here - LGBT History Month


here - LGBT History Month
Hey there, my name is Mark Page 2
- I’m transgendered, and
group secretary. I’m the youngest of the group —and
I’m far too intelligent for my own good!
Hi all, I’m mat. I’m spending my time trying to set up
a Gay support group and association at Derby
College. I’m a hard worker and an even harder
player. Lv ya all –Mat– X
Hi every1, I’m Dan, I am now a sexual
health outreach worker for Derbyshire Friend,
But still have alot to do with the forum.
After all without it I wouldn’t be where I am now.
Hello everyone, I’m Chris and I love making people
happy. I enjoy other people's company and having
fun. I love music, dance and everything that
involves laughter.
Hey chic's my name is Shell, I have
just been promoted to editor of the
magazine which I am really stoked about!
Hey everybody, My names Vicky I’m
into motorbikes and love being with
my mates. I also like drawing and I have done the
cartoons for this mag. So I hope you enjoy, xx
Hey all, I’m Sazz, I enjoy doin just about
everything, as ma m8s n I always av such a
laff! We’re all crazy!!
Hey peeps. I’m Stacie. I have recently joined this
group and was made very welcome knowing that I
was the only straight person. I enjoy hanging
around with my m8s and singing. I’m in a band
and its gr8.
Bex is our fantastic Chairperson……..Aye
up my ducks, as you may have gathered from front
cover it is gay history month; and that is something
we must always celebrate so this issue is packed
full of interesting, funny and not that widely known
historical facts such as Sappho, Stonewall, Alan Turing but also
we have looked into LGBT film and music.
Over the years we as a community have been accepted and unaccepted depending on who was in charge or what religion was most
widely practiced. For instance back in ancient Greek times it was encouraged to
have gay relationships with your comrades
especially before going into battle. Yet only
a few 100 years later when the Romans virtually ran the world you would be fed to the
lions for being gay! Aren’t we all glad it has
all changed from that extreme reaction to
being LGBT. We have our top 12, LGBT
history moments on page 26.
And as many of you out there will more
commonly know that this month also celebrates Valentine’s day and how can we not mention it after all it
will be plastered all over the shops from middle of January.
In the last issue we had a quiz about Oscar Wilde to win ‘A Beautiful Thing’ on DVD we have picked our winner James P, who sent
in the right answer which was Oscar Fingal o’Flahertie Wills
Wilde. We hope you have many hours of enjoyment.
Let us know what you think and email us:
Page 4
There has been many great LGBT people throughout
history and this is our top 10:
Alexander The
Ladwig von
Indigo Girls
K.D Lang
Boy George
eleanor Roosevelt
rudolf valentino
Oscar wilde
Rence vivein
10. Rhona cameron
By Sazz
Page 5
Founded in 1989 (in Sir Ian
McKellen’s Kitchen) by Men and
Women who actively struggled
against Section 28 of the Local
Government Act.
Stonewall work with the Government, trade unions
and non-governmental organisations to prevent
discrimination and improve the lives of LGBT
Challenge cultural and attitudinal values that
allow discrimination.
Provide and Publish information on a range of
issues from homophobic bullying to pension
Key priorities for 2006/2007 – education,
workplace, fair life chances, equal legal provision
and medical treatment.
Stonewall are very active fundraisers and are keen
to recruit volunteers.
The name ‘Stonewall’ comes from the riots that
happened in New York in 1969. The police raided
a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn which started
off the riots.
By Sazz
Page 6
Teena Renee Brandon was born on
12th December 1972 in Lincoln,
Nebraska. She made the decision
that she wanted to be a man and
confided in people that she was
having a sex change operation.
She identified as male to female
The film “Boys don’t Cry” is based
on the life of Brandon Teena, it shows quite an accurate
and moving tale of his life. He had a difficult upbringing
and this lead to many police convictions under his birth
name Teena Brandon. He had a relationship with Lana
the local girl who a guy name Tom was in love with. At
first Lana did not know that Brandon was not a man but
was in fact a woman until she bailed him out of prison
for a driving offence. It was then that she realised
because he was held in the women’s jail. Then it finally
clicked but she did nothing about what she had seen
and continued her relationship with him.
Tom and John found out about Brandon’s real identity
when they looked in the local newspaper and found the
name Teena Brandon under the driving offence. They
found Brandon and made him reveal his real identity.
