Thursday, December 4, 2014 Where


Thursday, December 4, 2014 Where
The Oceletter
Dec 2014/Jan 2015
Ocelots Dinner Program
When: Thursday, December 4, 2014
Where: San Diego Zoo Party Area (ZPA)
Who: Kim Livingstone
What: Capuchin Monkeys
Our Mission
The Ocelots enthusiastically
support the efforts of the
Zoological Society of
San Diego through active
involvement, commitment to
education, and
In This Issue
Head Ocelot Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark Your Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Review of Our Last Dinner Meeting. . . . . . . . .
Ocelots Special Event at Lions, Tigers, and Bears . . .
Ocelots Grants Program Report . . . . . . . . . . .
Ocelots Merchandise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opportunity Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support the Ocelots Grants Program All Year. . . . .
About the Ocelots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5:45 to 6:15 p.m. Check-in outside at Main Gate.
6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Cocktails and Opportunity Drawing ticket sales.
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dinner and program.
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Head Ocelot Report
Oh, my! The holidays are upon us. Where has the year gone? We welcomed 7 (!)
new members to our October dinner. A big Ocelot greeting to Jan Hassler, Arlo
and Sonja Hults, Alison Scott, Catherine Somers, Lori Vallier and Wes Potterton.
Your Ocelot steering committee is already hard at work preparing for next year.
I am excited to tell you we will continue trying out new venues, including at our
December meeting, when we will be in the ZPA (Zoo Party Area) tent. There is
plenty of elbowroom there, so bring on the guests!
By Kim Bidermann
Head Ocelot
Ocelots received a “thank you” from Lions, Tigers & Bears sanctuary in Alpine. We had a great crowd there and
many became members of the sanctuary. LT&B enjoyed having us there as much as we enjoyed ourselves.
Our December holiday dinner is always a special dinner. This year we will have the Nola painting drawing and the
annual Behind-the-Scenes drawing. The Nola drawing is a one-of-a-kind piece of art by our own northern white
rhino, one of only 6 in the world. We call this piece “The Phoenix” with hopes this species will also rise. Last, but
definitely not least, is our annual Behind-the-Scenes drawing. This opportunity is also unique. The winner chooses
where they wish to visit in the Zoo (from the approved department list.) As a previous winner, I can say it was one
of the highlights of my Zoo experiences. Other winners also rave about their experiences. I encourage you to take
a chance on this wonderful opportunity.
Happy Holidays!
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Mark Your Calendars
You won’t want to miss a single Ocelots event this coming year!
February 12: Dinner Meeting, Zoo Party Area. Clouded leopards, Maureen O’Duryee
April 9: Dinner Meeting, Safari Park. Shoebill storks, Michelle Handrus.
June 11: Dinner Meeting, Sydney’s. Giant Pandas, Megan Owen.
August 13: Dinner Meeting, Treetops. State of the Zoo, Dwight Scott.
October 8: Dinner Meeting, Safari Park. Cheetah Breeding Program, Matt Anderson. Ocelots Photo Contest.
December 3: Holiday Dinner, Zoo Party Area. Zoo nursery, Janet Hawes.
Dates, locations, speakers, and topics are subject to change.
Contribute to the Oceletter!
We invite you to submit articles and photographs for the
All content should be submitted electronically to the
Oceletter Editor, Paul Brooks, at
The deadlines for 2015 Oceletter submissions:
January 19
March 16
May 18
July 20
September 14
November 16
Contact Us
The best way to reach a member of the Steering Committee is to use the
following email address:
This email account is monitored frequently, and questions can be routed to the
member of the Steering Committee who should handle it.
The following people can be reached directly:
Kim Bidermann–Head Ocelot (619) 233-7600
Jennifer Smith–Grants/Logo War (858) 405-2368
Paul Brooks–Oceletter Editor (619) 889-9051
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A Review of Our Last Dinner Meeting
By Ann Hunt
A total of 94 Ocelots and their guests attended the October 9 dinner at Tiger Trail at the Safari Park. Joining us were 5
new members: Jan Hassler, Arlo and Sonja Hults, Alison Scott, and Catherine Somers. Welcome! Instead of our usual
animal ambassadors we had pre-dinner drinks up close with Sumatran tigers—spectacular! And this was topped off
by drawing names for 2 “tiger pulls”—us against a tiger. Of course the tiger always wins!
Ollie excitedly spoke of genetic diversity being lost in tigers and the effort under way to bank cells in our Frozen Zoo®. Only an estimated
3,200 tigers remain in the wild. Among other problems, there are chromosomal errors, sterility, and 3 of the 9 subspecies are already extinct
(Bali, Javan and Caspian). Also, the South China tiger is extinct in the wild with only 100 in captivity. Caspians are most closely related to
our Sumatran tigers, and there is hope that Sumatran tigers could be used to reestablish Caspian tigers. He also spoke of the Frozen Zoo®
seminar being held in San Diego on October 13 where he expected to speak with a senior scientist from India about this possibility.
