8TH annual canstruction orange county design/build competition
8TH annual canstruction orange county design/build competition
8TH annual canstruction orange county design/build competition 2015 Teams Orientation Welcome Teams and Captains! We are so glad to have you here and we are all really looking forward to another CANtastic competition! The 2015 CanstructionOC competition will be hosted by the Orange County Chapters of SDA, AIA, and BTN at South Coast Plaza from September 4 thru September 27. About Canstruction® Canstruction® is a unique charity which hosts competitions, exhibitions and events showcasing colossal structures made entirely out of full cans of food. After the structures are built, the creations go on display to the public as a giant art exhibition. At the end of the event, all food is donated to the Orange County Food Bank. Canstruction events are held annually in over 150 cities around the world including North America, Australia, South America, Europe and Asia. Since 1992, Canstruction® has contributed over 25 million pounds of food to community food banks, demonstrating that we can win the fight against hunger. Canstruction® is using ONE CAN of food as a catalyst for change. ONE CAN to represent the building blocks of massive sculptures. ONE CAN to prove that every act of kindness makes a difference. It starts with ONE CAN – to feed the hungry, to lift the spirit, to change the world. Page 2 2015 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Board Position Name Email Contact Number OC Food Bank Liaison: Mark Lowry mlowry@capoc.org 714.897.6670 ext. 3601 Development: Doug Vogel dvogel@capoc.org CAPOC Representative Alan Woo awoo@capoc.org OC Food Bank Warehouse Manager Co-Chairs: Ramiro DeLoza redeloza@capoc.org Betsy Nickless, SDA betsyn@msa-arch.com 714.897.6670 Ext. 3636 949.483.8688 Chuck Darrow cdarrow@atlasimagingnow.com 888.526.2923 lgarcia@ktgy.com 949.273.9094 mgreenwood@by-all-accounts.com 949.248.1710 Venue: Louie Garcia Michelle Greenwood Treasurer: Communications: Website: Natalie Newman, SDA Public Relations: Dan Cox nnewman@jensenhughes.com dan@dancoxpr.com Social Media: Norma Jean Riddick Caitlyn Fox Jeannette Darrow Graphics: Eric Monroe Julie Crisp normariddick@hotmail.com cfox@capoc.org jdarrow@darrowfirm.com emonroe@c2repro.com jcrisp@c2repro.com 949.573.7033 Can Opener: (Build Night) Sayola Elmohtaseb Jamie Sheets Sunday Sagmit, SDA sayola@fwcse.com jsheets2387@gmail.com sundays@pancakearchitects.com 714.609.5193 760-954-6185 714.855.5893 Jury: Jeannette Darrow jdarrow@darrowfirm.com 626.298.0416 Awards Gala: Raffle/Silent Auction: Rebecca Kaminsky Jamie Sheets Karen Henderson, SDA rebecca@thewritewayoc.com jsheets2387@gmail.com khenderson@ninyoandmoore.com 714.662.2101 760-954-6185 949.412.2358 AIA/OC Liaison Jeff Gill, AIA jgill@aiaoc.org 949-422-7867 Unassigned: Melissa Mickle Jeff Manzer melissam@ddarchitecture.com jmanzer@ktgy.com Teams 626.298.0416 714.545.2743 949.433.1275 HOSTING ORGANIZATIONS: SDA: Betsy Nickless, Karen Henderson, Natalie Newman and Sunday Sagmit AIA: Jeff Gill BTN: Rebecca Kaminsky, Michelle Greenwood, Jeannette Darrow, Jamie Sheets Eileen Daniher Debbie Corr West Side Don Wilhite Keith Martinez Plaza Side Greg Dominguez South Coast Plaza DaniherE@southcoastplaza.com CoorD@southcoastplaza.com WilhiteD@southcoastplaza.com MartinezK@southcoastplaza.com DominguezG@southcoastplaza.com www.canstructionoc.org 714.438.3286 714.435.2166 714.442.5047 714.402.5807 Page 3 IMPORTANT DATES April 28 Final Call for Entries and Teams Orientation May 8 Preliminary Concept Due *1 This is to give us an idea of what you’ll be building and give you enough time to change your design if one or more teams have the same design concept. June 12 Final Design Due *2 Teams must submit the following information along with a final design so that we have correct information when meeting with South Coast Plaza for location assignment: Title of Structure, PDF of 3D rendering of design concept, dimensions, number of cans used and total weight of structure. June 12 – August 10 Pre-Build It is highly recommended that you do at least one practice build prior to build night. It lessens last-minute surprises at the site and gives you the opportunity to make sure you have all the building materials you need. Try to do as much prefabrication of any templates, or other special materials you