NMCF final.indd - New Mexico Community Foundation
NMCF final.indd - New Mexico Community Foundation
G R O W I N G T H E F U T U R E NEW MEXICO MATTERS New Mexico Community Foundation annual report 2004 NEW MEXICO MATTERS THE HEART OF THE MATTER The New Mexico Community Foundation is a statewide endowment-building and grant-making organization that serves and invests in New Mexico’s communities and their greatest asset…people. We believe that our New Mexico communities inextricably bind us together. So we address issues vital to communities… kids, water, families, education, elders, health, hardships, livelihoods. Building community resources and relationships, with special emphasis on rural communities, is at the heart of our work. We believe that in building stronger communities we are each made stronger. As a steward of community resources, we support a quality of life that reflects and honors the diverse values, traditions, beauty, and dreams of New Mexico. W E B E L I E V E N E W M E X I C O M AT T E R S 1 GROWING THE FUTURE D E A R F R I E N D S O F TH E N E W M E X I C O C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N : We would like to express our gratitude for the generosity of all who have helped NMCF accomplish our mission of growing a better future in New Mexico. This 2003-2004 report is one way of our giving thanks for our partners. It documents how NMCF’s grant-making and fund-raising have grown significantly during recent years. For example, in 2003 NMCF awarded a record of more than $2.5 million in grants to over 100 communities. It looks like we will match or surpass that mark in 2004. These grants cover a wide range of innovative projects effectively addressing vital issues from early child education to youth development and sustaining the environment. Through our partnerships, NMCF funds and initiatives over the past seven years have delivered more than $11 million in grants to communities all across the state. In that same time period, NMCF has increased its total net assets to over $16 million in an effort to provide more resources to communities statewide. As part of that effort, we are pleased to announce our move to new NMCF offices in downtown Albuquerque at 303 Roma Avenue NW, Suite 400, 87102. Our phone numbers and fax numbers will remain the same (see back cover). The new NMCF Albuquerque office, along with our current location in Santa Fe, will help us better serve and invest in New Mexico communities and their most important asset...people. support diverse, innovative, community-driven projects that strive to overcome common problems and achieve long-term solutions; leverage and invest resources for enhancing the impact and sustainability of projects; walk with partners, adding value, sharing learning experiences, providing resources and opening doors to new opportunities; promote community participation in philanthropy by building a broad base of donor support from all giving levels and sectors in New Mexico; provide efficient, cost effective services that assist donors with state-of-the-art philanthropic investments to meet needs across the state and help families leave a legacy to their community. NMCF strives to make a significant and positive difference in the lives of people — from the Navajo children on remote reservations to the migrant families working along our borders. We need your generous contributions so that NMCF can address this challenge and continue “to support a quality of life that reflects and honors the diverse values, traditions, beauty, and dreams of New Mexico.” We hope you will enjoy the enclosed information. We ask you to continue partnering with us. Together, we can grow a better future for all — because we believe, as you do, that New Mexico Matters. For the future, NMCF plans to continue growing and improving so that we can better— act as a hopeful catalyst for positive change, and a resource for building effective community; 2 John P. Ulrich Board Chair Robert Stark Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF JOHN P. ULRICH MICHAEL CHAMBERLAIN Albuquerque Chair Chief Development and Operating Officer REBECA ROMERO RAINEY Taos Treasurer GILBERT SANCHEZ Laguna Pueblo Secretary SUZANNE BARKER Albuquerque MARTY COPE Hobbs DEBORAH GALLEGOS Albuquerque SARAH MANGES Pojoaque BRUCE NEWMAN Tesuque JAY ROSENBLUM Albuquerque ANGELA CRESPIN Administrative Associate EMILY DARNELL-NUÑEZ NM SPARK Statewide Coordinator NELSY DOMÍNGUEZ Program Director MARY ERPELDING Financial Manager DENISE GONZALES Grants Administrator LOUISE KAHN SNMF Project Director MARIA JOY Assistant Director, Youth Initiative Albuquerque Office Manager STEVEN PATRICK Director, Youth and Emerging Initiatives GAIL SCOTT Accounts Payable ROBERT STARK Executive Director 3 THE LEGACY OF FA M I LY JOIN THE LEGACY CIRCLE OF DONORS The striking bronze sculpture “Looking to The Future” a first-ever collaboration by renowned Native American artists Dan and Arlo Namingha, represents the idea that New Mexico families are integral to our New Mexico culture, community and quality of life. New Mexico has been built by families and as we look to the future, will continue to be built by families. In 2003, this award was presented to Lt. Governor Diane Daniels Denish and the Daniels Family as an outstanding example of leadership, service and philanthropy. All families leave a personal legacy – a first child to go to college, a family home, commitment to public service, volunteering on a board, tutoring – that adds to the rich fabric of our New Mexico communities. In addition to a personal legacy, some families leave a philanthropic legacy to eventually provide grants where needs are greatest throughout our state. You can join the Legacy Circle by making a gift through your estate planning to the New Mexico Community Foundation. Gifts may be directed to an established field of interest fund, or may create a new family donor advised fund, or contribute to the unrestricted endowment of NMCF. Donors commonly plan such gifts by Will or Trust, life income trust such as a charitable remainder unitrust, insurance policy, excess IRA, or gift of real property. However accomplished, such gifts bring you into the NMCF Legacy Circle of Donors and represent your philanthropic legacy to New Mexico. 4 ELI FARMER FUND PERMANENT DONOR ADVISED FUND For Eli’s parents, Letty Belin and Doyne Farmer, it was for love of their son and in memory of a life fully lived that they established the Eli Farmer Fund. They understood that grants from this permanent donor advised fund — scholarships for needy youngsters, support for youth and teen programs, funding for environmental work — was a sure way to honor their son and his extraordinary love of life. In honoring Eli, Letty and Doyne have become part of the Legacy Circle. 