Mark Stuart reported that 121,000 children were expected to visit the Zoo and Park during “Kids Free October”. He also reported that
ground-breaking had occurred for the Amur and Snow leopard exhibit near the hippo sculpture. Stay tuned—it will be another major effort
like the panda program. Six children’s hospitals and 1 Ronald MacDonald House are now receiving theSan Diego Zoo Kids TV channel and
soon it will be 400 hospitals and Ronald MacDonald houses because of a recent gift from a special donor. Africa Rocks has a $60 million goal
and is already at $47 million. It will open in Memorial Day 2017. And, finally, he shared new news with Ocelots—a long missing black-andwhite species will be coming back to the Zoo—South African penguins!
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Our featured speaker, Lori Hieber, primary tiger keeper at Tiger Trail, coordinates the training, observation
and overall husbandry of our six Sumatran tigers, and her topic was A Stroll Down Tiger Trail.
The Sumatran tiger is one of the largest of the cat family. There are 400-500 in the wild and 245 in managed
care. The issues they face are habitat loss because of the palm oil industry in Sumatra. Public education and
use of sustainable palm oil are critical to a solution.
Lori has been working with the Safari Park tigers for 6 years. She introduced us to the tigers in her
presentation: Delta, the 16- year-old matriarch, Teddy, a 10-year-old male, 4-year-old sisters Joanne and
Majel, and 2 1/2-year-old brothers Conrad and Thomas. To learn more detail about each of these tigers, go
to this link—it is also the tiger cam:
• Delta is the mother of all four young tigers at the Safari Park.
• Delta’s breeding partner, Teddy, is the newest tiger at the Safari Park. He arrived in February 2013 from the Fort Wayne Children’s
Zoo in Indiana and is also the largest tiger in the group.
• Sisters Joanne and Majel, born in October 2010, are the 21st and 22nd Sumatran tigers born at the Safari Park. The sisters were
just separated in September.
• Conrad and Thomas are the youngest Sumatran tigers at the Safari Park, born in March 2012. But despite their age, they are
growing quickly and almost weighs as much as Teddy. These brothers still share a habitat and can often be seen wrestling and
playing with enrichment items.
As we all know now, the Safari Park tigers have a wonderful new habitat—Tiger Trail—which includes a magnificent habitat for each
tiger and outstanding viewing for visitors. Their new house has many bedrooms, “howdy” areas between rooms for introductions, and
heat and a/c so they can shelter “in place” in case of fire. And it is also a great venue for Ocelot dinners!
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The six Sumatran tigers are part of a breeding program covered by a Species Survival Plan (SSP), which is driven by genetics. Regarding specific Safari Park breeding plans, Teddy has been bred with Delta for several months since he had never before sired cubs; and
although there were no cubs, he knows what to do. He will likely be the breeding partner for Joanne and /or Majel in the future. The SSP
(Species Survival Plan) and Studbook for tigers will help determine where the young boys go when they are old enough and who the
girls breed with when it is time. The tiger is one of the endangered species that has a global SSP . The plan will include artificial insemination to remotely facilitate global breeding. To learn more about Species Survival Planning, go to the following link.
If you haven’t already renewed your membership for 2015, do so before 12/31/14 and pay only $55; after
1/1/15, dues will be $65. Send your check payable to “ZSSD Ocelots” to:
Ocelots c/o Jan Billington
17088 Obsidian Dr.,
Ramona, CA 92065.
Thank you.
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Ocelots Special Event at Lions, Tigers, and Bears
September 20, 2014
Ocelots had a record turnout for an off-site event: 61 reservations! Thanks to all who attended!
We were very fortunate to have had Bobbi Brink, founder/director, as our guide. Lions, Tigers & Bears (LTB) was founded in 2002 and
now they have 5 staff and 80 volunteers—even Bobbi is a volunteer. She spoke about how she began and how they learned the
difference between well-meaning intentions and actual protection/conservation. She cautioned attendees to look for “accreditation”
when working with any sanctuary as the exotic animal trade is the 4th largest international crime. The LTB website has information
on the latest efforts to change laws and petitions that we can sign to help change this.
They spay and neuter their animals with the exception of their male lion, Bakari. She explained that if you castrate a male lion in
captivity they will lose their mane because mane production is directly related to sex hormones.
Bobbi talked about what is involved in running LTB and the cost of feeding all the animals. She gets a lot of support from the local
butchers, farmers, and neighbors as well as donations from Walmart. The cost to build an enclosure runs from approximately $60k
to $350k. The enclosures have stunning water features, as well as safe places for the animals in case of fire. LTB has both “stay in
place” and “evacuation” plans in place, organized, and rehearsed with the local fire department. LTB also has several veterinarians
available at a moment’s notice. They even have an ophthalmologist, and Bakari has his own dermatologist.
LTB has 5 tigers, and Suzanne Osborne was given the opportunity to feed Natasha, one of LTB’s first rescued tigers that is now 17.
Suzanne was holding the fork with the meat on it with one hand and taking a close up picture with the other.
