Staff Repor
Staff Repor
RESOLUTION NO. 2016-056 A RESOLUTION FINDING A CERTAIN PETITION FOR ANNEXATION KNOWN AS THE RIDGE ESTATES ANNEXATION TO BE IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 30 OF ARTICLE H OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION AND WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF §31-12-107(1), C.R.S.; AND ESTABLISHING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE HEARING PRESCRIBED UNDER §31-12-108, C.R.S. TO DETERMINE IF THE PROPERTY PETITIONED FOR ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK IS ELIGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION UNDER SECTION 30, ARTICLE H OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION AND THE MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION ACT OF 1965 WHEREAS, on March 10, 2016, a Petition for Annexation designatedthe Ridge Estates Annexation ("Petition") was filed with the Town Clerk by petitioners alleging to comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the landowners in the area subject to the Petition and described on the attached Exhibit A ("Property"), and who assert ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the Property, excluding public streets and alleys and any land owned by the Town of Castle Rock; WHEREAS, the Petition requests the Town of Castle Rock annexthe Property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to §31-12-107(l)(f), C.R.S., the Town Council, without undue delay, is required to determine if the Petition is in substantial compliance with Section 30(l)(b) of the Colorado Constitution and §31-12-107(1), and if so, it is to follow the procedures for consideration of the proposed annexation in accordance with the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 including determination of whether the proposed annexation of the Property complies with the requirements of §§31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town Council finds and determines: A. the Petition filed with the Town Clerk was signed by persons comprising more than fifty percent (50%) of the landowners of the Property, and who own more than fifty percent (50%) of the Property, excluding public streets and alleys, and all land owned by the Town of Castle Rock; B. the Petition requests the Town of Castle Rock annex the Property; C. the Petition substantially complies with and meets the requirements of Section 30(l)(b) of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and of §31-12107(1), C.R.S; 1 C;\Users\GRANIC-.l\AppData\LocaI\Temp\BCLTechnologies\easyPDF 7\@BCL@3005A8ADVgBCL@3005A8AD.docx D. the Petition is accompanied by a map containing the infonnation required under §31-12-107(l)(d), C.R.S.; and E. no signature on the Petition is dated more than 180 days prior to the date of filing of the Petition with the Town Clerk. Section 2. Pursuant to §31-12-108, C.R.S., a public hearing is scheduled before the Town Council on June 21, 2016, at 6:00 P.M., at the Castle Rock Town Hall, 100 N. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, for the purpose of enabling the Town Council to determine whether the area proposed to be annexed complies with Section 30 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and the applicable requirements of §§31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., and is eligible for annexation; whetheror not an election is required under Section 30(l)(a) of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and of §31-12-107(2), C.R.S.; and whether or not additional terms and conditions are to be imposed. Section s. The Town Clerk shall give notice of said hearing in the mannerprescribed by §31-12-108(2), C.R.S. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective on the date and at the time of its adoption. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 2016 by the Town Council of the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, on first and final reading by avote of ^ for and /} against. f ATTEST TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK Sally^. Misare, T^wh Clerk Paul Donahue, Mayor Approved asM form: Attorney C;\Users\GRANIC—l\AppData\Local\Teinp\BCL TechnologiesNeasyPDF 7\@BCL@3005A8AD\@BCL@3005A8AD.docx ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT A RIDGE ESTATES BOUNDARY - EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 67 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36 N89"14'58"E, 1,486.23 FEET TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SELLERS CREEK RANCH RURAL SITE PLAN, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 01063901 OF THE DOUGLAS COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY THE FOLLOWING NINETEEN (19) COURSES' 1. S34''15'57"W, 288.40 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; 2. ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 205.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28''23'03", 101.56 FEET; 3. S02"'04'38"E, 673.40 FEET; 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. N57''54'07''E, 372.84 FEET; S89°49'44"E, 153.99 FEET; S06»20'17"E, 554.82 FEET; S11''09'46"W, 60.00 FEET; S14°44'51"W, 462.71 FEET; 9. S62''47'50"W, 183.08 FEET; 10. S52''17'10-W, 568.15 FEET; 11. S36''17'48"W, 313.93 FEET; 12. N86''18'09"W, 247.70 FEET; 13. N08''31'26"E, 249.70 FEET; 14. N50»35'33"W, 424.70 FEET; 15. NOO'OO'11"W, 60.00 FEET; 16. N34»29'49"E, 339.94 FEET; 17. N55''30'11"W, 69.01 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; 18. ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 380.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78''25'46", 520.16 FEET; 19. N67''04'24"W, 293.23 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF BELL MOUNTAIN RANCH SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1-B, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 9829016 OF THE DOUGLAS COUNTY RECORDS N0r04'20"W, 1,041.