health and human services - Institute on Disability


health and human services - Institute on Disability
Division for Children, Youth & Families
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention,
Protection, and Security
Friday, May 8, 2015 | 8:30am – 4:30pm
Radisson Hotel | Manchester, NH
New Hampshire Department of
22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
Conference Description
Registration Information
The New Hampshire Division for Children, Youth
and Families (DCYF) Annual Conference provides a
diverse learning forum in which best practices in child
protection and juvenile justice can be shared in an effort
to enhance service quality. Additionally, the conference
provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the
excellent work of child welfare professionals, as well as
community members who work in partnership to better
the lives of children, youth, and families. This year,
the 22nd Annual DCYF Conference is entitled Tools
for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection,
and Security. The conference focus is intended
to demonstrate DCYF’s ongoing commitment to
collaboration and partnership in improving outcomes
for New Hampshire’s children and families.
Date: Friday, May 8, 2015
Conference Schedule
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Registration and Continental Breakfast
About the Keynote Speaker
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Keynote Presentation
Staying Motivated on the Deck of the Titanic
Norm Bossio
For over 30 years, Norm Bossio has keynoted national
conferences in virtually every major industry, addressing
nearly 3 million audience members. Prior to starting
his own business, he served
as a teacher, principal, and
superintendent of schools, as well
as an adjunct faculty member and
consultant to the management
certificate program at Stonehill
College. He received his B.S.
from Springfield College and M.
Ed. from Boston State College.
In 2006, Norm hosted the national public television
special, “Staying Motivated on the Deck of the Titanic
with Norm Bossio.” His first book was recently
published by DogEar Publishing in Indianapolis, IN.
In 1994, Norm was named Speaker of the Year by the
Yankee Chapter of Meeting Planners International.
First Workshop Session (see F1–F7)
Break, Networking
DCYF Awards Luncheon
Second Workshop Session (see S1–S7)
Third Workshop Session (see T1–T7)
Conference Adjourns
Professional Development
Participants in this conference are eligible for 6.0 staff
development credits/hours. DCYF staff who attend are
eligible for 6 training hours.
Time: 8:30am–4:30pm, registration begins at 7:30am
Location: Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH
Conference Registration Fees:
 DCYF staff (including CPS, JJS, SYSC, and others),
IV-E/DCYF interns, Collaborating Birth Parent, or
Youth – No Charge
 Resource Parent (Foster, Pre/Adoptive, Relative
caregiver), Court Appointed Special Advocate
(CASA) volunteer, CCR&R Staff, or full-time
student – $75
 Other Professionals – $125
Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, and materials.
An application for NH NASW Continuing Education
Units has been submitted.
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
Hotel information
Event Policies
Accommodations: Rooms are available at the Center
of NH Radisson for a rate of $129 plus tax. Please
mention that you are with the DCYF Conference.
Available through April 16, 2015.
Registration Policy:
Advance registration is required and accepted in the
order received. Payment or purchase order must be
provided at least seven (7) days prior to the event.
Registrations received within six (6) days of the event
may be accepted (depending upon availability) if
accompanied by full payment or purchase order.
DCYF staff only: DCYF staff who live and work
at least 50 miles from the Center of NH Radisson
in Manchester will be eligible to receive overnight
accommodations the night of May 7 (this must be for
double occupancy). Eligible DCYF staff are asked to
contact Heidi Young at 603.271.7212 or via email at to reserve an overnight room.
This will be subject to verification.
Parking: Participants will receive a $5 discounted day
parking rate. Please bring your parking ticket with
you to the conference registration area for validation.
Participants who are staying at the hotel overnight
will receive a voucher for an $10 discounted overnight
parking rate.
Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH
Phone: 603.625.1000
Cancellation Policy:
To receive a full refund, cancellations must be made in
writing seven (7) days prior to the event. Cancellations
received within six (6) days of the event are not eligible
for a refund.
Conference Collaborators
The preparation of this conference was financed under
a contract with the University of New Hampshire and
the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health
and Human Services, Division for Children, Youth and
Families (DCYF), with funds provided in part by the State
of New Hampshire and the United States Department of
Health and Human Services.
From the south: Follow Route 3N/Everett Turnpike.
Just south of Manchester, Route 3 becomes Route 293.
Take exit #5/Granite Street. Turn right off ramp, then
go through two sets of lights. Hotel garage is next left.
