Greetings, JCI Iowa! - Iowa Junior Chamber


Greetings, JCI Iowa! - Iowa Junior Chamber
October 2013
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Communicator– Special Edition
Table of Contents
Visitation Incentive pg. 2
Chapter Planning
pg. 3
pg. 5
State Board
pg. 6
By-Law Changes
pg. 8
Fall All-State
Greetings, JCI Iowa!
I am very excited
to be working with you in 2014 as your
National President. First, a little bit about
me – I joined the Ann Arbor (MI) Jaycees in
July 1999. I got involved
pretty quickly and never
looked back. I served on
my chapter’s Board of
Directors for three years
before becoming Chapter
President in 2003. From
there, I moved on to the
state-level, holding several
key roles before being
elected the 85th President in
2009. After leading my
state, I knew I still had more
to give, so I sought out an
opportunity to lead at the
national level. I was first elected as
National Vice President for 2010, and then
held several other Executive Committee
roles before being elected the 94th National
President. Over the course of my 14-year
Jaycee career, I have learned so much
By: Fay Poissant
about leadership, training and helping
others. I am looking forward to sharing my
experience with each of you in the coming
As we think about 2014, there are
a few key things that I want to
focus on as we live up to my
theme, “Dream Big.” I chose this
theme because I truly believe
that our members have the ability
to take our organization to the
next level. Sometimes, we’re so
afraid of failing that we aren’t
willing to try something new or
different to make the world
around us a better place. We
owe it to ourselves and the
generations that follow to dream
big and do what’s never been
done. The Jaycees are not only problem
finders; we’re problem solvers.
In order to achieve greatness, we must first
realize the importance of engaging not only
(Continued on page 2)
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The Communicator– Special Edition
our members, but the community at large. Getting everyone involved in the analysis, planning
and implementation of programs that will create positive change will ensure our chapters are
the go-to organizations in each of their areas. Next, it’s important that we are providing our
members with the training necessary to be the leaders in their chapters and their communities.
The US Jaycees provides monthly webinars as a benefit to all members. In addition, there are
many certified trainers across the country who can offer JCI Impact, JCI Admin and JCI Achieve
in your state. These trainings are just the first step in realizing the true impact you can make as a
member of the Jaycee organization. Finally, my goal is to empower all of our members to be the
change they wish to see in the world. Ultimately, engagement plus education equals
empowerment. So, if we get our members involved and train them properly, we will have the
catalysts to improving our communities within all of our chapters. That’s when dreaming big is
no longer pie in the sky – it’s reality.
The Jaycees build leaders, one big dream at a time. I hope each of you is looking forward to a
fantastic year in 2014, one that is full of positive change. My team is ready to work with you and
help in any way they can. As Sarah Ban Breathnach said, “The world needs dreamers and the
world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers who do.” Iowa Jaycees, you are
those dreamers who do, so let’s DREAM BIG!
Fay Poissant
94th National President-Elect
Visitation Incentive
The local Jaycee member with the
most documented visitations turned in
between May1st and December 31st,
2013 will receive a prize at the year
end all state in 2014. You must fill out
the form at by
Dec. 31 AND be present at all-state
(2014) to win. If you have any
questions, contact Darlyce at
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Iowa Jaycees, as we start the process of transitioning from 2013 to 2014, now is a good time to
take a step back and decide, “Is our chapter at where we want it?” If the answer to that
question is yes, the next question should be, “What needs to happen to keep our chapter
thriving?” If the answer is no, the next question should be, “What needs to happen to make our
chapter thrive?” For those of you stepping into chapter leadership into 2014, take this time to
figure out what you would like to see accomplished next year. For those stepping out of
chapter leadership, try to impart your wisdom on your successors. For those of you moving up
the leadership chain, figure out strengths you can bring to you new position, and where you can
look to improve your leadership skills in 2014.
Every chapter also has untapped assets, whether it is new members looking for that opportunity
to step up, new business or entities for which to partner, or new ideas to get your chapter
reenergized. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of those. Don’t fall into the rut of “we did this
last year, so we need to do it again.” If it isn’t working, don’t do it. A successful new project or
new idea can reinvigorate a chapter.
