Fall 2015 - Villa Infantil


Fall 2015 - Villa Infantil
A Home for Children
FALL 2015
The Sisters, children, and supporters of Villa Infantil Guadalaupe y San Jose thank you for your support,
the life blood that will provide for the sustainability and betterment of Villa Infantil. Over the coming
months, and initially in this newsletter, there will be mention of new programs and volunteer needs and
opportunities. All of us would be very grateful if you would consider participating. If there is a specific
talent or skill set needed that you don't have but a friend does, please consider asking him or her to get
involved. We cannot think of a single talent, spare moment or treasure that cannot be used and reused
at the Villa. Thank you!
Inside this issue:
Farewell to Madre Paty
Madre Paty
Madre Maria
Back-Pack to School
It was with sadness we said
goodbye to Villa Infantil's
Director, Madre Paty Nava
Hernandez, who has returned to
the Mother House in Gallup,
New Mexico to assume a new
assignment. Villa Infantil is very
grateful to Sister Paty for her
dedication and hard work on
behalf of the children.
welcome the new Director, Sister
Maria Calderon Gaytan, who has
been looking after the children of
the Villa for the last 19 years.
Bienvenida, Madre Maria!
On Sunday, August 16, San Andrés Catholic Church
English Mass Community heard the joyful voices of
the children and Sisters of Villa Infantil singing at
Holy Mass. After Mass, the children gave brightly
colored picture cards of a backpack and a set of
crayons with their name on the back to parishioners so
on the following Sunday, real backpacks and the list
of school supplies each
child needed for the coming
year would be provided
after Mass and delivered to
the children so they would
be ready for the first day of
school on Monday, August
24. The excitement after
Mass was palpable as the
c h i l d r e n a n d t h e i r Alondra, Kimberly & Chuy
benefactors met and their picture cards were
exchanged (reluctantly by the smaller children who
did not quite get the concept).
A very special thank you to all the generous members
of the English Mass Community who participated in
sending our children back to school with all their
school needs.
Axixic Masons Repair
The Children’s Bikes
Trick or Treat!
The Lunch Bunch
Villa Infantil’s
Birthday Bashes
Volunteer Profile
Rotary Club of Saratoga 4
Pays a Visit
Security Wall Project
New Bedcovers for the Children
Lynn Schroeder of Wisconsin (after visiting her
mother, Shirley Casperic, a true Snowbird) approached
Darlene of Plaid Inc. and made possible the donation
of 30 crib/bed covers to the children at the Villa.
Plaid’s generosity went
above and beyond by
also donating thread
and needles to complete the cross-stitch patterns
printed on the top of the covers.
A special thanks to
John and Catherine
G on zales,
wh o
transported the covers
down from Texas,
and Jerry and Connie
Ondola from Alaska,
who transported the
threads and needles.
Heartfelt thanks to
Lynn, Darlene and
Sr. Maria, Alondra, Azucena,
Lupita & Sr. Blanca
FALL 2015
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Axixic Masons Repair the Children’s Wheels,
The Axixic Masonic Lodge 31 “Tape a Bike, Save a Life”
team visited the Villa Infantil de Guadalupe y San Jose on
Saturday, August 22.
The team was kept busy for
several hours making minor
repairs and adjustments to 30
bikes, trikes and push cars
belonging to the Villa’s
children. The workers shifted
parts from a pair of
unrepairable bikes, repaired
tires, added tubes to some, changed pedals, adjusted seats
and handle bars, oiled chains until each child’s vehicle was
easier to ride, safer and marked with reflective tape for extra
by Judy King
The Masons said they enjoyed the family atmosphere at
Villa Infantil on Lake Chapala’s south shore and mixing
with the cheerful, appreciative and polite children. Some
expressed an interest in returning to the home to spend more
time with the children
and the Sisters who care
for them.
The visiting crew had
other surprises in store
for the children. After
they served up hot dogs
and chips for lunch,
they presented them with a second-hand bicycle in good
repair to be used as a spare.
Adapted from the August 29-September 4, 2015 issue
of The Guadalajara Reporter.
Trick or Treat!
