Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadidla Senado Acadhiico
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadidla Senado Acadhiico
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadidla Senado Acadhiico La que suscribe, Secretaria del Senado Academic0 de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadilla, CERTlFlCA que en la reunibn ordinaria celebrada el dia 17 de diciembre de 2015, este organism0 tuvo ante su consideracibn el lnforme del Comite de Asuntos Academicos y Evaluacibn de Cursos relacionado a la Propuesta de Creacion de Concentraci6n Menor en lnglbs: Written a n d Oral Communication in English for Professionals. Luego de una amplia discusibn el Senado, RECOMENDO LA: Propuesta de Creaci6n de Concentraci6n Menor en Inglbs: Written a n d Oral Communication in English for Professionals. La fecha de comienzo de la concentracibn menor estara sujeta al tramite del Decanato de Asuntos Academicos de la UPR en Aguadilla y la Vicepresidencia de Asuntos Academicos de Administracibn Central para la certificacibn e ingreso al Registro de la Oferta Acadernica en cumplimiento con la Certificacibn Num. 69 (2013-2014) de la Junta de Gobierno sobre la Politica de Segundos Bachilteratos, Segundas Concentraciones, Concentraciones Menores y Certificaciones Profesionales en las Universidades de Puerto Rico. El anejo que se incluye forma parte de esta certificacibn. Y PARA QUE ASI CONSTE, expido y remito la presente certificacibn a las autoridades universitarias correspondientes, bajo el Sello de la Universidad de Puerto Rico a 10s trece dias del mes de enero de dos mil dieciseis, en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. el son Arnaldo Vera ~ernandez,P~.DT Rector PO BOX 6150,Aguadilla, PR 00604-6150 Tel: (787) 890-2681,ext. 3303/3315/3316 Fax:(787) 890-4073 E-Mail: juntaysenado.uprag@upr.edu Patrono con Igualdad de Oportunidad en el Empleo M/M/V/l UNIVEKSI'TY OF PUERTO RICO AT AGUADILLA DEAN OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PROPOSAL FOR THE CREATION OF AN ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MINOR: WRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS Approved by the Academic Senate of the University of Puerto Rico in Aguadilla through Certification Number 2015-16-16 Certification Num. 2015-16-16 Academic Senate UPR Aguadilla Page 2 MINOR : WRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS 1. Introduction Based on certification 69 (2013-2014) of the Governing Board, the Department of English proposes the creation of a Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals. The Department of English is certified by the Consejo de Educacion Superior de Puerto Rico (CEPR) to offer a bachelors in Education with a concentration in the teaching of English with Multimedia Technology and is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This minor will provide all University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla (UPRAg) students with the opportunity to complement and expand their education by enhancing their professional writing and communication skills in English. The objectives of this minor support and align with the institution's general education philosophy, which emphasizes effective oral and written expression, clear thinking and precise communication in both English and Spanish. 2. Justification 2.1 Relationship of the minor to the mission and objectives of the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla and the Department of English: The University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla is, as stated in its mission statement, "committed to the development of critical thinking skills, social responsibility, communication and leadership skills" to prepare our students for changes in the professional world and today's ever changing workforce. The proposed Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals will equip our students with an academic background in both theory and the application necessary to meet the professional and technical requirements of a diverse society. Accordingly, the mission of the Department of English is to develop academic English proficiency in the language arts. The proposed minor will offer students of all areas of specialization a variety of methods and techniques in effective written and oral communication skills in English, thereby preparing students of all disciplines with an advantage in our global society. 2.2 Global Reasons Communication has been transformed and has replaced traditional methods of contact as a result of the advances in technology. English is the language of science, computers, media, business and aviation. In our local economy new Certification Num.2015-16-16 Academic Senate UPR Aguadilla Page 3 programs with foreign markets, such as in the area of Aeronautics and Aerospace Technology allied with Lufthansa Technik, have created a demand for diversity and competence in English. English is often used as the lingua franca in multinational companies. This proposed minor will meet the needs of all students who lack proficiency in the English language. Our commitment to the mastery of the English language will benefit the students in their personal, academic, and professional settings to meet the demands in these areas, on island, as well as abroad. 2.3 Academic reasons for the establishment of the minor Our strategic plan endorses the continual revision of academic offerings to stay current with educational advances and to complement the curriculum with practical experience in the areas of various specializations. Students from all disciplines will benefit from the Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals by sharpening their skills in English through increased preparation in composing, translating, interpreting, and evaluating official texts, whereby complementing their subject area knowledge. Since English language proficiency of the students has a significant positive relationship with their overall academic achievement, students across the curriculum will benefit from increased proficiency in highly valued oral and written communication skills. For example, many students are expected to master research skills that require a strong background in composing and applying the process of academic discourse as a well as mastery of content specific vocabulary and complex sentence structure in English. English technologyenhanced learning opportunities are essential. Additionally, all members from the external community will be able to complete this minor as professional development. 