text/bild SF 99 - Swedish Film Institute


text/bild SF 99 - Swedish Film Institute
Swedish Films 1998/99
Front cover
Rebecca Liljeberg, Alexandra Dahlström in
Fucking Åmål/Show me Love
by Lukas Moodysson
Gunnar Almér
Graphic original design:
FGH Annonsbyrå
Marianne Stange / Filmhusförlaget AB
Gunnar Almér, Ulf Gyllenhak
Svenska Filminstitutet
Swedish Film Institute/Intl Dept
Box 27 126, SE-102 52 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 665 11 00, fax 46 8 666 36 98
e-mail uof@sfi.se
All material may be reprinted without cost
(endast för spridning utomlands)
ISBN 91 85248 68 1
Hardcopy version printed in Sweden
Tryckeri AB Småland, Jönköping 1999
English titles
Among the Elves .................................. 4
True Moments .................................. 30
Comédia Infantil - Nelio's story ........... 5
Commander Hamilton ......................... 6
Tsatsiki .............................................. 31
Deadly Drift ..........................................7
The Eye ................................................ 8
The Glassblower's Children ................ 9
Happy End .......................................... 10
Homo Sapiens 1900 .......................... 11
Kestrel's Eye ....................................... 12
The Lake ........................................... 13
The Last Contract .............................. 14
Life at any Cost ................................... 15
The Lighthouse ................................ 16
Lithivm ............................................... 17
Love Fools .......................................... 18
Lucky People Center International..... 19
The Seventh Shot .............................. 20
Sherdil .............................................. 21
Show me Love ................................... 22
Songs from the Second Floor ............. 23
Speak to me Sisters! ........................... 24
Starsisters ............................................ 25
Straydogs .......................................... 26
Street Love ....................................... 27
There is only one sun ......................... 28
True blue- in love with a football team 29
Under the Sun ................................... 32
Waiting for the tenor .......................... 33
The Way Out ...................................... 34
Yearning for a Life ............................. 35
Your real Mom ................................. 36
Zingo ................................................. 37
Original titles
Blådårar - om kärleken till ett fotbollslag
Street Love ......................................... 27
............................................................ 29
Comédia infantil .................................. 5
Sånger från andra våningen .............. 23
Tala till mig systrar! ........................... 24
Det fnns bara en sol ........................... 28
Dödlig drift .......................................... 7
Tsatsiki ............................................... 31
Under solen ....................................... 32
er RiKtiga mamMa ........................... 36
Falkens öga ...................................... 12
Veranda för en tenor ....................... 33
Vägen ut ............................................ 34
Fucking Åmål .................................. 22
Fyren ................................................ 16
Zingo ................................................. 37
Ögat .................................................... 8
Glasblåsarns barn ............................... 9
Hamilton ............................................ 6
Happy end ........................................ 10
Hela härligheten ............................... 18
Homo Sapiens 1900 ......................... 11
Lithivm ............................................ 17
Liv till varje pris .................................. 15
Lucky People Center International ... 19
Lusten till ett liv ................................... 35
Sanna ögonblick ................................. 30
Sherdil ................................................ 21
Sista kontraktet ................................. 14
Det sjunde skottet ............................. 20
Sjön .................................................... 13
En släkting till älvorna ........................ 4
Stjärnsystrar ........................................ 25
Straydogs ......................................... 26
among the elves
by Kirsi Nevanti
A portrait of Swedish vocalist Freddie
Wadling, a legend among musicians in
Sweden. In this impressionistic journey
through Freddie Wadling's life and
thoughts, he moves from punk to medieval songs by John Dowland without
missing a beat. It becomes a drama about
improvisation as a way of life and music
as a way of survival. Filled with music, the
film also gradually reveals the image of a
fascinating personality, with connections
among the elves - "Nothing is true,
everything is possible".
Kirsi Nevanti was born in Finland in
1960, studied directing at Dramatiska
Institutet film school in Stockholm and
has directed a number of shorts, often
with musicians in focus. This is her first
feature-length film.
Original title ................ En släkting till älvorna
Director & screenwriter ............... Kirsi Nevanti
Director of Photography ........... Sten Holmberg,
Robert Nordström
Video .......................... Freddie & Bella Wadling
Music .....................................Freddie Wadling
Editors ......... Lasse Summanen, Ise Wentzel,
Kirsi Nevanti
Sound ............ Jan Alvermark, Frida Englund
Producer ................................ Anders Bohman
Produced by ..................... Third Man Film AB
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 93 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
To be released in Sweden Feb 1999
Third Man Film AB
Haraldsg. 4
SE-413 14 Göteborg, Sweden
Tel 46 31 41 87 87, fax 46 31 772 96 36
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
comédia infantil nelio's story
by Solveig Nordlund
A story set in Mozambique, about war
and destruction, but also of magic and
One night José the baker finds 10 year
old street kid Nélio shot in the theatre
next door to the bakery. While José tries
to care for Nelio, he is told the story of
Nélio's life.
Nélio lost his family in the civil war, was
taken to a training camp for boy soldiers,
from where he escaped to the capital. He
became a leader among street urchins,
who gradually come to believe that Nélio
can cure diseases and raise the dead.
Solveig Nordlund has made numerous
films, both documentary and fiction, as
director, producer and scriptwriter. She
was born in Stockholm, studied film in
France and divides her time between
Portugal and Sweden. Among her awardwinning films are "See you tomorrow,
Mario" (1993), "Marguerite Duras"
(1994) and "Spellbound" (1995).
Original title .......................... Comédia infantil
Director ................................ Solveig Nordlund
Screenwriter .................... Tommy Karlmark,
from the novel by Henning Mankell
Director of Photography ........... Lisa Hagstrand
Art Director .............................. Peter Bävman
Editor .................................... Nelly Quettier
Music ................................ Johan Zachrisson
Sound ................................. Tommy Ottebjer
Producer ............................ Solveig Nordlund
Execuitve producer ......... Henrique Espírito Santo
Produced by ................................. Torromfilm,
Prole Filme, Avenida Produgões
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
IPACA, RTP, Film i Väst, Canal +
Principal cast ............................... Sérgio Titos,
João Manja, Adelino Branquinho,
Lilia Momplé
Screen ratio ........................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 92 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SRD
Released in Sweden Sept 25, 1998
Telepicture Marketing
16 Gun Wharf, 124 Wapping High St
London E1 9NH, U.K.
