file - St. Norbert College


file - St. Norbert College
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Jesus said to his disciples:
“When you do good deeds, don’t
try to show off.
If you do, you won’t get a reward
from your Father in heaven.
When you give to the poor, don’t
blow a loud horn.
That’s what show offs do in the
meeting place and on the
street corners, because they are
always looking for praise.
I promise you that they already
have their reward.
When you give to the poor, don’t
let anyone know about it.
Then your gift will be given in
Your Father knows what is done in
secret, and he will reward you.”
Matthew 6:2-4
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Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Staff of St Norbert College
It has been a wonderful start to the 2016 school year. We warmly welcome the Year
7 students and the twenty four new students in Year 8–11 to the St Norbert College
We also welcomed back Mr Donald Nield, Deputy Principal after a year’s leave in
2015, Ms Melda Lim returned from parental leave and Ms Margaret Kyd returned
from long service leave in Term Four.
Four new teachers have joined the St Norbert College staff this year:
Mrs Shelley Alexander is from Nagle College in Geraldton and is teaching Humanities and Religious Education.
Mr Ryan Godfrey is teaching PE/Basketball. Mr Godfrey has five years’ experience playing basketball in the USA.
Mrs Suzanne Marin is from St Georges in the city and is teaching English and ESL.
Dr Alberto Runco is from St Joseph’s Albany and is teaching History and Humanities.
St Norbert, pray for us
The Year 12 students and staff enjoyed a positive start to the year with the College Ball on Friday 29 January at Fraser’s
Restaurant in King’s Park. My sincere thanks to Miss Danielle Pisconeri for her work in ensuring the students and staff were
well looked after. Well done to all Year 12 students on their conduct and etiquette.
• Monday 15 February, Year 7 and new Parent
Seminar, O’Reilly Centre 6.00pm
• Friday 19 February, Interhouse Swimming
Carnival, Challenge Stadium 9.00am-3.00pm
• College Community Mass, College Oval 6.30pm
• Friday 4 March, College Open Day
• Tuesday 8 March, Parent Information Seminar, Br
Patrick Doolan Learning Centre, 7.00pm
T R A D I T I O N • I N N O V A T I O N • C O M M U N I T Y
The start of the year has been busier than the norm this year given the commencement of the building project on the corner
of Treasure Road and Centre Street. For the duration of the year, this area will be under construction for the development of
a new Performing Arts Centre and the refurbishment of the Xanten Theatre. The development also includes a new uniform
shop and staff carpark and the relocation of the bus bays to Centre Street. At the first full school assembly for the year, I
requested students to stay clear of the building site. In an attempt to reduce congestion in the area before and after school,
a gate has been assembled on the edge of the oval on Centre Street and on one of the College spare blocks at 168 George
Street, for students to access. I ask parents to please avoid Treasure Road and use one of the alternative access points.
During the holiday period the Business Manager, College Grounds and
Maintenance, ICT and Office staff worked incredibly hard to ensure the College
was well organised for the start of the school year, particularly given the disruption
due to construction. The students returned to find the addition of an elevator
thank you to the generosity of the Parent Committee. The elevator has been
installed to ensure all students have access to the upper level classrooms when
injured and on crutches. A welcome addition to the College facilities!
At the College Assembly on Wednesday we had an opportunity to acknowledge
the academic achievements of some of the students in 2015. The College was very pleased with the overall academic results
of the 2015 Year 12 students who achieved a 100% Graduation Rate.
I look forward to meeting with parents on the first compulsory College event for the year, the Community Mass scheduled
for Sunday 21 February at 6.30pm on the College oval. This is traditionally a lovely way to start the school year as we join
together in prayer as a community. In the event of wet weather, we will use the O’Reilly Centre. I urge all families to attend
with your children. All students are expected to attend dressed neatly in full summer uniform and sit with families in House
groups. Following the Mass there is an opportunity to catch up with St Norbert College families over a complimentary
sausage sizzle. If you are interested in helping the Parent Committee and the St Norbert Ex-students Association (SNESA),
with the BBQ or selling soft drinks, please contact the College. Any help will be appreciated.
This year we are looking for more parents to join the Parent Committee. The Committee meets once per term and hosts one
Parent Seminar evening per term. The first Parent Seminar on the use of the MacBook and Parent Portal, is scheduled for
Tuesday 8 March commencing 7.00pm. Please place this date in your diary. All parents are welcome.
