Read Article - Samuel Seow Law Corporation


Read Article - Samuel Seow Law Corporation
The SSLC Newsletter
Samuel Seow Law Corporation is a law corporation incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of Singapore
From The Desk of Samuel Seow
October 2011
Volume 6 Issue 5
It is 10 pm on a Tuesday evening and I am in my room trying to write
this foreword whilst outside, there is a cacophony of sound in the main
office area. There are a good handful of staff who are working and
someone has just suggested that we all go for a karaoke session this
Proposed amendments
Friday. On my account, no doubt, but I don‟t mind. They work so hard,
to company law
these guys. And since I intend to be hogging the microphone most of
the time, I am sure the payment will end up reflecting quite fairly the
extent of the use of the facilities.
There was never a time, even when I was working for other firms earlier
in my career, that I had resented working long hours. I think that was
In this Issue…
understood the moment I took up law. However, I still constantly take
Director’s Message
heart that my lawyers and staff would today do the same for me. We
Legal Updates
have had changes of lawyers and staff through the years, but I think the
Updates from Malaysia
present batch of colleagues all take on the challenges of their jobs like
Updates on IP
troopers. I read a book once called “Leadership Without Title”, and it
Special Interest Article
amazes me today how we have managed to find a team of people who
Speaking engagements
embody the spirit of “ownership” of their work to work with us today.
Office Happenings
News & Events
According to a wise man who counsels me, every organization meets a
“second brick wall” at about our age. The period a couple of months
ago was actually rather daunting for Trina and myself. Management of
our people; management of their productivity; management of our office
morale in the midst of politicking from within; reconciling our roles as
bosses with our God-given responsibilities…. We have always taken
pride in providing sound and practical legal advice. However, managing
a company which constantly grows doesn‟t get easier the more
experienced you get in lawyering. The skill sets are quite quite different.
Nevertheless, in brief (though the trying period isn‟t quite deserving of any
brevity…maybe one day I‟ll write a book!), we met the brick wall and we have
scaled it. From now, we start our second lap of growth.
But none of this would have been possible from the people who are laughing
outside my office; and in Seow & Associates in Malaysia – my other family. If
there is any advice I can give to any budding entrepreneur, it is that nothing
matters more than recruiting the best people into your team. And in the above
regard, the definition of “best” is a subjective one, as much as it is objective.
How they fit matters more than how many “A”s they earned in school. The latter
is only important for purposes of getting them an interview. After that, ask the
right questions and recruit the right people.
Trina Ha and Jessie Tan (principal of Seow & Associates) are the backbone of
the law corporation and the firm respectively and I know that I would not have
survived if not for them. Su Anne Chen, my associate who has worked so hard
and grown so much to depend on. Mark Ha, our Chief Operating Officer, has
just come on board, and has taken on his role with natural aplomb and ability.
Serene Tan, my long-suffering Personal Assistant and multi-hyphenate….They
are all the wind beneath my wings.
It‟s been more than six years now, and today I give thanks for my people, and
for all of you reading this today. In some way, you have impacted the law
corporation and have impacted me. I pray for all of your good health, and for
peace on you as the world grapples with issues with the worldwide economy.
Thank you all for your kindness and friendships through the years. From all of
us at Samuel Seow Law Corporation, our deepest gratitude and very warmest
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Appeal by Sistic against ruling by the Competition Commission of Singapore
In June 2010, the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS) ruled against
SISTIC for abuse of its dominant position in the market and acting anti-competitively.
CCS imposed on SISTIC a fine of $989,000 for requiring various event promoters and
venue operators to engage its ticketing services exclusively.
The much-anticipated hearing of the appeal against the ruling by CCS commenced on
September 2011 and heard by the Competition Appeal Board (CAB). It saw
counsel for SISTIC argue that the contracts with venue operators allowed for
termination without reason by 6 months‟ notice. Also, the exclusive contracts should not
be viewed as anti-competitive as the contracts were entered into pursuant to
negotiations between the parties and awarded based on merit. He also asserted that
SISTIC‟s dominance was not a certainty, citing the increasing distribution channels of
the competitors.
In response to the issue of SISTIC raising its booking fees by 50% per ticket in January
2008 and therefore increasing its profit margins, it was argued that SISTIC had been
suppressing ticket prices for a long time prior to the increase having had in mind that
any increase might affect the volume of sales by the venue operators.
Separately, on the issue of the relationship between SISTIC, the Esplanade and the
Indoor Stadium, it was noted that the Esplanade owns 35% of the shareholding in
SISTIC and the Singapore Sports Council, which operates the Indoor Stadium owns the
balance 65% of the shareholding. However, counsel for SISTIC confirmed that the
deals were done at an arm‟s length basis.
It will be CCS‟ turn to present its case to the CAB next. It is noted that the parties may
also submit further appeals to the High Court against the decision of the CAB and
thereafter to the Court of Appeal.
Tightening of regulations for fund management
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued a consultation paper to seek
comments on its proposed changes in respect of regulations for the fund management
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The proposed legislative amendments include enhancing the business conduct
requirements for fund management companies, requiring fund management companies
to put in place a risk management framework to identify, address and monitor risks
associated with the assets under their management. Such framework would be
dependent on the size of the fund management companies operations.
MAS is also proposing that fund management companies that fall under the category
known as “Notified Fund Management Companies” (i.e. those serving not more than 30
qualified investors and managing assets of up to $250 million) be required to undergo
independent annual audits. An auditor‟s report on the company's compliance with the
requirements applicable to such fund management companies will have to be provided
to MAS every year, including whether the company has complied with the requirement
to implement a risk management framework, restrictions on the size of clientele and
assets under their management and a minimum base capital requirement.
MAS also intends to introduce a new Capital Markets and Financial Advisory Services
examination for representatives of licensed retail fund management companies that
manage or offer to buyers who are not accredited or institutional investors specified
investment products such as exchange-traded funds, exchange-traded notes,
investment-linked insurance policies, structured notes, warrants and options, futures
and certificates (SIPs). The examination aims to raise the competency and product
knowledge of fund management representatives.
The draft amendments are part of the revised regulatory regime that is expected to take
effect early next year.
Amendments to the Malaysian Arbitration Act 2005
The Arbitration Act 2005 (the “Principal Act”) had, in its time, introduced a long-awaited
and much sought-after change to the landscape of arbitration practice in Malaysia. The
Principal Act was based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and came into force in 2006.
Whilst the promulgation into law of the Principal Act was widely welcomed,
interpretations of its scope by the Malaysian courts, curtailed its breadth of use. In the
case of Aras Jalinan v Tipco Asphalt Public Company Ltd & Ors [2008] 5 CLJ 564,
the Malaysian High Court decided that there would be no judicial intervention in aid of
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foreign arbitration and construed the Act to only apply in 2 circumstances:
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(1) Domestic arbitration where the seat of arbitration is in Malaysia; and
(2) International arbitration where the seat of arbitration is in Malaysia.
