Jan 2016 - Kansas City MG Car Club
Jan 2016 - Kansas City MG Car Club
│ Kansas City MG Post │ Volume 35, Issue 1 │ January 2016 │ Official Newsletter of the Kansas City MG Car Club IN THIS ISSUE: MOWOG MEETING 2 ARTICLE “TELEPHONE” 2 KCMGCC CHRISTMAS PARTY 3 KCMGCC AT KCAM 4 MIDGET MUMBLINGS 5 FREEZING FOR A REASON 6 SAVE THE DATE! JUNE 13-17, 7 2016 MG2016 & REGISTRATION CLASSIC-FIEDS 8 TRIVIA 9 CLUB WASS-UP 9 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 10 REGALIA/NAMGBR/NAMGAR 11 HELPFUL CONNECTIONS 12 ABOUT THE POST 15 CLUB OFFICERS 15 NAMGAR/NAMGBR 15 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 16 MEMBERSHIP Please welcome: Tim and Bernie Bachta from Leawood, KS who own a ‘74 MGB Membership reports we have 133 members *** Next KCMG Meetings: Club Social at RCs—Tuesday, January 11, 2016 MOWOG—Saturday, January 16, 2016 (cont. to pg. 2) BEHIND THE WHEEL by Rick Mills Rob Camblin was a very good president for the Kansas City MG Car Club. In fact, there have been lots of great presidents of this club over the years including Russ Circle, John Burrows, Gerry Cahill, Charles Hill, just to name a few. Oh, and of course, Ben Munday, our founding father. But Rob started writing an article every month and for me, that will be hard to do, but I will try. I want to introduce our new board members for 2016: President: Rick Mills, member since 1983 Vice President: Denny Hale, member since 1983 Treasurer: Charles Hill, member since 2009 Newsletter Editor: Victoria Frank, member since 2015 Membership: Tommie Camblin, member since 1997 Members at Large: Bob Wales, member since 2007 Mike Kelly, member since 2005 Regalia: open We are volunteers for your club; yes, it is your MG car club. So be proactive and volunteer to host an event or, even if you have an idea for an event, speak up. If we haven't visited your favorite winery yet, let us know. If you know of some good roads close to the city that we don't know about, let someone know and we can do a run in your neighborhood. Also, we need articles for Victoria to put in the newsletter. Tell us how you got started in LBCs. Later this year, I will tell you how I got started driving an MG. I am all about DRIVING our MGs, or Triumphs, or Morgans, or Jags, or Morrises, or whatever you drive; to me, it's about the drive. There are only 9 more Sundays till driving season. And maybe between then and now, we will have a warm day or two to drive one. Hope you got over to the Kansas City Auto Museum in Olathe to see some of our cars on display. Monica and I went over there a couple Saturdays ago and ran into a guy with a 1973 MGB-GT and is not a member of our club. Hopefully, we recruited him and hope to see him at our next club meeting. Don't forget to attend MOWOG so you can get informed on what is going on in 2016. I hope to see you behind the wheel. Page 2 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 2016 MOWOG Host: Bill and Nicki Davidson Phone: (913) 677-0884 When: Saturday, January 16 at 6:30 PM Where: Davidson's, 7208 W 54th Terrace Mission, KS 66202 This is the beginning of a new year for the Kansas City MG Car Club. Even though most of our cars are safely tucked away from the salt on the roads, it is time for us to get together for a break in the winter weather and enjoy good finger foods and some fun, then plan our events for the coming year. The event starts at 6:30 pm with the meeting starting at 7 pm. Please bring an appetizer (finger food) to share and what you want to drink. (There will be a variety of distilled spirits available so bring a mixer if you want to drink the hard stuff. If you want beer, you must bring your own.) Also bring any ideas you may have for a club event. It does not mean you have to host it. We can find someone to host it. ARTICLE “TELEPHONE”: Why? To add to club member involvement! We want to learn more about each person in the club, their Little British Cars, their non-British Classics, something funny about a car experience, and even the not-so-funny events with their cars. How the game works: (Beginning the month of January) At the Monthly Social at RC’s we will nominate one member to write an article for February. February’s nominee will then choose another member for March. March’s nominee will chose another different member to write for April, and so on. All nominations for this will be done at the social. However, if you cannot make it, you can ALWAYS send an article or images you want published at any time!!! What to write: Topics are plentiful — ex: an event you hosted, attended, or even heard about — It doesn't have to be a very long article, even a sentence or two, and/or a picture of your car(s). We just want to know more about you! Submit these (and any other pictures/articles you would like to see about putting in the newsletter) to victorialorae994@yahoo.com or editor@kcmgcc.com Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 3 Christmas Party & Election of Officers by Tommie Camblin This year the KCMGCC Christmas Party was held on December 5th at Rob and Tommie Camblin’s home. The garage had