YTEC Serving More Youth in 2009!


YTEC Serving More Youth in 2009!
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
Youth Treatment &
Education Center
Winter/Spring 2009
3 ,
YTEC Serving More Youth in 2009!
YTEC Expands
in 2009!
YTEC Celebrates
10 years!
Join Us For Our
3rd Annual Golf
Message from
the Director
Welcome New
Thank you to
our 2008
What’s New at
PCC High
We are very excited to announce that YTEC has expanded its behavioral health
services to a second school in San Francisco. Civic Center Secondary, located at 727 Golden
Gate Avenue, serves students grades 6 through 12. The school site is a unique and
comprehensive program for San Francisco Unified School District: an Integrated Behavior
Academic (IBA) School. The IBA program is targeted for the most at-risk students, those
with habitual truancy, significant behavioral issues, and histories of suspension and
expulsion. The program's goal is to change behavior so that these students will stay in
school and earn enough credits to graduate. YTEC is pleased to be collaborating with many
committed individuals and organizations such as the San Francisco Department of Children,
Youth and Their Families to help make this goal a reality. (Continued on pg. 7)
Sixteen Youth Trained to Save Lives!
The likelihood of youth who are on probation within the juvenile court system to
become certified in CPR is rather astonishing... at least to most people. But principal Kevin
Kerr, PCC science teacher Tomas Enguidanos, and clinical director Ernest Brown are not
your average people and believe that the students at Principal’s Center Collaborative High
School have much more potential than they have been given credit for in the past.
(continued on pg. 2)
3rd Annual Golf Classic
For more information about the 2009 Golf Classic or
to register for this event, please visit
news_events.html or call Greg Engel (707) 255-3314
or Janelle Eaton at (415) 242-1647.
YTEC’s third annual golf
tournament is being held on May 20,
2009 at Silverado Country Club and
Resort in Napa, CA. The tournament
and festivities begin at 10:00am and
end at about 8:30pm. Activities
include golf, lunch, a silent auction,
dinner, raffle and a live auction.
Tickets to the event are $375 per player
($175 is tax-deductible), or $1,200 per
foursome, and include
light breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Dinner only
tickets may be purchased
for $75.
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
Message from the Director
It’s time for the 3rd YTEC Annual Golf Tournament held in memory of Dashiell
Unkefer. This event is YTEC’s primary fundraiser. Committee Chair and YTEC Board
President, Greg Engel is leading the event team to what will be a fun day at the Silverado
Country Club and Resort in Napa, CA on Wednesday, May 20th from 10am to 8:30pm.
The event includes golf, lunch, dinner, raffle, silent and live auctions. Don’t miss it.
YTEC has grown again to include another partnership with the San Francisco Unified
School District, supported by the City of San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and
Their Families (DCYF), at the Civic Center Secondary School. This program serves youth
from middle through high school and features a “Learn and Earn” approach.
Johnette Pagan,
YTEC Executive
So much is happening such as etiquette and money management classes for after school
youth, field trips and more hands on experience for youth at Principals’ Center
Collaborative High School who are participating in the Emergency Medical Technician
Program. A recent donor has provided funds for eye examinations and glasses for PCC
high students as well. It is because of you, our supporters, that YTEC is able to provide the
services we do, which generate positive changes in the lives of the youth we serve. Your
on-going support is very much appreciated.
Saving Lives. . . (continued from cover)
“In 2008 sixteen
students received
their CPR
YTEC is thrilled to announce that in 2008 sixteen students received their
CPR certifications. Congratulations! Completion of the Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT) training course will give PCC students ten high school science
credits and five college credits, earned over two semesters. Once students turn
eighteen they will be able to complete the final phase of the certification process,
training with either a real ambulance team or a hospital emergency room, and taking
an online certification test. The course, funded by a generous donation from San
Francisco’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), is taught by
certified EMT instructor Larry Sweetwater from San Francisco City College and
Tomas Enguidanos. Recently, YTEC also hired a PCC student who has shown both
the skills and passion for the course to assist Larry instructing the next group of
students. “I’m really enjoying assisting Larry and helping other students learn” -B.R.
Honoring Judge Gyemant– Once Again!