On 7 April 2011, the Dewan Rakyat passed the Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 2010.
The Bill sought to address the inconsistencies in the interpretation of the provisions of
the Principal Act and to give effect to some of the representations by the arbitral
community, in particular to clarify the position of the powers of the Court to grant interim
relief in international arbitrations where the seat of arbitration is outside Malaysia. The
Bill passed into law as the Arbitration (Amendment) Act 2011 (the “Amendment Act”)
upon receipt of Royal Assent on 23 May 2011 and publication in the Gazette on 2
June 2011. The Amendment Act will come into operation on a date to be appointed by
the Minister by notification in the Gazette.
Some of the salient amendments include, amongst others, the insertion of subsection 3
in Section 11 which reads as follows:
“(3) This section shall also apply in respect of an international arbitration, where
the seat of arbitration is not in Malaysia.”
Prior to the amendments in 2011, the determination of the validity of an arbitration
agreement was subjected to Malaysian law [unless stated otherwise by the parties] as
stipulated in Section 39, which provides grounds for refusing the recognition or
enforcement of an arbitral award. This has since been amended, substituting “the laws
of Malaysia” with “the laws of the State where the award was made”. This has been
seen to be a step in the right direction as an arbitration agreement is most likely to be
valid in the State where it is made, having complied with its national laws and it would
seem that the Malaysian Courts are ready to enforce an award made in the arbitration
While certainly a welcome step in the right direction, time will tell if the amendments will
introduce the clarity and certainty the legal community hopes they will.
Singapore highly regarded in the protection of intellectual property
Singapore has recently been ranked first in Asia and second in the World for the
protection of intellectual property. The findings were taken from an annual
competitiveness survey covering 142 countries that was released by the Geneva-based
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World Economic Forum (WEF). Singapore‟s overall competitiveness moved up a
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notch to second place, as did its IP protection capability. In the latter category,
Singapore trails behind Finland but is ahead of countries such as Sweden, Switzerland
and Japan.
Besides the WEF‟s report, Singapore fared well in other surveys. For patent quality,
Singapore was placed in the No. 1 spot ahead of other economies such as Hong Kong,
Japan and South Korea by the Asia Pacific IP Scorecard 2009 report. These rankings
reflect Singapore‟s commitment to the encouragement of innovation and enterprise, as
well as investors‟ confidence in Singapore. They recognise Singapore‟s efforts in the
protection of IP.
Aside from rankings, the growth in Singapore‟s IP sector may be witnessed from the
burgeoning number of IP applications. The number of patents filed with the Intellectual
Property Office of Singapore has increased by greater than 60 per cent since 1998
while filings from around the world have nearly doubled. This gives the green light to
investors, especially in the field of research and development, which in turn triggers the
creation of more high value-added jobs for Singaporeans.
Singapore becomes party to anti-counterfeiting trade agreement
After years of negotiation and drafting, the finalised text of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade
Agreement (“ACTA”) was released officially by the Office of the United States Trade
Representative (“USTR”) on 2
October 2010 and has been open for signatures since
1 May 2011. Singapore became one of the first eight countries to sign the agreement.
The other seven countries are Australia, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, Morocco,
New Zealand and the United States of America.
The ACTA pledges to form an alliance where signatories to the agreement will cooperate to fight against piracy and counterfeiting by enforcing stricter border controls, in
relation to importation and exportation; empowering authorities to take action without
having been provided with prior information of such infringement(s); increasing the
severity of the criminal penalties of such acts; and seeking to clarify current regulations
on intellectual property protection in the digital realm. The agreement does not take
immediate effect upon signing but requires ratification by at least six countries for the
agreement to be enforceable.
Currently, the agreement has not been ratified by any of the signatories and remains
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unenforceable at the current moment. It will remain to be seen how ACTA, once
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enforceable, will contribute towards the protection of intellectual property rights globally.
Memorandum of Understanding between IPOS and WIPO on the resolution of
international disputes
On 28
September 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed
between the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to establish a joint dispute resolution
procedure in connection with Intellectual Property rights applied for in Singapore.
Disputes can be resolved through mediation, under the auspices of the WIPO Centre
Office in Singapore. This new mediation procedure should particularly benefit parties
engaged in cross-border disputes. The mediations will be conducted at IPOS under the
WIPO Rules. The procedure should be available from 2012.
European decision on keyword advertising
Marks & Spencer (M&S) purchased “Interflora” as a Google AdWord. In layman terms,
the net effect of doing so is that if the word “interflora” is typed by the internet user into
the Google search engine, M&S‟ flower website will appear as a sponsored link. M&S
was sued in the United Kingdom for trade mark infringement by Interflora, a network of
florists. The English High Court referred some questions to the European Court of
Justice (ECJ).
The ECJ ruled that the “interflora” keyword constituted use of Interflora‟s trade mark.
Whether the use of the keyword is legitimate depends on whether it affects one of the
functions of a trade mark.
First, the use will be infringing if it affects the function of the mark as a badge of origin,
i.e. the capacity of the mark to distinguish the goods or services of a particular
undertaking. In other words, whether the use will mislead consumers that M&S‟
services are related to Interflora‟s network.
Second, the use of the keyword should not substantially interfere with the capacity of
the mark to acquire or maintain a reputation among consumers.
Third, the use of the keyword should not lead to a free ride on the reputation of the
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trade mark.
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Overall, the ECJ appears to have leaned in favour of trade mark owners. The English
High Court will now have to apply the ECJ ruling to the present case.
Proposed amendments to Singapore‟s company laws
Companies in Singapore are governed by the Singapore Companies Act (Cap 50 of the
1994 Revised Edition of the Singapore Statutes). Specific types of companies may also
be regulated by other statutes.
The Act traces its origins back to the Indian Companies Act of 1866. Since then,
Singapore company law has undergone several changes, including the significant
changes precipitated by Singapore‟s move away from the Federation of Malaya. The
end result has been the enactment of the Singapore Companies Act 1967.
A Steering Committee was set up in October 2007 by the Ministry of Finance (MOF)
primarily with the aim of reviewing the Companies Act. The aim of this review is to
ensure a well-organized corporate regulatory framework which furthers Singapore as an
international hub for businesses and investors. This report took into consideration the
existing legislation in other jurisdictions like Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the
USA. Recently, the MOF and the Accounting Corporate Regulatory Authority
(ACRA) disclosed the changes proposed by the Steering Committee and invited the
public to provide feedback.
The highlights of the changes are described as follows:
1. Extending disclosure requirements to the CEO
At present, company directors are required to disclose conflict of interests in
transactions with the company as well as their shareholdings in the company or related
corporation. Keeping in mind that the company‟s key decisions are made by
management who may not be directors, the Steering Committee‟s report recommends
extending the disclosure requirement to CEOs of companies.
