PSA News - Professional Service Association


PSA News - Professional Service Association
Quarterly Publication
Professional Service Association
May 2013
PSA News
The Association for Service Professionals
PSA Conducts Basic Appliance Training in Allentown, PA
The Basic Appliance Training (BAT) program designed to get back to the basics for seasoned
technicians who have not been able to keep their skills up to date for a lack of training opportunities
and for the new tech just getting started. The program offers basic electricity, basic gas theory and
basic refrigeration from the ground up. PSA’s professional instructor, Linda Knudsen conducted this
latest in a series of training seminars including Boston, Denver,
Saddlebrook, NJ and Atlanta. The program is three full days in length
and provides lunch on each of those days. Discounted hotel
arrangements are provided at each location if needed.
The Allentown training was hosted by All Brand Appliance Parts
with several branches in the Northeast. Craig Roper the branch
manager for All Brand Appliance Parts Allentown operation was very
pleased with the quality of the training and indicated that they would
like to rep[eat
again in the
near future.
Linda Knudsen. Mcap, CSM
PSA Professional Instructor
were present
for the 3 day session and had indicated that
they had been able to learn the basics in a way
they had never before experienced. PSA’s
approach to training is uniquely designed to be
delivered by service professionals specially
trained to insure attendees get a solid basic
knowledge before trying to digest the latest
appliance technology used on today’s High
tech products.
Additional training sessions will be held Denver, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Newark and Phoenix in
the coming months. As more instructors come on board for this program the program will be
expanded accordingly. Keep your eyes open for one coming in your neck of the woods. This is the
first step in becoming a Certified Master Technician!
Frigidaire Shipping New Gallery French Door Fridge
Frigidaire’s new Gallery French door fridge features flip-up and slide-under shelves and moveable
and stackable crisper drawers.
Charlotte, N.C. — Electrolux has added a new French door
fridge to its Frigidaire-brand Gallery collection.
The new unit, which is expected to hit retail floors this month,
features Frigidaire’s unique organization system, which allows
consumers to customize the arrangement of the refrigerator’s
shelves and storage compartments to accommodate pots and
pans, containers, and specialty food items of varying size.
The system was updated with flip-up and slide-under
shelves, giving consumers more than 100 ways to organize their
refrigerator’s contents, the company said.
Other features include full-width drawers and large-capacity
bins; moveable and stackable crisper drawers; ultra–pure water
filtration; three-tier, corner-to-corner LED lighting; and a deep
plastic freezer basket with adjustable divider.
“Our innovations are designed-based on consumer-driven
insights,” said Joon So, VP/general manager of refrigeration, freezers and home-comfort products, Electrolux North
America. “Between work, school, family time and other activities, consumers’ lives are more complicated than ever. This
refrigerator accommodates them and gives them an organized and easy-to-use appliance that delivers fresh food.”
The refrigerator, which is also Energy Star qualified, has been evaluated by the Good Housekeeping Research
Institute, which awarded it the Good Housekeeping Seal.
The model is available in stainless steel, black and white and retails for $1,999 to $2,899
Spring Special on the PSA
Flat Rate Program
If you have been holding off getting a flat rate program
because the price was too high in this economy, PSA is reducing
the price of the Flat Rate Program to $99.95 for a limited time
Including shipping and Handling
PSA Flat Rate
Need More
 Covers both Standard and
Premium brands
 Print more copies as needed
 Quote rates over the phone
 Change your rates at any time
 Customize anytime to meet
your local needs
Mem ber Pri ce
Non- Membe r $15 9.95
Why are you charging by the
hour when Flat Rates deliver
more profit i mmediately and
gives your customer the b enefit
of a national rate based on the
actual time required to do the
job? Your best tech finishes
quickly and charges less, while
your slowest tech takes longer
and charges more... You Lose!
