GoodNews - Batley Girls` High School


GoodNews - Batley Girls` High School
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Good News
Looking back
Looking forward
January is named after the Roman God
of doors and gateways, Janus, and he
was usually represented as having a
head which looks two ways – back into
the past and forward into the future.
That is why tradition has it that New
Year’s Resolutions are made on the 1st
January as this is the chance to start
afresh in a new year.
Clough Girls’ High School and Sixth
Form Centre. Three job promotions, a
school name change and thousands of
students later I am leaving, it’s a scary
but exciting prospect.
However schools are unusual in that
their ‘New Year’ begins in September
and many educational changes and
resolutions are made at the start of
the new school year. For me this year is
special because I will have had two new
school years. In January I start full-time
at BBG Academy after spending the last
term split across two schools but that
means that I have to say goodbye to
Batley Girls’ High School.
The changes in this school have been
amazing over the years and that is
down to the positive attitudes of both
students and staff. There have been
great times, such as the results days
and seeing each cohort of students
outdo the one before; there have been
hard times, such as the battle to save
the school. The important point is that
even in adversity everyone associated
with this school has been clear that we
are all in it together and we will support
each other. If I can take anything with
me it is that idea and I know that school
will continue to progress in the future.
Ten and a half years ago I came for an
interview and was appointed as Head
of Science at, what was then, Howden
There are far too many people to
thank individually; staff previous and
current, governors, parents, members
Another term of Achievement; Respect; Transformation
Achievement in the school has never been better!
Congratulations to everyone on the superb added value scores (the measure
that shows every individual’s and group’s progress and thus the difference we
make!) We are in the top 5% of all schools nationally. The scores are especially
impressive in proving how well we look after disadvantaged students and
make clear that all groups exceed national averages.
Winter 2012
of the community. However my
biggest thanks go to our students, past
and present. You have exasperated
me, excited me and challenged me
but always made me proud to be
associated with you. Now I am joining
the ranks of the ‘exes’ (ex-staff, expupil, etcetera) but remember that
although you can take us out of Batley
Girls’, you can’t take Batley Girls’
out of us!
Thank you all and farewell
Jo-anne Atkinson
In Jo-anne Atkinson, our Acting
Head the school loses not only
an outstanding Science teacher
who has personally delivered
excellent BTEC results, but a
wholly committed leader.
We joined BGHS together in
September 2002 and she has
been a major contributor to its
transformation. We know she
will make an equally dedicated
and effective Head at BBG and
wish her every success and
much satisfaction.
The Respect agenda was fabulously served by our East Meets West event
last week and the Transformation one is embodied in our planned sixth form
building. Parents and students admired the design at Celebration Evening.
I wish all members and friends
of the school a joyous festive
season and a peaceful and
positive New Year. I am sure
2013 will be another wonderful
one for our school.
Jackie Eames: Executive Head
Jackie Eames: Executive Head
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Batley Girls’ leads the way on
respect for all
on the best ever
East Meets West!
from Batley Girls’ High School were
entertained and moved at East Meets
West on December 6th. The annual
and understanding of our school
community and every year the
audience go home inspired, informed
and enthused.
“Two of the great world faiths are
represented in the school and it’s
really important, especially when
have in common. This year, because
Eid was early we focused on The
and performed a range of moving
and Quran, as well as poetry.
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on p e
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Thoughts about
Year 7 Competency
from 7Ski
Competency is a mixture of three
subjects; these are Geography,
History and Religious Studies.
We have enjoyed studying all
these subject areas from creating
plans and maps in Geography,
researching World War 1 in
History and exploring different
religious beliefs in RE.
Competency has touched our
hearts because it has made us
think about other people in the
world we live in. It has also made
us ponder over our own beliefs
and values.
The evening began and ended with
from the pop music group with
the event by a sixth former and Mr
Boocock. Y12 students also wrote and
directed a play, ‘The Land of Good’
which also involved Y7 students
in French, including 2 carols. The
to a nazum and some Arabic readings
songs, beliefs and prayers.
by them, explored the ways
other’s lives and respect each other’s
beliefs and customs. At the end of the
evening we enjoyed food from both
successful conclusion. We were joined
by our local MP Mike Wood and the
Mayor , as well as members of the
inter faith reading group and all
women are.
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Prior to the show, guests looked at art
displays about The Language of Faith
and listened to seasonal songs on the
steel pans as well as purchasing cards,
treats. There was a hamper stall as
we are running our shoebox appeal
and local pensioners from both
ever and we had the largest range
of splendid performances. What is
really special about our school is
gave us an outstanding grade for
the personal development of our
students. Events like East Meets West
demonstrate the respect which is at
the heart of all we do, underlining our
mission statement of Achievement:
all for living that mission!”
May I take this opportunity to wish all
Jackie Eames
The activities that we have taken
part in have been very stimulating
and we have enjoyed working in
groups; sometimes we have had
to work by ourselves and that has
given us a sense of reflection on
our own learning. It has been very
interesting to take part in activities
relating to East Meets West, we
have enjoyed being part of this
great event at Batley Girls’ High
Quotes from year 7 students with
regards to Competency:
“It has been fun working
together” Humaira Hafez
“Learning about World War
1 soldiers in History has been
heart touching” Faijabanu Patel
“I enjoyed learning about
the local area of Batley”
Hafsa Hussain
“The activities have helped
me learn in a fun way”
Savera Hussain
“The atmosphere in our class is
amazing where we all respect
each other” Zulekha Mahmood
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Culture and Communication
The Autumn Term 2012 in the LRC
We now have a large team
of librarians.
We have seven student librarians in
Y10, and two in Y9. Eight students
in Y8 were selected from those who
applied for the position when they
were in Y7, and they joined our
experienced librarians in September
and are now competent members of
the seventeen-strong team.
New resources continue to be added
to the shelves. Many of the new
fiction titles which have become
available this term, have been
chosen by the students themselves.
Popular authors whose books have
been added to the LRC stock include
Sophie McKenzie, Michael Grant,
Rick Riordan, Christopher Paolini,
Josephine Angelini and Becca
There are new titles in the Aspiration
section too (Years 11, 12 and 13)
with a mix of the latest best sellers,
popular books from the last ten
years, and classics like 1984 and
The Count of Monte Cristo.
borrow continues to develop with a
growing selection aimed specifically
at the Aspiration Group with titles
like The Artist, Bel Ami, The Help and
date with our selection of national
Free books
for Year 7
daily newspapers, as well as weekly
papers like The Batley and Birstall
News, Eastern Eye and The Nation.