Tel 44 171 265 1644, fax 44 171 481 2766
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
commander hamilton
by Harald Zwart
Based on two novels ("No Man's Land"
and "The Only Victory") by Jan Guillou,
Commander Hamilton is a thriller about the
adventures of admiral Carl Hamilton.
Some nuclear warheads are illegally sold
from a northern fleet supply near
Murmansk and smuggled out of Russia
headed for Libya. Carl Hamilton has to
use all his capacities to try to stop the
warheads from reaching their destination.
Harald Zwart was born in 1967 in the
Netherlands and grew up in Norway.
Studied at the film school in Amsterdam
and has made commercials in several
Original title.................................... Hamilton
Director .................................. Harald Zwart
Screenwriters ..William Aldridge, Jonas Cornell
Director of Photography ............. Jerome Robert
Art Director ........................... Mikael Varhélyi
Editor ..................................... Darek Hodor
Music .. .................................... Trond Bjerknæs
Sound ................................... Gabor Pasztor
Producers ........................ Hans Lönnerheden,
Ingemar Leijonborg
Produced by .... Moviola Film & Television AB,
in cooperation with TV4 AB,
Yellow Cottage A/S, Nordic Film & TVfund, Norska AV-fonden
Principal cast ....... Peter Stormare, Lena Olin,
Mark Hamill, Mats Långbacka
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time ............... 126 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SRD
Released in Sweden Jan 30, 1998
Sales & festivals:
Capella International Inc.
9242 Beverly Blvd, Suite 280
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3710, USA
Tel 310 247 4700, fax 310 247 4701
deadly drift
(working title) by Rolf Börjlind
A present-day thriller about a man with a
needle in his brain. This needle poisons
his mind and tortures him with morbid
thoughts and an urge to kill. When he
finally commits a murder there is a witness,
who is drawn into a deadly game of cat
and mouse, which will come to a climax
in an abandoned fish factory.
Rolf Börjlind has written a number of
screenplays for film and television. This is
his directing debut.
Original title.................................. Dödlig drift
Director & Screenwriter ................ Rolf Börjlind
Director of Photography ............... Esa Vuorinen
Art Director ........................... Mikael Varhélyi
Editor ..................................... Thomas Täng
Sound ............. Eddie Axberg, Klas Engström
Producer ....................... Christer Abrahamsen
Produced by .... Cinema Art Productions AB,
in cooperation with AB Svensk Filmindustri,
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ................ Stefan Sauk, Mikael
Persbrandt, Jacob Eklund, Suzanne Reuter
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time ............ ca 100 min 35 mm colour
to be released in Sweden spring 1999
AB Svensk Filmindustri
SE-127 83 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 680 35 00, fax 46 8 710 44 22
the eye
by Richard Hobert
No matter what she does, she can't
convince him of the depth of her love,
that he and he alone is the man of her life.
He decides to put her to the test. He
arranges his own apparent suicide. With
pleasure he observes her shocked reaction.
He hires a man to start a love affair with
her. The attempt fails. Finally satisfied
that he means everything to her, he
"The Eye" is the fifth film by Richard
Hobert (born in 1951), all based on the
seven deadly sins. The earlier ones are
"Spring of Joy" (1993), "The Hands"
(1994), "Autumn in Paradise" (1995) and
"Run for Your Life" (1996).
Original title ......................................... Ögat
Director & screenwriter .............. Richard Hobert
Director of Photography ................ Lars Crépin
Art Director ............................... Aïda Kalnins
Editor ................................ Leif Kristiansson
Music .. .................................. Björn Hallman
Sound ................................ Mats Lindskog
Producer ............................ Göran Lindström
Produced by ...................... Cimbria Film AB
in cooperation with SVT Drama Malmö,
FilmhusAteljeerna AB, Film på Österlen
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ................ .............. Lena Endre,
Samuel Fröler, Camilla Lundén,
Göran Stangertz, Thomas Roos,
Sven Wollter, Fredrik Hammar
Screen ratio ............................................ 1:1,85
Running time ............ 114 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Oct 2, 1998
Cimbria Film AB
Östra Parkskolan, SE-272 31 Simrishamn
Tel 46 414 166 60, fax 46 414 166 61
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
the glassblower's
by Anders Grönros
Based on the novel by Maria Gripe, this
is the story of two children, Klas and
Klara, growing up in the poor Swedish
countryside of the mid-19th century.
Their father Albert is a glassblower,
famous for his beautiful vases, but still
unable to earn enough money for his wife
Sofia and the children. At a spring fair a
distinguished gentleman arrives and buys
all of Albert's glassware. After this nothing
will be the same again. Klas and Klara
are kidnapped and brought to a strange
Anders Grönros was born in 1953, and
has directed, apart from shorts and
documentaries, "Den åttonde dagen"
(1979) and the award-winning "Agnes
Cecilia" (1991).
Original title ..................... Glasblåsarns barn
Director ................................ Anders Grönros
Screenwriter ......................... Anders Grönros,
from a novel by Maria Gripe
Director of Photography ............ Philip Øgaard
Art Director ............................ Jan Olof Ågren
Music ................................. Johan Söderquist
Editor ....... Thomas Holewa, Anders Grönros
Sound ............. Thomas Holewa, Eddie Axberg
Producer ............................ Anders Birkeland
Produced by .......... Birkeland Film Company,
Nordic Screen Production, Zentropa,
Spice, TV1000, Mutter Media
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
Orrefors, the Norwegian Film Institute,
the Danish Film Institute,
Audiovisuellt produktionsfond,
Eurimages, Nordic Film & TV-Fund
Principal cast ....................... Pernilla August,
Stellan Skarsgård, Jasmine Heikura,
Oliver Peldius, Lena Granhagen
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 111 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Feb 27, 1998
Sales & festivals:
Svenska Filminstitutet
Box 27 126, SE-102 52 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel +46 8 665 1100, fax 46 8 661 1820
happy end
by Christina Olofson
An unusual story of two reluctant
flatmates. Lukas is a 29-year-old selfcentred would-be rock musician, whose
girlfriend has just thrown him out. He
goes to his fathers summer house on an
island, only to find it has been let out to an
old woman called Marja, who is writing
her memoirs. They make a deal: he can
stay on the sofa in return for typing out
her book. A friendship starts to develop,
but Marja has a secret, which will put
their relationship to a test.
Christina Olofson was born in 1948 and
has produced and directed many awardwinning films, both documentaries and
fiction, among them "The Painter" (1982,
co-directed by Göran du Rées), "A
Woman is a risky Bet - Six Orchestra
Conductors" (1987), "Honey wolves"
(1990). Her most recent film was the
successful "Truth or Dare" (1997).
