quapaw scouter - Quapaw Area Council
quapaw scouter - Quapaw Area Council
QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 Issue #2015‐1 QUAPAW SCOUTER January & February 2015 BUILD AN ADVENTURE IN THIS ISSUE COUNCIL LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE! The Quapaw Area Council is proud to announce the roll out of a totally redesigned, all new council website. The only thing that is the same as the old site is the web address: www.quapawbsa.org In 2012, the Council Executive Board formed an ad‐hoc committee that was charged with the research, planning, and development of a new council website. This was to be a very lengthy, complex, and detailed process with the overriding goal of creating a fresh new look as well as increased functionality in the new site. The site would also be the first website redesign since 1997 when the council’s first site was created and developed by Wendell Brown, a long‐time Scouting Volunteer from Little Rock. The new site includes several new features such as an interactive council / district map, district calendars powered by Google Calendars, Online Donor link, and mobile optimization for viewing the site on mobile devices including Android and iOS. Links to the council’s social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are easily found on the front page of new site so they can be easily found / followed by those visiting the website. The site includes a “Join Scouting” button that allows a visitor to click then enter some basic information that is immediately sent to the appropriate District Executive for a quick response. The Website Committee was chaired by Vice‐President for Technology Hunter Babin. Babin led an experienced group of volunteers including: James Hendren, Greg McKee, Haley Wilson, Sam Birdand was assisted by Bill Price (BSA‐Retired) and Aaron Jones (Program Director) of the council staff. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 2 The Website Committee contracted Matmon Internet, Inc. of Little Rock to design and roll‐ out the site. Their team of designers did an outstanding job on the form and function of the new site. Check out the site and remember to check back often for updates and new additional new features that will be forthcoming. SILVER BEAVER AWARD FACTS “This award is for those (sic) giving outstanding service to Scouting whether the person is outstanding or prominent…in the community." – James E. West, First Chief Scout Executive The Silver Beaver Award is the highest award that a local council may bestow upon a deserving volunteer Scouter. Please mark your calendars for these upcoming activities, events, and training opportunities: January 1 Camp Closed 1‐2 Office Closed 9‐10 OA Lodge Leadership Development 10 OA Lodge Banquet OA Lodge Executive Committee 17 Day Camp Directors Meeting COUNCIL BANQUET TO BE HELD JANUARY 23, 2015 Make plans now to attend the upcoming Quapaw Area Council Annual Recognition Banquet to be held Friday, January 23, 2015. The banquet will be held at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock. Registration begins at 6:00pm with banquet opening ceremony scheduled for 6:30pm. Reservations for the event are $20 each and must be made in advance. In Memory of Phil Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Bill Puddephatt In Memory of Robert Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Puddephatt An evening full of fun and fellowship, the banquet is an opportunity to recognize the outstanding efforts of volunteers from throughout the council and extend congratulations on a job well done. You’ll not want to miss the highlight of the program as the council presents its 2014 Class of Silver Beaver recipients. In Memory of Edward M. Penick Please join us for this outstanding evening. See you there! A registration form may be downloaded at: http://www.quapawbsa.org/content/uploads/ 2014/12/2015‐banquet‐flyer.pdf 19 Office Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) 20 Activities Committee Meeting Membership Committee Meeting Properties Committee Meeting Training Committee Meeting 23 Council Banquet 24 District Committee Workshop Executive Board Retreat 27 Advancement Committee Meeting Camping Committee Meeting Risk Management Committee Meeting 28 Council Annual Business Meeting 31 COPE Workday/Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Bill Puddephatt In Memory of Keith Crass Mr. and Mrs. Bill Puddephatt In Memory of Nick Jones Faye Rodgers Van Buren County Board of Realtors February 8 Scout Sunday 12 Camp Card Orders Begin 14 Properties Committee Pre Camp Inspection 16 Office Closed (Presidents Day) 17 Eagle Day 20‐22 Wood Badge Weekend # 1 25 Executive Committee Meeting 26 Commissioner Staff Meeting 27 Eagle Banquet 27 ‐28 COPE Weekend QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 3 Gold Level Excellence The Quapaw Area Council is proud to Additional information resources can be found in the Commissioners Guidebook for Unit Service. Download a copy at: It's easy to attend! Just navigate your Internet browser to http://www.livestream.com/bsanationalcouncil and you are ready to view the webcast! http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/14‐550.pdf As always, for more information on the new Cub Scouting program, please go to www.scouting.org/programupdates. announce that both key performance indicators for the Journey to Excellence Program (Unit Service & Unit Commissioners) are currently scored at the Gold Level. These two areas of focus require each district to have sufficient Unit Commissioners so that each commissioner is assigned no more than three units to serve. The second area of focus requires each commissioner to log each unit visit into the Unit Visit Tracking System. Congratulations and thanks to the many members of the commissioner service that have made this great achievement possible. Quality unit service is one of the cornerstones of a quality Scouting Program. Commissioner Service Awards Scouters who serve in the various roles of the commissioner service may earn several awards and recognitions for their service. Depending on a commissioner’s primary area of service (Unit Commissioner, Roundtable Commissioner, Etc.) commissioners can earn the following: 2015 CUB SCOUT PROGRAM UPDATES January 17 Webcasts on the New Cub Scouting Program A new Cub Scouting program is launching June 1, 2015. It will be more fun and exciting for boys, and easier to implement for unit leaders. To ensure you are ready to make the transition, a number of webcasts will be hosted on January 17 to outline the coming changes, how to prepare, and when resources will be available. Cubmaster Webcasts Saturday, January 17, at 8 a.m. (Central) Saturday, January 17, at 3 p.m. (Central) Den Leader Webcasts Saturday, January 17, at 9:30 a.m. (Central) Saturday, January 17, at 4:30 p.m. (Central) LDS‐Specific Considerations* The Commissioner’s Arrowhead Award, Commissioner’s Key, Commissioner’s Service Award, and District Commissioner’s Service Award, and Doctorate of Commissioner Science are all awards designed specifically for commissioners. Help spread the word about the webcasts to ensure others are ready for the new Cub Scouting program! Saturday, January 17, at 11 a.m. (Central) Saturday, January 17, at 6 p.m. (Central) * It is recommended that those interested in the LDS session view one of the role‐ specific sessions first. Although the content will be geared to the roles listed, anyone with an interest in learning about the new Cub Scouting program is welcome to attend. The sessions will be recorded for later viewing. INTERNET RECHARTERING ACTIVE NOW! The 2015 recharters are going great. Units have adapted well to the new process and the requirement for 100% of units rechartering online. Many of the January units in the council have already submitted the recharter and the appropriate fees to the registrar. The online rechartering application is designed to save the processor time and effort as it guides them through the process. It is still necessary to deliver new applications, the printed and properly signed recharter, along with required fees to the council office before the 15th of the month it is due. If there are questions about online rechartering, the District Commissioner Staff and District Executive have been trained to assist during the process. There is also an online rechartering tutorial for anyone who would like to familiarize themselves with the process. The tutorial and link to online QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 4 rechartering is located on the council website at: http://www.quapawbsa.org/recharter‐ advancement/ Rechartering timeline: December 1, 2014: Window opens for all January to begin online process to recharter. (MUST BE COMPLETED BY JANUARY 31 TO AVOID DROPPING.) January 1, 2015: Window opens for all units that recharter in February to begin online process to recharter. (MUST BE COMPLETED BY FEBRUARY 28 TO AVOID DROPPING.) February 1, 2015: Window opens for all units that recharter in March to begin online process to recharter. (MUST BE COMPLETED BY MARCH 31 TO AVOID DROPPING.) It is the holiday season which means Quapaw Lodge’s winter awards banquet is just around the corner! It will be held at Donald W. Reynold’s Scout Training Center on January 10th. The banquet will be a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. Doors will open at 4:15PM and the meal will begin at 5:00PM. This is a very special evening as Quapaw Lodge recognizes those who embrace the ideals of the Founders with the Founder’s Award. Please make plans to attend. Registration is done online at http://quapawbsaevents.org/orde r‐of‐the‐arrow/2015‐oa‐banquet/. Lodge Leadership Development will also be held that same weekend starting on January 9th. All Lodge and Chapter Officers and Advisers should make plans to attend this training event. Arrowmen may contact their local chapter adviser for additional information. Unit Elections are also in full swing right now. Some units have already held theirs and many more are scheduled. If units have not scheduled an election yet, they should begin working with their Chapter Chiefs and Advisers to schedule them. Elections can be scheduled at monthly roundtable meetings. Please remember that all units are allowed to nominate 1 adult leader for every 3 youth successfully elected rounded up. The criterion for adult nominations is the same as a youth nomination with the exception of the first class rank requirement. Lastly, it is time to renew membership dues for 2015. Dues can be paid online