Workshop on turtles at risk of Quebec


Workshop on turtles at risk of Quebec
With the collaboration
Wendake, March 31, 2011
Object : Invitation - Workshop on turtles at risk of Quebec : for a
concerted protection
The First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute
and the Fondation de la Faune du Québec, with the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Wildlife Quebec are pleased to invite you to a workshop on the
turtles at risk of Quebec to be held on June 22 and 23, 2011 at the Kitigan Zibi
Community Hall (Maniwaki).
This event will be an opportunity to assess the situation on the initiatives
undertaken up to now, discuss and disseminate the priorities for action to
implement in the upcoming years and to promote the implementation of
habitat conservation and restoration initiatives for the turtles at risk. More
importantly, this event will deepen relations between different stakeholders and
create new contacts.
You will find in this envelope all the necessary information on this workshop.
For more information, please contact the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador
Sustainable Development team at 418-843-9999 or by e-mail at:
Andrée-Anne Vézina
Senior Project Manage, FNQLSDI
Collaborators :
Preliminary agenda
Workshop on the turtles at risk of Quebec : for a concerted protection
Day 1- June 22, 2011
Welcome and registration
Word of welcome
Morning : Update on the status of turtles in Quebec
Review of the first phase of the recovery plan and glimpse of the phase 2
Yohann Dubois, MRNF, recovery team
Health Break
Icebreaker activity
Learning and inventories on the Wood Turtle
Kitigan Zibi First Nation
Project to protect the habitats and populations of Softshell Turtle
Corporation Baie Missisquoi
Awareness and education project on the Common Map Turtle
Éco-Nature on the Common Map Turtle
Conference Lunch
Turtles and First Nations (mythology and traditional knowledge)
Michel Durand-Nolett, Odanak First Nation
Afternoon : Action plan for the next five years
Workshop 1
Threats and existing knowledge
Workshop 2
Identifying solutions to related threats
Health break
Plenary session
 Review of the workshop discussions
 What are the next steps? Who are the players?
 How do we meet the goals and objectives?
Review of the day, closing words
Happy hour for networking
Collaborators :
Preliminary agenda
Workshop on the turtles at risk of Quebec : for a concerted protection
Day 2- June 23, 2011
Field day
(Schedule to be determined according to the number of people)
Visit of habitat characteristics of the wood turtle (Eagle Forest)
Visit of disturbed habitats
Visit of development work on the spawning sites
Telemetry : monitoring of the wood turtle (to be confirmed)
Collaborators :
General information
How to get there :
From Montreal :
Take the 15N towards St-Jérôme
Continue on the 117 towards Mont-Tremblant/Mont-Laurier
Follow the Qc-117N
Turn left on the Qc-105S
Follow the Qc-105 S until Maniwaki
In Kitigan Zibi, turn right on Fafard Street
From Quebec
Take the 40 W towards Montreal
Take the 96N exit for the 640 W towards Laval/St-Eustache
Take exit 20 for highway 15N towards Montréal/St-Jérôme/Boisbriand
Follow the 15N
Follow the Qc-117N
Turn left on the Qc-105S
Follow the Qc-105 S until Maniwaki
In Kitigan Zibi, turn right on Fafard Street
Accommodations and restaurants
Here are some hotel and restaurant suggestions in Maniwaki that are close to
Kitigan Zibi.
Contact Information
*Château Logue
12 rue Comeau
A bloc of rooms has been
Maniwaki, QC
reserved for the event
J9E 2R8; 1-877-474-4848
85, rue Principale N
Starting at $89 /night
Maniwaki QC
J9E 2B5; 1-877-449-7022
149, rue principale S,
Starting at $60 /night
Maniwaki, QC
J9E 1Z8; 819-449-1818
142, rue Notre-Dame, Maniwaki - (819) 449-7099
Auberge du Draveur
Motel Central 2006
*Restaurant Notre-Dame
Restaurant Rialdo
Brasserie La Table Ronde
Other information
89, rue principale N, Maniwaki - (819) 449-7327
304, boul Desjardins, Maniwaki - (819) 449-4652
Workshop on the turtles at risk of Quebec: for a concerted protection
June 22-23, 2011
Kitigan Zibi Community Hall , 311 Fafard St., Maniwaki
General information
First Name: _________________________________ Last Name:___________________________________
Organization:________________________________ Title:________________________________________
Address:____________________________________ Zip Code:____________________________________
City:_______________________________________ Province:____________________________________
☐Workshop (June 22, 2011 only)
☐Workshop and field day (June 22 and 23, 2011)
☐Bill my organization
☐A check will be sent by mail
☐I will pay on site
☐I need a receipt
Registration deadline: June 10, 2011
Return the completed form to: or by fax to: 418-843-3625
Please make your check out to the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador with the name of the
event « Workshop on the turtles at risk of Quebec » at the following address :
250 Place Chef Michel Laveau, suite 201, Wendake, Québec, G0A 4V0
For further information, please call us at: 418-843-9999
A bloc of rooms has been reserved until May 22 at the Château Logue. To reserve: 1-877-474-4848
and mention: FNQLSDI-turtle workshop