Headmaster - Camberwell Grammar School


Headmaster - Camberwell Grammar School
Edition 8, 20 March 2015
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
AGSV Representative Teams
It was wonderful to see our Year 9 and 10 students performing George Orwell’s Animal Farm
in the Wheelton Amphitheatre last night. There was a real picnic atmosphere as families sat
on their cushions, rugs and even bean bags! The students embraced their roles vigorously and
exploited the opportunities provided by the outdoor venue to great effect. Congratulations
to Mr Sam Gough, who directed the show, and to his team of designers and technicians for
presenting such an imaginative version of this well-known parable. Congratulations also to the
cast and crew for their performances and for creating such an entertaining piece of theatre.
There are two more shows – tonight and tomorrow night, so if you have not already booked a
ticket try to get along to see the show.
Middle School
Assembly Performance
Curriculum Information
Last week we congratulated Leon Fei (Year 5) for winning first place in The American Protégé
International Piano and Strings Competition 2015, and also for winning the special Judges
Distinction Award for best performance in the competition. At yesterday’s Assembly we were
lucky enough to have Leon perform the ‘First Movement of Winter’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
for us. He played magnificently and received a very warm ovation from the School. We look
forward to hearing Leon play on many more occasions in the years ahead.
Assembly Performance
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
End of Term
Junior School
2015 Australian Mathematical Olympiad
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Recently, selected students participated in the 2015 Australian Mathematical Olympiad. Entry
into this competition was by invitation to approximately 100 students who had been identified
from previous stages of the competition’s problem solving program. It was my pleasure to
announce at yesterday’s Assembly that Charles Li (Year 9) was one of the 100 students across
Australia invited to participate. Congratulations to Charles who was awarded a Silver Certificate
at yesterday’s Assembly.
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
AGSV Table Tennis
As mentioned in the Sport Report later in this Bulletin, CGS played against PEGS in the AGSV
Table Tennis Final. The match was a fantastic showcase of table tennis, played at the highest
level and in a wonderful spirit. The determination to not give in was perhaps the ultimate
difference in many close rubbers. The final score - CGS 8 rubbers, 32 games defeated PEGS
7 rubbers, 31 games. The team was led gallantly by their Captain, Augustine Nguyen, who
managed to come back from 6–10 to win 12–10 and clinch a crucial rubber against Martin Lau,
the Captain of PEGS. Congratulations to each and every member of the team and squad on
such a successful season. Augustine was proud to present the Premiership trophy to the School
at yesterday’s Assembly.
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV 2015 Premiership Victory
Camberwell Grammar School
55 Mont Albert Road
Canterbury Victoria 3126
T +61 3 9835 1777
Page 1
The CGS First Badminton Squad successfully retained its title as the AGSV’s premiership
Badminton Team, winning the championship for the 15th time. The Camberwell side consisting
of Felix Wang (Year 10), Shawn Li (Year 12), Conrad So (Year 11), Alex Chen (Year 10),
Steven Guo (Year 11) and newbie Kevin Yu (Year 11) had to overcome formidable opposition
from PEGS. The final started off with four singles games, followed by two doubles matches.
The whole morning was played with a very high level of intensity but, in the end, Camberwell
managed to prevail over the PEGS opposition.
This impressive victory complemented the Squad’s undefeated record for the season. Felix also
presented the Premiership Cup to the School at Assembly.
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
AGSV Representative Teams
Last weekend marked the end of the Summer Sport season for 2014/2015. With the end of
the season comes the selection of the AGSV representative teams who will compete against
APS representative teams.
Congratulations to the following students on their inclusion in AGSV representative teams and
good luck for their competition next Tuesday and Basketball later in the year:
Badminton Steven Guo (Year 11)
Shawn Li (Year 12)
Conrad So (Year 11)
Felix Wang (Vice Captain, Year 10)
Basketball Jack Perry (Year 11)
Oliver Chauhan (Year 12)
Michael Liu (Year 11)
Andrew Young (Year 11)
Junior School
Table Tennis Joe Chen (Year 9)
Augustine Nguyen (Captain, Year 12)
Michael Tan (Year 9)
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
End of Term
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Lucas Stambos (Vice Captain, Year 12)
Paul Hicks, Headmaster
Middle School
Curriculum Information Evening
It was great to see so many parents here for the Curriculum Information Evening on Tuesday.
The night provided us with an excellent opportunity to share our curriculum priorities, such as
the ongoing roll out of the Australian Curriculum, the School’s development of our Schoology
site, the trial of the Maths Pathway Program in Year 6 and our system of assigning grades. It also
allowed us to hear from parents on a range of matters relating to their sons’ learning, including
homework and the use of technology in the classroom. As I mentioned at the commencement
of the night, we are looking forward to welcoming Dr Craig Hassed, a former Camberwell
Grammar student and a world leader in mindfulness, to the School next term. Craig will be
running a session for the boys and he will be our guest speaker at the William Angliss Dinner
on Tuesday 12 May. Details about this special night will be sent out next term.
We have also formed a relationship with Swinburne University and we are looking to implement
an Emotional Intelligence Program, aimed at Year 8. I feel that both of these areas will further
enhance the boys’ learning and overall sense of wellbeing. I will look forward to sharing more
information on these exciting initiatives next term.
