2015 Annual Pretreatment Report - Public Works
2015 Annual Pretreatment Report - Public Works
2015 PRETREATMENT REPORT BOISE CITY OF TREES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION BOISE � Public Works Neal S. Oldemeyer, P.E. Director Boise City Hall October 29, 2014 150 N. Copitol Boulevard Mailing Address P. 0. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701·0500 Phone 208/384·3900 Fax 208/433·5650 TDD/TTY 800/377-3529 Web www.cityofboise.org Mayor David H. Bieter City Council President Maryanne Jordan Council Pro Tem Elaine Cleg g Scot Ludwig Lauren Mclean Ben Quintano TJ Thomson Mr. Michael Le Pretreatment Coordinator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Sixth Avenue, OW-130 Seattle, WA 98101 Re: 2015 Annual Pretreatment Report Dear Mr. Le: Please find enclosed our 2015 Pretreatment Report. The report describes Boise City's Pretreatment Program activities during the 2015 reporting period October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. The City believes this submittal fulfills the Pretreatment Program reporting requirements as outlined in Section I.H.9 of the NPDES permit issued to the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility, Section II.A.9 of the Lander Street permit, as well as 40CFR403.12(i). Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please contact me by phone at 208.384.3992 or e-mail at talber@cityojboise.org. Enclosure cc: Neal Oldemeyer, Director, Boise Public Works Department Colin Schmidt, Director, Garden City Public Works Department Lynn Moser, Eagle Sewer District Roy R. Kay, West Boise Sewer District James Werntz, EPA Boise Field Office Aaron Scheff, Idaho DEQ, Boise Regional Office [:\PWA\Pretreatment\AnnReport\2015\FfNAL\2-Coverletter.docx An Equol Opportunity Employer Prinh>d on recycled poper 2014 ANNUAL PRETREATMENT REPORT COVERSHEET NPDES Permit Holder: Program Approved: Period Covered by this Report: Report Due Date: City of Boise January 31, 1985 October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 November 1, 2015 Names/Addresses of Treatment Plant(s) and NPDES Permit Numbers: Lander Street Wastewater Treatment Facility 790 Lander Street, Boise, ID 83703 West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility 11818 Joplin Road, Boise, ID 83714 ID-002044-3 Number of Significant Industrial Users - SIU: Number of Categorical Industrial Users - CIU: Number of Non-Significant CIUs: 19 18 0 ID-002398-1 Person to contact concerning information contained in this report: Name: Title: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Terry Alber Environmental Coordinator P.O. Box 500 Boise. ID 83701-0500 208.384.3992 talber@cityofboise.org I certify under penalty of Jaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under by direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Steve Burgos Name of Official Environmental Division Manager Title Signature of Official Date Signed Mission Statement "To protect and improve water quality through leadership, education, and technical services." Boise City Water Quality Section ii TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Letter of Transmittal Cover Sheet Mission Statement Table of Contents Abbreviations i ii iii v 1 SUMMARY 1 .1 The National Pretreatment Program 1.2 Local Program Performance 1.3 Contributing Jurisdictions 1.4 Pretreatment Program Resources 1-1 1-1 1-3 1-4 2 TREATMENT FACILITY MONITORING 2.1 Laboratory Services 2.2 Metals and Cyanide 2-1 2-1 3 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) 3.1 3.1.1 SIU IDP Administration 3.1.2 SIU Inspections and Compliance Monitoring 3.1.3 SIU Enforcement Activity 3.2 Minor Industrial Users (Ml Us) 3.2.1 MIU Administration 3.2.2 MIU Inspections and Compliance Monitoring 3.2.3 MIU General Discharge Permits 3.2.4 Accidental Spill Prevention 3.2.5 MIU Enforcement Actions 4 LOCAL LIMITS 4.1 Local Limits Implementation 4.2 2011 Local Limits Assessment iii 3-1 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-11 3-12 4-1 4-1 CONTENTS continued 5 POLLUTION PREVENTION Pollution Prevention (P2) Strategy 5.1 5.2 Existing Programs 5.2.1 Dental BMPs 5.2.2 Hazardous Household Waste Collection Program 5.2.3 Pharmaceutical P2 Program Boise Watershed Environmental Education Center 5.3 APPENDICES Appendix A Garden City Report 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 A-1 iv ABBREVIATIONS ASPP ARFF BMPs BSD BSU CEPT CIU CFR CWA CWF DDF EPA ESD FOG FSE IDEQ IDP IU MAHL MAIL MIU MIUGDP NOV NPDES NSCIU NWBSD OOB P2 PCE POTW SIU SNC sso TIDP TOMP WWTF WBSD ZDP - Accidental Spill Prevention Plan - Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Training Facility - Best Management Practices - Bench Sewer District - Boise State University - Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment - Categorical Industrial User - Code of Federal Regulations - Clean Water Act - Combined Wastestream Formula - Data Disclosure Form - Environmental Protection Agency - Eagle Sewer District - Fats, Oils, and Grease - Food Service Establishment - Idaho Department of Environmental Quality - Indirect Discharge Permit - Industrial User - Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading - Maximum Allowable Industrial Loading - Minor Industrial User - Minor Industrial User General Discharge Permit - Notice of Violation - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User - Northwest Boise Sewer District - Out of Business - Pollution Prevention - Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) - Publicly Owned Treatment Works - Significant Industrial User - Significant Noncompliance - Sanitary Sewer Overflow - Temporary Indirect Discharge Permit - Toxic Organic Management Plan - Wastewater Treatment Facility - West Boise Sewer District - Zero Discharge Permit v SECTION 1 SUMMARY SECTION 1 1.1 SUMMARY The National Pretreatment Program The National Pretreatment Program was established by Section 307 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) in 1973. It is a core part of the Clean Water Act's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The primary goal of the National Pretreatment Program is to protect publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and the environment from the adverse impact that may occur when toxic, hazardous, and concentrated conventional wastes are discharged into sewer systems from industrial and commercial sources. "Pretreatment" refers to the alteration, reduction, or elimination of pollutants by industrial users prior to or in lieu of discharge to the POTW. Pretreatment minimizes the likelihood of treatment plant upsets and reduces the level of toxic pollutants in wastewater discharges from the POTW and in the sludge resulting from municipal wastewater treatment. Pretreatment program requirements are imposed upon publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) as a condition of their NPDES permit(s). NPDES permits issued to POTWs protect receiving waters, land application sites for the beneficial reuse of treated sewage biosolids, and worker safety, as well as optimize opportunities for resource recovery. To comply with NPDES permit requirements and meet other environmental criteria, a POTW must limit the pollutants it receives that are not amenable to treatment at its own facilities. The City of Boise owns and operates the West Boise and the Lander Street wastewater treatment plants, each regulated under a separate NPDES permit. Both NPDES permits were issued with an effective date of August 1, 2012. The City of Boise was granted approval by EPA (Figure 1-1) to implement its Pretreatment Program in 1985. The prevention of interference, the prevention of pass-through, and the improvement of opportunities to recycle wastewater and biosolids are the three primary objectives of the Boise City Pretreatment Program. 1.2 Local Program Performance Boise City adopted a new Pretreatment Ordinance in July, 2014 to reflect changes to the system and to codify a Local Limit for Total Mercury, which subsequently received formal approval from EPA on August 14, 2014. The approval letter from Michael Lidgard, EPA/NPDES Permit Unit is attached (Figure 1-2). 1-1 During the 2015 reporting year, the West Boise wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) experienced a daily (11/26/2014) permit exceedance for mercury, which resulted in an exceedance of the monthly average permit limit for November. This exceedance was not found to be directly or indirectly attributable to an industrial user, but likely stemmed from cleaning operations within the plant itself. In response to this exceedance, the City is reevaluating procedures for cleaning influent screen channels and other areas within the plant, which might accumulate mercury that could be re-suspended. Boise City Pretreatment has begun inspections in support of the dental Best Management Practices (BMPs), which were modified in 2014 to make amalgam separators mandatory. Also, the mercury Local Limit approved in 2014 has been implemented system-wide. Mercury discharges to the Boise River from both WWTFs have continued a slight downward trend over the reporting year. These results are shown in Figure 1-3: Lander Street Effluent Mercury and Figure 1-4: West Boise Effluent Mercury, below. ...... Figure 1-3: Lander Street Effluent Mercury 3.5 -,------------------------------ � 3 .S? 2. 5 c' � 4--------�-------------------4-------,-------------------------- � c 2 +--ft-�-1---1:a�,____,\-f-4....--:-----.K:----,-:""ir-----�----9--�-- � 1 +---------------------'e...._______----'11�--..._ :E 0 -+-----r---.-----.-----.--.-------,-----,----.----r--.-------,------, QI u g 1.5 +.f---�----911�--A-----'-------l----�.......�L......lk--:;:;�----,l--l---#--r-x-::, u � 0.5 -+------------------------------ - Figure 1-4: West Boise Effluent Mercury ...... c QI) c' 0 :;::; "'... ti c u c 8> ...::, u ...QI � 1-2 The notice that an industrial user (JU) met the criteria for significant noncompliance (SNC) during the 2014 reporting period was published in the Idaho Statesman on November 3, 2014. Figure 1-5 is the Legal Proof of Publication from the Idaho Statesman. At the close of the 2014 reporting period nineteen (19) Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) are being regulated under indirect discharge permits. Fourteen (14) SIUs are located in Boise City, three (3) SIUs in Garden City, and one SIU (1) in the West Boise Sewer District. No SIUs are currently identified within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Eagle Sewer District or Bench Sewer District. Table 1-1 lists those SIUs, as defined by 40CFR§403.3(v), subject to program oversight during the 2015 reporting period. A brief narrative on each SIU is presented in Section 3.1. During the 2015 reporting period, 1,309 site inspection and pollution prevention outreach visits were conducted at minor industrial user (MIU) facilities. MIU facilities, while typically not subject to permitting, are required to comply with the discharge prohibitions, including BMPs, as outlined in the City's pretreatment regulations contained in Title 8, Chapter 14 of the Boise City Code, Title 6, Chapter 6 of Garden City Code or the discharge control resolutions of contributing sewer district jurisdictions. Routine inspection of MlUs is a core component of the City's Pretreatment Program and fulfills the NPDES permit requirement to maintain an up to date inventory of industrial users subject to pretreatment standards. Additionally, this program component provides the opportunity to evaluate stormwater management facilities at the site and educate business owners or managers on appropriate stormwater BMPs. A major component of the MIU inspection program is the Fats, Oils, & Grease (FOG) program. This entails inspecting each of the 719 Food Service Establishments (FSEs) in Boise, Garden City, and Eagle at least annually. These inspections focus on verifying that the FSE is appropriately implementing the FOG BMPs, including routine maintenance of grease abatement equipment. This reduces sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in the collection system. No SSOs occurred in the 2015 reporting period that can be attributed to the discharge of FOG from an FSE. 1.3 Contributing Jurisdictions Boise City pretreatment staff provides oversight and technical assistance to contributing jurisdictions, Garden City, and Eagle and West Boise Sewer Districts, with their respective pretreatment program implementation efforts. Routine interaction with representatives of each jurisdiction helps ensure complete and consistent program implementation throughout the Boise Metropolitan Sewer System. 1-3 All jurisdictions that contribute wastewater to the local POTW are implementing appropriate pretreatment ordinances or resolutions. All contributing jurisdictions adopted revised ordinances or resolutions in 2014 to reflect Local Limits changes to BCC 8-14. Approved program authority is secured through lnterjurisdictional agreements between the City of Boise and all contributing jurisdictions. Eagle Sewer District and West Boise Sewer District continue to have Boise City pretreatment staff directly implement their pretreatment programs. Garden City continued to implement its own program during the 2015 period and have reported program activities to Boise City. Program activities for Garden City are included in the summaries of this report. 1.4 Pretreatment Program Resources The pretreatment program is one of a number of programs in the City's Environmental Division. Program implementation is supported by Public Works Administration, Operations, Utility Maintenance, the City's Water Quality Lab, and Engineering Divisions, as well as the City's Legal Department. Figure 1-6 presents the Boise City Environmental Division's current organization. Garden City directed their own organizational resources to support the local pretreatment program during this reporting year. Five (5) full time equivalent (FTE) personnel are dedicated by Boise City to pretreatment program implementation. One (1) FTE was dedicated by Garden City for a total of six (6) FTE committed to the local pretreatment program effort. 