Trick or Treat! Villa Infantil received a great "Treat" on
Saturday, October 31, All Hallows' Eve (Halloween), in
the form of a generous gift from the Lake Chapala
Duplicate Bridge Club. The monies were earned from the
efforts of a benefactor of Villa Infantil, Catherine
Gonzales and her able team over the past year, supervising
and teaching the game of bridge. Padre Basilio was on
hand at "High Noon" on Halloween at the LCDBC facility
in Riberas del Pilar, Jalisco with representatives of two
other charities who also benefitted from the largess of the
LCDBC. Sincere thanks and appreciation from the Sisters
and our now 32 children, as well as the Interim Advisory
Board of Villa Infantil, are extended not only to Catherine
and her team but also to the entire membership of the
Bridge Club for their generosity.
Padre Basilio & Catherine Gonzales
FALL 2015
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The Lunch Bunch Update
For the months of July, August and September, our generous
and dedicated 19 volunteers prepared 27 meals for the
children at Villa Infantil. Our count of meals may be less
than previous months since the
children were gone for
summer vacation from
July 18th - August 14th.
We are still striving to
prepare and serve meals
three times a week.
If you and/or your friends
are interested in joining
the Lunch Bunch or the
Birthday Bash, please
contact Connie Ondola
Lorraine Russo & niños
connieondola@yahoo.com for more information.
Sandy Schroeder, Andrew Konczvald
& Gordon Schroeder
Fernando & Pedro
“Villa Infantil Birthday Bashes,”
We all have splendid friends here
within lakeside. One of mine is the
South African priest who conducts the
9:00 A.M. English Mass at San Andrés
Catholic Church. His congregation
comprises the core of supporters for an
orphanage beyond Jocotepec, Villa
Infantil (VI). Padre Basilio works for
the welfare of VI. The Father, the
Board, and the volunteers bravely
orchestrate meeting the monthly
demands of the ceaseless needs of
Sisters Paty, Blanca, and Maria.
The thirty orphans now residing there
are children after all. Their assigned
Sister, “Ma,” is in charge of her ten
children, and all work together within
tight discipline. Each child needs a bed.
Each needs daily food, even if minimal.
by Barbara Outland Baker
Each needs to grow a year older, even if
clothes no longer fit. One day a month,
however, the birthday children of the
month inspire a fiesta for all.
A local Mexican woman, Adriana
Vega, started this tradition some years
ago. Recently, Judy King and Trish
Conner celebrated their birthdays for
the sake of the orphans. Then the VI
Lunch Bunch, spearheaded by Connie
Ondola, became motivated to assist in
coordinating the parties. Each birthday
child is honored with a festive meal,
birthday cake, piñatas and gifts. The
Sisters enjoy a carefree afternoon, and
the children revel in childlike play.
I got to play with them firsthand on my
last birthday. Three boys shared the
honor that day: the baby, Bayon, Chuy,
and Brandon. All the kids gobbled up
multiple hot dogs and chips, all
smothered in mild Valentina sauce, and
salsa. When I lit the candles of their
make-shift brownie cake, I not only
began to hear three rounds of Feliz
Cumpleaños for each boy, but a
poignant fourth birthday rendition for
me. Then the dessert was demolished.
Afterwards, each child saddled up by
my waist, shyly mouthing, “Gracias por
la fiesta, Senora.”
If they only knew it was I who wished
to thank them. Contentedly, I watched
them stampede to the stuffed piñatas.
Written for the November 2015 edition
of El Ojo del Lago.
Singing “Las Mañanitas”
Barbara Baker & niños
Sr. Blanca & Bayon
Lorraine Russo,
Santiago & P. Basilio
FALL 2015
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Volunteer Profile
Our volunteers come from a broad range of backgrounds and
with many different skill sets. We are grateful to them all
and profile one in each newsletter.
Over the years, Bob has been involved in numerous projects,
including being the General Contractor on his own home
which was built in 5 months back in 2000.
Robert “Bob” Doiron
The volunteer in the limelight this edition is Bob Doiron.
