Project Updates - NYS Tug Hill Commission


Project Updates - NYS Tug Hill Commission
2015 Black
River Watershed
• New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
• City of Watertown
• Tug Hill Commission
• Lewis County Soil and Water Conservation District
• Lewis County Department of Economic Development & Planning
NYS Department of Environmental
Conservation Great Lakes Watershed Program
• Great Lakes Action Agenda Northeast sub
basin work group
• June 8th from 2-4:30pm for Northeast basin at
Keewaydin State Park Marina Pavilion in Alex Bay
• Work groups will advance priority projects
to achieve the goals of New York’s Interim
Great Lakes Action Agenda using a
collaborative, ecosystem-based
management approach.
• Email for more
information or to RSVP.
DEC Great Lakes Program projects in the
Black River
Great Lakes Ecosystem Education Exchange (NYGLE3)
Trees 4 Tribs Opportunity Assessment
Citizen Science water quality monitoring: WAVE and CSLAP
GLAA Mini Grants
• Black River Initiative newsletter
• Addendum to Black River Watershed
Black River Watershed Management plan is available on
the Tug Hill Commission and DEC Watersheds website
Management Plan to meet minimum 9 elements
required by EPA to qualify for funding.
DEC projects in Black River Watershed
• Marks Farm settlement from 2005 manure spill
$2 M in assessed damages
to Black R. fisheries and
beneficial uses.
Photo at:
8 Access projects in progress at Conservation
easements/PFR’s on Black River. 1 new public boat
launch at Black River/Deer River confluence and 7
UA upgrades.
Map from: Restoration and Spending Plan: Marks Farm
Natural Resource Damages Settlement; November 2014
DEC projects in the Black River
• Two hydroelectric facilities on the Beaver River are currently undergoing the
FERC re-licensing process. Eagle Creek Renewable Energy is conducting field
studies to determine potential impacts.
• Anticipate completion by end of 2017.
Lower beaver falls
Upper Beaver Falls
DEC Projects In Black River
• Black River Wild Forest Access – NYS Works
provided $130k to repair 2 miles of Mill Creek
Road, maintain campsites, and construct a
parking lot in the Black River Wild Forest.
• Upgrades allow access to Gull Lake and Chub
pond; hiking and snowmobile trail access to
Woodhull Lake and North Lake.
Map and gull lake lean to photo from
DEC Projects in Black River
• Black River PCB’s Superfund site: DEC sampling
has found contaminants from past industrial waste
• Black River bottom sediments along a 1 mile
stretch in the Towns of Champion and Wilna
(Villages of Carthage and West Carthage).
• EPA designated as a superfund site in 2010: RI/FS
(Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study) is
underway. Potential impacts on watershed health
are being evaluated.
• A public health assessment is being prepared by
the Dept. of Health.
• DEC has reviewed draft RI and EPA is anticipating
to finalize RI/FS in 2015.
DEC Projects in Black River
• Sewall’s Island Record of Decision (ROD): The
former Black Clawson site (now owned by City of
Watertown) will be remediated and redeveloped
• 630k through 2014 NYS Works Environmental
Restoration program. City will contribute $70k.
• Remedial action based on ROD and proposed
future use of property as park and commercial
• Required addition of clean soils (2 ft. for a park
and 1 ft. for commercial property).
• Site will have a restriction on use of groundwater
and will require monitoring and reporting on the
status of the site to the DEC.
DEC Great Lakes Program
and the Black River
If you have any questions,
need additional
information, or would like
to know how the Great
Lakes program can support
your efforts, please email
Thank you!
City of Watertown – Sewall’s Island Redevelopment
• Redevelopment Plan
• Commercial development
along Pearl Street
• Park and trail
development along
perimeter and southern
half of island.
• Potential whitewater
• Recreational trail would
serve as the center piece of
the project.
City of Watertown – Sewall’s Island Redevelopment
Railroad Bridges
City of Watertown – Sewall’s Island Redevelopment
• Recreational Trail
• Refurbish railroad bridges
for pedestrian access.
• Provides connection to
Factory Street, Factory
Square Park and Veterans
Memorial Riverwalk to
the west
• Provides connection to
future one mile trail
extension to the east and
to Marble Street Park.
• Component of overall
riverfront trail system.
City of Watertown Recreational Trails Master Plan
City of Watertown Recreational Trails Master Plan
Black River Trail – NYS Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation
• 1.1 mile extension to the west from
existing Ridge Road trail head to
the City of Watertown.
• Overall length of 4.4 miles from the
Village of Black River to the City of
Watertown when complete.
• Less than ½ mile from Waterworks
Park and City trail system.
• Construction slated to begin this
Black River Trail – NYS Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation
Black River Navigation Improvements
• Shoal near bridge marked during
the summer of 2014
• Sections of piles removed
• Sections removed were marked with
• Openings need to be marked as
weather and river conditions allow
Crown Cleaners of Watertown, Inc.
Superfund Site, Herrings, NY
• The nine-acre Crown Cleaners Site is a former
dry-cleaning and laundry facility
• EPA began site clearing activities in the fall of
• 3 buildings to be demolished
• Excavation and removal of contaminated soils
near these buildings
• EPA to verse the design of a groundwater
treatment plan
• Plan should be completed this summer
Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District
and Economic Development & Planning
• Mill Creek
We continue to search for applicable grant
opportunities to stabilize the erosion issues and
relocate the water and sewer lines crossing Mill
• Hospital Hill
The $75,000.00 grant has been approved, we are
working with the State on final approval and
disbursement of funds.
The project partners
anticipate starting the project this summer season
with completion by fall.
Mill Creek erosion
Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District
and Economic Development & Planning
• Stream Gage System
All of our personnel have been trained for the programming, installation and maintenance of the system.
The system will consist of (4) stations, (3) along the Black River and (1) along the Beaver River It is
anticipated the system will be installed by the summer or as low water levels will provide safe installation.
This system in operation will provide real-time data at programmed intervals to the Soil and Water
Conservation District office. The data will be used to model flow, monitor water quality and provide early
flood warning to area residences.
Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District
and Economic Development & Planning
Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District
and Economic Development & Planning
DSS Green Parking Lot
This project is being funded through the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) under their
Green Infrastructure Grant Program (GIGP). Lewis County was awarded $640,000.00. the estimated
project cost is $950,000.00.
This project will utilize innovative technology for the management of onsite stormwater. The
project was designed by Bernier, Carr & Associates. It is anticipated the project will start in June
2015 and be completed by September 2015.
Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District
and Economic Development & Planning
Thank you!
Please contact presenters with