BBC Breakfast News is shown on
the big screen in the library every
morning from 8.00 to 8.20 and
in the Sixth Form area BBC Radio
4’s Today programme is on every
morning before the students go to
All students can now search the
library sytem from any computer in
school. This allows them to check
for new books, search for titles or
topics of interest as well as check
what books they have out and, very
importantly, when they are due
All Year 7 students selected a book
from a list of ten early in the term and
they have now received a free copy
of the book of their choice. The photo
shows some Y7 students with the
books they were able to choose.
My book was called Journey to the
Centre of My Brain. It was a poetry
book and I love poems! There were
many other books too; there were
adventure book, action books and
fashion books. Nazeefa Ikram Year 7
The school kindly provided us with
the opportunity to choose a free book
which they paid for. The book I chose
from many choices automatically
caught my eye.
Madia Sheraz Year 7
My friends and I had an idea that
we would all choose a different
book and when we got them we
would take turns to read them all.
Ayesha Patel Year 7
I chose the fantastic book Six Minutes
to Midnight. There was a large range
of choice in books but this book really
inpired me. Rumaisa Yasser Year 7
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Culture and Communication
Draw me to words Reading
Over the past three months, thirteen
6th form students have been on a
mission. On Monday mornings they
come together to work on a project
that emphasises the link between the
English language and Art.
Let me take you on a journey...
Monday 17th September 2012: picture
thirteen teenagers crawling into a
classroom dreading hard work after a
weekend of fun. Well this was the sight
Mary Robson, a freelance artist, faced.
However, within the first 15 minutes
spent in her company our faces were
glowing with joy.
As the weeks went by we learnt new
skills and developed our understanding
of the links between Language and
Art. Many Monday mornings have
been spent writing poetry, learning
to use pictures to express words and
exploring different methods which can
be used to express our ideas.
grown as artists, literary geniuses, and
of course in modesty. We are making
word animations that will grace the
screens in the social areas, a blog and
a very big book that will be sited
in the library.
By raising awareness of the connection
between two of the most prominent
subjects in the world, we hope to
encourage a love for them within the
hearts of students at our school; this
will not only help them with their
school work, but also give them a
new outlook on both subjects. We
aspire to peak curiosity and spark
conversations between students
and teachers alike.
Look out for the outcomes of our
creativity in the New Year and visit
us at our blog for to learn more:
enjoy a
On 7th November, staff and students took part in a lunchtime fiesta
as they celebrated a Mexican themed lunch for the Mexican Day of
the Dead which celebrates the lives of relatives and friends who are
no longer with us.
The dining hall was decked out with Mexican flags and bunting while the
school cooks prepared a variety of well-known Mexican dishes, including
Chicken Fajitas, Chilli Con Carnes and for desert, chocolate and banana
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The competition is heating up in
the Year 8 Reading Challenge!
Mrs Kilburn’s classroom is a hive
of activity most break times as
the Year 8 readers return their
completed reading journals,
collect their prizes and decide
what their next ten books of
choice will be.
The aim of the Year 8 Reading
Challenge, is for the students
to read any books they choose
and complete a Reading Journal.
The reading journals are full of
activities linked to the books they
have read, giving the students the
opportunity to reflect upon what
they have read whilst improving
their literacy skills.
Throughout the year there will
be prizes awarded to the most
avid readers and at the end of the
year, the Year 8 student who has
completed the most journals will
win a Kindle.
Mrs Kilburn said “I am really
enjoying seeing what the girls are
reading and it is wonderful to see
how many enthusiastic readers
we have”.
Get reading Year 8!
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Culture and Communication
Open Evening for Culture
and Communication
An exhilarating experience for all involved!
No need for a map to find our
faculty - visitors followed their noses
towards the scrumptious smell of
fresh crepes in our mock French café!
Upon entering the faculty,
prospective students and their
parents were baffled with what to
visit first! Those artistic and creative
spent their time reading animal
poetry and making decorative animal
masks; some curious and inquisitive
students played detective, smelling
and feeling clues inside boxes to
figure out which book the clues linked
It has to be said that not all students
enjoyed it when they had to delve
their hands into the box full of
porridge. Can we guess which book
this relates to? The girls certainly
weren’t asking for more!
a slightly different theme: witchcraft
King told horror stories, as children
sat around the cauldron, clinging onto
their seats, petrified but excited.
An enjoyable, successful and
delightful evening for everyone…
bring on next year!
Some Like it Hip Hop Review
Miss Holt and student teacher Miss Sharples took a
group of 22 students from Years 9 to 12 to Bradford
Alhambra on Saturday 10th November to see ‘Some
Like It Hip Hop’ written, choreographed and directed
by Kate Prince.
The show was a twist on the famous comedy film
‘Some Like It Hot’, featuring Marilyn Monroe. It tells
the story of Jo-Jo and Kerri, who dress up and act like
men in order to gain work in the city where books are
banned and women are only permitted to do the most
menial of jobs.
The show and various dance styles enabled the
audience to experience a range of emotions; feeling
scared of ‘the Governor’, feeling sad from witnessing
the relationship between the governor and his long
lost daughter and finally happy from the romantic love
duets and comedy moments. Everyone was engrossed!
As the cast did not speak, apart from the narrator, the
show relied heavily on music and dance. However, both
complimented each other seamlessly with breathtaking
solos, beat boxing and backflips. The girls on the trip
were amazed at the skills and said they couldn’t wait to
try them back in their PE lessons.
To say the girls enjoyed the show would be an
understatement, they loved it! This could be seen from
the standing ovation they gave at the end and the
constant cheering throughout the show, particularly
when one rather good looking young man would
This was a fantastic show which sent the students
smiling and dancing with sheer pleasure all the way to
the coach.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Life in Nazi Germany –
6th form conference
history group went to Manchester
Methodist Hall for four lectures on
life in Nazi Germany.
We had the opportunity to be
lectured by speakers that were all
experts in their field. Theses lecturers
Southbank University), Professor
enlightened us on the different
perspectives on the Nazi regime.
We gained much from this lecture
as we found it useful in how to
answer examination questions
and show how events can be
interpreted from different
historical perspectives.
We were most inspired by Professor
The experience was eye opening as
it gave us an insight into studying
History at an advanced level. The
speakers were both informative and
inspirational and will hopefully help
in our examination preparation.
university; this is because he
Zahra Wasim 12RE
Professor Matthew Stibbe (Sheffield
and Hallam University).
Year 13 Students
visit Scissett Middle School
Three Year 13 students: Safiyyah
Aswat, Muneerah Patel, Khatija
Sallu with Ms Dunkley spent the
afternoon working with Year Eight
Pupils at Scissett Middle School.