1-4 U.S. EN V I ONMENTAL PROTECTION REGION 1200 SIXTH X • AGENCY . .� ·�·«·c..--; . (.., AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 m;1 � MIS 521 CERTIFIED MAIL - fe1R\I RECEIPT REQUESTI:D JAtJ '?J 1 l'l25 The Honorable Richard Eardley Mayor, City of Boise P. O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 Re: Approval of The City's Pretreatment Program and· Modification of i'H:83 Permit No. ID-002398-1 Dear Mayor Eardley: This i s to inform you that v.e are modifying the City of Boise's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and formally approving the City's Pretreatment Program. In acc ordance with the requirements of the 1977 Clean Water Act and the General Pre treatment Regulatio ns (40 CFR 403) v.e have in cl uded in the discharge permit pretreat men t implementation requirements. Additionally, the prop osed permit trans mitted t o you on October 12, 1984, has been modified to incorporate standard language (b oilerplate) changes required by i'H:83 regulations w hich were is sued on September 26, 1984. Enclosed is a copy of the f in a I NR:ES permit. Since there were no significant comments received during the public notice period, the per mit i s effective as of this date. Sincerely, n -r.'.1 .(,/ ;"c -•· .J··L' L.1. t.J::..· 1·'··-/' , I f.-:;"' Robert S Burd Director, Water Divisio n Enclosure cc: Idaho Department of He alth and Welfare, Boise Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Pocatello Idaho Operatio ns Office, EPA William Ancell, City of Boise Carl Ellsworth, City of Bois� Bruce Johnson, CH2M Hill Figure 1-1 1-5 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 10 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101-3140 OFFICE OF WATER AND WATERSHEDS August 14, 2014 Mr. Neal Oldemeyer Public Works Director City of Boise PO Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 Re: Pretreatment Program Modification Dear Mr. Oldermeyer: On July.29, 2014, the City of Boise submitted for the Environmental Protection Agency's approval a modification to the City's approved pretreatment program. The City Council approved Ordinance 25-14 on July 8, 2014, that revised the Pretreatment Ordinance - Title 8, Chapter 14. The modification to the pretreatment program includes minor changes to the City's sewer use ordinance (SUO) and the pretreatment program implementation manual. The most notable change to the approved pretreatment program is the adoption of a local limit (0.0007 mg/1) for mercury (Hg). We have reviewed the City's submission and find that the package is complete and approvable. The C1ty's modification to its pretreatment ordinance and ·implementation manual demonstrates the City's commitment to make improvements to its approved pretreatment program in order to and continue protection of human health and the environment. Under the pretreatment regulations at 40 CFR 403 .18(d), this modification is considered a non-substantial modification. In accordance with those regulations, the EPA Region 10 is approving the City's non-substantial modification by means of this letter. Thank you, and your staff, for submitting a comprehensive non-substantial modification package to the EPA. We appreciate Walter Baumgartner's and Terry Alber's efforts in working with the Region 10 Pretreatment Coordinator to put together an approvable package to the EPA. If you have ·any questions regarding this letter, please contact Michael Le, of my staff, at le.michael@epa.gov or (206) 553-1099. ��,:e Sincerely, NPDES Permit Unit Figure 1-2 cc: Mr. James Werntz, 100 Mr. J'en-y Alber, City of Boise 1-6 1uanu .>�cn:e5man ( The N•w•p,•p•r of 1)1• fr•••..,.r• Y•tl•y tOAHOS TAT CS.MAN.COM PO Box 40, Boise, ID 83707-0040 ( LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Account# Ad Number Identification PO 262376 0001373440 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Significant Non-C Non Compliance Amount $44.96 Cols Lines 2 16 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notice was published in The Idaho Statesman, in conformity with Section 60-108, Idaho Code, as amended, for: Attention: TERRY ALBER BOISE CITY PUBLIC WORKS I RETAIL 150 N CAPITOL BLVD STE 4 BOISE, ID 837025920 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Significant Non-Compliance Pursuant to the Environmental Protection Agency's 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(viii) and Boise City Code 8-14-24.08 requirements of publi· cation, the City of Boise is listing the following industries as having been in Significant Non-Con]:>liance with applicable pi:etreatment standards and requirements for the period of October l, 2013 to September 30, 2014: 1. Primary Weapons Systems City of Boise Public Works Environmental Division Boise, ID PLb.Nov. 3, 2014 -----------------NYIJ37344001 ---- Insertions 11/03/2014 . . . Begmnmg issue o f �;L;°JUIMtL . 11/03/2014 . egals Clerk) STATE OF IDAHO) .SS COUNTY OF ADA ) On this 3rd day of November in the year of 2014 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or identified to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledged to me that she 71:;;:·4�,L Notary Public FOR Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My Commission expires: Figure 1-5 1-7 PUBLIC WORKS ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION 2015 Organizational Chart Angela Deckers Hazardous Materials Program Coordinator Peter McCullough Environmental Coordinator Catherine Chertudi Pamela Williams Solid Waste Manager Solid Waste Program Coordinator Megan Durrell Solid Waste Program Coordinator 12 FTE Neal Oldemeyer Public Works Director Paul Zimmerman Brett Morrison Environmental Engineer Senior Environmental Specialist Terry Alber Environmental Program Coordinator Steve Burgos Environmental Manager Rick Christenson Senior Environmental Specialist Brian Feather Environmental Technician Megan Durrell Beth Baird Environmental Stormwater Specialist Y2 FTE Program Coordinator Robbin Finch Water Quality Manager Christine Hummer Environmental Technician Aimee Hughes Stormwater Specialist % FTE Bryan DuFosse Senior Environmental Specialist Administrative Staff Assigned to Support Fn11icaomeotalDivision Kate Harris Environmental Program Coordinator Janine Renberg Water Quality Sec!lon Paul Faulkner Senior Environmental Specialist Dave Johanek Environmental Technician Ana Jean Himes Records Retention Jeannette Cox Records Retention Figure 1-6 1-8 SECTION 2 TREATMENT FACILITY MONITORING SECTION 2 TREATMENT FACILITY MONITORING The City of Boise provides wastewater treatment services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers located within the local Metropolitan Sewer Service Area. To provide treatment services, the City operates the West Boise and Lander Street Wastewater Treatment Facilities (WWTF). Boise's WWTFs are treating an annual average combined influent wastewater flows of approximately 27.2 million gallons per day. Treated effluent from the West Boise and Lander Street facilities is discharged to the Boise River. The EPA has issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for both West Boise and Lander Street treatment facilities. The permits require the City to monitor various conventional and toxic pollutants. This section provides a summary of the toxic pollutant testing information obtained from monitoring both treatment facilities for the 2015 reporting period. 2.1 Laboratory Services Pretreatment sampling, as set forth in the West Boise (Section I.H.8) and Lander Street (Section 11.A.8) WWTF NPDES permits, was conducted during the reporting period. The City's Water Quality Laboratory located at 11818 Joplin Road, under the direction of Janet Finegan-Kelly, (208) 608-7263, conducted the permit required analyses. 2.2 Metals and Cyanide The West Boise and Lander Street WWTF NPDES permits require monitoring of influent, effluent, and final sludge twice each Pretreatment year, in October and April. Influent and effluent are monitored for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, cyanide, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, and zinc. Final sludge is monitored for arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, zinc, and percent solids. Results of metals and cyanide monitoring are presented in the following tables along with calculated removal rates. For statistical purposes and in accordance with the March 1996 EPA Region 10 Guidance for WQBELs Below Analytical Detection/Quantification, influent and effluent concentrations reported below detection were assumed to be equal to zero. In these situations, removal rates are unable to be calculated. Separate tables are provided for sludge analyses. 2-1 WEST BOISE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SEMIANNUAL MONITORING DATA INFLUENT/EFFLUENT . . OCTOBER 2014 .· . . . INFLUENT EFFLUENT SAMPLE ·DATE MDL .·. METHOD RESULT MDL · METHOD REMOVAL% ANALYTE .. RESULT 10.8 3.7ua/L 0.07 3.3 ua/L EPA200.8 10/7/2014 EPA200.8 0.07 0.07 EPA200.8 3.4 ua/L 5.6 EPA200.8 0.07 3.6ua/L 10/8/2014 ARSENIC ·; 3.5 ug/L 0.07 -6.1 EPA200.8 0.07 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 3.3ug/L .· . ·. .. 0.06 uo/L 57.1 0.02 EPA200.8 0.02 EPA200.8 0.14ua/L 10/7/2014 EPA200.8 56.2 0.07 uq/L EPA200.8 0.02 10/8/2014 0.02 0.16ua/L CADMIUM ... ... 10/9/2014 EPA200.8 0.07 ug/L 53.3 0.02 EPA200.8 0.02 0.15ug/L .· 77.7 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 0.49 uo/L EPA200.8 2.2ua/L 10/7/2014 EPA200.8 0.60 uo/L 76.9 0.10 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 2.6ua/L 0.10 CHROMIUM ·.· 0.63 ug/L 0.10 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 71.4 10/9/2014 0.10 2.2ug/L • 77.9 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 12.8 ua/L EPA200.8 10/7/2014 58.0uq/L EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.10 14.1ua/L 74.2 0.10 COPPER 10/812014 54.6ua/L . .. 75.5 EPA200.8 0.10 14.5ug/L 0.10 EPA200.8 59.1ug/L 10/9/2014 0.02 EPA200.8 0.26uq/L 74 EPA200.8 1.0ua/L 0.04 1017/2014 77.9 EPA200.8 0.31ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 0.04 101812014 1.4ua/L LEAD . . . • ·i .·· 0.02 EPA200.8 0.34ug/L EPA200.8 71.7 0.02 1.2ug/L 10/912014 . ··. I . 92.8 EPA1631 E 0.00274 ua/L 0.0002 0.005 EPA245.2 1017/2014 0.0383 uo/L 94.6 EPA1631 E 0.00297 ua/L 0.0002 0.005 EPA245.2 MERCURY . 101812014 0.0546 ua/L ·.· 0.00301 ug/L 0.0002 91.1 EPA1631 E EPA245.2 1019/2014 0.0340 ug/L 0.005 .. . ... ·. . 11.6 EPA200.8 3.8 uq/L 4.3 uo/L 0.04 101712014 0.04 EPA200.8 9.8 3.7 ua/l EPA200.8 0.04 0.04 4.1 ua/L EPA200.8 MOLYBDENUM. 101812014 3.8 ug/L 11.6 0.04 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.04 4.3 ugll 10/9/2014 .. · ·.. · . · 29.6 EPA200.8 1.9 uq/L 0.10 EPA200.8 10/712014 2.7 ua/L 0.10 _ .. , _ EPA200.8 32.1 1.9uall 0.10 2.8 ua/l 0.10 EPA200.8 NICKEL •··. 10/812014 ' 0.10 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 1.9ugll 0.10 38.7 3.1ugll 10/9/2014 ' . 0.33uq/l EPA200.8 0.20 45.9 EPA200.8 0.61 ua/L 10/7/2014 0.20 " . .· . 10/812014 39.3 0.37ua/L EPA200.8 0.20 0.61 ua/L EPA200.8 0.20 SELENIUM . _ ·• · EPA200.8 44.8 0.20 EPA200.8 0.32 ug/l 0.20 10/9/2014 0.58 ugll .•. NA <0.02 uq/l 0.02 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.8 101712014 0.02 0.46 uall < . ; NA EPA200.8 <0.02uall 0.31 ua/l 0.02 EPA200.8 101812014 0.02 SILVER .. EPA200.8 <0.02ugll 0.02 NA EPA200.8 0.02 10/9/2014 0.34ugll ··• .; : 0.90 EPA 200.8 EPA200.8 49.2 56.4 ua/L 0.90 111 uo/L 10/7/2014 65.3 ua/l 0.90 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.90 42.2 113ua/l 10/8/2014 ZINC •· . 32 · 10/912014 102 ugll 0.90 EPA 200.8 69.4 ugll 0.90 EPA200.8 . · • . ···.. NA 10/712014 <0.0009 mall 0.0009 lcht1020400 <0.0009 moll 0.0009 Lcht 1020400 NA lcht 1020400 CYANIDE ·. 10/812014 <0.0009 mall 0.0009 lcht1020400 <0.0009 mall 0.0009 . . -NA 1019/2014 <0.0009 mgll 0.0009 lcht 1020400 <0.0009 mgll 0.0009 Lcht1020400 .··--' :-'.·., .: NOTES: Reported values are in µg/L. 1. MDL - Method Detection Limit 2. SM - Standard Methods, 22"' Edition. 3. NA - Unable to calculate removal rate. For statistical purposes and in accordance with the March 4. 1996 EPA Region IO Guidance for WQBELs Below Analytical Detection/Quantification, influent and . .. •. .. .. · .... · ; <.• . .. . < . .·. / . .. 5. effluent concentrations reported below detection were assumed to be equal to zero. All sampling and testing was conducted using approved EPA or 40 CFR Part 136 methods. 2-2 WEST BOISE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SEMIANNUAL MONITORING DATA INFLUENT/EFFLUENT ,. SAMPLE DATE ANALYTE 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 ARSENIC 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 ' 4/8/2015 CADMIUM 4/9/2015 > 4/7/2015 ,· CHROMIUM. 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 ,' '< _,__ 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 ' COPPER 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 LEAD 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 .··· 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 MERCURY ' 4/9/2015 ·.· .· 4/7/2015 MOLYBDENUM 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 :'' ·, 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 NICKEL ' 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 SELENIUM .•. 4/9/2015 ' 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 E I SI�Y R .· I• .··.....· •...· 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 ZIN{< 4/9/2015 ,-,, : 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 CYANIDE •.. ' 4/9/2015 ' ' ,, ' ' ', ' ' ,' ' ' ', ' ,' ' ' ,, ,', , ' ' : '' , '' ,; ' ,' ',,' , , ' , ' ' , /:' , ' ' ' ,, ,, '' ,,' ' ": ,, , ' ·• ' ,', NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INFLUENT RESULT I MDL 3.0 ua/L 0.07 0.07 3.0 ua/L 0.07 3. 1 ug/L 0.16ua/L 0.02 0.17ua/L 0.02 0.02 0.18ug/L 0.10 1.7 ua/L 0.10 1.8 ua/L 0.10 1.9 ug/L 58.4 ua/L 0.10 0.10 66.0 ua/L 68.3 ug/L 0.10 0.02 1.2 ua/L 0.02 1.1 ua/L 0.02 2.4 ug/L 0.0805 ua/L 0.005 0.005 0.0427 uo/L 0.005 0.0308 ug/L 3.5 ua/L 0.03 0.03 4.8 ua/L 0.03 6.5 ug/L 4.3 ua/L 0.10 4.2 uo/L 0.10 4.2 ug/L 0.10 0.19 0.59 ua/L 0.62ua/L 0.19 0.19 0.58ug/L 0.02 0.23 ua/L 0.02 0.32 ua/L 0.02 0.28 ug/L 0.90 152 ua/L 0.90 122 uq/L 115 ug/L 0.90 <0.0009 ma/L 0.0009 <0.0009 ma/L 0.0009 <0.0009 mg/L 0.0009 ' ' APRIL 2015 EFFLUENT.