

An Ergon Perspective On Quality
October 2007
Commitment to Quality
Page 3
Staying in the Black
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
Page 8
Fuels Marketing
Page 13
is published twice yearly by
by Tom Isonhood
Ergon’s Systems &
Performance Improvement
Please send any correspondence to:
Kathryn Steen, M.Ed.
Ergon Systems & Performance
Improvement Department
P. O. Box 1639
Jackson, MS 39215-1639
Fax: (601) 933-3152
Commitment to Quality
Ergon’s Systems & Performance
Improvement Department would
like to thank everyone who
contributed to this issue of Focus.
We welcome and encourage all
readers’ comments, questions
and feedback regarding this
Just Push
Please use our website survey
at to let
us know what you think.
Corporate Spotlight
Fuels Marketing
Product Quality is our basic business strategy. It is our policy to
provide products and services of
the highest quality level, which
will result in satisfied customers.
Staying in the Black
Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions
Only 100% conformance to customer requirements will be acceptable. We will accomplish our goal
through actively involving and
training our employees, obtaining commitment from our suppli-
SONS ‘07
In case of disaster.... turn here.
ers, conforming to appropriate
standards and establishing and
monitoring objectives. Application
of these activities will lead to the
continual improvement of everything we do.
Leslie B. Lampton, CEO
Modern Iron
Adding to the Fleet.
Dear Readers:
• Ergon Europe MEA, Inc. – A
well is being drilled with the largest
Fall is here, and cooler weather is
new Ergon company for Europe,
drilling rig in Pennsylvania and
on the way! It’s been a long, hot
Middle East, and Africa markets
is also expected to be the deepest
summer at Ergon. I am surprised
with a sales office in Brussels,
in the state. These are just a few
the year is passing so quickly, and
Belgium, and a tank terminal
examples of the growth being
that it’s time for another issue of
in Antwerp, supplying Europe
planned or implemented within
FOCUS. The summer months
with naphthenic base oil and
our company and of management’s
are always a busy time for our
transformer oil.
continued commitment to serving
companies, and this year is no
our customers and markets.
exception. One of the reasons
Other things happening within
why we’ve been so busy is that
the company include the ongoing
Growth is good, and we all
our enterprise is growing and
construction of our joint venture
know that in order to get the
expanding. We would like to
ethanol facility, Bunge-Ergon
work done, it takes people to do it.
welcome four new companies
Vicksburg, LLC. Ergon Refining,
Our employees frequently take the
recently added to the Ergon family.
Inc., is preparing for construction
extra step and are the basis for the
These companies are:
of three major units: a hydrogen
long- term success of Ergon. The
generation unit, a propane
Ergon quality management system
deasphalting unit, and a high
seeks to include our employees into
Company of Kansas City, KS
pressure hydrotreater. Lion Oil
the planning and decision making
– A manufacturer of specialty
Company is planning to increase
processes concerning their jobs
asphalt additives and adhesive
their crude capacity from 75,000
and in the improvement of work
products for the roofing,
bbl/day to 85,000 bbl/day.
processes. Our employees know
• Innovative Adhesives
concrete and paving industries.
what works and what does
Earlier this year, Magnolia Marine
• Tier Electronics, LLC,
not work.
Transport Company (MMT)
of Menomonee, WI – A
launched a new vessel, the M/V
This publication is about the
manufacturer of power
Katherine Berry, and has another
employees of Ergon, and we
converters for the power
under construction, the M/V Mari
sincerely hope you enjoy it. We
quality, alternative energy,
Lampton. MMT has also purchased
always welcome contributors
and specialized motor control
four new barges for black oil service
– please let us know if you are
and is scheduled to receive another
interested in authoring an article.
two barges this fall for ethanol
We would also love to hear your
• Ergon – Knoxville, Inc., of
service. Ergon Exploration, Inc.,
feedback and any ideas for future
Knoxville, TN – A 200,000 bbl
has a new drilling program in
publications. Have a great autumn!
asphalt bulk storage facility
Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Two
located on the Tennessee River.
wells are already permitted and
more may be planned. The first
Just Push
Document Control Excellence
by Lee Lampton
by Lisa King
The following is one of the more
just the minimum effort and that
the rock but your calling was to
compelling devotional stories I have
will be good enough.”
be Obedient and to push and to
found and wanted to share it with
exercise your Faith and trust in my
That’s what the weary man planned
Wisdom. That you have done. Now,
to do but decided to make it a mat-
I, my friend, will move the rock.”
