Sunday - Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club
Sunday - Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club
he numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled uted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Premium List 98th & 99th All-Breed Dog Shows (Unbenched) ese shows are dedicated to the memory of Hobie Brown. # 146 JUDGING R FRANCIS DRAKE KENNEL CLUB PROGRAM 2016044602 99th All-Breed Dog Show (Unbenched) (Member of the American Kennel Club) ThIs show is dedicated to the memory of Hobart "Hobie" Brown. Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CA 94589 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE KENNEL CLUB (Member of the American Kennel Club) AKC National Owner-Handled Series Saturday, September 17, 2016 Sunday, 18, 2016 TheSeptember following Breeds will be judged indoors: Spaniels (Cocker) Black, Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB, Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color, Spaniels (English Cocker), Dachshunds (Longhaired), Dachshunds All Terrier Breeds except Manchester Terriers, Toy Breeds except Manchester Terriers & Toy Poodles, Non-Sporting Breeds except Dalmatians, Miniature SHOW & TRIAL HOURS: 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. EACH DAY Poodles & Standard Poodles. All other Breeds and Junior Showmanship Competition will be ALL PUPPY CLASSES DIVIDED judged outdoors. wing Breeds will be judged indoors: Spaniels (Cocker) Black, Spaniels (Cocker) ASCOB, (Cocker) Parti-Color, Spaniels (English Cocker), Dachshunds (Longhaired), Dachshunds & Best in Show will be judged outdoors. All Groups , Dachshunds (Wirehaired), All Terrier Breeds except Manchester Terriers, Toy Breeds except 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Competition – Saturday (Smooth), Series Dachshunds National Owner-Handled – Saturday (Wirehaired), & Sunday er Terriers & Toy Poodles, Non-Sporting Breeds except Dalmatians, Miniature Poodles & Poodles. All other Breeds and Junior Showmanship Competition will be judged outdoors. All Groups & Best in Show will be judged outdoors. SUPPORTED ENTRIES American Manchester Terrier Club of America 2016606805 2016606806 2016606808 2016606809 2 2016606811 2016606812 2016606813 2 RALLY LIMITED TO 168 ENTRIES - EACH DAY (RAE CLASS OFFERED) SUPPORTED ENTRIES Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office, at 12:00 NOON (PDT), WEDNESDAY, AUGUS Lowchen Club of America rican Manchester Terrier Club of America – Saturday & Sunday or when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepte Lowchen Club of America – Saturday & Sunday NORCAL Golden Retriever Club or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. NORCAL Golden Retriever Club – Saturday & Sunday Northern California Afghan Hound Club orthern California Afghan Hound Club – Saturday & Sunday Premium List Redwood Empire Mastiff Club – Sunday Redwood Empire Mastiff Club All-Breed Dog Shows, Obedience Trials & Rally Trials Don’t Miss Concurrent Specialty – Separate Premium List (Unbenched) edwood Empire Mastiff Club Regional – Saturday TheseSpecialty are Self-Cleaning shows. Please help us keep the show grounds clean! are Self-Cleaning shows. Please help us keep the show grounds clean! # 634 # 5629 Obedience Trial & Rally Trial (Unbenched) LAKE COUNTY KENNEL CL 2016606811 OF 2016606812 NORTHERN CALIFORN (American Kennel Club Licensed) LAKE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (American Kennel Club Licensed) Solano County Fairgrounds Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CA 94589 Thursday & Friday, September 15 & 16, 2016 – Breed 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CASaturday, 94589 September 17, 2016 – 2 Obedience Trials / 2 Ral Sunday, September 18, 2016 Sunday, September 18, 2016 – Obedience / Rally Note: All Obedience & Rally Indoors SHOW & TRIAL HOURS: 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. Note: All Obedience & Rally Indoors 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Competition – Friday AKC National Owner-Handled Series – Thursday & Fr SHOW & TRIAL HOURS: 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. EACH DAY ALL PUPPY CLASSES DIVIDED following Breeds will be judged indoors: Spaniels (Cocker) Black, Spaniels (Cock Equipment & Service Furnished The By: Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color, Spaniels (English Cocker), Dachshunds (Longhaired), D (Smooth), Dachshunds (Wirehaired), All Terrier Breeds except Manchester Terriers, Toy Br "Please feel free to come by and a tour of Breeds except Dalmatians, Miniature Manchester Terriers &take Toy Poodles, Non-Sporting Standard All other business Breeds and Junior Showmanship Competition will be judge our Headquarters Office inPoodles. NC any All Groups & Best in Show will be judged outdoors. day Mon. thru Fri., 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M." DESIGNATED SPECIALTIES American Manchester Terrier Club Division 8 – Thursday 620 Industrial Ave. • P.O. Box 22107 • Greensboro, NC 27420 • 336-379-9352 American Manchester Terrier Club Division 7 – Friday SUPPORTED ENTRIES 32351 Edward Ave. • P.O. Box 9999 • Madison Hts., MI 48071 • 248-588-5000 Lowchen Club of America – Thursday / Friday FAX - 336-272-0864 • Internet Address NORCAL Golden Retriever Club – Thursday / Friday E-Mail Address American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendent Member of the Dog Show Superintendents Association • 1 INDEX OF BREEDS This index has been prepared to enable exhibitors to (1) identify the Ring(s) in which their Breed(s) is (are) to be judged and (2) have an approximation of the number of dogs entered.The entry figures are not to be taken as a representation on the part of the Superintendent/Show Secretary that all dogs entered will be present on the Show day. Entry 2 7 7 5 2 7 4 15 7 10 6 15 3 5 10 3 2 5 5 15 4 3 3 3 1 7 18 15 6 33 6 12 2 4 34 8 9 15 15 26 8 8 10 2 1 4 15 14 