floo mox’ oh nide Flunarizine Hydrochloride floo nar’ i zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Flunidazole floo nye’ da zole Flunisolide floo nis’ oh lide Flunisolide Acetate floo nis’ oh lide as’ e tate Flunitrazepam floo” nye traz’ e pam Flunixin floo nix’ in Flunixin Meglumine floo nix’ in me’ gloo meen Fluocinolone Acetonide floo” oh sin’ oh lone a seet’ oh nide Fluocinonide floo” oh sin’ oh nide Fluocortin Butyl floo” oh kor’ tin bue’ til Fluocortolone floo” oh kor’ toe lone Fluocortolone Caproate floo” oh kor’ toe lone kap’ roe ate Fluorodopa F 18 flure” oh doe’ pa Fluorometholone Acetate flure” oh meth’ oh lone as’ e tate Fluorosalan flure oh’ sa lan Fluorouracil flure” oh ue’ ra sil; flure” oh ure’ a sil APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 297 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Fluotracen Hydrochloride floo oh tray’ sen hye” droe klor’ ide Fluoxetine floo ox’ e teen Fluoxetine Hydrochloride floo ox’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Fluparoxan Hydrochloride floo” pa rox’ an hye” droe klor’ ide Fluperamide floo per’ a mide Fluperolone Acetate floo per’ oh lone as’ e tate Flupirtine Maleate floo’ pir teen mal’ ee ate Fluprednisolone floo” pred nis’ oh lone Fluprednisolone Valerate floo” pred nis’ oh lone val’ er ate Fluproquazone floo proe’ kwa zone Fluprostenol Sodium floo prost’ e nol soe’ dee um Fluquazone floo’ kwa zone Fluradoline Hydrochloride flur ad’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Flurandrenolide flur” an dren’ oh lide Flurazepam Hydrochloride flur az’ e pam hye” droe klor’ ide Flurbiprofen flur” bi proe’ fen Fluretofen flur” e toe’ fen Flurocitabine flur’ oh sye’ ta been Flurofamide flur oh’ fa mide Flurogestone Acetate flur oh jes’ tone as’ e tate Flurothyl flur’ oh thil Fluroxene flur ox’ een Flusilfocon A floo” sil foe’ kon Flusilfocon B floo” sil foe’ kon Flusilfocon C floo” sil foe’ kon Flusilfocon D floo” sil foe’ kon Flusilfocon E floo” sil foe’ kon Fluspiperone floo spi’ per one Fluspirilene floo spir’ i leen Flutamide floo’ ta mide Flutiazin floo tye’ a zin Fluticasone Furoate floo tik’ a sone fur’ oh ate Fluticasone Propionate floo tik’ a sone proe’ pee oh nate Flutroline floo’ troe leen 298 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Fluvastatin Sodium floo” va stat’ in soe’ dee um Fluvoxamine Maleate floo vox’ a meen mal’ ee ate Fluzinamide floo zin’ a mide Focofilcon A foe” koe fil’ kon Fodipir foe’ di pir Fomepizole foe mep’ i zole Fomivirsen Sodium foe” mi vir’ sen soe’ dee um Fonazine Mesylate foe’ na zeen mes’ i late Fondaparinux Sodium fon dap’ a rin ux soe’ dee um; fon” da par’ in ux soe’ dee um Fontolizumab fon” toe liz’ oo mab Forasartan for” a sar’ tan Formocortal for” moe kor’ tal Formoterol Fumarate for moe’ ter ol fue’ ma rate Forodesine for oh’ de seen Forodesine Hydrochloride for oh’ de seen hye” droe klor’ ide Fosamprenavir Calcium fos” am pren’ a vir kal’ see um Fosamprenavir Sodium fos” am pren’ a vir soe’ dee um Fosaprepitant Dimeglumine fos” ap re’ pi tant dye meg’ loo meen Fosarilate fos’ a ril ate Fosazepam fos az’ e pam Foscarnet Sodium fos kar’ net soe’ dee um Fosfomycin fos” foe mye’ sin Fosfomycin Tromethamine fos” foe mye’ sin troe meth’ a meen Fosfonet Sodium fos’ foe net soe’ dee um Fosfructose Trisodium fos frook’ tose trye soe’ dee um; fos fruk’ tose trye soe’ dee um Fosinopril Sodium fos in’ oh pril soe’ dee um Fosinoprilat fos in’ oh pril at” Fosphenytoin Sodium fos fen’ i toin soe’ dee um; fos fen’ i toe in soe’ dee um Fospirate fos’ pi rate Fospropofol Disodium fos proe poe’ fol dye soe’ dee um Fosquidone fos’ kwi done Fostedil fos’ te dil Fostriecin Sodium fos’ trye e sin soe’ dee um Fosveset fos’ ve set APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 299 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Frentizole fren’ ti zole Frovatriptan Succinate froe” va trip’ tan sux’ i nate Fulvestrant ful ves’ trant Fumoxicillin fue mox” i sil’ in Fungimycin fun” ji mye’ sin Furaprofen fure” a proe’ fen Furazolium Chloride fure” a zoe’ lee um klor’ ide Furazolium Tartrate fure” a zoe’ lee um tar’ trate Furegrelate Sodium fure” a grel’ ate soe’ dee um Furobufen fure” oh bue’ fen Furodazole fure oh’ da zole Furomine fure’ oh meen Furosemide fure oh’ se mide Fursalan fure’ sa lan Fusidate Sodium fue’ si date soe’ dee um Fusidic Acid fue sid’ ik as’ id Gabapentin gab” a pen’ tin Gaboxadol gab ox’ a dol Gadobenate Dimeglumine gad” oh ben’ ate dye meg’ loo meen Gadodiamide gad” oh dye’ a mide Gadofosveset Trisodium gad” oh fos’ ve set trye soe’ dee um Gadopentetate Dimeglumine gad” oh pen’ te tate dye meg’ loo meen Gadoteridol gad” oh ter’ i dol Gadoversetamide gad” oh ver set’ a mide Gadoxanum gad oh zan’ um Gadoxetate Disodium gad ox’ e tate dye soe’ dee um Gadozelite gad oh zel’ ite Galactose ga lak’ tose Galantamine ga lan’ ta meen Galantamine Hydrobromide ga lan’ ta meen hye” droe broe’ mide Galasomite gal’ a som ite Galdansetron Hydrochloride gal dan’ se tron hye” droe klor’ ide Galgenprostucel-L gal” jen pros too’ sel - el Galiximab ga lix’ i mab 300 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Gallium Citrate Ga 67 gal’ ee um sit’ rate Gallium Nitrate gal’ ee um nye’ trate Galsulfase gal sul’ fase Galyfilcon A gal” ee fil’ kon Gamfexine gam fex’ een Gamithromycin gam ith” roe mye’ sin Ganaxolone gan ax’ oh lone Ganciclovir gan sye’ kloe vir Ganciclovir Sodium gan sye’ kloe vir soe’ dee um Ganirelix Acetate ga” ni rel’ ix as’ e tate Gantacurium Chloride gan” ta kure’ ee um klor’ ide Garenoxacin Mesylate gar” en ox’ a sin mes’ i late Garnocestim gar noe’ se stim Gatifloxacin gat” i flox’ a sin Gavestinel gav es’ ti nel Gefitinib ge fi’ ti nib Gemcabene Calcium jem’ ka been kal’ see um Gemcadiol jem” ka dye’ ol Gemcitabine jem sye’ ta been Gemcitabine Hydrochloride jem sye’ ta been hye” droe klor’ ide Gemeprost jem’ e prost Gemfibrozil jem fye’ broe zil Gemifloxacin Mesylate jem” i flox’ a sin mes’ i late Gemopatrilat jem” oh pa’ tril at Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin jem tooz’ oo mab oh” zoe ga mye’ sin Genfilcon A jen fil’ kon Gentamicin Sulfate jen” ta mye’ sin sul’ fate Gepirone Hydrochloride jep’ ir one hye” droe klor’ ide Gestaclone jes’ ta klone Gestodene jes’ toe deen Gestonorone Caproate jes toe’ nor one kap’ roe ate Gestrinone jes’ tri none Gevotroline Hydrochloride jev oh’ troe leen hye” droe klor’ ide Giripladib jir ip’ la dib APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 301 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Glatiramer Acetate gla tir’ a mer as’ e tate Glemanserin gle man’ ser in Gleptoferron glep toe’ fer on Gliamilide glye am’ i lide Glibornuride glye born’ ure ide Glicetanile Sodium glye set’ a nile soe’ dee um Gliflumide glye floo’ mide Glimepiride glye mep’ ir ide Glipizide glip’ i zide Gloxazone glox’ a zone Gloximonam glox” i moe’ nam Gluceptate Sodium gloo sep’ tate soe’ dee um Glucosamine gloo kose’ a meen Glutamic Acid gloo tam’ ik as’ id Glutamine gloo’ ta meen Glutaral gloo’ ta ral Glyburide glye’ bure ide Glycerol, Iodinated glis’ er ol eye’ oh di nay” ted Glycol Distearate glye’ kol dye steer’ ate Glycopyrrolate glye” koe pir’ oh late Glyhexamide glye hex’ a mide Glymidine Sodium glye’ mi deen soe’ dee um Glyoctamide glye ok’ ta mide Glyparamide glye par’ a mide Gold Au 198 golde Golimumab goe lim’ ue mab Golotimod goe lot’ i mod Gomiliximab goe” mi lix’ i mab Gonadorelin Acetate goe nad” oh rel’ in as’ e tate Gonadorelin Hydrochloride goe nad” oh rel’ in hye” droe klor’ ide Goserelin goe” se rel’ in Govafilcon A goe” va fil’ kon Goxalapladib gox” a lap’ la dib Granisetron gra nis’ e tron Granisetron Hydrochloride gra nis’ e tron hye” droe klor’ ide 302 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Grepafloxacin Hydrochloride grep” a flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Guaiapate gwye’ a pate Guaifenesin gwye fen’ e sin Guaithylline gwye’ thi lin Guanabenz gwahn’ a benz Guanabenz Acetate gwahn’ a benz as’ e tate Guanacline Sulfate gwahn’ a kleen sul’ fate Guanadrel Sulfate gwahn’ a drel sul’ fate Guancydine gwahn’ si deen Guanethidine Monosulfate gwahn eth’ i deen Guanethidine Sulfate gwahn eth’ i deen sul’ fate Guanfacine Hydrochloride gwahn’ fa seen hye” droe klor’ ide Guanisoquin Sulfate gwahn eye’ soe kwin sul’ fate Guanoclor Sulfate gwahn’ oh klor sul’ fate Guanoctine Hydrochloride gwahn ok’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Guanoxabenz gwahn ox’ a benz Guanoxan Sulfate gwahn ox’ an sul’ fate Guanoxyfen Sulfate gwahn ox’ i fen sul’ fate Gusperimus Trihydrochloride gus per’ i mus trye hye” droe klor’ ide Halazepam hal az’ e pam Halcinonide hal sin’ oh nide Halobetasol Propionate hal” oh bay’ ta sol proe’ pee oh nate Halofantrine Hydrochloride hal” oh fan’ treen hye” droe klor’ ide Halofenate hal” oh fen’ ate Halofuginone Hydrobromide hal” oh fue’ ji none hye” droe broe’ mide Halopemide hal oh’ pe mide Haloperidol hal” oh per’ i dol Haloperidol Decanoate hal” oh per’ i dol dek” a noe’ ate Halopredone Acetate hal” oh pred’ one as’ e tate Haloprogesterone hal” oh proe jes’ ter one Haloprogin hal” oh proe’ jin Halquinols hal’ kwin ols Hamycin ha mye’ sin Hefilcon A he fil’ kon APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 303 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Hefilcon B he fil’ kon Hefilcon C he fil’ kon Hemoglobin Crosfumaril hee’ moe gloe” bin kros fue’ ma ril Hemoglobin Glutamer-200 (Bovine) hee’ moe gloe” bin gloo’ ta mer boe’ vine Hemoglobin Glutamer-250 (Bovine) hee’ moe gloe” bin gloo’ ta mer boe’ vine Hemoglobin Glutamer-256 (Human) hee’ moe gloe” bin gloo’ ta mer hue’ man Hemoglobin Raffimer hee’ moe gloe” bin raf’ fi mer Hetacillin het” a sil’ in Hetacillin Potassium het” a sil’ in po tas’ ee um Hetaflur het’ a flur Hetastarch het’ a starch Heteronium Bromide het” er oh’ nee um broe’ mide Hexafluorenium Bromide hex a flure een’ ee um broe’ mide Hexafocon A hex” a foe’ kon Hexaminolevulinate Hydrochloride hex a mee” noe lev’ ue lin ate hye” droe klor’ ide Hexedine hex’ e deen Hexobendine hex” oh ben’ deen Hexoprenaline Sulfate hex” oh pren’ a leen sul’ fate Hilafilcon A hye” la fil’ kon Hilafilcon B hye” la fil’ kon Hioxifilcon A hye ox” i fil’ kon Hioxifilcon D hye ox” i fil’ kon Histamine Dihydrochloride his’ ta meen dye hye” droe klor’ ide Histidine his’ ti deen Histrelin his trel’ in Hofocon A hoe foe’ kon Homosalate hoe” moe sal’ ate Hoquizil Hydrochloride hoe’ kwi zil hye” droe klor’ ide Hyaluronate Sodium hye” al ure on’ ate soe’ dee um Hyaluronidase (Human Recombinant) hye” al ure on’ i dase hue’ man Hyaluronidase (Ovine) hye” al ure on’ i dase oh’ vine Hybufocon A hye” bue foe’ kon Hycanthone hye kan’ thone Hydralazine Polistirex hye dral’ a zeen pol” ee stye’ rex 304 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Hydrocodone Bitartrate hye droe koe’ done Hydrocodone Polistirex hye droe koe’ done pol” ee stye’ rex Hydrocortisone Butyrate hye” droe kor’ ti sone bue’ ti rate Hydrocortisone Probutate hye” droe kor’ ti sone proe bue’ tate Hydrocortisone Valerate hye” droe kor’ ti sone val’ er ate Hydrofilcon A hye” droe fil’ kon Hydroxocobalamin hye drox” oh koe bal’ a min Hydroxyphenamate hye drox” ee fen’ a mate Hydroxyurea hye drox” ee ure ee’ a Hymecromone hye” me kroe’ mone Ibafloxacin eye” ba flox’ a sin Ibalizumab i” ba liz’ oo mab Ibandronate Sodium eye ban’ droe nate soe’ dee um Iboctadekin eye bok” ta de’ kin Ibopamine eye boe’ pa meen Ibritumomab Tiuxetan eye” bri toom’ oh mab tye ux’ e tan Ibrolipim eye broe’ li pim Ibufenac eye bue’ fen ak Ibuprofen eye” bue proe’ fen Ibuprofen Aluminum eye” bue proe’ fen a loo’ mi num Ibuprofen Lysine eye” bue proe’ fen lye’ seen Ibuprofen Piconol eye” bue proe’ fen pik’ a nol Ibutamoren Mesylate eye bue” ta mor’ en mes’ i late Ibutilide Fumarate eye bue’ ti lide fue’ ma rate Icatibant Acetate eye ka’ ti bant as’ e tate Icodextrin eye” koe dex’ trin Icomucret eye koe’ mue kret Icopezil Maleate eye koe’ pe zil mal’ ee ate Icotidine eye koe’ ti deen Ictasol ik’ ta sol Idarubicin Hydrochloride eye” da roo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Idoxifene eye dox’ i feen Idoxuridine eye” dox ure’ i deen Idraparinux Sodium eye drap’ a rin ux soe’ dee um; eye” dra par’ in ux soe’ dee um APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 305 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Idremcinal eye drem’ si nal Idronoxil eye” droe nox’ il Idursulfase eye” dur sul’ fase Ifetroban eye fe’ troe ban Ifetroban Sodium eye fe’ troe ban soe’ dee um Ifosfamide eye fos’ fa mide Igmesine Hydrochloride ig’ mes een hye” droe klor’ ide Ilepcimide eye lep’ si mide Ilmofosine il” moe fos’ een Ilodecakin eye” loe dek’ a kin Ilomastat eye loe’ ma stat Ilonidap eye lon’ i dap Iloperidone eye” loe per’ i done Iloprost eye’ loe prost Imafen Hydrochloride im’ a fen hye” droe klor’ ide Imazodan Hydrochloride im az’ oh dan hye” droe klor’ ide Imcarbofos im karb’ oh fos Imciromab Pentetate im sir’ oh mab pen’ te tate Imexon eye mex’ on Imidecyl Iodine im i’ de sil eye” oh dine Imidocarb Hydrochloride im i’ doe karb hye” droe klor’ ide Imidoline Hydrochloride im id’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Imiglucerase im” i gloo’ ser ase Imiloxan Hydrochloride im” i lox’ an hye” droe klor’ ide Imipenem im” i pen’ em Imiquimod im i’ kwi mod Imisopasem Manganese i” mi soe’ pa sem man’ ga nees Immune Globulin Intravenous Pentetate Impromidine Hydrochloride im proe’ mi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Inalimarev (CEA, MUC-1, Vaccinia virus) in” a lim’ a rev vax in’ ee a Inamrinone eye nam’ ri none Incyclinide in sye’ kli nide Indacrinone in dak’ ri none Indapamide in dap’ a mide 306 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Indecainide Hydrochloride in dek’ a nide hye” droe klor’ ide Indeloxazine Hydrochloride in” del ox’ a zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Indinavir in din’ a vir Indinavir Sulfate in din’ a vir sul’ fate Indiplon in’ di plon Indisulam in” di soo’ lam Indium Chlorides In 113m in’ dee um klor’ ide Indium In 111 Altumomab Pentetate in’ dee um al toom’ oh mab pen’ te tate Indium In 111 Oxyquinoline in’ dee um ox” i kwin’ oh leen Indium In 111 Pentetreotide in’ dee um pen” te tree’ oh tide Indium In 111 Satumomab Pendetide in’ dee um sa toom’ oh mab pen’ de tide Indolapril Hydrochloride in dole’ a pril hye” droe klor’ ide Indolidan in doe’ li dan Indomethacin in” doe meth’ a sin Indomethacin Sodium in” doe meth’ a sin soe’ dee um Indoprofen in” doe proe’ fen Indoramin in dor’ a min Indoramin Hydrochloride in dor’ a min hye” droe klor’ ide Indorenate Hydrochloride in dor’ en ate hye” droe klor’ ide Indoxole in dox’ ole Indriline Hydrochloride in’ dri leen hye” droe klor’ ide Infliximab in flix’ i mab Ingliforib in” gli foe’ rib Inocoterone Acetate in” oh koe’ ter one as’ e tate Inositol Niacinate in oh’ si tol nye’ a sin ate Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in” oh tooz’ oo mab oh” zoe ga mye’ sin Insulin Aspart in’ su lin as’ part Insulin Detemir in’ su lin de’ te mir Insulin Glargine in’ su lin glar’ jeen Insulin Glulisine in’ su lin gloo’ lis een Insulin Human in’ su lin hue’ man Insulin I 125 in’ su lin Insulin I 131 in’ su lin Insulin Lispro in’ su lin lis’ pro APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 307 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Insulin, Dalanated in’ su lin dal’ a nay ted Insulin, Neutral in’ su lin Interferon Alfa-2a in” ter feer’ on al’ fa Interferon Alfa-2b in” ter feer’ on al’ fa Interferon Alfa-n1 in” ter feer’ on al’ fa Interferon Alfa-n3 in” ter feer’ on al’ fa Interferon Alfacon-1 in” ter feer’ on al’ fa kon Interferon Beta-1a in” ter feer’ on bay’ ta Interferon Beta-1b in” ter feer’ on bay’ ta Interferon Gamma-1b in” ter feer’ on Intrazole in’ tra zole Intriptyline Hydrochloride in trip’ ti leen hye” droe klor’ ide Iobenguane I 131 eye” oh ben’ gwane Iobenguane Sulfate I 123 eye” oh ben’ gwane sul’ fate Iobenguane Sulfate I 131 eye” oh ben’ gwane sul’ fate Iobenzamic Acid eye” oh ben zam’ ik as’ id Iocanlidic Acid I 123 eye” oh kan li’ dik as’ id Iocarmate Meglumine eye” oh kar’ mate me’ gloo meen Iocarmic Acid eye” oh kar’ mik as’ id Iocetamic Acid eye’ oh see tam’ ik as’ id Iodamide eye oh’ da mide Iodamide Meglumine eye oh’ da mide me’ gloo meen Iodine Povacrylex eye” oh dine poe” va kreye’ lex Iodipamide Sodium I 131 eye” oh dip’ a mide soe’ dee um Iodixanol eye” oh dix’ a nol Iodoantipyrine I 131 eye oh” doe an” tee pye’ reen Iodocetylic Acid I 123 eye oh” doe see’ til ik as’ id Iodocholesterol I 131 eye oh” doe koe les’ ter ol Iodofiltic Acid I 123 eye” oh doe fil’ tik as’ id Iodohippurate Sodium I 123 eye oh” doe hip’ ue rate soe’ dee um; eye oh” doe hip’ ure ate soe’ dee um Iodohippurate Sodium I 125 eye oh” doe hip’ ue rate soe’ dee um; eye oh” doe hip’ ure ate soe’ dee um Iodohippurate Sodium I 131 eye oh” doe hip’ ue rate soe’ dee um; eye oh” doe hip’ ure ate soe’ dee um Iodopyracet I 125 eye oh” doe pye’ ra set Iodopyracet I 131 eye oh” doe pye’ ra set 308 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Iodoquinol eye oh” doe kwin’ ol Iodoxamate Meglumine eye oh dox’ a mate me’ gloo meen Iodoxamic Acid eye” oh dox am’ ik as’ id Iofetamine Hydrochloride I 123 eye” oh fet’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Ioglicic Acid eye” oh gli’ sik as’ id Ioglucol eye” oh gloo’ kol Ioglucomide eye” oh gloo’ koe mide Ioglycamic Acid eye” oh glye kam’ ik as’ id Iogulamide eye” oh gul’ a mide Iohexol eye” oh hex’ ol Iomeprol eye” oh me’ prole Iomethin I 125 eye” oh meth’ in Iomethin I 131 eye” oh meth’ in Iometopane I 123 eye” oh me toe’ pane Iopamidol eye” oh pam’ i dol Iopentol eye” oh pen’ tol Ioprocemic Acid eye” oh proe see’ mik as’ id Iopromide eye oh’ proe mide Iopronic Acid eye” oh proe’ nik as’ id Iopydol eye” oh pye’ dol Iopydone eye” oh pye’ done Iosefamic Acid eye” oh sef am’ ik as’ id Ioseric Acid eye” oh ser’ ik as’ id Iosimenol eye” oh si’ me nol Iosulamide Meglumine eye” oh sul’ a mide me’ gloo meen Iosumetic Acid eye” oh soo met’ ik as’ id Iotasul eye oh’ ta sul Iotetric Acid eye” oh te’ trik as’ id Iothalamate Sodium I 125 eye” oh thal’ a mate soe’ dee um Iothalamate Sodium I 131 eye” oh thal’ a mate soe’ dee um Iothalamic Acid eye” oh thal am’ ik as’ id Iotrolan eye oh’ troe lan Iotroxic Acid eye” oh trox’ ik as’ id Iotyrosine I 131 eye” oh tye’ roe seen APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 309 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Ioversol eye” oh ver’ sol Ioxaglate Meglumine eye” ox ag’ late me’ gloo meen Ioxaglate Sodium eye” ox ag’ late soe’ dee um Ioxaglic Acid eye” ox ag’ lik as’ id Ioxilan eye ox’ i lan Ioxotrizoic Acid eye ox” oh trye zoe’ ik as’ id Ipazilide Fumarate eye paz’ i lide fue’ ma rate Ipexidine Mesylate eye pex’ i deen mes’ i late Ipilimumab ip” i lim’ ue mab Ipodate Sodium eye’ poe date soe’ dee um Ipratropium Bromide ip” ra troe’ pee um broe’ mide Iprindole ip’ rin dole Iprocinodine Hydrochloride ip” roe sin’ oh deen hye” droe klor’ ide Iprofenin ip” roe fen’ in Ipronidazole ip” roe nye’ da zole Iproplatin ip” roe pla’ tin Iproxamine Hydrochloride eye prox’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Ipsapirone Hydrochloride ip” sa pye’ rone hye” droe klor’ ide Iratumumab ir” a toom’ ue mab Irbesartan ir” be sar’ tan Iridium Ir 192 ir id’ ee um Irinotecan Hydrochloride ir in oh tee’ kan hye” droe klor’ ide Irofulven ir” oh ful’ ven Iron Sorbitex eye’ urn sor’ bi tex Iron Sucrose eye’ urn soo’ krose Irtemazole ir tem’ a zole Isamoxole eye” sa mox’ ole Isatoribine eye” sa tore’ i