Judge Ina Gyemant
At the end of each year, the Jefferson Award Steering Committee selects
five of the year's winners (out of a pool of 52 winners) to be awarded the Silver
Jefferson Award. Judge Gyemant, founder of YTEC, was honored with a Silver
Jefferson Award on Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Judge Gyemant joined four
other Silver Award winners this January at the annual awards ceremony at the
Herbst Theater for a very special recognition. Please visit,
Jefferson Awards, to view a piece on Judge Gyemant. The Jefferson Awards were
established in 1972 to encourage and honor individuals for their achievements and
contributions through public and community service and are awarded each week
by CBS 5/San Francisco Chronicle/KCBS Radio.
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Welcome New YTEC Staff!
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
Janelle Eaton, YTEC’s former Executive Assistant, works part-time for YTEC on a contract basis
while she pursues her Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University.
Congratulations Janelle! Kim Nguyen, PCC High School Office Manager, has started a Master’s
Degree program at Sacramento State University in Experimental Psychology. Congratulations Kim!
YTEC welcomes Beverly McClendon to assist part-time with payroll and benefits.
A Big Thank You to Royda Crossland, Parker and Crossland, LLC - 133 East Blithedale
Avenue, Mill Valley (415) 380-2440 - who provides legal counsel to YTEC.
Eric Van Rensselaer, is the YTEC Office Manager/Executive Assistant at Civic Center Secondary High
School where YTEC recently started providing behavioral and office services. He is a Bay Area native who
graduated from Denison University in Granville, Ohio with a B.A. in Political Science. Eric has
administrative experience and a passion for social justice and philanthropy.
Kevin Brooks joined YTEC in January as a counselor at PCC High School. He has experience
working with youth from past employment and volunteer activities. For Kevin, working with youth
has proven to be both satisfying and life-changing, and he is happy to be a part of the team.
Quentin Wu is a San Francisco native who graduated from Sacramento State University. He has
coached basketball since he was in high school and taught at Redding Elementary School as a physical
education teacher for grades K-12. He is passionate about athletics and working with youth. Quentin is part
of the PCC High School team.
Angela Sanchez has worked with adolescents for the past 4 years with the Walden House
special project "Sister Kin.” She has a passion for working with youth who struggle with behavioral
issues, and is thankful for the opportunity to work with YTEC at Civic Center Secondary High School.
Martina Roland grew up in the Western Addition of San Francisco. She has a strong
background in mental health services, and worked for Baker Places in San Francisco for 7
years. She is very excited about working for YTEC at PCC High School.
Leila Stoner is originally from England and came to YTEC after receiving her M.A. in
Counseling Psychology from the University of Denver in Colorado. During graduate school,
she worked within the Denver School System as a Counselor and most recently at a Bereavement Center
that served children and their families through peer support groups. Leila is pleased to have begun her new
career working with the teens at PCC High School.
YTEC Board Members Teach Etiquette Class
In response to a desire expressed by the youth, board members Alan and Sheila Gordon taught an etiquette course
this Spring to the youth in the YTEC Leadership Program. The class covered the importance of manners and etiquette
including table manners, party manners, gift giving and receiving etiquette. The youth reflected on their experience:
“This was the first time manners has ever been presented to me in a class. It helped me realize how much I have to
learn about social etiquette. I believe it is very important in respecting others to know your manners” -I.
“This class taught me something very valuable; that it’s important to know how to eat when you go out to eat at
your job. I look forward to using these skills in the future” -M.
“I am very thankful for this experience because I never had anyone teach me these things until now. This is something that will help me a lot in the future and I will pass on these skills” -M.
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
YTEC Celebrates its 10th Anniversary & Honors Staff
Celebrating 5 Years with YTEC:
Helen Parker was hired in 1999 to be the head teacher at the YTEC Academy.
From her first day Helen has promoted and championed educational innovation
and creativity at YTEC and now the Principal’s Center Collaborative High
School (PCC). Helen always goes the extra mile to initiate and develop new
classes, community building activities and school and community
enhancements. Helen has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate an
awesome commitment to the welfare, educational and creative development of
the young people she has taught and worked with over the years. We are
fortunate to have such a creative, skilled and committed teacher who continues
to persevere to develop new educational and creative opportunities for her
Ann Brown came to YTEC in 2002. Ann brought to YTEC all the expertise and love she demonstrated in
her directorship of the Walden House “Sister Kin” program. Ann has many unique gifts and abilities but the one
that always shines through with staff as well as youth is her artistry and amazing ability to make people feel loved
and cared for while holding clear boundaries and high expectations. Ann has brought to YTEC a deep and abiding
commitment and dedication to helping young people find their way and to teaching and mentoring staff to do the
same. YTEC and all the youth and staff are so very fortunate to have Ann as a core driving force and heartbeat of
the program.