Bob first found out about the Villa when storms generated by
Hurricane Odile reached Lake Chapala and lightning strikes
destroyed the transformer at Villa Infantil. Bob heard the
urgent appeals for help to bring the Villa back on line and
stepped forward.
married to his lovely
wife, Sue, for 43
years. They have 2
married children and
3 grandchildren.
Bob and Sue moved
to Mexico in 2013
and are enjoying
their time here.
P. Basilio introduced Bob to the huge needs at the Villa and
along with a few well-intentioned folks, they set up a
volunteer Advisory Board to get the Villa in a better position
to regulate the experience of times of plenty and times of
great need. A big and urgent issue facing the Sisters and the
children was the issue of personal security and the lack of
secure perimeters to the property. Bob bravely stepped up to
the plate and took charge of overseeing the security wall
project, including the bidding process, the selection of a
contractor, and the supervision of the entire building process.
Bob also valiantly became involved in rounding up the funds
to finance the project. At this time, this part of the project is
close to being completed (see article on page 5, Security Wall
We are glad you
came to Mexico and
heard the call of the
Bob and Sue – and
we are so grateful to
Bob & Sue Doiron
generosity in helping Villa Infantil become a safer and more
secure place for the Sisters and the children who call it home.
Rotary Club of Saratoga Pays a Visit
On October 3, they
sponsored a fiesta for
the children with
tacos, piñatas, and
presents for all. In
turn, these Rotarians
received many hugs
and “thank you’s”.
The children and the Sisters of Villa Infantil are grateful
and wish the Rotarians of Saratoga many blessings.
During the week of October 1-5th, Villa Infantil welcomed
six members from the Saratoga, California Rotary Club,
Sacred Heart Catholic Church and Villa Fatima, both of
Saratoga. We were most excited to welcome Bruce and
Connie Hodgin, Bella Mahoney, Maria Guldner, Renee
Paquier, and Dulce Maria Gray.
FALL 2015
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Security Wall Project
The fire of late afternoon June 10, 2015, recent security
breaches, and the personal safety of the Sisters and children
during the night remind us all again of the importance of the
completion of the Dyke and Security Wall to secure the
perimeter of Villa Infantil.
Under the capable and professional leadership of Bob
Doiron, a member of the Advisory Board of Villa Infantil,
with the assistance of his lovely wife Sue, obtained three
quotes for the project which were examined before accepting
the winner and taking on the challenge of raising the
$250,000 pesos needed for the project. There are 83 panels
of concrete block wall needed to complete the southern wall.
Each panel cost MXN$3,000.00 (US$200.00; CAN$250.00)
to complete. A suitable and permanent structure to recognize
the generosity of each panel donor is planned. Anonymity
will also be recognized.
We are happy to report that fundraising is well underway, the
building began in late September, and the entire southern
section is now completed. The builders have turned the
corner and are moving ahead with the eastern perimeter. The
pace is slower on this
section since the
foundations still have
to be dug and built
before the dyke and
safety wall can be
On behalf of the Villa,
the Sisters and the children, I appeal to your deepest
generosity to help us
complete this Dyke and
Security Wall to ensure
the safety and well
being of the Sisters and
the children.
To make a donation,
please contact us at:
How Can You Help?
There are so many ways.
 View and share our website and new Video - http://www.villainfantil.com.mx
 “Like” and “Share” our Facebook Page - Villa Infantil Guadalupe y San Jose
Right now, as we move forward, we have some specific volunteer opportunities with which we need your help:
 Community Outreach - someone to design events that will bring potential volunteers and donors to the Villa as
well as events that take our children into the community so people can get to know them and Villa Infantil's work.
 Fundraiser within the Business Community - someone to help tell the Villa's story to businesses and solicit
donations or support of our efforts.
As always, we appreciate volunteers for everything they do - reading to the children, playing with the children, lunch
bunch meals, helping with facilities repairs, etc. It's all important and valued. Thanks for all you do.
For more information, please contact us:
General Inquiries: Padre Basilio, (387) 763-0928, info.villainfantil@gmail.com
Lunch Bunch: Connie Ondola, (376) 765-3839, lunchbunch.villainfantil@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor: newsletter.villainfantil@gmail.com