Professional Service Association
71 Columbia Street—Cohoes, NY 12047
Disaster Planning and the New Normal - Part 2
Ralph Wolff, Mcap, CSM
It is now six months after super storm Sandy wreaked its havoc on my home town. In the last
article I wrote about the need for reserve cash, emergency electric power and preparing an offsite
location to access your business records in order to run your business should a disaster strike. In
this article we will explore the value of communications, business planning and understanding your
customers during and after a major disaster.
Marie and I consider ourselves truly blessed because unlike many of our neighbors, our living
spaces were spared the awful tragedy of the flood waters by only three inches. However we did
not completely escape the ferocity of the storm. Our double attached garage filled with 20 inches
of sea water resulting in the loss of our extra refrigerator, our freezer and our best friend, the
Wolff’s beer meister kegerator. Our hot water heater and boiler were also submerged during the
storm, along with many of our personal items and many of the tools that were stored on the lower
shelves. It’s hard to imagine the power of sea water and the destruction it can reign down on everything it comes in contact with.
It was about 10:45 pm on the night of the storm when Marie and I decided to evacuate our home. I was watching the waters in
the canal continue to rise when all of a sudden the canal could not hold anymore water and it started to spill onto the land. It was
like watching the slow fill of a bathtub. It seemed like it was filling slowly but then all of a sudden, when it reaches it limit, there was
no stopping the overflow.
In our haste to leave onto an uncertain evacuation route we grabbed the small suite case we had prepared, snatch the dog,
sloshed our way to my Explorer and headed inland leaving my wife’s car which ultimately became another victim of Sandy.
Our evacuation route was blocked in two directions because of the trees that had fallen across the roads and the boats that
floated from their normally safe winter storage at the Marinas onto the highway. Finally our only remaining route was to head north
on Fisher Blvd past Snug Harbor, which on a good day is usually flooded, but since we were out of options we went that way. As I
had suspected, the road was flooded at its low point. With nowhere to go but forward, I slowed down to a crawl, took a deep
breath, said a prayer and hoped that my Explorer would not let us down. Just as the water began to splash over the hood, we began
the slow incline to the high point of the road and finally made it all the way through.
Like uninvited guest who over stay there welcome, the flood waters refused to recede. It was almost two days before the land
was visible again. That’s when the looting started.
More on that later, now we should get back to business.
How many of you have a transistor radio? Not many I suspect. Today we use our smart phones for almost everything until the
cell towers are knocked out and phone lines are down. That is how it was the first few days after the storm. My little nephew had
given me one of those crank handled transistor radios a few years earlier. Never having the need for it I put it away. Am I glad I did
not throw it out! It became a link to everything that was going on around us. Unfortunately our company cell phones were
sporadic at best and communication between the office and staff became almost impossible. My employees did not know what to
do because we could not communicate. I am not sure if we could have done anything about an alternate means of communications
but I do know that if I had an emergency action plan for my employees, it would have minimized some of the anxiety for myself and
confusion for my employees. Knowing what is expected and how to react in the aftermath of a disaster is vital.
Business Planning:
Since every disaster is different, there is no way to know in advance all that will be needed. Like planning for communication
interruption, you can only plan for the first couple of days. After that, everything changes on a daily basis. It is most important to
have an emergency planning meeting with your key people as soon as possible. Assessing the immediate and future needs of your
company and your customers is a crucial step in recognizing what may be the New Normal. Here are a few of the questions you
should ask: How has the landscape of my business changed? How far off center from my business plan has this disaster pushed my
company? Has the needs of my customers changed? How should I prioritize my actions? What will be the future needs of my
customers and my company?
As an example, almost every appliance in every home along the Barrier Island and inland along the bay was destroyed in the
flood. Huge piles of flooded appliance, almost 20 feet high, could be seen in every town. What effect would this have on our COD
repair business? What effect would this have on our sales? Would one offset the other and would we have enough man power to
handle the needs?
Business planning is and should be an ongoing event. It has been six months since the storm, our business customs have
changed because our customers’ needs have changed. We have recognized that our direction is being guided by what now will be
the New Normal way of doing business.
Understanding Your Customers:
Understanding the impacts of traumatic events on your customers, your employees and your community is another vital process.