Bambi Forester came to YTEC first while she was a social work intern at San Francisco State. Bambi developed
YTEC's diversion program and after leaving for a period of years she came back to re-infuse the program she
started with new energy and vitality. Bambi has demonstrated a huge commitment to the youth in the diversion
program and has shown great determination and skill to keep it alive and growing. Parents and participants of the
diversion program continue to comment on Bambi's positive impact on their lives and her dedication to addressing
the needs of the youth in the program.
Tomas Enguidanos came to YTEC through SFUSD to teach science at the former YTEC Academy over five years
ago. His passion for science and teaching shines through as he inspires his students to explore their surroundings
with a hands-on approach. Whether it is going to Golden Gate Park to learn about algae or having a doctor come to
class to explain the dissection of animal body parts, Tomas reaches out into the universe to engage and open the
minds of his students. His new garden project at the PCC will allow students to experience growing plants and
vegetables, while also brightening up the schoolyard for all to enjoy. Tomas is an exceptional teacher, who receives
an A+. We are extremely fortunate to have him as part of our team.
Celebrating 10 Years with YTEC:
Margot Gibney is a visionary. The programs of YTEC were her vision and she has had the patience and tenacity
to stay the course and to build the relationships necessary to make the vision happen. She understands compromise
is needed to change a system and has the ability to work with a diverse group of people to make changes that will
benefit youth within the juvenile justice system. Margot is most serious in her (continued on pg. 5)
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
(continued from pg. 4) commitment to social justice and in respecting young people and their potential to be
tomorrow's leaders of our society. But Margot's commitment does not stop with her work on the program and with
staff. She has, from the very beginning, worked directly with the youth. They feel and respond positively to her
passion. Margot has built long-term relationships with many YTEC youth, from helping them through difficult
times, to visiting college campuses with them. She is constantly being a support person to make sure our young
people succeed. Since the initial program planning in 1995, it has been more than a pleasure for everyone involved
to work with Margot.
Ernest Brown began his involvement in YTEC in its early planning stages (1996). He has been and continues to be
not only one of the key architects of YTEC and now the PCC but also a true parent and source of guidance for the
program overall and its staff and youth. Ernest has and continues to demonstrate an abiding faith in the youth, the
staff and the many possibilities that the YTEC/PCC represents. Ernest is the true Sensei of the YTEC/PCC and
brings such a wealth of skills and a deep and abiding commitment there would be no
program without him and how lucky we all are for him and his abiding faith and
Malik Edwards was hired in 1997 as the first counselor for YTEC and has been and
continues to be one of the true heartbeats facilitating the transformative process for
youth at the YTEC/PCC. Malik has a gift in working with young people that is a true
art and even though he's often said that he's an artist masquerading as a counselor - he
is also a true artist in his work with young people. Malik has and continues to
demonstrate such a deep commitment and love for the youth at YTEC and the PCC
that the true impact he's had and continues to have on the youth and staff at YTEC/
PCC is beyond measure.
Elizabeth Summers has infused her creative
genius in her work with YTEC youth since the
beginning of the program in 1997. Elizabeth has
and continues to provide life transforming
experiences and opportunities for youth in the
YTEC Bridge Intern Program. Elizabeth led the
development of 5 major performances written
and performed by youth in the YTEC programs.
Elizabeth has shown great skill in her ability to
take the words of young people and create
cohesive performances and exhibits. Elizabeth has a unique ability to engage
youth in developing their own voice and going way beyond where they
thought they could through creative expression. Elizabeth has a special gift
for lifting people up wherever she goes.
W. Gregory Engel (Chairperson)
Sandy Weil (Vice-Chairperson)
Alan C. Gordon (Treasurer)
Sheila Gordon (Secretary)
Hon. Ina Gyemant, Ret.
(Chair Past Immediate)
Hon. Susan Breall
Paul Gamba
Paul Henderson
Hon. Patrick Mahoney
Rosemary Roach
John Warner
Claire Williams
Margot Gibney
Ernest Brown
Johnette Pagan
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
YTEC Launches Scholarships Program
with College Access Foundation
YTEC launched its newest scholarship program in January 2009 by sponsoring four youth who
participate in the Superior Court/YTEC Bridge Internship. These youth have been interns since June 2008,
providing services at the One Stop Center, where San Francisco residents receive legal assistance provided by
pro bono lawyers and at the ACCESS self-help center. Two of the youth are enrolled full time at Laney College
and another is enrolled at San Francisco City College, carrying 12 or more units. A fourth youth who also
received a scholarship, attends Texas College and is pursuing a Criminal Justice Bachelors Degree, while
raising her young son. They attend school full time with the help of financial aid provided by each school
through their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and through scholarships funded by College
Access Foundation and YTEC, as well.