2. Enfranchising of indirect investors
Unless stated otherwise by the company‟s articles of association, a member of a
company can appoint a maximum of two proxies to attend and vote at a general
meeting unless specify otherwise. The Steering Committee‟s report however
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recommends that subject to contrary provisions in the company‟s articles of association,
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members who provide custodial or nominee services will be allowed to appoint multiple
proxies provided that each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to a
different share, and the number and class of shares are specified.
The report also recommends that share investors using their CPF monies be given the
right to attend, speak and vote at general meetings.
3. Liberalising the rules on electronic transmission of notices and
The report recommends that companies be allowed to use electronic communications if
a member has given “deemed consent” or “implied consent”. If the consent was
“deemed”, members have the option of choosing both electronic or physical notices and
In the case of “implied consent” however, members will not have the right to request for
physical copies, and the absence of such rights must be specified in companies‟
articles. The shareholders should be given sufficient time to react and adjust if a
4. Allowing the public companies to issue non-voting and multiple vote
Public companies can only issue shares that carry one vote per share. The restriction
however does not apply to private companies. Subject to certain safeguards, the
Steering Committee‟s recommends allowing public companies to issue non-voting and
multiple vote shares to allow public companies greater flexibility in capital management.
Listed companies may be subject to additional restrictions imposed by SGX.
5. Introduction of a “small company” criteria eligible for audit exemption
The law states that companies must be audited unless they are dormant or exempt
private companies (EPC) with a revenue of S$5 million or less. An EPC is a private
company whose members are natural persons and has no more than 20 members, or
any private company that is gazetted as such.
The Committee‟s report looks at
abolishing the concept of EPC criterion. Instead, introducing a “small company” if it is a
private company and fulfils two of the following three criteria:
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Total annual revenue of not more than S$10million.
Total gross assets of not more than S$10million.
Number of employees of not more than 50.
The Steering Committee further recommends that a subsidiary may be exempt from
audit as a “small company” only if the entire group of companies meets the “small
company” criteria on a consolidated basis.
6. Merging of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&AA) into a
single document „the Constitution‟
The Steering Committee‟s report commends the merging of the existing two documents
of the M&AA into a single document to be known as the Constitution of the company.
Additionally there should be two models of the Constitution for private companies and
public companies limited by guarantee. There will be no prescribed model Constitution
for public companies limited by shares, keeping in mind the complexity of such
companies and since they will be in a better position to determine their Constitution.
7. Review of the regulatory framework for foreign entities
With respect to provisions relating to foreign companies, the Steering Committee
expressed that laws relating to branches of foreign corporations registered in
Singapore, should be under a separate legislation.
Keeping this in mind ACRA
conducted a separate review on the regulatory framework for foreign entities.
There has been no intent for any significant widening of the scope of regulation of
foreign entities. The proposed standalone legislation will not regulate the operations of
subsidiaries (incorporated in Singapore) of foreign companies, which will continue to be
regulated under the Companies Act.
The following are the recommendations on the regulatory framework for foreign entities:
Changing the reference of “foreign companies” to “foreign entities”:
The Companies Act defines a “foreign company” to mean a body corporate formed
outside Singapore, as well as a foreign unincorporated body that can sue or be sued or
is capable of holding property. The review recommends that this definition be retained,
but the reference be changed to “foreign entities” to recognize that the scope of the
definition includes more than what is commonly understood to be “foreign companies”.
Streamlining the requirements and procedures for registration of foreign
The review recommends the streamlining of certain particulars required to be lodged
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upon registration. Other than that, the additional information is to be reported. The
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prescribed persons who are involved in the registration process of the foreign entity will
be allowed to verify and authenticate certain documents. These are intended to
facilitate the registration of foreign entities.
Streamlining continuing filing obligations:
The review recommends that requirements to file non-essential information (e.g.,
changes in the authorized capital and changes in the number of members) be removed
to reduce unnecessary work.
Enhancing financial disclosure requirements and accountability for financial
information filed by foreign entities for greater transparency:
The review recommends that foreign entities must lodge with the ACRA their financial
statements similar to those expected of locally-incorporated companies. Presently,
foreign companies are required to lodge less financial information compared to locallyincorporated companies.
Expansion of the grounds for striking-off a foreign entity:
The review recommends that two additional grounds for striking-off a foreign entity be
provided, namely when the sole agent resigns with no replacement, and the foreign
entity is dormant with no instructions to the agent to continue its registration in
Singapore. As of now, the Registrar may strike off if he has reasonable cause to believe
that it has ceased to carry on business in Singapore or where it is being used for an
unlawful purpose.
Restriction on registration of names of foreign entities that are identical to those
already on the ACRA‟s registers:
The review recommends the Registrar be empowered to reject registration of a name of
a foreign entity that is identical to any other name already on the ACRA‟s registers.
However, the ACRA will consider the inclusion of “Singapore Branch” in a foreign
entity‟s name as distinguishing.
The recent rounds of amendments will bring about a fairly radical change. Incorporating
these changes in a practical manner in the corporate and the legal field will take a
while. There is hope that a more efficient company law regime will be put in place which
accelerates the conduct of business in the modern competitive world, while at the same
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time protecting the interests of all stakeholders.
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IP Fundamentals for the Media Industry
On 22 to 26 August 2011, the IP Academy of Singapore held their 3-day modular
programme for the media industry “IP Fundamentals: Applications for the Media
Industry” (formerly known as The Media Manager’s Kit). First launched in 2007 with 3
to 4 runs per year, this programme is designed to assist film, television and games
producers; content creators; and users of content in the creative industry, to gain an
understanding on how to protect, finance and exploit their intellectual property rights.
Samuel Seow Law Corporation was engaged by the IP Academy to assist in designing
the structure and syllabus of the course, and our Ms Trina Ha once again conducted
the modules on intellectual property rights and protection and financing issues in the
areas of film and television.
The IP Academy is slated to hold another run of this course in February 2012. Do
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check out for more updates.
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Samuel Seow Law Corporation welcomes new lawyers and staff into our family!
Adelle Ho
Adelle is a Foreign Legal Advisor in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice
Group of Samuel Seow Law Corporation. She graduated from the University of New
South Wales in 2010 with a double degree in Law and Arts and will be admitted to the
Solicitor‟s Rolls of New South Wales in October 2011.
Prior to joining Samuel Seow Law Corporation, Adelle worked as in-house Legal
Executive at Singapore‟s premier entertainment firm- The Butter Factory Pte Ltd where
she primarily managed contractual work in relation to the everyday running of business,
as well as negotiation and execution of advertising and sponsorship deals.
