HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 - Congregation Bnai Israel
HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 - Congregation Bnai Israel
August 2014 Av/Elul 5774 CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL KEHILA RABBI’S MESSAGE ........................................ 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ................................ 4 DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LIFE’S MESSAGE .... 6 MESSAGE FROM GAN KESHET .................... 8 HIGH HOLIDAY BROCHURE ......................... 9 SERVICE SCHEDULE CHILDCARE, GUESTS, HONORS REGISTRATION LULAV & ETROG ORDERS, SLICHOT SAVE THE DATE AUGUST CALENDAR ...................................... 16 AUGUST BAR MITZVAHS .............................. 18 SAVE THE DATES ........................................... 19 CBI COMMUNITY SHABBATON .................... 19 CLUB NOTES & AROUND THE VALLEY ....... 20 ISRAEL & GAZA CONFLICT ……………….21 STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE ................... 22 MINUTES OF THE BOARD ............................. 23 5775 CALENDAR AT-A-GLANCE .................. 24 DONATIONS .................................................... 25 YAHRZEITS .................................................... 28 CONTACT INFORMATION COMMITTEE CHAIRS/COORDINATORS STAFF Rabbi Justin David rabbi@cbinorthampton.org Executive Director Ben Cuperman director@cbinorthampton.org Office Manager Nanci Martine office@cbinorthampton.org Director of Jewish Life Rabbi Jacob Fine rabbijacob@cbinorthampton.org Preschool Director Wendy Stein gan.keshet@cbinorthampton.org Kehila Editors Gillian Murray Kendall gkendall@smith.edu Ben Cuperman director@cbinorthampton.org Kehila Designers Brianna Maier bnaikehila@gmail.com Nanci Martine office@cbinorthampton.org Building Manager Charles Bushor CBI/LGA building@cbinorthampton.org Custodians CBI/LGA Mark Shannahan BOARD OF DIRECTORS Co-President Co-President Treasurer Alan Berkenwald David Berkman David Cohen Hanneli de Vries Lois Dubin Joel Feldman Joseph Goldstein Chaia Heller Norbert Goldfield rin8312011@gmail.com Gillian Murray Kendall gkendall@smith.edu Jim Sagalyn jsagalyn@aol.com Jennifer Hoffman Mordi Kamel Max Page Amy Siege Corrie Trattner Lauren Weinsier Stephan Wurmbrand The CBI newsletter is published 11 times per year, monthly except in July. ABUNDANCE FARM COMMITTEE Rabbi Jacob Fine rabbijacob@cbinorthampton.org ADULT EDUCATION Barbara Lerner blerner@mtholyoke.edu Joshua Roth jroth@mtholyoke.edu41 BIKKUR HOLIM Norbert Goldfield rin8312011@gmail.com CEMETERY Edward Allen ejstoneybrook@comcast.net CHEVRA KADISHA Cleo Gorman 584-4497 Edward Allen 586-7844 DUES & ASSESSMENTS Ben Cuperman director@cbinorthampton.org EDUCATION Amy Siege amy.siege@gmail.com Eve Weinbaum weinbaum@lrrc.umass.edu GOVERNANCE Bill Jolly jollys2@verizon.net HOUSE & PROPERTIES/ AESTHETICS Stephan Wurmbrand stephan.wurmbrand@tcsgp.com ISRAEL COMMITTEE Peggy Besht pjbhepburn@gmail.com Mordi Kamel mkamel26@comcast.net KITCHEN COMMITTEE Shelley Steuer ss@noholaw.com LANDSCAPE Mark Brumberg markbrumberg@comcast.net LIBRARY Amy Wolpin wolpin.amy@gmail.com Diane Palladino Diane_p@me.com MEMBERSHIP Lauren Weinsier lthweinsier@yahoo.com ENDOWMENT MANAGEMENT Bruce Bromberg-Seltzer ravbruce@gmail.com PERSONNEL Carol Katz carolckatz@gmail.com FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Mark Brumberg markbrumberg@comcast.net RITUAL Rabbi Justin David rabbi@cbinorthampton.org FUNDRAISING Norbert Goldfield rin8312011@gmail.com SISTERHOOD Connie Gould Janis Levy cbisisters@gmail.com GAN KESHET GOVERNING COMMITTEE Alison Berman alisonberm@gmail.com VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS Peggy Besht pjbhephurn@gmail.com The next KEHILA is the September 2014 issue. FIRM DEADLINE: AUGUST 8 , 2014 HELP US HELP YOU—PLEASE MAKE SUBMISSIONS BY THE DEADLINE Submit entries in person or via email: bnaikehila@gmail.com & office@cbinorthampton.org Pictures and ads should be submitted in .jpeg format 2 CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL 253 Prospect Street, Northampton MA 01060 413-584-3593 office@cbinorthampton.org www.cbinorthampton.org RABBI’S MESSAGE The approach of Tisha B’Av, which begins Monday evening, August 4, gives us an opportunity to contemplate our internal response to the agonizing war in Gaza. I hope and pray there is a cease fire by the time you read these words, but whatever the situation, this war deserves our deep consideration on what is supposed to be a day of internal reckoning for the Jewish people. As I have written previously, I believe that we must wrestle with two seemingly contradictory realities: Israel has a responsibility to protect its citizens, and Israel has a responsibility not to place Palestinians in harm’s way. As my colleague Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky writes in Ha’aretz, it is not enough for Israel to be “a little better” than Hamas. As the IDF protects the body of Israel, so it is incumbent upon all Jews to protect the Jewish soul. Rabbi Justin David Tisha B’Av instructs us in an astringent manner to examine and to control our internal lives as a people. Pointedly, the day emphasizes the dangers of “sin’at chinam,” gratuitous hatred, and the ways in which even the most well intentioned and peace loving among us are vulnerable to the darker aspects of human feeling and behavior. I am cautious about what this means in the current situation. But I know that many of us, no matter how pained we are by the deaths of the innocent, have also had thoughts of destruction and revenge. Thank God, thoughts are not the same as actions, but all the more reason to give us this one day to be really honest with ourselves and ask hard questions about what we really think and feel—and about the darkness inherent in each of us. Tisha B’Av has its own built in rewards. It is no accident that the Mishnah tells us that five days after Tisha B’Av is a ceremonial day during which young women seek young men to be their partners in a ritual dance. The day of intense reckoning leads to love. Similarly, the seven haftarot on Shabbat between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah are saturated with promises of spiritual comfort, expressed by some of the most beautiful poetry in the Hebrew Bible. What may Tisha B’Av yield for us, during this difficult time? I would like to think that it would bring us to realistic love. I do not recommend giving in to an illusion that peace will come when this conflict will end, or that Gaza’s Palestinians will suddenly see an opening for peace once the rockets stop flying. But there must be more to the Jewish soul than defense and silence. In the world of Israeli peace activism, Gershon Baskin is someone who works for peace while knowing the obstacles to it, having achieved the release of Gilad Shalit through his relationships with Hamas officials. The organization he