My thanks to Mr Scott Wyatt, Middle School Deputy Head, for putting together such an
informative and thorough presentation, and to Mr Mark Dowley and Mr Mark Mews for their
input on the night.
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher Nights
Thank you to the Year 6 parents who attended the Parent/Teacher evening on Wednesday.
I know that the time allocated for each appointment is brief, so please contact any of your
son’s teachers if you would like to follow up on any of the matters discussed. We now turn
our attention to the Year 8 Night, which will be held in the Wheelton Centre next Wednesday.
Online bookings are available for our Year 8 parents until Tuesday afternoon.
Easter Service
I extend a warm welcome to parents and family members to next Wednesday’s Easter Service
at St Mark’s. The service will commence at 9.30am.
End of Term
It is difficult to believe that we only have one week to go! Our term will conclude next Friday
at 3.20pm following a final Middle School Assembly.
Rob French, Head of Middle School
Page 2
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
AGSV Representative Teams
Junior School
At this week’s Assembly all Year 5 boys were presented with their leadership badges, reminding
them of their position as the Senior Junior School class and the associated responsibilities and
expectations. In his address to the Junior School Assembly, Dr Paul Hicks reminded boys that
the true purpose of leadership was serving others. In our school we regularly have examples
of boys doing the right thing just to do the right thing and not because it will earn them
recognition or kudos. Our Year 5 boys set the tone and the standard through their words and
deeds. We wish them every success in their endeavours and look forward to seeing them
aspire to the highest standards.
Easter Service
During last week’s Assembly the 14 boys nominated to stand for election to the Year 5 Executive
Council presented themselves and their ideas to the boys from Years 3 to 5. Their presentations
were superb! The boys had clearly given a great deal of thought to the idea of leadership and
how they personally could contribute to enhancing the life of the School and the experience of
their school mates. I am sure the parents who were there were very proud of their sons, just
as I was.
The nominees were: Nicolaas Bray, Aneek Sengupta, Evan Chiu, Leon Fei, Brendan Tse, Gregory
Kerdemelidis, Keith Ng , Mathieu Ly, Zach Kyriakos, Alexander Newman-Thurlby, Maclane Cross,
James Eastwood, Samuel Betts and Michael Alexander.
From the 14 boys nominated to stand for election to the Year 5 Executive Council, eight were
elected. All nominated boys are congratulated for their nomination and recognition as leaders
by their peers, and the Executive Council was introduced and invested with their badge of
office: Nicolaas Bray, Evan Chiu, Leon Fei, Keith Ng, Mathieu Ly, Aneek Sengupta, Brendan Tse
and Gregory Kerdemelidis.
I will be asking our Junior School Leaders to make a difference; to provide guidance,
encouragement and energy so that our school is a better place because of their leadership and
example. I wish them every success and I look forward to working closely with them in the
months ahead.
Beachside Divisional Swimming Championships
Following the South Yarra District Championships, a team of ten Junior and Middle School
boys competed in the Beachside Division Swimming Championships held at Oakleigh Pool. The
following boys are to be congratulated on their performances and special congratulations go to
our 9/10 Years Boys Freestyle Relay Team (Richard Liu, James Alexandrakis, Lachlan Nguyen,
James Kerferd), our 11 Years Freestyle Relay Team (Greg Kerdemelidis, Alexander Hillman,
Harry Watson, Lewis Clarke), and our Open Medley Relay Team (Lewis Clarke, Alexander
Hillman, Hayden Nguyen, Greg Kerdemelidis). Greg Kerdemelidis (50m backstroke and 50m
Breastroke) and Lewis Clarke (50m Freestyle and 50m Butterfly) progressed through to the
Regional Championships that was held at MSAC on the 26 March.
Congratulations on all boys who competed at the Divisional Swimming Championships:
Alexander Hillman (Year 6)
Hayden Nguyen (Year 6)
Lewis Clarke (Year 5)
Greg Kerdemelidis (Year 5)
Nicolaas Bray (Year 5)
Lachlan Nguyen (Year 4)
Harry Watson (Year 4)
James Kerferd (Year 4)
Richard Liu (Year 4)
James Alexandrakis (Year 4)
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
End of Term
Junior School
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Junior House Swimming Results
Additional multiple first place winners from our Junior School House Swimming Carnival
included; Luka Stojnic (Year 3), Ben Ford (Year 3), Alex Dai (Year 4), Aydan Yim (Year 4) and
Ben Price (Year 5). Also Lewis Clarke set a new record in the Year 5 50m Butterfly with a time
of 36.65.
Nick Appleyard, Junior School Sportsmaster
Junior School Library
The 2015 Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open.
Students: Take the challenge. Read great books that you choose from the booklists, then log in
to record what you have read and vote for your favourite.
Parents: The Premiers’ Reading Challenge encourages children to read a set number of books
over the year and record their efforts online. It is a great way to get young people talking about
reading with their friends and pushing themselves to read as many books as they can.
Page 3
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
If you wish to be part of this year’s challenge, please print the flyer included in this bulletin and
return it to the library before the end of April.
This link will take you to the official website with all the information you require on how to enter
and record the books you read as well as the books list for each age group.
