to January 2014 Connection Magazine PDF
to January 2014 Connection Magazine PDF
January – February 6, 2014 “To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children, to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to give of one’s self, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and Cognitive Decline sung with exultation; to Brain Tumors know even one life has breathed easier because DNA Damage you have lived—that is to have succeeded.” THE FUTURE? A New You… Calcium Eflux —Ralph Waldo Emerson Early Alzheimer’s in the New Year! Breast Cancer E FREEDOM TOUR IONALLY KNOWN SPEAKER HE CHALLENGE TO SET YOU FREE r Lidy Flom tell ptional story! ow you how you optimum health cial freedom!! anuary 28, 2013 M ± 9:00 PM ultural Center abright Ave Cruz, CA The FREEDOM Tour with Lidy Flom Jan. 28, 2014 - pg 5 Every Challenge is a Blessing RU\VWDUWHG\HDUVDJRZKHQKHUQHZborn baby was seriously ill. he doctors were telling us worked. I turned to alternative medicine roblem was a severe iron deficiency. My FKLOG¶s life was saved! ng path of OHDUQLQJDERXWQXWULWLRQDOKHDOLQJ´ D)DUPHU¶s Market as well as a Food Co-Op providing organic n extraordinary leader and team-builder and has been at the top ct sales companies. Lidy is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and ULHQFe, Isagenix and Product B offers the most exciting WKDQGQXWULWLRQ´ LiG\VD\V³,WUXO\IHHOLWLVDSULYLlege and an Fukushima… pg 7 Vaccines pg 18 • Smart Meters • Wran • GMOs • Bees pgs 6-9 Telomeres & Age Reversal pgs 5 & 13 Surfing for Change pg 4 Let Us Show You The Way In San Jose! I CAN DO IT! ® SAN JOSE February 1-2, 2014 l San Jose Center for the Performing Arts Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Kris Carr Caroline Myss Gregg Braden Deborah King Nick Ortner Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D. davidji Doreen Virtue Denise Linn Join us to Be Entertained…Get Educated…and Live a Better Life! Call 800-654-5126 or visit Register Early & SAVE! This event will sell out! &HUWL¿HG$QJHO &DUG5HDGHU Course TM With Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine February 3, 2014 • 10:00 am – 5:00 pm San Jose Convention Center %HFRPHD&HUWL¿HG$QJHO&DUG5HDGHU Register Early and Save! Call 800-654-5126 or Visit Page 2 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Look for our Feb. 2014 20th Anniversary Issue - Feb. 7th ThetaHealing: Fun, Transformative, Empowering! /\QGD&KDLNLQ The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you. WEHRMAN/BENSON EMF/RF SHIELDING Worried about smart meter radiation? We can help protect you. Call (831) 234-0716 Or Email us at: PEACEMOVIES.COM has reviewed over 400 non-violent family movies since 2011. For a free sample newsletter, send a #10 long self-addressed stamped envelope to: Dept 01 5669 Snell Ave., #173 San Jose, CA 95123 or e-mail: CIRCLE OF LIGHT! Looking to connect with LikeMinded Spiritual Adventurers? The Circle of Light is the place to Expand Your Consciousness, Open Your Heart & meet Lifelong Friends sharing the exciting Journey of Awakening & Transformation. On the Third Friday evening of each month, we meet at (but are not affiliated with) the Unitarian Church Sanctuary, 490 Aguajito Rd, Carmel. For Event Schedule and Info: nohlan@SeventhAwakening. net or (831) 484-1923. 11/12 JOIN THE UP-WISING: THE SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION BOOK IS HERE The boxes have arrived, and we have a bouncing, baby book! You can have your autographed copy NOW. https:// To read more about the book Gregg Braden has called, “the map we’ve all been waiting for,” and Deepak Chopra and Thom Hartmann have called “world-changing,” go to http:// SponEvoBook.html B12 HAPPY HOUR! EVERY WED. 3 - 6PM B12 shots just $17! Walk in’s welcome! Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center. B12 treats: fatigue, anemia, colds/ flus, thyroid/adrenal imbalance, anxiety, depression, insomnia, PMS, menopause, acne, allergies, herpes, nerve pain, dementia, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis & more! 736 Chestnut St - downtown SC. 831.477.1377 Billboard Continues on Page 24 Feature Index Arts & Entertainment ................................26-27 Astrology ......................................................... 16 Awareness ..................................................19-23 The Billboard ............................................ 3 & 24 Thriving Business ............................................ 4 Compassion Flower Resouce Guide ............ 31 Dining Delights ................................ Will Return Essential Living Guide .............. 20,22,23,24,28 Fitness & Sports .............................. Will Return Green Business Directory ............................... 6 Health Notes...............................................10-13 Healthy Appearance ....................................... 29 Healthy Planet ................................................6-9 Lively Letters .................................................. 24 Martial Arts ...................................................... 25 Movies ............................................................. 26 Music .............................................................. 26 Parenting, Kids & Education ......................... 18 Pet / Animal Health ......................................... 14 Radiation Protection .................................16-18 Rave Reviews .................................................. 24 A New You in the New Year Theme ...........15-17 Travel & Fun .................................... Will Return Wonderful Women........................... Will Return Yoga ................................................. Will Return 7KHWD+HDOLQJ0DVWHU ,QVWUXFWRU3UDFWLWLRQHU “Lynda is a master. Working with her has changed my life and allowed me to experience joy and serenity I never knew was possible. There is so much to gain from sessions with her and from taking her classes.” – Star Hansen Scotts Valley, CA Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine How to Reach Us: (831) 459-0522 • Fax: (831) 427-7718 (Please Call to Confirm Fax Receipt) Connection Magazine 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355 • Aptos, CA 95003 Check Out Our New Website; Free Online Calendar Listings Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World: The Billboard TELL THE WORLD!! • Listings: are $6 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid • Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/Graphic: $10 • Next deadline date is Mon.,Feb 3rd for the Feb. 7th 2014 Issue • Go to our Website: • Email: • Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 • Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: (831) 427-7781 •Visa / MC / Discover / American Express/Diner Card SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off. Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.10% off for non-profit. >c Y^c6hXZch^d Z i h Z c4 iZg Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing® Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles ThetaHealing Classes Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class)UL6XQ0DUFKSUHUHTIRU $GYDQFHG'1$7KHWD+HDOLQJ&ODVV)UL6XQ$SULOSUHUHTIRU 0DQLIHVWLQJDQG$EXQGDQFH&ODVV6DWDQG6XQ0D\DQG-XQH 7KHWD+HDOLQJ*DPHRI/LIH&ODVV)UL6XQ-XQH RU 6lV`Zc^c\i]Z Iaajb^cViZY=ZVgiLdg`h]de ;VX^a^iViZYWn@VgjcV8]VebVc!8Zgi^ÒZYIZVX]Zg^c9gjckVad BZaX]^oZYZ`ÉhHX]ddad[GZbZbWZg^c\# >i^hi]Z=ZVgii]ViXdciV^chi]Zdg^\^cVa^chigjXi^dchd[A^[Z!VcYl]Zc i]Z=ZVgi^hV\V^c^cXdcigdad[VeZghdcÉha^[Z!A^[ZgZhedcYhl^i]_dnVcY edlZg#L]Zci]Z=jbVcA^\]i7dYnBZg`VWV^hY^gZXianVXi^kViZY[gdb i]ZHVXgZYHeVXZd[i]Z=ZVgi!ndjga^[ZWZXdbZh^ciZgXdccZXiZYl^i]Vaa A^[ZZkZgnl]ZgZVcYbdkZh^cid=^\]Zg8dchX^djhcZhhcVijgVaan# L]ZclZXgZViZ[gdbi]ZWgV^c!lZ\Zil]VilZlVciVcY^iÉhZmVXi deedh^iZ#8gZVi^dc[gdbi]ZJc^ÒZY=ZVgi;^ZaYWg^c\hdcan\ddY#?d^cjh idaZVgci]ZegdXZhhd[XgZVi^c\[gdbi]Z=ZVgi!VcYidcVijgVaanVcY hedciVcZdjhanVXi^kViZndjg=jbVcA^\]i7dYn# Look for Merciful Heavens on Santa Cruz Free Online Calendar Listings - Ldg`h]deh/?Vc#&+"&.;ZW#'%"'( =ZaY^cHVciV8gjo8dhi"((( :VganGZ\^higVi^dc9^hXdjci -(&+-)"&((%@VgjcV8]VebVc5XdbXVhi#cZi ]iie/$$YgjckVad#cZi$hdg$iZVX]Zg$(%&% ]iie/$$@VgjcVh=ZVgi#lZWhiVgih#Xdb Ideally Located in the Santa Cruz Mountains We Treat Drug Addiction • Organic • Local • Fresh • Plates • Soups • Drinks ����½ on Yelp! Lunch & Dinner Kiosk @ 1130 Pacific Ave. Open Daily 11:30am - 6:30pm; Closed Wed. Call for Food to Go (831) 425-5979 Redwood Cliffs Nationally Acclaimed Treatment Program Produces a 70% Success Rate! Non 12-Step, Holistic Approach to Treating Addiction. Eliminate Cravings with Sauna Detoxification, Vitamin & Nutrition Therapy. Insurance Accepted & Payment Options Available. Legal Support Services for Drug & Alcohol Related Charges. FREE Aftercare and Long-Term Support. Over 2,000 Lives Saved Since 1992 CALL NOW to Start 831-219-0038 Page 3 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 The NAACP and the RESOURCE CENTER FOR NONVIOLENCE present: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. CELEBRATION WEEKEND JANUARY 17 18 19, 2014 JOHN McCUTCHEON FOLK Q Q Q I N C O N C E RT Q Q Friday JANUARY 17, 7:30p.m. TICKETS $18 - 35 sliding scale RCNV.ORG or 831.423.1626 )RON0XVLFLDQ([WUDRUGLQDLUH%HQHÀWV5&19 Annual MLK, Jr. Q GOSPEL NIGHT Q Saturday JANUARY 18, 7:00p.m. Q GOSPEL YOUTH DAY Surfing for CHANGE TICKETS $10 -20 sliding scale Available At the DOOR. FMI: 831. 429-2266. 6SRQVRUHGE\1$$&36DQWD&UX]%UDQFK FREE- For all Youth Sunday JANUARY 19, 2:00 - 5:00p.m. 8&6&·VRainbow Theater performs excerpts from “A Song for Coretta,” DVKDUSIXQQ\SOD\DERXW &RUHWWD6FRWW.LQJIRUDOODJHVDQGDKDQGVRQ Theater Workshop. Sponsored by the NAACP and RCNV. All at the Resource Center for Nonviolence Q612 Ocean St. Santa Cruz QRCNV.ORG Q Grow Your Your Practice Here! Everything Y You ou Need fo for... r... Psychotherapy Bodywork Group Process Classes and Events Huge Space! Daily and Hourly Rates www.roomforgrowthcente .roomforgrowthcente was financing the project. When you my friends. by Kyle Thiermann Why recycle as a last resort? My name is Kyle Thiermann put your money in a bank, it doesn’t That’s the message in “Where Is stay there. Banks use your money to and I like to have a good time. As a professional surfer and journalist, I’ve lend out. When you put your money ‘Away’? Solving Plastic Pollution in been lucky enough to travel to some in a local bank, it’s also lent out, but 4 Minutes,” a new short film by 21year-old pro surfer Kyle amazing places around Thiermann, featuring Jack the world. Through my Johnson’s musical warning travels, one of the things to “fancy-pants” consumI see in many developers. With only five percent ing countries is a lot of of all single-use plastics suffering. ever actually recycled, the During my trips, Reduce and Reuse bandit always felt weird to wagon is looking like a me when I would stay in mighty fine ride. a hotel, surf the waves, Kyle took a break and learn pretty much from “getting tubed!” in nothing about the comSouth Africa, where he’s munity. Along the way mixing playtime--(“I just I became curious about got in from a four-hour the biggest issues that barrel-fest at J Bay. It was the places I visited were facing. When I was 18, I “Where Is ‘Away’? Solving Plastic Pollution in 4 Minutes” a Youtube Video one of the most memorable decided to make a short movie about instead of being sucked out of your sessions of my life!”)--and work timea proposed coal power plant that was community, it circulates within your -(“There is a proposed nuclear plant going to be built on the beach in a town neighborhood and supports your lo- right near J Bay, so I’m doing my next cal economy. By shifting your bank movie on nuclear power.”)--to give us called Constiticuion in Chile. The plant would destroy the account, you have the power to stop the lowdown. How did you feel the first time local economy which was based on funding the problem and start funding you saw all of that plastic waste piled fishing and surfing. All of the locals the solution, all in one move. So, I made a YouTube movie up on Oahu’s beaches? were opposed to it. I did some research KT: It was a weird feeling...curabout this issue and shared it with and learned that Bank of America rents move plastic all over the world, [it] never goes away. It’s weird to think that every piece of plastic that I’ve ever used is still here today. What would you say to someone who’s thinking, “So I have to carry a bag around with me all the time, just in case?” You bring your wallet to the store-—just bring your bag to the store, simple as that. If I forget my bag, I just make it a challenge that I need to bring my groceries out without a bag...then I almost always remember the next time. Other than making the switch to reusable bottles and bags, what are some of the things we can do? Putting your money in a local bank, shopping locally and responsibly is also a big one. I think it’s also important to have fun with whatever you’re doing. We’re not going to change [the planet] with a bunch of downer environmentalists. It actually feels good to do the right thing, so let’s let it show! Watch all of Kyle’s 4-minute movies that explain those issues--and make it fun--at Join in to help. Find out what you can do for “positive solutions”. Then, email and tell us at Connection Magazine at: Page 4 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Scalar-Wave Technology: Nature’s Solution to The Fukushima Radiation Basic Information on Scalar Waves and the DJed Pillar by Benjamin Jaymz Hubbard The 19th century… James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), a Scottish mathematical physicist, diligently calculated over two hundred “quaternions” (equations), mathematically describing the dynamics of rotating fields, Electromagnetic fields and their expression as tensors and vectors, in his treatise : A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, published in 1861-1862. Oliver Heaviside, endorsed by the Academia Status Quo, removed all but four of the quaternions, which explain Scalars acting between the Vectors and Tensors. Subsequent experimentation in the 1880’s proved Heaviside’s editing was incorrect. Scalar-Waves vibrate between the elements, plants, trees, mountains, and seas. Elements themselves are vibrating geometrical Platonic waves interacting with scalar waves. Cymatics reveals these principals. Everything has charge, our bodies, the Air(+) we breathe, the Water(-) we drink, as elements sustain our lifeforce. The Ancient Egyptians symbolized their knowledge of this by the DJed Pillar. Four vertebral columns placed on a stand to represent the four Worlds and Elements of Life; the human spine and sacrum. Magnets don’t adhere to para-magnetic metals like aluminum and copp e r. I n t e r e s t ingly, when a neodymium cylinder magnet is dropped inside of a copper tube, the rate of fall diminishes due to the geometry of the rotating field, decreasing gravity and extending travel time through the tube. Para-Magnetic materials express a magnetic field when electricity is applied to them, but not otherwise. By encasing paramagnetic metals with piezoelectric quartz within a non-conductive resin; pressure causes an electrical charge creating a scalar-wave, allowing variance within the charges. Scalar Technology can be greatly en- spheric scalar-wave attenuation. One Crystalline- ney to wholeness, May Peace Bless Us All. hanced by specific geometry and materials to Organite Base w/ sixty-four permentational cage Benjamin Jaymz Hubbard received Solar initiaachieve the radiological trans- and Five Vortex Frequency Plates. Three Copper tions at the age of 3. He was fatally electrocuted mutation of isotopes. Walter rods for tetrahedral linking to the planet’s natural & resuscitated in 1997, leading to intense studRussell, a 20th century Phi- crystalline scalar field. One Tone Frequency Gen- ies into the human electromagnetic field and losopher, revealed the key to erator for specific frequency modulation control. various light-body mechanics. Studies include creation is waves multiplying Potential for N52 Neodymium Magnetic field Chinese Internal Martial Arts & Aikido since and dividing, expressing fusion amplification & dielectric phase modulation. 1999, Metaphysics and most Religions. Spirit and fission. We can now build a clean future for our Initiated him into the ancient path of Shamanism Newton’s Third Law children restoring Balance and Harmony to the in 2005. In 2006 he began advanced practice in states: that for every action Earth. Together we can create the positive time subtle energy; in 2007 he began studies in apthere is an equal and opposite line we all deserve. plied research of the Joe-cell Technology, Tesla reaction. Nature demonstrates for more information. I science, Edward Leedskalnin, Scared Geometry, energy contracting and expand- trust this material will inspire you on your jour- and many others. ing; exploding equaling imploding. Radioactive Isotopes are no exception. A week after March 11, 2011, I was exposed to a radiation cloud on Maui in the Kula neighborhood elevating at 2700’. I engineered a scalarwave antenna to transmute the radiation; a modern DJed Pillar to neutralize radioactive isotopes and chemtrails via a scalar-wave torus-field. Linked into the planet, Mother-Nature modulates the DJed Pillars network many miles by the Earth’s own Crystalline Scalar field. The Djed 3.0 is 3000% more efficient than 1.0 and consists NATIONALLY KNOWN SPEAKER of: four Crystalline-Organite Transmutation Discs for isoEMBRACE THE CHALLENGE TO SET YOU FREE topes and elements and random NATIONALLY KNOWN SPEAKER emf’s. Nine Rainbow-charged EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE TO SET YOU FREE polished copper tubes for atmoA DJed Pillar THE FREEDOM TOUR NATIONALLY KNOWN SPEAKER EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE THE FREEDOM TOUR TO YOU FREE THE SET FREEDOM TOUR Come hear Lidy Flom tell Come hear Lidy Flom tell her exceptional story! her exceptional story! Lidy willLidy show you how you willFlom show Come hear Lidy tellyou how you canherachieve optimum health can achieve optimum health exceptional story! and freedom!! Lidy will financial showand youfinancial how youfreedom!! “Prop 37 – Right to Know; Label GMO Campaign” Did It Win or Did It Lose? E can achieve optimum health Tuesday, January 28, Tuesday, January 28,2014 2013 and financial freedom!! ditor’s NOTE: 7:0 PM ± 9:00 PM 6:30pm 8:30pm THANK YOU TO -ALL OF Pacific Cultural Tuesday, January 28, 2013Center THE VALIANT VOLUNCenter for Spiritual Living 1307 Seabright TEERS THAT EDUCATED PEO- Ave 7:0 PM ± 9:00 PM Felt Ave. PLE Pacific ABOUT1818 GMOs and OUR Santa Cruz, CA Cultural Center RIGHT1307 TO Santa HAVE OUR FOODCA Cruz, Seabright Ave Every Challenge is a Blessing Every Challenge is a Blessing LABELEDSanta SO WE CANCA MAKE Cruz, Lidy’s remarkable story started when her newborn baby was seriously ill. OUR OWN CHOICES! THANK30 years ago LiG\¶VUHPDUNDEOHVWRU\VWDUWHG\HDUVDJRZKHQKHUQHZborn baby was seriously ill. Every Challenge is a Blessing YOU AND ALL!!! SheONE says, “Nothing the doctors were were tellingtelling us worked. I turned to alternative medicine 6KHVD\V³1othing the doctors us worked. I turned to alternative medicine and37discovered the problem a severe iron deficiency. My FKLOG¶s was and discovered problem was awas severe iron deficiency. Mybaby child’s life waslife saved! LiG\¶VUHPDUNDEOHVWRU\VWDUWHG\HDUVDJRZKHQKHUQHZborn was seriously ill. saved! Did Prop fail orthe win? And I began a lifelong path of OHDUQLQJDERXWQXWULWLRQDOKHDOLQJ´ And, I began athe lifelong path of learning nutritional 6KHVD\V³1othing doctors were telling usabout worked. I turnedhealing.” to alternative medicine Though support at the ballot andbox discovered the problem severe ironasdeficiency. My FKLOG¶s was saved! waswent 43%on proto PROP anda57% Lidy start 37 a was Farmer’s Market well as a Food Co-Oplifeproviding organic LiG\ZHQWRQWRVWDUWD)DUPHU¶s Market as well as a Food Co-Op providing organic Andagainst I food began acost. lifelong of OHDUQLQJDERXWQXWULWLRQDOKHDOLQJ´ Prop 37,She thatpath ‘other side of at is an extraordinary leader and team-builder and has been theattop food at cost. She is an extraordinary leader and team-builder and has at been the top crooks, lying liars and 1%’ did not of five nutritional direct sales companies. Lidy is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and and of five nutritional directMarket sales companies. Lidy isCo-Op a Certified Nutritional Consultant GMOs cannot be considered LiG\ZHQWRQWRVWDUWD)DUPHU¶s as well as a Food providing organic really win. WHY? Because even if VD\V³,QDOOP\H[SHULHQFe, Isagenix and Product Band offers the most exciting “InShe all are myan experience, Isagenix and Product B offers thehas most exciting foodtheir atsays, cost. is extraordinary leader and team-builder been at the top safe until there are valid, nonproducts not clearly labeled EUHDNWKURXJKLQKHDOWKDQGQXWULWLRQ´ LiG\VD\V³,WUXO\IHHOLWLVDSULYLlege and an breakthrough in health and nutrition!” Lidy says, “I trulyNutritional feel it is aConsultant privilege and of five nutritional direct sales companies. Lidy is a Certified andan as to having GMOs, we now know propriatary, long-term studies KRQRUWRKHOSRWKHUVDFKLHYHWKHLUIXOOZHOOQHVVDQGILQDQFLDOSRWHQWLDO´ VD\V³,QDOOP\H[SHULHQFe, Isagenix and Product B offers the most exciting honor toare!. help others achieve their full wellness and financial potential!” WHO they of their effects on humans and EUHDNWKURXJKLQKHDOWKDQGQXWULWLRQ´ We hope you have saved our LiG\VD\V³,WUXO\IHHOLWLVDSULYLlege and an KRQRUWRKHOSRWKHUVDFKLHYHWKHLUIXOOZHOOQHVVDQGILQDQFLDOSRWHQWLDO´ ³3URGXFW%DSSHDUVWRUHYHUVH7HORPHUHVKRUWHQLQJ. This is the breakthrough. It is Connection Magazine from last the environment! “Product appears to reverse shortening. This is the breakthrough. •ItLarabar is and in thisB way - WKHIRXQWDLQRI\RXWKLQDFDSVXOH«7KLVVHWVWKHVWDJHIRUDQHSLF month’s October 2012 Issue as the Telomere according to the California Secretary WUDQVIRUPDWLRQLQRXUVRFLHW\´ ʊ*DEULHOCousHns, MD Cover has way a chart the CornuballotThis measures The forItan ³3URGXFW%DSSHDUVWRUHYHUVH7HORPHUHVKRUWHQLQJ. is the breakthrough. isIn - many ways, th in this - thefrom fountain of youthofinState a capsule…This setsresults. the stage epic copia Institute on it to spell out who GMO labeling ballot measure, which Campaign” was a hu in this way - WKHIRXQWDLQRI\RXWKLQDFDSVXOH«7KLVVHWVWKHVWDJHIRUDQHSLF transformation our society.” Cousens, MDawareness. The campa is who (that is alsoinonline on our would have required food companies WUDQVIRUPDWLRQLQRXUVRFLHW\´ ʊ*DEULHOCousHns, MD Gabriel website). And, with all of the Articles to label the GM content of foods, was over 10,000 volunteer RSVP to Mackie that people have read in various defeated with alone and succeeded i use of overRamsay, $45 mil- Ph.D. to the Mackie Ramsay, Ph.D. (831) 431-6638 magazines/newspapers, and all of the RSVP lion in fraudulent advertising and dirty massive social media educating the marvelous Volunteers RSVP (831) 431-6638 Mackie Ph.D. The “YES on 3 trickstofunded by Ramsay, /LG\¶VWDONVWDUWVDW have done to inform us, etc.—let us (831) 431-6638 also forced Monsanto • Monsanto, know who the greedy corporations tech giants to spend $ • PepsiCo, are (and with ulterior motives—we /LG\¶VWDONVWDUWVDW Lidy’s talk starts at 6:30pm defeat the measure. T • Coca-Cola, are ‘in the KNOW’ ??!!. Below, • Kellogg, Please tell Mackie that you expenditure saw this by the w you’ll see a number of the greedy toxic pesticide compa • General Mills, corporations. NOW, people know!! in •Connection Magazine prevent consumers f DuPont, Read on and you’ll nd out about what they’re buying. • Bayer and the lies. We encourage one and all GMOs are the only p • other food and Page 5 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲the January – •February 6, 2014 to BOYCOTT consumers accidenta pesticide companies. corporations and Over the last month, this cabal without knowing w Have You Solved Your Smart Meter Problem? “I quit having daily headaches!” “My son sleeps better and is able to concentrate at school.” by Shanti Rivers It’s finally becoming clear that smart meter dangers are real—whether the companies installing them are admitting to this or not. Great numbers of people across the US have been reporting health symptoms since they’ve had one installed in their home. Headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and brainfog are but a few of the problems reported. Many of us concerned about our health have been educating ourselves about the dangers of smart meter radiation. If you look online, you can see there’s been a lot of independent research done now clearly linking serious diseases with radiation from all wireless devices, including smart meters. In our attempt to protect ourselves, some of us have gotten the protective caps you can buy to put over your smart meter—or we’ve simply opted out. And we think our problems are over. It’s Not Just Your Personal Smart Meter The problem is that having a protective device over your own personal smart meter or not having a smart meter at all doesn’t really solve the problem. What you haven’t addressed is the even worse problem of the radiation coming from all the other smart meters in your neighborhood. All this radiation is still invading your home. Distance from neighbors’ smart meters cuts down some of the danger—but not all. Radiation travels far and wide. In fact, if you cover your own smart meter or opt out—you’re actually doing your neighbors The Green Directory Effective April 10th, we will no longer provide single use plastic OR paper bags. Please remember to bring your reusable bag. 1955 41st Ave B6 • Capitola next to Ross, PGE & Supercuts Open 10am - 6pm m-f 10am - 5pm sat. (831) 462-4697 Smart Meter Networks are the Problem It’s the whole network of smart meters that’s the problem. Living amidst an array of smart meters is very much like living close to a cell tower or power lines. Cell towers and power lines generate huge amounts of radiation, and many studies have shown the hazardous effects on communities living near such sources of radiation. Links have been made especially to different kinds of cancer. Solving the Real Smart Meter Problem What’s necessary is to find EMF protection that addresses the radiation generated by the whole network of smart meters in your neighborhood. This isn’t easy to find, but there is one company that’s at least aware of the actual problem and has a product to solve it: Earth Calm ( This company also offers comprehensive—yet easy to understand—information on the effect of all other sources of EMFs on the human body, as well. Shanti Rivers has done extensive research on the effects of environmental influences on health, especially focusing on electromagnetic pollution. She’s found that using EMF protection products ( is extremely effective. Put your career In your hands. Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them you saw them in Connection Magazine! Call (831) 459-0522 to Advertise The first to use Earth Friendly Corn-Based Bottles to package supplements! a favor by not adding to the radiation they’re exposed to. But you’re only doing a small favor to yourself, since your own meter only added a small percentage of radiation to the vast amount you’re being exposed to in your home. Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts Save 10% on Winter Classes (Pay by Jan. 8) Massage Practitioner 250 Hrs Massage Therapist 550 Hrs Sidelying Massage - NEW! Refreshing angles and creative approaches to the body! Clinical Massage Learn specific therapeutic techniques for use in clinic-type settings. Winter Classes: January - March 2014 Day & evening classes | Payment plans See website for all advanced classes. 1525 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz | 831-476-2152 Page 6 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Fukushima Madness: Plant Decontamination System Shuts Down Amid Failure A malfunction within the Fukushima plant has led to the complete shutdown of the plant’s decontamination system. by Anthony Gucciardi As the Fukushima nightmare continues under the wing of plant operator TEPCO, the blatant incompetence of the highly deceptive corporation is once again apparent following a complete shutdown of the plant’s decontamination system. The very same system responsible for handling the mass amounts of radioactive water around Fukushima that TEPCO originally promised would be entirely decontaminated by the end of 2014. And instead of fulfilling their promise to decontaminate the plant’s radioactive water by the end of 2014, TEPCO now insists that it needs another entire year to finish the job — and this system shutdown certainly will not help in reducing that time. According to media sources ( - Body - Sp ir M n ind on Protecti o a ti di system-stops-352/) and official But is it any surprise to Nutrition R a ti TEPCO statements, the failure know that the same plant opof the Advanced Liquid eration company that is shufProcessing System (ALPS) fling in homeless Japanese may ‘take a long time to citizens ( restart’. What’s worse, com/special-report-japan-39 however, is that this is not -homeless-recruited-murkythe first time the system fukushima-001440505.html) has been shutdown due to to clean up the area is also failure. highly incompetent when it As early as last Decemcomes to the use of safety maber, TEPCO also experienced a chinery? This is even the same malfunction within their decontamicompany that was caught using duct nation equipment that led to the inability to tape ( filter radionuclides like strontium and cobalt from fukushima/AJ201401040008) to patch up critical the contaminated plant water. equipment around the plant. Anthony Gucciardi is a writer, analyst, and Founder of whose articles are routinely featured on top sites like Drudge Report and regularly appears on national and international television media. Article printed from Infowars: http://www. URL to article: http://www. ALEX JONES - Your source for news about . . . . . . Big Brother, the Police State, 9/11 Truth, Economic Crisis, New World Order!! Beyond the Left/Right Paradigm. Listen locally at: KOMY/ AM1340 M-F 9am-noon, KSCO/AM1080 M-F 7/8pm-10pm. Listen online @ http://www. & NEW VERSION OF THE GREAT INVOCATION Avoiding the Hazards of EMF/RF Radiation Silicon Valley Approach to Aptos: T Cell Towers in One Square Mile!!! 13 by Devin J. Wehrman and Boyd L. Benson HERE ARE MANY sources of EMF/RF radiation in most people’s homes. Even if you don’t have a Smart Meter in you homes’ immediate area, you may be experiencing symptoms related to this type of radiation. We would like to offer these EMF/RF radiation safety tips: We recommend keeping your sleeping area as dark as possible to raise your melatonin levels and decrease your cortisol levels. microwave oven if you have to use one and wait about 10 seconds before approaching the oven. � We recommend keeping your sleeping area as dark as possible to raise your melatonin levels and decrease your cortisol levels. � We also recommend walking barefoot as much as possible to ground yourself and resetting your body’s resonance to the earth’s natural magnetic field. � Use of non-electrical devices when possible will help to minimize exposure. For example, use a hand razor vs. an electric one and use hand toweling vs. using a hairdryer. some new merit: hazardous materials, and issues concerning both the EPA and OSHA compliance. Devin is currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree in computer engineering sciences. Through many years of selfstudy, they both have an extensive understanding of EMF/RF non-ionizing/ionizing radiation and many other health and environmental issues. Their company is located in Soquel. They are now equipped to assess your residential and commercial shielding needs and to implement cutting edge strategies for non-ionizing radiation mitigation. Some of the products they implement have the added benefit of being powerfully efficient sound barriers as well. Their mission statement is to protect family, friends and community from EMF/ RF radiation. Please see their Ads in this issue of The Connection Magazine for more details or call them at (831) 2340716 or (831) 247-6017 or Email to They are also happy to provide you with their list of related information on this important health and safety issue. Mark Your Calendar for February 12th to Attend This Imperative Meeting . . . � Keep your sleeping areas free of exterior power meters, cordless phones, bases and cellphones (if you have these devices on, keep them at least 10 feet from your bed.) � Avoid wireless devices in your home, hard lined devices are much safer. � Bluetooth devices are OK but using the speaker phone option on your cell phone, placing your phone a few feet away is better. � If you have wireless devices, turn them off when you’re not using them (ei. Wireless router, cell phones etc.) � Avoid standing within 15 feet of your � Do not sit too close to T.V.’s and monitors. � Do not stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open (the A/C motor in the refrigerator gives off a power electromagnetic field.). � Do not use electric blankets or heating pads (Hot water bottles or bean filled warmers are much better). by Maureen Smith No final decision was made regarding the One good outcome from today’s hearing placement of 13 Cell Towers in a one square mile was the withdrawal of one of the sites that was wives tales that may have area of Day Valley RoadSome andoldFreedom Blvd at adjacent to two pre-schools on Freedom Blvd. the 4.5 hour hearing today,Are January 8, 2014 in The site developers, Crown Castle LLC you Don’t Want Your Smart Meter? worried about the Santa Cruz County representing Verizon, Smart Meters? Board of Supervisors apparently did not want The most important issues of are! Chambers. The hear- We the bad publicity of health and the environment Do you have Electro Hypersensitivity? ing will continue on were not allowed as grounds for causing two pre-schools Wehrman / Benson EMF/RF Shielding can something about it. February 12th atdo 9am an appeal but came up over and to be shut down. when there should be Many questions over again. five Planning Commisasked by the Planning sion members available Launching SmartCommissioners Meter Helpwent to vote. unanswered due to the Crown Castle staff not The vote today was tied 2 to 2 for ac- having first hand knowledge of what they were cepting and rejecting our appeal. Michael Goth proposing except on paper. It appeared that they representing the 1st District and Martin Garcia never actually visited the sites, took measurePlease call (831) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. Email us at the representing 4th District voted to acceptto our ments or even noticed that much of the housing schedule an assessment of your environment. appeal while Rachel Dann representing the 5th was above ground level at their proposed sites. Page 22 � The Connection Magazine � � December, 2011 District and Casey Hemard representing the 2nd We hope that many more people will turn District voted to uphold the decision of the Zon- out on February 12th and help us say no to this ing Administrator. “Silicon Valley” approach to Aptos in the interest The most important issues of health and of what tranquility we have left. the environment were not allowed as grounds for Contact Maureen Smith at ofl aherty@cruzio. an appeal but came up over and over again. com. Devin J. Werhman and Boyd L. Benson are the owners of Werhman-Benson EMF/RF Shielding and are long time residents of Santa Cruz County. They have done extensive practical testing of EMF/RF radiation and shielding. Both of them have decades of experience dealing with “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”—a new video by Jerry Day (producer of “Spy Meters”) J • With EMF/RF detection equipment we can offer solutions for your home or business. • We can provide accurate assessments of your personal environment by detecting harmful EMF/RF non-ionizing radiation. • After consulting with you, we can implement safe and cost effective strategies to mitigate this radiation. We use trained and Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a simple Three-Step Process, we first assess radiation levels in your environment with highly sensitive equipment and document the results. Secondly we work with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and implementation of the latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return to evaluate and document results of our work. We will be happy to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ RF radiation. We urge you to check out these You Tube videos: The Truth About Smart Meters The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Meters Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers Smart Meters 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone ERRY DAY, A media expert and producer from Burbank California, whose video “Spy Meters” (http://emfsafetynetwork. org/?p=5008) skyrocketed to 1.4 million views has just released a new video called, “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”. In this video Jerry details with clarity and humor how to take back your power, by replacing the wireless meter with the analog meter. He says, “Will the power company like you replacing their meter? Well, if the only way they can T ODAY, THE EMF Safety Network and Stop Smart Meters! are excited to announce the official launch of their new joint project: www.SmartMeterHelp.Com . This website is designed with the sole purpose of burying our elected officials, utilities commissions, and health departments with complaints about the debacle that has resulted from the poorly planned, undemocratic, and ill-advised rollout of ‘smart’ meters into our communities. be happy is to try to give you a meter that pollutes your home with carcinogenic electro-toxins and violates federal wiretapping laws, I guess they won’t be happy because a lot of people are not going to sit still for that.” He directs people to www. where you can buy a kit that includes the analog meter, and a legal letter to send to the utility. “Today, it may seem radical to refuse or reject a Smart Meter on your home. Soon, most of us will have difficulty understanding how a program as unwise and offensive as the Smart Meter program could have been contemplated in the first place,” Jerry Day, Burbank CA. Whether or not you have lodged an official complaint in the past, please take 5 minutes NOW to file a complaint through our new system. Full details, go to: http://stopsmartmeters. org/2011/11/29/help-is-on-the-way-submit-yourcomplaint-today-at-smartmeterhelp-com/ Spread the word to your personal networks, using e-mail, twitter, facebook, and other social media. Let’s flood them with complaints! Joshua Hart is the Director of “Stop Smart Meters!”. Ways YOU Can Help Connection Magazine! From the center of Divine Light pervading the Universe, Let Light stream forth to all that lives. Let Light radiate in the heart of each being. From within the Light emanating from every being, Let Love stream forth to the heart of all human beings. Let Love radiate upon the Earth. Within all that lives, a glorious Purpose is being manifested, A Will to be and love which calls upon all of us. May we open our hearts and listen to Its Voice. From within our Being streams forth a desire to serve, To give and share, so that Peace may Prevail on Earth. May Love for all Life guide us from this moment on. CONNECTION AD 3.75” x 3.75” Let Light, Love, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy, Healing, Joy, Bliss and Perfection prevail in every heart. First of all, thank you for reading, enjoying, participating with your ideas/feedback and for your dear phone calls, emails, letters to us, and your Kudos for the issues that this magazine features. And, that you appreciate that we go ‘the extra mile’ to deal with the challenges that we all face now—on our planet. We also ‘thank you’ for asking us ‘what you can do to help Connection Magazine’. Here are some ideas, as you requested: 1. Read Connection Magazine and tell your friends & aquaintences to read Connection Magazine. Pick us up around town or go to the website to download the issues. Share what you have learned from Connection Magazine with others. 2. Tell Businesses & Services that you have seen their Ad or learned about them from their Ads and/or Articles in Connection Magazine. 3. Encourage other Businesses to Advertise in Connection Magazine (this is a way you can earn some money, easily—see our website for more info.) Besides the monetary advantages of advertising, businesses can also be doing a Public Service by supporting Independent Media. 4. Straighten up Connection Magazine at Distribution Sites (make sure we are not ‘covered up’ by other magazines—we clean up all of the magazines to help everyone (good karma!) and it makes our magazine look better, too. 5. Let us know of any new Distribution locations (tell us name, address, contact person at the site). Let the Businesses know it would be a good idea to have our magazine there, too. 6. Finally, if you love us and want to share your abundance, you can send money, like a subscriber, (it is not tax deductable). Only give what you can easily afford. This will help us to continue and expand during this difficult econmic period. Send to PayPal: THANK YOU! Happy New Year! Pattie & Thom ANCHOR LOCK AND SEAL H ERBOLOGY • D IETETICS • ACUPUNCTURE • M ASSAGE Wellness Redefined Centuries of proven healthcare naturally restore your body without side effects for healing relief that lasts. Treat your family to a better alternative at Five Branches Medical Clinic. � Digestive Healing � Sports Medicine � ADHD, Depression � Pain Management � Facial Rejuvenation � Diabetes � Menopause, PMS, Fertility � Cardiology & Neurology Come discover why Traditional Chinese Medicine is America’s fastest growing choice for primary healthcare. Effective, safe and natural… Five BraNches university Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine 200 7th Avenue, Santa Cruz � (831) 476-8211 � Page 7 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Tell the FDA: GMOs Aren’t Natural Who would guess that food marketed as “natural” contains the engineered genes of insecticide-producing and/or herbicide-resistant bacteria? Angry consumers who have learned about the dangers of genetic engineering are suing socalled “natural” brands that have been hiding GMOs in their favorite foods. In an effort to stall the lawsuits, defense lawyers have convinced at least one judge that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), not the courts, should decide whether GMOs are “natural”. It’s a clever strategy, given that the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Foods is none other than Monsanto’s former lawyer, Michael Taylor. Whose side do you think the FDA will take? Please tell the FDA: GMOs aren’t natural! The FDA says “natural” means “nothing artificial or synthetic … has been included in, or has been added to, a food that would not normally be expected to be in the food.” Who would guess that food marketed as “natural” contains the engineered genes of insecticide-producing and/or herbicideresistant bacteria? Background Here are the top 10 reasons the GMOs aren’t natural. 1. Genetic engineering is an imprecise technology. It creates unpredictable changes in the DNA, proteins and biochemical composition of the resulting genetically modified organism (GMO), including unexpected toxic, allergenic and nutritional disturbances. 2. GMOs are created by using a gene gun to shoot foreign genes into millions of unrelated cells, or by linking the foreign genes to bacteria that can infect the cells’ DNA. Most of the foreign genes won’t make it into the cells’ DNA. When the foreign genes successfully penetrate the cells’ DNA, it is impossible to predict where they will hit or what the unintended consequences will be for the cells’ original genes. 3. Genetic engineers do not “check their work” to look for potential collateral damage, even though the genetic engineering process can be expected to rearrange, delete or change the function of important genes. 4. The engineered DNA of GMOs produce new proteins that can be toxic or allergenic. GMO proteins that are relatively benign can still be foreign enough to the body that the human immune system will respond to them as foreign invaders. This can trigger allergic reactions, immune system disorders and digestive problems. 5. The new genes introduced to the body by genetically engineered foods don’t get broken down during digestion; they can be taken up across the intestinal wall, transferred to the blood, and as one scientist explains, be “left in the blood, muscle and liver in large chunks so that they can be easily recognized.” 6. The pesticide companies had two main goals when they began to genetically engineer plants. One, to invent novel organisms that could be patented, and two, to sell their insecticides and herbicides. 7. Over 75 percent of genetically engineered crops have been engineered to resist an herbicide. Foods that contain the herbicide-resistant GMO trait also come with an extra helping of herbicides. Between 1996 and 2011, herbicide-resistant crop technology led to a 527-million pound increase in herbicide use in the U.S. 8. The most widely grown genetically engineered crop is soy engineered to tolerate Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Roundup causes birth defects in frog and chicken embryos at doses far lower than those used in agricultural spraying. It is also implicated in hormone disruption, DNA damage, cancer and neurological disorders. 9. Roundup has been detected in air, rain, groundwater, people’s urine and women’s blood 10. Bt corn crops are genetically engineered to produce a toxin from the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacterium that ruptures the intestines of insects, causing pests to die quickly after ingesting the GMO corn. The Bt toxin has been found in 93 percent of pregnant women and 80 percent of their babies. Please tell the FDA: GMOs aren’t natural at: N%LECTRICALFIRESBURNTOUT APPLIANCES N(EALTHPROBLEMS N)NACCURACYOVERBILLING N3URVEILLANCEPRIVACYLOSS N-ETERREADERJOBLOSS N(ACKINGRISKTOMETERGRID N2EMOTESHUTOFFCAPABILITY N2EMOTEUPGRADEOFMETERFUNCTION N6IOLATIONSOF&##REGULATIONS N(ARMTOPETSBEESBIRDS PLANTS N)NTERFERENCEWITHELECTRONICS MEDICALDEVICESLIKEPACEMAKERS Page 8 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Home Depot the And Lowe’s: You Must Avoiding Hazards Stop Selling Bee-Killing Pesticides! f EMF/RF I also urgently request that youRadiation cease purchasing plants from n nurseries that use neonicotinoid pesticides in the potting soil. hazardous materials, and issues concern- ing both the EPA and OSHA compliance. recommend keeping sleeping my beekeeping business at thearea system and they’ve been dying off sustain your As a beekeeper, I know the We Devin is currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree in computer engineeras dark possible to raise current your loss rate. melatonin Many beekeeping levels recentlyas at alarming rates. Last winter, role of bees play in pollinatANYimportant sources ing sciences. Through many years of selfin most people’s businesses have collapsed across the over a third of all honey bee colonies ing much of the food we all consume and decrease your cortisol levels. study, they both have an extensive underou don’t have a standing of EMF/RF non-ionizing/ioniz2e9VRUhReVcd@feU``cDTY``] and enjoy. Keeping bees in an urban in the United States died, and domestic nation, with many more on the verge. ’ immediate area, ing radiation and many other health and symptoms related The United States Enviarea, I and fellow beekeepersmicrowave have hVeVRTYd\Z]]deYReR]]6RceY environmental issues. Their company is oven if you have to use one some new merit: We would like to ronmental Protection Agency is located in Soquel. They are now equipped and wait about 10 seconds before experienced on safety tips:dramatic bee die-offs AV`a]VYRgVfdVUeYc`fXY`fe � Do not sit too close to T.V.’s and monitors. to assess your residential and commercial approaching the oven. its time in in dealing with in the two years. � We � taking Do not stand front of the refrigerator as free ofpast exterior shielding needs and to implement cutting recommend keeping your sleeping eZ^Ve`dfcgZgVZ_\Z_dYZahZeYeYV with the door open (the A/C motor in the issue, but with bee die-offs inss phones, bases edge strategies for non-ionizing radiation These deaths are increasarea as dark as possible to raise your the refrigerator gives off a power elec6RceYHVSV]ZVgVeYReeYVdVd\Z]]d have these devicm i t i g a t i o n . S o m e o f t h e p ro d u c t s t h e y melatonin levels and decrease your corcreasing, we can’t afford to wait. ingly being linked to a class of tromagnetic field.). east 10 feet from implement have the added benefit of being tisol levels. hZ]]XZgVj`fRUVVaVc � Do not use electric blankets or heating That’s why I’m calling on Home neurotoxic pesticides � called powerfully efficient sound barriers as Weneoalso recommend walking barefoot as pads (Hot water bottles or bean filled n your home, hard well. Their mission statement is to protect much f_UVcdeR_UZ_X]`gVR_UcVdaVTe Depot and Lowe’s -two of the nicotinoids. At the same time we as possible to ground yourself and warmers are much better). h safer. family, friends and community from EMF/ resetting your body’s resonance to the largest retailers of neonicotinoid have using seen a large in the natural magnetic field. OK but the increase earth’s W`ceYV6RceYR_UR]]]ZWVfa`_YVc RF radiation. Please see their Ads in this Devin J. Werhman and Boyd L. Benson on on your cell issue of The Connection Magazine for � Use of non-electrical devices when possipesticides nationwide -to take sales of neonicotinoids to home are the owners of Werhman-Benson EMF/RF phone a few feet more details or call them at (831) 234ble will help to minimize exposure. For responsibility for the harm caused Shielding and are long time residents of gardeners by stores like Home 0716 or (831) 247-6017 or Email to wbeexample, use a hand razor vs. an electric EZ^4`cT`cR_¸daRddZ`_W`c S aby nta r u z Cthey o u nmarket t y. T h have done ices,Depot turn them off -- whichone They are also the C products toe y and Lowe’s haveand use hand toweling vs. using a extensive practical testing of EMF/RF them (ei. Wireless happy to provide you with their list of hairdryer. _RefcVhZ]]Z_daZcVj`fe` customers and immediately stop thousands of locations across the r a d i a t i o n a n d s h i e l d i n g . B o t h o f t h e m .) re l a t e d information on this important have decades of experience dealing with Some old wives tales that may have 15 country. feet of your UZdT`gVcj`fc`h_T`__VTeZ`_hZeYeYV6RceY health and safety issue. selling neonicotinoid pesticides. With strong grassroots That’s why I started my own honey production for 2013 is projected pressure we can put a spotlight on to be the lowest ever recorded. campaign on, Are you 4HE7INTER#LASSs With the widespread and grow- these companies’ role in killing bees which allows activists to start their worried about persuade them to take neonicoti"OYS2ITEOF0ASSAGE own petitions. My petition, which is ing use of neonicotinoids in agriculture and “Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe be happy is to try to give you a meter that pollutes Analog Meter”—a new video by Jerry Day (proyour 6ISION1UEST home with carcinogenic electro-toxins and Smart noid pesticides off the shelves of their for commercial purposes and in home to Home Depot and Lowe’s, says the Meters? ducer of “Spy Meters”) violates federal wiretapping laws, I guess they gardens, bees are exposed to residues stores nationwide. following: %XPLORING0LANT-EDICINE won’t be happy because a lot of people are not going to sit still for that.” He directs people to www. ERRY A and media youDAY, join me addexpert your and producer Immediately remove neonicoti- on plants or in nectar and pollen. A Will .ATURE!WARENESS-ARBLE-OUNTAINS where you can buy a kit that from Burbank California, whose video “Spy includes the analog meter, and a legal letter to send M e t e rto s ”my petition ( h t t pto : / /Home emfsafetynetwork. noid pesticides from your shelves and growing body of research shows that name ave Electro Hypersensitivity? to the utility. org/?p=5008) skyrocketed to 1.4 million views has Depot and Lowe’s demanding there are devastating consequences for stop / selling them at all of your stores. “Today, it may seem radical to refuse or reject just released a new video called, “Replacing A man Benson EMF/RF a Smart Meter on your home. Soon, most of us Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter”. In this that they stop selling bee-killbees from the use of these pesticides, I also urgently request that you cease can do something about it. will have difficulty understanding how a program video Jerry details with clarity and humor how to neonicotinoid F detection we can solutions the most dangerous of which is an purchasing equipment plants from nurseries that offer as unwise and offensive as the Smart Meter protakeing back your power, pesticides? by replacing the wireless me or business. gram could have been contemplated in the first meter with the analog meter. susceptibility to deadly use neonicotinoid pesticides of in the de accurate assessments yourincreased personal place,” Jerry Day, Burbank CA. He says, “Will the power company like you by detecting harmful EMF/RF non-ionizing Thanktheir youmeter? for your support. replacing Well, if the only way they can parasites and viruses. potting soil. ng with you, we can implement safe and cost The sad fact is that I cannot Philip Smith are essential toradiation. our food tegies toBees mitigate this >ÃÃÊ-V i`Õi Don’t Want Your Smart Meter? We are! Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a rocess, we first assess radiation levels in your enhly sensitive equipment and document the results. with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and he latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return ument results of our work. provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ ge you to check out these You Tube videos: About Smart Meters Side of ‘Smart’ Meters lth Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers ers 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone 31) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. to ssessment of your environment. J xÎä®ÊÎn£Îä{ Launching Smart Meter Help T ODAY, THE EMF Safety Network and Stop Smart Meters! are excited to announce the official launch of their new joint project: www.SmartMeterHelp.Com . This website is designed with the sole purpose of burying our elected officials, utilities commissions, and health departments with complaints about the debacle that has resulted from the poorly planned, undemocratic, and ill-advised rollout of ‘smart’ meters into our communities. Are you worried about Smart Meters? Whether or not you have lodged an official complaint in the past, please take 5 minutes NOW to file a complaint through our new system. Full details, go to: http://stopsmartmeters. org/2011/11/29/help-is-on-the-way-submit-yourcomplaint-today-at-smartmeterhelp-com/ Spread the word to your personal networks, using e-mail, twitter, facebook, and other social media. Let’s flood them with complaints! Joshua Hart is the Director of “Stop Smart Meters!”. We are! age 22 � The Connection Magazine � � December, 2011 Do you have Electro Hypersensitivity? Wehrman / Benson EMF/RF Shielding can do something about it. • With EMF/RF detection equipment we can offer solutions for your home or business. • We can provide accurate assessments of your personal environment by detecting harmful EMF/RF non-ionizing radiation. • After consulting with you, we can implement safe and cost effective strategies to mitigate this radiation. We use trained and Licensed Contractors, when required. Using a simple Three-Step Process, we first assess radiation levels in your environment with highly sensitive equipment and document the results. Secondly we work with you to find the best plan to fit your needs and implementation of the latest shielding technologies. Lastly, we return to evaluate and document results of our work. We will be happy to provide you sources about the hazards of EMF/ RF radiation. We urge you to check out these You Tube videos: The Truth About Smart Meters The Dark Side of ‘Smart’ Meters Public Health Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers Smart Meters 100x Radiation Exposure of a Cell Phone Please call (831) 234-0716 or (831) 247-6017. Email us at to schedule an assessment of your environment. Page 9 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 CHIROPRACTIC CORNER: THE CHI IN I ME by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. t’s the beginning of a new year, and a good time for personal “housecleaning.” I once shared my office with an acupuncturist who taught me a method to keep the chi flowing in our office. “Chi” is the subtle universal force that brings revitalizing energy wherever it goes. Where chi is present, there is a fresh feeling in the environment, health in the body, and an inviting, warm feeling in the home or office. When chi is deficient, the environment feels stagnant, the body is prone to ailments and entropy, and the home or office can feel cluttered or worn out. Chi is the universal energy of circulation. My friend the acupuncturist had a habit of going around the office and tidying each area daily, never letting little piles accumulate, even in the garbage cans. I too like a tidy office, but I had never thought of the practice as “keeping the chi circulating” before. Since that time, I have applied the idea of “keeping the chi circulating” to my home. For example, I go through one stagnant area (like a drawer, closet or box) at least once per month. It keeps the “chi” moving in every area of my home. I can say; it feels good. It is also good to apply a similar practice to the body and the lifestyle. The methodical application of making one notable improvement in lifestyle every so often keeps the entropy of aging at bay, and will actually make improvements in health and wellness as one ages. The method of making regular modest improvements is practical, is not overwhelming, and brings an optimistic feel of progress rather than of “hard work.” Just some of the categories to consider for a nudge in the right direction are listed below. For the method to work, one must be able to consider each category honestly, and be willing to make a change to improve that category for the better once identified. Consider… • Too many “bad” foods? • Not enough “good” foods? • Not enough activity/exercise? • Presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking, caffeine, sugary/starchy treats)? • Presence of negative environments/people/work? • Not enough stimulation (learning/events/crafts/hobbies)? • Not enough “peace” (meditation/reflection/ quiet time)? Improvements to consider might be “Eat more greens regularly,” “Get on the bike 3X per weeks,” “Stop with the daily coffee drink. Only on Saturdays,” “Meditate at least 10 minutes every day,” “Take that Cabrillo class.” You will know what you need to attack. So if you’re “in,’” make a decision about one change to implement now, and get started on making the change a regular part of a new healthy way in your life. Once it’s there, integrated, choose another improvement to bring in… maybe one per every month or two. And keep it up for the rest of your life! As your improvements accumulate, so will your abilities and goals. What you want to address will evolve over time. Good luck in generating more chi in your life and body, and Happy New Year! Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic who practices at 920 41st Ave, Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (831) 475-1995, She practices a wide array of manual therapy techniques as well as helps people to identify the root cause of chronic pain, whether mechanical, postural, diet, or lifestyle caused. Speak Up NOW Regarding an Increase in Dangerous Wireless! by Joshua Hart MSc Director, Stop Smart Meters! wo men in the positions of power within the California and US governments are allowed to oversee the greatest historical increase in the population’s exposure to wireless—a Class 2B cancer causing toxin. While they’re at it, they’re busy shredding the 4th Amendment that guarantees people the right to keep their private affairs private. What else do they have in common? They both have histories working with the industries that they now regulate. Michael Peevey was Chair of Southern CA Edison (SCE). Now he is the President of the CA Public Utilities Commission. Thomas Wheeler was Chief Lobbyist for the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA). Now he’s the Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. These two men are coming to town and they have a whole lot of microwave radiation and privacy invasion to force down us all!). Unless we put a stop to it!! Californians: Two important dates: Thursday, January 9th, 2014 @7pm. Tom Wheeler just came to speak in Oakland, CA along with Catherine Sandoval of the CPUC and others. Thursday, January 16th, 2014: 9:30am— The CA Public Utilities Commission will hold their regular business meeting at 505 Van Ness (at McAllister) in San Francisco on Jan. 16th. It may be their last before making a decision on the ‘opt out’ proceeding (after delaying for 2 months) because as the CPUC put it “the issues are complex and (we) need more time.” Still up for a decision in California is: • whether the Americans with Disabilities Act and state utility codes prohibit the utilities’ extortionate ‘opt out’ fees altogether. • if they are permitted to charge a fee, how much? • whether entire communities can opt out? This will likely be your last chance to speak out at the CPUC on the ‘smart’ T Structural Integration meter ‘opt out’ policy. Many of the new commissioners have not heard the chorus of public outrage about this topic and it would be a shame to deprive them of that perspective before making such an important decision. Anyone can speak for 1-3 minutes during public comment time, even if you have spoken before. New voices encouraged—please, don’t be shy. We want to demonstrate the depth of opposition to these disastrous policies, and make the status quo more difficult to uphold. If FCC Chair Wheeler gets his way, in ten years: • The land line phone network will have been ripped apart and its copper wires used for new cell towers (costing us billions and risking our security and health) • Mobile use will be allowed on all airlines, creating a cacophony of jabber as well as RF exposure. • Powerful Wi-Fi radiation will blanket the country, causing illness. • The smart grid will be mandatory and every structure will have a ‘smart’ meter that is used not only to spy on your home activities but also ramp up beyond current radiation levels, offering Wi-Fi, cable, broadband and telephone services. • Wi-Fi and iPads will be mandatory in all classrooms, risking the health of future generations for the sake of corporate profit. • Every movement, every word, everything you do at home, online, in public, at school, at work will be monitored and recorded in vast NSA databases. If you are opposed to such a future, speak out now— in solidarity with the millions of us whose rights are being eroded at the hands of this tech firm/ govt. collusion. See you there! And please, spread the word. Share this alert with your friends now: save-these-dates-in-january-tell-the-cpuc-andfcc-wireless-kills/,, Page 10 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 To the Face, Part Two by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. (Readers take a copy of this to your dentist and insist that he read it in your presence or withdraw it from him/her. Don’t leave it for later. Sorry guys/ladies. This is really important.) “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.” —Louis Pasteur n last month’s column, I presented George’s case history revealing how his face began to “shrink” symmetrically as the total amount of bacteria was reduced in his mouth via thorough gum therapy, extraction of four periodontally involved wisdom teeth and Àve root canalled teeth, two with visible active lesions at their root bases. Then, remarkably, unilateral replacement of 6 mercury laden silver colored amalgam Àllings with tooth colored restorations two months later resulted in an asymmetrical facial presentation. George’s face was split right down the midline, swollen on the right side of his face where his mercury amalgams remained, relatively “tight” on the left side, where only composite Àllings and clean tooth surfaces existed. Ultimately, his face normalized on his right side with a further reduction of inÁammation after removal of the Ànal 5 amalgams. I estimated that his face became 25-30% “slimmer” from his original appearance, “the round cherubic pumpkin”. George’s face now appeared lean, with a strikingly fairer complexion. My Àrst thought after seeing the asymmetry in George? Had I inadvertently performed this same or similar protocol with anyone else? Science demands reliability for new beliefs to be accepted and directions for research to travel. Easy recognition and repetition of the same phenomenon with other patients and dentists would give more credence to dentistry’s effect on the rest of the human body, and would lead to other questions. Answer: yes, I had inadvertently performed the same restorative protocol on another patient. And… that patient was coming in for treatment after a 6-month hiatus, having moved from Santa Cruz to Arroyo Grande. What would he look like? I didn’t have to wait long as that gentleman, John, scheduled shortly afterwards for a visit to complete his silver colored mercury dental amalgam removal. On the day of his treatment, I performed a visual examination, and concluded that he, too, had a facial asymmetry with pufÀness on the right side of his face where his silver colored mercury dental amalgams remained. Upon questioning him about the asymmetry, he responded that he agreed and also that his wife had thought he might have had a stroke several weeks ago when she noticed the discrepancy between the left and right sides of his face—edematous on only one side, I split right down the midline of his face. Wow. In this particular case, however, John had less dentistry and better oral health than George. John had fewer teeth, healthier gums, less inÁammation. No root canals. He only had eight small silver amalgams, four on each side, one small one for each molar, and each one on the chewing or “occlusal” surface, so none in direct contact with gum tissue. Regardless, unilateral removal of the amalgams created the same effect on John as it had on George, with obvious visible facial asymmetry noted right down the midline of the face. Wherever the mercury remained, edema followed. Could I Ànd further proof? Or was this just mere coincidence? Just when I thought I would have to wait longer for another interesting scenario to occur, in walked Diana, a woman determined to have all of the metals removed from her mouth because she had been chronically ill, and now, as an acupuncturist, she had determined that her medical issues were related to the metals in her teeth. She was unable to wear any jewelry without reacting to it, and she had concluded that if that were, indeed, the case, then it was highly likely that the metals that had been placed in her teeth were having an effect on her health also. She wanted them out, and she wanted them out safely and as soon as possible. I agreed. Diana had an interesting nuance, however. She had four silver colored mercury amalgam Àllings on the right side of her face and she had an equal number of gold restorations on the mirror image teeth on the left side of her face. No other dentistry existed in her mouth, no root canals, no composite Àllings, no nothing. No wisdom teeth. Hygiene was fair, no gum disease. Just a mirror image presentation of gold on one side of her face/head/mouth and mercury on the other. Interesting. Our treatment plan? Logically, it seemed that the removal of the amalgams should be the Àrst removal candidate, but we decided to remove the gold Àrst, leaving the more toxic mercury Àllings there a few weeks longer. Why did we do such a protocol? Because it was an ideal opportunity not likely to present itself again for a long time. A patient with gold only restorations on one side of the face, with the other side equally mirrored in mercury-laden Àllings? This was a rare opportunity. How come; why? As elements on the periodic table, gold and mercury are known to have a very high affinity to one another, Chem 1A, UCD. Gold miners know this and use this knowledge to extract more gold from its sources. Many gold miners in Africa, however, are afÁicted with neurological issues due to their exposure to the mercury they use in their mining protocols. What physical effect, I wondered, were the gold and mercury having on one another—cross arch, if anything at all? Would we Ànd facial changes and/or anything else different? Now that I had seen a pattern, I was anxious to see if it could be deliberately replicated with a deÀned treatment protocol. So was Diana. We proceeded to remove the four gold inlays/onlays on the left side of her mouth, one in each maxillary and mandibular Àrst and second molar. We waited. A month later, Diana demonstrated a facial asymmetry right down her midline, relatively swollen and edematous over the right side where her mercury Àllings remained, tight where the porcelain inlays and onlays resided in place of the golden restorations. Wow, again. We removed the remaining amalgams a week later. At her one-week post op, with a video camera poised, I asked Diana what, if anything had changed. She excitedly told me that her face had become warm again, Áush with more circulation and she no longer had to wear a hat or mufÁer to stay warm, common practice for her for most every season for too many years to remember. She was ecstatic. Her face was nearly back to symmetry, too. Anecdotal? Yes, but that is where research begins, from serendipitous sightings that appear meaningful to the trained eye, and not just occasionally but… oftentimes… as I learned in my research design classes in graduate school. For those further interested, I refer you to The Art of Scientific Investigation by William I. Beverage, required reading in my graduate program, pre-dentistry. So now the task of any dentist reading this little expose’ is to replicate what I have reported, and begin to see for yourself the effects that dentistry can obviously have on facial presentation. This is a very simple “laboratory” experiment. Take some family members or patients who are interested and willing to participate and safely remove their amalgam Àllings unilaterally using the protocol—rubber dam, supplemental O2, water and chunking removal, enhanced high speed suction and Àltration. Keep it simple at Àrst—select patients with amalgams only-no crowns/root canals. Photograph them pre and post. Wait 4-8 weeks between the removal of one side versus the other. What do you see? Report back to me through this magazine. Carpe diem. Dr. David Biles is accepting new patients interested in a comprehensive dental approach to health, created in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles brings a unique awareness to health from a lifetime of study in many disciplines. Schedule a visit to see if an ideal approach to dentistry is what your body needs to heal, (831) 4230121, www.drbiles. Page – Jan.6, 10,2014 2013 Page11 11�▲The TheConnection ConnectionMagazine Magazine�▲�▲December January –2012 February Th c Center for Integral He f i c a alt e P A Holistic Family Practice est. 1989 Randy Baker MD h The website HealthTap calls Randy Baker MD the: “Top Holistic Medical Practitioner in the Nation” Learn More At: Wishing You A Happy & HEALTHY New Year! January is... “Boost Your Immune System Month” Vitamin B12 Injection $10.00 (reg. $15) Expires 2/7/2014 Randy S. Baker M.D. 2955 Park Ave., Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 476-1886 • Empowering Body, Mind, Heart & Soul ✦ Transformational Healing ✦ Customized Mentoring Programs ✦ Educational Resources & Intensive Study ✦ Reiki & Vibrational Healing Instruction WHAT IF...YOU MEET the NEW YOU in 2014! by Sherry Doctor Felten, RN, MSN, PHN, FCN magine with me, if you can, that in 2014 you could help make something VERY WONDERFUL happen, and that that SOMETHING WONDERFUL happens FOR YOU and TO YOU! What if…!!! Imagine that 2014 IS THE YEAR that YOU: • actually get ENOUGH PROPER SLEEP (read REM, Rapid eye Movement, sleep); (Did you know that it is only during the times of REM sleep that memory neurons are created? Did you also know that proper sleep helps provide sufficient levels of the hormones that promote proper weight loss and weight management?) • actually CORRECTLY EXERCISE 3 to 6 times per week in ways that are best for YOUR age, body type, temperament, and goals; • really get BEAUTIFUL HEALTHFUL SKIN, HAIR, and NAILS; • develop a workable financial outlook to provide for your short term, medium, and long term goals; • write a workable plan of action to enroll and successfully complete your educational/career/hobby goals; • help your body to properly reset its weight, blood pressure, sugar levels, muscular tone, and sexiness! • relieve and remove the stresses in your existing relationships; • develop and grow that one “special” relationship; • receive and maintain a delightful peace of mind and peace of soul; • experience tranquil contentment regardless of the past; • select your own personal coach who has already achieved for himself/ herself and for others the very goals you desire to achieve. I It is a wellknown fact that the use of personal coaches helps you to achieve your goals more quickly and effectively. Imagine receiving this type of coaching and your plan of action for achieving your SUSTAINABLE goals in a FUN, SAFE, CONFIDENTIAL, and AFFORDABLE setting here in lovely Monterey! Where, you may ask, is such a place? Come see for yourself at the Wellness Planning Institute of the California Central Coast©, LLC on Cass Street in Monterey, California. Initiated in 2005 and opened at the current site in August of 2010, WPICCC is the evolving brainchild of business, health and science visionary, Sherry Doctor Felten (see bio below). As a biologist who studied at various campuses, including Loma Linda University, University of California, Riverside, and University of Barcelona, Spain, Ms. Felten observed people in numerous health settings. In the settings of the ICU, CCU, emergency departments, open heart surgeries, public health agencies, classrooms, and in peoples’ homes, Ms. Felten observed and learned to appreciate what causes a person to BECOME WELL and to STAY WELL. Identifying wellness to include the body, mind, souls, spirit, AND resources, Ms. Felten explores, studies, emulates, teaches, and shares the scientific basis for the numerous wellness techniques and practices that are utilized today. Her overarching intention is for people to take personal responsibility for their own health care. Ms. Felten has identified a stellar group of skilled practitioners, facilitators, and teachers at WPICCC and within our community who are results-o riented and practice with high integrity, accountability, gentle caring and ever increasing expertise and knowledge. Make it a point to show yourself how much you CARE for YOURSELF by calling Ms. Felten at (831) 5314553 to set a time for you to tour the facility, meet with the personnel, and to develop a workable, affordable, sustainable plan of action for you to MEET the NEW YOU in 2014. Sherry Doctor Felten, RN, MSN, PHN, FCN, biologist, financial analyst, and California credentialed teacher, has performed as the CEO, as well as one of the key practitioners of the Wellness Planning Institute of the California Central Coast©, LLC since its inception in 2005. The Institute has been at its present location in Monterey, California as of August 2010. WPICCC is a wellness collaborative that is committed to the study, application, articulation and teaching of the science of wellness in order to reduce and relieve human suffering though the enhancement of personal wellness of mind, body, soul, spirit and resources. Ms. Felten is a registered nurse who has extensive experience in the areas of critical care, emergency, post open heart surgery, medical-surgical, home care, hospital management, public health, as well as state government health, teaching, and faith community nursing. She assists clients of the Institute to design an individualized wellness plan of care based on their specific needs, desires, and nursing assessments results. Her practical and professional knowledge, combined with her compassion and appreciation for each of her clients, allow her to provide a combination of highly effective resources, expertise, and support for enhancing their health and well-being. Ms. Felten conducts group and private presentations and consultations as part of the Institute’s educational program, lecturing across the United States on a variety of health and wellness topics, (831) 531-4553. Enchanting Events Soul Deep Love ~ The Gathering Monthly Event ~ Third Fridays 7:30 to 9:00 pm 819 1/2 Pacific Ave., SC ~ next to Zachary’s (upcoming ~ Jan. 17 & Feb. 21) Practicing lovingly and locally since 1996 Michele DeMoulin Reverend, Reiki Master Teacher Founder, Fiamma D’Amore™ Institute & Ministries (831) 457-7788 Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 TELOMERES— Turning Back the Clock on Aging by Bobbie Katz (from an Interview with Bill Andrews, PhD & renowned Formulator John Anderson) ver dream of living to 125 and beyond while being healthy, vital, and feeling and looking like you were in your twenties again? No, we’re not talking Twilight Zone here, but rather real science that could prove to be the most world-worthy news of our time—a breakthrough product called Isagenix Product B that could change the entire global health picture as we know it. It’s all thanks to molecular biologist and researcher Bill Andrews, Ph.D., and Isagenix Master Formulator and Founder John Anderson, who are bringing to the fore the long and short of the situation surrounding human longevity— Telomeres. “Telomere length is the nearest measure that science has ever found to determine lifespan in humans, horses, dogs and cats—it acts as an internal ‘hourglass’ or ‘biological clock’ for aging,” explains Dr. Andrews, the founder, president and CEO of Sierra Sciences in Reno, Nevada, and one of the world’s leading authorities on Telomerase biology. “Almost every known disease can be attributed to the shortening of Telomeres. We are all born with long Telomeres, but they start to shorten from the day we are conceived. Product B has been formulated to address premature or normal Telomere shortening. And, what’s amazing is that because of John Anderson, we’ve been able to do it with all natural ingredients as opposed to chemicals. Product B is a nutritional supplement, not a drug.” Telomeres have been likened to the plastic tips on shoelaces because they prevent our chromosomes from “fraying.” These little stretches of DNA on the ends of our 23 pairs of chromosomes are critical for healthy cell function, allowing our trillions of cells to keep furiously dividing, thereby keeping us alive and well and able to get new skin, blood, bone and other cells when needed. Without Telomeres, our genetic data would be lost because our chromosomes —twisted double-stranded molecules of DNA containing our genes that are located inside the nucleus of each of our cells—would scramble or stick together, causing disorder inside the body. “Telomere length affects every internal organ and every disease—cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and so on,” reveals Dr. Andrews, who, in 1997, made a major breakthrough when he discovered an enzyme specifically in humans called Telomerase, which acts directly on Telomeres to replace DNA cell bases that have been lost to cell replication and maintains Telomere length in cells. “When Telomeres get short, the chromosomes become rearranged and transmutations occur.” At the heart of the matter is the fact that Telomeres become progressively shorter each time a cell divides and when they get too short, the cell can no longer divide and replicate itself— that triggers a mechanism called senescence, which causes the cell to become inactive or die. That’s when “bad” things happen to the body. We start out with 10,000 base pairs of Telomeres when we are born, but we will essentially begin dying of old age when those bases reach 5,000, which usually occurs around the age of 60. It is now becoming a well-studied topic in the scientific community that age-related decline may be able to be slowed or theoretically prevented by maintaining Telomere length. E It was back in 1961 that the phenomenon of cellular aging was first noted by Professor Leonard Hayflick. He discovered that cells cannot divide beyond a certain number of times but he did not know why. It wasn’t until nearly 30 years later, in 1990, that Calvin Harley at McMaster University in Canada and Carol Greider at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the USA discovered that Telomere shortening goes hand-in-hand with the aging process and is the direct cause of cells reaching what had come to be known as the “Hayflick Limit.” While three of Bill Andrews’ colleagues— ‘Drs. Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider, and Jack Szozstak’—received the 2009 Nobel Prize for their discoveries in Telomere biology (their research involved Telomerase in the cells of a certain pond scum organism but the discovery did not contribute to the discovery of human Telomerase), it was Bill Andrews, PhD who confirmed in 1997 that Telomere shortening does not take place in the reproductive system of males and females because of a gene that is present called the Telomerase gene. Hence, those cells are immortal because no DNA information is ever lost. Although all of our other cells contain the Telomerase gene, as we age, it becomes suppressed due to the lack of an enzyme. Dr. Andrews’ discovery of the Telomerase enzyme was a key finding because Telomerase can be reproduced by all types of human cells if given an appropriate signal, one that could “turn it on” and hopefully reverse aging and increase lifespan. Added validation to Dr. Andrews’s research has come from a recent study published in the journal Nature in which Harvard Medical Researchers, led by cancer geneticist Ronald DePinho, discovered that mice lacking Telomerase aged much quicker and died earlier as an abundance of critically short Telomeres developed. Dr. DePinho and his team engineered the mice to lack the Telomerase enzyme, allowing them to grow to adulthood without it, and then activated the enzyme for one month with a chemical called 4-OHT. After another month, the mice were reevaluated and to the amazement of all, the age-related symptoms had disappeared and rejuvenation was seen in several organs, including their brains. Old obese, gray-haired mice that couldn’t get around became young again both in energy and physical appearance. The study proved the case for turning on Telomerase in humans as a potential anti-aging therapy. Where Product B is concerned, it was Dr. Andrews’ hooking up with John Anderson via a top Isagenix associate, Peter Greenlaw, in 2010 that proved to be the icing on the cake. Where Bill Andrews had been focusing almost entirely on drugs and chemicals to stimulate Telomerase, it was John Anderson who looked at the effect of oxidative stress and free radicals on Telomeres and sought to provide Telomere support with botanicals, bacteria, and ▲ Page 18 “The first wealth is health.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 HEALTHY PETS AND ANIMALS: ONE MAN • ONE MUTT • ONE MEDICINE IS YOUR STRESS AFFECTING YOUR DOG’S HEALTH? Learn how to strengthen your dog’s immune system and enhance their quality of life. D by Barbara Ahern ogs are becoming universally loved as pets. This particular four-legged friend is winning more and more hearts around the world. Cultures that haven’t before appreciated dogs as pets are embracing them and welcoming them into homes and laps. As this happens, dog owners need to realize the added responsibility that comes with the human attachment to dogs. With added closeness comes the need to protect and strengthen man’s best furry friends against sickness and ill health. After all, humans live with a lot of stress, which is one reason pets are looked to for comfort. In doing so, pets—dogs especially—take on their human’s sufferings as their own. Though many pet owners perceive how sympathetic and perceptive their dogs are, science is beginning to show proof. MRI studies have been initiated that are proving dogs exhibit emotions very similar to those of humans. They’re not just mimicking people, but the MRI is revealing that dogs show brain D efenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: 1130 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, FIRST FLIGHT by Melanie Gendron FIRST FLIGHT, ©2000 Melanie Gendron “The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? —it is the same the angels breathe.” — Mark Twain, ‘Roughing It,’ Chapter XXII, 1886. GENDRON STUDIOS • PO Box 1438, Felton, CA 95018-1438 Fine & Commercial Arts (831) 335-9064 • and of emotions underlie the patterns similar to those Ahern, of system My name is Barbara Creator of the body in humans, it’s humans AcuTouch when exposed to ailments Canine (C.A.T.) and I Love Dogs! logical the same for processes affect same typesa of stimuli.Health I the have been Holistic Practitioner I n a d d i t i o n t o animals. 16 years. I have just designed an easy-toFor decades proof has been taking on their owners’ use training video that candemonstrated teach you how that acupressure stresses, many common to your dog Back and and Bowen Therapy achieve pethelp experiences canwith: bring Stress, Hip Problems, Behavioral tremendous results when used on on stress. SomeDigestive include: Issues, horses, dogs and other domestic doggie day-care; much Discomfort. Conditions, andtoo Overall or too frequent—or not animals. Because such treatments play; too can be expensive or unavailable in I enough—active have combined three proven therapies: much competition (Ex: Three-day many areas, one holistic practitioner • Acupoint • Trigger Point and • Bowen Therapy dog lover has devised a do-itAgility Courses); or any major life change such as a new baby in the yourself program for fellow dog It is the integration of these three so therapies owners they can be their best family etc. friend’s best Signs of stress in dogsme include: that has given amazing results in health enhancer. program, Aggression, lack ofmy bowel or bladder helping canine clients. AndThe now, I’d Canine AcuTouch control, chewing, hiding, licking, (C.A.T.), created by Barbara Ahern, like to teach you this technique so you can excessive barking, whining, pacing, is based on the three disciplines of DO-IT-YOURSELF at home for your dog. Bowen, Acupressure and Trigger and other unusual behaviors. B e c a u s e o f n e u r o l o g i c a l Points. As Barbara says, “These similarities between dogs and similarities between canine and physiology humans, new advances in alternative human VIDEO COURSE enable our pets healthcare for humans are being to receive the same nervous system INCLUDES: and health-enhancing adapted for use with pets. For hundreds balancing of years, humans have derived pain benefits that humans have enjoyed • Module #1, #2, #3 relief, immunity strengthening for many decades.” Core T h eMoves se modalities come and health enhancement from such holistic procedures as Bowen together seamlessly in the program, • The Comprehensive Therapy, Acupressure and Trigger which is designed in three modules Studya Guide total of 18 moves. Through Points. Animal care practitioners utilizing began realizing they could apply this integration, C.A.T. harnesses • Easy-to-Use Color such holistic procedures to our best the experience of 1000 years in friends. After all, if the nervous a single Codedtouch. ChartsThe beauty of the system is that close counts; if the general area receives Call: (916) 804-0077 or e-mail: the touch, it’s affective. Therefore, most pet owners can be trained to treat their own animals with Canine January AcuTouch. You can bet, this is Please write and call for the illegalization of the practice of "crushing" one C.A.T. that young elephants in ailand, which involves roping them to immobilize dogs should them, and then beating them for as long as it takes to crush their spirits love! Check here and make them obedient for training purposes. Write: e Government of & share post Barbara ailand, Mr. Preecha Rengsomboonsuk, Minister of Natural Resources when done Ahern, C.M.T./ and Environment, ailand (Postcard and 1st class letter: $1:10 postage). C.B.P., is a Certified Holistic Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill in New York that illegalizies the Practitioner possession and sale of shark �ns in New York, eliminating the potential for people and for smuggled shark �ns (associated with the cruel and slow death of pets in Camsharks, typically released back to the ocean alive). eron Park and Carmel by-thee California Trapping Act was passed by Governor Jerry Brown, Sea. Together illegalizing many cruel methods of killing wildlife and reducing the size with J. Michael of the Conibear (or "kill trap") to a size less likely to ensnare pet dogs Arrington, they host: Cae California Swap Meets Bill was passed by Governor Jerry Brown nine AcuTouch prohibiting sale of animals at swap meets and �ea markets. (Cat4Dogs. com). They can be reached for comment at go to Facebook pages and websites for B a r b @ C ATInternational Primate Protection League PETA or PETA UK or (916) 804-0077 Stop Animal Exploitation Now! White Coat Waste Project Take One Action For Animals ! Action ss! Succe ✓ ✓ ✓ s! Succes s! Succes For More Information and Opportunities to Act: Page 14 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 A New You… in the New Year! 21-Day Cleanse, Reboot and Thrive! by Misa Lawson, MPH, RD, Emotional Brain Training Nature has an innate wisdom of seasons and cycles, and so does human physiology. Just like fruit burgeons in the spring, grows plump in the summer only to become deciduous and decay in the autumn, and dormant in the winter, our physiology cycles in circadian and cellular rhythms. Built into our cellular and organ systems is the ability to grow and develop, detoxify waste products and create renewable energy. We do this naturally. With modernization, however, we are exposed to an overload of environmental toxins, inflammatory foods and emotional stress that results in imbalance and disruptions in health. Feeling sick, tired and burnt out becomes the new norm. We forget how good we can feel. Just like radical shifts in nature, when ecology is out of balance, our bodies react with illness. We know Mother Earth needs a committed intervention. Can we give this proactive attention to our bodies as well? Is it time to cleanse? In my experience, a twenty-one day cleanse program supervised by qualified health practitioners with the camaraderie of co-participants allows for a deep biological shift as well as an improvement in long term health behaviors. Detox practices such as the removal of common dietary offenders, use of herbs, saunas, and other naturopathic methods cleanse the digestive, hepatic, respiratory and elimination systems. To enhance a physical cleanse, a limbic brain rewiring method such as Emotional Brain Training (EBT) can reduce feelings of deprivation, physical discomfort and cravings that accompany detoxification. In EBT you also learn to collect “joy points” and eudonic (vs hedonic) rewards that flood the body with feel-good neurotransmitters.1 Rather than just wanting the 21-days to be over, the cleansing experience has a broader, positive effect. A new set of holistic behaviors is rewarding rather than depriving because you’ve trained yourself to get joy from nourishment and self-care. Just like a sensitive natural environment needs cleaning up, we can engage in a cleanse program to increase physical and emotional vitality. Please note that the purpose of detoxification is not to create a perfectly clean body entirely free of negative thoughts and emoMisa Lawson, MPH, RD tions. Purity is impossible because our cells are metabolizing and creating waste every moment, and we need to feel our feelings authentically in order to discover and grow! The true goal of “detox” is to let go of debris we don’t need anymore on a deeper level -- like removing environmental contaminants so nature can do its job of cycles and seasons. The outcome of a 21-day cleanse is that you’ll experience so much vibrancy that you’ll be inspired to carry some practices with you, and to cleanse again the next season but perhaps with even more self-acceptance and appreciation for the cyclical nature and wisdom of your beautifully imperfect human body. Please join two Naturopathic DocMarch 22-23, 2014 tors, Emotional Brain Training Coach and Integrative Nutritionist for aSan Francisco, CA 21-Day Cleanse, Reboot and Thrive Hilton San Francisco Financial District starting Jan 18th. For more information, please contact Thrive Natural Includes lectures, interactive exercises, Medicine in Soquel at (831) 515-8699 or and live coaching from: Could you be the NEXT Hay House Author? THE WRITER’S WORKSHOP THRIVE Santa Cruz Solutions Group Meetup Toxic Relationships: How To Recognize And Handle Them Monthly Meetings on 2nd Saturdays The following is an excerpt from Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How To Be Loving Instead of “Too Nice” by Doreen Virtue, published by Hay House (November, 2013), available at bookstores or online at by Doreen Virtue Earth Angels are “nice” people, with big, open hearts, so they can’t see when they’re involved in toxic relationships. They excuse and minimize other people’s behavior: “He didn’t mean to act that way. He was having a bad day.” Even more toxic is when Earth Angels blame themselves for someone’s harsh behavior: “If I were nicer [or thinner, smarter, richer, etc.], then he’d treat me better.” This is nonsense! Don’t take responsibility for someone’s cruel treatment. Earth Angels tolerate harsh and even abusive relationships because they’re afraid of being alone, being in the wrong, or being judged. They force themselves to rise above mistreatment by disconnecting from their feelings. Dissociation from your feelings does no one any good. It makes you out of touch with your physical body, which can lead you to overeat without realizing you’re full. It can also lead you to ignore symptoms that need immediate healing treatment. Dissociation also keeps you from sensing your emotions. When you’re numb, you can’t hear your angels’ messages. Your sensitivity shuts Our Meetup is now having regular Monthly Meetings every 2nd Saturday at: Live Oak Senior Center, DOREEN VIRTUE down. Since heaven’s messages come on the frequency of your attunement to energy, you need to be in touch with your feelings. Earth Angels don’t know any better than to stay in a harsh relationship, because they haven’t had a lot of experience with human relationships. After all, they’ve spent most lifetimes in the higher-vibrational realms! This has led them to be socially awkward, and they may feel terribly lonely. So they allow any relationship to persist because they don’t want to be alone. As an Earth Angel, you’re a teacher for peace. If you take the harsh treatment others dish out, how will they learn? Also, if someone’s treating you harshly, he or she is definitely doing the same to others. By your teaching him or her a better way to behave, you can prevent other people from being mistreated. Harsh and Toxic Behavior When you first meet people, they’re on their best behavior. They’ll agree with you, even if they really don’t. It can take up to two years before you see the real person. That’s why it’s important for Earth Angels to take things slowly in their romantic re- is the author of lationships andDoreen friendships. Until you more than 50 books, get to know the real person, don’t get including the bestselling Healing with the Angels. married to—or go into a long-term REID TRACY President/ CEO Hay House 1777 Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz, NANCY LEVIN (near 17th Ave.) 6:45 to 9:15 pm Hay House Events Director, Certified Integrative Coach and author of Writing for My Life Join or Check Us Out on the Web at our Meetup Site: THRIVE Santa Cruz: Register Officialby Thrive Movement Site: business with—him or her. February 24, 2014 In any relationship, there’s a and Save $100 synergy (energy exchange) between both people. Unless you’re being authentic, you don’t know howthe well Gain support and knowledge you need you interact. If you’re both pretendin this two-day exclusive workshop. ing when it comes to your feelings and opinions, and being falselyYour Message Matters! polite and insincere, there’s no real PLUS A Writing Contest! relationship. YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Over $21,000 in Publishing Packages will befor awarded! Training Teachers over 30 years! Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychol200 and 500 hour trainings ogy; and is a lifelong clairvoyant One participant is guaranteed a $10,000 advance and a who works with the angelic contract realm. with Hay House! publishing Doreen is the author of Healing Going Deeper First to runner-up wins a Balboa Press Master Package valued with the Angels, How Hear Your A Focused Meditation Retreat ............................................. Jan 24-28 at $7999! Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Judith Hanson Lasater Art ofPress Yoga Practice Feb 7-9 & 7-11 Second runner-up a Balboa Inspire ............................................. Package Archangels & Ascended Masters, wins The $3599! Amy Weintraub Solomon’s Angels, valued and the at Archangel LifeForce Yoga To Manage Your Mood .................................. Mar 14-16 Oracle Cards, among works. * Onlyother workshop attendees are eligible to enter the contest. Ginger Hooven Her products are available in most The Art of Adjustment...................................................... Mar 14-16 languages worldwide. James Baraz You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat - A Path to Happiness .... Mar 21-23 radio show, and call her for a reading, by® Please visit her Website: www.An445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076 Register Early – Seats are Limited! 408.846.4064®. See Ads on pages Call 800-654-5126 or 2 & 16. Act on your dream today! visit Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014® A New You… Could you be the NEXT Hay House Author? The Music of the Spheres: Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz Astrology for 2014 and The Year of the Horse THE WRITER’S WORKSHOP 2014 is the turning point year! It will be a fast moving year poised on an edge of transformation or chaos depending on our clarity of vision and intention. It begins dramatically with a New Moon in Capricorn, aligning with the planets, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter have been hastening, and intensifying the break down of old worldviews and paradigms, governmental structures and economies. Mars, now part of this alignment triggers events into action and/or aggression and violence. This is a profound historical time, the turning point year for humanity in its decision making process. Will we embrace the renewed worldview of interrelatedness with all life, a vital transformation of views aligning us with life sustaining systems? With Mars going retrograde on March 1st until May 19th, its stay in Libra is unusually lengthened. This heats up situations for all of us, but especially for Libras, Cancers, Capricorns and Aries, demanding clarity and physical action, or anger, resentment, and conflict fume. Slowing our forward movement and emphasizing the need to dig deeply into our psyches, Mars retrograde are times of reviewing how we act, our habituated responses, and what it is we truly want. Each of us must cultivate a kind of radical balance to navigate the fast moving energy of 2014. Unexpected events can quickly shift situations. Many reconsiderations take place. And yet it can be a very productive year of accomplishment and business growth, as well as a continuing positive housing market. Hurt feelings, and reactive dynamics in relationships alert us to stay calm and listen deeply to the invisible needs of the other. Bringing clarity of our intention to a larger inclusive view of the preciousness of life is the navigating point so needed to traverse successfully the forces of 2014. This influence lasts through July when Mars leaves Libra and enters Scorpio with its regenerative powers, penetrating intensity, and exposure of the hidden. We move rapidly toward the week of April 20th, then a climax of intensity takes place. On a personal level, step back, and stay balanced, inorder to move into new levels of action and alignment in your life. Here’s the initiation point for our transformation! Without this consciousness we can potentially be swept into destructive, reactive, or divisive behaviors. After May 24th the alignments shift, support for new behaviors and systems is present, renewal and new pathways for growth open. 2014 moves from the Chinese year of the Serpent to the year of the fast moving Horse, on January 30th. We shift from deep internal transformations of 2013 to taking conscious actions with clear intentions in our daily lives. Time to act on our values and the changes we want to see taking place in the world. In the year of the Horse, old issues will be surface, and intensify, with the potential for new resolutions. Think of the March 22-23, 2014 San Francisco, CA Hilton San Francisco Financial District Includes lectures, interactive exercises, and live coaching from: DOREEN VIRTUE REID TRACY NANCY LEVIN Doreen is the author of more than 50 books, including the bestselling Healing with the Angels. President/ CEO Hay House Hay House Events Director, Certified Integrative Coach and author of Writing for My Life Register by February 24, 2014 and Save $100 Gain the support and knowledge you need in this two-day exclusive workshop. Your Message Matters! PLUS A Writing Contest! Over $21,000 in Publishing Packages will be awarded! power of the Horse, its rippling muscles, as we blend our bodies to become one, rider and animal, ancient heart to modern heart, nature and spirit aligned, a reorientation to inner connection. The passing of Nelson Mandela, coinciding with Mars entering Libra, the sign of the peacemaker, diplomat, harmonizer, marked a significant expression of a higher level of consciousness so needed during 2014. As we hold the intent to view the world as an interrelated whole, we step into this higher warrior archetype. Our key will be to keep centered, balanced, and grounded. Our consciousness is the bridge into the future. Humanity has the habit of crisis in order to wake up! The federal government, President Obama, and Congress, will continue to be under increased pressure to be transparent and engage in compromise. March through May much reorganization of strategies and priorities take place. Real progress will come in communities, and cities, with visionary innovation addressing practical solutions to issues. The role that the United States plays in the world is in a time of transformation. We will witness and collectively create a new vision for our role in the world. Pressures to our system will force new definitions of our military, economic and worldwide allegiances. Depending on our consciousness, intentions, and actions during the 1st part of the year, situations can ease and the potential for collective renewal is present, after May 24th. Twelve opportunities for 2014: For Sun and Rising Signs Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): 2014 brings you the opportunity of more awareness in your relationships and business partnerships. It is about relaxing your impulse to react immediately and developing more objectivity, not taking situations personally. If someone approaches you in unskillful ways, be alerted to take your time with responding and don’t be too surprised. April 20-22 can be particularly stressful, so give yourself extra space to deal with unexpected issues that arise. During July your confidence is strengthened, enjoyment, and creativity increases. September to October is a good travel time for you. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Transformations in your life, your identity, and who you know yourself to be, continue to take place through 2014. During the first part of the year your working life is highlighted. Putting your priorities and yearly calendar in order, is important for best results. Bring your full attention to what you are creating and what your intentions are through Mar 1st. During March through May 19th, as you reevaluate your work situation. Take care of any health issues that have been on your mind. Reviewing your obligations in partnerships intensifies in July through October. Major transformations take place toward the end of the year. Astrological Perspectives on 2014 with Susan Heinz One participant is guaranteed a $10,000 advance and a publishing contract with Hay House! First runner-up wins a Balboa Press Master Package valued at $7999! “The Turning Point Year” Get in Tune with your opportunities in this powerful year of 2014 Second runner-up wins a Balboa Press Inspire Package valued at $3599! with an astrological reading with Susan Heinz * Only workshop attendees are eligible to enter the contest. “Susan’s readings are life altering experiences, providing me with profound insights into who I am and my life purpose. She is an astrologer, teacher, and healer rolled into one. She teaches me how to work with the yearly challenges and opportunities, helping me understand what I feel, see my life objectively, and connect with the greater universal energies at play. Susan is one of my greatest teachers.” ~Diane Lake Act on your dream today! Register Early – Seats are Limited! Call 800-654-5126 or visit Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and teacher in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For more info and appointments:® ® (831) 479-3751 or go to 819 1⁄2 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz Center for Transformative Visions Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 in the New Year! Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol? Local Holistic Drug Treatment Facility is Paving the Way for New Hope to thousands from around the nation. cravings. With physical cravings being The Narconon model varies from the a key contributor to relapse, this sauna traditional 12-Step treatment method detoxification is revolutionary and has in that addicts are not taught “once an opened the door to future success in addiction treatment. addict, always After the sauna dean addict.” Nor toxification, underare they taught lying life issues are that they have addressed. Once and must learn the addict discovers to manage the what led them down everlasting “disthe road of addicease of addiction, they are given tion.” Instead, empowering tools the philosophy to overcome those is that pharmaLocal Holistic Drug Treatment Facility exact problems. ceutical medica“I’ve been room full of random strangers discuss- tions only mask symptoms to three other proing how to manage their “disease” for brought about from addic30 days. This will usually be accompa- tion, and that the body and Supportive Atmosphere grams but never felt nied with a diagnosis of mental illness mind do better when it is healthy and normal. Within just a few days of the along with a prescription. While this functioning properly. Vitamins, min- sauna program I started sleeping 8 is considered conventional treatment, erals, amino acids and nutritious food hours a night and got my appetite back. By the end of my treatment I felt norrestore healthy living. it is not the only option. mal again; which is something I hadn’t There is also a detoxification Since 1992, there has been an alternative way to treat addiction element of their program where cli- felt since I started doing drugs,” states in Santa Cruz County. A nonprofit ents sweat out drug toxins in a dry Helen R. who recently graduated the organization has provided treatment heat sauna, thus eliminating physical Narconon Redwood Cliffs program. For many struggling with addiction, the idea of going to rehab conjures images of locking oneself away in a sterile environment and sitting in a Astrology for 2014 and The Year of the Horse Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): 2014 is a year to attune to what has heart and meaning for you. Creativity is energized. Be flexible in your plans as your imagination plays an important role in what can unfold in your life now. At times your goals may seem unclear. If so, stop, create space to move inward and visualize what’s possible. Keep yourself grounded this year by attuning to health and exercise, and planning your work life with detailed attention. Be conservative with money matters as this supports your financial stability and growth. In 2014 perseverance furthers! Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): 2014 is the year you must attend to your needs! Relationships, goals, and family life are changing! Adjustments are needed as growth in consciousness propels you into self- development. Now is the time to expand your horizons into new opportunities. Home can be a frictional place in the first part of 2014, if you are not flexible and willing to hear the needs of others. Clear and sort out the old from what is essential. Taking a class in the spring brings a sense of well being. Mid April and mid June are very sensitive times and patience is needed. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 22): 2014 is the year of bringing your attention to how you communicate. How do you express what you need and want? Issues with siblings may arise and be brought out into the open. Patience will set the stage for positive change. Any retreats will greatly benefit your clarity of intention as July brings more enjoyment and confidence. Travel during the summer is highlighted and moving into new areas of interest as well. Suddenly you feel yourself in a new period of inspiration and more freedom. You benefit from finding a balance between your responsibilities to others and new excitement in your own life. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Your opportunity in 2014 is to honor and develop your special talents and abilities, breakthrough into new areas of sharing and expressing who you are! Group support brings forth your creativity and new levels of confidence. There may be areas in your life where you want to stabilize your sense of security, clearing up any money matters that seem chaotic or out of balance. Bringing focus, discipline, and attention to how you communicate, and any writing projects you are working on, benefits you this year. Patience and reflection with the children in your life is called for. Much change is taking place with them. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): 2014 is the year to focus on what you want, set clear intentions, especially for your self and take action. Staying consistent will help, and be rewarding, even though you will need to be flexible in your relationships with others. With the strong Mars influence, energy needs to be channeled or frustration will build up with inaction. Deep inner changes are taking place, in yourself and family or home. Resist power struggles and any comparison to others. Find ways to honor your deepest self. This is a good time to expand or enlarge on your career goals. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): 2014 is the year to go with the flow. Move into a sense that life is a current that you can navigate by being present and sensing what is needed. You are involved in much activity during the 1st half of 2014 that may not be obvious to others, clarifying what had previously been unconscious. Your life involves you in new experiences. From March to May review how things are going, then adjust, feeling free to create changes from what you thought was going to take place. July 27th begins a very active time for you. Your new responsibilities are now of great focus. Home is a place of warmth, joy and growth. September and October bring travel, with lots of activity. Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20): 2014 sets the stage for you to collaborate with others, to create a synergy of your energies. Retreating together and reaching into the imaginative and visionary realms then careful planning brings success. Your opportunity this year is to bring your clear intention out to people in ways that you haven’t done before. Adjustments will be needed especially from March to May as well as flexibility in handling the intense needs of those that you are involved with. July through September brings break throughs and travel is highlighted. Readjustment of plans takes place once again in October and November. Capricor n (Dec 21- Jan 19): 2014 gives you the opportunity to redefine your goals, especially around the career or job you envision for yourself. Clear intentions help you navigate and take action for achievement of those goals. Be flexible as situations may change quickly with different things being asked of you. March through May brings reevaluation of your direction. Know that you are continuing to transform and unfold different aspects of yourself. Keeping centered through understanding your ideals, finding quiet space, exercising, and connecting with a partner who supports your vision and deeper inner connection is essential. August may bring a move for you. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): 2014 is the year to ride the waves of change and adjustment to the larger vision that you are holding. The year of the Horse will bring quickly changing situations. You may be learning something new that takes persistence and focused attention. This path has the potential to take you into exciting areas and different levels of perception. Teaching and publishing are highlighted, with the need to review and not push forward with projects Mar 1st through May 20th. The second part of the year brings new partnerships, and inspirational ways to write and communicate your thoughts. Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): 2014 is the year to develop new alternatives to how you approach situations in your life that are problematical. If situations seem to overwhelm you when the need for change arises don’t procrastinate but take a direct action to meet a goal. Be willing to release resentments that have to do with past situations. This will give you tremendous energy, channeling your talents in productive and successful ways. Family dynamics come to the forefront and during March through May need careful evaluation. Your strength is your ability to understand the interplay of the personal dynamics involved and hold a space for clarity. Your creativity and love, whether romantic, or for children in your life, is the place of joy. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes and for personal consultations, call (831) 479-3751, or go to www. Narconon teaches Life Skills through a social-educational model where much is done in a classroomlike setting. There are instructors who are able to help clients of all educational backgrounds. The program materials lead the person down a road of self-discovery, where they look at their own lives objectively and choose a new path with their own determination. This makes the treatment much more real to the client, and is much more effective than someone “telling them what the problem is.” Internal tracking over several years suggest that upward of 70% of clients stay clean after graduating from the entire program; which is well above the industry norm of 10-15%. The local Narconon treatment center overlooking the Monterey Bay is called “Redwood Cliffs” and has a beautiful campus of nearly 30 acres, servicing local addicts and clients from all over the country. Health insurance coverage and/or financing options are avaialble to all potential clients. If you are interested in the Narconon Redwood Cliffs program, call 831-768-7190 or visit: Is NeurOptimal® The First True Enlightenment Machine?* *For Those Who Are Ready. NeurOptimal®Ê i«ÃÊÞÕÀÊÀ>ÊÌÊ"«ÌâiÊÌÃiv° Ask About our Special Deals and Package Plans iÕÀ"«Ì>°VÊUÊ>7i/Õi`À>°V vJ>7i/Õi`À>°VÊ (650) 720-3909 (5-!.$%3)'.3934%YÛlggdÛ^gjÛk]d^¤ljYfk^gjeYlagf 831.227.7810 Do you understand the key to your design? Page 17 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 ParenTing, Kids and eduCaTiOn: Your Child & Vaccinations Dr. Mercola’s Comments on Hepatitis B Vaccines (we will address the Hep B Vaccine more in the next issue for Feb.’14): There is no vaccine that gets me more upset than Hepatitis B. There are two primary reasons for this. It is given to virtually every newborn in the hospital and many times without parents’ consent shortly after the child is born. If the parent chooses not to have their 12-hour-old newborn vaccinated in the newborn nursery, it takes enormous effort on the parent’s part to make sure this vaccine is not given without their informed consent before the baby leaves the hospital. Secondly, this vaccine given on the day of birth is the least justifiable of any vaccine that I can think of. A child can ONLY get the disease from IV drug abuse, sexual activity with an infected partner, a blood transfusion using contaminated blood, OR from the mother. There are few or no detectable antibodies in the blood of most children within 7-10 years after they are vaccinated so booster shots will probably be recommended by government officials in the future for children entering adolescence! Y ou have every right to not only ask questions about vaccine safety, but also to decide which vaccinations you would like to receive or decline for yourself and your children. In the case of the hepatitis B vaccine, if you’re giving birth in a hospital you can let your nurses, obstetrician and pediatrician know whether or not you consent to having your baby vaccinated. It’s your choice! There are reports that some newborns are being vaccinated in the newborn nursery against the parents’ wishes, however, so if you decide to opt out of the vaccine, it is a good idea to keep your newborn with you at all times, or have a family member stay with the baby, while in the hospital. Remember that it’s up to you to get informed about every medical procedure being given to your baby, and vaccinations are no exception. I encourage you to ask these eight questions, developed by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), if you are considering getting yourself or your child vaccinated: 1. Am I or my child sick right now? 2. Have I or my child had a bad reac- TeLOMeres— Turning Back the Clock on aging ▲ Page 13 other natural products he scoured the world to find. With Dr. Andrews having developed the technology to test, verify, and tion to a vaccination before? 3. Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems? 4. Do I know the disease and vaccine risks for myself or my child? 5. Do I have full information about the vaccine’s side effects? 6. Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction? 7. Do I know I need to keep a written record, including the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number, for all vaccinations? 8. Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice? As NVIC states: “If you answered yes to questions 1, 2, and 3, or no to questions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and do not understand the significance of your answer, you may want to review information on NVIC’s website with links to other websites and resources so you can better answer these questions designed to educate consumers about the importance of making fully informed vaccine decisions.” • Further, I highly recommend all parents consider the following steps before consenting to vaccinations, including Hepatitis B: • Educate yourself about vaccination, including reading the vaccine manufacturer product inserts for vaccines that your doctor is recommending and reviewing vaccine information on this website and websites like NVIC. org. • Help educate your family, and your community by circulating this article among your friends, neighbors, doctors, lawyers, teachers, school principles, nurses, local newspaper, TV and radio stations. Send a copy of this article with a personal note to your elected representatives. • The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) provides information for consumers about vaccines and diseases and works to protect vaccine choices. Register today for the NVIC Advocacy Portal, an online interactive database and communication system that will help YOU protect vaccine exemptions in YOUR state. • Report vaccine reactions to the federal government (VAERS) and to the NVIC Vaccine Reaction Registry by visiting the NVIC website (http:// This reporting is EXTREMELY important and necessary if we are to accelerate change. • If you are pregnant, get tested for Hepatitis B disease. If you are infected, your baby may be at higher risk for becoming infected with hepatitis B and is a candidate for vaccination, so you should explore all sides of the issue with your physician. • Stand up for your informed consent rights. If you are opposed to the hepatitis B vaccine for your baby at birth, you can amend the “consent for medical treatment” forms you sign upon entering the hospital before giving birth by writing on the form that you do not give consent for your baby’s Hepatitis B vaccination in the newborn nursery. • Vaccine exemptions: Although Hepatitis B vaccines may be “mandated” for your child to attend school, each state offers different legal exemptions (medical, religious, and philosophical). Research your state’s specific vaccine requirements and find out what kind of exemption to vaccination you are allowed to exercise in your state. Contact: National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) for: Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice @ presented the first 15 ingredients to Dr. Andrews and, with the 11th one, Anderson had a “hit.” Anderson then went back and began looking at the properties from botanicals indigenous to the U.S., India, China, and Europe. Eventually, that research and testing led to the development of Product B, a combination of all natural ingredients that have been shown to protect the cell against oxidative stress and support Telomeres. Formulator John Anderson, who has 35+ years of experience working in the nutraceutical industry, notes. “As I make new discoveries of ingredients, they will be added to Product B to enhance it, thereby increasing the product’s efficiency, absorption, potency and strength. The product has already been enhanced three times since it was released in August 2011—it is now 6 times the strength of the original 2010 hit—and, I know that there are a lot of opportunities for further discoveries.” “Every ingredient in Product B has a long history of safety,” he adds. “Each ingredient has been consumed during the history of the world—most can be traced back 1,000 years. They all exist on the market but it’s not just a matter of going to a health food store and buying them. They are included in a proprietary blend that promotes absorption by the body.” As for some of the noted benefits of taking Product B, Dr. Andrews, who has had a passion for finding a cure for aging since he was 12 years old, responds. “I’m over 60, AND, I’m an ultra-marathon runner, doing 50-100 kilometer runs once a month. Since taking Product B, I have had better results than ever. The last 100 km I ran just a few weeks ago, I finished third overall and no one in the Top 10 was over 40! “I have an identical twin brother,” he continues. “I started doing Telomere therapy five years ago, even before John and I began work on Product B, and I hadn’t seen my brother since then. We got together for the first time a few weeks ago and we were shocked. We don’t look alike anymore—‘I look amazingly younger than he does. His wife and my girlfriend, who is also on Product B and is the only female to have completed the 130 km run through the Himalayas, were shocked as well.” Anderson cites that, at this writing, there are already more than 100,000 people using Product B in the six months since its introduction (at the end of August 2011) and the results are literally life-changing. People are definitely reporting looking and feeling younger and experiencing gains in energy, performance, overall health, and endurance. “Of course, in addition to antioxidants and dietary supplements like Product B, exercise, reducing stress, proper nutrition, and not smoking are contributing factors in keeping Telomeres long and healthy,” says Anderson, noting that he and Andrews are pleased with the result of their collaboration but by no means are finished. “Product B is a significant piece of the puzzle to help people live long and healthy lives. And, in addition to its being effective, Product B has been made very affordable for the public.” So then, what is the bottom line on aging and Telomeres? “As a molecular biologist, I can definitively say that everything about our longevity and health revolves around our Telomeres,” Dr. Andrews sums up. It’s a statement that’s been a long time coming. Do you want to know more? Please join us at an event to hear Lidy Flom, an outstanding Certified Nutritional Consultant, this January 28th at 6:30pm at the CSL (Center for Spiritual Living at 1818 Felt St., SC)—where she will tell us all about Telomeres, Product B and so much more—quite inspiring! You can see this info on page 5 (note that the info has changed from info on page 2 in last month’s December 2013 issue.). Let us know that you will attend this gathering (we can make the reservation for you and email you details). If you make a reservation on Mackie’s message machine, please state that you read this info (Article/and page 5 Flyer) in Connection Magazine. Thank you! Also, call Pattie or Thom at: (831) 459-0522 for more info and/or email them at: In the Subject Area, write: Telomeres and/or Age-Reversal Info. AND, please listen to this brief 4.5 minute, free Recorded Call right away at: 1 (866) 920-3395 (to hear the NOBEL PRIZE WINNING RESEARCH on Telomeres). Let us know IF you’d like to read Dr. Gabriel Cousens’, MD article and we will get it to you. Dr. Cousens calls ‘Product B’... “Product Brilliant”—and that it is! i t ’ s Yo u r r i g h t to ask Questions about Vaccinations authenticate the effectiveness of the natural ingredients, Anderson went to work. On September 23, 2010, he /cms/content/view/873/56/ Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 AwAreness: T Becoming Self Reliant by Joy Binah my unique body in order to he clock is winding back maintain a healthy balance. I am about twelve years, I no longer overweight and rarely am in a great deal of even think about how much I’m emotional pain. What I have eating in relation to my weight. come to believe is true and how My energy level is quite high, I continue to orchestrate my life and the need for napping from are very different. The disconexhaustion seems ridiculous nection has become unbearable. to me now. I no longer have I made many freeing dejoint pain—or any pain for that cisions at that time. Among matter—and I never have any them was canceling my health cravings as in the gnawing, insurance. nearly uncontrollable sensation At that time, I remember living with a that can only be satisfied with some carbohydrate subtle, yet constant fear that I could be one of the (e.g., sugar or bread). ever-increasing unlucky ones to get cancer, heart I have learned that our food choices (includdisease or any number of degenerative diseases. I ing cooked food!) can be the primary mode of felt totally powerless to prevent this. It appeared treatment and prevention for chronic illness and to me to hit with a roll of the dice. I suffered from disease because food is the raw material from a lot of joint pain and a variety of random aches, which our bodies can manufacture what they and I felt way too young to be feeling so old. need to balance their own chemistry. I now make The idea that our thoughts contribute to conscious choices that both taste great and are creating our reality had begun to seat itself in great for me. And these choices actually feed my my consciousness. I realized I had become ha- body and my Spirit, giving instructions to my bituated to many thoughts, feelings, and actions genes to support my health and well being. that were most certainly not in my best interest! Joy Binah—Certified raw and whole food One of the most uncomfortable of these educator, wellness counselor, author and teacher, beliefs created a feeling of dependence on a, (831) 713broken health care system as a way to care for my 5673, body. Every month I would take several hundred dollars from my hard earned money and invest in my ill health in the future by writing a check for health insurance. This monthly act not only seemed increasingly counterproductive, but to me it bordered on insanity. Research reveals that the medical profession is one of the top five causes of death in this country. Did you know that close to 100,000 people die every year due to medical errors and hospital acquired infections? Prescribed medication and surgery, with a host of side effects of their own, fail to root out the underlying cause of the symptoms and the idea of a “cure” remains allusive... I preferred the idea of spending this money on investing in my wellbeing by buying organic food, vitamins, herbs, dance classes, beginning a yoga and meditation practice, and so on. These new lifestyle choices were a decision to move toward a feeling of trust. I believed in the body’s ability to self heal and I was intent on accessing this information. I began to believe that by learning how my body functions and how to support its health, I January Special could develop a Buy set of 3, sense of security get 1 free in my ability to become selfreliant. I now have little concern about developing illness and disease, because I understand how the body succumbs to ill health. I understand the relationship between food and Keffi Bell • 831-600-8626 longevity and • what is particu140-A Dubois Street, Santa Cruz larly good for Micro ~ Cell Tech Take the guesswork out of supplementation A microscopic live blood evaluation that is Scientific, Personal and Informative. Certified Raw and Whole Food Consultant, Wellness Counselor, Author and Educator. Bringing Consciousness into your Kitchen! • Overcome digestive issues • Overcome food allergies • Reach & maintain your natural weight • Reach & maintain optimum health and vitality • Overcome depression • Detoxification • Learn to make nutrient dense, delicious snacks & meals There is Now Overwhelming Evidence That Food can be the Primary Mode of Treatment and Prevention for Chronic Illness and Disease! FClasses f January 18th 1pm-3pm Learn to make Kefir, Kefir Yogurt, Kefir Cheese and How to Ferment Vegetables Supporting gut ecology is the foundation of both physical and mental health, a broad spectrum of cultured and fermented foods is your first line of support. $45 February 15th 1pm-3pm Learn to Grow Sprouts and Microgreens Grow a Winter garden in your kitchen. Sprouts & Microgreens have substantially more vitamins & enzymes than anything you can buy in the store, or grow in your outdoor garden! cost: $45 February 22nd 1pm-3pm Learn to Make Delicious & Nutritious Snacks More nutrient dense than most meals, these scrumptious, easy to make treats will last you through the afternoon crash with ease! $45 Log on to my Website and get my Free E-Book with Videos: How to Reclaim Your Vitality: Eat Healthy Salt, Sugar and Fat Everyday! • (831) 713-5673 “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” —Joseph Campbell Held at: Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange • 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz 95062 Call Way of Life for info. Thursday, Jan. 16th 7:30 - 9:00 pm GETTING READY FOR THE YEAR OF THE YANG WOOD HORSE with Madhu Brodkey BTB M.F.S. Thursday, Jan. 23rd 7:30 - 9:00 pm ASTROLOGY & YOUR HEALTH: PREPARATION FOR 2014 with Susan Heinz G ARDEN OF L IFE NOW an ADDITIONAL 15% offf N NO the Current SALE Price! 