leads, IPCRI (Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information) gathers information and proposes initiatives to reach a two-state solution. Over these past weeks, Baskin has written creatively and passionately about how this war could end so as to advance the cause of peace and security for all. I encourage us all to find his essays on line and read his Facebook posts. We can look to his example as a way to reconcile our support for the Jewish people with the imperative to “seek peace and pursue it.” While events may show these two goals to be at odds, people of vision may show us they are, in fact, one and the same thing. At this difficult time, I urge us to use these days to probe our hearts and minds deeply and to emerge with renewed hope, whether we are so inclined or not. I believe that, for the sake of the Jewish soul, we have no other choice. B’shalom, Rabbi Justin David Kolot - High Holy Day Voices Join Felicia Sloin and Rabbi David as we cultivate a group of singers to help create community during this year's Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. This will not be a choir, but rather a group of voices who will be dispersed through the congregation whose confident and soulful participation will lift up and draw out the voices of everyone. There will be a few rehearsals in the month before Rosh Hashanah. If you are interested, please contact Rabbi David or Felicia at office@cbinorthampton.org. 3 CO-PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE Norbert Goldfield: A key par t of str ategic planning implementation is moving towar ds a mor e consistent leader ship at CBI. We have started a leadership transition process in which we have staggered terms as president. I will serve one more year, and Gillian Murray Kendall will serve as co-president beginning in July 2015. I am truly fortunate to be working this year with Gillian. Please feel free to reach out to both or either one of us on any areas of concern. We meet regularly and about all issues affecting the synagogue. And please—reach out to us if you have ideas on how you can participate in the implementation of strategic planning—which has already begun. Gillian and I and all of you are a team. Co-President Gillian Murray Kendall Gillian’s words for this month’s column follow: EMBRACING COMMUNITY After services on Saturday, July 19, I found myself thinking about the Tower of Babel almost as much as about the slaughter of the Midianites. The power of the story about the Tower of Babel lies not so much in the aspiration of the humans involved, who wish to make a name for themselves by building an immense tower, but in God’s way of dealing with their ambitious natures. Initially, “everyone on earth had the same language and the same words” (Genesis 11:1): under these early conditions it’s easy for a community to work together in a common cause. God, however, sees this cooperative ambition and states “let us, then, go down and confound their speech there, so that they shall not understand one another’s speech” (Genesis 11:7). Suddenly the workmen of Babel are struck by the inability to communicate. By inventing linguistic diversity, God makes it impossible for human beings to work together. The workers all begin to speak different languages, and the tower comes to naught in a confused cacophonous babble. But this fall from human aspiration into inchoate babble is also a fall into cultural difference—a fall into the way the modern world is constituted. In the text, a homogeneous group becomes a set of individuals, each with a language that, as all languages do, shapes a world-view. And each human being is thus set apart from the others. We are the children of Babel. And, since Babel, we have had to construct ways in which to convey meaning to one another, to make accessible our own world views to those around us who speak a different language—whether literally or metaphorically. While most of us in this community may speak English, we are no less trapped in the language of our own minds—in the syntax, grammar and phrasing that make up our vision of the world. We at Congregation B’nai Israel, however, are also a community, and it’s incumbent upon us to recognize that we can only exist as a community as long as we recognize that understanding each other takes work: important work, even sacred work. The events at Babel are alienating and catastrophic, but we can actually build community by accepting the kind of differences that scatter the peoples of the earth in Genesis 11. We can understand that what at first sounds like a confused jangling—as different languages rub together—is not something that should divide us. Toni Morrison, in her Nobel Prize acceptance speech, suggested that perhaps those building Babel should not have been able to find a heaven until they did understand each other’s now foreign language. While we may not always understand each other—and, when we do, we may not always agree with each other—we can respect the unique way of approaching the world that each of us carries. We can recognize that the day we all could speak the same language is gone, and that, as a community, we need now to embrace what at times seems like cacophony. But being a community does not mean sharing the same views. It means being willing to listen, to respect the seemingly strange and different, to accept a world in which we do not all think or speak in the same way. The events at Babel were profoundly alienating and scattered a people, but we, in our culturally diverse and multi-lingual world, have the privilege of being able to grow and flourish as a community even as we retain our unique voices. That is something to celebrate. B’shalom, Gillian Murray Kendall 4 RABBI JACOB’S MESSAGE Abundance Farm’s First Season off to a Great Start! It has been quite a few months on Abundance Farm. After over a year of dreaming, planning, lots of meetings and hard work put in many volunteers and staff, Abundance Farm has become a reality. If you stopped by the Farm today you would see a very different picture than what you saw in early May. Director of Jewish Life On the less than one acre that we call Abundance Farm, you will now find an orchard comprised of over 40 fruit trees including pears, apples, peaches, plums, cherries, pawpaws and over 140 feet of berries including raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, cur Rabbi Jacob Fine rants, elderberries and hardy kiwis. This orchard is highly visible from Prospect Street and is designed intentionally as an orchard from which the fruit is available to any and all people desiring a delicious, healthy piece of fruit. Coming in further from Prospect Street you will notice that we now have a large fence surrounding much of the Farm. It has become very clear that we have very strong deer pressure on our site. Even though it would seem that the deer have plenty to choose from, they seemed to take a