A victim of wanderlust, Adelle spends her spare time plotting her next trip abroad. In
Singapore however, she indulges in John Grisham legal thrillers and unleashes her
inner acrobat at aerial hoop classes to relax and unwind. Adelle may be reached at
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Ong Boon Kiat
Boon Kiat is an Associate in the Dispute Resolution Practice Group of Samuel Seow
Law Corporation.
Boon Kiat is a qualified Barrister-at-law (Lincoln‟s Inn), United Kingdom and he was
called to the Singapore Bar in 1997. He won his first civil trial in 1998. Thereafter he has
maintained a satisfactory record in his performance at the Bar, having succeeded more
than losing in contentious hearings. After 14 years, Boon Kiat remains interested in
litigation practice seeing it as the primary reason he remains a lawyer.
In his years of practice, Boon Kiat has been exposed to many areas of
litigation, including contracts; tort (negligence); hire purchase; motor accident claims;
industrial accidents; criminal cases and divorce matters. Being results and clients oriented, he finds obtaining a good result for a client the most satisfactory part of
In his leisure, Boon Kiat enjoys watching movies of all genres, except horror. Boon Kiat
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can be contacted at
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Michael Stern
Michael is qualified as a lawyer in both Australia and England and Wales, and is
Foreign Legal Advisor to Samuel Seow Law Corporation.
Michael started his career at the Australian law firm of Allen Allen and Hemsley
(now Allens Arthur Robinson) spending time not only in Sydney but also in Toronto,
New York and London. Whilst at Allens, Michael worked in the Media and Technology
Group acting for clients such as the Consolidated Press, Channel 9 and BSkyB.
Michael decided then to move from private practice to in-house, and accepted the
position of Head of Legal and Business Affairs at The Family Channel before being
appointed Director of Legal and Business Affairs at Flextech Television (now Virgin
Media). Whilst at Flextech Television, Michael was part of the legal team that
negotiated the formation of the UKTV joint venture, BBC's first commercial venture in
the UK.
Following his time at Flextech Television Michael moved to Entertainment Rights Plc
as Director of Legal and Business Affairs where he established and ran the legal
function of the Group. Michael left Entertainment Rights in 2007 to set up Alpha Media
which now provides legal and business affairs services to the media industry. Michael
has worked closely with broadcasters, producers and distributers as well as digital
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media companies in his career. His experience includes:
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Negotiating television production and co-production agreements;
Negotiating and advising on talent agreements;
Negotiating television licenses and ancillary rights agreements including
merchandising licenses, home entertainment licenses and publishing
Advising on and conducting intellectual property rights review;
Advising on and negotiating corporate acquisitions and disposals;
Advising on digital rights and convergence; and
Advising on music rights strategies and negotiating licenses with collecting
In his spare time Michael enjoys keeping fit (with limited success) and sampling new
Josephine Poh
Josephine is a Paralegal in the Corporate & Commercial Practice Group of Samuel
Seow Law Corporation.
At Samuel Seow Law Corporation, Josephine‟s primary responsibility is to handle
corporate secretarial matters for clients of the law corporation.
Juggling work with
studies, she continues to pursue her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at the State
University of New York at Buffalo, and was entered into the Dean‟s List in 2010.
Motivated and result-driven, Josephine was also featured in The New Paper as an allrounder student for the Arts and Special Interests Track.
Josephine has been with us since 2007 and we constantly remark on her perpetual tan,
borne out of her double indulgences in “canoe-polo” and running every weekend. She
has also insisted that we add herein that, as at the date of the drafting of this profile,
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she is “single and available”.
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With so much on her plate, we are not surprised.
Josephine can be contacted at
Jovine Tan
Jovine is a Paralegal in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Group of Samuel
Seow Law Corporation. She is currently taking her Diploma in Para-Legal Studies at
Temasek Polytechnic and would be expected to complete her studies in 2013.
Prior to joining Samuel Seow Law Corporation, Jovine worked as a Litigation Paralegal
specialising in Workmen Injury Compensation and also had experience working in the
Intellectual Property Department at one of the top law firm in Singapore. During her
career as a Litigation Paralegal, she has settled many of her clients‟ claims without
having to settle the case in court.
Being a typical movie-goer, you will definitely see her at the cinemas catching the latest
movies in town. She enjoys reading Cathy Glass‟s books and travelling overseas is a
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Terence Tee
Terence joins Samuel Seow Law Corporation as an Executive in our Litigation and
Dispute Resolution Practice Group. This is Terence's first full-time role where he looks
for a diverse and challenging learning experience.
In his spare time, Terence enjoys reading and spending time with friends.
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Terence may be reached at
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Beam Artistes Pte Ltd also welcomes new staff!
Jerrold Wong
Jerrold Wong joins Beam Artistes Pte Ltd as a Director.
A recent transplant back on home turf, Jerrold spent the past decade of his life living
and working abroad. Graduating from the San Francisco State University with a
degree in Journalism, he went on to embrace the American way of life and eventually
moved from San Francisco to Hawaii. Having spent the past few years immersing in
and understanding the Polynesian culture, he decided to heed his calling home to our
island shores and bringing with him the spirit of Aloha.
Prior to his overseas sojourn, he was an alumni of the Singapore Armed Forces Music
and Drama Company where he had extensive training in various aspects of the
performing arts, involving projects entailing from national to international level with
experiences in film, theatre, TV and the local entertainment industry. His vast
experiences in event planning, coordinating and management opened the doors to
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horizons far and beyond.
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Zelda Ang
Zelda joins Beam Artistes Pte Ltd as an Artiste Manager.
Zelda was formally a Cruise Director, in charge of the programming & entertainment
department onboard various vessels with Star Cruises. She was also the Project
Manager for Cirque de Soleil‟s Singapore and Hong Kong performances of Quidam;
and Tour Manager for Sentosa Resorts World, Universal Studio.
Prior to her overseas experience, she has worked in the local theatre scene for more
than 18 years and has been involved in productions and collaborated with various
established theatre companies such as The Necessary Stage, Drama Box, The Theatre
Practice and Singapore Repertory Theatre, Theatreworks etc.. She has also been a
casting director/producer/stylist for local TV programmes.
Born as a free soul and committed to her passion and beliefs, Zelda spends her
solitude in understanding the World – i.e. travelling, reading, writing and making art. Life
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is the ultimate joke, play it well! Understands the secret, believes in the magic!
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It's A Great Great World DVD Launch Party
The DVD launch of Great Great World was attended by our effervescent trio of Mr
Samuel Seow, Mr Lee Yiren and Mr Mark Ha. It was a DVD launch set in the idyllic
setting of a rooftop bar at Fabrika located in Klapson Hotel, where guests were treated
to nostalgic games, such as Tikum Tikum and Ring in the Bottle which brought them
back to their wonderful childhood memories
The generous free flow of alcohol during the evening also kept all the guests in a lighthearted and jovial mood. Inhibitions tossed aside, it was a fantastic opportunity to rub
shoulders and make new friends in the industry. Ever in the social limelight, Samuel
soon found himself swarmed with familiar faces and also new friends all eager to catch
up and find out about the latest “goss”.