5 WAY S THE POWER TO FOP A G I V E RTNERSHIPS Individuals, businesses and foundations are all donor partners who contribute to and support many projects within NMCF... By check, gift of stock or gift of real property, you too can give to: - Basic Human Needs Fund ~ serving the neediest persons in our state - Community Arts Resource Fund ~ an endowment for children’s and youth arts programs - Environment Fund ~ addressing issues of water and land use - Concern for Elders Fund ~ supporting needs of elders - Permanent Endowment ~ unrestricted endowment to meet the most pressing needs - NMCF Annual Fund ~ support for NMCF operations - any donor advised and designated fund listed on page 14/15 - create your own fund The Board and Staff of the New Mexico Community Foundation thank you and honor your partnership with NMCF and your commitment to the future of this state. 7 INDIVIDUAL Mr. and Mrs. Ken Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Abalos Ms. Bette Alan Ms. Denise Alaniz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Almanza Mr. and Mrs. Ismael Alvarado Ms. Yolanda Amaya Ms. Theresa Anaya Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson Mrs. and Mr. Monique Angon Anonymous / 6 Ms. Martha Apodaca Mr. and Mrs. Lito Aranda Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong Ms. Sheila Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aston Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Atkins Ms. Susan Atzman Mr. David Auge Mr. Tim Auge Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baca Ms. Maria Baeza Ms. Joan Brooks Baker Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Bales Mr. and Mrs. John Balkcom Mrs. Karen Bard Mrs. Suzanne Barker and Mr. Ike Kalangis Mr. and Mrs. William Barker Mr. Max Bartlett Ms. Gail Beam Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bean Ms. Betty Mae Beilman Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Beimer Ms. Lupe Bejarano Mr. Stephen Benjamin and Ms. Lynne Laier Mr. Steve Benoit Ms. Patricia Bernardez Mr. and Mrs. Harry Betz Mr. and Mrs. George Biggs DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bixby Ms. Jane Blumenfeld Ms. Elspeth Bobbs Mr. Steve Bohlin and Ms. Rachel O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bolson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bowman Mr. Terry Brewer Mr. and Mrs. John Briscoe Mr. TE Brown, Jr. Mr. Duane Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown Dr. Carletta Bullock Dr. George Bunch Ms. Renee Bussa & Ms. Tanya Bussa Ms. Margaret Bustamante Mr. Vicente Bustamante Mr. and Mrs. Terry Byrd Ms. Mary Caccamise Mr. and Mrs. David Caldwell Ms. Dixi Campanella Mr. and Mrs. Larry Campos Mr. and Mrs. Ezequiel Cano Ms. Susan Hallgarth and Ms. Mary Ellen Capek Ms. Judith Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carman Ms. and Mr. Romela Carman Ms. Ilene Carmenaty Mr. Rudy Buse & Ms. Elizabeth Carp Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cate, Jr. Mr. Michael Chamberlain and Rev. Kathleen Jimenez OU Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chapman Mrs. Linda Childears Dr. and Mrs. Lance Chilton Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cockrell Ms. Jo Cook Mr. David Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Cope Mr. and Mrs. John Cornell Mr. and Mrs. William Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Theo Crevenna Ms. Dianna Crouch Mr. and Ms. Thomas Curry Ms. Terrie Curry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Curry Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Curtis Ms. Margo Cutler Mr. and Mrs. William Dales Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daly Mr. and Mrs. Casey Darnell Ms. Emily Darnell-Nuñez Ms. Dorothy Davis Mr. John Daw and Mr. Andrew Beckerman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dechert Mr. Leonard DeLayo, Jr. Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish Ms. Shirley Desemo Ms. Nancy Dickenson Ms. Judy Putman and Mr. Lee Dirks Mr. Eliseo Do Porto and Mr. Tommie Do Porto Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dodge Mr. Robert Doherty and Ms. Karen Onderko Ms. Nelsy Domínguez Ms. Carla Donahue Ms. Gina Dorsey Rev. Barbara Dua Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley Mr. and Mrs. William Dufault Mr. Charles Dumler Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Duncan Rev. Laura Dunham and Mr. Alden Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Ismeal Duran Ms. Fanny May Durham Mr. and Mrs. John Eaves Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Eberwein Mr. and Mrs. Keith Eckrich Mr. and Mrs. Ross Edwards Ms. Ann Hays Egan Ms. Caroline English-Hardison Mr. Frank Erpelding-Chacon and Mrs. Mary Erpelding Ms. Baola Esquibel Mr. and Mrs. Steve Etre Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ewing Ms. Cindy Ewing L.B. Ewing Mr. David Fabozzi Mr. J. Doyne Farmer and Ms. Letty Belin Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Faulkenberry Mr. Eddie Lewis and Ms. Mary Feidt Ms. Wendy Feldman CLU, CHFC Ms. Linda M. Fellion Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fierro Mr. and Mrs. William Fishbein Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Flint Ms. Pat Frerkes & Mr. Jeff Felter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Jose Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Tony Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garcia, Jr. Mr. Dennis Garcia The Honorable Mary Jane Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gardner Ms. Bette Taylor Garner Mr. Julian Garza Ms. Mary Garza, President/CEO Ms. Glenda Gideon Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilbert Ms. Joan Gilebski Ms. Kirsten Giron Dr. Maria Goldstein and Mr. Robert Goldstein Renee and Larry Goldstone Ms. Maria Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Goodwin Ms. Lynn Goodwin Mr. Dennis Graham Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greetan Mr. David Hillson and Mrs. Elieen Grevey-Hillson Mr. Dave Grusin and Ms. Nan Newton Ms. and Mr. Susan Guiett Mr. and Mrs. James Gulick Mr. Richard Schoegler and Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez Mr. and Ms. Richard Haber Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haines Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall Ms. Judy Halligan Ms. Darleen Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hanson Ms. Nancy Harding Ms. Tracy Hardt Mr. Hare and Ms. Reichman Ms. Connie Harnick Ms. Janice