A man was sleeping one night in his
ter of prayer and to take his troubled
cabin when suddenly his room filled
thoughts to The Lord.
with light, and God appeared. The
At times, when we hear a word
from God, we tend to use our
Lord told the man he had work for
“Lord,” he said, “I have labored
own intellect to decipher what He
him to do and showed him a large
long and hard in Your Service, put-
Wants, when actually what God
rock in front of his cabin. The Lord
ting all my strength to do that which
wants is just simple obedience
explained that the man was to push
you have asked. Yet, after all this
and faith in Him.
against the rock with all his might.
time, I have not even budged that
So, this the man did, day after day.
rock by half a millimeter. What is
By all means, exercise the Faith
wrong? Why am I failing?”
that moves mountains, but know
For many years he toiled from
that it is still God who moves the
sunup to sundown, his shoulders set
The Lord responded compassion-
squarely against the cold, massive
ately, “My friend, when I asked you
surface of the unmoving rock, push-
to serve Me and you accepted, I
When everything seems to go
ing with all his might!
told you that your task was to push
wrong…Just P.U.S.H. When the job
against the rock with all of your
gets you down…Just P.U.S.H. When
strength, which you have done.
people don’t do as you think they
Each night the man returned to his
cabin sore and worn out, feeling
should…Just P.U.S.H. When your
that his whole day had been spent
Never once did I mention to you
money is “gone” and the bills are
in vain. Since the man was show-
that I expected you to move it.
due…Just P.U.S.H.
ing discouragement, the Adversary
Your task was to push. And now
(Satan) decided to enter the picture
you come to Me with your strength
by placing thoughts into the weary
spent, thinking that you have failed.
you…Just P.U.S.H.
But, is that really so? Look at
P = Pray
When people just don’t understand
mind. (He will do it every time!):
“You have been pushing against that
yourself. Your arms are strong
rock for a long time and it hasn’t
and muscled, your back shiny and
moved.” Thus, he gave the man the
brown, your hands are callused from
impression that the task was impos-
constant pressure, your legs have
sible and that he was a failure. These
become massive and hard.
thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man.
Through opposition, you have
grown much, and your abilities
Satan said, “Why kill yourself over
now surpass those which you used
this? Just put in your time, giving
to have. True, you haven’t moved
U = Until
S = Something
H = Happens
Friends are quiet angels who lift us
to our feet when our wings have
trouble remembering how to fly.
May God Bless You.
We would like to spotlight Marilyn
Brubaker, a 10-year employee of
Ergon Refining,
Inc., (ERI) and
the Document
at the refinery
in Vicksburg,
Marilyn has been very instrumental
in implementing the OnBase
electronic document management
program at ERI, replacing the
former Mockingbird document
control system. She has earned
the Certified OnBase System
Administrator credential from
Hyland Software and is the go-to
person for OnBase at ERI. Marilyn
assists SPID by providing document
controller training, giving OnBase
presentations and showcasing the
ERI document control system.
Marilyn has also given freely of her
time by participating on the Ergon
internal audit team since 2002. She
is a member of the ERI Local Site
Quality Committee and actively
participates in their management
review meetings.
Mildred Black works with Marilyn
in the refinery’s document control
area and admires her as a co-worker
and friend. Mildred appreciates
Marilyn’s positive attitude and
excellent work ethic. “Marilyn
is always 100% reliable, well
organized, and the most professional
person I’ve met. Her attention to
Department move department files
such as customer documentation,
customer sample information, and
laboratory analyses into OnBase.
She has set up specific keywords
for Product Services Department
personnel to conveniently search
numerous archived files. “Product
Services owes it to Marilyn for
helping us transfer our files to
OnBase. We are thrilled to have a
new system that makes it easier for
us to search and manage our files,”
says Matthews.
Marilyn manages to balance her
career at ERI with the challenges of
motherhood. She is mother to a 23
year old son, David, who graduated
from Mississippi State University in
“Marilyn is always 100% reliable,
well organized, and the most professional
person I’ve met.”
has also assisted some of the other
Vicksburg companies with their
use of OnBase. Magnolia Marine
Transport Co. (MMT) has received
assistance from Marilyn with
scanning and importing services
for their Human Resources records.
This assistance allows MMT human
resource personnel to securely access
their electronic personnel records.
Additionally, Marilyn has helped
set up record keeping systems in
OnBase for vessels in MMT’s fleet.
Marilyn is also an asset to
Ergon’s Systems & Performance
Improvement Department and
the internal audit program. She
detail has motivated and encouraged
us all,” says Black.
The Ergon Refining, Inc., Product
Services Department benefits
from Marilyn’s dedication and
commitment to document
control. Product Services
Project Administrator Christin
Matthews handles Ergon’s product
specifications and has enjoyed
working with Marilyn. Together
they train employees on how to
use OnBase to access product
specifications from their desktop
computers rather than referring
to a paper manual. Marilyn has
also helped the Product Services
May, 2006, with a Physics degree
and is presently pursuing his Masters
in Education and Science. Her 16
year old daughter, Kathy, plays
basketball, rides horses and plays the
flute in her school band.
Marilyn has a broad college
background in education and has
taught elementary education in
the Vicksburg school system. It’s
also interesting to note that she
completed a Walt Disney World
Marathon in January, 2002! Go
Marilyn! Thank you for your “cando” attitude and everything you do
to support Quality at Ergon!