From the east: Follow 95S to Portsmouth; after
crossing State line, take 3rd exit (exit #2) to 101W/93S
to 293N. After passing Brown Avenue exit, stay right
as 293 bears right. Take exit #5/Granite Street. Turn
right off ramp, then go through two sets of lights. Hotel
garage is next left.
From the west: Take Route 89S to Route 93S to Route
293S. On 293S take exit #5/Granite Street. Turn left off
ramp, then go through two sets of lights. Hotel garage is
next left.
The Center for Professional Excellence in Child Welfare
(CPE) draws upon the extensive resources of UNH and
its faculty research to provide training and professional
development support to child welfare and juvenile justice
staff at DCYF.
Institute on Disability/UCED
The Institute on Disability at the University of New
Hampshire strengthens communities and ensures full access,
equal opportunities, and participation for all persons.
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
Keynote Presentation – Staying Motivated on the Deck of the Titanic
Have you ever felt like you are on a sinking ship, with no control over the future?
While the Titanic is a metaphor, Norm is convinced that some people enjoy being miserable so much that they
actually aim at icebergs, hit them, and then complain about the weather as they sink. He seeks to help those working
in challenging environments and situations to stay motivated on the deck of the Titanic.
Norm will bring into focus on how to take control of your life, get your priorities straight, put your family first, use the
gifts that you have been given, and take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. By using the stories of his life, Norm
provides useful tips on how to deal with difficult people, how to deal with stress, how to manage change, and more.
First Workshop Session (9:45am–11:45am)
f1 Staying Motivated on the Deck of the Titanic
Norm Bossio, BS, M.Ed., author, professional speaker, and founder, Norm Bossio Enterprises
In this expanded presentation of the keynote message, Norm will continue to explore how participants
can remain positive and motivated to remain on the deck and the balcony while dodging icebergs in their work.
Who Am I Going to Be? African Youth Building New Lives in New Hampshire
Lynn Clowes, MA, Independent Cultural Competency and Diversity Consultant
The path to becoming American is complicated, particularly for young immigrants and refugees of
color. Community values and expectations often contradict or undermine learned behavior. Family roles have
undergone a seismic shift; youth encounter racist attitudes while learning a new language. Further, youth are
frequently recovering from deadly conflict and trauma which often requires a determination and strength of
character beyond their years.
In this session, participants will watch a 43 minute documentary film produced in NH in 2014 in which teens,
teachers, and community partners and leaders explore the constellation of new realities that African youth face as
they rebuild their lives in NH. A facilitated discussion with youth panelists will follow.
Current Drug Trends Impacting New Hampshire’s Families
Special Agent Michael Lecuyer, Drug Enforcement Administration, New England Field Division
This workshop will examine and discuss the growing trend in NH involving One Pot
Methamphetamine and Butane Hash Oil extraction production and its impact on families and community.
Participants will learn and explore the risks to the children of illegal drug users and manufacturers, as well as the
hazards to workers who respond to homes where illegal drugs, including methamphetamine, are being used and/or
produced. Issues of particular interest will include availability, economic accessibility, legal issues, and current trends
that promote drug use to potentially epidemic proportions. This workshop is designed for professionals in service
fields, including schools, juvenile probation, and caseworkers.
Relationships and Trauma in Young Children: Vulnerability, Reflection, and Transcendence
Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., Administrative Director, Partners for Change (PFC) project with Dartmouth Trauma
Interventions Research Center (DTIRC)
Infants and young children derive safety and sense of self in the context of caregiver relationships,
making them particularly vulnerable to the impact of interpersonal violence. Brain research offers insight into the
processes and mechanisms involved in the multigenerational transmission of trauma, and provides solid evidence
for the need for relationship-oriented, trauma-informed approaches to intervention with young children and their
Reflective practices play a pivotal role forming corrective attachment relationships by informing sensitive and
empathic caregiver responses. Social neuroscience has taught us how relationships build and rebuild brains, and
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
f2 f3 f4 22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
provides a clear and hopeful path to transcendence for those who experience interpersonal violence.
Participants in this session will learn how, as professionals, to use strategies around family violence intervention and
reflective practices to effectively address issues related to trauma in their casework.
Caring for Babies Exposed to Methadone or Buprenophone during Pregnancy
Bonny Whalen, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth; Newborn/
Pediatric Hospitalist and Newborn Nursery Medical Director, Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth/Dartmouth
Hitchcock Medical Center
This workshop will provide education on effects of prenatal opioid exposure on the fetus and newborn,
screening for substance exposure in pregnancy, steps that mothers can take in pregnancy and after birth to improve
psychosocial and health outcomes for their newborns, supporting breastfeeding for women with history of substance
misuse and opioid dependency, mandated reporting guidelines, and how child protective services can partner with
the hospital to help ensure safe discharge home for babies.
