List of funded projects - SEAS-ERA


List of funded projects - SEAS-ERA
 SEAS‐ERA Joint Call in the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions – 2012 ‐ Funded projects WP 6– Task 6.3 Deliverable 6.3.1 May 2012 Author: FCT, Portugal 1 Grant Agreement n° 249552 Acronym: SEAS‐ERA Title: SEAS‐ERA Joint Call in the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions – 2012 ‐ Funded projects WP6: Atlantic Region. Task 6.3: Joint Calls in the Atlantic Region. Task Leader/Author: FCT/Dina Carrilho Deliverable N°: 6.3.1 Due date of deliverable: Month 24 Actual submission date: September 2012 Security: PU PROPRIETARY RIGHTS STATEMENT THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION, WHICH IS PROPRIETARY OF THE SEAS‐ERA CONSORTIUM. NEITHER THIS DOCUMENT NOR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE USED, DUPLICATED OR COMMUNICATED BY ANY MEANS TO ANY THIRD PARTY, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTS, EXCEPT WITH THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SEAS_ERA COORDINATOR. THIS RESTRICTION LEGEND SHALL NOT BE ALTERED OR OBLITERATED ON OR FROM THIS DOCUMENT. Document Information Document Name Document ID Version Date Task Leader Author/Organisation Security List of funded Projects September 2012 FCT, Portugal FCT, Portugal PU History Version Fist Date April 2012 Modification 2 Diffusion List Institution Country Contact MINECO Spain Beatriz Morales BELSPO Belgium David Cox MEYS Bulgary Lora Pavlova ANR France Maurice Heral JÜLICH Germany Peter Seifert GRST Greece Chrysoula Diamanti RANNIS Iceland Sigurdur Bjornsonn MI Ireland Geoffrey O'Sullivan MIUR Italy Giuseppe Caravetta RCN Norway Nina Hendlund MCST Malta Mark Misfud FCT Portugal Dina Carrilho NWO The Netherlands Josef Stueffer TUBITAK Turkey Esin Esen NERC UK Mike Webb DEFRA UK Caron Montgomery MB_ESF EU Nial McDonough UEFISCDI Romania Simona Stoian KyivCSTEI Ukraine Elena Koval SNRSF Georgia Theodore Dolitze IFRPLLM France Jean Francoise Masset Summary Five transnational collaborative R&D projects were selected for funding based on a centralized international peer‐review assessment of proposals and within the possibilities of national budgets. The total public funding was 4265799 €. D 6.3.1 This DL was delayed due to the delay in opening the Seas‐Era calls caused by the difficulties on fixing budgets and developing a strategy to overcome the shortcomings of the actual economic situation. According to the objectives of task 6.3 and considering the potential involvement and fund earmarking for the proposed Joint Calls, it was agreed to combine the Mediterranean and Atlantic calls, whilst the Black Sea call was proposed to be held with the Pan‐European due to the lack of critical mass for a joint call. The selected topics were: A ‐ Ecosystem approach and ecosystem models for the North Atlantic Ocean 3 B ‐ Risk assessment of invasive alien species ‐ changes in marine biodiversity C ‐ Development of indicators and science support and management tools for the determination of Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean Sea The members who signed the Memorandum of Understanding formed the Joint Management Committee (JMC) and MINECO the Call Secretariat. The summary of partial budgets was 4.4 M€ and not all participants funded the same topics (see Table 1 below available at Call for proposals (http://www.seas‐ Trans‐regional cooperation was highly encouraged, in particular in topics A and C, i.e. through comparative studies between the different regional approaches, comparison of methodologies and the transfer of knowledge between both regions, etc.. The call managed by MINECO with the support of FCT, had a deadline of May 24th 2012. The protocols and documents were loaded in an on‐line application Electronic Submission System (ESS) used to manage all the call procedure. Nine assessment criteria were used to evaluate the proposals as described in the Call for proposals. Scientific quality was considered above all other criteria and a high quality is a prerequisite for funding. Transnational added value was the value resulting from the transnational research project, which is additional to the value of national research projects. Table 1. Seas‐Era call characteristics. Country* Funding Partner Indicative budget € Belgium BELSPO 500.000 for all topics* France ANR 1.200.000 for all topics Greece GSRT 800.000 for all topics Iceland RANNIS 250.000 for topics A and B* Norway RCN 750.000 for all topics* Portugal FCT 300.000 for all topics Turkey TUBITAK 600.000 for topic C *BELSPO and RCN will only fund proposals if the studies include the Atlantic. RANNIS will do the same for topic B. The call was launched from 30th