Ergon Racing: Paving the Way to Better Business
Fuels Marketing
by Kirk Latson
by David Hovis
The Fuels Marketing Department is responsible for selling
Helena, AR; North Little Rock, AR; Cape Girardeau,
Ergon, Inc., has taken its stock car racing relationships a
After our evaluation, we saw it as a very promising tool for
all fuels produced at the Lion Oil Company refinery in El
MO; Princeton, IN; Arcadia, LA; Shreveport, LA; Fort
bit farther this year. Our company has become an industry
entertaining clients and employees as well. It has really
Dorado, Arkansas, and the Ergon West Virginia refinery in
Smith, AR; Memphis, TN; Oklahoma City, OK; Tulsa,
leader in the resurfacing of racetracks around the country.
been a successful season in every regard. We increased
Newell, West Virginia.
OK; Kansas City, MO and Springfield, MO. Customers
This year, however, Ergon has ‘upped the ante’ with a
our bids for new racetrack projects, and everyone has had
include truck stop operators, convenience store chains,
full sponsorship of driver Marc Mitchell. This move has
fun watching the Ergon Chevrolet compete for wins.”
jobbers, trucking companies, and farm cooperatives.
allowed Marc to fulfill his dream of competing with the
The challenge for Fuels Marketing is to not only sell all the
fuels these refineries produce but also to consistently sell
production to credit worthy customers at the best possible
Being unbranded suppliers, neither Lion Oil Company nor
netback to the refineries. Ergon can offer a sign or credit card package like major oil
great drivers of the NASCAR Busch Series and ARCA
“We were excited to get behind a young, up-and-coming
RE/MAX Series.
driver like Marc,” continued Burns. “Our goal is to help
him get to the highest levels of racing because we know
companies do. The unbranded rack competition
After repaving the Talladega (Alabama) Super Speedway
that he has what it takes. He has a bright future ahead of
is extremely price sensitive. “A customer will
with Ergon asphalt in 2006, Ergon executives decided
leave you and purchase from your competitor
to sponsor a car to compete in the first race to be held
for as little as $0.0015 per gallon,” says Randy
on the new surface. Mitchell became an obvious choice
The 2007 Ergon racing schedule consisted of 12 ARCA
Cowell, Manager of Wholesale Sales for Lion
as Ergon’s driver–not only because he had a champion-
RE/MAX Series races and two NASCAR Busch Series
Oil Company. “What makes us successful is
ship resume after winning the 2001 Legends Car World
events. In his first ARCA RE/MAX start of the season
the expertise of our sales force and the support
Championships, but also because his father and uncle own
at Daytona, Mitchell brought the Ergon car home in sec-
provided by other departments including
Mitchell Brothers Asphalt in Tallahassee, Florida, a long-
ond place. This marked the highest ARCA finish of his
Supply/Distribution, Laboratories, Credit, Tax,
time customer of Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
career. In the team’s first NASCAR Busch Series start at
Milwaukee, Mitchell finished a very respectable 20th.
Economics/Planning and Accounting,” adds
front: Jill Caldwell, Randy Cowell, Larry Morgan, back: Lee Crum Lampton,
Buddy Hall, Kirk Latson, Robert Long, Greg Binkley
Latson. Lion’s sales effort is headed by Randy
Mitchell was able to qualify his Ergon entry into the Food
and assisted by Larry Morgan and Buddy Hall.
World 250 despite never competing on the 2.66-mile, high-
“It is an honor to represent Ergon in different areas of the
speed oval. Moving quickly into the top 10 during the race,
country,” said Mitchell. “We have enjoyed a lot of support
Greg Binkley handles Ergon West Virginia’s
You might wonder why consistently selling production
fuels sales. Selling such large product volumes requires a
he was involved in a pit road mishap not of his making.
from the employees, as well as customers of Ergon. As
is an important goal for this department. Both of these
very organized administrative team, which is headed by
Unfortunately, the team was done for the day, but he had
a driver, that means a lot. It has been a great year, and I
refineries have volumes that must be maintained to
Jill Caldwell, Manager of Marketing Information and
laid a solid foundation for the 2007 season.
hope that everyone at Ergon has been enjoying this season
enable their distribution systems. When fuel inventories
Analysis. Also, Lee Lampton, Jr. works closely with Jill,
significantly rise above these predetermined volumes, the
Randy, and Greg to ensure customer needs are addressed
“We had looked at getting into the sponsorship side of rac-
company assumes a tremendous risk. According to Kirk
and that the product continues to move.
ing for quite some time,” said Ergon Vice President Baxter
Latson, Vice President of Fuels Marketing, “We are seeing
as much as I have.”
