Neighbourhood Plan for Bognor Regis Consultation Statement


Neighbourhood Plan for Bognor Regis Consultation Statement
Neighbourhood Plan for
Bognor Regis
Consultation Statement
MARCH 2015
Summary of initial consultation
Summary of pre-submission consultation
Appendix A – List of Co-opted members of the Steering Group
Appendix B – Information Flyers translations
Appendix C – List of individual and statutory consultees
Supporting documents:
Princes Foundation Report
Bognor Regis Characterisation Study 2014
1. Introduction
1.1 This consultation statement is a summary of the consultation process that was undertaken in producing the Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Development
Plan – draft 2014 (referred to in this document as the Neighbourhood Plan) and shows how the requirements of Regulation 14 and 15 of the Neighbourhood
Planning (General) Regulations 2012 have been satisfied.
1.2 The aim of Bognor Regis Town Council was that the Neighbourhood Plan should be a plan for the town and developed by its people. Every effort has been
made to involve and engage with the local community in a meaningful way at every stage of the process.
1.3 Emphasis was placed on community consultation from the onset with a large range of local people and interested parties invited to contribute to ensure
that the views and priorities of the local community could inform the plan.
1.4 In addition consultation events took place throughout the process so that as wide a range of people could be engaged.
1.5 Bognor Regis Town Council formed The Neighbourhood Plan Committee in December 2011 and originally comprised of all 16 Councillors. At the May 2013
Council meeting the Committee membership was reduced to 9.
1.6 April 2012 Front Runner status was agreed with DCLG and a £20,000 front runner grant awarded
1.7 September 2012 the Steering Group was set up including Councillor Membership of Cllrs: J. Brooks, A. Cunard, Ms. Davis, Mrs. Daniells, P. Dillon and T.
Gardiner along with co-opted members from stakeholder and community groups. During the process the membership of the co-opted members has changed
and a full list of members is appended. (APPENDIX A)
1.8 August 2012 via funding that the DCLG had given to 4 organisations in order to support groups with the production of their Neighbourhood Plans, The
Princes Foundation came on board with the offer of support until March 2013
1.9 August 2013 Consultants BPUD was commissioned to advise the group on strategies to advance the Plan
1.10 September 2013 Application for Direct Support was made to the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning and a Planning Aid Officer from
Locality was assigned. Further support from Locality was given and a consultant was appointed to assist with the policy writing.
1.11 June 2014 two sets of consultants were commissioned to produce separate pieces of work. Integrated Urbanism to produce a report on the Assessment
of Built Heritage and Imagine Places for a profile on Bognor Today
1.12 November 2014 an application for further direct support was made to the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning and Locality extended
the support of the Planning Aid Officer
1.13 The Steering Group meet Monthly reporting back to The Neighbourhood Plan Committee who meet every 6 weeks
2. Background
2.1 To give the project an identity and to raise awareness and publicity, students of the Regis School, Bognor Regis were asked to design a logo and strap line
for the plan.
2.2 Information flyers with a questionnaire were distributed throughout the town. These were translated into Polish, Lithuanian and Russian in an attempt to
engage with the ethnic minority groups that reside in the town. (APPENDIX B)
2.3 Public Open Days were held in each of the four wards to raise awareness and generate interest as well as to explain what a Neighbourhood Plan was and
what it could do.
2.4 Initially seven Focus Groups were set up, each headed up by a member of the Steering Group. The groups held community engagement days and focused
on gathering information on what members of the public liked and disliked about Bognor Regis. Many of the comments were identified as non-planning
issues; however, they will be relevant and useful for a Community Action Plan to follow on from the Neighbourhood Plan.
Greenspace & Leisure Facilities - Cllr. K. Davis
Planning & Housing - Mrs. R. Warren
Roads & Transport - Mrs A. Rapnik
Regeneration - Cllr. J. Brooks
Infrastructure & community Provision - Cllr. P. Dillon
Economy, Business & Tourisim - Cllr. S. Daniells
Seafront & Beaches – Cllr. J. Brooks
2.5 Timeline of Events
December 2011
Neighbourhood Plan Committee set up by Town Council. Made up of all Councillors and chaired by Mrs Sandra Daniells, with Mrs Jeanette Warr as Vice
March/April 2012
Logo competition held, with the Regis School students as a way of raising awareness and publicity. The design winner was Connie Dummer, and the strap line
winner was Daisy Lawrence
March April 2012
Questionnaire published across the town. Information flyers with a questionnaire were distributed in public places. This was also translated into Polish,
Lithuanian and Russian to gauge opinion and seek everyone’s ideas.
Things you like best where you live:
Quality of life came out on top, with the weather and in particular the sunshine being a key part. Close behind was the seafront and beach, followed by
greenspace and leisure facilities. This included the parks, theatre and the Picturedrome.
Things you like best about the town centre:
Greenspace and leisure facilities came out top in the Town centre, again Hotham Park, the Picturedrome and the theatre. People also liked the economy,
business and tourism on offer in the Town Centre – the arcade, the precinct and the shops.
Excluding anti -social behaviour issues, things for improvement generally:
Highways and transport matters came out on top with potholes being a big concern to people, also the uneven pavements. Infrastructure and community
provision came close behind with people wanting to see improvements to include more police, more public toilets, more street benches and less litter.
Excluding anti-social behaviour issues, things for improvement in the town:
Improvements to matters relating to economy, business and tourism were what people wanted for the Town Centre. A revival of empty shops, more selection
and less charity shops. Also highway and transport matters - the “so called” Pedestrianised London Road, enforcement of cycle paths, improvements to
pavements and public transport.
April 2012
Front Runner status agreed with DCLG and £20,000 Front runner grant awarded
June/July 2012
Public meeting and 4 drop in days held in each ward. This was an opportunity for people to learn more and get involved. Flyers were also distributed to every
group/organisation on the Bognor Regis Town Council database to encourage engagement and involvement and build capacity. A communication strategy
was considered and a facebook page set up.
August 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Committee approached by the Prince’s Foundation with offer of support until March 2013
September 2012
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group set up comprising Town Councillors, organisations such as members of Resident Associations, The Civic Society, Bognor
Regis Local History Society, TBI (The Business Interchange) and the Chamber of Commerce as well as members of the public. It also includes representatives
from Bersted Parish Council, Felpham Parish Council, Aldwick Parish Council, community groups and churches. Chairperson is Mrs Ann Rapnik, and Vice
Chairman Mrs Sandra Daniells.
October/November 2012
Focus groups set up by Steering Group in response to issues identified by the community, regeneration, planning/housing, infrastructure and community
provision, economy, business and tourism, toads and transport, greenspace and leisure facilities, seafront and beaches.
November 2012
Scoping workshop held with the support of the Princes foundation to review issues, agree an indicative timetable and get agreement on the way forward
regarding key design/planning issues. At the same time discussion was had around progressing further engagement to progress the neighbourhood plan.
December 2012
Visit to Regis School—Committee Chairman and Planning support Officer engaged with years 7 & 10. There were lots of positive comments about the
Picturedrome, the children wanted to see it improved, possible with more screens added. They wanted more activities for youth including bowling alleys,
improved skate parks, 3G football fields and an ice rink. Similar comments were made by the children as the adults, wanting to see cleaner streets, an
improved shopping experience in the town with better quality shops and less potholes.
February 2013
Valentine's Day Event held in the Town Centre, called “Love Bognor Regis”. There was a good turnout and over 80 comments were received. The following
were identified as loved:
-Greenspace and Leisure in particular the Picturedrome and the parks
-Seafront and Beaches
And the following needed:
-Economy i.e. more shops and restaurants
-Leisure—more facilities needed improvements to the theatre.
March 2013
A 3 day Design and Planning Enquiry Design Process with The Princes Foundation was held followed by a public exhibition attended by over 80 people.
See report for more details
April 2013
St Wilfrid’s Cub Event—St Wilfrid’s Church Hall Bognor Regis– Members for the Greenspace and Leisure Group assisted by the South Bersted Cubs collated
information from the public at a drop in day. As part of their community Engagement the cubs held an open day with some of the Steering Group members to
help with the evidence gathering. Afterwards they collated all the evidence and presented it to the Town Mayor Cllr. Eileen Anderson. Working on the same
theme as before—what do you like about Bognor Regis? - What would you do if you were Mayor for the day?
May 2013
At the May 2013 Council Meeting the Neighbourhood Plan Committee membership was reduced to 9 Councillors.
18 June 2013
Seafront Strategy Action Plan Workshop.
An event organised by ADC and independently planned and facilitated by Angela Koch, Imagine Places. Over 30 local stakeholders attended the workshop.
August 2013
Consultants BPUD was commissioned to advise the group on strategies to advance the plan. It was then decided to redefine the groups into themes and to
concentrate on one topic at a time for maximum input.
1-Seafront, Pier and Butlin’s (J.Warr)
2-Conserving and enhancing assets– including Hotham Park and other open space (K.Davis)
3-Better connections and spaces across the town centre and its hinterland, minimising impact on the environment (T.Gardiner)
4-Focus on improving the town centre and station (S.Daniells)
5-Housing, employment and deprivation (R.Nash)
Each theme leader did some initial work with their focus groups which was presented to the Steering Group with relevant bodies invited to attend that
particular meeting.
September 2013
Application for Direct Support was made to the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning and a Planning Aid Officer from Locality was assigned.
Further support from Locality was given and a consultant was appointed to assist with the policy writing in spring 2014.
Steering Group
21st January 2014-Meeting
Housing Allocation for Bognor Regis , including site allocations, numbers, developers and community consultation attended by (Donna Moles/Neighbourhood
Planning Development Officer ADC)
18th February 2014—Meeting
Housing Allocation for Bognor Regis
Attended by (Andy Elder Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager for ADC: Donna Moles/Neighbourhood Planning Development Officer ADC: Val Souchet and
Bobby Hewitt (Bognor Community Organisation)
13th March 2014—Meeting
Seafront Station & London Road attended by (Caroline Gosford Senior Regeneration/LSP Manager ADC: Sue Holmes Head of Street Scene & Leisure Services
BRTC; Donna Moles/Neighbourhood Planning Development Officer ADC)
22nd April 2014—Meeting
Conserving and enhancing assets including Hotham Park and other open space attended by (Martyn White Conservation Officer Planning Policy ADC, Oliver
Handson Greenspace Contract & Development Manager Greenspace & Emergency Planning ADC, Donna Moles/Neighbourhood Planning Development
Officer ADC)
27th May 2014—Meeting
Seafront and Pier attended by (Liz Beth Planning Aid, Angela Koch Imagine Places)
19th June 2014—Meeting
Butlin’s seafront & Pier with Resort Manager Jeremy Pardy to discuss aspirations and plans for Butlin’s Seafront (Sheila Green BRTC, Angela Koch Imagine
24th June 2014—Meeting
Feedback seafront & Pier, Bognor Regis Characterisation Study inception (Aaron Davis and Lita Khazaka, Integrated Urbanism Donna Moles/Neighbourhood
Planning Development Officer ADC)
4th July 2014
Public Drop in Days held by Integrated Urbanism as part of the Characterisation study work for Bognor Regis held at the Town Hall and the Methodist Church.