particular liking to our crops. It quickly became clear that if we were serious about producing food that we would need to put up a fence to keep out the deer—and that’s what we have done. We are very grateful to Baystate Health for donating the money to purchase this fence. Even though it is tall (a fence needs to be 8’ to keep out deer), we think that it looks pretty good. We were deliberate in putting in a number of accessible gates to ensure that people can travel in and out of the Farm with ease. Inside the fence you will also find a thriving educational garden that includes a wide variety of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, garlic, onions, peppers and much more. And you will also notice that we have tilled up an entirely new, large section for food production by the back of our property towards the bike path. This “production” area is where we will be growing the greatest amount of produce for donation to the Survival Center. Right now we have potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, corn, tomatoes, herbs and flowers all growing in these 10, ~50 foot rows. This transformation has taken place thanks to a large number of dedicated people, largely volunteers, who have helped us make beds, plant, water, weed and much more. On May 18th, over 300 people came out to help us begin to establish the farm and to celebrate our Farm groundbreaking. On that single day we planted the entire orchard and moved away A LOT of leaves where our production area is now established. A special thanks goes to Tory Field, our Farm Coordinator, who started in May and very quickly jumped right into her role leading the management of our Farm. If you haven’t met Tory yet, hopefully you will meet her soon. She can be reached at tory@abundancefarm if you want to connect with her. We can always use more help with this project, now and in the future. If you like to garden, or want to learn, come out from 911 AM on Sunday and/or Tuesday mornings and help manage the farm. And if you aren’t much of a gardener but want to help in other ways, contact me at rabbijacob@abundancefarm.org and we will find a way to get you involved. And if you haven’t already, please sign up for our mailing list at http://www.abundancefarm.org/newsletter-signup to keep up to date on what’s happening on the Farm. Finally, please join us on Thursday, August 14th, from 4:30-7:30 for a wor k par ty and potluck dinner . We will wor k for a few hours and then enjoy a nice dinner on the farm. See you on the Farm, Rabbi Jacob 5 ABUNDANCE FARM THANKS YOU 6 7 8 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 SERVICE SCHEDULE We will be sending tickets to the membership who are in good standing: please bring these tickets with you when attending services. While all are welcome to attend the 2014 High Holy Days services, this year everyone—members and non-members alike—will need a ticket. This procedure has been approved by the Board of Directors in order to address both security and financial matters. We ask that non-members purchase tickets for $100 each; tickets will be checked at the door. Slichot Saturday, September 20 Held at Beit Ahavah Florence, MA 8:30 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 24 Evening Services 7:30 pm Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Thursday, September 25 Morning Services Tashlich at Mill River Mincha & Ma’ariv 8:30 am 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Friday, September 26 Morning Services Evening Services 8:30 am 6:00 pm Shabbat Shuvah Saturday, September 27 Morning Services 9:30 am Kever Avot Sunday, September 28 Cemetery Service 11:00 am Kol Nidre Friday, October 3 Evening Service 6:15 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4 Morning Services with Yizkor Mincha & Ne’ila 9:00 am 5:00 pm Sukkot Thursday, October 9 Morning Services 9:30 am Sukkot Friday, October 10 Morning Service 9:30 am Shemini Atzeret Thursday, October 16 Morning Services with Yizkor 9:30 am Erev Simchat Torah Thursday, October 16 Evening Service 6:30 pm Simchat Torah Friday, October 17 Morning Services 9:30 am Please mark your calendars and join us at CBI. Note that each of the following forms has the deadline date for registration printed on it. Dates vary according to the date of the event. 9 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 Childcare Registration Sign Up Now to Get a Slot. (Drop-ins are not an option) The Shabbat Children’s Programs Committee is pleased to offer childcare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Childcare is available for children between 6 months and 6 years old: Rosh Hashanah (Day 1) Rosh Hashanah (Day 2) Kol Nidre Yom Kippur September 25 September 26 October 3 October 4 9:30 am – 2:00 pm 9:30 am - 2:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 9:30 am - 2:30 pm 5:30 pm - end of service A mid-morning, substantial snack will be provided. If your child is staying past lunchtime, an additional snack will be offered. In order for the Program Committee to plan for adequate staffing and age-appropriate curriculum, we ask that you register your children by Wednesday, September 17. Please remember that for planning and safety purposes, we are unable to accommodate drop-ins. Safety laws limit our numbers, so we will accept registrations on a first come, first served basis. Return your registration form below to the synagogue office or mail it to the Shabbat Children’s Programs, 253 Prospect St., Northampton, MA 01060 The Committee aims to make childcare as affordable and accessible as possible. At the same time, quality childcare providers cost money. We are asking for $10 per family per session, regardless of the number of children. If you can pay more, please do. While the synagogue provides some crucial financial support for childcare, the Committee must raise additional funds necessary to provide quality child care throughout the year. Please support this important service if you can. If the required fee poses a barrier to your family, please contact the synagogue office to make other arrangements. HIGH HOLIDAY CHILDCARE REGISTRATION FORM Please submit your form, along with payment, by Wednesday, September 17 Parent(s): __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Number of children listed on this form: ___________ Please check when to reserve a spot for the child(ren) listed below: Rosh Hashanah (Day 1) ____ Yom Kippur am _____ Rosh Hashanah (Day 2) _____ Yom Kippur pm ____ Kol Nidre _____ Names of child(ren) and ages: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Cost per family per session: $10.00 Additional donation to support Shabbat Childcare throughout the year: $ ___________ Enclosed is a check for: $_____________ (payable to CBI with Children’s Programs in the memo line) 10 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 Guest Registration We will be sending tickets to the membership who are in good standing: please bring these tickets with you when attending services. While all are welcome to attend the 2014 High Holy Days services, this year everyone—members and non-members alike—will need a ticket. This procedure has been approved by the Board of Directors in order to address both security and financial matters. We ask that non-members purchase tickets for $100; tickets will be checked at the door. Please submit this registration form and payment by Wednesday, September 17. Although no one will be turned away, we will ask those non-members who arrive without tickets to share contact information so that we may send them a reminder about making a donation. This ensures that we all do our part to support the Jewish community. Wishing you all a sweet New Year, the CBI Board. Non-member residents of the Pioneer Valley: $100 each Number of guests: __________ Students are free Number of guests: __________ PLEASE REGISTER ALL GUESTS Name:____________________________________Email/Phone: _____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________Email/Phone: _____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________Email/Phone: _____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________Email/Phone: _____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $_________________ (Make check out to CBI with HH Guest in memo line) Return this form and donation payment to: CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL • 253 PROSPECT STREET • NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 Form and payment must be received by September 17, 2014 THE HIGH HOLY DAY GUEST REGISTRATION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE www.cbinorthampton.org 11 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 Honors Registration The High Holidays are a sacred and joyful part of our Jewish calendar. One part of the holiday observance is having many members of the congregation participate in some way in the conduct of the prayer services. We hope that YOU will volunteer to participate (accept an honor). Please include the following information and respond by Wednesday, September 17. Please return to the CBI Office. 1. Name:____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Email:_____________________________ 2. On which day would you like an honor? ___ Rosh Hashanah Day 1 ___ Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, we especially encourage people between the ages of 13 and 20 to volunteer for an honor. Parents - you are encouraged to raise this mitzvah opportunity with your son or daughter ___ Kol Nidre ___ Yom Kippur AM ___ Yom Kippur PM ___ Other (please specify) 3. What time of day will work best for you? ____ RH1 before 10:30 am ____ RH1 after 10:30 am ____ RH2 before 10:30 am ____ RH2 after 10:30 am ____ Yom Kippur Kol Nidre ____ Yom Kippur Before 10:30 am ____ Yom Kippur After 10:30 am ____ Other (please specify) 4. What type of honor would you like? ____ Opening the Ark ____ Carrying the Torah Scroll ____ Aliyah during Torah reading ____ Other (please specify) THANK YOU ~ CBI RITUAL COMMITTEE 12 HIGH HOLY DAYS 2014 Yizkor Book Form Dear Members, It is a long-standing custom on Yom Kippur to memorialize loved ones at the Yizkor Service. Again this year, we plan to publish a Memorial Booklet in conjunction with the Yizkor service in which the names of our loved ones are recorded and remembered. In order to be included in the booklet, it is important that you send in such names no later than Monday, September 22 in order to arrange publication. This list of names will be read silently from the Bimah during the Yizkor Service. WE URGE YOU TO RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE PRINT NAMES FOR THE YIZKOR BOOK VERY CLEARLY - THANK YOU ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Suggested Contribution: $10.00 per name Name:____________________________________ Phone/Email: _______________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ ___________ Make checks payable to CBI with Yizkor Book in the memo line, and mail with this form to: Congregation B’nai Israel 253 Prospect Street, Northampton, MA 01060 REMEMBER! PLEASE RESPOND NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 22 PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE ABOVE MENTIONED DATE THE MEMORIAL BOOKLET FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE www.cbinorthampton.org 13 LULAV & ETROG ORDERS Lulav & Etrog Order your Lulav & Etrog for Sukkot Name______________________________ Phone # or email______________________ # of Sets______ Amount Due____________ $40.00/Set (Israeli) Please send checks to: CBI, 253 Prospect St., Northampton, MA 01060 Payment must be made at time of order Orders Due By OCTOBER 1, 2014 PLEASE—NO EXCEPTIONS 14 SLICHOT S L I C H O T High Holy Days Four Communities, One Service “Confronting Isolation: A Community Slichot Experience of Prayer, Song and Compassionate Conversation” Saturday, September 20, 8:30 pm Please join us as we join with Beit Ahavah, the Jewish Community of Amherst and Temple Israel for an evening of prayer, song and meditation to mark Slichot. Traditionally, Slichot is a spiritual preparation for teshuvah, the turning inward, toward each other, and to God, that is central to the High Holidays. In this service, led by Rabbis Justin David, Riqi Kosovske, Efraim Eisen and Benjamin Weiner, we will blend the creative range of traditional and contemporary practice for an evening that we hope will draw us more deeply into the Days of Awe. Held At Beit Ahavah, 130 Pine St., Florence, MA, (413) 587-3770 ALL ARE WELCOME 15 AUGUST 2014 SUNDAY 5774 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY JULY 27 3 4 5 TISHA B’AV 8:00 PM: EREV TISHA B’AV, OBSERVANCE AT CBI (see page 19 for info) 10 11 6 5:30 PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 12 13 5:30 PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 17 18 19 20 5:30 PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 24 25 26 27 5:30 PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY ________________________ 31 16 AUGUST 2014 THURSDAY 5774 FRIDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 1 2 6:00 PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 7:53 PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 9:30 AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Parashat Devarim DURING SHABBAT SERVICES: Discussion on Hospital Chaplaincy in Israel with Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz 8:54 PM: SHABBAT ENDS 7 8 9 8:00 AM: LECHA DUMIYAH TEHILLA MEDITATION 6:00 PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 7:44 PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 9:30 AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Parashat Va’et· hannah 8:45 PM: SHABBAT ENDS 14 15 16 8:00 AM: LECHA DUMIYAH TEHILLA MEDITATION 6:00 PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 7:34 PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 