Burns. “By doing so, we felt it would increase our
price volatility like never before in the history of the oil
A new responsibility for the Fuels Marketing Department
asphalt exposure within the NASCAR com-
industry. Twenty years ago, a big wholesale price move
is the Bunge-Ergon Vicksburg (BEV) ethanol project.
munity. We got some great reviews
was one to two cents per gallon on gasoline; today, it is
Robert Long was brought on board in June of this year as
after the Talladega project, and we
not surprising to see a ten to twenty cent per gallon price
Sales Representative for Ergon Ethanol – the marketing
wanted to build on that.
move in one day.” Holding down excess inventories under
arm for BEV.
these circumstances subjects the company to huge potential
inventory write-downs.
The Fuels Marketing Department has the responsibility
of being on the front lines with customers. Hundreds of
The Lion Oil Company refinery produces 500 million
folks working behind the scene make this responsibility
gallons of gasoline and 375 million gallons of distillates
a pleasant one by enabling us to follow through on
per year. Ergon-West Virginia produces 55 million gallons
our commitments, offering only quality products, and
of gasoline and 115 million gallons of distillates per year.
providing a wide range of customer support.
The vast majorities of fuels are sold by the truck load to
400 customers and are supplied by both refineries and
at storage terminals located in the following locations:
Staying in theBlack
Ergon & Pavement Preservation
Pavement preservation is defined as the sum of all activities undertaken to provide
and maintain serviceable roadways. This includes corrective maintenance and
preventive maintenance, as well as minor rehabilitation projects.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
n the ancient Middle East, it was used as a mortar for
bricks and stones. In the Far East, for waterproofing
ships, scabbards, canteens and other items. The early
Japanese used it to cast statues, and the ancient Egyptians
used it to mummify…well, mummies. They even called it
Today, it’s known as asphalt, and it’s what Ergon Asphalt
& Emulsions has been using to build success since 1980.
In fact, thanks to breakthrough product development and
expansive manufacturing facilities, the company is now a
leader in the industry.
Headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, Ergon Asphalt &
Emulsions markets across the United States in locations
When Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway enacted plans
to repave the legendary racetrack for the first time since
1979, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions rose to the occasion.
Based on the excellent performance data of the company’s
liquid binder and mix designs, the project engineers
chose Ergon’s specialty Sealoflex Performance Grades of
polymer-modified asphalts, using it to recoat and reinforce
the entire 2.66-mile oval track, including the apron and
pit road. The project was handled out of the company’s
Birmingham, Alabama facility. Since then, Ergon and its
superior Sealoflex binder have become sought-after favorite
on the NASCAR circuit. Currently, the company is in line
to repave Sonoma, California’s Infineon Raceway and
Arizona’s Phoenix International Raceway, and bids to
repave other tracks across the country are under review.
BETADAMP™ is just one of many product lines that
reveal new and innovative ways Ergon utilizes the black,
sticky, and highly viscous substance distilled from crude
petroleum. Executive Vice President, J. Baxter Burns, II
affirms, “When we started this division, we made it our
overarching goal to bring something meaningful to every
single product that could benefit from asphalt. And we’re
on track to realize that goal in the very near future.”
But as the name implies, asphalt is just part of the story
behind Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions. Thanks to their
environmental compatibility, emulsions are a large and
growing part of their business, emerging as the products
of choice for pavement maintenance, roofing and
specialty industry applications. The company’s research
and development team continues to create emulsion
products that are safer to work with, better for the
environment, and that improve driving conditions.
In addition to Ertech and Ergon Asphalt Products, Ergon
Asphalt & Emulsions works closely with Crafco, an
Ergon company that manufacturers more than 50 types
of asphalt crack sealants. Headquartered in Chandler,
Arizona, Crafco operates manufacturing facilities in
Arizona, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania and distribution
centers throughout the world. Crafco is the world’s
leading manufacturer of equipment used to apply sealants
and other pavement maintenance materials. Recently,
the company announced the acquisition of Innovative
Adhesives Company, a leading manufacturer of specialty
asphalt coatings and adhesives, located in Kansas City,
spread from Las Vegas, Nevada, to Bainbridge, Georgia,
and covers 13 terminals. These terminals service the
highway construction business with paving grade asphalt,
high-performance polymer-modified SUPERPAVE™
asphalt, and emulsion products to suppliers across the
United States.
The company’s breakthrough products and pioneering
research and development have earned a solid reputation in
the industry and have allowed Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
to attract a variety of high-profile projects.
But, as in ancient times, the versatility of asphalt makes
it useful for far more than durable roadways, protecting
them from the rigors of modern automobile travel. Ertech,
the company’s Technical Coatings division, utilizes it
in the cars themselves. Patrick Nation, Vice President
of Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, says, “Usually, asphalt
on a car is a bad thing, a hazard of the roadway and a
nightmare to remove from the paint. But we actually use it
to produce a sound damper membrane that coats the inside
metal in cars.” The application is part of the company’s
BETADAMP™ product line, a sprayable, vibrationdamping coating that’s chip-and corrosion-resistant.
According to Nation, “We take vertical integration
seriously. Working together with our various companies
and divisions gives us the ability to cover virtually any
asphalt product or problem. But it’s our inventive thinking
that really positions us to have a huge impact on the
asphalt market of tomorrow.”
