Doug Davis - Muskingum County Engineer Zanesville, Ohio
Doug Davis - Muskingum County Engineer Zanesville, Ohio
Doug Davis - Muskingum County Engineer Zanesville, Ohio Muskingum County Statistics Population Parcels Total Staff o Highway o Office 86,074 64,129 45 35 10 Road Miles Bridges Townships Square Miles 530 412 25 670 2 1. Green Valley Road 2. Boggs Road 3. New Hope Road 4. Clay Pike Road 5. Shady Lane 6. Blue Rock Road 7. Richey Road 8. Houts Road Green Valley Road - Recycled beams, faced abutments, older style GR Boggs Road – Total Replacement New Hope Road –Box Culvert Clay Pike Road - New Beams/Credit Bridge Clay Pike Road – Box Culvert Richey Road – New Beams, Concrete Deck Houts– New Beams, Timber Deck Conspan Old River Road – Conspan Planning Needed Skills Personality (Can do attitude) Training -Welding -Inspection Materials - DOT Specifications - Concrete Mix Design - IPANEX water proofer - Epoxy Reinforcing - Galvanizing - Recycling Methods -Concrete Curing -False Work -Walk Bridge -Channel Protection -Recycling Boggs Road Case Study Single Span Steel Beam Bridge, 33 - Foot Long; 22.7 - Feet Wide, With 6-inch Reinforced Concrete Deck General Appraisal = 4P Sufficiency Rating = 29.8 Load Ratings 7, 8, 8, 14 Tons East Abutment Showing Widening of Structure On Wing Wall Beam Deterioration Resulting From Cold Joint In Widened Deck Fascia Beam Deterioration Settlement Behind East Abutment Settlement Behind West Abutment Beam Deterioration at Deck Cold Joint In House Design Utilizing: -Micro Station GEOPAK V8i -Merlin Dash -USGS StreamStats Design Criteria: -55 MPH Design Speed -55 MPH Legal Speed -ADT = 285 (2014), Local Rural Road -HL93 Loading -Full Height Abutment Supported On Spread Footings -Soil Borings Indicated Rock (7,000 psf) 15-Feet Below the Deck Surface -Epoxy Coated Rebar – Fabricated for the Project 44 - Foot Span Composite Design: 5 - W24 x 76 GR 50, Galvanized Steel Beams on 5-Foot spacing w/ 2-FT Overhang 3 - ¾ IN-Diameter Shear Studs Additional ¼-IN of Camber on Exterior Beams To Support Thickened Edge 3 - ¾-Inch x 5-inch Long Shear Studs Installed Through 18 Ga. 1.5c-decking 2- Mats Of No.5 Rebar On 12-inch Centers ~42 CY of ODOT CL “S” (4,500 PSI) With IPANEX Water proofer, Wet Cured For Minimum Of 7 Days Twin Steel Tubing With Nested Rail Transition Section And Turned Down (Type “A”) Anchor Assembly Before: 33-foot Span 22’-7” Wide After: 44-foot Span 24’-0” Wide Before: 33-foot Span 22’-7” Wide BEFORE After: 44-foot Span 24’-0” Wide AFTER Material Costs: 1. Bolt Together Steel Structure 2. Decking (1.5C – 18 ga. Decking 3. Shear Studs 4. Bridge Railing and Guard Rail 5. Reinforcing Steel 6. Concrete /Forms (180.5 CYs) 7. Asphalt Repair Labor and Equipment Costs: 1. Labor 2. Equipment $26,016 $2,223 $1,680 $14,590 $7,490 $27,026 $11,500 Subtotal $90,524 $19,562 $21,679 Grand Total = $131,765 Material Costs Steel: 1. Bolt Together Steel Structure 2. Decking (1.5C – 18 ga. Decking 3. Shear Studs 4. Bridge Railing and Guard Rail 5. Reinforcing Steel 6. Concrete /Forms (180.5 CYs) 7. Asphalt Repair Subtotal $26,016 $2,223 $1,680 $14,590 $7,490 $27,026 $11,500 $90,524 Labor and Equipment Costs: 1. Labor (21 days) $19,562 2. Equipment $21,679 Grand Total = $131,765 Material Costs Concrete: 1. Concrete Box Beams (6 - 21x48) $37,290 2. Bridge Railing and Guard Rail $14,590 3. Reinforcing Steel $5,000 4. Concrete/Forms (160 CYs) $24,000 5. Asphalt Repair $11,500 6. Crane Rental $5,000 Subtotal $97,380 Labor and Equipment Costs: 1. Labor (18 days) $14,757 2. Equipment $21,679 Grand Total = $133,816 Difference Between Steel Beams and Concrete Box Beams ~ $2,051 Douglas R. Davis, P.E., P.S. DAVIS.MCEO@RROHIO.COM 740-455-0155 Muskingum County Engineer Zanesville, Ohio
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