9:30 AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Ekev DAVID WEISMAN BAR MITZVAH 8:35 PM: SHABBAT ENDS 21 22 23 8:00 AM: LECHA DUMIYAH TEHILLA MEDITATION 6:00 PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 7:23 PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 9:30 AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Re’eh CALEB STAPLES BAR MITZVAH 8:24 PM: SHABBAT ENDS 28 29 30 7:30PM: CBI BOARD MEETING 6:00 PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 7:12 PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 9:30 AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Shofetim BENSON LUDDY-DUNN BAR MITZVAH 8:13 PM: SHABBAT ENDS 17 B’NAI MITZVAH IN AUGUST David Weisman Bar Mitzvah August 16, 2014 Hi, my name is David Weisman, and I was born in Nazret, Ethiopia. I lived there with my parents Habtamu and Emabet, my brother Biniam and my sister Kebrom, for four years until Kebrom and I were put up for adoption. We waited six months till my adoptive parents came and brought us to America. I now live here in Florence with my sister Kebrom (Tess) Weisman, my brother Emilio, my dog Billy Bob and my mom Simona and my dad Ed. Son of Simona Pozzetto & Ed Weisman Caleb Staples Bar Mitzvah August 23, 2014 My bar mitzvah is important to me because it will finally mean that I am an adult representative of the Jewish community. My name is Caleb Staples. I was born and raised here in Northampton and have been attending services ever since I was very young. I attended Gan Keshet as a preschooler and graduated from Lander Grinspoon Academy. Now, I am heading into eighth grade at John F. Kennedy Middle School. I enjoy doing arts and crafts, archery, and playing guitar. I am happy to now be a full fledged member of the synagogue and be able to be part of a minyan. I am really looking forward to my bar mitzvah. Son of Rosalind Torrey & Mark Staples I hope to see you there. Benson Luddy-Dunn My name is Benson Luddy-Dunn. I now attend the Williston Northampton School after graduating from Lander-Grinspoon Academy. Bar Mitzvah August 30, 2014 When I am not in school I love playing sports, such as soccer, baseball, lacrosse, squash, and swimming. I am looking forward to my bar mitzvah because I have worked hard on it with my teacher, Becky Lederman and I am proud to demonstrate what I have learned to the community. Son of: Jennifer Luddy & Seth Dunn I am also honored to now become an adult member of the community that I grew up in. My mother, father, and sister Abby are looking forward to seeing everyone August 30th. 18 Tisha B’Av Observance Join us on Monday, August 4 at 8:00 pm as we observe Tisha B’Av with a Ma’ariv (evening) service, a traditional reading of Eichah (Book of Lamentations), and reflections. Held in the CBI Sanctuary 19 CLUBS & NOTES TUESDAY TEXT STUDY with Rabbi Justin David TUESDAYS AT 12:15 PM September meeting: Book: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Date: Sept. 15, 7:30pm Place: Home of Joan Schaffer 41 Cloverdale Street, Florence 413-586-7440 Join us weekly—or as often as you can— for an informal study of Jewish texts and lively discussion. Held in the CBI library every Tuesday. Registration is not required and there is no charge. Contact Rabbi Justin David for more information at cbirabbi@verizon.net or call (413) 584-3593 ext. 208. October meeting: Book: Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout Date: Oct. 20, 7:30pm The study group will resume on September 2. Books for the coming months: Mak’hela The Jewish Chorus of Nov. 17: I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Western Massachusetts Dec 15: The Light Betweeen Oceans by ML Stedman Open Reherasal Jan 26: Round House by Louise Erdrich Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014 at 7:30pm Lander~Grinspoon Academy 257 Prospect Street, Northampton Feb 23: Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton Mar 23: either Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson OR Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter by Peter Moriseau Prospective members welcome: We seek choral singers for all voice parts Apr 27: My Promised Land by Avi Shavitt May 18: Will pick books for the following year For more information contact: Bonnie Mikesh at bpmikesh@comcast.net or 413 567-3297 or www.makhela.org Jun 8: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd On Tuesday, July 22, a check for $10,188 arrived in our mailbox. We were delighted and overwhelmed by the generosity of this anonymous act of Tzedakah. A story about the gift appeared in the Daily Hampshire Gazette on Friday, July 25, and we have sent a thank you on behalf of the entire congregation to the donor. For many, our synagogue is a beloved spiritual center, but we are keenly aware that a synagogue is also bricks and mortar, a place where the roof might leak or the Abundance Farm (our new farm that grows and donates produce to the local Survival Center) might have to deal with an infestation. This donation allows us more room to walk the line between spiritual and material needs, between bare essential programming and the kind of rich variety of spiritual experience we are, at our best, able to offer. We hope that someday this donor will visit CBI and give us an opportunity to offer a warm welcome. Norbert Goldfield and Gillian Murray Kendall, co-Presidents 20 ISRAEL COMMITTEE NEWS 21 STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE Greetings. Here is an update from the CBI Strategic Planning Steering Committee. We are currently holding our final meetings before, after thorough discussion, making recommendations to the Board for adoption this Fall, 2014. At present, based on the past 11 months of research, discussion, and planning, we have 7 major recommendations that we are continuing to hone. Each of these was presented and discussed at the 2014 CBI Annual Meeting in June. Recommendations: 1. We recommend the reconstitution of the Membership Committee and propose a new charge for the committee to reflect CBI's current needs. These needs include: a) Establishing a culture of welcoming for diverse community members. b) Creating a plan for repairing and upgrading existing space, thus making the building more inviting, and considering the possibility of professional assistance to help plan and execute goals. c) Exploring the idea of engaging in a membership drive and outreach to potential members. d) Taking an integrated approach to CBI beautification and maximizing the input of our congregants' artistic talents. 2. As we implement our strategic plan, we will need increased assistance from our congregants. Therefore we recommend a survey of our congregants to identify their interests and skills, to enable us to update our membership database, and to endeavor to pair our members with meaningful volunteer opportunities. This kind of congregant assistance will help CBI move forward with its strategic planning goals. 