Our academic scholarships are now available in the categories of Academic, Music and Basketball. Academic scholarships
are available for students entering Year 7 or Year 10 in 2017. Music and Basketball Scholarships are for all year levels. Further
information and scholarship registration is available on the College website under the ‘Enrolment’ section. Applications are
also available from the College Reception. We are due to commence enrolment interviews for students starting Year 7 in
2018. Please ensure you have enrolled your child as places are filling quickly!
To effectively communicate with families it is essential all personal records are up to date. This includes your email address
as necessary for the parent portal. Please also contact the College if you do not want your child to appear in promotional
photographs that may appear on the College website or publications taken at College events throughout the year.
This week marked the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday on the 10 February. This is a significant date in the Christian
calendar; a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The
students and staff celebrated the Ash Wednesday Liturgy and distribution of the Ashes in House groups. Thank you to the
Heads of House and Student Captains for a lovely service and all students for their reverence during the liturgies.
Congratulations to Mr Bronson Gherardi and wife Dominika on the birth of their second child, Ari Aleksander on 30 December
and Mrs Anna McKenzie and husband Luke on the birth of their first child Cate Isabel Mckenzie, born on 11 February.
I wish all families a smooth start to the year. Please find attached with the newsletter a letter from Most Reverend Timothy
Costelloe, Archbishop of Perth, for all Catholic school families in this Year of Mercy.
God Bless
Mrs A Morey (Principal)
At our first assembly for the year, we welcomed back students from the Class of 2015 to recognize their achievements at the
conclusion of their secondary schooling. The College is proud to welcome one student into the 95 Club and to congratulate
six students for receiving a Certificate of Commendation.
Ad Omnia Paratus
Jessica Ingram, the Dux of
our College achieved the
top ATAR for St Norbert
College of 97.85. Jessica was
also awarded a Certificate
of Commendation from
the School Curriculum and
Standards Authority for
achieving more than 20 A
grades. Her achievements
also included a Certificate of
Distinction for Literature for
being in the top 0.5% in the
State. Jessica has been accepted into the assured pathway for Medicine at UWA where she was also nominated by the
College for the UWA Excellence Award which includes a $500 prize.
The following is an excerpt from her speech to staff and students:
“ I just want to say that when I was at the beginning of Year 12, I was pretty scared because I thought I would be overwhelmed
by the stresses and busy schedule that came with the final year of high school, and yes, it can seem to be stressful at times,
but I think it’s really important that you try and find a balance. After all, it’s your last year of school, so you have to be sure
you spend time enjoying it with your friends, and family, and of course find time for your out of school hobbies. It’s by
finding this balance that you will actually find time to enjoy yourself as a Year 12 and stay sane surrounded by what you
may think are endless assignments, tests and exams
I made some of the best memories of my life with my friends last year, and I am much more likely to remember the good
times of Year 12 than remember the times I spent stressing over my ATAR or grades.
Regardless, it is important to get in to good study habits, and remember that all your hard work does pay off when you
reach the end of the year and have the freedom to choose the path that you want.
One of the things I was most thankful for were my teachers. They are there to help and support you in any way that they
can, so be sure to talk to them if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, because believe it or not, most of them do actually
understand what you’re feeling.
I don’t really have any regrets about my time spent as a Year 12. There were some times that I really slacked off and
procrastinated, and left assignments until the last minute when I really shouldn’t have, but also times where I pushed
myself to study for hours straight, which was not very healthy, it’s times like that where a balance in life becomes pretty
Whichever pathway you’re on, Vocational or ATAR, I just want to wish all of the current Year 12’s all the best in your last
year of high school and I hope you guys enjoy it and make the most of it because this year goes by a lot quicker than you
expect. Be sure to try your hardest in whichever pathway you’ve chosen, so you can look back on this year with no regrets. “
The following students also achieved Certificates of Commendation for achieving A grades over Years 11 and 12: Marichris
Dangazo, Tayla Hussey-Allen, Julia Nabizadah, Heidi Spark, Vivian Vu
Congratulations also to our students from the Class of 2016 who won Academic Honours for achieving an A grade average
from their top eight grades.
Olivia Allen
Mia Ballard
Jason Chen
Cole Johnson
Telysha Lyon
Rebecca McLevie
Jerry Pang
Jack Rangitoheriri
Felicia Tresham-Maung
Nayana Venugopal
Recipients of Ad Omnia Paratus Awards and Academic
Distinctions from Semester 2, 2015 results, were also
presented at the assembly. The Ad Omnia Paratus
Award-“Prepared for all Good Works” recognises
the learning behaviours of students. It is awarded to
students who have achieved 85% of Excellent ratings in
attributes such as Application, Behaviour, Completion
of Assigned Tasks and Organisation. None of the
attributes were rated at satisfactory or below.