at: https://quapawbsaevents.org/ord er‐of‐the‐arrow/2015‐oa‐dues/. The Lodge will be offering an early bird discount for all members that pay their 2015 dues before the end of 2014. Quapaw Lodge Order of the Arrow Spring Events: January 10 Lodge Leadership Development Retreat, Donald W. Reynolds’s Scout Training Center January 10 LECM, Donald W. Reynolds’s Scout Training Center January 10 OA Lodge Banquet, Donald W. Reynolds’s Scout Training Center March 21 Beaver Day, Camp Rockefeller April 10‐12 Spring Ordeal, Camp Rockefeller May 1‐3 Section 8 Conclave, Slippery Falls Scout Ranch, Tishomingo, OK 10 NRA Certified Quapaw Area Council Training Counselors Paul Bedard and David Howlett successfully conducted QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 5 the Council’s first NRA Rifle Instructor certification at Gus Blass Scout Reservation on December 12‐15. NRA Range Safety Officers and Instructors, Brandon Birmingham and Allan Bounds assisted them. Completing the 20‐hour course of study were Dan Darnell, Paula Robert, Chris Mason, Galen Perkins, John Robert, Gip Robertson, Ronnie Shaw Jr, John Standley, Jim Stuart, and Tommy Townsend. These new instructors join the growing number of certified instructors that can offer merit badges and year round shooting opportunities for our Scouts. Special thanks to Jerry Baldridge, Marsha Dennis, and Ramona Sitz for keeping the class well fed. The First Camp Rockefeller Fall Cub Parent Campout of 2014 was enjoyed by 127 Cub Scouts with 8 of the 9 districts represented. There were games and activities with the theme of Friends of the Forest. Also, Scouts enjoyed the archery and BB ranges, fishing, Leave No Trace, branding, and crafts. New for this event was optional Friday night camping. Over half of the Cub Scouts and their parents came up to enjoy the extra night of camping. The Second Camp Rockefeller Fall Cub Parent Campout of 2014 was enjoyed by 121 Cub Scouts with all 9 districts represented. The theme of Body Works focused on the various functions of the body. The other offerings of this camp were the archery and BB ranges, fishing, branding, and crafts. The optional Friday night camping opportunity was utilized again by over half of the Cub Scouts and their parents. Camp Rockefeller has 2 upcoming Spring Cub Parent Campouts already being planned. Camp Rockefeller asks that all cub parents please mark their calendars now for the weekends of April 17th and April 25th campouts. Registration will be open in February. Plans are also in the works for the Resident Camp that will be held over Memorial Day weekend. Email with any questions: quapawcubcamps@gmail.com Wood Badge Course Scheduled Wood Badge is the Boy Scouts of America’s advanced training course for all registered adult leaders, whether they are involved with Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, are district/council volunteers, or professional Scouters. Each participant in Wood Badge must be a registered adult leader and have completed the Leader Specific (basic) training appropriate to his/her position in Scouting. Because of the advanced nature of Wood Badge, these requirements will not be waived. The course fee is $225.00, which covers the cost for training materials and all meals for both weekends. A deposit of $50.00 is required to hold a place on the course. Your payment must be submitted with the completed application. For more information download a registration form at the link below or contact the course director, Kurt Bender, Jr. http://www.quapawbsa.org/content/uploads/20 14/10/2015-WB-Registration-Form-wMedical.pdf e‐Mail: wahoobi@swbell.net 501‐791‐2493 (Home) 501‐681‐6403 (Mobile) QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 28 2014 Class of Eagle Scouts QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 6 Summer Camp at Camp Rockefeller Camp Rockefeller, located on the Gus Blass Scout Reservation, will be the center of all things Scouting for hundreds of Scouts and their leaders in June and July of 2015. The camp program is second to none and is geared to the interests of everyone, and the camp facilities rank among the best in the region and nation. A few of the major features include: R.O.C.K.S. (Road to Outdoor Camping Knowledge and Skills) – the First Year Camper program. B.L.A.S.S. (Building Leadership and Advanced Scout Skills) – an opportunity for experienced Scouts to further develop and practice leadership skills. STEM, Cinematography, and Computers – adventures for tomorrow’s leaders. The Event – an exciting camp‐wide game open to everyone. Aquatics in an Olympic size pool and on beautiful Lake Butler, shotgun and rifle at the Steuri Family Shooting Complex, C.O.P.E. and Climbing, a week canoeing and fishing on the Buffalo and White rivers (The Great White Buffalo River Expedition), Outdoor Skills, Nature, Ecology/Conservation to mention a few of the traditional camp programs. Enjoy an air‐conditioned dining hall serving great camp food, the Hendren Family Multi‐use Facility featuring new classrooms exclusively designed for STEM and Media & Technology programs, and don’t forget the fully‐stocked Shop at The Rock offering program materials, snacks, and fellowship. Join in the adventure at Camp Rockefeller this summer……and be sure to watch out for the Zombies! ANNOUNCING ‐ BEAVER DAY AT CAMP! QUAPAW AREA COUNCIL, BSA ANNUAL CAMP CLEAN UP/FIX UP WEEKEND WILL BE MARCH 21, 2015 YOU’RE INVITED TO COME CAMPING AND JOIN IN THE SCOUTING FELLOWSHIP AS WE OPEN CAMP FOR ANOTHER GREAT CAMPING SEASON BRING YOUR LIMB‐LOPPERS, SHOVELS, RAKES & ENERGY! EVERYONE NEEDED! YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME UP AND CAMP FRIDAY NIGHT (NO CRACKER BARRELL) REGISTRATION AND WORK ASSIGNMENTS AT 8AM AT THE DINING HALL BREAKFAST AT 7:30 AM AND LUNCH AT NOON WILL BE FURNISHED PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND AND RSVP TO: Reservations‐ Kimb@quapawbsa.org 501‐664‐4780 ext. 225 THE ENTIRE CAMP AND ALL BUILDINGS NEED A SPRING CLEANING. PLEASE PUT THIS IMPORTANT DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW! Quapaw Area Council Recruits more youth in fall 2014 than fall 2013 The Quapaw Area Council received an early Christmas present on December 17, 2014. It was on this day that the council surpassed the number of new scouts recruited in fall of 2014 as compared to the fall of 2013. This milestone is largely due to the persistence and tenacity of the council’s volunteers. This is only one of several ways that the Boy Scouts of America measures membership, but it is certainly a good indication that the council has arrested the trend in declining membership and hopefully this will be the beginning of a trend in membership growth after a couple of rough years. The council would like to Tim Cullen who serves as Vice President of Membership, each district’s membership chairman, the membership committees, and all of the volunteers for their dedication in helping to make this happen. CROWLEY’S RIDGE DISTRICT Clay, Craighead, Greene, Lawrence, Mississippi, Randolph; Cross, Crittenden, Poinsett, Phillips, Lee, Monroe, and St. Francis Counties. District Co‐Chairmen: Bart Hudspeth District Commissioner: Stan Graves District Director: Rick Wise crowleysridge@quapawbsa.org District Executive: Kyle Gaines crowleysridgede@quapawbsa.org District Calendar January 2015 8 Commissioner Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 7 8 Cub Scout / Boy Scout Roundtable (North) 7:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church 8 Chapter Order of the Arrow Meeting (North) 7:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church 12 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting (North) 7:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church 19 Cub Scout / Boy Scout Roundtable (South) 7:00 PM Forrest City First United Methodist Church 13 District Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Harrisburg Church of Christ 19 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting (South) 7:00 PM Forrest City First United Methodist Church 15 Cub Scout / Boy Scout Roundtable (South) 7:00 PM Forrest City First United Methodist Church 21 District Recognition Banquet Doors open at 6:30 PM St. Bernard’s Auditorium 15 Chapter Order of the Arrow Meeting (South) 7:00 PM Forrest City First United Methodist Church January 5 District Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Harrisburg Church of Christ 12 Cub Scout / Boy Scout Roundtable (North) 7:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church 28 District Pinewood Derby 10:00 AM Mall at Turtle Creek Roundtable Themes 29 Key‐3 Noon February 2015 12 Commissioner Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Paragould First United Methodist Church 24 Key‐3 Noon Cub Scout‐ Positive Boy Scout‐ Geocaching February Cub Scout‐ Resourcefulness Boy Scout‐ Hiking New District Leadership: Mel Harvey is the district’s new Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner for the South Roundtables. Mel is a Park Interpreter for the Parkin Archeological State Park. John Latch is the district’s new Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner for the South Roundtables. John is a Park Ranger at the Mississippi River State Park. John is also an Eagle Scout. Friends of Scouting: Scouting in the Quapaw Area Council and the Crowley’s Ridge District would not happen without the generous support of individuals and businesses. This year the Crowley’s Ridge District Friends of Scouting Goal is $86,000. Of this the Family Friends of Scouting Goal is $27,000. Brad Smithee is the Family Friends of Scouting Chair. The district appreciates all the units that have signed up to be Pacesetter Units and support the Family Friends of Scouting Goal. Annual District Business Meeting: The Annual District Business Meeting took place on August 7, 2014. Brad Beavers, the District Nominating Committee Chairman, led the meeting. It was decided that Wayne Wiggins would be moved to the Council Executive Board, Bart Hudspeth would continue as the District Chairman, Will Harris would step down and Stan Graves would continue as the District Commissioner. It was also voted that all other members of the District Committee would continue on in 2015. District Banquet: The district banquet is a wonderful time for all leaders to get together and share in a good meal and our common bond of scouting. This is a time for volunteers, to be thanked and celebrated. This year’s event will be held February 21st at St. Bernard’s Auditorium in Jonesboro. Doors open at 6:30 PM, dinner at 7 PM. The event will be catered and there will be a $10 charge per person. For more information contact Amy Grimes at (870) 530‐2544. District Pinewood Derby: The District Pinewood Derby will be Saturday, February 28 at the Mall at Turtle Creek‐Jonesboro. Check‐in 9:00 to 10:00 AM, and the racing will begin at 10:30 AM. The mall management is working on specials for participants and QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 8 their families. Registration is $6.00 per car. Come out for a great day at the races, and stay afterward and enjoy the mall. Registration packets will be distributed to Cubmasters. For more information contact Mike Warrenfells at (870) 740‐9772. Crowley’s Ridge Unit Recharter Dates: February: Packs: 1, 32, 37, 45, 85, 95, 115, 126, 129, 134, 138, 218, 221, 224, 227, 728, 1941 Troops: 6, 18, 20, 28, 32, 42, 45, 104, 115, 134, 138, 202, 218, 221, 500, 2062 Crews: 218, 2450 March: Packs: 20, 58, 66, 89, 104, 113, 148, 239, 500, 599, 1225 Troops: 66, 210, 239, 276 Diamond Lakes District Serving Garland, Montgomery, and Pike Counties. District Chairman: District Commissioner: Doug Sweeney dougpattisweeney@hotmail.com District Executive: Wayne Hackett diamondlakes@quapawbsa.org District Calendar January 2015 15 District Committee Meeting – 5:15 pm, Math and Science School‐ Hot Springs 8 Commissioner Meeting ‐ 6:00 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church 8 Cub Leaders & Scout Leader Roundtable ‐ 7:00 pm, Presbyterian Church 8 Youth Protection Training ‐6.00 pm. Westminster Presbyterian Church 17 District Regional Banquet 29 Key 3 meeting February 2015 5 District Committee Meeting ‐5:30 pm, Math and Science School‐ Hot Springs 12 Commissioner Meeting ‐ 6:00 pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church 12 Cub Leaders & Scout Leader Roundtable ‐ 7:00 pm, Westminster Presbyterian 12 Youth Protection Training 6:00 pm. Westminster Presbyterian Church 28 District Pinewood Derby 28 Key 3 meeting Roundtables Roundtables are monthly meetings where volunteer leaders network, receive district information, council resources, and preview the next month’s program theme. Roundtables are open to any adult leaders or parents that want to attend. Roundtables are the second Thursday Central Avenue between Chili’s and International House of Pancakes. For more information, contact Dan Schaffer or Laura Kalahiki Roundtable Themes January‐ Cub Scouts – Positive Attitude Boy Scouts – Geocaching February‐ Cub Scouts – Resourcefulness Boy Scouts – Hiking Units Due to Re‐charter January Pack 3‐ Prince of Peace Pack 10‐ Westminster Presbyterian Church Pack 18 – Church of Latter Day Saint Pack 20 – Community Outreach Church Pack 24 – Oden Maddox Elementary School Pack 44‐ Murfreesboro Elementary School Pack 65‐ Piney Grove United Methodist Troop 1 First Presbyterian Church Troop 2 Westminster Presbyterian Church Troop 7 Village United Methodist Church Troop 10 Oaklawn United Methodist Church Troop 18 Church of latter Day Saints Troop 65 Piney Grove United Methodist Church February Pack 4 – First United Methodist Pack 8 – Fountain Lake Elementary School Pack 68 ‐ Mountain Pine Elementary School Pack 76 – Glenwood United Methodist Church District Recogntion Banquet The Diamond Lakes District Banquet will be held on Friday, January 17, 2015 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Hot Springs starting at 6:30 p.m. The event will recognize and honor outstanding adult leaders and units throughout our district. Special awards will be presented for Cub Scout & Boy Scout leader. All registered adult volunteers and their spouses are invited to attend. The banquet tickets are $15.00 per person. All persons must register prior to January 9th, to attend the banquet. For more QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 9 information contact Joe Kanopsic at jkanopsic@cablelynx.com FOS Recoginiztion Diamond Lakes would to say thank you to Lee Murphy for chairing the FOS overall campaign, and to Ernie Hinz for chairing the FOS Family Campaign. Diamond Lakes been blessed to have reached it goal for the last two years and will continue the tradition once again. District Volunteers Diamond Lakes would like to welcome the 2015 District Committee Member Volunteers: Jordan Steinhaus ‐ District Chairman Doug Sweeney‐ District Commissioner Committee Members‐ Joe Kanopsic, Newton White, Matthew Hamilton, Will Piquigot, Wade Naramore, Pam Castleberry, Mike Brooks, Brad Hudgens, Mark Buhrow, Brandon Crawford, Angela Patterson, Rob Bullen, Mike Crawford, David Fastenow, Ken Kalahiki, Jody Hunter, Walley Frazee, Blake Crawford, Sara Neal, Larry Neiman Sr., Rex Woodson, Patrick Combs, Morgan Golden, Tin Tin Featherston, Kirby Williams, Ernie Hinz, Dick Gladden, Forrest Spicher, Terry Young, Matt Lewis, Rex Woodson, Robert Burnside Annual Business Meeting Jordan Steinhaus was elected as the new District Chairman for Diamond Lakes. Jordan comes aboard from his position as member‐at‐large and serving on the advancement committee. Jordan’s knowledge of and passion for Scouting, Diamond Lakes looks forward to having his guidance for the coming year. The district also added Robert Burnside, Will Piquigot, Terry Young, and Cindy Sharp to the team. Pinewood Derby The District Pinewood Derby Race will be held on February 28, 2015 at the First United Methodist Church located at Central Ave. in Hot Springs, AR. Each pack may enter 5 Scouts for design, and 5 Scouts for speed. The entry fee is $5.00 so come down and enjoy the fun with the boys. Fall Camporees Results Diamond Lakes had it Fall Camporee (Oct 31 Nov 2) at Clear Fork Camp Ground. The District had excellent participation from the units. The weather was cold at night but provided excellent temperature for all events during the day activities. Diamond Lakes had the typical event of: BB guns, Archery, and fun stuff, with the addition of a repelling (beginner Course) and include the Cubs scouting interacting with the Boys scouts. The interaction of both Cubs/Boys scouts provide to be big plus for the event. These type of interaction should strengthen both, Cubs looking up to the Boys scouts and hopefully extending their moving to the next level. Journey to Excellence (JTE) Again Diamond Lakes is on track to achieve Silver JTE Status. Journey to Excellence is a level that determines the health overall of the units within the District. While the district has improved in some areas it has also decrease in others vs last year. The district is proud of all the increases and now for 2015 focus again on the areas that still needs improvement to help push over the Silver status into the Gold status. BE IN THE KNOW! Receive information via your inbox by subscribing to the Diamond Lakes E‐mail Distribution List. Send e‐mail to diamondlakes@quapawbsa.org Foothills type in the Subject Line “Add Me to the List”. Be sure to include in the body of the e‐mail your name and e‐mail that you would like to use. Foothills District Conway, Cleburne, Faulkner, Perry, and Van Buren Counties District Chairman: Dennie Ashley District Commissioner: Barbara Fowler District Executive: Robert Hay January 2015 8 Commissioner Meeting Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Conway LDS Church, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 8 Cub Scout/Boy Scout Leader Roundtable Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Conway LDS Church, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 8 OA Chapter Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Conway LDS Church, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 8 Youth Protection Training QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 10 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Conway LDS Church, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 13 District Committee Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Faulkner County Library, 1900 Tyler Street 14 Key‐3 Meeting Time: TBD, Location: TBD February 2015 3 District Committee Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Faulkner County Library 6 District Recognition Banquet Time: 6:00 p.m., Location: TBD 12 Commissioner Meeting Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 12 Cub Scout/Boy Scout Leader Roundtable Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 12 OA Chapter Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 12 Boy Scout Leader Specific Training Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway, 2045 Dave Ward Drive 18 Key‐3 Meeting, Time: TBD Location: TBD New Units Roundtable Themes January Boy Scouts‐ Hiking Cub Scouts‐ Resourcefulness February Boy Scouts‐ Outdoor Ethics Cub Scouts‐ Compassion Units Due to Re‐charter in January Pack 71, Pack 78, Pack 112, Pack 152, Pack 200, Pack 333, Pack 435, Pack 444, Pack 445, Troop 200, Troop 333, Troop 392, Troop 401, Troop 444, Team 6333, Crew 2333 Units Due to Re‐charter in February Pack 400, Pack 453, Troop 71, Troop 93, Troop 152, Troop 534, Troop 754, Post 287 FOS 2015 The 2015 FOS Campaign is coming together structurally. Steering Committee Chairman Don Greenland along with the committee has been recruiting individuals to lead Family and Major Campaigns. John Burford a long time scouter has accepted the Family Chairman position. John has recruited a great team of trailblazers to conduct presentations for the packs and troops in Foothills. Foothills district looks forward to a successful campaign for 2015. A big thank you goes out to the individuals who have agreed to be trailblazers for the 2015 campaign. Foothills would like to welcome Troop 242 to the District. Troop 242 is chartered to the Perryville United Methodist Church located in Perryville, AR. Julie Guenther the past Committee Chairman for Pack 242 has stepped up into the role of Scoutmaster for the new Troop. Foothills thanks the United Methodist Church for chartering this new unit and Julie for stepping up into her new leadership role. 2014 Annual Business Meeting The Annual Business Meeting was held on August 7, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Faulkner County Library. Dennis Peacock, Nominating Committee Chairman reported on the following nominations for District Members at Large: Eloise Brown, Kenneth Brown, John Burford III, Tracey Clark, John Crain, Carla Davidson, Amanda Eggert, Barbara Fowler, Carl Frederickson, Michael Harrell, Jon Hubbard, Linda Jones, Bruce Jones, Jeremy Landon, Albert Losten, Deanna Owens, Waemen Owens, Dennis Peacock, Christopher Phillips, Blake Shinn, Kenny Stocks, and Michael Strohm. Mr. Peacock also reported on following nominations for District Chairman, Vice Chairman and District Commissioner. District Chairman: Marlin Partney Vice Chairman: Dennie Ashley District Commissioner: Barbara Fowler The slate was adopted with a unanimous vote. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 11 Upcoming Events Youth Protection Training Date: 1‐08‐2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway 2045 Dave Ward Drive Conway, AR 72034 Fee: FREE Description: Youth Protection Training is a required training for all adult leaders. Youth Protection Training expires every two years. Adults who need to re‐certify are welcome along with new adult leaders who have yet to take the training. Foothills District Recognition Banquet Date: 02/06/2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location; TBD Fee: TBD Description: A night of fellowship and fun. Every leader in the district is encouraged to attend. A dinner will be provided to all who attend. The night will include recognition of individuals throughout the district, including those selected for the District Awards of Merit. Boy Scout Leader Specific Training Date: 02/12/2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: LDS Church Conway 2045 Dave Ward Drive Conway, AR 72034 Fee: FREE Description: Leader Specific Training for leaders in a Boy Scout Troop. Training will be conducted for Assistant Scoutmasters and Committee Members. Recap of Events Fall Camporee 2014 Fall Camporee was held Friday Nov. 14‐16, 2014 at Choctaw Recreation Park in Clinton. “Scout Games” was the theme for the camporee which included some of the following activities: tug of war, knot tying, Kim’s game, blindfold tent raising and much more. Patrols throughout the weekend competed at each event for patrol with best teamwork, and patrol spirit. Foothills District thanks the following individuals for their work with the Fall Camporee 2014: Troop 152, David Calkin, and Michael Strohm. Foothills Fall Training 2014 Outdoor Webelos Leader and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Training were conducted in conjunction with the fall camporee on Nov. 14th and Nov. 15th 2014. The training was well attended with 8 leaders being trained in outdoor skills. Foothills District thanks the following individuals for their instruction during the weekend: Blake Shinn, Michael Brown, Barbara Fowler, Cole Fowler, Ray Stow, Tyler Lutz, and Johnny Davidson. Journey to Excellence 2014 Foothills District is currently sitting at Bronze Level for the 2014 Journey to Excellence. At the end of 2013, the district had achieved Silver. As a district Foothills has made strides in increasing in the following areas in 2014. New Cub Scout Rate up 1.37% Cub Scout Rank Advancement up 5.24% Boy Scout Rank Advancement up 5.57% Direct Contact Leaders Trained up 5.89% Unit Visitations up 56% Foothills District will continue making strides in membership, commissioner service, advancement, finance, and camping to increase our JTE score. Mohawk District Pulaski County south of the Arkansas River including Little Rock. District Chairman: Steve Jenkins sdjenkins5015@att.net District Commissioner: Roger Williams rogerdw@swbell.net District Director: Gerald Henson Gerald.Henson@scouting.org District Executive: Darius Peoples mohawk@quapawbsa.org Calendar of Events January 2015 8 Commissioners Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 8 Cub & Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, 7:00 p.m. Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 8 OA Chapter Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 12 9 District Recognition Banquet will be held at Second Presbyterian Church 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 15 District Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm. Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 27 Key ‐3 Meeting February 5 District Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 13 Charter Party‐IN, 6:30 pm Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 12 Cub Scout/ Boy Scout/ Venture/Roundtable 7:00 pm Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 12 OA Chapter Meeting 7:00 pm Second Presbyterian 600 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock 27 Key – 3 Meeting 28 Leader Specific Training – St. Paul United Methodist Church 2223 Durwood Rd. Little Rock Roundtable Themes January Cub Scout – Positive Boy Scout ‐ Geocaching February Cub Scout – Resourcefulness Boy Scout – Hiking Roundtables Roundtables are conducted on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM and are held at Second Presbyterian Church 600 Pleasant Valley Drive. This is a monthly meeting where volunteers come together to network, receive district and council information, and preview next month’s theme. This is an activities based meeting, as well and an informational meeting. Breakout sessions are conducted for the various leadership groups represented. Twanna Johnson (501‐352‐4375) serves as the Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and Brian Gilmartin (501‐765‐1300) is the Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner. Friends of Scouting The 2015 Friends of Scouting Campaign is currently at 29% of the $106,000 goal. Carl Monroe is the Major Campaign Chairman and is working to complete the campaign with a goal of $66,000. David Holliman is chairing the Family Friends of Scouting Campaign which has a goal of $40,000. Thanks to all units that are having a Family Presentation before March 31, 2014. Scouting depends upon support from scouters, families, and businesses in the community. If you wish to participate in Friends of Scouting but have not been asked, please call the Mohawk Family FOS Chairman, David Holliman at 501‐ 352‐2283 or by email at Daholliman@att.net. Mohawk Unit Recharter Dates – January through March 2015 For more information about changing the unit recharter month, please contact Mohawk District Commissioner Roger Williams at rogerdw@swbell.net or 501‐920‐ 8216 Units to Re‐charter Units to Re‐charter in January Type # Chartered Organization Pack 2 Mosaic Church Pack 5 Easter Seals Pack 7 St. Marks Episcopal Pack 24 Asbury UMC Pack 27 Holy Souls Pack 30 St. Paul UMC Pack 41 Stephens Elementary Pack 55 Pleasant Valley Church of Christ Pack 57 First Christian Church Pack 75 eStem Charter School Pack 92 Mount Pleasant Baptist Church QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 13 Pack Pack 99 Covenant Presbyterian Church 123 Arch Street Volunteer Fire Dept. Pack 1009 Johnson's Montessori School Pack 1709 Second Baptist Church 4111 Greater New Hope Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack 198 Mabelvale UMC 227 Cavalry Baptist Church Pack 232 LDS church ‐ Little Rock Ward Troop 233 LDS church ‐ Pinnacle Mt. Ward 322 Islamic Center 335 Highland Valley UMC Pack 383 Henderson UMC Pack 395 St. James UMC Pack 467 St. Mark Baptist Church Pack 582 Antioch Full Gospel Pack Pack Pack 595 604 805 Greater Second Baptist Troop Troop Troop 7998 4 5 12 14 Mount Sinai Baptist Church Knights of Columbus Troop 233 LDS church ‐ Pinnacle Mt. Ward Troop 262 Henderson UMC Troop 335 Highland Valley UMC Troop 395 St. James UMC 604 Second Presbyterian Church Troop 725 Winfield UMC Troop 1709 Second Baptist Church Troop 4111 Greater New Hope Troop Easter Seals Pulaski Heights UMC Fellowship Bible Church Team 232 LDS church ‐ Little Rock Ward Crew 3 Pulaski Heights UMC Crew 8 Pulaski Heights UMC Troop 24 Asbury UMC Troop 27 Holy Souls Troop 30 St. Paul UMC 55 Pleasant Valley Church of Christ 59 First Christian Church Crew 9 First United Methodist Church Troop 99 Covenant Presbyterian Church Crew 12 Pulaski Heights UMC Troop 198 Mabelvale UMC Crew 27 Holy Souls Crew 30 St. Paul UMC 227 Cavalry Baptist Church Crew 59 First Christian Church Crew 232 LDS church ‐ Little Rock Ward Crew 395 St. James UMC Troop Troop Second Presbyterian Church Troop Saint Edwards Catholic School Troop 232 LDS church ‐ Little Rock Ward QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 14 Units to Re‐charter in February District Annual Business Meeting Type Pack Chartered Organization # 12 Pulaski Heights UMC Pack 29 Christ the King Pack 270 Washington Elementary PTO Troop 29 Christ the King Little Rock Catholic High Troop 7705 Units to Re‐charter in March Type # Chartered Organization Pack 348 Knights of Columbus Troop 7 St. Marks Episcopal Troop 467 Troop 805 St. Mark Baptist Church St. Edwards Catholic School Welcome New District Volunteers Please welcome Michael Eubanks, Mitch Chandler, Frank Thomas, Pat Walsh, Gary Moody to the District Committee. Mohawk District looks forward to working with these new volunteers. The District Annual Business meeting was held on December 4, 2014 with 47 members at‐large being selected to serve on the 2015 District Committee. Bob Steel was the nominating committee chairman and served to recruit new members to the District Committee. For the 2015 year, Steve Jenkins will remain as the District Chairman and Roger Williams will remain as the District Commissioner. Mohawk District Banquet The District Banquet will be held on January 9, 2015 at Second Presbyterian Church. All unit leaders and district volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, please contact Adrianne McCraw 501‐940‐5649, tateandbrettsmom@yahoo.com. Mohawk District Trainings Description: Using the web‐based versions of Youth Protection training, leaders will spend the first half of the course learning about the policies and procedures that are in place to protect our youth and leaders alike, how the organization is structured, and where to get additional resources and information. The second part of the course will provide specific training for the position that the student currently holds. Boy Scout, Varsity, and Venturing Leaders must also complete "Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills" in order to receive and wear a "Trained" patch. Cub Scout Leaders should take online training for "Youth Protection" and leader specific training for the jobs they hold in the unit (Den Leader, Cubmaster, Etc.) to be considered trained. Date: Saturday, February 28, 2015 Place: St. Paul United Methodist 2223 Durwood Dr. Little Rock, AR Time: Registration at 8:30 a.m. Training begins at 8:45 a.m. through late afternoon. Cost: $15.00 for any Cub Scout or Boy Scout Leader (includes lunch) Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)ills Description: This outdoor training program is designed to provide basic outdoor skills essential to the Boy Scout program. This course is required training for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches, and Venturing Advisors who wish to be considered a trained leader. It is recommended for Webelos Den Leaders and all other adults who will be camping with youth. You will be camping and need to bring necessary gear. Come prepared for any kind of weather and having eaten your dinner. A Cracker Barrel will be provided later in the evening. Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 thru Saturday, April 11, 2015 Place: Murray Park, Arkansas River Time: Registration at 5:30 p.m. Training begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and ends late Saturday afternoon. Cost: $25.00 which includes all materials, meals, and snacks. Description: BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) and OWL (Outdoor Webelos Leader) is training for Cub Scout and Webelos Leaders to better equip them for providing outdoor programs for their Cub Scouts or Webelos. These basic outdoor skills programs are designed QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 15 for Cub Scout Leaders who want to plan and carry out an entry‐level outdoor experience for Webelos Dens and the Cub Scout Pack. BALOO is required for adults giving leadership on a Pack overnighter. These are outdoor courses. Come prepared for any kind of weather. Date: OWL begins Friday, April 10, 2015 thru Saturday, April 11, 2015 BALOO begins Saturday, April 11, 2015 (Overnight camping is not required for BALOO Training.) Place: Murray Park, Arkansas River Time: Registration at 5:30 p.m. Training begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and ends late Saturday afternoon. Cost: $25.00 which includes all materials and meals Registration deadlines: Monday, February 23, 2015, for the February 28th sessions Monday, April6, 2015, for the April 10‐11th sessions MyScouting.org After a new leader is registered and has their BSA member ID number, they can register at www.myscouting.org Once registered with myscouting.org, the new leader can take the Leader Specific and Youth Protection training. *NOTE – Youth Protection is now required for ALL Leaders before they can register as a new Leader or reregister with a Charter Renewal. Registration forms and details for all Spring Mohawk District Trainings can be found on the Council Website www.quapawbsa.org under the “Forms” section. If you have any questions about Mohawk District Training, please contact Tom Dodson, District Training Chairman, at 501‐663‐5813, tdodson@aristotle.net. Spring Camporee The Spring Camporee will be held March 6‐8, 2015. The location is yet to be determined. For more information, please contact Adrianne McCraw 501‐940‐5649, tateandbrettsmom@yahoo.com. 8 Cub Scout Leader & Boy Scout Leader Roundtable, 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 8 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 15 District Committee Meeting. 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 17 Annual Leader Recognition Banquet 7 p.m., Bryant First United Methodist 508 North Reynolds Road (across from Bryant High School) Journey to Excellence 28 Key‐3 Meeting: 5 p.m. Scout Service Center For 2014, the Mohawk District received more points than 2013 on the Journey to Excellence. The district finished 2014 at the Silver Level. It was the great work and dedication of the volunteers and leaders of the district that has paid off with the district moving up to Silver after Scoring Bronze in 2013. Nischa Sipo District District Chairman: Dr. John Gillespie District Commissioner: Gary Henningsen Senior District Executive: Allen Crawford Calendar of Events January 8 Commissioners Meeting, 6 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 200 North Market Street February 5 District Committee Meeting, 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 200 North Market Street 12 Commissioners Meeting, 6 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 12 Cub Scout & Boy Scout Leader Roundtable: 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 12 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting, 7 p.m. Benton First United Methodist 25 Key‐3 Meeting, 5 p.m. Scout Service Center QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 16 District. All leaders are reminded that you must be Youth Protection Trained to register/ reregister as an adult leader when units recharter in January. For more information on training or to set up training for your unit please contact District Training Chairman Mel Arp at arpster25@gmail.com or (501) 860‐ 6489. Roundtable Themes January Cub Scouts “Yes, I Can” Boy Scouts “Geocaching” February Cub Scouts “Litter to Glitter” Boy Scouts “Hiking” Recharters are Due in January Annual Business Meeting and New District Committee Members The Nischa Sipo District Nominating Committee, chaired by Doyle Webb, Quapaw Area Council Board Member and Chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, nominated several leading citizens to serve on the District Committee in 2015. The Nischa Sipo District thanks Doyle Webb and Nominating Committee members: Representative Laurie Rushing, Larry Wallace, Mark Karnes, and Shane Broadway for their invaluable service for the district. All scouting units in the Nischa Sipo District are due to recharter in January 2015. Please note that all recharters must be done on‐line and completed by mid‐January to allow time for any follow‐up needed and processing before the end of January. If your unit needs help with the recharter process please contact your unit commissioner or Senior District Executive Allen Crawford (501‐773‐9884) for assistance. Family Friends of Scouting Underway The Nischa Sipo District wishes to welcome and thank new district committee members who have volunteered to serve in 2015: Terry Bird, Shane Broadway, Dean Burbank, Senator Alan Clark, Robert Ellerd, Jarrod Hambric, Marie Hardin, Mark Karnes, Shelley Loe, Anthony Owen, Michele Owen, Pete Prutzman, Del Roberson, Representative Laurie Rushing, Dan Stuckey, and Larry Wallace. Leader Training Mel Arp and his staff continue to do an excellent job of offering training to all adult leaders in the Nischa Sipo The 2015 Family Friends of Scouting campaign will continue through March 31st. Unit presentations were conducted in Troops 17, 53, and 99 in December at their Courts of Honor. As such, each now qualify for free rank advancements along with all the other units that conduct a unit Family Friends of Scouting presentation by March 31st. Thanks to all Nischa Sipo units that give scouting families the opportunity to support scouting. Webelos Academy The Nischa Sipo District thanks Webelos Academy Chairman Don Balch and his staff for the excellent event attended by over 30 Webelos who had the opportunity to earn advancements towards earning their Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light. Pack 50 also is hosting classes for Webelos this spring led by Don and Anthony Owen. Information on the classes is available at the district roundtables held the 2nd Thursday of each month. All Nischa Sipo District Adult Volunteers to be Recognized at District Banquet If you are a registered adult leader in the Nischa Sipo District please mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Nischa Sipo District Adult Leader Recognition Banquet on Saturday evening January 17th, 7 p.m. at Bryant First United Methodist Church. This is a banquet specially planned each year to thank and recognize all the adult leaders in the district for the selfless work to provide the best program available to scouting youth in the district. Successes achieved in 2014 on the unit and district level will be recognized as well as individuals with several different awards. Cost for the banquet is $15 for adults and $8 for youth. Registration is online at the Quapaw Area Council website (Forms Section) www.quapawbsa.org. Journey to Excellence As of the first of December the Nischa Sipo District has qualified for QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 17 Bronze status and is in position to earn the Silver designation in the 2014 Journey to Excellence. The Nischa Sipo District continues to excel in many areas and all volunteers on the district committee, commissioner staff, and in the district’s units are congratulated for being a part of a successful team of scouting volunteers and providing such an outstanding program to scouting youth. 8 Cub Leader. & Scout Leader Roundtable, 7 PM. 17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff 12 OA Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM., (17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff) 14 District Pinewood Derby (Pines Mall, 2901 Pine Mall Dr. #24 Pine Bluff ) 8 OA Chapter Meeting, 7 PM. 17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff 15 District Committee Meeting, 6 PM. 17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff 16 Key ‐3 Meeting Saracen District Arkansas, Grant, Jefferson and Lincoln County District Chairman: Shauwn Howell shauwnhowell@cityofpinebluff.com District Commissioner: Jerry Baldridge jbaldridge@pccua.edu District Executive: Morio Senior District Executive Morio Snellingnelling, saracen@quapawbsa.orgstrict Chairman: Shawn Howell, Calendar of Events January 2015 8 Youth Protection Training, 6 PM, 17500 Dayton Rd., Pine Bluff 8 Commissioner Meeting, 6 PM, 17500 Dayton Rd., Pine Bluff 17 District Banquet First Baptist Church‐White Hall (activities building) Units due to re‐charter Packs: 80, 218, 279, 414, 569, 769, 1103,1911, 3605, & 6027 Troops: 100, 108, 279, 414, 569, 769, 1103, 1911, & 6027 Crew: 260, 569, 1103, & 249 February 2015 20 Key ‐3 Meeting Units due to re‐charter Packs: 88, 111, 248, 801, & 3911 Troops: 81, 143, 224, 260, 391, 930, & 3911 Crew: 930 Team: 143 Roundtable Theme January 2015 CUB SCOUT PROGRAM THEME: “Positive” BOY SCOUT PROGRAM THEME: “Geocoaching” February 2015 5 District Committee Meeting, 6:00 PM.,(17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff) CUB SCOUT PROGRAM THEME: “Positive” 12 Charter Party (IN) 7:00PM, (17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff) BOY SCOUT PROGRAM THEME: “Geocoaching” 12 Commissioner Meeting, 6:00 PM, (17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff) 12 Cub Leader. & Scout Leader Roundtable, 7:00 PM., (17500 Dayton Rd. Pine Bluff) Saracen District Welcome Center Welcome these new members of the District Committee. Jimmy Stocker District Vice ‐Chairman Ann Williams District Finance/FOS Chairman Cheryl Hatley District Membership Chairman QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 18 Welcome New Chartered Partners This year’s Friends of Scouting goal First Baptist Church Poyen nd 314 West 2 Street, Poyen Denisha Edwards, Representative Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church 2507 W Hill Street Pine Bluff Jackie Kirby, Representative for the Saracen District is $44,000.00 2015 District Committee and because of the dedicated leaders like Dr. Ann Williams, Roy Ferrell, Carl Brothers, and the Saracen District Leadership team, the district is determined to reach this goal by March 31, 2015. Saracen District is looking forward to an awesome year ahead. District Chairman: Shauwn Howell , Vice‐Chairman: Jimmy Stocker, Remember, “When your determination District Commissioner: changes, everything will begin to move in Jerry Baldridge, Camping Chairman: Danny White, Finance Chairman: Dr. Ann Williams, Training Chairman: Thomas Tubb, Membership The registration forms will be available at roundtable, www.quapawbsa.org, and by mail. All registration forms are due in the Council Service Center by January 9, 2015 along with your registration fee of $12.00/ per person or $20/couple. You may view the flyer online at www.quapawbsa.org (forms section). 2015 Saracen District Pinewood Derby Race Get on your mark, get ready, get set, and go!!!! Yes it’s that time for all the the direction you desire. Every moment Saracen packs to race to the District will take you a little higher towards your Pinewood Derby. The derby will be goal; every fiber in your being will held on Saturday, February 14, 2015 immediately orient itself toward your at the Pines Mall ‐ located at 2901 success.” Determination starts when you Pine Mall Dr. #24 in Pine Bluff. Chairman: Cheryl Hatley, Health/ realize the impact your change will Safety Chairman: Robert Lewis, Boy make. Thank you all for improving the Registration fee for this event will be Scout Roundtable Commissioner: lives of our youth. (Unknown Author) $5.00 per scout and all cars must be Raymond Jones. 2015 Friends of Scouting Campaign The Friends of Scouting Campaign is a fund raising effort the Quapaw Area Council Boy Scouts of America conducts. This annual giving campaign provides funding for camps, training, literature, professional and volunteer support, insurance for leaders, accident insurance for Scouts, and many other services. Support of Scouting through the Campaign is a way of investing in services for one Scout, two Scouts or more. 2015 Saracen District Banquet The Saracen District Annual Banquet will be held on Saturday, January 17 at the First Baptist Church located at 8203 Dollarway Rd. in White Hall. Registration will open at 5 pm and a 3‐course dinner will be served at 6 pm. After dinner, the district will recognize the District Committee and Commissioner Staff, followed by a special performance by the OA. Also, the District Award of Merit recipients will be honored on this very special evening. The District Award of Merit is the highest honor that a District can award to a volunteer for service to Scouting. checked‐in on February 12, between 9 am & 10 am. The race will begin at 10:30 am. Come out and enjoy the fun, festivities, and fellowship that only a derby race can bring. For more information you can contact Michelle Brown at: carolmbrown77@yahoo.com. Registration forms will be available at roundtable and in the forms section of the council website at: www.quapawbsa.org. The deadline to register is January 31, 2015 along with the registration fee of $5.00 per youth. Thanks in advance. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 19 SARACEN DISTRICT 6 ANNUAL MERIT BADGE COLLEGE & CUB SCOUT FUN DAY Phillips Community College PCCUA Stuttgart Campus Scouts will have an th opportunity to earn two merit badges during this spectacular even. For information contact RESERVATIONS DUE BY March 2nd! Jerry Baldridge event Description: Saracen District Merit Badge Workshop 2015 coordinator at jbaldridge@pccua.edu. Start 03/07/2015 8:30 Date/Time: AM End Date/Time: 03/07/2015 4:00 PM Registration 02/02/2015 8:00:00 AM Begins: Late fee: After 03/02/2015 a late fee of $10.00 will apply. Contact E‐ jbaldridge@pccua.edu mail: Cost: $5.00 Details: The Saracen District will conduct its Annual the Philips Community College located in Stuttgart. The Saracen District Merit Badge Workshop will provide Scouts with an activity‐ filled day combining hands‐on activities, question and answer sessions, and fun projects to help Scouts earn Merit Badges. 17 District Recognition Banquet Cabot Church of Christ 500 North 2nd Street, 6 p.m. February Lonoke, Prairie, Woodruff, and White Counties 2 Key ‐3 Meeting 5 District Committee Meeting Cabot Church of Christ 500 North 2nd Street, 7 p.m. District Chairman: Robert Williams 501‐259‐1222 mail@robbwilliams.com 12 Cub / Boy Scout Leader Roundtable Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 7 p.m. Three Rivers District District Commissioner: Steven Gifford 501‐593‐0359 steven_gifford@cox.net District Executive: Donnie Valley 501‐831‐5213 Donnie.valley@scouting.org Calendar of Events Merit Badge College & Cub Scout Fun Day at Last Day to 03/02/2015 Register: 12 District Committee Meeting Cabot Church of Christ 500 North 2nd Street, 7 p.m. January 8 Commissioner Meeting Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 6 p.m. 8 Cub / Boy Scout Leader Roundtable Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 7 p.m. 8 OA Chapter Meeting Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 7 p.m. 12 Commissioner Meeting Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 6 p.m. 12 OA Chapter Meeting Beebe First United Methodist 302 N Main Street, 7 p.m. 28 District Pinewood Derby Friends of Scouting Please join Three Rivers District in thanking Packs 98, 101,103,305, 362, 999 and troops 96, 101, 159,201, 205, 305, for being Pace‐setter units. Three Rivers has kicked‐off and is currently at 18% of goal. Three Rivers QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 20 District thanks Sonya Spinks for all of her support in coordinating the Friends of Scouting District kick‐off. Roundtable Themes January Cub Scout: “Positive” Boy Scout: “Geochoaching” February Cub Scout: “Resourcefulness” Boy Scout: “Hiking” Troop 157 Troop362 Troop 821 Troop 1600 Crew 362 New Unit Welcome Please welcome Cub Scout Pack 337 of First United Methodist Church of Bradford as the district’s newest Cub Scout Pack. Pastor Bill Mills and the First United Methodist Church Family also approved Wesley Burris as Cubmaster. The church is located 200 Searcy Street, Bradford, AR. February Re‐charters: New District Committee Members The following units re‐charter in February 2015. Pack 21 Pack 103 Pack 157 Pack 202 Pack 205 Pack 246 Pack 999 Troop 21 Troop 23 Troop 201 Troop 20 March Re‐charters The following units re‐charter in March 2015. Pack 91 Pack 101 Pack 159 Pack 182 Pack 362 Pack 502 Pack 821 Pack 1337 Pack 1600 Troop 101 Three Rivers District would like to welcome Robb Williams, as the new District Chairman, Steven Gifford, serving as District Commissioner, and Lori & Ronald Parson who will both serve as District Committee Members at‐Large. Thanks to all that attended the District Annual Business Meeting in December. Nineteen Scouters were elected to the District Committee for 2015. ACTIVITIES District Annual Banquet If you have any questions regarding this event, you can contact Tracy Garner at 501‐607‐6769 or Donnie Valley at 501‐831‐5213. Pinewood Derby The 3‐Rivers District Pinewood Derby is scheduled for February 28, 2015 at the Cabot Church of Christ. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with races starting at 9 a.m. The cost for this event will be $5.00 per entrant and is open to all Cub Scouts. Trophies will be awarded for 1st‐3rd place in each division, Tiger, Cub Scouts, and Webelos. There will also be an “open” division for any individual desiring to demonstrate their car design talents. Registrations forms can be found on the council website at the following link: http://www.quapawbsa.org/db/uplo ads/1389288557_Local_threeriversp wd.pdf If you have any questions regarding this event, you can contact Amanda Lagomarsino at (870) 512‐9539, or Donnie Valley at 501‐831‐5213 LEADER TRAINING OFFERINGS Three Rivers District Annual Banquet will be held January 17, 2015 at Cabot Church of Christ (500 North Second Street Cabot, AR) at 6 pm. The registration fee is $10.00 with registration forms being found on the council website at the following link: There will be Youth Protection, and a Leader Position Specific Training Course held at each Roundtable during 2015. Come and attend at First United Methodist Church 302 North Main of Beebe, AR on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. http://www.quapawbsa.org/db/uploads/138 9288557_Local_threeriverspwd.pdf. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 21 Thunderbird District Serving Northern Pulaski County including North Little Rock, Jacksonville, and Maumelle District Chairman: Brad Hughes brad@hughesstaffingagency.com District Commissioner: Joe Clark joe.clark@fisglobal.com District Executive: Justin Clark thunderbird@quapawbsa.org Calendar of Events January 8 Commissioners Meeting First United Methodist NLR, 6 pm 8 Roundtable First United Methodist NLR, 7 pm 8 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting First United Methodist NLR, 7 pm 15 District Committee Meeting Trinity Lutheran Church, 6:30 pm 17 District Recognition Banquet Sylvan Hills Church of Christ, 6:30 pm 12 Commissioners Meeting – First United Methodist NLR, 6:00pm 12 Roundtable First United Methodist NLR, 7 pm 12 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting First United Methodist NLR, 7 pm Banquet Thunderbird District’s Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet will be held on January 17, 2015 at the Sylvan Hills Church of Christ. Tickets will be $12 in advance, or $15 at the door. If leaders have completed any leader awards and would like the appropriate knots presented at the District Banquet, please turn these into Mike Stephens or Justin Clark by the January Roundtable. Come and celebrate a great year of Scouting in the Thunderbird District with your fellow adult volunteers. Spring Camporee February 5 District Committee Meeting Trinity Lutheran Church, 6:30pm Thunderbird will host the Spring Camporee on March 6‐8, 2015. More information will come out soon as to location, theme, and fees. District Annual Business Meeting The Thunderbird 2014 Annual Business meeting was held on November 6, 2014. The nominating committee put forth an excellent slate of incoming volunteers to help support the district this upcoming year. A unanimous vote elected