People were asked to comment of what they felt captured the character and built heritage of Bognor Regis from iconic buildings to the local materials used.
29th July 2014—Meeting
Better connections and spaces across the town centre and hinterland, minimising impact on the environment– with particular focus on cycling routes (Dave
Barton/ Greener Bognor Network, Graham Crouch/ Bognor Cycle Forum, Geoff Farrell/ Sustran Rangers, Liz Beth/ Planning Aid)
27th August 2014
Presentation of 1st outline Neighbourhood Plan (Angela Koch/Imagine Places)
23d September 2014– Meeting
Presentation of first Draft Neighbourhood Plan
(Angela Koch/Imagine Places, Donna Moles/Neighbourhood Planning Development Officer ADC)
24th September 2014
Open Evening Drop in Event at the Regis Centre
Exhibition and discussion of 1st draft of the Neighbourhood Plan (Evidence base, Vision, Objectives and Draft Policies) attended by over 5 people.
30th September 2014—Meeting
Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review
21st October 2014—Meeting
Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review (Liz Beth Planning Aid)
12th November—24th December 2014
Regulation 14. Six week Consultation Period
Draft copies of the plan available for public viewing on line and at various locations around the town. Response forms were distributed for public comments
and feedback.
3. Summary of Initial Consultations
The initial questionnaires prompted a good response and produced the following statistics:
3.1 Q1 Please give us up to three examples of things you like best about the environment in which you live
There were 169 responses to this question and the chart below is shown as percentage.
Things you like best about the environment
you live in:
Beach & Seafront 39.05%
Parks & Greenspaces 18.93%
Entertainment 11.24%
Shopping/Retail 8.87%
Community 5.91%
Weather 4.73%
Heritage 3.55%
Local Transport 2.95%
Accessibility 1.77%
Refuse 1.18%
The seafront by far is the most popular thing that people like best, followed by Parks and Greenspace then the Cinema and Theatre
3.2 Q2. Excluding anti-social behaviour issues, please give us up to three examples of things you would like to see improved in the environment in which
you live:
There were 146 responses to this question and the chart below is shown as percentage.
Things you would like to see improved in the environment
you live in:
Potholes Roads/Pavements 17.2%
Speeding/Traffic control 3.42%
Bigger Police Presence 3.42%
Shopping /Retail 10.95%
Seafront Improvements
Less Litter 8.9%
Dog Fouling 6.85%
Respect 3.42%
Buses 2.05%
Seating 1.36%
Toilets 2.05%
Skate Park 1.37%
Greenspaces/parks & gardens 6.16%
Cycle Paths & Routes 4.1%
Better Restaurants 1.37%
Drinking Restrictions 3.42%
Better signage/street furniture 1.37%
Bad weather facilities 0.68%
Picturedrome 2.73%
More housing but less flats 2.73%
Begging 0.68%
Car parks 3.42%
More Artwork 0.68%
Regeneration of the whole town 4.79%
Councillors Listening 0.638%
Attract More visitors 0.68%
3.3 Q3. Please give us up to three examples of things you like best about Bognor Regis Town Centre:
There were 169 responses shown as percentage.
Things you like best about Bognor Regis
Picturedrome 13.10%
shops/Retail 11.03%
Seafront 9.65%
Pedestrianisation 9.65%
Couldn't think of anything good 9.65%
Flowers/planting 8.27%
The Arcade 4.82%
Hotham Park 4.13%
Gardens 4.13%
Historic Buildings 3.44%
Library 3.44%
Atmosphere 2.75%
Theatre 2.75%
Parking inc free Parking 2.75%
Accessability 2.06%
Transport 2.06%
Laburnum Centre 1.38%
Events 1.38%
Seating Arangements 1.38%
Town Force 0.69%
Art 0.69%
Cleanliness 0.69%
3.4 Q4. Excluding anti-social behaviour issues, please give us up to three examples of things you would like to see improved in Bognor Regis Town Centre:
There were 138 responses to this question and the chart below is shown as percentage.
Things you would like improved in Bognor Regis
The Pier 3.62%
Shops/Retail 21.01%
Seafront 3.62%
Restaurants 5.07%
Pedestrianised Area 2.89%
Artwork 3.62%
Cycle Routes 3.62%
Floral Displays/planting 3.62%
Traffic Control 6.52%
Pavements/Roads Potholes 5.80%
Cinema 3.62%
Theatre 1.45%
More entertainment 6.52%
Litter/Bin Provision 4.34%
Transport 1.45%
Crime on streets 2.17%
Butlins 2.17%
Parking & fees 2.89%
Heritage 3.62%
Seating 2.17%
Signage 1.27%
More attractive to tourists 2.17%
Disabled Access 1.45%
Employment Opportunities 1.45%
General Tidying of Town 4.34%
3.5 Regis School.
December 2012 – Visit to the Regis Schools Bognor Regis – engagement with years 7 & 10’s a perspective from the next generation.
The students were asked to comment on the same topics as those at the public open days, what was unexpected were the similarity in the responses. The
students concerns, likes and dislikes were very similar to the adults but just expressed in a different way!
Get rid of the library in Bognor
Update the Library. Make it look better on the outside
This building is so boring they could maybe put more effort into the colour or
inside (library)
We need better lighting on the streets for night and when it’s dark
There needs to be more police and safety at night
To make Bognor a safer place for children without nasty people
Some buildings are smelly ugly old.
Redo the parks
YEAR 10s
I think Fitzleet looks creepy
We think Fitzleet is ugly
Knock down Fitzleet and put a swimming pool there with a bowling alley
I hate Fitzleet house it is just in the way. They should turn it into a set of
Knock down Reynolds furniture and turn it into a 3g five-a-side football pitch
and a sports centre because there isn’t many facilities for young people
maybe a swimming pool and indoor tennis courts
Lovely building (Esplanade Grand)
I like these flats as they are very modern – all should be like this (Compass
YEAR 10s
Make more modern flats like compass point
More modern smaller flats
More modern flats
Rip these flats down (compass point)
I like this (compass point)
The modern flats look horrible (compass point) more traditional buildings
like this (Esplanade Grand) are much nicer and look better - vintage
Fitzleet is just grim to look at
Fitzleet is fun to look at
Too old to look at very ugly
They are all ugly
Too tall looks out of place in Bognor
Dirty surroundings
Fitzleet must go it is way too old and too tall and it’s just by itself and new
ones thee will make it look out of place
Should have a huge vintage hotel instead that looks like a country mansion
Like Town Council Buildings x 2
Like Picturedrome and town hall
Like arcade
Parking spaces are annoying alongside of roads
Overcrowded (the streets in some residential areas)
Less pubs in Bognor
I think there should be a bowling alley because there is not one yet – in
Bognor NOT Butlins
I don’t like the car parks cause you have to pay and barely anyone uses them
they should be changed into grassy and tree areas
A bowling alley on top of a building or under a car park
No one uses the car wash by the Morrisons car park at the bottom so it
should be turned into a tree-grass area
Make the pier more modern
Better shops with quality stock would like a nicer style of shops e.g. jack Wills,
Cath Kidson, PRIMARK
Proper cycle roads
We don’t need any more car parks
An ice skating rink
Get rid of the tramps in Bognor High Street it is very off putting when you see
them smoking
Have more phone boxes
Remove the public toilets
I would like to see a cheap cinema or leisure centre including an ice rink
The hospital on the roundabout should be safer to access
More pubs
Brighter colours
Revamp the public toilets
Please make the toilets less unhygienic
Music Shows Dance
The sun sculpture could be built as something else.
Old buildings into new things e.g. shops banks
YEAR 10s
Get rid of sun sculpture x 2
Hate the sun sculpture x 2
Buildings are ugly
This place looks ugly, the flags look horrible the parking is a good idea as it
uses little space but it needs a new paint so it looks nicer (car wash at back of
morrisions and multi storey)
This looks clean and tidy – nice (mini golf)
I like the golf and area around it – could have better café
It looks really ugly (Place St Maur)
They could decorate the market place with a fountain
Love- good place to park not far from town (Regis car park)
Hate – doesn’t look great
They shouldn’t knock down the pub and restaurant to build another cinema
New skate park
Something to do that attracts people to visit
New Morrisions with multi storey
Get more activities for young people
Keep the old cinema and its low prices.
Its appearance is very nice.
I would like them to make more screens
I think there should be another cinema attached to the
Picturedrome so they can show more films
It’s cheaper for snacks and popcorn than Chi but it easy to
smuggle your own because it will be yummy
I like how the Picturedrome is. Maybe they could change the
toilets cause they are a bit filthy and not clean
It plays the same movies as Chi for cheaper price just not as
many at the same time
I sometimes hate that there are no good films playing
I want the inside of the cinema to be improved at the moment
it’s awful
I love the inside with the cool chair – it’s cheaper to see the same
films as Chi
I like the choice of films they choose like Twilight etc.
New screen on cinema and paint the outside
They should play better films
It’s so cheap
Don’t destroy the Picturedrome
We should have more greenspace in Bognor this would then
reduce all the nasty air fumes
Get rid of people who are drinking in our park
I think they should make other things at Hotham Park as they are
a bit too young for us
Football (3g) field
We need a bowling alley
I don’t think we need phone boxes because they are not used.
Make an ice skating rink in Butlins
A clean environment also a snow dome and more shops like
Hollister and Primark
Ball park for really little kids and add a paintball place for teens
YEAR 10s
Hotham Park is fine as it is
I like the park it is relaxing and nice
More things like this in Hotham Park (children’s play area)
Hotham Park is a good place to hang out and it would be
sad for it to go
They could build a skate park or something
Hotham Park must be made the main park of Bognor
Build a football pitch in Hotham Park
I like the cinema – don’t let chavs in
One more screen in cinema
Nice on the inside
Bigger – more screens
Brighten up with new layer of paint to make it cleaner
Better looking surrounding buildings (cinema)
Restaurants near by the cinema
Cinema would be more popular if food and drink was
Like the good prices
Cinema is something to do as Bognor is boring
Cinema must be kept
Nice friendly cheap cinema
The cinema looks nice and it is cheap but is really old and
could fall down should regenerate it.
