What if simple living could make our lives better?
What if simple living could make our lives better?
Health capsule What if simple living could make our lives better? All too often, stress and exhaustion take over our lives. Life goes so fast that we no longer have time to take a step back and think about the changes that we could make to our lives to slow things down a little. Nonetheless, more and more people are doing just that – stepping back and adopting a philosophy that is based on simplicity. The purpose? To feel better physically and mentally. Voluntary simplicity is a way of life that promotes quality inward living as opposed to the importance of appearances and racing consumerism.1 Although this lifestyle philosophy encompasses a number of values, it especially focuses on the idea of appreciating the world around us and paying attention to our real wellbeing instead of adhering to an image of success that society imposes on us. Awareness Changing our habits, one at a time! Obviously, this lifestyle philosophy requires time to think about our real needs. To be happy in the true sense of the word, one must take concrete steps at our own rhythm. As individuals, we can adopt a lifestyle based on our values, priorities and objectives… The following are a few suggestions to get started: Voluntary simplicity entails a lot of the aspects of everyday living. Whether family, ecological, community or financial, small gestures can often make a big difference: Make a budget… and stick to it! Take a short shower instead of a long bath 1 Patience is a virtue! Keep a record of your spending Waiting a few days before making a purchase is a good way of determining if the purchase represents a real need or an impulse. Choose gifts that are good for the body and soul (books, music, etc.) Use public transit Cook at home instead of eating out 2 Visit a library in your neighbourhood! Get involved in your community Set time aside to relax Go to your local library and pick out a good novel. There are some libraries that rent out movies and CDs. Borrow instead of buy Opt for free outdoor excursions! 3 Apply the 3Rs to your closet! (Reduce, reuse and recycle) Thinking of adding a few things to your wardrobe? Why not consider a friend’s hand-me-downs? You could also repair clothes to freshen them up when they start looking a little tired. 4 Give… it’ll make you feel good! Did you know that a simple act of generosity stimulates the same areas of the brain that are associated with the pleasure we feel when we eat chocolate?2 Before discarding your old things, consider giving them to a charity. 5 Make eco-responsible purchases: giving the environment a lending hand Opt for fair trade products and locally produced goods when you make purchases. Reduce packaging as much as possible when grocery shopping. Simple gestures that are an easy and concrete way to help you do your share for the environment! References Read to relax… Read a book about the art of simple living. There are plenty to choose from. See below for suggestions. Happily, as consumers, we have the power to change things. Certainly changing one’s lifestyle for a simpler approach saves money but it also makes us feel freer. It’s just a question of learning to spend less and spend better! Further reading • Deborah Taylor-Hough (2000) A Simple Choice: A practical guide for saving your time, money and sanity, SourceBooks, ISBN 1891400495 • Janet Luhrs (1997) The Simple Living Guide: A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More Joyful Living, ISBN 0-553-06796-6 • Vernard Eller (1973) The Simple Life, ISBN 0-8028-1537-5 • Helen and Scott Nearing (1970) The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing’s Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient Living, Schocken 1 La simplicité volontaire pour améliorer sa qualité de vie. http://www.canalvie.com/ sante/articles/la-simplicite-volontaire-pour-ameliorer-sa-qualite-de-vie-18021/ Consulté le 2 avril 2013. 2 Donner rend bien. http://www.canalvie.com/sante/articles/donner-rend-bien-1587/ Consulté le 2 avril 2013. www.healthinsightsolutions.ssq.ca MV4352A (2013-04)
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