been Iscotrizinol is” koe triz’ i nol Iseganan Hydrochloride eye” se gan’ an hye” droe klor’ ide Isepamicin eye sep” a mye’ sin Ismomultin Alfa iz” moe mul’ tin al’ fa Isobutamben eye” soe bue tam’ ben Isoconazole eye” soe kon’ a zole 310 MEDMARX DATA REPORT APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Isoetharine eye” soe eth’ a reen Isoflupredone Acetate eye” soe floo’ pred one as’ e tate Isoflurane eye” soe flur’ ane Isoleucine eye” soe loo’ seen Isomazole Hydrochloride eye soe’ ma zole hye” droe klor’ ide Isomerol eye soe’ mer ol Isomolpan Hydrochloride eye” soe mol’ pan hye” droe klor’ ide Isomylamine Hydrochloride eye” soe mil’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Isopropyl Myristate eye” soe proe’ pil mir’ is tate Isosorbide eye” soe sor’ bide Isosorbide Dinitrate eye” soe sor’ bide dye nye’ trate Isosorbide Mononitrate eye” soe sor’ bide mon” oh nye’ trate Isostearyl Alcohol eye” soe steer’ il al’ ka hol Isosulfan Blue eye” soe sul’ fan Isotiquimide eye” soe ti’ kwim ide Isotretinoin eye” soe tret’ i noin; eye” soe tret’ i noe in Isotretinoin Anisatil eye” soe tret’ i noin a ni’ sa til; eye” soe tret’ i noe in a ni’ sa til Isovaleramide eye” soe va ler’ a mide Isoxepac eye sox’ e pak Isoxicam eye sox’ i kam Ispinesib Mesylate is pin’ es ib mes’ i late Ispronicline eyes pron’ i kleen Isradipine is rad’ i peen Istradefylline is” tra def’ i lin Itasetron eye ta’ se tron Itazigrel eye taz’ i grel Itraconazole it” ra kon’ a zole Iturelix eye” tue rel’ ix Ivermectin eye” ver mek’ tin Ixabepilone ix” ab ep’ i lone Izonsteride eye zon’ ster ide Josamycin joe” sa mye’ sin Kalafungin ka la fun’ jin Kasal kay’ sal 311 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Ketamine Hydrochloride kee’ ta meen hye” droe klor’ ide Ketanserin kee tan’ ser in Ketazocine kee taz’ oh seen Ketazolam kee taz’ oh lam Kethoxal kee thox’ al Ketipramine Fumarate kee tip’ ra meen fue’ ma rate Ketoconazole kee” toe kon’ a zole Ketoprofen kee” toe proe’ fen Ketorfanol kee tor’ fa nol Ketorolac Tromethamine kee” toe role’ ak troe meth’ a meen Ketotifen Fumarate kee” toe tye’ fen fue’ ma rate Kitasamycin kit” a sa mye’ sin Kolfocon A kol foe’ kon Kolfocon B kol foe’ kon Kolfocon C kol foe’ kon Kolfocon D kol foe’ kon Krypton Clathrate Kr 85 krip’ ton klath’ rate Krypton Kr 81m krip’ ton Labetalol Hydrochloride la bayt’ a lol hye” droe klor’ ide Labetuzumab la” be tooz’ oo mab Labradimil la bray’ di mil Lacidipine la si’ di peen Lacosamide la koe’ sa mide Lactulose lak’ tue lose Ladostigil Tartrate lad” oh stij’ il tar’ trate Laidlomycin Propionate Potassium layd” loe mye’ sin proe’ pee oh nate po tas’ ee um Lamifiban la” mi fye’ ban Lamifiban Hydrochloride la” mi fye’ ban hye” droe klor’ ide Lamivudine la miv’ ue deen Lamotrigine la moe’ tri jeen Lanimostim lan” i moe’ stim Lanoteplase lan oh’ te plase Lanreotide Acetate lan ree’ oh tide as’ e tate Lansoprazole lan soe’ pra zole 312 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Lanthanum Carbonate lan’ tha num kar’ bo nate Lapaquistat Acetate la pa’ kwi stat as’ e tate Lapatinib Ditosylate la pa’ ti nib dye toe’ si late Lapuleucel-T la” pul oo’ sel Lapyrium Chloride la pir’ ee um klor’ ide Laronidase lar on’ i dase Laropiprant lar oh’ pi prant Lasalocid la sal’ oh sid Lasofoxifene Tartrate la” soe fox’ i feen tar’ trate Latanoprost la tan’ oh prost Laureth 10S law’ reth Laureth 4 law’ reth Laureth 9 law’ reth Laurocapram law” roe kay’ pram Lauryl Isoquinolinium Bromide lawr’ il eye” soe kwin’ oh lin e um broe’ mide Lavoltidine Succinate lav ole’ ti deen sux’ i nate Lazabemide laz a’ bem ide Lazabemide Hydrochloride laz a’ bem ide hye” droe klor’ ide Lecimibide le sim’ i bide Lecozotan Hydrochloride lek” oh zoe’ tan hye” droe klor’ ide Ledoxantrone Trihydrochloride led ox’ an trone trye hye” droe klor’ ide Leflunomide le floo’ noe mide Lenalidomide len” a lid’ oh mide Lenefilcon A len” e fil’ kon Lenercept len’ er sept Leniquinsin len” i kwin’ sin Lenograstim len” oh gra’ stim Lenperone len’ per one Lercanidipine Hydrochloride ler” ka nid’ i peen hye” droe klor’ ide Lergotrile ler’ goe trile Lergotrile Mesylate ler’ goe trile mes’ i late Leridistim ler id’ i stim Lestaurtinib le stawr’ ti nib Leteprinim Potassium let” e prin im po tas’ ee um Letimide Hydrochloride let’ i mide hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 313 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Letrozole let’ roe zole Leucine loo’ seen Leuprolide Acetate loo’ proe lide as’ e tate Levalbuterol Hydrochloride lee” val bue’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Levalbuterol Sulfate lee” val bue’ ter ol sul’ fate Levalbuterol Tartrate lee” val bue’ ter ol tar’ trate Levamfetamine Succinate lev” am fet’ a meen sux’ i nate Levamisole Hydrochloride lee vam’ i sole hye” droe klor’ ide Levcromakalim leev kroe ma’ ka lim Levcycloserine leev sye” kloe ser’ een Levdobutamine Lactobionate lev” doe bue’ ta meen lak” toe bye’ oh nate Levetiracetam lee” va tye ra’ se tam Levmetamfetamine lev” met am fet’ a meen Levobetaxolol Hydrochloride lee” voe be tax’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Levobunolol Hydrochloride lee” voe bue’ noe lol hye” droe klor’ ide Levobupivacaine Hydrochloride lee” voe bue piv’ a kane hye” droe klor’ ide Levocabastine Hydrochloride lee” voe ka bas’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Levocarnitine lee” voe kar’ ni teen Levocarnitine Propionate Hydrochloride lee” voe kar’ ni teen proe’ pee oh nate hye” droe klor’ ide Levocetirizine lee” voe se tir’ i zeen Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride lee” voe se tir’ a zeen Levodopa lee” voe doe’ pa Levofloxacin lee” voe flox’ a sin Levofuraltadone lee” voe fue ral’ ta done Levoleucovorin Calcium lee” voe loo” koe voe’ rin kal’ see um Levomepromazine lee” voe me proe’ ma zeen Levomepromazine Hydrochloride lee” voe me proe’ ma zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Levomepromazine Maleate lee” voe me proe’ ma zeen mal’ ee ate Levomethadyl Acetate lee” voe meth’ a dil as’ e tate Levomethadyl Acetate Hydrochloride lee” voe meth’ a dil as’ e tate hye” droe klor’ ide Levonantradol Hydrochloride lee” voe nan’ tra dol hye” droe klor’ ide Levonorgestrel lee” voe nor jes’ trel Levopropoxyphene Napsylate lee” voe proe pox’ i feen nap’ si late Levopropylcillin Potassium lee” voe proe” pil sil’ in po tas’ ee um 314 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Levosimendan lee” voe si men’ dan Levotofisopam lee” voe toe fis’ oh pam Levoxadrol Hydrochloride lee vox’ a drol hye” droe klor’ ide Lexatumumab lex” a toom’ ue mab Lexipafant lex i’ pa fant Lexithromycin lex ith” roe mye’ sin Liarozole Fumarate lye ar’ oh zole fue’ ma rate Liarozole Hydrochloride lye ar’ oh zole hye” droe klor’ ide Liatermin lye at’ er min Libenzapril lye benz’ a pril Licostinel lye kos’ ti nel Licryfilcon A lye” kri fil’ kon Licryfilcon B lye” kri fil’ kon Lidamidine Hydrochloride lye dam’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Lidofenin lye” doe fen’ in Lidofilcon A lye” doe fil’ kon Lidofilcon B lye” doe fil’ kon Lidoflazine lye doe’ fla zeen Lidorestat lye doe’ re stat Lifarizine lye far’ i zeen Lifibrate lye fye’ brate Lifibrol lye fib’ rol Linaclotide Acetate lin” a kloe’ tide as’ e tate Linarotene lin ar’ oh teen Lincomycin lin” koe mye’ sin Lindane lin’ dane Linezolid lin ayz’ oh lid Linogliride lin oh’ glir ide Linogliride Fumarate lin oh’ glir ide fue’ ma rate Linopirdine lin oh’ per deen Liothyronine I 125 lye” oh thye’ roe neen Liothyronine I 131 lye” oh thye’ roe neen Liotrix lye’ oh trix Liraglutide lir” a gloo’ tide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 315 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Lisadimate lis ad’ i mate Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate lis dex” am fet’ a meen dye mes’ i late Lisinopril lye sin’ oh pril Lisofylline lye sof’ i lin Litgenprostucel-L lit” jen pros too’ sel - el Lithium Carbonate lith’ ee um kar’ bo nate Lixazinone Sulfate lix az’ i none sul’ fate Lixivaptan lix” i vap’ tan Lobendazole loe ben’ da zole Lobenzarit Sodium loe benz’ a rit soe’ dee um Lobucavir loe bue’ ka vir Lodelaben loe del’ a ben Lodenosine loe den’ oh seen Lodoxamide Ethyl loe dox’ a mide eth’ il Lodoxamide Tromethamine Lofemizole Hydrochloride loe fem’ i zole hye” droe klor’ ide Lofentanil Oxalate loe fen’ ta nil ox’ a late Lofepramine Hydrochloride loe fep’ ra meen hye” droe klor’ ide Lofexidine Hydrochloride loe fex’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Lomefloxacin loe” me flox’ a sin Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride loe” me flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Lomefloxacin Mesylate loe” me flox’ a sin mes’ i late Lometraline Hydrochloride loe me’ tra leen hye” droe klor’ ide Lometrexol Sodium loe” me trex’ ol soe’ dee um Lomofungin loe moe fun’ jin Lomustine loe mus’ teen Lonafarnib loe” na far’ nib Lonapalene loe na’ pa leen Lontucirev (Replicating Adenovirus) lon too’ si rev Loperamide Hydrochloride loe per’ a mide hye” droe klor’ ide Lopinavir loe pin’ a vir Loracarbef lor” a kar’ bef Lorajmine Hydrochloride lor aj’ meen hye” droe klor’ ide Loratadine lor a’ ta deen 316 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Lorazepam lor az’ e pam Lorbamate lor bam’ ate Lorcainide Hydrochloride lor’ ka nide hye” droe klor’ ide Lorcaserin Hydrochloride lor ka’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Lorcinadol lor sin’ a dol Loreclezole lor ek’ le zole Lormetazepam lor me taz’ e pam Lornoxicam lor nox’ i kam Lortalamine lor tal’ a meen Lorzafone lor’ za fone Losartan Potassium loe sar’ tan po tas’ ee um Losoxantrone Hydrochloride loe sox’ an trone hye” droe klor’ ide Losulazine Hydrochloride loe sul’ a zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Loteprednol Etabonate loe” te pred’ nol et” a boe’ nate Lotifocon B loe” ti foe’ kon Lotifocon C loe” ti foe’ kon Lotrafiban Hydrochloride loe” tra fye’ ban hye” droe klor’ ide Lotrafilcon A loe” tra fil’ kon Lotrafilcon B loe” tra fil’ kon Lovastatin loe” va stat’ in Loviride loe’ vir ide Loxapine lox’ a peen Loxapine Succinate lox’ a peen sux’ i nate Loxoribine lox or’ i been Lubazodone Hydrochloride loo baz’ oh done hye” droe klor’ ide Lubeluzole loo bel’ ue zole Lubiprostone loo” bi prost’ one Lucanthone Hydrochloride loo kan’ thone hye” droe klor’ ide Lucatumumab loo” ka toom’ ue mab Lucinactant loo sin ak’ tant Lufironil loo fir’ oh nil Lumiliximab loo” mi lix’ i mab Lumiracoxib loo mye” ra kox’ ib Lupitidine Hydrochloride loo pi’ ti deen hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 317 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Lurasidone Hydrochloride loo ras’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Lurosetron Mesylate loo roe’ se tron mes’ i late Lurtotecan Dihydrochloride loor” toe tee’ kan dye hye” droe klor’ ide Lutrelin Acetate loo trel’ in as’ e tate Lutropin Alfa loo troe’ pin al’ fa Lyapolate Sodium lye ap’ oh late soe’ dee um Lycetamine lye seet’ a meen Lydimycin lye” di mye’ sin Lynestrenol lin es’ tre nol Lypressin lye pres’ in Lysine lye’ seen Lysine Hydrochloride lye’ seen hye” droe klor’ ide Lysostaphin lye” soe staf’ in Maduramicin ma dur” a mye’ sin Mafenide maf’ en ide Mafilcon A ma fil’ kon Magaldrate mag’ al drate Magnesium Glycinate mag nee’ zee um glye’ sin ate Malethamer mal eth’ a mer Malotilate mal oh’ ti late Mangafodipir Trisodium man” ga foe’ di pir trye soe’ dee um Mapatumumab ma pa toom’ ue mab Maprotiline ma proe’ ti leen Maribavir ma rye’ ba vir Marimastat ma ri’ ma stat Maropitant Citrate mar oh’ pi tant sit’ rate Masoprocol ma soe’ pro kol Mavacoxib may” va kox’ ib Maxacalcitol max a kal’ si tol Maytansine may tan’ seen Mazapertine Succinate ma za’ per teen sux’ i nate Mazindol may zin’ dol Mebendazole me ben’ da zole Mebeverine Hydrochloride me bev’ er een hye” droe klor’ ide 318 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Mebrofenin me” broe fen’ in Mebutamate me bue’ ta mate Mecasermin me” ka ser’ min Mecasermin Rinfabate me” ka ser’ min rin’ fa bate Mecetronium Ethylsulfate me se troe’ nee um eth” il sul’ fate Meclocycline me” kloe sye’ kleen Meclocycline Sulfosalicylate me” kloe sye’ kleen sul” foe sa lis’ i late Meclofenamate Sodium mek” loe fen’ a mate soe’ dee um Meclofenamic Acid mek” loe fen am’ ik as’ id Mecloqualone me” kloe kwah’ lone Meclorisone Dibutyrate me klor’ i sone dye bue’ ti rate Mecobalamin me koe bal’ a min Mecrylate me’ kri late Medazepam Hydrochloride me daz’ e pam hye” droe klor’ ide Medetomidine Hydrochloride me” de toe’ mi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Medorinone me doe’ ri none Medrogestone me” droe jes’ tone Medronate Disodium me’ droe nate dye soe’ dee um Medronic Acid me dron’ ik as’ id Medroxalol me drox’ a lol Medroxalol Hydrochloride me drox’ a lol hye” droe klor’ ide Medrysone me’ dri sone Mefenamic Acid mef” e nam’ ik as’ id Mefenidil me fen’ i dil Mefenidil Fumarate me fen’ i dil fue’ ma rate Mefenorex Hydrochloride me fen’ oh rex hye” droe klor’ ide Mefexamide me fex’ a mide Mefloquine me’ floe kwin Mefloquine Hydrochloride me’ floe kwin hye” droe klor’ ide Mefruside me’ froo side Megalomicin Potassium Phosphate me ga loe mye’ sin po tas’ ee um fos’ fate Megestrol Acetate me jes’ trol as’ e tate Meglutol me’ gloo tol Melafocon A mel” a foe’ kon APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 319 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Melengestrol Acetate mel en jes’ trol as’ e tate Melitracen Hydrochloride mel i tray’ sen hye” droe klor’ ide Melizame mel’ i zame Meloxicam mel ox’ i kam Melphalan mel’ fa lan Memantine Hydrochloride me man’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Memotine Hydrochloride mem’ oh teen hye” droe klor’ ide Menabitan Hydrochloride men ab’ i tan hye” droe klor’ ide Menoctone men ok’ tone Menogaril men’ oh ga ril Menotropins men” oh troe’ pins Meobentine Sulfate mee” oh ben’ teen sul’ fate Mepartricin me par’ tri sin Mephenytoin me fen’ i toin; me fen’ i toe in Mepolizumab me” poe liz’ oo mab Meprednisone me pred’ ni sone Meptazinol Hydrochloride mep taz’ i nol hye” droe klor’ ide Mequidox me’ kwi dox Mequinol me’ kwin ol Meradimate mer ad’ i mate Meralein Sodium mer’ a leen soe’ dee um Mercufenol Chloride mer” kue fen’ ol klor’ ide Merimepodib mer i me’ poe dib Merisoprol Acetate Hg 197 mer is’ oh prole as’ e tate Merisoprol Acetate Hg 203 mer is’ oh prole as’ e tate Merisoprol Hg 197 mer is’ oh prole Meropenem mer” oh pen’ em Mesalamine me sal’ a meen Meseclazone me sek’ la zone Mesifilcon A me” si fil’ kon Mesna mes’ na Mesoridazine mes” oh rid’ a zeen Mespiperone C 11 mes pi’ per one Mesterolone mes ter’ oh lone 320 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Mestranol mes’ tra nol Mesuprine Hydrochloride me’ su preen hye” droe klor’ ide Metabromsalan met” a brome’ sa lan Metalol Hydrochloride met’ a lol hye” droe klor’ ide Metaproterenol Polistirex met” a proe ter’ e nol pol” ee stye’ rex Metaproterenol Sulfate met” a proe ter’ e nol sul’ fate Metaxalone me tax’ a lone Meteneprost me ten’ e prost Metesind Glucuronate met’ e sind gloo kure’ oh nate Metformin met for’ min Metformin Hydrochloride met for’ min hye” droe klor’ ide Methacycline meth” a sye’ kleen Methadyl Acetate meth’ a dil as’ e tate Methafilcon B meth” a fil’ kon Methallibure meth al’ i bure Methalthiazide meth al thye’ a zide Methaqualone meth a’ kwa lone Methenamine Hippurate meth en’ a meen hip’ ue rate Methenolone Acetate meth en’ oh lone as’ e tate Methenolone Enanthate e nan’ thate e nan’ thate Methetoin meth’ e toin; meth’ e toe in Methicillin Sodium meth” i sil’ in soe’ dee um Methionine me thye’ oh neen Methisazone meth is’ a zone Methixene Hydrochloride me thix’ een hye” droe klor’ ide Methopholine meth oh’ foe leen Methotrexate meth” oh trex’ ate Methoxyflurane meth ox” ee floo’ rane Methyclothiazide meth” i kloe thye’ a zide Methyl Aminolevulinate Hydrochloride meth’ il a mee” noe lev” ue lin’ ate hye” droe klor’ ide Methyl Nicotinate meth’ il Methyl Palmoxirate meth’ il pal mox’ ir ate Methylatropine Nitrate meth” il at’ roe peen nye’ trate Methyldopa meth” il doe’ pa APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 321 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Methyldopate Hydrochloride meth” il doe’ pate hye” droe klor’ ide Methylnaltrexone Bromide meth” il nal trex’ one broe’ mide Methylparaben meth” il par’ a ben Methylparaben Sodium meth” il par’ a ben soe’ dee um Methylphenidate meth” il fen’ i date Methylprednisolone Sodium Phosphate meth” il pred nis’ oh lone soe’ dee um fos’ fate Methylprednisolone Suleptanate meth” il pred nis’ oh lone sul ep’ ta nate Methynodiol Diacetate meth” in oh dye’ ol dye as’ e tate Methysergide meth” i ser’ jide Metiamide me tye’ a mide Metiapine me tye’ a peen Metioprim me tye’ oh prim Metipranolol met” i pran’ oh lol Metizoline Hydrochloride me tiz’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Metkephamid Acetate met kef’ a mid as’ e tate Metoclopramide Hydrochloride met” oh kloe’ pra mide hye” droe klor’ ide Metocurine Iodide met” oh kure’ een eye’ oh dide Metogest met’ oh jest Metolazone me tol’ a zone Metopimazine met” oh pim’ a zeen Metoprine met’ oh preen Metoprolol met” oh proe’ lol; me top’ roe lol Metoprolol Fumarate met” oh proe’ lol fue’ ma rate; me top’ roe lol fue’ ma rate Metoprolol Succinate met” oh proe’ lol sux’ i nate; me top’ roe lol sux’ i nate Metoprolol Tartrate met” oh proe’ lol tar’ trate; me top’ roe lol tar’ trate Metoquizine met oh’ kwi zeen Metoserpate Hydrochloride met” oh ser’ pate hye” droe klor’ ide Metreleptin met” re lep’ tin Metrenperone met ren’ per one Metrizamide me triz’ a mide Metrizoate Sodium met” ri zoe’ ate soe’ dee um Metronidazole met” roe nye’ da zole Metronidazole Hydrochloride met” roe nye’ da zole hye” droe klor’ ide Metronidazole Phosphate met” roe nye’ da zole fos’ fate 322 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Meturedepa met ure” e de’ pa Metyrapone me tir’ a pone Metyrapone Tartrate me tir’ a pone tar’ trate Metyrosine me tye’ roe seen Mexiletine Hydrochloride mex il’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Mexrenoate Potassium mex ren’ oh ate po tas’ ee um Mezlocillin mez” loe sil’ in Mianserin Hydrochloride mye an’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Mibefradil Dihydrochloride mye bef’ ra dil dye hye” droe klor’ ide Mibolerone mye bole’ er one Micafungin Sodium mye” ka fun’ jin soe’ dee um Miconazole Nitrate mye kon’ a zole nye’ trate Midaflur mye’ da flur Midazolam Hydrochloride mid’ ay zoe lam hye” droe klor’ ide Midazolam Maleate mye daz’ oh lam mal’ ee ate Midodrine Hydrochloride mye’ doe dreen hye” droe klor’ ide Midostaurin mye” doe stawr’ in Mifamurtide mif am’ ure tide Mifepristone mif” e pris’ tone Mifobate mif’ oh bate Migalastat Hydrochloride mi gal’ a stat hye” droe klor’ ide Miglitol mig’ li tol Miglustat mi gloo’ stat Milacemide Hydrochloride mil a’ se mide hye” droe klor’ ide Milameline Hydrochloride mil a’ me leen hye” droe klor’ ide Milenperone mil en’ per one Milipertine mil i per’ teen Milnacipran Hydrochloride mil na’ si pran hye” droe klor’ ide Milodistim mye loe’ di stim Milrinone mil’ ri none Milveterol Hydrochloride mil ve’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Mimbane Hydrochloride mim’ bane hye” droe klor’ ide Minalrestat min al’ re stat Minaprine min’ a preen APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 323 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Minaprine Hydrochloride min’ a preen hye” droe klor’ ide Minaxolone min ax’ oh lone Minocromil min