Original title ................................ Happy end
Director .............................. Christina Olofson
Screenwriter ........................... Soni Jörgensen
Director of Photography ........ Robert Nordström
Art Director ............................ Birgitta Brensén
Music .................................... Johan Zahrisson
Editor .................................... Stefan Sundlöf
Sound ...................... Wille Peterson-Berger,
Jean-Frederic Axelsson
Producer ............................ Christina Olofson
Produced by ............... CO Film for Sandrew
Metronome and GF studios
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast .................... Harriet Andersson,
Stefan Norrthon, Robert Jelinek, Alexander
Skarsgård, Rebecka Hemse
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 95 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SRD
to be released in Sweden spring 1999
CO Film
Tobaksspinnarg. 7, SE-117 36 Stockholm
Tel +46 8 658 44 46, fax 46 8 84 43 49
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
homo sapiens 1900
by Peter Cohen
This is a documentary about eugenics
and racial hygiene after the breakthrough
of modern biology around 1900. Ideas
about the perfection of mankind spread
in the civilized world and several attempts
were made to put these ideas in practice.
In Germany and the Soviet Union this
process had fatal consequenses. The German racial hygiene concentrated on the
body, while eugenics in the Soviet Union
concentrated on the brain and intellect.
Peter Cohen directed the documentary
"Undergångens arkitektur/Architecture
of Doom" in 1989.
Original title ................. Homo sapiens 1900
Director & Screenwriter ............... Peter Cohen
Directors of Photography ............. Peter Östlund,
Mats Lund
Music ............................................ Matti Bye
Editor ........................................ Peter Cohen
Producer ................................... Peter Cohen
Produced by ................................ Arte Factum
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,37
Running time .............. 85 min 35 mm colour
Dolby A
Released in Sweden Oct 30, 1998
Sales & festivals:
Svenska Filminstitutet
Box 27 126
SE-102 52 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel 46 8 665 1100, fax 46 8 661 1820
kestrel's eye
by Mikael Kristersson
This is a documentary about a kestrel
family, living in the tower of an old village
church in the south-west of Sweden. It is
also a film showing the life of Homo
Sapiens from a bird's eye view. The main
purpose of the film is not to inform about
the life of the kestrel, but rather to get the
audience to feel like a kestrel. This is as
much an epic fiction feature film as an
ordinary wildlife film.
Mikael Kristersson was born in 1947 and
was educated at Dramatiska Institutet
film school 1973-75. Has directed about
30 films, mostly documentaries for television. His best-known film is "Pica Pica"
(1987), about magpies in a Stockholm
suburb, also from the birds perspective.
Original title ............................... Falkens öga
Director & Screenwriter ...... Mikael Kristersson
Director of Photography ....... Mikael Kristersson
Editor ............................... Mikael Kristersson
Sound ........ Mikael Kristersson, Bo Leverén,
Gabor Pasztor
Producer ........................... Mikael Kristersson
Produced by ...................................... Picafilm
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 89 min 35 mm colour
Released in Sweden Dec 25, 1998
Östergatan 12, SE-239 40 Falsterbo
Tel 46 40 47 16 43, fax 46 40 47 02 81
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
the lake
by Hans Åke Gabrielsson
A thriller set in a Swedish village. Lisa
comes back from London to sell a house
left after her father. He mysteriously
disappeared in the forest in the winter
and is presumed dead in an accident. Lisa
suspects there is more to the story as her
father was disliked in the village. The old
hunting lodge by the lake hides a secret.
When Lisa starts her search for the truth
painful facts about her father, herself and
the village will be revealed.
Hans Åke Gabrielsson has worked for
television and directed the feature "The
Jönsson gang's greatest robbery" in 1996.
Original title .......................................... Sjön
Director ........................ Hans Åke Gabrielsson
Screenwriter ............................. Hans Iveberg
Director of Photography .................. Björn Blixt
Editor ..................................... Roger Sellberg
Art Director .................................. Stig Boquist
Sound .................................. Richard Löthner
Producers .......... Peter Kropenin, Hans Iveberg
Produced by ....... Omega Film & Television AB
in cooperation with Sonet Film AB,
Nordisk Film & TV A/S, Film i Väst
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ............................. Regina Lund,
Fredrik Hammar, Mats Rudal,
Gösta Bredefeldt, Björn Gedda
Screen ratio ................................ Cinemascope
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden Jan 29, 1999
Nordisk Film & TV-Distribution
29, Halmtorvet
DK-1700 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Tel 45 31 23 24 88, fax 45 31 23 21 84
the last contract
by Kjell Sundvall
A thriller about the events in Sweden and
around the world, leading to the murder
of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme
February 28, 1986. The main character
is Swedish policeman Roger Nyman.
When he suspects that a murder of Palme
is being planned, he gets strangely little
support. Is he just not being believed or
are there forces working against him?
Kjell Sundvall was born in 1953. After
many films for television he directed
"Lyckans ost" (1983) and "I lagens namn"
(1986), followed in 1996 by the box office
hit "Jägarna/The Hunters".
Original title .......................... Sista kontraktet
Director .................................... Kjell Sundvall
Screenwriters ................................ Mats Arehn,
Börje Hansson, Johan Bogaeus
Director of Photography ............. Kjell Lagerroos
Art Director ............................. Birgitta Brensén
Music .................. Geir Bøhren, Bent Åserud
Editor ..................................... Darek Hodor
Sound ....... Bosse Persson, Stefan Ljungberg
Producer ................................. Börje Hansson
Produced by ........ Filmlance International AB
in cooperation with Yellow Cottage A/S,
Kinoprod. Oy, for TV 4 AB, AB Svensk
Filmindustri, Norsk Film A/S, Filmteknikk
Norge A/S, FilmhusAteljéerna AB, with support from Svenska Filminstitutet, Norwegian
Film Institute, Finnish Film Foundation,
Nordic Film & TV-Fund, Eurimages
Principal cast .................... Mikael Persbrandt,
Michael Kitchen, Pernilla August,
Reine Brynolfsson, Bjørn Floberg
Screen ratio ................................... Cinemascope
Running time .............. 114 min 35 mm colour
Dolby DDS
Released in Sweden March 6, 1998
International Pictures Ltd
20 Earlham St, London WC2H 9LN, U.K.
Tel 44 171 240 2511, fax 44 171 240 2599
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
life at any cost
by Stefan Jarl
A documentary about Bo Widerberg
(1930-97), with Thommy Berggren as
Stefan Jarl is the most prominent of Swedish documentary filmmakers and recipient of several awards, including a Felix
They call us Misfits (1968),
A Decent Life (1979),
Nature's revenge (1983),
The Soul is Greater than the World (1985),
Threat/Uhkkádus (1987),
Time has no Name (1989),
Good people (1990),
Jåvna, reindeer herdsman in the year
2000 (1991),
Misfits to Yuppies (1992),
Nature's Warrior (1997).