They then took him to an abandoned meat packaging
plant where they raped and beat him and told him that it
was what he deserved. Brandon went to the police about
Tom and John but the police did nothing about it. A
week later Brandon Teena was
murdered along with two other people
just after 1am on New Years Eve.
(The film depicts a truly graphic and
harrowing rape scene
and scenes of extreme
violence which is why it is
18 certificated.)
By Siobhan & Vix
Page 7
Four years ago it was decided that a national holocaust Memorial Day would be held annually on the
27th of January.
The day is to remember all those lost during the
1939-1945 world war, during which over 60,000,000
people were killed and of which a large majority were
LGB and T. These people were branded with a purple
or pink triangle and sent to gas chambers to their
Hitler believed in creating the perfect race and most
of the people who did not fit that lost their lives.
There are only 9 known LGBT survivors of the holocaust to this day and as the years go by slowly there
surely will be none. We need to remember what people went through and honour their bravery, that is
why the National Holocaust Memorial Day was created not just for LGBT people but for all the people
who lost their lives.
By Dan
Page 8
A closet gay is a term used to describe a
person who isn't out in the open to family
and friends about their sexuality. This is
my article describing what it is to be such
a person, who feared 'coming out' and
telling people that I was a Lesbian.
I knew I was gay during secondary school, but never
really told the world until my late teenage life. I remember listening to my friends talk about 'queers'
and making jokes about
effeminate males and athletic looking females, and
this really didn't help me
to come out and be honest with them. I worried
they would start saying
the same things about
I used to wake up every morning, live every day and
go to sleep at night in fear that they would find me out
and reject me as their friend. This resulted in me dating people of that opposite gender when I really didn't
want to, just so they would never find my secret out.
Sometimes I really had to bite down on my tongue
and pretend to be ignorant about homosexuality and
not correct my friends as they would display their ignorance. I found life really hard and sometimes felt
suicidal as I had to pretend I wasn't the person that I
truly was.
Page 9
When I was fifteen I discovered Choices LGBT youth
group which was private and confidential, and for
those few hours a week I felt happy about my life. Before long I met a girl and this developed into a long
term relationship. Yet I still struggled with life as a
closet gay! If we ever went to a public place like the
cinema or the park, it used to tear me up inside that
we couldn’t display any affection to each other, in
fear of what might be said or who saw. But the worse
part of it all was knowing I could never share that
wonderful feeling of being in love with my family and
most of my friends. I began to hate myself and
started believing that nothing would ever change or
be perfect, this had an effect on our relationship and
she called an end to it.
I lost a lot of self esteem and quickly became depressed. I wanted to speak to my family about it, but
instead remained silent because of fear and misunderstanding. I didn't think my family would accept
me as a lesbian, I used to cringe every time my dad
would make an abusive comment about a gay character on tv. I've lived like this for a few years until I was
nineteen, when I finally came out the closet and told
everyone I am gay. I'm glad I've
done it, and I'm out of the stress
that being a closet gay caused. I
won't lie and say it was easy, and
not everyone has accepted it, but
the way I look at it is, if they don't
really want to know me anymore then that’s their problem!
Written by Sarah F
Page 10
Dear Agayny Aunt,
Dear Agayny Aunt,
I am 11 years old and my older sister is
a lesbian. Everybody knows she’s a
lesbian. But one night she came home
with a man when she was drunk. People found out about this and has been
teasing and bullying me about it. What
can I do about it, who can I tell?
By Demi in Derby
Dear Demi,
First you should tell somebody like a
teacher or your parents about the bullying and hopefully this should stop it.
Then talk to your sister as she is
probably going through a difficult time
at the moment and will need somebody
to talk to. Explain to her how her actions are effecting you and remember
that a person has a hard time excepting there sexuality. Even though she
has said she is a lesbian she is still
probably coming to terms with it herself; as a lot of people find it hard to be
gay and try very hard to wish they
where straight. But above all else be
there for your sister and be happy for
her whoever and which ever gender
her partner is.
For a while now I have known that
I am a lesbian, but not told anyone
until recently. The first person I
decided to tell was my best mate as
we have known each other since we
were small. I was sure that there
wouldn't be a problem - I was
She acted like I had killed someone,
she was shocked, which is not unexpected but now she is refusing to
talk to me at all. What should I do?
Miserable, age 14.
Hi there
To be honest with you how long did
it take you to accept yourself, it is
not fair to assume everybody is
going to accept you with open arms.