· REMOVAL% MDL METHOD METHOD ' RESULT 13.3 2.6 ua/L 0.07 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.07 2.6 ua/L EPA200.8 13.3 EPA200.8 16.1 2.6 ug/L 0.07 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.06 ua/L 62.5 0.02 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 64.7 EPA200.8 0.06 ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 61.1 0.02 EPA200.8 0.07 ug/L EPA200.8 67.6 EPA200.8 0.10 0.55 ua/L EPA200.8 EPA200.8 69.4 0.10 0.55 ua/L EPA200.8 71. 1 0.10 EPA200.8 0.55 ug/L EPA200.8 76.2 13.9 ua/L 0.10 EPA 200.8 EPA200.8 77.3 0.10 EPA200.8 15.0 ua/L EPA200.8 77.2 0.10 15.6 ug/L EPA200.8 EPA200.8 75.8 0.02 EPA200.8 0.29 ua/L EPA200.8 71.8 EPA200.8 0.31 ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 0.02 EPA200.8 85.4 0.35 ug/L EPA200.8 97.4 EPA1631 E EPA245.2 0.00213 ua/L 0.0002 95.1 EPA1631 E EPA245.2 0.00209 ua/L 0.0002 EPA1631 E 92.4 EPA245.2 0.00233 ug/L 0.0002 17.1 2.9 ua/L 0.03 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 33.3 EPA200.8 3.2 ua/L EPA200.8 0.03 35.4 EPA200.8 0.03 4.2 ug/L EPA200.8 30.2 EPA200.8 0.10 3.0 ua/L EPA200.8 26.2 EPA200.8 0.10 3.1 ua/L EPA200.8 26.2 0.10 EPA200.8 3.1 ug/L EPA200.8 57.6 EPA200.8 0.19 0.25 ua/L EPA200.8 59.7 EPA200.8 0.19 0.25 ua/L EPA200.8 53.4 EPA200.8 0.19 0.27 ug/L EPA200.8 NA EPA200.8 0.02 EPA200.8 <0.02 ua/L NA EPA200.8 <0.02 ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 NA 0.02 EPA200.8 <0.02 ug/L EPA200.8 62.7 0.90 EPA200.8 56.7 ua/L EPA200.8 48 0.90 EPA200.8 63.4 ua/L EPA200.8 41.4 67.4 ug/L EPA200.8 0.90 EPA200.8 NA Lcht1020400 <0.0009 ma/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA Lcht1020400 <0.0009 ma/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA Lcht1020400 <0.0009 mg/L 0.0009 Lcht 1020400 , ' ' ' ' ' , ' Reported values are in µg/L. MDL - Method Detection Limit SM - Standard Methads, 22"d Edition. NA - Unable to calculate removal rate. For statistical purposes and in accordance ,vith the March 1996 EPA Region 10 Guidance for WQBELs Below Analytical Detection/Quantification, influent and effluent concentrations reported below detection were assumed to be equal to zero. All sampling and testing was conducted using approved EPA or 40 CFR Part 136 methods. 2-3 LANDER STREET WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SEMIANNUAL MONITORING DATA INFLUENT/EFFLUENT OCTOBER 2014 ANALYTE . . ' ARSENIC . CADMIUM ·. CHROMIUM .. .. COPPER . .· . . ·· .. . .· .· •• LEAD . ,',,' <, <- ' ,' ' _::_I MERCURY . .. . .. ·: MOLYBDENUM -: ':: •• .. · ..·.·· . .. : :, NICKEL :'', .. , ·. .. SELENIUM .· > .... . . ·. •. ZINC . , , ; SILVER .. CYANIDE . . INFLUENT SAMPLE DATE RESULT MDL METHOD· 10/7/2014 4.7uo/L 0.07 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 3.9ua/L 0.07 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 4.1ug/L 0.07 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 0.20uo/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 EPA200.8 0.11uo/L 0.02 10/9/2014 0.19ug/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 0.10 2.0ua/L EPA200.8 10/8/2014 1.2uo/L EPA200.8 0.10 10/9/2014 0.10 EPA200.8 1.7ug/L 10/7/2014 71.9uo/L 0.10 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 0.10 EPA200.8 42.5uq/L 10/9/2014 56.0ug/L 0.10 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 2.1ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 0.87ua/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 1.4ug/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 0.0386 uo/L 0.005 EPA245.2 10/8/2014 0.0279 uq/L EPA245.2 0.005 10/9/2014 0.0362 ug/L 0.005 EPA245.2 10/7/2014 6.7uo/L 0.04 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 6.4uq/L EPA200.8 0.04 10/9/2014 6.3ug/L 0.04 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 4.5uo/L 0.10 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 3.7uq/L 0.10 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 0.10 EPA200.8 4.8ug/L 0.66uo/L 10/7/2014 EPA200.8 0.20 10/8/2014 0.54uq/L EPA200.8 0.20 0.49ug/L EPA200.8 10/9/2014 0.20 1.4uo/L 10/7/2014 0.02 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 0.53uq/L 0.02 EPA200.8 0.60ug/L 0.02 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 115uo/L 10/7/2014 0.90 EPA200.8 10/8/2014 71.1ua/L 0.90 EPA200.8 10/9/2014 97.8ug/L 0.90 EPA200.8 10/7/2014 <0.0009 mo/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 10/8/2014 <0.0009 ma/L 0.0009 Lcht 1020400 10/9/2014 <0.0009 mg/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 . · ·. · NOTES: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ' ' , .· · RESULT 0.95 uo/L 1.0 ua/L 1.2 ug/L 0.03 uo/L 0.03 uo/L 0.03 ug/L 0.27 ua/L 0.30 uo/L 0.28 ug/L 7.4 ua/L 7.2 uq/L 6.5 ug/L 0.10 uo/L 0.10 uq/L 0.10ug/L 0.00154uo/L 0.00167uq/L 0.00140ug/L 6.6 uo/L 6.2 uq/L 5.5ug/L 3.8uo/L 3.6ua/L 3.2ug/L <0.20uo/L 0.31 uq/L 0.21 ug/L <0.02 uo/L <0.02 ua/L <0.02 ug/L 35.4uo/L 39.1ua/L 39.4ug/L <0.0009 mo/L <0.0009 ma/L <0.0009 mg/L EFFLUENT · . MDL METHOD REMOVAL% EPA200.8 0.07 80 74.4 0.07 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.07 70.7 EPA200.8 0.02 85 0.02 EPA200.8 72.7 83.5 0.02 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 86.5 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 75 0.10 EPA200.8 83.5 0.10 EPA200.8 89.7 EPA200.8 83.1 0.10 EPA200.8 0.10 88.4 0.02 95.2 EPA200.8 0.02 EPA200.8 88.5 0.02 EPA200.8 92.9 EPA1631 E 0.0002 96.2 EPA1631 E 0.0002 94.3 94.3 0.0002 EPA1631 E 1.5 EPA 200.8 0.04 EPA 200.8 0.04 3.1 0.04 EPA200.8 12.7 0.10 EPA200.8 15.6 0.10 EPA200.8 2.7 EPA200.8 0.10 33.3 EPA200.8 0.20 NA 0.20 42.6 EPA200.8 0.20 EPA200.8 57.1 0.02 NA EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.02 NA 0.02 EPA200.8 NA 0.90 EPA200.8 69.2 0.90 45 EPA200.8 59.7 EPA200.8 0.90 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA NA 0.0009 Lcht1020400 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA Reported values are in µg/L. MDL - Method Detection Limit SM - Standard Methods, 22"' Edition. NA - Unable to calculate removal rate. For statistical purposes and in accordance with the March 1996 EPA Region 10 Guidance for WQBELs Below Analytical Detection/Quantification, influent and effluent concentrations reported below detection were assumed to be equal to zero. All sampling and testing was conducted using approved EPA or 40 CFR Part 136 methods. Influent concentrations are calculated as below to correct far interference from the facility's gravity belt thickener return (GBTR), which has significant metals concentrations due to CEPT. The GBTR line was moved downstream of the influent sampler February 10, 2015. (Conc1nf X Q P lant X 8.34) - (Concc8rR X QcBTR X 8.34) QPlant X 8.34 2-4 LANDER STREET WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SEMIANNUAL MONITORING DATA INFLUENT/EFFLUENT . ANALYTE . ARSENIC .· CADMIUM I . ... . . CHROMIUM .. ··.· . . COPPER .·. .. LEAD ' ' '-, . ' ·. MERCURY · I . · . •. . . ' MOLYBDENUM :, I ·. ·• ,. ', ' ',, . . NICKEL .. . ... . • ,, SELEl>JIUM <. ! ..Sil.VER · . .. I I. I . ·. .. . .. ZINC ... . .... ••· • . CYANIDE ,_,--,:,;: NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SAMPLE DATE 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 4/9/2015 .. RESULT 4.0uo/L 4.4uq/L 3.9ug/L 0.16uo/L 0.15uo/L 0.15ug/L 2.1uo/L 2.5uo/L 2.2ug/L 80.4 uq/L 78.2uo/L 81.3ug/L 1.8uq/L 2.0uo/L 3.1ug/L 0.0731 uq/L 0.0915 uo/L 0.0513 ug/L 4.8uq/L 5.2uo/L 5.1ug/L 8.1uq/L 7.7uo/L 8.9ug/L 0.54ua/L 0.57uo/L 0.60ug/L 1.3 uo/L 1.1 uo/L 0.62ug/L 119uo/L 119uo/L 119ug/L <0.0009 mq/L <0.0009 mo/L <0.0009 mg/L APRIL 2015 .. . . .. . . EFFLUENT INFLUENT METHOD REMOVAL% MDL MDL · METHOD , RESULT 15 EPA200.8 0.07 0.07 EPA200.8 3.4 uo/L 3.4 uq/L 0.07 EPA200.8 0.07 22.7 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 15.4 0.07 EPA200.8 3.3 ug/L 0.07 EPA200.8 75 EPA200.8 0.04uo/L 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05uq/L EPA200.8 66.7 EPA200.8 0.02 73.3 0.02 0.04ug/L EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.02 68.6 EPA200.8 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 0.66uo/L 73.6 EPA200.8 0.66uo/L 0.10 EPA200.8 0.10 EPA200.8 71.4 0.63ug/L 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 9.1 uq/L 0.10 EPA200.8 88.7 0.10 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 9.2 uo/L 0.10 88.2 EPA200.8 0.10 8.8 ug/L 0.10 89.2 0.10 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 83.9 0.02 0.29uq/L 0.02 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 81.5 0.37uo/L 0.02 0.02 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 86.5 0.42ug/L 0.02 0.02 EPA200.8 97.7 EPA1631 E 0.00169 uq/L 0.0002 0.005 EPA245.2 EPA1631 E 98 0.00184 uo/L 0.0002 EPA245.2 0.005 EPA1631E 0.00205 ug/L 0.0002 0.005 EPA245.2 96 EPA200.8 22.9 3.7uq/L 0.03 0.03 EPA200.8 9.6 EPA200.8 4.7uo/L 0.03 0.03 EPA200.8 7.8 EPA200.8 4.7ug/L 0.03 0.03 EPA200.8 17.3 6.7 uq/L 0.10 EPA200.8 0.10 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 19.5 0.10 6.2 uo/L 0.10 EPA200.8 30.3 EPA200.8 6.2 ug/L 0.10 0.10 EPA200.8 53.7 EPA200.8 0.25ua/L 0.19 0.19 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 52.6 0.19 0.19 EPA200.8 0.27uo/L EPA200.8 58.3 0.19 0.25ug/L 0.19 EPA200.8 94.6 EPA200.8 0.02 0.07uo/L 0.02 EPA200.8 92.7 0.08uo/L 0.02 EPA200.8 0.02 EPA200.8 93.5 0.04 ug/L 0.02 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 0.02 54.5 EPA200.8 54.1 uo/L 0.90 0.90 EPA200.8 45 EPA200.8 65.4 uo/L 0.90 0.90 EPA200.8 EPA200.8 47.7 62.2 ug/L 0.90 0.90 EPA200.8 NA 0.0009 Lcht1020400 <0.0009 mq/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA 0.0009 Lcht1020400 <0.0009 mo/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 NA 0.0009 Lcht1020400 <0.0009 mg/L 0.0009 Lcht1020400 Reported values are in µg/L. MDL - Method Detection Limit SM - Standard Methods, 22"' Edition. NA - Unable to calculate removal rate. For statistical purposes and in accordance with the March 1996 EPA Region JO Guidance for WQBELs Be/owAnalytica/ Detection/Quantification, influent and effluent concentrations reported below detection were assumed to be equal to zero. All sampling and testing was conducted using approved EPA or 40 CFR Part 136 methods. The facility's gravity belt thickener return (GBTR) line was moved downstream of the influent sampler February 10, 2015. 2-5 FINAL DIGESTER SLUDGE WEST BOISE FACILITY . .. ·. .. . · .. POLLUTANT/METHOD/RESULTS, mc/ka I drv wtl ·--· · ···.. ,·. .·.··. · .• ." . · · LEAD ··. MERCURY MOLYBDENUM • NICKEL SELENIUM · . · ZINC · % SOLIDS ARSENIC CADMIUM COPPER SA.MPLE SW 6010C SW6010C SW 6010C SM2540 G I> <()ATE · SW.6010C SW6010C SW6010C SW 6010C SW.7470,. SW 6010C 641 6.15 2.259 11.5 19.8 1.18 16.5 561 0.98 10 10/8/2014 22.3 524 5.34 2.090 0.742 12.1 9.75 490 0.33 4/8/2015 6.4 ;. I< .,.·;··;.,-,,, ·: ", LANDER STREET FACILITY . .. . .. 1:-· ",..·· ... ·: . ·' " · POLLUTANT/METHOD/RESULTS, ma/ka (drvwtl •• ... •·· .... ZINC NICKEL SELENIUM % SOLIDS MERCURY I MOLYBDENUM SAMPLE· <ARSENIC CADMIUM COPPER ·.. LEAD · SM 2540 G SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW6010C SW 7470 SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C SW 6010C · I DATE •. 844 1.273 5.69 10.4 1.01 25.9 18.9 613 1.4 32.3 10/8/2014 4.00 1.470 22.1 548 7.48 0.451 568 0.40 16.1 7.9 4/9/2015 NOTES• I. 2. 3. SW - Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, third edition. SM - Standard Methods, 22"• Edition. All sampling and testing was conducted using approved EPA or 40 CFR Part 136 method 2-6 SECTION 3 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION SECTION 3 3.1 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) All SIUs, as defined by 40CFR§403.3(v), that discharged process wastewater to the local publicly owned treatment works during the 2015 reporting year were regulated by an Indirect Discharge Permit (IDP) issued by the local control authority. Each SIU is briefly described below. Ace Co Precision Manufacturing - Diamond Street The categorical processes occurring at the Ace Co - Diamond Street facility were removed and relocated to the Ace Co - TK Avenue location. The permit was closed as of February 20, 2015. Ace Co Precision Manufacturing - TK Avenue Ace Co - TK, located in Boise City, performs repair operations on high vacuum equipment, conducts semiconductor tool part etching and cleaning and high end computer milling and machining of aluminum. Additional ancillary operations conducted at the facility include mechanical polishing, ceramic chip parts tumbler, ultra sonic cleaning and acid parts cleaning. Ace Co - TK is subject to Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards for New Source Metal Finishers prescribed by 40 CFR Part 433. Standards located at 40 CFR §433.17, apply specifically as a result of chemical etching and milling processes. Ace Co - TK's Indirect Discharge Permit was issued December 10, 2014 and expires November 30, 2019. Ace Co Precision Manufacturing Ace Co is a precision machine shop in Boise City that manufactures semiconductor production related consumables. The primary substrate is aluminum. Ace Co performs core and ancillary processes regulated by 40CFR§433.17, including bright dipping, tumbling, and parts washing. Ace Co's Indirect Discharge Permit was issued effective July 1, 2012 with an expiration date of June 30, 2017. Anodizers, Inc. Building #2 Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 is an anodizing job shop in Garden City that is subject to the metal finishing standards for facilities that perform metal finishing operations, discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility (40CFR-433.10). Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 operates processes for acid and caustic cleaning, chromating, and anodizing. Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 Indirect Discharge Permit was issued on July 15, 2011 and expires on July 15, 2016. B and D Foods, Inc. B and D Foods meets the definition for Significant Industrial User as defined in 40 CFR Part 403.3. In addition, the City has determined there is a reasonable potential for B and D Foods operations to adversely affect the publically owned treatment works. B and D Foods performs beef, chicken, and pork processing, including cutting, marinating, battering and frying. The finished product is flash frozen and packaged for sale. The normal operating schedule is 24 hours per day, 6-7 days per week. B and D Foods' 3-1 Indirect Discharge Permit was issued with an effective date of June 1, 2014, for a five year term. Boise State University (BSU) BSU, through its Colleges of Engineering and Applied Technology, operates a mini clean room lab to provide students with training and research opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing processes. The primary pretreatment issue associated with this facility is management of toxic organics and pH control. Pretreatment equipment in place at the facility is an acid waste neutralization system. This operation is on a batch discharge basis and is regulated under the Semiconductor Subcategory of Electrical and Electronic Components Category (40 CFR Part 469) for new sources. BSU's IDP was re-issued August 1, 2013 with an expiration date of July 31, 2018. COR*Guard, LLC COR*Guard, located in Boise City, operates an electrostatic powder coating process on specialized metal ductwork for clean room environments. The process involves application of a specialized electrostatic fluoropolymer coating to stainless steel ductwork designed for use in clean room environments. The cleaning and conversion coating steps are followed by static rinses. Wastewater from this process is subject to new source metal finishing standards (40CFR§433.17). COR*Guard had five (5) scheduled batch discharges this reporting year due to cleaning their process tanks. COR*Guard's current IDP was issued April 1, 2011 and expires April 1, 2016. Darigold, Inc. Darigold, located in the West Boise Sewer District, is a dairy operation that performs homogenization, pasteurization, blending and packaging of milk and dairy products (40CFR§405) including cottage cheese and sour cream. Wastewater effluent from this facility is treated at the West Boise WWTF. Pretreatment equipment in place at the facility is pH neutralization, aeration, and two anaerobic digesters. Darigold's current IDP was re-issued February 12, 2013 and expires February 12, 2018. Davinci Enterprises Davinci Enterprises is a specialty job shop located in Garden City performing anodizing, coloring, electroless-nickel plating and black-oxide/bluing on various metal substrates. They are subject to metal finishing standards for facilities performing metal finishing operations, discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility. (40CFR§433.10) Davinci Enterprises operates in a zero discharge mode and was issued a Zero Discharge Permit effective October 1, 2012, expiring on October 1, 2017. Gem Meat Packing Company Gem Meat Packing Company, located in Garden City, is no longer a custom meat packing plant involved in the slaughtering and processing of cattle, sheep, and swine (40CFR§432). They are now a sausage and luncheon meats processor (40CFR§432, Subpart G). The daily flow of process wastewater ranges between 3,000 to 10,000 gpd. Wastewater from this facility is conveyed to the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility. Gem Meat Packing Company was re-issued an indirect discharge permit on February 1, 2011. The permit expires on February 1, 2016. The permit was modified on 3-2 June 12, 2012 to remove sampling & analysis requirements for BOD & TSS. The permit was modified on March 9, 2015 to include local limits and sampling requirements for Mercury. Meadow Gold Dairies Meadow Gold Dairies, located in Boise City, is a dairy operation utilizing homogenization, pasteurization, blending and packaging of raw milk into milk, sour cream, and ice cream mix (40CFR§405). Flavored drinks and juices are also produced at this facility. The primary pretreatment issues associated with this facility are pH management and accidental spill prevention. On-site pretreatment equipment includes oil and grease removal, equalization and blending tank, and an acid waste neutralization system. Meadow Gold's permit was re-issued January 1, 2013 and expires on December 31, 2017. Micron Technology, Inc. Micron Technology, located in Boise City, is a manufacturer of semiconductor computer memory devices. Micron Technology is subject to the pretreatment standards established for the semiconductor subcategory of electrical and electronic components point source category (40CFR§469.16). The metal finishing (40CFR§433.17) portion of their permit was removed with an April 22, 2014 modification due to removal of all tools that perform metal finishing processes. Micron Technology no longer maintains three regulated process wastewater outfalls. Outfalls 1 and 2 are still sampled for process control, but only Outfall 3 is a regulated semiconductor outfall. Domestic outfalls are monitored separately. Micron Technology's current permit was issued July 1, 2010 and expired July 1, 2015. The permit was administratively extended, and will be renewed as of November 1, 2015. MP Mask Technology Center, LLC MP Mask Technology Center, located in Boise, fabricates photomasks for lithographic use by semiconductor manufacturers. The photomask manufacturing process has been determined to be similar to wafer fabrication and subject to the Semiconductor Subcategory of Electrical and Electronic Components Category (40 CFR Part 469) for new sources. MP Mask's current IDP was issued July 1, 201O and expired July 1, 2015. The permit was administratively extended, and will be renewed as of November 1, 2015. NxEdge, Inc. NxEdge, Inc., a metal coatings and machine job shop located in Boise City subject to new source metal finishing standards (40CFR§433.17). Regulated wastewater flows of 2,000 to 4,000 gpd are generated from industrial processes including anodizing, machining, plasma coating, and parts cleaning and polishing. NxEdge's permit was re issued November 10, 2012 and expires November 10, 2017. Performance Design, LLC Performance Design, located in Boise City, discharges process wastewater from a black oxide coating operation. The operation applies the black oxide coating to small machined steel parts, machines screws, pins, and other hardware, and heat-treats 3-3 some parts. The coating process has been determined to be subject to new source metal finishing standards ( 40CFR§433.17). Performance Design was a Non-Significant Categorical Industrial User (NSCIU). Due to process changes that required discharge of more than 100 gallons per day, the NSCIU permit was voided, and a new, standard CIU permit was issued with an effective date of December 11, 2014, with an expiration date of November 30, 2019. Photronics, Inc. Photronics, Inc., located in Boise City, fabricates photomasks for lithographic use by semiconductor manufacturers. Photronics' operation includes facilities and processes significantly similar to those used by MP Mask Technology Center, listed above. The photomask manufacturing process has been determined to be similar to wafer fabrication and subject to the Semiconductor Subcategory of Electrical and Electronic Components Category (40 CFR Part 469) for new sources. The Photronics permit was issued with an effective date of August 1, 2012 and expires July 31, 2017. Primary Weapons Systems, Inc. Primary Weapons Systems, Inc. (PWS), located in Boise City, manufactures high-end, custom firearms. As part of this process, some parts are Parkerized, which is a zinc oxide coating on steel. This coating process was determined to be a conversion coating and, therefore, subject to new source metal finishing standards (40CFR§433.17). Primary Weapons Systems' permit was issued with an effective date of March 1, 2013, and expires February 28, 2018. As part of the Administrative Order issued during SNC in 2014, PWS' permit was modified changing them to a batch discharger, requiring sampling and City approval prior to discharging each batch. This allows greater control over their discharge and processes. Quality Thermistor, Inc. Quality Thermistor, Inc. (QTI) manufactures temperature sensitive electronic resistors called "thermistors" at their facility in Boise City. Their process involves the production of ceramic crystals. The source of regulated wastewater is from processes associated with crystal fabrication. QTl's process wastewater was determined to be subject to Subpart B- Electronic Crystals Subcategory of 40 CFR Part 469 - Electrical and Electronic Components Point Source Category at 40CFR§469.28 (pretreatment standards for new sources), and is regulated accordingly. QTl's Indirect Discharge Permit was issued May 1, 2011 and expires April 30, 2016. Whiteman Industries, Inc. Whiteman Industries, located in Boise City, is a manufacturer of metal machinery and products specializing in lighting towers, power trowels, and related concrete mixing equipment. Whiteman conducts a phosphoric acid conversion operation on metal parts prior to an electrostatic powder coating process. The wastewater generated from the phosphoric conversion process is regulated by categorical metal finishing standards (40CFR§433). Process wastewater is batch discharged, typically occurring daily ranging from less than 100 to as much as 800 gallons per day. Whiteman Industries' current permit was issued December 15, 2013 and expires December 14, 2018. 3-4 York's Metal Finishing York's Metal Finishing, located in Garden City, is a specialty gunsmithing job shop performing black-oxide/bluing on various metal gun parts. They are subject to metal finishing standards for facilities performing metal finishing operations, and discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility. (40CFR§433.10). York's Metal Finishing operates in a zero discharge mode and was issued a Zero Discharge Permit effective July 1, 2015 and expires on July 1, 2020 3.1.1 SIU IDP Administration All IDPs are reviewed as a part of an annual compliance inspection. Reviews consist of evaluations for Significant Noncompliance (SNC), review of Accidental Spill Prevention Plans (ASPP), Toxic Organic Management Plans (TOMP) and of Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practice (BMP) goals. Summaries are noted in IU files, and based on the reviews, permit modifications may be required, inspection and monitoring schedules adjusted, and/or the IU database may be updated. New users identified through inspection, business directory and phone book searches, surveys, conditional use applications, and building plan reviews, that are potential SIUs, are required to submit Pretreatment Data Disclosure Forms (DDFs). DDFs are reviewed and inspections conducted to determine whether an industry requires a discharge permit. 3.1.2 SIU Inspections and Compliance Monitoring Pretreatment inspections and unannounced compliance sampling serve to assist with evaluating SIU compliance with program requirements, industrial wastewater discharge permits, and federal and local discharge limitations. During SIU inspections, pretreatment inspectors identify changes in facility processes or discharges, investigate complaints or instances of noncompliance, and determine necessary follow-up actions. Inspections conducted by pretreatment staff are classified as announced or unannounced. SIUs are provided advance notification prior to routine inspections. No notice is served prior to unannounced inspections. Unannounced inspections aid in disclosing cases of noncompliance that may otherwise be hidden during an announced inspection. Unannounced inspections may also be classified as demand inspections. Demand inspections are usually conducted in response to a complaint or emergency situation or when an SIU cannot maintain consistent compliance. Table 1-1 presents the announced and unannounced SIU inspections and monitoring conducted during the reporting period. Compliance monitoring activities were generally conducted separately from the actual facility inspections. Staff began scheduling SIU activities for the 2015 reporting year in September 2014. Most SIU facilities will have either one announced or one unannounced inspection per year. Wastewater monitoring events are typically unannounced. 3-5 3.1.3 SIU Enforcement Activity Pretreatment staff utilizes the City's, EPA approved, Industrial Pretreatment Program Enforcement Response Plan (Oct 2006) to assist with evaluating IU noncompliance, including SNC, and to determine appropriate responses to specific violations of the pretreatment regulations. Generally, issues of concern regarding pretreatment requirements or rules, at the IU level, are identified and resolved informally through inspections, meetings, and information exchange. However, for more serious instances of noncompliance or recurring violations, a more aggressive enforcement response may be necessary. Depending upon the circumstances, more formal escalated enforcement options that range from issuance of a Notice of Violation (NOV) to termination of sewer service are available in order to resolve IU noncompliance. Five SIU violations and enforcement responses occurred during the 2015 reporting period and are described in more detail below. Boise Pretreatment enforcement actions involved B and D Foods, Meadow Gold Dairies, Performance Design, and Quality Thermistor. Four enforcement actions were taken by Garden City against Anodizers. B and D Foods B and D Foods was non-compliant twice during the 2015 reporting period. The first Notice of Violation was issued March 31, 2015. Several issues were addressed with the NOV, including: Failure to Self-Monitor (four weekly pH samples were not collected); Exceeding the Daily Maximum effluent limitation for Oil & Grease; Exceeding the Monthly Average Loading for O&G, Failure to Resample within five days; and Failure to Notify. In response to the NOV, B and D Foods developed written procedures for weekly pH monitoring, monthly O & G sampling, and notification for limit exceedances. The second Notice of Violation was issued on September 30, 2015, for Exceeding the Daily Maximum and the Monthly Average Loading effluent limitations for O & G. B and D Foods is in the middle of a monitoring plan to accurately characterize their flow and determine whether their current pretreatment is adequate. They will then provide the City with a plan to modify or supplement their pretreatment. Meadow Gold Dairies Meadow Gold Dairies received a Notice of Violation for Exceeding the Daily Maximum and the Monthly Average effluent limitation for mercury in February, 2015. In response to the NOV, Meadow Gold completed a Mercury Incident Report and a detailed mercury audit of their facility, and provided a Mercury Reduction Plan to the City. Performance Design Performance Design was non-compliant as of January 8, 2015, when they notified the City that they had Failed to Self-Monitor in December, 2014. They had no excuse, but simply forgot to collect a sample. Per the Enforcement Response Plan, a phone call was placed to correct this deficiency. Quality Thermistor, Inc. (QTI) QTI was non-compliant as of May 5, 2015, when it was discovered through review of their Semiannual Compliance Report that they had used Improper Analytical Procedures by violating the hold time on mercury samples and not providing Chain of Custody documentation in the SCR. .Per the Enforcement Response Plan, a phone call was placed to correct this deficiency. 