require prior to the night of the build out. August Teams must submit the following by their due date: Teams Structure Board Information Due *3 o Teams Captain(s) Contact Info o Structure Name & Team Name o Mission Statement - brief statement that describes the structure and meaning of structure and how it was built. o Can Count/Weight – itemized list of product name and quantity, final weight. o Dimensions of structure (L x W x H) in feet and inches. o PDF of 3D Rendering T-Shirt Order Form Due *4 Liability Release Form Due *5 OCFB Pallet Drop off – at your office or elsewhere (scheduled between August 17 – 21st) *6 OCFB Pallet Pick-Up (scheduled between August 24 – 28th) *7 Attach the Moving Manifest(s) to your pallet(s) once you have them stacked properly for transportation. *7a August 26 Teams Site Visit (tentative date) Teams will meet at the Garden Terrace in South Coast Plaza at 5:30pm. The Teams/Venue Committee and SCP will be on hand to answer any questions. You will be given a map to your build site and we’ll walk you to your build site (if needed). We will let you know locations on where to park on build night, where headquarters is located, where the restrooms are, where the trash bins are, etc. August 28 Company Structure Boards Due to C2Reprographics This optional Company Board must be no larger than 24x36 and can contain information about the process, your company, sponsors, logos, or any other information you would like to display. Same as in previous years, each team will be offered the opportunity to print your boards at a reduced rate through our gracious sponsor c2 Reprographics. You are responsible for the content and format of the Company Board and can coordinate with Eric Monroe at c2 Reprographics if you need assistance with layout/graphics. Please do not wait for the last minute to turn in your final design. Cost = $50 Contact: Eric Monroe at emonroe@c2repro.com Page 4 September 4 Can Opener (Build Night) As always, our build night falls on the Labor Day holiday weekend. Please keep that in mind when planning who from your team can attend. Headquarters (location TBD) will be open at 9:00pm to pick up your T-shirts, maps, etc. Submit final payments (if needed). Cash or Check ONLY. Extra t-shirts will be available for sale. Build Night Committee: Sunday Sagmit at sundays@pancakearchitects.com or (714) 855-5893 Louie Garcia at lgarcia@ktgy.com or (949) 273-9094 Chuck Darrow at cdarrow@atlasimagingnow.com or (629) 926-3064 Meet at 10:00 pm for Kick-Off Announcements (location TBD) then Build! REMINDERS: o Each team will need to provide a minimum ¼” Masonite, plywood or plexiglass base for your structure. You will not be able to build without this base as South Coast Plaza is very strict about their floors. o The Build-Night Committee and Jury/Judging Committee members will be walking around all night make sure the Rules and Regulations are enforced. o Bring plenty of extra supplies (tape, scissors, foam core, cardboard) – over estimate. o Bring a ladder if you are building tall. o You must keep labels on products and completely intact. The Food Bank cannot distribute product without ingredient and nutritional labeling. Structures that have any labels removed will be disqualified. o Teams have 12 hours to build according to National guidelines. o No alcohol or public intoxication. o There is no limit to the amount of guest, but please be considerate of other teams and your surroundings. Children are allowed under adult supervision. o You can bring chairs, food, drink, and music to keep your team pumped up but please be considerate of other teams and South Coast Plaza. o Your area must be broom clean at the end of your build. This means ALL TRASH must be disposed of in designated trash locations. o At completion of your build, call or text Sunday Sagmit (714) 855-5893 and someone will verify your space is broom clean, then you will receive your Team Board. DO NOT leave before this is done or you will be getting a call at 3am to come back to SCP! o Upon completion of your build, contact the event photographer, Brian Carter, Pixel That! Photography, (Brian@pixelthatphotos.com or text at (626) 383-1432 with your company name and structure location) so he can get a picture of your structure before the stanchions are placed and before the signage in in place. He can also photograph your team with the structure