It is going to take longer for some
people to accept than others. Just
give her some time to let it sink in
and she should be fine with you. If
doesn’t come round to the idea then
she is not a true friend, as true
friends are willing to accept you as
a person not small bits they pick
and choose. Wish it wasn’t like this
but it is a sad fact of life.
Want to send your problems to our Agony
Aunt? Then send your letters to:
F.A.O. L.K.N.G Agayny Aunt, Derbyshire
Friend, 2-3 Frairy Street, Derby DE1 1JF
or email:
Page 11
British Scientist. Pioneer in computing otherwise
known as the father of computers. Most well known
for his work with the ‘Enigma’ code. The Enigma was
a machine used by the Germans in World War 2 to
send cryptic messages between the troops. Turing
was one of the team at Bletchley Park who broke the code of the machines which turned the war around.
Alan Mathison Turing, British mathematician, who pioneered in computer
theory. He was born in London and educated at Cambridge and Princeton universities. In 1936, while he was still a graduate student, Turing
published a paper called "On Computable Numbers," which introduced
the concept of a theoretical computing device now known as a Turing
machine. The concept of this machine, which could theoretically perform
any mathematical calculation, was important in the development of the
digital computer. Turing also extended his mathematical work to the
study of artificial intelligence and biological forms. He proposed a
method called the Turing test, to determine whether machines could have
the ability to think. During World War II, Turing worked as a cryptographer for the British Foreign Office. In 1951 Turing was named a Fellow
of the Royal Society and in 1952 he began to publish his work on the
mathematical aspects of pattern and form development in living organisms.
In 1951 Turing began an affair with another man. When this came to light
he was arrested and charged with gross indecency. Turing was sentenced to undergo injections of female hormones which resulted in him
developing breasts, these injections where apparently going to ’cure’ him
of his homosexuality. He took his life by eating an apple laced with potassium cyanide.
The logo for Apple Mac
computers has been linked
to Alan Turing as a lasting memory.
Written by Bex
Page 12
Page 13
Derbyshire LGBT Youth Groups
‘Choices’ youth group meets in Derby every Thursday night 6.30 –
8.30pm. It is a social group for young gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and
those who are confused about their sexuality for ages 12 - 25. For
further details please contact:
tel: (01332) 206027
South Derbyshire (Swadlincote) We are identifying if a youth group is
needed in this area. It will be for young LGBT people aged 13 – 25. For
further details please phone: (01332) 207704 or email us. A sad farewell
to Globe youth group.
C.A.S.H. LGBT youth group meet fortnightly in Chesterfield on
Wednesday evenings 5.30 – 7.30pm. For further details please contact:
Tel: (01246) 559431
Erewash District (Ilkeston, Heanor) We are identifying if a youth group
is needed in this area. It will be for young LGBT people aged 13 – 25.
For further details please phone (01332) 207704 or email us
Please note that all these groups keep their location a secret for the
safety of the group members. All groups are confidential.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reply Slip
Let us know what you think. What would you like to see in the next editions?
Name ……………………………. . ……. ….. Age ………..
Contact details …………………………………………………………………
I would like to read about ……………………………………………………….
I would like to receive further copies of LKNG
Page 14
From left to right on the back page
Village People
Will Young
Boy George
Jenny Shimizu
Martina Navratilova
Andy Warhol
Elton John
Amanda Barrie
Joan Jett
Lance Bass
Alex Parks
Angelina Jolie
Mark— (Westlife)
Graham Norton
Ellen DeGeneres
Tracy Chapman
Families of Lesbians and Gays
Support Group
We are currently in the process of finding
out if there is a need for a support group for
parents, carers, friends and family members of young
LGBT people. For help, support or further information
please call Gill (07811 740060) or Carl (07876
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Love Knows No Gender
Derbyshire Friend LGBT Support Service
2 –3 Friary Street
OR email:
Page 15
Beautiful Thing
15 cert
Better Than Chocolate
15 cert
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
15 cert
Brokeback Mountain
15 cert 3 Oscars
All films are Cert 15 unless
15 cert
Page 16
Imagine Me and You
15 cert
Fried Green Tomatoes at the
Whistle Stop Cafe
PG cert
The Hours
12A cert
The Birdcage
15 cert
But I Am A Cheerleader
15 cert
Written by Bex
Page 17
We have unfortunately come to the last instalment with Barbara and
I don’t think there is anything
that I disagree with.