Conga, the only leopard, was a big hit as she ran back and forth on her new cat walk overlooking the lions.
Bobbi guided the attendees through the facility and showed us the many other amazing aminals. They have over 50 big cats, black
bears and other rescued animals—19 species in all. You can go to the website and meet each animal using the tab “Our Animals.”
There is also a nice photo gallery of the various animals over the years. Or better yet, go visit LTB if you have not done so. Everyone
seemed to have a good time and several attendees signed up to be members.
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Ocelots Grants Program Report
I wish to thank all of you who have already donated to our annual grants funding. Every year we
receive a list of a wide variety of items that are needed. The master list will be available at the
December Dinner Meeting. Items that have a unit cost of $100 or less, will be highlighted in yellow.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the list.
This year we have been granted a matching amount of $70,000 If the Ocelots can raise $35,000!
By Jennifer Smith
Envelopes and donation forms will be available on the dinner tables. Please be sure to make your check
Grants Coordinator
payable to San Diego Zoo Global and write “Ocelots grants” and the item number in the memo line. If you
prefer to make a confidential donation, you may contact Rachel Poulsen, Grants Liaison, at 619-231-1515,
option 2, ext. 4071 or at She can accept a credit card or check.
A letter listing the amount of your donation will be mailed to you. Your grant donations are tax deductible. (Note: Please consult with
your tax advisor.)
For our newest Ocelots members, grant funding is our primary project. This endeavor greatly helps San Diego Zoo Global in its three
major divisions: San Diego Zoo, San Diego Safari Park, and the Institute for Conservation Research.
As always, on behalf of the Grants Committee, we thank you for your continued interest, dedication, and support.
Jennifer Smith, Grants Coordinator
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Ocelots Merchandise
Show your Ocelot spirit with a Splash Zippered Tote bag for $20
Size is 11.5” x 12.5” x 5.38”, web handles, zippered closure, and interior pocket. You may choose the color you want.
Lime green
Steel blue
Tropical pink
Remaining available wearable items:
• T-shirt - $20
Large - Short-Sleeve Yellow Anniversary
• Sweatshirt - $35
Medium - Long-Sleeve Black
• Polo Shirts - $30 Large - Lt. Blue, Beige, Purple, Tropical Pink
LX-Large – Lt. Blue, Beige, Tropical Pink
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Opportunity Drawings
In honor of our capuchin program, we will have a swinging monkey-themed basket! We will also have a cozy Kahlua and Chocolate
basket. Makes me all warm & fuzzy just thinking about it.
Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20. Remember, we are happy to accept any item or basket that you would like to “re-gift.”
Be sure to take advantage of the your last opportunity to purchase your ticket for the beautiful painting by Nola the northern white
rhino, entitled “The Phoenix.”
Don’t forget to participate in the Behind-the-Scenes drawing for members only. The lucky winner will spend a half-day in a chosen
department, learning what it takes to make the Zoo a spectacular place to work. What a great experience to share with all of us
afterward. Good luck!
Again this year, I’d like to thank Karen Power for her dedication, creativity, and all her time that she so generously donates to us. And
thanks to Jim, the man behind the woman. If you love Karen’s fabulous jewelry creations, and have not been lucky enough to win one,
please view her portfolio at
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Support the Ocelots Grants Program All Year
“Set it and forget it!” By donating monthly you are showing your steadfast support of SDZG’s conservation mission and enabling
the Ocelots to fund much-needed requests in all the departments at the Zoo, Park, and Institute. All monthly donations go to
support our Grants Program.
Go to your bank’s Online Bill Pay service and set up your monthly payments today. BE SURE to reference OCELOTS in the Memo/
Account field.
Monthly contributors will receive an Exclusive Ocelot Decal for their car.
Another way to add to our SDZG matching challenge is to ask your company if they offer a matching charitable contribution
program. You will get credit for the additional donation, although it will not appear on your tax receipt.
As always, credit card payments may also be made monthly by calling our Adviselot, Rachel Poulsen, at 619-231-1515, option2,
ext. 4071, or email her at
Monthly checks also may be mailed to the following address:
San Diego Zoo Global
c/o Rachel Poulsen, Development Dept.
P.O. Box 120551
San Diego, CA 92112-0551
All grant donations are confidential and tax deductible. (Note: Please consult with your tax advisor.) A letter listing the amount
of your donation, along with your decal, will be mailed to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly,
Jennifer Smith, Grants Coordinator, at .
About the Ocelots
enjoy a special relationship
with San Diego Zoo Global.
While having fun at many
educational dinners and other special events at the San Diego
Zoo and Safari Park, Ocelots raise money to support the
Ocelots Grants Program. Departments within the San Diego
Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research are
eligible to apply for these grants.
the ocelot, pictured above,
was purchased for the
San Diego Zoo by the Ocelots in 2005. Diego is a
working member of the Education Department!
the ocelot, pictured above, lives
at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park
in an enclosure funded by the Ocelots in 2011.