read our leave-a-legacy package


read our leave-a-legacy package
The Nova Scotia
SPCA Legacy
Protecting Nova Scotia’s companion
animals for years to come…
Thank you for your interest in leaving a gift in your will
to the animals.
By leaving a gift in your will, you can ensure that the love
you have for animals can continue for countless
generations to come. You will be helping to ensure that in
the future, thousands of animals passing through the
Nova Scotia SPCA will get the love, care and compassion
they all need and deserve.
Your legacy will go on giving
after you have gone.
Nova Scotia SPCA receives no
government funding to help
us in our animal welfare work.
Instead, we rely on the
generosity of animal lovers
just like you to support
animals through the precious
gifts they leave in their will.
Most people do not realize
that legacies are our largest
source of funding and are
essential to providing lifesaving income for many years
ahead. Legacy gifts literally
save the lives of countless
animals every year. Your gift
can help to ensure that the
SPCA will always be here to
help Nova Scotia’s animals
through our vital work
The SPCA has been the voice of the province’s homeless, lost
and abused animals since 1877. We are a registered charity
and have 11 branches which rely primarily on donations and
volunteers to fund cruelty prevention, rehabilitation and
Through partnerships with donors, volunteers and staff, we
work to improve the welfare and treatment of animals in our
province through progressive programs and are ever evolving
to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the animals and
the communities they reside in.
Nova Scotia’s Animal Protection Act to aid animals in distress
allows the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws, making the
Nova Scotia SPCA unique among animal welfare organizations
in the province.
The Nova Scotia SPCA also has the distinction of being
founded as the first place in North America to pass laws for the
prevention of cruelty to animals.
As we move forward, our commitment to prevent cruelty and
end the euthanasia of healthy animals is steadfast.
Your support can help us get there!
Legacies save the lives of thousands of
animals that pass through our doors each
year and as such, are the life-blood of the
Nova Scotia SPCA.
The act of leaving a financial legacy or planned
gift is a way to offer sustainable financial
support for a charitable organization that is
meaningful to you. It is also a means of making a
gift that maximizes the tax and estate planning
benefits that can help leave more to your family
and friends. It is also a thoughtful and personal
process that takes time and care and above all,
provides meaningful results.
There are possibly a number of reasons why you may
choose to name the NS SPCA as a beneficiary in your
will. If could be that you have enjoyed the
companionship and everlasting love of animals during
your lifetime or that you have confidence in the
Society to entrust into its care your precious last gift.
In any case, you know you legacy will go on giving long
after you have passed.
Planned gifts often involve the use of
financial and legal instruments such as wills,
endowments, life insurance policies and
They may also include immediate gifts of cash,
securities, property or other types of assets.
The act of leaving a planned gift to a charitable
organization can help a donor achieve their
philanthropic dreams. We welcome the opportunity to
share in this process with you as we work jointly to
improve the well-being of animals in our community.
By including the Nova Scotia SPCA in your
will, or by making the NS SPCA a beneficiary
of other types of legacy gifts such as life
insurance, RRSPs, RRIFs or securities, you
automatically qualify to be part of the
Heritage Circle giving us the opportunity to
thank you.
Some benefits of making a planned gift
Although those in their twilight years
undoubtedly benefit from the
unconditional love and therapeutic value
animals provide, many elderly people are
anxious about committing to an animal for
fear they will die first, and an inherent
concern over what will become of their
beloved pet without them. This anxiety is
Unfortunately, many people do not have a
suitable friend or family member to care
for your pet after your passing. This is
why we have developed our Pet Legacy
Plan. Registering your pet in the program
will give you the peace of mind that comes
with knowing that, should something
happen to you, your faithful friend’s future
will be safe and happy. Those in the
Heritage Circle automatically qualify for
this service whereby the SPCA will take in,
care for and find a loving new home for
your animal companion.
To overcome the concerns of the elderly in committing to ownership of a pet at this stage of their life, and yet
at the same time providing them with the companionship of an animal, perhaps when they most need it, we
have developed our unique Senior Foster Program which is available only to those in the Heritage Circle.
This program operates through our regular
foster program but caters specifically to older
animals, some of which may have come to us
through the Pet Legacy Plan, being fostered to
our senior citizens. Under the protocol of the
program, the SPCA continues to retain
‘ownership’ of the animal and ‘fosters’ out to
the selected recipient, undertaking to attend to
any veterinary needs and food as necessary. If
the fosterer’s circumstances change and they
are unable to cope with the animal, it will be
returned to the Society’s care.
This very special program caters both to the
needs of the animal and the elderly, providing
companionship and therapy, together with the
responsibility and stimulus of caring for another
which is so vital in maintaining health and selfesteem.
There are situations that require people to move into a rest home where animals cannot accompany them, or a serious
deterioration in health that limits their ability to care for the animal.
Under such circumstances, provision is made for those in the Heritage Circle to call on the SPCA for special assistance that
may include re-homing and fostering.
We believe it is important to keep you aware of the projects the Society is undertaking, and what its
aspirations are for the future, thus maintaining your confidence in the eventual use your legacy will be put to
in the future.
Donors will also be honored for their gifts to the Nova Scotia SPCA’s Animals on our Legacy of Kindness
website page where we will place a picture and a biography as approved by the donor and family.
Ensure that you have a valid will, we strongly recommend you use the services of a legal
To make sure the wording in your will accurately describes your intentions, we
recommend including the following clause:
“I give to The Nova Scotia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (the
sum of $__)OR (__% of the residue of my estate). I request that the funds be used
for the highest priority need.”
Thank you for your thoughtfulness…
If you wish to proceed with leaving a legacy with the Nova Scotia SPCA, you can let us know by
completing the form on the following page.
Leaving a gift in your will is a big decision, and we appreciate you’ll want to take your time to think
it through first and share your thoughts with your family.
If you would like to discuss our Legacy Program further, please do not hesitate to contact us:
1 (844) 835-4798 | |