Original title .......................... Liv till varje pris
Director & Screenwriter...................... Stefan Jarl
Director of Photography .............. Per Källberg
Music ......................................... Ulf Dageby
Editors ............ Stefan Jarl, Joakim Johansson
Sound .. Pontus Jerrstedt, Kristoffer Johansson
Producer ...................................... Stefan Jarl
Produced by ........................... Stefan Jarl AB,
Högskolan för Fotografi och Film,
Göteborg film festival
With .... Thommy Berggren, Roy Andersson,
Tomas von Brömssen, Kalle Boman, Jan
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time ...... 93 min 35 mm b/w & colour
Released in Sweden Aug 21, 1998
AB Svensk Filmindustri
SE-127 83 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 680 35 00, fax 46 8 710 44 22
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
the lighthouse
by Magnus Enquist, Kristian Petri & Jan Röed
"The Lighthouse" is an homage to
lighthouse culture and the disappearing
corps of dedicated lighthousekeepers. It is
the story of a journey in our time, in
history, in literature and myth, and will
take the viewer to some of the world's
most fascinating lighthouses.
The lighthouse is one of the most powerful
symbols created by mankind. We associate
the tower of the lighthouse and its
particular function with very specific
emotions: loneliness, longing, security and
Kristian Petri (born in 1956) is a writer
and film director. His first feature
"Between Summers" (1995) was selected
for Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes.
Jan Röed directed "Bongo Beat" (1996).
Petri and Röed teamed up with biologist
Magnus Enquist once before, with the
acclaimed documentary "The Atlantic"
in 1995.
Original title ........................................ Fyren
Directors & Screenwriters ...... Magnus Enquist,
Kristian Petri, Jan Röed
Director of Photography .................... Jan Röed
Music .......................................... Dror Feiler
Editor ............................. Nils Pagh Andersen
Sound ................................. Magnus Enquist
Producer ......................................... Jan Röed
Produced by ........................ Charon Film AB/
Manden med Cameraet A/S
for SVT Göteborg/TV 1000 with support
from Det Danske Filminstitut,
Svenska Filminstitutet
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
To be released in Sweden spring 1999
Charon Film AB
Eldholmen, Lennartsnäs
SE-196 92 Kungsängen, Sweden
Tel/fax 46 8 581 749 20
by David Flamholc
Hanna, a young journalist, is trying to get
a newspaper job. She contacts a man,
whose girlfriend has disappeared. After a
while she suspects that he has murdered
her - and might even be a serial killer. She
thinks this is her chance for a scoop and
forgets that her own life might be in
David Flamholc was born in 1974 and
has directed two features before,
"Summertime" (1996) and "Night Bus
807" (1997).
Original title ..................................... Lithivm
Director & Screenwriter................ David Flamholc
Director of Photography ............ Mårten Nilsson
Art Director ................................ Erika Ökvist
Music ................................. Kenneth Cosímo
Editor ................................... Leon Flamholc
Sound ............................. Anders Lindhgren
Producer ................................ Leon Flamholc
Produced by ..................... Caravan Film AB
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ........................... Fredrik Dolk,
Agnieszka Kosón, Johan Widerberg,
Marika Lagercrantz, Björn Granath
Screen ratio ............................... cinemascope
Running time .............. 127 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Aug 28, 1998
Caravan Film AB
Bastugatan 19, SE-118 25 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 21 03 63, fax 46 8 22 32 88
e-mail Leon@caravanfilm.se
love fools
by Leif Magnusson
Torsten William Olsson is a 43-year-old
teacher, living in a small town. He has
never had a woman and is desperate for
a romance. When he starts fantasizing
about the mother of one of his pupils it is
the beginning of a chain of events that will
change the lives of himself and others....
Leif Magnusson was born in 1956,
educated at the Danish film school.
Directed the award-winning Danish film
"Ung flykt" 1990. Has made several series
for television in Sweden, among them
"The Crying Minister" (1995), winner of
Prix Italia and nominated for an Emmy.
This is his first Swedish feature film.
Original title .......................... Hela härligheten
Director .................................. Leif Magnusson
Screenwriter ................................. Håkan Lindhé
Director of Photography.................... Ian Wilson
Editor .................... Jesper Westerlin Nielsen
Art director .......................... Bente Lykke Møller
Sound ............. Henrik Langkilde, Nils Nilsson
Music .............Conny C-A Malmquist, Hans
Producer ................................... Lars Jönsson
Produced by .............................. Memfis Film
in cooperation with Zentropa Productions,
Film i Väst, SVT Drama Göteborg, with
support from Svenska Filminstitutet, Danska
Filminstitutet, Nordisk Film & TV-fond
Principal cast .............. Tomas von Brömssen,
Anna Wallander, Mikael Persbrandt, Ia
Screen ratio .................................. cinemascope
Running time .............. 88 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Nov 27, 1998
Memfis Film
Upplandsg. 35, SE-113 28 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 33 55 76, fax 46 8 30 99 34
e-mail anna.anthony@memfis.se
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
lucky people
center international
by Erik Pauser & Johan Söderberg
Meet singing apes, post porn-star Annie
Sprinkle, Tibetan Lama Sogyal
Rinpoche, Zulu Nation leader Cashus D
and the Vodou queen of Awa-May!
Hear a Maori warsong attacking
creditcards, hear the voodoo drums and
the Japanese noise music! Orgasms and
good news about death! Trance and
dance, power and passion, violence and
This documentary takes us on a journey
around the world, in search of different
aspects of spirituality as we approach the
end of the millenium. Beats and chants
from all over the world mixed with LPC:s
musical grooves.
Erik Pauser is a filmmaker and artist,
teaching at Valand art academy. Johan
Söderberg is a musician and filmmaker.