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3,049,617 SQUARE FEET OR 70.010 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY: STEPHEN H. HARDING, PLS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF EMK CONSULTANTS, INC. J:\SCR\EMK\SCR Legal 20160211 .rtf Page 1 of 1 Town of Castle Rock Castle Rock, CO 80104 Town OF * ^ Town of r Castle Castle Ro( Rock c o L o K A D o Agenda Memorandum Agenda Date: 5/3/2016 Item #: 26 File #: RES 2016-056 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council From: Julie Kirkpatrick, PLA, Long Range Project Manager, Development Services Department Resolution: A Resolution Finding a Certain Petition for Annexation Known as the Ridge Estates Annexation to be in Substantial Compliance with Section 30 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and with the Requirements of §31-12-107(1), C.R.S.; and Establishing^ Date, Time and Place for the Hearing prescribed under §31-12108, C.R.S. to Determine if the Property Petitioned for Annexation to the Town of Castle Rock is Eligible for Annexation under Section 30, Article ii of the Colorado Constitution and the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 [Substantial Compliance Hearing, south of Crystal Valley Ranch, east of Bell Mountain Ranch, north and west of Sellers Creek Ranch, 70.010 acres] Executive Summary The purpose and intent of this staff report is to demonstrate to Town Council that the Ridge Estates Annexation Petition is in Substantial Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Municipal Annexation Act (Act). After the Council concurs that a conforming annexation petition has been submitted, the Act mandates that the Council set a hearing date to determine if the allegations made in the petition are supportable and that the property is eligible for annexation (Eligibility Hearing). The Eligibility Hearing will be held on June 21, 2016. The Substantial Compliance and Eligibility Hearings determine whether a proposed annexation application may later be annexed to the Town. The Town Council, however, has no obligation to approve an annexation simply because the property is eligible for annexation. Council will determine whether it is in the Town's interest to annex the property when the annexation and zoning ordinances are considered at public hearing later this year. Staff finds that the petition substantially complies with State requirements and recommends approval of the Substantial Compliance Resolution. Staff Recommendation The application substantially complies with the State requirements and staff recommends setting an Eligibility Hearing date of June 21, 2016. Proposed Motion Town of Castle Rock Page 1 of 2 Printed on 4/28/2016 powered by Legistar™ Item #: 26 File #: RES 2016-056 I move to approve the Resolution as Introduced by title. Attachments Attachment A; Resolution Exhibit A: Legal Description Attachment B: Annexation Petition and Map Town of Castle Rock Page 2 of 2 Printed on 4/28/2016 powered by Legistar™ Town of ^ r Castle Rock COLORADO AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council From: Julie Kirkpatrick, PLA, Long Range Project Manager, Development Services Department Title: A Resolution Finding a Certain Petition for Annexation Known as the Ridge Estates Annexation to be in Substantial Compliance with Section 30 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and with the Requirements of §31-12-107(1), C.R.S.; and Establishing a Date, Time and Place for the Hearing prescribed under §31-12-108, C.R.S. to Determine if the Property Petitioned for Annexation to the Town of Castie Rock is Eligibie for Annexation under Section 30, Article II of the Colorado Constitution and the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 [Substantial Compliance Hearing, south of Crystal Valley Ranch, east of Bell Mountain Ranch, north and west of Sellers Creek Ranch] Executive Summary The purpose and Intent of this staff report Is to demonstrate to Town Council that the Ridge Estates Annexation Petition Is In Substantial Gnystal ^Valiey[Ranch Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Municipal Annexation Act (Act). After the Council concurs that a conforming annexation petition has been submitted, the Act mandates that the Council set a hearing date to determine If the allegations made In the petition are supportable and that the property Is eligible for annexation (Eligibility Hearing). The Eligibility Hearing will be held on June 21, 2016. Page 1 The Substantial Compliance and Eligibility Hearings determine whether a proposed annexation application may later be annexed to the Town. The Town Council, however, has no obligation to approve an Location Map annexation simply because the property is eligible for annexation. Council will determine whether it is in the Town's interest to annex the property when the annexation and zoning ordinances are considered at public hearing later this year. Staff finds that the petition substantially complies with State requirements and recommends approval of the Substantial Compliance Resolution. Discussion The Property The annexation petition formerly known as Sellers Creek Ranch Estates, originally submitted in 2006, has expired. A new annexation petition, under the name of Ridge Estates, was filed with the Town Clerk on March 10, 2016. The approximately 70-acre property is located east of Bell Mountain Ranch, south of Crystal Valley Ranch, and north and west of Sellers Creek Ranch. The Ridge Estates Annexation property is located within the area of "growth and annexation" per the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Douglas County and the Town of Castle Rock. Annexation Process There are three steps required in the annexation process. The following summarizes the three steps: 1. Substantial Compliance - The Town must determine if the annexation petition is in the prescribed form and contains the necessary statutoiy allegations. In addition, a finding must be made that the petitioners constitute more than 50% of all the landowners and that the petitioners own more than 50% of the total area of the property, excluding certain public ownership. The Town must also set a date, time and place for the Eligibility Hearing. 2. Eligibilitv - After four consecutive weeks of public notice in a newspaper of general circulation, the Town will determine if the assertions in the annexation petition are supportable and that the property is eligible for annexation under the Act. The Eligibility Hearing must occur between 30 and 60 days after the Substantial Compliance Hearing. If this Substantial Compliance Resolution is approved, the Eligibility Hearing for the Canyons South Annexation will be scheduled for June 21, 2016 (Attachment A). 