sohacc 2013 officers - Southern Oregon Horse And Carriage Club


sohacc 2013 officers - Southern Oregon Horse And Carriage Club
Volume 3 Issue 10 October 2013
It is the goal of SOHACC to educate and train both horse and driver to the highest
standards of safety possible, in order to ensure a pleasant, happy, and trouble-free
experience in driving.
541-545-6459 or 541-892-5076
Michael Wakefield
Chuck Michel
Marlys Janssen
Lenayah King
Bill Trento
Judi Dunn
Club Photographer: Gina Janelli
Newsletter Editor: Judi Dunn 541-533-2535
October 15, 2013
CALL TO ORDER: President Kerry Davis called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. at Sizzler. There were 27
members in attendance.
READING OF THE MINUTES: The Minutes of the July 16th, 2013 were read. A motion to approve the Minutes
as corrected was made by Corneilus Jannsen and seconded. The motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Report not available for membership approval. Treasurer’s Report will be reviewed
and approved by Board vote.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Marlys has information available concerning horse blanketing.
EVENTS: There will be a play day at the Jannsen’s October 19th and 20th. The potluck lunch will be at 1:00
p.m. on Saturday.
MEMBERSHIP: No report.
MEDIA: Long sleeve SOHACC shirts can be orders for $20.00 from Judi Dunn.
OUTREACH: No report.
Kathy Graves made a motion to approve “The Addendum to the Bylaws” concerning Three Day Consecutive
Membership as proposed by the Administration committee and as presented in the September Newsletter.
The motion was seconded by Corneilus Jannsen. Motion carried.
The club decided not to have calendars printed this year as Gina did not take pictures this year.
A motion was made by Kathy Graves to delay the voting for club officers until the December meeting. The
motion was seconded. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kathy Graves to dispense with the reading of the Minutes at every meeting. A copy of
the Minutes shall be published in the newsletter for approval by the club. The motion was seconded by Doug
Adkins. Motion carried.
President Kerry will appoint a nominating committee. The committee will present their report at the November
We received a 1st place ribbon from the Tulelake Fair. Bill Morris volunteered to chair the committee for the
2014 Tulelake Fair along with Mike Whitney.
There will be a Western Dressage clinic October 26th & 27th at Klamath Equestrian Center. Contact Michael
Wakefield for information.
There will be a CAA Driver Proficiency Evaluation Preparation Clinic November 10, 2013 at Klamath
Equestrian Center. Contact Kathy Graves or Michael Wakefield for further information. Registration is due by
November 1, 2013.
A motion was made by Doug Adkins to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned by President Kerry at 7:22 p.m.
Our next meeting will be November 19, 2013 at Sizzlers.
Tire Size and Application
by Kathy Graves
Among the largest listings on the side of the tire will be a number that starts with "LT" or "ST," such as ST235 / 85R16F. The LT
stands for Light Truck, such as an F-150 or Chevy 3500. The ST stands for Special Trailer. Either LT tires or ST tires can be used on
horse trailers, but ST tires are specifically made for towing, and have some decided safety advantages.
Because LT tires are made for trucks, they are engineered to provide good mileage, proper traction, and a good ride. It is that last
part -- the "good ride" -- that makes them decidedly less appropriate for use on a horse trailer. A towing vehicle (truck or car) has a
sophisticated suspension with struts or shocks, torsion bars, and springs. A horse trailer has a much less sophisticated suspension.
As a result, trailer tires are forced to endure much more pounding when they go down the road.
ST tires have stronger sidewalls to handle this pounding. When a towing vehicle rounds a corner, the LT tire sidewall actually permits
the tire on the road to flex significantly. This isn't a problem, as the truck has a suspension that helps compensate for this action.
However, when an LT tire is on a horse trailer with a high center of gravity, this flexing action can contribute to trailer sway, a very
dangerous situation, and one that will make your horses think twice about loading for the next trip.
ST tires, with their much stiffer sidewalls, will stand up straight when cornering, which is much safer for drivers and their horses. The
ST tires are, therefore, safer than LT tires on a high-center-of-gravity vehicle such as a horse trailer.
