SDS / SNK - Standart Pompa
SDS / SNK - Standart Pompa
UL 448 FM Class 1311/1319 SDS / SNK FIRE PUMPS YANGIN POMPALARI SDS/SNK 01 09-11 EN General Information Genel Bilgiler Who UL is and What UL does: UL Kimdir, Ne yapar: UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) is a global independent safety science company offering expertise across five key strategic businesses: Product Safety, Environment, Life & Health, University and Verification Services. Since the year UL founded in 1894, nearly 70,000 manufacturers in 100 countries have produced 20.000 different types of totally 20 billion UL Marked products. UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) 5 ana stratejik dalda (Ürün Güvenliği, Çevre, Sağlık, Üniversite ve Doğrulama Servisleri) faaliyet gösteren uluslararası bağımsız bir mühendislik ve güvenlik şirketidir. 1894 yılında kurulduğundan bugüne kadar 100’ü aşkın ülkede yaklaşık 70.000 üreticinin ürettiği 20.000 farklı çeşitte toplam 20 milyar civarında UL damgalı ürün piyasada bulunmaktadır. UL engineers scientifically investigate and test thousands of types of products, materials, constructions and systems to evaluate the electrical, fire and injury risks; the burglary or fire resistance; or the ability to detect, control or limit fires. UL mühendisleri binlerce çeşit ürünü, malzemeyi, yapıyı ve sistemi, elektrik, yangın ve yaralanma risklerine karşı bilimsel olarak değerlendirirler ve test ederler. UL has developed 1,200 Standards for Safety, which serve as the bedrock of compliance in over 200 industries. There is an “Online Certifications Directory” in UL’s website and all the products listed by UL can be found here. UL Safety Standard: UL 448 The requirements of this standard cover design and test features of centrifugal fire pumps intended for use in watersupply systems for fire-protection service. The pumps covered by these requirements are intended for installation and use in accordance with the Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, NFPA 20. Who FM is and What FM does: FM (Factory Mutual) Global is one of the world’s largest business property insurers who also serves engineering solutions to be protected against basicly fire, natural disaster or other types of property risk. UL, güvenilirlik konusunda birbirinden farklı ürün ve sistemleri kapsayan toplam 1200 adet standart geliştirmiştir ve bu standartlar 200’ den fazla endüstri için temel yapı taşı olmuştur. UL’ in resmi internet sitesinde ürün sertifikalarının bulunduğu bir rehber bulunmaktadır ve bu rehberde UL sertifikalı tüm ürünlere ve bu ürünleri üreten üreticilere ulaşılabilir. UL Güvenlik Standardı: UL 448 UL 448 standardı, yangın sistemlerinde kullanılan pompaların tasarımlarının nasıl yapılması gerektiğini ve test koşullarını içermektedir. Bu standardın temelini NFPA 20 “Yangın Sistemleri için Pompaların Kurulumu” standardı oluşturmaktadır. Birçok özellik NFPA 20’ deki gibidir ancak fazla olarak birkaç husus daha eklenerek gereklilikler genişletilmiştir. FM Kimdir, Ne Yapar: FM (Factory Mutual) Global, temel olarak yangın, doğal afet ve benzeri risklere karşı korunmak üzere mühendislik çözümleri sunan dünyanın en büyük sigorta şirketlerinden biridir. FM Approvals is a unit of FM Global who certifies industrial and commercial products and services for companies. When a product or service meets the standards of FM Approvals, it is issued the “FM APPROVED” mark to signify it will