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
Anna Emmett, Junior School Librarian
AGSV Table Tennis
Easter Service
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
Family and friends are invited to our Junior School Easter Church Service which will be held at
St Mark’s Church next Friday at 1.00pm.
The boys (Prep to Year 5) will walk to St Mark’s Church, on the corner of Burke and Canterbury
Roads. Parents are warmly invited to attend and the service will conclude at 1.45pm. Boys will
be dismissed from the church at the conclusion of the service for the Term 1 break. However, if
you require your son to return to school for After Care, please indicate on the reply slip which
was handed out this week. If using After Care please book in with Camp Australia. For parents
with a Pre-Prep son, you may choose to collect him early from school after the church service.
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
Howard Kelly, Head of Junior School
End of Term
Junior School
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
What an amazing way to finish the Summer Season. Firsts Badminton and Table Tennis Teams
both won their respective AGSV Premiership Competitions whilst Lawn Bowls and Triathlon Teams
have their finals in the coming days. Table tennis was one of the most enthralling finals I have
ever seen; 11 all in the final set of the match with the score locked at seven Rubbers a piece
and two games a piece, Captain Augy Nguyen (Year 12) and Jonathan Geddes (Year 11) then
won the next two points to win the match and the Premiership. Well done also to Mr Stephen
Smith for his nerves of steel in what was a very tense encounter. A more detailed evaluation
of Summer Sport will be outlined in next week’s Bulletin.
Summer Sport has concluded now and Winter Sport will commence as of the first Wednesday
of next term (15 April). Please check the CGS App for further information in regards to team
lists and training schedules. Also email me with any concerns or questions you might have
about Winter Sport on sport@cgs.vic.edu.au.
Good luck to Mr Hamish Meachem and the swimming squad at the AGSV Finals on tonight at
Sport Report
The final round of Summer Sport saw both the Badminton and Table Tennis Teams win their
respective Final and attain silverware.
Camberwell’s First Table Tennis Team played PEGS, looking to win their sixth premiership in
seven years. Trailing two games to love, Joe Chen (Year 9) excelled to win his singles rubber
in five games, with Camberwell winning four of the possible six rubbers in the first round
of matches. The reverse singles saw the honours tied, both teams winning three rubbers.
Heading into the seeded pair matches, Camberwell was up seven rubbers to five. With the first
two seeded pairs going down to PEGS, the premiership came down to the success or otherwise
of the first seeded pair of Jonathon Geddes (Year 11) and Augustine Nguyen (Year 12). With
two games each the last game was a tight and thrilling affair, but a late burst of skill and focus
saw the pair take the final rubber to ensure a Camberwell victory.
The First Badminton Team won their 14th premiership in the 25 years of the sport in AGSV.
Cruising to victory over PEGS, winning six rubbers to love, standout players included
Shawn Li (Year 12) and Steven Guo (Year 11), who both won in tight matches, and
Felix Wang (Year 10), Captain of the side.
The 10A Basketball Team won their fifth consecutive match in a close fought battle with
Peninsula. Poor discipline in the first half was the topic of a rousing speech from Mr Hone the team soon responded, leaving the opposition in their wake as an impressive match from
Will Kruyt (Year 10) and Je-Rome Cheong (Year 10) led the side to a 29-26 point victory.
The First XI Cricket Team defeated Mentone in the 20/20 round. The last game for almost half
the team saw a shake-up in the batting order as Camberwell were sent in to bat. Two early
wickets saw Lachie Powell (Year 11) arrive at the crease in only the fourth over and the innings
in the balance. Lachlan scored a composed but suitably rapid innings, to amass 55 not out,
Camberwell scoring 3/140 off their 20 overs. In reply, Mentone got off to a quick start, before
Lachlan again stepped in, taking 3/30 off his four overs, including bowling two key death overs.
Once again a composed spell from the ever-improving Michael Liu (Year 11) saw Camberwell
home, winning by five runs.
The Second XI Cricket played Peninsula, at Deepdene Oval. Camberwell lost the toss and were
sent in to bat. Brothers, Will (Year 11) and Jack Dalrymple (Year 12) opened the batting and
made a strong start, scoring 72 and 45 respectively, and Camberwell finishing with 158 from
their 20 overs. Mitchell Linley (Year 12) opened the bowling and picked up an early wicket, with
Rohan Chitale (Year 10) bowling tightly towards the end to secure Camberwell a five run win.
Page 4
Assembly Performance
Finally, despite calls for Play of the Week to be awarded to the very modest but theatrically
robust debater Farouk Al-Salihi (Year 12), the award must go to John Kypuros (Year 12) for
the demolition of his opponent in Second’s Volleyball. At match point for Camberwell, John
managed to retrieve a shot, with his foot, kicking the ball, crisply, into the opponent’s corner
and thus winning the match. An incredible piece of skill, and worthy recipient of Play of the
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
Oliver Chauhan, Captain of Games
Animal Farm
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
Jamie Watson, Director of Sport
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Dates for the Diary
Curriculum Information
21 March
VET Science Open Day - University of Melbourne
Easter Service
7 April
VET for a day program - RSPCA
End of Term
9 April
Experience La Trobe - La Trobe University
Junior School
10 April
A day at Melbourne - University of Melbourne
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
22 April
CGS Careers Night (PAC)
Junior House Swimming
17 April
Deadline for Year 10 Work Experience Forms
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Junior School Library
Work Experience Program 2015
Easter Service
The Work Experience Program at Eastern Health provides students with an opportunity to
spend one week working within one of the Eastern Health sites: Maroondah Hospital, Angliss
Hospital, Box Hill Hospital and Wantirna Health. Students may have placements within the
following departments:
• Nursing
• Doctors
• Physiotherapy
• Pharmacy
• Pathology
• Biomedical Engineering
• Medical Imaging/Radiology
• Administration
• Human Resources
• IT
• HIS (Health Information Services)
• Finance
To apply, students must complete an online application form, and submit a résumé and cover
letter explaining their preferred department, how they think the placement will assist them in
your future career and the required dates. Applications for 2015 Work Experience placements
close on Tuesday 31 March 2015. Visit here for deatils and applications.
