200/320/330 N. Hamilton Street
200/320/330 N. Hamilton Street
The Heart of the High Point Market Design District Hamilton Properties Offers Artful Design for Inspired Interiors Hamilton Properties is a known destination for distinguished furnishings and accessories. Catering to the discerning tastes of designers and high-end retailers, 200/320/330 North Hamilton feature the most extensive and innovative sources of design-driven home furnishings. Buyers are welcomed with an impressive offering of breathtaking quality and range of products in an easy-to-shop campus. Upscale Services and Amenities: FOR SPACE AVAILABILITY, PLEASE CONTACT: • Convenient location in the center of the Hamilton Wrenn Design District • A shopping destination for interior designers and high-end retailers • Shuttle Stop located in front of each building • Onsite restaurant and coffee shops • Afternoon socials • Sunday Uptown – A social celebration…showrooms stay open late H A M I LT O N P R O P E R T I E S B U Y E R T R A F F IC A c c e s s or ie s /G i f t 6% Fu r n it u r e S tor e 32% Rhonda Jackson A nt iq ue s 1% 48% 336.821.1509 RJackson@imcenters.com I nte r ior D e s ig ne r / D e s ig n Fi r m C at a lo g /O n l i ne 2% O t he r (s p e c i a l t y, E x p o r t , 6% D ep a r t me nt Stor e / M a s s Me r c h a nt 1% W hole s a le 4% WWW.IMCHIGHPOINTMARKET.COM 336.888.3700 R e n t a l , o t h e r) 200 NORT H H A M I LTON S T. Alden Parkes Adriana Hoyos Artitalia Bordignon Camilo Chelsea House Fauld Town & Country Furn Flambeau Lighting Frederick Cooper Lamps Friedman Brothers French Accents Rugs & Tapestry Gilded Nola Henkel Harris Jonathan Charles Fine Furniture Leathercraft Manchester Ltd Moore Councill Mottahedeh & Co Inc New Growth Designs Parker Southern Inc Raschella Home Decor Shadow Catchers Art Stanley Furniture Temple Furniture ViSpring Luxary Beds W. King Ambler Inc Wildwood Lamps & Accents Inc H IGH P OI N T IS T H E 320 NORT H H A M I LTON S T. Woodbridge Furniture Co Paladin Industries M US T AT T E N D M A R K E T Exhibit at the High Point Market and be part of the world’s largest and most important wholesale home furnishings market. Each Spring and Fall, more than 45,000 buyers from all 50 states and 110 countries register to come to High Point to shop fabulously designed showrooms brimming with beautiful products for every room in the home. Buyers come to High Point ready to buy— so secure your space at the one market where you can place your products in front of tens of thousands of buyers during their primary buying trips. Each Market you will have exposure to an unparalleled depth and breadth of buyers. 93% of the top Retailers attend the High Point Market. 2 0 0/ 3 2 0/ 3 3 0 N O R T H H A M I LT O N S T R E E T H A M I LT O N W R E N N D E S I G N D I S T R I C T H I G H P O I N T, N C 2 7 2 6 0 W W W. I M C H I G H P O I N T M A R K E T. CO M
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