Brad Hughes as the incoming District Chairman and recommended Joe Clark as District Commissioner. Welcome to New District Volunteers Thunderbird District would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new District Committee Members. Make sure to offer a hearty welcome to our new District Chairman, Brad Hughes. Joining the committee as Members‐at‐Large are Kelly Rodgers, Roger Marlin, David Clark, Scott Miller, and Clay Rogers. Welcome to New Units Thunderbird District is proud to welcome a couple of new units this year. Post 9911, charted to the North Little Rock Fire Department, meet at the central stationhouse at 723 Maple St in downtown North Little Rock. Mike Holley is doing an excellent job leading the young men and women as they explore a career in firefighting. Pack 4000 is charted to the Hamilton Boys and Girls Club at 400 Palm St. in North Little Rock. Ricky Noid is the Cubmaster and they are off to a great start. Friends of Scouting The 2015 Friends of Scouting Campaign is well under way and is off to a great start. Currently, Thunderbird has raised just over 10% QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 22 of the district’s $53,000 goal for 2015. Troop 431 had an excellent turnout at their Court of Honor. David Clark is the 2015 Family Friends of Scouting Chairman. He has served as District Chairman in White River District and was a long time Aquatics Director at Camp Rockefeller. Scouting depends upon the generous financial support of Scouters, Scouting Families, Individuals, and Businesses in our community who all share the vision that Scouting has for the future of our young people. If you wish to participate in Friends of Scouting but have not been asked, please call Justin Clark, Thunderbird District Executive at 501‐664‐4780 ext. 226 or email at thunderbird@quapawbsa.org Units Due to Recharter in February P83, P87, P117, P119, P170, P235, P255, P259, P295, P354, P355, P356, P427, P431, P542, P810, P2015, T18, T128, T170, T295, T354, T355, T356, T427, T431, T542, T770, V354, V356, C18, C128, C354, C356, C2044, C2724, & S394 Journey to Excellence Thunderbird District has achieved Bronze level in the Journey to Excellence for 2014. Most all of the units reached at least Bronze level as well. Congratulations to all volunteers in Thunderbird District for their hard work. Without each volunteer, none of this would have been possible. Thank you so much for everything you do. District Committee Meetings District Committee Meetings are a monthly meeting of district‐level volunteers to plan the Activities, Advancement, Camp Promotions, Risk Management, Membership, and Training programs in support of the Packs, Troops, Teams, Crews, and Posts of Thunderbird District. Committee members and Chartered Organization Representatives make up the District Committee, and spends most of the time in breakout meetings working on upcoming activities and events. The District Committee meets the First Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. and is held at the Trinity Lutheran Church at 3802 N Olive in North Little Rock, just behind Park Hill Elementary. For more information, contact Justin Clark, Thunderbird District Executive at 664‐4780 ext. 226. Roundtables / Program Themes January Cub Scouts – Positive Boy Scouts – Geocoaching February Cub Scouts – Resourcefulness Boy Scouts – Hiking Roundtables are held the second Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the First United Methodist Church in North Little Rock. This is a monthly meeting where volunteers come together to network, receive district and council information, and preview next month’s theme. This is an activities‐based meeting, as well as an informational meeting. Breakout sessions are conducted for the various leadership groups represented. Thomas Wilkinson, (501) 580‐4662, serves as the Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner and Fred Long, (501) 490‐0890, is the interim Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner. Order of the Arrow Chapter Meetings The OA Chapter meetings are youth led monthly meetings of all of the OA members in the Thunderbird District. These meetings are where Thunderbird OA Chapter business is conducted, service items are discussed, and information is distributed concerning all Lodge activities and events. These meetings are conducted on the second Thursday of each month starting at 7 PM and are held at the First United Methodist Church in North Little Rock in conjunction with the leader roundtable(s). For more information contact Doe Sims, Thunderbird District OA Chapter Advisor, at 501.541.4782. Thunderbird District Trainings Thunderbird has some great Training sessions coming up this spring. If you are coming into a new position or have not had the chance to go through training in your current position, then please make sure that you attend any of the following courses that you need. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 23 Youth Protection Training is REQUIRED for all adult leaders and must be renewed every two years. It is available online at www.myscouting.org. If you do not have internet access and need this training, please contact Mike Stephens at 501‐425‐8680 or Justin Clark at 501‐664‐4780, ext 226. COURSE: Cub Scout Leader Specific Training Description: Designed to provide position specific training for all Cub Scout Leader Positions. (Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Committee Members, Den Leader, Asst. Den Leader, etc.) Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2015 Place: First United Methodist of NLR – 6701 JFK Blvd. North Little Rock Time: Check‐in begins at 8:00 a.m. Training begins at 8:30 a.m. and lasts until 1 p.m. Cost: FREE – Deadline to register is Monday, March 16th. COURSE: Boy Scout Leader Specific Training Description: This course is designed as basic training for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters and is also recommended for other adult leaders working with a Boy Scout Troop. (not available online) Date: Saturday, March 21st, 2015 Place: First United Methodist of NLR – 6701 JFK Blvd. North Little Rock Time: Check‐in begins at 8:00 a.m. Training begins at 8:30 a.m. and lasts until 3 p.m. Cost: $5 per person – Deadline to register is Monday, March 16th. COURSE: Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Description: This outdoor program is designed to provide basic outdoor skills essential to the Boy Scout program and the Patrol Method. This course is required training for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches, and Venturing Advisors who wish to be considered a trained leader. It is recommended for Webelos leaders and other adults who will be camping with youth. This is an overnight session and there will be a cracker barrel Friday night. Come prepared for any kind of weather. Date: Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, 2015 Place: North Pulaski Community Park 5705 West Republican Road Jacksonville AR 72076 Time: Pre‐registration is required. Check‐ in begins at 6 pm. Cracker barrel at 8 p.m. Training runs through 5pm Saturday Cost: $25.00 per person (includes food and materials) – Deadline to register is Monday, April 6th. COURSE: BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) Description: This basic outdoor skills program is designed for Cub Scout Leaders who want to plan and carry out an entry‐level outdoor experience for the Cub Scout Pack. This is required for adults giving leadership on a Pack overnighter. This is an outdoor course. Come prepared for any kind of weather. Date: Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, 2015 (Friday night is optional) Place: North Pulaski Community Park 5705 West Republican Road Jacksonville AR 72076 Time: Pre‐registration is required. Check‐in begins at 6pm. Cracker barrel begins at 7 p.m. and training ends 5pm on Saturday. Friday night is optional, however, training starts at 8 a.m. sharp for those not camping. Cost: $20.00 per person (Includes all materials and lunch.) – Deadline to register is Monday, April 6th. COURSE: OWL (Outdoor Webelos Leader) Description: This is for all Webelos leaders. This training course covers the skills & resources needed to teach the outdoor activity badges and helps to provide good & safe outdoor experiences. Completion of this training is required before a Webelos den can go on a campout. This is an outdoor course. Come prepared for any type of weather. Date: Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, 2015 Place: North Pulaski Community Park 5705 West Republican Road Jacksonville AR 72076 Time: Pre‐registration is required. Check‐in begins at 6pm. Cracker barrel begins at 7 p.m. and training ends 5pm on Saturday. Cost: $20.00 per person (Includes all materials and lunch.) – Deadline to register is Monday, April 6th. BSA uniform is appropriate dress for training, please wear it if you have one. After a new leader is registered and has their BSA member ID number, they can register at: www.myscouting.org Once registered with myscouting.org, the new leader can take the required trainings online. *NOTE – Youth Protection is required for ALL Leaders before they can register as a new Leader or reregister with a Charter Renewal. If you missed one of our training session and have leaders that need training, please contact Mike Stephens, Thunderbird District Training Chairman, mstephens52@comcast.net or Justin Clark, District Executive, thunderbird@quapawbsa.org, to schedule a training for your unit. Every boy deserves a trained leader! Keep up to date with what is happening in Thunderbird District on Facebook! Visit Here – THUNDERBIRD DISTRICT FACEBOOK PAGE Click “Like”. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 24 Thunderbird E‐mail Distribution Receive information via your inbox by subscribing to the Thunderbird E‐ mail Distribution List. Send e‐mail to thunderbird@quapawbsa.org and type in the Subject Line “Add Me to the List”. Be sure to include in the body of the e‐mail your name and e‐ mail that you would like to use. 15 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 16‐18 White River Winter Klondike, Camp Cedar Valley, Viola 24 Key‐3 Meeting Thank you! Remember, the young people are the reason that Thunderbird District is here. Volunteers are the reason the District is successful. Thanks for making Scouting in Thunderbird District a fantastic program. What’s the word? THUNDERBIRD! White River District Fulton, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Sharp, & Stone Counties District Chairman: Frank Wise District Commissioner: Raymond Thomas Senior District Executive: Jacob Landers JANUARY 8 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 15 District Commissioner Meeting, 5:30 PM Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 15 Cub/Boy Scout Roundtable, 6:30 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 31 District Banquet, 6:30 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville February 2015 The District would like to welcome Mr. Raymond Thomas starting as the new District Commissioner. Raymond will help guide Unit Commissioners to better serve their units throughout the year. Raymond has been heavily involved in the Scouting program for many years and served as both Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster. He has also attended the Council Commissioner College in 2013 and 2014. District Annual Business Meeting 5 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 12 District Commissioner Meeting, 5:30 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 12 Cub/Boy Scout Roundtable, 6:30 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, Batesville 12 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM, Harrison Street Church of Christ, 19 Key‐3 Meeting Roundtable Themes January 15th Cub Scout Resourcefulness Boy Scout Hiking February 12th Cub Scout Boy Scout Welcome New District Volunteers!!! Compassion Outdoor Ethics The District Annual Business Meeting was held on December 11th in Batesville to review and vote on the 2015 ballot of District Committee Members at Large. The following members were voted to serve in 2015 on the District Committee. Frank Wise David Wilkens Russell Feurst Mike Collins Rick Stolarik Don Jordan Pamela Bullard George Latus Rich Florczak Larry Young Ron Lewallen Mae Carol Allen Karen Pike Lynette Westvang Martha Lewallen Robert Cole Wesley Winkle Sarah Tracy Stacy Gunderman Janna Hamm Brenda Henley Ethan Hamm QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 25 EVENTS PAST Family Fun Camp – November 1 & 2 The District’s Family Fun Camp had a great turnout with over 50 youth and adults attending. The scouts were able to do everything from shooting bb‐guns and archery, to fishing, watching rockets, playing ultimate frisbee, going on a night hike, and getting to watch talented actors reenact a medieval knights’ duel. A special thank you is in order for Chris Middleton Cubmaster and the wonderful Leaders from Pack 220 for helping host this fun filled event. A thank you also goes out to Dave Thomas for bringing his rocket display setup for the Cub Scouts to enjoy, as well as Flowers Bakery for their generous donation of food for the event. Cub Scout / Boy Scout / Venture / Charter Rep. Leader Specific Training District Recognition Banquet January 31st The District would like to say “THANK You!” to Rick Stolarik and the District Training Team for providing the opportunity for so many new Scout Leaders to get the proper training needed. During the month of November, 11 new Leaders were trained in their specific roles. Overall this Fall 2014 71% of all the new leaders recruited have been fully trained in their various positions. The White River District Annual Recognition Banquet will be held January 31st at the Harrison Street Church of Christ in Batesville. Leaders will be recognized for their time and work devoted to scouting with different levels of recognition such as patches, placards, and more. The District Award of Merit, which is the highest recognition award offered at the District level, will be given out to two of the top notch White River District Volunteers. Nominees for this award must be nominated by another volunteer. Thanks to the Training Team for this tremendous success. EVENTS TO COME Activities: Winter Klondike– January 16th – 18th ON YOUR MARK… GET SET… GO!!! It’s back! The White River District is hosting a Winter Klondike Derby at Camp Cedar Valley located at 104 Boy Scout Trail, Viola, AR. Scout Troops will be given the task of designing and building a Klondike derby sled to race and use to carry their gear to the various stations where they will be put to the test. Registration is $5 per person if paid by the January 9th, otherwise it will be the normal $7 per person if paid after January 9th. For more information please contact the Klondike Director Don Jordan at (870) 214‐0237 or by email at drjordan51@yahoo.com Registration forms can be found on the forms section of the council website at: www.quapawbsa.org The Recognition Banquet will be $5 per person and will be a potluck style dinner. Registration can be sent to the Council Office via mail to: Quapaw Area Council White River Banquet 2015 3220 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202 They can also be turned in at the District Roundtable on January 15th. For more info call Jacob Landers at (501) 831‐3310 or email whiteriver@quapawbsa.org Spring Camporee – March 27th – 29th Attention Boy Scouts and Leaders!!! Get ready for this year’s Spring Camporee at none other than Camp Cedar Valley (located at 104 Boy Scout Trail, Viola, AR.). This year’s theme is “Backpacking” where patrols will compete for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place. 1st place gets the right to take QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 26 home the District Traveling Trophy until the next Camporee. Troops please invite your up and coming Webelos II Cub Scouts to attend. Registration is $7 per person, if paid by the March 13th Roundtable, $10 per person if paid after March 13th. For more information please contact the Camporee Chair Russell Feurst at (870) 373‐0840 or by email at rfeurst@hotmail.com Registration forms are available at: www.quapawbsa.org District Pinewood Derby – April 11th Get ready to gear up for the race of the year! April 11th District will be having the 2015 District Pinewood Derby hosted by Pack 320. Cubmaster Stacy Allen will be conducting this year’s Derby at the Southside Middle School located off Hwy 167 on 70 Scott Drive in Southside. Please get your Cubs ready to join in on the fun!!! Registration, if paid by 4/03/15, is $5 (after 4/03/15 is $10). All reservations and money need to be submitted to: Quapaw Area Council 3220 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 72202. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) / Outdoor Webelos Leader (OWL) / Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) – March 27th ‐28th Attention Scout Leaders!!!! The White River District will be hosting a BALOO / OWL / IOLS Training March 27th – 28th at Camp Cedar Valley (located at 104 Boy Scout Trail, Viola, AR.), classes begin at 7:00 PM on Friday. Whether you are a Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Scoutmaster everyone can benefit from the BALOO / OWL / IOLS Training. Leaders will get a chance to sharpen their outdoor skills and learn proper ways to conduct a successful camp out with their units. Please keep in mind this training is required by units wanting to go on overnight campouts with at least one leader being trained in order for a Den, Pack, Troop, or Crew to go on an overnight camping event. Registration is only $15 and includes meals. For more information please feel free to contact the District Training Chairman Rick Stolarik at (870) 612‐ 4184 or by email at: rick_stolarik@flocorp.com Sign‐In starts at 9:30 AM Saturday April 11th. For more questions please contact Stacy Allen at (870)613‐0859 or email at fanport@yahoo.com . Training: Cub Scout / Boy Scout / Venture / Charter Rep. Leader Specific Training – April 11th CALLING ALL SCOUT LEADERS!!!! Whether you are a Den Leader, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, or Charter Rep. everyone needs to have the Leader Specific Training that will be taking place after the District Pinewood Derby in Southside of Batesville at the Southside Middle School at 1:00 PM on April 11th. The school is located at 70 Scott Dr. in Southside of Batesville. Here leaders will get a chance to better understand their role as volunteers and the many different tools that can be utilized to provide a better program to their youth. Please keep in mind this training is required for leaders to be considered as fully trained. Registration is only $5. For more information please feel free to contact the District Training Chairman Rick Stolarik at (870) 612‐ 4184 or by email at rick_stolarik@flocorp.com FRIENDS OF SCOUTING: Join me in welcoming Phil Baldwin, President and CEO of The Citizens Bank, as the District’s 2015 Overall Friends of Scouting Chairman. He will be heading up the 2015 campaign by helping to identify Majors, Captains, and Enrollers to help raise money in the White River District. Phil has served for over 10 years with Pack 55 in Little Rock and has two sons whom both have earned the rank of Eagle. Also join me in welcoming our 2015 Family Friends of Scouting Chairman, Rick Stolarik. Rick will be assisting in the 2015 Friends of Scouting Campaign by helping to identify and recruit Trailblazers that will conduct FOS presentations to all of the units throughout our district. QUAPAW SCOUTER JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 | Issue #2015‐1 27 The overall campaign goal is $29,000.00, which is then divided into Community and Family Campaigns. The Community goal is $17,000.00 and the Family goal is $12,000.00. To qualify as a “Pacesetter Unit” the following requirements must be met. 1.) Designate one adult as the unit FOS Chairperson. 2.) Set the date of your unit’s presentation by December 19th 3.) Conduct your unit’s Family FOS presentation before March 31st As of 12/07/14 the following units are currently signed up as pacesetter units. Pack 43 Pack 167 Troop 167 Crew 2167 Pack 220 Troop 220 Pack 258 Troop 258 Pack 264 Pack 316 Troop 316 Crew 316 Pack 320 Troop 320 Pack 412 Pack 549 Pack 600 Pack 639 Pack 744 Pack 3146 RE‐CHARTERED UNITS DUE: Units Due to Re‐Charter in January: Pack 167 Troop 167 Crew 2167 Pack 320 Troop 320 Units Due to Re‐Charter in February: Pack 43 Pack 412 Troop 258 Pack 600 Units Due to Re‐Charter in March: Pack 220 Troop 176 Pack 258 Troop 220 Crew 320 Pack 264 Troop 264 Pack 316 Troop 316 Crew 316 Pack 412 Troop 639 Pack 549 Troop 3146 Pack 639 Pack 744 Pack 3146 Journey to Excellence Status Congratulations to the White River District and to the hard working volunteers for earning the Bronze Level in Journey to Excellence for 2014. Journey to Excellence is the BSA's council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of our units, districts, and councils. It is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.