3. We recommend the creation of a new standing Stewardship Committee to cultivate and steward donors. The charge for that Committee will be to work with donors in order to meet CBI's ongoing need to maximize annual and capital funds. The committee should also consider the efficacy of securing professional consultation. 4. We should invite other Jewish institutions in the Valley to join in an ad hoc Inter-institutional Committee to advance cooperation and collaborative programming. The Committee will also be authorized to further examine the viability of an integrated, multiorganization Jewish campus in the upper Pioneer Valley. 5. We support the continuation of a strong Jewish Preschool at CBI. To that end, we recommend the establishment of a Gan Keshet Task Force to conduct a comprehensive review of the preschool, its current operations, finances, and goals; its potential to serve young Jewish and non-Jewish families; and its valuable role as a portal to CBI membership and lifelong engagement for Jewish families. The committee should report its findings to the Board by April 1, 2015. 6. We should authorize the Adult Education Committee, chaired by Barbara Lerner, to: Create a pilot program for a Sunday Learning Café that will consist of two 7-week programs for the Fall, 2014 and Spring, 2015 terms. In selecting a theme for the Café, the committee should consult with Alma, Gan Keshet and other program providers. For year two, the committee should coordinate with all entities at CBI that do learning-programming in order to present a coordinated calendar that will be made available to the congregation in a timely fashion. 7. We recommend authorizing the Rabbi and others to continue developing Friday night events, as well as Shabbat—and other—programs, as we further explore the idea of a Spirituality Institute. Because of overlap, we recommend that exploration of a potential Spirituality Institute, as proposed by the Spirituality Task Force during the Strategic Planning Process, be closely coordinated with the similar goals of other Task Forces. Working together a common annual theme and programming for that theme can be established. 8. Establish a new, standing Communication Committee that will be responsible for developing and establishing a cohesive approach to CBI's public relations, branding, and engagement with social media. 22 MINUTES OF THE CBI BOARD APRIL 2014 Board Agenda – May meeting – May 20 from 8-9pm Note: The reason the meeting was held at this time is that from 6-8 there was a joint meeting between the CBI Board and the Strategic Planning Committee together with Task Forces. Entitled “From Strategic Planning to Strategic Implementation”, on May 20, from 6-8 pm there was a joint meeting between the Congregation Bnai Israel Board, the Strategic Planning Committee and Strategic Planning Task Forces to review what we’ve accomplished thus far in our efforts to shape the CBI of the future. Board Meeting Members Present: Lauren Weinsier, Hanneli de Vries, Amy Siege, David Berkman, Jim Sagalyn, Joel Feldman, Stephan Wurmbrand , Jennifer Hoffman, gkendall@smith.edu. Also present: Rabbi Justin David, Executive Director Ben Cuperman. -Rabbi’s D’var – Rabbi David -Approval of March and April minutes – we were unable to approve the minutes as we did not have a quorum. -Director’s Report – with a focus on finances – Ben Cuperman. Ben highlighted the following issues: Fundraising needs another $20,000 to reach the budget of $100,000 ALMA income is $1,500 better than projected by the budget There is an overall surplus of $3,000 today; it will not be easy to have a surplus by 6/30/14 The new internet provider is working well We are looking at quotes for property/liability CBI coverage: there is a Jul 1 renewal We have wo resignations: one moving and one living in Amherst and not attending a synagogue TOTAL CBI Membership: 342 -Updates from Education : Amy Siege. Alma had a spectacular year. 50% increase in enrollment. An issue that will need to be addressed is sustainability. Rabbis David and Jacob are working on this issue. With respect to the farm, 100 bowls, each for $100, is well underway. -Strategic Planning Committee Suggestions and Review. The SPC (soon SPI) will recommend and the Board with Community Input will decide how to pursue these suggestions. The annual meeting will largely focus on SPC recommendations together with CBI Committee Reports. Discussion ensued on some of the committees that will be needed to begin to implement change e.g. physical plant, membership, Gan Keshet, community outreach. -Gala Update – Norbert. This is the big event – most importantly recognizing an amazing couple that has made such a dramatic impact on our community. Recognition was given to Jenn Hoffman and Katya Missry for their incredible work on this event. In addition, recognition was given to Johnny Joelson for his work on fund-raising. The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm. 23 Erev Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah Erev Yom Kippur Yom Kippur Erev Sukkot Sukkot Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah First night of Chanukah Tu B’Shevat Purim First night of Passover Passover Yom HaShoah Yom HaAtzmaut Lag BaOmer Yom Yerushalayim Shavuot Tisha B'Av September 24, 2014 Septe mber 25, 2014 October 3, 2014 October 4, 2014 October 8, 2014 October 9 & 10, 2014 October 16, 2014 October 17, 2014 December 16, 2014 February 4, 2015 March 5, 2015 April 3, 2015 April 4-11, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 23, 2015 May 7, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 24 & 25, 2015 July 25, 2015 24 5775 Calendar At– A– Glance DONATIONS ABUNDANCE FARM Lou Davis CEMETERY FUND In loving memory of Stephen Colodny. From Shirley Colodny many years of fantastic adult education. From Jan Hackman To the Abundance Farm for the planting of a tree in memory of Mel EDUCATION FUND Prouser – CBI’s Gabbai. Dorothy Nemetz and John Todd From the Pulpit Fund committee (Ron Ackerman) In memory of Harry Aaron Dubin & Shirley Garmaise Dubin. From Lois Dubin ANNUAL FUND To Bob Cohen, lots of fond memories from our long days of friendENDOWMENT FUND ship. Happy Birthday. From Sally To Doris & David Cohen, Mazal & Hy Edelstein Tov on your 50th anniversary. May you enjoy many more great years To Janet & Al Chevan, congratula- together. From Penina & Mickey tions on the Bat Mitzvah of your Glazer granddaughter. From Barry & Julia Federman To Bobby Cohen, Happy special birthday. L’chaim and love, Marcia In loving memory of Robert & Ruth Burick and Ed McColgan Federman. From Barry & Julia Federman ISRAEL COMMITTEE To Rabbi Justin David, in appreciaTo the Bond family, in memory of tion for the Tuesday Torah Text our dear friend, Florence Bond, who Study Group. From Henia Lewin first introduced me to CBI. With love and gratitude, Marcia Burick. KURIAN KIDDUSH FUND Barry Feingold & Marci Yoss