22 9 23 6 1 2 2 3 29 19 2 33 2 Breed Affenpinschers Afghan Hounds Airedale Terriers Alaskan Malamutes American Hairless Terriers American Staffordshire Terriers Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Australian Cattle Dogs Australian Shepherds Australian Terriers Basenjis Basset Hounds Beagles, 13 Inch Beagles, 15 Inch Bearded Collies Belgian Malinois Belgian Sheepdogs Belgian Tervuren Berger Picards Bernese Mountain Dogs Bichons Frises Black and Tan Coonhounds Black Russian Terriers Bloodhounds Border Collies Border Terriers Borzois Boston Terriers Bouviers des Flandres Boxers Briards Brittanys Brussels Griffons Bull Terriers (White) Bulldogs Bullmastiffs Cairn Terriers Cane Corsos Cardigan Welsh Corgis Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Chihuahuas (Long Coat) Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) Chinese Cresteds Chow Chows Cirnechi dell’Etna Collies (Rough) Dachshunds (Longhaired) Dachshunds (Smooth) Dachshunds (Wirehaired) Dalmatians Doberman Pinschers Dogues de Bordeaux Entlebucher Mountain Dogs Finnish Lapphunds Finnish Spitz Fox Terriers (Smooth) French Bulldogs German Shepherd Dogs Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens Great Danes Great Pyrenees Ring 3 8 2 9 2 1 7 6 6 2 11 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 9 3 10 9 8 6 2 8 3 6 9 6 10 4 2 1 7 2 9 6 4 3 3 3 1 8 11 4 4 4 7 7 5 6 9 1 2 3 6 10 8 9 Entry 4 4 7 10 16 3 2 21 3 8 5 5 4 10 2 12 8 27 37 29 6 1 8 17 12 7 8 7 12 6 11 6 15 2 8 7 3 12 5 1 9 4 9 4 11 5 2 7 2 6 21 11 4 18 2 9 2 2 13 23 2 Time 1:15 11:15 10:00 1:15 11:45 9:45 9:15 8:00 12:45 8:00 12:30 1:15 1:15 1:15 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 2:15 9:45 8:00 1:15 11:15 10:30 8:00 2:30 8:00 12:45 11:00 12:45 12:30 10:45 10:00 8:00 8:00 10:00 1:15 8:00 9:30 1:15 1:15 2:30 2:45 1:15 12:30 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:00 8:00 8:00 10:30 11:00 2:45 11:45 8:00 10:30 12:30 8:00 9:30 2 Breed Ring Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 9 Greyhounds 8 Havanese 4 Irish Terriers 3 Irish Wolfhounds 8 Italian Greyhounds 3 Japanese Chin 4 Junior Showmanship Competition 5 Keeshonden 3 Kerry Blue Terriers 2 Kuvaszok 7 Lagotti Romagnoli 5 Lakeland Terriers 2 Leonbergers 9 Lhasa Apsos 3 Lowchen 1 Maltese 3 Manchester Terriers (Standard) 11 Manchester Terriers (Toy) 11 Mastiffs 9 Miniature American Shepherds 6 Miniature Bull Terriers 2 Miniature Pinschers 4 Miniature Schnauzers 1 Newfoundlands 7 Norfolk Terriers 2 Norwegian Elkhounds 8 Norwich Terriers 2 Obedience Trial Classes Utility B 12 Obedience Trial Classes Graduate Open 13 Obedience Trial Classes Open A 13 Obedience Trial Classes Utility A 12 Obedience Trial Classes Open B 13 Obedience Trial Classes Pref Op 13 Obedience Trial Classes Begin Novice B 13 Obedience Trial Classes Begin Novice A 13 Obedience Trial Classes Pref Ut 12 Obedience Trial Classes Novice B 12 Obedience Trial Classes Novice A 12 Obedience Trial Classes Pref Nov 12 Rally Ex B 14 Rally Adv A 14 Rally Adv B 14 Rally Nov A 14 Rally Nov B 14 Old English Sheepdogs 5 Otterhounds 10 Papillons 2 Parson Russell Terriers 2 Pekingese 3 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 5 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 7 Pointers (German Wirehaired) 5 Pomeranians 3 Poodles (Miniature) 7 Poodles (Standard) 7 Poodles (Toy) 7 Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 8 Portuguese Water Dogs 6 Pugs 3 Pulik 9 Time 11:00 11:15 10:45 9:45 11:15 11:30 10:45 1:30 9:45 11:45 9:15 10:00 9:00 2:15 9:45 2:45 1:15 12:30 2:00 9:30 8:00 8:00 10:45 10:30 9:15 9:00 2:30 9:00 8:00 8:00 8:55 9:45 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:40 11:10 11:10 11:10 8:00 9:40 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:00 12:30 9:00 8:00 1:15 11:00 11:30 8:00 2:30 1:00 1:00 11:30 1:15 10:30 11:30 2:15 Entry 1 3 10 6 11 45 23 3 39 30 2 5 13 1 2 1 8 25 30 13 11 24 5 1 Breed Pumik Rat Terriers Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) Retrievers (Curly-Coated) Retrievers (Flat-Coated) Retrievers (Golden) Retrievers (Labrador) Ret (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Rhodesian Ridgebacks Rottweilers Russell Terriers Salukis Samoyeds Schipperkes Scottish Terriers Sealyham Terriers Setters (English) Setters (Irish) Shetland Sheepdogs Shiba Inu Shih Tzu Siberian Huskies Silky Terriers Sloughis Ring 9 2 5 7 5 10 10 5 8 9 2 8 7 3 2 2 10 7 6 3 3 9 4 8 Entry 15 3 7 6 3 6 5 4 11 12 3 1 1 9 8 21 9 1 4 13 9 3 6 Time 2:15 8:00 8:00 11:30 8:00 10:00 8:00 10:00 9:45 8:00 8:00 2:30 9:15 9:45 10:00 10:00 9:15 2:00 12:45 9:45 2:30 2:15 10:45 11:15 Breed Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. Spaniels (Cocker) Black Spaniels (English Cocker) Spaniels (Sussex) Spaniels (Welsh Springer) Spinoni Italiani St Bernards Staffordshire Bull Terriers Standard Schnauzers Swedish Vallhunds Tibetan Mastiffs Tibetan Spaniels Tibetan Terriers Toy Fox Terriers Vizslas Weimaraners Welsh Terriers West Highland White Terriers Whippets Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Xoloitzcuintli Yorkshire Terriers Ring 2 4 4 3 10 10 7 5 1 7 6 7 3 1 4 7 10 2 2 8 5 1 4 Time 10:00 1:45 1:45 9:45 9:15 9:15 1:00 8:00 9:45 9:15 8:00 9:15 9:45 2:45 10:45 2:00 12:30 10:00 10:00 2:30 10:00 2:45 10:45 PROGRAM OF JUDGING There are 1543 dogs entered in this show with a total entry of 1584 in 153 different Breeds or Varieties, including 88 obedience entries and 37 rally entries. For your convenience, the following division of sexes has been carefully tabulated; however, neither the Club nor the Superintendent/Show Secretary assumes responsibility for absolute accuracy. In accordance with Chapter 7, Section 13, of “Rules Applying to Dog Shows” due to the large entry and with American Kennel Club approval the following changes apply: Breed Original Judge New Judge Pointers (German Wirehaired) Mrs. Sue Goldberg Mrs. Eva E. Berg Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) Mrs. Sue