I think the train station could be modernised
I like the train stain – KEEP IT – maybe make it more attractive though
It needs to be Brighter, cleaner, happier
I like it, it looks ancient
I hate it, it smells funny
Hate it – isn’t colourful enough
Hate it – it looks sad
I think the train station could be modernised
We should have a tube through Bognor Regis
People feel unsafe in the station
They should keep the historical building but maybe make it a bit safer and
Station nicer and colourful – re-do the café
They need to refurbish it
More cycle racks and spaced out more
We could do with some more cycle paths around
We need to improve cycling racks
The roads are too small and people park on the road.
Designate a parking space for everyone
We could have better roads and make them flat and not so bumpy
Fill in all the pot holes
Better roads get rid of all the potholes
Better roads bigger and fill up all the potholes so it isn’t so bumpy
Don’t have stony pavements put smooth pavements instead
Too many bus stops close together
We need to improve bus travel on a Sunday
More star buses e.g. 3 times an hour for Star 2
YEAR 10s
Too many potholes
Clean them
The pavements are nice
Increase the number of cycle lanes
Should be more cycle lanes
Instead of bike racks build bike shelter
Update the station
The station would look better if they decorated it
Make the train station smaller
Station should be decorated and some shops
Improve the station so update it
Revamp train station
Train station needs remodelling
The buses are not reliable and quite expensive
It would be better if they came more regularly
Clean and on time buses
Thank you for McDonalds
More Coffee shops; Starbucks, Pret a Manger
More shops for children but keep New Look
All closed shops should be used
I think the High Street could do with some better shops e.g. more modern an
up to date
I think the number of phone shops should be reduced
Paint the shops to make them not so scruffy
We could have less phone shops
Rebuild the shops
Redo some of the buildings to make them look nicer
I don’t like the flats on top of the shops because they are stained and dirty
and doesn’t show a good example on Bognor Regis
Make a new Galaxy or Cadbury shop
The arcade could have more better shops
More coffee shops
Less Banks more shops
Keep the Arcade
We shouldn’t have so many phone shops in Bognor as there are about five of
them. There should be just one big one.
An old peoples club for the elderly
Knock down the Butlins huts and put an additional swimming pool there
Less Butlins hotels
No more Butlins hotels
Butlins could have knocked down the old hotel and have it as a under 6
playground and have the other rides that are outside for older ones
I like the wave hotel but don’t like the chalets
I like the wave hotel but not the buildings behind
YEAR 10s
More popular shops like Topshop, River Island, House of Fraser Primark and
Select -for clothes not phones
We like the old, but no rundown, buildings that look grand and tidy e.g.
Cathedral in Chichester and cobblestone walkways
High street needs to be the centre point
The street looks ugly and over- crowded (High Street)
The street needs to be clean and up to date so no old bus shelters
It looks rusty (Royal Norfolk Hotel)
We like these roof tops – red and vintage (tower type roofs at end of arcade)
Everything needs to be better and get better clothes shops like Topman and
just a lot of much better shops
Get a Topman as New look is crap
Too many phone shops
Keep Subway and McDonalds
Better Shops
Looks horrible, dull modern and dirty – grey (buildings above Reynolds)
Looks like a prison
Big Hotels make it look tacky (Butlins)
I like the villas and small houses
More seating areas for a view when you are eating or drinking
Better ramps (skateboards)
It can get boring
Music played around the town
Make it more modern
Lights so you can see where you are going when it gets dark next to the
ramps (Skateboards)
The Pier should be painted to blend into the sea and stones
I love the Pier because it is a good thing for the history of the town
I would like to keep the pier as it has been there all my life and keep the
seaside don’t change it
Make the pier more safer
They need to refurbish the ice cream shops on the seaside
I think everything on this page should be kept as they are places kids love
Funfair should come more often
Paint the Pier
The coloured lights should have more variety of lights
The tourist attractions should be more inviting
YEAR 10s
A better pier and a better and clean seafront
Extend the pier x 2
Pier needs regenerating – total re-build
If you lose the pier you lose the events
Extend the pier
Piers falling down
Make the pier look better
Get wave machine
Cleaner areas
There should be more sand and less shingle
Put sand sections down
Not enough sand
More sand
More sand
It’s ugly
Improve look of flood defences
Make the beach pure sand
No stone beaches
Develop the skate ramps as it looks crap
Skate park doesn’t look nice and attracts chavs
Needs more ramps
Need more kid friendly activities
Add more interesting stuff to the beach front but keep Shake & Bake
3.6 Valentine’s Event
VALENTINE DAY – February 14th 2014 saw the Steering Group take to the streets for more public engagement. The theme - LOVE BOGNOR - tell us what you
like/dislike about Bognor Regis.
The question prompted a whole host of responses from the relevant to the downright rude but it gave the group a real feel for what the people of Bognor like
– dislike – want to keep and want to be rid of.
We spoke to over 80 people of which 77 were happy to leave comments. Out of the 77 comments we received 28.5% of the people were happy with Bognor
Regis as it is. They don’t want change just improvement on what is already here. 26% were passionate on preserving the Picturedrome and would not like to
see it replaced.17% mentioned the sea, beach and seafront and 12% Hotham Park.
Hotham Park
I like the new children play area in the parks, wooden structures and
benches to have lunch or picnics
Keep and invest in the parks and open spaces
Like Hotham Park
Like Hotham Park
Good parks
Love Hotham Park, West Park and Marine Gardens
Green spaces and parks
Want cleaner streets
More street cleaning – make town look even more untidy
Flooding caused by blocked drains my road has only been cleared 4 times
in 5 years
Like the sea and beach
The Beach – Should make more of it
I like the seafront this is why people come to Bognor
Needs to be a clean beach and sea
Like Beach x 3
Nice seafront
Lovely seafront
Seafront & Lobster Pot
Love the sea
Love seafront but needs improving and cleaning
I love having the beach close by
Seafront is a mess
Something should be done about people being able to get down to the
sea; it will always have a blue flag because people can’t use it.
Leave the promenade alone want ice rink, bowling alley and classy
Need more entertainment on seafront
Improve seafront needs covered area with sea views
Would like a public swimming pool near the beach not restricted to schools
for the many days when it is not good enough to swim in the sea
Anything more for young people please
Some facilities for young people
More facilities for young people then no need to travel to Chi
To have a soft play area or something for the under 5’s IN TOWN
Better play parks needed
Needs a Tourist Information Bureau – not everyone has internet
Like Butlins x2
Need to improve retail in the town and encourage better quality shops in
larger premises
More Big stores
More open shops
Wants decent shops
Need decent shops in town like M&S, BHS less phone shops, less coffee
Get better stores eg.Primark and Asda
Cheaper business rates
Keep the Picturedrome x4
Like Picturedrome x4
Cinema prices are very good for children
I love the cinema x 3
I like the cinema because it has character
I love the Picturedrome as I love to take the children there to show them
what cinemas used to look like. They love going there.
Love the Cinema
Would like the Picturedrome to stay
Most definitely the Picturedrome – is a must for Bognor
Save our cinema
Ban dogs from the High Street
Ban dogs from Hotham Park – dog fouling
More seats in the precinct for the elderly
More help towards homeless community
Love the friendly and affordable cinema
Milkshake is great fun for the kids
The 700 ad Star 1 – really good service
Like Town Hall x2
Like Steyne Gardens
The Regis Centre
I love the theatre
Keep the theatre
Love the theatre
The buildings and architecture
It’s a vibrant multicultural atmosphere
Think Bognor is wonderful
I love the eclectic mix of ages and cultures it’s a well-rounded community.
Most of all I love the beaches and all the parks with exercise equipment &
lots of dog walks
I like the people
Bognor needs to be a nice place or everyone
Bognor is up and coming
Love Bognor – All of it
Been here in Bognor for 50 years and still love it
Friendly & Helpful
I like Rox events for young people
Bognor is a lovely town don’t need things others towns have nearby
It employs me
Sea sun sand, university, friendly people, museum, and library – I like it
Warm Fresh Air
More play areas for children in town and parks
Likes driving my mobility scooter and Butlins
Lived here since November and like it as it is – been holidaying since the
Community spirit for all ages and types we welcome visitors and look after
our old people.
I like Bognor, keep it small keep its character don’t want a modern
Support work counselling groups
No more flats – please listen!
No more high rise
No more flats like Fitzleet House – too high
No Flats
No more high rise flats
No cycling along the prom it’s too dangerous
More restaurants
Need somewhere with good service, food to eat – Not hatters!
I would leave Bognor to develop as local people wish- i.e. not to build over
the car parks – not to build 7 blocks of flats – no multiplex and leave
Swansea gardens as open spaces
Sort out huge amount of potholes
Fill potholes
Make the roads safer the pavements need attention and pot holes
More parking in Town NOT LESS PARKING
More parking – not less
To save the theatre – where it is
Need 1000 seat theatre -no more than one cinema
Something needs to be done with the pier
Don’t waste £40m on a hotel not needed spend £4m on tidying all areas in
town centre.
No new cinema
If we need more amenities then an ice rink would be well received
Regenerate in keeping with area – not with modern
Bognor has died – need invigorating for local people not immigrants
Too much building, too much flooding, Town Centre is cheap and tacky and
Too many Councils – want Town Council and others all in one working from
Town Hall out of Arun
ADC is not fit for purpose
My Valentine present to ADC – give them the boot!!!!
Burn Down Town – nothing here for children Regis Centre a white
Don’t miss the wood for the trees Bognor Regis could be a wonderful
seaside resort
More attractions – only main thing is Butlins
Something like Arundel Emporium – lots of artists and crafters in one
building sharing the rent
I like the quirkiness and the Victorian influences that are still left
Hate the sun sculpture – can we be more like Chichester and do better
Don’t want dossers in doorways – don’t want them here
Park- Gardens please restore- also retain cinema
Concerts on beach
Volunteers for town
Love Bognor more shops get back M&S
3.7 Princes Foundation Workshop
A comprehensive list of stakeholders were invited to attend some of all of the 2 day workshop that was held in conjunction with the Princes Foundation
Wednesday 27th February and Thursday 28th February 2013 from 9am - 5pm at the Royal Hotel, The Esplanade, Bognor Regis
Public Drop in session and exhibition of Workshop Outcomes - Friday 1st March 2013 at The Methodist Church, Bognor Regis from 4pm - 7.30pm
A full copy of the report is attached as a supporting document
Bognor Regis neighbourhood planning report
Report to Bognor Regis Town Council
With advice on taking forward a neighbourhood plan
Following community workshops held in February-March 2013
3.8 St Wilfrids Cub Event
As part of their Community Engagement the cubs held an open day with some of the Steering Group members to help with the evidence gathering. Afterward
they collated all the evidence and presented it to the Town Mayor Cllr Eileen Anderson. Working on the same theme as before – What do you like about
Bognor? – What would you do if you were Mayor for the day?