The students were there as
part of a topic on Islam that the
students from the Middle School
were studying. They gave a brief
introduction to what it meant to
them to be a Muslim, followed by
a question and answer session in
which they were asked a number
of interesting questions about their
faith and beliefs.
It is hoped that this will be the
start of partnership with Scissett
that will involve joint visits to
different places of worship and
a number of interfaith and cross
cultural activities.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Kirklees Interfaith week
As part of Kirklees Interfaith week, A2
RE students attended a Muslim faith
workshop related to Ashura in Batley
town centre with Mr Goddard and
Ms Dunkley.
We learnt many new things, such as all
the events that are believed to have
occurred on the 10th day of the Islamic
month of Muharram and the variation
in events believed in the Jewish,
Christian and Islamic faiths.
We realised that there were many
similarities between the Christian and
Muslim beliefs about various wellknown stories, such as the story of
Noah. Not only did the workshop allow
us to learn new things, but also gave us
an opportunity to meet new people as
well as have a taste of the traditional
dessert, made on Ashura called Noah’s
Pudding. This pudding – made of
grains, dried fruit and honey had a
very unique flavour to it; nothing like
we had tasted before.
We then went to visit the Methodist
Church, which we really enjoyed;
for many of us this was a first time
experience so it was fascinating. The
Methodist Church proved to be very
different compared to typical Roman
Catholic and Church of England
churches. We learnt about the various
services that the take place in the
church and some of the history of the
Methodist Church and the history of
the Methodist church in Batley.
chance to see what faiths have in
common, rather than the beliefs that
can be used to divide us.
fun trip where I learnt new things
and the highlight of the trip was
entering the beautiful Church.
Khadija: The trip was significant to
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me because I learnt a lot about how
Christianity and Islam overlaps. The
food was brilliant too!
Maariyah: The best bit was
learning about the history of the
church and how the Methodist
Church was formed.
Safiyyah: The trip was not only
fun, but was also very informative,
however the highlight of the trip was
spending time in the Church where
we felt nothing but serenity
and peace.
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
The Humanities
Learning Garden
Humanities has a strong relationship with Cummins
Turbo Technologies, who have helped us conceive a new
Humanities Learning Garden that will be built in 2013.
Staff from CTT trained girls in their Voice of the Customer
technique- a way that CTT investigates any problem or
issue in order to find a solution.
Girls and members of the Humanities super faculty
worked together on ideas and designs for the new
learning garden and the results can be seen in
these drawings.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Aspiration and Achievement
Progression ‘Timelines’
A visual record of the school year
As part of our continued efforts to
begin learning at 8:30am tutors of the
Progression stage, decided to re-vamp
the activities that students carried
out in daily Focus time. At the start
of September, all of the Progression
tutor groups were given the challenge
of creating a visual record of the
academic year.
Armed with a roll of display paper,
students set about creating their
masterpieces. Inclusion of some items
was obligatory: Word of the Week,
Thought for the Week and important
events with the school community all
had to be recorded in some manner.
However, the only other instructions
were, that each member of the
tutor group had to make at least one
contribution to the timeline each week
and that the timeline should be used
as a way of recording the experience
of students, both in and out of school.
Students were encouraged to record
key aspects of their school experience,
including examples of learning success
and progress and also to include
events from the outside world, ranging
from celebrity gossip to important
world news and events.
It is safe to say, that this activity has
proved to be incredibly successful
with students and tutors agreeing that
it has been a very worthwhile and
enjoyable process, as can be seen in
their comments:
‘The timeline is good for work
reviews over the week – going
through what we have learned
and teaching others. It’s a good
form of social interaction – instead
of texting’.
Hanaa Patel
‘The timeline has given us an
opportunity to become better
friends with other classmates.
It’s a chance to be creative’.
Fozia Patel
‘Having the timeline in our class
has made a positive impact on
the whole form as we all work as
a team to fill it in’.
Misbah Waja
‘Personally I think it is one of the
most engaging projects the girls
have taken part in during focus
time. It is lovely as a tutor to see
students from both Year 9 and 10
working so productively together,
to make something they can all
be proud of’.
Miss Hunt
‘I have found this task really fun
and enjoyable! It has helped us
learn new things and our class
to cooperate as a team’.
Humaira Hussain
events and things that are
important in our forms daily.
By working together, it has built
our confidence with members of
our form’.
Farida Amdhala
‘I like the timeline because it
brings all the form together’.
Faatimah Mangera
‘I’ve enjoyed listening to the ideas
and interests of others’
Safiyyah Munir
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Aspiration and Achievement
Batley Girls’ Interact
A group of Year 12 students are
working alongside Batley Rotary to
launch “Interact”. This is a junior
version of Rotary, the internationally
recognised charitable organisation.
The team had their inaugural meeting
with members of Rotary and are now
looking to recruit 30 students aged 1419 and work towards chartered status.
They will have two main foci this year,
a local and a national or international
charity event and it promises to be an
exciting development for the school
and its community.
Any students interested in joining
should attend the next meeting on
Monday 14th January at 12.30 in
Room 12.
Visit to Oliver
November 2012
Staff accompanied 50 students
to see the Cameron Mackintosh
production of Lionel Bart’s Oliver!
All the students involved were
seeing this musical for the first
time and for many it was their first
visit to Leeds Grand.
Sarrah Moeen of the Year 13
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Leadership Team commented,
“the atmosphere was wonderful
and all the students really enjoyed
singing along”.
We didn’t realise how many of the
songs we knew! The Leeds Grand is
a lovely theatre and a great setting
for a brilliant occasion”.
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Year 9 BTEC visit to
Leeds City Art Gallery
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Year 11
Year 11 BTEC (Diploma) Art and Design
students visited Bagshaw Museum in
September. It was a chance to record the
collection directly.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Year 12 Fine Art
Tom Wood Workshop
Year 12 Fine Art students are
spending one lesson every week
working with local artist Tom Wood to
create their own wearable sculpture,
inspired by shapes seen on visits
to the Hepworth Gallery and the
Anish Kapoor exhibition at Yorkshire
Sculpture Park.
Tom has a long-standing relationship
with our A level course, and has
delivered workshops for us every year,
teaching the students about good
use of sketchbooks, skills with design,
composition, colour, photography
and construction.
“I enjoyed the creativity and
wackiness of the sessions.”
“I had a lot of fun during this project.”
“This was a wonderful experience,
as we got to work with an artist and
experience techniques out of school
with other people”.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
‘Inspire me’
This year, our Year 12 Fine Art
students are involved in a new
mentoring programme with the
Artistic Director of Yorkshire-based
arts organisation, Manasamitra.
The company has developed and
delivered over the years a strong
artistic programme of high profile
touring performances in theatres,
festivals and galleries across the UK
as well as working in non-traditional
spaces including churches, parks and
public spaces.