3-6 Garden City Jurisdiction Anodizers, Inc. Building #2 - Anodizers Inc. was issued four NOVs during the 2014 reporting year: • On October 3, 2014, Anodizers, Inc. Building# 2 exceeded maximum daily limit for Chromium. A Notice of Violation was issued on October 21, 2014. • Anodizers, Inc. Building#2's SACR for June 2014- November 2014 was missing a water consumption record for November 2014, and had inaccurate Chain of Custody (COC) records for samples taken on 6/5/14, 8/8/14, and 9/5/14. A Letter of Concerns was issued on 1/5/15. • On June 16, 2014, an announced pretreatment inspection of Anodizers, Inc. Building#2 found that secondary containment was not provided for all chemicals, and the facility was not safe for inspection. A Notice of Violation was issued on 6/25/15. • Anodizers, Inc. Building #2's SACR for December 2014 - May 2015 had incomplete relinquish records on a chain of custody record. A Notice of Violation was issued on July 10, 2015. 3.2 Minor Industrial Users (MIUs) A significant component of the City's Pretreatment Program is its oversight of minor industrial users (MIUs) within the local community. A robust inspection effort provides for a continuous update to our permit required non-domestic user inventory ensuring that users subject to pretreatment standards are identified. This effort also helps ensure MIUs comply with local rules and sewer use regulations outlined in Title 8, Chapter 14 of City Code, maintain required pretreatment equipment such as grease, sand and oil interceptors, and follow BMPs, including accidental spill protection and pollution prevention. Additionally, business owners and managers are provided with information about the City's Storm Water Program. A total of 1,309 inspections at MIU facilities that discharge wastewater to the local publicly owned treatment works were conducted during the 2014 reporting year. 1,078 were conducted by Boise City staff which includes the Eagle Sewer District, the West Boise Sewer District, the former Bench and Northwest Boise Sewer Districts, which were both recently dissolved. 231 were conducted by Garden City. 3.2.1 MIU Administration The City utilizes its Inspection and Compliance Monitoring Procedures Manual for inspection protocol and guidance. MIUs are initially identified for inspection by type of business, nature of discharge, and potential risk to the POTW. The City's pretreatment information and data management system consists of industrial user (IU) paper files and the Pretreatment Industrial User Tracking and Planning database created in Microsoft 3-7 Access software. The application allows inspectors to easily generate reports, track compliance and schedule inspection workload. 3.2.2 MIU Inspections and Compliance Monitoring MIU inspections assist pretreatment staff in gaining an understanding of processes and wastewater discharge characteristics at a variety of business types including automotive service and repair, food service, and miscellaneous manufacturing. An MIU inspection's primary purpose is to evaluate compliance with pretreatment regulations. During the 2015 reporting year, pretreatment inspectors provided businesses with copies of the general discharge prohibitions, spill notification procedures, BMP brochures, including storm water, as well as waste disposal, recycling and other pollution prevention information. Compliance monitoring and sampling serves to evaluate MIU compliance with federal and local discharge limitations and standards. Compliance monitoring typically involves manually collecting a grab sample or a composite sample using portable samplers, flow meters, and continuous pH recording devices. Approximately 72 wastewater compliance samples were collected at MIU facilities during the 2015 reporting period. As a part of Boise City's robust FOG program, restaurant grease interceptors and downstream manholes are routinely inspected for the presence of excessive oil and grease, and samples are collected for temperature and waste strength. All FSEs are inspected at least annually for compliance with the FOG BMPs. The BMPs require routine pumping and inspection of grease abatement devices and record keeping. Inspectors provide BMP educational materials, maintenance log sheets, and laminated posters for on-site visual reminders. Inspectors will also work with individual businesses to help the business establish a schedule of grease pumpings appropriate to their menu and number of meals served. This prevents an undue burden on less grease-heavy establishments, and ensures more consistent compliance with the BMPs. 3.2.3 MIU General Discharge Permits The Boise Pretreatment regulations provide for the issuance of general discharge permits to Ml Us to cover discharges to sewer from groundwater treatment facilities, RV dump stations or uncovered equipment wash pads operated under special circumstances. A general permit can also be used to ensure compliance with applicable pretreatment requirements including required implementation of an accidental spill prevention plan, installation and operation of pretreatment facilities, implementation of required BMP's or to require notification for any change in process or zero discharge status. A summary of MIU general discharge permit activity is summarized below. Ada County Highway District - Maintenance and Operations The 3730 Adams Street location in Garden City is used for storage and maintenance of their materials and equipment. The indirect discharge permit allows them to discharge wastewater and storm water originating from their facility to the Garden City sewer system. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4, 3-8 and 40 CFR 403. The indirect discharge permit was re-issued on August 1, 2014 and expires on August 1, 2019. Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Facility Zero discharge City owned fire fighter training facility. No discharge has occurred to date under this permit. The permit was issued September 1, 201O and expired on September 1, 2015. The need for a permit will be re-evaluated in the 2016 reporting year based on the current operations, and a new permit issued if appropriate. Boise State University Building Groundwater This permit was re-issued March 1, 2015, with an expiration date of September 14, 2019 to coincide with the expiration date of their NPDES General Discharge Permit. This permit acts as a mostly contingency permit in cases where local concentrations of perchloroethylene (PCE) exceed levels allowed to be discharged to the Boise River under their NPDES permit. This water, as long as it is not considered hazardous waste (<0.7 mg/L), would then be allowed to discharge to the sanitary sewer. If, on the other hand, the level of PCE exceeded the hazardous waste limit, BSU would have to cease discharge from that particular pump system. Also, the groundwater sump pump under the University's Kaiser Hall is configured in such a manner as to only allow sanitary sewer discharge. This outfall is not accounted for in the University's NPDES permit, so is thus covered for sanitary sewer discharge through this control mechanism. Bureau of Land Management Seasonal operation of an exterior uncovered firefighting equipment wash pad. permit was re-issued March 1, 2014 with an expiration date of February 28, 2019. The Greyhound Lines Inc. Operation of an exterior uncovered bus wash pad with manual operation isolation valve system to preclude stormwater discharge to sewer. Annual inspection conducted to confirm adherence to BMPs. The permit was re-issued June10, 2014 with an expiration date of June 9, 2019. This permit is in the process of being re-issued to Boise Winnemucca Stages, a tour bus company that is the current lessee at the Greyhound facility. Since Greyhound Lines only utilizes the facility as a bus station and dump station, with no bus washing or maintenance occurring on-site, the permit will only include Boise Winnemucca Stages. Idaho Power M&E Shop Operation of an exterior uncovered vehicle wash pad. Annual inspections are conducted to confirm on-going maintenance is performed. The permit was issued February 1, 2011 with an expiration date of January 31, 2016. Motive Power, Inc. - Groundwater Treatment A TIDP was issued to Motive Power to accommodate supplemental injection of bioremediation materials into the subterranean environment at Motive Power's 4600 S. Apple Street site in Boise. In-situ bioremediation of the groundwater began at this site in 2005 pursuant to a Post Closure Permit issued by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. After an initial discharge during the first six months of the permit in 2009 to 3-9 facilitate the active injection period, activities generating wastewater are restricted to between 200 and 300 gallons of monitoring well purge water during semi-annual sampling events. This purge water is discharged to the on-site "mud basins" which provides skimming and evaporation prior to sewer discharge. In September, 2012, they replaced one well with another. The permit was re-issued effective May 1, 2014, expiring May 1, 2019. Motive Power, Inc. Drains from various operations discharge to two onsite mud basins known as the northern (#1) and southern (#2) mud basins where process wastewater is collected, oils are skimmed, and wastewater is periodically discharged to the onsite private sanitary sewer for eventual discharge into the City system. This general discharge permit was developed to regulate the periodic discharge events associated with operations and impose certain sampling and reporting requirements. The permit was issued effective October 1, 2012, expiring September 30, 2017. Plantation Golf The 6515 State Street location is a full scale country club including a golf course and restaurant. The TIDP allows them to discharge wastewater and stormwater originating from their facility to the Garden City sewer system. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4, and 40 CFR 403. The TIDP was re issued on November 1, 2015 and expires on November 1, 2020. Recreational Vehicle Dump Stations In 2013 Boise City re-issued public RV Dump Permits to require implementation of BMPs including dump lock-down, user log, record keeping, and signage. The Cornerstone Carwash, LLC (1745 N. Five Mile Road) permit was issued April 1, 2013 with an expiration date of March 31, 2018. The Flying J Travel Plaza (3353 Federal Way) permit was issued with an effective date of October 15, 2013 with an expiration date of October 14, 2018. Riverside Hotel The 2900 W. Chinden Blvd. location has stormwater entering the sanitary sewer from the western portion of their parking lot. Riverside Hotel was re-issued their indirect discharge permit on December 19, 2011 and it is set to expire on December 19, 2016. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4, and 40 CFR 403. Super Wash Carwash This facility ceased business operations in 2015. Tesoro Logistics Operations Tesoro Logistics Operations Boise Facility is located in the Bench Sewer District. This facility was formerly Chevron Pipeline. The facility is a petroleum transportation and distribution facility. Storm water collected from the tank roofs and concrete areas, as well as limited water drawn from the petroleum tanks, is processed through three activated carbon filters to remove hydrocarbons. This facility is a batch discharger with 3-10 an anticipation of semiannual discharging events. Tesoro Logistics requested and was issued a discharge permit with an effective date of September 1, 2013 with an expiration date of August 31, 2018. Boise Pretreatment Program staff developed and implemented the permit on behalf of the Bench. In April of 2015 Tesoro Logistic · requested modification to the existing permit due to removal of retention ponds along with changes to collection and storage of on-site storm water. Boise Pretreatment staff elected to issue a new permit due to these changes. The new permit has an effective date August 01, 2015 with an expiration date of July 31, 2020. Trebar Kenworth A routine grab sample was collected from the exterior oil/sediment interceptor on 5/7/13. The condition of the interceptor indicated a lack of routine maintenance, and results of the sample exceeded 1 part per million cadmium. Due to this facility's history of poor interceptor maintenance practices, an MIU-GDP was issued effective 9/1/2013, expiring on 8/31/2018. United Parcel Service Garden City issued a TIDP to the local distribution center for the discharge of storm water off an uncovered wash pad. The TIDP was re-issued On January 1, 2015 and expires on January 1, 2020. Univar USA Zero discharge contaminated groundwater treatment facility. The permit was issued September 10, 2010 and expired September 10, 2015. The need for a permit will be re evaluated in the 2016 reporting year based on the current operations, and a new permit issued if appropriate. ZZZ Sanitation Company A general discharge permit was issued to ZZZ to accommodate the use of a specialized liquid waste haul truck capable of filtering and segregating water during cleaning of food service facility grease interceptors. The permit imposes requirements to ensure compliance with the City's codified fat/oil/grease BMPs but allow for the discharge of supernate back into the grease interceptor post cleaning. The permit was issued May 21, 2012 with an expiration date of May 20, 2017. 