What do you LOVE about Bognor?
The sunshine and the architecture
The sea and the beach and West Park
Bognor people are friendly and resourceful and the children are creative and
I love the beach and the Parks and helping to keep them clean so we all enjoy
The beach
The beach
The cinema
The grass and trees in the parks
By the sea
I love the sea
I love seeing people enjoy the beach
I am happy that we moved here 50 years ago
I like the grassy parks
The beach and close to the countryside
I like the beach
Playgrounds and shops and toys
I like the beach
My favourite thing to do in Bognor is go to the beach
I like Bognor because of the sea, close to Portsmouth and Brighton and the
Countryside etc. and it is flat
The friendly people
The sea, West Park and our weather
I love the beaches and fresh sea air
The Picturedrome
The Regis
The cinema
I love the face that Bognor is an old school seaside resort. It still has some of
this charm. It’s vintage. It’s cool. We love Bognor
I love being near the sea and only a short drive to beautiful countryside
I love Bognor people but would like to see more things to do.
The beach The beach and parks
I love Bognor because it has a lot of wild life by my home
All my friends and family live in Bognor and I love going to the seaside.
Being close to the sea. Lots of outdoor spaces to enjoy
I love the park because it’s fun
Hotham Park, Aldwick Beach, Ist South Bersted Air Cubs!
All the rock pools
The beach
Teddy’s. (Well, that’s what it says!!!)
4. Summary of Pre-submission Consultation
4.1 As required by Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 this section of the consultation:
a) Contains details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan
b) Explains how they were consulted
c) Summarises the main issues and concerns raised by the persons consulted
d) describes how those issues and concerns have been considered and, where relevant addressed in the proposed neighbourhood development plan
Who was consulted?
4.2 The following statutory bodies were consulted on the Neighbourhood Plan:
Adjoining Parish Councils:
 Aldwick Parish Council
 Bersted Parish Council
 Felpham Parish Council
Arun District Council
West Sussex County Council
Environment Agency
Natural England
English Heritage
Network Rail
Highway Agency
NHS Coastal West Sussex
Marine Management Organisation
Southern Electric
British Gas
Portsmouth Water
Southern Water
Sussex Police
Mobile Operators Association
Forestry Commission
4.3 Details of the Statutory Consultees are given in Appendix C
4.4 The names of the individuals and non-statutory organisations that were consulted about the Neighbourhood Plan are also given in Appendix C,
contact information about individuals has been withheld for data protection
How they were consulted?
4.5 Statutory consultees were informed of the consultation be email, or by letter where no email address was available on 12th November 2014
Response to Arun DC on Bognor Regis NDP Reg14 Comments
The District Council are thanked for their detailed comments on the plan. We note that they accept that “any decisions over the eventual contents and
whether to take comments on board rest with the Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Plan Group” (page 12). This response will not therefore address all of
the 83 comments made individually, but will address the key issues raised separately.
Layout and ‘typo’ comments.
Drawing attention to ‘typos’ needing correction is appreciated, and these will be amended. While we do not accept all the comments on layout not
being clear, we do accept that the policy section needs to be clearer which ‘Justification’ and ‘Key references’ apply to each policy, and the layout will
be amended to do this.
Process Comments
There appears to be some misunderstanding of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) process within the response. For example the Examiner will consider the
plan against the basic conditions, but not hold an ‘examination’ (2nd introductory paragraph page 1), and the plan will not be ‘adopted’, but ‘made’, if it
passes at a referendum (penultimate paragraph page 12).
Housing Allocations: Although the District Council would appear to reluctantly accept that there is no requirement on the Town Council to allocate
sites for the housing need identified in the emerging Local Plan, the Town council is strongly advised to do this. At one point there is an argument that
the NP is required to do this because the allocation is strategic, and the NP must be in conformity with strategic policy:
“There is no reference to the requirement for the NP to provide 300 dwellings – this is a major omission, and it needs to be addressed because the
parish housing allocation is a strategic policy” (point 83 page11).
The comments then go on to point out that this allocation is not in an adopted plan, which rather negates this (erroneous) argument. But the Bognor
NP would not have to allocate housing in order to be in conformity with an adopted plan’s allocation, it is quite acceptable to leave this process to the
Local Plan and the development management system.
The emerging local plan is mistaken, and to an extent confused, in its approach to neighbourhood plans in this regard. Para 12.1.32 states:
“All Neighbourhood Development Plans will be expected to identify appropriate sites to accommodate at least the levels of growth as set
out in Policy H SP1.”
Policy H SP1 goes further, and just above the table of allocations states:
“All Neighbourhood Development Plans shall provide for the stated number of housing units with respect to their Parish and Town
Council areas.”
This is contrary to government policy and the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations. The Qualifying Body determines the content of a NP, and an
examiner determines whether that plan has met the Basic Conditions or not. In our view Policy H SP1 in the emerging local plan is not sound. A Local
Plan cannot dictate what NPs should do, as a Local Planning Authority (LPA) cannot effectively change national planning legislation and regulations by
policy, it has to comply with it.
The emerging local plan states (end of para 12.1.23) with regard to residential development:
“Future planning applications will be determined according to policies set out in this Local Plan.”
This is the correct view of the case where a Neighbourhood Plan has not allocated specific sites for residential development, and does not just apply to
parishes without a formal allocation. We would respectfully suggest that policy H SP1 should be revised to be consistent with the Neighbourhood Planning
Regulations 2012.
The argument in the comments received from Arun DC that the plan should allocate housing to make it future-proof is also incorrect:
“Also the housing allocation provision needs to be addressed so that the plan has longevity after the emerging local plan is adopted (page 12)”.
The plan’s policies seek to influence development but not allocate it. Thus the plan will be as relevant with the adoption of the emerging local plan as before
Divergence from national and local adopted planning policy: We intend to comply with government policy and be in general conformity with adopted local
plan policies in line with the Basic Conditions. The suggestion (bottom page 1) that we could prepare justification for not doing this would be contrary to the
requirements of the Basic Conditions. The Basic Conditions Statement will set out how the plan has met the conditions.
Reference to local evidence documents in Policies: We do not agree that these cannot be mentioned in NP policies unless they have been adopted by the
LPA. We do not agree therefore with the assertion (point 56 page 7) that:
“Currently this document has not been adopted by ADC and therefore reference to it in the policy should be removed”
Need to be specific about proportion of particular uses within the design policies 8c to 8j: Points 66 and 67 (page9) request further detail on this.
However the Town Council would expect this detail to be determined during pre-application consultation and inform the resulting planning
application. The policy is design guidance not an allocation, and the necessary work for providing further detail has not been undertaken.
We are however mindful that it would be useful to make the situation clearer in the text. Therefore we are proposing to add the following box
paragraph into the plan before policy 8A:
This plan has not allocated housing sites, and so the Arun DC policies will direct development in this regard. The following policies are design
guidance, and demonstrate residents’ aspirations. Decisions regarding the relative amount of residential and other uses on each site will be
taken by the LPA therefore, in consultation of course with the local community.
Revised version 22/01/15:-
It is recognised that development decisions mean weighing up a number of factors in determining whether to develop sites or buildings. This
Neighbourhood Plan has developed the following policies for design guidance, to implement the vision of the plan and residents’ aspirations.
It is understood that the viability of development will be an essential element of delivery, and that the need to accommodate residential
development will also be a key concern. The plan has not allocated housing sites, and so the Arun DC policies will direct development in this
regard. Decisions regarding the relative amount of residential and other uses on each site will be taken by the LPA therefore, in consultation
of course with the local community.
Suggestions for extra Content
The Conservation Section would like to see extra detail in the plan and some re-writing (page 2), and we will be happy to consider any suggestions they
have with regard to this. It is noted that the Conservation Area Management Plan is now adopted (actually page 8).
Comments on the Plan’s Policies and conformity issues
Conformity with national policy: The suggestion that objectives 4 and 9 are not in the spirit of the NPPF is rejected. Objective 9 in particular is, with
its emphasis on early and effective community consultation, completely in the spirit of the NPPF.
“Policy 8F is too restrictive and not in the spirit of the NPPF” is the comment from Arun DC. The policy is design guidance and sets out local aspirations
for a revived and regenerated site. As such, it is completely in the spirit of the NPPF; in its support of good design (NPPF section 7); support of new
development that regenerates and improves (NPPF para 23 and 37 for example); and contribution to the local consultation expected on development
proposals (NPPF paras 71 and 189).
Policy 9 is felt not to be positive enough, and to have left out much of Bognor’s green space. This has missed the point that the policy is designating
‘Local Green Space’ – areas defined in the NPPF (Paras 76-78) as being particularly special for the community. The NPPF makes it clear that any
development on these sites has to protect the asset, and that it will not be an appropriate designation for all of the open space in a locality.
Conformity with local planning policy: The need to check references to the emerging Arun Local Plan and publication date is noted and will be done. As
noted, the NP does not have to be in general conformity with this plan, as it is not yet adopted, but we have been very mindful of it and policies within it in
order that this plan be future-proofed.
Specific comments on Policies have been added into the main table
Comments on Projects section
This section is not a formal part of the NP and comments on it will be considered as the projects are implemented, which will be outside of the planning
4.6 the formal pre-submission period began on Wednesday 12th November 2014 and closed on Wednesday 24th November 2014 at noon.
4.7 Residents of the four wards o Bognor Regis were informed of the consultation on the pre-submission draft plan by the following means:
 In advance on the Town Council Website
 By and advert in the Bognor Regis Observer as well as the free papers , Bognor View and Bognor Today
 Display stands were placed in The Library, The Picturedrome, The Regis Centre and The Town Hall
 Promotional Events and drop in days were held ……
4.8 People were able to comment by:
 Post or drop off the of the response form made available at displays
 Download the response form from the Town Council Website and return by email
 Print the response form available on line and post or drop off to the Town Hall
 Attend any of the events or drop in sessions and complete on the day
What did the Consultees Say?
4.9 Responses and Action Taken
In addition to the responses below there are 32 completed response forms agreeing that the plan identifies the important aspects both good and bad of living
in Bognor Regis and that overall they support the Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Plan but have not added any extra comments
We have reviewed the document and welcome the
Noted with thanks
references made to the UK Marine Policy Statement and
marine plans. The MMO has no specific comments to make Organisation
Based on the environmental constraints within the area, Environment
The plan does not allocate sites. Flood zone issues will be
we therefore have no detailed comments to make in Agency
dealt with by the Local Planning Authority (LPA)
relation to your Plan at this stage. However please find
attached a copy of a Neighbourhood Plan checklist we
have recently developed to help provide Environment
Agency advice at the earlier stages of Neighbourhood Plan
preparation. As you are aware some areas of Bognor Regis
are within a flood zone. We would recommend you
consider the criteria in the attached checklist as you
progress with your preferred development sites,
particularly with regard to housing.