Another element of the company
work involves delivering educational
programmes like workshops and
classes in schools throughout the
region and beyond.
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Supriya has planned a specialised
program of mentoring sessions with
the students that takes them on a
journey together, exploring the things
that are most important to all the
students within their possible career
Supriya is encouraging the students’
curiosity and confidence to discuss
their ambitions and fears. She
hopes to provide for the students
opportunities to experience different
fields of work, through work
shadowing and one-to-one mentoring.
The hope is that these students may
be ones to eventually take the lead
on a similar programme of mentoring
for the next round of Year 12s next
academic year!
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Masks, Disguise
and Ritual in
Year 8 Art
Year 8 students in Art are designing and making their own personal
and creative masks, inspired by their research into the different purposes
and styles of masks around the world.
and tissue, modroc, and cardboard construction.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Year 7
DT Textiles
Autumn 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Year 7 students have been settling in to Design
Technology and have now completed their first
project rotation in one of the material areas.
These are drawstring bags designed
and made in Textiles.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Mock Exam Season
Photographs of some of our Year 11
Fine Art students working on their
recent Mock exam final pieces.
Well done to all of the GCSE Arts
Package Year 11 students for your
hard work throughout the Mock exam
period and good luck with the rest of
your Portfolio work!
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Life Sciences
Batley Girls’ Keeps Growing!
This is not just on the farm and in our horticultural areasthe footprint of the school also continues to grow as we
invest more and more in extra teaching spaces.
built in the school’s Science Learning Garden. In addition
to providing a valuable extra classroom, the room itself
Watch this space- the school plans to build a brand new
extension to the 6th Form in 2013 that will be open and
ready for students in September 2013. This promises to be
a state-of-the art building and a powerful reminder of how
successful our 6th form provision is at the school. We will
unveil the plans in the New Year!
constructed out of glass bricks and these represent the
Periodic Table. From inside, students experience a stained
glass window effect and, from outside, the wall becomes
an aid to learning.
over the miniature playground equipment that they and
girls from the school have designed. The equipment is sited
in the Science Learning Garden, making this a real outdoor
learning space. Using actual turbo chargers from CTT, a
swing, a slide and a see saw have been created to help
students understand scientific principles such as gravity,
pivots and friction. Photographs of the new equipment
will feature in the next newsletter!
Blended Learning at BGHS
We are keen to use technology
in a positive way and, next term,
25 Year 11 students will take part
in the pilot of a Blended Learning
programme at the school.
A Blended Learning approach
is one, which in most cases,
will enhance and extend the
learning opportunities for our
21st Century learners. This
approach combines traditional
face-to-face classroom methods
with electronic computer-mediated
activities in a joined up way.
Classroom time can be used to
engage students in advanced
interactive experiences. Meanwhile,
the online portion of the course can
provide students with multimediarich content at any time of day,
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anywhere the student has internet
access, from the bus on the way in
to school, the coffee shop, or the
students’ homes. This allows for an
increase in flexibility for students and
a choice over when they learn.
The students will trial a system
called GCSEPod.
This will allow
them to access
lectures, lessons,
podcasts and
vodcasts on
English, Maths
and Science
topics via any
iPods, iPhones,
iPads and smartphones. Students
will have access to learning materials
24/7. It will be like having their own
personal tutor on permanent callthis is truly learning without walls!
Schools that have used this system
have seen a massive impact on GCSE
results and we will be monitoring
this trial with interest.
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Life Sciences
Gymnastics Club
Gymnastics is taking Batley Girls’ High
School by storm.
Lots of students are busy in lessons
and after school club choreographing
some very complex, exciting routines.
Students from Year 7 – 10 are working
together to demonstrate their skills
to produce choreography to be proud
of. The students are hoping to impress
STEM to reach for the world
land-speed record!
in both assemblies and school shows
next term with the performances they
have spent a lot of time developing.
If you are interested in being part of
this exciting new club and put your
gymnastic skills to the test come along
on Wednesday lunchtimes to the
gymnasium. Thanks, the PE team.
Extra Curricular clubs
Extra curricular clubs are growing in
popularity at Batley Girls’ High School.
Activities that are currently available
are Zumba, multi skills, dance,
gymnastics, netball, football,
badminton and cricket.
The PE team are happy to run any
club that students request so if there
is something you would like to learn,
refine or simply play come and talk to
the staff.
Every term student’s flock to each of
the clubs to improve skills, make new
friends and increase fitness, there is
something for everyone so make your
new years resolution getting more
involved and joining a PE clubs.
Inspired by the recent record for a
free-fall speed record set by Felix
Baumgartner, the Science team
have been working with Engineers
from Cummins Turbo Technology
to develop a STEM activity to
investigate the rocket-powered car
‘Bloodhound’ which is a pencilshaped car, powered by a jet
engine and a rocket designed to
reach 1,000 miles per hour.
Ambassadors will be helping
Year 7 students develop their
Engineering and Science skills,
through a STEM Club – starting
Find more information about the
land-speed record attempt at:
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Important dates for your diary
Year 10 GCSE Science students have external unit examinations in March
2013, these will make-up 75% of their overall GCSE CORE Science grade.
Unit B1 – Friday 1st March . Unit C1 – Tuesday 5th March
Unit P1 – Thursday 7th March
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Life Sciences
High Adventure!
Our trip to High Adventure in
Keighley, which was on the 1st of
October, was bursting with exciting
and exhausting (in a good way!)
activities throughout the day ranging
from archery to climbing with
harnesses - it was brilliant!
The very first thing we did was split
our whole group (17 girls) into
two groups so we could start the
name was Henry.
The first activity our group did was
building our teamwork skills by
carrying out a challenge on which
we had to stand on a wooden plank
placed on the ground. We were asked
to move into height order. After
succeeding, another challenge was put
upon us however this time; we were
not allowed to speak – we had to use
In the next challenge we had to get
across a tortuous rope on the stony
ground but there were some obstacles
sounds easy, it really isn’t you have
to put a crate down and keep hold of
it or the crate will be confiscated by
Henry unfortunately, it happened to us
numerous times!
Next up was archery we had 3 arrows
each – one girl hit a bulls eye! We
were competing with the other group,
they had scored 110 altogether but
we won by 2 points – 112, well done
team B!
Coming across our last activity,
we all put on our harnesses and
helmets. We were preparing to
climb high into the sky! Three people
reached the platform on top of the
high pole – one of them was Miss
Hunt! It was a great day of team
work, excitement and challenge,
I can’t wait to do it again.