College Access Foundation supports community-based organizations that help give students who have
financial need a chance to advance their education. They awarded a grant to YTEC in early Fall 2008.
In addition, YTEC will be awarding 8-9 more scholarships to youth served by the program including youth in
the YTEC Leadership Program and at the Principals’ Center Collaborative High School, along with youth at the
Civic Center Secondary School. Youth will be selected based on their enrollment/acceptance to two and four
year college programs, as well as their participation in YTEC programs.
Lucy Bledsoe
Jeffrey Bleich
Donna Casey
Bruce Chan and Hanna Leung
Pat Christensen
Lisa and Don Clay
Anne Debevoise and Alex Gibney
Evelyn and Lionel Engelman
Craig Etlin and Leslie Gordon
Tamara Fritz
Patricia and Jack Futoran
Abby Ginzburg
Kenneth Goldberg and
Tiffany Shlain
Sheila and Alan Gordon
Hon. Ina Gyemant, Ret.
Ken Kartley
Hedani, Choy, Spalding &
Salvagione, LLP
Myrle Hillback
Daniel Hlad
Bridget Jones-Ortega and
Gail Ortega
Denah Joseph
Lisa and Harold Kahn
Maryann Kirchner
Rosemary Roach,
KPIX/CBS 5 Television
Susan and Charles Lakatos
Jenny Lakatos
Peggy and John Law
Feralee and Charles Levin
Dorothy Levy
Dyanne London
Judy Louie
Eugenia and Brian Lund
Hon. Patrick Mahoney
John McDermott
Sean Moorar
Mark Morris and Karen Weil
Lynn Mieger and Felix Millhouse
Morrison and Foerster, LLP
Carol and Gordon Park-Li
Carolyn and Jay Paxton
Ruth and George Powning
Barbara and Joel Renbaum
Celia Rifkin
Lorene and Charles Rowland
Nancy Schnoll
Lynette and Stephen Schwartz
Leonard Shlain
Sue Siegel
Shari and Darce Slate
Leslie Smith
Vivian Stone
Jennie Weil
Margot and Ernest Weil
Linda Weil
Sandy Weil
Ryuichi and Kikuko Yokoo
PARTNERS · Catholic Charities · San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department · San Francisco Unified School District · San Francisco
Superior Court · Walden House
FUNDERS · All Star Helping Kids · Administrative Office of the Court · Bothin Foundation · Chapman and Associates Foundation · Department
of Public Health · Walter and Elise Haas Foundation · Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund · GGS Foundation · The Giving Tree ·
Google Foundation · The California Endowment · Horizons Foundation · Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice · Mayor’s Office of Community
Investment · The Morris Stulsaft Foundation · The Pottruck Family Foundation · San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and their Families ·
The San Francisco Foundation · Silicon Valley Community Foundation · Spaulding Charitable Foundation · St. Croix Valley Recreation/ A.
Maine Foundation · Van Loben Sels/ RembeRock Foundation · Walter S. Johnson Foundation
If you’d like to help with YTEC’s efforts, call us at
(415) 242-1647 to volunteer, or send a donation to:
If your name does not appear or was listed incorrectly, we
apologize. Please contact us at (415) 242-1647.
PO Box 27278
San Francisco, CA 94127
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Changing Lives, Building Leaders, Recovering Dreams
Lunchtime Workshops
In November and December of 2008 Danielle Bendorf, YTEC Transition Advocate (funded
by DCYF & Haas Junior Fund) and Akiko Giometti, intern with SFUSD, ran the “Pathways to
Employment” workshop for ten youth at PCC High. The workshop was geared toward helping the
youth gain career based skills, with specific sessions on Employment Goals and Expectations,
Interview Skills, and Job Search Skills, among others. Each of the students completed a personal
portfolio with their resumes and cover letters, which they can use to apply to jobs in the future.
Workshops were held twice a week at lunch, and both students and staff were excited to participate!
Upon completion students were presented with a certificate of completion, as well as a nominal
stipend for their work. This workshop will be run again during the spring semester. In addition, a
summer program will be held with joint support from SFUSD through Kevin Kerr, Principal at PCC
High School.