3.2.4 Accidental Spill Prevention Accidental spill prevention is assessed for all IUs. Identification and implementation of accidental spill prevention measures among industrial users offers a means to prevent releases of harmful substances, and to minimize the impact when they do occur. During MIU inspections, common accidental spill concerns encountered include bulk oil, solvent, or other chemicals and products stored too near an interceptor, trough, or floor drain. Missing submerged outlets on drain sumps or interceptors is also of prime concern. 3-11 3.2.5 MIU Enforcement Actions For the most part, MIU noncompliance is resolved informally through inspections, meetings, and information exchange. However, for serious or recurring violations, a more aggressive enforcement response may be necessary. Depending on the circumstances, more formal escalated enforcement options that range from issuance of a Notice of Violation to termination of sewer service are available to resolve MIU noncompliance. Garden City MIU enforcement and compliance assistance summary information is located in Appendix A. Only one formal enforcement action was brought against an MIU facility by Boise City Pretreatment during the 2015 reporting year. Jiffy Lube, 1206 Broadway Avenue A wastewater sample was collected from the secondary chamber of Jiffy Lube's Oil/Sediment Interceptor. Sample analysis received from the lab on February 6 1h, 2015, indicated a mercury concentration of 4.13 µg/L, which is a violation of Boise's mercury Local Limit. In response to the NOV, Jiffy Lube completed a Mercury Incident Report, provided a Mercury Reduction Plan to the City, and had the sump cleaned by a licensed contractor. This facility elected to cap the outlet and seal the sump along with implementation of dry shop practices. 3-12 Table 1-1. Sl anlficant lndustrlal Users 2015 Renortlnn Year AcUvi"' Summa"" ANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS UNANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS PLAN 2016 VIOLATION OATES VIOLATION DESCRIPTION ENFORCEMENT ACTION/RESULT SNC Issued 12/10/14 Expires 11130119 5/5/2015 08/17/15 I 2 None None None No CIU Issued 7/1112 Expires 6130/17 09/02/15 08117/15 ' 2 None None None No Garden Cily Meta\ Finishing ; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Issued 7115/11 Modified 3/9115 Expires 7115116 6116/15, 7/16115, 8/19115 10117/14, 10/21114 8/31115 2 1013114, 0111114, 06/16/15, 0711/15 exceeding daily Cr, missing water cons. record, COC errors, no sec cont, facility unsafe for insp. NOVs No Band D Foods 3491 S TK Avenue Boise, ID 83705 Boise City 400FR403.3{v)(1 )(ii) SIU Issued 6/1114 Expires 5131/19 6/10115, 9/10115 9/30115 1 2 3121/15, 9130115 Failure to Self-Monitor, Exceeded max daily/monthly limit for Oil&Grease NOV No Boise State University College of Engineering 1375 University Drive Boise, ID 83725 Boise Cily Electrical & Electronic Components, Subpart A, 40CFR§469.16 CIU Re-Issued 811/13 Expires 7131/18 11/13114.12/16114. 1 6/13/15 None 2 None None None No CQR•Guard, LLC 6428 Business Way Boise, ID 83716 Boise City Meta! Finishing: 40CFR§433.17 CIU Batch discharge Issued 411111 Expires 411116 5116/15, 5/18115,5128/15. 6/41151 5/5/15 1 1 None None None No Darigold, rnc. 618 Allumbaugh Street Boise, ID 83704 West Boise Sewer Dlstrict Dairy Products Point Source: 40CFR§405.24 (B, C, E & G) CIU Re-Issued 2/12/13 Expires 2/12118 9/28115 Monthly industrial billing 3 sample events • 1 None None None No Davine! Enterprises 615E44thStreet Garden City, IQ 83714 Garden City Metal Finishing; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Currently zero discharge Issued 1011/12 Expires 10/1/17 None 1 None None None No Gem Meat Packin g Co. 515 E. 45th Street Garden City, ID 63714 Garden City Meat Products Point Source 40CFR§432.6, Subpart F CIU Issued 211/11 Modified6/12112 Modified 319/15 Expires 211/16 619115 None 1 Nona None None No Meadow Gold Dairies, Inc. 1301 West Bannock Boise, !D 83702 Boise City Dairy Products Point Source; 40CFR §405.24{B) §405.74(G) CIU Issued 1/1/13 Expires 12/31/17 9/18/15 (11/13/14, 3/10/15, 4/26/15, 512115, 7{7/15) ". 2 2127115 Exceeded max daily/monthl y limit for Mercury NOV No Micron Technology, Inc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, ID 83716 Boise City Electrical and Electronic Components, and Metal Finishing; 40CFR§469.16 & §433.17 CIU Issued 7/1/10 Expired 711/15 Admin Extended 8/19/15 Monthly industrial billing 5 sample events 2 None None None No NAME ANO ADDRESS JURISDICTION APPLICABLE CRITERIA STATUS PERMIT STATUS Ace Co· TK Avenue 3681 S TK Avenue Boise, ID 83705 Boise City Metal Finishing; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Ace Co Precision Manufacturin g 4095 Gekeler Lane Boise, ID 83716 Boise Cily Meta! Finishing; 40CFR§433.17 Anodizers, Inc. ff2 504 E. 461h Street Garden City, ID 83714 612/15 1 Included samplin g a IU sampled randomly for 7 consecutive days each month 2 72 Hour oH monitorinn 4 Sewer billinn snlit run for As, Cd, Cr, Cu. Pb. Hn, Mo, Ni, Se, An, Zn, P, & nH. 5 Outfall 3 waste strennthlbillinn snlit for analvtes listed in footnote 4. 2015 Aclivl"' Summarv Slanlficant lnduslrlal Users Table 1-1. ANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS UNANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS PLAN 2016 VIOLATION DATES VIOLATION DESCRIPTION ENFORCEMENT ACTION/RESULT SNC Issued 711/10 Expires 711/15 Admin Extended 9125/15 10121114 •• 417/15 • 2 None None None No CIU Issued 1111012012 Expires 11110/2017 12118114 8127/15 8/19115' 3 None None None No Metal Finishing; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Issued 12/11114 Expires 11/30/19 1/26115 8/19/15' 2 01/08115 Failure to Self-Monitor Phone Call-Resolved No Boise City Electrical and Electronic Components, Subpart A. 40CFR§469.16 CIU Issued 811{12 Expires 7/31117 7(16/15 10121114 4, 417/15 4 2 None None None No Primary Wea pons Systems 255 N Steelhead Way Boise, ID 83704 Boise City Metal Finishing: 40CFR§433.17 CIU Issued 31112013 Expires 2/2812018 4/29/15 8126/15 I 9/9115 9110115' 12/3114 2 Submitted SCR Late NOV No Quality Thermistor rnc. 2108 Century Way Boise, ID 83709 Boise City Electrical and Electronic Components, Subpart B, 40CFR§469.28 CIU Issued 511111 Expires 4/30116 1113/15 5/12115 9130115 1 2 5/5/15 Incomplete SCR: Missing CDC. Improper sam pling holding time. Phone Call Resolved No Boise City Metal Finishing ; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Issued 12/15113 Ex pires 12/14118 None 8/20/15' 2 None None None No Garden City Metal Finishing ; 40CFR§433.17 CIU Currently Zero Dischar ge Issued 7/1115 Expires 7/1120 6/6/15 4117(15 1 None None None No STATUS PERMIT STATUS NAME AND ADDRESS JURISDICTION APPLICABLE CRITERIA MP Mask Technology Center, LLC 3851 E. Columbia Road Boise, ID 83716 Boise City Electrical and Electronic Components, Subpart A. 40CFR§469.16 CIU NxEdge, Inc. 7510 Mossy Cup Boise, ID 83709 Boise City Metal Finishing: 40CFR§433.17 Performance Design 2350 East Braniff Boise, ID 83716 Boise City Photronics, Inc. 10136 S Federal Way Boise, ID 83716 Whiteman Industries, Inc. 6850 South Business Way Boise, ID 83716 York's Metal Finishing 206 W. 35\h Street Garden City, ID 83714 , rncluded samplin g 1 1172 Hour nH monltorlnn J IU sampled randomly for 7 consecutive days each month • Sewerbillin a srlit run for As, Cd, Cr. Cu. Pb, Hn , Mo. Ni, Se. A o. Zn. P. & oH. 09124/15 ' � Outfall 3 waste strennth/billin" S"lil for anal'"es lisled in footnote 4. SECTION 4 LOCAL LIMITS SECTION 4 4.1 LOCAL LIMITS Local Limits Implementation 40CFR403.8(f)(4) directs POTWs with approved pretreatment programs to develop local limits as necessary, or demonstrate they are not necessary. The City has a rigorous local limits data collection, evaluation, and implementation process. Our local limits evaluation is conducted in accordance with EPA Local Limits Development Guidance (EPA, 2004). Ongoing assessment of the need for numeric discharge limitations over and above those established by categorical standards, and beyond the City's narrative prohibitions and implementation of best management practices at the user level is a priority for the City's pretreatment program. In accordance with requirements in the new NPDES permits issued August 1, 2012, the City undertook a detailed local limits study. The resulting Local Limits assessment was submitted to EPA Region 10 for approval on July 31, 2013. The analysis included heavy metals, ammonia, phosphorus and cyanide for both West Boise and Lander Street facilities. The maximum allowable headworks loading (MAHL) method for biosolids beneficial use, plant process inhibition, and water quality was used, and serves as the basis for further local limits assessment. Operation of the treatment plants continue to evolve with Lander Street operations staff successfully configuring processes for biological nutrient removal while retaining the option to use CEPT (Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment) to meet interim phosphorus limits. A significant upgrade is substantially completed of the West Boise treatment process to Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) to meet interim and final Total Phosphorus limits. Although structures such as a fermenter, waste activated sludge phosphate release tank, and a sophisticated solids handling building have been constructed, much work remains to optimize equipment and treatment processes. The phosphate release tank provides a second nutrient-rich recycle stream to utilize for intentional struvite precipitation. This struvite can be used as a fertilizer product after meeting 40 CFR Part 503 requirements. Other than increasing production of struvite, no other significant changes have occurred in biosolids disposal practices or plant influent loadings. 4.2 2015 Local Limits Assessment Table 4-1 presents a percent comparison of the measured system loadings for metals and cyanide during the 2015 reporting period to the most restrictive MAHLs at both WWTFs. As indicated by EPA local limits guidance (EPA, 2004), comparisons of 60% or greater for average and 80% or greater for maximum loadings serve as thresholds that suggest further pollutant specific evaluation may be necessary. No analytes triggered either the 60% or the 80% thresholds in the 2015 reporting year. 4-1 Table 4-1. Maximum Headworks Loading Assessment for the West Boise and Lander WWTF. Local Limits Annual Assessment for Pretreatment Annual Report 2015 Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Zinc MAHL lbs/day 3.53 0.41 30.00 22.80 2.78 5.61 0.022 10.00 9.89 2.86 5.57 72.70 Lander Street Facility Influent %of Maximum %of Average MAHL lbs/day MAHL lbs/dav 13% 0.47 11% 0.38 5% 0.02 4% 0.01 1% 0.21 1% · 0.17 31% 7.12 27% 6.12 2% 0.04 1% 0.04 5% 0.26 3% 0.17 35% 0.0076 22% 0.0047 7% 0.66 5% 0.53 8% 0.75 6% 0.56 2% 0.07 2% 0.05 2% 0.14 1% 0.08 16% 11.38 13% 9.60 Limiting Issue 503 WQ 503 DI Dl 503 NP DES 503 503 503 WQ WQ MAHL lbs/day 3.66 0.71 31.60 28.70 3.37 5.54 0.036 6.64 12.40 3.10 7.78 78.40 Average lbs/day 0.44 0.02 0.27 8.07 0.06 0.18 0.0062 0.61 0.47 0.08 0.04 15.85 West Boise Facility Influent %of Maximum %of MAHL lbs/day MAHL 14% 0.51 12% 3% 0.02 3% 1% 0.34 1% 31% 9.04 28% 2% 0.06 2% 6% 0.32 3% 31% 0.011 18% 13% 0.86 9% 5% 0.58 4% 3% 0.08 3% 1% 0.06 1% 26% 20.50 20% All MAHL values have been taken from the City's 2013 Local Limits Study Lander Street Influent Loads have been calculated to correct for interference from the facility's gravity belt thickener return, which has significant metals concentrations due to CEPT. As, Pb & Nickel evaluations are based upon data sets with mdl/2 conversions to remain consistent with the City's 2013 Local Limits Study. Key to Table 4-1: MAHL = Maximum Allowable headworks Loading 503 - Biosolids Beneficial Use WQ = Water Quality DI = Anaerobic Digester Inhibition AS = Activated Sludge Process Inhibition Tl = Tertiary Process Inhibition NPDES = NPDES Permit Limit 4-2 Limiting Issue 503 503 WQ DI DI 503 NP DES 503 503 503 DI WQ SECTION 5 POLLUTION PREVENTION SECTION 5 5.1. POLLUTION PREVENTION & EDUCATION Pollution Prevention (P2) Strategy In 1990, Congress passed the Pollution Prevention Act directing EPA to establish a program with a focus upon pollution reduction at the source and multi-media management of pollution to preclude transfer of pollutants from one media to another. The goals of the Act are to pursue "source reduction" or elimination activities first, then recycling whenever feasible, and finally treatment or disposal in an environmentally safe manner. Pollution prevention (P2) is an equally applicable and useful municipal pretreatment program strategy that can reduce pollutant wastestreams by providing inf ormation and technical assistance to industrial users. The City has a pollution prevention program that includes a multi-media based approach to identification and development of pollution prevention options for a prioritized set of pollutants. The City completed its strategic Pollution Prevention Strategy in August 2003 and began implementing in a phased approach for high priority pollutants. 5.2 Existing Programs Pretreatment staff routinely incorporates pollution prevention (P2) information into their outreach and on-site inspection process. A library of P2 materials is maintained and distributed to the industrial and commercial community during facility visits. The City's Environmental Division supports and sponsors P2 in a variety of ways, ranging from Household Hazardous Waste Collection to recognizing local businesses for their P2 successes. These efforts enhance the Pretreatment Program P2 component and assist with achieving program goals. 