The plan seems to focus on regeneration and
refurbishment, rather than new development, and the
plan area is generally surrounded by urban development
on three sides and the sea on the fourth. As a result, the
potential for impact (positive and negative) on the natural
environment is limited.
Welcome the comments on wildlife corridors (and related
matters) on page 38
The plan is also quite strategic, with relatively little detail
of the proposed schemes. Clearly schemes that retain,
rework or provide open space have the prospect of
enhancing local biodiversity and improving the
connectivity of the urban network of habitats, particularly
corridors and stepping stone.
My main concern is around changes along the seafront and
the potential for impact on the adjoining Bognor Reef and
the Felpham SSSIs. The Bognor Reef SSSI comprises a long
stretch of foreshore of great geological interest and an
extensive area of vegetated shingle, a habitat type which is
rare in Britain. At the western end is a small area of old
sand dune with an interesting flora including a specially
protected species listed on Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981.
It is important for the plan to recognise the juxtaposition
of proposals and the SSSIs and ensure that proper
consideration is given to proposals such as Policy 7 both at
the plan making stage and at the planning application
stage when the nature and scale of the proposals will be
Subject to the inclusion of reference to address the issues
raised above, there is no evident need for an SEA at this
stage in terms of potential impact of the plan on the
natural environment.
Due to the current pressure of consultations on land-use
plans, I have not been able to spend the time I would have
wished to review and comment on your Neighbourhood
Plan. Nevertheless, I hope you find these comments
Concern for the SSSI’s on the foreshore is noted. The
Felpham SSSI is outside the boundary of this plan, but the
need for mention of the Bognor Reef SSSI in any seafront
development is accepted.
Policy 7 and Policy 8c will have the following additional test
“Any alterations and additions to the seafront will need to
assess potential impact on the Bognor Reef SSSI, and take
any measures necessary, to remove any adverse effects on
the reef”
The Justification for each policy will have the following text
“The Bognor Reef SSSI lies along the coast, starting at the
pier and continuing westward. It is of great geological
interest and an extensive area of vegetated shingle, a rare
habitat type in Britain. It should be protected in any
development proposal.”
Page 23
Top 5 Stronger
A great place
for people on
foot and on
Page 31
3.0 Bognor
The plan could be more readable and more succinct to
ensure more people can participate in the process and use
it to help with planning decisions. The section with the
vison, priorities, objectives and policies could be clearer.
Overall support the Neighbourhood plan. Felt the vision
statement could be punchier and more engaging. A
coherent way of responding to comments and refining the
plan would have helped focus attention on key aspects.
Fully support. It is important for personal and public wellbeing that the place looks and feels cared for. Achieve
through designing out ugliness and decay
Fully support. To benefit everyone it is important to
reduce the need for travel by car for short journeys within
around and beyond Bognor
I am impressed by the word Vital. This means that the
benefits (well-being individually and as a seaside town in
social, economic and environmental terms) can’t be
delivered without ‘making our wider town centre and
seafront a pedestrian and cyclist friendly place’. But you
will need to define what you see as ‘pedestrians and cyclist
friendly place’. And I’d say the ADC Leisure Strategy
supports the view also.
One always has to face the fact that change is inevitable!
But the people that live in Bognor should be at the
forefront of any change. Agree with all policies
The emphasis on seeking practical and early advice to
inform development proposals is supported. Please note,
the County Council currently operates a scheme of
charging for highways and transport pre-application advice
to enable this service to be provided to a consistent and
high standard
Bourne Leisure notes and endorses the comments made,
which recognise the importance of Butlins to the town’s
visitors accommodation base and acknowledges that
Butlins contribute 1.5m visitor nights a year.
Bognor Regis
Noted. The policy section is to be revised in order that it
reads easier
Dave Barton
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Justification Policy 6 will explain Pedestrian and cycle
friendly place in more detail as follows:
“We believe making our wider town centre and seafront a
pedestrian and cyclist friendly place is vital for our wellbeing individually and as a seaside town in social, economic
and environmental terms. “Pedestrian and cycle friendly”
means traffic calmed roads that are easier to cross and
pleasanter to walk and cycle along. Cycle facilities are
provided at places of potential conflict.”
This view is supported by the issues and aims in the West
Sussex Transport Plan
Mr & Mrs Cook
Wider Bognor
West Sussex
County Council
Noted with thanks
Bourne Leisure
All comments noted with thanks
Charges for pre-application advice noted.
Support noted with thanks
3.2 Who’s
Bourne Leisure supports the recognition of the
contribution that Butlins makes to Bognor Regis
3.4 Working in
Bognor Regis
Bourne Leisure notes and endorses detail in pages 16 & 17
3.6 investment
3.7 Challenges
4.1 Draft Vision
Bourne Leisure strongly supports the recognition in the
Plan that the Company has plans for future investment at
the Butlins site. The provision of new attractions, facilities
and accommodation will help to ensure that the resort
provides a year round tourism offer and in addition, a
range of visitor accommodation to reflect market demand.
Bourne Leisure supports the Vision for 2030, which
promotes the protection of the heritage and identity which
has established Bognor Regis as an important seaside
resort and a year round destination.
The Company then also specifically supports Objective 10,
which seeks to work in partnership with landowners to
promote and implement the Vision for Bognor Regis.
Would like family friendly covered park, soft play area in
town centre with baby changing facilities
Ruth Alli
Local Resident
Noted. This could be a local project, but not a landuse
planning issue for the Neighbourhood Plan
Agree to all policies. Would like family friendly all weather
parks, cafes and play areas (changing facilities for babies
and babies with their dads!)
Agree to all policies. Family friendly all weather parks and
cafes. Baby changing facilities for dads too.
Mr D Foy
Local Resident
Noted. This could be a local project, but not a landuse
planning issue for the Neighbourhood Plan
Kolade Alli
Local Resident
Noted. This could be a local project, but not a landuse
planning issue for the Neighbourhood Plan
Develop buildings on the pier to incorporate food coffee
shop with sea views.
Noted. There is ongoing work developing the vision for the
The pier should be priority
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
The Pier is defined as a key priority site
Support initiatives that understand the town is a
community with needs as well as a tourist destination.
Support brown field development as appropriate. I think
the town’s heritage is important. I support the Blake
Project and wondered if this could be mentioned in the
draft as well as the characterisation report. Support
initiatives that help residents and tourist with children. I
support policies that help towards providing sustainable
solutions both for Bognor Regis. There is a balance to be
made between housing, jobs and protecting the
environment. Green spaces and wild life corridor issues –
also applies to private as well as public land both accessible
not accessible.
A lot is made of the importance of Bognor being
synonymous with Butlins. Surely the purpose of a
neighbourhood plan should be to give an alternative vision
for Bognor. To develop another power house so that
Bognor can be more of a twin-engine town. The aims
seem very modest focused around locality but not
understanding its potential as a tourism destination. High
quality tourist attractions with the potential to draw in
visitors from around the world are surely needed if we are
to survive in this global village. The economy of Bognor
town is poor and yet surrounded by affluent areas and
nearby cultural Chichester. Where is the objective to put
back Regis on the cultural tourism map? If the town centre
is to survive it needs to put money into celebrating its
heritage like Chichester does. We need to offer more and
an objective needs to communicate a desire for a much
bigger, sustainable vision for the town.
Local Resident
Blake project is mentioned on page 22
Wildlife issues dealt with in Arun District Council Local Plan
Racheal Searle
Wider Bognor
Policy 7 will be expanded to include reference to the
importance of tourism for the town (See Policy 7 below)
The vision for Bognor Regis has been developed by the
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group in wide consultation
with the community
Omission of policy
Provision of additional wastewater infrastructure
Southern Water is the statutory wastewater undertaker for
Bognor Regis and thus has a statutory duty to serve new
development here.
We note that although the Neighbourhood Plan is not
specific about the level of provision for housing in Bognor
Regis, the publication version of the Arun Local Plan (2011
– 2032); published in October 2014, allocate 300 dwellings
in Bognor Regis.
We are committed to ensuring that the right wastewater
infrastructure is in the right place at the right time in
collaboration with developers and the planning authority.
Although there are no current plans, over the life of the
Neighbourhood plan it may be that we will need to provide
new or improved infrastructure either to serve new
development and/or to meet stricter environmental
It is important to have policy provision in the
Neighbourhood Plan which seeks to ensure that the
necessary infrastructure is in place to meet these
We could find no policies to provide for new or improved
infrastructure to support development. One of the Core
Planning Principles contained in the National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF) is to ‘proactively drive and
support sustainable economic development to deliver the
homes, business and industrial units, infrastructure and
thriving local places that the country needs’.
Proposed amendment
Support for essential infrastructure is required at all levels
of the planning system. To ensure consistency with the
NPPF and facilitate sustainable development, we propose
an additional policy as follows:
New and improved utility infrastructure will be encouraged
and supported in order to meet the identified needs of the
community subject to other policies in the plan’
Development will be co-ordinated with provision of
The Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate
housing sites, the emerging Local Plan from Arun District
Council will do this if felt necessary. Thus the infrastructure
policies in the Local Plan will cover this point
Neighbourhood plans do not have to have a comprehensive
suite of policies and are advised not to just repeat policies
in higher level documents. Thus no infrastructure policy
will be added to the document
4.2 policies
Bourne Leisure consider that given the importance to
Bognor Regis a new policy should be added to the presubmission Neighbourhood Development Plan which
specifically supports new tourism facilities and
accommodation, including where appropriate, the
expansion of existing tourism sits, particularly where they
contribute to the town’s vision of being a year round
resort. (see appendix for full details)
Bourne Leisure
Whilst the development proposal policies in the
Neighbourhood Plan provide an indication of the types of
development that would be supported, it is unclear
whether the Plan intends to allocate these sites. If this is
the case, the sites would need to be supported by
sufficient evidence. The Neighbourhood Plan does not
state the proposed scale of development for these sites.
Please note; the Arun Transport Study for Strategic
Development provides evidence to support the housing
and employment sites identified in the Arun Local Plan
(Publication Version). If the quantum of development in
the Neighbourhood Plan was to exceed the development
proposed in the Local Plan, this may be acceptable in
principle. However, the cumulative impact of development
proposals on the transport network would need to be
tested through technical work or through the preapplication process.