Original title .................. Lucky People Center
Directors & Screenwriters .............. Erik Pauser,
Johan Söderberg
Director of Photography ..................... Jan Röed
Music by ...................... Lucky People Center
Editors .......... Erik Pauser, Johan Söderberg
Sound ............................... Johan Söderberg,
Thomas Langballe
Producer ................................... Lars Jönsson
Produced by ........................ AB Memfis Film,
SVT Dok., Nordic Film & TV-Fund,
Zentropa, Film i Väst, Eurimages,
TV2 Danmark, Stockholm Records,
NRK, Statens Filmcentral
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time ............. 80 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden March 27, 1998
Jane Balfour Films
Burghley House, 35 Fortress Road
London NW5 1AQ, U.K.
tel 44 171 267 5392, fax 44 171 267 4241
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
the seventh shot
by Ulf Aldevinge
In this psychological drama Rosalita is on
permission from prison during a few days
of late summer. She wants to explain to
her son Jens what really happened and
wants to create a new life for them both
instead of going back to prison. They
meet Ebba, a teenager on the run, who
joins them, as well as people from
Rosalita's past.
Ulf Aldevinge has directed theatre and
short films. This is his first feature.
Original title ........................ Det sjunde skottet
Director ...................................... Ulf Aldevinge
Screenwriter ........................... Thore Soneson
Director of Photography ............ Hans-Åke Lerin
Art Director ........................... Cecilia Bertling
Music ............. Mody Prudence, Magnus Jarlbo
Editor ................................... Martin Jordan
Sound ....................... FilmhusAteljéerna AB
Producer ....................... Claes-Göran Lillieborg
Produced by ............ Pandora Film AB/
Triangle Art Film Production AB
in cooperation with Canal+, Triangelfilm AB,
FilmhusAteljéerna AB, Viking Vision with
support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ............................ Lena Nilsson,
Oscar Lagerström-Carlsson, Tina Lenne,
Örjan Ramberg, Harriet Andersson
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 84 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Nov 27, 1998
Box 285
SE-201 22 Malmö, Sweden
Tel 46 40 12 55 47, fax 46 40 12 90 99
by Gita Mallik
An adventure about a teenage girl and
her fight for justice. 14-year-old Sanna
prefers horses to schoolwork. When she
hears about an arab stallion, Sherdil,
about to be slaughtered, Sanna saves the
horse and escapes with it to an abandoned
cabin in the woods. When she is betrayed
and police are looking for her, she has to
continue to be on the run...
Gita Mallik was born in 1975 and has
worked as an assistant to director David
Flamholc. This is her first feature.
Original title ...................................... Sherdil
Director & Screenwriter ................... Gita Mallik
Director of Photograghy ................. Pavel Ythjall
Art Director ................................. Erika Ökvist
Sound ........... Jon Ekstrand, Anders Lindhgren
Producer ................................ Leon Flamholc
Produced by ........................... Caravan Film
in cooperation with Sonet Film
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ................... Rebecka Liljeberg,
Ola Wahlström, Anna von Rosen, Susanne
Reuter, Marika Lagercrantz, Björn Granath
Screen ratio ........................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden Feb, 1999
Caravan Film AB
Bastugatan 19, SE-118 25 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 21 03 63, fax 46 8 22 32 88
e-mail Leon@caravanfilm.se
show me love
by Lukas Moodysson
Elin and her teenage friends are growing
up in smalltown Åmål. Nothing ever
happens until Elin makes an unexpected
move - she goes to the wrong party - and
her life takes a new direction. Stuck in the
midst of two love interests and a hilarious
smalltown life, Elin tries to get on terms
with her real self.
A story about longing, the joy and pain of
being in love, the comical and heartbreaking aspects of growing up - and the
courage it takes to be different.
"Show me love" is Sweden's entry for the
foreign-language Oscars 1999.
Lukas Moodysson was born in 1969 and
lives in Malmö in the south of Sweden.
Educated at Dramatiska Institutet film
school i Stockholm, where he made his
first short films. Published poems at age
17, followed by several collections of
poetry and one novel. His short "Talk"
(1997) has been shown at festivals. "Show
me love" is his first feature.
Original title ........................... Fucking Åmål
Director & Screenwriter ........... Lukas Moodysson
Director of Photography ................ Ulf Brantås
Art Directors ........ Lina Strand, Heidi Saikkonen
Music .................. Robyn, Broder Daniel,
Lars Gullin, Gyllene Tider, Yvonne, Souls
Editors ..................... Michal Leszczylowski,
Bernhard Winkler
Sound ........................................ Nils Nilsson
Producer .................................... Lars Jönsson
Produced by .............................. Memfis Film
in co-production with Zentropa Productions,
Film i Väst, SVT Drama Göteborg
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
Det Danske Filminstitut
Principal cast .................. Alexandra Dahlström, Rebecca Liljeberg, Erica Carlson,
Mathias Rust, Stefan Hörberg
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 89 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Oct 23, 1998
Memfis Film
Upplandsg. 35, SE-113 28 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 33 55 76, fax 46 8 30 99 34
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
songs from the second
by Roy Andersson
A film poem inspired by the poet Caesar
Vallejo. A story about our need for love,
our confusion, greatness and smallness
and, most of all, our vulnerability.
It is a story with many characters, among
them a father and his mistress, his youngest son and his girlfriend. It is a film about
big lies, abandonment and the eternal
longing for companionship and
Roy Andersson was born in Göteborg in
1943. At age 24 he started at the Swedish
Film Institute film school in Stockholm,
where he made his first short films. His
first feature "A Swedish love story" (1969)
has become a classic, and was followed by
"Giliap" (1973-75). Since then he has
mostly made commercials, many of them
Original title ......... Sånger från andra våningen
Director & Screenwriter ............. Roy Andersson
Director of Photography ............. Istvan Berbas
Editor ................................... Roy Andersson
Sound ....................................... Jens Munter
Producer ............................... Roy Andersson
Produced by .................................. Studio 24
with support from Nordisk Film & TV-fond,
SVT Drama, Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ....... Lars Nordh, Stefan Larsson,
Lugio Uucina, Fredrik Sjögren, Jöran Mueller
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 120 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden late 1999
Studio 24
Sibyllegatan 24, SE-114 42 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 662 57 00, fax 46 8 662 92 40
e-mail studio24@telia.com
speak to me sisters!
by Maj Wechselmann
A documentary about women in South
Africa and the fight against apartheid.
The story begins in 1893, when Gandhi
and his wife Kasturba arrives in South
Africa. Their campaign for their countrymen in Natal served as an example for
millions of black and coloured South
Africans. Later on people will take to
arms in the fight against a more and more
brutal apartheid regime. Among the more
than 40 women interviewed in the film ages 18 to 87 - 30 have been imprisoned
and tortured because of their struggle this film is their story.
Original title ................. Tala med mig systrar!