Participants will learn how to counsel mothers regarding risks of opioid exposure in pregnancy, counsel mothers how
to best care for themselves in pregnancy and their newborns after birth, and help promote safe transitions to home
for opioid-exposed newborns.
Internet Safety in Child Welfare
Matthew Solari, Detective, Manchester Police Department
The fast-changing landscape of social media and other online content sharing methods can pose
significant dangers and risks to children by exposing them to malicious predators. Child welfare professionals face
challenges in staying up-to-date on trends and educating children and families on strategies to stay safe.
This workshop will discuss the definition, prevalence, and consequences of student sexting. It will explore how
students become victims of sexting and also how students may become criminals carrying the label of sex offender.
This workshop will look at the issue of sexting through the lens of educators, and participants will discuss options
for responding to this issue.
Part I: Working from Within: Fatherhood and Domestic Violence
Fernando Mederos, Ed.D., Director of Fatherhood Engagement, Massachusetts Department of Children & Families
Xavier Cardona, facilitator of fatherhood groups; member, New Bedford, MA DCF Advisory Board; Parent
Liaison, DCF Ombudsman’s Office
Geraldo Pilarski, MA, ACSW, DCYF Program Specialist
This workshop will lay out a framework for understanding domestic violence (DV) in the context of
fatherhood and men’s lifespan exposure to DV. The framework revolves around safety, differential risk assessment,
and identifying strengths within fathers that can help men change. It will also introduce basic concepts for dialogue
and intervention with fathers who have used violence with partners.
Participants will review risks and benefits of addressing DV with fathers; learn an assessment framework for fathers who
use violence that encompasses safety, differential risk assessment, and strengths; and understand gateways for change for
fathers: inner strengths that men can use to change and move toward responsibility and respectful relationships.
f5 f6 f7 Second Workshop Session (1:30pm – 3:00pm)
s1 Part II: Working from Within: Fatherhood and Domestic Violence
Fernando Mederos, Ed.D., Director of Fatherhood Engagement, Massachusetts Department of Children & Families
Xavier Cardona, facilitator of fatherhood groups; member, New Bedford, MA DCF Advisory Board; Parent
Liaison, DCF Ombudsman’s Office
Geraldo Pilarski, MA, ACSW, DCYF Program Specialist
This workshop will revolve around practice with fathers who have a history of violence with partners.
We will look at various scenarios and conduct role plays to illustrate positive approaches with fathers in child welfare
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
and other contexts. The focus will be on safety and using men’s strengths to promote change and responsibility.
Participants will learn positive approaches to help men address these issues in a supportive and deeply respectful way;
understand the impact of fathers’ abusive conduct on children and will be able to educate fathers about these issues;
and be able to talk to fathers to inspire them to seek help for their abuse issues, as well as for their wounds from
abuse in childhood and adulthood.
Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security: What Does It Mean?
Lorraine Bartlett, MSW, Director, NH DCYF
This town hall discussion with DCYF Director Lorraine Bartlett will provide DCYF staff with an open
dialogue forum to ask the director questions in light of the finalization of the practice model and what it means to
the agency. These organizational changes provide an opportunity to build upon common goals, common practices,
and positive working relationships.
Discussion will include the development and implementation of the NH DCYF Practice Model; the need for
greater emphasis on birth parent/youth involvement; the infusion of these beliefs throughout the agency; respecting
the importance of organizational independence; sharing resources between all Bureaus; and practices already being
implemented within the Division.
Gang Awareness in New Hampshire
Eric Skillings, Training Officer/Program Specialist for DCYF
Edgar Hartford, JPPO Manchester District Office, DCYF
Gang involvement in youth is a strong predictor of future incarceration or victimization. Gang trends
can change quickly, and it’s important for professionals to be knowledgeable about how to recognize and interpret
signs of gang activities in individuals and communities.
This session will be an introduction to gang awareness, recognition, and the basic history of gangs in New
Hampshire. This session will include history of gangs and affiliations, gang trademarks, colors, clothing, hand signs,
graffiti, gang violence, gang mentality, and indicators of gang activity in your community. Current trends in New
Hampshire will also be discussed.
Child and Adolescent Sexuality: Promoting Healthy Development in the Context of Risk
Erin Hiley Sharp, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Development & Family Studies, University of New
Hampshire; CASA NH volunteer G.A.L.