And Saffiyah Novsarka (EJH)
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Life Sciences
Kira’s going far
Since April 2009 I have been training at Wakefield
Harriers as an athlete specialising in the
100m & 200m sprint race.
I had to change coaches on two occasions to give
me an opportunity to train with people of the same
age until I moved on to my current coach. For the past
two years I have trained with people twice my
age and older.
Thornes athletics track in Wakefield. My first race was the
100m and I came 2nd in my heat and got a Personal Best
a medal. I did however receive a silver trophy as I came
2nd out of all the girls that participated from my club,
Wakefield Harriers. My second race was the 200m
which again I did a Personal best of 27.6 but came a
disappointing 7th out of 8 in the heats. Again, I received
a trophy as I ranked 3rd out of my club.
I have been told by a number of coaches
that I have the ability to go far, which is
what I really want. We made the decision
to increase my training to 3-4 days a week.
Recently, I took part in the National Senior
League and the National Junior League in
order to ensure we gained enough points to
keep our team in top position. We had to travel
as far as Glasgow for competitions.
my first medal competition in the U17, 100m
Life sciences
Tuesday is a very busy day in the Life
Sciences Super-faculty, at lunchtime
Year 7 and 8 have Science coaching
and after school it is GCSE Science and
BTEC Sport coaching.
I thoroughly enjoyed this experience as I not
only received 2 trophies and achieved 2
personal bests’, but I also enjoyed it as I
was participating in something I am very
passionate about and want to succeed in. I
was feeling nervous before all of my races
but competing that day not only made
me more motivated but taught me to be
confident in myself and my ability. I did
better than I thought I ever would.
If athletics is something you are interested
in please come and talk to me as I would be
happy to help you find a club. Also I am starting
an athletics club next term for all Year 7
students who think they may have a strength
or passion for any of the running, jumping or
throwing events.
Congratulations to the students who
have attended and worked hard on
lunchtime there is further GCSE Science
coaching and BTEC catch-up.
Year 7 Science Fair –
Summer 2012 and beyond!
7G3 worked on scientific projects
and presented them at our first
Batley Girls’ Science Fair at the end of
the summer term. They investigated
how to make the perfect bubble
mixture, magic candle tricks, and the
problem of the shrinking coin!
They also researched and prepared
presentations on the planets of our
solar system, volcanoes and the
human digestive system –including
some rather messy demonstrations.
The event inspired such creativity
that we plan to have our second
Year 7 Science fair on Friday 28th
June – so Year 7 parents put that date
in your diary!
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Maths and Applied
Senior Maths
Many congratulations to the Year 12 students who took
part in the Senior Maths Challenge last month. Although
the questions in the competition have multi-choice
answers, the problems are notoriously challenging, and all
of the girls have achieved well by taking part.
Students who took the challenge: Ayesha Laher (HGR)
achieved Best in School and a Bronze certificate, Sabeehah
Patel (GSR) was also awarded a Bronze certificate, Amina
Maimuna Syeda (KHS), Mariyah Makda (GSR), Zainab Abed
(ANP), Hawa Lakhi (MHE) and Anisa Patel (MHE).
If you enjoy problem solving and logic puzzles you
may be interested in taking part in either the Junior
Maths Challenge (Years 7 and 8, 25th April 2013) or
the Intermediate Maths Challenge (Years 9 and 10, 7th
February 2013).
Try the example questions below which are from last year’s papers.
see Mrs Taylor if you would like more information.
Junior Maths Challenge
Intermediate Maths Challenge
Question 1
Question 1
What is the value of 2 x 0 x 1 + 1?
To find the diameter in mm of a Japanese knitting needle,
you multiply the size by 0.3 and add 2.1. What is the
diameter in mm of a size 5 Japanese knitting needle?
A: 0 B: 1 C: 2 D: 3 E: 4
Question 2
What is the smallest number of additional squares which
must be shaded so that this figure has at least one line of
symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 2?
A: 3 B: 5 C: 7 D: 9 E: more than 9
A: 3.6 B: 7.4 C: 10.8 D: 12 E: 17.1
Question 2
The three blind mice stole a piece of cheese. In the night,
the first mouse ate 1/3 of the cheese. Later, the second
mouse ate 1/3 of the remaining cheese. Finally, the third
mouse ate 1/3 of what was the left of the cheese. Between
them, what fraction of the cheese did they eat?
A: 16/27 B: 17/27 C: 2/3 D: 19/27 E: 20/27
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Maths and Applied
to raise
The department provides
coursework and exam help
in room 10 every Thursday
lunchtime for all subjects.
This enables students to catch
up any work missed or re visit
areas they need more help with.
Wednesday 3-5p.m. Controlled
assessment catch up sessions.
If a student has missed any
controlled coursework, we now
offer an after school controlled
session every Wednesday. A
note will be written in planners
which will need to be signed
by parents or carers if they are
required to attend.
The Department has arranged for
twenty five Level 2 Health and
Social Care students to embark
on exciting new long term work
experience placements.
This type of vocational study
benefits students by giving
them the opportunity to learn
valuable life skills.
The students also gain work
related skills which will help
them in their chosen career.
Two students have already been
awarded certificates for their work
placements. Well done.
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Every Monday Lunchtime
Room 63
Every Tuesday Lunchtime
Year 10 GCSE ICT, coursework catch-up
Room 63
Every Thursday Lunchtime
Year 12/13 ICT A Level support
Room 62
Every Monday Lunchtime
Room 63
Every Tuesday Lunchtime
Year 10 GCSE ICT, coursework catch-up
Room 63
Every Thursday Lunchtime
Year 12/13 ICT A Level support
Room 62
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Maths and Applied
external links
In the Applied Learning Department
we are working hard to establish
external links that are relevant to the
subjects within our area.
Currently we are working and running
workshops with;
The Sexual Health team, Bradford
Health Visiting Service, Yates
Counselling Service, School Nursing
Staff, Start and Mend healthy weight
promoters, Smoking Cessation Team
and the Community Policing Team.
We are also visiting and running
workshops at:
Gomersal Park Hotel
Manchester Airport
Hollins Hall, Leeds
Adrenaline Jungle, Sherwood Forest
Fox’s Biscuits
Batley Hall Nursing Home
Priestly Care Home
Holly Bank School
Fairfield School
Huddersfield University
Kirklees Health Service
We really appreciate the time and
effort put in by all the staff and
organisations working with us. It
provides our students with a realistic
applied experience.
If you feel that you would like to
establish a link within our school
regarding your job role or organisation
then please contact Mrs Ford or Mrs
Roberts for details.
Applied Learning
Batley Hall visit
Year 10 Health and Social Care students recently
visited Batley Hall Residential Home as part of their
GCSE coursework. This was a great opportunity for
the students to get an experience of how a residential
home operates.