been decorated for the occasion. It started with a catered dinner of ham, turkey, dressing mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans pumpkin pie, and cookies. Lots of food to go around. The meal was followed by the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contests. Gerry Cahill and Diane Cotton won the contest. Next on the agenda was the election of officers for 2016. Results were: President – Rick Mills Vice President – Denny Hale Membership – Tommie Camblin Treasurer – Charles Hill Newsletter Editor – Victoria Frank Members-at-Large – Mike Kelly and Bob Wales Regalia is still vacant. (If you are interested in this position, see one of the other officers.) Now that Business was taken care of, it was time for the White Elephant gift exchange. Always my personnel favorite. It didn’t disappoint this year. Lots of anticipation and laughter. The grand finally was the English tradition of Crackers and door prizes. I think everyone had a good time once again. Ugly Sweater Contest: Gerry Cahill Diane Cotton Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 4 KCMGCC at KCAM by Denny Hale The Kansas City Automotive Museum was all MG’s for the month of December, with the marquee reading “Now Showing: KC MG Car Club”. We had eleven cars on display from our members, with a good representation of different MG’s; two T series, two MGA’s, three MGB’s, two GT’s, two Midgets, and one MGC. Most owners made a sheet of paper as a ‘reader’ with some history, and what was unique about their car. On display were: - 1938 MGTA from Jon Green - 1960 MGA from Bruce Miller - 1965 MG Midget from Phil Nicholson - 1973 MGB from Bob Holmes - 1973 MGB-GT from Rick & Monica Mills - 1979 MGB from Bob Haefner - 1951 MGTD from Bob Haefner - 1962 MGA from Rob Camblin - 1968 MGB from Denny & Ruth Hale - 1969 MGC-GT from Phil Collins - 1976 MG Midget from Steve Olson I had the opportunity to volunteer as a docent giving tours several times during the month. It seemed like everybody that visited the museum got a big smile on their face as they entered the room and saw our cars. Several of the people wanted to stand and read about each one, and quite a few recanted stories like, “I used to have one of these …” or, “My friend had one of these and we used to have so much fun …”. Unfortunately, most of the stories ended with something like “… but we just couldn’t keep it running!” or “… but then my wife got pregnant.” I tell everybody it’s not too late to re-kindle that fun, and there’s a great MG club here in town, with brochures in the lobby. Maybe we’ll get some new members out of the deal. Page 5 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Midget Mumblings By Steve Olson Thinking about the upcoming MOWOG meeting where we plan the club events for the year I started remembering how it was back in the late 1980s when I joined the club. Back then we tried to have one club event each month. Whoever volunteered to host an event was responsible for advertising it in the newsletter the month before the event and writing a follow up article the month after. We didn't do club socials except in the Winter months when it was too cold to drive our cars. We called those socials Natter and Noggins. We always had plenty of natter but often as not the noggin was non-alcoholic and the snacks home made. Many of these meetings were held in people's homes and a couple dozen kitchen and folding chairs was enough seating. Officer meetings were held in the living room of whoever was President. Most of our driving events were rallies either gimmick or sometimes more seriously competitive Time, Speed, and Distance contests. Rarely did our routes take us more than 50 miles from home. Another popular type of event were tech sessions held in someone's garage and attended mostly by the guys while the gals met inside the house to chat about the silly things us guys did. Tech presentations were usually about some component like distributors or carbs with rough diagrams drawn on easel boards and disassembled components passed around. Once Bob Allen had the transmission out of his Midget for repair so he had it apart and cleaned up so we could see how the selector engaged one gear and then another. Based solely on what I saw there I soon took apart my first 4 speed and managed to get it rebuilt without major problems. I learned to tune carbs at a similar session from Mike McMullen in his tiny basement one car garage. Now we watch John Twist videos on YouTube or tech tip videos from Moss. Same concept but newer delivery technology. The only local car show was the Kansas City All British Car and Cycle Meet on Labor Day weekend so we all attended that. As many as 400 cars were claimed to be there some years but based on memory and not hard data I think just over 300 was a more realistic number. Organizers tended to round up to the nearest hundred. Nearly everyone registered early to get the free T-shirt. If something prevented you from attending your entry was still counted. So 300 cars actually on the show field was probably all we ever really