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Take CTRL - IT at Monash
Monash Faculty of Information Technology is introducing a free event for Year 12 students
interested in studying IT at Monash. Take CTRL will offer network opportunities, a workshop,
a tour of the CAVE2 and presentations. Hear from Monash alumni on where studying IT at
Monash can lead to. Students with an aptitude for Maths, Science and/or Technology are invited
to attend this event at the Clayton campus on Sat 2 May 2015 from 10.00am to 4.30pm.
Register for this event at: www.infotech.monash.edu/takeCTRL. For further details contact
Melina Talanis (+61 3 990 20108), melina.talanis@monash.edu.
NB. As there will be photo and video coverage of the event, attendees must complete the
consent form (download it from Schoology) and bring it with them on the day.
Lynette Reiger, Careers Counsellor
Page 5
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
End of Term
Junior School
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Page 6
Pianist Avan Yu, who has performed on several occasions at Camberwell Grammar, is returning
for an incursion on Monday 4 May. He will give a short recital followed by a Q&A in Periods 4
and 5 on that day. If your son learns the piano either at school or externally and would like
to attend, please complete the form attached to the Bulletin and return to Mr Greg Roberts or
the Music School Office, no later than Friday 17 April. This is highly recommended for all piano
students but other music students are welcome to attend.
Trevor Henley, Director of Music
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
Term 1, Week 9
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
23 March
DAV, Inter-School Debating, Round 1
Junior School AGSV Swimming Carnival, MSAC, 10.45am to
AIS Swimming tour 2016 - Information Session, Quinn
Lecture Theatre
24 March
Theatre Studies Production (Year 12) and Showcase (Years 9
and 11) Dress Rehearsal, Middleton Theatre, 4.30pm
Music Students’ Recital, Music School, 7.30pm
Representative Summer Sport AGSV v APS
Junior School Snowsports Information Session
25 March
Year 6 Parliament House excursion today; 2.45am to
Middle School Easter Service, St Mark’s, 9.30am
Golf Victoria Inter-School Golf Challenge, 12.00pm to
Year 8 and 10 Parent/Teacher Interviews, WLC, 4.00pm to
26 March
Theatre Studies Production (Year 12) and Showcase (Years
9 and 11), Middleton Theatre, 7.30pm
Junior School Artists on Parade, PAC Foyer, 2.00pm
Senior School Lenten Service, PAC, 8.30am
OCGA WA Network Function
Chess Australia Secondary Open Tournament, held at
Brighton Grammar
Junior School Easter Service Choir Rehearsal, St Mark’s,
11.00am to 12.30pm
Artists on Parade, Prep - Year 2, 2.00pm, Middleton Theatre
27 March
Junior School Easter Service, St Mark’s, 1.00pm
AGSV Golf Championship, Royal Melbourne, returning at
Middle School Assembly, 2.45pm to 3.15pm
Senior School House Meetings, 2.45pm to 3.15pm
28 March
European Hockey Tour (28 March to 12 April)
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Easter Service
End of Term
Junior School
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Sport Diary Dates
Tuesday 24 March
AGSV v APS Representative Matches
Friday 27 March
AGSV Golf at Royal Melbourne
Saturday 28 March to 12 April European Hockey Tour
Thursday 9 April
IntermediateFootball v Hale School Perth, GBO, 3.00pm
Wednesday 15 April
All Winter Sport Training commences
Page 7
Animal Farm
Assembly Performance
2015 Australian
Mathematical Olympiad
AGSV Table Tennis
CGS First’s Badminton AGSV
2015 Premiership Victory
AGSV Representative Teams
Middle School
Curriculum Information
Year 6 and 11 Parent/Teacher
Support Groups
Cafeteria Roster
23 March
Susan Koppleman, Andi Caragounis
24 March
Josephine Hii, Sue Norman
25 March
Helen Cooper, Julie Englander
26 March
Shannon Clarke
27 March
Anita Talwar, Ann Cheung
Swap Shop Roster
Easter Service
End of Term
25 March
Lily Jiang, Pru Lombardi
Junior School
28 March
Beachside Divisional
Swimming Championships
Junior House Swimming
Junior School Library
Easter Service
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Association
Sunday 22 March – Suma Park Cricket, Queenscliff
Swap Shop
The Swap Shop will be open each Wednesday from 3.00pm to 4.30pm and every Saturday
from 10.00am to 12noon. We look forward to seeing you in the shop very soon!
