Parenting Resource Guide - Great Start Collaborative
Parenting Resource Guide - Great Start Collaborative
Oakland County Paren ng Resources: Introduc on A Guide to Strengthening Families Child Development – Parent Educa on Workshops – Playgroups Support Groups – Home Visita on Programs Resources – Newsle ers – Websites For Families with Children Ages Birth to Five Second EdiƟon Oakland County has a wealth of basic resources for children, ages 0 to 5, and their families. The results of recent surveys reveal that many families are not aware of many of the available resources. Oakland County’s Parenting Resources: A Guide to Strengthening Families is an attempt to increase awareness of our county’s resources. This guide provides an outline of key trainings and resources in Oakland County where you can find components of the Strengthening Families Framework. This tool seeks to guide professionals and parents toward building stronger families through the resources available in our county. The publication and dissemination of this resource guide is made possible by the following: Great Parents, Great Start Great Start Collaborative-Oakland In partnership with Early Childhood Investment Corporation Oakland Schools Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 3 Table of Contents Introduction ..........................................................................3 What is the Strengthening Families Framework? About Strengthening Families .............................................5 How to Use ..........................................................................8 Parent and Child Playgroups................................................9 Parent Education Workshops .............................................15 Parent Support Groups .......................................................23 Children’s Social and Emo onal Development means… giving your children the love and respect they need Home Visitation Programs .................................................29 Parental Resilience means… being strong and flexible Early Care and Education Resources .................................37 Knowledge of Paren ng and Child Development means… being a great parent is part natural and part learned Additional Parenting Resources .........................................45 Family Support Resources .................................................33 Definitions ..........................................................................59 Social Connec ons means… parents and caregivers need friends Concrete Support in Times of Need means… we all need help some mes This framework and these five factors have been found by research to promote op mal development and build strong families. Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 5 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 7 How to Use the Parent Resource Guide Parent and Child Playgroups and Interac ons The Oakland County Parent Resource Guide is designed for the families of children 0-5 years of age and the agencies that provide services to these children. We hope that families will find the guide helpful in accessing and using the many resources available in Oakland County. Take time to become familiar with all parts of the resource guide. Services are listed alphabetically and provide basic information about services to our youngest citizens. To receive additional copies of the Parent Resource Guide or to provide comments or suggestions and/or ways you have been able to use the book, please contact: Great Start Collabora ve-Oakland Oakland Schools 2111 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2098 248.209.2522 (fax) Email: and Notes: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Please review programs carefully to determine which ones best suit your needs. The programs, resources, websites, and services that follow are neither specifically recommended nor endorsed by Oakland Schools. Due to the current economic climate, program availability may change. Page 8 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 9 Great Parents Playgroups Oakland County Libraries Oakland Schools and The “Learning Together” playgroups are designed to increase parent child interaction and to promote literacy and early learning activities. Included are 90 minutes of hands-on activities including stories, songs, music and dancing. Parent education topics and take home activities support children’s early learning and development. Each playgroup series includes six weekly sessions. Playgroups are held throughout Oakland County. The groups rotate in multiple communities and are typically held at school and library locations. These free playgroups are made possible through a grant to Oakland Schools by the Michigan Department of Education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents of children, birth to five years of age, Oakland County residents 2111 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 The Oakland County Libraries offer many story time opportunities for parents and their children to enjoy together. For more information about what is being offered in your area, call or visit the website of the library nearest you. Addison Township .................... ...........................248.628.7180 Auburn Hills.............................. Berkley ...................................... ........................248.546.2440 Birmingham Baldwin ................ ...........................248.647.1700 Bloomfield Township ................ ......................................248.642.5800 Brandon Township .................... .....................248.627.1460 Clawson Blair............................ ....................248.588.5500 Commerce Twp. ........................ www.commercelibrary .......................248.669.8108 Farmington ............................... ...................248.553.0300 Ferndale..................................... ................................248.546.2504 Franklin ..................................... .......................248.851.2254 Hazel Park Memorial ................ Highland Township ................... Holly ......................................... ....................248.634.1754 Huntington Woods .................... ................248.543.9720 Independence Twp. ................... .....................248.625.2212 Lyon Township .......................... ............................248.437.8800 Madison Heights ....................... ..................248.588.7763 Milford Twp. ............................. Northville .................................. ....................248.349.3020 Novi........................................... ............................248.349.0720 Oak Park.................................... ........................248.691.7480 Orion Twp. ................................ ...........................248.693.3000 Oxford ....................................... ..................................248.628.3034 Pontiac....................................... ........................248.758.3942 Rochester Hills .......................... ......................................248.656.2900 Royal Oak ................................. ......................................248.246.3700 Salem-South Lyon .................... .................248.437.6431 Southfield .................................. ..................................248.796.4200 Springfield Twp. ........................ ..................248.846.6550 Troy ........................................... ......................248.524.3538 Walled Lake City ...................... ..........................248.624.3772 Waterford Township .................. ....................248.674.4831 West Bloomfield Twp................ White Lake Twp. ....................... ............................248.698.4942 Wixom Public Library .............. .......................248.624.2512 248.888.64.YOUTH Fax: 248.209.2522 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 11 Page 12 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Parks and Recrea on The parks and recreation department offer many classes that parents and their children can enjoy together. For more information about what is being offered in your area, call or visit the website of the department nearest you. Oakland County ............... 888.OCPARKS Auburn ............................. 248.370.9353 Berkley ........................... 248.658.3470 Birmingham .................... 248.645.4730 Bloomfield Hills 248.433.0885 Brandon ..................... 248.627.4640 Clarkston/Indep. .............. 248.625.8223 ....................... 248.589.0334 Farmington ............. 248.473.1800 248.544.6767 Hazel Park ............................... 248.547.5535 ......................... 248.887.3791 Holly ........................ 248.634.1758 Huntington Woods ..........248.541-3030 Lake Orion .............................. 248.391.0304 Milford 248.685.8731 Northville/Novi .............................. 248.347.0400 Oak ........................... 248.691.7555 Oxford ............................... 248.628.1720 248.758.3000 Rochester Hills ......................... 248.656.4673 Royal Oak ........................ 248.246.3180 Southfield .................... 248.796.4620 Springfield ............. 248.846.6558 Troy ................................. 248.524.3484 Walled Lake ............................ 248.624.4847 Waterford ..................... 248.674.5441 West 248.451.1900 Wixom ............................ 248.624.2850 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 13 Parent Educa on Workshops Notes: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 15 As Your Baby Grows Series Effec ve Paren ng Program Beaumont Hospitals New parents learn about child development, and parenting issues from birth to age three in three classes: Infancy 101 - Birth to six months Infancy 201 - Six months to 12 months Terrific Toddler - ages one to three years Oakland Family Services The Effective Parenting Program offers parents a unique approach to building healthy family relationships. Topics include: discipline that works, anger management, conflict resolution, communication, self-esteem, and many more. This is an eight-week program with a certificate provided upon completion. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents, guardians, and child caregivers of children of any age 2351 W. Twelve Mile Road, Berkley, MI 48072 Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register 248.544.4004 Beginning Discipline: The Toddler Years Beaumont Hospitals You will learn tips on how to channel youthful energy without dampening the spirit and discipline without bruising your child’s self-esteem. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents of toddlers Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register BBFA (Building Be er Families through Ac on) Offers free parenting workshops, many relevant to parents of young children, monthly from September through June, as well as varying workshop series throughout the year (these have a fee attached), the Annual Parenting and Wellness Fair in the fall (free), and the Transitions series of four workshops in the spring (free--for parents with children moving from one stage of school to the next, starting with the preschool-to-kindergarten set). The annual schedule of events comes out in June for the following school year. Early On® Oakland Schools The Early On® Family Support Series offers monthly parent education opportunities for families with children birth to three years who have developmental delays or established health conditions. The workshops are taught by early intervention therapists who share strategies for parents to implement as part of their daily routines and family experiences that will help children grow and develop. This program is free through a grant to Oakland Schools from Michigan Department of Education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents and caregivers of children birth to three. 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2520 Fax: 248.544.4113 2045 W. Maple Road, Suite D407, Walled Lake, MI 48390 248.624.3811 Fax: 248.624.0388 For Dads Only: A Class for New Fathers Beaumont Hospitals This class is for new or expectant fathers. Teaches expectant dads through discussing crying, sleeping, signs of illness, development and safety; and practicing feeding, holding, changing and bathing. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Expectant New Fathers Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register Great Parents Conference and Resource Fair Oakland Schools The annual Great Parents Conference provides a keynote speaker and multiple workshop sessions on a variety of parenting topics. Conference workshops include such topics as Read, Sing, Play; Parent-Provider Relationships; Fusses and Fits; Fatherhood; Coping with Loss; Love and Logic; Parent Advocacy; Organized Living and Home Routines; Building Children’s Brains; Healthy Eating; Math/ Science Activities; Music and Movement; School Readiness and many other great sessions. Additionally, a variety of parenting resource exhibits and vendors provide information, materials and books. This free conference is made possible through a grant to Oakland Schools by the Michigan Department of Education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents of children, birth to five years of age, Oakland County residents 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2229 Fax: 248.209.2522 Fax: 248.209.2522 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 17 Page 18 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Great Parents Workshops Midwest Father’s Conference Oakland Schools Great Parents offers parent education workshops designed to promote parent awareness, knowledge and skills of special interest topics. Workshops are one hour in length and are held at multiple locations throughout Oakland County. Parent workshop topics include: art activities, building children’s brains, building your child’s self-esteem, child development, discovering reading and many others. These free workshops are made possible through a grant to Oakland Schools by the Michigan Department of Education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents of children, birth to five years of age, Oakland County residents 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Partnership for Dads The Annual Midwest Father’s Conference occurs each January in Oakland County. This all-day event features prominent keynote speakers, dozens of workshops, and panel discussions, all on topics of special interest to fathers. Partnership for Dads also offers many other programs for fathers. For more information visit their website. 1001 Fairfax, Birmingham, MI 48009 1.888.64.YOUTH Fax: 248.209.2522 The Happiest Baby on the Block Beaumont Hospitals Learn an innovative approach to quickly calm crying newborn babies and help them sleep longer. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: New Parents Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register Healthy Family Lectures Beaumont Hospitals Free lectures are for all adults and new moms and dads. Some of the topics will include: healthy habits, healthy eating for you and your family, family stress management, what’s for dinner, and healthy steps. Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register Love and Logic Catholic Social Services of Oakland County-Hispanic Outreach Services Love and Logic Parenting Class in Spanish (8 weeks long) Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Hispanic parents and children 0 to 3 years old. 295 W. Huron, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.338.4250 Fax: 248.335.8130 248.646.1445 Parent Coali on Great Start Collaborative-Oakland Monthly meeting for parents to learn, discuss and share on a variety of early childhood topics. Dinner for family provided; quality and licensed child care provided. Must register to attend. See Great Start Collaborative-Oakland website for calendar of meetings and events. Register with Kim Bowyer, Parent Liaison at or 248.209.2098. These free meetings are made possible through a grant to Oakland Schools by the Early Childhood Investment Corporation. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Oakland County Parents with children, birth to 12 years of age. 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2098 Fax: 248.209.2522 Paren ng Management Training Catholic Social Services of Oakland County CSSOC’s Parent Management Training Workshops are four-weeks (two hours each week). Trained parent educators utilize “The Incredible Years” which is a researchbased, proven effective program for reducing children’s aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and at school. The first goal is to provide cost-effective, early prevention programs that all families of young children can use to promote social, emotional, and academic competence and to prevent children from developing conduct problems. The second goal is to provide comprehensive interventions for parents that are targeted at treating and reducing the early onset of conduct problems in young children (ages two to eight years). Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents with children between the ages of 2 to 12 years 53 Franklin Blvd., Pontiac, MI 48341 248.334.3595, Ext. 3220 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 19 Page 20 Fax: 248.334.3781 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Paren ng Under Stress Catholic Social Services of Oakland County CSSOC’s Parenting Under Stress is a 12-week (90 minutes each week) parent education program that provides parents with proven effective education and strategies to parenting. We act on the belief that a child is the most precious of all human beings, and the ability to withstand the emotional and social challenges as a teenager clearly rests upon a caring relationship between parent, teacher and child. Educators utilize “The Incredible Years” which is a research-based, proven effective parent management training program for reducing children’s aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and school. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents with children between the ages of birth - 15 years 53 Franklin Blvd., Pontiac, MI 48341 248.334.3595, Ext. 3235 Parent Support Groups Fax: 248.334.3781 Paren ng Workshops Botsford Hospital Botsford Hospital offers many parent education programs. Contact: 248.442.0482 for cost, dates, times, location and to register Strengthening Families Program Catholic Social Services of Oakland Co.-Hispanic Outreach Services 14 week long program to help families improve their relationship with their children and improve their parenting skills Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Hispanic parents 295 W. Huron, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.338.4250 Fax: 248.335.8130 Notes: ________________________________________________________ You Make the Difference Catholic Social Services of Oakland Co.-Hispanic Outreach Services ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ You Make the Difference in Spanish, 9-week course to help parents develop their children’s language skills.Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Hispanic parents and children 0 to 3 years old 295 W. Huron, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.338.4250 Fax: 248.335.8130 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 21 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 23 Circle of Parents Post-Partum Adjustment Support Group New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, click on “Parenting Ministry” A place to talk about parenting. You are able to share your positive parenting strategies and receive resources. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: All ages 23455 W. Nine Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034 Beaumont Hospitals A safe supportive environment for families dealing with post-partum adjustment issues. Contact: 1.800.633.7377 for cost, dates, times, location and to register 248.353.0675 Oakland County Youth Assistance Partnership for Dads Partnership for Dads has a new discussion and support group for fathers called Fathers Forum that meets one Monday a month in the evening in Royal Oak (it’s free) and is led by a therapist. Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan The Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan (DSG) is a non-profit parent led, community based support network designed to strengthen, empower and inform families and communities about people with Down syndrome. P.O. Box 522, Royal Oak, MI 48068 248.646.0819 Dynamic Dads/Lekotek Oakland Family Services Dynamic Dads is a federally funded support and education program offered free of charge to all fathers and father figures, with staff specialization in working with families raising children who have special needs or developmental concerns. The program allows fathers the opportunity to explore their parenting role and share their unique triumphs and challenges with other fathers. The fathers and families enrolled in Dynamic Dads also receive Lekotek services. Through Lekotek, the families may engage in staff facilitated family play sessions designed to strengthen family relationships and build confidence, interactive play, and developmentally appropriate toys and activities. Lekotek services also include a toy lending library, allowing families to borrow toys to take home with them on a monthly basis. Call or visit the website for times and locations. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Fathers/father figures of any age 114 Orchard Lake Road, Pontiac, MI 48341-2244 As the prevention arm of the court’s continuum of services, Youth Assistance strives to strengthen youth and families. Family focused casework and information and referral services are provided by professional staff placed in 26 field offices throughout the county. Staff also works with a volunteer board of directors in each community that identifies needs to plan and implement prevention programs. Youth Assistance services may vary slightly from area to area and year to year. Many offices offer Mentors Plus, parenting programs, camp scholarships, skill building scholarships, and tutoring. Call your local office to find out what they have to offer in your neighborhood. For a monthly parenting calendar, visit: Avondale .........................248.852.3716 Berkley ............................248.837.8102 Birmingham ....................248.642.4882 Bloomfield.......................248.341.5680 Brandon/Groveland .........248.627.6445 Clarkston .........................248.623.4319 Clawson...........................248.288.6808 Farmington ......................248.489.3433 Ferndale...........................248.586.8700 Hazel Park .......................248.582.9125 Holly ...............................248.328.3181 Huron Valley ...................248.676.8492 Lakes Area ......................248.956.5070 Madison...........................248.583.0848 Novi.................................248.347.0410 Oak Park..........................248.691.7579 Orion.......................... 