When homes are lost and contents are destroyed, people become traumatized and do not always act in a clear and responsible
manner. They are upset because they are now out of their comfort zone and their only goal is to put their life back to the way it was
as quickly as possible. We are all creatures of habit and enjoy our “Normal Way of Life”. Therefore when that normalcy is
interrupted or changed it puts great pressure on us to return to our original comfort level. Dealing with customers who have been
traumatized can be an exhausting effort. If we are to be good customer service agents, we must empathize with our customers.
Empathy is essential but be careful you or your employees do not become a sponge for your customers problems. A continued diet
of listening to sad stories and empathizing with your customer’s plights can and will put you and your employees into a state of
anxious depression.
One way to avoid the pitfall of becoming a sponge is to become a resource for your customers. If you are able to offer helpful
advice, it will not only make your customer feel better but it will make you feel better that you were able to help in some small way.
Get involved with your local Chamber of Commerce and your church. Knowing what is going on in your community will better
prepare you to offer timely and accurate advice. One of the things we did was to create a list of reputable local contractors along
with their phone numbers. We handed them out to the good folks asking; “do you know a good electrician?” or “a good plumber”
Now some people shy away from you when you mention mental health but protecting yourself and your employees from the
mental strain of dealing traumatized customers is a very real responsibility as a business owner.
Almost every county has free mental health clinics. These wonderful people are more than willing to come to your place of
business and give your employees helpful advice on how to avoid becoming a sponge and how to be a better and happier customer
service person. We did and in less than 45 minutes we all had a better understanding of our customers and how we should protect
our mental states.
In our next installment we will be discussing the looting that took place, the need for customer credit, maintaining good quality
service and how to become an important resource not only for your customers but for you local town officials.
A Mountain of Scrapped Appliances!
Sign Reads
Warning! Looters Will Be Shot
Whirlpool Corp. Launches Smart Appliances
May 1, 2013
Global appliance maker Whirlpool Corp. launched a line of smart appliances using a proprietary technology called 6th
Sense Live.
Whirlpool Corp.'s flagship Whirlpool brand will launch the new line of smart appliances in the Chicago area, along with
the launch of the free mysmartappliances app, available in the iTunes app store.
Whirlpool said the convergence of technology with household
appliances is evolving to optimize energy consumption and to give
consumers the ability to better manage and control household tasks
from their smartphones
Whirlpool Corp. noted that it established its internal office for
environmental control in 1970. The company said its sustainability
efforts extended to efficient products and a sustainable business
The four new appliances include a smart refrigerator, smart
dishwasher and smart washer and dryer. Each can be controlled
using an app and will communicate with the emerging Smart Grid.
"Smart grid-enabled appliances have evolved into a broader
conversation around the connected home and home management,"
said Warwick Stirling, Whirlpool Corp. global director of
sustainability. "Consumers want to connect to their homes in a
meaningful way and benefit from functions that allow them to save
energy and monitor their appliances even when away from home."
The new appliance management features include Vacation
Assistant, Remote Start/Pause, and alerts or text messages
The apps provide users real-time information, such as which
cycle the appliance is on, as well as energy rates and consumption.
The new Whirlpool brand smart appliances are being launched
initially through retailer Abt Electronics in Chicago. The line will be
expanded to other retailers later in 2013.
The line includes:
* Smart Side-by-Side Refrigerator model WRL767SIAM in
Monochromatic Stainless Steel, offered at a suggested retail price
of $1,999.
* Smart Dishwasher model WDL785SAAM in Monochromatic
Stainless Steel, at $949.
* Smart Front Load Washer and Electric Dryer models WFL98HEB and WEL98HEB, availability and pricing to be
Update: Health Care Reform and Your Retirement
As the Affordable Care Act's provisions continue to be implemented, here's how it could
affect your retirement planning.
While there is still some debate about various aspects of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act (ACA), it is highly unlikely to be repealed anytime soon. As its provisions continue to be
implemented, this is a good time to take another look at how some of the ACA's key elements might
affect those approaching or thinking about retirement. Additionally, it's also important to look at
some of the things the ACA doesn't cover.