Students were able to meet and speak to the residents
and staff, which enabled them to understand how the
needs of the residents are met.
We are very pleased to have established this new
community link and have already secured some long
term work placements for our Year 12 students.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Foundation Awards
In the last week of term we celebrated the achievements,
success and progress of Year 7 and 8 students.
This year many students have an excellent ‘Attitude to
Learning’ and consequently they are well on their way to
meeting or exceeding their end of year targets.
Students were rewarded for using their planners effectively
and for 100% attendance. There were also rewards for
students who collected the most ‘Respect tokens’. Many
students deserved the Form Tutor’s Award and tutors found
it very difficult to select just one student each. The students
with the most ‘Praise slips’ received vouchers in recognition
of their outstanding effort in lessons.
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The following students won awards for outstanding progress:
Year 8
Sumayya Kasuji, Murdiya Ali, Zainab Mulla, Hawa Loonat,
Samerah Rashid, Maaria Bahadur, Asmaa Karani, Lauren
Hannah Waheed, Sadaf Zaman, Sumayyah Vardalia.
Year 7
Mary Joy Rubion, Weronika Grzybowska, Umamah
Laher, Rimsha Parveen, Tayyibah Latif, Isbah
Asim, Nisha Ahmed, Saffiyah Novsarka, Iqra
Kausar, Fatimah Chhibda, Sana Valli, Aaliya
page 27
Hussain, Sanah Murtaza, Amy Heaton.
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
from 6
page 2
The following students received awards for
outstanding attitude to learning:
Year 8
Safiyyah Lorgat, Aamina Zulfikar, Emily Bird,
Ammaarah Chothia, Ruqia Atta, Aamirah Raje, Maryam
There were 3 very important awards for each year group.
These were for Achievement, Respect and Transformation
which are at the heart of all we do here at Batley Girls’.
Year 7
Maheen Maqsud, Lindsey Steberis, Tayyaba Akram,
Nafisa Shaikh.
The Achievement award was presented to: Umamah Laher
The Respect award was presented to: Faye Bairstow and
Lauren Clark. The Transformation Award was presented to:
Abigail Coulter
Year 7
Year 8
Khatija Baiyat, Isbah Asim, Nazeefa Ikram, Faheema
Hussain, Fahimabibi Mulla, Yumna Saiyed, Amy
Conway, Naomi Carter, Aaliyah Ghari, Sannah Hafejee,
Zulekha Mahmood, Tasneem Patel, Aaliyah Sheikh,
Aaishah Vance.
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The Achievement award was presented to: Zainab Mulla
The Respect award was presented to: Sumayyah Vardalia
The Transformation Award was presented to: Maheen
The Foundation tutors are very proud of the achievements
and positive attitude of their students.
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
My first term at BGHS
The new Year 7 students have now
completed their first term at high
Their form tutors, subject teachers,
Pastoral Manager and Year Leader all
feel that they have settled down very
well and have made an excellent start
to their studies in KS3. Most students
seem very confident and have a very
positive attitude to learning. A number
of teachers have commented that the
current Year 7 is the best ever!
Many students recently completed a
simple questionnaire about their first
term and here are some of
their comments:
In Maths I have gone
from a 5c to a 6b so I
am very pleased!
get to make lots of
different things.
I have settled down
well because there is
a good atmosphere
and everyone is kind
and caring.
I like Maths because
Mr Flack’s lessons
are really fun.
I am glad I came
here as it’s like
another home.
This school is good
because you can be
I love my English
lessons with Mrs
Auty because she is
a very good teacher!
The best things here
are the computers,
our social area and
the Year 7 canteen.
I have made lots of
new friends- I don’t
know why I worried
last summer.
My favourite lessons
are Art and Science
because Art is really
creative and Science
is really practical
and fun.
A ‘Nutcracker’
of a treat!
On Thursday 20th December
fifty students from Years 7 and
8 will be taken to the Grand
theatre in Leeds to see the
ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.
The trip is a reward for the
students who have attained
lots of outstanding grades for
their ‘Attitude to Learning’
and consequently made good
progress. Some students have
already met their targets and are
striving to surpass their targets
by the end of the school year.
The students are looking forward
to the event – here are some of
their comments:
I’m looking forward to the
dance of ‘the sugar plum fairy’
I have never been inside a
real theatre
I must say that
our teachers are
very nice and I like
lessons much more
than I thought I
I have made good
progress in Maths
and have moved up
a set. The teachers
explain better than
at my last school.
I can’t wait to go as I have
never seen a real ballet before.
It’s a great treat to go to the
ballet – thank you!
I get an afternoon off school
and can wear my new clothes.
I’m glad that I worked so hard
– it has been worth it.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Student Council
Christmas at Batley
Girls High School
At Batley Girls’ High school, we identify that all of our
students are gifted; whether their gift is in relation to
art or science or literature and languages. Many are
also gifted with the ability of communication or
friendship skills.
Many of the students are oblivious to their gifts and what
they are good at. Batley Girls’ have used the Christmas
theme of thinking about gifts and consider what we
already have.
A tradition at Batley Girls’ High School is that every student
is given a gift tag on which they write their name, form and
gift. This tradition is used for students to consider what
they excel in and improve their self esteem. The gift tags
are collectively put together and hung on the Christmas
trees around school, to celebrate all the gifts we have.
School council have played a large part in the placing of gift
cards. They collected all of the gift tags from every form
and placed them on the Christmas trees as the decoration.
The school council also decorated the trees with lights and
presents to celebrate Christmas at BGHS.
Zainab Patel (Student Council)
Student Council assembly:
‘Children learn what they live’
We learn from our family, our
Teachers and each other.
We learn our conduct by
observing the behaviours of other
people; we are all role models
to each other!
Last year, the Student Council asked
the pupils of Batley Girls’ High School
what they would like to spend the
budget we were given in order to
improve our school whether it be
Page 29 of 36
facilities or resources.
to care for our School environment
We were given great feedback and it
seemed that the girls wanted picnic
benches put outside on the school
grounds. Purchasing the picnic
benches has been a great success;
however we need to ensure that
these lovely new editions to our
School grounds are not misused.
based around the slogan of ‘you
wouldn’t litter at home, so why do
it in School?’ and we created a short
film to show what might happen if
people littered in their own houses.
We therefore decided to focus our
assembly on encouraging people
We hope that the message was clear
and that we can all become positive
role models.