“Prepared For All Good Works”
Academic Distinctions are awarded to students who have received an A grade in nearly all of their subjects.
Names are included at the end of the Newsletter.
8 March
30 August
9 March
31 August
10 March
1 September
OLNA –Selected Year 10-12
NAPLAN-Years 7 and 9
10- 12 May
Semester One Exams
Year 11 and 12: 30 May – 9 June,
Year 10: 13-17 June
Semester Two Exams
Year 12: 3-11 October
Year 11: 14-22 November
Year 9 and 10: 21-25 November
Some students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are about to sit the OLNA. You may have heard about it, but are not sure what it means
to your child.
OLNA stands for the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, which some students will use to demonstrate they have
achieved the required standard of literacy and numeracy for their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). The
School Curriculum and Standards Authority (Authority) awards the WACE at the end of Year 12 to students who have met all
the requirements. You can find more about the requirements on the Authority website at
Some students prequalify for the literacy and numeracy requirement through their performance in the Year 9 NAPLAN test.
We will inform you whether your child needs to the sit the OLNA, which is held in March and September each year, starting
in Year 10. This means students will have up to six opportunities before the end of Year 12 to demonstrate the standard.
The OLNA has three components – reading, writing and numeracy. The reading and numeracy components comprise 45
multiple‐choice questions; the writing component is an extended response of up to 600 words. Students are allowed 50
minutes for the reading and numeracy components and 60 minutes for the writing. The table below provides a quick guide
to each component.
Thursday, 10 March
Number of Questions
Wednesday, 9 March
Tuesday, 8 March
1 (600 word limit)
Online point and click
Typed online
50 minutes
60 minutes
Question type
Students who have met the standard are CATEGORY 3. This information can be checked by looking at the OLNA Report in
SEQTA or checking Year 9 NAPLAN reports for achievement of BAND 8 or higher. Special workshops have begun for Year 11
and 12 students who will be sitting the OLNA.
Numeracy-Tuesdays 3.30-4.30pm
Writing and Reading-Wednesdays 3.30-4.15pm
Practice questions can be accessed at
PASSWORD: prac14
Ms S Rainford (Dean of Studies)
Ad Omnia Paratus
Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. At St Norbert College we have over 40
different nationalities that make up our diverse community. We celebrate our diversity, from the traditional owners of this
land to those who have travelled from countries all around the world to be here. In recognition of Harmony Day 2016,
St Norbert College will be holding their celebration on Monday 21 March. It is a day to help students acknowledge how
Australians of different cultural backgrounds live together. On this day, we will embrace our multicultural identity in a whole
school celebration as well as upholding a sense of belonging and respect for all. The College will host a number of activities
that identify the various cultures of the world. The events include a Liturgy, an International Food Market and a Cultural
Performance. Didgeridoo music, Indigenous dance performances and African drumming workshops will also be held.
A senior student and staff member will share stories about their heritage, giving an insight to their cultural identity and their
journey to Australia. Students are allowed to wear their traditional dress to school on Harmony Day.
I would like families to contribute their traditional food or of any country for our International Food stalls. This helps our
students to sample various kinds of food on that day. Please contact Colette Miranda via email
au for food contributions. Your contributions are always appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support and celebration
of harmony and diversity in our College community.
Mrs C Miranda (Harmony Day Coordinator)
On Tuesday 9 February, Year 7 Italian students had the opportunity to discover the meaning of this festivity, celebrated
predominantly in the city of Venice, Italy but also in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, as well as New Orleans, in the U.S. (the “Mardi
“Carnevale” means the taking away of meat and marks the end of winter (in the northern hemisphere), but also the beginning
of Lent. For this reason on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, people celebrate by wearing masks and costumes, eating
rich, fried foods, throwing confetti and paper streamers and generally “misbehaving”, in the knowledge that a period of
fasting and sacrifice begins on the following day.
Students were given an opportunity to have some creative ‘fun’ and misbehave, throwing coloured confetti and streamers in
the classroom, as well as making a face mask in the true ‘Carnevale’ tradition. The throwing in the air of confetti symbolises
a farmer’s sowing of the seeds in the hope of a bountiful crop the following summer.
“A Carnevale, ogni scherzo vale”, this saying essentially means that at Carnevale time anything goes, jokes and playing tricks
on people are allowed.
Arrivederci and Happy Carnevale!