Barbara: Only bit I disagree with is how
people say it isn’t not like a marriage; but to me that was my
lesbian wedding and so I have never been married before
so when people try and say its different, I say well how is it
It’s not different.
Barbara: In terms of inheriting each others pensions and not paying
inheritance tax I know these seem very big things when
people are young but we older and so perhaps these things
mean a bit more on the financial side. Basically G and I felt
married before we was married as it were and to be honest
I never thought in our life time we would see it become legal to do the Civil Partnership thing. The kind of things we
had been thinking about before hand was flying out to Toronto so we could get married in Canada but that might
have had a devious status over here and the other thing
was to register our partnership in London. Neither of those
things gave you legal rights here so it didn’t seem much
point, it would have been more of an symbolic thing like a
commitment service.
The moment that this option came available it was like yes
this feels right. We had actually done all the wills etc about
who would get what etc so we already had done all the legal side but it wasn’t the point. The point was that you could
do this the same as everybody else and that felt right.
That felt acceptable and what was our right really.
First Female Couple In Derby
Sarah: What is your opinion of the Civil Partnership? And are there
any parts of it that you disagree
(Thoughtful silence)
Page 18
Barbara: And given that same sex couples can now adopt as well, which
is positive, to me there is nothing I really disagree with.
No I can’t either.
Barbara: But I think maybe religious people who may wish to do it in a
church should be allowed to as well but as am not religious so it
not really for me to say.
But it can be blessed in a
church can’t it.
Barbara: The only other thing I
would say that wasn’t
right is in a religious ceremony you know how marriage happens after the
couple have exchanged
vows, well in civil partnership the marriage happens when you sign the
register, so with a civil partnership you could just walk into a registry office with two witnesses sign the register and that’s your wedding over and done with and traditionally when people get married
a big fuss is made i.e. big party, big dresses and loads of expense, it’s a big event, which is why in a way it was nice to invent
our own as it had no tradition attached to it, I mean it was lightly
based upon a traditional wedding.
Well we didn’t have anything else to base it on really, but we did
what we wanted to do.
Sarah: So I guess given the choice you would have got married at an earlier date?
Barbara: Well we had been together 3 and half years when we got married.
Might have done a little bit earlier but don’t think would have been
a significant amount of time, maybe 6-8 months earlier.
Barbara: I had a mental thing about 3 years I have got to share, it’s not
something that I would rush into, and I would want to see if the
relationship was sustainable over time. We may have had it a
couple of months earlier but we had it on G’s birthday which made
it more special.
Page 19
But it was, so she couldn’t forget my birthday (laughter)
Sarah: Have you as a couple or individually been treated differently
either in a negative or positive way since you have been married?
Barbara: I think it has caused a lot of discussion between our lesbian
friends, as the more we talk and show pictures of the ceremony to them it makes them think about what they would do,
If they would go through with it or not, how they would do it if
they were going to etc.
But it’s also caused some conflict if one side of a partnership
has really wanted to and the other really doesn’t want to do it.
Barbara: As for how have we been treated
(shows Sarah the certificate that G had
to take into work with her so that the
work records would show that G had a
spouse, so that Barbara could claim any
benefits if something should happen to
G while she was still working there) So I
should be treated more positively as a
result of the certificate. Our friends on a
whole have been fairly positive and none of them have said
anything like you shouldn’t have done it etc.
Work has been very supportive.
Barbara: And for me as well. I also feel more free to hold hands in
public now, before we used to do it anyway but I would wait
and see who be walking towards us before deciding if it was
o.k. to carry on holding her hand or not. Whereas now am
more able just to do it and not think about
it and be comfortable doing it.
We hope you have enjoyed reading this
as much as we did doing the interview.
We would once again like to thank Barbara and G for taking the time to do this
Page 20
Imagine Me and You
This film is a romantic comedy which
tells the story of Rachel (Piper Perabo) who is just about to walk down
the aisle to marry her childhood
sweetheart Heck (Matt Goode). But by chance
Luce (Lena Heady) the florist for the wedding
catches Rachel's eye and in that moment knows
she has just laid eyes on her soul mate, but unfortunately still marries Heck!
What happens next is a journey of discovery for
Rachel as she embarks on a friendship with Luce
and discovers that she is madly in love with someone other than her husband.
Imagine Me & You is a light
hearted romantic comedy
with it’s sensational cast that
will keep you entertained
over and over again.