With plants located from coast to coast, Ergon’s
expanding facilities allow the company to capitalize
on this inventive thinking with more products for more
customers with greater benefits.
With a dedication to excellence, innovation, and
teamwork, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions is truly doing its
part to help Ergon stay in the black.
Cationic High Float
CHF-RS2P is a cationic, polymer modified
version of high float emulsion used for chip seal
applications. The benefits of a conventional HF
system, such as excellent chip retention and
the ability to choose from a wider selection of
aggregates, are combined with the quick return
to traffic properties associated with CRS systems.
Engineered Emulsion
EET is an engineered emulsion treatment
used for base stabilization and for reclamation
projects upgrading the traffic bearing capabilities
of existing routes. Same day return to traffic on
a water resistant, flexible roadway is a benefit
of the superior properties of EET compared to
conventional treatments.
Micro -Slurry
These cold mix systems are customized to
perform with varying aggregate mineralogy,
climates and surfaces. Both products protect the
underlying pavement from further distress and
oxidative damage. Restored friction resistance
remains high throughout the life of the treatment.
Slurry seal is used on airport runways, city and
residential streets, as well as state and county
highways. Micro surfacing can also be applied in
thicker lifts. It is used for specific rut fill situations
and as both leveling and wearing courses for city
arterial routes, high ADT highways and interstate
Polymerized Asphalt
Surface Sealer
PASS is a polymer modified rejuvenating emulsion
with exceptional versatility. PASS-QB is used as
a rejuvenating fog seal on highways, parking lots
and shoulders. PASS-CR is used for scrub seal
application intended as a mass crack seal on
routes that are distressed beyond the ability of a
conventional surface treatment to correct.
Clause Seven: Product Realization part 2 of 3
by Charlie Bennett
The previous issue of FOCUS
and development. Responsibilities
completed according to the defined
possible resolutions, and determine
verification addresses conformance
In closing, for those companies that
profiled sub-clauses 7.1 Planning
must be clearly defined. Managing
requirements at the start of the
appropriate follow-up. And as usual,
to requirements. Design and
design and develop products, the
of Product Realization and 7.2
the interfaces between different
project. The documentation of the
records of design and development
development validation is required to
controls highlighted in this article
Customer-Related Processes. Their
groups involved in design and
output of a design and development
reviews are maintained by the
ensure the design and development
are not only essential in meeting the
main themes are planning and
development is essential, as well as
project should demonstrate that the
appropriate personnel.
output conforms to defined user
requirements of the ISO 9001:2000
meeting customer requirements.
effective communication between
product will do what it was designed
needs. Validation is also required
standard but also essential in being
In order to meet customer
these groups.
to do. Information is provided to
to ensure the end product is capable
successful. “The key reason for
of meeting the requirements for
emphasis on planning is to maximize
requirements, employees must
first know and understand those
requirements. Once customer
help facilitate purchasing activities,
7.3.2 Design and Development
7.3.5 Design and Development
production, and service provisions.
Verification is different than
intended use. Validation should be
the probability that the project will
This clause requires a clear statement
validation. Verification is a distinct
completed prior to delivery to the
meet defined requirements. If the
requirements have been determined,
This clause’s intent is to ensure the
of the customers’ requirements. The
activity. It is a process step that can
customer when applicable. When
design and development processes
production can be planned effectively
development and documentation
design and development process
happen at any stage of the design
full validation cannot be performed
are planned and controlled well, an
to meet those requirements. The
of product requirements, or at
output is also required to include
and development process. After
prior to delivery, validation should
additional benefit should be that
next logical progression, then, is 7.3
least an equivalent statement
any information that relates to the
the developers have completed
be performed to the extent that
projects will be completed on time
Design and Development. Most
describing product characteristics,
production or using the product
their work, verification takes into
is reasonable. Again, validation
and within budget.” Once again, it
Ergon companies do not design or
including the capability of meeting
safely and properly. The output from
consideration the product to assure
activities must be documented
is just a good business practice to
develop products as defined by ISO
marketing needs and customer
a design and development project
that the output meets specified
and follow-up actions need to be
implement these types of controls.
9000, but because 7.3 does apply
needs. These requirements include
must be approved before the product
requirements. Verification can
identified and documented.
to a few Ergon companies, these
statutory, regulatory, environmental
is released.
be accomplished through various
requirements will be described.
considerations, industry standards,
7.3 Design and Development
7.3.1Design and Development
Companies that perform design
and development projects for their
products must do so in a planned
and controlled environment.
safety regulations, costs, past
experiences, and so on. When
means such as review and analysis
and Development
7.3.4 Design
of test data, making alternative
of Design and
7.3.7 Control
Development Changes
(As quoted from ISO 9001:2000
Explained, page 92.)
calculations, additional testing of the
Changes to requirements defined at
In the next issue of FOCUS, we will
these requirements are considered,
A review of design and development
product or its components, or any
the input stage can occur during the
explain the rest of Clause 7 which
it ensures a complete and
projects is used to ensure the timely
other means that the organization
process of design and development.