Safiyyah Hafiji (Student council)
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
on many levels
Celebration Evening is one of our
favourite events of the school year
because it is a time for ex-students
to get together and celebrate their
success alongside friends, family
and staff. This year was no exception
as there was a lot of success to
We already knew that the Year 13
students had managed to regain the
coveted 100% pass rate, far better
than any other local institutions as
pointed out by Miss Atkinson and Mrs
Eames in their speeches. The week
before the event we got an early
indication that our value-added for
Year 11 last year was the highest ever
achieved by the school which put
the smile on a lot of faces. These
were truly a cause to celebrate.
Saiqa Bashir was a truly inspirational
speaker; an ex-student who was funny
and self-deprecating but had a genuine
message to get across. Her honesty
and refreshing attitude struck a chord
with many. Amongst the guests, the
school was honoured to have the
Mayor of Kirklees, the President of the
Rotary Club of Batley and many of the
Governing Body.
All the students were presented with
their individual certificates and many
received prizes nominated by staff
teams across the school. However
there were two special trophies
awarded on the evening. The annual
Rotary Club Cup was awarded to Grace
Clark who has completed a leadership
programme with the Rotary and is
involved in much fundraising.
Zile Atta was awarded a prize in
memory of Mariya Karani, a former
student who loved education and is
sorely missed. Zile joined the school
from abroad and made such excellent
progress that she exceeded all targets
and is now a valued AS student.
After the formal part of the evening,
students, families and guests were
invited to an informal reception
which gave them the opportunity
to catch up. This was a genuinely
heart-warming and positive experience
for all.
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Good News
Chill Club
Eid Party
On October 25th, Chill Club had
a party to celebrate the
Muslim festival of Eid.
CEIAG at Batley
Girls’- a good job!
Batley Girls’ High School has become
the first 11-19 school to be awarded
the new CEIAG Quality Award.
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
To help celebrate the occasion
we held a little party after school at
3pm. Chill Club ends at 5p.m. so we
had plenty of time to have some fun.
biscuits and juice. We really enjoyed
ourselves playing team games and
trying to beat each other on the
The Library was full of the usual
Chill Club activities but someone
brought henna and we had
lots of different food to eat. We
had samosas, onion bajis, pizza,
The celebration was organised by
Mrs Rodrigues, Mr Carter and Miss
Loveland. We have asked if we can
have another one at Christmas!
Ever thought about
caring for a living?...
This is a national validation that is
awarded for the provision of careers
education, information, advice
and guidance.
The granting of this award reflects the
great job that the school is doing to
support our students to become the
employees of tomorrow. The school
website has a brand new CEIAG sectiontake a look at www.batley
All young people need help and
support in making informed and
realistic choices regarding their future
life and the many roles they will
take and the school has a significant
contribution to make (along with
parents and other support agencies) in
providing an effective programme of
careers education and guidance.
In the New Year the school is going
to be working with a CEIAG provider
called Talentino to train parents and
volunteers to become Early Careers
If you want to be able to help your
daughter-and other girls- at the
school make more informed choices
about their future career, and want to
take part in this training, contact Mr
Henshaw at the school.
Page 31 of 36
...but don’t think you’re qualified or
think you have enough experience?
Fancy a change of career, need a
second income, or want part-time work?
Organisations will be there to point you in
the right direction and help you apply for
local jobs, or find out more about volunteering.
If you want to make a real positive difference to
someone’s life locally and get paid for it, then
providing practical and personal support to
people who need help to live independently
could be the answer.
Being able to drive, and having access to a
car may be advantage, but not essential
for all roles. However,
it’s essential that you
have the right attitude
and potential to deliver
support and are willing
and able to learn the
appropriate technical
skills around care
and support.
To find out more about jobs in home care or
the role of a personal assistant who provides
individual support to people, visit our free
social care recruitment fair. There will also be
information about volunteering opportunities.
Dewsbury Town Hall
Thursday 10th January 2013
10am to 2pm (drop in anytime)
Huddersfield Town Hall
Wednesday 23rd January 2013
10am to 2pm (drop in anytime)
No need to
book a place!
For more information call 01484 225120
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Wellbeing and Community
its talent
On Saturday 29th September, the school was involved in
the amazing Batley festival.
The local celebration of all aspects of Batley life was
organised and run by a group of Batley volunteers, and the
school was naturally part of that, thanks to Mrs Eames’
enthusiasm and commitment to ensuring that the school is
at the heart of all things Batley!
The day began with the school having two stalls in Batley
Market Place promoting its ethos of ART – Achievement,
Respect and Transformation. A group of Sixth Form Student
Ambassadors braved the wind to highlight the work the
school does with a wide range of local, national and
international initiatives.
Mrs Holt and Miss Graham were also there promoting the
school’s sustainability projects, especially the farm. Visitors
to the stall were impressed with the school grown produce
on offer. The day ended on a high with a cultural event
in Batley Town Hall whereby Batley singers, dancers and
performers entertained a packed audience in what was an
action filled show.
The school showcased two acts; the group of dancers who
performed at the national rugby match at Twickenham, and
also the premiere of the BGHS Bollywood dancers, who went
down a storm with their high energy Bollywood and Bhangra
routine. The crowd were cheering at the end for more!
Watch this space as the trio are due, by popular demand, to
perform in school and at other local venues in the New Year.
Mrs Rodrigues and Mrs Knox both said it was a pleasure to sit
there and be entertained by all those on stage, but that our
girls were the real stars of the night!
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Wellbeing and Community
Parents Quality Assurance Award
Batley Girls’ High School have been
working with Kirklees Parenting
Support Service for the Parent
Quality Assurance Award.
Iffat Ahmad and Ayesha Khan who
both work with parents and the
school community, compiled and
developed a comprehensive portfolio.
The portfolio covered many sections
on how the school supports and
develops initiatives with the parents
and how they can work within
the Kirklees framework.
This award entailed work with
the Parents Forum group, The
Wellbeing Centre and spent time
engaging and supporting parents
from the school community.
This achievement comes at the
end of many years extensive delivery
of the portfolio. We recently had
the pleasure of receiving this
award from the service at a ceremony
for this achievement.
Textile Exhibition
In October of this year the community
adult textile group began planning a
showcase exhibition of their work.
This was initiated by various members
of the group who felt that the quality
and diversity of the work being
produced deserved to be shown to a
wider audience.
Said Ingrid Kalischer, group member,
‘I have been so overwhelmed by the
textile work of my fellow students, that
I felt other people should have the
opportunity to see it too – so we came
up with the idea of an exhibition.’