perform as expected. FM Approvals, FM Global’ in şirketler için endüstriyel ve ticari ürün ve servisleri sertifikalandıran birimidir. Bir ürün veya servis FM Aprrovals standartlarına uygunluğu sağlarsa, ürüne “FM APPROVED” markalaması yapılır. Currently there are 45.000 certified products and services and these are listed in “FM Aprroval Guide” which can be found in FM website. Şu ana kadar toplam 45.000 çeşit ürün / servis FM tarafından sertifikalandırılmıştır ve bu ürünler FM’ in resmi internet sitesinde “FM Approval Guide” içerisinde yayınlanmaktadır. FM Approvals Standard: 1311 / 1319 FM Class 1311 states approval criteria for horizontal or vertical split case centrifugal fire pumps while FM Class 1319 states about horizontal end suction centrifugal fire pumps that supply water to fire protection systems. The requirements in these standards are mainly based on ANSI Hydraulics Institute (HI) and NFPA 20 standards. FM Onay Standardı: 1311 / 1319 FM 1311 standardı, yatay / düşey eksenel ayrılabilir gövdeli santrifüj yangın pompaları için, FM 1319 ise yatay uçtan emişli santrifüj yangın pompaları için onay kriterlerini içermektedir. Bu standarttaki gereklilikler temel olarak ANSI Hidrolik Enstitüsü (HI) ve NFPA 20 standartları esaslıdır. General Information Genel Bilgiler Design Features according to UL & FM: Only the specified capacities in the below table are allowed for rated capacity. For capacities higher than 5000 GPM, 500 GPM increments are allowed. UL/FM’ e göre Tasarım Özellikleri: Beyan edilen debi değeri sadece aşağıdaki tabloda belirtilen debi değerlerinde olmalıdır. Bunların haricindeki debiler kabul edilmez. 5000 GPM’ den sonra debi değeri 500 GPM adımıyla artmaya devam eder. GPM m³/h GPM m³/h GPM m³/h 25 5.68 400 90.8 2000 454 50 11.3 450 102.2 2500 568 100 22.7 500 113.5 3000 681 150 34.0 750 170 3500 795 200 45.4 1000 227 4000 909 250 56.8 1250 284 4500 1022 300 68.1 1500 341 5000 1136 All interior bolt or screw that are exposed to pumped liquid shall be of rolled bronze or corrosion resistant material Basılan sıvı ile temas eden tüm civatalar, vidalar vs bronz veya korozyona dayanıklı malzemeden imal edilmelidir. The pump shall be provided with automatic air-release valve, circulation relief valve and pressure gauges Yangın pompası, otomatik hava tahliye ventili, gövde soğutma vanası ve manometreler ile birlikte tedarik edilmelidir. Bearings shall have an L-10 rating of not less than 5000 hours at maximum load. L-10 ömürlü olmalıdır. The pumps shall be provided with at least four packing rings plus a lantern ring. The lantern ring may be permitted to replace one ring of packing. Impellers, wear rings, shafts, lantern rings, glands shall be made of corrosion resistant material. Following material specifications are applied to STANDART UL/FM fire pumps: Part List Parça Listesi Definition Tanım DIN 17007 Rulmanlar maksimum yükleme durumunda en az 5000 saat Yangın pompaları en az 4 sarım yumuşak salmastra ve aralarında bir adet sulama halkası ile birlikte tedarik edilmelidir. Sulama halkası konulmayacaksa en az 5 sarım yumuşak salmastra olmalıdır. Yangın pompası çarkı, aşınma halkaları, mili, sulama halkası ve glenleri korozyona dayanıklı malzemeden imal edilmelidir. STANDART marka UL/FM yangın pompaları aşağıdaki malzeme kombinasyonuna göre imal edilmektedir: EN-DIN ASTM Casing Gövde Nodular cast iron Sfero döküm 0.7040 GGG 40 (GJS-400-15) A 536 Gr. 60-40-18 Impeller Çark Cast