ok’ roe mil Minocycline min” oh sye’ kleen Minoxidil min ox’ i dil Mioflazine Hydrochloride mye oh’ fla zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Mipafilcon A mi” pa fil’ kon Mirfentanil Hydrochloride mir fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Mirincamycin Hydrochloride mir in” ka mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Mirisetron Maleate mir eye’ se tron mal’ ee ate Mirostipen mir oh stye’ pen Mirtazapine mir taz’ a peen Misonidazole mye” soe nye’ da zole Misoprostol mye” soe prost’ ol Mitemcinal Fumarate mye tem’ sin al fue’ ma rate Mitindomide mye tin’ doe mide Mitocarcin mye” toe kar’ sin Mitocromin mye” toe kroe’ min Mitogillin mye” toe jil’ in Mitomalcin mye” toe mal’ sin Mitomycin mye” toe mye’ sin Mitosper mye’ toe sper Mitotane mye’ toe tane Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride mye” toe zan’ trone hye” droe klor’ ide Mitratapide mye trat’ a pide Mitumomab mye toom’ oh mab Mitumprotimut-T mye” tum proe’ ti mut Mivacurium Chloride mye” va kue’ ree um klor’ ide; mye” va kure’ ee um klor’ ide Mivobulin Isethionate mye” voe bue’ lin Mixidine mix’ i deen Moclobemide moe kloe’ be mide Modafinil moe daf’ i nil Modaline Sulfate moe’ da leen sul’ fate Modecainide moe dek’ a nide Moexipril Hydrochloride moe ex’ i pril hye” droe klor’ ide 324 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Mofegiline Hydrochloride moe fe’ ji leen hye” droe klor’ ide Molgramostim mole gra’ moe stim Molinazone moe lin’ a zone Molindone Hydrochloride moe lin’ done hye” droe klor’ ide Molsidomine mole si’ doe meen Mometasone Furoate moe met’ a sone fur’ oh ate Monatepil Maleate moe na’ te pil mal’ ee ate Monensin moe nen’ sin Monoctanoin mon ok’ ta noin; mon ok’ ta noe in Montelukast Sodium mon te loo’ kast soe’ dee um Morantel Tartrate moe ran’ tel tar’ trate Moricizine mor i’ si zeen Morniflumate mor ni floo’ mate Motavizumab moe” ta viz’ oo mab Motesanib moe tes’ a nib Motesanib Diphosphate moe tes’ a nib Motexafin Gadolinium moe tex’ a fin gad” oh lin’ ee um Motexafin Lutetium moe tex’ a fin Motretinide moe tret’ i nide Moxalactam Disodium mox” a lak’ tam dye soe’ dee um Moxazocine mox az’ oh seen Moxidectin mox” i dek’ tin Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride mox” i flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Moxilubant Maleate mox il’ ue bant mal’ ee ate Moxnidazole mox nye’ da zole Moxonidine mox oh’ ni deen Mubritinib mue bri’ ti nib Mupirocin mue pir’ oh sin Mupirocin Calcium mue pir’ oh sin kal’ see um Muplestim mue’ ple stim Muraglitazar mue” ra gli’ ta zar Muromonab-CD3 mue” roe moe’ nab Muzolimine mue zoe’ li meen Mycophenolate Mofetil mye” koe fen’ oh late moe’ fe til APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 325 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Mycophenolate Mofetil Hydrochloride mye” koe fen’ oh late moe’ fe til hye” droe klor’ ide Mycophenolate Sodium mye” koe fen’ oh late soe’ dee um Mycophenolic Acid mye koe fe nole’ ik as’ id Nabazenil nab az’ e nil Nabilone nab’ i lone Nabitan Hydrochloride nab’ i tan hye” droe klor’ ide Naboctate Hydrochloride nab’ ok tate hye” droe klor’ ide Nabumetone nab ue’ me tone Nadide nay’ dide Nadolol nay’ doe lol Nafamostat Mesylate naf am’ oh stat mes’ i late Nafarelin Acetate naf” a rel’ in as’ e tate Nafcillin Sodium naf sil’ in soe’ dee um Nafenopin na fen’ oh pin Nafimidone Hydrochloride naf im’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Naflocort naf’ loe kort Nafomine Malate naf’ oh meen Nafoxidine Hydrochloride naf ox’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Nafronyl Oxalate naf’ roe nil ox’ a late Naftalofos naf tal’ oh fos Naftifine Hydrochloride naf’ ti feen hye” droe klor’ ide Nagrestipen na gres’ ti pen Nalbuphine Hydrochloride nal’ bue feen hye” droe klor’ ide Nalfurafine Hydrochloride nal fure’ a feen hye” droe klor’ ide Nalidixate Sodium nal i dix’ ate soe’ dee um Nalidixic Acid nal i dix’ ik Nalmefene nal’ me feen Nalmexone Hydrochloride nal mex’ one hye” droe klor’ ide Naloxone Hydrochloride nal ox’ one hye” droe klor’ ide Naltrexone nal trex’ one Naminidil na min’ i dil Namoxyrate na mox’ i rate Nandrolone Cyclotate nan’ droe lone sye’ kloe tate Nandrolone Decanoate nan’ droe lone dek” a noe’ ate 326 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Nantradol Hydrochloride nan’ tra dol hye” droe klor’ ide Napactadine Hydrochloride na pak’ ta deen hye” droe klor’ ide Napamezole Hydrochloride na pam’ e zole hye” droe klor’ ide Napitane Mesylate na’ pi tane mes’ i late Naproxen na prox’ en Naproxen Sodium na prox’ en soe’ dee um Naproxol na prox’ ol Napsagatran nap” sa gat’ ran Naranol Hydrochloride nar’ a nol hye” droe klor’ ide Narasin nar’ a sin Naratriptan Hydrochloride nar” a trip’ tan hye” droe klor’ ide Nasaruplase Beta na sa’ rue plase bay” ta Natamycin na” ta mye’ sin Nateglinide na te glye’ nide Naveglitazar nav” e gli’ ta zar Naxagolide Hydrochloride nax ag’ oh lide hye” droe klor’ ide Naxifylline nax if’ i lin Nebacumab ne bak’ ue mab Nebivolol ne biv’ oh lol Nebivolol Hydrochloride ne biv’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Nebramycin ne” bra mye’ sin Nedocromil ne dok’ roe’ mil Nedocromil Calcium ne dok’ roe’ mil kal’ see um Nedocromil Sodium ne dok’ roe’ mil soe’ dee um Nefazodone Hydrochloride ne faz’ oh done hye” droe klor’ ide Neflumozide Hydrochloride ne floo’ moe zide hye” droe klor’ ide Nefocon A ne foe’ kon Nefopam Hydrochloride ne’ foe pam hye” droe klor’ ide Nelarabine nel ar’ a been Nelezaprine Maleate nel ez’ a preen mal’ ee ate Nelfilcon A nel fil’ kon Nelfinavir Mesylate nel fin’ a vir mes’ i late Nelzarabine nel zar’ a been Nemadectin ne” ma dek’ tin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 327 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Nemazoline Hydrochloride ne maz’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Nemifitide Ditriflutate ne mif’ i tide dye trye floo’ tate Neomycin Palmitate nee” oh mye’ sin pal’ mi tate Neomycin Undecylenate nee” oh mye’ sin un de’ sil en ate Nepafenac ne pa’ fen ak Nepicastat Hydrochloride ne pik’ a stat hye” droe klor’ ide Nequinate ne kwin’ ate Neramexane Mesylate ner a mex’ ane mes’ i late Nerelimomab ner e lim’ oh mab Nesiritide ne sir’ i tide Nesiritide Citrate ne sir’ i tide sit’ rate Netilmicin Sulfate ne” til mye’ sin sul’ fate Netobimin ne toe’ bi min Netoglitazone ne” toe gli’ ta zone Netrafilcon A ne” tra fil’ kon Netupitant net ue’ pi tant Neutramycin nue” tra mye’ sin Nevirapine ne vir’ a peen Nexeridine Hydrochloride nex er’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Nibroxane nye brox’ ane Nicardipine Hydrochloride nye kar’ di peen hye” droe klor’ ide Nicergoline nye ser’ goe leen Niclosamide ni kloe’ sa mide Nicorandil ni kore’ an dil Nicotine Bitartrate nik’ oh teen Nicotine Polacrilex nik’ oh teen pol” a kril’ ex Nicotinyl Alcohol nik oh tin’ il al’ ka hol Nifedipine nye fed’ i peen Nifluridide nye flur’ i dide Nifungin nye fun’ jin Nifuradene nye fure’ a deen Nifuraldezone nye” fure al’ de zone Nifuratel nye fure’ a tel Nifuratrone nye fure’ a trone 328 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Nifurdazil nye fure’ da zil Nifurimide nye fure’ i mide Nifurmerone nye fure’ mer one Nifurpirinol nye” fure pir’ i nol Nifurquinazol nye” fure kwin’ a zol Nifursemizone nye” fure sem’ i zone Nifursol nye’ fure sol Nifurthiazole nye” fure thye’ a zole Nilotinib nye loe’ ti nib Nilutamide nye loo’ ta mide Nilvadipine nil vad’ i peen Nimazone nim’ a zone Nimidane nim’ i dane Nimodipine nye moe’ di peen Niridazole nye rid’ a zole Nisbuterol Mesylate nis bue’ ter ol mes’ i late Nisobamate nye” soe bam’ ate Nisoldipine nye sol’ di peen Nisoxetine nye sox’ e teen Nisterime Acetate nye ster’ eem as’ e tate Nitarsone nye tar’ sone Nitazoxanide nye” ta zox’ a nide Nithiamide nye thye’ a mide Nitisinone nye tis’ i none Nitrafudam Hydrochloride nye” tra fue’ dam hye” droe klor’ ide Nitralamine Hydrochloride nye tral’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Nitramisole Hydrochloride nye tra’ mi sole hye” droe klor’ ide Nitrazepam nye traz’ e pam Nitrendipine nye tren’ di peen Nitric Oxide nye’ trik ox’ ide Nitrocycline nye” troe sye’ kleen Nitrodan nye’ troe dan Nitromide nye’ troe mide Nitromifene Citrate nye troe’ mi feen sit’ rate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 329 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Nitroscanate nye troe skan’ ate Nivazol nye’ va zol Nivimedone Sodium nye vim’ e done soe’ dee um Nizatidine nye za’ ti deen Noberastine noe” ber as’ teen Nocodazole noe koe’ da zole Nogalamycin noe gal” a mye’ sin Nolinium Bromide noe lin’ i um broe’ mide Nomifensine Maleate noe” mi fen’ seen mal’ ee ate Nonacog Alfa noe’ na kog al’ fa Nonoxynol 15 non ox’ i nol Nonoxynol 30 non ox’ i nol Nonoxynol 4 non ox’ i nol Nonoxynol 9 non ox’ i nol Noracymethadol Hydrochloride nor” a sye meth’ a dol hye” droe klor’ ide Norbolethone nor bole’ e thone Norelgestromin nor el jes’ troe min Norepinephrine Bitartrate nor” ep i nef’ rin Norethynodrel nor e thye’ noe drel Norfloxacin nor flox’ a sin Norflurane nor flur’ ane Norgestimate nor jes’ ti mate Norgestomet nor jes’ toe met Norgestrel nor jes’ trel Nortriptyline Hydrochloride nor trip’ ti leen hye” droe klor’ ide Nosiheptide noe” si hep’ tide Nufenoxole nue” fen ox’ ole Nylestriol nye les’ tree ol Obatoclax Mesylate oh bat’ oh klax mes’ i late Obidoxime Chloride oh” bi dox’ eem klor’ ide Oblimersen Sodium oh” bli mer’ sen soe’ dee um Ocaperidone oh” ka per’ i done Ocfentanil Hydrochloride ok fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Ocinaplon oh sin’ a plon 330 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Ocrelizumab oh” kre liz’ oo mab Ocrylate ok’ ri late Octabenzone ok” ta ben’ zone Octanoic Acid ok” ta noe’ ik as’ id Octazamide ok taz’ a mide Octenidine Hydrochloride ok ten’ ni deen hye” droe klor’ ide Octenidine Saccharin ok ten’ ni deen sak’ a rin Octicizer ok” ti sye’ zer Octinoxate ok” tin ox’ ate Octisalate ok” ti sal’ ate Octocrylene ok’ toe kril” een Octodrine ok’ toe dreen Octoxynol 9 ok tox’ i nol Octreotide ok tree’ oh tide Octreotide Acetate ok tree’ oh tide as’ e tate Octreotide Pamoate ok tree’ oh tide pam’ oh ate Octriptyline Phosphate ok trip’ ti leen fos’ fate Octrizole ok’ tri zole Ocufilcon A ok” ue fil’ kon Ocufilcon B ok” ue fil’ kon Ocufilcon C ok” ue fil’ kon Ocufilcon D ok” ue fil’ kon Ocufilcon E ok” ue fil’ kon Ocufilcon F ok” ue fil’ kon Ofloxacin oh flox’ a sin Ofornine oh for’ neen Oglufanide Disodium oh gloo’ fa nide dye soe’ dee um Olaflur oh’ la flur Olanexidine Hydrochloride oh” lan ex’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Olanzapine oh lan’ za peen Olanzapine Pamoate oh lan’ za peen pam’ oh ate Oleic Acid I 125 oh lay’ ik as’ id Oleic Acid I 131 oh lay’ ik as’ id Olmesartan ol” me sar’ tan APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 331 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Olmesartan Medoxomil ol” me sar’ tan me dox’ oh mil Olopatadine Hydrochloride oh” loe pa’ ta deen hye” droe klor’ ide Olsalazine Sodium ol sal’ a zeen soe’ dee um Olvanil ol’ va nil Omaciclovir oh” ma sye’ kloe vir Omafilcon A oh” ma fil’ kon Omalizumab oh” ma liz’ oo mab Omapatrilat oh” ma pa’ tril at Omega-3-acid Ethyl Esters oh may’ ga as’ id eth’ il Omeprazole oh mep’ ra zole Omeprazole Magnesium oh mep’ ra zole mag nee’ zee um Omeprazole Sodium oh mep’ ra zole soe’ dee um Omiganan Pentahydrochloride oh” mi gan’ an pen” ta hye” droe klor’ ide Omoconazole Nitrate oh” moe kon’ a zole nye’ trate Omtriptolide Sodium ohm trip’ toe lide soe’ dee um Onamelatucel-L on” a mel” a too’ sel Ondansetron Hydrochloride on dan’ se tron hye” droe klor’ ide Onercept on’ er sept Onsifocon A on” si foe’ kon Ontazolast on taz’ oh last Opebacan oh pe’ bay kan Opipramol Hydrochloride oh pip’ ra mol hye” droe klor’ ide Oprelvekin oh prel’ ve kin” Orbofiban Acetate or” boe fye’ ban as’ e tate Orconazole Nitrate or kon’ a zole nye’ trate Oregovomab or” e goe’ voe mab Orgotein or’ goe teen Oritavancin Diphosphate or it” a van’ sin Orlistat or’ li stat Ormaplatin or” ma pla’ tin Ormetoprim or met’ oh prim Ornidazole or nye’ da zole Orpanoxin or” pa nox’ in Oseltamivir Phosphate oh” sel tam’ i vir fos’ fate 332 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Ospemifene os pem’ i feen Ovemotide oh ven’ oh tide Oxacillin Sodium ox” a sil’ in soe’ dee um Oxagrelate ox ag’ re late Oxaliplatin ox al” i pla’ tin Oxamarin Hydrochloride ox am’ a rin hye” droe klor’ ide Oxamisole Hydrochloride ox am’ i sole hye” droe klor’ ide Oxamniquine ox am’ ni kwin Oxandrolone ox an’ droe lone Oxantel Pamoate ox’ an tel pam’ oh ate Oxaprotiline Hydrochloride ox” a proe’ ti leen hye” droe klor’ ide Oxaprozin ox” a proe’ zin Oxarbazole ox ar’ ba zole Oxatomide ox at’ oh mide Oxazepam ox az’ e pam Oxcarbazepine ox” kar baz’ e peen Oxendolone ox en’ doe lone Oxethazaine ox eth’ a zane Oxetorone Fumarate ox et’ oh rone fue’ ma rate Oxfendazole ox fen’ da zole Oxfenicine ox fen’ i seen Oxibendazole ox” i ben’ da zole Oxiconazole Nitrate ox” i kon’ a zole nye’ trate Oxidopamine ox” i doe’ pa meen Oxidronic Acid ox” i dron’ ik as’ id Oxifungin Hydrochloride ox” i fun’ jin hye” droe klor’ ide Oxilorphan ox” il or’ fan Oximonam ox” i moe’ nam Oximonam Sodium ox” i moe’ nam soe’ dee um Oxiperomide ox” i per’ oh mide Oxiramide ox ir’ a mide Oxisuran ox” i sur’ an Oxmetidine Hydrochloride ox me’ ti deen hye” droe klor’ ide Oxmetidine Mesylate ox me’ ti deen mes’ i late APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 333 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Oxogestone Phenpropionate ox” oh jes’ tone fen proe’ pee oh nate Oxolinic Acid ox” oh lin’ ik as’ id Oxprenolol Hydrochloride ox pren’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Oxybenzone ox” i ben’ zone Oxybutynin ox” i bue’ ti nin Oxybutynin Chloride ox” i bue’ ti nin klor’ ide Oxychlorosene ox” i klor’ oh seen Oxychlorosene Sodium ox” i klor’ oh seen soe’ dee um Oxycodone ox” i koe’ done Oxycodone Hydrochloride ox” i koe’ done hye” droe klor’ ide Oxyfilcon A ox” i fil’ kon Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride ox” i me taz’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Oxymetholone ox” i meth’ oh lone Oxypertine ox” i per’ teen Oxyphenisatin Acetate ox” i fen eye’ sa tin as’ e tate Oxypurinol ox” i pure’ i nol Oxyquinoline ox” i kwin’ oh leen Oxyquinoline Sulfate ox” i kwin’ oh leen sul’ fate Ozolinone oh zoe’ li none Paclitaxel pak” li tax’ el Paclitaxel Poliglumex pak” li tax’ el pol” ee gloo’ mex Padimate A pad’ i mate Padimate O pad’ i mate Paflufocon A pa” floo foe’ kon Paflufocon B pa” floo foe’ kon Paflufocon C pa” floo foe’ kon Paflufocon D pa” floo foe’ kon Paflufocon D-HEM-Iberfilcon A pa” floo foe’ kon eye” ber fil’ kon Paflufocon E pa” floo foe’ kon Pafuramidine Maleate paf” ue ram’ i deen mal’ ee ate Pagibaximab pag” i bax’ i mab Pagoclone pag’ oh klone Paldimycin pal” di mye’ sin Palifermin pal” ee fer’ min 334 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Palinavir pa lin’ a vir Paliperidone pal” ee per’ i done Paliperidone Palmitate pal” ee per’ i done pal’ mi tate Palmitic Acid pal mit’ ik as’ id Palmoxirate Sodium pal mox’ ir ate soe’ dee um Palonosetron Hydrochloride pal” oh noe’ se tron hye” droe klor’ ide Pamabrom pam’ a brom Pamapimod pa map’ i mod Pamaqueside pam a’ kwe side Pamatolol Sulfate pam a’ toe lol sul’ fate Pamidronate Disodium pam” i droe’ nate dye soe’ dee um Panadiplon pan” a di’ plon Pancopride pan’ koe pride Pancrelipase pan” kre lye’ pase Pancuronium Bromide pan kure oh’ nee um broe’ mide Panitumumab pan” i toom’ ue mab Panthenol pan’ the nol Pantoprazole pan toe’ pra zole Pantoprazole Sodium pan toe’ pra zole soe’ dee um Paramethasone Acetate par” a meth’ a sone as’ e tate Paranyline Hydrochloride par” a nye’ leen hye” droe klor’ ide Parapenzolate Bromide par” a pen’ zoe late broe’ mide Pararosaniline Pamoate par” a roe zan’ i lin pam’ oh ate Parathyroid Hormone par” a thye’ roid hor’ mone Parbendazole par ben’ da zole Parconazole Hydrochloride par kon’ a zole hye” droe klor’ ide Parecoxib par” e kox’ ib Parecoxib Sodium par” e kox’ ib soe’ dee um Pareptide Sulfate par ep’ tide sul’ fate Pargyline Hydrochloride par’ ji leen hye” droe klor’ ide Paricalcitol par” i kal’ si tol Paroxetine par ox’ e teen Paroxetine Mesylate par ox’ e teen mes’ i late Partricin par trye’ sin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 335 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Pascolizumab pas” koe liz’ oo mab Paulomycin paul” oh mye’ sin Pazinaclone pa zin’ a klone Pazopanib Hydrochloride paz oh’ pa nib hye” droe klor’ ide Pazoxide pa zox’ ide Pefloxacin pe flox’ a sin Pefloxacin Mesylate pe flox’ a sin mes’ i late Pegacaristim peg a kar’ i stim Pegademase Bovine peg ad’ e mase boe’ vine Pegamotecan peg am” oh tee’ kan Pegaptanib Sodium peg ap’ ta nib soe’ dee um Pegaspargase peg as’ par jase Peginterferon Alfa-2a peg in” ter feer’ on al’ fa Peglicol 5 Oleate pe glye’ kol Pegnartograstim peg nar” toe gra’ stim Pegorgotein peg ore’ go teen Pegoterate peg” oh ter’ ate Pegoxol 7 Stearate peg ox’ ol steer’ ate Pegsunercept peg soo’ ner sept Pegvisomant peg vi’ soe mant Pelanserin Hydrochloride pel an’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Peldesine pel’ de seen Peliglitazar pel i gli’ ta zar Peliomycin pel” i oh mye’ sin Pelitinib pel i’ ti nib Pelitrexol pel” i trex’ ol Pelretin pel’ re tin Pelrinone Hydrochloride pel’ ri none hye” droe klor’ ide Pemedolac pem ed’ oh lak Pemerid Nitrate pem’ e rid nye’ trate Pemetrexed Disodium pem” e trex’ ed dye soe’ dee um Pemirolast Potassium pem ir’ oh last po tas’ ee um Pemoline pem’ oh leen Penamecillin pen” am e sil’ in 336 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Penbutolol Sulfate pen bue’ toe lol sul’ fate Penciclovir pen sye’ kloe vir Penciclovir Sodium pen sye’ kloe vir soe’ dee um Penfluridol pen flur’ i dol Penicillamine pen” i sil’ a meen Penicillin V pen” i sil’ in Penicillin V Benzathine pen” i sil’ in ben’ za theen Penicillin V Hydrabamine pen” i sil’ in hye” dra bam’ een Penicillin V Potassium pen” i sil’ in po tas’ ee um Pentabamate pen” ta bam’ ate Pentafilcon A pen” ta fil’ kon Pentagastrin pen” ta gas’ trin Pentalyte pen’ ta lite Pentamidine Isethionate pen tam’ i deen eye” se thye’ oh nate Pentamorphone pen” ta mor’ fone Pentamustine pen” ta mus’ teen Pentapiperium Methylsulfate pen” ta pye per’ ee um Pentastarch pen’ ta starch Pentazocine pen taz’ oh seen Pentazocine Hydrochloride pen taz’ oh seen hye” droe klor’ ide Pentazocine Lactate pen taz’ oh seen lak’ tate Pentetate Calcium Trisodium pen’ te tate kal’ see um trye soe’ dee um Pentetate Calcium Trisodium Yb 169 pen’ te tate kal’ see um trye soe’ dee um Pentetate Indium Disodium In 111 pen’ te tate in’ dee um dye soe’ dee um Pentetic Acid pen tet’ ik as’ id Pentiapine Maleate pen tye’ a peen mal’ ee ate Pentigetide pen tye’ je tide Pentisomicin pen tis” oh mye’ sin Pentizidone Sodium pen ti’ zi done soe’ dee um Pentomone pen’ toe mone Pentopril pen’ toe pril Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium pen’ toe san pol” ee sul’ fate soe’ dee um Pentostatin pen” toe stat’ in Pentoxifylline pen” tox if’ i lin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 337 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Pentrinitrol pen” trye nye’ trol Peplomycin Sulfate pep” loe mye’ sin sul’ fate Pepstatin pep stat’ in Peramivir per am’ i vir Perampanel per am’ pa nel Perfilcon A per fil’ kon Perflenapent per flen’ a pent Perflexane per flex’ ane Perflisopent per flye’ soe