Friends of Cricket
Friends of Cricket are now selling 50ml CGS sunscreen for $10.00 each – SPF 30+ and four
hours water resistant. The metal carabineer clip makes these perfect for school bags, sports
bags, cricket, tennis, triathlon, and any other outdoor activities.
The sunscreen is available for purchase from the Development Office.
Honey for Sale
Pure Cathedral Valley Honey is available to purchase from the Development Office.
Don’t miss out! Drop into the Development Office today. Cash and credit card payments accepted.
Leaping Goat Extra Virgin Olive Oil
This delicious, award winning extra virgin olive oil is now available for purchase from the
Development Office, at a special discounted price for Camberwell Grammar School.
Cash and credit card payments accepted.
250ml - $10.00
500ml - $20.00
Not only are these bottles a lovely gift idea but also $2.00 from every bottle purchased goes
to the Ron Wootton Scholarship Fund (Order form attached to Bulletin).
CGS Auxiliary Cafeteria Volunteers
The Camberwell Grammar School Cafeteria provides an important service to the school.
A wide variety of foods and beverages are sold each day from breakfast to lunch time to boys in
Years 6 to 12, as well as staff. The Cafeteria also provides a system of daily lunch orders which
are delivered to the boys in the Junior School, Norge. The CGS Cafeteria is managed by Rowland
Commercial Catering and two parent volunteers assist each day from 9.30am to 1.00pm. The
Cafeteria Roster is currently full for Term 1 but we are always looking for new volunteers. As Terms
2 to 4 are longer, we do require additional volunteers and it is great to have emergencies when
possible.For further information please contact the Cafeteria Roster Co-ordinator, Nicole Loidl on
nicole@geotech.net.au or mobile 0401 697 264, or the Development Office on
dvt@cgs.vic.edu.au or 9835 1742.
Page 8
Years 9 and 10 Production Animal Farm
Year 7 Lord Somers Camp
The John Mallinson Organ
Individual Sporting
Achievements within a Term
House Swimming Medals
Middle School
Year 7 Camp
Year 7 Mums’ and Sons’
Parent/Teacher Evenings
Curriculum Information
Strictly Ballroom
Long Weekend
Junior School
South Yarra District
Swimming Championships
Junior School Photo Day
Support Groups
Spectemur Term 4
Page 9
Diary Date
Prep - Time to play
Thursday 26 March
3.30pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Deepdene Park
Corner of Whitehorse Road and Parkside Avenue, Balwyn
Please bring afternoon tea to share, siblings are welcome
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (Year 9)
Date: Friday 8 May
Time: 10.30am
Andrea and Steve Watt’s home
Venue: Camberwell Grammar School
Friends of Swimming Towel
Do you need a new towel for Swimming?
Why not buy a new CGS Friends of Swimming Sports Towel!
The towel comes in the CGS Colours and can have your initials embroidered on it so it
doesn’t get lost.
Cost: 1 for $38 or 2 for $70.
HCM Order forms need to be returned to the Development Office by
Wednesday 25 March 2015.
Friends of Swimming Towel
Student Name:
Initials to be embroidered (max 3):
Total Cost: $
Payment Method: ☐ Mastercard
Cheque – payable to Camberwell Grammar School
Card Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ for $
Card Holder’s Name:
Card Holder’s Signature:
AUTUMN SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM 30 March to 2 April 2015 Camberwell Grammar School 9am – 3pm Classroom 1 Classroom 2 30 April (Mon) Lego® WeDo Level 1A: Simple Machines (Junior) Cubelets and LiRleBits Level 2 (Intermediate) 31 March (Tues) BrickmaKon (Junior) Lego® WeDo Level 3C: Levers (Intermediate) 1 April (Wed) Lego® WeDo Level 2A: The Science of Sport (Junior) Lego® WeDo Level 3E: Intermediate programming (Intermediate) 2 April (Thurs) Lego® WeDo Level 2B: The Science of Toys (Junior) BrickmaKon Level 2 (Intermediate) ENROL ONLINE techkids.com.au 0433183695 Disclaimer: LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of Companies, which does not authorize, sponsor, or endorse this business or web site. All other trademarks are property of their respecKve owners. CGS CAREERS NEWS
Friday 20 March
Swinburne University’s Design Factory
Swinburne Design Factory is part of the Global Design Factory Network – a global network
of universities offering innovative education, research and partnerships.
Design Factory projects offer students new and unique experiences, challenging team
members to move outside their comfort zone to create innovative and new thinking. Over
the course of a project, students gain valuable skills that can set them apart in the
employment market, assisting with competencies such as:
The Global Design Factory Network includes:
Aalto Design Factory at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, at Tongji University in Shanghai, China
Duoc Design Factory at Duoc UC, Santiago, Chile
Find out more about the Design Factory at Design Factory
News from Monash University
 Comprehensive Courses vs. Specialist Courses
Deciding on a course is so much more than choosing a discipline to study. Students have to
weigh up considerations such as where to study, as well as how to study. The question of
how to study can be particularly complex, as it depends on whether the student wants to
keep their options open, or is ready to commit to a specialised area for the entirety of their
Monash has grouped their courses into two ways of studying: Monash comprehensive
courses, and Monash specialist courses.