To Joann Kobin, in memory of Flor- Lucy Greenburg ence Bond. From Penina & Mickey Bonnie & Joel Gordon Glazer Rosemarie Karparis Lois Dubin & Ben Braude To Judy Bond Pogany, in memory Peter Steinberg of Florence Bond. From Penina & Mickey Glazer In honor of Shelley Steuer. From Joel & Bonnie Gordon To Howie Bond & family, in memory of Florence Bond. From To Bianca Cuperman, in memory of Penina & Mickey Glazer your mother, with love. From Lauren & Steve Weinsier To Howard Bond & family & Judy, my deepest sympathy on the loss of In honor of Rachel Besserman & your unforgettable mother, Flo. Emmet Blanchette. From Judith From Adele Steinberg Pomerantz Besserman To Howard Bond & Judy Bond Pogany, in memory of Florence Bond. From Jan Hackman To Joann Kobin, condolences on the To Shoshana Zonderman, in honor loss of your brother, Louis. From of your retirement. Thanks for so Adele Steinberg 25 To Howie Bond & family, in memory of Flo Bond. From Katie Hicks & Henry Rosenberg To the Moss-Horwitz family, Mazal Tov on the wonderful occasion of Ben’s Bar Mitzvah. From Doris & David Cohen. To Bianca Cuperman, in appreciation of the wonderful dinner. Thanks for going above and beyond. From Doris & David Cohen In memory of Liliana & Albert Goldfield. From Jane Goldfield Mazal Tov to Debra Bercuvitz, Nancy Felton, Sandra Matthews, Joan Schaffer & Tiertza-Leah Schwartz on the occasion of their B’not Mitzvah. From Henia Lewin PEGGY WALKER FUND Nanci Martine PULPIT FUND To Jane Herzenberg & Jim Sagalyn, sorry for your loss. Keep the happy memories alive. May you know only joy form now on. From Janet & Al Chevan RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Christine Benvenuto To Rabbi David, thanks for your guidance and inspiration. From Sandra Matthews, Nancy Felton, Tiertza-Leah Schwartz, Joan Schaffer & Debra Bercuvitz. DONATIONS To Rabbi David, thank you for the inspiring Bible seminar – much appreciated by me and all the other attendees. Fondly, Miriam Slater To Jan Hackman, my sympathy on the loss of your mother. From Eileen Rutman To Lior David –with appreciation of your music, the passion and virtuosTo Rabbi David, thanks again for ity. Fond respect and admiration. the kindness shown over the years to From Cleo Gorman & Ron Ackerour mother, Dutchie. From Stephen man August and Linda Weene To the family of Flo Bond, in loving To Rabbi David, in appreciation for memory of a wonderful mother, your invaluable help with and loving grandmother, and friend. From Doparticipation in our recommitment ris & David Cohen ceremony. From Doris & David Cohen To Joann Kobin, deepest sympathy on the loss of your brother Lewis To Abrams family, our condolences Stern. From Doris & David Cohen on the passing of Linda, who so enjoyed family. From Sally & Hy To Judy and Gene Pogany, in loving Edelstein memory of your dear mother, Florence. From Adele Oppenheim In memory of Florence Bond. From Paul & Susan Griffin To Howard Bond and Family, in loving memory of your dear mother, In memory of Berth Levine. From Florence. From Adele Oppenheim Edward & Barbara Levine To Howie, Mina and Isaac Bond, thinking of you in your loss of our SAM & MILDRED WOLFE beloved Flo, mother, grandmother, BAR/BAT MITZVAH FUND To Howard Bond & Judy Bond friend and Sisterhood past president. Pogany, in memory of your beloved Lovingly, Cleo & Ron mother, Florence Bond. From David & Beverly Hirschhorn To Judy & Gene Pogany and Family, thinking of you in your loss of SISTERHOOD ALL OCCASION our beloved Flo, mother, grandmother, friend and Sisterhood presiFUND To Jane Herzenberg, with sincere dent. Our condolences, Cleo Gorsympathy on the death of your faman & Ron Ackerman ther. From Carol & Bill Jolly To Gillian Kendall, Mazal Tov on To Jane Herzenberg, we’re thinking the publication of your novel and on of you, sending our condolences on your fantastic reading. What an the death of your beloved dad. event. Thanks for sharing. Fondly, From Cleo and Ron Cleo & Ron 26 TZEDAKAH-CHESED FUND Mark & Janet Fagan In loving memory of my mother, Pearl Herman. From Adele Steinberg In loving memory of Louis Rabin. From Monroe Rabin In loving memory of Cesia Swing. From Adele Oppenheim In loving memory of Miriam Zeller. From Alan Zeller In loving memory of Irene Rothberg. From Irving Rothberg In loving memory of Max Levine. From Edward & Barbara Levine In loving memory of Norman Hyman. From Arthur Hyman In memory of Sara Rosenthal. From Jane Stein VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS In memory of Flo Bond. From Ricki Kantrowitz YOUTH FUND In honor of Jason Cooper’s Bar Mitzvah. From Lilly & Harold Felsen 2014 GALA DONATIONS Adele Steinberg Alvin & Shirley Cohen Barbara & Richard Lerner Barry Feingold & Marci Yoss Beth & Marta Lev Betty & Paul Koss Blair Barondes Bruce Goldstein David & Doris Cohen David & Eleanor Quint David & Jodi Kaufman Eileen Wingard Eleanor Rothman Eric Roth & Anne Werry Esther Budgar Esther Rothblum Frieda Baskin Gillian Kendall & Rob Dorit Helen & Richard Rescia Henia Lewin Henry Rosenberg & Katherine Hicks Hill Boss Irving Rothberg Jean Zimmer Jeffrey Korff & Shelley Steuer Jim Sagalyn & Jane Herzenberg Joan Schaffer & Alan Berkenwald Joann Kobin & Jules Chametzky Joel & Bonnie Gordon John Clayton John Joelson & Joanne Levin Jonathan Ginzberg & Lisa Harvey Joseph & Cathy Cohen Judi Haskell Larry Hott & Diane Garey Lauren & Steven Weinsier Linda & Keith Minoff Lois Dubin & Ben Braude Louise Bloomberg Marcia Burick Michael & Ronnie Bulman Morris Gould & Greta Kessler Niel Kudler & Nancy Flam Rabbi Justin David & Judith Wolf Rabbi Yechiael & Rose Lander Rachel & Pam Hannah Ricki Kantrowitz Robert & Virginia Rechtschaffen Rosemarie Karparis Samuel & Cathy Topal Sandra Dennis & Martha Knieriem Seth Dunn & Jennifer Luddy Sharon Krause Stephanie & Gerald Schamess Stephen Arons & Ada Medina Arons Sterling & Margaret Hopkins Vivian & Jerry Portnoy Wendy & Seth Stein William & Margo Cooley Zamir & Leah Nestelbaum BUSINESS DONATIONS Alternative Recycling Systems Catering by Meital Florence Savings Bank Gateway City Arts Jewish Federation of Western Mass. Northampton Cooperative Bank Rick Kristek Tax & Business Services Valley Home Improvement, Inc. 27 YAHRZEITS AUGUST 1 / AV 5 Saul Leo Cooper Harold Gelfman* Herbert Rubel AUGUST 2 / AV 6 Ruth C. Frolove* George Goldberg Gussie Goldberg* Susan Levi* AUGUST 3 / AV 7 Rae Feld Eunice Kantrowitz* Nathan Marcovitz Anna Zonderman* AUGUST 4 / AV 8 Morris Olim* AUGUST 5 / AV 9 Carol Kendall Boyce Schaffer Bernice Tarshus* AUGUST 6 / AV 10 Lena Cohen* William Miliefsky AUGUST 7 / AV 11 Robert Goldstein Bernice Torrey AUGUST 8 / AV 12 Rhoda Michelman AUGUST 9 / AV 13 Leslie Goodman Evelyn Hecht Bernard Kadinoff Theodore Kessler* Ira Jay Udes Dora Weber Harriet Weinroth AUGUST 10 / AV 14 Sunny Bat-or Helen Cohen Irving Fishman Daniel Giber Eleanor Tabor* Marilyn Vogel AUGUST 11 / AV 15 Dorothy Tennen AUGUST 12 / AV 16 Benjamin