pent Perflubrodec per floo’ broe dek Perflubron per floo’ bron Perflubutane per floo’ bue tane Perflutren per floo’ tren Perfosfamide per fos’ fa mide Pergolide Mesylate per’ goe lide mes’ i late Perhexiline Maleate per hex’ i leen mal’ ee ate Perindopril per in’ doe pril Perindopril Erbumine per in’ doe pril er’ bue meen Perlapine per’ la peen Permethrin per meth’ rin Pertuzumab per tooz’ oo mab Perzinfotel per zin’ foe tel Pexelizumab pex” e liz’ oo mab Pexiganan Acetate pex” i gan’ an as’ e tate Phemfilcon A fem fil’ kon Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride fen ay” zoe pir’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Phenbutazone Sodium Glycerate fen bue’ ta zone soe’ dee um Phencarbamide fen kar’ ba mide Phencyclidine Hydrochloride fen sye’ kli deen hye” droe klor’ ide Phenindamine Tartrate fen in’ da meen tar’ trate Pheniramine Maleate fen ir’ a meen mal’ ee ate Phenolate Sodium fee’ noe late soe’ dee um Phenprocoumon fen” proe koo’ mon Phentermine fen’ ter meen 338 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Phenyl Aminosalicylate fen’ il a mee” noe sa lis’ i late Phenylalanine fen” il al’ a neen Phenylpropanolamine Polistirex fen” il proe” pa nol’ a meen pol” ee stye’ rex Phenyramidol Hydrochloride fen” i ram’ i dol hye” droe klor’ ide Phenytoin fen’ i toin; fen’ i toe in Phthalofyne thal’ oh fine Phytate Persodium fye’ tate per soe’ dee um Phytate Sodium fye’ tate soe’ dee um Piboserod Hydrochloride pi boe’ ser od hye” droe klor’ ide Pibrozelesin Hydrobromide pi” broe zel’ e sin hye” droe broe’ mide Picenadol Hydrochloride pi sen’ a dol hye” droe klor’ ide Piclamilast pi kla’ mi last Picoplatin pi” koe pla’ tin Picotrin Diolamine pi’ koe trin dye ole’ a meen Picumeterol Fumarate pi” kue me’ ter ol fue’ ma rate Pifarnine pi far’ neen Pimagedine Hydrochloride pim a’ je deen hye” droe klor’ ide Pimavanserin Tartrate pim” a van’ ser in Pimecrolimus pim” e kroe’ li mus Pimetine Hydrochloride pim’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Pimobendan pim” oh ben’ dan Pimozide pim’ oh zide Pinacidil pin a’ si dil Pinadoline pin ad’ oh leen Pindolol pin’ doe lol Pinoxepin Hydrochloride pin ox’ e pin hye” droe klor’ ide Pioglitazone Hydrochloride pye” oh gli’ ta zone hye” droe klor’ ide Pipamperone pi pam’ per one Pipazethate pi paz’ e thate Pipecuronium Bromide pi” pe kure oh’ nee um broe’ mide Piperacetazine pi” per a seet’ a zeen Piperacillin Sodium pi” per a sil’ in soe’ dee um Piperamide Maleate pi per’ a mide mal’ ee ate Piperazine Edetate Calcium pi per’ a zeen e’ de tate kal’ see um APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 339 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Pipobroman pi” poe broe’ man Piposulfan pi” poe sul’ fan Pipotiazine Palmitate pi” poe tye’ a zeen pal’ mi tate Pipoxolan Hydrochloride pi pox’ oh lan hye” droe klor’ ide Piprozolin pi” proe zoe’ lin Piquindone Hydrochloride pi’ kwin done hye” droe klor’ ide Piquizil Hydrochloride pi’ kwi zil hye” droe klor’ ide Piracetam pir a’ se tam Pirandamine Hydrochloride pir an’ da meen hye” droe klor’ ide Pirazmonam Sodium pir az’ moe nam soe’ dee um Pirazolac pir az’ oh lak Pirbenicillin Sodium pir ben” i sil’ in soe’ dee um Pirbuterol Acetate pir bue’ ter ol as’ e tate Pirbuterol Hydrochloride pir bue’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Pirenperone pir en’ per one Pirenzepine Hydrochloride pir en’ ze peen hye” droe klor’ ide Piretanide pir et’ a nide Pirfenidone pir fen’ i done Piridicillin Sodium pir i” di sil’ in soe’ dee um Piridronate Sodium pir” i droe’ nate soe’ dee um Piriprost pir’ i prost Piriprost Potassium pir’ i prost po tas’ ee um Piritrexim Isethionate pir” i trex’ im Pirlimycin Hydrochloride pir” li mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Pirmagrel pir’ ma grel Pirmenol Hydrochloride pir’ me nol hye” droe klor’ ide Pirnabine pir’ na been Piroctone pir ok’ tone Piroctone Olamine pir ok’ tone ole’ a meen Pirodavir pir oh’ da vir Pirogliride Tartrate pir oh’ glir ide tar’ trate Pirolate pir’ oh late Pirolazamide pir” ole az’ a mide Piroxantrone Hydrochloride pir ox’ an trone hye” droe klor’ ide Piroxicam pir ox’ i kam 340 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Piroxicam Betadex pir ox’ i kam bay’ ta dex Piroxicam Cinnamate pir ox’ i kam sin’ a mate Piroxicam Olamine pir ox’ i kam ole’ a meen Piroximone pir ox’ i mone Pirprofen pir proe’ fen Pirquinozol pir kwin’ oh zol Pirsidomine pir sid’ oh meen Pirtenidine Hydrochloride pir ten’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Pivampicillin Hydrochloride piv am” pi sil’ in hye” droe klor’ ide Pivampicillin Pamoate piv am” pi sil’ in pam’ oh ate Pivampicillin Probenate piv am” pi sil’ in proe’ be nate Pivopril piv’ oh pril Pixantrone pix’ an trone Pizotyline pi zoe’ ti leen Plauracin plaw’ ra sin Pleconaril ple kon’ a ril Plerixafor pler ix’ a fore Plicamycin plye” ka mye’ sin Plomestane ploe mes’ tane Pobilukast Edamine poe” bi loo’ kast ed’ a meen Podofilox poe dof’ il lox Poison Ivy Extract, Alum Precipitated Poison Oak Extract Polacrilin pol” a kril’ in Polacrilin Potassium pol” a kril’ in po tas’ ee um Poldine Methylsulfate pol’ deen Policapram pol” ee kay’ pram Polifeprosan 20 pol” ee fep’ roe san Poligeenan pol” ee gee’ nan Poliglecaprone 25 pol” ee glek’ a prone Poliglecaprone 90 pol” ee glek’ a prone Poliglusam pol” ee gloo’ sam Polignate Sodium poe lig’ nate soe’ dee um Polipropene 25 pol” ee proe’ peen Polixetonium Chloride pol ix” e toe’ nee um klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 341 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Poloxalene pol ox’ a leen Poloxamer pol ox’ a mer Polybutester pol” ee bue’ tes ter Polybutilate pol” ee bue’ ti late Polydextrose pol” ee dex’ trose Polydioxanone pol” ee dye ox’ a none Polyethadene pol” ee eth’ a deen Polyferose pol” ee fer’ ose Polyglactin 370 pol” ee glak’ tin Polyglactin 910 pol” ee glak’ tin Polyglycolic Acid pol” ee glye kol’ ik as’ id Polyglyconate pol” ee glye’ koe nate Polymacon pol” ee may’ kon Polymetaphosphate P 32 pol” ee met” a fos’ fate Polyoxyl 40 Stearate pol” ee ox’ il steer’ ate Polyoxyl 8 Stearate pol” ee ox’ il steer’ ate Polyoxypropylene 15 Stearyl Ether pol” ee ox” ee proe’ pi leen steer’ il ee’ ther Polysorbate 20 pol” ee sor’ bate Polysorbate 40 pol” ee sor’ bate Polysorbate 60 pol” ee sor’ bate Polysorbate 65 pol” ee sor’ bate Polysorbate 80 pol” ee sor’ bate Polysorbate 85 pol” ee sor’ bate Polytef pol’ ee tef Polythiazide pol” ee thye’ a zide Polyurethane Foam pol” ee ure’ e thane Pomalidomide poe” ma lid’ oh mide Ponalrestat poe nal’ re stat Porfimer Sodium por’ fi mer soe’ dee um Porfiromycin por fir” oh mye’ sin Porofocon A por” oh foe’ kon Porofocon B por” oh foe’ kon Posaconazole poe” sa kon’ a zole Potassium Aspartate and Magnesium Aspartate po tas’ ee um a spar’ tate mag nee’ zee um a spar’ tate 342 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Potassium Bitartrate po tas’ ee um Potassium Chloride K 42 po tas’ ee um klor’ ide Potassium Glucaldrate po tas’ ee um gloo kal’ drate Povidone poe’ vi done Povidone I 125 poe’ vi done Povidone I 131 poe’ vi done Practolol prak’ toe lol Pradefovir Mesylate prad e foe’ vir mes’ i late Pralatrexate pral” a trex’ ate Pralidoxime Chloride pral” i dox’ eem klor’ ide Pralidoxime Iodide pral” i dox’ eem eye’ oh dide Pralidoxime Mesylate pral” i dox’ eem mes’ i late Pralmorelin Dihydrochloride pral” moe rel’ in dye hye” droe klor’ ide Pralnacasan pral na’ ka san Pramiconazole pram” i kon’ a zole Pramipexole pram” i pex’ ole Pramipexole Dihydrochloride pram” i pex’ ole dye hye” droe klor’ ide Pramiracetam Hydrochloride pram” i ra’ se tam hye” droe klor’ ide Pramiracetam Sulfate pram” i ra’ se tam sul’ fate Pramlintide pram’ lin tide Pramlintide Acetate pram’ lin tide as’ e tate Pranolium Chloride pran oh’ le um klor’ ide Prasugrel Hydrochloride pra soo’ grel hye” droe klor’ ide Pravadoline Maleate prav ad’ oh leen mal’ ee ate Pravastatin Sodium prav” a stat’ in soe’ dee um Prazarelix Acetate praz” a rel’ ix as’ e tate Prazepam praz’ e pam Praziquantel praz” i kwon’ tel Prazosin Hydrochloride praz’ oh sin hye” droe klor’ ide Prednazate pred’ na zate Prednicarbate pred” ni kar’ bate Prednimustine pred” ni mus’ teen Prednival pred’ ni val Pregabalin pre ga’ ba lin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 343 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Pregnenolone Succinate preg nen’ oh lone sux’ i nate Premafloxacin prem” a flox’ a sin Prenalterol Hydrochloride pre nal’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Prenylamine pre nil’ a meen Prezatide Copper Acetate prez’ a tide kop’ er as’ e tate Pridefine Hydrochloride pri’ de feen hye” droe klor’ ide Prifelone pri’ fe lone Priliximab pri lix’ i mab Prilocaine pril’ oh kane Prilocaine Hydrochloride pril’ oh kane hye” droe klor’ ide Primidolol pri mid’ oh lol Prinaberel prin a ber’ el Prinomastat prin oh’ ma stat Prinomide Tromethamine prin’ oh mide troe meth’ a meen Prinoxodan prin ox’ oh dan Prizidilol Hydrochloride pri zye’ dil ol hye” droe klor’ ide Proadifen Hydrochloride proe ad’ i fen hye” droe klor’ ide Probicromil Calcium proe bik’ roe mil kal’ see um Probucol proe’ bue kol Procarbazine Hydrochloride proe kar’ ba zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Procaterol Hydrochloride proe kay’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Procinonide proe sin’ oh nide Proclonol proe’ klo nol Prodilidine Hydrochloride proe dil’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Prodolic Acid proe doe’ lik as’ id Profadol Hydrochloride proe’ fa dol hye” droe klor’ ide Progabide proe’ ga bide Proglumide proe gloo’ mide Proguanil Hydrochloride proe gwahn’ il hye” droe klor’ ide Proinsulin Human proe in’ su lin hue’ man Proline proe’ leen Prolintane Hydrochloride proe lin’ tane hye” droe klor’ ide Propafenone Hydrochloride proe pa’ fen one hye” droe klor’ ide Propanidid proe pan’ i did 344 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Propatyl Nitrate proe’ pa til nye’ trate Propenzolate Hydrochloride proe pen’ zoe late hye” droe klor’ ide Propikacin proe” pi kay’ sin Propiolactone proe” pee oh lak’ tone Propiomazine proe” pee oh’ ma zeen Propiram Fumarate proe’ pi ram fue’ ma rate Propofol proe’ poe fol Propoxyphene Hydrochloride proe pox’ i feen hye” droe klor’ ide Propoxyphene Napsylate proe pox’ i feen nap’ si late Propranolol Hydrochloride proe pran’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Propylparaben proe” pil par’ a ben Propylparaben Sodium proe” pil par’ a ben soe’ dee um Proquazone proe’ kwa zone Proquinolate proe kwin’ oh late Prorenoate Potassium proe ren’ oh ate po tas’ ee um Proroxan Hydrochloride proe rox’ an hye” droe klor’ ide Proscillaridin proe” si lar’ i din Prostalene prost’ a leen Protirelin proe” ti rel’ in Protriptyline Hydrochloride proe trip’ ti leen hye” droe klor’ ide Proxazole prox’ a zole Proxazole Citrate prox’ a zole sit’ rate Proxicromil prox ik’ roe mil Proxorphan Tartrate prox’ or fan tar’ trate Prussian Blue Insoluble prush’ un Pruvanserin prue van’ ser in Pruvanserin Hydrochloride prue van’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride soo” doe e fed’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Pseudoephedrine Polistirex soo” doe e fed’ rin pol” ee stye’ rex Pseudoephedrine Sulfate soo” doe e fed’ rin sul’ fate Psyllium Hemicellulose sil’ ee um hem” ee sel’ ue lose Puromycin pure” oh mye’ sin Puromycin Hydrochloride pure” oh mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Pyrabrom pir’ a brom APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 345 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Pyrantel Pamoate pi ran’ tel pam’ oh ate Pyrantel Tartrate pi ran’ tel tar’ trate Pyrazofurin pir az” oh fure’ in Pyrinoline pir in’ oh leen Pyrithione Sodium pir” i thye’ one soe’ dee um Pyrithione Zinc pir” i thye’ one zink Pyrovalerone Hydrochloride pir” oh val’ er one hye” droe klor’ ide Pyroxamine Maleate pir ox’ a meen mal’ ee ate Pyrrocaine pir’ oh kane Pyrroliphene Hydrochloride pir ole’ i feen hye” droe klor’ ide Pyrrolnitrin pir” ole nye’ trin Quadazocine Mesylate kwad az’ oh seen mes’ i late Quazepam kwaz’ e pam Quazinone kwaz’ i none Quazodine kwaz’ oh deen Quazolast kwaz’ oh last Quetiapine Fumarate kwe tye’ a peen fue’ ma rate Quiflapon Sodium kwi’ flap on soe’ dee um Quilostigmine kwil” oh stig’ meen Quinaldine Blue kwin’ al deen Quinapril Hydrochloride kwin’ a pril hye” droe klor’ ide Quinaprilat kwin’ a pril at” Quinazosin Hydrochloride kwin az’ oh sin hye” droe klor’ ide Quinbolone kwin’ boe lone Quindecamine Acetate kwin dek’ a meen as’ e tate Quindonium Bromide kwin doe’ nee um broe’ mide Quinelorane Hydrochloride kwin el’ oh rane hye” droe klor’ ide Quinestrol kwin es’ trol Quinetolate kwin et’ oh late Quinfamide kwin’ fa mide Quingestanol Acetate kwin jes’ ta nol as’ e tate Quingestrone kwin jes’ trone Quinine Ascorbate kwye’ nine a skor’ bate Quinpirole Hydrochloride kwin’ pir ole hye” droe klor’ ide 346 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Quinterenol Sulfate kwin ter’ e nol sul’ fate Quinuclium Bromide kwin ue’ klee um broe’ mide Quinupristin kwin ue pris’ tin Quipazine Maleate kwip’ a zeen mal’ ee ate Rabeprazole Sodium ra bep’ ra zole soe’ dee um Racemethionine rayse” me thye’ oh neen Racephedrine Hydrochloride rayse” e fed’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Racephenicol rayse fen’ i kol Raclopride C 11 rak’ loe pride Ractopamine Hydrochloride rak toe’ pa meen hye” droe klor’ ide Radafaxine Hydrochloride rad a fax’ een hye” droe klor’ ide Rafoxanide ra fox’ a nide Ralitoline ra lit’ oh leen Raloxifene Hydrochloride ral ox’ i feen hye” droe klor’ ide Raltegravir Potassium ral teg’ ra vir Raltitrexed ral” ti trex’ ed Raluridine ral ure’ i deen Ramelteon ra mel’ tee on Ramipril ra’ mi pril Ramoplanin ra” moe plan’ in Ranibizumab ra” ni biz’ oo mab Ranimycin ra” ni mye’ sin Ranitidine ra ni’ ti deen Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate ra ni’ ti deen biz’ muth sit’ rate Ranolazine ra noe’ la zeen Ranolazine Hydrochloride ra noe’ la zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Ranpirnase ran’ pir nase Rapacuronium Bromide ra” pa kure oh’ nee um broe’ mide Rasagiline Mesylate ra sa’ ji leen mes’ i late Rasburicase ras bure’ i kase Raxibacumab rax” ee bak’ ue mab Rayon, Purified ray’ on Razaxaban Hydrochloride ra zax’ a ban hye” droe klor’ ide Rebimastat re bim’ a stat APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 347 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Reboxetine Mesylate re box’ e teen mes’ i late Recainam Hydrochloride re kane’ am hye” droe klor’ ide Recainam Tosylate re kane’ am toe’ si late Reclazepam re klaz’ e pam Regadenoson re ga den’ oh son Regramostim re gra’ moe stim Regrelor Disodium re grel’ or dye soe’ dee um Relacatib rel” a ka’ tib Relomycin rel” oh mye’ sin Remacemide Hydrochloride rem a’ se mide hye” droe klor’ ide Remifentanil Hydrochloride rem” i fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Remiprostol rem” i prost’ ol Remoxipride rem ox’ i pride Remoxipride Hydrochloride rem ox’ i pride hye” droe klor’ ide Repaglinide re pag’ li nide Reparixin re” pa rix’ in Repifermin re” pi fer’ min Repirinast re pir’ i nast Repromicin re” proe mye’ sin Reproterol Hydrochloride re proe’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Reslizumab res liz ‘ oo mab Resocortol Butyrate re soe’ kor tol bue’ ti rate Retapamulin re” te pam’ ue lin Reteplase re’ te plase Retigabine re tig’ a been Revaprazan Hydrochloride re va’ pra zan hye” droe klor’ ide Ribaminol rye ba’ mi nol Ribavirin rye” ba vye’ rin Riboprine rye’ boe preen Ridogrel rye’ doe grel Rifabutin rif” a bue’ tin Rifalazil rif al’ a zil Rifametane rif” a met’ ane Rifamexil rif” a mex’ il 348 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Rifamide rif’ a mide Rifampin rif am’ pin Rifapentine rif” a pen’ teen Rifaximin rif ax’ i min Rilapladib ril ap’ la dib Rilonacept ril on’ a sept Riluzole ril’ ue zole Rimantadine Hydrochloride ri man’ ta deen hye” droe klor’ ide Rimcazole Hydrochloride rim’ ka zole hye” droe klor’ ide Rimexolone ri mex’ oh lone Rimiterol Hydrobromide ri mi’ ter ol hye” droe broe’ mide Rimonabant ri moe’ na bant Rinfabate rin’ fa bate Rioprostil rye” oh prost’ il Ripazepam ri paz’ e pam Risedronate Sodium ris” e droe’ nate soe’ dee um Rismorelin Porcine ris” moe rel’ in por’ sine Risocaine ris’ oh kane Risotilide Hydrochloride ris ote’ i lide hye” droe klor’ ide Risperidone ris per’ i done Ristianol Phosphate ris tye’ a nol fos’ fate Ritanserin rit an’ ser in Ritodrine rit’ oh dreen Ritodrine Hydrochloride rit’ oh dreen hye” droe klor’ ide Ritolukast rit” oh loo’ kast Ritonavir rit oh’ na vir Rituximab ri tux’ i mab Rivanicline Galactarate riv an’ i kleen gal ak’ tar ate Rivaroxaban riv” a rox’ a ban Rivastigmine riv” a stig’ meen Rivoglitazone riv” oh gli’ ta zone Rizatriptan Benzoate rye” za trip’ tan ben’ zoe ate Rizatriptan Sulfate rye” za trip’ tan sul’ fate Robenidine Hydrochloride roe ben’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 349 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Rocastine Hydrochloride roe kas’ teen hye” droe klor’ ide Rocuronium Bromide roe” kure oh’ nee um broe’ mide Rodocaine roe’ doe kane Rofecoxib roe” fe kox’ ib Roflumilast roe flue’ mi last Roflurane roe flur’ ane Rogletimide roe glet’ i mide Rolapitant Hydrochloride roe la’ pi tant hye” droe klor’ ide Roletamide roe let’ a mide Rolgamidine role gam’ i deen Rolicyprine roe” li sye’ preen Rolipram roe’ li pram Rolitetracycline roe” li tet” ra sye’ kleen Rolitetracycline Nitrate roe” li tet” ra sye’ kleen nye’ trate Rolodine roe’ loe deen Romazarit roe maz’ a rit Romidepsin roe” mi dep’ sin Ronacaleret Hydrochloride roe” na kal’ er et hye” droe klor’ ide Ronidazole roe nye’ da zole Ronnel ron’ el Ropidoxuridine roe pye” dox ure’ i deen Ropinirole Hydrochloride roe pin’ i role” hye” droe klor’ ide Ropitoin Hydrochloride roe’ pi toin; roe’ pi toe in hye” droe klor’ ide Ropizine roe’ pi zeen Roquinimex roe kwin’ i mex Rosabulin roe” za bue’ lin Rosaramicin roe sar” a mye’ sin Rosaramicin Butyrate roe sar” a mye’ sin bue’ ti rate Rosaramicin Propionate roe sar” a mye’ sin proe’ pee oh nate Rosaramicin Sodium Phosphate roe sar” a mye’ sin soe’ dee um fos’ fate Rosaramicin Stearate roe sar” a mye’ sin steer’ ate Rose Bengal Sodium I 125 roze ben’ gal soe’ dee um Rose Bengal Sodium I 131 roze ben’ gal soe’ dee um Rosiglitazone Maleate roe” zi gli’ ta zone mal’ ee ate 350 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Rosoxacin roe sox’ a sin Rostaporfin roe” sta por’ fin Rosuvastatin Calcium roe soo” va stat’ in kal’ see um Rotigaptide roe ti gap’ tide Rotigotine roe tig’ oh teen Rotoxamine roe tox’ a meen Rovelizumab roe” ve liz’ oo mab Roxadimate rox ad’ i mate Roxarsone rox ar’ sone Roxatidine Acetate Hydrochloride rox a’ ti deen as’ e tate hye” droe klor’ ide Roxifiban Acetate rox” i fye’ ban as’ e tate Roxithromycin rox ith” roe mye’ sin Rubidium Chloride Rb 82 roo bid’ e um klor’ ide Rubidium Chloride Rb 86 roo bid’ e um klor’ ide Rubitecan roo” bi tee’ kan Rufinamide roo fin’ a mide Rupintrivir roo pin’ tri vir Ruplizumab roo pliz’ oo mab Rusalatide Acetate roo sal’ a tide as’ e tate Rutamycin roo” ta mye’ sin Sabcomeline Hydrochloride sab koe’ me leen hye” droe klor’ ide Sabeluzole sa bel’ ue zole Sacrosidase sak roe’ si dase Safingol sa fin’ gol Safingol Hydrochloride sa fin’ gol hye” droe klor’ ide Salantel sal’ an tel Salcaprozate Sodium sal kap’ roe zate soe’ dee um Salclobuzate Sodium sal kloe’ bue zate soe’ dee um