EHF Rotman Lens Fed Linear Array Multibeam Planar Near
EHF Rotman Lens Fed Linear Array Multibeam Planar Near
EHF Rotman Lens Fed Linear Array Multibeam Planar Near-Field Range Measurements CST 5th NORTH AMERICAN USERS’ FORUM 4th FEBRUARY 2008 SANTA CLARA, CA 3:40 pm - 4:05 p.m. Mike Maybell Planet Earth Communications LLC 1983 San Luis Ave. #31 Mountain View, CA 94043-2900 650-965-7456 John Demas Nearfield Systems Inc. 19730 Magellan Drive Torrance, CA 90502 AGENDA 2/4/2008 • Rotman Lens-True Time Delay Beamformer • Rotman Lens Application Example • Rotman Lens CST MWS Analysis • Rotman Lens Analysis vs. Measurements • AMTA Paper A07-0090 Presented 11/6/07 1A Rotman Lens Physical Optics Design • 2/4/2008 Rotman1 lens parameters • Four basic parameters; α, β, γ, f1 ¾ TEM transmission line lengths w computed using Rotman & Turner formulas • • The focal arc is a circle defined by Rotman & Turner formulas The beam pointing angles are frequency independent y L2 Parameter y3 y2 α β (X2,y2) L1 w Ψ f2 3 focal points α f1 x γ Ψm f1 d Na Nb εr Definition Focal Angle Focal Ratio Beam to Ray Angle Ratio Maximum Beam Angle Focal Length Array Element Spacing Number of Array Ports Number of Beam Ports Rel. Dielectric Constant Formula f2/f1 sinΨ/sinα Note: γ is the compression factor if <1 γ is the expansion factor if <1 >1 [1] Rotman, W. and Turner, R. F., “Wide-Angle Microwave Lens for Line Source Applications,” Trans. IEEE, Vol. AP-11, Nov. 1963, pp. 623-632. 1B Rotman Lens Application: AN/SLQ-32(V) AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Outboard Array Enclosure • SLQ-32 is the primary EW suite used on over 450 US Navy Ships. • Each ship has one port and one starboard antenna enclosure equipped with a Band 2 receive, Band 3 Sidekick Transmitter receive, and Band 3 transmit (V)3 pair of quadrant linear sectoral horn arrays fed by Rotman lenses providing 360° instantaneous azimuth coverage. • 2/4/2008 Thus there are 12 Rotman lenses per (V)3 ship set. AN/SLQ-32 Band 3 Rotman Lens Fed Receive Array Measured Multibeam Rosette AN/SLQ-32 Band 3 Receive Rotman Lens Fed Array 1C EHF Rotman Lens CST MWS Analysis • In 2005 when analysis was required, available CST hardware & software was marginal • Using Dell Precision Workstation with 16 GB RAM, A planar array was successfully analyzed using CST MWS TDS in Oct. 2007 • 8801 cubic wavelengths • 40.6 M mesh cells • Acceleware ClusterInABox™ D30WL should help make CST MWS solution practical 2/4/2008 14” 17” 0.41” Fmax 45.5 GHz L λ W 17.00 inch L/λ 65.54 LWH/λ3 = 14.00 inch W/λ 53.97 0.26 inch H 0.41 inch H/λ 1.58 5590.3 cubic wavelenghts 9.9 M mesh cells 1D EHF Rotman Lens TE Mode Lens MultiPort S-Matrix Analysis • We selected TE1 and TE2 mode contour integral lens analysis2 in conjunction with CST MWS modeling of the isolated waveguide tees including TE1/TE2 mode coupling due to resistance card and other asymmetries within the tees • The results3 compared well with measured lens data 2/4/2008 TE1 Mode TE1/TE2 Mode 44.5 GHz Composite Beams 1-44 TE1/TE2 Overlay 44.5 GHz [2] A. F. Peterson and E. O. Rausch, “Scattering matrix integral equation analysis for the design of a waveguide Rotman lens,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 47, pp. 870-878, May 1999 [3] M. J. Maybell et al, “EHF Waveguide Rotman Lens for Minimum Frequency Scan and Low Loss Design, Analysis, Test,” Paper #2215 submitted to 