It should be noted that site-specific principles in the
Neighbourhood Plan will need to be tested and refined
through the Development Management process. Safe and
suitable access to the highway network will need to be
demonstrated as well as accessibility by sustainable modes
of transport. Whilst the County Council is unable to
provide detailed site-specific comments on these sites, the
following considerations should be addressed:
West Sussex
County Council
We propose to expand Policy 7 to meet this point as
This Neighbourhood Plan recognises the crucial importance
the tourist industry has for the Bognor Regis economy.
Where proposals comply with other policies in this plan,
development of tourist facilities will be supported.
As a crucial part of improving Bognor Regis as a visitor
destination, this plan supports the locating of an
appropriate range of amenities
Agree but the Neighbourhood Plan for Bognor Regis does
not allocate sites
The aspirations for these improvements have been noted.
The County Council is in ongoing discussions regarding the
Western Arun Local Infrastructure Plan, which is used to
guide local investment in highway improvement schemes
identified as community priorities. Further discussion will
be undertaken and the plan will be updated at appropriate
intervals to ensure that it continues to reflect issues of
current interest within communities.
West Sussex
County Council
Noted with thanks
Policy 1
Agree. English Heritage should be alerted
Policy 1
Noted, English Heritage will be consulted as a statutory
body by the LPA as appropriate
Policy is felt to be as strong as a landuse policy can be
Policy 1
Disagree as linked objectives should be much stronger. For
example more should be made of developing a positive
identity for Bognor Regis. Making the most of links with
world cultural giants such as William Blake.
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Racheal Seale
Wider Bognor
Noted with thanks
Policy 1
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Policy 1
Noted with thanks
Policy 1
Policy 1 -5
All to be referenced against an underlying requirement for
improving and enhancing the “Street Scene” i.e. what can
be seen by the public from any public place in the town
centre and its suburbs and in particular where there is a
conservation area then : 1. Restore to standards required
for a conservation area and:
2. maintain as such
Does this apply to the whole Neighbourhood Plan area? If
not ‘wider town centre area’ needs to be defined.
Inclusion of validation requirements may cause problems
and more guidance needed on how to demonstrate
compliance with the policy.
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Mrs Reeves
Local Resident
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
Arun District
‘Wider Town Centre Area’ outlined in pink on map page 27,
and will be added to the key
Documents are only requested and encourage to be
submitted and there is no intention to be a local validation
list, We feel potential applicants will be able to read the
plan and demonstrate their compliance
Policy 2
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 6 is clear that street improvement schemes should be
consulted on
Street works are primarily a highway concern
Policy 2
Agree. Consult Public Planning Dept. English Heritage
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Mrs Reeves
Local Resident
Noted, English Heritage will be consulted as a statutory
body by the LPA as appropriate
Noted with thanks
Policy 2
Policy 2
Disagree. Must not inhibit development
Policy 2
Policy 2
Agree subject to addition of green infrastructure and
pedestrian/cycling routes in larger developments. Support
high quality design and low environmental impact. All large
developments should provide areas for flood risk
alleviation through good use of landscaping and water
flows, whether through winterbournes, ditches, hedges,
swales, ponds, large scale tree planting. Other
improvements should provide green areas for rain storage,
whether green roves, garden beds, tree/hedge planting
Need to liaise with the relevant Arun District council
Officers and the Town Centre Manager
Dave Barton
Policy 6 is felt to cover the need to maintain extended cycle
Arun District
Bognor Regis
Policy 3
Could the station area be included as another
cultural/restaurant quarter? This area will be redeveloped
over the coming years and has a number of cultural and
heritage assets already there. Although there should not
be too much emphasis on “quarters” for planning purposes
and this should be seen as part of an overall offer.
However, the use of “quarters” as a marketing proposition
is a really good.
Disagree. Saturated already with these services
Town Centre Manager has been consulted on the plan.
Advice note in policies will be expanded to clarify that ADC
Planning is a key consultee
It is not considered appropriate to have another designated
quarter for the same purpose, but the point is well-made
that this area is ripe for regeneration that will enrich the
cultural offer.
Policy 3
Policy 3
Policy 3
Policy 3:
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
The emerging Arun Local Plan has policies on flooding and
sustainable urban drainage and it is not felt necessary to
repeat them in this document (Policies W DM 2 and W DM
In general there is support for this policy
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 3
Policy 3
Policy 3
Policy 4
Policy 4
“Early advice” paragraph better in a separate policy for all
Could mention improving maintenance of the built form
Agree. But with age restrictions i.e. over 35 years of age
Policy 4
Policy 4
Policy 4
Policy 4
Policy 4
Policy 4
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
Mrs Reeves
Local Resident
Arun District
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
Ms. C Corderoy
Local Resident
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Mrs Reeves
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
The early advice paragraph differs between policies, so this
would not work
Maintenance of buildings not a planning issue
Age restrictions of occupants is not a planning issue
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 5:
Could a “Threshold Test” be included to improve the retail
mix in the town centre? For example once a certain
parentage has been reached for one type retailer, no
further retailers of that type would be permitted. This
would allow for a better retail mix and balance of offer in
the town centre provision.
We would not support the erosion of commercial property
to other uses at the ground floor level, to ensure that the
economic base of the town is protected. However,
conversion of first floor property to residential would be
supported if it is not being used for retail. This would
provide an excellent customer base for the town,
encourage evening & night time economy, active
surveillance and encourage greater sociability.
Bognor Regis
It is not possible to regulate the type of retail provision in
landuse terms beyond the Use Classes definition of A1
Retail, A2 Service,
A3 – 5 Catering
Permitted Development rights have recently been extended
for conversion to residential
Support for the living above the shop policy is welcome
Policy 5
Why encourage A3 and A5 as well as A1 in the primary
retail frontage but not A2? Suggest all four or just A1, and
another comment asks for restrictions on A3 and A4 as
they are specifically encouraged in Policy 3. Policy 3 and 5
need to be consistent.
Arun District
Policy 3 encourages A3 and A4 uses and aims to improve
the visitor offer by so doing
Policy 5 is concerned with creating a town centre that is
also a visitor attraction, hence the choice of uses. We do
not accept there is an inconsistency
Policy 5
Disagree. There should be no attempt to extend the arcade
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Policy 5
Policy 5
Policy 5
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Mrs Reeves
Local Resident
No intention to extend the Arcade. The policy has been
simplified for clarity
“Retail uses (A1 Shops, A3 Cafes & Restaurants & A4 Bars)
are the preferred use for units at ground floor level within
the identified primary retail area as defined in the emerging
Arun District Council Local Plan”
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 6
Some of what is asked for in the policy is outside the remit
of a Neighbourhood Plan.
Arun District
The policy requests consultation of highway improvements.
It is understood this cannot be a requirement. It is however
an aspiration of the local community and so a legitimate
Neighbourhood Plan concern
The policy talks of significant traffic impact, and this is
greater than ‘any traffic impact’
Policy 6
With respect to policy 6, it is considered that individual
sites should be assessed in terms of whether there would
be detrimental impact on existing traffic levels, as opposed
to any traffic impact. (see appendix for suggested rewording)
Bourne Leisure
Policy 6
No to proposed pedestrian of open areas. No to extension
of arcade.
Miss Bull
Local Resident
No intention to extend the Arcade.
Policy 6
Yes. Develop a useable and attractive network of walking
and cycling routes and bespoke foot cycle paths so that
walking and cycling is seen as a reasonable choice for
getting around especially for short distances. There
should be no need to use a car for any journey within the
town (yes obviously except when you need to transport
something big/bulky/heavy etc.) Ensure that publicly
available transport (buses and taxis) is an integral part of
this policy. Also include reference to making it easy safe
and attractive to cycle places out of town e.g. to
Littlehampton and Chichester.
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
Public transport services are not a landuse issue.
Policy 6
Noted with thanks
Policy 6
Policy 6
Disagree. I cannot believe the assessments of car
Mrs Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P Cole
Local Resident
Mr H. E. Bell
Local Resident
Agree reference to safe cycle routes to nearby towns is
needed but this plan can only deal within the designated
Neighbourhood Plan area.
Noted with thanks
In general there is support for this policy
Statistics for assessment of car ownership obtained from
the 2011 Census as outlined on page 28
Policy 6
Policy 6
Cycling – would like to see housing providing suitable
storage areas for bikes
Policy 7
Disagree. Free flow traffic is essential.
Policy 7
Policy 7
Not sure if the policy is referring to the Arun concept of a
‘a hub’
Is the policy just talking about access points?
Policy 7
Policy 7
Policy 7
Policy 7
Policy 7
See general comments above
Policy 7
See general comments above
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Local Resident
Miss Bull
Local Resident
Arun District
Noted with thanks
Mrs. Cole
Local Resident
Mr. P. Cole
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Mrs. Reeves
Local Resident
Bourne Leisure
Noted with thanks
Not identified as a key issue during consultation
In general there is support for this policy
Fewer people in cars does free up traffic flow?
This policy will refer to “Service Points or Hubs” making this
point clearer
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
The following test will be added to the policy:
“This Neighbourhood Plan recognises the crucial importance
the tourist industry has for the Bognor Regis economy.
Where proposals comply with other policies in the plan,
development of tourist facilities will be supported.
As a crucial part of improving Bognor Reis as a visitor
destination this plan supports the locating of an appropriate
range of amenities”
The following text will be added to the policy:
“Any alterations and additions to the seafront will need to
assess potential impact on the Bognor Reef SSSI, and take
any measures necessary to remove any adverse effects on
the reef.”
Policy 8
Talks about process not development management so not
a policy
Arun District
Statement on early consultation needs clarity about where
pre-application advice comes from
Policy 8
Wording unclear
Arun District
Policy 8
Do not agree that policy should apply to all key sites
Policy 8
Disagree. Housing ratio –v- minimum car spaces
Bourne Leisure
Miss. Bull
Local Resident
Policy 8
Policy 8
This policy should be flexible and I support early public
Policy 8a 8b
Policy 8, 8a,8b
All to be referenced against an underlying requirement for
improving and enhancing the “Street Scene” i.e. what can
be seen by the public from any public place in the town
centre and its suburbs and in particular where there is a
conservation area then : 1. Restore to standards required
for a conservation area and:
2. maintain as such
Mrs. Reeves
Local Resident
Local Resident
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
This policy is clear that engagement with the community
and the Town Council is pre-application consultation. This is
a legitimate policy concern supported by NPPF
Policy will be expanded to read
‘All applicants are encouraged to seek practical and early
advice from the planning tam at Arun District Council and
the Town Council’
Change of wording to now read
‘We would encourage the creation of development briefs,
design and access statements and formally agreed design
codes before submitting the planning application to ensure
a higher degree of certainty for the investor, the residents
and other Stakeholders as to what is wanted by the local
community and what can be delivered within the specific
site and market context.’