Director ............................... Maj Wechselmann
Screenwriter ..................... Maj Wechselmann
Director of Photography ........... Joakim Hallman
Editor .................................... Yolanda Knobel
Music by.......... Miriam Makeba, Ravi Shankar
Sound ................................. Leif Westerlund
Producer ............................ Maj Wechselmann
Produced by ................... Produktionsgruppen
Wechselmann AB with support from
Danska Filminstitutet, SVT, SIDA
Screen ratio ........................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 90 min 35 mm colour
Dolby A
to be released in Sweden Feb, 1999
Maj Wechselmann was born in
Copenhagen in 1942. Studied directing
at Dramatiska Institutet film school and
has made more than 25 shorts and
documentaries since 1969.
Produktionsgruppen Wechselmann AB
Sandhamnsg. 19, SE-115 40 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 662 26 77, fax 46 8 661 21 31
by Tobias Falk
A contemporary fairy-tale for children.
One night in the north of Sweden three
girls are born, all of them named Johanna.
They grow up unaware of each other's
existence, but one day, when they are
eight, they happen to meet during the
Rose festival, celebrating the coming
spring. Together they embark upon a
risky adventure.
Tobias Falk was educated at Dramatiska
Institutet film school and has been an
assistant director to Suzanne Osten, Christina Olofson and Anders Grönros. This is
his first feature.
Original title .............................. Stjärnsystrar
Director ......................................... Tobias Falk
Screenwriter .............................. Johan Bogaeus
Director of Photography .............. Per Källberg
Editor ........................ Michal Leszczylowski
Music ..................................... Mikael Sundin
Sound ............... Arttu Kontkanen, Patrick
Producer ................................. Lars Blomgren
Produced by ................................... Filmlance
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet,
Nordisk Film-& Tv-fond, the Danish Film
Institute, the Finnish Film Foundation
Principal cast ....... Teresa Niva, Vania Lundmark, Fanny Kivimäki, Tintin Anderzon, Jan
Myrbrand, Fredrik Hammar, Mona Malm
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 80 min 35 mm colour
to be released in Sweden Jan 1999
International Pictures Ltd
20 Earlham St, London WC2H 9LN, U.K.
Tel 44 171 240 2511, fax 44 171 240 2599
by Daniel Alfredson
A drama about human relationships in
extreme situations. It is set during a war,
now or in the future. 16 year-old Nico is
on the run, towards the sea - and freedom. Seeking shelter underground he
meets Leo, Anna and Thomas. He
becomes their hostage...
Daniel Alfredson (born in 1959) and
screenwriter Hans Renhäll team up again,
after their success with "Tic Tac" (1997).
Original title ................................... Straydogs
Director ................................ Daniel Alfredson
Screenwriter ................................ Hans Renhäll
Director of Photography .......... Peter Mokrosinski
Editor ........................................ Adam Ross
Music ......................................... Jason Mayo
Producer ................................... Malte Forsell
Produced by ....................... Vildhundarna HB
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ....... Kevin Knapman, Sarah
Jane Potts, Mark Bagnall, Michael Legge
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 88 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden Feb 1999
Vildhundarna HB
Linnégatan 36, SE-114 47 Stockholm
Tel/fax 46 8 666 03 46
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
street love
by Åsa Faringer
A drama documentary shot in the most
dangerous neighbourhood of Mexico
City. One night Rosa is kidnapped by six
men, taken away blindfolded, raped,
kicked and left for dead. It is a punishment
for saying the truth in a TV interview.
Miraculously she survives.
Rosa is, since 27 years, a prostitute in the
worst parts of Mexico City, where
exploitation, murders and threats are daily
occurences. Rosa keeps speaking up for
her women friends, against injustice,
corruption and violence. The joy and
hope of this charismatic woman, with 8
sons, is fascinating.
Åsa Faringer was born in 1962, studied
film directing at CCC in Mexico City.
Has directed fiction , documentaries and
television in Sweden and Latinamerica.
Teaches at Stockholms Filmskola.
Original title ............................... Street Love
Director & Screenwriter .............. Åsa Faringer
Director of Photography .......... Gunnar Källström
Music ........................................ Jacob Groth
Sound ..................... Luis Arau, Bernt Eklund
Producers ........... Ulf Hultberg, Helgi Felixson,
Peter Aalbæck Jensen
Produced by ...................... Original Film AB,
Idé Film Felixson, Zentropa Productions
with support from SIDA,
Konstnärsnämnden, DR2, ABF, RFSU
Principal cast ........................ Rosa Zaragoza,
Angelica Garcia, Betarice Nieto,
Margot Gavillondo
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time ................ 75 min 35mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden autumn 1999
Original Film AB
Trappstigen 2
SE-181 31 Lidingö, Sweden
Tel/fax 46 8 767 0080
there is only one sun
by Torgny Anderberg, Helgi Felixson
An encounter between our "civilized"
world and the brutal reality of a people
living in the magnificent splendor of the
rain forest.
In 1968 Torgny Anderberg contacted
the "lost" Ashaninka indians deep in the
Peruvian rain forest, and was accepted as
a brother. In 1997 Torgny and a film
crew returned, to find only a shadow of
the Ashaninka's nobility remaining.
Trapped and exploited by terrorists and
drug barons, the indians pray for their
homeland to be left in peace.
Original title ..................... Det finns bara en sol
Director ......................... Torgny Anderberg
Director of Photography ........ Hallgrim Ødegaard
Editors......Helgi Felixson, Helena Fredriksson
Sound .................................... Helgi Felixson
Producer ................................... Helgi Felixson
Produced by ............................... Idé Film AB
with support from Mariana Films, Svenska
Filminstitutet, SVT, Avek, Oy Yleisradio,
TV2 Norge, Diakonia, Telenor, Canal+
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time ................ 72 min 35mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Sept 25, 1998
Torgny Anderberg was born in 1925 and
has directed films since the 50's, among
them "Anaconda" (1954), "Rännstensungar" (1974), "Jungle Adventure Campa
Campa" (1976) and "Train to Heaven"
(1988). In later years he has mostly made
documentaries, several of them shot in
Jane Balfour Films
Burghley House, 35 Fortress Road
London NW5 1AQ, U.K.
tel 44 171 267 5392, fax 44 171 267 4241
true blue - in love with
a football team
by Fredrik Gertten, Magnus Gertten
A passionate documentary about Malmö
FF football team and their supporters.
Magnus Gertten has produced music
documentaries for Sveriges Television
Fredrik Gertten is a journalist and television producer.