includes purchasing requirements,
unambiguous documentation of
release of a new product that fully
chooses. Verification activities
When a change does occur in the
control of production and service
product requirements.
meets the needs of the customers.
must be documented and follow-up
design and development process,
activities, and control of monitoring
All appropriate individuals are
actions need to be identified and
during production, or after delivery
and measuring devices.
involved in the development
documented as well.
of the product, it is required to
and Development
7.3.3 Design
of a new product as early as is
7.3.6 Design and Development
not only identify the change but
document the change as well. The
Meeting defined requirements is a
This provision of the standard
feasible. The intent is that they
greater likelihood when an emphasis
requires that design and development
can understand and address life-
is placed on planning. Determining
output is provided in such a way that
cycle issues early in the design and
The difference between validation
review, verification, and validation
project stages and defining
verification can take place against
development process. Addressing
and verification is that validation
must take place when a change
responsibilities, authority, and
the design and development input.
the abilities associated with a new
addresses whether or not
interfaces are necessary. Review,
This means there must be objective
product is the purpose of a design
defined user needs are met and
verification, and validation processes
evidence that the design and
and development review. These
are required for each stage of design
development of the product has been
reviews identify issues, discuss
design and development stages of
SONS ‘07
Spill Of National Significance 2007
by Jerry Jerdine
Employees from five areas of Ergon–
Ergon participants used this opportunity to test Facility
• Ergon Marine & Industrial Supply, Inc. (EMIS);
& Vessel Response, Facility & Vessel Security, Incident
• Ergon Terminaling, Inc. (ETI), Memphis;
Contingency, and Spill Response plans. The scenario was
• Magnolia Marine Transport Company (MMT);
based on an approximate 7.7 magnitude earthquake along
• Ergon Corporate Environmental, Health & Safety
the New Madrid Seismic Zone. This event served as the
scenario’s catalyst, which caused environmental spills,
• Ergon, Inc., Communications Department–
infrastructure damage, and hazardous material concerns in
all converged in Memphis to participate in the “Spills of
an affected area of several hundred miles.
National Significance (SONS) 2007 Exercise,” June 19-21,
2007. The SONS program involved approximately 5,000
The aftermath of the exercise’s earthquake scenario was the
participants across 4 EPA Regions and 4 USGS sectors, as
basis for necessary environmental remediation, hazardous
well as over 20 federal agencies and numerous private sector
material incidents and security response. Participants
participants like Ergon, Inc. This event was co-sponsored
played roles along McKellar Lake, at EMIS & ETI offices,
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Shelby County Tennessee Emergency Management
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The purpose of the SONS
and Joint Information Centers, and the USCG (Cargill)
exercise program is to increase preparedness of the entire
Unified Command Post. Site visits by Federal On-scene
response organization from the field level up to agency
Coordinators (FOSCs) from the USCG and EPA, coupled
heads in Washington, D.C.
with others from the media, added realism to this training.
• Historically, this area has been the site of some of the largest
earthquakes in North America. Between 1811 and 1812, 4
catastrophic earthquakes, with magnitude estimates greater
than 7.0, occurred during a 3-month period. Hundreds of
aftershocks followed over a period of several years.
• The New Madrid fault system, or the New Madrid seismic
zone, is a series of faults beneath the continental crust in a
weak spot known as the Reelfoot Rift. It cannot be seen on the
surface. The fault system extends 150 miles southward from
Cairo, Illinois through New Madrid and Caruthersville, Missouri,
down through Blytheville, Arkansas, to Marked Tree, Arkansas.
It dips into Kentucky near Fulton, and into Tennessee near
Reelfoot Lake, and extends southeast to Dyersburg, Tennessee.
It crosses five state lines, and crosses the Mississippi River in
at least three places.
• The probability for an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or
greater along the New Madrid fault system is significant in the
near future, with a 90% chance by the year 2040.
• The amount of energy released in a small earthquake is
not enough to prevent a large one from occurring. A million
magnitude 2.0 earthquakes would release the same amount of
energy as one magnitude 6.0 quake, and 32,768 magnitude 2.0
earthquakes would release the same amount of energy as one
magnitude 5.0
Systems & Performance Improvement—Staffing Changes
by Kathryn Steen
Various situations injected into the scenario included
Thank You and Best Wishes . . .
Welcome to Ergon!