5.2.1 Dental BMPs The P2 Strategy identified mercury management as a Tier 1 priority target. The Dental BMP inspection program was initiated during the 2005 reporting year and continued through the 2013 reporting period. Pretreatment staff conducted 136 inspections under the voluntary BMP program. Pretreatment staff monitors building permit applications to identify new dental facilities to target for inspection. During the 2015 reporting period, the City began inspections of dental facilities under the new, mandatory Dental BMP program. Of 155 total dental facilities currently in Boise City's jurisdiction, 121 are eligible for coverage under the mandatory BMPs, while the other 34 facilities are exempt from the mandatory amalgam separator rule due to type of practice (orthodontists, periodontists, etc.). The 121 eligible facilities were classified as Priority 1 , 2 or 3 based on information reported on the application for coverage under the BMP Program and inspection history. Priority 3 facilities were those facilities who we knew already had amalgam separators installed based on prior 5-1 inspections, and this fact was re-iterated in their application for coverage. Forty-four (44) facilities were classified as Priority 3. Priority 2 facilities were those facilities who did not have an amalgam separator installed at the time of a prior inspection, but who now certified one was installed. Fifty-six (56) facilities were classified as Priority 2. Priority 1 facilities were those facilities that either reported that they had no amalgam separator or did not return the application at all. Twenty-one (21) facilities were classified as Priority 1. After conducting fifty-one 51 inspections of Priority 1 and 2 facilities in 2015, a 100% compliance rate with the mandatory BMPs was achieved among those facilities inspected. Based on these inspections of the most likely problematic facilities, and the certifications of compliance provided by the remaining facilities, it would appear that a 100% compliance rate is possible throughout the system. This will be verified in the coming year. Starting in the 2016 reporting year, all dental facilities that are eligible for coverage under the BMP will be required to re-certify annually, and the population will be inspected on a rotating three-year basis, with approximately one-third of the population being inspected every year. Those facilities not eligible for coverage under the BMP will be required to re-certify on a three-year basis, and will also be inspected triennially. 5.2.2 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Program consists of Ada County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility located at the Ada County Landfill, and city-sponsored mobile collection sites in Boise, Eagle, Kuna, and Meridian. Boise City maintains 10 collection sites with each site open one day per month. All mobile collection sites are serviced by a fleet of three City of Boise-owned vehicles; one of which is a 33,000 GVW compressed natural gas (CNG) truck and van body. The CNG vehicle began servicing collection sites in August 2012. With the exception of biomedical waste, radiological materials, and explosives; all household chemicals, cleaning products, paint, automotive related products, and lawn and garden products are accepted through the HHW program. Used electronic items such as computers, printers, scanners, fax machines, cell phones, and televisions are also accepted. Starting in October 2013, electronics collection expanded to include small counter-top and desk-top appliances (e.g., microwaves, stereo equipment, game systems), and other hand-held electronics (e.g., camcorders, cameras). Other items accepted through the HHW program include propane cylinders of all sizes and items containing mercury such as fluorescent light tubes, thermometers, and thermostats. Eagle and Kuna maintain one site each for quarterly collection of hazardous wastes. Meridian maintains a collection site that is open every Monday, except holidays. Hazardous materials and waste collection for conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQG) has been offered through the program since 1998. CESQG wastes are accepted from registered and qualified businesses one day per week at Ada County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. Outreach materials for the 5-2 CESQG program are handed out to appropriate businesses during Pretreatment inspections in Boise, Eagle, and Meridian. The City continues to operate the mercury thermometer exchange program developed in February 2001 in partnership with Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. Program goals include removing the health threat mercury poses to families, reducing the amount of mercury entering the wastewater system and municipal solid waste landfill, and public outreach. The mercury thermometer exchange was revisited in February 2007 with a renewed public relations and educational campaign. Additional digital thermometers were purchased in 2013. The program is ongoing and available to Ada County residents through the HHW Program. In August 2014, the City rolled out a multi-year, multi-media campaign to educate residents and businesses about proper management of mercury-containing products. The campaign includes advertisements at local movie theaters, Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on television, underwriting/sponsorship on multiple radio stations, and pre-roll ads on television and newspaper websites. The campaign also includes the development and installation of a mercury educational display for the Boise Watershed located at the West Boise Treatment Plant and expanded mercury information on the city's Household Hazardous Waste webpages (www.curbitboise.org/hhw). This mercury-targeted educational campaign is part of the City's Mercury Minimization Plan. To assist those within the community that have limited access to transportation due to age or a physical limitation, a homebound pick up service was added to the HHW Program in May 2003. To qualify for the service, participants must live within Ada County, be at least 18 years old, and have a physical limitation that prohibits them from transporting their materials to a collection site or the collection facility at the landfill. On average, 8 to 12 households per year have requested this service since 2003. The City of Boise's EnviroGuard Sustainability Award honors businesses who engage in sustainable business practices and work to reduce their environmental footprint. In 2011 the program was revised to include two award categories. In October 2014, two Boise businesses accepted the business award from the Mayor at a pre-council meeting ceremony. Since inception, 45 Boise businesses have received this award. 5.2.3 Pharmaceutical P2 Program In December 2009, Boise City Public Works, Ada County Sheriff's Office and the police departments of Boise and Garden City launched a residential pharmaceutical collection program. Public Works sponsored the start-up costs for the program including purchase of the collection bins, graphics and signs, and outreach materials. The bins are located in the lobby areas of the three police departments. In early 2013, the Eagle Police Department joined the collection program, bringing the number of collection locations in the program to a total of five (including Meridian Police). As with other locations that are connected to the City of Boise wastewater treatment system, Boise City Public Works sponsored the start-up costs for the Eagle location. In 2013, the Boise City Police 5-3 Department also started collecting medications at their substation on the Boise State University campus. As of October 2015, 16 tons of outdated prescriptions and unwanted medicines have been collected throughout Ada County. Ada County Sheriff's Office and the police departments of Boise, Garden City, and Meridian participated in the Drug Enforcement Agency's National Take Back Day on Saturday, September 26, 2015. Typically for each Take Back event, there are three to four collection locations throughout Ada County. 5.3 Boise Watershed Environmental Education Center The Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center opened in May 2008 and was created through a partnership between the City of Boise and Boise WaterShed Exhibits, Inc., a local non-profit organization. Located at the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility, the center is the City's first LEED-certified building and Idaho's first water education center. The Boise Watershed is designed to promote water stewardship by teaching people of all ages how to protect and conserve our precious resource for future generations. The staff at the Boise Watershed incorporates stormwater pollution prevention and stormwater management information into the programs, wastewater treatment plant tours, and lessons offered to visitors. Education of personal impacts to water quality via stormwater and wastewater, and pollution prevention tips are integrated throughout most exhibits, lessons, tours, and the center's library resources. Since the facility's opening, over 140,000 people have visited the Boise WaterShed and an additional 55,000 people have been reached through outreach lessons and events. This education facility encourages use of the hazardous waste collection sites and pharmaceutical drop-off programs, and supplement the City's other efforts to educate the general public about personal pollution prevention and water conservation. Construction on the new outdoor Boise WaterShed River Campus began in July of 2015 and has a projected completion date of August 2016. The River Campus will present a new dimension to water education with exterior exhibits that show the big picture of the Treasure Valley's water resources. Presented to simulate the workings of the Lower Boise Watershed, the interactive, walk-able park-like setting will take the visitor on a journey from Lucky Peak Reservoir and Dam, through Boise's urban streets, and the wastewater treatment plant. From here they will watch cleaned water returned to the Boise River and see it flow downstream to the agricultural zone that sustains our food industry. Ultimately, visitors will realize that what we do upstream not only affects downstream users but also the overall health of the Snake River. 5-4 Appendix A Garden City PROGRAM PERFORMANCE SUMMARY During the 2015 reporting year, there were two MIU Temporary Discharge Permits (TOP) renewed . Routine inspections were conducted of these minor industrial users (MIU's) to evaluate compliance. During the 2015 reporting year, there was one SIU Zero Discharge Permit (ZDP) issued to a Significant Industrial User (SIU). Initial and follow up inspections were conducted of this SIU to evaluate compliance. In order to identify new users, update file status of current users and inventory records, Pretreatment staff performs a plan review for all conditional use applications, business certificate of compliance applications, commercial tenant improvements and commercial building permit applications. Pretreatment staff not only identifies new business operations within the city boundaries through this plan review process but ensures compliance with standards consistent with the Garden City Pretreatment Ordinance as well. A description of the industrial user types and the number of each are located in section 2.0 of this report. A description of the MIU monitoring activities are identified in section 2.24 of this report. During the 2015 reporting year, one permitted facility violated Maximum Daily Categorical Effluent Limits. A description of the violations are included in Table 4.0 of this report; the Enforcement Action letters, etc. are located in section 2.1.6 of this report. During the month of June 2015, joint city compliance inspection and compliance monitoring of Anodizers Inc. was conducted by Garden City Pretreatment with Boise City Pretreatment. During the month of June 2015, compliance inspection of Davinci Enterprises was conducted by Garden City Pretreatment. During the month of June 2015 compliance inspections and compliance monitoring of Gem Meats facilities was conducted by Garden City Pretreatment with Boise City Pretreatment. I -�·... , •< TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 Summary Table of Contents-Tables & Charts-Appendixes II 1-2 Program Resources 3 Program Implementation 4-10 Significant Industrial Users 11-14 Minor Industrial Users 15 Collection System Interferences TABLES & CHARTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Organization Chart Table: SIU List Table: Inspection & Monitoring of SIU's Table: Violation & Enforcement SIU Table: Violation & Enforcement MIU II 2 6 8 10 13-14 I ··111 •.. " ' t.i.:; 1.0 Pretreatment Program Resources Staffing: One part-time Public Works Director One part time Environmental Manager (50%) One part time Environmental Specialist (50%) The Environmental Manager is responsible for administration and all activities listed under the program requirements with oversight from the Public Works Director. The Environmental Specialist works under the direct supervision of the Environmental Manager and performs inspections, sampling , report writing and other pretreatment related duties as assigned. The environmental department has additional support staff such as, the utility maintenance staff, information technician staff (computer support), database management staff, and administrative staff. The city currently utilizes Boise City Laboratory and contract laboratories in Boise area for analysis of our industrial monitoring conducted through out this year. Additionally, the city currently provides training as necessary for C.E.U. state certification renewals as well as continuing education for pretreatment or related fields of study to enhance our staff knowledge base as related to the Environmental Department. Equipment: 2-Vehicles Two lsco composite samplers Sample & Monitoring collection kits-for various types, including metals samples Tools-maintenance Inspection rods Safety Equipment 1-Printers used strictly for inspection staff 2-Digital Cameras; 2-Field Digital audio recorders 1-Portable pH probe/data logger 1- Desk Top computer with software necessary to complete reports 1-Lap Top Computer for field with software necessary to complete reports MH Pullers Collections and Maintenance Equipment include two HydroVac Trucks, one TV Camera Vehicle used to maintain the sewer collection system is available through work order requests to the Environmental department. 