Harper Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harris Mr. Robert Haspel and Ms. Lynda Taylor Trudy and Ed Healy Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Mr. Vince Hendrick Ms. Geneveieve Hendrick Ms. Mary Henry Ms. Cindy Hernandez-Wall Ms. Susan Herter Ms. Kimberlyann Hogan Ms. Ruth Holburn Ms. Teresa Holland Ms. Jodi Holley Ms. Rosetta Holmes Dr. Michael Hopkins, M.D. Ms. Maxine Horner Susan and David Horowitz Ms. Jeffrey Howell Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes Lt. Maurice Hughes and Mrs. Jettie Hughes Ms. Louise Hurff Ms. M.E. Konzen and Ms. Pamela Hyde Ms. Renee Ingold Ms. Mari-Luci Jaramillo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jervis Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Johannes Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johns Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnson Deborah and Rick Johnson Mr. Reverdy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brion Johnston Ms. Suzanne Jollensten Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones Ms. Rita Kahn Ms. Marjorie Kamine Mr. and Mrs. King Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. John Kernan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler Mr. Daya Singh Khalsa Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Killin Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kilpatrick Mrs. Alice King and The Honorable Bruce King Ms. Cynthia King Mr. Tom Knoop Mr. Mark Koch Ms. Kathy Kohnke Mr. and Mrs. Martin Koldyke Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kollarik Mr. Peter Korsan Ms. Katherine Kubarski MARTHA J. TROLIN FUND CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST Martha is one who takes her charitable giving seriously. So seriously that she has a written mission statement to provide support to various organizations that work on human rights, justice and equality in New Mexico and beyond, and to provide grants to groups working for economic justice and an interdependent balance between people, animals and the environment; civil and human rights; and the flourishing of indigenous people and human creativity. Living into this philosophy, Martha gave her first gift to NMCF in 1996 and has continued giving ever since by funding both the Martha J. Trolin Fund, a non-permanent donor advised fund to which she has made annual contributions as well as other projects of NMCF. Now, in consultation with her estate planning attorney, she has joined the Legacy Circle by creating a Charitable Remainder Flip Trust which at a future date will begin to provide an annual income, and eventually will endow the Martha J. Trolin Fund beyond her lifetime. Grants from the Trolin Fund will continue in perpetuity. This is a true legacy gift. 9 JOHN AND JOYCE BRISCOE ESTATE PLANNED GIFT For a number of years, John and Joyce have been annual donors to NMCF. As they have become more and more acquainted with the important statewide work of the Foundation, they decided this year to join the Legacy Circle. Their commitment through their estate planning will eventually fund a Briscoe family fund, which will provide statewide grants. …a true legacy gift to New Mexico. 10 Ms. Joan La Barbara and Mr. Morton Subotnick Ms. Carolyn Laarkamp Ms. Bettina Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lanier Ms. and Mr. Samantha Lapin Mr. and Mrs. Donald Larrichio Mrs. Joan Leahigh Ms. Maria Ledezma Perez Dr. Thomas Lehman Mr. Don Leonard Mr. Wyrill Lester Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lester Mr. and Mrs. David Lock Ms. Susan Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lopez Ms. Nancy Losoya & Ms. Cristina Losoya Ms. Shunnae Love Mr. Greg Lower Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Loyd Mr. and Mrs. Lujan Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon III Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Macaulay Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Macgillivray Mr. and Mrs. John Maenchen Ms. Jolene Maes Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maglisceau Sarah and Joe Manges Mr. Greg Marrs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maupin Ms. Deborah May Ms. Marifran Mazza Ms. Elizabeth McCabe Mr. Carlos McClendon Ms. Dorothy McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGonagal Ms. Janie McPherson Mr. and Mrs. William Meeks Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Meinke Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meitzner Mr. and Mrs. Luis Mendoza Mr. David Mesenbring Mr. and Mrs. Ragon Michael Mr. Thor Mickelson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minzner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Molina Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mondragon Ms. Louise Moody Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moore Ms. Linda Morales Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morrow Ms. Carmon Mousical Ms. Marjorie Mullane Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mullane Dr. Fernando Multedo Ms. Dawn Myers Mr. and Ms. John Myre Marsha & Mark Napolin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Simon Navarrette Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Navarrette Ms. Annabel Navarrette Mr. and Mrs. Doug Neel Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nelson Mr. Monty Newman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman Ms. Pauline Nunez and Mr. Louis Kolker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Odom Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ogg Mr. Michael Olivas and Ms. Tina Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ollmann Ms. Sigrid Olson Mr. Garrett Thornburg and Ms. Carol Oppenheimer Dr. Renee Rita Ornelas Mr. James Orr Ms. Susan Orr Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ortiz y Pino de Martin Rev. Ed Ostertag Ms. Michelle Padilla Mr. John Padilla The Honorable Mary Kay Papen Ms. Joan Parman Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paskiewicz Ms. Yuan Zhuang-Pedersen and Dr. Ryan Pederson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petropoulos Ms. Margaret Peyton Ms. Jennifer Polle Dr. Yorgos Marinakis and Ms. Katherine Pomonis Ms. and Ms. Tammy Ponce Mrs. Donda Wallace Pool and Mr. Tom Pool Ms. Dolores Power Trust Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pradt Mr. and Mrs. George Pradt Mr. F. W. Preeshl and Ms. Shirley Campbell Jonan Barnes Price Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pruden Mr. and Mrs. Delfin Quintana Mr. Severo Quiroga Bishop Ricardo Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rasmussen Ms. Nanci Reichman Rev. Gary Reyes & Mrs. Faith Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rhodes