Salcolex sal’ koe lex Salethamide Maleate sal eth’ a mide mal’ ee ate Salicyl Alcohol sal’ i sil al’ ka hol Salicylate Meglumine sa lis’ i late me’ gloo meen Salirasib sal i ras’ ib Salmeterol sal me’ ter ol APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 351 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Salmeterol Xinafoate sal me’ ter ol zye naf’ oh ate Salnacedin sal na’ se din Salsalate sal’ sa late Samarium Sm 153 Lexidronam Pentasodium sa mar’ ee um lex id’ roe nam Sancycline san sye’ kleen Sanfetrinem Cilexetil san fet’ ri nem sye lex’ e til Sanfetrinem Sodium san fet’ ri nem soe’ dee um Sanguinarium Chloride san” gwi nar’ ee um klor’ ide Saperconazole sa” per kon’ a zole Saprisartan Potassium sa” pri sar’ tan po tas’ ee um Sapropterin Dihydrochloride sap” roe ter’ in dye hye” droe klor’ ide Saquinavir sa kwin’ a vir Saquinavir Mesylate sa kwin’ a vir mes’ i late Sarafloxacin Hydrochloride sar” a flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Saralasin Acetate sar al’ a sin as’ e tate Sargramostim sar gra’ moe stim Sarizotan Hydrochloride sar i zoe’ tan hye” droe klor’ ide Sarmoxicillin sar mox” i sil’ in Sarpicillin sar” pi sil’ in Satraplatin sat” ra pla’ tin Saxagliptin sax” a glip’ tin Scopafungin skoe” pa fun’ jin Secalciferol se” kal sif’ er ol Seclazone sek’ la zone Secretin se kree’ tin Sedecamycin se dek” a mye’ sin Sedoxantrone Trihydrochloride se dox’ an trone trye hye” droe klor’ ide Seglitide Acetate seg’ li tide as’ e tate Selamectin sel” a mek’ tin Selegiline se le’ ji leen Selegiline Hydrochloride se le’ ji leen hye” droe klor’ ide Selenomethionine Se 75 se lee” noe me thye’ oh neen Seletracetam sel” e tra’ se tam Selfotel sel’ fo tel 352 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Selodenoson sel oh den’ oh son Sematilide Hydrochloride se mayt’ i lide hye” droe klor’ ide Semaxanib sem ax’ a nib Semduramicin sem dur” a mye’ sin Semduramicin Sodium sem dur” a mye’ sin soe’ dee um Semparatide Acetate sem par’ a tide as’ e tate Semustine se mus’ teen Senicapoc sen” i kay’ pok Senofilcon A sen” oh fil’ kon Sepazonium Chloride sep a zoe’ nee um klor’ ide Seperidol Hydrochloride se per’ i dol hye” droe klor’ ide Seprilose sep’ ri lose Seproxetine Hydrochloride se prox’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Seractide Acetate ser ak’ tide as’ e tate Seratrodast ser a’ troe dast Serazapine Hydrochloride ser az’ a peen hye” droe klor’ ide Sergliflozin ser” gli floe’ zin Sergolexole Maleate ser” goe lex’ ole mal’ ee ate Serine ser’ een Sermetacin ser met’ a sin Sermorelin Acetate ser” moe rel’ in as’ e tate Sertindole ser tin’ dole Sertraline Hydrochloride ser’ tra leen hye” droe klor’ ide Setoperone se toe’ per one Sevelamer Carbonate se vel’ a mer kar’ bo nate Sevelamer Hydrochloride se vel’ a mer hye” droe klor’ ide Sevirumab se vir’ ue mab Sevoflurane see” voe floo’ rane Sezolamide Hydrochloride se zole’ a mide hye” droe klor’ ide Sibenadet Hydrochloride si ben’ a det hye” droe klor’ ide Sibopirdine si boe’ pir deen Sibrafiban si” bra fye’ ban Sibutramine Hydrochloride si bue’ tra meen hye” droe klor’ ide Siflufocon A si” floo foe’ kon APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 353 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Silafilcon A sil” a fil’ kon Silafocon A sil” a foe’ kon Silandrone sil’ an drone Sildenafil Citrate sil den’ a fil sit’ rate Silodrate sil’ oh drate Simethicone sye meth’ i kone Simotaxel sim” oh tax’ el Simtrazene sim’ tra zeen Simvastatin sim” va stat’ in Sinapultide sin” a pul’ tide Sincalide sin’ ka lide Sinecatechins sin” e kat’ e kins Sinefungin sin” e fun’ jin Siplizumab si pliz’ oo mab Sipuleucel-T sye” pul oo’ sel Sirolimus sir oh’ li mus Sisomicin sis” oh mye’ sin Sisomicin Sulfate sis” oh mye’ sin sul’ fate Sitafloxacin si” ta flox’ a sin Sitagliptin Phosphate sit” a glip’ tin fos’ fate Sitogluside si” toe gloo’ side Sivelestat si vel’ e stat Sivelestat Sodium si vel’ e stat soe’ dee um Sodelglitazar soe” del gli’ ta zar Sodium Amylosulfate soe’ dee um am” i loe sul’ fate Sodium Arsenate As 74 soe’ dee um ar’ se nate Sodium Benzoate soe’ dee um ben’ zoe ate Sodium Chloride Na 22 soe’ dee um klor’ ide Sodium Chromate Cr 51 soe’ dee um kroe’ mate Sodium Dichloroacetate soe’ dee um dye klor” oh as’ e tate Sodium Ethasulfate soe’ dee um eth” a sul’ fate Sodium Ferric Gluconate Complex soe’ dee um fer’ ik gloo’ koe nate Sodium Iodide I 125 soe’ dee um eye’ oh dide Sodium Iodide I 131 soe’ dee um eye’ oh dide Sodium Oxybate soe’ dee um ox’ i bate 354 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Sodium Perborate Monohydrate soe’ dee um per bore’ ate mon” oh hye’ drate Sodium Pertechnetate Tc 99m soe’ dee um per tek’ ne tate Sodium Phenylacetate soe’ dee um fen” il as’ e tate Sodium Phenylbutyrate soe’ dee um fen” il bue’ ti rate Sodium Phosphate P 32 soe’ dee um fos’ fate Sodium Polyphosphate soe’ dee um pol” ee fos’ fate Sodium Pyrophosphate soe’ dee um pye” roe fos’ fate Sodium Sulfate S 35 soe’ dee um sul’ fate Sodium Trimetaphosphate soe’ dee um trye met” a fos’ fate Solabegron Hydrochloride soe la beg’ ron hye” droe klor’ ide Solifenacin Succinate soe” li fen’ a sin sux’ i nate Solypertine Tartrate soe” li per’ teen tar’ trate Somagrebove soe ma’ gre bove Somalapor soe ma’ la pore Somantadine Hydrochloride soe man’ ta deen hye” droe klor’ ide Somatrem soe’ ma trem Somatropin soe” ma troe’ pin Somavubove soe ma’ vue bove Somenopor soe me’ noe pore Sometribove soe me’ tri bove Sometripor soe me’ tri pore Somfasepor sohm fas’ e pore Somidobove soe mi’ doe bove Sonepiprazole Mesylate soe” ne pi’ pra zole mes’ i late Sorafenib soe raf’ e nib Sorafenib Tosylate soe raf’ e nib toe’ si late Sorbinil sor’ bi nil Sorbitan Monolaurate sor’ bi tan mon” oh lawr’ ate Sorbitan Monooleate sor’ bi tan mon” oh oh’ lee ate Sorbitan Monopalmitate sor’ bi tan mon” oh pal’ mi tate Sorbitan Monostearate sor’ bi tan mon” oh steer’ ate Sorbitan Sesquioleate sor’ bi tan ses” kwi oh’ lee ate Sorbitan Trioleate sor’ bi tan trye oh’ lee ate Sorbitan Tristearate sor’ bi tan trye steer’ ate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 355 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Sorivudine soe riv’ ue deen Sotalol Hydrochloride soe’ ta lol hye” droe klor’ ide Soterenol Hydrochloride soe ter’ e nol hye” droe klor’ ide Sotirimod soe tir’ i mod Sparfloxacin spar flox’ a sin Sparfosate Sodium spar fos’ ate soe’ dee um Sparsomycin spar” soe mye’ sin Sparteine Sulfate spar’ teen sul’ fate Spectinomycin Hydrochloride spek” tin oh mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Spiperone spye’ per one Spiradoline Mesylate spir ad’ oh leen mes’ i late Spiramycin spir” a mye’ sin Spirapril Hydrochloride spir’ a pril hye” droe klor’ ide Spiraprilat spir’ a pril at” Spirogermanium Hydrochloride spir” oh jer may’ nee um hye” droe klor’ ide Spiromustine spir” oh mus’ teen Spiroplatin spir” oh pla’ tin Spiroxasone spir ox’ a sone Sprodiamide sproe dye’ a mide Squalamine Lactate skwah’ la meen lak’ tate Stallimycin Hydrochloride stal” i mye’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Stamulumab sta mul’ ue mab Stannous Chloride stan’ us klor’ ide Stannous Pyrophosphate stan’ us pye” roe fos’ fate Stannous Sulfur Colloid stan’ us sul’ fur kol’ oid Stannsoporfin stan” soe pore’ fin Stanozolol stan oh’ zoe lol Statolon stat’ oh lon Stavudine stav’ ue deen Steffimycin stef” i mye’ sin Stenbolone Acetate sten’ boe lone as’ e tate Stilbazium Iodide stil baz’ ee um eye’ oh dide Stilonium Iodide stil oh’ nee um eye’ oh dide Stiripentol stir” i pen’ tol 356 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Stirofos stir’ oh fos Streptonicozid strep” toe nye’ koe zid Streptonigrin strep” toe nye’ grin Streptozocin strep” toe zoe’ sin Strontium Chloride Sr 85 stron’ shee um klor’ ide Strontium Chloride Sr 89 stron’ shee um klor’ ide Strontium Nitrate Sr 85 stron’ shee um nye’ trate Succimer sux’ i mer Succinobucol sux” in oh bue’ kol Sucralfate soo kral’ fate Sucrosofate Potassium soo kroe’ soe fate po tas’ ee um Sudoxicam soo dox’ i kam Sufentanil soo fen’ ta nil Sufentanil Citrate soo fen’ ta nil sit’ rate Sufotidine soo foe’ ti deen Sugammadex Sodium soo gam’ ma dex soe’ dee um Sulamserod Hydrochloride sul am’ se rod hye” droe klor’ ide Sulazepam sul az’ e pam Sulbactam Benzathine sul bak’ tam ben’ za theen Sulbactam Pivoxil sul bak’ tam Sulbactam Sodium sul bak’ tam soe’ dee um Sulbenox sul’ ben ox Sulconazole Nitrate sul kon’ a zole nye’ trate Sulesomab soo les’ oh mab Sulfabenz sul’ fa benz Sulfabenzamide sul” fa benz’ a mide Sulfacytine sul” fa sye’ teen Sulfadiazine, Silver sul” fa dye’ a zeen sil’ ver Sulfadoxine sul” fa dox’ een Sulfalene sul’ fa leen Sulfameter sul” fa mee’ ter Sulfamethoxazole sul” fa meth ox’ a zole Sulfamonomethoxine sul” fa mon” oh meth ox’ een Sulfamoxole sul” fa mox’ ole APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 357 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Sulfanilate Zinc sul fan’ i late zink Sulfanitran sul” fa nye’ tran Sulfasalazine sul” fa sal’ a zeen Sulfasomizole sul” fa soe’ mi zole Sulfazamet sul faz’ a met Sulfinalol Hydrochloride sul fin’ a lol hye” droe klor’ ide Sulfisoxazole Diolamine sul” fi sox’ a zole dye ole’ a meen Sulfocon B sul foe’ kon Sulfomyxin sul” foe mix’ in Sulfonterol Hydrochloride sul fon’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Sulfur Hexafluoride sul’ fur hex” a floor’ ide Sulindac sul’ in dak Sulisobenzone sul” i soe ben’ zone Sulmarin sul’ ma rin Sulnidazole sul nye’ da zole Suloctidil sul ok’ ti dil Sulofenur sul” oh fen’ ur Sulopenem sul” oh pen’ em Sulotroban sul” oh troe’ ban Suloxifen Oxalate sul ox’ i fen ox’ a late Sulpiride sul’ pir ide Sulprostone sul prost’ one Sultamicillin sul tam” i sil’ in Sulthiame sul thye’ ame Sulukast soo loo’ kast Sumarotene soo mar’ oh teen Sumatriptan Succinate soo” ma trip’ tan sux’ i nate Suncillin Sodium sun sil’ in soe’ dee um Sunepitron Hydrochloride soo ne’ pi tron hye” droe klor’ ide Sunitinib Malate soo ni’ ti nib Suproclone soo’ proe klone Suprofen soo proe’ fen Suramin Hexasodium sur’ a min hex” a soe’ dee um Surfilcon A sur fil’ kon 358 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Surfomer surf’ o mer Surgibone sur’ ji bone Suricainide Maleate sur i’ ka nide mal’ ee ate Suritozole sur it’ oh zole Suronacrine Maleate sur one’ a kreen mal’ ee ate Sutilains soo’ ti lains Suxemerid Sulfate sux em’ e rid sul’ fate Symclosene sim’ kloe seen Symetine Hydrochloride sim’ e teen hye” droe klor’ ide Synthetic Conjugated Estrogens, B kon’ joo gay” ted es’ troe jens Tacedinaline ta see dye’ na leen Taclamine Hydrochloride tak’ la meen hye” droe klor’ ide Tacrine Hydrochloride tak reen hye” droe klor’ ide Tacrolimus tak roe’ li mus Tadalafil ta dal’ a fil Tadocizumab tad” oh siz’ oo mab Talabostat tal ab’ oh stat Talabostat Mesylate tal ab’ oh stat mes’ i late Talactoferrin Alfa ta lak” toe fer’ in al’ fa Talaglumetad Hydrochloride ta” la gloo’ me tad hye” droe klor’ ide Talampicillin Hydrochloride tal am” pi sil’ in hye” droe klor’ ide Talaporfin Sodium tal a pore’ fin soe’ dee um Taleranol tal er’ a nol Talibegron Hydrochloride tal” ee beg’ ron hye” droe klor’ ide Talisomycin tal” i soe mye’ sin Talizumab ta liz’ oo mab Talmetacin tal met’ a sin Talnetant Hydrochloride tal’ ne tant hye” droe klor’ ide Talniflumate tal nye’ floo mate Talopram Hydrochloride tal’ oh pram hye” droe klor’ ide Talosalate tal oh’ sal ate Talotrexin Ammonium tal” oh trex’ in a moe’ nee um Talsaclidine Fumarate tal sa’ kli deen fue’ ma rate Taltobulin tal toe bue’ lin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 359 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Tameridone ta mer’ i done Tametraline Hydrochloride ta me’ tra leen hye” droe klor’ ide Tamoxifen Citrate ta mox’ i fen sit’ rate Tampramine Fumarate tamp’ ra meen fue’ ma rate Tamsulosin Hydrochloride tam soo’ loe sin hye” droe klor’ ide Tanaproget tan a proe’ jet Tandamine Hydrochloride tan’ da meen hye” droe klor’ ide Tandospirone Citrate tan” doe spye’ rone sit’ rate Tandutinib tan doo’ ti nib Tanespimycin tan es” pi mye’ sin Tanomastat tan oh’ ma stat Tapentadol ta pen’ ta dol Taranabant tar a’ na bant Tarenflurbil tar” en flur’ bil Taribavirin Hydrochloride ta” rye ba vye’ rin hye” droe klor’ ide Tariquidar tar i’ kwi dar Tasidotin Hydrochloride tas” i doe’ tin hye” droe klor’ ide Tasosartan tas” oh sar’ tan Tazadolene Succinate taz” a doe’ leen sux’ i nate Tazarotene taz ar’ oh teen Tazifylline Hydrochloride taz if’ i lin hye” droe klor’ ide Tazobactam taz” oh bak’ tam Tazobactam Sodium taz” oh bak’ tam soe’ dee um Tazofelone taz oh’ fe lone Tazolol Hydrochloride taz’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Tazomeline Citrate taz oh’ me leen sit’ rate Tebanicline Tosylate te ban’ i kleen toe’ si late Tebufelone te bue’ fe lone Tebuquine te’ bue kwin Tecadenoson tek” a den’ o son Tecalcet Hydrochloride tek’ al set hye” droe klor’ ide Tecastemizole tek” a stem’ i zole Teceleukin tek” e loo’ kin Technetium Tc 99m Albumin Aggregated tek nee’ shee um al bue’ min ag’ re gay” ted 360 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Technetium Tc 99m Albumin Colloid tek nee’ shee um al bue’ min kol’ oid Technetium Tc 99m Albumin Microaggregated tek nee’ shee um al bue’ min Technetium Tc 99m Antimony Trisulfide Colloid tek nee’ shee um an’ ti moe” nee trye sul’ fide kol’ oid Technetium Tc 99m Apcitide tek nee’ shee um ap’ si tide Technetium Tc 99m Bicisate tek nee’ shee um bye sis’ ate Technetium Tc 99m Exametazime tek nee’ shee um ex” a met’ a zeem Technetium Tc 99m Fanolesomab tek nee’ shee um fan” oh les’ oh mab Technetium Tc 99m Furifosmin tek nee’ shee um fure” i fos’ min Technetium Tc 99m Lidofenin tek nee’ shee um lye” doe fen’ in Technetium Tc 99m Mebrofenin tek nee’ shee um me” broe fen’ in Technetium Tc 99m Medronate Disodium tek nee’ shee um me’ droe nate dye soe’ dee um Technetium Tc 99m Mertiatide tek nee’ shee um mer tye’ a tide Technetium Tc 99m Nitridocade tek nee’ shee um nye trid’ oh kade Technetium Tc 99m Pentetate Calcium Trisodium tek nee’ shee um pen’ te tate kal’ see um trye soe’ dee um Technetium Tc 99m Red Blood Cells tek nee’ shee um red blud sels Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi tek nee’ shee um ses” ta mib’ ee Technetium Tc 99m Siboroxime tek nee’ shee um sye” boe rox’ eem Technetium Tc 99m Sulfur Colloid tek nee’ shee um sul’ fur kol’ oid Technetium Tc 99m Teboroxime tek nee’ shee um te” boe rox’ eem Teclozan tek’ loe zan Tecogalan Sodium tek oh’ ga lan soe’ dee um Tedisamil te dis’ a mil Tedisamil Sesquifumarate te dis’ a mil ses” kwi fue’ ma rate Teduglutide te due’ gloo tide Tefibazumab te” fi baz’ oo mab Tefilcon A te fil’ kon Teflurane te’ flur ane Tegafur teg’ a fur Tegaserod teg a ser’ od Tegaserod Maleate teg a ser’ od mal’ ee ate Teicoplanin tye” koe plan’ in Telavancin Hydrochloride tel a van’ sin hye” droe klor’ ide Telbermin tel ber’ min Telbivudine tel biv’ ue deen APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 361 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Telinavir tel in’ a vir Telithromycin tel ith” roe mye’ sin Telmisartan tel” mi sar’ tan Teloxantrone Hydrochloride tel ox’ an trone hye” droe klor’ ide Teludipine Hydrochloride tel oo’ di peen hye” droe klor’ ide Temafloxacin Hydrochloride tem” a flox’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Tematropium Methylsulfate tem” a troe’ pee um Temazepam tem az’ e pam Temefos tem’ e fos Temelastine tem” e las’ teen Temocapril Hydrochloride tem oh’ ka pril hye” droe klor’ ide Temocillin tem” oh sil’ in Temodox tem’ oh dox Temoporfin tem” oh pore’ fin Temozolomide tem” oh zoe’ loe mide Temsirolimus tem” sir oh’ li mus Temurtide tem’ ure tide Tenecteplase ten ek’ te plase Teneliximab ten” e lix’ i mab Tenidap ten’ i dap Tenidap Sodium ten’ i dap soe’ dee um Teniposide ten” i poe’ side Tenivastatin Calcium ten ee” va stat’ in kal’ see um Tenofovir ten oh’ foe vir Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate ten oh’ foe vir dye” soe prox’ il fue’ ma rate Tenoxicam ten ox’ i kam Teplizumab tep liz’ oo mab Tepoxalin te pox’ a lin Teprotide tep’ roe tide Terameprocol ter am” e proe’ kol Terazosin Hydrochloride ter az’ oh sin hye” droe klor’ ide Terbinafine ter’ bin a feen Terbogrel ter’ boe grel Terbutaline Sulfate ter bue’ ta leen sul’ fate 362 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Terconazole ter kon’ a zole Terfenadine ter fen’ a deen Teriparatide ter” i par’ a tide Teriparatide Acetate ter” i par’ a tide as’ e tate Terlakiren ter la kye’ ren Terlipressin ter” li pres’ in Terodiline Hydrochloride ter oh’ dil een hye” droe klor’ ide Teroxalene Hydrochloride ter ox’ a leen hye” droe klor’ ide Teroxirone ter ox’ i rone Tesaglitazar tes” a gli’ ta zar Tesamorelin tes” a moe rel’ in Tesicam tes’ i kam Tesimide tes’ i mide Tesmilifene Hydrochloride tes mil’ i feen hye” droe klor’ ide Testolactone tes” toe lak’ tone Testosterone Ketolaurate tes tos’ ter one kee” toe lawr’ ate Testosterone Phenylacetate tes tos’ ter one fen” il as’ e tate Testosterone Undecanoate tes tos’ ter one un dek” a noe’ ate Tetrafilcon A te” tra fil’ kon Tetramisole Hydrochloride te tram’ i sole hye” droe klor’ ide Tetraxetan te trax’ e tan Tetrazolast Meglumine te traz’ oh last me’ gloo meen Tetrofosmin te” troe fos’ min Tetronasin Sodium te troe’ na sin soe’ dee um Tetroquinone te” troe kwin’ one Tetroxoprim te trox’ oh prim Tetrydamine te trid’ a meen Tezacitabine te” za sye’ ta been Tezampanel tez am’ pa nel Thalidomide tha lid’ oh mide Thallous Chloride Tl 201 thal’ us klor’ ide Thenium Closylate then’ ee um kloe’ si late Theofibrate thee” oh fye’ brate Thiabendazole thye” a ben’ da zole APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 363 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Thiamiprine thye am’ i preen Thiamphenicol thye” am fen’ i kol Thiazesim Hydrochloride thye az’ e sim hye” droe klor’ ide Thiazinamium Chloride thye a zin’ a mee um klor’ ide Thiethylperazine thye eth” il per’ a zeen Thiethylperazine Maleate thye eth” il per’ a zeen mal’ ee ate Thimerfonate Sodium thye mer’ foe nate soe’ dee um Thioguanine thye” oh gwa’ neen Thioridazine thye” oh rid’ a zeen Thiosalan thye oh’ sa lan Thiothixene thye” oh thix’ een Thiothixene Hydrochloride thye” oh thix’ een hye” droe klor’ ide Thiphenamil Hydrochloride thye fen’ a mil hye” droe klor’ ide Thiphencillin Potassium thye” fen sil’ in po tas’ ee um Thiram thye’ ram Thonzonium Bromide thon zoe’ nee um broe’ mide Thonzylamine Hydrochloride thon zil’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Thozalinone thoe zal’ i none Threonine three’ oh neen Thrombin Alfa throm’ bin al’ fa Thymalfasin thye mal’ fa sin Thymopentin thye” moe pen’ tin Thyroglobulin thye” roe glob’ ue lin Thyromedan Hydrochloride thye roe’ me dan hye” droe klor’ ide Thyrotropin Alfa thye” roe troe’ pin al’ fa Thyroxine I 125 thye rox’ een Thyroxine I 131 thye rox’ een Tiacrilast tye ak’ ri last Tiacrilast Sodium tye ak’ ri last soe’ dee um Tiagabine Hydrochloride tye ag’ a been hye” droe klor’ ide Tiamenidine tye” a men’ i deen Tiamenidine Hydrochloride tye” a men’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Tiamulin tye” a mue’ lin Tiamulin Fumarate tye” a mue’ lin fue’ ma rate 364 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Tiapamil Hydrochloride tye ap’ a mil hye” droe klor’ ide Tiaramide Hydrochloride tye ar’ a mide hye” droe klor’ ide Tiazofurin tye az” oh fure’ in Tiazuril tye az’ ue ril; tye az’ ure il Tibenelast Sodium tye ben’ e last soe’ dee um Tibolone tye’ boe lone Tibric Acid tye’ brik