Monash comprehensive courses are suitable for students who:
Want to keep their study and graduate options open
See university as an opportunity to try new things
Need some time to discover and define their interests
Comprehensive courses offer a wide range of majors within a field, and students can start
their course knowing what they want to major in, or spend up to a year figuring it out.
Another benefit of comprehensive courses is that they all contain elective units that can be
studied either within or outside of their chosen field (i.e. from a different faculty).
Monash comprehensive courses are: Bachelor degrees in Arts, Business, Commerce,
Information Technology, and Science.
Monash specialist courses are most appropriate for students who:
Are confident about what they want to study
Know what they want to “be” upon graduation
Specialist courses allow students to study their chosen discipline from day one. Upon
completion, many of these courses will provide students with the accreditation they require
for professional practice.
Monash Specialist courses include: Bachelor degrees in Engineering, Teaching, Nursing,
Law and Medicine.
Double degrees -should be considered for students who:
Have a diverse range of interests and don’t want to give anything up
Are time conscious – want to qualify in two separate disciplines in the shortest period
of time
 Want to double their vocational opportunities upon graduation
Double degrees allow students to study for two degrees at the same time. The double
degree offerings span the comprehensive and specialist courses; degrees can be comprised
of two comprehensive courses, two specialist courses, or one comprehensive and one
specialist course.
For further information about Monash comprehensive and specialist courses, watch this
YouTube video - Monash Comprehensive & Monash Specialist
 New Bachelor of Health Science
The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences has a suite of specialist courses that
allow students to start their destination area of study from day one of university. As part of
this suite, Monash is now offering the new Bachelor of Health Sciences degree (3 years),
which allows students to specialise in one of the following four areas:
Public Health
Human Services
Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice
Radiation Sciences
Students who complete the Bachelor of Health Sciences will be eligible for a range of
Masters by Coursework degrees no longer than 1.5 years in length, including the Master of
Public Health, and Master of Medical Radiations (Radiation Therapy).
For further information about the new Bachelor of Health Sciences, students are
encouraged to attend the ‘At Monash’ Health Science seminar on Tuesday 19 May at
Monash Clayton. Registrations are essential at At Monash Seminar Series
Careers in Criminology
Many students consider a career in the legal industry yet only know about being a lawyer or
judge. Many have heard of, but do not know, what a criminologist does.
According to the Job Guide, criminologists examine the systems by which people accused
of crimes are brought to justice, attempt to explain the reasons for criminal behaviour and
suggest ways crime might be reduced.
Criminologists may specialise in organisational research, victimology, corporate crime, adult
corrections and/or juvenile justice. They may work in the legal field, in the
social/psychological fields, which study the effects of the criminal justice system or the
factors which contribute to offending behaviour by individuals.
So, what type of person becomes a criminologist?
Someone who has analytical ability
Someone with personal integrity
Someone interested in welfare and human behaviour
Someone interested in working with disadvantaged groups
Victorian Universities offering criminology courses include –
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in
English (EAL) or 20 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in
English (EAL) or 20 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 35 in
English (EAL) or 30 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in
English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL.
Criminology/IT Security
Criminal Justice Administration
Criminology & Psychology
Swinburne Social Science
Business/Social Science
Criminal Justice Studies
Legal Studies
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in
English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in
English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in
English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in
English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in
English (EAL) or 20 in English other than EAL.
Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in
English (EAL) or 20 in English other than EAL.
Visit Australian Institute of Criminology - to find out more.
Camberwell Grammar School & Friends of Cricket invite
all Year 7-12 Cricketers and Parents to the
Monday 23 March 2015
7.30pm to 9.00pm
at the Gordon Barnard Reserve Pavilion, Balwyn
Special Guest Speaker:
To be announced
Please come along to the school Cricket Presentation Night at
the GBO Pavilion – we would like to see all cricketing families there!
• Team awards
• Drinks at bar prices
• Team of the Year
Cricket Presentation Night Please RSVP by Friday 20 March 2015 by email to: CGS Development Office: dvt@cgs.vic.edu.au Adult/s: ……………………..………………………………………………..….. Student/s: …………………..…………………………………………………….... Cricket Team/s: ………………………………………………………………………... Parents’ Prayer Group
The next meeting of the Parents’ Prayer Group for 2015 will be held on:
Monday 23 March, 2.00pm
This group meets monthly to pray for needs within the Camberwell Grammar
Community. The meeting will conclude at 3.00pm but parents are welcome to stay on
till the end of school classes.
We meet in the School Chapel: Room W204 on the 2nd floor of the Wheelton Centre.
Anyone from the school community is warmly invited to attend. We welcome enquiries
from anyone unable to attend on the Monday but who is keen to join us for future
meetings. If you would like further information, or if you would like to send prayer
needs, which will be treated confidentially please contact:
Lyn Gray: 0424 001 933 lyncgray@bigpond.com
Ros Thorn: 0418 736 865 rosalindhthorn@gmail.com
Rev. Charles Butler: cdb@cgs.vic.edu.au
Speedcubing Australia
Sponsored by
Melbourne Autumn 2015
Sunday 22 March 2015
8:30am to 6:00pm
Camberwell Grammar School (Wilson Room)
Melbourne, Australia
55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Register online
Registration fee:
AU$2 (Competitors)
Entry is free for spectators!