Load Range
This is the maximum weight a tire is engineered to carry when properly inflated. For example, for tires that are listed as load range
"F," each tire is designed to carry 3,858 pounds when properly inflated at 90 pounds per square inch of air pressure. The four tires
will carry 15,432 pounds total, which is appropriate for the total weight of the trailer, four average horses, hay, water, tack, and
Tire Date of Birth
All tires manufactured since 2000 are required to have a "born on" date. To find that date, look for a four-digit number that will be
standing alone, such as 0612. The first two numbers are the week of the year. So a tire with "06" was made about mid-February, or
the sixth week of the year. The second two numbers are the year of manufacture. So "12" means it was made in 2012.
Inavale CDE July 2013 Our Jeanne Pickens and Emma won their classes
in Dressage, Cones, and the Marathon with the help of JoAnn Gooch and Jeanne’s mom!
A few notes from a long-time member who seems to never get over the
mountains to participate but follows your/our activities closely.
We (Copper Windmill Ranch) will be taking our mules to the Pendleton
RoundUp parade again this year (on Fri. Sep. 3th). This year we will be
taking our Butcher's Wagon.
There are two very good shows coming up besides the Draft Horse
Classic. The Hell's Canyon Mule Days is a fun, local show that has been
running for many years. It is always the weekend after Labor Day in
Enterprise, OR. We have shown there (successfully) several times. The
Idaho Draft Horse and Mule International in Sandpoint is the same weekend
as Grass Valley, but presents a wonderful show with a much broader array
of turnouts since it includes horses and mules as well as other equestrian
turnouts. Well worth your time to visit.
These next photos are of my son, Stephen, driving his Butcher Wagon with my mules Kitty & Sarah (COPPER
WINDMILL RANCH) in the RoundUp parade. He owns Oregon Natural Meats. With him are his wife Lisa and my
grandson Jake Neel and his friend Ryan Bakken. All are big Duck fans as you can tell by the pennants in the hames. The
wagon is c. 1906, maker unknown, on a Selle gear from Akron, Ohio. It is complete with cutting board tailgate, meat
hooks and all the tools of the trade.
I also got a photo of Mike and the Wells-Fargo stage.
If you are interested in what else we do and what vehicles we have or what is
presently under restoration, visit our web page at
The Janssen Playday October 19, 2013
A Note from Marlys and Cornelius Janssen
The Janssen Playday was a great day! Even had one member come back on Sunday afternoon! He brought
two young geldings that had not been worked for a while. Cornelius hitched up Blossom and was the lead
horse for the “Newbys”, all went well. Saturday was a beautiful day, temperature just right. The first trailer
arrived at about 9:45 am, had two minis and an Arabian. Then came a Fjord, Clydesdale, Standardbred, more
minis, Percheron, and a Shire. I never got to count how many horses or trailers, we had, but I know we had
24 persons for the meatballs, and a hay trailer full of other goodies people brought.
The food was good, the friendship was great, and after that A wonderful day, had by all. We thank
everyone that came. everyone went back to drive their horses again. We had 12 hazards and a 12 gate cones
course. We had put all our carriages and carts out on the lawn so eceryone could look at them.
Kids Playday at King’s Wannabe Ranch – October 26, 2013
Lots of kids and members helping, with lots of great accomplishments!
Kids Playday
King’s – Please bring a sack
Leyanah King
Lunch 6873 Teal Dr. Bonanza (there will be a scurry)
CAA Driver’ Proficieny Clinic
Monthly meeting
Sizzler Klamath Falls
Clay Station HDT
Saturday in Yreka
Sunday in Klamath Falls
Kathy Graves
Michael Wakefield
530- 842-5636
Kerry Davis
REMINDER: the November meeting will be at Sizzler’s in Klamath Falls. No host dinner at
5:30 pm, meeting at 6:30 pm. This is the nominations meeting for 2014. Come and bring
your nominees and make sure that they get on the ballot.
Please send articles for the newsletter to Judi Dunn at:
or mail to: PO Box 276
Sprague River, OR 97639
Until next time……Happy horsing around!!!!!
P.O. Box 7584
Klamath Falls, OR 97602