A Word from Our Gary`s Guild President, Paula


A Word from Our Gary`s Guild President, Paula
Fall 2013
Inside This Issue:
A Word from Gary’s Guild
President ... Page 1
New Beginnings:
A Client Journey… Page 1
Fundraiser Highlights... Page 2
Paying It Forward….Page 2
Local Community Hero,
John Rees…. Page 2
Introducing the New Assistant
Executive Director… Page 3
Food Distribution Program:
Making a Difference….Page 3
Meet Our New Executive
Board of Directors ... Page 3
Save The Date!…...Page 3
Back to School Success…Page 3
Donation Coupon… Page 4
A Word from Our Gary’s Guild President, Paula McCabe
Why do I volunteer? My volunteerism began in my children’s school and youth sports. I felt that
I had something to contribute, even if in a very small way. Once my children were older, I looked for
another venture and was invited to a Gary’s Guild Membership Event.
As I looked around the room, I saw the excitement and camaraderie of
ladies and their dedication to the Gary Center. I signed up that very
evening as a new guild member. This was over 6 years ago.
The Guild has given me the opportunity to learn about The Gary
Center, its beginnings and their ongoing mission. I have witnessed the
growth of The Gary Center, the opening of SACS, the upgrades in the
dental clinic and improvements in the use of technology.
As the current Guild President, I have the wonderful privilege to
work alongside some remarkable women. We share a mutual goal of
providing our time and our skills as advocates of the Gary Center; we
raise funds and awareness and contribute to our community. Also as a
Gary Center Board Member, I see the results of the dedicated Gary
Center staff and challenges of a non-profit organization.
As these years have passed, I recognize that the benefits of volunteerism go both ways.
I have learned new skills, I am part of a team and I have fabulous generous friends.
I have learned so much about the needs of our community, and I am a part of a great organization.
I highly encourage everyone to check out The Gary Center, and see how you can be a part of this
agency. I receive so very much in return, which was never my intention; for this I am forever grateful.
Paula L. McCabe, Gary Guild President
Board of Directors:
Christine Ellis, President
Mark Phillipi, Vice President
Brenda Gomez, Secretary
Kwan Lee, Interim Treasurer
Dave Coffin
Tim Domis, MBA
Cliff Espy
Mark Handler
Paula McCabe, Guild President
Cheryl Melendez, MBA
John Rees, Past President
William Russell, D.D.S.
Denise Stafford
Vicky R. Taylor
Executive Director
Martha Lester
Like us Facebook/TheGaryCenter
Or check out our Website @
“I came to SACS on 17th, (Substance Abuse Counseling Systems—the Santa Ana
office of The Gary Center) in the month of November. At the time, I was on probation and
was referred to SACS due to an open court case I had. My drug of choice was alcohol for
14 years. I have now been able to maintain my sobriety for almost two years. Although I have
struggled with triggers and cravings in the past, I am now able to control them. I recently
completed the program successfully in March of 2013. I am still an active client of SACS
in the After Care Program. I fully expect to complete the after care in the month of
September of 2013.
I am currently attending school to receive my certification to be
able to counsel others with the same problems I struggled with for
so many years. I would like to continue on a path that would allow
me to give back to clients that have been in a similar situation.
I am pleased with the services that I received by this agency
and would like to be a part of a similar experience to others.
SACS on 17th in Santa Ana is a good treatment program.
The staff that is there is very knowledgeable and understanding.”
~ Henry (Client’s name has been changed to respect his privacy)
Highlights of The Gary Center’s Fundraisers
Throughout the year, The Gary Center hosts or is the beneficiary of several fundraisers
that provide for the invaluable programs that we offer to the community. Here is a glimpse
of the events we’ve had so far, enabling us to continue our mission.
Sassy & Sensational
Tea and Fashion Show,
March 10, 2013
12th Annual
Jimmy Campanis
Sports Celebrity
Golf Tournament,
June 3, 2013
Singer Music’s Canned
Food Drive for The Gary
Center’s Food Assistance
Program, May—June 2013
Paying it Forward…..