2.4 Professional reasons for the establishment of the minor As a language department, it is our mission is to render future professionals and leaders prepared to think critically, write effectively, and speak articulately in connection with the needs and demands of a diverse contemporary society. Local assessments conducted in our university demonstrate a deficiency in basic writing skills from students of all levels and disciplines. Furthermore, the need for increased proficiency in communication skills in Puerto Rico is necessary if our students are to successfully compete in challenging career opportunities. The proposed Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals, will increase the chances of students becoming more marketable for local, as well as global opportunities. The mastery of English skills for academic, as well as professional purposes, will grant students with the opportunity to increase their proficiency in both their area specialization alongside their oral and written communication skills in their target language. Certification Num. 2015-16-16 Academic Senate UPR Aguadilla Page 4 Suggested Initiation Date Second Semester - Academic Year 2015-2016 (January, 2016) 3. Objectives Upon completion of the required courses for a Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals as proposed by the Department of English - UPR Aguadilla, the students will be able to: a. Recognizc, understand, and use a range of conventions in both spoken and written English with emphasis on correctness and fluency in oral and written English. b. Understand and practice the principles of reasoning by means of the introduction to expository modes and techniques of organization in writing. c. Study the phonetics and phonemes of Standard American English and its intonation with emphasis on those aspects of English that present difficulty to the Spanish speakers. d. Increase confidence, fluencv. .. and correctness in the use of svoken English with emphasis on pronunciation, developing a strong vocabulary, and those features present in oral language such as idiomatic expressions. e. Practice planning, organizing; and writing technical reports in English and related fundamental techniques in writing memos, business letters, formal and informal reports, user manuals, instructions, and research papers. 4. Requirements for admission This minor is designed for students who wish to enhance their major program and increase their academic proficiency as well as their professional opportunities by acquiring or further developing their English written and oral communication skills. To enroll in the minor, the student needs to complete an application declaring his or her intention at the Register's Office. Students must have completed their Basic (INGL 3 101 and 3 102) or Intermediate (INGL 3 103 and 3 104) English courses. Students must be in good academic standing and have a grade-point of 2.50 or higher. No more than three (3) of the fifteen (15) credits may count toward the student's major or toward other college requirements. External community members who wish to complete this minor will need to request admission through professional development and complete the twelve (12) credits required with a minimum grade-point of 2.50 or higher. Certification Num. 2015-16-16 Academic Senate UPR Aguadilla Page 5 5. Relationship of minor to institutions mission and planning The development of a minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals enhances UPR Aguadilla's institutional goals in a number of ways. The goals of the institution are very well served by this initiative. For instance, some of the goals included in the Ten Goals for the Decade (Diez para la DCcada) are the following: a. Foster a culture of experimentation, renovation, and actualization. b. Foster investigation and creative competitiveness. c. Promote vocation for a global world. All three of these institutional goals overlap with a minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals. This minor helps the institution to enhance and strengthen its curriculum by re-enforcing the students' background in the four language arts development. It also promotes competitiveness and encourages the investigation of new ways of developing both speaking and writing skills. Since these skills are fundamental for future academic and professional success, the needs of our students are better served. The Strategic Plan for UPRAG for 2014-2017 states the following in section 111: 1.2 Establish priorities regarding the creation of new academic offerings. The creation of this minor is in itself a way of creating new academic offerings that will allow for the development of the skills needed by the student to succeed in careers that require ihe use of the English language. This minor will support the acquisition of essential professional English oral and written knowledge that will correspond to the demands placed upon graduates within the job market and technology society prevalent today. 6. Curricular Design: Courses required for the Minor 7. Requirement for minor to be approved satisfactorily and registered in the student academic record To obtain the minor, students must: a. Complete an application declaring his or her intention at the Register's Office. Certification Num. 2015-16-16 Academic Senate UPR Aguadilla Page 6 b. Approve all five (5) courses (15 credit hours), as specified in section 7 of this proposal, with a GPA of 2.60 or higher. c. Earn a C or higher in each course required for the completion of the minor. d. Students concentrating in a bachelor in Education with a concentration in the teaching of English with Multimedia Technology will be able to acquire the minor with the approval of nine (9) credits, INGL 3022, INGL 4015 and INGL 4025. This is in accordance with certification 69 (2013-2014) that specifies a minor requires a minimum of 9 credits (p. 3). Successful completion of the minor will be indicated on the student's transcript and lor diploma. 8. Faculty The faculty from the Department of English qualified to offer the courses for the Minor in Oral and Written Communication in English for Professionals are included in Table 1. Table I: Faculty qualified to offer the courses Faculty Prof. Robert Guzmin Sosa Full Professor Dr. Carmen.I. Cabin Ramirez Full Professor Prof. Mary Moore Batman Associate Professor Prof. Ariana Morgan Gilliam Instructor Specializations TESOLI Early Childhood Education TESOL/Cuniculum and Instruction in Writing TESOLI LinguisticsITechnology Integration TESOLI Literature 9. Institutional Budget: The minor will be administrated by the Department of English. The proposed minor does not imply additional expenses to the institutional budget. 10. Appendixes A. Approval by all Faculty Members of the Minor in Written and Oral Communication in English for Professionals B. Syllabi of the Courses