Initially, the group wanted to stage
a major exhibition in 2013, but soon
realised that many exhibition spaces
are booked a year in advance so, for
the time being at least, they have had
to settle for a smaller space, with a
view to staging a larger exhibition in
Here, at school, we already have
strong links with Batley Library and
Art Gallery, as we stage a crossgenerational exhibition there
Page 33 of 36
every year as part of the Batley
Heritage Project (in conjunction with
community organisation, Mosaic)
so it seemed natural that this space
would be where the exhibition would
be held. As the main gallery area is
already fully booked, the group are
mounting their exhibition on the
balcony at the back of the library. This
means that space will be limited so
each exhibitor is to make a sample
display board of a small proportion
of their work, as a taster of things to
come in the future.
The exhibition will be open to the
public from February 16th 2013 –
April 13th (inclusive) and will be
taking place alongside the very well
For further details of the exhibition,
or how to get involved in community
art courses in school, please contact
Amanda Howes. Email:ahowes@
Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Wellbeing and Community
The Wellbeing and
Community Centre
In May 2012, the Wellbeing Centre
opened the new Wellbeing Suite. We
can use this space for large meetings
and as a base for other agencies.
It provides a safe and confidential
environment for those wishing to
discuss Child Protection concerns.
There is also a seating area situated
in the Wellbeing Centre ‘courtyard’.
Visitors can sit in the sunshine
(hopefully) and relax, surrounded by
colourful potted plants and trees.
The WBC team have organised
workshops such as Anger
Management and Smoking Cessation.
In response to requests from the
Extended and Healthy Schools
meetings we are encouraging staff to
use the suite at lunchtimes and after
school for informal support networks.
There is some therapeutic massage
equipment available for staff to use
during their free time, lunch break
etc. and can be booked via Melanie in
the Wellbeing Centre.
Laura Pickles. Alison Yates is leaving
will be welcoming our new counsellor
receptionist is Melanie Bowen.
running until Easter include:
Self-Care, Anger Awareness,
Substance Use and Cancer Health.
If you require any information
regarding these campaigns please do
not hesitate to contact the Wellbeing
Centre where we are happy to help.
We also have two Sixth Form
Wellbeing Ambassadors: Nasreen
Patel and Fehmida Chopdat. They
have both written a few words
about their experiences of the
Wellbeing Centre.
“Working as a student representative
for the Wellbeing Centre, I have been
able to work alongside the people
who make the Centre the fantastic
place it is. It offers a number of
services for the students of Batley
Girls’ High School and I am very
pleased to have played a part in this.
Being the lead ambassador for the
Wellbeing Centre has allowed me to
closely interact with both students
and staff and I have had first-hand
experience of what the centre
provides. As a student, I can say that
I am incredibly grateful that this
service exists as it allows students to
approach specialised staff members
with whatever problems they are
dealing with.
Not only does it allow students to
settle in with ease through projects
like the ‘Year 7 Mentoring Scheme’,
but it also makes other students feel
comfortable throughout their high
school and 6th form years.” Nasreen
Patel, Lead Student Ambassador of
As a student of Batley Girls’ for over
six years now, I have seen many
changes take place within our School
and Sixth Form, one of which was the
introduction of the Wellbeing Centre.
As a Wellbeing Ambassador, I work
alongside others on projects which
promote student wellbeing. My role
allows me to exercise my passion
for caring for others and also offer
everyone the help or support they
may need.
Currently, we are working on a “Year
7 Mentors” programme which aims to
provide every Year 7 Tutor Group with
a trained Student Listener from the
Sixth Form who will work alongside
Year 7 students on various projects
and also assist them in any queries or
worries they may be facing. The role
of Wellbeing Ambassador requires me
to be extremely responsible however
it is ultimately a most rewarding
Fehmida Chopdat A-12/13MHE
There are many reasons why
students/staff come for counselling
including: school related stress,
personal issues and difficult feelings,
personal relationships, family and/
or friendship problems, loss and
bereavement, self-harm, eating
disorders and bullying issues.
The Wellbeing centre follows the
national Health Campaign Calendar.
We supply information via staff,
displays and leaflets. The campaigns
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Wellbeing and Community
Big-hearted as ever, in November the
girls got involved with the annual
Digathon that is held to raise money
for the school's chosen national
charity this year- Children in Need.
Students from nearby primary
schools and girls from Year 7 planted
lots of bulbs that will emerge in a
riot of colour in the spring. The
sponsored event raised a lot of
money for the appeal.
Sadly, this was the last official event
at the school for Yvonne Kilvington,
our Farm Manager (pictured second
from the left). Yvonne has moved on
to a job at another school that will
allow her to pursue her passion of
having bee-keeping in a school. We
wish her every success.
Literary Luncheons
The Inter Faith Book Group and
students from Batley Girls’ met
together in October to discuss
Kathryn Stockett’s novel,
“The Help.”
As it was the beginning of a new
academic year, it was the first time
that some of our Year 11 students
had attended a meeting but they
conducted themselves well, having
lots of interesting things to say
about the book.
The book group is made up of
ladies from the local community
and we have been discussing a
book with them once a term for
about a year now. The meetings are
well attended and enjoyed by all –
possibly because of the lovely lunch
that is served! Both students and
staff take part in the discussions
and it is stimulating, thought
provoking and fun.
“The Help” is a novel about the
treatment of black maids in the
early 1960’s in the southern states
of America. The discussion was wide
ranging, but included talking about
characterisation, themes, language
and style. With such a variety of
perspectives and thoughts within
the group the discussions often take
unusual turns. This time one of the
ladies was able to tell us about her
own experience of having a maid
in South Africa and how difficult it
could be.
The next meeting of the group will
take place in January where we
will be discussing M. L. Stedman’s
feedback from our readers suggests
that it will prove a popular choice!
Next community reading group meeting is on 31st January 2013 12.15pm at
Batley Girls’ High School. If any parents would like to participate then please
contact Iffat Ahmad on 01924 350080.
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Good News
Winter 2012
Batley Girls’ High School Visual Arts College
Wellbeing and Community
Community Art Classes
Have you ever wanted to:
Develop your artistic talent?
Learn more about photography?
Experiment with fabrics?
Come along to our friendly classes, develop your
talents and make new friends. You can even take
a qualification. No previous experience necessary.
£1 per session
Design House
12.30pm –3.30pm
6 weeks
9.30am – 11.30am
Art, GCSE & A Level (free crèche available)
9.30am – 11.30am
Digital Photography intermediate
9.30am – 11.30am
Art Appreciation including drawing and painting
7.00am – 9.00am
Photography, GCSE & A Level
9.30am – 11.30am
Exploring Art including drawing and painting
1.30pm – 3.30pm
Please contact the school
for further information
on: 01924 350080
or email Amanda Howes
Thursday Evenings
Competitive rates
Excellent facilities
We aim to make your henna
party, ladies’ night or any other
celebration or occasion something
unique and special.
Call Iffat Ahmad on 01924 350080
or extension 268 @BGHS
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