Mark and Yiren did not fare too badly
themselves too. In particular Mark exuded charisma that made the ladies cheering for
him at every toss during his participation in the Ring in the Bottle.
It was a wonderful night befitting the fantastic surroundings at Fabrika, SSLC wishes
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success to everyone involved in the making of Great Great World.
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Gathering with programmers from Berlin International Film Festival
The gathering with programmers from the Berlin International Film Festival was
attended by our Ms Suanne Chen and Mr Lee Yiren. Set up in the nondescript bar of
Day and Night, it was not a glitzy ditzy glamour night, instead a chilled out relaxed
meeting point for the aspiring film makers both locally and overseas to come together to
discuss their ideas for their upcoming projects.
Amidst the chatter and introductory handshakes, we managed to talk to a few young
aspiring producers who impressed us with their accounts of visions and ideas for their
films. It is certainly encouraging to know that despite the obvious constrains in the local
film industry, these people never give up on their passion and love for film-making. At
SSLC, we have always tried to support these budding filmmakers as much as possible,
rendering legal advice with regards to their film projects, particularly in areas of
copyright and director-writer agreements, just to name a few.
We certainly wish these aspiring filmmakers success with their upcoming projects, and
also looking forward with much anticipation and excitement to the day their projects
come to life.
Goldfish, Go Fish: theatre production by Paper Monkey Theatre
As its name suggests, Goldfish, GO FISH!
heartwarming tale that explored, through
allegory, familial ties. It was a night filled
On 26 August 2011, our Ms. Suanne Chen attended this performance. The story of the
play revolved around a grandmother who bought a goldfish due to her loneliness. Due
to a miscommunication, she was made to understand by a friend that the goldfish would
grow to be as enormous as a whale. To her dismay, however, this did not happen.
Eventually, the goldfish swam away as it could not withstand the pressure from the
grandmother. It was too stifling. The story reflects the grandmother‟s treatment of her
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own daughter in the latter‟s youth by placing unrealistic expectations upon her.
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When her daughter grew up and became a lawyer, she was tasked to find the goldfish.
However, after the daughter came to learn of the goldfish‟s plight, she sympathised with
it and set it free.
The play concluded with the grandmother questioning if what
happened to the goldfish was a reflection of her faults and linked to why her children
were rebelling against her. Through this play, the audience is made to consider the
balance to be struck between ensuring that a child develops his potential fully and
giving him free rein to pursue his interests.
Equus: Theatre production by Toy Factory
Our Mr. Samuel Seow was invited on 26 August 2011 by our dear client and friend
Ms. Annie Pek – founder of the Singapore Street Festival - to a night of intense
theatre, courtesy of our clients Toy Factory Theatre.
Inspired by real life events, “Equus”, masterfully penned by Peter Shaffer, tells the
story of a community struggling to come to terms with the horrific actions of a young
man, Alan Strang, who by all accounts seemed normal, until he blinded six horses with
a metal spike.
Shaffer was inspired to write the play when he heard of a crime involving a 17-year-old
who blinded six horses in a small town near London. He set out to construct a fictional
account of what might have caused the incident, without knowing any of the details of
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the crime.
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In defiance of our safe, sterile, superficial world, “Equus” boldly asked the question:
“Have you ever really felt passion?” Young actor Ethan Chia risked his own mental
breakdown to appear naked on stage for his role as the psychologically disturbed Alan,
a role notably played by Harry Potter‟s Daniel Radcliffe on the West End in 2007.
Night Festival 2011
In what turned out to be a truly artistically enriching night, Samuel and Annie, in the
company of famed Singaporean filmmaker Mr. Royston Tan traipsed over from the
Drama Centre after “Equus”, to the National Museum of Singapore where a spectacle of
beauty held sway over the masses that had gathered, awestruck, their faces upturned
to a night sky illuminated by an impossibly mesmerizing scene.
It was the opening act for the Voyage Night Festival 2011. Returning for its fourth year
after three highly successful presentations, this year's festival celebrates the cultural
melting pots of the Occident and the Orient in a salute to maritime journeys and heroes,
and a homage to the our pioneering forefathers who left us legacies that have shaped
Singapore into the vibrant cultural city it is today.
The outdoor performance was titled “Corazon de Angeles in Paradise”, and staged by
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Theater TOL from Belgium.
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Miss Singapore Beauty Pageant 2011
Why crown one beauty queen in one night when you can crown thirteen?
Our dear clients and friends, ERM Singapore, produced a mega show at the
Intercontinental Hotel in Singapore where the following titles were awarded
Miss Singapore Tourism Queen International
Miss Singapore Intercontinental
Miss Singapore Global Beauty Queen
Miss Singapore Bikini International
Miss Singapore Chinatown International
Miss Singapore Tourism Queen of the Year
Miss Singapore Friendship International
Miss Singapore All Nations
Miss Singapore Model of the World
Queen of the World (Singapore)
The Super Model of Asia (Singapore)
Miss Singapore Supranational
Look of the Year (Singapore)
Our Samuel Seow attended the night as a judge. The
historic night which saw the crowning of, among others,
Ms. Agnes Callista Anggasaputri (Miss Singapore
Tourism Queen International); Ms. Cheryl Wee (Miss
Singapore Chinatown International 2011); and Ms.
Cheryl Desiree Chan (Miss Singapore Global Beauty
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Queen 2011).
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“A Journey of Stories" part of the Singapore International Storytelling Festival
Our Mr. Samuel Seow, Ms. Trina Ha and
Mr. Lee Yi Ren attended A Journey of
Stories on 1 September 2011 at the
National Museum of Singapore‟s Gallery
Theatre. This was a live storytelling event
presented by Ms. Ruth Kirkpatrick and
Mr. Abbi Patrix, in which tales and songs
from the Scottish highlands were told and
animals, we get a glimpse of human nature in all its ludicrosity.
Our Mr. Lee Yi Ren thought that it was a
refreshing change from the usual stage
interactions with the audience through the
singing of songs, his deepest feelings
were evoked and he felt emotionally
H&M Singapore Flagship Store Grand Opening
There was excitementnay, giddiness in the air
Samuel Seow and Mr.