3. Annexation and Zoning - Once a request has been found to be eligible for annexation, the Town can proceed with the annexation and zoning hearings at Planning Commission and Town Council. Substantial Compliance and Eligibility Page 2 determine whether the parcel can be annexed; this final step determines whether a parcel should be annexed. Substantial Compliance Findings This application meets the requirements of the first step in the annexation process. Staff recommends that Town Council make a finding that this application substantially complies with Section 30 of Article II of the Colorado Constitution and with the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) Section 31-12-107(1) given that: 1. The Annexation Petition has been signed by more than 50% of the landowners, owning more than 50% of the land, excluding right-of-way and property owned by the Town of Castle Rock. In fact, the Annexation Petition is signed by all of the property owners. 2. The petition was filed with the Town Clerk on March 10, 2016. 3. The petition contains: a. An allegation that it is desirable and necessary that such territory be annexed to the Town; b. An allegation that the requirements of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105 exist or have been met; c. An allegation that the signers of the petition comprise the landowners of more than fifty (50%) of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys; d. A request that the municipality approve the annexation; e. The signatures of the land owners; f. The mailing address of each signer; g. The legal description of the land owned by such signer; h. The date of signing of each signature; and i. The affidavit of each circulator of such petition, whether consisting of one or more sheets, that each signature therein is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be. 4. Four copies of the annexation map (Attachment B) were filed with the Clerk, containing: a. b. c. d. A written legal description; A map showing the boundary of the area proposed for annexation; An indication of ownership tracts; and A depiction of the contiguous boundary of the property with any municipality. 5. No signatures on the petition are dated more than 180 days prior to the date of filing. Page 3 staff finds that the annexation request meets the statutory requirements and it should be deemed sufficient. Budget Impact The action of determining substantial compliance does not have any financial impact. Staff Recommendation The application substantially complies with the State requirements and staff recommends setting an Eligibility Hearing date of June 21, 2016. Proposed Motion I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title. Attachments Attachment A: Resolution Exhibit A: Legal Description Attachment B: Annexation Petition and Map T:\Development RevieWlRidge Estates fka Sellers Ridge Estates\Annexation\publlc hearlngsMC substantial compliance Page 4 ATTACHMENT B PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO, TO THE TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, STATE OF COLORADO The undersigned, in accordance with the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, Chapter 31, Article 12 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, .1973, as amended, hereby petition the Town of Castle Rock for annexation to the Town of Castle Rock of the following described unincorporated territory located in the County of Douglas, State of Colorado, to wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION • SEE EXHIBIT A And in support of the said Petition, state that: 1) It is desirable and necessary that the above-described territory be annexed to the Town of Castle Rook. 2) The requirements of Article II, Section 30 of the Colorado Constitution have been met. 3) Not less than one-sixth (1/6) of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the Town of Castle Rock. 4) Acommunity of interest exists between the territory proposed to be annexed and the Town of Castle Rock. 5) The territory to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future. 6) The territory proposed to be annexed is integrated or is capable of being integrated with the Town of Castle Rock. 7) No land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts orparcels ofreal estate: a) Is divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the iandowner(s) thereof, except and unless virhere such tracts or parcels are already separated by a dedicated street, road or other public way. b) Comprises 20 acres or more, which togetherwith the buildings and improvements situated thereon, has an assessed value in excess of two-hundred thousand dollars for an ad valorem tax purpose for the year preceding the annexation is included within the territory proposed to be annexed, withoutthe written consent of the landowner or landowner thereof. (CRS 31-12-105) 8) The annexation of the Property will not result in the detachment of area from areas from any school district or the attachment ofsame to another school district. 9) No annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municipality and are currently pending for the annexation of part or ail of the area proposed herein to be annexed to the Town of Castle Rock. 10) The entire width of any street or alley to be annexed is included within the annexation. 11) All requirements of CRS 31-12-104, as amended, and CRS 31-12-105, as amended, exist or have been met: 12) Annexation by the Town of Castle Rock of the property will not have the effect of, and vi/iil not result in, the denial of reasonable access to landowners, owners of an easement, or owners of afranchise adjoining aplatted street or a''ey. inasmuch as annexation of the Property will not result in annexation of a platted street or alley which is not bounded on both sides by the Town ofCastle Rock. 13) The proposed annexation will not have the effect of extending a municipal boundary more than three miles in any direction from any point ofthe Town boundary in any one year. 14) The signer(s) ofthe Petition comprise(s) one-hundred percent (100%) of the landowners in the area and own one-hundred percent (100%) of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys, and of any land owned by the annexing municipality: or 15) The mailing address ofeach signer, the legal description ofthe land owned by each signer and the date ofsigning ofeach signature are ail shown on this Petition. 