Description - Accessories Abroad
Description - Accessories Abroad SPRING 2012 CATALOG P. O. Box 814 Keysville, Virginia 23947 T: 1.877.3-ABROAD (322-7623) F: 1.877.9-ABROAD (922-7623) E: 1-877-322-7623 April 2012 V-1000-004DW BAR TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 36L 36W 42H Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. 1-877-322-7623 V-1000-004HO BAR TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 36L 36W 42H Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1000-005 BAR TABLE WITH BRASS SUPPORTS Dimensions: 38L 38W 42H Description: Hand turned acacia solids with light to medium distressing, finished in antique mahogany brown. Top is inlaid with English brown oak burl and white stringing. Hand shaped brass supports located on all sides. 1-877-322-7623 V-1000-006 DROP LEAF BAR TABLE Dimensions: 60L 36W 42H (open) 60L 16W 42H (closed) Description: Hand carved solid acacia with a heavy distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique and French black rub-thru on base only. 1-877-322-7623 V-1010-006 FLIP TOP CONSOLE TABLE DARK OAK Dimensions: 80L 40W 31H (open) 80L 22W 31.5H (closed) Description: Hand turned and carved solid US white oak with medium to heavy distressing in a farmhouse oak finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1010-018 FLIP TOP DINING TABLE WITH 5 LEGS Dimensions: 72L 39W 30.25H (open) 72L 19.5W 30.75H (closed) Description: Hand turned and carved acacia solids with a medium to heavy distressing with an antique pastoral walnut finish. The base has a black rub-thru and the top features butterfly hand-casted brass hinges on the fold out leaves. 1-877-322-7623 V-1010-030 SERPENTINE DROP LEAF TABLE WALNUT Dimensions: 68L 38W 31H (open) 68L 21W 31H (closed) Description: Hand carved solid acacia with medium to heavy distressing. Finished in an antique dry-walnut finish, with a French black rub-thru on the base. 1-877-322-7623 V-1010-051HO DINING TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 155L 38W 29H (open) 115L 38W 29H (closed) Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. The table comes with two(2) twenty inch (20”) extension leaves. 1-877-322-7623 V-1012-007 PASTORAL OVAL DINING TABLE Dimensions: 78L 57W 29H (open) 78L 25.5W 29H (closed) 9” from leg-to-end Description: Hand planed US solid maple with acacia top, medium distressing and pastoral cherry finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-005-54 54” ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE* Dimensions: 54L 54W 30H Description: Hand turned and carved US white oak solids, top X-cross band in yew veneer. Medium to heavy distressing with dark antique farmhouse oak finish. *Also available in a 60”. (V-1050-005-60) *Also available in a 72”. (V-1050-005-72) 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-015 66” ROUND PEDESTAL DINING TABLE WITH INLAY Dimensions: 66L 66W 30H Description: Made from acacia solids with light distressing in an antique mahogany brown finish. Center is inlaid with a sunburst layouth of cerejiera swirl veneers. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-020-72 72” ROUND DINING TABLE WALNUT (shown)* Dimensions: 72L 72W 30.75H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique finish. *Also available in a 54”. (V-1050-020-54) 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-050DW-EXT ROUND EXTENDABLE DINING TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 48L 48W 31H Description: Made from US white oak, medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel in a driftwood finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-052.48 48” ROUND BREAKFAST TABLE WALNUT Dimensions: 48L 48W 30H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in a dry-walnut finished top and a black rub-thru base over medium walnut. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-052.48HO 48” ROUND BREAKFAST TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 48L 48W 30H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-052.60 60” ROUND DINING TABLE WALNUT Dimensions: 60L 60W 30H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium disressing in a dry-walnut finished top and a black rub-thru base over medium walnut. 1-877-322-7623 V-1050-052-60HO 60” ROUND DINING TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 60L 60W 30H Description: Made from US white oak in a medium to heavy distressing with an antique honey oak finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-008 GLASS TOP COCKTAIL TABLE BROWN Dimensions: 46L 32W 21H Description: Hand turned in solid US maple wood. Top is beveled clear glass, in a wooden frame with brass accents on top of each leg post. Stretcher shelf has woven rattan quarters between wooden frames. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-037 DETACHABLE TRAY TOP COCKTAIL TABLE Dimensions: 38L 28W 25.5H Description: Acacia solids, medium to heavy distressing with a pastoral antique finish and a detachable tray. The base and tray sides have a French black rub-thru. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-061 FAUX TRAY TOP COCKTAIL TABLE Dimensions: 52.5L 32W 20.75H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique and French black rub-thru on base only. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-081 COCKTAIL TABLE Dimensions: 47.25L 32W 20.5H Description: Made from acacia solids, medium distressing with antique dry walnut finish with a French black rub thru on the legs. Two drawers on each side with hand-casted brass pulls and feet. V-1200-083 SIDE TABLE Dimensions: 16.5L 22.5W 26.5H Description: Made from acacia solids, medium distressing with antique dry-walnut finish with a French black rub-thru on the legs. Hand-casted brass feets and drawer pull. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-063DW COFFEE TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 46.5L 32.5W 20H Description: Made from US white oak, heavy distressing with a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel, four drawers with brass ring pulls. V-1200-072DW SIDE TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 23.5L 17.25W 25.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing, with a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel, one drawer with a brass pull ring. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-063HO COFFEE TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 46.5L 32.5W 20H Description: Made from US white oak, heavy distressing with an antique honey oak finish, four drawers with brass ring pulls. V-1200-072HO SIDE TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 23.5L 17.25W 25.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing, with an antique honey oak finish, one drawer with a brass pull ring. 1-877-322-7623 V-1210-014DW SET OF TWO NESTING TABLES DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 23.25L 15W 25H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing, with a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. V-1400-056DW TWO DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 39.75L 20W 33.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing with a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel, two drawers with brass pull rings. 1-877-322-7623 V-1210-014HO SET OF TWO NESTING TABLES HONEY OAK Dimensions: 23.25L 15W 25H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing, with an antique honey oak finish. V-1400-056DW TWO DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 39.75L 20W 33.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing with an antique honey oak finish, two drawers with brass pull rings. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-064DW THREE-PIECE PILLARED COCKTAIL TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 56.5L 32W 21H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel in a driftwood finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-082 COCKTAIL TABLE WITH ARCHED CROSS LEGS Dimensions: 48L 31.5W 20H Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish. V-1200-086 SIDE TABLE WITH ARCHED CROSS LEGS Dimensions: 28L 22W 26H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-085 TUFTED LEATHER COCKTAIL TABLE Dimensions: 49L 37W 21H Description: Made from acacia solids with a brown expresso tufted leather top. Center features a removeable tray. 1-877-322-7623 V-1100-089 CAMPAIGN COCKTAIL TABLE WITH HINGED LID Dimensions: 47.5L 23.5W 20.5H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique dry- walnut finish, brass accents and hinged lid. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-098 CAMPAIGN CHEST END TABLE Dimensions: 19L 11W 24H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish, brass accents, and hinged lid. V-2200-090 CAMPAIGN CHEST OF DRAWERS Dimensions: 39.5L 17.75W 36H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish. Three drawers with casted brass pulls and accents. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-029 LARGE LAMP TABLE BLACK & BROWN Dimensions: 26L 24.5W 30H Description: Solid US maple, with acacia top and tier with medium distressing and a pastoral cherry antique finish. The base and aprons are finished with a black rub-thru. V-1200-041 CRICKET TABLE WITH FALSE DRAWER Dimensions: 26L 26W 27H Description: Solid US white oak with antique farmhouse dark oak finish, with medium to heavy distressing. The front drawer is false. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-050 TWO-TIER ROUND LAMP TABLE WITH STARBURST Dimensions: 28L 28W 30.5H Description: Hand carved US white oak solids with medium distressing and farmhouse oak finish. Top and tier are yew wood inlay with starburst layout. V-1200-063 INLAID END TABLE WITH SHELF Dimensions: 28.75L 28.75W 26H Description: Hand carved solid acacia, heavily distressed with antique drywalnut finish. The top is inlaid with black walnut crotch. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-070 FAUX TRAY TOP END TABLE Dimensions: 28.75L 27.75W 26H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique and French black rubthru on base only. V-1200-084 SIDE TABLE Dimensions: 26L 26W 27H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a drywalnut finish. Top iron stretcher is in a silvered black-rub thru. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-095 DEMILUNE TRAY SIDE TABLE Dimensions: 30L 23W 27H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing and a black rub-thru base. Top is a removable tray in an antique dry-walnut finish. V-1200-100 ROUND LAMP TABLE PAINTED BLACK & SILVER Dimensions: 28L 28W 32H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light distressing in a black rub finish and silver leaf details. 1-877-322-7623 V-1200-101 INLAID ROUND LAMP TABLE Dimensions: 28L 28W 32H Description: Made from acacia solids with light to medium distressing in a mahogany brown finish. Top panel is inlaid in mapa burl. V-1200-101W ROUND LAMP TABLE WALNUT Dimensions: 28L 28W 32H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light to medium distressing in a dry-walnut finish and a black rub-thru base. 1-877-322-7623 V-1210-001 SET OF THREE NESTING TABLES Dimensions: 22L 15W 27H Description: Solid US maple wood, medium distressing with a pastoral cherry finish. Brass accents on top and feet. V-1800-032 ROUND ACCENT TABLE WITH SHELF Dimensions: 18L 18W 26H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish with French black-rub thru on the legs. 1-877-322-7623 V-1210-004 SET OF THREE NESTING TABLES - BROWN Dimensions: 19.5L 19.5W 23.5H Description: Hand turned US maple solids, two drop-leaf round tables hanging inside main table V-1210-005 SET OF THREE NESTING TABLES - BLACK Dimensions: 19.5L 19.5W 23.5H Description: Solid US maple with medium distressing. The top is finished in antique medium walnut. The two nested tables are drop-leaf and hang inside the main table. Black rub-thru finish over mahogany brown. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-024 FOUR DOOR / FOUR DRAWER NARROW CONSOLE Dimensions: 59L 12W 34H Description: Hand turned and carved solid acacia. Top, sides, drawer, and door fronts are inlaid with cerejeira crotch. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-025 FOUR DRAWER CEREJEIRA CONSOLE Dimensions: 59.5L 12W 34H Description: Solid US Maple with cerejiera crotch veneer on shelf, sides, drawer fronts, and top. Hand-casted brass drawer pulls. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-037 DEMI CONSOLE CABINET Dimensions: 42L 14W 40H Description: Solid US maple, light to medium distressing. Inlaid with crotch veneers and satin bandings, finished in an antique crotch mahogany. Hand-casted brass accents. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-050 FAUX TRAY TOP CONSOLE TABLE Dimensions: 60L 15W 34H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel in an antique dry-walnut finish and a French black rub-thru on base only. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-070 SIX DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE Dimensions: 62L 12W 32H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish with French black-rub thru on the legs. Six drawers with hand-casted brass tear-drop pulls. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-071 TWO DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE Dimensions: 59L 14W 34.25H Description: Made from acacia solids, medium distressing with antique dry-walnut finish with French black rub-thru on the legs. Hand-casted brass feet and drawer pulls. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-074 FOUR DOOR / FOUR DRAWER NARROW CONSOLE WALNUT Dimensions: 59L 12W 34H Description: Hand turned and carved solid acacia with medium to heavy distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish. Four doors and four drawers feature hand-casted brass pulls and hardware. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-076DW THREE COLUMN CONSOLE TABLE Dimensions: 72L 16W 34H Description: Made from US white oak solids, heavy distressing with a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-080 ROUNDED CONSOLE WITH THREE SHELVES Dimensions: 60L 15W 30.5H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-091DW CONSOLE X-LEGS TABLE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 72L 14W 34H Description: Made from US white oak in a medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel in a driftwood finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-092 THREE DRAWER CONSOLE TABLE WITH BOTTOM SHELF Dimensions: 64.5L 16W 36H Description: Made from acacia solids in a light to medium distressing with a mahogany brown antique finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-1400-094 BOWFRONT CONSOLE Dimensions: 60L 16W 31H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light to medium distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish and a black rub-thru base. 1-877-322-7623 V-1600-003 CONSOLE SERVER Dimensions: 66L 18W 43H Description: Solid US maple wood, medium distressing with a mahogany brown finish. Brown rattan on shelf. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-001 GAME COCKTAIL TABLE WITH TWISTED LEGS Dimensions: 58L 32W 21H Description: Solid US maple inlaid with crotch veneers. Game boards (checkers, chess & backgammon) are in laurel burl and wenge. Game pieces not included. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-003 GAME TABLE ACACIA Dimensions: 60L 21W 32H Description: Hand carved solid US maple with leather tooling on top surface. Game board (checkers, chess, & backgammon) are in laurel burl, wenge and sycamore veneer inlays in chess board and backgammon board. Leather with tooling on top surface. Game pieces not included. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-006 ROUND PEDESTAL POKER TABLE Dimensions: 56L 56W 30H Description: Solid US maple with light walnut finish. The base, apron, and outer band on top is oak burl. The inner circle is leather with gilded tooling. Game pieces not included. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-007 DINING/GAME TABLE - BROWN Dimensions: 36L 36W 29H (closed) 65.75L 36W 29H (open) Description: Solid US maple wood with acacia top. Medium to heavy distressing with an antique pastoral cherry finish. The top has Dutch pull-out extensions. The table extends to 65 3/4” with both leaves drawn. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-007B DINING/GAME TABLE - BLACK Dimensions: 36L 36W 29H (closed) 65.75L 36W 29H (open) Description: Hand carved solid acacia with medium to heavy distressing. It is finished in antique pastoral cherry, with a French black rub-thru on base only. The table top has a Dutch pull-out extension and extends to 65 3/4” with both leaves drawn. 1-877-322-7623 V-1950-015 SQUARE CARD TABLE Dimensions: 44L 44W 30H Description: Hand carved & turned solid acacia with medium distressing with antique expresso on base and light Baha antique on top. The top is inlaid with brown oak burl. 1-877-322-7623 V-2200-050 CHEST OF DRAWERS WITH TWO DRAWERS Dimensions: 44L 21.5W 34H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavy distressing and antique dry-walnut finish. The top panel is inlaid with walnut crotch. 1-877-322-7623 V-2200-082DW CAMPAIGN CHEST DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 34L 19W 30.5H Description: Made from US white oak in a medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel in a driftwood finish. Blackleather handles on six drawers and casted brass accents and hardware. 1-877-322-7623 V-2200-090 CAMPAIGN CHEST OF DRAWERS Dimensions: 39.5L 17.75W 36H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing in an antique dry-walnut finish. Three drawers with casted brass pulls and accents. 1-877-322-7623 V-3025-002 WRITING DESK WITH FIVE DRAWERS - BLACK Dimensions: 55.5L 27.75W 40.75H Description: Hand carved acacia solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique walnut with black rub-thru on base and sides. Top has 2 drawers and laptop storage area. Front has 3 drawers with hand-casted brass pulls. 1-877-322-7623 V-5500-015 SIDEBOARD WITH TWO GLASS DOORS & SIX DRAWERS Dimensions: 73L 19.25W 31H Description: Made from acacia solids with a mahogany brown finish. Features six drawers and two glass doors with hand-casted brass pulls and hardware. 1-877-322-7623 V-8000-028HO THREE-SHELF ETAGERE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 71L 17W 52H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. 1-877-322-7623 V-9650-002HO PORTE MANTEAU COFFRE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 44L 20W 80.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Two beveled-edge mirrors and three casted brass racks. 1-877-322-7623 V-8000-014 WICKER ETAGERE BROWN Dimensions: 40L 18W 74H Description: Hand turned and carved acacia solids with light to medium distressing. Finished in an antique black with rub-thru to mahogany brown. The back is made of a rattan cane weave. 1-877-322-7623 V-8000-015 WICKER ETAGERE BLACK Dimensions: 40L 18W 74H Description: Hand turned and carved acacia solids with light to medium distressing in a black rub-thru finish. The back is made of a rattan cane weave. 