Easier Access to Private Health Insurance
To meet its goal of near-universal health care coverage, the ACA removes some restrictions that
many individuals, including those who retire early, have come up against when attempting to buy
private health insurance. Effective January 1, 2014, health insurers will no longer be able to deny
coverage or charge higher premiums if you have a pre-existing medical condition, exclude particular
benefits based on health status or impose annual or lifetime limits on insurance payments with
respect to "essential health benefits."
Francesco Mollo
7 Roszel Road Suite 400
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609 243 6854
Additionally, a new system of state-based health insurance "exchanges" will let individuals and
small businesses compare the prices and benefits of competing health plans beginning in January
2014. (People will be able to sign up for coverage through the exchanges starting in October 2013.) Some states have already
indicated that they will opt out of the system; in those instances, the federal government steps in and builds an exchange for those
"In theory, premiums should be more affordable when you buy insurance through the exchanges," says Laura Grogan-O'Mara,
director, Legislative and Public Policy, Bank of America Merrill Lynch. "Because everyone is required to have insurance, the pool of
insured people should be larger and include younger, healthier people, which should reduce insurers' risk and result in lower rates."
That could help those who retire early or work part time and need to buy private coverage until they reach age 65, when they
become eligible for Medicare.
Coverage for Prescription Drug Expenses
Another issue that the ACA attempts to address is the so-called doughnut hole in
Medicare Part D prescription coverage. This gap refers to the fact that beneficiaries who opt
for Medicare Part D prescription coverage may be forced to pay a portion of their annual
costs entirely out of pocket. In 2009, people age 65 and over spent an average of 8.1% of
household income on health care expenses, and medications accounted for more than half
that amount, according to a 2012 government report. The ACA has already begun trying to
reduce prescription costs for Medicare beneficiaries by gradually closing the gap fully by 2020,
leaving Medicare beneficiaries with a 25% copayment for all prescriptions.
Preparing for What's Not Covered
While the ACA has made efforts to close the Medicare doughnut hole, it still does not cover a potentially even bigger healthrelated cost: long-term care in a nursing facility or at home. At an average cost of $70,000 to $80,000 a year, nursing home care
(which is generally not covered by Medicare) can easily wipe out the savings of someone suffering from a protracted illness.
One potential solution is to buy long-term care insurance, which could help you avoid outliving your assets and help you preserve
wealth to pass along to your heirs, says Bill Hunter, director, Personal Retirement Solutions, Bank of America Merrill Lynch. You may
also want to consider "hybrid" products, such as life insurance plans or annuities with long-term care riders.
As you devise a plan to finance long-term care you'll also want to take into account other health costs that aren't covered by
Medicare. For example, you might consider using part of your retirement savings to buy annuities that would deliver guaranteed
income to pay the premiums on a "Medigap" supplemental health insurance policy (to cover costs Medicare doesn't) or on a longterm care policy. You may also want to structure your investment portfolio to include bonds and dividend-paying stocks that may
provide income for medical expenses without having to sell the investments and give up any potential future appreciation. And
you'll need to think about how to get the most from pensions or Social Security, both of which can also help fund health care
expenses in your later years.
Higher Rates for Wealthy Individuals
There are aspects of the ACA that may affect areas other than health care as well. The ACA is expected to cost an estimated $1
trillion over the next decade, and much of that will be met by higher taxes on earners in the upper brackets. That may require
revisiting your asset allocation and your financial strategy.
Starting this year, wages in excess of $250,000 for married couples and $200,000 for individuals are subject to an additional 0.9%
Medicare tax, bringing the total Medicare tax rate on that income to 2.35%. The wealthy (those with a modified adjusted gross
income of $250,000 if married and filing jointly, or $200,000 if single) may be subject to an additional 3.8% Medicare surtax on
investment income, which includes dividends, capital gains, rents, royalties, annuity payments and interest payments. That new
surtax took effect on January 1, 2013, at the same time as a provision under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (passed at the
beginning of 2013) that increased tax rates on long-term capital gains and dividends to 20% from 15% for couples whose taxable
income exceeds $450,000 a year and individuals whose taxable income exceeds $400,000. The 3.8% Medicare surtax and higher
long-term capital gains and dividends rate could result in a 23.8% rate for some investment income for certain high earners.