Goldberg Mrs. Eva E. Berg Retrievers (Flat-Coated) Mrs. Sue Goldberg Mrs. Eva E. Berg Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Mrs. Sue Goldberg * Mr. Kenneth E. Berg Spaniels (Welsh Springer) Mrs. Sue Goldberg * Mr. Bradley Jenkins Otterhounds Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus * Mr. Bradley Jenkins St Bernards Ms. Denise Dean Mrs. Eva E. Berg Brussels Griffons Mr. Jon R. Cole * Mrs. Eva E. Berg Havanese Mr. Jon R. Cole * Mrs. Eva E. Berg Toy Fox Terriers Mr. Jon R. Cole * Mrs. Eva E. Berg Collies (Rough) Ms. Denise Dean Mrs. Margaret S. Jones Old English Sheepdogs Mrs. Janice L. McClary Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan Pembroke Welsh Corgis Mrs. Janice L. McClary * Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan Junior Showmanship Competition Ms. Denise Dean Mrs. Eva E. Berg The number before each Breed (Variety) indicates the number of dogs entered in that Breed (Variety). The numbers following each Breed (Variety) indicate the number of Regular Class Dogs, Regular Class Bitches, Best of Breed (Variety) (Dogs-Bitches), and Non-Regular Class Dogs or Bitches. RING ONE JUDGE: Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus RING ONE JUDGE: Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. 8:00 AM 34 - *Bulldogs 10-16-(5-3) 9:45 AM 11 - Staffordshire Bull Terriers 2-5-(1-3) 7 - *American Staffordshire Terriers 4-2-(1-0) 10:30 AM 17 - *Miniature Schnauzers 5-9-(3-0) See Ring 8 at 9:45 AM for balance of assignment. 68 Total Dogs 3 RING ONE JUDGE: Mrs. Janice L. McClary 12:30 PM Lunch 1:15 PM 2 - Affenpinschers 1-0-(1-0) 6 - Pekingese 4-1-(1-0) 8 - Chihuahuas (Long Coat) 1-1-(3-3) 8 - Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 5-0-(2-1) 8 - Maltese 1-5-(1-1) 2:30 PM 10 - Chinese Cresteds 3-5-(1-1) 11 - Shih Tzu 4-5-(2-0) 18 - Pomeranians 6-5-(5-2) 2:45 PM 2 - *Chow Chows 0-1-(1-0) 3 - *Xoloitzcuintli 0-0-(2-1) 2 - *Finnish Spitz 0-0-(1-1) 9 - *Tibetan Terriers 3-2-(2-2) 12 - *Lowchen 5-4-(2-1) 175 Total Dogs RING TWO JUDGE: Mrs. Margaret S. Jones 175 Total Dogs 8:00 AM 1 - Miniature Bull Terriers 0-0-(0-1) 2 - Parson Russell Terriers 0-0-(2-0) 2 - Russell Terriers 0-0-(2-0) 3 - Rat Terriers 0-0-(2-1) 7 - Border Terriers 0-3-(4-0) 10 - Australian Terriers 2-6-(1-1) 9:00 AM 4 - Lakeland Terriers 0-0-(2-2) 7 - Norfolk Terriers 1-4-(1-1) 7 - Norwich Terriers 1-3-(2-1) 7 - Papillons 3-2-(1-1) 10:00 AM 1 - Sealyham Terriers 0-0-(1-0) 1 - Welsh Terriers 0-0-(0-1) 2 - Scottish Terriers 0-1-(0-1) 4 - West Highland White Terriers 0-1-(2-1) 9 - Cairn Terriers 0-7-(2-0) 4 - Bull Terriers (White) 0-2-(1-1) 7 - Airedale Terriers 1-4-(1-1) 15 - Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers 2-7-(4-2) RING FOUR JUDGE: Mrs. Eva E. Berg 9:30 AM 26 - *Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 6-12-(7-1) 10:45 AM 2 - *Brussels Griffons 1-0-(0-1) 2 - *Japanese Chin 0-0-(1-1) 5 - *Silky Terriers 0-2-(2-1) 6 - *Yorkshire Terriers 4-1-(1-0) 7 - *Havanese 2-1-(1-2)-1 8 - *Miniature Pinschers 4-2-(1-1) 8 - *Toy Fox Terriers 2-4-(2-0) See Ring 5 at 1:30 PM for balance of assignment. RING FOUR JUDGE: Mr. Bradley Jenkins 1:45 PM 3 - Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. 1-0-(0-2) 7 - Spaniels (Cocker) Black 2-3-(1-1) 14 - Dachshunds (Smooth) 4-3-(4-3) 15 - Dachshunds (Longhaired) 6-6-(3-0) 22 - Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 2-12-(4-4) See Ring 11 at 12:30 PM for balance of assignment. RING TWO JUDGE: Mr. Kenneth E. Berg 174 Total Dogs 11:45 AM 2 - *American Hairless Terriers 1-0-(1-0) 3 - *Fox Terriers (Smooth) 1-1-(0-1) 8 - *Kerry Blue Terriers 0-5-(2-1) RING FIVE JUDGE: Mrs. Eva E. Berg 8:00 AM 4 - Pointers (German Wirehaired) 3-0-(1-0) 4 - St Bernards 2-1-(0-1) 6 - Dogues de Bordeaux 0-3-(3-0) 10 - Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 2-3-(1-4) 11 - Retrievers (Flat-Coated) 4-5-(1-1) 30 Total Dogs RING THREE JUDGE: Mrs. Sue Goldberg 8:00 AM 15 - Boston Terriers 4-6-(1-4) 29 - French Bulldogs 7-15-(3-4) 9:45 AM 1 - Schipperkes 0-0-(1-0) 1 - Tibetan Spaniels 1-0-(0-0) 2 - Lhasa Apsos 1-0-(1-0) 4 - Bichons Frises 0-1-(2-1) 6 - Spaniels (English Cocker) 1-2-(1-2) 13 - Shiba Inu 1-8-(4-0) 3 - Keeshonden 1-0-(1-1) 10 - Irish Terriers 4-4-(0-2) See Ring 4 at 9:30 AM for continuation of assignment. RING FIVE JUDGE: Mr. Kenneth E. Berg 10:00 AM 5 - *Lagotti Romagnoli 1-2-(1-1) 3 - *Ret (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 1-0-(2-0) 9 - *Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 2-2-(3-2) See Ring 2 at 11:45 AM for balance of assignment. RING FIVE JUDGE: Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan See Ring 7 at 11:30 AM for balance of assignment. 11:00 AM 5 - Old English Sheepdogs 0-3-(1-1) 21 - *Pembroke Welsh Corgis 10-8-(2-1) RING THREE JUDGE: Mr. Jon R. Cole 11:30 AM 3 - Italian Greyhounds 1-1-(1-0) 23 - Pugs 4-12-(2-5) 26 Total Dogs 4 RING FIVE JUDGE: Mrs. Eva E. Berg 1:00 PM 2 - Poodles (Miniature) 1-1-(0-0) 5 - Spinoni Italiani 1-2-(1-1) 9 - Dalmatians 1-1-(3-4) 9 - Poodles (Standard) 2-5-(0-2) 2:00 PM 21 - Vizslas 4-10-(6-1) 25 - Setters (Irish) 6-14-(3-1)-1 1:30 PM Junior Showmanship Competition 2 - Novice Junior 3 - Novice Intermediate 4 - Open Junior 6 - Open Intermediate 5 - Open Senior 1 - Master Best Junior Handler 174 Total Dogs RING EIGHT JUDGE: Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. 120 Total Dogs 8:00 AM 33 - *Great Danes 3-22-(4-4) RING SIX JUDGE: Mrs. Janice L. McClary See Ring 1 at 9:45 AM for balance of assignment. 