had. But it was a big show and MGs outnumbered any other make. Our cars were different back then also. All of them were what we would call 10 footers today. Maybe 20 footers. Paint was either what remained of factory original or a respray done at home in the driveway on a day when there wasn't too much dust or too many flying bugs. Victoria British and Moss sold new parts but not nearly as many as they do today. For unobtainable parts or parts that were expensive to buy new, we scoured junk yards and swap meets hoping to find used parts that were less worn out than the ones we had. Most of us drove our cars on a daily basis rain or shine so paint chips and a few rust bubbles were to be expected even on class winners. We showed our cars with pride regardless. The All Brit also had a Gym Khana (autocross) back then and nearly everyone entered. Tires screeched, exhaust roared, cones fell, and times were posted showing who was doing well and who wasn't. We now have a social every month and one or more other events nearly every month plus car shows and cruise nights every weekend in Summer months. Our numbers are now too large to meet in most member homes. Most cars are now pampered show pieces that sit most of the time under dust covers in climate controlled garages. We throw away used parts that are still in good useable condition and replace them with new ones made in third world countries because they are shiny and available. We spend more on power and performance enhancing gadgets than the original owners paid for our cars when they were new. Our cars are spoiled and we are spoiled even more. A tank of gas costs less than our average meal at one of our socials. The good old days weren't always better but they were certainly different than what our club is these days. Steve Olson Page 6 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 2016 We Have Been Invited to… What: Freezin for a Reason Ride Hosted By: LSPD (Lee’s Summit Police Department) for the Special Olympics SuperPlunge When: Saturday, January 9 from 12pm to 6pm — PRE-REGISTRATION info is below! (copy and paste the links) Where: Start at Gail’s Harley-Davidson 5900 E 150 Hwy, Grandview, MO 64030 Invitation: Join us for the Annual Freezin' For A Reason Ride to benefit Special Olympics on January 9, 2016. The ride is open to everyone in every type of vehicle. If you are not on a motorcycle, in a Jeep or driving a convertible, just make sure you roll your windows down to be part of the fun. Registration for the 2016 ride is scheduled to start at 12:00 PM on January 9th at Gail's Harley-Davidson. All riders will then be escorted by LSPD to Longview Beach (possible route change to be determined) for a photo and media op. Finally, the ride will end at Stuey McBrews where a Chili dinner and a one-of-a-kind auction awaits. If you can't make the ride...don't miss the auction and post-party. Ask those who have attend the events in the past...they won't miss the fun. So put it on your calendar and open your heart and wallet to help the Special Olympics! Our teams goal is to raise $20,000 for these awesome athletes and this is one of the prime events that will help us meet that goal. We are working on Pre-Registration options now. There will be a variety of shirt options available to those who Pre-Register. (Facebook Page—Freezin for a Reason OR copy and paste this link into your browser: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/ register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eby7z89897b1c3a1&oseq=&c=&ch this WAIVER is printable with this web link if you copy and paste it as well: http:// files.ctctcdn.com/9ec3584b201/be64ec8a-3d69-4f1c-a951-13521fea2415.pdf Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 7 HERE IS THE INFORMATION FOR THE REGISTRATION SITE: https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=MG2014E&OID=50 Copy and Paste into your browser to register! Save The Date! June 13-17, 2016 MG2016 The North American Council of M.G. Registers is pleased to announce that MG2016 will be held from June 13th-17th, in Louisville, Kentucky! Join the North American MMM Register, the New England MGT Register, the North American MGA Register, and the North American MGB Register for four fun-filled days of MG camaraderie. Louisville is home of the “Louisville Slugger” (the official baseball bat of major league baseball), Churchill Downs (where the “most exciting two minutes of sports” is held each May), and is the source of 1/3 of the world’s supply of bourbon. Louisville will have something to offer to everyone in attendance. Louisville is centrally located for the majority of the host registers’ members. The mid-week event will allow for travel to and from Louisville on weekends! Contracts have been secured with a group of seven hotel properties (essentially across the street from each other) that will meet your budget and expectations. Plan to arrive in Louisville on Monday afternoon as you will not want to miss our opening ceremony that evening at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby.(This event will have limited seating, so register early!) Event information, registration, regalia sales, and hotel information will be available at www.mg2016.com in the fall of 2015. (As of this publication, the web site is up but not all the info is up and running yet.) Hotel information will be on the MG2016 website when it goes live very shortly. On the MG2016 website, you will be able to sign up for all of the MG2016 activities as well book your hotel room, all at one time. The hotels will be announced at that time, thereby it cannot provide any information prior to the website going live. Mark your calendar today to save these dates. We know that you will want to be a part of MG2016, the fifth all-M.G. Register gathering held in North America! KCMGCC will let you know when the rest of the site goes live. Page 8 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 CLASSIC-FIEDS 1974 MGB For Sale: Burgundy with black interior. Black vinyl soft top and aftermarket hardtop. Weber carburetor, alloy valve cover, alloy wheels, car cover, luggage rack, overdrive transmission and cruise control. $8,000 Call 402 -721-8585. For more photos email gold@futuretk.com. (11/15) ***** ****** 1962 MGA MKII For Sale: Full ground-up restoration. Red exterior with black leather interior. Excellent chrome. Black cloth soft top and aftermarket hardtop with sunroof. Alloy wheels with new tires. MGB 1800 engine with MGB overdrive transmission. Weber carburetor. Walnut dash and aftermarket wood steering wheel. Aftermarket hardtop with a sunroof. Appraised at $33,500 . (Call 402-721-8585. For more photos email gold@futuretk.com. (11/15) For Sale !!! 1977 MGB engine and 4speed transmission. Includes a 44mm Mikuni Carburetor and Peco exhaust system. Best offer. Will consider splitting up major components. Also have the complete gauge set from the same car. Call Wayne at 816-5079218. (12/15) Wanted: Speedometer for a 1973 MGB. Contact Bob Holmes email joanholm8@aol.com. (1/15) Cost to place an ad in the Classic-fied with/without pictures is free to KCMGCC members and $5 for non-members. Ads will run for a period 4 months and can be canceled at any time by the submitter. Ads should be submitted to membership@kcmgcc.com Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 9 The trivia question for January is: What was the first “official” White House car? And which president ordered it? To receive a point for the correct answer to the Member Challenge, it must be correct and received either prior to the answer being given at the Social or sent to the Editor@KCMCCC.com prior to the day of the social. The answer will be published in the February Newsletter. CLUB WAAS-UP! This section discusses items that include such things as new British cars our members just purchased, car projects just started or finished, or trips taken in their LBC. They can be personal milestones or events such as weddings, births, graduations, accidents, serious illnesses, or deaths. So if you have anything special you want to share with your fellow members send an email to Editor@kcmgcc.com or victorialorae994@yahoo.com . Now for the news: *Monica Mills retires on December 30th, 2015 — Congratulations! *Rick Mills retires on January 1st, 2016 — Congratulations! *Charles and Anita Hill got a special mention by Moss Motors for driving their Morgan two years in a row on the Moss Challenge. Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 10 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS January 2016 11 Club Social at RCs, 7:00 pm Club hosted events Club Sanctioned Events 16 MOWOG hosted by the Bill and Nicki Davidson More Information about any of these events can be found at www.KCMGCC.com Join Us for the Monthly KCMGCC Social the 2nd Tuesday of January at RC’s 330 E 135th Street Kansas City, MO 64145 Page 11 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 REGALIA Still Dripping T-Shirts that are grey in color and have a pocket. Sizes: Medium, large, and extralarge $9 each. Windshield Sticker: The Club will provide all memberships with a nifty windshield sticker for one of their cars. The sticker is placed on the inside of the windshield and will let you proudly display your club affiliation where ever you go. If you desire to obtain additional Window Stickers, cost is $1.00 each. Club Outerwear: The Club has arranged for a local merchant, Bulldogland-Gospirit Embroidery , to embroidered outerwear for our members. They have had problems with their web site, so you can order via their Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/ BulldogLand/130003453706499?pnref=lhc. Additionally, if desired, they are capable of doing custom items for our members at very reasonable prices. Name Badges with or without the picture of your car (picture must be provided) Free to all club members Other regalia items available include: Stickers, teddy bears, winter scarves, and other small assorted items, all for less than cost. To obtain any of the items listed here, please contact the Membership Officer via the KCMGCC.com contacts page or email tcamblin@att.net. Page 12 