By Shell
Page 21
Priscilla Queen of the
They came. They Conquered. They
looked fabulous. The Adventures of
Priscilla Queen of the Desert is a visually stunning and inventive film. This
is an absolutely hilarious and often
touching film about three drag performers braving the Australian Outback. Each of
the performers has their own reason for making
the journey of personal discovery and numerous
dead ends.
The resilient cast and outrageous costumes
make this film one of the most quick witted and
sensitive films of 1994. The film picked up the
Academy Award for costume design using the
rather original back drop of the Australian Outback. Each and every outfit tells its own imaginative story and plays a part
in what the cast have to
Terence Stamp – Star
Hugo Weaving – The Matrix
Guy Pearce – Memento
By Scott
Page 22
Sappho was a ancient Greek poet who
wrote love poems about love
between women and the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite.
There are not many details of Sappho's life, we know that she was born
on the isle of Lesbos into a wealthy noble family around 630BC.. She
married a wealthy merchant called Cercylas and had a daughter called
Cleris. We also know that she had both male and female lovers and it is
her island that she was born on which gave its name to the modern term
lesbian meaning love between two women.
Sappho is known through her work: ten books of verse published by the
third and second centuries BC. By the Middle Ages, all copies were lost..
Today what we know of the poetry of Sappho is only through quotations
in the writings of others. Only one poem from Sappho survives in complete form, and the longest fragment of Sappho poetry is only 16 lines
long. The poems of Sappho are more personal and emotional than political or civic or religious, especially compared to her contemporary, the
poet Alcaeus.
This focus has given rise to speculation that Sappho's interest in women
was what today would be called homosexual or lesbian. ( The word
"lesbian" comes from the island of Lesbos and the communities of
women there. ) This may be an accurate description of Sappho's feelings towards women, but it may also be accurate that it was more acceptable in the past for women to express strong passions towards one another, whether the attractions were sexual or not.
By Shell
Page 23
Shimmering-throned immortal Aphrodite,
Daughter of Zeus,
Enchantress, I implore thee,
Spare me, O queen, this agony and
Crush not my spirit
Whenever before thou has hearkened to me
To my voice calling to thee in the distance,
And heeding, thou hast come, leaving thy father's
Golden dominions,
With chariot yoked to thy fleet-winged coursers,
Fluttering swift pinions over earth's darkness,
And bringing thee through the infinite, gliding
Downwards from heaven,
Then, soon they arrived and thou, blessed goddess,
With divine countenance smiling, didst ask me
What new woe had befallen me now and why,
Thus I had called the.
What in my mad heart was my greatest desire,
Who was it now that must feel my allurements,
Who was the fair one that must be persuaded,
Who wronged thee Sappho?
For if now she flees, quickly she shall follow
And if she spurns gifts, soon shall she offer them
Yea, if she knows not love, soon shall she feel it
Even reluctant.
Come then, I pray, grant me surcease from sorrow,
Drive away care, I beseech thee, O goddess
Fulfil for me what I yearn to accomplish,
Be thou my ally.
Page 24
Valentines Its that time of year again were
love is in the air! We all know February 14th
is the time for love and romance. We go out
and buy those special cards and gifts for
that special person in our life to show how
much we love and adore them. But do any
of us really know why we feel compelled to go and spend our
money on this particular day of the year.
It all dates back to Roman and Christian tradition. On
February 14th the Romans celebrated the goddess Juno
who was the Queen of the gods and also the protector of
marriage and woman.
Also in the 3rd century there was a roman catholic priest
called Valentine who was beheaded by the Roman Emperor
Claudius because Valentine performed marriages for young
couples in secret even though they were outlawed by the
emperor. While Valentine was imprisoned he fell in love with
his jailers daughter and wrote love letters to her and always
signed them “From your Valentine” which is a common
phrase used in modern day valentine cards. Valentine was
eventually beheaded on February 14th 270AD But he was not
made a saint until 498AD by the pope Gelasius and declared
February 14th St valentines day.
By Shell
Page 25
Hey guys! I’m Stacie. I have just recently joined Love Knows
No Gender Youth Forum.
I am on placement at Derbyshire Friend and I think the work
that everyone is doing is just brilliant! I am the only straight
member of the group (I think) and yet it doesn’t bother me or
the people around me. I’m not the type of person to judge
someone on their sexuality and no-one else should either.
Homophobic bullying is a serious issue in schools and needs to
be tackled in an appropriate manner.