8:00 AM 15 - Australian Cattle Dogs 2-7-(2-4) 3 - Swedish Vallhunds 0-1-(2-0) 6 - Miniature American Shepherds 1-3-(1-1) 15 - Cardigan Welsh Corgis 2-10-(2-1) 9:30 AM 2 - Belgian Sheepdogs 1-0-(1-0) 3 - Belgian Malinois 3-0-(0-0) 5 - Belgian Tervuren 0-2-(1-2) 5 - Berger Picards 1-3-(1-0) 10 - Bearded Collies 2-5-(2-1) 10:30 AM 1 - Border Collies 1-0-(0-0) 1 - Entlebucher Mountain Dogs 0-0-(1-0) 13 - *Portuguese Water Dogs 2-4-(4-3) 19 - German Shepherd Dogs 9-7-(2-1) 12:00 NOON Lunch 12:45 PM 6 - Bouviers des Flandres 4-1-(0-1) 6 - Briards 3-1-(1-1) 7 - Australian Shepherds 3-2-(1-1) 30 - Shetland Sheepdogs 13-9-(7-1) RING EIGHT JUDGE: Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus 9:45 AM 39 - Rhodesian Ridgebacks 10-19-(5-5) 11:15 AM 7 - Afghan Hounds 0-4-(1-2) 1 - *Sloughis 0-1-(0-0) 3 - *Bloodhounds 1-1-(1-0) 4 - *Greyhounds 0-0-(1-3) 16 - Irish Wolfhounds 4-7-(5-0) 12:30 PM Lunch 1:15 PM 2 - *Portuguese Podengo Pequenos 1-0-(1-0) 3 - *Beagles, 13 Inch 1-1-(1-0) 5 - *Beagles, 15 Inch 2-2-(1-0) 1 - *Cirnechi dell’Etna 0-1-(0-0) 15 - *Basset Hounds 4-7-(1-3) 2:30 PM 13 - *Whippets 5-4-(2-2) 5 - Salukis 1-1-(2-1) 8 - *Norwegian Elkhounds 0-5-(1-2) 18 - Borzois 2-10-(3-2)-1 See Ring 1 at 2:45 PM for balance of assignment. 174 Total Dogs RING SEVEN JUDGE: Mr. Jon R. Cole RING NINE JUDGE: Ms. Denise Dean 8:00 AM 8 - Bullmastiffs 1-3-(3-1) 23 - Doberman Pinschers 5-9-(3-6) 9:15 AM 1 - Tibetan Mastiffs 1-0-(0-0) 4 - Anatolian Shepherd Dogs 2-0-(0-2) 5 - Kuvaszok 2-2-(1-0) 12 - Newfoundlands 2-6-(2-2) 12 - Standard Schnauzers 2-5-(2-3) 13 - Samoyeds 3-5-(3-2) 8:00 AM 30 - *Rottweilers 5-12-(7-6) 9:30 AM 2 - Great Pyrenees 0-0-(1-1) 29 - *Mastiffs 9-10-(5-4)-1 11:00 AM 2 - Finnish Lapphunds 0-1-(0-1) 4 - Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs 1-0-(1-2) 33 - Boxers 10-19-(3-1) 12:30 PM Lunch 1:15 PM 3 - *Black Russian Terriers 1-2-(0-0) 5 - Alaskan Malamutes 0-1-(1-3) 15 - *Cane Corsos 5-5-(2-3) See Ring 3 at 11:30 AM for balance of assignment. RING SEVEN JUDGE: Mrs. Sue Goldberg 11:30 AM 2 - Poodles (Toy) 1-0-(1-0) 6 - Retrievers (Curly-Coated) 1-4-(0-1) 11 - Pointers (German Shorthaired) 5-3-(1-2) 12:15 PM Lunch thESE clubS do not agree to arbitrate claims as set forth on the official akc entry form for thESE events. NOTE: To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline (877) 252-3229. 5 2:15 PM 1 - Pumik 1-0-(0-0) 2 - Pulik 1-0-(1-0) 10 - *Leonbergers 3-5-(1-1) 15 - Bernese Mountain Dogs 7-5-(2-1) 24 - Siberian Huskies 10-8-(3-3) 11:45 AM Lunch 12:30 PM 2 - Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens 1-1-(0-0) Best in Miscellaneous Class 2 - *Otterhounds 0-1-(1-0) 9 - *Weimaraners 4-2-(2-1) 12 - Brittanys 5-1-(3-3) 175 Total Dogs RING TEN JUDGE: Mr. Bradley Jenkins See Ring 4 at 1:45 PM for balance of assignment. RING ELEVEN JUDGE: Mrs. Margaret S. Jones 8:00 AM 3 - Black and Tan Coonhounds 0-2-(1-0) 23 - *Retrievers (Labrador) 8-9-(1-5) 9:15 AM 3 - Spaniels (Sussex) 3-0-(0-0) 6 - *Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1-1-(0-4) 8 - *Setters (English) 1-1-(6-0) 10:00 AM 45 - Retrievers (Golden) 12-24-(5-3)-1 12:30 PM 4 - Collies (Rough) 0-3-(1-0) 6 - Basenjis 2-2-(1-1) 27 - Manchester Terriers (Standard) 6-5-(6-8)-2 2:00 PM 37 - Manchester Terriers (Toy) 3-11-(8-14)-1 167 Total Dogs Obedience/Rally Contact: Darlene Serpa (707) 972-0156 LAKE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA obedience & rally RING TWELVE JUDGE: Mrs. Pauline Andrus 10:20 AM 15 - *Open Class B Obedience Entries Nos 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 After Noon 2 - *Preferred Open Class Obedience Entries Nos 97 100 After Noon A combined walk-thru prior to the start of the Beginner Novice Classes will be allowed for handlers without their dogs Class to Follow 8 - Beginner Novice Class B Obedience Entries Nos 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 After Noon 7 - Beginner Novice Class A Obedience Entries Nos 8 78 79 80 83 85 86 RING FOURTEEN JUDGE: Mrs. Barbara S. Arine (Judge will take a 45 minute luncheon break at her discretion) 8:00 AM 12 - Utility Class B Obedience Entries Nos 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 60 9:45 AM 6 - Utility Class A Obedience Entries Nos 62 63 65 67 70 74 10:40 AM 3 - Preferred Utility Class Obedience Entries Nos 44 104 105 11:10 AM 12 - Novice Class B Obedience Entries Nos 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 After Noon A walk-thru prior to the start of the class will be allowed for handlers without their dogs Class to Follow 5 - Novice Class A Obedience Entries Nos 5 8 9 10 11 After Noon A walk-thru prior to the start of the Preferred Novice Class will be allowed for handlers without their dogs Class to Follow 1 - Preferred Novice Class Obedience Entries Nos 97 RING THIRTEEN JUDGE: Dr. Pamela C. Regan 8:00 AM Rally Excellent Class B Walk Thru Class to Follow 9 - Rally Excellent Class B Nos 39 43 44 45 47 51 56 67 68 9:40 AM Rally Advanced Class A & B/Walk Thru Class to Follow 4 - Rally Advanced Class A Nos 30 32 36 37 10:05 AM 9 - Rally Advanced Class B Nos 39 25 43 44 16 47 51 56 60 10:35 AM Rally Novice Class A & B/Walk Thru Class to Follow 4 - Rally Novice Class A Nos 5 6 8 9 11:00 AM 11 - Rally Novice Class B Nos 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 28 (Judge will take a 45 minute luncheon break at her discretion) 8:00 AM 6 - *Graduate Open Class Obedience Entries Nos 44 50 55 58 101 102 8:55 AM 11 - *Open Class A Obedience Entries Nos 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 40 41 42 6 RING TEN 4:00 PM Variety Groups, Best Owner-Handled in Show and Best in Show (The groups will be judged in the following order unless otherwise announced) Terrier.................................................................................................................................................................. * Mr. Kenneth E. Berg Sporting................................................................................................................................................................... Mrs. Sue Goldberg Toy.................................................................................................................................................................... Mrs. Margaret S. Jones Herding...................................................................................................................................................................... Ms. Denise Dean Non-Sporting................................................................................................................................................... * Mrs. Janice L. McClary Working........................................................................................................................................................................ Mr. Jon R. Cole Hound................................................................................................................................................................ * Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus Best Owner-Handled in Show................................................................................................................................ Mr. Bradley Jenkins Best in Show ......................................................................................................................................................... Mr. Bradley Jenkins RING FIVE 3:30 PM Owner-Handled Variety Groups Owner-Handled Terrier................................................................................................................................. Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Sporting.............................................................................................................................. Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Toy...................................................................................................................................... Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Herding............................................................................................................................... Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Non-Sporting...................................................................................................................... Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Working.............................................................................................................................. Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. Owner-Handled Hound................................................................................................................................. Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. JUDGES Mrs. Pauline Andrus (Ring 12)......................................................................................................... P.O. Box 960, Crestline, CA 92325 Mrs. Barbara S. Arine (Ring 14).......................................................................................................P.O. Box 1485, Lompoc, CA 93438 Mrs. Eva E. Berg (Rings 4,5).......................................................................................................136 Longfield Pl., Moraga, CA 94556 Mr. Kenneth E. Berg (Rings 2,5)..................................................................................................136 Longfield Pl., Moraga, CA 94556 Dr. Andrea Bradford, M.D. (Rings 1,8)..........................................................................4280 Ball Ground Rd., Ball Ground, GA 30107 Mr. Jon R. Cole (Rings 3,7)........................................................................................................ P.O. Box 160205, Nashville, TN 37216 Ms. Denise Dean (Ring 9).................................................................................................................P.O. Box 50517, Parks, AZ 86018 Mrs. Sue Goldberg (Rings 3,7)..........................................................................................................19 Skyline Dr., Warren, NJ 07059 Mrs. Linda Hurlebaus (Rings 1,8)................................................................................................. 281 Ridley Rd., Palmetto, GA 30268 Mr. Bradley Jenkins (Rings 4,10)................................................................................................336 County Rd. 143, Bono, AR 72416 Mrs. Margaret S. Jones (Rings 2,11)...................................... 2670 West Shawnigan Lake Rd., Shawnigan Lake, B.C., CN V0R 2W3 Mrs. Janice L. McClary (Rings 1,6).................................................................................. P.O. Box 5013, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan (Ring 5)................................................................................................. 942 Liberty Rd., Petaluma, CA 94952 Dr. Pamela C. Regan (Ring 13)....................................................................................... 504 Rindge Ln., Redondo Beach, CA 90278 *Provisional/Permit Judge - See assignments IMPORTANT - TRANSFERS of dogs from regular classes to Best of Breed/Variety Competition (Ch. 11 Section 6, AKC Rules) MUST be made to the Superintendent/Show Secretary at least one half hour prior to the start of any regular conformation judging at this show. TRANSFERS by Junior Handlers from Novice to Open Class or from the Open to Master Class MUST be made to the Superintendent/ Show Secretary at least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior Showmanship judging at the show. SUBSTITUTIONS of Junior Showmanship dogs must be made at least one half hour prior to the judging of any Junior Showmanship classes at the show. TRANSFERS OF DOGS IN OBEDIENCE/RALLY CLASSES (Ch. 1 Section 16 of Obedience Regulations) The request for transfers must be in writing and presented to the Superintendent/Trial Secretary at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each trial. Transfers for Obedience may be approved, provided the next level class and judge are available and the class has not reached its limit. Official Photographers ~ Victoria Cook & Warren Cook P.O. Box 215, Eagle Point, OR 97524 (541) 831-1042 phone/fax E-mail: website: (Only the Official Photographers may take win pictures.) Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Darren Bobrosky will be present during show hours (925) 200-3674 Veterinary Service On Call & 24 Hour Animal Emergency Clinic Redwood Veterinary Hospital 731 Admiral Callaghan Dr., Vallejo, CA 94591 (707) 553-1400 xhibitors should follow their veterinarian's recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal E and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. Special Thanks to Dennis Johnson and his hard-working crew for their expert grounds setup! 7 AKC National Owner-Handled Series The AKC National Owner-Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by their owners that are not professional handlers. All dogs that are owner-handled and are not owned or exhibited by professional handlers* meet the requirements for this competition. Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner-Handled eligible at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form. Eligible dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the judge's book, steward’s book & the catalog. Dogs must be handled throughout the breed level competition for the regular show by an eligible owner. Professional handlers, household members and current assistants** to professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in any competition during the entire show. Owner-Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed competition including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes. • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible, it will automatically be OwnerHandled Best of Breed/Variety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as well as the Owner-Handled group. • If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is not eligible for Owner-Handled competition and the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety is eligible, the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety. • If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety are Owner-Handled competition eligible and Select Dog & Select Bitch are both eligible, the judge is to choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the Selects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. • If one of the Selects is eligible, excuse all Champions and non-regular class winners of the same sex and then choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the remaining dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible Winners. • If Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog & Select Bitch are not eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety. • If the Best of Winners is eligible, the other Winner is ineligible since it was defeated. • No class dogs other than the Winners Dog & Winners Bitch are eligible to return to the ring. The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing in the Best of Breed or in Best of Winners competition. *Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years. **A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis, or, assisting a professional handler at the show or any show during the cluster/weekend. A judge requesting the use of a ramp must give notice to the show superintendent/show secretary prior to judging. AKC approval is not required. The entire entry in a breed is to be examined in the same manner (ground, table, or ramp). At the discretion of the judge, the following breeds may be judged on the ground or on a ramp through all levels of competition including Group and Best in Show judging: Lagotti Romagnoli, Clumber Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Cirnechi dell'Etna, Irish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Finnish Spitz, Keeshonden, Norwegian Buhunds, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Spanish Water Dogs and Norrbottenspets (Misc.). At the discretion of the judge through all levels of competition including Group and Best in Show judging, the following breeds may be judged on the ground, a ramp, or on a table: Boykin Spaniels and Whippets. The following breeds must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Sussex Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Bulldogs, Chinese Shar-Pei and Chow Chows. This extends to all conformation competition at AKC conformation dog shows and any AKC event where a conformation title may be earned. This policy includes Group, BIS, Junior Showmanship, the 4–6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition, the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS), and all other special attractions that offer Group and BIS competitions. Ramps can be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund. For the judging of juniors the ramp may be used at the discretion of the judge for the ramp optional breeds. NOTICE Juniors who win a third Novice Class with competition present, after the closing of entries for a show, ARE REQUIRED TO TRANSFER their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class BY NOTIFYING the Superintendent or Show Secretary at least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior Showmanship judging at the show. JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOTHER CLASS OFFERED AT THIS SHOW WHO SUBSTITUTE A DOG NOT ENTERED IN THIS SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUNIOR ONLY AND JUNIOR AS AN ADDITIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE. 8 All rights to TELEVISE, VIDEOTAPE, ADVERTISE, PHOTOGRAPH, PROMOTE or otherwise exploit these shows are vested in the clubs or in persons to whom assignments of such rights have been made in writing by the clubs. All persons and animals on the show grounds and anytime while these shows are in progress, do by attending these shows or participating therein, grant to the clubs the right to photograph, televise, videotape, audiotape or otherwise use their likeness and voice in any manner without further release or consent. The kennel clubs are not responsible for the actions