brochure - Doltone House
brochure - Doltone House
School Formals W I T H DOLTONE HOUSE H Y D E PA R K Sydney CBD | J O N E S B AY W H A R F Sydney City | DA R L I N G I S L A N D W H A R F Sydney City | S Y LVA N I A WAT E R S Sydney South S CH O OL F ORM AL PACKAG E - DARLI NG I S LAND WH ARF Darling Island Wharf PYRMONT Inclusions 5 hour event (7pm - 12am) • 1/2 hour mocktail bar on arrival • 3 course dinner menu of your choice • For every 100 students 5 teachers attend complimentary • Unlimited soft drinks • Complimentary upgrade: Napolean Chairs • Doltone House centrepieces per table • DJ - select the music of your choice • Dance floor • Lectern / microphone / stage • Linen napkins / white linen table cloths • Security to monitor the evening • Room hire and set up • D edicated event coordinator and step-by-step school formal kit provided •P rofessional and experienced wait staff • Dazzle at Darling Island OPPOSITE THE STAR, G. FLOOR ACCENTURE BUILDING, 48 PIRRAMA ROAD, PYRMONT A spectacular waterfront venue on the foreshore of Sydney Harbour, with views of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and magical city skyline. Darling Island Wharf is the first six-star green-star rated building in NSW. The modern and stylish ground floor event space incorporates several inviting meeting rooms and a main event space. $99pp* $110pp** (INCLUDES EVENT PHOTOGRAPHER) *Terms & Conditions 1. Mention this promotion to receive the offer 2. Applies Monday to Wednesday nights only 3. Minimum number of guests apply 4. Bookings to be made by an adult school affiliate - their attendance at the event is compulsory 5. Only applicable to new bookings 6. Regular event terms and conditions available upon enquiry 7. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 8. Pricing valid until 20 November, 2016 ** Photographer includes: 4 hours event coverage, “Glam Wall” arrival photos, roaming photo journalistic shots and all images on a USB per student. Disclaimer: Images used are for marketing purposes only. Images do not reflect formal package inclusions. Upgrades on packages are available. FORMALS@DOLTONEHOUSE.COM.AU | 02 8571 0622 S CH O OL F ORM AL PACKAG E - J ONES BAY WH ARF Jones Bay Wharf PYRMONT Inclusions 5 hour event (6:30pm - 11:30pm) • 1/2 hour mocktail bar on arrival • 3 course dinner menu of your choice • For every 100 students 5 teachers attend complimentary • Unlimited soft drinks • Complimentary upgrade: Napolean Chairs • Doltone House centrepieces per table • DJ - select the music of your choice • Dance floor • Lectern / microphone / stage • Linen napkins / white linen table cloths • Security to monitor the evening • Room hire and set up • D edicated event coordinator and step-by-step school formal kit provided •P rofessional and experienced wait staff • Spectacular views of Sydney Harbour PIERS 19-21, UPPER DECK, 26-32 PIRRAMA ROAD, PYRMONT A unique Sydney heritage meetings and events venue situated on the waterfront. The harbour front location offers guests a private and exclusive deck space that overlooks the Sydney Harbour Bridge and city skyline. Minutes from the CBD and five star accommodation. $99pp* $110pp** (INCLUDES EVENT PHOTOGRAPHER) *Terms & Conditions 1. Mention this promotion to receive the offer 2. Applies Monday to Wednesday nights only 3. Minimum number of guests apply 4. Bookings to be made by an adult school affiliate - their attendance at the event is compulsory 5. Only applicable to new bookings 6. Regular event terms and conditions available upon enquiry 7. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 8. Pricing valid until 20 November, 2016 ** Photographer includes: 4 hours event coverage, “Glam Wall” arrival photos, roaming photo journalistic shots and all images on a USB per student. Disclaimer: Images used are for marketing purposes only. Images do not reflect formal package inclusions. Upgrades on packages are available. FORMALS@DOLTONEHOUSE.COM.AU | 02 8571 0622 S CH O OL F ORM AL PACKAG E - H Y DE PARK Hyde Park SYDNEY CBD Inclusions 5 hour event (7pm - 12am) • 1/2 hour mocktail bar on arrival • 3 course dinner menu of your choice • For every 100 students 5 teachers attend complimentary • Unlimited soft drinks • Venue designer chair • Doltone House centrepieces per table • DJ - select the music of your choice • Dance floor • Lectern / microphone / stage • Linen napkins / white linen table cloths • Security