Mr. James Richards Governor and Mrs. Bill Richardson Ms. Linda Lane Rigsby and Mr. David Rigsby Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ritter Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson Mr. Kenneth Robinson Ms. Elizabeth Romero Mr. John Rainey and Mrs. Rebeca Romero Rainey Mr. Jay Rosenblum Ms. Marni Russell Mr. Marijo Rymer Mr. and Mrs. Juan Saiz Mr. Jon Salton Mr. and Mrs. Louie Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Leveo Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sanchez Mr. Gilbert Sanchez Ms. and Mr. Rachelle Sanchez Ms. Kimberly Schavey Ms. Patricia Schoonover Jones Dr. Marilyn Schultz Ms. Andrea Schunk Ms. Nan Schwanfelder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Scott Ms. Socorro Segura Mr. Joseph Serrano Ms. Mary Ann Shaening Ms. Elizabeth Shapiro Ms. Denise Shea Mr. Jerry Shinkle and Mrs. Christine Shinkle Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shoobridge Mr. Johnathan Shuman Ms. Patricia Shure Ms. Linda Siegle Ms. Gail Simmons Mr. Perry Sklarin Ms. Yukiko Skogmo and Mr. Phil Skogmoll Wid & Katherine Slick Mr. Irvin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Smith Ms. Janet Smith Mr. Dwane Snider Mr. Ronald Solimon Mr. Thomas Spacek Ms. Linda Spooner Mr. Greg Spradling Mr. and Mrs. John Spradling Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stall Rev. Robert Stark Ms. Jacquelyn Stark-Stilwell Ms. Liz Stefanics Ms. Betty Sternat Ms. Theresa Sternat and Mr. Michael Hornstrom Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stewart Mr. Kim Straus Mr. and Mrs. James Stretz Mr. George Strickland and Ms. Anita Ogard Mr. Thomas Tumolillo and Ms. Pamela Sullivan Ms. Colleen Sullivan-Moore Ms. Alicia Sullivan-Sargent Ms. Claire Swanger Mr. Donovan Swann Dr. Sydney Swetnam Mr. Levon Tashjian Ms. Harrellette Tate Dr. Owen Taylor, Jr. Mr. Stuart Taylor Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Thomas Ms. Kyla Thompson Ms. Anna Thompson Mr. and Ms. Edwin Thorne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Torres Mr. and Mrs. David Torres Ms. Martha Trolin Mr. and Ms. Clifford Trollinger Mr. and Mrs. Phil Troost Ms. Tiffanie Trujillo Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Twining Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich Mr. Walter Umphrey Mr. and Mrs. John Valenty Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Van Hattum Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vandi Dr. and Mrs. Edmundo Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Vaughan Ms. Velda Verdoza Mr. Andres Viamonte Ms. Lorraine Viamonte Mr. David Vigil Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villa Ms. Tresa Vorenberg Ms. Sallie Wagner Ms. Agnes Walker Mr. and Mrs. James Walton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wantuck Mr. Samuel Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waters Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watts Mr. Steven Grietens and Ms. Ann-Marie Weaver The Honorable James Wechsler Mr. Jeff Weisberg Mr. Charles Wellborn and Mrs. J. D. Wellborn Mr. Robert Wempner Mr. and Mrs. Jim West Mr. and Mrs. Paul White Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whorton Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Herman Williams Mr. and Mrs. Tim Winters Marilyn & Ed Winter-Tamkin Mr. Robert Winton Ms. Nancy Wirth Ms. Susan Hoadley & Mr. Don Wismer Mr. Sproles Woodard Mrs. and Mr. Ann Marie Von Worley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wray Ms. Susan Wright & Ms. Joan Wright Dr. Jean Wright, M.D. Dr. William Yates Ms. Emy Yeazell Mr. and Mrs. Vince Yegge Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zimmer T H O R N E FA M I LY F U N D NON-PERMANENT DONOR ADVISED FUND When Ed Thorne and Melanie Peters Thorne established an advised fund that would eventually be spent out, they helped meet their immediate charitable goals as well as family estate planning goals. Since its inception, the fund has made grants to support a variety of arts, animal and health research organizations. 11 BUSINESS DONORS 505 Southwestern Active Life Aegon Transamerica Foundation Albuquerque Academy AmBank of Silver City American Performance Funds Amerind Risk Management Corporation Auge’s Sales and Service, Inc. Avista Video Histories Bank of Albuquerque Bank of America Barker Management BJ Services Company Bonannan Huston BP Matching Fund Programs Brownstein, Hyatt & Farber, P.C. C.A.P.II/Pederson Properties Real Estate Calvert Social Investment Foundation Carefree Living Inc. Cascade Gardens Spa & Wellness Charter Bank of Albuquerque Cisneros Design Citizens Bank of Clovis Comeau, Maldegen, Templeman & Indall Community Bank of Santa Fe Corporation of the Sun Country Section Daniels Insurance Agency, Inc. Deans, Inc. Democratic Women of Bernalillo County Denish + Kline DNC LTD Donovan L. Swann Appraisal Service First American Title Insurance Co. of New Mexico First National Bank First National Bank of New Mexico Flowers by Martha Lee Grants State Bank Greater Artesia Chamber of Commerce Health Quest Chiropractic, LLC HL and Laurena Hunt Development International Chamber for Health and Well-Being Int’l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 611 ITU Ventures J & L Enterprises Johnson, Miller & Co., PC Ladas Properties, LLC Laguna Rainbow Corporation/ Laguna Rainbow Nursing Center Larry’s Hats And Antiques Loomis-Sayles & Company Loring, Wolcott 7 Coolidge Office Lovelace Auxilary Max Montano Trucking Company Meyners + Company, LLC Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk, P.A. Montgomery & Andrews Moore Nutrition Mountain States Insurance Group Muse Media Myriad Genetics, Inc. Navajo Refining Company New Mexico Bankers Association New Mexico First New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority New Mexico Tech Research Foundation New Mexico Tourism Department New Mexico Youth at Risk Foundation Newton Resources FOUNDATION NOMI Nordhaus, Haltom, Taylor, Taradash & Bladh, LLP Northern NM Chapter of National Association of Women Business Owners Ortho Biotech Parsons Brinckerhoff Group Administration PB & J Family Services Inc. Philip Morris Matching Gift Center Piñon Management PNM Resources, Inc. Pollans & Cohen, PC Public Health Consultants, LLC RBC Dain Rauscher REDW Business & Financial Resources, LLC Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care RMS Foods, Inc. Santa Fe Community College Serenity Garden Dayspa LLC Sheehan, Sheehan & Stelzner, P.A. Shoats & Weaks, INC. Sun Protective Clothing, SW Sutin, Thayer, and Browne Swain, MacKinnon & Thurman, LLC T-Shirt Express UBS Financial