Noted but we want pre-consultation on all key sites
Believe this response applies to site specific policies
Car parking standards are determined by West Sussex
County Council and Arun District Council
Noted with thanks
We believe there is flexibility within this policy
Noted with thanks
We feel this has been dealt with as far as possible with the
alterations to policy 6
Policy 8a, 8b,
8c, 8d, 8e
Policy 8, 8a,
8h, 8I
Policy 8a
Mr. P. Cole
Local Resident
Mrs. Cole
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
Local character is hard to determine so policy should be
Characterisation study will only have weight if adopted by
Arun District council and should not be mentioned unless it
It is unclear what is meant by a ‘Transport Impact
Assessment’ with regards to car parking. Please refer to
the County Council’s ‘Guidance for Parking in New
Residential Developments’ and ‘Revised County Parking
Standards and Transport Contributions Methodology’
Arun District
Policy 8B
The policy requires a TIA but this is not Arun Policy
Policy 8B
Policy 8c
The Pier
There is an existing below ground sewer that will need to
be taken into account when designing the proposed
development. An easement width of between 6 and 13
metres would be required, depending upon the sewer size
and depth. This easement should be clear of all proposed
buildings and substantial tree planting.
Arun District
Mrs. Reeves
Local Resident
Respecting local character is supported by the NPPF (para
The Characterisation Study was commissioned from
professionals in the field to inform what local character is
and how to agree and enhance it
Policy revised to take out Transport Impact Assessment:
Development Proposals of sites marked up as key priority
sites (8c-8j) and other major developments are encouraged
to ensure they have provided for adequate on-site parking
facilities for their proposed usage, and do not impact on
existing capacity of public highways to accommodate
parking. This process should have regard or the seasonality
of parking needs in a resort town such as Bognor Regis.
Policy revised to take out Transport Impact Assessment
Policy 8B:
We propose the following additional text to policy 8c:
The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and
upsizing purposes.
West Sussex
County Council
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Agree to addition as design guidance
‘The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure as required by the relevant
Policy 8c
Explain where information for part b can be found
Arun District
Policy should not be asking for a national review by CABE
Development cannot comply with Characterisation Study
as not an adopted plan
e) unclear what is meant by ‘clear distinction between the
Victorian heritage and 21st century additions’
Policy 8C
Policy 8c
Fully Support. Clear out the rubbish and the tat and make
it a place of pride in its pride of place.
Policy 8c
Disagree. Yes to improve the pier but in keeping with
Victorian architecture and not a modern extension
From general comments above
Policy 8c
Ms. C.
Local Resident
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
Mr. Bonner
Local Resident
E. Pond
Wider Bognor
The original length of the pier is documented in historic
sources and easily referenced
The request for a national review is just that. The pier is
crucial to the image and character of Bognor Regis and thus
it is a local aspiration that a national body review any
significant proposals for it
Advise last sentence has been rewritten and now reads:
‘The Pier is a Grade II listed structure and a Key Priority Site
and proposals must comply with policies in this
Neighbourhood Plan’
Advise e) now reads:
‘A clear distinction between the piers Victorian heritage and
any 21st century additions’
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Any alterations will need to comply with its listed building
The following text will be inserted:
“Any alterations to the seafront will need to assess potential
impact on the Bognor Reef SSSI, and take any measures
necessary to remove any adverse effects on the reef”
Noted with thanks
Policy 8d
gardens &
Road Car Park
There are several existing ground sewers that will need to
be taken into account when designing the proposed
development. An easement width of between 6 and 13
metres would be required, depending upon the sewer size
and depth. This easement should be clear of all proposed
buildings and substantial tree planting.
Policy 8D:
The existing point of access should be retained. Direct site
access onto Gloucester Road is unlikely to be suitable given
the proximity of the 90 degree bend. The site should utilise
the sustainable transport links. There is potential to
support / extend the promenade cycle route.
The proposal for a garden at this point is not deliverable
Policy 8D
Agree to addition as design guidance
‘The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure as required by the relevant
West Sussex
County Council
Arun District
The policy will change as a result of further discussions with
the landowner, see comments for Bourne Leisure
Policy will be expanded to read
‘All applicants are encouraged to seek practical and early
advice from the planning and regeneration team at Arun
District Council and the Town Council’
This policy can be taken at present to be proposing the
whole site as a garden area and we accept this is not
realistic. However there is a local aspiration that this
frontage is improved visually with some planting and
become more porous.
Policy proposed to be amended as follows:
Enhancement and development of the major tourist
destination on this site will be encouraged subject to
compliance with other policies in this plan and any
development proposals demonstrating a high quality
landscape led approach in developing this part of our
seafront. This can be facilitated by:
a) Setting back individual buildings and providing generous
We propose the following additional text to policy 8d:
The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and
upsizing purposes.
Statement on early consultation needs clarity about where
pre-application advice comes from
Policy 8D
Bourne Leisure strongly object to draft policy 8D as it fails
to take into account the current use of the site (for car
parking) or the Company’s long term objectives for the site
as part of the proposals for the wider Butlins site.
Bourne Leisure
Policy 8D
Ruth Alli
Local Resident
Policy 8D
Butlins is ugly here a garden would be better
Policy 8D
Good idea if it is policed properly for litter and drinking etc.
Policy 8D
Butlins would no longer look like a prison camp.
J. Russell
Wider Bognor
C. Tucker
Wider Bognor
Dr. Ridley
Wider Bognor
access routes to the promenade.
b) Developing the site to incorporate soft
c) Constructing boundary structures and walls from locally
sourced and natural materials, typically found in walls and
fence structures in Bognor Regis (see Bognor Regis’s
Characterisation study, 2014).
Development Proposals must demonstrate and accomplish
excellence in design and craftsmanship of the buildings,
structures and spaces. The applicant shall demonstrate
clearly how the existing scale of buildings materials and
colour palette and fenestration can contribute to the
specific siting of the site by making reference to Bognor
Regis’s Characterisation study, 2014.
The site at the prominent corner of Gloucester
Road/Esplanade has been seen as having development
potential. This policy supports an all-weather leisure facility
in a landmark building, with public and step free access
from street and promenade level, including parking.
This part of the seafront has such great potential to
contribute to Bognor Regis’s identity as a 21st century
seaside town that the Local Planning Authority is strongly
requested to call for a National Design Review to help
develop the expected exceptional design quality.
All Applicants are encouraged to seek practical and early
advice from the planning and regeneration team at Arun
District Council and the Town Council.
Noted with thanks
Need for improvement with planting noted
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 8D
Anything would be better. Better outlook
Policy 8D
Good idea. Planting needs to be specialist
Policy 8D
I didn’t like Butlins but now I think this could be an
advantage a good idea for the town
Policy 8D
A great improvement to the worst part of the promenade
Policy 8D
We cycle to Bognor which is lovely until you get to Butlins
A public garden would make a big improvement
Policy 8D
Good idea Butlins looks like a prison camp at the moment
Policy 8D
Policy 8D
Not sure? Would it be a flooding risk? Will it affect the
Great Idea
Policy 8D
Hope it happens
Policy 8D
Good providing the promenade wall safeguarded
Policy 8D
What’s not to like?
Policy 8D
Good idea to improve prom
Policy 8D
Excellent news – looks like them and us now. Used to work
at Butlins in 60’s
Access arrangements need to consider the impact on the
mini roundabout. Suitable parking provision is required
Policy 8E:
G. Southall
Wider Bognor
J. Bailey
Wider Bognor
R. Naylor & A.
Wider Bognor
A. Reynolds
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
J. Corbett & C.
Wider Bognor
D. Squires
Local Resident
J. Johnstone
Local Resident
A & C Bailey
Local Residents
T & P Mussell
Local Residents
D. Young
Local Resident
D. Jacob
Local Resident
H & T Barrett
Support for improvements noted with thanks
J & M Hawkins
West Sussex
County Council
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Promenade not affected
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Promenade not affected
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Support for improvements noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Policy 8E
Policy speaks of being ‘residential led’ but does not
indicate the likely split of mixed uses on the site
Arun District
8E,8H,8I, 8J
We note that sites have been allocated for residential
development in the plan, When a plan allocates
residential development we would usually carry out
sewerage capacity checks for the sites of 20 dwellings and
above, as advised in paragraph 162 of the National
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We have been unable
to do this for the sits in the above plan because there is no
indication of number of dwellings for each site. We need
to know the number of dwellings and precise location of a
potential development site to be able to carry out capacity
However, we have been able to carry out infrastructure
checks for the sites see comments for each site.
Policies 8E, 8F,
8G, 8H, 8I
Policy 8F
Policy is too restrictive and not in the spirit of the NPPF
Ms. C.
Local Resident
Arun District
No justification for visual connection to promenade
Policy 8F:
Supports this policy, and supports the view that a theatre
Bognor Regis
is vital amenity for the town centre and should be provided Traders
to enhance cultural capital. However if an alternative
proposal came forward on this site that would facilitate
regeneration it should be explored without restriction
This policy is design guidance as regards residential mixed
use. Final proportions will be determined by the LPA in
consultation with the community as is usual practice in
No sites have been allocated, the policies are design
guidance only
Noted with thanks
The policy sets out the aspirations of the town for designled regeneration in line with the NPPF policies. Flexibility
will be encouraged with the following text change:
‘Proposals are expected to accommodate where possible
all of the following:’
Visual connections will link the town centre and the
seafront an important emphasis as seen in the
Characterisation Study and early work with the Princes
As design guidance, these policies will not preclude other
options if material considerations suggest they are
appropriate in the circumstances
Policy 8F (h)
The auditorium is good and worth keeping but the building
itself is a disaster Please have a policy written so that it will
attract all from highbrow to low brow with a total redesign
and rebuild of the interior (including the café).
Policy 8F
Disagree parking should not inhibit development
Policy 8G -8I
Policy 8G:
Policy 8G
Hothamton Car
Park Site,
Geoff Farrell
Chair West
Sussex Cycle
Forum and
Wider Bognor
Mr. P. Coles
Local Resident
As design guidance, these policies will not preclude other
options if material considerations suggest they are
appropriate in the circumstances
Policies are too restrictive
Policies need to give an indication of mixed use
Cycle links should be referred to within key sites
Arun District
Cycle links and other sustainable transport links are dealt
with in Policy 6. Mixed use is a legitimate design aim in
itself (NPPF para 58) and does not have to have exact
proportions defined. Final proportions will be determined
by the LPA in consultation with the community as is usual
practice in planning
Support this policy, although let’s not restrict development
if the open space in the area has to be compromised, if
proposed change of use or alternative leisure facilities are
better for the community as a whole and a high quality
development . As it is a prime site and excellent
development opportunity, all proposals should be given
consideration without restriction.