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & 2008 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting 1E ABSTRACT Objective • Measure Realized gain for 44 beam 44 element linear array • • Single column of 50 column multibeam 2200 element planar active receive array for geostationary satellite communications payload • • • 1760 simultaneous 0.4 degree beams/1463 earth beams Multibeam single prototype column realized gain tested at the Nearfield Systems Inc.'s (NSI) facility using a 12’ x 12’ Planar Near-Field Range Two linear array configurations tested using same WR-19 waveguide fed 44 beam 44 element Rotman lens and integrated RF distribution network (RFD). • • • • 43.5 to 45.5 GHz Active receive array utilizing only the center 8 array elements of the Rotman lens feed Passive 44 element array demonstrating narrow 0.4 degree half power beamwidth Summary & examples of the NFR test results presented Compared with that predicted using the previously measured lens array factor gain (AFG) and CST computed embedded element realized gain 2 Introduction • • • • • • • • EHF uplink array for TSAT spiral applications Beamformers for satellite payloads create simultaneous high gain pencil beams feeding 2200 element rectangular planar arrays from geostationary orbit Beamformers use column and row 2D Rotman lens stacks feeding elements in an equilateral triangular lattice Equilateral triangular beam lattice covering the entire 17.4º earth disc with 1760 “pixel” beams At each lens stack beam port, a 0.4° HPBW “pixel” beam is formed with frequency independent beam pointing angle due to Rotman lens true time delay RF Beam switch/combiner results in 64 simultaneous independent communication beams 18 dB/K minimum G/Ts • Constant communication beam pointing angles over the full bands Performance can be easily scaled, resulting in reduced size weight and prime power 3 EHF Uplink 2200 Element Active Planar Array Design Goals Receive Active Array Design Goals Parameter Receive Array Size Aperture Length Aperture Width Aperture Payload Depth Column Spacing Number Array Elements Array Beam Performance Operating Frequency (min.) Operating Frequency (max.) Peak Gain Half Power Beamwidth Number Pixel Earth Beams Number Simultaneous Comm. Beams FOV Radius (Geo) Value Receive Active Array Design Goals Units 35.5 34.9 60 2.6 2200 inch inch inch λ 43.5 45.5 52.2 0.4 1463 64 8.5 GHz GHz dBi Degree Degree Parameter Element Aperture Efficiency Element FOV Relative Gain (min.) Array G/T Performance LNA RF Loss before LNA LNA Noise Figure Peak G/T at 0.0 deg. Scan Peak G/T at max. Scan EOC beam box G/T at max. scan Array Power And Weight DC Power Dissipation Weight Value Units 85 % -1.5 dBi 0.5 dB 2 dB 21 dB/K 19.55 dB/K 18 dB/K 850 Watt 850 Watt 630 lbs 4 Active 8 Element/44 Beam Array & Passive 44 Element/44 Beam Array Tested HPFL/ Extension Pyramidal Horn LNA 0.086” Semi-Rigid Coax WR-19/2.4mm End Launch Transition Rotman lens/RFD WR-19 Shim EHF Active Uplink Array 8 Element RF Chain and Lens/RFD 44 Element Passive Array & lens/RFD at NSI NFR with Mounting Fixture & Near Field Probe 5 Predicted Realized Gain Formulation Realized gain (GR) was predicted using the previously measured lens array factor gain (AFG) and computed embedded element realized gain (GE) A G R (θ ) = ∑ G E (θ )S n =1 nB e j n 2πd λ sin(θ ) (1) SnB : measured lens/RFD transmission S parameter from beam port B to array port n d/λ = 2.6 