This presentation will begin with an overview of child and adolescent sexuality from a normative,
developmental perspective with a focus on biological, emotional, and social influences, and then narrow in to focus
on how the context of trauma and risk, particularly the experience of sexual abuse or assault, may disrupt this
development process. The workshop will conclude with an emphasis on practical strategies for promoting healthy
sexual development that are age-appropriate and geared toward young people experiencing both normative sexual
development and those who have experienced trauma.
Psychiatric Medication Management Tools and Tips for the Child Welfare Professional
Michelle. S. Saidel, M.D., Adolescent Psychiatry, Sununu Youth Services Center; Adult, Adolescent, and Child
Psychiatrist, Hampstead Hospital
Professionals working with youth in the child welfare system are often faced with questions and concerns
about the use of psychiatric medication in the youth to whom they provide care, ranging from the specific, “Is this
dose of medication safe?” to the broader, “Is medication appropriate for this problem?”
This workshop will introduce general concepts around managing youth on psychiatric medication and interfacing
effectively with psychiatric providers, as well as specifics regarding medication management of conditions including
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Attachment Disorder, and Conduct Disorder.
Participants will gain strategies for evaluating the role of medication management in a youth’s treatment needs,
skills in identifying and communicating concerns and observations with psychiatric providers, and resources for
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s2 s3 s4 s5 22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
maintaining their knowledge of medications.Participants may email specific questions and concerns they would like
to see addressed to Dr. Saidel in advance:
What Can You Do about It? Understanding the Influence of Toxic Childhood Stress on Brain
Development and a Child’s Ability to Learn
Dr. Suzanne Moberly, Ed.D., Director, Education and Training Partnership, Granite State College
Did you ever wonder why a child behaves the way he or she does although he or she is no longer in
a stressful environment? This workshop examines what toxic stress is and how this experience interacts with brain
development and a child’s ability to learn. The workshop also provides information to assist caregivers and social
workers in understanding the neurological processes behind behavior, and how to effectively advocate for a child’s
educational needs.
Building Relationships for Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families: Understanding the Role of Infant
Mental Health in Community and Program Settings
Ellen Wheatley, Ph.D. and Jessica Sugrue, MS, AMP/ECMP-WT, DCYF Child Development Bureau
Research has shown that young children (0–3) require responsive caregiving during the most critical
period of development. Environmental and biological factors can compromise the long term social, emotional, and
cognitive development of infants and toddlers.
An understanding of infant mental health provides a bridge for communities, families, and systems of care and
education to nurture and support quality relationships, provide interventions for developmental concerns, and
address the impact of toxic stress on the developing child and family.
Join the discussion as we explore local, regional, and national tools and resources to support and deepen our
understanding of infant mental health and the powerful impact it can have healthy developmental outcomes
s6 s7 Third Workshop Session (3:15pm – 4:15pm)
t1 The Culture of Autism
Barbara R. Frankel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire; Clinical Social Worker;
Marriage and Family Therapist
This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to gain an understanding of the unique
features of autism and its significant impact on the family.
While the challenges a family encounters are daunting, a family’s ability to adapt effectively to the chronic stresses
are dependent on a number of factors that include: 1) the individual and collective resources of parents; 2) the
culture of the community in which they live; 3) the availability of educational and treatment services; and 4)
sufficiently supportive social systems that are constructive and congruent with the needs of the family. Participants
will gain more understanding of how to be helpful to families who live with autism.
New Hampshire Animal Cruelty Laws and the Link to Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Lindsay Hamrick, New Hampshire State Director, The Humane Society of the United States
Jerilee A. Zezula, D.V.M., Associate Professor Emeritus, Applied Animal Science, Thompson School of Applied
Science, University of New Hampshire
Child welfare professionals, in their experience, can see a correlation between incidences of animal
cruelty in households and rates of family violence. Professionals face a challenge in assessing risk and determining
the best course for protecting vulnerable individuals.
In this session we will discuss current animal cruelty laws, and how animal cruelty investigation works in New
Hampshire. More than 60% of families have at least one pet and we will present on what to look for to identify
possible neglect and cruelty, and who to turn to if there are concerns. This session is part of an initiative between
DCYF, Child & Family Services, The Humane Society of the United States, and the NH Federation of Humane
t2 r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
Organizations to better prepare DCYF field staff in the area of animal abuse and cruelty.
Solution-Based Casework: What You Can Expect
Deb Kavanagh, MSW, Field Administrator, Division of Children, Youth and Families
Christen McCarthy, JPPO IV, Bureau of Juvenile Justice Services, DCYF
This workshop is designed for the DCYF partners and stakeholders to learn more about DCYF’s
commitment to solution focused work and its utilization of Solution Based Casework as part of our Practice Model.