bronze Bronz döküm 2.1050.01 G-CuSn 10 B 584 C 90700 Shaft Mil Stainless steel Paslanmaz çelik 1.4021 X20 Cr 13 A 276 Type 420 Shaft sleeve Mil burcu Stainless steel Paslanmaz çelik 1.4401 X5 Cr Ni Mo 17-12-2 A 276 Type 316 Sectional Drawings Kesit Resimleri SNK 50-250 , SNK 65-250 , SNK 80-250 405 Part Number Parça No 001 003 010 020 021 030 031 034 035 042 044 050 060 065 070 088 200 210 211 212 230 301 320 321 322 323 400 405 410 411 420 003 323 044 031 400 042 088 030 060 001 410 034 211 411 065 210 212 320 050 021 321 010 020 230 420 070 301 322 035 200 Part Name Parçanın Adı Volute Casing Stuffing Box Support Foot Wear Ring (back) Wear Ring (front) Bearing Housing Bearing Bracket Lantern Bearing Cover (outboard) Bearing Cover (inboard) Stuffing Box Gland Lantern Ring Impeller Shaft Impeller Nut Shaft Protecting Sleeve Thrower Ball Bearing Impeller Key Coupling Key Sleeve Key Drain Plug Stud+Nut+Washer Hex. Head Bolt Hex. Head Bolt Hex. Head Bolt Hex. Head Bolt Stuffing Box Packing Set Screw Gasket Gasket O-Ring Salyangoz Gövde Salmastra Yatağı Destek Ayak Aşınma Halkası (arka) Aşınma Bileziği (ön) Rulman Yatağı Ara Parça Rulman Kapağı (dış) Rulman Kapağı (iç) Glen Sulama Halkası Çark Mil Çark Somunu Mil Burcu Su Siperi Bilyalı Rulman Çark Kaması Kaplin Kaması Burç Kaması Boşaltma Tapası Saplama+Somun+Pul Cıvata Cıvata Cıvata Cıvata Yumuşak Salmastra Setuskur Conta Conta O-Ring SDS 100-250 , SDS 125-315 034A 042 044 400 070 013 501 500 020 210 050 270 003 300 421 071 034 030 200 271 035 060 220 211 035A 391 392 088 003A 014 212 231 430 411 420 350 360 320 390 Part Number Parça No 003 003A 013 014 020 030 034 034A 035 035A 042 044 050 060 070 071 088 200 210 211 212 220 231 270 271 300 320 350 360 390 391 392 400 411 420 421 430 500 501 Part Name Stuffing Box (right side) Stuffing Box (left side) Volute Casing (top) Volute Casing (bottom) Wear Ring Bearing Housing Bearing Cover (inboard) Bearing Cover (inboard) Bearing Cover (outboard) Bearing Cover (outboard) Stuffing Box Gland Lantern Ring Impeller Shaft Shaft Protecting Sleeve Sleeve (spacer) Thrower Ball Bearing Impeller Key Coupling Key Key Oil Seal Drain Plug Nipple Grease Nipple Stud Hex.Head Bolt Allen Screw Nut Locknut (non drive end) Locknut (drive end) Lock Washer Stuffing Box Packing Gasket O-Ring O-Ring Pin Valve Flushing Pipe Parçanın Adı Salmastra Kutusu (sağ taraf) Salmastra Kutusu (sol taraf) Gövde (üst) Gövde (alt) Aşınma Halkası Rulman Yatağı Rulman Kapağı (iç) Rulman Kapağı (iç) Rulman Kapağı (dış) Rulman Kapağı (dış) Glen Sulama Halkası Çark Mil Mil Burcu Salmastra Burcu Su Siperi Bilyalı Rulman Çark Kaması Kaplin Kaması Burç Kaması Yağ Keçesi Boşaltma Tapası Nipel Gres Nipeli Saplama (glen) Cıvata (rulman kapağı) Allen Cıvata Somun (glen) Emniyet Somunu Emniyet Somunu Emniyet Segmanı Yumuşak Salmastra Conta O-Ring O-Ring Pim Vana Boru Performance Curves Karakteristik Eğriler SNK 50-250 600,0 %70 100 120 80 ø210 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 25 50 50 75 100 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 125 60 40 50 ø264 30 40 ø245 20 30 ø210 20 10 10 NPSH - m ø264 %50 %55 %50 %65 400 500 160 %70 100 140 ø245 120 80 100 ø210 60 80 60 40 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 50 100,0 GPM 300,0 %50 %55 %50 %65 ø264 30 20 ø264 50 ø245 40 100 500,0 20 10 0 SNK 65-250 n = 3000 min -1 DN 100/65 600,0 120 0 100 200 300 300 GPM GPM 400 500 600 700 800 160 %70 %74,0 160 140 ø245 %73,0 120 80 100 ø210 60 30 ø210 10 300 GPM 400,0 %71,0 80 PSI Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 200,0 125 60 40 n = 3000 min -1 60 40 40 20 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 120 0,0 30 24 18 12 6 0 150 ø264 SNK 50-250 DN 80/50 600 0 0 0 200 0 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 30 24 18 12 6 0 150 100 20 ft NPSH - m PSI 100 60 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 ø264 140 ø245 0 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 120 160 %55 %60 %65 ø264 100 %70 140 %75 ø245 120 80 100 ø220 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 20 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 25 50 75 100 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 125 ø264 ø245 ø210 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NPSH - m P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) ø264 30 24 18 12 6 0 150 ft 0 HP NPSH - m 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 PSI 500,0 ft %50 %55 %50 %65 400,0 HP 300,0 HP Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) ø264 200,0 PSI 100,0 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 0,0 250 GPM GPM 300 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 60 0 ø264 0 25 50 75 100 125 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 30 20 10 0 175 80 50 40 150 30 24 18 12 6 0 200 ft GPM n = 3000 min -1 DN 80/50 200 GPM ø264 ø245 ø220 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HP DN 80/50 120 SNK 50-250 n = 3000 min -1 Performance Curves Karakteristik Eğriler SNK 65-250 SNK 65-250 n = 3000 min -1 300 600 700 800 120 0 100 200 300 600 700 800 160 100 %70 %75 140 %77,0 ø245 120 %76,0 80 ø220 100 %74,0 60 80 60 40 40 20 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) %60 %65 ø264 PSI %60 %65 ø264 100 %70 %75 140 %77,0 ø245 120 %76,0 80 ø220 100 %74,0 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 20 0 50 100 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 150 200 50 80 70 60 50 40 ø264 40 ø245 30 ø220 20 30 20 10 0 10 0 NPSH - m P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 0 60 0 0 ft ø264 30 24 18 12 6 0 HP P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) NPSH - m 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 ø264 25 0 50 60 75 100 125 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 50 40 30 20 GPM 600 1000 1200 120 0 160 100 120 80 100 ø210 60 80 60 40 200 50 ø220 40 30 n = 3000 min -1 40 20 400 600 GPM 500 GPM 800 1000 1200 160 %60 %65 %70 %75 ø264 140 ø245 ø245 20 10 0 DN 125/80 450 GPM 800 %60 %65 %70 %75 ø264 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 400 80 70 60 SNK 80-250 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 200 ø264 0 n = 3000 min -1 PSI 120 0 175 10 SNK 80-250 DN 125/80 150 100 140 ø245 120 80 100 ø210 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 60 50 40 30 0 50 100 150 200 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 250 80 ø245 60 ø210 40 20 10 20 0 0 NPSH - m ft 8 6 4 ø264 2 0 100 ø264 0 0 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) ø264 2 24 18 12 6 0 300 HP NPSH - m 6 4 80 70 20 0 0 8 0 30 24 18 12 6 0 200 0 50 100 150 200 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 250 24 18 12 6 0 300 ft Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 160 PSI 200 ft 100 HP 0 450 GPM GPM 400 500 100 ø264 80 ø245 60 ø210 40 20 0 HP 120 GPM 400 500 n = 3000 min -1 DN 100/65 400 GPM PSI DN 100/65 Performance