as’ id Tibrofan tye’ broe fan Ticabesone Propionate tye ka’ be sone proe’ pee oh nate Ticarbodine tye kar’ boe deen Ticarcillin Cresyl Sodium tye” kar sil’ in soe’ dee um Ticarcillin Disodium tye” kar sil’ in dye soe’ dee um Ticlatone tye’ kla tone Ticlopidine Hydrochloride tye kloe’ pi deen hye” droe klor’ ide Ticolubant tye kol’ ue bant Ticrynafen tye krin’ a fen Tidembersat tye dem’ ber sat Tifacogin tye” fa ko’ gin Tifurac Sodium tye’ fure ak soe’ dee um Tigapotide Triflutate tye gap’ oh tide trye’ floo tate Tigecycline tye” ge sye’ kleen Tigemonam Dicholine tye” ge moe’ nam dye koe’ leen Tigestol tye jes’ tol Tilarginine Acetate til ar’ ji neen as’ e tate Tiletamine Hydrochloride tye let’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Tilidine Hydrochloride tye’ li deen hye” droe klor’ ide Tilmacoxib til ma kox’ ib Tilmicosin til mi koe’ sin Tilmicosin Phosphate til mi koe’ sin fos’ fate Tilomisole tye loe’ mi sole Tilorone Hydrochloride tye’ lor one hye” droe klor’ ide Tiludronate Disodium tye” loo droe’ nate dye soe’ dee um Timcodar Dimesylate tim’ koe dar dye mes’ i late Timefurone tye” me fure’ one APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 365 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Timobesone Acetate tye moe’ be sone as’ e tate Timolol tim’ oh lol Timolol Maleate tim’ oh lol mal’ ee ate Tinabinol tye nab’ i nol Tinidazole tye nye’ da zole Tinzaparin Sodium tin zap’ a rin soe’ dee um; tin” za par’ in soe’ dee um Tioconazole tye” oh kon’ a zole Tiodazosin tye” oh daz’ oh sin Tiodonium Chloride tye” oh doe’ nee um klor’ ide Tioperidone Hydrochloride tye” oh per’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Tiopinac tye oh’ pi nak Tiospirone Hydrochloride tye” oh spye’ rone hye” droe klor’ ide Tiotidine tye oh’ ti deen Tioxidazole tye ox id’ a zole Tipelukast tye” pe loo’ kast Tipentosin Hydrochloride tye pen’ toe sin hye” droe klor’ ide Tipifarnib tye” pee far’ nib Tiplasinin tye plas’ in in Tipranavir Disodium tye pran’ a vir dye soe’ dee um Tipredane tye pred’ ane Tiprenolol Hydrochloride tye pren’ oh lol hye” droe klor’ ide Tiprinast Meglumine tye’ pri nast me’ gloo meen Tipropidil Hydrochloride tye proe’ pi dil hye” droe klor’ ide Tiqueside tye’ kwe side Tiquinamide Hydrochloride tye kwin’ a mide hye” droe klor’ ide Tirapazamine tye” ra paz’ a meen Tirilazad Mesylate tye ril’ a zad mes’ i late Tirofiban Hydrochloride tye” roe fye’ ban hye” droe klor’ ide Tisilfocon A tye” sil foe’ kon Tisocalcitate tye” soe kal’ si tate Tixanox tix’ a nox Tixocortol Pivalate tix” oh kor’ tol piv’ a late Tizanidine Hydrochloride tye zan’ i deen hye” droe klor’ ide Toborinone toe boe’ ri none Tobramycin toe” bra mye’ sin 366 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Tocainide toe’ ka nide Tocamphyl toe kam’ fil Tocilizumab toe” si liz’ oo mab Tocladesine toe kla’ de seen Tocophersolan toe” koe fer’ soe lan Tofenacin Hydrochloride toe fen’ a sin hye” droe klor’ ide Tofimilast toe fim’ i last Tolamolol tole am’ oh lol Tolazamide tole az’ a mide Tolcapone tole’ ka pone Tolciclate tole sye’ klate Tolevamer Potassium Sodium tole ev’ a mer po tas’ ee um soe’ dee um Tolevamer Sodium tole ev’ a mer soe’ dee um Tolfamide tole’ fa mide Tolgabide tole’ ga bide Tolimidone tole i’ mi done Tolindate tole in’ date Toliodium Chloride tole” i oh’ di um klor’ ide Tolmetin tole’ met in Tolmetin Sodium tole’ met in soe’ dee um Tolnaftate tol naf’ tate Tolofocon A tole” oh foe’ kon Tolpovidone I 131 tole poe’ vi done Tolpyrramide tole pir’ a mide Tolrestat tole’ re stat Tolterodine tol ter’ oh deen Tolterodine Tartrate tol ter’ oh deen tar’ trate Toltrazuril tole traz’ ue ril; tole traz’ ure il Tolvaptan tole’ vap tan Tomelukast toe” me loo’ kast Tomopenem toe” moe pen’ em Tonazocine Mesylate toe naz’ oh seen mes’ i late Topiramate toe pir’ a mate Topixantrone toe pix’ an trone APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 367 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Topotecan Hydrochloride toe” poe tee’ kan hye” droe klor’ ide Topterone top’ te rone Toquizine toe’ kwi zeen Toralizumab tore” a liz’ oo mab Torapsel tore ap’ sel Torcetrapib tore set’ ra pib Torcitabine tore sye’ ta been Toremifene Citrate tore em’ i feen sit’ rate Torsemide tore’ se mide Tosagestin toe” sa jes’ tin Tosifen toe’ si fen Tosufloxacin toe” soo flox’ a sin Totrombopag Choline toe trom’ boe pag koe’ leen Trabectedin tra bek’ te din Tracazolate trak az’ oh late Trafermin tra fer’ min Tralonide tral’ oh nide Tramadol Hydrochloride tram’ a dol hye” droe klor’ ide Tramazoline Hydrochloride tra maz’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Tramiprosate tram ip’ roe sate Tranexamic Acid tran ex am’ ik as’ id Tranilast tran’ i last Transcainide trans’ ka nide Travoprost trav’ oh prost Traxoprodil Mesylate trax oh’ pro dil mes’ i late Trazodone Hydrochloride traz’ oh done hye” droe klor’ ide Trebenzomine Hydrochloride tre ben’ zoe meen hye” droe klor’ ide Trecetilide Fumarate tre set’ i lide fue’ ma rate Trecovirsen Sodium tre” koe vir’ sen soe’ dee um Trefentanil Hydrochloride tre fen’ ta nil hye” droe klor’ ide Treloxinate tre lox’ i nate Tremacamra tre ma kam’ ra Tremelimumab tre” me lim’ ue mab Trenbolone Acetate tren’ boe lone as’ e tate 368 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Trepipam Maleate tre’ pi pam mal’ ee ate Treprostinil tre prost’ i nil Trestolone Acetate tres’ toe lone as’ e tate Tretinoin tret’ i noin; tret’ i noe in Triafungin trye a fun’ jin Triamcinolone Acetonide Sodium Phosphate trye” am sin’ oh lone a seet’ oh nide soe’ dee um fos’ fate Triamcinolone Hexacetonide trye” am sin’ oh lone hex” a seet’ oh nide Triampyzine Sulfate trye am’ pi zeen sul’ fate Triamterene trye am’ ter een Triazolam trye az’ oh lam Tribenoside trye ben’ oh side Tribromsalan trye brome’ sa lan Tricetamide trye set’ a mide Trichlorfon trye klor’ fon Triciribine Phosphate trye sir’ i been fos’ fate Triclocarban trye” kloe kar’ ban Triclofenol Piperazine trye kloe’ fen ol pi per’ a zeen Triclofos Sodium trye’ kloe fos soe’ dee um Triclonide trye’ kloe nide Triclosan trye’ kloe san Tridolgosir Hydrochloride trye dole’ goe sir hye” droe klor’ ide Trientine Hydrochloride trye’ en teen hye” droe klor’ ide Trifenagrel trye fen’ a grel Triflocin trye floe’ sin Triflubazam trye floo’ ba zam Triflumidate trye floo’ mi date Trifluperidol trye floo per’ i dol Trifluridine trye flure’ i deen Trilostane trye’ loe stane Trimazosin Hydrochloride trye maz’ oh sin hye” droe klor’ ide Trimegestone trye me jes’ tone Trimethoprim trye meth’ oh prim Trimethoprim Sulfate trye meth’ oh prim sul’ fate Trimetozine trye met’ oh zeen APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 369 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Trimetrexate trye” me trex’ ate Trimetrexate Glucuronate trye” me trex’ ate gloo kure’ oh nate Trimipramine trye mip’ ra meen Trimipramine Maleate trye mip’ ra meen mal’ ee ate Trimoprostil trye” moe prost’ il Trimoxamine Hydrochloride trye mox’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Trinecol (pullus) trye’ ne kol pool’ us Triolein I 125 trye’ oh leen Triolein I 131 trye’ oh leen Trioxifene Mesylate trye ox’ i feen mes’ i late Trioxsalen trye ox’ sa len Tripamide trip’ a mide Triptorelin trip” toe rel’ in Triptorelin Pamoate trip” toe rel’ in pam’ oh ate Tritiated Water trit’ ee ay ted wa’ ter Troclosene Potassium troe’ kloe seen po tas’ ee um Trodusquemine troe doo’ skwe meen Troglitazone troe gli’ ta zone Troleandomycin troe” lee an” doe mye’ sin Tromethamine troe meth’ a meen Tropanserin Hydrochloride troe pan’ ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Tropantiol troe” pan tye’ ol Tropicamide troe pik’ a mide Trospectomycin Sulfate troe spek” toe mye’ sin sul’ fate Trospium Chloride trose’ pee um klor’ ide Trovafloxacin Mesylate troe” va flox’ a sin mes’ i late Troxacitabine trox” a sye’ ta been Tryptophan trip’ toe fan Tubulozole Hydrochloride too bue’ loe zole hye” droe klor’ ide Tucotuzumab Celmoleukin too” koe tooz’ oo mab sel” moe loo’ kin Tulathromycin too lath” roe mye’ sin Tuvirumab too vir’ ue mab Tybamate tye bam’ ate Tyloxapol tye lox’ a pol 370 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Tyropanoate Sodium tye” roe pa noe’ ate soe’ dee um Tyrosine tye’ roe seen Uldazepam ul daz’ e pam Unifocon A ue” ni foe’ kon Uracil ue’ ra sil; ure’ a sil Uracil Mustard ue’ ra sil; ure’ a sil mus’ tard Uredepa ure” e dee’ pa Uredofos ue red’ oh fos; ure e’ doe fos Urofollitropin ue” roe fol’ i troe” pin; ure” oh fol’ li troe” pin Urokinase ue” roe kye’ nase; ure oh kye’ nase Urokinase Alfa ue” roe kye’ nase al’ fa; ure oh kye’ nase al’ fa Ursodiol ur” soe dye’ ol Vabicaserin Hydrochloride va” bi ka” ser in hye” droe klor’ ide Valacyclovir Hydrochloride val” ay sye’ kloe vir hye” droe klor’ ide Valategrast Hydrochloride val” a teg’ rast hye” droe klor’ ide Valdecoxib val” de kox’ ib Valganciclovir Hydrochloride val” gan sye’ kloe vir hye” droe klor’ ide Valine val’ een Valnoctamide val nok’ ta mide Valomaciclovir Stearate val oh ma sye’ kloe vir steer’ ate Valopicitabine Dihydrochloride val oh” pi sye’ ta been dye hye” droe klor’ ide Valproate Sodium val’ proe ate soe’ dee um Valproic Acid val proe’ ik as’ id Valrocemide val roe’ se mide Valrubicin val roo’ bi sin Valsartan val sar’ tan Valspodar val’ spoe dar Valtorcitabine Dihydrochloride val tor sye’ ta been dye hye” droe klor’ ide Vandetanib van det’ a nib Vapiprost Hydrochloride va’ pi prost hye” droe klor’ ide Vapitadine Dihydrochloride va pi’ ta deen dye hye” droe klor’ ide Vapreotide va pree’ oh tide Vardenafil Dihydrochloride var den’ a fil dye hye” droe klor’ ide Varenicline Tartrate var en’ i kleen tar’ trate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 371 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Varespladib Sodium var es’ pla dib soe’ dee um Vasurfilcon A vay” sur fil’ kon Vatalanib va tal’ a nib Vecuronium Bromide vek” ue roe’ nee um broe’ mide; vek’ ure oh” nee um broe’ mide Vedaprofen ved” a proe’ fen Velafermin vel” a fer’ min Veliflapon vel” i flap’ on Velimogene Aliplasmid ve lim’ oh jeen” al” i plas’ mid Velnacrine Maleate vel’ na kreen mal’ ee ate Venlafaxine Hydrochloride ven” la fax’ een hye” droe klor’ ide Veradoline Hydrochloride ver ad’ oh leen hye” droe klor’ ide Verapamil ver ap’ a mil Verapamil Hydrochloride ver ap’ a mil hye” droe klor’ ide Verilopam Hydrochloride ver il’ oh pam hye” droe klor’ ide Verlukast ver loo’ kast Vernakalant Hydrochloride ver nayk’ a lant hye” droe klor’ ide Verofylline ver of’ i lin Verpasep Caltespen ver’ pa sep kal tes’ pen Versetamide ver set’ a mide Verteporfin ver” te pore’ fin Vesnarinone ves na’ ri none Vestipitant Mesylate ves tee’ pi tant mes’ i late Vicriviroc Maleate vi” kri vir’ ok mal’ ee ate Vidarabine vye dar’ a been Vidarabine Phosphate vye dar’ a been fos’ fate Vidarabine Sodium Phosphate vye dar’ a been soe’ dee um fos’ fate Vifilcon A vye fil’ kon Vifilcon B vye fil’ kon Vigabatrin vye ga’ ba trin Vildagliptin vil” da glip’ tin Viloxazine Hydrochloride vye lox’ a zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Vinafocon A vin” a foe’ kon Vinblastine Sulfate vin blas’ teen sul’ fate Vincofos vin’ koe fos 372 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Vincristine Sulfate vin kris’ teen sul’ fate Vindesine vin’ de seen Vindesine Sulfate vin’ de seen sul’ fate Vinepidine Sulfate vin ep’ i deen sul’ fate Vinflunine Ditartrate vin’ floo neen Vinglycinate Sulfate vin glye’ sin ate sul’ fate Vinleurosine Sulfate vin loor’ oh seen sul’ fate Vinorelbine Tartrate vin or’ el been tar’ trate Vinpocetine vin poe’ se teen Vinrosidine Sulfate vin roe’ zi deen sul’ fate Vinzolidine Sulfate vin zole’ i deen sul’ fate Viprostol vye prost’ ol Virginiamycin vir jin” ya mye’ sin Viridofulvin vir id” oh ful’ vin Viroxime vir ox’ eem Visilizumab vis” i liz’ oo mab Vitespen vye tes’ pen Voclosporin vok” loe spor’ in Vofopitant Dihydrochloride voe foe’ pi tant dye hye” droe klor’ ide Voglibose voe glye’ bose Volazocine voe laz’ oh seen Volociximab voe loe six’ i mab Voriconazole vor” i kon’ a zole Vorinostat vor in’ oh stat Vorozole vor’ oh zole Votumumab voe toom’ ue mab Water O 15 wa’ ter Xaliproden zal ip’ roe den Xamoterol zam oh’ ter ol Xamoterol Fumarate zam oh’ ter ol fue’ ma rate Xanomeline zan oh’ me leen Xanomeline Tartrate zan oh’ me leen tar’ trate Xanoxate Sodium zan ox’ ate soe’ dee um Xanthinol Niacinate zan’ thi nol nye’ a sin ate APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 373 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Xemilofiban Hydrochloride zem” i loe fye’ ban hye” droe klor’ ide Xenalipin zen” a li’ pin Xenbucin zen bue’ sin Xenon Xe 133 zee’ non Xilobam zye’ loe bam Ximelagatran zye” mel a gat’ ran Xipamide zip’ a mide Xorphanol Mesylate zor’ fa nol mes’ i late Xylamidine Tosylate zye lam’ i deen toe’ si late Xylazine Hydrochloride zye’ la zeen hye” droe klor’ ide Xylofilcon A zye” loe fil’ kon Yttrium Y 90 Epratuzumab i’ tree um e” pra tooz’ oo mab Yttrium Y 90 Epratuzumab Tetraxetan i’ tree um e” pra tooz’ oo mab te trax’ e tan Yttrium Y 90 Labetuzumab i’ tree um la” be tooz’ oo mab Yttrium Y 90 Labetuzumab Tetraxetan i’ tree um la” be tooz’ oo mab te trax’ e tan Yttrium Y 90 Tacatuzumab i’ tree um tak” a tooz’ oo mab Yttrium Y 90 Tacatuzumab Tetraxetan i’ tree um tak” a tooz’ oo mab te trax’ e tan Zacopride Hydrochloride za’ koe pride hye” droe klor’ ide Zafirlukast za” fir loo’ kast Zalcitabine zal sye’ ta been Zaleplon zal’ e plon Zalospirone Hydrochloride zal” oh spye’ rone hye” droe klor’ ide Zaltidine Hydrochloride zal’ ti deen hye” droe klor’ ide Zanamivir zan am’ i vir Zankiren Hydrochloride zan kye’ ren hye” droe klor’ ide Zanolimumab zan” oh lim’ ue mab Zanoterone zan oh’ ter one Zatosetron Maleate za toe’ se tron mal’ ee ate Zenarestat zen a’ re stat Zenazocine Mesylate zen az’ oh seen mes’ i late Zeniplatin zen” i pla’ tin Zeranol zer’ a nol Ziconotide zye kon’ oh tide Zidapamide zye dap’ a mide 374 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Pronunciation Guide Zidometacin zye” doe met’ a sin Zidovudine zye doe’ vue deen Zifrosilone zye froe’ si lone Zilantel zye’ lan tel Zileuton zye loo’ ton Zimeldine Hydrochloride zye mel’ deen hye” droe klor’ ide Zinc Carbonate zink kar’ bo nate Zinc Chloride Zn 65 zink klor’ ide Zindotrine zin’ doe treen Zinoconazole Hydrochloride zin” oh kon’ a zole hye” droe klor’ ide Zinostatin zin” oh stat’ in Zinterol Hydrochloride zin’ ter ol hye” droe klor’ ide Zinviroxime zin” vir ox’ eem Ziprasidone Hydrochloride zi pras’ i done hye” droe klor’ ide Ziprasidone Mesylate zi pras’ i done mes’ i late Zofenopril Calcium zoe fen’ oh pril kal’ see um Zofenoprilat Arginine zoe fen’ oh pril at Zolamine Hydrochloride zol’ a meen hye” droe klor’ ide Zolazepam Hydrochloride zoe laz’ e pam hye” droe klor’ ide Zoledronate Disodium zoe” le droe’ nate dye soe’ dee um Zoledronate Trisodium zoe” le droe’ nate trye soe’ dee um Zoledronic Acid zoe” le dron’ ik as’ id Zolertine Hydrochloride zoe’ ler teen hye” droe klor’ ide Zolimomab Aritox zoe lim’ oh mab ar’ i tox Zolmitriptan zole” mi trip’ tan Zolpidem Tartrate zole pi’ dem tar’ trate Zomepirac Sodium zoe me’ pir ak soe’ dee um Zometapine zoe met’ a peen Zonampanel zon am’ pa nel Zoniclezole Hydrochloride zoe nik’ le zole hye” droe klor’ ide Zoniporide Mesylate zoe nip’ or ide mes’ i late Zonisamide zoe nis’ a mide Zopolrestat zoe pol’ re stat Zorbamycin zor ba mye’ sin APPENDIX 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name 375 APPENDIx 2: Product Names and Corresponding Pronunciation Key Drug Name Pronunciation Guide Zorubicin Hydrochloride zoe roo’ bi sin hye” droe klor’ ide Zosuquidar Trihydrochloride zoe soo’ kwi dar trye hye” droe klor’ ide Zotarolimus zoe” tar oh’ li mus Zucapsaicin zoo kap say’ sin Zuclomiphene zoo kloe’ mi feen 376 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendices (MEDMARX Historical Findings) Technical Appendix 1: Facility Characteristics, CY 2006 ................................................................................................................... 378 Technical Appendix 2: Error Category Index, CY 2002–CY 2006 ...................................................................................................... 379 Technical Appendix 3: Node, CY 2002–CY 2006 .............................................................................................................................. 380 Technical Appendix 4: Types of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 ................................................................................................................. 381 Technical Appendix 5: Cross-Tabulation of Types of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 .......................................................... 382 Technical Appendix 6: Causes of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 ............................................................................................................... 383 Technical Appendix 7: Cross-Tabulation of Causes of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 ........................................................... 386 Technical Appendix 8: Contributing Factors, CY 2002–CY 2006 ...................................................................................................... 389 Technical Appendix 9: Actions Taken as a Result of the Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 ............................................................................ 390 Technical Appendix 10: Level of Care Rendered as a Result of the Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 ............................................................ 391 Technical Appendix 11: Products Most Frequently Involved in Medication Errors (All Categories), CY 2006 .................................... 392 Technical Appendix 12: Products Most Frequently Involved in Harmful Medication Errors (Categories E–I), CY 2006 ...................... 393 Technical Appendix 13: Products and Error Descriptions, Category I (Patient Deaths), CY 2006 ...................................................... 396 377 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 1: Facility Characteristics, CY 2006 TYPE OF FACILITY n BED SIZE % n % Ambulatory or other outpatient clinic 99 19.1 No-bed facility 109 21.0 Critical Access Hospital 53 10.2 <50 141 27.2 307 59.2 50–99 63 12.1 General Community Hospital 2 0.4 100–199 74 14.3 13 2.5 200–299 56 10.8 Specialty/Children’s Hospital 4 0.8 300–399 37 7.1 Specialty/Psychiatric Hospital or Residential Treatment Center 5 1.0 ≥400 37 7.1 34 6.6 2 0.4 2 0.4 Long-Term Care/Domicile Care Unit/Nursing Home Outpatient Pharmacy University Hospital Did not specify Total TYPE OF FACILITY 519 n Government, federal Government, nonfederal (state/city/county) Non-government nonprofit % 207 39.9 51 9.8 256 49.3 For-profit 3 0.6 Did not specify 2 0.4 Total 378 MEDMARX DATA REPORT 519 Did not specify Total 519 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 2: Error Category Index, CY 2002–CY 2006 CATEGORY CY 2002 n CY 2003 % n CY 2004 % n CY 2005 % n CY 2006 % n % A 30,111 15.6 37,023 15.7 5.7 35,162 14.1 23,698 10.7 17,906 10.2 B 67,707 35.2 90,296 38.4 105,179 42.3 95,412 43.2 74,786 42.4 C 79,267 41.2 90,012 38.3 90,724 36.5 85,286 38.6 70,845 40.2 D 12,179 6.3 14,271 6.1 14,444 5.8 13,661 6.2 10,635 6.0 E 2,600 1.35 2,845 1.2 2,528 1.02 2,305 1.04 1,742 1.0 F 514 0.27 574 0.24 569 0.23 523 0.24 408 0.2 G 32 0.02 40 0.02 29 0.01 33 0.01 23 0.01 H 47 0.02 74 0.03 66 0.03 65 0.03 50 0.03 I 20 0.01 24 0.01 32 0.01 17 0.01 14 0.01 TOTAL % Harmful 192,477 235,159 1.67 248,733 1.51 221,000 1.30 176,409 1.33 1.25 379 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 3: Node, CY 2002–CY 2006 CY 2002 Node Procurementb Prescribing n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 322 ›1 1,355 1 34,650 21 45,993 23 54,273 26 43,228 22 31,308 20 Transcribing/Documenting 37,301 23 45,695 23 44,921 21 41,732 21 30,682 19 Dispensing 35,016 22 43,481 22 50,492 24 51,051 26 47,147 30 Administering 53,612 33 60,788 31 61,373 29 59,018 30 46,320 29 1,758 1 2,179 1 2,062 1 1,962 1 1,691 1 29 <1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monitoring Data not provided a b Percentages have been rounded. Selection added during CY 2005. 