Coordinator, and David
spills resulting from product tank ruptures, vessel and
• David Wigginton, Quality Engineer
• David Cain, Management System Consultant Raymond, Assistant Facility
barge collisions, media management, security breaches
Manager of Ergon Terminaling,
and threats, as well as hazardous material exposures to
Inc., in Memphis, Tennessee,
test the Ergon participants’ response efforts. The exercise
David accepted an external promotion in May
2007, and now works with the Nissan Corporation
David relocated to Jackson from the Mississippi Gulf Coast in August to
in Canton, Mississippi. David returned to his
accept the position as Management Systems
home state from Alabama in 2004, working as
Consultant. David graduated from the
relationship building with related industry and first
Quality Engineer with the Systems & Performance
University of Texas with a Bachelor of Science
with the Coast Guard and other government agencies, and
responder entities, and also validation of capabilities and
Improvement Department. We wish David and
degree in microbiology, minoring in chemistry,
we feel that we had great camaraderie and support from all
needs for maintaining economic stability, employee well-
his family continued success.
and has worked in various manufacturing
levels that participated.”
being, and public confidence in case of a crisis.
environments for 16 years as chemist, lab
• Lori West, Management Systems Specialist
supervisor, quality manager, and quality
Lori, a 23-year employee of Ergon, also accepted
auditor. David will coordinate the Ergon QMS
an external promotion in May 2007 with Gulf
Audit Program. Welcome, David!
both participated in the exercise and said, “We thought
was very beneficial for multiple reasons. This included the
it was a unique training experience that brought a lot of
opportunities for collaboration with regulatory agencies,
experience to the table. It was a great opportunity to work
The SONS program has several overarching objectives that
This unique evaluation of inter-agency and private sector
focus on exercising the National Response System at local,
response coordination gave participants on many levels
regional, and national levels. It uses a series of large-scale,
an appreciation for the effort required to respond to a
high probability oil and hazardous material incidents that
catastrophic event. Lessons learned will be used to enhance
result from unintentional causes such as maritime casualties
future response preparedness and improve plans. EMIS,
and natural disasters. This three-day, full-scale exercise,
ETI–Memphis, and MMT will receive credit for activating
using a high probability event, tested the preparedness and
components of their plans under the Oil Pollution Act of
coordination effectiveness of local, municipal, state and
1990 (OPA 90) and Maritime Transportation Security Act
national response team and industry participants in 14
of 2002 (MTSA) drill and exercise objectives.
states and Washington, D.C.
• The greatest earthquake risk east of the Rocky Mountains is
along the New Madrid fault system. Damaging earthquakes
are much less frequent than in California, but when they do
occur, the damage can be far greater, due to the underlying
David Maddock, Safety
Did you know?
State Canners, Inc., in Clinton, Mississippi.
During her career at Ergon, Lori worked with
New Location!
Ergon Marine and Industrial Supply, Inc., Ergon
We’ve moved! The office area for the Systems &
Refining, Inc., and Systems & Performance
Performance Improvement Department has relocated
Improvement Department. Lori coordinated the
in September to the sixth floor of Mirror Lake Plaza.
internal quality management system (QMS) audit
Other than a new facsimile number, 601-933-3152, our
program for Ergon companies. We wish Lori and
contact information remains the same.
her family continued success.
Adding to the Fleet
by Tom Isonhood
by Roger Harris
• Waste Determination–an identification process to
determine what wastes are generated, where they are
generated, and their classification – either hazardous or
• Waste Activity and/or Process Mapping–tools used
to ensure understanding of how wastes are currently
managed and where/how improvements can be made,
if necessary; and
• Waste Management Plan Development–preparation of
a plan containing procedures and job aids to ensure an
effective program.
SPID’s role in this project is to provide process analysis and
mapping services for the various departments and process
units involved in the management of wastes at Lion Oil.
These services include the use of a number of quality/
business tools:
Value Chain Analysis is a business management tool
categorizing the value adding activities of an organization
and determining how to create the greatest possible value
for customers. The value chain analysis is typically a three
step process:
• Activity Analysis – Identify activities undertaken to
deliver products or services
• Value Analysis – For each identified activity, determine
additional actions to add the greatest value for
Quality/Business Analysis Tools in Action
The Systems and Performance Improvement Department
(SPID) has partnered with the Ergon, Inc., Environmental
Health and Safety Environmental Group to assist Lion
Oil Company (LOC) with a long-term continuous
improvement project for management of the various
wastes generated throughout the Lion Oil refinery. This
project is part of Lion Oil Company’s goal of continuous
improvement and management commitment for operations
at its refinery. The overall project includes three main
• Evaluation and Planning – Evaluate and determine
whether it is worth making changes and then plan for
SPID uses the “Activity Analysis” step of this tool to
document the activities of LOC departments and process
Process Mapping is another tool that involves defining
exactly what a business unit or organization does, who
is responsible and to what standard a process should be
completed. These maps help remove uncertainty as to the
requirements of a process. For certain waste generating
activities identified during the value chain analysis, a
process map is created to document the process. This map
will be compared against regulatory requirements, as well
as industry standards, to determine whether or not the
process can be streamlined or improved.
Process Flow Diagram is a tool that involves creating
diagrams showing the triggering event(s), sequential
flow of process steps/components, decision points and
outcomes. This tool was used, as necessary, to show a
system as a whole rather than to dissect it into individual
process components.
Effluent Analysis Review is a specialized tool used to
characterize waste water effluent discharged into sinks and
drains. This review documents the waste water volumes
generated by location and their constituent properties.