Registration will close on Friday the 13th of March, 2015 at 6pm.
Speedcubing Australia
WCA Delegate:
Dene Beardsley and Tim McMahon
Term 2, 2015
Watercolour Painting
Tutor – Maxine Wade
Limited places now available in this popular class
WEDNESDAY over 8 weeks, 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Commencing Week 2, April 22, concluding June 10
$160.00 – Students provide own materials, recommended material list provided.
Beginners and experienced members welcome.
Pottery – Hand Building and Wheelwork
Tutor – Jenny Boyd
WEDNESDAY over 8 weeks, 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Commencing Week 2, April 22, concluding June 10
$185.00 – Materials and Firing included.
Beginners and experienced participants welcome.
Life Drawing
Tutor – Kevin Boyd
THURSDAY over 8 weeks, 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Commencing Week 2, April 23, concluding June 11
$170.00 - students provide own specific drawing materials.
Basic papers included and some materials provided to get started.
Beginners’ welcome. Experienced drawers benefit from quality facilities and professional models
For further information and payment inquiries for both courses, please contact:
Tim Wells, Art Department, 9835 1777, art@cgs.vic.edu.au or Kevin Boyd kb@cgs.vic.edu.au
Payment can be made by phone: Kaye Munro, Accounts Department, 9835 1777
19 March 2015
The Fun and Famous Falls Creek Snowsports Family Week
Monday 6 July to Friday 10 July (or Sunday 12 July, see below)
Fantastic value for families and friends. Children’s Lift and Lesson Packages can be organised for both
skiing and snowboarding at significantly reduced prices. This year, for the first time, Adult
Packages will also be available, but will be limited, details to follow in the an information
email, to receive this email an “expression of interest” needs to be made, please see below.
This popular week will once again take place in the second week of the July school holidays at Falls
Creek, the most reliable Victorian snow resort. It is open to all CGS families and their friends. Your
actual involvement in lessons and activities can be as little or as much as your family desires, but
regardless of your involvement significant savings can be had. The week’s tuition is conducted by the
Falls Creek Snowsports School. Some enjoyable social activities will also be happening for those who
wish to attend. Non-CGS families are most welcome to participate.
Lift and Lesson Packages
The lift and lesson package option usually follows the following format: Monday to Friday: A 1.5 to
2-hour lesson per day and a five day lift ticket. The cost of a five-day primary lift and lesson package
will be $230 per student. The cost of a five-day secondary lift and lesson package will be $322 per
student. The normal cost to the public for a child (6 to 14 years old) lift and lesson package is $478 and
for a youth (15 to 18 years old) it is $642. These primary and secondary packages being offered
constitute a significant saving – even the cost of a child five day lift pass ($234) with no lessons and
youth five day lift pass ($398) with no lessons is more expensive than the CGS primary and secondary
lift and lesson offers. There will be seven day options available as well, please see below.
Please note that students need to be accommodated with and be under the supervision of at least one
parent, friend or guardian during the week. Accommodation needs to be individually organised by
families attending and it is very much advisable to do this soon. Booking options are provided below.
Please note that the cost varies widely depending on whether you want budget lodge style, through
self-catered apartments to premium accommodation.
The options are an accommodation service called Mountain Multiservice:
mmfalls@bigpond.com (03) 5472 2274 or (03) 5758 3499 or 0418 715 905.
Other alternatives are: Falls Creek website- http://www.fallscreek.com.au
Falls Creek Central Reservations 1800 033 079 fallscreekinfo@bigpond.com
Falls Creek Reservation Centre 1800 453 525 accom@fallscreek.net
Further Information
The race trials event for CGS Snowsports team selection for the Victorian Interschools Snowsports
Championships will once again be held at Falls Creek on the weekend immediately following Family
Week ie. Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 July. If your son is going to be a member of the CGS Snowsports
team this year and you will be attending Family Week in the week prior, then you will need to consider
this when making your accommodation booking ie. you will need to book for this weekend as well as
the 5 days. Consequently, great value 7 day lift and lesson packages will also be available in addition to
the original 5 day option. Alternatively, if you are not going to be part of the CGS Snowsports team this
year and you wish to stay for the weekend, you are also welcome to take advantage of the lift and
lesson package for the extra 2 days, and then on the Sunday your family may choose to participate in
some fun racing activities that will be organised in conjunction with the race trials.
Please indicate your expression of interest by sending the following information to Mr Michael Heyes at
mth@cgs.vic.edu.au. You will then be updated with details closer to the event. Details required are:
Email address (regularly checked – this is the most important detail)
Parent name(s)
Names of students likely to attend
If you have any queries please contact Mr Michael Heyes or Mr David Williamson on 9835 1777.