16) Attached to this Petition is the Affidavitofthe Circulator ofthis Petition affirming that each signature hereon is the signature ofthe person whose name it represents. 17) The landowners request that the Town of Castle Rock approve the annexation of the property. 18) Accompanying this Petition is aminimum of four (4) annexation maps 10.This instrument may be executed in one or more counterparts, all ofwhich taken together shall constitute the same document. i LANDraWNEFfe:! Gr-O'jt. ia\rvl Liiwi'fci By: Ki p By; _J ~1 Mailing Address: d^loi Hettsc-j-tch tAO STATE OF COLORADO SS13jL ) ) COUNTY OF Dno^la^ s.s. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this I2"^dav of Sh/jA^yj. 20t3-. by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public and 0^ NANCY SCHIELD NOTARY PUBUC I •^o\ s STATE OF GOLORAbO A^cJ^ajU. NOTARY ID19984016041 MY COMMISSION EXPIRESJUNE 1.2018 AFFIDAVIT OF CIRCULAR IN SUPPORT OF PETITION STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF s.s. ) -J. lU being first duly sworn states as follows: a. 1have circulated the Petition for Annexation to the City/Town of ^ , luclcset forth herein b. I know the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Petition oh behalf of the Landowners. c. The signatures on the foregoing Petition were affixed in my presence and each signature is a true, genuine and correct signature of the person it purports to be. d. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing itioners. Petitiori are authorized to signsuch document on behalf ^ CIRCULATQE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me this IL?'^ day of /ylorJarj/ .2010', by Aa.\Mt?5 li M111 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: nancy SCHIELD NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 19984015041 Notary/ Public Public / MY nnMMIRRIQN EXPIRES JUNE 1,2018 38 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 10. This instrument may be executed in one ormore counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute the same document. UKNqOyVNjERS^ •" ?(rV<Aaiin Mailing Address: .2-7'^'^ O(i.scoMN/ ss3=i 'Rood Woy-tccW, 1 STATE OF COLORADO S.S. COUNTY OF "DoOjk- iu Subscribed and sworn to before me this I2"^ day of Pel)/Jnr^. 20t3. by RulnAfJ —and ^ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires; NANCYSCHIELO NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 19984015041 ^ XoJt Notary Public Tt/u^L^d^ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1,2018 AFFIDAVIT OF CIRCULAR IN SUPPORT OF PETITION STATE OF COLORADO ) r ) COUNTY OF s.s. ) tH •being first duly sworn states as follows: ^/ a. 1have circulated the Petition for Annexation to the City/Town of l^lc set forth herein b. Iknow the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Petition on behalf of the Landowners. c. The signatures on the foregoing Petition were affixed in my presence and each signature is a true, genuine and correct signature ofthe person it purports to be. d. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the persons whos^ames are affixed to the foregoing Petition are authorized to sign such document on beha|f^fj ClRCUl STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -20_/ie_, by 0 jlj ]I/ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: NANCY SCHIELD NOTARY PUBUG <3TATE OF COLORADO MOTARY ID19984015041 1^ -1 - JjJuXlyff Notary Public myCOMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1.2018 38 COLORADO MUNICIPALLEAGUE 10. This instrument may be executed in one or more counterparts, ail of which taken together shail constitute the same document. LANDOWNEF MafltngAddress; So3| ^ STATE OF COLORADO fAonri ) COUNTY OF Subscribed and swbm to before me this ' Notary PublicT^^ "SoihS - I'' day of l-v.i'i/'Jrtvy. 2013i by (^ve^pcxj Witness my hand and officiai seal. My commission expires; Co s.s. ) ^ fit, W- y NANCY SCHIELD NOTARYPUBUC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 19984015041 &-!- ,^Ol MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 1,2018 AFFIDAVIT OF CIRCULAR IN SUPPORT OF PETITION STATE OF COLORADO ) 1 ) COUNTY OF s.s. ) ^c/tTlg-^ being first duly sworn states as follows; a. ihave circulated the Petition for Annexation to the City/Town of ^ C-set forth herein b. i knowthe persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Petition on behalf of the Landowners. c. The signatures on the foregoing Petition were affixed in my presence and each signature is a true, genuine and correct signature of the person it purports to be. d. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the persons whosejiames are affixed to the foregping Petition are authorized to sign such document on beh^ emioners. CIRCULAl STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Do, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of •20 /G. by Kit( Witness my hand and officiai seal. My commission expires; U ~l - <3-0/3' NANCY SCHIELD NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 19984015041 yUOvUy^ Notary Public / MY mMMISRION EXPIRES JUNE 1.2018 38 COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RIDGE ESTATES BOUNDARY - EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION V .' A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 67 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36 NSg-U'SS-E, 1,486.23 FEET TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SELLERS CREEK RANCH RURAL SITE PLAN, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 01063901 OF THE DOUGLAS COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY THE FOLLOWING NINETEEN (19) COURSES' 1. S34°15'57"W, 288.40 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; 2. ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 205.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°23'03", 101.56 FEET; 3. S02°04'38"E, 673.40 FEET; 4. N57''54'07"E, 372.84 FEET; 5. S89°49'44"E, 153.99 FEET; 6. S06°20'17"E, 554.82 FEET; 7. >S11 °09'46"W, 60.00 FEET; 8. S14''44'51"W, 462.71 FEET; 9. S62°47'50"W, 183.08 FEET; 10. S52°17'19"W, 568.15 FEET; 11. S36°17'48"W, 313.93 FEET; 12. N86°18'09"W, 247.70 FEET; 13. N08°3r26"E, 249.70 FEET; 14. N50°35'33"W, 424.70 FEET; 15. N55°30'11"W, 60.00 FEET; 16. N34''29'49"E, 339.94 FEET; 17. N55°30'11"W, 69.01 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; 18. ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 380.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 78''25'46", 520.16 FEET; 19. N67''04'24"W, 293.23 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF BELL MOUNTAIN RANCH SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1-B, RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. 9829016 OF THE DOUGLAS COUNTY RECORDS N0r04'20"W, 1,041.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3,049,617 SQUARE FEET OR 70.010 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY: STEPHEN H. HARDING, PLS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF EMK CONSULTANTS, INC. J:\SCR\EMK\SCRLegal20160211.rtf Page 1of1 RECEIVED MAR 1 0 2016 TOWN OFCASTLE ROCK DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVED RIDGE ESTATES MAR 1 0 2016 ANNEXATION PLAT A PARCEL OF UNO LYINGIN THENORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEOION 36, TOWNSHIP8 SOUTH,RANGE 67 WESTOF THE6TH PRINCIPALMERIDIAN,COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LEGAL DESCRIPTION « PARCEL or LWO LYING tN THE NOfflVWCsr QUAATER OF SECTION U, TOWNSHIP 0 SOUTH, RANGE: 07 WIST OP THE 6TH PtBNQPAL UtPffilAN. COUNTY 0^ DOUGLAS. STATE COLORADO, UORE PAATICUURLY DESCRiaCD AS fOLUnrS. OT oeunam ofwW BEONNnO AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SNO SECTION 36: THENCE AlONO THE NORTH UNE Cf THE NCRTKNESf QUARTER or SAd sECTim os nob'm'ss'c, labb-es nxr to tec WCSTERLY nxWOARY OF SELLERS CREEK RAMCH RURU. STTI PLAN. nCCOROCO AT fteCCPDON NO. OI0O3W1I OP VaUCY RANCH / THE aOUKAAY DOUGLAS COUNTY RECORDS THENCC ALONO SMO WESTERUT BOLtlOARY THE FOlXOwnO KMCTEEN (IS) COURSESI. 3. A SOriS'ST'W. 2sa40 feet to a poht op curve. ALONG THE ARC OF SAID OIRVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING RAOUS OF 20500 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF irjJ'OJ*. 101,56 FECTj 3- S0704'3e*E. 673.40 FEET; 4. 5. 6. 7. NSrSi'Q?^. S8g'40'44X S0«'20'I7'E, Slf09'4fl-W. 0. S14-44'31*W. 462.71 FtnS B. 373J4 Ftn; I53.9S FEET; 534.62 FEET: eooo FEET; SW CCR T.aS.. R.67W. SEC za T.6S., R.5 BTH P.U >6TH PM. SBr47'SOX 16308 FEET; 10. SS2-|ri6>, SBS.1S FCCT; II. S35-ir*8V, 313.83 FEET; 12. N8B'1S'0SX 247.70 FEET; 13. 14. 15. 15. 17. la N09-3i'2eT. NSCrU'33X N35"30'11X H34'29'49*E. N35-30'1lX 249.70 FECT: 424 70 FEET: 60.00 FEET; 339.94 FEET; B9A)1 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; ALONG THE ARC OF S«0 CURVE TO THE nCHT HAVINO A {VQSO lUBL flPMOnK In RADIUS or 30000 FEET AND A CCKTRAL ANCl£ OF 7ir29'44*. FEET, 19. mjlEdcdn H8704*24X 293.23 FECT TO THE WEST UNE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF MD SECTION 36. THENCE ALONG SMO WEST UNE ANO ALONGTHE EAST UNE OF )Vto<70 0l Ac PoiT«leFB0465' eClL UOUnTAIN RANCH SUSDMSION FIUNC NO l-B. RCCOfOS AT RCCCPTlON RECORDS NO. 6629015 N01*04'20X KONNMO. 1.041.64 OF THE eOXCRS CAEEX RANCH nCC. NIX 01063901 DOUGLAS COUNTY FEET TO TX POINT OF CONTaiNNC 3,049,617 SOUARC FEET OR 70.010 ACRES. UQFC OR LESS. SURVgYOR-R STATEMENT- i. STgvfN M MtgfrNa A REGSTERED LAK) SURVCYDR IN THE STATEOF caCRADO. DO XKBT STATE WAT DCS ANNCXaTHM AaT WAS PFEPAfSD GENERAL NOTES UNfiC* UT SIFmSIM . WO THATTO -K BEST OF WYKNOROiaC. Fa-QRHATIOI, ANOetU(F. INS WAA ACOURATD.V UUHCAIES THE PAACB. OF tANO TO SC ANKDOS TO IHt 1. Tw or CAsnx Root. Colorado, and that at uast one sxth (D or the EMUrOARY or SAO PARCO. IS CONRCUOUSTC TW PRUOTT TOW OF CASRE ROOC IN THE COUNTYOF DOUOaS. STATE OF COLORADO TKS SUINCY DOES NOT COISTTIUTt A TITIE 3CARCM eV OM OONSULTANTS. N6 TO OETDMNC PtCORQ TTTLL CASOfCNT OR COUPwrr TITLE RBHTS-Or-WAY. BCPORT HERPACC TTTIX ASI-MOSMM^JU-NCS. AHENOutHT NO. 1. «TH AM EFTECTNE DATE OF FEERUART 111TH. niB BICORO WIS ROJES rOA ALL AtOARtDO init UPON CASCICHTS OF mRnoni DOUEUB cam ucD/BBs nau MIPMLH H. HAHDno COLORADOP.L.S NO. 29040 FOR ANO »l OCHAIF OF CUK CCNSA.TANTS.MC. PARca C0NTAN5 A TOTAL OF 70010 ccwTicmrv statewfntTDTU POWHTIH: CgxTKUOUS TO OTY UH1TS TM-RKTH (D CF FCRiNETER AAKMII AREA 0 ACRES UORE OR LESS BWCtHaCIBf UHOVMOED auUB OXIft ma/eas-caau DEVaOPCR: TQIAN CRTSTAL VAU£Y RANCH DCVdCMENT Ca UC 1179 CRTSTm. VAU£Y PaRxwaY CASTLE IOOT. eaOPMlO SOIOA OCNTACTi QREOORT «. WOIM Dtt WOttXATXX PLAT WAS APmOVCO BY THC TOWOF CASTIE ROOl, CCURAIM, <M COUNaL APPBnvAL MHt (Mj] B14-4862 ENQNCCR LEGACY ENCnEDiNO 1626 TNATQi OR. CASTLC AOOC.CO «iog-ssi3 CWTACT: James J UU. PKONL (720) 200-4377 PQUGLftS COUNTY CIFHK ANO RECORQERS CERTinCATE; IMS 9TC DCVaOPUENf PLAN WAS FUED FOR RECORDM Tl SURVEYOR CURK AM) RtCOROtR OF OCU&AS CCAMTYAT RtCEFBIH NG . JO) AT on CONSULTANTS 7009 GCUTN ALTON WAY. BLOC F COFTENNIAI. CO B0II2.7019 eONTACT: STEVC HARaNO PMOW:(M3) 694-1920 DOUGLAS COUNTY CURK ANO RtCOROER RIDGE ESTATES ANNEXATION PLAT JOB. NO. CVR-RE FEBRUARY, 2016 SHEET) OF 1 {PROJ # ANXPI6-OOOI) RESOLUTION NO. 2016-044 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK AND WL CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION (FOUNDERS PARKWAY/COPPER CLOUD DRI\nE, FOUNDERS PARKWAY/BLACK PINE DRIVE AND RIDGE ROAD / KING SOOPERS INTERSECTIONS) WHEREAS, the Town of Castle Rock and WL Contractors, Inc. have agreed to the terms and conditions by which WL Contractors, Inc. will undertake the construction of traffic signals at the intersections of Founders Parkway and Copper Cloud Drive, Founders Parkway and Black Pine Drive and Ridge Road at the King Soopers entrance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval. The Agreement between the Town and WL Contractors, Inc. in the form attached as Exhibit 1 is hereby approved. The Mayor and other proper Town officials are authorized to execute the Agreement by arid on behalf of the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado. Section 2. Encumbrance and Authorization for Payment. In order to meet the Town's financial obligation under the contract, the Town Council authorizes the expenditure and payment from the 2016 appropriation account 120-3175-431.75-26 in an amount not to exceed $387,407.00, unless authorized in writing by the Town of CastleRock. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3^'' day of May, 2016 by the Town Counc^ ofthe Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, on first and final reading by a vote of w for and Qj against. ^' ATTEST: / TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK Sally A. Misare, Town Clerk Paul Donahue, Mayor Approved as to form: tz. Town Attorney TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT THIS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (Contract) is made at the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, between the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado (Town), a municipal corporation, 100 N. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 and WL Contractors, Inc. (Contractor) a traffic signal construction and maintenance company incorporated in the State of Colorado, whose address is: 5920 Lamar Street Arvada, CO 80003 In consideration of these mutual covenants and conditions, the Town and Contractor agree as follows: SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract. CONTRACT The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, written or oral representations and agreements. The Contract incorporates the following Contract Documents. In resolving inconsistencies among two or more of the Contract Documents, precedence will be given in the same order as enumerated. LIST OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are: 1. Change Orders; | 2. Notice to Proceed; 3. 4. Agreement for Construction Contract; The following Addenda, if any: Number 5. Pages Special Conditions of the Contract: Document 6. Date Title Pages The following Specifications: CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction Latest Edition (Inclusive of all section revisions) Founders Pkwy (SH 86)/ Copper Cloud Dr/ Black Pine and Ridge Rd/ King Soopers Access Traffic Signal Special Provisions - 45 pages (March. 4, 2016) 1 7. The following Drawings: Project Design Plans Dated March 21, 2016 - 20 Sheets 8. 9. 10. Notice of Award; Invitation to Bid; Information and Instructions to Bidders; 11. 12. 13. 14. Notice of Substantial Completion; Notice of Construction Completion; Proposal Forms, including Bid Schedules; Performance, and Labor and Material Payment Bonds; 15. Performance Guarantee; and 16. Insurance Certificates. CONTRACT PRICE. The Town shall pay the Contractor for performing the Work and the completion of the Project according to the Contract, subject to Change Orders as approved in writing by the Town, under the guidelines in the General Conditions. The Town will pay Three Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Four Hundred Seven and 00/100 DOLLARS, (Contract Price), to the Contractor, subject to full and satisfactory performance of the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contract Price is provisional based on the quantities contained in the Bid attached as Exhibit 1. The final Contract Price shall be adjusted to reflect actual quantities incorporated into the Work at the specified unit prices. The Town has appropriated money equal or in excess of the Contract Price for this work. COMPLETION OF WORK. The Contractor must begin work covered by the Contract within 10 calendar days, and must complete work within 60-working days from and including the date of Notice to Proceed, according to the General Conditions. The Work should be completed by August 5. 2016. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. If the Contractor fails to substantially complete the Work by the date set for substantial completion in the Contract, or if the completion date is extended by a Change Order, by the date set in the Change Order, the Town may permit the Contractor to proceed, and in such case, may deduct the sum of $500 for each day that the Work shall remain uncompleted from monies due or that may become due the Contractor. This sum is not a penalty but is a reasonable estimate of liquidated damages. The parties agree that, under all of the circumstances, the daily basis and the amount set for liquidated damages is a reasonable and equitable estimate of all the Town's actual damages for delay. The Town expends additional personnel effort in administering the Contract or portions of the Work that are not completed on time, and has the cost of field and office engineering, inspecting, and interest on financing and such efforts and the costs thereof are impossible to accurately compute. In addition, some, if not all, citizens of Castle Rock incur personal inconvenience and lose confidence in their government as a result of public projects or parts of them not being completed on time, and the impact and damages, certainly serious in monetary as well as other terms are impossible to measure. SERVICE OF NOTICES. Notices to the Town are given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following address: TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK Town Attorney 100 N. Wilcox Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 INSURANCE PROVISIONS. The Contractor must not begin any work until the Contractor obtains, at the Contractor's own expense, all required insurance as specified in the General Conditions. Such insurance must have the approval of the Town of Castle Rock as to limits, form and amount. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS. The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Town, its officers and employees, from and in all suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of: any injuries or damage received or sustained by any person, persons or property because of operations for the Town under the Contract; including but not limited to claims or amounts recovered from any infringements of patent, trademark, or copyright; or pollution or environmental liability. The Town may retain so much of the money due the Contraetor under the Contract, as the Town considers necessary for such purpose. If no money is due, the Contractor's Surety may be held until such suits, actions, claims for injuries or damages have been settled. Money due the Contractor will not be withheld when the Contractor produces satisfactory evidence that the Contractor and the Town are adequately protected by public liability and property damage insurance. The Contractor also agrees to pay the Town all expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred to enforce this Responsibility for Damage Claim clause. Nothing in the INSURANCE PROVISIONS of the General Conditions shall limit the Contractor's responsibility for payment of claims, liabilities, damages, fines, penalties, and costs resulting from its performance or nonperformance under the Contract. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR. The Contractor is performing all work under the Contract as an independent Contractor and not as an agent or employee of the Town. No employee or official of the Town will supervise the Contractor. The Contractor will not supervise any employee or official of the Town. The Contractor shall not represent that it is an employee or agent of the Town in any capacity. The Contractor and its employees are not entitled to Town Workers' Compensation benefits and are solely responsible for federal and state income tax on money earned. This is not an exclusive contract. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. None of the terms or conditions in the Contract shall give or allow any claim, benefit, or right of action by any third person not a party to the Contract. Any person, exceptthe Town or the Contractor, receiving services or benefits underthe Contract is an incidental beneficiary only. INTEGRATION. This contract integrates the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the matters set forth. No representations, agreements, eovenants, warranties, or eertifications, express or implied, shall exist as between the parties, except as specifically set forth in this Contract. DEFINITIONS. The Definitions in the General Conditions apply to the entire Contract unless modified within a Contract Document. Executed this ,2016. ATTEST: TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK Sally A. Misare, Town Clerk Paul Donahue, Mayor >cr-T^ APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robe^^ Slentk Town Attorney WL Contractors, Inc. {Insert either the Corporate or Partnership Certificate, as appropriate) EXHIBIT 1 (BID) BID SCHEDULE TTHH FTEM# QIY. UNII $ UIY.S 4,194.40 202-00250 REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT MARKING SF 1,498 2.80 202-00810 REMOVAL OF GROUND SIGN EACH 3 80.00 240.00 203-QIS97 POTHOUNG HOUR 16 215.00 3,440.00 5,340.00 4,000.00 20S-QQ03S AGGREGATE BAG LF 600 8.90 208-00045 CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE EA 2 2,000.00 2084)0051 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION CTYPE 1) 208-00106 SWEEPING (SEDIMENT REMOVAL) DRILLED CAISSON (18 INCH) 503-00018 613-01300 DRILLED CAISSON P6 INCH) DRILLED CAISSON (48 INCH) 2 INCH ELECTRIOU- CONDUIT (BORED) 3 INCH ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (BORED) 2 INCH ELECTRICAI- CONDUIT (PLASTIC) 3 INCH ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (PLASnC) 613-07003 TYPE THREE PULI, BOX 503-00036 503-00048 613-00206 613-00306 6I3-OI20O LF 30 27.00 810.00 HOUR 20 60.00 UOO.OO 1,200.00 33,250.00 6,300.00 33,000.00 29,545.00 2,736.00 1,476.00 7,800.00 6,600.00 2,800.00 7,700.00 5,400.00 6.400.00 LF 10 120.00 LF 133 250.00 LF 21 300.00 LF 15.00 LF 2,200 1,555 LF 190 14.40 19.00 LF 90 16.40 EACH 8 975.00 613-07004 TYPE FOUR PULL BOX EACH 6 613-07005 EACH 2 1,100.00 1,400.00 7,700.00 TYPE FIVE PULL BOX 613-10000 WIRING LS 1 613-13000 LUMINAIRB(LED) BACH 6 9QO.QO 613-50150 SECONDARY SERVICE PEDESTAL EACH 2 3,200.00 614-0001I SIGN PANEL ((EASS1) SIGN PANEL(CLASS E) 614-01573 STEEL SIGN' SUPPORT (2-1/2 INCH ROUND NP-40) (POST & SLIPBASE) 614-00012 SF 23 35.40 814.20 SF 91 37.00 3,367.00 EACH 1 460.00 460.00 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACE (16) (COUNTDOWN) 614-70336 TRAFFIC SIGNAL FACE (12-12-12) EACH 10 580.00 EACH 20 720.00 614-70448 TRAFFIC SIGNAL FACE (12-12-12-12) EACH 10 1,100.00 614-72860 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON EACH 7 210.00 614-72863 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POST ASSEMBLY EACH 3 1,275.00 614-72864 FEtE PREEMPTION UNIT EACH 2 8,310.00 614-72875 LOOP DETECnON WEtE LF 2.660 2.80 5,800.00 14,400.00 11,000.00 1,470.00 3,825.00 16.620.00 7,448.00 614-72886 EACH I EACH 6 EACH 2 25,000.00 1,700.00 2.500.00 EACH 5 950.00 614-82011 INTERSECmON DETECTION SYSTEM (CAMERA) TRAFFIC SIGNAL VEHICLE DETECTOR (MICRO TYPE) (NON-INVASIVE) TRAFFIC SKjNAL CONTROLLER AND CABDIET (INSTALL ONLY) TRAFHC SIGNAL-LIGHT POLE STEEL (I MAST ARM) (INSTALL ONLY) TRAFHC SIGNAL POLE STEEL (1 MAST ARM) (INSTALL ONLY) EACH 2 740.00 614-84450 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PEDESTAL POLE STEEL (n>ISTALL ONLY) EACH 2 180.00 360.00 614-86105 TELEMETRY (FIELD) EACH 2 6,500.00 13,000.00 12,400.40 3,795.00 4.776,50 1,845.00 21,509.00 6.475.00 3,060.00 17,550.00 614-70150 614-72889 614-75848 614-81011 626-00000 MOBILIZATION 627-00004 EPOXY PAVEMENT MARKING PREFORMED PLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING (TYPE I) 627-30405 PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING (WORD-SYMBOL) 627-30410 PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING (XWALK-STOPLINE) 627-01001 630-00000 T«I UNir FLAGGING LS 1 12.400.40 GAL 11 345.00 SF 233 20.50 SF 75 24.60 SF 1,570 13.70 HOUR 175 37.00 25,000.00 10,200.00 5,000.00 4,750.00 1,480.00 630-00007 TRAFFIC CONTROL INSPECTION DAY 18 170.00 630-00012 TRAFHC CONTROL MANAGEMENT DAY 45 390.00 630-80341 CDNSTRUCnON TRAFHC SIGN (PANEL SIZE A) CONSTRUCTION TRAFHC SIGN (PANEL- SIZE B) 63(380343 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SIGN (PANEL SIZE O EACH 22 42.00 924.00 630-80342 EACH 4 75.00 300.00 384.00 