Now, I will put my administrator hat on for this paragraph, make sure you have filed your tax
return, be sure to get your corporation status renewed in 2014, and make sure your chapter has
insurance. Also, make sure you have responsible people in charge of the finances (nothing
destroys a chapter faster than missing money). Finally, make sure you have an organized
person as your chapter president. Organization is important to any successful organization.
A couple of reminders: The Iowa Jaycees will be having their Local Officer Training School on
Saturday, November 16th at the Des Moines Jaycee Events Center. Registration will begin at
8:15 AM, welcome will be at 8:45, we will start at 9 AM. JCI Admin will also be offered that
morning. Sign up on the JCI website. Agenda will be posted soon. We strongly encourage all
2014 chapter officers to come, a lot of good training will be offered. Also, year end all state will
be held January 17-19 at the Gateway Hotel in Ames. More details to follow.
Well, that is all I have. Any questions, help, or advice, don’t hesitate to
contact me. I want to congratulate the 2014 Iowa Jaycees officers who
were elected. I have the utmost confidence that they will serve the Iowa
Jaycees and your chapter very well in 2014.
Tom Welchans
85th President, Iowa Jaycees
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The Communicator– Special Edition
On Wednesday, October 2nd, Randy Robinson,
a lifelong Hampton resident and Iowa Jaycees
member, survived a fall while working on a job
site. Randy suffered a shattered vertebrae,
ankle, and tailbone along with a broken
collarbone, finger, ribs and sternum. He has
had several surgeries and will need another
for his ankle in the coming months along with
continuing physical therapy and time to heal.
I would like to congratulate and thank every
member the Iowa Jaycees for helping raise over $1,200. A special thank you goes
out to the Senate, who raised over $285, the Nevada Jaycees who wrote $100 check,
the Hawkeye Corp for holding a 50/50 raffle and donating their 50% to Randy, and
also Kelly Junge who not only won the raffle but then donated his winnings as well!
This money was given to Randy and put in a fund account to be used for ongoing
medical, recovery,
and day to day
expenses. We wish
Randy the best of
luck in his recovery
and wish him well.
An account has been
set up at First Bank
in Hampton, if you
would like to make
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The Communicator– Special Edition
Election Results
Manager-State Events planner. Angie grew up
in Hampton, graduated from high school in
Chris Puetz joined the
2002 then attended and graduated from UNI
Dubuque Jaycees and
quickly got involved with with a BA in Family Services in 2007. She
currently lives in Ames and works at LSI
the local board. Starting
(Lutheran Services of Iowa) as a caseworker.
off as Marketing Vice
President, he continued to In her free time, Angie enjoys hanging out
with friends and family, going to concerts,
grow within his chapter
attending sporting events, traveling, reading,
holding the positions of
watching girly movies, and of course spoiling
Membership VP,
her nieces.
Management VP and
President in 2010. In 2013 he served as a vice
Vice President- Kim
President of the Iowa Jaycees. As a member of
Loy (Cedar Valley)
the Dubuque Chapter, Chris has helped
Kim joined the Waterloo
develop and execute numerous projects (Chili
Jaycees in 2005. Shortly
Trot 5k, Throwdown on the River, Voices at the
after she was put into
Warehouse Ind Dev) and was a member of the
action as the Membership
team which grew the chapter to second
VP, then Individual
largest in the nation. Chris is a 10th Degree
Development VP, and in
Jaycees, Life Member of Dubuque, and a
2008 chapter President,
Charles E. Kulp Memorial Award recipient.
and led the Waterloo Jaycees to the best
chapter in the state. Kim has co-chaired the
Vice President–
Fireworks festival, and helped on numerous
Angie Miller
committees including the scholarship, Canoe
(Ames) Angie
Cedarloo, Gift of Giving, and the Waterloo
joined the Hampton
Open Golf Classic. In 2009 she was the Iowa
Jaycees in 2008. She
Jaycees Treasurer and in 2013 served as
was State Director in
purple Regional Director. Kim is a 10th degree
2009 & President in
Jaycee, Charles E Kulp Memorial Award
2010. In 2012 she served as Ames’ State
recipient, and Iowa Jaycees Governor #390.