As a result, you may want to consider holding dividend-producing stocks in your retirement accounts because taxable
distributions from an IRA, 401(k) or qualified pension plan are exempt from the surtax. Growth stocks that don't pay dividends,
meanwhile, may belong in your taxable accounts: Although you will eventually owe taxes for long-term capital gains on potential
appreciation of such holdings, that won't happen until you sell your shares—an event whose timing you can control. High earners
may want to realize capital gains during years when their modified adjusted gross income drops below the $200,000-to-$250,000
threshold to avoid paying the 3.8% tax on those gains, suggests Vinay Navani, CPA, a partner at the accounting firm of Wilkin &
Many of the provisions of the ACA are being phased in gradually, and some have yet to be finalized. Your Financial Advisor can
help you stay updated and together you can revisit your retirement savings strategy on a regular basis. You can also consult your tax
advisor for more information on the ACA and its impact on your particular circumstances .
Whirlpool Lawsuit Ruling To Be Reconsidered
Apr 5, 2013
A Supreme Court ruling on a case in March, involving Comcast Corp., is impacting another lawsuit brought by
consumers against Whirlpool Corp
The Supreme Court ruled that the Comcast customers did not meet the requirements for a class action certification.
Several media reports are saying that the decision by a U.S. court of appeals to grant class action status to the
consumers' suit against Whirlpool will now need to be reconsidered
The legal action against Whirlpool said that some high-efficiency washing machines developed mold problems and
unpleasant smells
A Bloomberg report said that the lawsuit that was directly affected by the Supreme Court ruling is one of nine
lawsuits, representing 1.5 million clothes washer buyers, being faced by Whirlpool Corp in the United States over the
washer problem.
Study Looks At Impact of Vent-Free Gas Appliances in Tight Homes
Apr 10, 2013
A new study found vent-free gas appliance used in "tight" homes do not result in NO2 concentrations that exceed
guidelines for indoor air quality
The new study was commissioned by the Vent-Free Gas Products Alliance Product Section of the Air-Conditioning,
Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). It included 100,000 simulations used to evaluate nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
emissions from vent-free gas fireplaces, logs, inserts, space heaters, and stoves in "tight" homes.
"Tight" homes are those designed to be as air-tight as possible, usually with mechanically controlled ventilation--a
method used today in the design of many new homes.
"There has been some concern recently about NO2 levels in homes that are sealed more efficiently than they have
been in the past," said Sue Walker, chair of the Vent-Free Gas Products Alliance Product Section and senior director of
Government Affairs at Empire Comfort Systems. "As manufacturers of this energy-efficient home heating option, it was
incumbent upon us to investigate this matter and ensure the safety of these products."
Third-party toxicology firm toXcel conducted the study. The study compares predicted NO2 levels from vent-free
appliances against NO2 limits specified by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Health Canada, and the
World Health Organization. The study summary is available for download from the AHRI website.
HFCs Amendment to Montreal Protocol Proposed by North American Countries
May 3, 2013
The United States, Canada, and Mexico have submitted a proposed amendment to the Montreal Protocol, seeking to
implement a global freeze and phasedown of HFC production and consumption.
This is the fifth year that the amendment was submitted, but in past years has failed to gain the necessary traction for
The most recent version of the amendment contains changes, according to the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). More recent data for establishment of the baseline was included. HFOs were removed from
the proposal. The new version also reduces the steps for developed countries to reach phasedown.
AHRI said the amendment will be considered at the meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Montreal Protocol,
which starts June 24, 2013, in Bangkok, as well as at the Meeting of the Parties, in October 2013.