248.693.6878 Oxford ....................... 248.969.5177 Pontiac ....................... 248.451.7549 Rochester ................... 248.656.3558 Royal Oak .................. 248.546.8282 South Lyon ................ 248.573.8189 Southfield .................. 248.796.4532 Troy ........................... 248.823.5095 Waterford ................... 248.618.7383 West Bloomfield ........ 248.592.1278 248.858.7766 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 25 Page 26 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Special Educa on Parent Teacher Associa on Team SEPTA of Lake Orion Encompassing the philosophy of T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More), TEAM SEPTA of Lake Orion is an informational and networking PTA, serving families, educators and individuals with physical and developmental challenges. TEAM SEPTA is a non-profit 501(c)3, volunteer-based association, dedicated to providing a forum where families can communicate, learn about resources in the schools and community, provide opportunities that may not be available otherwise, and to enjoy a variety of activities. Most importantly, by working together with the school district, TEAM SEPTA can provide the most positive and effective educational experience available for students with special needs. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Birth to Age 26 P.O. Box 36, Lake Orion, MI 48348 Home Visita on Programs 248.236.0335 Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 27 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 29 Fussy Baby Oakland Family Services The Fussy Baby program is a parent education program that focuses on children who have trouble with eating, sleeping and many other problems. This program is home-based and offers many opportunities for families to help understand how to get their child’s needs met. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: 0-4 years of age 114 Orchard Lake Road, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.858.7766, Ext. 209 Family Support Resources Fax: 248.858.8227 Healthy Start Healthy Families-Oakland St. Joseph Mercy-Oakland Hospital Intensive home visiting family support/education for Oakland County families having their first or second child, beginning pre-natally or by the third month after baby’s birth, up to age 3 to 5. Healthy Start, Healthy Families offers parenting curriculum, Ages and Stages developmental screening, parent-child activities, community resource linkages, goal-setting and family life skill-building to support healthy relationships from the start. Specialized father support, couples groups (Loving Couples Loving Children curriculum), limited individual or family psychotherapy, infant mental health, and couples counseling are also available to the participants. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Families having their first or second child, or by the third month after baby’s birth 44405 Woodward Avenue H19, Pontiac, MI 48341 248.335.5638 Fax: 248.335.6404 Parent Child Home Program Catholic Social Services of Oakland County The Parent-Child Home Program is a home-based literacy program designed to promote positive interaction between parents and children. The program enhances positive parent-child interaction and supports the intellectual growth of the child, which will help future school performances. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: 18 months to 5 years old 53 Franklin Blvd., Pontiac, MI 48341 248.334.3595 Ext. 3223 Notes: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 31 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 33 Proud Fathers, Proud Parents Spectrum Human Services, Inc. The Proud Fathers and Proud Parents programs are designed to improve outcomes for children by supporting active, positive male parent involvement, improving coparenting efforts and encouraging healthy, long-term adult relationships of couples. The goal of these programs is to increase public awareness regarding the benefits to children of involved male caretakers, healthy adult relationships and co-parenting efforts. Target Population: 14 years of age or older. A parent of a child under the age of 18, expecting to parent or a caregiver. Married, unmarried or co-parenting. 28303 Joy Road, Westland, MI 48185 Early Care and Educa on Resources Pam Jaymes 734.367.6793 The Head Start Connec on Program Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency An innovative Head Start option that offers an opportunity for parents and their preschool aged child to maintain a relationship during incarceration. Provides supervised visits within correctional facilities between the child and incarcerated parent, home-visits with primary caregiver and child, enrollment in Head Start for child, and other family reintegration services. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Families of children 3 to 5 years of age with an incarcerated parent located in the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Work Release Facility and Trusty Camp, who have at least one month left to serve on their sentence. Oakland County resident: fathers or mothers currently incarcerated (jail or prison), recently released, or on probation or parole, currently in a longterm, committed relationship who want to improve their relationships with their families/ significant others. 196 Cesar E. Chavez, P.O. Box 430598, Pontiac, MI 48343-0598 Notes: 248.830.9636 ________________________________________________________ Teen Parent Services ________________________________________________________ Catholic Social Services of Oakland County Provides comprehensive case management to pregnant and/or parenting teens. Goal is to achieve self-sufficiency and independence for teen parents, as well as increasing positive parent and child interactions. Also educates to reduce future teen pregnancy. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: 13-21 years of age 53 Franklin Blvd., Pontiac, MI 48341 248.334.3595, Ext. 3235 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fax: 248.334.3781 Page 35 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 37 Age Six Months: • Sits with a little help • Rolls from back to stomach • Transfers object from hand to hand and from hand to mouth • Babbles – more than two sounds Informa on on Child Development No two children develop and grow at exactly the same pace. This guide lists a few things you can look for at suggested ages as you watch your child’s growth and development. If you have questions or concerns, you may want to talk to your child’s doctor or call: 1.800.EARLY.ON. Age One Month: • Raises head slightly off floor or bed, when lying on stomach – holds head up momentarily when supported • Briefly watches and follows objects with eyes • Avoids mildly annoying sensations • Some “noise in throat” sounds Age Two Months: • Holds head erect, bobbling when supported in sitting position • Follows moving person with eyes • Imitates or responds to smiling person with occasional smile • Vocalizes 12 Months (1 Year): • Pulls self to standing, may step with support • Picks things up with thumb and one finger • Stacks two blocks • Gives toy on request • Gives affection • Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures • May say two or three words 15 Months: • May walk without support • Stacks three blocks • Vocalizes – voice up and down sounds like conversation • May use for or five words • Some self-feeding Age Three Months: • Lifts head and chest when lying on stomach • Vigorous body movement • Head control is improving • Recognizes bottle or breast • Coos and/or chuckles 18 Months: • Walks – may run a bit – climbs up or down one stair • Likes pull toys • Likes being read to • Makes mark with crayon on paper or table • Partially feeds self • May use 5-10 words Age Four Months: • Good head control • Rolls from side to side • Takes object such as a rattle held near hand • May begin reaching • Follows moving object when held in sitting position • Laughs aloud • Enjoys play Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Age Nine Months: • Sits alone – changes position without falling • Plays with two objects at the same time • Creeps or crawls • Says mama and/or dada Page 39 Page 40 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide 24 Months (2 Years): • Kicks large ball • Turns pages (two or three at a time) • Imitates housework • Recognizes familiar picture – knows if upside down • Asks for items by name • Uses two or three words together such as “more juice” Early Head Start Early Head Start is a federally funded program for pregnant women and children birth to age three. This year long program offers classroom and home base options. Services include a comprehensive child development program; infant mental health; nutritional, health and dental services; family services and parent involvement. For general information call 248.867.9750. Locations include: Oxford (classroom/home base) Lake Orion (classroom) St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Healthy Families (home base) El Centro and Carehouse (home base) 36 Months (3 Years): • Walks up stairs • Stands momentarily on one foot • Rides tricycle • Feeds self • Opens door • Verbalizes toilet needs 248.969.5057 248.693.5687 248.858.6946 248.858.6946 Early On® Oakland 48 Months (4 Years): • Hops in place • Throws ball over head, catches ball bounced to them • Copies circle • Points to six basic colors • Knows own sex, age, last name • Begins to play with other children • Uses sentences with correct grammar, such as: “May I go to the store?” or “May I have a cookie?” • Washes hands unassisted Oakland Schools Early On® is a system of services for families with children birth to three years who have developmental delays or established health conditions. The system includes a collection of activities, supports, services and resources provided by many different agencies and programs. If you or someone you know has a concern about the health or development of a child, don’t worry… but don’t wait. Call Early On® Oakland at 248.209.2084. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Children birth to three with developmental delays or established health conditions. 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2520 Fax: 248.209.2522 Project STAR Oakland Schools and Project Star works with families, educators, and caregivers to provide support for young children who use challenging behaviors in their early childhood programs. Project Star staff offer child and classroom observation; staff and family consultation; intervention planning; and linkages to community resources. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Birth to 6 years of age 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 60 Months (5 Years): • Walks backward heel-toe • Runs on tip toe • Prints a few capital letters • Recognizes own printed name • Cuts food with other utensils • Responds by showing penny, nickel, dime • Answers verbally to “Hi” and “How are you?” • Laces shoes 248.209.2366 Fax: 248.209.2522 For a free developmental screening, go to: http// Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 41 Page 42 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Great Start Readiness Programs (GSRP) Head Start A State-funded preschool for children that potentially could become educationally at risk and who may need special assistance, but do not qualify for Head Start. Children must be at least four years old, and less than five years as of December 1, 2009 and meet at least two identified at risk factors. Extremely low family income; Low family income; Diagnosed disability or identified developmental delay; Severe or challenging behavior; Primary home language other than English; Parent/guardian with low educational attainment; Abuse/neglect of child or parent; Environmental risk. Avondale, Avondale Early Learning Center .........................................248.537.6960 Berkley, Berkley Building Blocks, Tyndall Center...............................248.837.8900 Brandon, Preschool Academy, Swanson Elementary School ...............248.627.1870 Clarenceville, Botsford Elementary ......................................................248.919.0362 Clarkston, Clarkston Early Childhood Center ......................................248.623.4350 Clawson, Clawson Childcare Center ....................................................248.655.4402 Farmington, Alameda Early Childhood Center ....................................248.489.3808 Ferndale, Grant Early Childhood Center ..............................................248.543.9860 Hazel Park, Hazel Park Preschool, Early Childhood Ctr ......................248.586.1430 Holly Area Schools, B.E.S.T. ................................................................248.409.1652 Huron Valley, Apollo Early Childhood .................................................248.684.8276 Lake Orion, CERC Early Childhood Offices ........................................248.693.5439 Lamphere Schools, Learning Ladder B.E.S.T. Program.......................248.589.3753 Madison Heights, Gingerbread House ..................................................248.542.3414 Oak Park, Lessenger Early Childhood Center ......................................248.336.7650 Oxford, Early Childhood Center ...........................................................248.969.5035 Pontiac, Pontiac Early Academy for Children (PEACE) .............248.451.7770/7501 Rochester, Preschool Programs.............................................................248.726.3022 Royal Oak Schools, Preschool Programs.................................248.546.436, ext. 216 South Lyon, Early Childhood Center ....................................................248.573.8360 Southfield, Bussey Center for Early Childhood Education ..................248.746.7350 Troy, Niles Continuing Education Center .............................................248.823.5152 Walled Lake, Preschool Programs ........................................................248.956.5080 Waterford, Stepanski Early Childhood Center......................................248.666.9593 West Bloomfield, Preschool Academy ..................................................248.865.6460 Head Start is a free comprehensive child development program serving three to five year old children from low income families who meet income requirements. The following services for preschool children and their families are provided: education, mental health, disabilities, nutrition, family involvement and family services. Head Start reserves 10% of Head Start enrollment for disabled/special needs children. Families must meet federal income guidelines unless they have a child with special needs. Transportation is available at some centers. Locations include: Berkley .............................. ..............................248.837.8901 Brandon ............................. ...........................248.627.1800, ext. 1763 Farmington ........................ ........................248.489.3373 Ferndale............................. ...........................248.586.8815 Hazel Park ......................... ..........................248.658.5560 Holly ................................. ........................248.328.3027 Huron Valley ..................... .......................248.684.8276 Lake Orion ........................ Lamphere .......................... ...........................248.589.3753 Madison............................. ............................................248.336.9580 Oak Park............................ ...........................248.336.7650 Oxford ............................... ...............................248.969.5047 Pontiac............................... ............................................248.409.1605 Rochester........................... ...........................248.726.3020 Royal Oak ......................... ............................................248.588.0922 Southfield .......................... ..........................248.746.7350 Troy ................................... ............................................248.524.9730 Walled Lake ...................... ........................248.956.5080 Waterford .......................... ..........................248.666.4811 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 44 Page 43 Workshops/Courses in Early Care and Educa on Oakland County Child Care Council We offer a variety of free and/or low cost workshops/courses on many topics, including but not limited to child development, caring for infants and toddlers, guidance and discipline, activities for children. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Adults 550 Hulet Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248.333.9545.............1.866.4CHILDCARE Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Addi onal Paren ng Resources Child Care and Guidance Resources Oakland County Child Care Council We have free information about a variety of child care and development topics including how to choose quality child care, healthy and safe environments, nutrition, child abuse and neglect prevention, appropriate discipline and guidance, activities for children and much more. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Adults 550 Hulet Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248.333.9545 1.866.4CHILDCARE Fax: 248.333.9544 Great Parents Resources and Materials Oakland Schools and Parent materials, resources and newsletter publications are available to parents and professionals serving young children. Available materials include Born Learning Kidsbasics, Your Child developmental sheets and parenting tools, nursery rhyme, song and finger plays, Learning is Child’s Play, Their Future is in Our Hands, Guide to Fun for Families, and Helping Children Learn newsletter. These free materials are made possible through a grant to Oakland Schools by the Michigan Department of Education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Parents of children, birth to five years of age, Oakland County residents 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2519 Fax: 248.209.2522 Notes: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 45 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 47 Websites - Be Active Kids is an innovative, interactive physical activity, nutrition, and food safety curriculum for North Carolina preschoolers ages four and five. The goal of the program is to give young children the tools they need to develop positive physical activity and nutrition habits for a lifetime of good health. Healthy eating, and food safety can be fun! - Parents and families are young children’s first teachers. That’s why we’ve dedicated a special section of our website to highlight resources especially for you. Whether you’re looking for a quality child care program, preschool, or school for your child, or you’re interested in activities you can do at home to encourage your child’s development, NAEYC can help! - Monthly parenting calendar. - Everyday life is a learning experience for children. Born Learning is a public engagement campaign that helps parents, grandparents and caregivers explore ways to turn everyday moments into fun learning opportunities. - Whether you are a parent or someone involved in the life of a child, we invite you to participate in Great Parents, Great Start. This website provides information and opportunities to become involved in Oakland County. - A network of parent-led self-help groups where parents and caregivers can share ideas, celebrate successes and address the challenges surrounding parenting. - Parents as Teachers is the overarching program philosophy of providing parents with child development knowledge and parenting support. The organizational vehicle for delivering that knowledge and support is the Parents as Teachers National Center. - Colorín Colorado is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs). - Media is fun and our kids love it. We also know that kids now spend so much time absorbing its messages and images that it has become “the other parent” in their lives. We started this organization because we know families need trustworthy information to help manage their kids’ media lives. - Programs raise awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse by educating adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse. – Great Start Collaborative-Oakland site with information on community involvement, parent activities and invitation to get involved. - Website for parents, kids and teens! Topics of interest include: general health, infections, emotions and behavior, growth and development, nutrition and fitness, recipes, pregnancy and newborns, medical problems, questions and answers, positive parenting, first aid and safety, doctors and hospitals, and in the news. Information available in English and Spanish. - Metroparent offers resources for families on parenting topics, family fun events, support groups and other family resources. Page 48 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide - As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child and the best tools to help their children be safe, healthy, and successful - in school and in life. - Parenting Awareness Michigan (PAM) celebrates people raising children and promotes year around parenting education and resources. Michigan celebrates the month of March as Parenting Awareness Month. PAM provides guidance, materials, resources, referrals, and technical assistance. PAM encourages a broader understanding and acknowledgment of the importance of effective parenting. - Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. - The Sesame Workshop site tells the many stories behind our work with children over the past four decades. We’re excited to show you first-hand how the Workshop is impacting children in the United States and far beyond. Join us in exploring the longest street in the world. - Stop It Now!® Prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed. - Founded in 1991 by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance is dedicated to reducing prejudice, improving intergroup relations and supporting equitable school experiences for our nation’s children. To us, tolerance is an ethic. Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 49 Catholic Social Services of Oakland County: Hispanic Outreach Services Michigan Department of Human Services-Oakland 248.975.4800 248.338.4250 Catholic Social Services of Oakland County offers outreach and support services for Hispanic adults where English is their second language. Services include: Money Smart – Four-week long financial literacy classes in Spanish Adult Basic Education – individual tutoring in Spanish for grades 1-2 and GED Computer Class – Eight-week long computer class in Spanish ESL Class – Four levels offered twice a week; morning and evening classes MDHS-Oakland offers many programs for children and families. Services include: Adoption Services Program Child Development and Care Child Support Children’s Protective Services Family Independence Program Food Assistance Program Medicaid Child Care Referrals Oakland County Health Division Oakland County Child Care Council We can provide a free, customized listing of licensed or registered child care providers based upon your family’s specific needs. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Adults 550 Hulet Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248.333.9545 1.866.4CHILDCARE Fax: 248.333.9544 Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority Lighthouse of Oakland County Last year, Lighthouse of Oakland County provided assistance to families and individuals in need on 70,000 separate occasions. The services these deserving people received were provided by LOC’s three key subsidiaries: Lighthouse Community Development (LCD), rejuvenating communities through affordable housing and educated homeowners; Lighthouse Emergency Services (LES), providing emergency food, housing, medical, utility and other services to people who need immediate help; and Lighthouse PATH (PATH), which provides longterm housing and support to help women achieve self-sufficiency and a healthy family environment for their children. Target population: All Ages 46156 Woodward Avenue , Pontiac, MI 48342 248.920.6060 Page 50 The Oakland County Health Division offers many programs for children and families. Services include: Child Health Clinic ............................................. 800.848.5533 Children’s Special Health Care Services ............ 248.424.7900 Women, Infants and Children Supplemental ...... 248.858.1272 Food Program The Oakland County Community Health Authority offers supports and services for families with children who have a serious emotional disturbance. Call the Resource and Crisis Helpline at 800.231.1127 for eligibility determination and other community resources. Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency Weatherization makes homes more energy efficient. Some measures may include insulation of attic, walls and foundation. Available to residents who meet income requirements determined by federal government. Target population: Adults 196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave, Pontiac, MI 48343 248.209.2600 Fax: 248.209.2645 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 51 Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency Rochester Area Neighborhood House Wise-Reach participants receive energy, health and safety upgrades related to “Safe Sleep” for children under age of 12 months or a pregnant woman in third trimester. Target population: Adults 196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave, Pontiac, MI 48343 Nonprofit human service organization founded by communities of faith in 1968, assisting neighbors during times of hardship. Partnering with the community and other social service providers to help those neighbors move toward self-sufficiency. Services include: food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and mental health counseling. Target population: All Ages 1234 Inglewood, Rochester, MI 48307 248.209.2600 Fax: 248.209.2645 Project Find Oakland Schools Project find looks for Oakland County children and youth from birth to 26 years of age who have physical, social, emotional or cognitive issues that affect their educational performance. These conditions may make them eligible for educational services provided by the public school districts in Oakland County. Project Find provides information about Special Education programs and services and helps to arrange a free educational evaluation to assist in locating a program for eligible children and youth. Project Find exists to make sure children and youth with special needs receive the best possible education. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: Children birth to 26 years of age who have physical, social, emotional or cognitive issues that affect their educational performance. 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 248.209.2259, Nancy Garon, Project Find Coordinator 2-1-1 United Way for Southeastern Michigan Provides comprehensive information and referral service to residents of Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. Maintains community resource information in areas such as utility bill payment assistance, job search assistance, personal finance/budget counseling, substance abuse counseling, free and low-cost health care, prescription expense assistance, food pantries and more. Service is available by phone 24/7. Spanish language assistant is available Mon.-Fri. 8:30am5:00pm Target population: All Ages 660 Woodward Ave., Suite 300, Detroit, MI 48226 800.552.1183 or 2-1-1 Fax: 313.226.9394 Common Ground Public Health Nursing Oakland County Health Division Public Health Nurses provide home visits to individuals and families to assess for health needs and to provide health resources. The Public Health Nurses provide education about safety, parenting, growth and development, and other health issues. Additional services provided by the Public Health Nurses include: information and services for pregnant women, breastfeeding classes, expectant parent classes, and referrals to community resources. Target Population/Eligibility Requirements: All ages 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48341 800.848.5533 Ext. 85533 248.975.4457 Page 52 248.651.5836 Fax: 248.651.5310 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide For more than 30 years Common Ground has been dedicated to helping youths, adults and families in crisis. The agency provides a lifeline for runaway and homeless youths, families in crisis, victims of crime, people with mental illness and others in critical situations. Common Ground serves more than 35,000 individuals per year through various programs and is supported by state and federal grants and contracts, individual and corporate contributions, the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority and United Way for Southeastern Michigan. Target Population: All Ages 1410 South Telegraph, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248.456.8150 Fax: 248.456.8147 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 53 Partners The Early Childhood Investment Corporation was created in August 2005 to ensure that every young child in Michigan has a Great Start and arrives at the kindergarten door healthy and ready to succeed in school, with parents