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Page 13 Monica Mills 913-948-8402 Page 14 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 Costs to Advertise Ads run for one year (June-through following May). Cost is: Cost for KCMGCC Members Free Cost for Non KCMGCC Members $18 Free $20 1/2 page Ads $20 $50 Link to Business from KCMGCC Web Site Free $5 Ad Size Business-card Size Ads 1/4 page Ads Ads must include artwork, and whether they want a link to their business with their web site address and be sent to membership@KCMGCC.com Page 15 CLUB OFFICERS President: Rick Mills Email: RickMonica@kc.rr.com Vice President: Denny Hale Email: dhale3@kc.rr.com Treasurer: Charles Hill Email: chillmog@sbcglobal.net Membership: Tommie Camblin Email: tcamblin@att.net Regalia: Vacant Newsletter Editor: Victoria Frank Email: Victorialorae994@yahoo.com Members At Large: Mike Kelly Email: nomadguy@att.net ABOUT THE MG POST The Kansas City MG Post is published monthly by the Kansas City MG Car Club. The KCMGCC is a member of the North American MGB Register, the American MGB Association, and is affiliated with the MG Owners Club, Cambridge, England. The MG Post is provided free to members. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Club, the Club Officers, or the staff of the newsletter. Technical information is believed to be accurate; however, any repairs on mechanical advice is attempted at the reader’s risk. The Club, Officers or newsletter staff will not be responsible for any misinterpreted or incorrect technical information. If in doubt, consult a certified technician. Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 NAMGBR Contact: Robert Wale Email: rqwales@comcast.net The Kansas City MG Car Club is a chapter of the North American MGB Register. The North American MGB Register was formed in 1990 to serve the needs of MG owners throughout the world. The Register’s executive committee is elected by the Affiliated Chapters. Officers can only serve two consecutive terms which ensures that new people and fresh ideas are always available. Finances are open to inspection at any time and the Treasurer provides financial statements that show how the membership’s money is spent. Officers and Registrars receive no financial remuneration for their duties, but volunteer out of the spirit of the marquee. The award-winning magazine MGB Driver is published six times a year. Cost of membership in the NAMGBR is $30.00 per year and includes a dash plaque with your membership number, the MGB Driver magazine and other benefits. NAMGAR The Kansas City MG Car Club is a chapter of the North American MGA Register (NAMGAR). The Register was established in 1975, with the sole objective of promoting the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of the MGA, Magnette, and their Variants. While NAMGAR started as a register of MGA’s in North America, it soon became an organization to join, as evidenced from a membership roster of folks from all over the world! It immediately became the catalyst for very special social gatherings. NAMGAR is managed by unpaid volunteer Board and Staff members. They give their expertise and time freely in an effort to make NAMGAR the best MG club in the world. Cost of membership in the NAMGAR: $37.50/year—North America $52.50/year—International Membership includes: A unique dash plaque indicating your car’s Register number, NAMGAR’s award winning magazine, MGA!, six times a year, and other benefits. Page 16 Kansas City MG Post Volume 35, Issue 1 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Join the Kansas City MG Car Club Today It is the area’s largest and most exciting club for ALL British Car Enthusiasts! IT IS A REAL BARGAIN AT $18 PER YEAR. YOU GET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: Monthly Newsletters Car Shows Spare Parts Cars for Sale Free Ads New friends Advice Monthly Activities Technical Tips Name: __________________________________________ Rallies & Driving Tours Tech Sessions Discounts on Parts Spouse/Significant Other: __________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: _________________________ Cars (Year, Make, Model):_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ We must have an email address as we do an electronic newsletter and send out electronic invitations. Phone or Email Address: _____________________________________________Cell Phone: _______________________________ Phone or 2nd Email Address: __________________________________________Cell Phone: _______________________________ Please list any other British clubs or registries you are a member of: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you want your telephone number and email address listed on the club roster? Yes ___No _____ Mail completed application and dues to: KCMGCC 17810 Hidden Valley Road Independence, MO 64057 All dues are due in June. Dues for new members are pro-rated throughout the year as follows: June $18, July$16.50, August $15, September $13.50, October $12, November $10.50, December $9, January $7.50, February $6, March $4.50, April $3.