and low coupling therefore isolated and embedded element gain equal A G R (θ ) = G E (θ )∑ S nB e j n 2πd λ sin(θ ) n =1 G R (θ ) = G E (θ ) AFG (θ ) GR(θ) dBi = GE(θ) dBi + AFG(θ) dB (2) (3) (4) IEEE Std 145-1983:….When ..radiation patterns of ..array elements are identical….product of the array factor and the element radiation pattern gives the radiation pattern of the entire array 6 Pyramidal Horn Element CST Computed and NFR Measured Realized Gain Pyramidal Horn Element CST MWS Computed Realized Gain E-Plane Radiation Pattern 20 CST MWS Model 1.79” 15 10 R ealized G ain (d B iL ) 5 0 0.791” -5 43.5 GHz E-Plane Realized Gain (dBiL) 0.648” -10 45.5 GHz E-Plane Realized Gain (dBiL) -15 -20 -25 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 0.00 10.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 -40.00 -50.00 -60.00 -70.00 -30 18.7 Angle From Boresight (deg) 18.65 CST H-Plane Radiation Pattern 20 18.6 18.55 15 18.5 10 Gain (dBiL) 18.45 0 18.4 18.35 18.3 18.25 -5 18.2 43.5 GHz H-Plane Realized Gain (dBiL) -10 CST MWS Computed Realized Gain (dBiL) 18.15 45.5 GHz H-Plane Realized Gain (dBiL) -15 NFR Measured horn 7 (dBiL) 18.1 NFR Measured horn 8 (dBiL) 18.05 -20 18 43.5 -25 43.7 43.9 44.1 44.3 44.5 44.7 44.9 45.1 45.3 Frequency (GHz) Angle From Boresight (deg) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 -40.00 -50.00 -60.00 -30 -70.00 R ealized G ain (dB iL) 5 7 45.5 CST MWS Computed E-Plane Realized Gain GE(θ) Used for Realized Gain Prediction To Compute Realized Gain of the 8 Element Active Array & 44 Element Passive Array Integrated with the Rotman lens/RFD •CST MWS computed E-Plane element realized gain GE(θ) dBi in (4) •Measured lens array factor AFG(θ) dB using HP8510C ANA •Required Data at 44 beam peak angles from -8º to +8º Pyramidal Horn Element NFR Measured – CST Computed Realized Gain Difference Statistics Two Horn S/N’s & 220 Data Points Pyramidal Horn Element NFR Measured - CST Computed Realized Gain 44 Beam Port F (GHz) Angles 43.50 Mean MAX MIN P-P 1 sigma -0.150 -0.097 -0.188 0.091 0.028 F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) 44.00 44.50 45.00 45.50 -0.027 0.172 -0.116 0.287 0.080 -0.130 0.074 -0.405 0.480 0.128 0.170 0.299 0.101 0.198 0.060 0.059 0.151 -0.082 0.233 0.062 5 Frq -0.015 0.299 -0.405 0.480 0.072 8 Eight Element Lens/RFD Active Array NFR Test Results; AFG(θ) Used for Realized Gain Prediction 8 element active array integrated with lens/RFD & S-parameters measured with HP8510C ANA •Array Factor computed •13 Beam Ports: B02, B06, B10, B14, B18, B22, B23, B27, B31, B32, B35, B39, and B43 •8 element active Array Factor rosettes computed •HPBW for the 8 element active beams is about 2º •HPBW for the 44 element passive beams is 0.4º due to the 5.5 x passive array aperture Array Factor Calculated Lens/RFD 8 Element Active Rosette at 44.5 GHz 13 Beam Ports 9 8 Element Active Array lens/RFD Calculated and NFR Measured Realized Gain • 8 Element Active Array lens/RFD Calculated and NFR Measured Realized Gain overlay for the same 13 beam ports as those computed for AFG(θ) dB in previous slide. • GR(θ) dBi =GE(θ) + AFG(θ) (Slide 7) (Slide 9) Calc Bench(---), vs. Meas NFR( _ ) 44.5 GHz 13 BP Gain Statistics 8 Elt Active Array ([NFR Measured Realized Gain] -[AF + CST MWS Computed Horn Gain]) 13 Beam Port F (GHz) F (GHz F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) Angles 43.50 44.00 44.50 45.00 45.50 5 Frq Mean