HERE. - Crohn`s | Colitis
HERE. - Crohn`s | Colitis
Go f SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FORE SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2016 | GREYSTONE GOLF CLUB 67500 MOUND ROAD, WASHINGTON, MI REGISTRATION 8:30AM | SHOT GUN START 10AM Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Michigan Chapter Join us for the 4th Annual Golf Fore Guts to benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America at Greystone Golf Club in Washington, Michigan. The outing will feature a scramble format, driving range, putting and hole contests, Jimmy John’s lunch at the turn, and open bar on the course! Dinner, raffles, silent auction and awards will follow the round of golf. If there is something you would like to sponsor and don’t see it here, please contact Kiel Porter at (248) 737-0900 x4 or We would be delighted to accommodate your request. DIAMOND $5,000 PLATINUM Includes 2 Foursomes; Limo Transportation for 8 people to and from the course; your logo on photo backdrop; 2 Tee Signs; your name or logo on website with click through recognition; your name or logo on mobile site and social media; special recognition during program; and opportunity to provide gift bag item for all golfers REGISTRATION $1,000 $1,500 Includes your name or logo on dinner signage; and special recognition at dinner BLOODY MARY BAR Includes your name or logo on Blood Mary Bar cocktail napkins and signage; and special recognition at dinner $1,000 Includes your name or logo on putting contest signage; and special recognition at dinner PIN FLAG $2,000 Includes your name or logo on Outing Trophies LUNCH $1,500 Includes your name or logo on lunch signage; and special recognition at dinner $1,500 PUTTING CONTEST Includes 1 Foursome; 1 Tee Sign; your name or logo on website with click through recognition; your name or logo on mobile site and social media; special recognition during program; and opportunity to provide gift bag item for all golfers TROPHIES Includes your name or logo on registration table signage; and special recognition at dinner DINNER $2,500 $250 BEVERAGE $1,500 Includes your name or logo on one beverage cart; and special recognition at dinner (2 opportunities available) DRIVING $1,000 Includes your name or logo on Driving Range signage; and special recognition at dinner TEE SIGN Includes your name or logo on pin flag at one green $150 Includes your name or logo on sign at one tee box SPONSOR A CAMPER $500 Send a child to Camp Oasis, a week long summer camp for children living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis HAT SPONSOR $3,500 $2,500 Your name or logo on golf balls provided to all golfers Your name or logo on hats provided to all golfers GOLF TOWEL SPONSOR GOLF BALL SPONSOR $1,500 Your name or logo on golf towels provided to all golfers CROHN’S & COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA BAG TAG SPONSOR $1,000 Your name or logo on bag tags provided to all golfers | EMAIL: KPORTER@CCFA.ORG | PHONE: 248-737-0900 EXT. 4 Go f REGISTRATION FORE SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2016 | GREYSTONE GOLF CLUB 67500 MOUND ROAD, WASHINGTON, MI REGISTRATION 8:30AM | SHOT GUN START 10AM GOLF REGISTRATION & SPONSORSHIP COMMITMENT Company or name (as you would like it to appear in print): ______________________________________________________ Contact person: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip code: __________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Submit all names and/or logos to no later than July 11, 2016 I would like to sponsor _________________________________________________________ $__________________________ (write in options from reverse side) I would like to Sponsor a Camper at Camp Oasis with a donation of $500 $__________________________ GOLF AND DINNER OPPORTUNITIES #________ Foursome(s) @ $600 per Foursome $__________________________ My foursome includes: Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ #________ Individual Golfer(s) @$150 per Golfer $__________________________ #________ Additional Dinner Guest(s) @ $50 each $__________________________ My additional dinner guests include: Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ I am unable to participate, but wish to make a contribution. $__________________________ TOTAL METHOD OF PAYMENT $__________________________ • Complete Registration and Payment online at: • Check enclosed. Make payable to: CCFA (Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America) • Charge the following credit card: Visa MC AMEX Discover Card number: __________________________________________ Expiration date: ________ /________ Security code: ___________________________ Name on card: ______________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ If not registering online, please return this registration and commitment form by mail, email or fax to: CCFA Michigan Chapter, Attention: Kiel Porter 25882 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 102, Farmington Hills, MI 48336 Email: Phone: 248.737.0900 x 4 Fax: 248.479.1910 CCFA is a 501 (c) 3 Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Organization, Tax I.D. # 13-6193105 *More than 83 cents of every dollar goes directly to our Mission of Research, Support and Education Services First come, first served. Reservations cannot be held without payment. No rain date unless there is cancellation by the club. No refunds. CROHN’S & COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA | EMAIL: KPORTER@CCFA.ORG | PHONE: 248-737-0900 EXT. 4