25% off! for the month of January Ultimate Essentials Products & Pet Products Raw Organic Protein Sale $34.95 reg $41.15 Raw Organic Meal 1.34 lb Sale $25.95 reg $29.95 Raw Organic Meal 2.5 lb Sale $47.95 reg $56.60 1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola 95010 (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 AWARENESS: ThetaHealing: Fun and Transformative! Lynda Chaikin ThetaHealing Master Instructor & Practitioner Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing® Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles ThetaHealing Classes 2014 Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class)UL6XQ0DUFKprereq for: Advanced ThetaHealing Class )UL6XQ$SULOprereq for: Manifesting and Abundance Class Sat & Sun, May 31-June 1 ThetaHealing Game of Life Class Fri-Sun, June 27-29 (831) 431-0677 or 426-9453 Want To Feel Like Your Best Self? Dr. Juli Mazi, Naturopathic Doctor, works with people of all ages to help them reach an optimal & vibrant state of well being. • transform your health and your life with natural medicine • take on an effective and sustainable wellness plan • lead a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life Call for a free 15 minute Introductory Consultation today! Dr. Juli Mazi • Thrive Natural Medicine 2840 Park Ave., Soquel • (831) 515-8699 New YOU Wellness Coaching Radiant wellness is the foundation from which we live. Ear Candling • strengthen immune system • balance energy • clear allergies • improve drainage • relieve tension/stress Call/email for current special...831-688-1858 / Charlotte Carreira 250 Hr. Massage Certification Program January 8th thru April 12th, 2014 Wednesday Evenings & Saturdays. Location: Santa Cruz Integrative Medicine and Chi Center at: 2-1511B East Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz For Info and Brochure call: (831) 476-2115 or write P.O. Box 2941, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Licensed by the Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education Enter the world of Shamanism Patricia White Buffalo With Soul Retrieval Workshop~Jan. 18-19~Santa Cruz Shamanic Training & Transformational Program Coming Feb. at the Quaker Center, Ben Lomond 831-457-4056 Personal Mastery Coaching for Success TEAM UP FOR SUCCESS—HOW TO MAKE 2014 YOUR BEST YEAR YET I by Karin Leonard sabel has been at her corporate job for 10 years, always wondering what it would be like to be a freelance writer. Yet the obstacles have seemed insurmountable; and so far, it has been nothing but a fantasy… Ever since he was a teenager, Al’s dream has been to take a year off work and sail around the world. However, the years fly by, and there is always another reason why he can’t go. Sunday afternoon boat trips have been all he can manage… Becky wants to own a flower shop. With husband and two kids, she hasn’t even found the time to think about it… What do these three people have in common? Each has a dream, but left to their own devices, these dreams will probably remain “castles in the sky.” To break through the cycle of limitation and procrastination, Isabel, Al and Becky joined a success team. What is a Success Team? Groups come together for many reasons and for various forms of support. A “Success Team,” or “Mastermind,” has a specific purpose: to coach each member to achieve their dreams, goals and lifestyle choices. The team typically consists of 5 to 8 people who meet on a regular basis. The concept of the Success Team was first created by Barbara Sher (author of Teamworks). Sher initiated countless groups like this all over the country, both public and corporate. The highly structured nature of the meeting allows for equal power and maximum effectiveness. Why Team up? The American stereotype of the “lone ranger” is a myth. Most people don’t get anywhere close to fulfilling their potential in their lifetime, much less without help. If we could really do it on our own, we would have achieved our cherished goals long ago. When studying people who created outstanding success, we notice they surround themselves with support. Often they team up with others to build momentum. Andrew Carnegie, for example, highly valued the power of what he called “Master Minding”—being with a dynamic team to envision and act on possibilities. He attributed much of his success to his team. Roadblocks in our path can be intimidating, especially when combined with limiting beliefs and fear. Teammates, who don’t buy into our false restrictions, will often see our possibilities more clearly than we do, and may surprise us with a wealth of ideas and encouragement. And not only do we get to experience the manifestation of our own desires, we also have the pleasure of witnessing and coaching others to do the same. Although a Success Team is powerful support, it is not therapy. Empathy is expressed as creative strategy. The effect, though, is often therapeutic. When a group of people hold and support each other’s dreams, synergy results. Not only is there greater ease about taking action and overcoming obstacles, but the energy of the group itself begins to work on your goals, often in surprising ways. Opportunities appear out of nowhere, as you get closer to your deepest desires. Having belonged to and led many teams over the years, I know about their power and effectiveness first hand. I’m excited about launching new groups this January. If you want to turn your dreams into results in 2014, you may want to join us. Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and highly effective brand called InnerEvolution™, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater life-balance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 24 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. This J a n u a r y, K a r i n will lead Mastermind Groups to help reach your goals. For info call (831) 724-5400 or e-mail Karin@ InnerEvolution. com. Office located in Santa Cruz. ~ 20 yr’s in Practice Page20 20VThe ▲ TheConnection ConnectionMagazineV Magazine ▲ ▲ January—– February February 6, 6, 2014 2014 Page VJanuary AWARENESS: AND THE WHEEL TURNS! W by Christopher Love ahoo! We made it to 2014! Shall we dance? I would like to take this opportunity to honor all those who have come before us, whom without we would not be here to have this experience of life. Do you celebrate the changing of the year? For ages, people have created ritual around the cycling of the four seasons, the passing of thirteen moons or the completion of three hundred and sixty-ve solar days, all of which bring us back around to approximately the same astrological place in our solar system. Have you ever asked yourself why we do this? Do any of these patterns mean anything to you? Andy Kauffman once said, “The only thing that separates us from animals is mindless superstition and meaningless ritual.” What do you think? For me, the end of a cycle, or year is a time to check up on what has passed, so I can stay clear and present in the moment. I do this on a daily, weekly, moonly, seasonally and yearly basis. This helps me to recognize patterns in myself, recurring themes, notable conversations and places in my inner and outer life that I want to improve, let go, change, shift and grow. I love a good party and connecting with people. As the years pass, I have found that my way of celebration has shifted from the desire to party for party’s sake to gathering with others for meaningful camaraderie. How this can look is as innite as the universe itself. Intentional gatherings have become my cup of tea, so to speak. Most of the key ingredients of my old party days are still here, such as lovely people, inspiring music and a splash of ecstatic dancing. Intoxicants have fallen to the wayside giving rise to ceremonies that enhance presence and vibrancy. I dare say the food is better, healthier and often crosses into the category of amazing. New Years Eve was one such night of intentional gathering for me this year. The celebration included the elements of intention, ritual and focused time. The fteen minutes before midnight was spent in silence. An amazing crystal bowl ringing magically in the room rst broke the deep quiet. The resound of the crystal built and grew in resonance and strength for some time until it peaked at midnight and we all blessed each other with kind words, handshakes and hugs to commemorate the passage into the New Year. The insights and awareness’s garnished throughout the night were life changing for me. There was ample time spent on cleaning up the past and making new choices for my present. One of the ways this looks like is I have a few people to apologize to and a few people I want to acknowledge for being so spectacularly caring for others as they walk through the world. And, specically, for their care of me. I am grateful beyond words at the love I am experiencing from the world and my community. It is easy to run through daily tasks without stopping to sit with someone we love and check in. I do this a lot, as there always seems to be a never-ending supply of important things to do. For 2014, I am setting the intention to take more breaks to smell the owers, discover new things about the world in which I live and have more cups of tea with people close to me. In 2013, I dedicated a number of articles to beginning meditation practices for becoming a powerful creator in one’s life. The irony is, if you actually take on the practice, you may find as I have, that creation is happening continuously and that all we are doing in the practice is letting go of the busy mind that often blocks the creativity that is naturally coming through every moment. Furthermore, using the tool of introspective and reective meditation, we can gain valuable insight into the workings of our lives. Back to the cycle of time, where does it end and where does it begin? It is a circle after all, with no beginning and never ending. We can just as easily begin a year at the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice or Fall Equinox as much as the end of December. And, perhaps, Winter Solstice would be a more appropriate time to place the end of December anyhow. The truth is we made it up. We made up the calendar and time and we set the point we call the New Year. The Sun and the Stars and the Moon do not care about this arbitrary moment in our lives, the animals have not one thought of it and the very complex natural world, from atoms to elements, from microscopic life to insects does not pay any attention to our ideas of what different days of life mean to us humans. There are those who will tell us that all the movement we perceive is but an illusion of the mind. Is our belief in the calendar, time and the dancing of celestial bodies mere superstition? Is the ritual we engage in meaningless? I have experienced ritual for the sake of doing something because it is or was the custom. I am speaking of ritual that I had no personal connection with. And this, for me, was meaningless. I have also had the blessing to experience ritual that touches me deeply, has me see the world differently and understand myself, others and existence in a new way. For this I am grateful. I have concluded that things are meaningful when we make them to be and when we assign value to any given circumstance. Mind is a powerful force that loves meaning and creating it. If the practice of making meaning is conscious, it can enhance one’s life, ne tune it and give it brilliance. What rituals do you celebrate, how do you engage them and what, if any, meaning do you put on the movement of the Sun and Moon and Stars? May your experience of life in 2014 bring you closer to yourself and those around you. May humanity continue to awaken to its brilliance and become more compassionate, loving and kind. Thanks for reading and supporting Connection Magazine and thanks to Pattie and Thom for all the years of dedication to our community through this wonderful paper. Happy New Year! Send comments to ChristopherLove@Em powerment.Net. Page � The Connection Magazine January — February 6, 2014 Page 21 21 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲� ▲� January – February 6, 2014 "Change your thoughts and you change your life." Lisa uses her intuitive insight to look at exisitng energy patterns, help you set goals, eliminate blocks to your success and manifest what you want in your life! 7Z_R_TVd 9VR]eYHV]]_Vdd GZdZe`fc`_]Z_Vde`cVRe hhhdaZcR]^``_]ZXYeT`^ W`c^`cVZ_W`c^ReZ`_ acZTZ_X`_cVRUZ_XdR_U T`RTYZ_XdVddZ`_d CV]ReZ`_dYZad DaZcZefR] 5VgV]`a^V_e 10% OFF First Intuitive Reading or Life Coaching Session! =ZWVAReY Call or Email for Appointment Phone: (831) 818-7300 by Lynda Chaikin, ThetaHealing Master Instructor and Practitioner s a ThetaHealing Instructor in my third year of teaching and my fifth year as a professional ThetaHealer, I’m looking forward to bringing this level of experience to my Spring Series of ThetaHealing Classes beginning March 21st. Teaching ThetaHealing is the gift that keeps on giving as I watch my students’ lives change for the better in powerful ways, often very soon after taking a class with me. Here are two of my students sharing their results: “I took Lynda Chaikin’s Game of Life ThetaHealing class in October 2012. I was able to clear my unconscious blocks that I had around money. Doors opened beyond my wildest imagination, and immediately I could feel that Game of Life catapulted me to a OHYHORIDEXQGDQFHDQGFRQÀGHQFH,KDGQRW\HW experienced. I’m a mortgage consultant, and my income has more than doubled this year. This is the antithesis of the news in the mortgage industry! Game of Life has allowed me to think, be and live in the abundance I desire both personally and professionally. Before taking Game of Life, during the slow times I would nose dive into scarcity, panicking about where my next loan would come IURP1RZ,DVNIRUZKDW,GHVLUHZLWKFRQÀGHQFH DQG,UHFHLYHZLWKJUDWLWXGH:HFDQEHQHÀWVRPXFK from ALL of Lynda’s ThetaHealing classes. Lynda is a loving, gracious and richly skillful ThetaHealing teacher and practitioner.”—Char Johanson, Mortgage Consultant, Ben Lomond, CA A Lisa Giles Nystedt :_efZeZgV4`f_dV]`c=ZWV4`RTY 4RcVVc AWARENESS: MERCIFUL HEAVENS THETAHEALING CLASSES: STUDENTS SPEAK ABOUT RESULTS Email: ;gÛqgmÛf]]\Û`]dh [mllaf_Ûl`jgm_`ÛlgÛ[dYjalq 8N8 B < E @ E > Û ¬ Û < D 9 F ; @ D < E K Û : F 8 : ? CERTIFIED HAKOMI PRACTITIONER • 14 + YEARS EXPERIENCE G]jfaddYÛ`YkÛ`]dh]\ÛÛe]ÛÛ_gÛo`]j]Û@¿n]ÛÛf]n]jÛ_gf]ÛZ]^gj]ÛYf\Û _YafÛafka_`lkÛYf\Ûd]kkgfkÛ@¿n]Ûf]n]jÛY[`a]n]\ÛZ]^gj]Û Jl]n]ÛBmjlY_` daddYjgk][geÛÝÛ ~¤¤ ~ÛÝÛdakl]flgqgmj`]Yjl³daddYjgk][ge COUNSELING • PSYCHOLOGY • THERAPY “I was fortunate to take Basic ThetaHealing, Advanced ThetaHealing, and Manifesting and Abundance classes from Lynda Chaikin in Autumn 2011. I found Lynda to be a caring instructor who worked hard to make sure we covered all the necessary material, plus had as much time as possible to practice our new ThetaHealing skills. The results I experienced from completing all three classes were amazing. I found that my income doubled after taking the Basic and Advanced ThetaHealLQJFODVVHV7KHQÀYHZHHNVDIWHUFRPSOHWLQJWKH Manifesting and Abundance class my income had doubled again. My income continued to increase dramatically. In November of 2012, I took the Game of Life FODVVZKLFKGHÀQHVDQGFOHDUV\RXU family, society and business blocks. The results were profound. As I champagne toasted to the New Year RI , UHDOL]HG WKDW IRU WKH ÀUVW time that I could remember, I was very happy and content with my life! Thanks to Lynda, I truly feel like I have been given a key to the universe and anything is possible.”—Kathy Abma, Multiple Business Owner, Capitola, CA Call for a Free 20 minute phone consultation to get ready for my upcoming Basic DNA ThetaHealing CerWLÀFDWLRQ&ODVV For registration and detailed class information visit: %DVLF'1$7KHWD+HDOLQJ&HUWLÀFDtion Class March 21-23, Friday – Sunday: Open to All, and the prerequisite for: $GYDQFHG '1$ 7KHWD+HDOLQJ &HUWLÀFDtion Class April 25-27, Friday – Sunday: Prerequisite for all other Certification Classes! 0DQLIHVWLQJ DQG$EXQGDQFH &HUWLILFDWLRQ Class May 31-June 1, Saturday – Sunday 7KHWD+HDOLQJ *DPH 2I /LIH &HUWLÀFDWLRQ Class June 27-29, Friday – Sunday Lynda Chaikin, of Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing, is a ThetaHealing Master Instructor and Practitioner. She offers a powerful sequence of 7KHWD+HDOLQJ&HUWLÀFDWLRQ&ODVVHV in the Santa Cruz area. She has lived in the Santa Cruz area for over 29 years and has been a holistic health professional the entire time. Lynda offers ThetaHealing VHVVLRQVLQSHUVRQDWKHU$SWRV&$RIÀFHDVZHOO as by phone. Lynda’s contact information: www., www. Look for Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing on Yelp Santa Cruz. Cell: (831) 431-0677 +RPH RIÀFH (831) 426-9453. Changes Counseling • Specializing in recovery issues related to substance abuse/risky behaviors, anxiety and depression issues. • Self-Actualization Groups now forming. • Free 10-Minute Consultation. Karen Holaday MA LMFT #51268 (831) 224-7301 • (831) 462-2827 • Loïc Jassy, PhD, MFT Receive the Benefit of 30 Years of Experience. Individual, Couple & Family Counseling Anxiety & Depression xGrief & Crisis xHealing Relationships xConscious Parenting xEMDR for Trauma Recovery x Work & Life Purpose Addiction Issues xGestalt & Process Therapy xSomatic Psychotherapy x x Á® }}PP®®>>¨¨w¨w¨Á® 3OQUEL\,OS'ATOS • * * Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 22014) Page 22VThe Connection MagazineV VJanuary — February 6, 2014 Page 22 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Awareness: New Dimensions of Relationship “MAKING YOUR HEART W by Joyce and Barry Vissell ith the New Year upon us, we tend to put our attention upon changes and resolutions that will help us live a better life. Have you ever noticed that most New Year’s resolutions have to do with cleaning something or more discipline around maintaining the body? When Barry and I were in our thirties, we had a New <HDU·V JDWKHULQJ DQG DERXW ÀIW\ SHRSOH FDPH During this gathering, each person stood up and proclaimed their New Year’s resolution. Of WKRVHÀIW\SHRSOHIRUW\RUYRZHGWRÁRVV WKHLUWHHWKHDFK QLJKW SHUKDSV WKH ÀUVW SHUVRQ inspired all the others). Other popular vows were to lose weight, exercise more, and clear the clutter in the garage (we could use that one). All of these New Year’s vows are great, and my dentist would heartily agree. But have you ever heard someone say to you, “My New Year’s vow this year is to clear my heart and make it a safe place for all beings.” One of my favorite quotes is, “If you have room in your heart for one enemy, your heart is an unsafe place for a friend.” I do not know who originally spoke or wrote that statement, but I do know it contains a volume of wisdom. The act of holding a resentment, anger or even hatred towards another human being, makes the entire space of the heart unsafe for friends and family. If you can hold that space of negativity for one person, then you are also capable of holding that space for others, even someone you love very PXFK 1HJDWLYLW\ KDV WURXEOH VWD\LQJ FRQÀQHG to just one person. For this New Year, perhaps add a vow of clearing your heart of negativity towards other human beings. This one vow is perhaps the healthiest thing you could ever do for your body, mind and soul. From the time I was eighteen and heading off to college, my mother ordered a subscription to Guideposts magazine for me. She kept up this gift for the rest of her life, and now I order it myself. At least once a year, the magazine will run an article about a person who has healed an enormous hatred in their heart, and the positive result in their life. One time it was the story of a young woman who was attacked in a parking lot, beaten up and left on the concrete to die. She miraculously recovered, and the attacker was found and imprisoned. She regained her health, but her heart suffered. She had so much anger towards this man that over time, she developed a serious illness. While lying in a hospital bed one night in tremendous pain, she realized the only way she could recover was to go to the prison and speak to her attacker and forgive him. Her husband and friends thought this was a terrible idea, but she was determined and felt it was the only way she could ever have her health and peace back again. 6KHVHWXSDYLVLWZLWKWKHSULVRQRIÀFLDOVWR see this man. When he walked in to see her, she saw a very little man who had been so humbled by his time in prison. He cried when he saw her, and begged her to forgive him, saying he KDGEHHQXQGHUWKHLQÁXHQFHRIGUXJVZKHQKH did that horrible thing to her. All of her hatred melted away and she felt so much compassion for the terrible mistake he had made and the consequences that he was now forced to endure. She reached out her hand and he took it. They looked into each other’s eyes for a minute and A SAFE PLACE” IRUJLYHQHVVÁRZHGIURP heart to heart. The man thanked her for coming and allowing him to apologize. She thanked him for allowing her to see him. A s s he w a lke d out of the prison, she UHDOL]HGWKDWIRUWKHÀUVW time since the attack, she was free of the anger that had been in her heart. She felt peaceful once again. Her health also gradually returned. She and this man wrote each other from time to time and a connection was formed. She sent him books and other things that helped him in prison. If you feel anger in your heart towards someone, perhaps it’s not as extreme as this previous example. And yet anger, hatred and resentment in any form are still a poison to the body and soul, and make the heart an unsafe place for others. How does a person clear their heart? What do we do with the anger, resentment and even hatred that we might feel towards another person? I use two practices to “clear my heart.” Since I know this is so important, I do this every day. I look inside my heart to feel if there is any person with whom I am holding resentment or look upon with negativity. Often there is not, but sometimes there is, and I then make myself feel grateful for something about that person. Now I must admit that sometimes I don’t want to do this. But I make myself, just like every night no PDWWHUKRZWLUHG,DP,JHWRXWWKHGHQWDOÁRVV Feeling something I can be grateful for about this person usually allows me to let go of the negativity. However, if the feelings are really intense for me and the gratitude does not work, then I ask that the person be blessed and have a good life. Sometimes I have to do this with the same person every single day over a period of time, but eventually I am left with compassion and a feeling of having a safe and loving heart. I do this practice because I cherish my family and friends and I want my heart to be a safe place for them. I want my heart to be a safe and loving place for all beings. I do this practice because it is one of the most important things I can do in this life. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Feb 2-9, 2014—Hawaii “Couples in Paradise” Retreat; Jul 20-25, 2014—Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer Retreat for individuals, couples, and families; and Oct 14-20, 2014— Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629, locally (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart. MASSAGE • ACUPRESSURE • SHIATSU ALL SERVICES LISTED HERE STRICTLY NON-SEXUAL Women’s Only Health Massage Individualized Client Focused Treatments • Swedish • Shiatsu • Deep Tissue • Table Tai • Hot Stone • Prenatal ial! Spec r or h $30/ 0 min! 9 13 $40ir/es 10/31/20 Exp 20 years experience. Very quiet and clean healing space in Live Oak Call or text Amber at (831) 465-6627 Let Go… The time for taking care of YOU is right now. Body, mind, and spirit come into balance with attuning healing support. Experience a range of powerful healing modalities. Singly, or blended, transform an hour into an oasis of deep relaxation. Polarity Energy Balancing, Cranial Sacral, Breema, Bodywalking, and Therapeutic Massage, offered by appointment. Shari Rose, CMT ( 831) 427-5566 COUNSELING • PSYCHOLOGY • THERAPY “Happiness lives in a free heart” Thich Nhat Hanh Counseling for Individuals & Couples Groups: • The SandPlay Experience • Online Dream Groups • Mindful Living Special Intro Rates Hollye Hurst, PhD, MFT since 1990 (831) 824-7900 • • Self Esteem • Stress Management Inner Child Healing Holistic Psychotherapy •Spiritual Issues • For Individuals & Couples • EMDR (Trauma Resolution) Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) • Healthy Relationships MA-Transpersonal Counseling • Soul Exploration Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 21 years • Recovery Sensitive Who Are You Really? Note New # - (831) 425-3405 • Soquel Scent Free Environment ReclaimingSoul: Discover Meaning in Crisis • Jungian Depth Psychotherapy • Dream Work • BodySoul Synthesis • Crisis • Trauma • Life Transitions • Self-Esteem • Relationships • Depression • Grief • Anxiety Individuals/Couples/Groups/Classes Licenced Marriage Family Therapist #MFC34393 Page 2323 VThe Connection MagazineV V▲January Page ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ January—– February February 6, 6, 2014 2014 Dr. Sylvia Skefich, Chiropractor I have been to see many chiropractors & body workers in my life, not to mention physical therapists to help heal me from the many injuries I have incurred. Dr. Sylvia Skefich, is the only one I have encountered that knew exactly what to do to alleviate my long term pain and has followed through. She’s extremely thorough, brilliant mixed with the benefit of the constant updated scientific research she brings. Claudia Martin, Ben Lomond Lesley Tierra, Acupuncturist & Herbologist A 30+ years licensed acupuncturist, herbalist & author has saved the quality of my life. When I went to her I was having many debilitating symptoms, some of them being from the side effects of several prescription medications that I had been taking for many Spiritual & Ritual Supplies Books • Herbs • Tools Brews • Services Classes & More We’ve Moved! New Address: 701 Front Street Santa Cruz Sun - Mon 11-6 • Tue - Sat 11-7 (831) 423-1949 • MOVEMENT, POSTURAL & STRUCTURAL BODYWORK and EDUCATION Send us your Rave Reviews about your favorite Person or Business that is currently advertising in Connection Magazine. Rave Reviews are limited in size to 75 words. Send to around money. Doors opened years. Those prescriptions were beyond my wildest imagination, merely masking my symptoms and immediately I could feel and allowed them to become that Game of Life catapulted worse and causing other health me to a level of abundance difficulties. I have been able to and confidence I had not yet eliminate and come back from the experienced. I’m a mortgage disastrous side effects to alleviate consultant and my income has most of my pain, chronic lung more than doubled this year. This infections, digestive issues, and is the antithesis of the news in the the difficulty I had sleeping (not to mortgage industry! Game of Life mention the anxiety all this was has allowed me to think, be and causing.) live in the abundance I desire Roger M., Ben Lomond both personally and professionally. I CAN DO IT, IGNITE! Before taking Game of Life, during Thank you for featuring the ‘I the slow times I would nose dive Can Do It, Ignite’ theme in your May into scarcity, panicking about Issue of Connection Magazine. A where my next loan would come well-done presentation, so much from. Now, I ask for what I desire so that I attended the event with with confidence and I receive my two sisters. with gratitude. We can benefit Barry, JoAnne & Deb, Santa Cruz so much from ALL of Lynda’s ThetaHealing classes. Lynda ThetaHealing Classes is a loving, gracious and richly with Lynda Chaikin skillful ThetaHealing teacher and I took Lynda Chaikin’s Game practitioner. of Life ThetaHealing class in Char Johanson, Mortgage October 2012. I was able to clear Consultant Ben Lomond my unconscious blocks that I had The Billboard — Continued from Page 3 Free Online Calendar listings WWW.TheConneCT.Com List your Events, Classes, Expos, Fairs, Benefits, Lectures, Etc. All for Free in our newly improved Free Online Calendar Listings. KsCO/aM1080 M-F 7/8pm-10pm Listen online @ Classes liVing FrOM tHe Heart w/ BarrY & JOYCe Vissell shared Heart Foundation Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 46 years and longtime Santa TRE™ Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises with Maria Alfaro A revolutionary new somatic modality in trauma healing and stress reduction. Private and public classes in Santa Cruz, Silicon Valley and the Bay Area • • (831) 462-1846 YOGA Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world t-ZOne FOr sale one heart at a time. Even a few counseling sessions with either or t-ZOne ViBratiOnal both of them can change your life teCHnOlOgY MaCHine as an individual or couple. Technology developed by the Russian Space Program & adapted by NASA. Get the benefit of an Hour Workout in just ‘10 Minutes’! It is so easy, so beneficial, helps you feel great: relaxed and energetic, etc. Helps with circulation, muscles, weight, balance, rehabilitation, etc., etc. Brand new. Real price = $2,400 for $1,200 OBO. Call (831) 431-6638. FeBruarY 2-9, 2014 Hawaii “COuples in paradise” A week-long retreat just for couples that will transform your relationship. If you’re ready and willing for a quantum leap in your relationship, this is the retreat to come to. The romantic quality of Hawaii and the luxury of having a full week together will make this aleX JOnes - YOur sOurCe retreat truly life changing for each couple that attends. We will focus FOr news aBOut . . . . . . Big Brother, the Police State, on healing, renewal, communica9/11 Truth, Economic Crisis, tion, forgiving, deepening the New World Order!! Beyond the sexual relationship and rising, not falling, in love with our partner. We Left/Right Paradigm. KOMY/aM1340 M-F 9am-noon will have couple meditations and yoga, inspiring music, laughter and thrilling sight-seeing – in short, an extraordinary heart-opening experience for you and your partner in the presence of dolphins, whales, giant sea turtles, a beautiful black sand beach and the nearby volcano, steam vents, and thermal warm ponds. Kalani Honua on the Hilo side of the Big Island. Music by Charley Thweatt. Tuition: $1950/couple. Lodging and meals: $1050-1820, depending on lodging option, includes 21 gourmet meals. help WanTed Business Manager FOr arts-in-eduCatiOn prOgraM classes. Aikido of Santa Cruznonprofit organization- 306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM. massage taKe Care OF YOu with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566. For renT or sale Creating intentiOnal, Help us make a difference in the spiritual sustainaBle eCOlOgiCal lives of children! Manage the COMMunitY business end of our visionary Arts-in-Education Program. Our mission: ENTERTAIN! EDUCATE! INSPIRE! Contact: In Bonny Doon: sun, ocean views, garden, orchard, hot tub, nature/trees. 2 bedrooms in main house & 1 small cabin available now. Email olivia@ or call (831) 469-9223. tHe inner pure MetHOd VanCOuVer, BC – rated #1 Best CitY . . . mind Body spiriT Emotional Baggage Release Increasing Consciousness and Awareness marTial arTs aiKidO: tHe art OF peaCe Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/Teen 4 week Intro Class: Jan. 7th, T,Th 5:45 – 6:45pm, and Sat. 9:15-10:15am. Youth . . . to live in, in the world!! Beauty, clean air, best bus system, great food, events, English Bay, Grouse Mt. & more. This is a “Buyer’s Market”. Buy a Condo, Home, Apt, etc. Perfect for vacations, living, etc. Call downtown Vancouver Specialist, Marie Claude-Leonard @(604) 612-8400. (Mention code word: Lorne) Lively Letters BOYCOTT and END Cruz ID at UC Santa Cruz. Body & Soul Yoga Studio & Salon for the Healing Arts Classes to renew you… • Iyengar Yoga • Nia • Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts 738 Chestnut St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060 831-459-8613 • UCSC’s internet computers have recently been highjacked, taken-over and destroyed by the new “Cruz ID” cybersurveillance log-in/password system. Rather than just easily clicking anonymously right onto the Internet at our libraries (as it has been for years), UCSC’s IT (Internet Technology) Dept has recently instituted a new burdensome and time-consuming “log-in/password” system that is specifically DESIGNED to illegally track, monitor, identify, spy, surveil and record all users internet activity, history and printing sources. I call on ALL UCSC students, faculty, alumni and staff to BOYCOTT and help END the new Cruz ID log-in system by filing complaints to the UCSC Administration to have the entire UCSC IT Dept FIRED for creating an illegal and unnecessary spy and surveillance system at our libraries. Let us return the Internet back to the UCSC community and users jurisdiction, as well as bring back an anonymous ‘pay as you go’ printing system that protects and upholds the PRIVACY of all users of these resources. Direct your complaints to the UCSC Administration at: and online via the Science and McHenry library contact forms: http://library.ucsc. edu/library-suggestion-box Further complaints can be directed to the UCSC IT Dept at: Let us nip this police state takeover of our library internet access in the bud before they begin to install biometric spy and surveillance cameras on every building throughout campus (as Cabrillo College is now doing) to illegally spy, track, monitor, surveil, photograph and record our bodies, faces and identities as well- as they fully intend to do. Such a network will provide REALTIME police state internet and camera surveillance directly to the NSA (the National Security Agency), who just opened up a huge new facility in Utah to compile and store data illegally on American’s internet activity, e-mail, phone records, GPS location and biometric identity signature movements. This information will also go though the so-called state “threat fusion centers” that have been set up all across the country in every state since 9/11. Such police state activities will ultimately destroy our precious freedoms and liberties as well as crush and enslave our educational institutions here in America. Janet Napolitano, the former head of the US Dept of Homeland Security and now the so-called “President” of the University of California system, has been ordered by her peers in Washington, DC, New York and London to set up a UC surveillance grid precisely such as this during her tenure here. Will the UCSC community allow this egregious assault on our privacy and dignity to go unanswered? BOYCOTT and END Cruz ID at UC Santa Cruz. BAN ALL Spy and Surveillance Cameras on our Campus. ENOUGH of this Madness! Rogue Comet, UCSC Alumni, University of California Santa Cruz Page 24 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 Meditation Is Useless One of my favorite Taoist stories is from the philosopher Chuang about the stinktree. by Ted Mancuso It seems there was a man who came upon a “stinktree” on his property. Looking up to its tangle of leaves and branches, his first impression was, “This tree is truly ugly. The leaves look like they have blight and the thing bears no fruit at all.” He considered for a moment whether he might be able to cut the tree down and use it for building material. But as he scanned the branches he could not find a length of limb that wasn’t gnarled, and impossibly distorted. He reached up and plucked down a leaf, tasted it and instantly spat it out. This thing was only good for shade but not even nice enough to sit under. “Useless! Absolutely Useless!” he thought as he turned his back on the tree and walked away. After he’d walked a bit he turned for one more look and noticed that this tree, sitting alone on the hillock, was by far the largest tree on his property. It had been there long before he was born and would probably be there when his grand children were playing. Suddenly it struck him. The life of the tree was insured by its uselessness. No ax would ever chop it. No carpenter would ever build with it. No one could gain anything by it so it was allowed to live and thrive and be itself without interference. Uselessness, he realized, could be very useful. The same story with the same conclusion could be told of medita- you’ll be quoting is yourself. Meditation just is. As the tree of tion: useless in almost every way. Economically it has no use because it’s the story was useless, meditation only it allows free. You can teach someone accomplishes one purpose, E x p a n d F A FRIEND basically or colleague you to communicate with the for a while but it isn’t exactly conduAwareness: Keep“usethe told you that you could that’s notina mother, to signing picture mind as through a singlecive practice - anyone on a Lifetime less you”, the onebig a professor, a maintenance worker, Membership. you deal with the spe-a develop a more focused mind, a cific situation right in more peaceful spirit and a And moreyou get no aerobics ad- son, or a party member. It lets you front “rest of in yourself” and you. flexible and resilientvantage body, would from it. Meditation doesn’t reacquaint yourself with the person you be intrigued? make Further, that you more beautiful or desirable. reAikido all of the Santa you could do this without It’s notgoing interesting to watch and it’s you were before you learned Cruz, aand local educaschemes. on a long pilgrimage even to make competitive so actions, rules, manners, darnordifficult tional nonprofit since leaving town? there’s little chance of a sponsorship Meditation is based on a simple idea: offers classes Aikido relies on finesse, not that there is an 1982, “original nature” in by Coors. for your kids,personality, teens and force, to resolve conflict and you separate from Can you make more money throughout the manage challenging situations. It psychology, and adults intellect. Meditation from meditating? Yes, probably you’llPhoto by Larry Colen week. The two-month asks us to make a connection with proposes that this original nature is not be us, a little productive, happier, Beginning Class for the person challenging and tomore from earlier martial arts, within onlya valid, but tremendously valuable; and less stressed. But, really, that’s adults builds foundational skills respond in a way that redirects non-competitive practice that is Ted Mancuso and worth knowing even though it not theinto point And and youfun, and and allows students to prepare the force of the “attack” a ofat meditation. once challenging won’t make you a star. for more advanced training if safe and respectful resolution. certainly In won’t gain a tolotpeople of new accessible of all ages Overall, an to almost entirely they choose continue. The studying and training in Aikido, friends. and genders. useless practice, and it has been so next Beginning Class starts we are asked to change our Even, habit- strangely, If youmeditation choose to give Aikido is for 5000 years. Tuesday, January 3. The norual response to conflict – to a try, from here are completely useless thesome pointbasic of strateand usemal it cost of see $120how willuseful be reduced release the desire to win or to gies you will learn with your Try view of religious organization. You lessness can be. overpower opponents through training partners on the mat. They by 10% when you mention this dues or tithing and you’re As director of the Academy Martial Curious but ofunsure of force. Peace is thedon’t goal pay – safe are equally applicable “off the article. definitely not on the Bingo Squad or and Internal your commitment? You can try Arts, Santa Cruz’s oldest landings for both parties. mat.” ChurchtoClean-up outschool, the first two classes for Aiki is not a the technique Ted Mancuso teaches DoComittee. no Harm: Protect Kung both Fu Meditation doesn’t free! fight or defeat an enemy. It is the yourself andeven Tai Chi, Qigong and Bagua yourallow adversaryKung as Fu, to impress people withthe your intel- Zhang. For more info on his studio: way to reconcile theyou world and you resolve issue. Aikido of Santa Cruz is make human beingslectual one family. attainmentsGo since the the onlyFlow: one Align with --Aikido founder, Morihei yourself with the direction of the located at 306 Mission Street, Ueshiba Osensei movement so you can harness the very near downtown, at the intersection of Mission and Chestnut Founded in the 20th century power and redirect it safely. in Japan, Aikido is a martial art, Make the Connection: Streets. Visitors welcome! Call yet it is widely known as “The Locate the source of peace inside (831) 423-8326, email info@aikiArt of Peace.” Aikido training yourself and make a real connec-, or visit www. makes use of effective techniques tion with the other person. Aikido – A Martial Art Of Peace I The Martial Arts Directory MINORSAN Self Defense & Fitness Serving the community’s martial arts, self-defense & fitness needs since 1985. Build your confidence & empower yourself with programs that work. Dio P. Santiago & Clara E. Minor @ 831.458.0900, 1320 Mission Street, Suite 1, SC 95060 The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts: Santa Cruz’s First and Oldest Kung Fu School • Adults only, 18 and older After 40 years, we can say: “Not all schools are the same.” Traditional Instruction, Authentic Methods, Certified Instructors Bagua - Tai Chi - Qigong - Shaolin Kung Fu - First Response Self-Defense (831) 475-1429 • 1570 Soquel Dr., S C • Santa Cruz Bujinkan Dojo Instructor: Mark Roemke Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Yoga. All ages Two weeks free instruction tryout. Private instruction available. (831) 465-8236 or for training times & info. For Black Belt Instruction Course: Aikido of Santa Cruz Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto Ages: 6-Adult Aikido The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art. Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginners’ Classes bi-monthly (831) 423-8326 • • 306 Mission St., Santa Cruz 95060 Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts Instructors (by order of seniority): Rod Sanford, Lou Jemison, Dan Wakefield, Sean Sanford, Jennifer Farley, Diego Simkin. Shorinji-Ryu Karate-Do, Okinawan Weaponry, T’ai Chi Chuan & Aikijujutsu (831) 475-9676 • 4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel CA 95073 Green Forest Temple Page 27 Instructor: Scott Ripke Ages 12 and older Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, � The Connection Magazine �Weapons www.ConnectionMagazin (831) 688-6934 • 5901 Freedom Blvd., Aptos Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or $250 yearly.. Page 25▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 W e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts & Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom Tue. • Feb. 4 • 7:30pm • $12adv/$15dr Jeffrey Foucault Sublime Songs THUMBNAIL MOVIE REVIEwS D-LO plus Shady Nate also Taj He Spitz Fresh $16 Adv./ $20 Drs. • 8/ 8:30 p.m. Saturday, January 11 • Ages 16+ Tribal Seeds Through The Roots Wed. • Jan.22 • 7:30pm • $15adv/$17dr Jim Malcolm Ultimate Scottish Troubadour plus $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • 7:30 p.m./ 8:30 p.m. Saturday, January 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ Sat. • Jan.25 • 8pm • $15 • Dance Tempest + BROTHER Celtic Rockers $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m. Wed. • Jan.29 • 7:30pm • $18adv/$20dr Band of Heathens Duo: Ed Jurdi & Gordy Quist Kaleidoscopic American Sound SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE Wednesday, Jan. 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ WHITE FENCE $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. open 8:30/ Show 9 p.m. Thursday, January 16 • Ages 16+ YELLOWCARD OCEAN AVE. Acoustic plus What’s Eating Gilbert $20 Adv./ $22 Drs./ $75 VIP • 7 p.m./ 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ AUSTIN JENCKES (Finalist on The Voice) plus Cody Beebe & The Crooks $10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Friday, January 17 • Ages 21+ TAINTED LOVE $14 Adv./ $19 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Friday, January 17 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ SINCERE Pumba $10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Drs. open 8:30/ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 Ages 16+ plus Boy also DJ HOPSIN Fri. • Jan.31 • 8:30pm • $10 • Dance Naked Bootleggers/ McCoy Tyler Band/ The Heartache Sisters Folk/Bluegrass/Country/Roots Wed. • Feb. 5 • 7:30pm • $20adv/$23dr MAMO: Nathan Aweau & Jeff Peterson Grammy-Winning Hawaiian Music plus Dizzy Wright also DJ Hoppa & guests from Funk Volume $14/ $19 • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ THE MURDER JUNKIES plus The Highway Murderers $8/ $10 • 8:30/ 9 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ WEEDEATER plus Black Cobra $10 Adv./ $13 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m. Celebrating Creativity Since 1975 Tuesday, Jan. 21 • In the Atrium • Ages 18+ KICKS N LICKS plus Tasty Treat $10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ YUKMOUTH plus Rydah J. Klyde also Paige Raymond $17/ $20 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. Friday, January 24 • Ages 18+ INFECTEDButchMUSHROOM Clancy plus $20 Sp. Adv./ $25 Adv./ $30 Drs. • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Friday, January 24 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ FOREVERLAND $12 Adv./ $17 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Jan 25 Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) Jan 25 Eliquate Atrium (Ages 16+) Jan 26 The Good Luck Thrift Store Outfit Atrium (Ages 21+) Jan 27 Emery Atrium (Ages 16+) Jan 29 Sol Atrium (Ages 16+) Jan 30 Islands Atrium (Ages 16+) Jan 31 Berner/ Reign Eterno (Ages 16+) Jan 31 Local Hip Hop Atrium (Ages 21+) Feb 1 Y & T (Ages 21+) Feb 1 Los Cadetes De Linares Atrium (Ages 21+) Feb 2 Ballyhoo!/ Passafire Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 5 The Toasters Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 7 Gardens & Villa Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 11 Barrier/ Adaliah Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 15 James Durbin Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 18 Yuna Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 20 Marissa Nadler Atrium (Ages 21+) Feb 21 The California Honeydrops The Brothers Comatose (Ages 16+) Feb 22 Z-Trip/ Goldenchyld (Ages 18+) Feb 25 Dom Kennedy (Ages 16+) Feb 28 Dr. Dog/ Saint Rich (Ages 16+) Mar 4 G-Eazy (Ages 16+) Mar 5 AER/ RDGLDGRN Atrium (Ages 16+) Mar 7 Downlink/ Dieselboy (Ages 18+) Mar 7 Baeza Atrium (Ages 16+) Mar 8 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Mar 10 Michael McDonald (Ages 21+) Mar 11 Shpongle (Ages 18+) Mar 21 Iration (Ages 16+) Mar 22 Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) Apr 12 Tiger Army (Ages 16+) Apr 15 Dark Star Orchestra (Ages 21+) Apr 25 Zoso Ultimate Led Zep Experience (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online T Sat. • Feb. 1 • 8pm • $15adv/$17dr John Craigie + Marty O’Reilly & The Old Soul Orchestra Story Songs & Vintage Blues 1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336 Friday, January 10 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ and DJ HAPPy NEw yEAR by Janet Leonard he first of the year is always refreshing. You are able to shed and renew. At least I’m feeling this way and hoping you can too. It’s liberating! The Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz is presenting “The Water Concert”, an event celebrating our local water resources. With four bands, regional guests Louder Space and Blue Eyed Lucy and Otto’s Monkey and Eliquate from Santa Cruz. Professional surfer, Kyle Thiermann of Surfing For Change will be the emcee. The concert is intended to raise awareness about how we use fresh water and its connection to the health of “our” ocean and beaches. The concert is Sat. Jan. 25th in The Catalyst Club Atrium. Doors open 7:30pm / concert 8pm. Proceeds from a raffle will benefit the Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz Chapter’s “Know Your H2O” program, which educates about “Ocean Friendly Gardens” and how we can reduce, reuse and recycle our water. There will be fabulous raffle prizes. Support this worthy cause! Tickets are $8 advance / $12 door. Go to http:// Santa Cruz County Art of Guitar Exhibit and Festival is Sat. Feb. 1st – Sat. Mar. 15th, celebrating Thurs. January 16 • ALBERT LEE 7 pm | No Comps Mon. January 20 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps BOOKER T. JONES Thurs. January 23 • 7 pm Local & Live! RICK WALKER: CELEBRATIION OF A LIFETIME IN MUSIC Fri. January 24 • 9 pm $5 @ CLUB KUUMBWA: the door STEEP RAVINE Mon. January 27 • 7 pm HOWARD LEVY & CHRIS SIEBOLD Thurs. January 30 • 7 pm SITAR POWER Mon. February 3 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps HABIB KOITE Thurs. February 6 • 7 pm PAMELA ROSE & WAYNE DE LA CRUZ: “HAMMOND ORGAN PARTY” 6:30 pm: Pre-Concert Talk with the artists and MC Pete Fallico Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra featuring Wynton Marsalis Saturday, March 8, 7:30 PM @ Santa Cruz Civic Tickets: or Civic Box Office, 831-420-5260 Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages. 320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227 E by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at Enjoy! American Hustle With Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2 oosely based on the real life 1978 American scandal, this fictional story of crafty con man Irving Rosenfeld is a well-made comedic crime drama, if you are into that sort of thing. Amy Adams takes the loot with her bedazzling, sizzling performance as Rosenfeld’s pseudo-British partner “con artiste,” and the love story between the two is curiously spicy. Glamorous hairstyles and fashion are fun to watch, as well as the characters parading on screen. Yet, a well-done movie with a sleazebag theme is still about losers, and in the end, you wonder what the big deal is, and why L Santa Cruz’s amazing luthiers. There are more than 20 nationally and internationally recognized high-end guitar builders who live and work in Santa Cruz. The Festival begins Feb. 1 at 7pm with a gala opening at the R. Blitzer Gallery where you can view the exquisite details of these beautiful guitars closely. The Gallery is located at 2801 Mission Street (Extension) near Natural Bridges Drive and continues for six weeks, hours are Tue. – Sat., 11am to 5pm. Also enjoy a county wide concert series featuring some of the best guitar players on the planet, demonstrating these fine guitars. For complete details of the Festival, including a list of upcoming concerts, demonstrations and participating local builders go to http:// The third concert in the series of the Santa Cruz County Symphony celebrates Immortal Love. Guest Baritone, Yunpeng Wang, from NYC’s Metropolitan Opera, sings “Songs of a Wayfarer”, a vocally infused symphony of Gustav Mahler. Then enjoy “Prelude and Liebestod (love death) from Tristan and Isolde” by Richard Wagner and finally selections from “Romeo and Juliet” by Sergei Prokofiev. Shows are Sat. Jan. 25th, 8pm at Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium and Sun. Jan. 26th, 2pm at the Mello Center in Watsonville. Buy your tickets at: http://www. Some January music scene highlights: The Crepe Place: Sat. Jan. 11th, Mighty Mike Schermer, 20 year Bay Area Blues guitarist who plays with many national blues and R&R greats. Severino’s: Sat. Jan. 18th, Kaye Bohler Band, singer, songwriter and R&B band leader with a little bit of funk and jazz. Concerts in Retro: Here are my reviews of some recent shows. Remember this is only my opinion. At Seabright Brewery: The Billy Martini Show performed their last Santa Cruz 70’s show of the year with high energy and accuracy, mixing in a few originals that this crowd knows, loves and sings along with. At Vicki’s house party: Vicki just happens to live near guitarist, songwriter, and producer Jim Lewin who has been playing with bassist Bill Laymon (New Riders of the Purple Sage) for over 33 years in different bands. So they got a few seasoned, musician friends together and played outstanding music from bluegrass to blues to jazz-rock fusion. Thank you Vicki! Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 1151, Aptos CA 95001. Call (831) 325-4605 or email to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line. you should care (2 hrs 18 min). patiently working with Australian born writer P.L. Travers to make the classic movie Mary Poppins. Travers’ personality sets a new high water mark for “difficult.” Fantastically acted by the great Tom Hanks as Mr. Disney, who fought 20 long years to obtain the rights to the film, juxtaposed the spirited Emma Thompson as the prissy author. If you had any doubt about how demanding a woman she was for her amazing 97 years, wait for the recording of her actual voice at the end of the film. In addition to walking alongside Mr. Disney, the background story to Mary Poppins is beautifully woven into the fabric of this gorgeously portrayed gem (1 hr 48 min). Frozen With Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, Idina Menzel Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 ased on a much-beloved story by Hans Christian Andersen (“The Snow Queen”), visually amazing, with fantastic animation and enchanting musical performances, this heartwarming story is set in a frozen winter wonderland with much to offer for kids of all ages. Although beautifully entertaining (literally several hundred animators created this for Disney), the messages delivered are aplenty. Coming-of-age and coming-to-terms with powerful emotions, learning authentic selfexpression given our unique gifts, how to be safe but still true to one’s spirit, the enduring strength of love, and carefully evaluating who we might choose to bond with. Definitely see on a big screen (1 hr 48 min). B Saving Mr. Banks W i t h E m m a T h o m p s o n , To m Hanks, Annie Rose Buckley, Colin Farrell Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 4 hat a treat to be let into the inner circle of one of history’s most creative and inspiring people! The real life story of Walt Disney, W The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug With Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 3 hile better than the first Hobbit installment, this second prequel is still somewhat amiss of the great bravado of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, splendid visual effects, exciting adventures and an engaging story line enchant and entertain. A few too many dwarves, perhaps, but a stately dragon, beloved previous characters, as well as enticing new ones – including beautiful, spirited female elf Tauriel – provide plenty for fans of the genre (2 hrs 21 min). W Page 29 THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SYMPHONY CONCERT, “ IMMORTAl lOvE” T t Hello Folks, he Symphony performs the music of stories celebrating the most powerful of human emotions. The Metropolitan Opera's Yunpeng Wang joins the symphony to perform works by Mahler, Wagner and Prokofiev. EvENT lOCATION & DETAIlS: Civic Auditorium, 307 Church Street, Santa Cruz Henry J. Mello Center, E. Beach Street, Watsonville (831) 420-5260 DATE: January 25, 2014 - January 26, 2014 Saturday, 8pm in Santa Cruz; Sunday, 2pm in Watsonville Page 26 ▲ The ConnectionThe Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 Connection Ad, Fri 01/10 Sustainable Seafood and Natural Meats Local, Healthy, Organic Ingredients Page 27▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January – February 6, 2014 THE REFINEMENT OF DESIRE T Remember The Future %XPERIENCERAPIDDAYSTRANSMUTATIONOFEXISTINGPATTERNSBLOCKS %XPLORETHETRUTHOFYOUR"EING &REEYOURSELFOFLIMITINGTHOUGHTSANDEMBRACETHEUNLIMITED 4HISMETHODMOVESYOU )NTORECEIVING -AGNETIZINGYOURENVIRONMENT 4HEFREQUENCYSHIFTS (EREYOUFINDYOURDREAMSANDDESIRES -ANIFESTING 3ERVING3ANTA#RUZn3ANTA#LARAn-ONTEREY7ORLDWIDE2EMOTE -ARCIE!LDER\WWWMARCIEALDERCOM\INSIGHTS MARCIEALDERCOM CELL E\6XVDQ6SULQJÀHOG he afterglow of Christmas is the perfect WLPH WR UHÁHFW RQ WKH HQHUJ\ RI GHVLUH As we dig ourselves out from under mountains of ribbon and wrapping paper, we can VXUYH\RXUKROLGD\´WDNHµDQGJHWDVHQVHRIWKH DFWXDOVDWLVIDFWLRQLWEULQJV+RZPXFKGRZH UHDOO\HQMR\RXUVWXII" *UDKDP+LOOLQKLV7HG7DONGHVFULEHVKRZ Americans have an average of three times the DPRXQWRIVSDFHZHKDG\HDUVDJREXWZH·YH EHFRPHVXFKJRRGVKRSSHUVZH·YHFUHDWHGD ELOOLRQGROODUVWRUDJHORFNHULQGXVWU\,W·VUHDOO\ FUD]\LVQ·WLW":HSD\PRQH\VRRXUVWXIIZRQ·W EHLQRXUZD\ ,W PLJKW VHHP WKDW RXU SUREOHPV DUH WKH UHVXOWRIWRRPXFKGHVLUH,WVHHPVSUHWW\HYLGHQW that our level of consumption is the source of so PDQ\RIRXUHQYLURQPHQWDODQGVRFLDOFKDOOHQJHV 0D\EHWKHDQVZHULVWRVTXHOFKRXUGHVLUHDQG ZDQWOHVV7KHQDJDLQPD\EHLW·VWLPHWRZDQW PRUH,QVWHDGRIGLVSDUDJLQJGHVLUH,WKLQNZH QHHGWRHOHYDWHGHVLUH 'HVLUH LVQ·W WKH SUREOHP 'HVLUH LV RXU QDWXUH,WLVWKHVSDUNEHKLQGRXUHYROXWLRQDQG H[SDQVLRQ,WLVDVQDWXUDODVWKHVHHGOLQJJURZLQJ WRZDUGWKHOLJKW'HVLUHLVWKHEHJLQQLQJSODFHRI FRQQHFWLRQFUHDWLYLW\DQGLQYHQWLRQ'HVLUHLVDQ HQHUJ\RIVSLULWWKDWEULQJVXVWROLIH %XWZHKDYHEHHQERXJKWRII7KLVHQHUJ\ KDVEHHQFRRSWHGE\DFXOWXUHRIFRQVXPHULVP DQGKDUQHVVHGWRVHOOXVWKLQJV7KLVH[SDQVLYH VSLULWXDOHQHUJ\KDVEHHQVTXHH]HGDQGUHGXFHG WRDWULFNOHRIWUXWK+XQGUHGVRIWLPHVDGD\ZH are bombarded with images of what we should RZQDQGKRZZHVKRXOGORRN:HDUHWROGWKDW WKLV ZLOO ÀQDOO\ PDNH XVKDSS\7KHVSLULWXDOLPSXOVHRIGHVLUHKDVEHHQ PDQLSXODWHGDQGGXPEHGGRZQ 0RVW RI XV VHH WKURXJK WKH DGYHUWLVLQJ :H UHDOL]H WKDW WUDQVIRUPLQJ RXU OLYHV WDNHV more than a certain fragrance, hair product or MXLFHU+RZVWXSLGGRWKH\WKLQNZHDUH"%XW EHLQJMDGHGLVHDV\)LQGLQJWKHGHHSHUGHVLUHV LVKDUGHU:HFDQQDPHWKHVKDOORZVXEVWLWXWHV IRUZKDWWKH\DUHEXWFDQZHKDYHWKHFRXUDJH WRZDQWWKHWKLQJVWKDWUHDOO\PDWWHU"&DQZH ORRN GHHSO\ LQWR RXUVHOYHV DQG GDUH WR GHVLUH the experiences that have real meaning, deep VDWLVIDFWLRQDQGHQGXULQJYDOXH" 0DQ\ SHRSOH FULWLFL]HG WKH PRYLH 7KH 6HFUHW because it depicted the Law of Attraction DVDZD\RIJHWWLQJVWXII7KDWGRHVQ·WUHDOO\SOD\ well at a time we are told to reduce, re-use and UHF\FOH DQG LW GRHVQ·W SOD\ ZHOO DV D VSLULWXDO SKLORVRSK\ ,Q6FLHQFH2I0LQGWKH/DZRI$WWUDFWLRQLV KHOGLQDVSLULWXDOFRQWH[W,WLVWKHPHFKDQLFVRI FUHDWLYLW\LQDVSLULWXDOXQLYHUVH,WLVWKHZD\WKDW consciousness evolves into higher expression, individualized as each one of us, coming from RXUGHHSHVWGHVLUHV ,QWKHQHZ\HDUPD\ZHDVNPRUHRIOLIH WKDQDVWRUDJHORFNHUIXOORIMXQN0D\ZHFODLP RXUGHVLUHVDQGIHHOWKHTXLFNHQLQJHQHUJ\SXOOLQJ XVWRZDUGZKDWUHDOO\PDWWHUV 6XVDQ6SULQJÀHOGLVDSUDFWLWLRQHUDWWKH &HQWHU IRU 6SLULWXDO /LYLQJ 6DQWD &UX] 7KH &HQWHULVORFDWHGDW)HOW6WUHHWDQGFDQEH UHDFKHGDW(831) 462-93837KHUHLVD6XQGD\ FHOHEUDWLRQ VHUYLFH DW ZLWK DQ HDUOLHU PHGLWDWLRQWKDWEHJLQVDW. SUSAN KEATING CERTIFIED CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPIST (A.C.H.E. #193205) • PERFORMANCE • RELATIONSHIPS • HABITS • GOALS • HEALTH • TRAUMA • INNER CHILD WORK • PHOBIAS SPECIALIZING IN PAIN RELIEF & STRESS REDUCTION BOX 3773 • SANTA CRUZ, CA 95063 WWW.KEATINGHYPNOTHERAPY.COM (831) 462-0213 ART & TAROT SERVICES & PRODUCTS BY MELANIE GENDRON CREATOR OF THE GENDRON TAROT (831) 335-9064 WWW.MELANIEGENDRON.COM INTUITIVE TAROT READINGS BY APPOINTMENT BLACK CAT DAY, ©2000 Melanie Gendron Page VThe February6,6,2014 2014 Page28 28▲ The Connection Connection Magazine Magazine V ▲ V ▲ January — – February Balanced Health and Fitness & Life Spirit Healing Get in Shape N OW T IME TO B EGIN THIS J OURNEY Y OUR O WN T RUE W ELL -B EING Mentally, Physically and Emotionally IS THE OF by Adora Deva good! We can make a list of what we’re grateful for, our accomplishments and what we love in ourselves to begin strengthening that muscle. By practicing we begin to see the natural beauty that ecently I’ve come across a we truly are. We make that choice, few great ideas and quotes that we deserve to be loving and that reaffirm the path I find happy, realizing that is our true myself discovering. How do we nature and comes from within our live, accept and love ourselves and own being. We can tell ourselves, others on this journey Home? Here I am loved, just because! are a few of my favorites: “Whatever you’re think“Be yourself; everyone ing about is literally like planelse is already taken.” —Oscar ning a future event. When Wilde you’re worrying, you are planNow that’s really funny, ning. When you’re appreciatand so true. So often we seem ing you are planning...What to not be completely happy with are you planning?”—Abraham who we are, or have been. We This is the time to plant can fall into comparing ourlove, honor our body temple, selves with others, and are often and appreciate ourselves and harder on ourselves than with others! May 2014 be the time to anybody else. begin this journey of your own Did you know that a study true well-being. It starts with recently found that many people setting your intention and taking see themselves as being less atthe first step toward your goal. tractive or worthy than others? During a healing session What if we could be happy with you can begin to Experience our successes and forgiving of Overall Well-Being while you VII The Star, © 1997 Melanie Gendron our failures? Haven’t those failheal and transform yourself, ures taught us a great deal — about forgiveness, clarify your life vision and set reasonable stratacceptance of ourselves and others, and how we egies to achieve the wellness you need to live can do better? a life of empowered purpose. As you open to What if we saw ourselves as we really love, become inspired and connect to your joy are? Try this: just close your eyes and imagine and passion for life, you are able to recognize a small, smiling child playing with all that in- your own divinity and all is possible.. nocent joyous wonder in who they are. It’s easy I have created several wellness packages for me to imagine because my grandson Gray- with Genea Sparks at Balance Health and Fitson is almost two and he is such a wonder and ness for a day of beauty, a week of nurturing so delightful. Each one of us has that natural and a 30 day detox transformation special. spark of the Divine within us, like a wondrous, Adora Deva’s heart-centered practice accepting child. How would it feel to allow our- combines Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT, Theraselves to really see that forgiving and accepting peutic Massage, Polarity Therapy, ‘Raindrop person inside as who we really are? Wow! Technique’, Hawaiian Temple Bodywork, Usui “To be beautiful means to be yourself. Reiki Healing, Advanced Light Therapy and You don’t need to be accepted by others. You Oxygen Therapy. need to accept yourself.” —Thich Nhat Hanh Adora Deva, CCHT, CMT, RM, also speWe can connect with that self-accepting cializes in Stress Relief, Sleep Therapy, Weight part within us by “choosing” to be loving, kind Management and Longevity, adoradeva@got. and nurturing to ourselves like we are with oth- net, (831)566-9678, www.LifeSpiritHealing. ers. We can start by “catching” ourselves being com. It starts with setting your intention and taking the first step toward your goal. R ▲ THUMBNAIL MOVIE Page 26 REVIEWS The Secret Life of Walter Mitty With Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Jon Daly, Kathryn Hahn Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 4 en Stiller is perfect as Walter, a nebbish, timid, day-dreaming romantic, escaping his humdrum existence through daring imagined worlds. Fantasies aside, with the seed of possibility slumbering within him, he begins to face at least some of his demons. The call of true adventure awakens him from his reveries to catalyze his sudden metamorphosis into a counter-phobic, purpose-driven explorer. Inspired by the illusive presence of his role model, daring photographer Sean O’Connell (powerfully played by Sean Penn), the film blurs the thin line between reality and dream, and can be a confusing parallel to Walter’s own mind and imagination. Of course, our fledgling hero’s actual stunts are implausible at best, so just go with it and you’ll enjoy a fun, inspiring and entertaining ride (1 hr 54 min). B The Wolf of Wall Street With Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 Note: highly explicit sexual and drug-related content n intense, hyper-realistic and diabolical portrait of what not to do. Based on the true story of unbridled and obsessive greed, and the titillating lifestyle of former ex-billionaire Jordon Belfort, played to haunting perfection by Leo DiCaprio, who is in real life a celebrated ethicist and environmentalist. So, the “Wolf” is all the more shocking with DiCaprio’s rather convincing portrayal of a decadent, zero-ethics CEO, absolutely driven to despicable ends, entirely justified by the means. Not recommended moviegoing unless you’re puzzled about how extreme greed and various addictions can drive people to self-destructive and outrageously immoral acts, such as using and abusing massive amounts of narcotics, extorting and flaunting obscene wealth, hiring and degrading hookers, and then imperviously taunting the FBI about all of it. Sound like fun? Belfort’s inflated self-sense mixes dangerously with the human need for family and belonging (not entirely unlike Organized Crime) in director Martin Scorsese’s debaucherous, sensibility-impaired “race to the bottom.” The net effect: some kind of perverse, jaw-dropping morality play, like watching a train wreck in slow motion (3 hrs). One Week of Nurturing Health Pamper yourself Day of Beauty One month Detox program... One Each: • Personal training • Infrared Sauna • Footbath • Oxygen • PhotoFacial • EFT/Hypnotherpy Session • & Aromatherapy Massage Special $300.00 (Reg $435.00) • 1/2 hr Head, Face and foot massage • Photo Facial • Detox Foot Bath • 30 min nutrition consultation Special $90.00 (Reg $150) • Personal Trainings (4) • Infrared Saunas (2) • Photo-facials (4) • Oxygen Therapy (2) • Aromatherapy and Lymphatic • Massages (2) • Detox Foot baths (2) • EFT/Hypnotherapy sessions (2) with ongoing support through the month. Save $350 Give the gift of health, gift certificates available. Call 831.566.9678 Adora Deva, Life Spirit Healing Genea Sparks, Balanced Health & FItness Balanced Health & Fitness I 4245 Capitola Rd, Ste 104 I Santa Cruz Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. —Kahlil Gibran A Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 intuitive insights: 2014, a year of action A by M elanie G endron , C reator new year begins with hope—for a better life: peace, love, health, fulfillment. Resolutions are made and often broken by January 31st. Starting 2014 with the flu and 1010 temperature, I avoided resolutions. Rather I prayed for health and the ability to act on my desires—to finish another book, create another painting, grow loving relationships, pay bills. 2014 added together is a 7 (2+1+4=7). In Tarot, seven is a number of action represented in the major arcana by VII The Chariot. This card represents control and victory. It’s about perseverance, overcoming life’s adversities and being triumphant through exercising selfdiscipline. This year is a call to action, to taking responsibility for oneself, to be and express authentically. No matter what creative enterprise or expression—cooking, writing, creating art or life maintenance—our highest perceptions can prevail. We can intend our divinity. At times, intentions seem to attract a miraculous flow of occurrence, of t he G endron t arot fulfilling desire. Yet I have observed that New Year’s resolutions do fizzle. Sometimes I don’t receive what I thought I wanted, but trust I get what I need. When married and feeling terribly lonely, I desired someone who would love spending time with me. I desired the attention I received from my husband during our courtship. I missed our connection. Connecting is primary; I must have it. No wonder I work for the Connection Magazine! I want to connect with who I truly am and express life authentically with everyone and everything. Given free will, we can make choices that generate our life experience. Ultimately, we take responsibility for our circumstance... not necessarily the happenstance, but certainly the way we respond and react. Emotion often accompanies thought, and thinking precedes acting. Depression and happiness stand side by side in Life Class 101. We are mitigating duality and multiplicity at all times. How we deal with it is up to us. Opportunities abound in the search for enlightenment, the joy of simply Being. This life’s passage includes challenges and blessings, and often the blessing is a gift from meeting and dealing with the challenge. Ask, what is the gift as I deal with the current trial? How might I serve creation with this experience? Much rests on trust and choosing to see that all is well, that life does flow in divine order, including physical tribulation. No matter what is happening, how we deal with it refines our soul. Blessings, Melanie Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art and tarot services and products, including the Gendron Tarot deck, book, and her latest publication This Fool’s Journey through Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana, (831) 335-9064, email, visit SwaMi BeyOndananda: MagneTizing LaughTer refrigerator Magnets From the Swami F or years, people having been coming up to me and saying, "You should have refrigerator magnets with Swami's sayings!" I've nodded in agreement, and since none of these well-meaning folks were in the fridge magnet business, it simply remained a good idea—until I got the same request from an actual manufacturer. So now, we DO indeed have several of your favorite Swami's sayings available as friendly reminders to "enlighten up." They've been wellreceived at live events, and now they are available by mail. Here are the choices (when you order, you will receive a checklist to check off the ones you want): • The best way to illuminate the darkness is to make light of it. • Each of us is totally unique—just like everyone else. • The Creator is watching the Comedy Channel and we are what's on. • Living in the now will be the wave of the future. • Why don't we go for "Heaven on Earth" just for the hell of it? • I have expanded my mind so much I can no longer fit through my door... I had to go to a shrink. • Life is a sitcom—so sit calm and enjoy it. • The sky is not falling—we are ascending. • I cannot stress enough how stressful stress can be. • Join the upwising—Thrival for all. • Don't get even—get odd. • The best way to face the unknown is by not knowing. • The best way to overcome gravity is with levity. • Life is like photography. You use the negative to develop. If you've been looking for a way to remind yourself to take things a bit less seriously, there's nothing like refrigerator magnets to make sure the message "sticks." To contact the Swami: email: info@wakeuplaughing. com; web: www. Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 O Colorado Calling: The Great Marijuana Experiment Has Begun by DAN RITTER n January 1, Colorado became a social and legal laboratory for marijuana. Just 15 months after voters took to the polls to voice their opinions, the state legalized the cultivation, testing, and sale of marijuana and marijuana products. The experiment is a landmark for the anti-prohibition movement and a step toward ending America’s war on drugs. Colorado state voters approved Amendment 64 on November 16, 2012, declaring “that the use of marijuana should be legal for persons twenty-one years of age or older and taxed in a manner similar to alcohol.” The amendment was proclaimed into the Colorado Constitution on December 10, 2012, and that same day, the state directed a special task force ”to identify the legal, policy, and procedural issues that must be resolved, and to offer suggestions and proposals for legislative, regulatory, and executive actions that need to be taken, for the effective and efficient implementation” of the amendment. By March 2013, the task force had released its report and policy recommendations, and after two months of consideration and revision by a select joint committee, Gov. John Hickenlooper signed the bills into law. The bills authorized the state Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division to regulate the retail sale of the drug. stocks/colorado-calling-the-greatmarijuana-experiment-has-begun. html/?a=viewall Printed with Permission Uruguay On the Verge of Becoming First Country In World to Legalize Marijuana—It’s About Time. I t’s about time that we see a country bravely break with the failed prohibitionist model and try an innovative, more compassionate, and smarter approach. Next Tuesday, the Uruguayan Senate will vote on a bill that would make their country the first in the world to legally regulate the production, distribution and sale of marijuana for adults. The marijuana legalization proposal was put forward by President José Mujica in June 2012 as part of a comprehensive package aimed at fighting crime and public insecurity. After a year and a half of studying the issue, engaging in political debate, redrafting the bill, and the emergence of a public campaign in favor of the proposal, Uruguay’s parliament is set to approve the measure this year. The bill was approved in the House of Representatives in July with 50 out of 96 votes and once approved in Senate, Uruguay will have 120 days to write the regulations before implementing the law. The Uruguayan bill allows four forms of access to marijuana: medical marijuana through the Ministry of Public Health, domestic cultivation of 6 plants, membership clubs similar to those found in Spain, and licensed sale in pharmacies. It also prohibits sales to minors, driving under the influence, and all forms of advertising. The Uruguayan proposal has also gained attention abroad over the past year, as momentum has built throughout the U.S., Latin America and elsewhere for broad drug policy reforms. In November 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first political jurisdictions anywhere in the world to approve the legal regulation of marijuana. In August, the White House announced that the federal government will not interfere with state marijuana laws — as long as a number of stipulations are adhered to, such as preventing distribution to minors. In the year since Mujica’s announced his proposal, support for the initiative has risen among diverse sectors of Uruguayan society. A national TV ad campaign, featuring a mother, a doctor, and a lawyer explaining the measure’s benefits on public safety and health — has reached hundreds of thousands of Uruguayans. Regulación Responsable (“Responsible Regulation”), the coalition of prominent Uru- had come to “break the taboo” on exploring alternatives to the failed war on drugs—and to “encourage experimentation by governments with models of legal regulation of drugs,” especially marijuana. More recently, current presidents Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia and Otto Perez Molina in Guatemala have joined these calls for reform. In May, the OrganizaMatilde Campodonico / AP: People attend a demonstration in tion of American States produced support of the legalization of marijuana outside the Congress a report, commissioned by heads in Montevideo, Uruguay, on Tuesday. of state of the region, that included guayan organizations and individuals marijuana legalization as a likely that support the initiative, has held policy alternative. The OAS report events around the country, sparking predicted a likely hemispheric move debate at all levels. LGBT, women’s towards marijuana legalization in the rights, health, student, environmental coming years. and human rights organizations have Mujica and this growing chorus all united to support Regulación of current and former Latin AmeriResponsable, alongside trade unions, can political leaders are contending doctors, musicians, lawyers, athletes, that legal regulation will separate writers, actors and academics. It’s a marijuana users from the offer of more truly diverse movement comprised dangerous drugs on the black market, of people who aren’t necessarily pro- allow access to medical marijuana for marijuana but believe that marijuana patients in need, and enable Uruguay reform will benefit all of Uruguayan to reinvest the millions of dollars now society. flowing into the pockets of drug trafIn recent years, debate and po- fickers into education, treatment and litical will for drug policy reform has prevention of problematic drug use. gained unprecedented momentum in By approving this measure, Uruguay Latin America. In 2011, Kofi Annan, will represent a concrete advance Paul Volcker and Richard Branson in line with growing opposition to joined former presidents Fernando the drug war in Latin America and Henrique Cardoso (Brazil), César throughout the world. Gaviria (Colombia) and Ernesto ZeHannah Hetzer, who is based out dillo (Mexico) and other distinguished of Montevideo, Uruguay, is the Policy members of the Global Commission Manager of the Americas for the Drug on Drug Policy in saying the time Policy Alliance, Medical Marijuana Visits in SC and Monterey Deborah Malka MD 10% off NATURAL ALTERNATIVES FOR HEALTH Providing: MEDICAL MARIJUANA EVALUATIONS ALTERNATIVES TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION INTUITIVE HEALTH CONSULTATIONS ENERGY BALANCING THERAPY PAIN MANAGEMENT 140 DuBois Street, Suite A Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-426-7744 79 Soledad Drive Monterey, CA 93940 Lab Tested & Clean Green Certified Fine Flowers, Tinctures, Edibles, Concentrates Discounts Available for Qualified Patients 9077 Soquel Drive in Aptos, CA 831-688-SCMN (7266) Check out our WeedMaps Menu & Facebook for Daily Specials 21 L egaL M edicaL M arijuana S tateS and dc and the year M . M . becaMe LegaL . 1. Alaska, 1998; 2. Arizona, 2010; 3. California, 1996 4. Colorado, 2000; 5 Connecticut, 2012; 6. DC, 2010 7. Delaware, 2011; 8. Hawaii, 2000; 9. Illinois, 2013 10. Maine, 1999; 11. Massachusetts, 2012 12. Michigan, 2008, 13. Montana, 2004 14. Nevada, 2000; 15. New Hampshire, 2013 16. New Jersey, 2010; 17. New Mexico, 2007 18. Oregon, 1998; 19. Rhode Island, 2006 20. Vermont, 2004; 21. Washington, 1998 Four StateS with LegiSLation that iS FavorabLe towardS MedicaL Marijuana But Would Not Legalize Its Use 1. Maryland 2. Minnesota 3. Oklahoma 4. Texas Serving Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties Discounts for: vets • disabled • seniors • low income Ask about our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program Open 10AM - 10PM 7 days a week (last call 9PM) 831-840-4594 • Page 31 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ January — February 6, 2014 49 Doses of 14 Vaccines Before Age 6. Starting on the day of birth? Before you take a risk, find out what it is.