Mark Ha joined in the
festivities at the H&M
Grand VIP opening party
which boasted a list of
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Hennes & Mauritz, more
commonly known as H&M, is
retailer known for offering
fashion forward apparel and
porter approach appeals to
diehard retail fanatics looking
reasonable prices, but the
department store
cheerleading squad. H&M officially
launched it‟s Singapore flagship store
with a VIP private “First- look” party on
2 Sept 2011 and indeed, Beam
Artistes and SSLC had the privilege to
grace the red carpet and be a part of
fashionista‟s ultimate frenzy and the
media‟s dream fantasy as the who‟s who and what‟s what in the local entertainment
industry came to revel in this uncanny concoction of retail and socializing, thrown in with
palates of canapés and an incessant flow of Moet Chandon. What more could one ask
for? A night of merry-making, networking, people- watching, star- gazing, champagnepoppin and amidst the flashing lights and glamour, one wonders,” Is shopping even an
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Cocktail Reception with Trinity College London
The Trinity College cocktail reception at Marina Mandarin was attended by our Ms
Suanne Chen and Mr Lee Yiren. Guests were treated to a soothing rendition of
classical pieces by the outstanding quartet. It was a great way to wind down a stressful
day at work, not to mention the sumptuous buffet served. Our Ms Suanne Chen
thoroughly enjoyed the moving performance by the quartet, and of course the delicious
spread of food at the buffet.
Through this reception, Trinity College announced the launch of their Rockschool,
where it offers rock music grade exams and performance certificates in guitar, bass,
drums, vocals (female and male), piano and band based keyboard. Being a budding
closet musician, Suanne was excited about the launch and seriously considered signing
up with the school.
Music has indeed moved on with the times, being an avid supporter of the music scene,
SSLC certainly wishes Trinity College success in their latest venture into rock music.
Grand Opening of Kids Performing and Popstars City
On 3 September 2011, our clients and friends, Kuo Po and Joanne, held the grand
opening of the new premises of Popstar City™ and Kids Performing ™ at Millennia
Walk. A school developing kids in the performing arts, the new premises also boast a
café with a stage for their students to perform. The opening was attended by our
Samuel Seow, Trina Ha, Serene Tan and Terence Tee, accompanied by Beam
Artists, Melissa Faith Yeo and Alvin Ng, and Manhunt 2011 finalists Treviz Tan and
Shane Pow. The opening
was packed with friends
and parents of students
entertained by the various
performances put up by the
very talented students who
sang and danced to a mix
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contemporary pop songs.
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Michael Ma's Birthday Party
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Michael Ma‟s birthday celebration was a smashing success in every sense of the word.
SSLC is happy to be part of this joyous event, and would like to extend our thanks to
dear Michael for his invites to staff of SSLC and also our BEAM artistes.
The theme of the party fitted in perfectly with the fantastic and fabulous get-ups of the
guests. Guests were decked out in pirates‟ outfits that undoubtedly brought zest and
sexiness to this already awesome event. The fantastic food served up at the party also
teases our palates to no end, gorgeous people and sumptuous food, Michael certainly
knows how to throw a party.
It was a good time catching up with friends at the party, people whom we have not seen
for quite some time due to their busy schedules and also meeting new people, who are
always fascinated by the work SSLC does in the media and entertainment circle.
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We wish Michael a most wonderful and happy birthday!
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Bhishma The Grandsire
Our Ms. Suanne Chen was kindly invited to attend Bhishma the Grandsire, a play put
up by Avant Theatre & Language, on 3 September 2011 at The Substation Black
Box. This was Avant Theatre & Language‟s maiden production and was presented as
a duologue in English and Tamil.
The play narrates the life story and struggles of the cardinal character, Bhishma of
Mahabharata. Through an inspection of the way Bhishma grapples with the issues
arising in his life and of his train of thoughts, we gain many insights into how to deal
with the curious situations we sometimes find ourselves in.
Grand Opening of the Chinese Theatre Festival 2011
Our Mr. Samuel Seow and Mr. Mark Ha
attended the grand opening of the Chinese
Theatre Festival at The Joyden Hall at
Iluma (Level 7).
Organised by our dear friends and clients
at The Theatre Practice, the first Chinese
Theatre Festival showcases a carefullycurated selection of Chinese language
theatre productions from Singapore; Hong
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Kong; and Taiwan, offering audiences an
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experience of the beauty of Chinese
Theatre, as it is presented across Asia in many different genres.
In what has turned out to be a double celebration, The Chinese Theatre Festival
celebrates its birth in conjunction with the birth of a stunning new performance space in
Singapore – The Joyden Hall at iluma, a performance platform aimed at fostering
engagement, experimentation, creativity and active dialogue for local and regional
Asian artistes.
“Tell Tales Sing Songs”
This show consists of a musical concert where local
singers are brought together to perform the soulstirring tunes from five popular Chinese local musicals
in a single performance.
“The Happy Prince”
This play is adapted from Oscar Wilde‟s famous short
story, and is retold with the use of rod puppets from
the Czech Republic.
“Am I Crying”
presents a fresh interpretation of the beloved Chinese folklore of Lady Meng Jiang,
whose sorrow at the hearing of the death of her husband was so intense, and her tears
so great that parts of even The Great Wall were brought down. The story unfolds
through the use of fascinating giant pop-up books and paper puppets.
“The Story After Ah Q”
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is a devised theatre piece based on Chinese writer Lu Xun‟s best loved work.
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International Franchisor of the Year 2011 Networking Party
On 8 September 2011, the International Franchisor of the Year 2011 award, organized
by the Franchising & Licensing Association of Singapore, was given out at a
splendid gala dinner held at Marina Mandarin. Congratulations to OldTown White
Coffee for winning the award this year! The four other finalists were Mei Yi Jia (China),
(Thailand), People Impact
(Hong Kong) and Goobne
Chicken (Korea). Our Mr
Samuel Seow was one of
the judges for the award
and our Mr Mark Ha, Ms
Trina Ha and Ms Suanne
Chen had the pleasure of
attending the dinner and
meeting with the people
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IDSF World DanceSport Championship 2011
The World Professional Latin Dance Championship held at Suntec City ballroom was
attended by our Ms Suanne Chen and Mr Lee Yiren. The duo were treated to not only
eye-candy from the fabulously good-looking dancers, but also breath taking dances
moves perfected to the smallest detail that can only be described as poetry in motion.
Rumba, Salsa, Cha Cha… the list goes on. Whichever category of Latin dance that was
served up that night, the standard was exceptionally high. Certainly moves that one
would not see in average Latin dance classes. Everyone, including the dancers enjoyed
themselves tremendously, basking in the spirit of Latin dancing.
We were also treated to a sideshow of young Latin dancers, showcasing their dance
moves for the adoring crowd. While not as polished as their adult counterparts, they
certainly shone in terms of their dedication and love for dancing. SSLC is glad to have
witnessed such a wondrous event, and also meeting people who are so enthusiastic
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about Latin dancing.
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Kumar: “From Rags to Drag”
Kumar – a name familiar to all Singaporeans, has lifted the hearts of many through over
20 years of dedication to the entertainment industry, reminding us of the lighter side of
life. Attending the book launch were our Mr. Samuel Seow and Mr. Mark Ha who could
not resist bursting into laughter the moment Kumar took over the microphone during the
launch party of his first ever autobiography – “From Rags to Drag”, held at the Three
Monkeys Café in Holland Village.