EACH 4 96.00 630-80360 DRUM (CHANNELIZING DEVICE EACH 30 27.50 825.00 630-80380 TRAFHC CONE EACH 75 20.50 630-85041 MOBILE ATTENUATOR DAY 4 900.00 700-70010 F/A MINOR CONTRACT REVISIONS FA 1 700-70082 F/A FURNISH AND INSTALL ELECTRICAL SERVICE FA 1 25,000.00 4.0QO.OO 1.537.50 3.600.00 25,000.00 4,000.00 700-70380 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR FA 1 l.OOO.OQ .vA 13 J JS TOTAL> 1,000.00 397.407.q ^i^Hv Town of Castle Rock Town of ^ r Castle Rock COLOBAOO Agenda Memorandum Agenda Date: 5/3/2016 Item #: 9 File #: RES 2016-044 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council From: Brian Tennent, Traffic Operations Engineer Resolution Approving an Agreement between the Town of Castle Rock and WL Contractors, Inc. for Traffic Signal Installation (Founders Parkway/CopjDer Cloud Drive, Founders Parkway/Black Pine Drive and Ridge Road / King Soopers Intersections) Executive Summarv Each year the Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering Division evaluates the need for a traffic signal at intersections through a warrant analysis. Two intersections located in the southeast portion of Castle Rock are planned to begin construction of a new traffic signal in the spring of 2016. They are: • • Founders Parkway (Hwy 86) at Black Pine Drive / Copper Cloud Drive Ridge Road at King Soopers The purpose of this memo is to request approval for the selected contractor, and allocation of funds to complete the signalization of the listed intersections. WL Contractors provided the lowest construction bid at $372,407. Funding for the purchase of the equipment and for the completion of the installations is included within the Division's Capital Improvement budget (Account 120-3175431.75-26). Our plan is to complete construction of both of these signals by September, 2016. With the signal pole order already in place the remainder of the equipment and supplies will be furnished by the contractor awarded to construct the signals. Notification and Outreach Efforts Staff has worked with Community Relations in order to provide public outreach to citizens on status updates for the project with regard to the completion of the Founders Parkway and Black Pine Drive / Copper Cloud, and Ridge Road at King Soopers intersections. Public outreach occurred in the form of updates at HOA meetings and postcard mailers. The postcard mailer went out to the residents in the area in March 2016. Historv of Past Town Council. Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions Town of Castle Rock Page 1 of 3 Printed on 4/28/2016 powered by Legistar™ Item #: 9 File #: RES 2016-044 There will be a presentation at the May 2"*^, 2016 Public Works Commission to obtain the Commission's recommendation to Town Council for the installation of a traffic signal at Founders Parkway (Hwy 86) and Black Pine Drive / Copper Cloud Drive, and Founders Parkway (Hwy 86) and Ridge Road. The Commission's recommendation will be provided to Town Council as part of the presentation materials. Discussion The Town's goal for the Traffic Signal Capital Improvement Program is to identify locations that a traffic signal will improve operation efficiency and safety. Staff performs engineering evaluations at various intersections on an annual basis in order to make sure these goals are being achieved. Through the help of the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) staff uses this to help aide in determining if a signal is an appropriate means of traffic control at a given location. Attachment B sho\NS the location of the two intersections set to be signalized as part of the 2016 construction projects. The completed engineering evaluations suggest that a signal be recommended at both of these intersections. The total delay and overall efficiency will be improved for vehicles accessing Founders Parkway and Ridge Road. The following shows the engineer's estimate and contractor bid results for clarity and illustration purposes. Remaining 2016 Budget (less signal pole purchase): $397,005 WL Contractors: $372,407 Sturgeon Electric: $383,838 Two bids were received for this project. The low bid was checked for accuracy, along with references, and documents reviewed for contract compliance. It is believed that all contractors that submitted a bid are fully competent to complete the work. Based on this, staff recommends WL Contractors based on their bid, and quality of work on past projects for the Town. Construction will be complete by the end of summer. Budget Impact \ The 2016 Traffic Signal Capital Improvement budget contains $480,000 for traffic signal installations. A total of $121,000 of this total budget will be funded from developer contributions from the Castle Oaks development. In order to help reduce costs and speed up the installation schedule signal poles and mast arms were ordered in advance, as well as the traffic signal cabinets. The remaining amount in the budget for this project is $397,005. The total encumbrance amount requested in the Town of Castle Rock Page 2 of 3 Printed on 4/28/2016 powered by Legistar™ Item #: 9 File #: RES 2016-044 attached Resolution {Attachment A) Is $387,407. This includes a contingency amount of $15,000. The full recommended encumbrance is under the available budget. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution to contract with WL Contractors Incorporated for the completion of the 2016 traffic signal construction projects. Proposed Motion "Imove to approve a Resolution approving an Agreement between the Town of Castle Rock and WL Contractors, Inc. for Traffic Signal Installation (Founders Parkway/Copper Cloud Drive, Founders Parkway/Black Pine Drive and Ridge Road/King Soopers Intersections)" Attachments Attachment A: Resolution Attachment B: Traffic Signal Installation Location Map Town of Castle Rock Page 3 of 3 Printed on 4/28/2016 powered by Legistar™ TCiWNOI ^ r Castle Rock 2016 New Traffic Signal Installations I New Signal at Copper Cloud & Founders m I •• <7 iV 'fcV . iv#y' ?fV - VVv,: 37^/ , Existing Signal at Founders & Fifth St y c 0 ' o >' 01 ^ 'V ; • o o ' - • ''X Ll. v*" ' •W-N "-I ^ » • ^ - New Signal at King Soopers & Ridge Rd «• ; I 1 NT.?: