All God`s Chillun` Got (Artistic) Wings


All God`s Chillun` Got (Artistic) Wings
PAGE 14 • MARCH 17–APRIL 6, 2011
MARCH 17–APRIL 6, 2011 • PAGE 15
All God’s Chillun’ Got (Artistic) Wings
he refreshing, spontaneous genius that flows through
children is one of our greatest renewable resources.
The Bridge salutes the creative genius exhibited in children’s
writing and art with this centerpiece; it is also published as a
salute to our local educators for finding creative ways to
nourish that genius within our children.
We’d like to thank the good folks at Orchard Valley Waldorf
School, River Rock School, Rumney School and Union
Elementary School for helping us pull this spread together.
—Dylan Waller, interim managing editor
Assignment #1: You just found out
that you won the lottery.
Now that I knew I had won the lottery,
I had to get to work. I knew where I
wanted to go – Paris. I mean with one
million dollars, I could bring my whole
family! I would go shopping with my
The Baobab Tree
The Sky
Between the waving grasses, out on the open savannah,
stands the wise old baobab tree. Gnarled, crooked fingers
reach toward the heavens above. Gentle winds playfully toss
her crown of leaves with glee. Her very nature is that of
love. How long she has stood there, roots firmly fixed deep
in the earth, I know not, but she will be there still when a
millenium has passed, the all giving mother who many have
sought. Through rain and drought this tree of life feeds great
and small. From elephants gouging at her back to bushbabies and fruit bats sucking the sweet nectar from her ten-
The sky is shining through the clouds
making a beautiful see-through cloud.
The sky is like a blue ocean above us
all. Twinkling and sparkling, letting the
sun join to help make the sky more and
more and more and more and more
beautiful every minute of every day.
The white, fluffy, innocent clouds are
moving slowly away with new ones
coming forward. The end.
—Jessie Heim, age 14,
River Rock School
One winter morning,
I woke up with excitement
because it was Christmas.
I got lots of presents. I got
an art portfolio. I loved it.
Thank you Santa.
Mom. My family would go sight seeing
at the Eiffel Tower. My family and I
would go during the night. It would be
as bright as a shooting star! It would be
as fun as a birthday party. My parents
would love the idea of going to Paris.
That was the time I won the lottery.
At last Christmas day was
over. I was very sad but my
dad was very happy.
—Kasi McCann, age 6,
Union Elementary School
Assignment #2: You have had a
really, really bad day . . . describe it.
Today is a terrible, horrible, no good,
very bad day. First, I was sleeping
when my thirteen year old sister came
into my room at one o’clock in the
morning, and cracked a dozen eggs on
my head. I did not wake up. So, in the
morning, I was super sticky. I went to
take a shower, to rinse off the eggs,
and my sister was giggling at me. I was
mad. When I opened the bathroom
door, my Mom said "sweetie, the water
is not working"! "What? Do you mean I
have to go to school like this?"
At school, not only were the kids
laughing at the eggs all over me, in
math class I gave the wrong answer
and they laughed. I was as mad as an
One warm summer day,
I had a parade. The day
smelled like dandelions.
People were clapping and
cheering. It was very fun.
Drawing by Maia Padberg, age 14, Orchard Valley Waldorf School.
Cupcake & Oreo
angry wolf. When I got home, I took a
nap in my bed and when I woke up
there was sticky rootbeer all over me.
And that was my terrible, horrible, no
good, very bad day.
—text and pictures by Payton Clare
Kurrle, age 10, Rumney School
One day in the daisy fields in a den carefully dug into the ground, two bunnies were
born and their names were Cupcake and Oreo. One year later, when Cupcake and Oreo
went outside to play, they saw a house and the house was so pretty. But inside the
house lived a hunter and his wife! But Cupcake and Oreo did not know that because
the house was so beautiful and perfect. So, they went to the house to see who lived
there. When they were nearly there, the hunter came out the door and slammed the
door behind him! Cupcake and Oreo saw the hunter’s gun! The two bunnies were so
scared, they stood still and couldn’t move. Cupcake and Oreo camouflaged!
—Kyley Sullivan, age 9, River Rock School
der white flowers, her life force provides for all. Not only
does she give her fruit, her sturdy base and twisted branches
are a shelter and home. And so willingly and constantly her
generosity is known. But even wise mother Baobab can rot
and at a ripe old age she slowly sinks to the earth from
whence she came. The winds that no longer sweep through
her hair blow her remains across the savannah plains and
she appears to be no more, but peer closer and find that in
her space, a small seedling has risen to continue the cycle in
her place.
—Maia Padberg, age 14, Orchard Valley Waldorf School
Robespierre and his evil brigade
corrupting equality with his ghastly charade
By devouring all culture
like a hungry vulture
with one fell swoop of the blade.
The Reign of Terror
In France was the Reign of Terror
Three men ruled and made a great error
Death and despair
France lived a nightmare
Of bloodshed these men were the bearers.
—Jillian Reed and Maia Padberg, age 14,
Orchard Valley Waldorf School
Marat, one mean horrible guy
wrote newspapers in a disguise
he called it freedom
ok to deceive them
but then they were living a lie.
Danton, who was fleshy and fat
chose to speak, did not write, like Marat
he raised spirit, spread the lives
was ignorant of the cries
Manipulating was what he was good at.
Finally we put our stuff
back and we went outside
to play.
—Guinivere Cummings,
age 6, Union Elementary
Right, detail of drawing by
Aurora Brush, age 14, Orchard Valley Waldorf School.
Liz Winston
Celebration of Excellence
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Above, drawing by Gaven Henderson,
age 12, River Rock School.
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Tell them you saw it in The Bridge!
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