Ms D Tersigni (Italian teacher)
“Prepared For All Good Works”
On Monday 1 February 2016, we welcomed our Year 7 students to
St Norbert College. The first week of school was very exciting, but
also very nervous. However, the students have settled in well and
feel a lot more comfortable as they make new friends, get to know
their teachers, find their way around the College and become
more organised. A big thank you to our staff and student peers,
who helped our new students.
The transition of our Year 7 students into secondary school is an
on-going process, however during the first two weeks there was
a great focus on developing positive relationships with students;
providing strategies for organisation, routine homework and study;
informing students about expectations, rules and consequences;
setting goals; and ICT information and skills lessons.
Congratulations Year 7 Students for a great start. We are very
proud of you.
If you have any questions, please contact me at the College. I look
forward to your support and feedback throughout 2016.
Miss C Abel (Year 7 Co-ordinator)
The New Student Parent Seminar for parents and guardians of
Year 7 students and new students from Years 8-12 will be held
on Monday 15 February 2016 at 6.00pm in the Fr Peter O’Reilly
Centre (ORC).
The evening will provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to meet their child’s Homeroom Teacher, where they
will be able to discuss any queries. The evening is designed to be interactive rather than an information session and will
conclude by 7.30 pm.
Parents will need to make sure they know their child’s House name and Homeroom Teacher’s name. We look forward to
meeting with you.
The 2016 Year 12 College Ball was held on Friday 29
January, at Fraser’s restaurant, Kings Park. It was a
glorious hot summer’s evening and the students looked
beautiful. The night filled with laughter, music, food,
photos and good times, was enjoyed by all. Thank you
to all the College staff who attended, the Fraser’s staff
and to Photo Hendriks for capturing the evening. Please
be aware that professional photos are now available
online to view and purchase.
To access the gallery, follow the below procedure:
Go to
Click on the St Norbert College logo
Enter password : xuso66
If there are any queries, please contact Miss Danielle Pisconeri at or direct message.
Miss D Pisconeri (Head of Learning Area - Humanities)
Ad Omnia Paratus
The Concert Band turned up to their first rehearsal of the year to find a very
different set up. All of their chairs had been replaced with Fit Balls. Based
on the popular Alexander Technique, used by actors and musicians around
the world, the new seating arrangement is designed to improve posture and
breathing. This is one the many techniques the musicians will be exploring
as they begin preparations for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival in Term
All music ensembles and instrumental lessons have commenced for 2016.
With over 40 new enrolments the Music Department is already buzzing with
activity and music making. If you would like to learn an instrument or join an
ensemble, please contact Ms Freind, Music Administration Assistant on 9350 5433 or email
All students from Year 7 to Year 12 are invited to participate.
The 40th Annual Finley Award were held in January, recognising community and amateur theatre in Western Australia. Over
60 plays and musicals were judged during 2015 including the St Norbert College musical production, Little Shop of Horrors.
I am pleased to report that Little Shop of Horrors was shortlisted in the top 5 Youth Productions of 2015. Our leading male,
Blake Jenkins, was also shortlisted for The Veronica Overton-Low Award for Youth in a Musical, for his role as Seymour
Krelborn. The adjudicators award a number of certificates on the evening for achievements that are not recognised in the
traditional categories. Congratulations to Blake Jenkins and Gabriel Eaton who were awarded one of these certificates for
“Operating A Man Eating Plant So Beautifully And So Professionally In St Norbert College’s Production Of Little Shop Of
Horrors”. I would like to once again thank all of the parents, students, staff and community members that were involved in
making this show such a success.
The Performing Arts Department look forward to another fun year of workshops, rehearsals and performances. If you
would like to be involved, please contact the Performing Arts Learning Area.
Ms A Walter (Head of Learning Area - Performing Arts)
(Please note there will be no sessions on Tuesday 16 February due to a Staff Mass)
Ms B Murphy (Head of Learning Area - Mathematics)
“Prepared For All Good Works”
The Humanities Department would like to share with you information for the upcoming Humanities Tour in June/July 2016.
This exciting educational experience gives Year 11 and 12 students studying Modern History, Geography, Economics,
Accounting and Finance, Cert II and III Business and Career and Enterprise a hands on opportunity to discover real world
application of these subjects. Students from the above subjects are invited to join the tour of Melbourne, Canberra and
Sydney for 10 days from Wednesday 6 April in Week 2.10 to Friday 15 April in the first week of July school holidays.