Original title ..................................... Blådårar
om kärleken till ett fotbollslag
Directors ..... Fredrik Gertten, Magnus Gertten
Screenwriters Fredrik Gertten, Magnus Gertten
Director of Photography ................. Stefan Berg
Music ................ Jalle Lorensson, Olle Nilsson
Editor ..................................... Jesper Osmund
Sound .................................... Olle Tannergård
Producers .....Fredrik Gertten, Magnus Gertten
Produced by ........... Westman & Gertten AB,
in cooperation with Sveriges Television
Malmö, with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Screen ratio .............................................. 1:1,66
Running time ............... 85 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Dec 19, 1998
Westman & Gertten AB
Västergatan 23, SE-211 21 Malmö
Tel 46 40 23 20 98, fax 46 40 23 35 10
true moments
by Lena Koppel & Anders Wahlgren
By chance Erik meets Viivi, an Estonian
violinist playing in the Stockholm subway.
They start an intense romance. Erik's
mother dislikes the relation, not having
forgotten her escape from Estonia during
the war. She reveals facts from the past
and Erik finds out that his Swedish father
adopted him. His real father was an
Estonian nazi. Viivi has grown up in
communist Estonia where her father was
a party member and worked for KGB.
Upset by Erik's mothers reaction Viivi
returns to Estonia. Erik decides to follow
and learn more about his real father and
his Estonian family. Erik and Viivi's love
is put to test when they meet again. Their
fathers were childhood friends, but fought
on opposite sides in the war. Will the past
destroy the future of Erik and Viivi?
Lena Koppel, born in 1955, has directed
for television and made several shorts.
This is her first feature - she took over
when the first director, Anders Wahlgren, fell ill.
Original title ......................... Sanna ögonblick
Directors ...... Lena Koppel, Anders Wahlgren
Screenwriters........................ Anders Wahlgren,
Lena Koppel, Peter Kandimaa
Director of Photography ................. Jens Fischer
Music .......................... L. Nilsson, H. Jansson
Editor ................................... Thomas Holewa
Art Director ................... Madeleine Lundberg
Sound ............................................... Ivo Felt
Producer.................................. Peter Kropénin
Produced by ...... Omega Film & Television AB,
in cooperation with Sandrew Film,
Rip Off AB, Tonservice Löthner & Löthner
AB, Suecia Film AB, Jörn Donner Prod. Oy,
Metronome A/S, Sveriges Television,
with support from Nordic Film & TVFund, Eurimages, Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast .............................. Lena Endre,
Krister Henriksson, Arne Üksküla,
Anita Björk, Oyana Lugn-Rodriguez
Screen ratio .............................................. 1:1,66
Running time ............... 80 min 35 mm colour
Released in Sweden Aug 28, 1998
Sales & festivals:
Omega Film & Television AB
Box 27888
SE-115 93 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel 46 8 20 05 55, fax 46 8 20 05 95
by Ella Lemhagen
Tsatsiki is an 8-year-old boy, who lives
with his mother Tina. Tsatsiki has never
met his father, a Greek octopusfisherman,
who is not aware that he has a son.
Tsatsiki dreams about going to Greece to
meet his father and his mother dreams of
becoming a rock star with her band. Tina
rents a room to Göran, a policeman who
dreams about love and likes to dance.
Göran becomes a friend of Tsatsiki. Per is
Tsatsiki's best friend in school and Maria
his secret love. At the end the dreams
come true but not the way they all
A film about dreams and reality, aimed at
children aged 6 to 10 - and their families.
Ella Lemhagen was born in 1965 and
made her first professional short film in
1986. After studying at Dramatiska Institutet film school she has made several
shorts and the features "Prince of Dreams"
(1996) and "Welcome to the Party" (1997).
Original title ..................................... Tsatsiki
Director ................................. Ella Lemhagen
Screenwriter......................... Ulf Stark, based
on two novels by Moni Nilsson Brännström
Director of Photography ............ Anders Bohman
Music by .............................................. Popsicle
Editor ................................... Bernhard Winkler
Art Director ..................... Jack van Domburg
Sound ................................... Svenn Jacobsen
Producer....................................... Anne Ingvar
Produced by ......................... Felicia Film AB
in cooperation with Film i Väst,
Norsk Film AS, Per Holst Film A/S,
Danmarks Radio, B&U
with support from Nordic Film & TVFund, Eurimages, Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ........ Samuel Haus, Alexandra
Rapaport, Jacob Ericksson, Jonas Karlsson,
Helge Jordal, Minken Fossheim, Maria
Screen ratio .............................................. 1:1,66
Running time................ 90 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden autumn 1999
Nordisk Film Int'l Sales
Halmtorvet 29, DK-1700 Köpenhamn V
Tel 45 31 23 24 88, fax 45 31 23 21 84
under the sun
by Colin Nutley
1956 in the Swedish countryside. Olof,
40, lives alone on a farm. 27-year-old Erik
is a friend and helps him in the afternoons.
One day Olof puts an ad in the local
paper, looking for a young housekeeper.
Ellen arrives and gradually takes over the
household - and Olof's heart.
Colin Nutley was born in the U.K. and
directed for ITV, BBC and Channel 4
before moving to Sweden. Among his
Swedish feature films are the awardwinning "House of Angels" (1992) and
"The Last Dance" (1993), both of them
Sweden's entries for the foreign-language
Oscars. His most recent film was "Such is
Life" (1996).
Original title ................................ Under solen
Director .................................... Colin Nutley
Screenwriter............. Colin Nutley, based on a
short story by H.E. Bates, "The Little Farm"
Director of Photography ................. Jens Fischer
Editor ....................................... Perry Schaffer
Art Director ....................... Bengt Fröderberg
Sound .......... Bosse Persson, Lasse Liljeholm
Producer....................................... Colin Nutley
Produced by ............................... Sweetwater,
in cooperation with AB Svensk Filmindustri, SVT Drama Göteborg, Film i Väst
Principal cast ......................... Rolf Lassgård,
Helena Bergström, Johan Widerberg
Screen ratio ................................. cinemascope
Running time................ 125 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Dec 25, 1998
AB Svensk Filmindustri
SE-127 83 Stockholm
Tel 46 8 680 35 00, fax 46 8 710 44 22
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
for the tenor
by Lisa Ohlin
The author Thomas meets his childhood
friend Hoffman an autumn night in 1997.
They decide to let a dream come true: to
make a film of a play by Thomas, Waiting
for the tenor, with Hoffman in the lead
role. The story takes us back to the summer of 1961, which changed their lives.