The ISO 9001 standard requires an organization to follow
a process approach when managing its business, and to
that end, the output from the tools we use may assist LOC
comply with this requirement. We believe that our work
on this project will complement Lion Oil Company’s
ongoing development of a quality management system.
Once we have completed this phase of the project, the
documentation developed will be the basis for Lion
Oil Company’s improving or enhancing their waste
management processes.
Magnolia Marine Transport Company
(MMT) recently launched its newest
towboat, the M/V Katherine Berry.
This vessel was built in Greenville,
Mississippi, by Nichols Boat
Company and is the second of four
planned vessels. Each vessel takes
one year to build from the bow to the
stern. Prior to these vessels, Magnolia
Marine had not built a new vessel
since the M/V Miss Kathy in 1974.
DVD combo televisions, network
ports in each room, innovative light
control, central climate control units,
and a cell phone repeater/amplifier for
crew convenience.
The pilothouse features state of the art
electronics as well. They include dual
Furuno radars, a Boatracs® satellite
communication system, three VHF
marine radios, a DeHart swing meter,
MMT’s other new vessel, the M/V
Mr. Lampton, was dedicated into
service on June 23, 2006. This boat is
almost identical to the M/V Katherine
Berry except that it has a telescoping
wheelhouse which enables it to work
in areas with low bridge clearance,
such as Chicago, Illinois. This vessel
has been in service for over a year and
has proven to be a great asset to the
A third new vessel is under
construction, with completion
expected in March, 2008. This vessel
will be named the Mari Lampton after
the daughter of Deford and Amy
Lampton Walker and granddaughter
of Lee Lampton. The vessel will be
almost identical to the Katherine Berry
but will include subtle improvements
determined from lessons learned along
the way. One more vessel is slated to
be built with delivery in 2009.
The M/V Katherine Berry measures
110’ x 32’ and has a working draft
of 8’6”. She is powered by two
Caterpillar 3512B electronically
controlled diesel engines which
together produce 3,000 horsepower.
They are modern, computer
controlled engines featuring self
diagnostic capabilities. The engines
are very fuel efficient and together
consume a maximum of 2,900
gallons of diesel per day as compared
to older electromotive engines
consuming about 3,600 gallons per
day. Other equipment on the vessel
includes a Haley Marine Gears type
transmission, also built in Greenville,
turning 84” by 70” stainless steel
propellers and twin John Deere
generators. The crew quarters are
sprayed with an Ergon Technical
Coatings product – an acoustical
sound dampening product–which will
help to minimize noise in the crew
quarters. The crew quarters also has
rubber flooring by Tuflex, flat screen
an electronic Rudder Monitoring
Pilot Incapacitation System, a Global
Positioning System (GPS) rivercharting with integrated Automatic
Identification System (AIS), Dell© PC
with wireless network and Ergon’s
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
installed for e-mail communication
and satellite radio for crew comfort.
The vessel is named for Katie Berry
Lampton, the 14-year-old daughter
of Bill and Kathy Lampton. It
was completed in April, 2007, and
a dedication ceremony was held
at Magnolia Marine’s Vicksburg,
Mississippi dock on April 24. Pastor
Cary Stockett blessed the boat and
presented the ship’s Bible to Captain
Gary Cochran. The Pastor also blessed
a gallon of oil that was evenly added
to each engine by the vessel’s engineer,
Danny Pethan. To this point, the boat
has been an excellent performer; it’s a
quiet, smooth, comfortable working
boat, and it handles its tow well.
In addition to new towboats,
MMT has built 45 new double skin
barges over the past 15 years and
have agreed to build at least four
30,000 bbl capacity barges per year
over the next four years. Trinity
Marine in Nashville, Tennessee, and
Madisonville, Louisiana, will handle
the new barge construction for the
unheated clean oil and heated black oil
builds. These new barges have mostly
been replacement barges for the older,
single-bottom barges in the fleet. Two
new ethanol capable barges will also
be ready for service in September,
2007. MMT presently has a fleet of
64 barges and 18 towboats to meet the
needs of our customers. Continuous
improvement and growth are alive and
well at MMT!
Earth and sky. Land and sea. Sun and rain. There is a balance
Ergon’s commitment extends not only to developing new
between these dissimilar elements. But what about industry and
products, but ensuring there is an ample, consistent supply. When
environment? Can balance be achieved between
the present refinery expansion is complete, Ergon
these? At Ergon, we know the answer is yes.
will be the world’s largest producer of naphthenic
process oils, which should keep your business and
Aromatic oils have been the primary softening
the environment in proper balance.
agent in tires since the early 20th century.
Unfortunately, they are also a known carcinogen
and mutagen. When the European
Union passed new regulations
limiting their use, Ergon was
developing an improved
Systems & Performance Improvement Department
P. O. Box 1639
Jackson, MS 39215-1639
U.S. Postage
Jackson, MS
Permit No. 774

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