“Ten years ago, I used your counseling services while I was going
through a rough time in my life. To show my gratitude, I bought school
supplies that year to help children in need. I am proud to say that I have been
donating every year since and promised myself to continue. This year,
using the suggested supply list from Target, I have donated enough supplies for
16 children! Again, thank you so much for the help I received ten years ago.”
- Beth (Client’s name has been changed to respect her privacy.)
Local Hero of the Community: John Rees, Immediate Past President
The Gary Center had an exciting opportunity to receive funding from Safeguard
Insurance Company, as part of a contest for Local Heroes in Our Community. The
Gary Center's Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors, our very own,
John Rees was elected by Kwan Lee for this deserving honor. John has been a
dedicated and diligent advocate for our agency, and volunteered countless hours
throughout his many years as President of the Board of Directors. As a result,
of this submission, The Gary Center received funds that have gone to support the
Counseling, Dental and Food Distribution programs that we offer to our
community. We are grateful for the recognition that John Rees has received.
Introducing the New Assistant Executive Director Jorge Montoya
Jorge’s relationship with The Gary Center began in 2006. He was a facilitator for the Domestic
Violence, Child Abuse, Parenting, and Anger Management classes. He became a full time-time
employee for a year. Jorge created the Case Management Department and implemented the
Bachelor Level Internship Program, where students from Cal State Fullerton, Long Beach, and
Cal Poly Pomona intern at this organization. Jorge came back to The Gary Center this past
March as the Assistant Executive Director. He is married, the father of four children, an active
member of his church and a piano teacher. Jorge is a welcomed addition to The Gary Center, and
will continue to be mindful of the needs of our community and how our agency can meet those
Our Food Distribution Program: Making a Difference
“On behalf of everyone in my family I would like to say thank you!! What you do is
very much appreciated. I realize how much time and effort goes into making
the food distribution available. So again I say thank you to everyone to the staff of The Gary Center and all the volunteers. You really don’t
know how much my family and I need this weekly allotment of groceries
and household supplies from your food bank. Thank you for making this possible.”
~ The Alyso Family (Clients’ name has been changed to respect their privacy.)
Meet The Gary Center’s
New Executive Board
Christine Ellis
Brenda Gomez
Mark Phillipi
A Gary Gatsby Gala
Saturday, October 12, 2013
6:00 p.m.
Kwan Lee
Interim Treasurer
Another successful partnership with FedEx Ground, La Habra! The
Gary Center received several backpacks and bags of school supplies that will
benefit many of the low income neighborhood children. This will help many
students begin a new year of education, with the proper tools. A special thank
you to the representatives of FedEx Ground: Winston Nohannon, Senior
Manager; Corey Wells, CPC Coordinator; Eric Ballejo, P & D Manager; & Ana
Huerta, CPC Administrator, who delivered this incredible donation! In addition
to the team from FedEx Ground, we have other benefactors who wish to remain
anonymous but have contributed backpacks and supplies as well. From a
retired school teacher to a former client, both have given so much to the needs
of others. Thank you all for your generous spirit.
Permit No. 2120
Whittier, CA
341 S. Hillcrest Street
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-3263 Office
(562) 690-5063 Fax
Donation Coupon
Enclosed please find my tax deductible gift of:
$200___ $100___ $50___$25___ Other $_________ I would prefer to pledge $________a month for one year.
You may charge my Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover _____ Card Number_____________________________________________
Expiration Date (MM/YY) __________________________________ 3 Digit Code (On the back of your card) ______________________
Name as it appears on your card ______________________________ Authorized Signature_____________________________________
Address __________________________________________ City_____________________________ State ________ Zip____________
Phone (
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Cell _________ Home __________ Office _________
Please make checks payable to
The Gary Center
341 S. Hillcrest St.
La Habra, CA 90631-5340
You can also donate fast and securely online!
Please go to: www.garycenter.org and click the
Donate Now Button
The Gary Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Your donation is
100% tax deductible as a charitable contribution.
TAX ID: 95-2752846
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If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication please contact
Maria Governo (562) 691-3263 Ext. 104 or mgoverno@garycenter.org