Services, Inc. UCSF Center for the Health Professions Unwynding the Spirit LLC Watson Truck and Supply Wells Fargo Artesia Wells Fargo Bank Western Bank of Artesia Women’s City Golf Championship Yates Petroleum Corporation Abelard Foundation ARCA Foundation Brindle Foundation Chicago Community Trust Con Alma Foundation Daniels Fund Denver Foundation E.V. & C.E. Thaw Charitable Trust F. B. Heron Foundation Ford Foundation Garfield Street Foundation General Service Foundation Greater New Orleans Foundation J. F Maddox Foundation John and Daniel Tishman Family Fund, Inc. John Henry Dorminy Foundation LANL Foundation Lannan Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation McCune Charitable Foundation Mickelson Media Foundation PARTNERS Messengers of Healing Winds Foundation National Aids Fund National Rural Funders Collaborative New Cycle Foundation New Mexico Womens Foundation Oppenheimer Brothers Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Santa Fe Community College Foundation SB Foundation Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust The J. Paul Getty Trust The Millstream Fund The Seedcorn Foundation Tides Foundation University of New Mexico Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation Wallace Genetic Foundation William C. Kenney Watershed Protection Foundation CORPORATE ADVISED FUND Like many businesses, Prediction Company wanted to be an involved corporate citizen in its community. Yet, like so many businesses and corporations, it had a somewhat ad hoc strategy when it came to supporting worthy projects. Bill Lyon, a Prediction employee and friend of NMCF, helped the company recognize the need to organize and formalize its charitable giving. So the company established an advised fund to which both the company and its employees contribute. A small employee committee recommends grants from the fund to support educational projects in the mathematical, scientific, engineering, or other technical fields. An anonymous NMCF donor is matching contributions 1 to 1 up to $5,000 this year! 13 DONOR ADVISED AND DESIGNATED THINK NEW MEXICO FUND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION DESIGNATED FUND Think New Mexico, a community partner with NMCF, is the statewide, non-profit, results-oriented think tank, which has led successful campaigns to make full-day kindergarten accessible to every five year-old in New Mexico and to repeal the tax on food (which takes effect January 1, 2005). Its board and staff wanted to be able to focus more of their time on Think New Mexico’s mission, rather than be distracted with investment policy statements, strategic asset allocation models, and investment performance. Realizing that the partnership could be enlarged, and attracted by the New Mexico Community Foundation’s reputation and similar statewide focus, Think New Mexico came to NMCF to establish a professionally managed designated fund. Think New Mexico intends to grow the designated fund from donor contributions as well as investment performance so that it will eventually offset all of the organization’s overhead expenses. 14 FUNDS Funds Interest Geographic Area Anita Salas Fund Anonymous ARCA Foundation Fund Basic Human Needs (Field of Interest Fund) Christmas Store Community Arts Resources Fund (CAR) Concern for Elders (Field of Interest Fund) Dr. Jacob Deegan Scholarship Fund El Centro de Los Niños Eli Farmer Fund Embudo Valley Library Fund Environment (Field of Interest Fund) Equis Fund Fund for Community Volunteerism Highlands Meadow Neighborhood Fund Hillsboro Community Fund Jack Daniels Memorial Fund James W. Mayer, M.D. Fund John Henry Dorminy Foundation Fund Jonathan Sherman Spradling Memorial Judge Steve Herrera Scholarship Fund La Mariposa Montessori Scholarship Fund Laguna Education Foundation Laguna Rainbow Fund Northeastern Regional Community Foundation Laura and Alden Dunham Fund Breast/Cervical Cancer Poverty/Hardship Health Emergency needs Emergency needs Arts Elders Higher Education Children Community Library/Community Environment Unrestricted Young Adult Fire Station Youth, Arts, Community Community Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Education Education Education Elder Care Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Albuquerque Statewide Statewide Santa Fe, NY, TX Chama Valley Northern New Mexico Dixon/Embudo Valley Statewide Statewide Statewide Grants Hillsboro Statewide Santa Fe Statewide Statewide 1st Judicial District Santa Fe Laguna Pueblo Laguna Pueblo Health Unrestricted Las Vegas Area Statewide Mora County Las Vegas Funds Interest Geographic Area Los Nativos Fund Main Street Fund Martha Jo Trolin Fund Mary Feidt/Eddie Lewis Fund Mary Greene Fund Meuli Curry Memorial Fund Michael S. Currier Environmental Service Award Musical Theater of the Southwest New Mexicans for Sustainable Energy and Effective Stewardship (NMSEES) Native American Scholar Athletes Fund Ola Mae Hoover Fund Orr Family Fund Picuris Aboriginal Land Claim Project Prediction Company Fund Raton Community Center Building Fund Raton Kids Fund Richard R. and Baldina Zanotti Fund Robert Haspel & Lynda Taylor Social & Environmental Justice Fund San Felipe de Neri Development Fund Think New Mexico Fund Thorne Family Fund Veloy Vigil Memorial Scholarship Fund Policy, Social, Environment Economic Development Human Rights and Justice Scholarship Alice B. King Center Community Statewide Statewide Statewide/National Morehouse College Santa Fe Albuquerque Area Environment Arts Statewide Albuquerque Metro Environment Native American Scholarship Native American Scholarship Children/Environment Land Use Education Community Children and Youth Unrestricted Statewide Northern New Mexico Laguna Statewide Picuris Pueblo Santa Fe/Northern New Mexico Raton Raton Statewide Social/Environmental Justice Restoration Think Tank Arts/Animal/Community Arts Northern New Mexico Albuquerque Statewide Santa Fe/Northern NM/Natl. Taos The funds of the New Mexico Community Foundation are professionally managed and invested according to the Investment Policy Statement. In 2003, total return on permanent assets was 20.6%. San Miguel County Guadalupe County LAS VEGAS / SAN MIGUEL AREA FUND COMMUNITY ADVISED FUND When the former Las Vegas hospital was in process of closing, several community members and community partners approached NMCF for ideas about converting the hospital’s foundation into something new. Eventually, the Northeastern Regional Community Foundation was formed as a supporting organization to the New Mexico Community Foundation and the assets of the former medical foundation were transferred into the new affiliate. The role of the Board of the new organization is to raise funds and act as grant-making advisors for the area formerly served by the hospital. A $100,000 match has been offered by the Mickelson Media Foundation in support of the Las Vegas community in which Bill Mickelson had a business. 