Director, Red Region Director and First
She graduated from Winona State University in
Timers. In 2013 she served as Program
2000 with a Sociology major with a Business
President– Chris Puetz (Dubuque)
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Administration minor. She also attended
Augsburg College and got a second major in
Accounting. In her non-Jaycee time she is a
Licensed Public Accountant at Loy & Associates
in Cedar Falls. Kim likes to travel, go to
sporting events, and hang out with friends and
live in Nevada, IA with his wife, Darlyce, and
their 2 cats; Milo and Mya. In his spare time he
enjoys spending time with family and friends,
working on my 1963 Chrysler New Yorker and
going to Old Chicago.
Vice President-Nicholas Shaull
C.J. Derlein-Hoffman
(Cedar Rapids)
Nick grew up in Charles City,
IA and graduated from
Hampton-Dumont High School
in 1998. After graduation he
attended the University of
Northern Iowa and Pima
Community College in
Tucson, AZ. He was a
member of the Iowa and
Arizona Army National Guard as an infantry
rifleman and a self propelled artillery ammo
team chief. Nick was honorably discharged
with the rank of Sergeant. He joined the
Hampton Jaycees in 2009. Within the chapter
he has served in several officer positions
including: Individual Development VP,
Community Development VP, President in
2010-2012 and Chairman of the Board. In 2009
he was awarded top new Jaycee of the year
and was a 2011 Wayne E. Putnam award
recipient. In 2011 he received a presidential
medallion from the 91st National President
Joanie Cramer. Nick is currently employed at
Golden Valley Hardscapes in Randall, IA. He
CJ was born in California but
raised in Newton, Iowa. CJ
began his undergraduate
studies at Marquette
University where he was a
member of Triangle fraternity and was a cadet
in the Air Force ROTC before transferring to
the University of Iowa to finish his studies in
Health Science. He is currently employed at
Whirlpool Corp. in Amana, Iowa as a Lean
Sigma Technician and Total Productive
Maintenance facilitator. CJ joined the Cedar
Rapids Jaycees in 2011, filling a vacant role and
then served at Management VP in 2012 and CoChaired a signature project: Uptown Friday
Nights. CJ was local chapter president in
2013. CJ’s hobbies include sports, following
Iowa Football, sand volleyball, reading, local
music and theater and reconnecting with his
Fraternity Brothers. CJ is excited to serve on
the 2014 State Cabinet and hopes to help grow
local chapters in the state with his skills as a
trainer and coach. CJ resides in Cedar Rapids
with his partner, Chad Derlein-Hoffman.
Vice President-
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The Communicator– Special Edition
Summary of By-law Changes
By-law 3, Section 1. Membership dues. The $1 per on-time renewal will no longer go to a
Regional account. Instead, new policies have been added that designate a regional allotment
in the budget. This was done to simplify accounting and provide for more resources for the
Bylaw 3: Membership Dues
Section 1.Each chapter shall pay an annual membership fee of thirteen dollars and fifty
cents ($13.50) per individual member. Each chapter shall pay an annual membership fee of
eighteen dollars and fifty cents ($18.50) per member renewed.
A region shall receive one dollar ($1.00) for each individual member of its region who
paid membership dues during said fiscal quarter. Newly chartered chapters are
excluded from regional reimbursements for the first 6 months.
Payment for each member shall be made at the end of the month prior to the member's
anniversary month, which is the month his dues were initially paid to the United States
Junior Chamber. Each recognized collegiate chapter shall pay an annual membership fee of
ten dollars ($10.00) per individual member or the maximum allowed by the US Junior
Chamber by-laws.
By-law 5, Section 1. Removal of the State Director's Association President from the State
Bylaw 5: Board of Directors
Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors. It shall consist of the officers of this
corporation, the President of the Local Presidents' Association, the President of the State
Directors' Association, the representative of the Long-Range Planning Committee and any
individual member who is an officer of the United States Junior Chamber or Junior Chamber
International (JCI).
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By-law 9, Section 2. The region boundaries were re-drawn to even out the regions. Chapters
affected include: Mason City, and Worth County (moving to Red), Cedar Rapids & Clinton
(moving to Black), and Ames and Nevada (moving to Gold).