MAX MIN P-P 1 sigma 0.048 1.640 -0.860 1.269 0.271 -0.548 -0.113 -0.860 0.747 0.259 -0.429 0.128 -0.853 0.980 0.234 -0.141 0.379 -0.492 0.871 0.241 0.952 1.640 0.371 1.269 0.343 0.404 1.097 0.072 1.025 0.279 10 Eight Element Active Array lens/RFD Measured Realized Gain at NSI NFR 44.5 GHz for all 44 Beam Ports HPFL/ Extension Pyramidal Horn LNA 0.086” Semi-Rigid Coax WR-19/2.4mm End Launch Transition Rotman lens/RFD WR-19 Shim EHF Active Uplink Array 8 Element RF Chain and Lens/RFD 11 44 Element Lens/RFD Passive Array NFR Test Results; AFG(θ) Used for Realized Gain Prediction 44 element passive array integrated with lens/RFD & Sparameters measured with HP8510C ANA •Array Factor computed •All 44 Beam Ports •44 element passive Array Factor rosettes computed •HPBW for the 44 element passive beams is 0.4º as expected Array Factor Calculated Lens/RFD 44 Element Passive Rosette at 44.5 GHz 44 Beam Ports 12 44 Element Passive Array & Lens/RFD Tested for realized gain using a NSI Planar 12’x12’ NFR. Gain for All 44 Beam Ports was Measured 13 44 Element Passive Array lens/RFD Calculated and NFR Measured Realized Gain 44 Element Passive Array lens/RFD Calculated and NFR Measured Realized Gain overlay for all 44 beam ports as for AFG(θ) dB in slide 12 • GR(θ) dBi =GE(θ) + AFG(θ) (Slide 7) (Slide 12) Calc Bench(---), vs. Meas NFR( _ ) 44.5 GHz 44 BP Realized Gain (dBiL) • Gain Statistics 44 Elt Passive Array ([NFR Measured Realized Gain] -[AF + CST MWS Computed Horn Gain]) 44 Beam Port F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) F (GHz) Angles 43.50 44.00 44.50 45.00 45.50 5 Frq Mean MAX MIN P-P 1 sigma 0.214 0.598 -0.144 0.742 0.164 0.103 0.441 -0.278 0.719 0.170 0.299 0.572 -0.274 0.847 0.173 0.454 1.022 0.142 0.879 0.177 0.573 0.902 0.229 0.673 0.188 0.329 1.022 -0.278 0.879 0.174 14 44 Element Passive Array lens/RFD Calculated and NFR Measured Realized Gain Realized Gain (dBiL) Realized Gain (dBiL) 44 Element Passive Array lens/RFD Calculated and Measured Realized Gain Overlay Bench (dashed lines), NFR (solid lines) 43.5 GHz & 45.5 GHz 44 Beam Ports 15 NFR Measurement Accuracy The NFR testing was performed at Nearfield Systems Inc., Torrance, CA on 5/8/07 - 5/11/07, using their Planar 12’ x 12’ NFR • Considered Error Sources • Gain Standard Uncertainty ¾ Considered Largest Source ¾ Calibrated at PSNA • Impedance Mismatch Factor • Peak Far-Field Peak Amplitude for Gain Standard • Multiple Reflections between the horn and probe • Truncation of the near-field data for the standard gain horn • Bias error leakage within the receiver • Room scattering RF Source Multiplier Coupler Probe AUT Pad Test Mixer Test IF x4 11.25 GHz 45.0 GHz -10 dB LO LO Ref Mixer Ref IF LO to Ref LO Source LO/IF Unit LO to Test 15.00667 GHz Ref Mixers operate in 3rd harmonic mode Sig Panther Receiver Receiver displays Sig/Ref NFR RF Test Block Diagram Probable Uncertainties in Peak Far-Field Gain Term dB Gain Standard 0.20 Mismatch 0.05 SGH FF Peak 0.15 Total (RSS) 0.25 16 Summary • Primary emphasis of this paper was to compare the accuracy of predicting the realized gain using fundamental array theory with NFR measurements • An 8 element active array and a 44 element passive array were both tested • The mean gain difference between model and measured data is 0.048 dB for the active array and 0.329 dB for the passive array • Overall NFR peak gain measurement accuracy is estimated as 0.25 dB 17