15 GROWING THE FUTURE S T R E N G T H E N I N G N E W M E X I C O FA M I L I E S Program Initiatives that Support Families, Children and Young Adults Ages 0-21 Ages 0-3 Ages 3-8 Community Health Nursing Project New Mexico SPARK Supporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids MISSION: Simultaneously address the child development and health needs of vulnerable children and their families by incorporating a M I S S I O N: Work with families, pre-schools and elementary schools community health nurse in early childhood programs. to ensure a seamless transition for children 3-8 years of age as they move from pre-school programs through kindergarten into elementary GOAL: Improve childhood immunization, access to healthcare for school classrooms. families, alcohol abuse, and tobacco use in families of young children... to build trust with families through a relationship-based model of care. G O A L : Improve transition of children from pre-school through kindergarten into elementary school by fostering Family Engagement, SITES: In the communities of Albuquerque, Bernalillo, Thoreau, Early Childhood and Elementary School Collaboration and Best Practices. Hobbs, Las Cruces, and Columbus on the New Mexico border with Mexico. S I T E S : In the communities of Albuquerque, Bloomfield/Farmington, Chaparral/Las Cruces, Española, Hobbs and Laguna. IMPACT: In its third year of funding, this Initiative has...increased immunization rates in some of the State’s most vulnerable populations of I M PA CT: In its first year, NM SPARK has begun a five-year, $4 million children...helped families access needed medical care...assisted families effort to accomplish its mission and is among eight other states to partici- to decrease tobacco and alcohol use in many instances...fostered a pate in the National SPARK Project including Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, supportive learning environment for nurses and health advisors in the Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington, DC. project sites. 16 Ages 8-21 NMCF Youth Initiative MISSION: Expand and multiply quality positive youth development opportunities for all of New Mexico’s children and youth. GOAL: Increase the number of youth served by quality youth development organizations, and strengthen and improve systems that serve New Mexico’s youth. SITES: Statewide IMPACT: During the first year, helped create and support public/private partnerships, which have played a role in conceiving, creating and supporting the Children’s Cabinet and the statewide Youth Alliance. Also during the first year, the Youth Initiative provided support, training and technical assistance to youth-serving organizations. SUSTAINING RURAL LIVELIHOODS THE FUTURE Program Initiatives that Support Economic Viability and Livelihoods in Rural Communities Rural Livelihoods Border Communities Alliance for the Rio Grande Heritage MISSION: Strengthen and sustain rural commu- M I S S I O N: Strengthen and deepen the M I S S I O N: Build the agreements necessary to nities and families through the implementation and philanthropic impact along the U.S.-Mexico restore the ecological health of the Rio Grande to expansion of community-based strategies. border by addressing “quality of life” in benefit the river as well as the people, wildlife and border communities. plant species that make the area their home. G O A L : Address “quality of life” issues with a G O A L : To build a coalition addressing issues focus on healthcare and childcare, poverty through affecting the Rio Grande. G OAL: Develop the social, economic, organizational, and collaborational “capital” of our rural communities. S ITES: Statewide / emphasis on rural areas. wealth creation and the celebration of culture. S I T E S : NM Rio Grande corridor and expanding I MPACT: Expansion of resource base for rural S I T E S : In the communities of Doña Ana, communities and families, increase entrepreneurial Hidalgo, Luna, and Eddy Counties. into southern Colorado and southwestern Texas. I M PA C T: Pursue common ground to help protect, and leadership skills and best practices, development of strategic opportunities, creation of strong linkages I M PA C T: Border communities collaboratively among organizations. focused on critical issues, development of local preserve, and restore this natural legacy. philanthropic resources. 19 $2,509,851 STRENGTHENING NEW MEXICO FAMILIES INITIATIVE GRANTS - $722,455 $2,509,851 GRANTED IN 2003 Shiprock Chama Farmington Tierra Amarilla AGES 0-3 / COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING PROGRAM - $123,200 Ben Archer Health Center $4,000 / Columbus Statewide 38% $956,850 Raton El Prado Taos Dixon Picuris Northwest 18% Velarde Los Alamos Northeast 8% Española $449,169 $196,953 Mora Montezuma Santa Fe Gallup Las Vegas Laguna Pueblo Bernalillo Thoreau Tucumcari Edgewood Albuquerque Ramah Rio Grande Corridor 14% $341,015 Socorro Southwest 17% $423,272 T or C Silver City Hatch Las Cruces Lordsburg Deming Anthony Animas Columbus Sunland Park Hachita Rodeo 20 Ruidoso Alamogordo Carlsbad Out of State 1% $28,727 Cuidando Los Niños $17,600 / Albuquerque The Gathering Place $17,600 / Thoreau Jardin de Los Niños $17,600 / Las Cruces Forum for Youth In Community $25,000 / Albuquerque Laguna Department of Education $250,000 / Laguna Pueblo RURAL LIVELIHOODS INITIATIVE GRANTS - $764,149 RURAL LIVELIHOODS - $173,500 Tierra Madre Self-Housing $15,000 / Sunland Park Hispanics In Philanthropy / Funders Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities $50,000 / Statewide Las Cumbres Learning Services $17,600 / Española The Gathering Place / The Navajo Cooperative $30,000 / Thoreau PB & J Family Services $17,600 / Albuquerque Pueblo of Picuris / Bison Project $30,000 / Picuris Pueblo AGES 3-8 / NEW MEXICO SPARK - $324,255 Museum of New Mexico / Creative Enterprise Initiative Project $12,500 / Santa Fe Child & Family Services Inc. of Lea County $53,255 / Hobbs Southeast 5% $113,865 Hillsboro Child & Family Services Inc. of Lea County $17,600 / Hobbs AGES 8-21 / YOUTH DEVELOPMENT - $275,000 New Mexico Community Development Loan Fund / Rural Collaborative Project $36,000 / Statewide Roswell Las Cumbres Learning Services $54,200 / Española Artesia Hobbs Laguna Department of Education $54,200 / Pueblo of Laguna RURAL LIVELIHOODS / BORDER - $105,000 San Juan Partnership Inc. $40,650 / Farmington Border Book Festival The Divine Frontier / La Frontera Divina $15,000 / Las Cruces New Mexico State University Dove Learning Center $40,650 / Las Cruces Albuquerque Public Schools Foundation $81,300 / Albuquerque Community Action Agency of Southern NM Earned Income Project $30,000 / Las Cruces Community Action Agency of Southern NM Covering Kids Program $5,000 / Las Cruces Kids in Distressed Situations $10,000 / Las Cruces / Border Communities La Clinica de Familia Girl Talk Promotora Project $15,000 / Las Cruces / Anthony / Colonias Communities Memorial Medical Center First Step Express Mobil Medical Unit $15,000 / Las Cruces / Chaparral / Colonias Hidalgo Medical Services / Healthy Border Communities Promotora Project $15,000 / Lordsburg / Hachita / Colonias RURAL LIVELIHOODS / ALLIANCE FOR THE RIO GRANDE HERITAGE - $485,649 Alliance for Rio Grande Heritage Project $177,237 / El Prado / Albuquerque Amigos Bravos $14,500 / Taos Audubon New Mexico $3,000 / Santa Fe Defenders of Wildlife $27,000 / Albuquerque Forest Guardians $37,500 / Santa Fe Land and Water Fund of the Rockies $17,000 / Boulder, CO New Mexico PIRG Education Fund $10,000 / Albuquerque Rio Grande Restoration $90,662 / El Prado Families and Youth Inc. / Project W.I.S.E. $5,000 / Las Cruces ACLU Foundation - New Mexico $500 / Statewide Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin Coalition $19,000 / El Paso, TX Families and Youth Inc. La Vida Harm Reduction Programs $2,000 / Las Cruces ACLU Foundation $500 / New York, NY San Luis Valley Ecosystem (Western Resource Advocates) $14,500 / Colorado Sierra Club / Central New Mexico $42,000 / Albuquerque Southwest Environmental Center $29,250 / Las Cruces World Wildlife Fund $4,000 / Albuquerque NEW MEXICO COMMUNITY AIDS PARTNERSHIP GRANTS - $70,000 Albuquerque HealthCare for the Homeless / Harm Reduction Outreach Project $8,000 / Albuquerque Albuquerque HealthCare for the Homeless / HIV Prevention and Women’s Recovery Project $10,000 / Albuquerque Alianza of New Mexico African American Outreach $3,000 / Hobbs Alianza of New Mexico Harm Reduction Program $4,000 / Roswell Camino de Vida Aid and Comfort Medical Assistance Project $3,000 / Las Cruces The Challenge Group Rio Esperanza HIV Prevention Project $2,000 / Santa Fe Navajo AIDS Network HIV Case Management Program $5,000 / Shiprock NM AIDS Services / MPower $5,000 / Albuquerque People of Color AIDS Foundation Youth Outreach Protect for Life Program $3,000 / Santa Fe and Northern NM People of Color AIDS Foundation AIDS Affects Us All Art Education Project $5,000 / Statewide and Mexico Border Write Action: Writing from the Heart of AIDS $1,000 / Española Santa Fe Mountain Center Climbing Up, Climbing Out $4,000 / Tesuque Southwest C.A.R.E. Center AIDS Education and Prevention Projects $7,000 / Santa Fe and Northern NM Theater Residency Project The Real Deal, AIDS Prevention Play $3,000 / Santa Fe and Española DONOR ADVISED, DESIGNATED AND SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS - $953,247 Anonymous / $21,026 Alice King Family Center $5,400 / Santa Fe Anonymous $198,783 / Statewide All Species Project $10,000 / Las Vegas / Northern NM Amigos Bravos $500 / Taos Amigos del Valle $250 / Velarde Astraea Foundation $500 / New York Campus Compact $50,000 / Albuquerque Center for Biological Diversity $500 / Tucson, AZ Center for Economic Justice $1,000 / Albuquerque Coalition for Equality in New Mexico $5,000 / Santa Fe and Statewide Center for Service Learning Opportunities in Education $50,000 / Albuquerque Colonias Development Council, Columbus Day Care Center $10,000 / Columbus Colorado College / Scholarship $1,500 / Colorado Springs, CO Common Cause Education Fund NM Model City Council Program $1,500 / Albuquerque 21 Community Action Agency of Southern NM Covering Kids Program $5,000 / Las Cruces N MCF T OTAL GRA N T- M A K I N G , 1 9 9 5 -2 0 0 3 1995 1996 1997 $108,158 Con Alma Foundation $1,000 / Santa Fe $199,227 Copper Canyon Press $1,000 / California $745,445 $1,141,464 1998 Cornerstones Community Partnerships $10,000 / Santa Fe / Northern NM $1,073,593 1999 El Centro de los Niños $12,500 / Tierra Amarilla $1,132,432 2000 $1,243,331 2001 Embudo Library $5,000 / Dixon $1,684,906 2002 $2,509,851 2003 T OTAL 2003 GRAN T M A K I N G B Y C AT E G O RY Youth Development—Ages 5-21 31.0% $775,546 Environment & Natural Resources 22.4% $561,899 Early Childhood—Ages 0-5 15.0% $382,165 Health Care 10.4% $260,226 Economic & Community Development 10.3% $257,881 Social Services 8.8% 22 $219,683 Education & Civic Engagement 1.2% $30,250 Arts, Culture and Media 1.0% $22,201 Mama Cash, Tides Foundation $1,131 / Netherlands Morehouse College $17,846 / Atlanta, GA El Museo Cultural $101 / Santa Fe National Center for Lesbian Rights $500 / San Francisco, CA National Council for Research on Women $500 / New York National Gay and Lesbian Task Force $1,000 / Washington, DC Farm to Table $2,250 / Santa Fe National Dance Institute / Collaborative Residency Outreach with Court Youth Center $15,000 / Santa Fe / Las Cruces Food for Santa Fe $500 / Santa Fe New Israel Fund $1,000 / Washington, DC Forest Guardians $5,000 / Santa Fe New Mexico Civic Engagement Initiative $100,000 / Statewide The Global Fund for Women $500 / San Francisco, CA High Country News $1,000 / Paonia, CO New Mexico Commission for Community Volunteerism $100,000 / Statewide Hopi Foundation $250 / Arizona New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community $100,000 / Statewide Currier Environmental Service Award $20,000 / Santa Fe New Mexico Highlands University / Scholarship $750 / Las Vegas La Mariposa Montessori Scholarships $30,410 / Santa Fe New Mexico Land Conservation Collaborative $5,000 / Santa Fe Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund $1,000 / New York, NY Leadership New Mexico $1,000 / Albuquerque New Mexico State University / Scholarship $500 / Las Cruces North American Institute $10,500 / Santa Fe Sustainable Communities Inc. $5,000 / Santa Fe Planned Parenthood of New Mexico $500 / Albuquerque Sustainable Communities Inc. / ZERI Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives $4,000 / Picuris Pueblo Alliance for Rio Grande Heritage $20,000 / Statewide Rio Grande Restoration $5,000 / El Prado / Albuquerque St. John’s College $1,000 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Animal Shelter $50 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Community Foundation Santa Fe Plaza Community Stage Project $32,000 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Community Foundation / Lesbian