and with signage. NOTE: A photo of your structure without signage is needed for the International Competition submittal. o We will provide South Coast Plaza with your captain and co-captain’s contact information. If your structure looks like it is structurally unsound, sagging, slipping, etc. after the build out someone will phone you. Be prepared to go over and fix immediately. If rebuilding is impossible the cans will need to be boxed up. September 12 Judging Day Please check your structure before 7:30am this day to make sure no cans have fallen and you have enough time to fix your build. Teams are not allowed to be near their structures during judging. September TBD Can-Do Awards Celebration Ticket Order Form is due on 10/01/15 and teams are given 3 free tickets to attend. (more information to follow) o Awards Committee Chair – Rebecca Kaminsky rebecca@thewritewayoc.com or (949) 751-7760 o Raffle Prizes and Silent Auction Items are needed. If you would like to donate this year please contact Karen Henderson, Raffle/Silent Auction Committee at khenderson@ninyoandmoore.com or (949) 412-2358 Page 5 September TBD Strut-the-Structures (more information to follow) September 27 De-Canstruction Teams and their volunteers must take down their structures and pack your cans in the bins provided by the Orange County Food Bank. You should allow ample time so that your entry is neatly and completely packed and you leave the area broom clean. De-Canstruction starts at 7pm after Plaza closes. SOCIAL MEDIA If you are out and about buying cans or are starting your pre-build and if you have photos or videos (30 seconds or less) of fundraisers or other fun things you did to collect cans, please share those with the Social Media Committee: Norma Jean Riddick NormaRiddick@hotmail.com or text to (949) 573-7033 Caitlyn Fox CFox@capoc.org Jeannette Darrow JDarrow@DarrowFirm.com or text to (626) 298-0416 Remember If you post your own photos, tag us in Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram, and use the hashtag: #CanstructionOC Here are links to the CanstructionOC Social Media Sites: Twitter link: @CanstructionOC Facebook link: www.facebook.com/CanstructionOrangeCounty Pinterest link: http://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=canstructionoc Instagram link: http://instagram.com/canstructionoc# If you or your company are NOT following these sites, please do so and we will start following you. MOST WANTED FOOD ITEMS tuna fish beef stew peanut butter canned vegetables meals in a can canned beans soup canned fruits Page 6 RULES & REGULATIONS The following rules and regulations govern all Canstruction competitions. Each team must be provided with a copy of the rules and regulations and should be distributed to all team members. The same rules and regulations are explained to the Jury that will be judging the completion structures. All building materials and methods observed the night of the build will be convened to the Jury. Competition organizers do not disqualify an entry. All decisions are left in the hands of the Jury. AWARD CATEGORIES • International Best Meal Best Use of Labels Structural Ingenuity Jurors’ Favorite Honorable Mention(s) People’s Choice Local winners go on to compete internationally through submission of photography to a panel of jurors convened at the SDA Annual Convention in the spring of each year. The local competition winner for People’s Choice proceed to the international competition through Facebook votes. STRUCTURE SIZE 10' l x 10' w by 18' h - maximum TEAM SIZE The team consists of 5 official members (listed on the team board) plus one person to assist in unpacking cans. Any number of people can assist in the design and planning of the structure. Only five people will be permitted to build at one time. That includes those who are organizing cans, cutting foam-core and other materials. Teams may swap out members and are allowed a maximum of 15 minutes for transition. FOOD PRODUCTS • Aluminum food cans of all sizes may be used. Some food manufacturers are switching to plastic. If using plastic containers, make sure they stack and can take the pressure of cans from above bearing down. • No glass containers. • No pet food. • No alcoholic beverages or product labeled with alcohol as an ingredient. • Soda and junk food strongly discouraged. Depending on the composition of the jury, your