Curves Karakteristik Eğriler SDS 100-250 140 ø220 100 60 80 60 40 40 0 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 300 160 140 350 16 12 8 4 0 400 80 60 120 80 ø220 40 40 20 0 %65 1200 0 180 160 ø260 100 140 120 80 ø220 100 60 80 60 40 40 20 0 6 ø294 4 2 50 100 160 150 200 250 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) ø320 800 1200 GPM 1600 ø294 ø260 100 %55 %60 %65 %70 2400 ø220 60 40 180 160 3000 100 140 ø250 80 3000 100 60 80 60 40 40 0 100 200 300 400 500 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 600 300 ø320 250 200 150 100 360 300 ø290 ø250 240 180 120 50 60 0 0 NPSH - m ø320 0 400 800 ø320 1200 1500 GPM 1600 %55 %60 %65 140 %70 2000 2400 2800 220 %75 200 ø290 120 180 160 100 140 ø250 120 80 100 60 80 60 40 40 20 0 0 30 24 18 12 6 0 700 n = 3000 min -1 20 20 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) NPSH - m 20 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 PSI 120 ft Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 3000 ø290 120 160 200 80 0 0 GPM 2800 %75 160 40 20 DN 200/125 220 140 200 120 80 1250 GPM 2000 350 16 12 8 4 0 400 SDS 125-315 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 400 300 140 120 n = 3000 min -1 HP 160 0 1600 %70 SDS 125-315 DN 200/125 1400 120 0 160 ø260 1000 0 200 ø294 120 100 NPSH - m ø294 4 %55 %60 800 0 ft 6 600 20 20 0 NPSH - m PSI 120 80 400 PSI 160 ø260 100 200 ø294 180 120 20 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 140 0 ft %70 1000 GPM GPM 1600 HP 1400 PSI %55 %60 %65 750 GPM 1200 HP Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) ø294 GPM 800 1000 10 8 6 4 2 0 300 250 200 150 100 0 ø320 0 100 200 300 400 500 Q - DEBİ (Capacity) - (m³/h) 600 ø320 ø290 ø250 30 24 18 12 6 0 700 ft 600 Hm - Manometrik Yükseklik (HEAD) - (m) 400 P - GÜÇ - (Power) - (kW) 140 200 n = 3000 min -1 DN 150/100 360 300 240 180 120 50 60 0 0 HP DN 150/100 0 SDS 100-250 n = 3000 min -1 SNK 80-250 SNK 65-250 SNK 50-250 Pump Type Pompa Tipi 500 / 113,5 450 / 102,2 450 / 102,2 400 / 90,8 300 / 68,1 300 / 68,1 250 / 56,8 200 / 45,4 Capacity Debi (GPM / m3/h) Power Güç (%100) (kW) 13,5 15 17,6 20,4 24,1 15,3 17,1 19,8 22,7 26,7 16,6 19,1 22 25,1 29,1 19,6 21,7 25,1 28,8 32 22,4 25,9 29,7 33,9 37,2 23,6 28,2 32,3 36,6 39,7 25,9 30 34,5 39,1 45,1 26,5 31,8 36,5 41,4 47,5 Pressure Basınç (bar/psi) 6,4 / 93 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10,34 / 150 6,27 / 91 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10,34 / 150 6,06 / 88 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10,2 / 148 6,34 / 92 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 9,8 / 142 6,06 / 88 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 9,78 / 142 5,79 / 84 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 9,71 / 141 6 / 87 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10,2 / 148 5,79 / 84 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10,2 / 148 16,6 18,4 21,6 24,9 29,3 19,1 21,3 24,2 28,4 33 21,1 24,2 28,1 32,1 37,2 23,6 26,4 30,9 35,6 39,7 26,8 31,4 36,6 42,2 46,7 27,7 33,9 39,4 45,4 49,7 29,8 35,4 40,7 47,5 53 30,6 37,7 44 50 57,8 Power Güç (%150) (kW) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF23 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF13 (Rad) JU4H-UF24 , JU4R-UF23 (Rad) Diesel Engine Dizel Motor CLARKE Model UL Listed & FM Approved Fire Pumps for 3000 rpm UL Listeli & FM Onaylı Yangın Pompaları 3000 d/dak 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 