380 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 4: Types of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 Type of Error CY 2002 n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a Improper dose/quantity 44,593 26 49,100 23 58,861 24 54,034 24 43,958 25 Omission error 44,786 26 52,078 24 52,945 21 51,793 23 39,253 22 Prescribing error 32,416 19 48,954 22 59,972 24 42,081 19 29,809 17 Unauthorized/wrong drug 19,409 11 22,635 10 27,302 11 32,772 15 28,350 16 Wrong time 12,103 7 14,116 6 16,923 7 16,511 7 12,007 7 Extra dose 8,704 5 11,465 5 14,334 6 13,994 6 10,333 6 Wrong patient 8,196 5 10,647 5 12,546 5 11,011 5 9,656 6 Wrong dosage form 3,611 2 5,799 3 6,509 3 5,881 3 5,260 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 23 <1 6,127 3 9,217 5 Drug prepared incorrectly 7,204 4 10,591 5 12,291 5 3,540 2 2,832 2 Wrong administration technique 2,372 1 2,669 1 3,790 2 3,599 2 2,670 2 Wrong route 2,738 2 3,273 2 3,649 2 3,451 2 3,066 2 Expired product 26 <1 632 <1 870 <1 809 <1 925 <1 Deteriorated product 55 <1 288 <1 730 <1 754 <1 688 <1 Type not determined c 103 <1 16,980 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Number of selections 186,316 249,227 270,745 246,357 198,024 Number of records 174,930 218,347 247,250 221,000 176,401 Mislabelingb a b c Percentages have been rounded. Selection added during CY 2004. Selection no longer available in the pick list. 381 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 5: Cross-Tabulation of Types of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 Nonharmful Type of Error n Harmful % n % Wrong administration technique 2,534 94.9 136 5.1 Drug prepared incorrectly 2,780 98.2 52 1.8 Wrong route 3,012 98.2 54 1.8 38,658 98.5 595 1.5 Improper dose/quantity 43,310 98.5 648 1.5 Extra dose 10,200 98.7 133 1.3 Unauthorized/wrong drug 28,010 98.8 340 1.2 Prescribing error 29,533 99.1 276 0.9 Wrong time 11,900 99.1 107 0.9 Omission error Deteriorated product 683 99.3 5 0.7 Wrong dosage form 5,224 99.3 36 0.7 Wrong patient 9,599 99.4 57 0.6 Mislabeling 9,199 99.8 18 0.2 924 99.9 1 0.1 a Expired product Total Number of Selections Number of Records a Selection added during CY 2004. 382 MEDMARX DATA REPORT 198,024 176,401 195,566 2,458 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 6: Causes of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 Cause of Error CY 2002 n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a Performance deficit 63,954 37 81,024 38 95,542 39 93,618 42 81,282 46 Procedure/protocol not followed 28,857 17 35,937 17 41,295 17 41,069 19 34,880 20 Computer entry 17,998 10 27,711 13 29,483 12 30,898 14 24,715 14 Communication 16,336 9 16,614 8 24,987 10 24,248 11 18,190 10 Transcription inaccurate/omitted 22,572 13 28,029 13 26,192 11 24,074 11 18,983 11 Knowledge deficit 17,198 10 24,099 11 24,235 10 21,703 10 20,067 11 Documentation 17,788 10 25,490 12 29,748 12 20,954 10 17,023 10 n/a n/a 7,029 3 13,647 6 12,325 6 10,752 6 9,522 5 11,223 5 14,130 6 11,981 5 6,758 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a 9,848 4 11,437 5 6,775 4 Computerized prescriber order entryb Written order Workflow disruption b Abbreviations 2,356 1 7,464 4 14,775 6 9,889 4 5,322 3 Monitoring inadequate/lacking 4,374 3 5,486 3 5,644 2 8,467 4 5,692 3 System safeguard(s) 4,937 3 6,867 3 5,907 2 6,833 3 4,510 3 n/a n/a 7 <1 4,714 2 5,395 2 5,007 3 Drug distribution system 16,316 9 9,220 4 4,852 2 5,014 2 3,853 2 Handwriting illegible/unclear 4,924 3 6,134 3 6,450 3 4,972 2 3,433 2 Calculation error 3,862 2 6,264 3 6,997 3 4,865 2 5,045 3 Dispensing device involved 12,371 7 8,862 4 5,666 2 4,400 2 3,181 2 Dosage form confusion 3,487 2 4,687 2 5,257 2 4,335 2 3,463 2 Patient identification failure b Contraindicated, drug allergy 2,655 2 3,540 2 4,190 2 3,585 2 2,688 2 Verbal order 3,038 2 3,385 2 3,941 2 3,320 2 2,338 1 Incorrect medication activation 1,527 1 1,790 1 2,423 1 3,236 2 1,940 1 Brand/generic names look alike 2,775 2 2,869 1 3,183 1 3,189 1 2,520 1 Computer software 1,380 1 3,391 2 3,811 2 3,096 1 3,236 2 Preprinted medication order form 1,860 1 2,250 1 2,961 1 2,899 1 2,667 2 Continued next page > 383 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 6: Causes of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 (continued) Cause of Error CY 2002 n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a Fax/scanner involved 3,003 2 3,965 2 4,436 2 2,837 1 1,845 1 Generic names look alike 1,485 1 1,966 1 2,435 1 2,325 1 2,078 1 Labeling (your facility’s) 1,453 1 1,999 1 2,173 1 2,273 1 1,464 n/a n/a n/a n/a 14 <1 2,254 1 2,605 1 1,997 1 2,636 1 2,719 1 2,179 1 1,921 1 5 <1 956 <1 1,907 1 2,157 1 1,858 1 1,733 1 1,835 1 2,032 1 2,099 1 1,925 1 Brand/generic names sound alike 1,675 1 2,176 1 2,275 1 2,088 1 1,744 1 Pump, improper use 1,433 1 1,771 1 1,910 1 1,975 1 1,455 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 <1 1,920 1 1,219 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,833 1 6,930 4 Similar products Brand names look alike Storage proximity Similar packaging/labeling Reconciliation-transition MAR variance b b Information management system 959 1 1,467 1 1,231 1 1,733 1 1,176 1 Generic names sound alike 1,097 1 1,520 1 1,811 1 1,690 1 1,516 1 Brand names sound alike 1,755 1 1,894 1 1,700 1 1,407 1 1,293 1 Packaging/container design 1,537 1 1,756 1 1,719 1 1,406 1 1,217 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 26 <1 979 <1 1,656 1 Reconciliation-admission b 3 <1 2,561 1 1,896 1 841 <1 872 <1 Contraindicated, drug/drug 1,092 1 1,496 1 1,062 <1 829 <1 704 <1 Label (your facility’s) design 1,029 1 788 <1 846 <1 707 <1 478 <1 Non-formulary drug 835 <1 927 <1 951 <1 643 <1 454 <1 b Blanket orders n/a n/a n/a n/a 417 <1 581 <1 410 <1 Label (manufacturer’s) design 709 <1 924 <1 733 <1 580 <1 400 <1 Equipment (not pumps)b n/a n/a 1 <1 408 <1 453 <1 329 <1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 <1 424 <1 309 <1 1 <1 299 <1 393 <1 420 <1 350 <1 309 <1 397 <1 482 <1 382 <1 301 <1 Decimal point Reconciliation-discharge b Repackaging by your facility Diluent wrong Continued next page > 384 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 6: Causes of Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 (continued) Cause of Error CY 2002 n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a Drug shortageb n/a n/a 538 <1 626 <1 379 <1 295 <1 Pump, failure/malfunction 413 <1 415 <1 391 <1 371 <1 252 <1 Contraindicated in disease 503 <1 534 <1 504 <1 360 <1 315 <1 Leading zero missing 128 <1 548 <1 1,073 <1 339 <1 160 <1 Override n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 302 <1 1,183 1 Prefix/suffix misinterpreted 183 <1 250 <1 279 <1 237 <1 161 <1 Equipment design 469 <1 764 <1 263 <1 231 <1 192 <1 Nonmetric units used 129 <1 261 <1 276 <1 204 <1 101 <1 Trailing/terminal zero 116 <1 238 <1 445 <1 190 <1 83 <1 Reference material 144 <1 195 <1 183 <1 180 <1 160 <1 Computer screen display unclear/ confusingb n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 137 <1 Barcode, failure to scanb n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 114 <1 Measuring device 137 <1 208 <1 165 <1 109 <1 102 <1 Weight n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 73 <1 185 <1 Contraindicated in pregnancy/ breastfeedingb n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 63 <1 75 <1 Repackaging by other facilityb n/a n/a 58 <1 72 <1 60 <1 49 <1 Unlabeled syringe/container n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 17 <1 49 <1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 41 <1 34 <1 84 <1 94 <1 44 <1 41 <1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 <1 b b b Barcode, override warningb Contraindicated, drug/food Barcode, medication mislabeled b Number of selections Number of records 284,453 364,799 427,852 405,976 334,544 174,053 212,754 245,922 221,000 176,401 a Percentages have been rounded. b Selection not available all five years. 385 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 7: Cross-Tabulation of Causes of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 Cause of Error Nonharmful Harmful (Category A–D) (Category E–I) n Contraindicated, drug/food Pump, failure/malfunction % 38 n 92.7 % 3 7.3 236 93.7 16 6.3 1,371 94.2 84 5.8 Diluent wrong 284 94.4 17 5.6 Contraindicated in disease 298 94.6 17 5.4 Barcode, medication mislabeled 19 95.0 1 5.0 Measuring device 97 95.1 5 4.9 Equipment design 184 95.8 8 4.2 72 96.0 3 4.0 2,598 96.7 90 3.3 Pump, improper use Contraindicated in pregnancy/breastfeeding Contraindicated, drug allergy Weight 179 96.8 6 3.2 Reconciliation-admission 1,606 97.0 50 3.0 Monitoring inadequate/lacking 5,521 97.0 171 3.0 300 97.1 9 2.9 Reconciliation-discharge Decimal point 441 97.1 13 2.9 System safeguard(s) 4,387 97.3 123 2.7 Incorrect medication activation 1,891 97.5 49 2.5 Reference material 156 97.5 4 2.5 Prefix/suffix misinterpreted 157 97.5 4 2.5 Trailing/terminal zero 81 97.6 2 2.4 Label (your facility’s) design 467 97.7 11 2.3 Equipment (not pumps) failure/malfunction 322 97.9 7 2.1 48 98.0 1 2.0 289 98.0 6 2.0 99 98.0 2 2.0 Repackaging by other facility Drug shortage Non-metric units used Continued next page > 386 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 7: Cross-Tabulation of Causes of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 (continued) Cause of Error Nonharmful Harmful (Category A–D) (Category E–I) n % n % Communication 17,832 98.0 358 2.0 Procedure/protocol not followed 34,195 98.0 685 2.0 Information management system 1,153 98.0 23 2.0 19,690 98.1 377 1.9 6,640 98.3 118 1.7 Knowledge deficit Written order Packaging/container design 1,196 98.3 21 1.7 Handwriting illegible/unclear 3,380 98.5 53 1.5 Calculation error 4,968 98.5 77 1.5 Reconciliation-transition 1,201 98.5 18 1.5 Fax/scanner involved 1,818 98.5 27 1.5 Preprinted medication order form 2,628 98.5 39 1.5 135 98.5 2 1.5 Labeling (your facility’s) 1,443 98.6 21 1.4 Similar packaging/labeling 1,898 98.6 27 1.4 Dispensing device involved 3,139 98.7 42 1.3 Drug distribution system 3,803 98.7 50 1.3 Verbal order 2,308 98.7 30 1.3 80,255 98.7 1,027 1.3 Computer screen display unclear/confusing Performance deficit Leading zero missing 158 98.8 2 1.3 18,767 98.9 216 1.1 696 98.9 8 1.1 Dosage form confusion 3,424 98.9 39 1.1 MAR variance 6,859 99.0 71 1.0 1,171 99.0 12 1.0 396 99.0 4 1.0 Transcription inaccurate/omitted Contraindicated, drug/drug Override Label (manufacturer’s) design Continued next page > 387 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 7: Cross-Tabulation of Causes of Error by Error Category Index, CY 2006 (continued) Cause of Error Nonharmful Harmful (Category A–D) (Category E–I) n % n % Generic names sound alike 1,501 99.0 15 1.0 Computer software 3,204 99.0 32 1.0 Blanket orders 406 99.0 4 1.0 Non-formulary drug 864 99.1 8 0.9 113 99.1 1 0.9 16,875 99.1 148 0.9 2,060 99.1 18 0.9 347 99.1 3 0.9 Barcode, failure to scan Documentation Generic names look alike Repackaging by your facility Brand names sound alike 1,282 99.1 11 0.9 Brand/generic names sound alike 1,730 99.2 14 0.8 Patient identification failure 4,967 99.2 40 0.8 Brand/generic names look alike 2,501 99.2 19 0.8 Storage proximity 1,845 99.3 13 0.7 Workflow disruption 6,728 99.3 47 0.7 24,550 99.3 165 0.7 Brand names look alike 1,909 99.4 12 0.6 Similar products 2,594 99.6 11 0.4 Computer entry Abbreviations 5,305 99.7 17 0.3 10,727 99.8 25 0.2 Barcode, override warning 41 100 0 0.0 Unlabeled syringe/container 49 100 0 0.0 Computerized prescriber order entry Number of selections 334,544 Number of records 176,401 388 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 8: Contributing Factors, CY 2002–CY 2006 CY 2002 Contributing Factor n Patient names similar/sameb Distractions Staffing, alternative hours Workload increase Cross coverage Staff, agency/temporary Emergency situation Imprint, identification failure b No 24-hour pharmacy Poor lighting Staff, floating Computer system/network down CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a n/a n/a 2 <1 1,176 2 1,123 2 908 2 16,050 43 21,333 43 26,515 47 24,362 47 19,706 48 581 2 650 1 620 1 595 1 401 1 8,362 22 9,959 20 15,386 27 13,700 26 9,676 23 929 3 1,799 4 3,553 6 3,705 7 2,607 6 1,888 5 2,176 4 1,751 3 1,572 3 1,589 4 1,684 5 1,974 4 1,740 3 1,560 3 1,226 3 n/a n/a 8 <1 941 2 2,819 5 1,302 3 1,414 4 1,214 2 1,649 3 1,576 3 1,520 4 230 1 257 1 284 <1 200 <1 205 <1 1,023 3 1,353 3 1,239 2 1,305 3 940 2 3 <1 718 1 800 1 793 2 636 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 316 1 1,034 3 No access to patient information 690 2 1,672 3 1,411 3 927 2 933 2 Patient transfer n/a n/a 1,690 3 2,331 4 2,524 5 1,799 4 Staff, inexperienced 6,803 18 8,381 17 8,445 15 9,635 19 10,202 25 Staffing, insufficient 4,861 13 4,638 9 4,647 8 4,272 8 3,261 8 Fatigue b b Code situation 390 1 503 1 597 1 493 1 317 <1 Range ordersb n/a n/a n/a n/a 170 <1 264 1 203 <1 2,248 6 2,440 5 2,630 5 2,451 5 1951 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 39 <1 Shift change Barcode, missing b n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 <1 Barcode, non-readableb n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8 <1 Language barrier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6 <1 Barcode, system non-functional b b Number of selections 47,156 60, 767 75,885 74,192 60,487 Number of records 37,422 50,101 57,010 52,011 41,452 a Percentages have been rounded. b Selection not available all five years. 389 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 9: Actions Taken as a Result of the Error, CY 2002—CY2006 CY 2002 Actions n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a Informed staff who made the initial error 48,507 65 62,364 55 74,621 56 68,665 56 55,426 56 Informed staff who was also involved in error 13,267 18 20,314 18 19,703 15 18,054 15 15,145 15 n/a n/a 7,897 7 17,933 13 20,194 16 16,859 17 14,509 19 19,711 18 24,136 18 20,053 16 16,315 17 Informed patient’s physician b Education/Training provided None 8,031 11 13,382 12 16,768 13 15,946 13 12,606 13 Communication process enhanced 8,642 12 16,712 15 17,959 13 13,810 11 11,429 12 Informed patient/caregiver of medication error 4,390 6 6,249 6 7,209 5 7,066 6 5,317 5 Computer software modified/obtained 748 1 971 1 1,167 1 1,130 1 1,129 1 Environment modified 749 1 873 1 843 1 790 1 615 <1 Policy/Procedure changed 746 1 1,588 1 842 1 817 1 678 <1 Policy/Procedure instituted 488 1 577 1 662 <1 552 <1 682 <1 Formulary changed 197 <1 265 <1 194 <1 172 <1 108 <1 Staffing practice/policy modified 760 1 956 1 1,346 1 933 1 532 <1 Number of selections Number of records Percent of records with selections a Percentages have been rounded. b Selection added during CY 2003. 390 MEDMARX DATA REPORT 101,034 151,859 183,383 168,182 136,841 74,796 112,607 134,097 122,423 98,899 39 48 54 55 56 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 10: Level of Care Rendered as a Result of the Error, CY 2002–CY 2006 Level of Care None CY 2002 n CY 2003 % a n CY 2004 % a n CY 2005 % a n CY 2006 % a n % a 29,560 72 62,240 75 52,104 69 45,477 66 37,442 65 4,271 10 11,762 14 11,297 15 8,779 13 6,940 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,656 5 6,350 9 6,685 12 Observation initiated/increased 4,891 12 6,425 8 6,323 8 5,828 9 4,719 8 Laboratory tests performed 2,700 7 3,342 4 3,139 4 2,889 4 2,357 4 Vital signs monitoring initiated/increased Drug therapy initiated/changed Delay in diagnosis/treatment/surgeryb 2,301 6 3,120 4 3,066 4 2,887 4 2,161 4 Antidote administered 297 1 661 1 670 1 570 1 548 1 Hospitalization, prolonged 1–5 days 453 1 502 1 471 1 395 1 340 <1 Transferred to a higher level of care 237 1 306 <1 304 <1 309 <1 268 <1 Oxygen administered 204 <1 270 <1 238 <1 233 <1 188 <1 X-ray, CAT, MRI, or other diagnostic test(s) performed 158 <1 168 <1 167 <1 153 <1 122 <1 Narcotic antagonist administered 135 <1 181 <1 187 <1 182 <1 115 <1 Hospitalization, initial 122 <1 123 <1 120 <1 144 <1 87 <1 Blood product infusionb n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 <1 36 <1 30 <1 Airway established/patient ventilated 91 <1 37 <1 30 <1 22 <1 28 <1 Surgery performed 19 <1 26 <1 33 <1 23 <1 26 <1 Hospitalization, prolonged 6–10 days 23 <1 15 <1 23 <1 25 <1 21 <1 44 <1 33 <1 33 <1 22 <1 17 <1 n/a <1 15 <1 10 <1 6 <1 11 <1 Hospitalization, prolonged more than 10 days 19 <1 10 <1 14 <1 12 <1 8 <1 Cardiac defibrillation performed 20 <1 10 <1 12 <1 7 <1 5 <1 CPR administered Dialysisb Number of selections 45,545 89,246 81,917 74,349 62,118 Number of records 40,846 83,224 76,011 68,532 57,230 a Percentages have been rounded. b Selection not available all five years. 