March until 24th May 2012. There were 12 submitted applications, evaluated by 24 independent international evaluators (minimum 3 evaluators per proposal) and none of them was from countries participating in the call (http://www.seas‐ (Table 2). After the evaluation process during June‐August, the JMC made the final decision at a meeting on 13th September 2012. Five proposals were selected to be funded (two proposals from topic A, one from topic B and two proposals from topic C) involving total public funding of around 4.26M €. More information about these approved projects is available on the SEAS‐ERA website (http://www.seas‐ 4 The funded projects are finishing after the end of SEAS‐ERA. To follow up the start of the Projects a workshop on October 2013 will be organized jointly with the projects funded in other ERA‐Nets (Marifish, MarinERA, AMPERA) to be held at MINECO (Madrid, Spain). Table 2.The Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC) was composed of international independent experts from countries different from the applicants or the participating research funding organisations. (In bold experts invited for the SEC panel meeting): Name Family Name Institution Country
Jason Hall‐
Spencer PML UK Mike St John Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Frank M. Kleissen DELTARES NL Andrew Davis SAMS UK David Reid Marine Institute Ireland Daniel Oro CSIC (IMEDEA) Spain Xulio Valeiras IEO Spain Christian Möllmann U. Hamburg Germany
Peter NIOO NL Francesc Peters CSIC (ICM) Spain Cosimo Solidoro INOGS Italy Yuri Artioli PML UK Javier Ruiz CSIC (ICMAN) Spain Antonio Tovar CSIC (IMEDEA) Spain Alejandro Gallego FRS Marine Laboratory UK Paul Leonard DEFRA UK Joaquin Garrabou CSIC (ICM) Spain Mark Johnson Martin Ryan Institute Ireland Erkki Leppakoski Abo Akademi University Finland Angel Borja Spain Jacob Carstensen Aarhus University Herman AZTI Denmark
Joachim Dippner Baltic Sea Res. Inst. Germany
Rafael Sarda CSIC (CEAB) Spain Niamh Connolly Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and Innovation Advisory Partnership Ireland 5 Table 3.List of projects selected for funding in Call 2012 Call Project Project title/Summary topic acronym SEAMAN Spatially resolved ecosystem models and their application to marine management
Coordinator Institution Participating Institutions University of Bergen (Norway) Institute of Marine Research, Bergen (Norway); Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, NERSC (Norway); IFREMER (France); University of Iceland (Iceland); Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece) A EMoSEM Free University of Brussels, ULB Ecosystem models as (Belgium); IFREMER (France); Pierre support to eutrophication RBINS‐MUMM and Marie Curie University, UPMC management in the North (Belgium) (France); Institute of Marine Atlantic Ocean
Research, IMAR (Portugal) B Centre of Marine Sciences, CCMAR (Portugal); University of Western Brittany, UBO (France); AD2M‐CNRS Roscoff (France); Ghent University (Belgium); Marine Research Institute (Iceland); Institute of Marine Research, IMR (Norway) Invasive seaweeds in rising temperatures: INVASIVES impacts and risk assessments
University of Bergen (Norway) Marine environmental targets linked to regional management schemes MERMAID based on indicators developed for the Mediterranean
Hellenic Centre IFREMER (France); Middle East for Marine Technical University (Turkey); Research, HCMR University of the Aegean (Greece) (Greece) Coralligenous based indicators to evaluate and monitor the "good CIGESMED ecological status" of the Mediterranean coastal waters
CNRS Délégation Provence et Corse (France) C Ege University (Turkey); LIGAMEN (France); IFREMER (France); Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, HCMR (Greece); National Marine Park of Zakynthos, NMPZ (Greece) 6 Annex 1: List of Partners. Nº Institution Country Contact Email 1 2 MINECO BELSPO Spain Belgium Beatriz Morales beatriz@imedea.uib‐
David Cox
3 4 MEYS ANR Bulgary France Lora Pavlova
Maurice Heral 6 JÜLICH Germany Peter Seifert p.seifert@fz‐
7 GRST Greece Chrysoula Diamanti
8 9 RANNIS MI Iceland Ireland Sigurdur Bjornsonn
Geoffrey O'Sullivan
10 MIUR Italy RCN Norway Maria Uccellatore Nina Hendlund 11 12 MCST Malta Mark Misfud
13 FCT Portugal 14 NWO The Netherlands Dina Carrilho Josef Stueffer 15 TUBITAK Turkey Esin Esen 16 NERC UK Mike Webb
17 18 DEFRA MB_ESF UK Caron Montgomery
EU Nial McDonough
19 UEFISCDI Romania
20 KyivCSTEI Ukraine Simona Stoian Elena Koval 21 SNRSF Georgia Theodore Dolitze
22 IFRPLLM France Jean Francoise Masset nip@fp7‐
Third parties Nº Institution Country 1 2 CNR Italy EUROCEAN Portugal Contact Email Guiseppe Cavarretta Telmo Carvalho 7 Project logo 8