and Gay Funding Partnership $500 / Santa Fe Santa Fe New Music $500 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Opera $100 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Partners in Education $1,000 / Santa Fe Santa Fe Preparatory School / Scholarship $5,000 / Santa Fe Somos un Pueblo Unido $1,000 / Santa Fe Southern Utah Wilderness $500 / Utah Southwest Research and Information Center $250 / Albuquerque Think New Mexico $500 / Santa Fe Tierra Madre Self-Help Housing $750 / Sunland Park University of New Mexico / Scholarship $750 / Albuquerque Vecinos del Valle $10,000 / Española Warehouse 21 $700 / Santa Fe Water Information Network $2,000 / Albuquerque The Wildlife Center $50 / Española United World College $5,000 / Montezuma Volunteer Albuquerque $50,000 / Albuquerque G RT HOE W I N G GRASS ROOTS FISCAL SPONSORSHIPS Fiscal sponsorships/administrative agreements provide grass-roots projects and start-up organizations needed “back-room” support so that the effort can be successful. We call it “growing the grass roots.” NMCF maintains financial accounting, prepares balance and income statements, provides donor acknowledgment and substantiation, prepares donor and financial reports, processes of payables, provides technical assistance, and assures compliance with funding restrictions. In 2003, over $1 million was received on behalf of the many NMCF fiscal sponsor projects. 24 Project Interest Geographic Area Atalaya Search and Rescue Citizen Action Sponsorship CLPS Wildflower Event Community Learning and Public Services Complementary and Alternative Medicine Coordinated System of Care Daylight Productions Dixon Cooperative Market Economic Development Friends of Cochiti Lake Area Friends of Tony Price Give Me Your Poor (Paper Boys Project) Global Warming on a State Level Haydn in the Desert Indian Land Working Group Institute for Nonviolent Economics Laguna Education Foundation Administrative New Mexico Center for Service Leadership New Mexico Civic Engagement Initiative New Mexico College Awareness Coalition New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community New Mexico Land Conservation and Collaborative New Mexico Media Industries Strategy New Mexico Mining Act Network New Mexico Nonprofit Association New Mexico Open Lands Ocate Community Center Out of School Time Network Padre Martinez Film Placitas Education Fund Placitas Library Fund Pro Youth RACER Stakeholder Project Raton Youth Recreation Sponsorship Santa Fe Farmers Market Institute Santa Fe Indian Hospital Santa Fe Science Initiative Second Street Neighborhood Spotlight on Volunteers Sponsorship Tobacco Control Strategy Planning Guides Voices of Dixon Project Water Quality Video Project Wool Traditions Service Environment Wildflower Conference Community Organizing Health Health Documentary Film Coop Sustainable Development Community Environment Documentary Film Environment Community Arts/Music Native American Sustainability Education Youth in Community Youth Youth/Young Adults Youth Environment Media Environment Nonprofit Capacity Building Conservation Trust/Open Space Community Needs Youth/Young Adults Documentary Film Pre-School Education Community Youth Civic Engagement/Environment Children and Youth Community Health Education Elementary Science Education Community Volunteerism Health Oral History Environment Economic Development Northern New Mexico Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Rio Grande Dixon/Embudo Valley Statewide Cochiti Statewide Statewide Statewide Santa Fe Northern New Mexico Santa Fe Laguna Pueblo Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Northern New Mexico Statewide Silver City/Questa Statewide Statewide Ocate Statewide Statewide Placitas Placitas Santa Fe Northern New Mexico Raton Northern New Mexico Pueblos Santa Fe Santa Fe Statewide Global Dixon/Embudo Valley Statewide Taos area S TAT E M E N T O F F I N A N C I A L P O S I T I O N ASSETS The following summary information has been excerpted from the financial statements audited by Meyners + Company, on which the auditor issued an unqualified opinion. NET ASSETS 1995-2004 $20,000,000 2002 2003 6/30/04* Cash $ 2,402,967 $ 3,549,324 $ 1,721,317 Investments Unconditional promises to give Property and Equipment Expenses, and Other Assets Growth of Net Assets 1995-2004 Total Assets 3,461,405 485,911 47,768 203,173 $ 6,601,224 5,586,460 2,456,910 46,021 200,847 $ 11,839,562 6,006,323 9,240,917 479,803 222,426 $ 17,670,786 1995 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $307,211 Accounts payable and Accrued Expenses $ $ $ Grants payable 1996 Due other organizations and projects $869,667 Total Liabilities 1997 NET ASSETS $1,977,143 $15,000,000 Unrestricted 1998 Temporarily restricted $1,818,352 Permanently restricted Total Net Assets 1999 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $3,286,137 $10,000,000 2000 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES $3,458,175 REVENUES Contributions 2001 Investment Income, net of losses $5,268,944 $5,000,000 Fundraising 2002 Management fees $6,000,000 Other Income Total Revenue 4 / 200 6-30 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 2003 $10,358,528 EXPENSES For a copy of our full audited financial statements or Form 990, please contact our office. NMCF has no debt obligations. The funds of the New Mexico Community Foundation are professionally managed and invested according to the Investment Policy Statement. In 2003, total return on permanent assets was 20.6%. Program Expenses, Including Grants 6/30/2004 Administrative Expenses Fundraising $16,171,045 Total Expenses Increase in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year * unaudited 22,248 242,300 320,331 584,879 51,631 687,700 741,703 1,481,034 24,236 186,905 1,288,600 1,499,741 166,019 2,904,322 2,946,004 6,016,345 $ 6,601,224 242,616 6,612,223 3,503,689 10,358,528 $ 11,839,562 153,355 11,952,853 4,064,837 16,171,045 $ 17,670,786 2002 2003 6/30/04 $ 3,213,218 (158,391) 8,665 146,640 10,997 $ 3,221,129 $ 6,937,169 642,550 141,570 176,538 3,874 $ 7,901,701 $ 7,094,422 136,489 129,536 19,586 $ 7,380,033 $ 2,146,305 301,291 26,132 $ 2,473,728 747,401 5,268,944 $ 6,016,345 $ 3,115,429 354,217 89,872 $ 3,559,518 4,342,183 6,016,345 $ 10,358,528 $ 1,311,609 254,891 1,016 $ 1,567,516 5,812,517 10,358,528 $ 16,171,045 343 East Alameda, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Tel: 505.820.6860 Fax: 505.820.7860 303 Roma Avenue NW, Suite 400 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Tel: 505.821.6735 Fax: 505.821.9674 www.nmcf.org nmcf@nmcf.org Photographs by Don Usner, Sam Adams Design by Cisneros Design