Child Protection and Juvenile Probation and Parole both utilize this partnership approach to target specific everyday
events in the life of a family that have caused the family difficulty. Solution-Based Casework combines the best of
problem-focused relapse prevention approaches with solution-focused models. By integrating the two approaches,
partnerships between family, caseworker, and service providers can be developed that account for basic needs,
while ensuring safety for children and youth, as well as the community that restores the family’s pride in their own
competence to care for their children without agency involvement
Playing with Purpose: Holistic Wellness and Reactive Attachment Disorder
Lee Gallagher, LICSW, CYT, Clinical Director, Bennington School, Becket Family of Services
Amber Lee, B.A., RYT, Bennington School Yoga Teacher
Children who have experienced early and repetitive attachment trauma are faced with experiencing
chronic stress, anxiety, and neurological effects, making caregiving a special art.
Using our trauma informed lens, this workshop will discuss and demonstrate mindful practices that have been
shown to help with the relational and regulatory challenges many of our children experience.
Restorative Practices: Supporting the Division’s Practice Model
Todd Crumb, MJA, Practice Model Director, DCYF
Eric Skillings, Training Officer/Program Specialist, DCYF
Restorative Practices include traditional Restorative Justice activities that are intended to repair harm,
as well as strategies designed to build communities that are likely to decrease the occurrences of wrongdoing. As a
foundation of DCYF’s Practice Model, Restorative Practices will be utilized across all areas of field practice.
This workshop will introduce participants to the basic concepts of Restorative Practices and provide an overview of
its implementation within DCYF.
Victims’ Compensation Program
Lisa J. Lamphere, Coordinator, NH Victims’ Compensation Program, NH Attorney General’s Office
For many victims, the costs of medical bills, mental health treatment, relocation, and other expenses are
an enormous burden.
During this roundtable discussion about the Victims’ Compensation Program, the NH Victims’ Compensation
coordinator will facilitate a discussion about how this program helps crime victims and families. Topics will include
how to get help, who may qualify, and what crime-related expenses may be paid. Participants will learn how to make
a positive difference in the lives of victims.
Leadership in Action: What’s Your Strength?
Heidi Young, Administrator, DCYF Organizational Learning Team
Michelle Rosenthal, M.Ed., Training Coordinator, NH Department of Health and Human Services,
Organization Development and Training Services (ODTS)
According to Tom Rath, in StrengthsFinder 2.0, “having the opportunity to develop our strengths is
more important to our success than our role, our title, or even our pay.”
How do we utilize our own strengths to build the strongest possible team—and the future leaders of our agency?
How do we reach these lofty goals while meeting all of the day-to-day demands of supervision? This workshop will
provide tips and tools to help you find that balance.
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e
t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 22nd Annual DCYF Conference
Tools for the Trade: Community, Prevention, Protection, and Security
Register Online at
Date: Friday, May 8, 2015
Time: 8:30am–4:30pm, registration begins at 7:30am
Location: Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH
Registration Fee:
DCYF staff (including CPS, JJS, SYSC, and others), IV-E/
DCYF interns, Collaborating Birth Parent, or Youth – No Charge
56 Old Suncook Road, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Resource Parent (Foster, Pre/Adoptive, Relative caregiver), Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
volunteer, CCR&R Staff, or full-time student – $75
Other Professionals – $125
Please select workshops (one per session):
First Workshop Session:
Second Workshop Session:
Third Workshop Session:
Please select lunch:
Caribbean Chicken w/ Mango Salsa (GF)
Carrot Osso Buco w/ Mushrooms (vegan, GF))
Title: _____________________________________ Organization:________________________________________
City:_______________________________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: ___________________
This address is my:
Daytime Phone: ___________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________
*An e-mail confirmation will be sent prior to the event.
Please Select Method of Payment:
Check #: _____________
Checks can be made payable to the University of NH
Purchase Order #: ___________________ Please email copy of PO to, or fax 603.228.3270
Billing Contact Name: ___________________________ Billing Contact Phone: ________________________
Billing Contact E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________
Visa/MC – Please check your email for a link to pay balance online, or call 603.228.2084 to pay by phone.
I understand and agree to the event policies outlined in this brochure (Signature Required)
Please note any dietary/accessibility accommodations here: ______________________________________________
r e g i s t e r at w w w . u n h . e d u / c p e