The coffee table book unfolds facets to Kumar that people have never seen.
Many of our friends were at the book launch, including Ms. Michelle Chong and Ms.
Gwen Khoo of The Three Monkeys Café. The event was also graced by the Minister
for the Environment and Water Resources, Vivian Balakrishnan and many other
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members of the entertainment industry.
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13 Little Films by Film Lab 2011
Our Ms Adelle Ho attended a private screening of the short films produced by the 13
Little Pictures Film Lab at Sinema in Mount Sophia‟s Old School for New
Thinkers. These short films were the result of out of a week-long workshop hosted by
13 Little Pictures to bring together a diverse group of aspiring directors, producers,
cinematographers, scriptwriters, art directors, editors and sound engineers from
Singapore and around the region.
The three short films used a variety of experimental techniques and ideas to portray the
themes of air, water, and communication. The first short film- „Vanishing Air‟ in
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particular caught our attention, as it depicted the theme of air through the idea of loss
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and the rapidly-changing landscape of Singapore. After the screenings, the Film
Labbers were introduced to the audience to be commended for their works and also
spoke out to provide insights as to their inspiration for the films, as well as anecdotes
behind-the-scenes of the film-making process.
It was truly a pleasure for us to see first-hand the creative works of budding young filmmakers from Singapore and around the region produced in only one short week. Many
thanks to The Film Lab for including us in the event.
The Film Lab was organized by Studio Thirteen, in collaboration with the Singapore
International Film Festival and 13 Little Pictures, supported by The Puttnam
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School of Film, LASALLE College of The Arts and Told on Tote.
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The premier screening of “The Challenger” Muaythai
It was an adrenaline pumping evening when Samuel Seow and team attended the
intimate Premier Screening of The Challenger Muaythai at the Screening Room on
Ann Siang Street. Along with Samuel Seow were Trina Ha, Mark Ha, Su-Anne Chen
and Lee Yiren. They were kept at the edge of their seats throughout AXN‟s brand new
series where 16 world-class fighters, from Malaysia, Thailand to Israel and South Africa,
will fight it out to win the ultimate title of Muaythai World Champion and the grand prize
of US$100,000!
While the audience were expecting mindless fights, this reality series teleported them
behind the motivations of the characters from the tiny frictions in the resting quarters to
the fights in the Muay Thai ring. Antoine Pinto and Fadi Merza caught the audiences‟
first attention when they literally came to blows on who had the rights to a corner bed.
Mostafa Abdollahi emerged as an accidental leader as he kept motivating the pack
like a true sportsman.
The moment of truth arrived when Vuyisile Colossa "The Cheetah" chose to fight
Michael Chase Corley "Cool Hand" in the inaugural round of The Challenger Muaythai.
While Colossa was the obviously fitter fighter, Michael displayed perseverance to put up
some good moves until he retired from the ring.
Produced by our friends and clients at the Imagine Group, The Challenger Muay Thai
indeed brings reality TV to the next level, that is not just about fighting, but rather the
spirit, respect and discipline behind what the challengers are fighting for. Riaz, David
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and Joel, we are so proud of you!
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Gucci Cocktail party “The Artisan Corner”
In celebration of Gucci‟s 90 Anniversary, Gucci decided to give a treat to the rest of us
outside Italy by bringing a part of its workshop to the rest of the world through “The
Artisan Corner”. The Artisan Corner is a travelling mini workshop that allows patrons to
witness first-hand the skill and hard work of the artisans that went into making some of
the house‟s most iconic bags.
On 16 September 2011, the Artisan Corner finally reached our shores and our Suanne
Chen and Mehtab Deva had the delight of attending the event.
Movie Premiere of “Echoing Love”
17 September 2011 saw the screening of a series of short films that were the fruits of
labour of 30 participants of Mission Easy, a project spearheaded by our dear friend
and client Edmund Chen. Mission Easy provided the opportunity to aspiring
filmmakers, actors and actresses to fulfill their dreams. The series entitled “Echoing
love” explored a variety of types of love, pulling the viewers‟ heartstrings and tickling the
funny bones. The series was certainly impressive and did not have any hint of being the
production of a first time cast and crew. Local personalities including Vincent Ng,
Ericia Lee and of course, Xiang Xun also lent their support to the project and shared
their expertise with the participants.
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Our Serene Tan and Suanne Chen attended the event.
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Danceart Celebrity Showdance Charity Gala
TheCelebrity Showdance Charity Gala Dinner at Marina Bay Sands was attended by
our Mr Samuel Seow, Ms Trina Ha, Mr Lee Yiren and Mr Mark Ha. SSLC is proud to
be the sponsor for a table at the Gala dinner. It was a night to behold, especially for
Samuel, who was as always usual, decked out in his best suit with a cute matching bow
tie. The rest of the attendees at the Gala dinner were just as impressive, everyone was
in stunning evening wear and dashing smart suits.
Ballroom dancing from the
host as well as her friends.
After all, the dinner is themed
“Celebrity Showdance”, hosts
and guests all got up on their
feet and danced the night
Subsequently, we were given
an eye-opener by professional
acclaimed personalities in the
Latin dance circles. Their fantastically choreographed dance routines kept our attention
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fixated on the dance floor.
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Finally the food deserves a mention too, the
carefully chosen gourmet delights rounded
off a fantastic night for the attendees from
SSLC. We congratulate our friends, the
hosts, Dr Jamie Tay and The Hour Glass
for making the dinner hugely successful and
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Patron of the Arts Awards 2011
Samuel Seow Law Corporation has always been a great lover and supporter of the arts,
and has been recognized for its contributions by the National Arts Council since 2006.
Having received three consecutive Patron of the Arts Awards; the National Arts Council
this year, bestowed on us it highest honour as Distinguished Patron of the Arts in
acknowledgement and appreciation of the continued our support for various arts
projects through sponsorship provided by the firm and indeed, Samuel Seow himself.
The Award was bestowed on Samuel Seow Law Corporation at the Patron of the Arts
Awards Dinner, attended by our Samuel Seow, Mark Ha, Lee Yiren, and Adelle Ho.
Held at the meaningful location of the Goodman Arts Centre, home of the National Arts
Council Office, the hall was transformed into a chic and contemporary ballroom densely
populated with Patron of the Arts Award winners as well as international and homegrown contributors to the local arts scene.
Of note (and certainly the only thing that stopped most guests from digging into their
delicious entrees) was the unusual and hauntingly beautiful musical performance by
Tze N Looking Glass, combining traditional Indian folk music with contemporary
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improvisational jazz to create an organic fusion of the two beloved genres.