The tour takes in activities and locations in the three cities covering all subjects over 10 days. The price of the Humanites
Tour is $2500 maximum, dependant on how many students join the tour. There are also Government rebates, which is
refunded after the tour and fundraising opportunities that can reduce the overall outlay. The cost of the tour covers flights,
accommodation, insurance, activities and meals. Students need to provide their own personal spending money. The tour
can only be conducted if 10 or more students commit to it. Families must be up to date with school fee payments to be
eligible to participate. It is not a compulsory event.
Last year’s tour was extremely successful, educational and enjoyable. Students were given the freedom to explore new
cities and take on responsibilities. The activities we were involved in offered students an insight to the subjects they were
studying and also saw the link between other Humanities subjects. We believe this experience enhances students’ learning.
Direct message or email with an expression of interest in participating in the 2016 Humanities Tour or questions/queries to
Miss Danielle Pisconeri at or phone 9350 5433 by Friday 19 February. We hope to hear from
you in regards to this exciting opportunity.
Miss D Pisconeri (Head of Learning Area - Humanities)
Information about past students is sought so it can be included in the upcoming editions of Norbertus, the St Norbert
College Alumni magazine.
If you are aware of any past students’ achievements, graduations, engagements, marriages, promotions, achievements or
travels, please contact the editor, Frank Mulligan, by email at
CAFE 135
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help at Café 135 last year. Your support helps
us provide a quality service to the students. We are now planning for 2016 and need your help!
If you have some spare time and would like to help out at Café 135, we want to hear from you!
If you have a spare hour in the morning from 7.30-8.30am, Breakfast Club desperately needs your help. We cater
breakfast for anywhere between 50-100 students each morning and cannot continue to sustain this without the help
of some parent volunteers. A great way to help our College community. Please contact the Mrs Nicole Westneat at
the College for details.
The Uniform Shop
Term One opening times: Monday 8.00apm - 12.00pm and Thursday 1.00pm - 5.00pm
Special Awards
Semester 2, 2015
Bianca Bach
Academic Distinction -Straight As
Jessica Barbaro
Academic Distinction
Sasha Bitao
Academic Distinction
Annissa Buckby
Academic Distinction -Straight As
Amanda D’Cruz
Academic Distinction
Lorenzo Donatelli
Academic Distinction -Straight As
Isabella Ficko
Academic Distinction
Kayla Hartree
Academic Distinction
Emereen Moratalla
Academic Distinction
Regina Ndossi
Academic Distinction
Yen Ngo
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Patrick Osias
Academic Distinction
Emma Paskett
Academic Distinction
Chloe Reder
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Sarina Russell
Academic Distinction
Wei-Le (Elsa) Tan
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Wei-Yue (Selina) Tan
Academic Distinction
Marcus Triscari
Academic Distinction
Chelsea Dato
Ad Omnia Paratus
Ana Christine (Ana) De Veyra
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Sanjita Ghimire
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Jaco Jansen van Rensburg
Academic Distinction
Oscar McDonald
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Erin May Pacopac
Ad Omnia Paratus
Virginia Pambuka
Academic Distinction
Millenium (Millen) Paneru
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Felicity Plewright
Academic Distinction
Aldric Ratnasekera
Academic Distinction -Straight As
Dawn Saji
Academic Distinction
Arlen Wamsley
Ad Omnia Paratus
Faith Desmond
Academic Distinction
Seymour Gumba
Academic Distinction
Aks Kotian
Academic Distinction
Destiny Perkins
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Jack Higgs
Academic Distinction
Lisa Moffat
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Lihn Nguyen
Academic Distinction
Shane Than
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Jia Ni (Joyce) Zhuang
Academic Distinction
Olivia Allen
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Mia Ballard
Academic Distinction -Straight As & Ad Omnia Paratus
Jason Chen
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Grace Cunningham
Ad Omnia Paratus
Paris Forte
Academic Distinction -Straight As
Cole Johnson
Academic Distinction
Telysha Lyon
Academic Distinction
Taylor Mathyi
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Rebecca McLevie
Academic Distinction
Emily Raffaele
Academic Distinction
Jack Rangitoheriri
Academic Distinction
Felicia Tresham-Maung
Academic Distinction & Ad Omnia Paratus
Nayana Venugopal
Academic Distinction
Janie Welch
Ad Omnia Paratus
This seminar is intended to help parents become familiar with the
MacBook and the SEQTA Engage Portal.
The seminar is for parents only. Parents are asked to bring a
MacBook with them, which they can access.
Brother Patrick Doolan Learning Centre
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Commencing at 7.00pm