The writing of the script awakens
memories and forbidden questions are
answered. Their friendship is put to the
test a final time.
Waiting for the tenor is a film about male
friendship, but also about love. Their love
for the same woman...
Lisa Ohlin has directed short films. This
is her first feature.
Original title .................... Veranda för en tenor
Director ........................................... Lisa Ohlin
Screenwriters ...... Klas Östergren, Lisa Ohlin
Director of Photography ......... Anders Bohman
Editor .................................... Åsa Mossberg
Art director ............................. Jan Olof Ågren
Music ...................................Bendik Hoffseth
Sound ............. Bosse Persson, Lars Liljeholm
Producer ................................ Anna Eriksson
Executive producers ...... Waldemar Bergendahl,
Kerstin Bonnier
Produced by ..................... Migma Film AB for
AB Svensk Filmindustri,
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast .............. Johan H:son Kjellgren,
Krister Henriksson, Lena B Eriksson,
Jessica Liedberg, Chatarina Larsson,
Hans Lindgren
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time ..... 97 min 35 mm b/w & colour
Dolby SR
Released in Sweden Sept 11, 1998
AB Svensk Filmindustri
SE-127 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel 46 8 680 3500, fax 46 8 710 4422
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
the way out
(working title) by Daniel Lind Lagerlöf
A captivating comedy about theatre
behind bars. An unemployed actor accepts
a job at a prison, planning to produce a
play with some of the prisoners as actors.
The authorities are sceptical - why would
hardened criminals want to put on a
play? Against all odds the play is produced
- but the prisoners have a plan of their
Daniel Lind Lagerlöf, born in 1970, has
directed for television. This is his first
Original title ..................................... Vägen ut
Director ......................... Daniel Lind Lagerlöf
Screenwriter ........................... Malin Lagerlöf
Director of Photography ................ Jens Fischer
Editor .................................. Anders Nylander
Art director ................................... Olof Ågren
Music ..............Hans Åkerhjelm, Conny C-A
Sound .................................. Hans Eric Ahrn
Producers .......................... Björn Carlström,
Joakim Hansson, Lars Bielkeskog
Produced by ........................... Sonet Film AB,
in cooperation with SVT Drama, Sandrews,
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast .............. Björn Kjellman, Peter
Haber, Thomas Hanzon, Viveka Seldahl,
Jan Myrbrand
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
digital Dolby DTS
to be released in Sweden Feb 19, 1999
Sonet Film AB
Box 20105, SE-161 02 Bromma
Tel 46 8 799 69 00, fax 46 8 58 28 34
yearning for a life
(working title) by Christer Engberg
A drama about friendship, politics and
young love, set in the north of Sweden in
1975. Four girls and four boys from Luleå
have formed a rock band. When they get
invited to play in Narvik in Norway it
becomes a journey they will never forget,
filled with conflicts and drama.
Christer Engberg directed "Wild Angel"
in 1997. Many of the teenagers from that
film are back on the screen in his new
Original title .......................... Lusten till ett liv
Director ................................ Christer Engberg
Screenwriter .......................... John O. Olsson
Director of Photography ......... Anders Bohman
Editor .................................. Håkan Karlsson
Art director ................................. Sara Olsson
Music ...........Dan Bergman, Christer Engberg
Sound ................ Jan Brodin, Mikael Brodin
Producer ................................ John O. Olsson
Produced by .......................... Giraff Film AB
in cooperation with AB Svensk
Filmindustri, Filmpool Nord, SVT Drama
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast .............. Mattias Barthelsson,
Lotta Örnryd, Jonatan Lundberg, Krister
Henriksson, Viveka Seldahl
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden Feb, 1999
AB Svensk Filmindustri
SE-127 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel 46 8 680 3500, fax 46 8 710 4422
Festivals: Svenska Filminstitutet
your real mom
by Martin Lima de Faria
In this thriller about the dream of a perfect
family, pregnant Lena loses her husband
and the baby in a car accident. In desperation she decides to steal a new family.
What she hasn't counted on is to fall in
love with the man she has chosen to
involve in her plans.
Martin Lima de Faria studied at the
Danish film school and was assistant
director on "Private Confessions" by Liv
Ullmann and "The Rake's Progress" by
Inger Åby. He has made two short films.
Original title .................... "er RiKtiga mamMa"
Director ............................ Martin Lima de Faria
Screenwriter ........................ Anette Skåhlberg
Director of Photography.... Maria Hammar- Turos
Editor .................................... Lena Dahlberg
Art directors ................ Sofia Wikman, Bettina
Music .................Tomas Budin, Peter Le Marc
Sound ......................... Michael von Walden
Producer ................................ Anette Skåhlberg
Produced by ..................... Strange production
Principal cast ..................... Viveka Seldahl,
Göran Engman, William Swedberg, Julia
Dehnisch, Kalle Thoor, Ann Petrén
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,66
Running time .............. 100 min 35 mm colour
Dolby SR
to be released in Sweden Aug 1999
Strange Production
Dragarbrunnsg. 63B, SE-753 20 Uppsala
Tel/fax 46 18 712 777
by Christjan Wegner
A comedy about a young man with a
tendency to screw things up. After years
of unhealthy living he is looking for calm
and rest. But first he has to deal with a
drug-dealing debt. He teams up with his
cousin, who has spent five years writing a
film script, and turns into a film producer.
One of the problems is that the German
financiers expect a porn film....
Christjan Wegner was born in 1959 and
has worked with film in various capacities
since the early 80's. He directed for television before doing the features "Young
Jönsson gang" (1996) and "Young Jönsson gang showing off" (1997).
Original title .......................................... Zingo
Director ............................... Christjan Wegner
Screenwriter ................................. Santiago Gil
Director of Photography.......... Henrik Jongdahl
Editor ............................ Fredrik Morheden
Art director .............................. Jérôme Signori
Sound ............................................ Ljudligan
Producer .............................. Søren Stærmose
Produced by ................... Søren Stærmose AB
in cooperation with SVT Drama, Canal+,
with support from Svenska Filminstitutet
Principal cast ........................ Björn Kjellman,
Helena af Sandeberg, Thomas Hellberg,
Jarmo Mäkinen, Per Morberg
Screen ratio .......................................... 1:1,85
Running time .............. 90 min 35 mm colour
Dolby DTS
Released in Sweden Nov 20, 1998
Nordisk Film & TV-Distribution
29, Halmtorvet
DK-1700 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Tel 45 31 23 24 88, fax 45 31 23 21 84