Avan Yu Winner 2012 Sydney International Piano Competition Avan Yu, the winner of the 2012 Sydney International Piano Competition is returning to Camberwell Grammar School. He will be presenting a short recital for all music students, followed by a Q&A. This event will be held during Periods 4 and 5 on Monday 4 May (Term 2, week 4) in the Rehearsal Room of the Mallinson Music School. Many students may already be familiar with Avan, from the recitals he gave at Camberwell Grammar in 2012 and 2014. This incursion will offer not only the chance to hear another performance from this world-­‐class pianist but also allow students the opportunity to talk to and interact with Avan. Attendance is strongly recommended for any boy who learns the piano either at school or externally. If your son would like to attend, please complete the form below and return no later than Friday 17 April to Mr Greg Roberts or the Music School Office. ___________________________________________________________ I would like my son to attend the Avan Yu incursion on Monday May 4. Son’s name: ___________________________________ Year : _______ Signature: _____________________________________ News from the farm
There are few more important dates on the farming calendar
than the timing of the 'Autumn break' - that is, when the rains
of Autumn break the dry of Summer. This kicks along grass
growth at Kangaroobie and starts grass growth for Mark and
Karlie's lambs.
At Kangaroobie, the key date is St Patrick's Day, 'If it doesn't
rain before St Patrick's Day then it will be a tough Autumn
and Winter' goes the local saying. Well, it waited until the last
minute but, almost on cue, on 17 March we had some much
needed rain and, if the saying is true, we should be well set
for the next two seasons. At Mark and Karlie's, the key date
is Anzac Day so we'll wait to see how they go.
Our calving this year has gone very well, with most of the
cows calving happily by themselves and only a few needing
assistance. Luckily for some groups of visiting students (or
unluckily depending on how yucky they found it), they were
able to help pull a couple of calves out. There was much
excitement and education.
And finally, we have been impressed with the increasing
level of knowledge and interest about the difference between
grass-fed and grain-fed meat over the last couple of weeks.
It is becoming clear that nearly all supermarket meat spends
a lot of time in a small pen being fed a high grain diet –
certainly not our idea of happy animals. The difference
shows through in the taste of the meat (as you keep telling
us), and in things you can’t feel and taste like the greater
proportion of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and higher levels
of antioxidants. So, thank you, for caring about how your
meat is grown.
March 26
April 21
What others have
to say:
You know it's good
when the teenage
son notices the
Mother, Williamstown
DATE: $1,688
What is Kangaroobie Meats?
CGS students have been going to Kangaroobie farm and school camp for well over 20 years. Matt
Bowker (1990), old boy and owner of Kangaroobie, is now bringing the farm back to CGS by
offering high quality grass fed beef and lamb.
Simply order online (www.shop.kangaroobiemeats.com) and your order will be delivered to CGS
outside the cafeteria where you or your son can pick it up directly from us, the farmers. And better
still, 5% of sales go direct to the Friends of Performing Arts for the fundraising project of their
Welcome to the annual Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Reading is an essential life skill for everyone and the Challenge encourages families to be actively involved in supporting children to read. The Challenge invites children and young people to read a set number of books and record their efforts online. It’s a great way to get them talking about reading with friends and family, and to push themselves to read as many books as they can. Join the Challenge today and discover new authors, get expert tips, book recommendations and more. Participation is free. To find out more about the Challenge and access the booklist visit: www.education.vic.gov.au/prc Like us on Facebook to share tips, literary articles and recommended reads www.facebook.com/VicPRC 2015 Privacy and Consent Form (Schools and Early Childhood Settings) By signing this document, you agree to the TERMS and CONDITIONS outlined below. These include consent for your child to participate in the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge and for their name to appear on a certificate of completion and for their name to appear in the online honour roll. Please note that the child’s name only will appear on the certificate and online Honour Roll with no other identifying factors. Participating schools appear as a separate list. Child’s name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. School or early childhood service: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Year level/class: ………………………………………………… Yes o No o I consent to my child’s name appearing on the online Honour Roll Certificate name (only if different from name above): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............... Parent/guardian name (please print): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/guardian signature: ……………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………………………………………………
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Definitions: Department refers to the Victorian Department of Education and Training, Person refers to the child/adult listed below in the consent declaration. 1) Privacy Protection The Department takes its privacy obligations seriously and any personal information collected or used by the Department will be handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). This law sets out what we must do when the Department collects, uses, handles and destroys personal information. Personal information includes personal details such as an individual’s name and school that could be used to identify an individual. 2) Collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information If you provide your consent your school or early childhood setting will collect and disclose your child’s first and last name, and the name of the early childhood setting or school to the Department. The Department will then: Use the information to register your child and to generate an online account (through which school age children can record the books that they read); •
Publish your child’s name and year level on its online Honour Roll located at: www.education.vic.gov.au/prc at the completion of the Challenge with no other identifying factors such as school name. •
Give the name of your child to Finsbury Green Pty Ltd ABN 52 007 743 151 who will then disclose to a 3rd party for t he purpose of printing Certificates of Achievement. 3) Accuracy, access to information and withdrawal of consent The Department will endeavour to ensure that any personal information held about your child is up to date and accurate. You can access, correct and withdraw personal information held by the Department by written request in accordance with the Department’s Information Privacy Policy located at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacypolicy.aspx •
Consent may be withdrawn at any time by writing to the Department’s Privacy Unit on: privacy.enquiries@edumail.vic.gov.au . If you have any questions about this form, or if you need more information, please contact the PRC Challenge Coordinator at the Department readingchallenge@edumail.vic.gov.au or (03) 9637 3624. This original has been printed in black and white on recycled paper to reduce cost and environmental impact.