or products of the commercial vendors at these shows. Freelance photographers and videographers: Photographers and videographers who derive income/value from their work and/or have a client base must have prior written permission from the Lake-Drake Cluster to provide services on the Show Site and during published Show Hours. Important Notices to All Exhibitors and Attendees The Cluster Event Committee will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for or assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune, to either dogs or exhibitors participating in these shows. The welfare of an exhibitor's child is assumed to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors will exercise control and restraint over their children each day of the shows. No exercise pens are allowed in the building. No crates or setups allowed in the building overnight. Crates and setups must be kept at least 10 feet from all rings. EXHIBITORS AND HANDLERS will be held responsible for clean conditions in and around their crates. DO NOT LEAVE ANY DOGS IN CLOSED VEHICLES. The Clubs assume no responsibility for dogs or equipment left unattended. Building must be vacated one hour after Best in Show on Sunday. Restrooms are not to be used for bathing dogs or mixing food. TROPHIES AND PRIZES must be picked up each day of the shows. None will be mailed. Cars are not to remain in unloading zones more than 20 minutes. DAY OF SHOW PARKING is provided and facilitated by the Solano County Fair Association. The clubs have no authority over issues regarding day parking. Handicapped parking is available and typically provides an appropriate surface to the facilities; it is not necessarily closer to the building or the rings. Multiple Day Parking Pass: 4 Days = $32.00, 3 Days = $24.00, 1 Day = $10.00. Cleaning Up after your own dogs is your responsibility. These are Self-Cleaning shows. If your dog soils the grounds it is your responsibility to clean it up. There will be poop bags attached to stakes throughout the grounds. By signing the entry form for these shows you are agreeing that clean up is your responsibility. Public Education On Friday, Saturday & Sunday, large public information/education table, located inside the building, will provide literature (breed information, handouts, brochures) for exhibitors and the general public. Breed clubs are encouraged to contribute and bring materials to the shows. These are self-cleaning shows. Cleaning up after your own dogs is your responsibility. If your dog soils the grounds, it is your responsibility to clean it up. There will be poop bags attached to stakes throughout the show grounds. Paper towels will be available on the judges' tables at the rings. Help keep our show grounds clean. Lowchen Breed Seminar in conjunction with four days of Lowchen Club of America Supported Entry. AKC and Parent Club Approved mentor. Saturday, September 17, 2016 ~ Time: To Be Announced The seminar will be conducted according to AKC requirements with program, hands on examination and Certificates of Completion given. $25.00 per attendee and space is limited to only 8-10, so please reserve soon. Send reservation requests to Alexia Rodriguez E-mail: Dog Show Tour 1:30 P.M. Saturday & Sunday Meet at the Catalog Table inside the building 9 NO PRACTICING ALLOWED IN RINGS AT ANY TIME. Dogs May Arrive any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. Dogs not required for further judging will be excused. Judges Will Not Wait for Any Dog Holding Up a Class. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. All Dogs Present must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. No gasoline or diesel generators are permitted inside any building or within 100 feet of any tent in which this dog show is conducted. As specified in Chapter 12, Section 4 of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, information contained on the entry form is required to be published in the club’s show catalog. This information is also subject to publication in other media. Entry Fees shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of the event's Show Committee. If because of riots, wars, strikes, civil disturbances, national emergencies, health emergencies, and the dictates of law enforcement or of the owner(s) of the grounds and/or facilities or other acts beyond the control of the management it is impossible to open or to complete the show, no refund of entry fee will be made. Extreme weather conditions, such as, but not limited to, snow storms, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat, heavy rains, or other circumstances including, but not limited to, the condition of the facilities or grounds and/or the ingress and egress from the grounds, must be considered for the health and safety of the dogs, exhibitors and spectators. The well-being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and, in the event it is necessary to cancel or stop the show before completion, no refund of entry fee will be made. 10 11 LAKE - DRAKE CLUSTER RESERVED RV OVERNIGHT PARKING INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 2016 Hours RV Overnight will be available: Tues. - Sept. 13 (Manchester Terriers Only) 4:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.; Wed. - Sept. 14 - 2:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.; Thurs. - Sept. 15; Fri. - Sept. 16; Sat. - Sept. 17 - 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M. & after Best In Show - 10:00 P.M.; Sun. - Sept. 18 - 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M.; All vehicles must be off the grounds 1 hour after BIS - Sun. - Sept. 18, 2016. No overnight parking on Sunday. OVERNIGHT & DAY OF SHOW PARKING ARE PRIVILEGES OF THE SOLANO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS & LAKE-DRAKE CLUSER (Lake County KC of N CA & Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club). THESE PARTIES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW PRIVILEGES, WITHOUT RETURN OF RV OVERNIGHT PARKING FEE OR ENTRY FEES, FROM ANY PERSON(s) WHO CANNOT ABIDE BY, ABUSES THESE PRIVILEGES OR USES ABUSIVE LANGUAGE. VIOLATORS MAY BE SUBJECT TO EVENT COMMITTEE CHARGES. Day of show parking is provided & facilitated by Solano Country Fairgrounds, Lake-Drake Cluster has no authority regarding Day of Show parking, &/or policies regarding Day of Show parking. ALL PARKING IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Solano County Fairgrounds & Lake-Drake Cluster assume NO responsibility or liability for damage or loss to vehicles contents &/or dogs. The Fairgrounds or Clubs take NO responsibility for vehicles towed in violation of parking laws or regulations & subject to actions of regulatory officers or agents. Vehicles illegally parked will be towed at the owner’s expense. The fire department has forbidden any vehicles in fire lanes or any unauthorized area. PARKING SPACES WILL BE PRE-ASSIGNED. PEOPLE WISHING TO PARK TOGETHER MUST SEND IN THEIR RESERVATIONS TOGETHER, however there is no guarantee that we can accommodate all requests. COST: $45.00 PER NIGHT / PER SPACE. Spaces are 22’ x 40’. Vehicles over 40’ total length or vehicles with a slide out that will not fit in a 22’ x 40’ space will need to buy 2 spaces. If your entire package will not fit in a 22’ x 40’ space, you will need to buy additional space. Trailers & tow units may be required to be unhitched. Vehicles over 40’ in length will be accommodated only where possible. Tagalong vehicle is $30.00 flat fee, & must fit into assigned space. (A TAG is a vehicle that arrives with a RV or a vehicle that will be parked in the same space as the RV - everything must fit). VERY LIMITED HANDICAPPED PARKING will be available; IT MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE CLOSE TO THE RINGS. A suitable access will be provided. Please provide proof of your valid handicapped license with your RV Overnight reservation form. NO NON-RESERVED RV HANDICAPPED WILL BE AVAILABLE. Handicapped RV parking does not guarantee electric. NO ONE is guaranteed that your parking space will have access to electricity. ELECTRIC CANNOT BE RESERVED, ASSIGNED, REQUESTED, SAVED & / OR GUARANTEED. Please be prepared if you do not have electricity. There will be NO “Piggy Backing” into another rig who is plugged into the Fairgrounds electricity. NO CORDS across any sidewalks, walkways, roadways, or fire lanes. Any violators will be disconnected immediately, & MAY be subject to an Events Committee Charge. Please remember electricity, IF available, is extremely limited, everyone WILL NOT have, get, find, be guaranteed or should expect electricity, no matter what time you arrive or where you are parked. There is no guarantee that your parking space will have access to electricity. Payment of RV overnight parking fees does not guarantee electricity. No Vehicle traffic in show limits during judging hours. No Visitors may drive their cars into the RV overnight area, they must park in the day of show lot and walk inside. ALL RV’s MUST HAVE WORKING FIRE EXTINGUISHER. All vehicles must be completely self-contained. NO discharge of gray water &/or sanitary tanks allowed. All RV’s using a generator must have a proper exhaust pipe venting away from the dogs & people - Quiet time: 11:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M. - No generators No more that 2 vehicles with a total length of 40’ per space, this includes tagalong/tow vehicle. All vehicles will be parked in the same direction in the rows &/or side-by-side &/or head to tail. STRICTLY ENFORCED RV OVERNIGHT PARKING COORDINATOR ASSIGNS ALL SPACES. DO NOT PROCEED TO ANY RV PARKING SPACE without an escort. THERE WILL BE A $25.00 SERVICE CHARGE ON ALL RETURNED CHECKS RV Parking must have been received by: AUGUST 31, 2016 - No refunds after that date NON-RESERVED PARKING WILL BE $55.00 per night / per space (will be parked where available) - CASH ONLY see page 31 of the Premium List for additional information. 12 Accommodations Courtyard by Marriott Vallejo Napa Valley........................................................................ (707) 644-1200 Best Western Inn Six Flags . ............................................................................................. (707) 643-6722 Quality Inn .......................................................................................................................... (707) 643-1061 Ramada Inn ........................................................................................................................ (707) 643-2700 Directions to the Event Site 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CA 94589 From 80 East or West or 37 - Take Marine World Parkway. Go Left on Fairgrounds Drive. Go Left into Fairgrounds. Grooming Information No dogs may be left in the buildings overnight. Lake County Kennel Club of Northern California and Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club are not responsible for grooming equipment left unattended. All dogs and equipment must be removed from the building one hour after Best in Show judging concludes Sunday evening. Dog Bathing on the Fairgrounds. The 1996 Clean Water Act is enforced at the Solano County Fairgrounds. All gray water (soapy water from bathing dogs) must be discharged into sanitary sewer systems only and not dumped onto the ground or into storm drains. A hefty fine can be levied against offenders. All dog bathing must be done in the designated area located at the east end of the Main Concourse, directly behind the Livestock Building. Gray water from “table bathing” must be disposed of in restroom's sanitary sewer systems or deposited in motor home's sanitary systems. 13 14 Get Real! Real Time Results in your e-mail for any MB-F show for FREE (First 30 days of new My InfoDog Professional Membership)! It's easy to be in the Know! 15 16
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