Migdal Milton Weinroth* David Wolff AUGUST 13 / AV 17 Albert B. Landis* AUGUST 14 / AV 18 Sara Allen* Irving Bittman AUGUST 15 / AV 19 Morris Bean Liliana Golfield Jonathan Klein Max Stricker AUGUST 16 / AV 20 Fay R. Bodner Elly Halprin AUGUST 17 / AV 21 Sarah Gould* AUGUST 18 / AV 22 Esther R. Freedman* Irving Kaplan Sarah Silverman AUGUST 19 / AV 23 Sarah Arbeitman Moses Kamel Ann Miller* AUGUST 20 / AV 24 Michael Hillel Rothman* Leon Tunkel AUGUST 21 / AV 25 Morris Weiss AUGUST 22 / AV 26 Herbert Eckstein Jennie Greenbaum Hansi Tenenbaum* Minnie Udes 28 AUGUST 23 / AV 27 Ruth Prince Federman* Esther Perlmutter AUGUST 24 / AV 28 Victor D’Lugin Adolf Emmerich Jack Norden Betty Oppenheim* AUGUST 25 / AV 29 Saul B. Rorrey Saul Torrey AUGUST 26 / AV 30 Fannie Barger* AUGUST 27 / ELUL 1 Simon Seewald AUGUST 28 / ELUL 2 Mollie Greenfield* Alex Zimmer AUGUST 29 / ELUL 3 Ruth Cohen Julius Fradkin AUGUST 30 / ELUL 4 Scott Bacherman Simon Geilich Gayla Lovzin Florence Newman Frank Shapiro* CBI FUNDS ABUNDANCE FARM FUND Funds support the creation and maintenance of an innovative food justice farm & outdoor classroom on the 1 acre piece of land between CBI & the Dept. of Public Works. We produce healthy, fresh produce for donation to the Northampton Survival Center while serving as an outdoor classroom & community building space for the broader community. ANNUAL FUND Funds will be used for the synagogue’s most pressing needs. Enhanced dues are a part of this fund. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. BENJAMIN GOLDSMITH FUND Used for the learning disabled in the Religious School. BIKKUR HOLIM FUND Donations for this fund are used for gifts from the whole congregation for members of the congregation who are fighting illness. Check s may be made payable to CBI with “Bikkur Holim” in the memo line. CEMETERY FUND Funds are used for cemetery maintenance & related activities. CHEVREI MITZVOT FUND Funds used towards gemilut hasadim, to honor Bar and Bat Mitzvot, and fund worthy endeavors. Please send donations to CBI. COMMITTEE FOR JEWISH CONNECTIONS Funds provide for programming to celebrate and promote the practice of Judaism. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. DANIEL & SHIRLEY LEVIN EDUCATION FUND Money will assist qualified families with Religious School Tuition. Check s m ad e payable to “Levin Education Fund” should be mailed to CBI. DIVINE FUND An endowment used to attract and retain outstanding religious school educators for our Religious School. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. EDUCATION FUND Donations help support all educational activities and programs for children and adults at CBI. Please send donations to CBI. ENDOWMENT FUND Minimum Contribution is $10.00. A $600 contribution or more is necessary for a plaque to be affixed in the main lobby. Principle stays intact; interest earned is used to defray general operations of the synagogue. Please send donations to CBI. HOUSE/PROPERTIES/AESTHETICS FUND Funds will be used to beautify the synagogue. Please se nd d o natio ns to CBI. THE ISRAEL FUND Funds used to support CBI sponsored trips to Israel, Yom Ha’atzmaut events and other activities in celebration of Israel. Please send donations to CBI. KITCHEN FUND Donations for this fund will be used for purchases and maintenance of CBI’s Kosher Kitchen. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. LANDSCAPE FUND Funds used to beautify and maintain synagogue grounds. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. LEONARD AND BERNICE ALBERTS PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND $10.00 minimum contribution. Fund assists qualified families with Preschool tuition. Please send donations to CBI with “Alberts Fund” in the memo line. LIBRARY FUND Money in this fund will go towards the purchase of CBI library books. Please send donations to CBI. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION FUND Money from this fund will go to the preschool for equipment and teaching materials. Mak e check s payable to CBI w ith “Preschool Fund” in the memo line. PULPIT FUND Funds used to procure necessary items that are not covered by the operating budget. These funds will be used to enhance our services. Please send donations to CBI. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ple ase send donations to CBI. SANDRA GOLDSMITH ENDOWMENT FUND Donations are used to endow activities for Tikkun Olam. Please se nd d o natio ns to CBI. SAM & MILDRED WOLFE BAR/BAT MITZVAH FUND All students studying for Bar/Bat Mitzvah require a private tutor. This fund offsets tutoring costs for families. We encourage all families, friends and relatives to contribute. Minimum contribution is $10.00. Make checks payable to CBI with “Wolfe Fund” in the memo line. 29 SHABBAT CHILD CARE FUND Money from this fund will go towards providing quality child care to all who need it (at no charge) during Shabbat services. Please send donations to CBI. SISTERHOOD ALL OCCASION FUND Minimum contribution is $5.00. Money is used for specific synagogue needs voted upon by the Sisterhood membership. Mail checks made payable to “CBI Sisterhood” to Cleo Go rm an, 32 Winthrop St., Northampton, MA 01060, 413 584-4497. A card will be mailed for any occasion. SUE KURIAN KIDDUSH FUND Donations will be used to enhance our Shabbat services with festive Kiddushes. Please send donations to CBI. TIKKUN OLAM FUND Funds are used to benefit programs that help people in need in the Northampton-Amherst area, in Israel, and, occasionally, when catastrophes strike in other parts of the world. Please send donations to CBI. TORAH CHAI FUND Donations to this fund assist the restoration and repair of Congregation B’nai Israel’s existing Torah scrolls, and have made possible the purchase of a new Torah. Please send donations to CBI. TZEDAKAH-CHESED FUND Fund for engaging in acts of tzedakah (charity and generosity) for the benefit of CBI members. Please send donations to CBI. VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS Fund to help support seniors’ activities through CBI. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. WOMEN’S FUND A $5.00 minimum contribution. Funds are directed to women in need in our community. Send checks payable to Sisterhood Women’s Fund to: Jan Hackman, 37 Prospect Heights, Northampton, MA 01060 YOUTH FUND Donations will be used to help fund activities for our youth programs. Please send donations to CBI. YAHRZEIT (MEMORIAL) PLAQUE $200 donation for each name. Please m ak e checks payable to “CBI Cemetery Fund” and mail to CBI. ADS Did you know CBI has a Facebook page? Stay up to date with all the synagogue happenings. It’s a great way to stay connected and support CBI. 30 ADS If you are interested in placing an ad please contact the synagogue office at 413 584-3593 ext 0 31 Congregation B’nai Israel 253 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060 Dated Material– Do Not Delay 32