391 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 11: Products Most Frequently Involved in Medication Errors (All Categories), CY 2006 Generic Name n % 7,492 3.9 4,481 2.3 4,269 2.2 Vancomycin 3,308 1.7 Heparin Insulina Potassium Chloride Morphine a a 3,216 1.7 Albuterol 3,137 1.6 Cefazolin 2,957 1.5 a 2,658 1.4 a 2,611 1.4 Furosemide 2,600 1.4 Acetaminophen 2,451 1.3 Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen 2,326 1.2 Levofloxacin 2,146 1.1 Warfarin a Enoxaparin Oxycodone and Acetaminophen 1,917 1.0 Metoprolol Tartrate 1,915 1.0 Lorazepam 1,875 1.0 1,788 0.9 1,739 0.9 Aspirin Hydromorphone a Lisinopril 1,662 0.9 Levothyroxine 1,601 0.8 Piperacillin and Tazobactam 1,553 0.8 Ibuprofen 1,546 0.8 Ceftriaxone 1,536 0.8 Simvastatin 1,458 0.8 Fentanyl 1,435 0.7 a Note: Data based on 166,871 records associated with 191,874 selections and 1,514 unique products a A high-alert medication 392 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 12: Products Most Frequently Involved in Harmful Medication Errors (Categories E–I), CY 2006 Generic Name Insulina Morphine Heparin a a Hydromorphone a n % 428 16.2 123 4.6 83 3.1 71 2.7 a 61 2.3 Fentanyla 59 2.2 Potassium Chloridea 53 2.0 Vancomycin 45 1.7 Enoxaparin Warfarin 44 1.7 Diltiazem 37 1.4 Furosemide 31 1.2 Total Parenteral Nutrition 28 1.1 Promethazine 25 0.9 a Levofloxacin 23 0.9 Oxycodone 22 0.8 Ceftriaxone 21 0.8 Midazolam 21 0.8 Phenytoin 21 0.8 Clonidine 20 0.8 Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen 20 0.8 Sodium Chloride 20 0.8 Lorazepam 19 0.7 Meperidine 19 0.7 Metoprolol Tartrate 19 0.7 Cefazolin 18 0.7 Note: Data based on 2,209 records associated with 2,650 selections and 435 unique products a A high-alert medication 393 TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 13: Products and Error Descriptions, Category I (Patient Deaths), CY 2006 Generic Name Error Description Calcium Gluconate Dextrose 50% Furosemide Insulin Morphine Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate An emergency room patient’s admission to the hospital unit was delayed due to multiple patient transfers. The medications to correct hyperkalemia were not given until the patient reached the unit. As a result of delay, the patient’s condition deteriorated and the patient expired. Clopidogrel Enoxaparin Fentanyl Gabapentin Oxybutynin Transdermal Propoxyphene Napsylate Risperidone Warfarin Zolpidem An elderly patient fell and sustained a large subdural hematoma. The combination of numerous blood thinning agents among the patient’s medications contributed to the death. Enoxaparin The inaccurate recording a patient’s weight as 130 kilograms instead of 130 pounds resulted in an excessive dose of enoxaparin administered over several days. The elderly patient sustained intracranial bleeding and expired. Fentanyl A physician intended to order transdermal patch of fentanyl 25 mcg/hour. During computer entry, the physician selected transdermal patch fentanyl 75 mcg/hour because it was listed first on the screen. The order was processed and the medication dispensed. The patient, who was between the ages of 40 and 50 years, was found unresponsive at home the following day, with the death being attributed to the excessive dose of fentanyl. Fentanyl A patient between the ages of 50 and 60 years received one transdermal fentanyl patch (75 mcg/hour). The patient expired at home, with the cause attributed to an irregular heart rhythm induced by multiple-drug intoxication. Heparin An elderly patient received an incorrect dose of heparin. Contributing to the error was an inexperienced staff member temporarily assigned to the unit (i.e., a floating staff member). Continued next page > 394 MEDMARX DATA REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES Technical Appendix 13: Products and Error Descriptions, Category I (Patient Deaths), CY 2006 (continued) Generic Name Error Description Heparin An elderly anemic patient over the age of 85 years received a heparin infusion. The patient developed bleeding, and an antidote was ordered. The nursing unit received the antidote, but it was the wrong amount. A second order was sent to the pharmacy, but was not marked as “STAT”. There was a delay in the patient receiving the medication. Lamotrigine A patient over 60 years of age was ordered 100 mg of lamotrigine four times daily (for a total daily dose of 400 mg). The patient actually received a 400 mg dose, four times a day (total daily dose of 1,600 mg). It was thought that a verbal telephone order contributed to the patient receiving the excessive dose. Metformin An elderly diabetic patient over the age of 85 years was receiving metformin prior to hospitalization. While the patient was in the emergency room, it was noted that there were abnormal liver function and renal tests. The patient underwent a CT scan with contrast media. There were no orders to hold the metformin, nor did radiology staff initiate renal protective measures. As a result of the oversight, the patient developed renal failure requiring dialysis. The patient subsequently expired. Norepinephrine An error in programming an infusion device led to a child of less than 16 years of age receiving too little medication, which resulted in hypotension and the child’s death. Pancuronium A dose of pancuronium (a paralyzing agent) was given in error as a patient was being extubated from the ventilator. The patient expired. Phytonadione An adult patient with advanced liver disease presented to an emergency department. An order was given to administer phytonadione 10 mg intravenously. A nurse administered the medication. The patient became unresponsive soon afterwards, and cardio-respiratory resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. It was determined that the medication should not have been ordered nor should it have been given intravenously. Phytonadione A patient (age not specified) was ordered an intravenous dose of phytonadione 10 mg. A nurse obtained the medication from an automated dispensing cabinet and administered the medication intravenously over 10 minutes. After receiving the medication, the patient became bradycardic, apneic, and unresponsive. Cardio-respiratory resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. 395 TECHNICAL APPENDICES 396 MEDMARX DATA REPORT GLOSSARY Glossary Abbreviations—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes symbols and acronyms. Administering—A phase (node) in the medication use process where the drug product and patient interface. It follows the documenting and/ or dispensing nodes and precedes the monitoring node. Administering activities (e.g., MAR/patient armband check) may begin in the patient care unit, care delivery area, or patient bedside and continue through actual drug administration to the patient. Includes giving the right medication to the right patient at the right time and informing the patient about the medication. Brand names look alike—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Brand names of different products look similar. Brand names sound alike—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Brand name of another product sound similar. Brand/generic look alike—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. The brand name of one product and the generic names of different products look similar. Calculation error—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A miscalculation occurred when trying to determine a mathematical value. Category Index—A classification system developed by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention to group medication errors by their outcomes into one of nine categories (A–I). Code situation—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. An emergency situation in which a specialized team of healthcare professionals is summoned to the scene by an agreed-upon signal (e.g., code blue) to deliver immediate life support measures to a patient. Communication—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Involves communication that is confusing, intimidating, or lacking between staff, between hospital staff and patient/family, or between hospital staff and another facility’s staff. Computer entry—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Incorrect or incomplete information was entered into a computer system associated with the medication use process. Computerized prescriber order entry—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A medication error occurs in the prescribing node (phase) of the medication use process due to the incorrect or incomplete entry of a medication order/prescription into the computer system by a licensed prescriber. Contraindicated, drug allergy—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A patient is prescribed, dispensed, or administered a medication for which there is a documented drug/food interaction. Cross coverage—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. A healthcare professional who does not have initial/primary responsibility for a patient but is temporarily assuming responsibility for a specified time period (e.g., lunch break, weekend, holiday) and therefore may have inadequate knowledge of the patient. Deteriorated product—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A product in which the physical or chemical integrity may have been compromised by improper storage, light exposure, temperature, container type, etc. Dispensing—A phase (node) in the medication use process that begins with a pharmacist’s assessment of a medication order and continues to the point of releasing the product for use by another healthcare professional. Dispensing activities include order review, entry/processing, preparing, and dispensing (including stocking automated dispensing devices). Dispensing device involved—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes automated counting and vending systems. Distractions—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. Events that interfere with or interrupt an individual’s concentrating on the original focus of attention. Documentation—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX list that is a record of pertinent information that is inaccurate or lacking. 397 GLOSSARY Dosage form confusion—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Confusion due to similarity in color, shape, and/or size to another product, or to a different strength of the same product. Drug distribution system—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes stocking (e.g., automated drug dispensing machines), storage, cart filling, and transportation. Drug prepared incorrectly—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Incorrect preparation/formulation of a drug product (e.g., incorrectly reconstituted or diluted). Emergency situation—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. A serious situation or occurrence that is unexpected and demands immediate action. Expired product—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A product that must be removed from stock due to its expiration date, according to policies and procedures. Extra dose—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Involves a duplicate dose administered at a different time. Note: A dose administered after the order was discontinued is considered an Unauthorized/wrong drug. Fax/scanner involved—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A faxed version of the medication order is not accurately transmitted (e.g., the faxed version is too light to read, paper lines may interfere with correct interpretation of the order). Gatekeeper—An individual at the local facility who may assign administrative rights (i.e., access levels to the MEDMARX program) to multiple MEDMARX users within the facility. Gatekeeper(s) can train facility staff to ensure that MEDMARX records are accurate, complete, and updated with all necessary information. Handwriting illegible/unclear—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Handwriting that is not legible and/or not obvious to the individual who is trying to interpret the written information. 398 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Harm—Death, or a temporary or permanent impairment of body function/ structure requiring intervention. Intervention may include monitoring the patient’s condition, change in therapy, or active medical or surgical treatment. Definition established by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP), 1996. Imprint identification failure—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. Improper imprinting of patient information on charts or orders resulting in information that is wrong, incomplete, unclear, or missing. Improper dose/quantity—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Involves any dose or strength that differs from the prescribed dose or strength. Includes incorrect quantity (e.g., tablets, vials) dispensed. Knowledge deficit—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Lack of understanding; the person did not know better (e.g., a new drug enters the market and the healthcare professional is not aware of its release). MAR—Medication administration record. Medication error—Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the healthcare professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, healthcare products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communications; product labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use. Source: The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP), 1995. MEDMARX—The Internet-accessible medication error reporting program operated by the U.S. Pharmacopeia that complements quality improvement activities at the local and national levels. MEDMARX is available through a subscription service. Mislabeling—The drug product was labeled incorrectly. GLOSSARY Monitoring—A phase (node) in the medication use process that involves evaluating the patient’s physical, emotional, or psychological response to the medication and recording such findings. Monitoring inadequate/lacking—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes monitoring of blood levels, vital signs, and the like. NCC MERP—The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention. No 24-hour pharmacy—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. The institution does not have a pharmacist present 24 hours daily. No access to patient information—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. Lacking access to pertinent patient information, resulting in inadequate knowledge of the patient. This information may include medication history, medical diagnosis, medical/surgical history, etc. Note: Failure by the healthcare professional to seek or review available patient information is a Cause of error and should be coded as a Performance deficit (chosen from the Cause of error pick list). Node—A phase in the medication use process (e.g., prescribing, documenting, dispensing, administering, monitoring). Poor lighting—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. The lighting where the initial medication error occurred is inadequate. Preprinted medication order form—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. The format, type, size/font, quality, etc. of the medication order form caused an order to be misinterpreted. Prescribing—The phase (node) in the medication use process that involves an action of a legitimate prescriber to issue a medication order. This phase precedes the documenting node. Prescribing error—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Involves an incorrectly prescribed or authorized order (written or verbal). Procedure/protocol not followed—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes, for example, established drug regimens, multiple checkpoints. Product—The nonproprietary (generic) name of the pharmaceutical agent(s) reported to be involved in an error. Range orders—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. An order in which the dose or frequency of a prescribed medication varies in response to the patient’s clinical situation or condition. Omission error—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Involves failure to administer an ordered dose; excludes a patient’s refusal and a clinical decision (contraindication) or other reason not to administer (e.g., patient sent to a procedure). Reconciliation-admission—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. The process of identifying an exact list of a patient’s medications and comparing it against the orders that are made during admission. Patient identification failure—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Patient identity was not verified or correctly identified (e.g., via wrist band or medical identification card). Reconciliation-transition—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. The process of identifying an exact list of a patient’s medications and comparing it against the orders that are made during transfer. Performance deficit—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. An error may not be attributed to any specific cause; the reason for the error cannot be explained; the person was educated and/or trained and should have known better. Note: If the person was not educated and/or trained, the Cause of error should be classified as Knowledge deficit (chosen from the Cause of error pick list). Reconciliation-discharge—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. The process of identifying an exact list of a patient’s medications and comparing it against the orders that are made during discharge. 399 GLOSSARY Record—An actual or potential medication error documented in the MEDMARX database. Records can be stored on hold for updating, or records can be released to the general database, where they become viewable and searchable by others. Transcribing/documenting—A phase (node) in the medication use process that involves anything related to the act of transcribing an order (by someone other than the prescriber) for order processing (e.g., electronically or manually in the patient’s record). Shift change—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. The time period when a worker or group of workers relieves another (e.g., when the day shift relieves the night shift). Transcription inaccurate/omitted—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Information is copied incorrectly or not copied at all. Similar packaging/labeling—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Example: the packaging/labeling of two or more different products look similar, causing one product to be mistaken for the other. Staff, agency/temporary—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. A contracted healthcare professional who is not a permanent employee of the facility. Staff, floating—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. An employee normally dedicated to one particular area within the facility who is assigned to temporarily cover another unit or area. Staff, inexperienced—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. Staff member who has not worked within a particular system or setting, or who may be a novice in a specific area. Staffing, alternative hours—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. Includes any deviation from normal (e.g., 8-hour) shifts, such as overtime, double shifts, and 12-hour shifts. Staffing, insufficient—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. The number and skill level of employees are less than required to safely manage the amount of work assigned or expected. System safeguard(s)—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. System safeguard(s) are inadequate or lacking. Examples: lack of repetition of verbal orders, double-checking by another person, and computer system alert for maximum dosing. 400 MEDMARX DATA REPORT Unauthorized/wrong drug—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Medication that was not authorized by a legitimate prescriber is dispensed and/or administered. Note: Select Wrong patient when ordered for, dispensed for, or administered to the wrong patient. Verbal order—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Verbal order was confusing, incomplete, or misunderstood. Workflow disruption—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Interruption of normal workflow processes through the introduction of barriers to complete performance responsibilities and requirements; may include unavailability of staff to perform an assigned task due to competing priorities. Workload increase—A Contributing factor from the MEDMARX pick list. The amount of work assigned to or expected from an employee in a specified time period exceeds normal limits. Written order—A Cause of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Written order is confusing, incomplete, or misunderstood. Excludes illegible orders. Wrong administration technique—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Inappropriate/improper technique used in the administration of a drug; includes incorrectly activating a drug administration system and inappropriately crushing tablets. Wrong dosage form—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A dosage form dispensed/administered other than that ordered by the prescriber. GLOSSARY Wrong patient—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A product ordered for, dispensed for, or administered to the wrong patient. Wrong route—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. Use of wrong route of administration of the correct drug (e.g., intravenous instead of intramuscular). Wrong time—A Type of error from the MEDMARX pick list. A scheduled dose administered outside a facility’s acceptable predetermined time interval. 401 GLOSSARY 402 MEDMARX DATA REPORT