Kids are getting bullied because they are gay and teachers are
sitting around taking no notice in what’s happening, where’s the
When I was in school, mid year ten, a guy in my year came out
about being gay. At first people seemed to be ok with it, but
gradually the whole school found out and people, including his
friends, started to turn against him. In desperation he forced
himself to pretend to be straight and go out with a girl just to
fit in and to not get bullied.
Teachers didn’t pick up on the fact that anything was happening and he couldn’t have gone to anyone in confidence because
nobody is designated to talk about those sorts of issues.
It is very important that schools pick up on that homophobic
bullying is happening to young people and take into account
that it’s a serious matter and should be dealt with immediately!!
Written by Stacie
Page 26
There has been many, many great historical moments
involving LGBT people it has been hard to pick out my
top 12, the best but here is my list in date order.
1791 - France: Homosexuality is legalised
1885 - Britain: ‘Labouchere’ Amendment made to the
Criminal Law Amendment Act (sentence reduced to 2
years hard labour from death)
1967 - England and Wales: Male Homosexuality is
1970– Britain: First Gay Pride march
1972– Norway: legalises homosexuality for those aged
17 and over, Hawaii: homosexuality is legalised,
Britain: ‘Gay News’ is Launched
1973 - Britain: 1st Gay Switchboard set up in London
1979 - Usa: the first march on Washington for lesbian
and gay rights attracts more than 100,000
1982 - Britain: homosexuality legalised in Northern
1992 - Worldwide: The World Health Organisation
(WHO) removes homosexuality from its classification of
2003 - UK: lesbians and gay men gain protective
legislation in the field of employment
2004 - UK: trans people can legally change their birth
certificates to their ‘corrected’ gender
2005 - UK: the first ever LGBT History Month, Britain:
Civil Partnerships introduced.
Written by Matt/Bex
Page 27
There has been many great LGBT people
throughout history involved in music, and this is
my top 15:
1. Tchaikovsky 1840-1893
2. David Bowie 1964 – present
3. Elton John: 1967-present
4. Wendy (formerly Walter) Carlos 1968 - Present
5 Freddie Mercury/Queen: 1970-present
(Freddie Mercury – 1991)
6. The Village people 1977-Present
7. Dead or alive (Pete Burns) 1980-present
8. Culture Club (Boy George) 1982-Present
9 George Michael 1982-Present
10. Placebo
(Brian Molko & Stefan Olsdal) 1996-Present
11. Billy Joe Armstrong (Green Day) 1990’s -Present
12. Scissor Sisters (Jake Shears, Babydaddy,
and Del Marquis) 2001- Present
13. Will Young 2002- Present
14. Alex Parks 2003- Present
15. Lesbians on ecstasy 2004 - Present
By Amy
Page 28
Sir Ian McKellen
(X-men, Lord of the Rings)
James Dean
(Rebel without Cause, The Giant)
Angelina Jolie
( Tomb-raider, Mr & Mrs Smith)
Stephen Fry
( V for Vendetta, Stormbreaker)
Drew Barrymore
(Charlie’s Angels, 50 First Dates)
Page 29
Rock Hudson
(31 films 1958—1984)
Rupert Everette
(Shakespeare in Love, Shrek 2—voice of Prince
Sir Nigel Hawthorne
( Madeline, Madness of King George)
Marlene Dietrich
( 55 films 1919—1979 )
Alan Cummings
( Goldeneye, X-Men 3)
Written by Bex/Stacie
Derbyshire Friend is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
(LGBT) Support Service and a registered local charity providing a
range of free services. We offer confidential advice, information
and supportive listening to LGBT people in Derbyshire, including
their families and friends and anyone who may be questioning
their sexuality.
What does DERBYSHIRE FRIEND offer?
Confidential face to face services
Confidential phone line and internet services
For a confidential chat, call the Derbyshire LGBT Switchboard
on:- 01332 349333 (Tues, Wed & Thurs 10am-1pm & 7.30pm9.30pm)
Sexual health information, advice and resources
Social support groups for men & women
Warm and friendly drop-in service
Advice and information
Support to community groups & events
Sign posting to other services
Library resources & free internet access
Volunteering and training opportunities
Youth Forum (Love knows no gender)
For more information about our services & times please call the
administration line on 01332 207704 or email
Visit our website at
The Pavilion, LGBT Centre, 2-3 Friary street, Derby, DE1 1JF
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Love Knows No Gender is supported by these organisations