Bylaw 9: Regional and District Administration
Section 2. The counties of Iowa and member organizations therein shall be located in four
(4) regions, as follows:
Red Region: Lyon, Osceola, Dickinson, Sioux, O'Brien, Clay, Sac, Buena Vista, Ida,
Cherokee, Plymouth, Woodbury, Emmet, Kossuth, Winnebago, Palo Alto, Hancock,
Worth, Cerro Gordo, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Calhoun, Webster, Hamilton, Wright,
Boone, Story, Crawford, Carroll, Greene, Monona
Purple Region: Worth, Mitchell, Howard, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Chickasaw, Bremer,
Butler, Franklin, Black Hawk, Grundy, Hardin, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque,
Winneshiek, Allamakee, Fayette, Clayton, Linn, Jones, Jackson, Clinton, Marshall, Tama,
Black Region: Linn, Johnson, , Clinton, Marshall, Tama, Benton, Cedar, Washington,
Scott, Muscatine, Louisa, Jefferson, Henry, Des Moines, Van Buren, Lee, Jasper,
Poweshiek, Iowa, Monroe, Marion, Mahaska, Keokuk, Wapello, Appanoose, Davis, Lucas,
Gold Region: Boone, Story, Crawford, Carroll, Greene, Monona, Dallas, Polk, Madison,
Warren, Union, Clarke, Ringgold, Decatur, Cass, Adair, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon,
Pottawattamie, Adams, Guthrie, Page, Taylor, Mills, Fremont, and Montgomery.
New chapters extended by out of region chapters may be exempt from the above-described
boundaries for the remainder of the Jaycee year in which extended or through the end of the
next calendar year with Board approval. These new chapters will be assigned to a Region as per
policy of the Iowa Jaycees.
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The Communicator– Special Edition
2013 Fall All– State
Award Winners
Chapters Achieving Growth in May:
Top Growth Chapter- May
Ames, Cedar Valley, Davenport, Greater Cresco,
Monticello, Van Buren/Jefferson County
Van Buren/Jefferson County
Chapters Achieving Growth in June
Top Growth Chapter - June
Clear Lake, Dubuque
Clear Lake
Chapters Achieving Growth in July
Top Growth Chapter - July
Cedar Rapids, Cedar Valley, Clear Lake, Clive,
Clinton, Davenport, Greater Cresco
Chapters Achieving Growth in August
Ankeny, Cedar Valley, Clive, Des Moines,
Dubuque, Spencer, Mason City
Top Growth Chapter – August
Cedar Valley
Chapters meeting the Membership Goal of 75% Retention and 30% growth
Cedar Valley, Gowrie, Monticello, Primghar
Top Growth Chapter – 2nd Trimester
Cedar Valley
Top Membership Project
90th Anniversary Celebration - Des Moines,
End of Summer Picnic - Clive, Night at the Ballpark - Davenport
Top Management Projects
Ames on the Half Shell - Ames, Greene River Days - Greater Green,
Live to 9 - Cedar Valley, RAGBRAI Fundraiser - Des Moines
Top Member Development Projects
Microbrew Tour - Davenport, Speaker Series - Cedar Rapids
Top Community Service Projects
Smiles for Preston - Des Moines,
Dog Wash- Mason City, Santa Back to School- Davenport
Top Community Fundraising Projects
Boat, Bus or Bike Run - Clear Lake, Help Moore - Mason City
Top New Project
Dirty Dash - Cresco
Gail Marshall Memorial Award (Kids)
Youth Golf Clinic - Cedar Valley
Top Local New Members
Molly Angstman - Mason City, Thad Fever - Cedar Valley,
Kristin Hanneman - Cedar Rapids, Joe Siebnaller - Ames, Kelly Weigel - Mason City
Top Local Members
Matt Miehe - Cedar Valley, Ryan Risteer - Cedar Valley
Top Local Secretary
Top Local Treasurer
Kelly Goetz - Clear Lake, Jill Kruse - Dubuque
Jeff Steinmetz - Clive
Top Local Vice President
Top Local President
Top Program Manager
Top Regional Director
Top Cabinet Member
Jordan Alborn - Cedar Valley, April Hageman - Cedar Rapids,
Jeremy Poland - Des Moines, Dawn Scott - Clive, Breanna Wetzler - Ames
Agnes Kress - Cedar Valley, Chad Gaul - Davenport
Angie Miller - State Events PM
Levi Good - Black Region
Ryan Steines - Treasurer
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Oct 4-6 Des Moines, IA