58/78 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 53/71, 50/66,5 62/83, 58/77 Diesel Engine Rated Power Dizel Motor Anma Gücü kW /HP 15 18,5 22 30 30 18,5 18,5 22 30 30 18,5 22 30 30 37 22 30 30 37 37 30 30 37 45 45 30 37 37 45 45 30 37 37 45 55 30 37 45 55 55 Electric Motor Rated Power Elektrik Motoru Anma Gücü (kW) Selection Table Seçim Tablosu SDS 125-315 SDS 100-250 Pump Type Pompa Tipi 1500 / 340 1250 / 284 1000 / 227 750 / 170 Capacity Debi (GPM / m3/h) Power Güç (%100) (kW) 46,6 51,2 56,8 62,6 70,3 79,7 90,8 52,1 60,5 68,3 76,5 85,9 96 107 93,1 104 117 130 146 164 178 98,6 115 129 144 161 179 193 Pressure Basınç (bar/psi) 6,13 / 89 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10 / 145 11 / 159,5 11,85 / 172 5,86 / 85 7 / 101,5 8 / 116 9 / 130,5 10 / 145 11 / 159,5 11,8 / 171 8,06 / 117 9 / 130,5 10 / 145 11 / 159,5 12 / 174 13 / 188,5 13,72 / 199 7,72 / 112 9 / 130,5 10 / 145 11 / 159,5 12 / 174 13 / 188,5 13,65 / 198 53 61,8 70,9 78,8 90,8 102 115,5 60,9 74,9 87,7 101 113 126 138,6 108 124 142 160 179 200 216 115,5 145 159 178 200 223 239 Power Güç (%150) (kW) JU4H-UF14 , JU4R-UF23 (Rad) JU4H-UF24 JU4H-UF34 , JU4R-UF53 (Rad) JU4H-UF34 , JU4R-UF53 (Rad) JU4H-UF54 , JU4R-UF53 (Rad) JU4H-UF54 JU6H-UF34 JU4H-UF24 JU4H-UF34 , JU4R-UF53 (Rad) JU4H-UF54 , JU4R-UF53 (Rad) JU4H-UF54 JU6H-UF34 JU6H-UF34 JU6H-UF54 JU4H-UF54 JU6H-UF34 JU6H-UF54 JU6H-UF54 JU6H-UF84 JU6H-UF84 JU6H-UF34 JU6H-UF54 JU6H-UF54 JU6H-UF84 JU6H-UF84 - Diesel Engine Dizel Motor CLARKE Model UL Listed & FM Approved Fire Pumps for 3000 rpm UL Listeli & FM OnaylýYangın Pompaları 3000 d/dak 53/71, 58/78 62/83 86/115, 99/133 86/115, 99/133 108/145, 99/133 108/145 131/175 62/83 86/115, 99/133 108/145, 99/133 108/145 131/175 131/175 161/216 108/145 131/175 161/216 161/216 205/275 205/275 131/175 161/216 161/216 205/275 205/275 - Diesel Engine Rated Power Dizel Motor Anma Gücü kW /HP 55 75 75 75 90 110 110 75 75 90 110 110 132 132 110 132 160 160 185 200 250 110 132 160 185 200 250 250 Electric Motor Rated Power Elektrik Motoru Anma Gücü (kW) Selection Table Seçim Tablosu ® Issued by: William R. Carney Director, North American Certification Programs Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at William R. Carney Director, North American Certification Programs Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product Issued by: The UL Listing Mark generally includes the following elements: the symbol UL in a circle: with the word “LISTED”; a control number (may be alphanumeric) assigned by UL; and the product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL Directory. See UL On-Line Certification Directory at for additional information. Pumps for Fire-Protection Service, UL 448 Have been investigated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate. Models: SDS 100-250 and SDS 125-315 CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS, SPLIT CASE IDOS ORGANIZE SAN BOL 2 CAD N9 Y DUDULLU UMRANIYE TURKEY STANDART POMPA VE MAKINA SAN VE TIC AS The UL Listing Mark generally includes the following elements: the symbol UL in a circle: with the word “LISTED”; a control number (may be alphanumeric) assigned by UL; and the product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL Directory. Additional Information: Standard(s) for Safety: This is to certify that representative samples of Issued to: Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ® Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's