There are a couple of existing ground sewers that will need
to be taken into account when designing the proposed
development. An easement width of between 6 and 13
metres would be required, depending upon the sewer size
and depth. This easement should be clear of all proposed
buildings and substantial tree planting.
Bognor Regis
As design guidance, these policies will not preclude other
options if material considerations suggest they are
appropriate in the circumstances
As design guidance, these policies will not preclude other
options if material considerations suggest they are
appropriate in the circumstances
We propose the following additional text to policy 8G:
The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and
upsizing purposes.
Car parking standards are determined by West Sussex
County Council and Arun District Council
Agree to addition as design guidance
‘The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure as required by the relevant
Policy 8G
Policy 8G
Disagree. Should be commercial and residential led
Policy 8G
Disagree in part. Agree ground floors should be retail led:
commercial above and also residential if practical
Further consideration should be given to what is meant by
a ‘transport hub’ and whether this is deliverable
Policy 8H:
Policy 8H
Policy 8H, 8I 8J
Policy 8I
Northern part
of Durban
Road Industrial
There are several existing ground sewers that will need to
be taken into account when designing the proposed
development. An easement width of between 6 and 13
metres would be required, depending upon the sewer size
and depth. This easement should be clear of all proposed
buildings and substantial tree planting.
Policy 8I
Policy 8J
The Chichester
University –
Bognor Regis
We propose the following additional text to policy 8I:
The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and
upsizing purposes.
There are several existing ground sewers that will need to
be taken into account when designing the proposed
development. An easement width of between 6 and 13
metres would be required, depending upon the sewer size
and depth. This easement should be clear of all proposed
buildings and substantial tree planting.
We propose the following additional text to policy 8I:
The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure for maintenance and
upsizing purposes.
Mrs. Dean
Local Resident
Mr. P. Coles
Local Resident
Mrs. Coles
Local Resident
West Sussex
County Council
Mrs. Dean
Local Resident
Mr. P. Cole
Local Resident
Mrs. Dean
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
General support has been received for design led
Noted with thanks
This is an aspiration which would be considered further if
future development proposals rendered it possible to
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Agree to addition as design guidance
‘The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure as required by the relevant
Noted with thanks
Agree to addition as design guidance
‘The development should provide future access to the
existing sewerage infrastructure as required by the relevant
Policy 8J:
Consideration will need to be given to safe and suitable
access arrangements
West Sussex
County Council
Agreed. Policy will be amended to read:
‘The provision of sustainable modes of transport and
pleasant pedestrian and cycle links to the town centre and
seafront together with safe and suitable access
arrangements is supported’
Policy 8J
Agree. This is of particular interest to me as I love to cycle
Mrs. Dean
Local Resident
Noted with thanks
Policy 9
Local Green
We notice that the plan contains a policy in respect of
Local Green Spaces. Southern Water understands Bognor
Regis Town Council’s desire to protect Local Green Space.
However, we consider that Policy 9 - Local Green Space is
unduly restrictive and could prevent the delivery of utility
infrastructure, such as a new pumping station, required to
serve new and existing customers.
The policy does not recognise the very special
circumstances, which merit the provision of utility
infrastructure on Local Green Space, as provided for by
paragraph 76 of the NPPF. Southern Water considers that
should the need arise, special circumstances exist in
relation to provision of essential wastewater or sewerage
infrastructure, such as a new pumping station, required to
serve new and existing customers. This is because there
are limited options available with regard to location, as the
infrastructure would need to connect into existing
networks. The National Planning Practice Guidance
recognises this scenario and states that ‘it will be
important to recognise that water and wastewater
infrastructure sometimes has locational needs (and often
consists of engineering works rather than new buildings)
which mean otherwise protected areas may exceptionally
have to be considered’.
We do not consider the addition essential as in the unusual
event of essential infrastructure works being necessary, the
usual “other material considerations” would apply
Although the Town Council is not the planning authority in
relation to wastewater or sewerage development
proposals, support for essential infrastructure is required
at all levels of the planning system.
We propose similar wording to that used in the adopted
Arundel Neighbourhood Plan. This wording is also is
recommended at page 13 of ‘Writing planning policies’
published by Locality.
Policy 9
Proposed amendment
Accordingly, we propose the following amended wording
and additional text to Policy CLW7:
Proposals for development of land designated as Local
Open Space will not be supported unless such development
promotes and enhances the existing use of that space as
Local Open Space or is for essential utility infrastructure,
where the benefit outweighs any harm, or it can be
demonstrated there are no reasonable alternative sites
Agree subject to widening out to include all aspects of the
natural environment including beach, foreshore etc. All
consideration should be given to increase public
enjoyment of the sea front and access to rifes and other
possible waterways with due respect to wildlife in the
latter areas. Development should not limit public access
and enjoyment of the natural amenities. Small scale
improvements such as planting, shelter walls and benches
should be incorporated. All wildlife corridors should be
maintained and enhanced particularly alongside footpaths
and bridleways. Developments of a larger scale should
make wildlife, people and cycling connections across the
particular development site.
Allotment spaces and community growing spaces should
be preserved with priority given to new development
which increases this provision. All new developments
should address how they might provide areas for growing,
weather green roofs, green walls, sky gardens, balcony
planters, window boxes, trellis planting as well as
conventional garden or allotment spaces.
Dave Barton
The policy is specifically designating special green space, as
allowed in the NPPF 9PARAS 76-78). Environmental
protection generally will be provided by the policies of Arun
District Council
Policy 9
Does not include all areas of Greenspace within the town
area several significant spaces have been omitted. In
addition wrong location identified on map for some sites
Arun District
Policy 9
Policy 9
Toilets should be open all year round
Policy 9
Agree. Preservation of green spaces essential
Policy 9
Policy 9
Policy 9
Mrs. Dean
Local Resident
Mr. N. Pile
Local employee
Miss. Bull
Local Resident
Mr. P. Cole
Local Resident
Helen Barry
Wider Bognor
Ms. C.
Local Resident
Policy 9
Policy 9
Policy 9
Policy 9
Would like to add reference to local food sovereignty
issues, GM free zones, adequate allotment provision and
more community orchards.
E. Pond
Wider Bognor
Ms. Parsons
Wider Bognor
Mrs. Reeves
Local Resident
Local Resident
The policy is designating ‘local green space’ areas defined in
the NPPF (paras 76-78) as being particularly special for the
community. The NPPF makes it clear that any development
on these sites has to protect the asset and that it will not be
an appropriate designation for all of the open space in a
Corrections to map will be addressed
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Noted with thanks
Food sovereignty and GM free zones not Neighbourhood
Plan issues
Allotment provision is generally considered adequate
4.10 Screening Opinion
A request for screening opinion was submitted to Aru n Distict Council on 24th October 2014 and re-submitted on 2nd February 2015 with additional
paperwork . (Appendix D)
A screening opinion was issued by Arun District Council, the competent body, on the 17th March 2015, and is attached as to this document. (Appendix D)
This advised that the Neighbourhood Plan will not require an environmental assessment for the following reasons:
The environmental characteristics of the Town have been recognised;
the content of the Plan does not propose anything above the allocation outlined in the emerging Local Plan, which has been assessed by the
appraisal work informing it; and
there will be no significant environmental effects to result from the proposals proposed in the Plan.
Co-opted Steering Group Members
Mrs. A. Rapnik (Chairman) (Representative from Bersted PC)
PCSO’s T. Ford & M. Haig (Sussex Police)
PCSO M. Davis (Sussex Police)
PS. J. McKelvey (Sussex Police)
Mrs. R. Warren (Hotham Park Heritage Trust)
G. Purser (Hotham Park Heritage Trust)
Mrs. A. Cranham (Hotham Park Heritage Trust)
M. Warden (Representative from Aldwick PC)
Mrs. E. Taylor (Representative from Felpham PC)
Mrs. B. Piedot (Representative from Felpham PC)
G. Powell (Felpham NP Chairman)
Mrs. J. Jones (Jeneses)
B. Jones (Jeneses),
Mrs. M. Stanley (Civic Society)
J. Stanley (Civic Society
Mrs. M. Wells (Arun Sports Association for the Disabled)
P. Wells (Arun Sports Association for the Disabled)
Ms. T. Burrington (Greener Bognor Network)
G. Crouch (Greener Bognor Network)
D. Barton (Greener Bognor Network)
Mrs. M. Chaffe
N. MacDonald (Churches Together)
Revd. Wadsworth (St. Wilfrids Church)
Fr. T. Marshall (St. Wilfrids Church)
Mrs. J. Coles (Brighter Bognor)
H. Coster (Civic)
Val Souchet (Bognor Community Organisation)
Bobby Hewitt (Bognor Community Organisation)
Mrs. J. Barnes (BR Local History Society)
Wayne Jones (Bersted Brooks)
Hilary Spence (VAAC)
Examples of translations in Russian, Polish and Lithuanian as produced by VAAC (Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester)
APPENDIX C - List of individual and statutory consultees:
Individual consultees
Bognor Regis Town Centre Manager
Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester
Civic Society
Bognor Regis Neighbourhood Watch
Bognor Regis Pier Trust
Traders Association
Bognor CAN
Laburnum Centre
Residents Association
Arun Sports Association for the disabled
Bognor Regis Seafront Lights
Brighter Bognor
Hotham Park Heritage Trust
The Regis Centre
Lions Club
Rotary Hotham
Rotary Bognor
Bognor Regis Museum
Salvation Army
Bognor Regis Chamber of Commerce
Greener Bognor Network
Statutory Consultees
Aldwick Parish Council
Bersted Parish Council Clerk Bersted <>
Felpham Parish Council Clerk Felpham <>
Arun District Council Donna Moles <> Charlotte Hardy (
West Sussex County Council Lucy Seymour-Bowdery <>
Environment Agency Hyland, Hannah <>
Natural England Consultations (NE) <>
English Heritage
Network Rail
Highway Agency Highways <>
NHS Coastal West Sussex NHS Coastal West sussex <>
Marine Management Organisation Gemmill, Angela (MMO) <>
Southern Electric
British Gas British Gas PO Box 227 RotherhamS98 1PD
Portsmouth Water
Southern Water Nuttall, David <> Policy, Planning <>
Sussex Police Sussex Police <>
Mobile Operators Association Mobile Operators Association <>
Forestry Commission Forestry Commission <>