Stay tuned for the upcoming announcement of
MIT Picks
10 Technologies
Likely to
our next
Apr 29, 2013
MIT Picks 10 Technologies Likely to Change the World
The MIT Technology Review has chosen its latest list of 10 technologies that it believes are most likely to change the
Among the items on the list:
1. Ultra-Efficient Solar Power--which could rewrite the economic viability calculation for solar energy
2. Smart Watches--making smartphones even more usable by taking them out of the pocket and putting them on
the user's wrist
3. Additive Manufacturing--3D printing of high-precision parts will soon become a manufacturing reality when GE
starts using the technology to make jet engine brackets
4. Supergrids-- ABB's high-voltage DC circuit breaker solves the primary technical roadblock to DC power grids,
which could be a more efficient replacement to the AC grids that have dominated transmission grids essentially
since electrical distribution began.
Baxter: The Blue-Collar Robot--the robot from Rethink Robotics communicates its status through facial
expressions, runs on software from an ordinary PC, and allows for close interaction with humans, who train the
robot by moving its arms.
Technology Review Editor Jason Pontin explained how the list was chosen: "We are how
technologies can solve really hard problems." He said the review board looks initially at really difficult problems-"problems whose intractability is a source of frustration, grief, or comedy and whose solution will expand human
The technologies chosen for the Top 10 list are at different stages of maturity--some still being developed in the
lab, others much closer to being commercialized. Pontin said that every technology must show "some plausible
path to widespread use."
The full list is on the web site at
Nominations for Appliance Service Hall of Fame
Know a person (or group) who has developed an innovation, or accomplished something fantastic for
our industry?
In technology, manufacturing, design, packaging, or something else appliance related which has
revolutionized our industry?
Know someone who has made an unrecognized contribution which dramatically improved the lives of our
customers, our industry or the environment?
Feel free to think outside the box.
It's finally time for these people to be recognized, but we need you to do it.
To make your nomination, write a background review on the nominee outlining his or her contribution
and why you feel that they should receive this recognition. Send your nomination to PSA at and it will be sent to the review committee for consideration at the NASC 2014
What is the difference between managers and leaders?
What sets them apart?
April 23, 2013, by ja1nsa in Recent News, Student Business Management Blog
I have found over the years running various different companies that not all good managers go on to make great
leaders. That might sound strange but I have always been a big believer in differentiating between managing a group
of people and leading a company. The best leaders are the ones who are always looking to move the business they
run onto the next stage of its development.
However, being a good manager is a skill that is developed over time and comes with plenty of experience.
Knowing how to deal with your workforce on an individual and collective basis is a vital part of any well run
organization or business.
It has long been a mantra of mine that the key ingredients of any successful business are the people who work for
it. Get the right mixture of people working for you and you will be well on the road to success. Having the right
management team in place is a prerequisite if you want to ensure that your workforce is going to operate to its full
But being a great leader involves a completely different set of skills and many businesses often make the mistake
of failing to differentiate between the two.
When I am looking to elevate someone to a leadership role within one of my companies, I am looking for a very
specific set of qualities. I am looking for people who have passion, commitment, conviction and most important of
all - vision.
The need for a strong leadership team should never be underestimated; it's that team that will really make the
difference on every level. People like to know that the company they are working for has a clear sense of direction
and purpose.
Generally speaking if you want commitment from your staff then you have to demonstrate to them that the
executive teams share that commitment.
The commitment that employees make to the company they work for should never be underestimated or
undervalued. That is why identifying the right caliber of people to fill leadership roles is so important.
I have found that too many companies, particularly those run by owner-managers, do not think about succession
planning until it is too late. Not planning properly for the future can be a fatal mistake, as a company without a
proper leadership team in place is always going to fail.
The trick to having a successful succession strategy in place is to park your ego and look at the situation in a
logical way. Not everyone can be around forever, and if truth be told, often a company can benefit from having a
fresh injection of talent and ideas right at the very top.
I would say it is vital to identify people who are going to lead a company forward rather than just manage the
business. That is why it is so important to differentiate between management and leadership.