entry could be downgraded for using non-nutritional items. Make every effort in designing a structure that uses nutritious foods. • All cans must be full and unopened. • No open food of any type to be utilized. • Can labels must be intact and legible. Labels cannot be covered, stripped off, or altered in any way. • Boxed and bagged items – strongly discouraged. If your team chooses to use soft packaged foods, please remember to double bag all packages to prevent breakage. • Props – strongly discouraged. Jurors prefer pure food structures. Solve all design challenges with food items. All things equal, a structure with props will lose when judged against a structure with no props. (Example: a structure that has eyes. One structure uses black cans to make eyes; another structure has black circles made of paper and pasted on top of the cans for eyes. Once the jury sees that eyes can be made from cans or a food product, any entry that used paper cutouts is in disfavor.) Page 7 BUILDING MATERIALS • Structures MUST be structurally self-supporting. • Permissible: One-quarter inch thick foam-core, cardboard, masonite, plywood, plexi-glass – for the purpose of leveling or balancing materials and not as load bearing. A structure where leveling material is not visible is judged superior to a structure where it is in plain view. One-quarter inch thick Threaded Rod Cardboard tubes used as guides must also be limited to one-quarter inch thick Velcro Tape, clear and double-faced High-tension rubber bands Nylon string Wire Tie-backs Plywood or Masonite template for flooring • Not Permissible 2x4’s half-inch plywood half-inch thick tubing sheet metal permanent adhesives • South Coast Plaza management has requested floor protection again this year. Please plan appropriately and each team will need to provide a ¼” Masonite, plywood or plexiglass base for your structure. You will not be able to build without this base as South Coast Plaza is very strict about their floors. Contact Louie Garcia, Venue Committee for any questions at lgarcia@ktgy.com Page 8 ACQUISITION OF CANNED GOODS Canned food can be purchased or donated through most Supermarkets. See enclosed sheet for fundraising ideas. *8 You can also print out the Donation Letter*9 and W9 form*10 supplied by the Orange County Food Bank to show to the grocery stores that it is for a non-profit organization. TEAM SPONSORSHIP If your team secures sponsorship to assist with the cost of your structure: Orange County Canstruction is not a 501(c)3 not-for profit charity. The OC Food Bank CANNOT provide receipts for cash sponsorships to teams, nor can sponsors issue checks to the OCFB to be re-issued to teams. The Orange County Food Bank is providing its taxpayer I.D.*10 to food donors to use as a charitable tax deduction. Another option is to instruct your donors to take the contribution as a marketing/public relations business expense. Naming the contributors on your signage board next to your structure during the whole month of September in South Coast Plaza will give them their Marketing/PR exposure. CANSTRUCT-A-MEMBER If your design firm builds an entry in Canstruction during the 2015 competition year, the Society for Design Administration (SDA) CAN give your firm one FREE New Membership to SDA! Pass this Canstruct-A-Member form*11 on to your Business Manager, Office Manager, Financial Manager, Human Resource Manager, Project Administrators, etc. so they can take advantage of this offer! If they would like further information about SDA, please have them contact Natalie Newman at nnewman@jensenhughes.com Page 9 Example *1 – Preliminary Concept Hensel Phelps Dump Truck Page 10 Example *2 – Final Design Hensel Phelps Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 8 Number of cans: 5,000 Total Weight 1600 x 14oz = 22,400 ounces 1500 x 5 oz = 7,500 ounces 570 x 16 oz = 9,120 ounces 480 x 15 oz = 7,200 ounces 400 x 14 oz = 5,600 ounces 200 x 14.5 oz = 2,900 ounces 150 x 15 oz = 2,250 ounces 100 x 15 oz = 1,500 ounces Total Ounces = 58,470 (divided by 16) = 3,654 pounds Page 11 Example *3 – Team Structure Board Information Page 12 Example *4 – Team T-Shirt Order Form Page 13 Example *5 – Liability Release Form with South Coast Plaza Page 14 Example *6 – (Page 1 of 2) OCFB Pallet Drop-Off Form Page 15 Example *7 – (Page 2 of 2) OCFB Pallet Pick-Up Form Page 16 Example *7a – Moving Manifest Page 17