who are committed to educational achievement. Accomplishing this important goal is not the work of any one organization or individual, but will take the combined efforts of parents, community leaders, business, the legislature, state and local government, faith-based organizations, and philanthropy. The Great Parents, Great Start Program supports collaborative community efforts to develop parent involvement and education programs. The programs must be designed for families of children from birth to age five. Four components of the program are: Oakland Schools serves 28 local school districts, 20 public school academies, and nonpublic schools in Oakland County. Every district has a distinct character, arising from its unique community of learners and educators. Yet every one of the 28 districts shares a common goal: providing a quality education to every student. Oakland Schools works with these districts, nonpublic schools and public school academies to help each one preserve its own unique identity, respect its special needs, and deliver quality educational programs to every student in Oakland County. • Providing information on development of children from birth to age five. • Sharing methods to enhance parent/child interaction that promote social and emotional development of infants and toddlers, and age-appropriate language, mathematics, and early reading skills. • Promoting of access to needed community services through a community-school-home partnership. • Providing parents with examples of learning opportunities to promote intellectual, physical, and social growth of children, five years of age and younger. The Great Start Collaborative-Oakland (GSC-O) is committed to ensuring that all of Oakland County’s youngest citizens and their families have access to services. The purpose of the GSC-O is to assure a coordinated system of community resources and support whereby all Oakland County families have knowledge of and access to the services they need, which will result in their children beginning Kindergarten ready and eager to learn. GSC-O is a partnership of local stakeholders and parents building a comprehensive early childhood system for our community, looking at all the factors that influence a child’s readiness for school and life, including: early care and education, physical and mental health, family support and parent education. Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 55 Page 56 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Acknowledgements Parent Educa on and Family Support Resource Guide Program Entry Form Advisors Donna Lackie, Early Childhood Consultant Dr. Joan Firestone, Director, Early Childhood Content Lisa Sturges, Great Start Project Specialist Great Start Collaborative-Oakland Parent Education and Family Support Committee Layout Jean Jocque, Project Assistant Early Childhood Help us to get the word out about the parent education and family support programs you are offering. Please complete one form for each program that your organization/agency offers. Completed forms should be sent to Lisa Sturges via: E-mail: Mail: Great Start Collaborative-Oakland c/o Oakland Schools 2111 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Attn: Lisa Sturges Fax: 248.209.2522 Organization/Agency Name: __________________________________________________ Let us know what you think! Program Title: ______________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Please let us know if you have: • Comments or suggestions on ways this guide might be more useful. • Comments or suggestions on ways you have been able to use this guide. • Questions about the purpose of this guide or how to obtain additional copies. City:________________________ State:_______ Zip: _____________________________ Phone Number: (_______) ____________________________________________________ Fax Number: (_______) ______________________________________________________ Website:___________________________________________________________________ Brief Program Description (The Parent Education and Family Support Resource Guide is an annual publication, please exclude from your program description specific information that is likely to change on a regular basis): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Complete our online survey at: 2qyjbydbnn45y3j8x6wdw_3d_3d Cost: _____________________________________________________________________ Age of Targeted Population: __________________________________________________ Category that best fits your service: 0 Parent Education Workshops 0 Parent and Child Playgroups 0 Parent Support Groups 0 Home Visitation Programs 0 Developmental Milestones 0 Additional Resource Page (Resources, Newsletters, Websites) Form completed by: _________________________________________________________ Contact phone number: ______________________________________________________ Contact email: _____________________________________________________________ Please see page 59 to determine if your program is eligible. Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 57 Page 58 Oakland County Parent Resource Guide These materials were developed under state grants awarded by the Early Childhood Investment Corpora on and the Michigan Department of Educa on. Defini ons What is the difference between Paren ng Educa on and Family Support? Parenting Education: Services and supports that are provided for parents to assist them in the critical role they play in the healthy development of their infants and young children. Family Support: Services and supports that address added stressors impairing the ability of families to nurture the well-being, safety and overall healthy development of their infants and young children. What programs may be included in our directory? We include these programs: Electronic copies of publica on can be found at: and www.greatstar 1. Programs with at least one location in Oakland County. 2. A government, not-for-profit agency, organization or program that provides assistance to the general public at no fee or a sliding fee. 3. A program that focuses mainly on parent education and family support for children birth to five as defined above and who fit into one or more of the categories offered such as workshops, playgroups, support groups, and home visitation programs. 4. A program that offers additional resources that are frequently requested by parents and staff. Sorry, we are unable to include everyone: 1. We reserve the right to exclude any agency or organization at the discretion of the Great Start Collaborative-Oakland. 2. We do not include for-profit, commercial, or private organizations. Early Childhood 2111 Pon ac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328-2736 3. Programs that are not frequently needed or requested by our parents and staff may also not be included. Oakland County Parent Resource Guide Page 59 Oakland Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, na onal origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, sexual orienta on (subject to the limits of applicable law), age, gene c informa on, or disability in its programs, services, ac vi es or employment opportuni es. Inquiries related to employment discrimina on should be directed to the Director of Human Resources at 248.209.2059, 2111 Pon ac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328-2736. For all other inquiries related to discrimina on, contact the Director of Legal Affairs at 248.209.2062, 2111 Pon ac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328-2736.