YTEC Expands in 2009 (continued from cover)
Civic Center Secondary
PCC High School Student
J.B. helps lay bricks
With the help of Rachel Antrobus (DCYF Transitional Age Youth Director), Jim
Fithian (Civic Center Secondary Principal), Marian Currell (Civic Center Secondary Assistant
Principal), Ben Kaufman (Civic Center Secondary Learning Specialist Professional), and all
Civic Center Secondary staff, YTEC has effectively expanded its service. To help develop and
maintain the exemplary service that YTEC provides to the youth of San Francisco, YTEC
transferred two existing staff members Brenda Perdue and Terry James to kick off its services
at Civic Center Secondary School. Brenda is serving as the Orientation Teacher and Terry
James as a Counselor. YTEC has also enlisted new staff counselor Angela Sanchez, and in
addition YTEC has hired Office Manager/Executive Assistant Eric Van Rensselaer to help roll
out the new YTEC expansion.
By adding and expanding the staff present at Civic Center Secondary, YTEC will
continue to help the school district with efforts to provide support to San Francisco youth who
are seeking new direction in their lives. One way that the YTEC, Civic Center Secondary, and
DCYF collaboration is hoping to aid these young people is through an incentive program called
Learn and Earn! Through this program, the collaboration believes it can help the students of
Civic Center Secondary improve their attendance, grades, and compliance with school policies.
It is hoped that the program will expand, by creating more ways to modify behavior and make a
strong impact on the lives of every student that attends Civic Center Secondary, leading to
Kevin Kerr, Principal, SFUSD Court Schools &Tomas Enguidanos,
Science Teacher, Launch the PCC Student Garden
With support from Kevin Kerr, Principal, and funding from the SFUSD, PCC High School
students are working on a vegetable garden. PCC science teacher Mr. Enguidanos plans to
use this project as a chance to teach students about how life can spread over Planet Earth.
The long term goal is part of an effort to have greenery on campus. Student J.B. shares his
excitement about the project:“I’m looking forward to learning about plants and
Youth Treatment and Education Center • P.O. Box 27278 San Francisco, CA 94127 • (415) 242-1647 •
Youth Treatment &
Education Center
P.O. Box 27278
San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 242-1647
Executive Director:
Johnette Pagan
Clinical Director:
Dr. Ernest Brown
Leadership Coordinator:
Ada Rios-Rivera
Girls' Services Coordinator:
Ann Brown
Bridge Internship Coordinator:
Elizabeth Summers
Boys' Services Coordinator:
Malik Edwards
Diversion Program Coordinator:
Bambi Forester
Transition Advocate:
Danielle Bendorf
Special Projects:
Janelle Eaton
Beverly McClendon
Lynette Dacay
YTEC at Civic Center
Head Orientation Teacher:
Brenda Perdue
Behavioral Counselors:
Terry James
Angela Sanchez
Executive Assistant:
Eric Van Rensselaer
Office Manager:
Kim Nguyen
Head Orientation Teacher:
Helen Parker
Behavioral Counselors:
Lisa Butler
Calvin Shepherd
Sekou Banks
Martina Roland
Leila Stoner
Christina Balistreri
Probation Department
Supervising Probation
Stephanie Speech
Assistant Chief:
Alan Nance
Principal of Court Schools:
Kevin Kerr
Site Administrator:
Margaret Farruggio
School Counselor:
Joel Medina Jr.
Administrative Assistant:
Stephanie Dominquez
Chris Barron– English
Kimberly Emilianowicz– Art
Tomas Enguidanos – Science
Harry Holdorf – Math
Matthew Kulis – Science/Math
Special Education
Thomas Miller – Social Studies
Archie Alminiana
Maria Portem
Walden House/YTEC
Mary Kate Haggerty
Jill Klingensmith
Catholic Charities:
Dan Gallagher
Nationally recognized and unique
among youth programs nationwide,
YTEC combines treatment with
education and court supervision to
support youth ages 14-24 who have
a demonstrated history of
substance use, behavioral health
issues, and an involvement in the
juvenile justice system. We address
these youth’s academic, emotional,
and behavioral needs in the least
restrictive environment as an
alternative to incarceration. Our
programs include: Drug Diversion,
Bridge Internship, Leadership
Fellows, vocational training and
family services. We also support
the Principals’ Center Collaborative
High School and Civic Center
Secondary High School.
By delivering a complete range of
services YTEC is able to have a
significant impact on the
development of a positive future for
each of its participants.