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Launch of Cinemas of Asia
The opening of the Asian Cultural Cinema Symposium, hosted by Lasalle College of
the Arts was attended by our Ms Trina Ha and Ms Mehtab Deva on 29 September
This vibrant gathering of directors, film practitioners, academics and film students from
this region was held to showcase a variety of award-winning films from around the
South East was made it an exciting evening.
The Kitchen Musical Wrap Party
The Kitchen Musical wrap party at the Lasalle College of Arts was attended by our Mr
Samuel Seow, Ms Trina Ha, Ms Suanne Chen and Mr Lee Yiren. Hosted at “Fifteen
Minutes” a cozy bar-restaurant, it offers guests the perfect setting to mingle freely
around sharing their unforgettable experiences during the production of the musical.
We were treated to a sneak preview of various snippets in the musical,
rapturous laughter and applause from the crew and artistes, who deservedly reveled in
the spotlight given how hard they worked together to make this musical a success. The
sneak preview did not disappoint, it was certainly a piece worthy for any musical lovers.
Cleverly choreographed dance routines worked into satirical humor, we were certainly
tickled by this interesting showpiece of a musical.
SSLC are the proud legal advisers to the producers.
We wish Kitchen Musical success, and congratulate
the crew and team for making such a hugely
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entertaining musical.
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On This Emerald hill
Jonathan Lim‟s “On This Emerald Hill”, managed by our dear friends and clients from
Artsolute Ltd, is a monologue that pays tribute to two classic Singaporean
monologues, namely, Stella Kon's Emily Of Emerald Hill and Kuo Pao Kun's The
Coffin Is Too Big For The Hole.
In this production, old protagonists are transported to modern Singapore. After the
original debacle in The Coffin Is Too Big For The Hole where Leow had to try to bury
his grandfather‟s oversized coffin, Leow‟s father orders for himself a similar oversized
coffin leaving Leow to face the same problem again decades later, of having to bury the
elaborate coffin in the cookie-cutter burial plots. Emily Gan, the Peranakan matriarch
from Emily Of Emerald Hill seeks to help Leow overcome the bureaucratic cemetery
officers in her characteristic feisty manner, in the hope of giving Leow‟s father the burial
he wanted. The play leads us to question just how and how much Singapore has
Our Samuel Seow and Suanne Chen enjoyed the play on 1 October 2011.
Client Focus:
Launch of EventClique: Social Ticketing Gateway
Our client and dear friend Jennifer Pok‟s has started her new company “Eventclique”.
We wish her and her team all the very best!
Concerts · Festivals · Music · Theatre · Sports · Entertainment · Exhibitions ·
EventCliQue is a new social ticketing gateway to the event community across the AsiaPacific region that:
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Searches and extracts a listing of events by location. Events are linked to ticket
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purchase or information on where and how to buy tickets or register for the
Connects people to their friends and family members, “their Cliques” and
enable them to chat about anything and everything related to events
Connects fans to event organisers or show presenters and be the first to be
informed of new shows and enjoy the benefits or special package deals offered
by the presenters
Connects complementary businesses with products (e.g F&B, transportation,
accommodation, merchandise etc) that would enhance the event experience for
people attending the events
EventCliQue‟s mission is to be able to contribute to our customers success and
delivering quality and value with honesty and integrity.
“Our objective is to make this unique social commerce platform an event lifestyle hub
that encourages real-time interaction between event Promoters, Venues and
Consumers supported by a pleasing ticket purchasing experience. It is a foundation for
a healthy event ecology that will benefit the event industry at large.” - Jennifer Pok,
CEO & Founder of EventCliQue.
EventCliQue‟s Asia Pacific Headquarters is located in Singapore. The company was
founded by three veterans in the event industry supported by a young team that
understands the dynamics of today‟s environment surrounding the social media on the
EventCliQue Services
For End Users
Sign up to be a member of EventCliQue and start creating your own CliQue of
friends & family members who will enjoy attending shows and events together
Be the first to be informed on what are the new events in your neighbourhood and
share your comments and reviews on your own event experiences
Enjoy surprise deals on hot shows and value-for-money event packages offered
exclusively for EventCliQue members.
For Show Presenters & Event Organisers
List your events on EventCliQue. We offer 2 types of listings: (i) basic listing at
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absolutely no cost ; or (ii) premium listing at a nominal rate.
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Take advantage of advertising opportunities on our site that will give you huge
exposure and visibility to your target audience
Video-on-demand and live streaming services are available through EventCliQue.
Extend your event exposure beyond the physical location to reach an audience in
Singapore, Manila, KL, Jakarta or Beijing.
Links to the other viral marketing opportunities to generate awareness for your
Subscribe to the EventCliQue ticketing platform to sell tickets to your customers.
EventCliQue is using one of the most advanced ticketing engines in the world.
This tried and tested ticketing application was the first in the industry to be realtime, completely web-based across all online and offline channels, and fully
graphical in nature. The system has many useful functionalities that would enhance
your marketing activities and improve the ticket selling experience. For instance,
the application includes the ability to bundle more than just tickets such as gift
certificates or other non-ticket inventory. It also includes the ability to create multiple
branded “vanity” sites that will maximise your online brand and establish brand
loyalty with your sponsors and partners. For more information, please contact our
sales representatives at (65) 65136882 or
For Business Partners
If you have a product or service that can enhance the event experience of our
members, we would like to talk to you on how to link your products to the right
Call us now to find out how using EventCliQue can connect you to
prospective consumers.
If you wish to offer event tickets to your customers or interested in sponsorship
opportunities, EventCliQue can help to optimise your online brand and sponsorship
For more information, call (65)65136882 or email them at
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corporation providing legal and advisory services in
Singapore as well as internationally. Our areas of
practice include:
1 Kim Seng Promenade
#15-12 Great World City
West Tower
Singapore 237994
Art Law;
Corporate and Commercial Law;
Incorporation of local and offshore entities and
(65) 6887 3393
provision of Corporate Secretarial Services;
(65) 6887 3303
Intellectual Property Law, including copyrights,
trade and service marks, designs and patents;
Managing Director:
Litigation, Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute
Personal Assistant:
Wills, Probate, Estates and Trusts;
Chief Operating Officer:
In addition to the above, we have entered into
association with a few strategic legal partners to ensure
TV/Film/ Corporate:
that we offer to our clients a comprehensive range of
essential legal services.
In Malaysia we are in association with Seow &
Associates, a full-service law firm based in Kuala
Internationally, we have forged strong alliances and a
Arts/ Theatre:
Australia; the United States of America; Taiwan; and
Wills, Probate, Estates/
We are the exclusive Singapore member of an elite
well-connected network with foreign legal counterparts
in territories like the People‟s Republic of China; the
Hong Kong SAR; Malaysia; Indonesia; Thailand;
the European Union.
association of international law firms under the ILF
Australian Desk:
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UK Desk:
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