Listing and FollowUp Service. See UL On-Line Certification Directory at for additional information. Pumps for Fire-Protection Service, UL 448 Have been investigated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate. ® Model designation: SNK 50-250, SNK 65-250, and SNK 80-250 CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS, END SUCTION IDOS ORGANIZE SAN BOL 2 CAD N9 Y DUDULLU UMRANIYE TURKEY STANDART POMPA VE MAKINA SAN VE TIC AS Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ® Certificate Number 20100429-EX15693 Report Reference EX15693, 2010 April 29 Issue Date 2010 April 29 Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's Listing and FollowUp Service. Additional Information: Standard(s) for Safety: This is to certify that representative samples of Issued to: Certificate Number 20100608-EX15743 Report Reference EX15743, 2010 April 29 Issue Date 2010 June 8 UL Certificates UL Sertifikaları FM Certificates FM Sertifikaları Certificate of Compliance This certificate is issued for the following: CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS (HORIZONTAL END SUCTION TYPE) MODELS SNK 50-250, SNK 65-250 and SNK 80-250 Prepared for: Manufactured at: Standart Pompa ve Mak. San. Tic. A.S. Dudullu Organize San. Böl. 2. Cadde, No. 9 Esenkent - Ümraniye Istanbul, Turkey Standart Pompa ve Mak. San. Tic. A.S. Dudullu Organize San. Böl. 2. Cadde, No. 9 Esenkent - Ümraniye Istanbul, Turkey FM Approvals Class: 1319 Approval Identification: 0003039074 Approval Granted: June 9, 2011 Said Approval is subject to satisfactory field performance, continuing follow-up Facilities and Procedures Audits, and strict conformity to the constructions as shown in the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals. For more than 160 years FM Approvals has partnered with business and industry to reduce property losses. R Member of the FM Global Group Richard B. Dunne Group Manager – Fire Protection FM Approvals 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, MA 02062 Certificate of Compliance This certificate is issued for the following: CENTRIFUGAL FIRE PUMPS (AXIAL SPLIT-CASE TYPE) MODELS SDS 100-250 AND SDS 125-315 Prepared for: Manufactured at: Standart Pompa ve Mak. San. Tic. A.S. Dudullu Organize San. Böl. 2. Cadde, No. 9 Esenkent - Ümraniye Istanbul, Turkey Standart Pompa ve Mak. San. Tic. A.S. Dudullu Organize San. Böl. 2. Cadde, No. 9 Esenkent - Ümraniye Istanbul, Turkey FM Approvals Class: 1311 Approval Identification: 0003038952 Approval Granted: June 3, 2011 Said Approval is subject to satisfactory field performance, continuing follow-up Facilities and Procedures Audits, and strict conformity to the constructions as shown in the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals. For more than 160 years FM Approvals has partnered with business and industry to reduce property losses. R Member of the FM Global Group Richard B. Dunne Group Manager – Fire Protection FM Approvals 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, MA 02062 / e-mail: )DFWRU\&HQWHU )DEULND0HUNH] 2UJDQL]H6DQD\L%|OJHVL &DG1R(VHQNHQW øVWDQEXO7h5.ø<( 3E[ )D[ 5LJKWUHVHUYHGWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH 1RUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVDFFHSWHGEHFDXVHRISULQWLQJHUURUV 7DVDUÕPYHER\XWGH÷LúLNOL÷LKDNNÕVDNOÕGÕU %DVNÕKDWDODUÕQGDQGROD\ÕVRUXPOXOXNNDEXOHWPH\L]
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