Once you have done that, the next thing to do is place your trust in the new leadership team, take a step back and
let them get on with the job.
The Best Technicians in the World Are Certified Technicians
Are You One of Them?
Prove that you are a Certified Professional
Certifications offered at the present time include the following;
M-CAP—Master Technician Appliances - T-CAP—Technician Appliances
CCS—Consumer Specialist - CSM—Certified Service Manager
Become one of the industry’s Certified Professionals
Call PSA at 888-777-8851
PSA’s National Flat Rate Pricing Guide
PSA Flat Rate Program – PSA has developed a flat rate pricing program that is easy to use and is 100% flexible to meet the service
company’s needs. It covers all brands both standard and premium brands in one program and allows the user to adjust rates according
to local market needs. You can print out as many books as you need as often as you need for your technicians at no additional charge.
Improve your profits and cash flow
No monthly payments
One program meets your needs for any number of technicians
Print as many copies as you need at no additional charge
One program will cover both standard and premium brands
Change your rate on demand to meet local conditions
Modify you rates to run specials during slow periods
The program uses the resources of a national trade association to determine job codes and time requirements
PSA Member Price
Order online at - Member Tools
Or 1-888-777-8851
If you are not a member of PSA
This is what you are missing out on
This is what you are missing out on
PSANet is free with your membership. This is an email network that keeps you up to date and informed on everything
in the appliance industry as it happens. You also get help on tough dog repairs or business management problems. It
allows you to communicate with hundreds of servicers just like yourself from all over the country.
PSA Service Library is only available to members of PSA and contains technical information on both standard and
premium brand appliances plus HVAC. It comes on a 32GB Flash Drive that you carry with your laptop and you have all
the tech info you need to complete the call in one stop. Includes disassembly, wiring diagrams and F codes .
PSA Certified Appliance Professional Technician Certification is the way you prove your skills based on industryapproved skill standards. Become a Certified Master Technician and wear the insignia of the best technicians in the
industry with pride. Consumers treat you differently when they know a National Trade Association has certified you.
PSA Certified Service Manager Learn how to manage your business profitably and efficiently. Learn how to determine your Cost
of Doing Business and how to market your company for growth. Learn how to deal with consumers and employees to make your
company run smoothly. Learn all of the skills necessary to make your service operation a world-class company.
PSA Practice Exam This disk allows you to test your technical skills to see if you are qualified enough to take the
exam for certification. The disk can be used over and over for more than one technician. If you would like to get all of your
techs certified, this is how you start. It will tell you where they need improvement to pas the test.
PSA Cost of Doing Business Software Take the mystery out calculating your cost of doing business. This software
does all of the calculations for you automatically after you input your expenses. It will also calculate your productivity and
show you how labor costs, productivity and expenses that are under control will make your company a winner.
PSA Flat Rate Pricing Improve your company cash flow and be fair to your customers. By using the PSA Flat Rate
Pricing guide, you do not subject your customers to higher prices for a tech who is not as productive as one of your best
techs. The price guide shows national pricing for both standard and premium brands, Easy to use and to change the rates
as you choose as well as make many copies .
PSA Understanding People This is a personality profile program that teaches you to understand who you are with
your positive and negative characteristics. Once you understand how to use this tool, you can learn to evaluate other
personalities and work positively with consumers and employees. Learning how to motivate people to increase productivity
is a worthwhile project.
PSA Employee Handbook This is a complete employee handbook to with all of the conditions for employment clearly
spelled out in clear concise language. You won’t ever again hear “You never told me that!” It includes vacation times,
holidays, company vehicle policy, harassment and everything else you need it comes in WORD format and can be
modified to fit you needs.
PSA Technician Evaluation This is a program that will test the skill level of appliance technicians. It will tell you how
much they know and where they are weak and need help. Using it for new hires is a great tool and in about 30 minutes of
testing you know exactly where you stand with their ability to perform as a field technician. Everybody talks a good game
but, this program proves it.