1-877-322-7623 V-8000-024 3-TIER SCROLL STEP ETAGERE Dimensions: 24L 19W 26.5H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavy distressing and aged walnut finish. V-8000-025 2-TIER CROSS-SIDE ETAGERE Dimensions: 32L 19W 32H Description: Hand carved and turned solid acacia, heavily distressed with antique dry-walnut finish. Hand-casted brass casters on legs. V-8000-026 3-TIER 2-DRAWER ETAGERE Dimensions: 42L 18W 55H Description: Hand carved and turned solid acacia, heavily distressed with antique pastoral cherry finish and French black rub-thru on legs only. 1-877-322-7623 LADDER BACK - WHITE LADDER BACK - DARK OAK V-9010-003W SIDE CHAIR V-9010-001RUSH SIDE CHAIR V-9010-004W ARM CHAIR V-9010-002RUSH ARM CHAIR LADDER BACK - BLACK LADDER BACK - ACACIA V-9010-003B SIDE CHAIR V-9010-003 SIDE CHAIR V-9010-004B ARM CHAIR V-9010-004 ARM CHAIR 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-001DW LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 20L 23W 42H Description: Solid US white oak, medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel of a driftwood finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-002DW LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid US white oak, medium to heavy distressing with a weathered look and feel of a driftwood finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-001HO LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR HONEY OAK Dimensions: 20L 23W 42H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-002HO LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR HONEY OAK Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-001RUSH LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR DARK OAK Dimensions: 20L 23W 42H Description: Solid US white oak, distressed with a dark antique farmhouse oak finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. V-9010-002RUSH LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR DARK OAK Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid US white oak, distressed with a dark antique farmhouse oak finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-003 LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR ACACIA Dimensions: 20L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with mahogany brown antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. V-9010-004 LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR ACACIA Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with mahogany brown antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-003B LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR BLACK Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with black antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. V-9010-004B LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR BLACK Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with black antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-003W LADDER BACK SIDE CHAIR WHITE Dimensions: 20L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with white antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. V-9010-004W LADDER BACK ARM CHAIR WHITE Dimensions: 23L 23W 42H Description: Solid acacia, distressed with white antique finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-034 SIDE CHAIR RUSH SEAT - OAK Dimensions: 19.5L 17.5W 40H Description: Hand carved solid US white oak with heavy distressing, finished in a farmhouse dark oak. Woven rush seat. V-9010-035 ARM CHAIR RUSH SEAT - OAK Dimensions: 22L 21.75W 39.75H Description: Hand carved solid US white oak with heavy distressing, finished in a farmhouse dark oak. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-034BW SIDE CHAIR RUSH SEAT - BLACK WIPE Dimensions: 19.5L 17.5W 39.75H Description: Hand carved solid US white oak with medium distressing, finished in an antique farmhouse dark oak and a black top with deep wipe-thru to clear wood. Woven rush seat. V-9010-035BW ARM CHAIR RUSH SEAT - BLACK WIPE Dimensions: 22L 21.75W 39.75H Description: Hand carved solid US white oak with heavy distressing, finished in a farmhouse dark oak and a black top with deep wipe-thru to clear wood. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-034DW SIDE CHAIR DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 21L 22W 39.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-035DW ARM CHAIR DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 21L 22W 39.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-034HO SIDE CHAIR HONEY OAK Dimensions: 21L 22W 39.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-035HO ARM CHAIR HONEY OAK Dimensions: 21L 22W 39.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-040 LEATHER SIDE CHAIR COGNAC Dimensions: 23.25L 24W 39.75H Description: Chair frame is acacia solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique medium walnut. Upholstered in full grain leather in cognac color tone. V-9010-041 LEATHER SIDE CHAIR MOCCA Dimensions: 23.25L 24W 39.75H Description: Chair frame is acacia solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique medium walnut. Upholstered in full grain leather in an expresso color tone. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-070 PASTORAL SIDE CHAIR ACACIA Dimensions: 21L 23W 40H Description: Hand planed solid acacia with medium distressing finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat. V-9010-071 PASTORAL ARM CHAIR ACACIA Dimensions: 24L 23W 40H Description: Hand planed solid acacia with medium distressing finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-078 PASTORAL LEATHER SIDE CHAIR - WALNUT Dimensions: 21L 24W 40H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-079 PASTORAL LEATHER ARM CHAIR - WALNUT Dimensions: 23.25L 24W 40H Description: Hand carved solid acacia with heavily distressed weathered look and feel. Finished with a dry-walnut antique finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9010-094 LEATHER SIDE CHAIR MAHOGANY BROWN Dimensions: 20.5L 23.5W 37.5H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light to medium distressing in an antique mahogany brown finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9010-094HO LEATHER SIDE CHAIR HONEY OAK Dimensions: 20.5L 23.5W 37.5H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9020-001 - DARK OAK* V-9020-001B - BLACK RUB LADDER BACK SETTEE BLACK RUB Dimensions: 44L 23W 42H Description: Solid US white oak, distressed with (Dark Oak) a dark antique farm- house oak finish, (Black Rub) black rub thru on dark antique farmhouse oak finish, mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. *Photo depicts V-9020-001-Dark Oak, but is also available in Black Rub. 1-877-322-7623 V-9020-001HO LADDER BACK SETTEE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 44L 23W 42H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9020-006 TWO SEAT SETTEE WITH RUSH SEAT Dimensions: 44.25L 22W 39.75H Description: Hand carved US white oak solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique farmhouse dark oak. Slip-in woven rush seat. V-9020-007 HOOP BACK SETTEE OAK Dimensions: 47.25L 36.25W 39.25H (19” seat height) Description: US white oak solids, hand turned splayed legs, slats, and uprights with hand carved seat. Medium to heavy distressing with farmhouse dark oak finish with a black rub highlighted by natural wood grains. 1-877-322-7623 V-9020-007DW HOOP BACK SETTEE DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 47.25L 26W 39H (19” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak solids in a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Hand carved seat and hand turned splayed legs, slats and uprights. V-9020-007HO HOOP BACK SETTEE HONEY OAK Dimensions: 47.25L 26W 39H (19” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak solids in a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Hand carved seat and hand turned splayed legs, slats and uprights. 1-877-322-7623 V-9020-010 CHIPPENDALE BENCH BROWN MAHOGANY Dimensions: 50L 21W 39.5H (19” seat height) Description: Made from acacia solids with medium distressing in an antique brown mahogany finish and rattan cane seats. V-9020-010DW CHIPPENDALE BENCH DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 50L 21W 39.5H (19” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak solids with medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel and rattan cane seats. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-001 LADDER BACK COUNTER STOOL WITH RUSH SEAT - DARK OAK Dimensions: 20L 22W 43H Description: Solid US white oak, distressed with a dark antique farmhouse oak finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. V-9030-001 LADDER BACK BAR STOOL WITH RUSH SEAT - DARK OAK Dimensions: 20L 22W 49H Description: Solid US white oak, distressed with a dark antique farmhouse oak finish. Mounted with brass accents on leg tops. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-001DW LADDER BACK COUNTER STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 20L 22W 43H Description: Solid US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in a weathered driftwood finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-001DW LADDER BACK BAR STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 20L 22W 49H Description: Solid US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in a weathered driftwood finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-001HO LADDER BACK COUNTER STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 20L 22W 43H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-001HO LADDER BACK BAR STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 20L 22W 49H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-005SW SWIVEL COUNTER STOOL WITH TUFTED LEATHER SEAT Dimensions: 18L 18W 24H Description: Barley twist, hand turned, and carved US maple, medium distressing with mahogany brown antique finish. Swivel seat is upholstered in cognac tufted leather. V-9030-005SW SWIVEL BAR STOOL WITH TUFTED LEATHER SEAT Dimensions: 18L 18W 30H Description: Barley twist, hand turned, and carved US maple, medium distressing with mahogany brown antique finish. Swivel seat is upholstered in cognac tufted leather. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-006SW SWIVEL COUNTER STOOL WITH LEATHER BACK & SEAT WITH ARMS Dimensions: 18L 18W 40H (24” seat height) Description: Barley twist, hand turned, and carved US maple, medium distress with mahogany brown antique finish. Swivel seat is upholstered in cognac tufted leather with arms. V-9030-006SW SWIVEL LEATHER BAR STOOL WITH TUFTED LEATHER BACK & SEAT Dimensions: 20L 23W 47H (30” seat height) Description: Barley twist, hand turned, and carved US maple, medium distressing with mahogany brown antique finish. Swivel seat is upholstered in cognac tufted leather, with arms. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-015SW SWIVEL COUNTER STOOL WITH RUSH SEAT - ACACIA Dimensions: 18L 18W 24H Description: Hand turned and carved acacia solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique mahogany brown. Slip-on woven rush seat on a swivel frame. V-9030-019SW SWIVEL BAR STOOL WITH RUSH SEAT - DARK OAK Dimensions: 18L 18W 30H Description: Hand turned and hand carved US white oak solids with medium to heavy distressing, finished in antique farmhouse dark oak. Slip-on woven rush seat on a swivel frame. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-017DW COUNTER STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 21L 22.5W 43H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-021DW BAR STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 21L 22.5W 49H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-017HO COUNTER STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 21L 22.5W 43H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-021HO BAR STOOL WITH LEATHER SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 21L 22.5W 49H Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-018 LODGE COUNTER STOOL - BROWN Dimensions: 18L 15W 24H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and base. Has an iron foot rest. *Also available in a BAR STOOL. (V-9030-010) V-9025-019 LODGE COUNTER STOOL - CREAM Dimensions: 18L 15W 24H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and antique almond finish on the base. Has an iron foot rest. *Also available in a BAR STOOL. (V-9030-011) V-9025-020 LODGE COUNTER STOOL - BLACK Dimensions: 18L 15W 24H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and antique black finished base. Has an iron foot rest. *Also available in a BAR STOOL. (V-9030-012) 1-877-322-7623 V-9030-010 LODGE BAR STOOL - BROWN Dimensions: 18L 15W 30H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and base. Two level iron foot rest. *Also available in a COUNTER STOOL. (V-9025-018) V-9030-011 LODGE BAR STOOL - CREAM Dimensions: 18L 15W 30H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and antique almond finish on the base. Two level iron foot rest. *Also available in a COUNTER STOOL. (V-9025-019) V-9030-012 LODGE BAR STOOL - BLACK Dimensions: 18L 15W 30H Description: Solid US maple, hand carved saddle seat, distressed with a pastoral cherry finished seat and antique black finished base. Two level iron foot rest. *Also available in a COUNTER STOOL. (V-9025-020) 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-030SW PASTORAL SWIVEL COUNTER STOOL NO ARMS - ACACIA Dimensions: 20L 21W 44H Description: Hand planed acacia solids with medium distressing. Finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat on a swivel base. V-9030-030SW PASTORAL SWIVEL BAR STOOL NO ARMS - ACACIA Dimensions: 20L 21W 49H Description: Hand planed acacia solids with medium distressing. Finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat on a swivel base. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-031SW PASTORAL SWIVEL COUNTER STOOL WITH ARMS - ACACIA Dimensions: 20L 21W 44H Description: Hand planed acacia solids with medium distressing. Finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat on a swivel base with arms. V-9030-031SW PASTORAL SWIVEL BAR STOOL WITH ARMS - ACACIA Dimensions: 21L 20W 49H Description: Hand planed acacia solids with medium distressing. Finished in an antique pastoral cherry. Woven rush seat on a swivel base with arms. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-043 COUNTER CHAIR WITH RUSH SEAT Dimensions: 21L 24W 43H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light to medium distressing in an antique white finish and a woven rush seat. V-9030-054 BAR CHAIR WITH RUSH SEAT Dimensions: 21L 24W 49H Description: Made from acacia solids with a light to medium distressing in an antique white finish and a woven rush seat 1-877-322-7623 V-9030-001A LADDERBACK BAR CHAIR BLACK WIPE WITH RUSH SEAT Dimensions: 20L 22W 49H Description: Hand turned and carved US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique farmhouse dark oak finish and a black wipe with highlights to bare wood. Slip-in woven rush seat. Hand-casted brass accents on chair legs and top. V-9030-001BW LADDERBACK BAR CHAIR BLACK WIPE WITH BLACK WIPE RUSH SEAT Dimensions: 20L 22W 49H Description: Hand turned and carved US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique farmhouse dark oak finish and a black wipe with highlights to bare wood. Slip-in woven rush seat. Hand-casted brass accents on chair legs and top. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-035BW COUNTER CHAIR RUSH SEAT BLACK RUB Dimensions: 21L 23W 43H Description: Made from US white oak with a heavy distressing and a black wipe finish. Woven rush seat. V-9030-035BW BAR CHAIR RUSH SEAT BLACK RUB Dimensions: 21L 23W 49H Description: Made from US white oak with a heavy distressing and a black wipe finish. Woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-042 PASTORAL COUNTER CHAIR BLACK RUB Dimensions: 21L 24W 44H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing with a French black rub-thru over mahogany brown. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-053 PASTORAL BAR CHAIR BLACK RUB Dimensions: 21L 24W 49H Description: Made from acacia solids with a medium distressing with a French black rub-thru over mahogany brown. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-060 COUNTER STOOL - BROWN Dimensions: 17L 17W 24H Description: Made from acaia solids with medium distressing in a mahogany brown antique finish. Cognac leather seat. V-9030-060 BAR STOOL - BROWN Dimensions: 17L 17W 29H Description: Made from acaia solids with medium distressing in a mahogany brown antique finish. Cognac leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-060B COUNTER STOOL - BLACK Dimensions: 17L 17W 24H Description: Made from acaia solids with medium distressing in a black French rub-thru over a mahogany brown finish. Expresso leather seat. V-9030-060B BAR STOOL - BLACK Dimensions: 17L 17W 29H Description: Made from acaia solids with medium distressing in a black French rub-thru over a mahogany brown finish. Expresso leather seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-061DW SWIVEL COUNTERSTOOL WITH RUSH SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 19L 19W 39H (24” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Swivel woven rush seat. V-9030-061DW SWIVEL BARSTOOL WITH RUSH SEAT DRIFTWOOD Dimensions: 19L 19W 44H (30” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak solids with a medium to heavy distressing in a driftwood finish for a weathered look and feel. Swivel woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9025-061HO SWIVEL COUNTERSTOOL WITH RUSH SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 19L 19W 39H (24” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Swivel woven rush seat. V-9030-061HO SWIVEL BARSTOOL WITH RUSH SEAT HONEY OAK Dimensions: 19L 19W 44H (30” seat height) Description: Made from US white oak with a medium to heavy distressing in an antique honey oak finish. Swivel woven rush seat. 1-877-322-7623 V-9030-018SW SWIVEL BAR CHAIR WITH TUFTED LEATHER SEAT ACACIA Dimensions: 20L 23.5W 47.25H (19” seat diameter; 30” seat height) Description: Solid acacia with medium to heavy distressing, finished in a medium antique walnut. The foot rest has a brass top. Swivel seat is tufted cognac leather. V-9030-055 DARK LEATHER BAR CHAIR WITH BROWN BASE Dimensions: 19L 22.5W 46H Description: Made from acacia solids with medium to heavy distressing for a mahogany brown antique finish. Expresso leather seat and back. 1-877-322-7623 V-9080-001 DARK LEATHER BAR CHAIR WITH BROWN BASE Dimensions: 25L 29W 35H Description: Made from acacia sol- ids with a medium distressing in a French black rub-thru. Handcarved for a bamboo look and feel with black leather cushions. 1-877-322-7623 V-9200-002 LEATHER OTTOMAN WITH PULL-OUT TRAY Dimensions: 24.5L 24.5W 18.25H Description: Hand carved acacia with medium distressing and mahogany brown antique finish. The seat is a brown tufted leather and has a pull-out tray. V-9210-012 CORNER QUARTER LEATHER OTTOMAN Dimensions: 26L 26W 22H Description: Made of acacia solids with medium distressing and a mahogany brown antique finish with tufted leather upholstery. 1-877-322-7623 V-9210-010 LEATHER OTTOMAN WITH COGNAC LEATHER SEAT Dimensions: 22.5L 22.5W 20H Description: Made from acacia solids with medium distressing with an antique pastoral cherry finish. Seat is upholstered in tufted cognac leather with brass nail trim. V-9210-011 LEATHER OTTOMAN WITH EXPRESSO LEATHER SEAT Dimensions: 22.5L 22.5W 20H Description: Made from acacia solids with medium distressing with an antique pastoral cherry finish with a French black rub thru. Seat is upholstered in tufted expresso leather with brass nail trim. 1-877-322-7623 OCCASIONAL TABLE BENCH - ACACIA or BLACK V-9210-002-ACACIA (above) V-9210-003-BLACK (below) Dimensions: 63L 19W 20.25H Description: Hand turned and carved solid acacia with (Acacia) heavy distressing under an antique country cherry finish, (Black) medium distressing under an antique French black rub-thru over mahogany brown finish. Top is a woven rush seat on slip-in frame. 1-877-322-7623