to monitor the evening • Room hire and set up • D edicated event coordinator and step-by-step school formal kit provided •P rofessional and experienced wait staff • New York Inspired Glamour LEVEL 3, 181 ELIZABETH STREET, SYDNEY The newest addition to the Doltone House venue collection is located in Sydney CBD and is a contemporary and elegant space. The new meetings and events designer venue includes a sweeping staircase, 5 metre high ceilings with an abundance of natural light via floor to ceiling spectacular windows and uninterrupted views of Sydney’s Hyde Park. $115pp* $126pp** (INCLUDES EVENT PHOTOGRAPHER) *Terms & Conditions 1. Mention this promotion to receive the offer 2. Applies Monday to Wednesday nights only 3. Minimum number of 250 guests apply 4. Bookings to be made by an adult school affiliate - their attendance at the event is compulsory 5. Only applicable to new bookings 6. Regular event terms and conditions available upon enquiry 7. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 8. Pricing valid until 20 November, 2016 ** Photographer includes: 4 hours event coverage, “Glam Wall” arrival photos, roaming photo journalistic shots and all images on a USB per student. Disclaimer: Images used are for marketing purposes only. Images do not reflect formal package inclusions. Upgrades on packages are available. FORMALS@DOLTONEHOUSE.COM.AU | 02 8571 0622 S CH O OL F ORM AL PACKAG E - SY LVANI A WAT ER S Sylvania Waters SYDNEY SOUTH Inclusions 5 hour event (6pm - 11pm or 7pm - 12am)* 3 course dinner menu of your choice C omplimentary table for 10 teachers (including wine) • Unlimited soft drinks • Tiffany Chairs included (free of charge) • Doltone House centrepieces per table • DJ - select the music of your choice • Dance floor • Lectern / microphone / stage • 3 helium balloons per table – colour of your choice • Coloured serviettes to match balloons • White linen table cloths • Security to monitor the evening • Room hire and set up •P ersonalised formal kit devised by Doltone House function co-ordinators •P rofessional and experienced wait staff •F ree on site parking • • • Chic & Stylish 223 BELGRAVE ESPLANADE, SYLVANIA WATERS The newly renovated and refurbished venue is a classic venue with an elegant atmosphere. One of Sydney’s best venues offering guests with the necessary facilities and event spaces. Sylvania Waters is a spectacular location for meetings and conferences. $85pp* $96pp** (INCLUDES EVENT PHOTOGRAPHER) *Terms & Conditions 1. Mention this promotion to receive the offer 2. Applies Monday to Wednesday nights only 3. Minimum number of guests apply 4. Bookings to be made by an adult school affiliate - their attendance at the event is compulsory 5. Only applicable to new bookings 6. Regular event terms and conditions available upon enquiry 7. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 8. Pricing valid until 20 November, 2016 ** Photographer includes: 4 hours event coverage, “Glam Wall” arrival photos, roaming photo journalistic shots and all images on a USB per student. Disclaimer: Images used are for marketing purposes only. Images do not reflect formal package inclusions. Upgrades on packages are available. Time slot subject to availability SYLVANIAWATERS@DOLTONEHOUSE.COM.AU | 02 8543 6000 S CH O OL F ORM AL PACKAG E Upgrade Options Should you want to add more fun to your package at a small additional surcharge, feel free to choose any of following upgrade options: • • • • • • • • • Nutella Grazing Station Candy Station Popcorn Machine Insta Photo Booth Ice Sculpture F airy Floss Machine Slushie Machine Table Runner or Overlays Chair Cover or Sash from $8pp. V ENU E ACCOU NT M ANAG ER S Venue: Venue: HYDE PARK JONES BAY WHARF DARLING ISLAND WHARF SYLVANIA WATERS ALEXANDRA PYKE EMILY SAAD P 8571 0622 E P 8543 6000 E Winner 2015 RESTAURANT & CATERING NSW AWARD WEDDING CATERER 2014 MEETINGS AND EVENTS INDUSTRY HALL OF FAME SPECIALTY MEETING VENUE MEETINGS AND EVENTS INDUSTRY NATIONAL AWARDS SPECIALTY MEETING VENUE MEETINGS AND EVENTS INDUSTRY NATIONAL AWARDS CAUSE RELATED EVENT OF THE YEAR MEETINGS AND EVENTS INDUSTRY NSW AWARDS SPECIALTY MEETING VENUE MEETINGS AND EVENTS INDUSTRY NSW AWARDS CAUSE RELATED EVENT OF THE YEAR INSPIRE EX AWARD SPICE NEWS AWARD BEST LARGE STAND RESTAURANT & CATERING NATIONAL AWARD WEDDING CATERER 02 8571 0622 | D O LT O N E H O U S E . 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