1 .. I .E� ·: TABLE 1.0 GARDEN CITY PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ORGANIZATION CHART 2 2.0 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION 2.1-SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS 2.2-MINOR INDUSTRIAL USERS 3 2.1 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS GEM MEAT PACKING COMPANY - 515 E. 45th St.' Gem Meat Packing Company, is no longer a custom meat packing plant involved in the slaughtering and processing of cattle, sheep, and swine (40CFR-432). They are now a sausage and luncheon meats processor (40CFR-432, Subpart G). The daily flow of process wastewater range between 3,000 to 10,000 gpd. Wastewater from this facility is conveyed to the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility. Gem Meat Packing Company was re-issued an indirect discharge permit on February 1, 2011. The permit expires on February 1, 2016. The permit was modified on June 12, 2012 to remove sampling & analysis requirements for BOD & TSS. The permit was modified on March 9, 2015 to include local limits and sampling requirements for Mercury. ANODIZERS INC. Building #2 - 504 E. 45th St. Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 is a anodizing job shop, subject to the metal finishing standards for facilities whom perform metal finishing operations, discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility (40CFR-433.10). Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 operates processes for acid and caustic cleaning, chromating, and anodizing. Anodizers Inc. Bldg. #2 indirect discharge permit was issued on July 15, 2011 and expires on July 15, 2016. The permit was modified on March 9, 2015 to include local limits and sampling requirements for Mercury. DAVINCI ENTERPRISES - 221 W. 37th St. Davinci Enterprises is a specialty job shop performing anodizing, coloring, electroless nickel plating and black-oxide/bluing on various metal substrates . They are subject to metal finishing standards for facilities performing metal finishing operations, discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility. (40CFR-433.10). Davinci Enterprises operates in a zero discharge mode and was issued a Zero Discharge Permit effective October 1, 2012 and expires on October 1, 2017. YORK'S METAL FINISHING - 206 W. 35th St. York's Metal Finishing is a specialty gun smithing job shop performing black oxide/bluing on various metal gun parts. They are subject to metal finishing standards for facilities performing metal finishing operations, and discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility. (40CFR-433.10). York's Metal Finishing operates in a zero discharge mode and was issued a Zero Discharge Permit effective July 1, 2015 and expires on July 1, 2020. 4 I ·.• ., .. ,,"- 2.1.1 PERMIT ADMINISTRATION All lDP's are reviewed annually in conjunction with one of the semiannual compliance inspections. New industrial users are identified through inspection, business licensing process, occupancy permitting, conditional use permitting, and plan reviews. Applicants identified as potential SIU's are required to submit the appropriate Pretreatment Data Disclosure Forms (DDF's). DDF's are reviewed and inspections are then conducted to determine whether an industry requires a discharge permit. The Significant Industrial User List (Table 2.0) identifies each SIU in Garden City. 2.1.2 INDIRECT DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUED During the 2015 reporting year, there were no SIU Indirect Discharge Permits Issued. 2.1.3 TEMPORARY INDIRECT DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUED During the 2015 reporting year, there were no SIU Temporary Indirect Discharge Permits Issued. 2.1.4 ZERO DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUED During the 2015 reporting year, there was one SIU Zero Discharge Permit Issued. YORK'S METAL FINISHING - 206 W. 35th St. York's Metal Finishing is a specialty gun smithing job shop performing black oxide/bluing on various metal gun parts. They are subject to metal finishing standards for facilities performing metal finishing operations, and discharging process wastewater to the wastewater treatment facility. (40CFR-433.10). York's Metal Finishing was issued a Zero Discharge Permit effective July 1, 2015 and expires on July 1, 2020. 5 I Table 2.0 FACILITY NAME SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER LIST ADDRESS APPLICABLE CRITERIA STATUS ASPP TOMP 504 E 45th St. Subject to New Source Metal Finishing 40 CFR;433.17; IDP Issued: May 1, 2011; Expires: May 1, 2016 Existing Source CIU YES YES 515 E 45th St. Custom Meat Packing & Processing Subject to Categorical Standards 40 CFR 432. IDP Issued: February 1, 2011; Expires: February 1, 2016 Existing Source CIU YES NO 221 W. 37th St Suite D Subject to New Source Metal Finishing 40 CFR;433.17; ZDP Issued October 1, 2012; Expires October 15, 2017 YES YES 206 W. 35th St. Subject to New Source Metal Finishing 40 CFR;433.17; ZDP Issued July1, 2015; Expires July 1, 2020 NO NO Anodizers Inc. Building #2 Gem Meat Packing Co. Davinci Enterprises York's Metal Finishing 6 Existing Source CIU New Source CIU I ";. .:j.f ',,.ii 2.1.5 INDIRECT DISCHARGE PERMIT MODIFICATIONS & CLOSURES During the 2015 reporting period, there were two indirect discharge permit modifications or closures. 1. ANODIZERS INC. A. Effluent Discharge Limitation Modification Daily and monthly maximum Mercury effluent discharge limits of .0007 mg/I. B. Self Monitoring Requirements Monthly Grab Sample for Mercury 2. GEM MEATS A. Effluent Discharge Limitation Modification Daily and monthly maximum Mercury effluent discharge limits of .0007 mg/I. B. Self Monitoring Requirements Monthly Grab Sample for Mercury 2.1.6 SIU INSPECTIONS- SEE TABLE 3.0 2.1.7 SIU MONITORING--SEE TABLE 3.0 7 Table 3.0 Facility Name Anodizers Inc. Building #2 2015 PERMIT YEAR SIU INSPECTION & MONITORING Announced Inspections Unannounced Inspections Compliance Monitoring Planned for 2015 6/16/15, 7/16/15, 8/19/15 10/17/14, 10/21/14 8/31/15 6/16/15 2 1 Davinci Enterprises 6/2/15 No regulated discharges during 2015 reporting period Gem Meats Co. 6/9/15 6/9/15 1 6/6/15 No regulated discharges during 2015 reporting period 1 York's Metal Finishing 4/17/15 8 2.1.6 SIU ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY - SEE TABLE 4.0 Anodizers Inc. Building #2. • On October 3, 2014, Anodizers, Inc. Building# 2 exceeded maximum daily limit for Chromium. A Notice of Violation was issued on October 21, 2014. • Anodizers, Inc. Building#2's SACR for June 2014 - November 2014 was missing a water consumption record for November 2014, and had inaccurate Chain of Custody (COG) records for samples taken on 6/5/14, 8/8/14, and 9/5/14. A Letter of Concerns was issued on 1/5/15. • On June 16, 2014, an announced pretreatment inspection of Anodizers, Inc. Building#2 found that secondary containment was not provided for all chemicals, and the facility was not safe for inspection. A Notice of Violation was issued on 6/25/15. • Anodizers, Inc. Building#2 's SACR for December 2014 - May 2015 had incomplete relinquish records on a chain of custody record. A Notice of Violation was issued on July 10, 2015. 9 I . :-"': :,. :_;:: L' Table 4.0 2015 PERMIT YEAR VIOLATION & ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS FOR S/U'S VIOLATION DATES VIOLATION DESCRIPTION SNC ENFORCEMENT RESULT October 3, 2014 Exceeded Maximum Daily Limit for Chromium NO NOV Anodizers Inc. Building #2 June- Nov 2014 SACR Missing November 2014 water consumption report, COC errors No Letter of Concerns Anodizers Inc. Building #2 June 16, 2015 No secondary containment, facility unsafe for inspection NO NOV Anodizers Inc. Building #2 Dec '14-May '15 COC errors NO NOV INDUSTRIAL USER Anodizers Inc. Building #2 10 2.2 Minor Industrial Users 2.2.1 MIU ADMINISTRATION Pretreatment staff routinely conduct review & inspection of businesses providing education to the owners and managers about the City's Pretreatment Program and regulations. This effort assists and educates the MIU group so as to comply with the prohibited discharge standards, maintain pretreatment equipment and follow best management practices (BMP's) and Accidental Spill Protection. Pretreatment staff are able to create and track IU files, reports, letter, photos, memo's and phone logs. 2.2.2 MIU INSPECTIONS Inspection process can begin with a phone call and/or email notification to a particular business specifying a date and time for the inspection as appropriate. An inspection can also be unannounced to more accurately reflect normal activities at the facility. The inspection protocol shall be consistent with Garden City Inspection and Compliance Monitoring Procedures Manual. Approximately 231 inspections were conducted at MIU facilities located in Garden City during the 2015 pretreatment year. There are 68 Food Service Establishments in Garden City. 2.2.3 MIU ACCIDENTAL SPILL PREVENTION During MIU inspections, accidental spill prevention is addressed through identification and implementation of preventative measures. These measures are to prevent and minimize the potential adverse impact in the event of an accidental release of harmful substances. 2.2.4 MIU COMPLIANCE MONITORING Discharges from MIU facilities are monitored at random to verify compliance with the general pretreatment discharge standards. 2.2.5 MIU ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS The majority of MIU non-compliance issues are resolved through inspections, requests, meetings and information exchange. However, serious or recurring violations require a more aggressive response, such as Notice of Violation, Warnings, Citations and/or fines. The enforcement actions activities during the 2015 reporting year are listed in the "2015 permit year violation & enforcement actions for Ml Us" (Table 5) located in this section. 11 2.2 Minor Industrial Users (Cont.) 2.2.6 MIU INDIRECT DISCHARGE PERMITS (IDPs) During the 2015 reporting period,no new MIU IDP's were issued. Two existing MIU IDP's include the following: Ada County Highway District - Maintenance and Operations The 3730 Adams Street location in Garden City is used for storage and maintenance of their materials and equipment. The indirect discharge permit allows them to discharge wastewater and storm water originating from their facility to the Garden City sewer system. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4, and 40 CFR 403. The indirect discharge permit was re-issued on August 1,2014 and expires on August 1,2019. Riverside Hotel The 2900 W. Chinden Blvd. location has stormwater entering the sanitary sewer from the western portion of their parking lot. Riverside Hotel was re-issued their indirect discharge permit on December 19, 2011 and it is set to expire on December 19,2016. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6,Section 4, and 40 CFR 403. 2.2.7 MIUTEMPORARY INDIRECT DISCHARGE PERMITS (TIDPs) During the 2015 reporting period,two MIU TIDP's were issued. PLANTATION GOLF - 6515 W. STATE St. The 6515 State Street location is a full scale country club including a golf course and restaurant. The indirect discharge permit allows them to discharge wastewater and stormwater originating from their facility to the Garden City sewer system. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4, and 40 CFR 403. The indirect discharge permit was re-issued on November 1,2015 and expires on November 1, 2020. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE - 116 E. 42 No St. The 116 E. 42nd Street location is a package distribution hub. The indirect discharge permit allows them to discharge wastewater and stormwater originating from their facility to the Garden City sewer system. At all times they are subject to Garden City Code Title 6, Chapter 6, Section 4,and 40 CFR 403. The indirect discharge permit was re-issued on January 1,2015 and expires on January 1,2020. 2.2.8 MIU IDP AND TIDP MODIFICATIONS & CLOSURES During the 2015 reporting period,no MIU IDP or TIDP were modified. 12 I Table 5.0 2015 PERMIT YEAR VIOLATION & ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS FOR MIU'S INDUSTRIAL USER VIOLATION DATES SNC VIOLATION DESCRIPTION ENFORCEMENT RESULT Curtis Clean Sweep September 9, 2014 No secondary containment No NOV Curtis Clean Sweep November 4, 2014 No secondary containment No 2nd NOV, Fines Brent McKenny's Custom Automatic Transmissions November 26, 2014 December 5, 2014 Pretreatment equipment not maintained properly No NOV Brent McKenny's Custom Automatic Transmissions November 26, 2014 December 5, 2014 No secondary containment No NOV Low Ball Transmissions January 6, 2015 January 13, 2015 No hazardous waste disposal records No NOV Ultimate Transmissions December 12, 2014 January 13, 2015 No secondary containment No NOV Steve Ragsdale Shop January 23, 2015 No secondary containment No NOV Z Doctor January 27, 2015 Prohibited discharge No NOV-Cao Pastry Perfection December 1, 2014 February 13, 2015 FOG Interceptor not suitable and adequate No NOV 13 Dickey's BBQ Pit March 5, 2015 March 13, 2015 Operating without a functional FOG interceptor No NOV Professional Concrete Accessories March 19, 2015 No secondary containment No NOV Taco Bell February 3, 2015 April 9, 2015 No records of DCI maintenance, inadequate DCI maintenance No 2nd NOV, Fines Tranni Man Transmissions June 3, 2015 Denial of entry/ inspection No NOV Dave's Detail Shoppe August 18, 2015 Stormwater inflow to sanitary sewer No NOV Big K BBQ September 21, 2015 Operating without a FOG interceptor No NOV 14 3.0 Collection System Interferences During the 2015 report period Garden City did not experience any industrial discharge activities that caused interference with our collection system normal operations. 15