Flyer - Cross


Flyer - Cross
APRIL 16-17
organizer: Matthew Hodge
phone: 405-388-8867
Scrabble in the Sooner State
Photos Left: The Bricktown canal; Top
Right: the distant Bricktown Ballpark
lights up the city; Bottom Right: a view of
Downtown from the heart of Bricktown
along Mickey Mantle Drive
Tournament Details:
Date: April 16-17, 2011
Early Bird Tournament
(Optional Early Bird on April 15—details inset at right)
Time: Play begins at 10 a.m. Saturday / 9 a.m. Sunday
Location: Hampton Inn & Suites in Bricktown OKC
(located at 300 E. Sheridan)
Entry Fee: $90 (includes lunches, snacks, and beverages)
Divisions: Four divisions, each comprised of fourteen players
Format: 13 Games, Modified Swiss pairings with KOTH in
the final round.
Entry Deadline: Due to space limitations, registration is
limited to the first 56 paid entrants. (Early entry bonus:
Reduce entry fee by $10 if registering by April 1.)
(aka the Sooner SoonerScramble)
Date: April 15, 2011
Time: Play begins at 2 p.m.
Location: Hampton Inn & Suites
Entry Fee: $30
Divisions: Director will determine
divisions based on tournament size.
Entry deadline: If space is still
available, players may register the day
of the event. (Early entry bonus:
Reduce entry fee by $5 if registering
by April 1.)
SoonerScramble2011 Hampton Inn & Suites Lobby
The Oklahoma City skyline
The Reflecting Pool and 9:03 Gate at
the Oklahoma City National Memorial
The Venue
The City
The Scrabble
Our fabulous venue is located in the
heart of Bricktown, Oklahoma City’s
entertainment district. The Hampton
Inn & Suites offers ample amenities,
including a refrigerator in every room,
complimentary hot breakfast, an
indoor pool, a workout room,
wireless internet, and views
overlooking the Bricktown Ballpark
and OKC’s skyline. Our playing room
will be available for after-hours
socializing and games until 11 p.m.
The hotel is offering us king rooms for
$124. There are several other lodging
options in the area. Feel free to
contact the tournament organizer if
you need help finding suitable
Since the SoonerScramble is in
Bricktown, it is within walking
The 2nd SoonerScramble promises
to provide a great atmosphere for
distance of dozens of restaurants (for
competitive Scrabble and
every taste and budget), a large
movie theater, a bowling alley, the
camaraderie among our game’s
enthusiasts. We received great
Bricktown canal and water taxis,
horse-drawn carriage rides, the
feedback from the event’s inaugural
tournament, and we hope to once
Bricktown Ballpark, and the home of
again provide players with an
the NBA’s OKC Thunder. Less than a
mile away is the Oklahoma City
incentive to add Oklahoma City to
their tournament calendars. We are
National Memorial, whose outdoor
symbolic memorial is always open.
providing a light lunch on both days,
as well as snacks and beverages
Learn more about dining options and
throughout the tournament. We
entertainment in Bricktown at http://
expect the divisions to be small
enough that you will have a chance
to play nearly everyone in your
Please mail entry fees to Matthew. Note that entry fee includes light lunches Saturday and Sunday as well
as snacks and beverages throughout the tournament. All money beyond expenses will be returned as prizes.
All players must be members of NASPA prior to the tournament.
NASPA Member? YES ❏ # _______________
Mail to:
Matthew Hodge
732 NW 15th Street
Moore, OK 73160
Email Address:
Tournament Rating:
SoonerScramble Before April 1
❏ $80
SoonerScramble After April 1
❏ $90
Sooner SoonerScramble Before April 1
❏ $25
Sooner SoonerScramble After April 1
❏ $30