Timetables, prices and information
Timetables, prices and information
Brockwell Lido Timetables, prices and information From May 2011 Centre information Membership Welcome to the centre programme for Brockwell Lido. We aim to provide an affordable and diverse range of quality leisure facilities and activities for all. We strive to make each visit an enjoyable one so please do let us know your thoughts about our levels of service by completing a ‘Please Tell Us What You Think’ form. Brockwell Lido, nestled in the corner of Brockwell Park, is a much-loved local landmark. It has been at the heart of the local community since 1937. The Art Deco Grade II listed building has been extended and transformed and now offers fantastic health and fitness facilities all year round. Brockwell Lido is brought to you by London Borough of Lambeth, working in partnership with Fusion. As an experienced sport and leisure organisation and a registered charity, Fusion continually reinvests to improve and develop what’s on offer in your community. Facilities list • • • • • • • Lido - Brockwell Lido is one of London’s few remaining outdoor swimming pools. One of the most famous Lidos in London welcomes visitors. When the season begins, there’s nowhere better to swim. Gym - Our state of the art gym is relaxed and welcoming. We have cardiovascular machines, resistance machines and separate free weights and stretching areas. • • Health suite - After the gym, a class or hard day’s work, the sauna and steam room are a perfect way to unwind. Hydro pool - A hydrotherapy pool is different from a standard pool as it provides a relaxing environment as well as invaluable help for our customers who have joint and muscle problems. Group exercise - Our dedicated exercise studios have semi-sprung floors and air conditioning and are the perfect place to feel healthy, increase your fitness and have fun. Indoor cycle studio - Equipped with first class modern spinning bikes, these classes will be held in the separate part of the gym. • Whippersnappers - Whippersnappers Day Nursery is an Ofsted registered nursery that offers full time day-care by qualified and experienced staff in a stimulating and happy environment for children from the ages of 3 months to 8 years’’ to book please contact info@whippersnappers.org or call 0207 738 6633. Advanced physio - Our mission is simple - we believe that wherever possible everyone should expect to have a pain-free and fully functioning body. We are the experts in making you move, feel and perform better and we provide a thoroughly comprehensive service aimed at not only totally resolving your injury problems but also educating you about your body. Our unique approach to musculoskeletal injury management is second to none – that’s why we are called Advanced Physiotherapy please contact us on info@advancedphysiocentres.co.uk or call 0207 884 0033. Car park - We offer our patrons parking facilities at this centre. Spaces are limited during busy periods. You cannot book or reserve spaces at the car park. Please see local signs in the car park for temporary permits that may be applicable. This is a shared parking facility with users of Brockwell Park. Café - The Lido Café has been transformed into a beautiful and relaxed café/restaurant with amazing views over Brockwell Lido, serving carefully sourced seasonal food and drink. The Café is available for private hire please contact the cafe at info@thelidocafe.co.uk or call 0207 737 8183. Membership Choice membership Our Choice membership offers unique, all inclusive access to a huge range of interesting, varied sport and leisure activities and facilities locally… and it’s great value. Whatever your preferences or circumstances, we hope to offer a membership to suit you. Choice membership is available from £35 per month, please speak with a customer service advisor for more information. Casual use - You can also enjoy our facilities and activities on a ‘casual use’ basis with the below prices. Health and fitness Non Members Concession 60+ Adult gym and spa £11.35 £7.75 £7.75 Adult exercise class £8.25 £6.20 £6.20 Personal training Members Per session £41.00 £46.50 3 sessions £124.00 £139.00 5 sessions £186.00 £206.00 10 sessions £361.00 £400.00 Non Member Swimming* Lido season ticket (April through to October) £177.50 Lido season ticket concession (April through to October) £152.00 Family swim season ticket (2 adults and 2 children under 16) - concession £310.00 Family swim season ticket (2 adults and 2 children under 16) £448.00 Junior season ticket (under 16) £123.00 Adult early morning season ticket (06.30-10.00) £115.00 Adult Lido casual swim £5.35 Adult Lido swim - concession £3.70 Adult Lido swim - 60+ £3.70 Child Lido swim - under 16s £3.20 Child Lido swim - under 5s Free Family Lido swim (2 adults and 2 children under 16) £13.40 Adult and child Lido swim £6.70 Extra child £1.50 Junior Season Vouchers x10 £26.00 Adult Season Vouchers x10 £41.00 Early morning swim (06.30 - 10.00) Early Lido swim £2.70 Early Lido swim - concession (those over the age of 60 swim free on receipt of appropriate documents) £2.10 Evening swim (17.00 - 20.00) Evening Lido swim £3.00 Evening Lido swim - concession £2.50 * Spectators will be charged normal casual swim prices, however price is inclusive for members. Pool timetable Pool timetable Class descriptions Brockwell Lido houses one of London’s few remaining outdoor swimming pools. The swimming pool can be enjoyed by everyone for both recreational and fitness purposes. Swimming is an excellent and relaxing way to exercise. Why not make it a part of your healthy lifestyle? There’s nowhere better to enjoy it. Pool opening times Pool admission policy April and October - Extended season: Monday - Friday 06:3 0 - 13:00 16:00 - 19:00 Saturday and Sunday 08:00 - 18:00 Under 8s 16:00 - 20:00 08:00 - 18:00 For Fun Session / Flumes Open & Features On, children aged 0-3 years will need to be supervised on a 1:1 basis, with 4-7 year olds on a 1:2 basis. With mixed ages (where one child is 0-3 and one is 4-7) 2 adults are required. For quiet programmed sessions in the leisure pool with no flumes or features, 0-7 year olds need to be supervised on a 1:2 basis. In any public swimming session that permits children, no supervision will be needed for those over 8 years old who are able to swim. 06:30 - 20:00 08:00 - 18:00 The last ticket for entry into the pool is 30 minutes prior to closing. Dress code Note: Opening hours may be affected by weather conditions and daylight hours. Last entry to pool 30 minutes prior to closing. Only swimmers wearing costumes/trunks may enter the pool. Cut down shorts, jeans, shorts worn below the knee or T-shirts must not be worn in the water. Correct bathing attire must be worn at all times in or around poolside. Those not adhering to the correct dress code will be asked to dress correctly and may be asked to leave if the offence is repeated. Closed Tuesday Closed Wednesday Closed Thursday Closed Friday Closed Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Staff Training For Hire Lane Swim Lido Care Session General Swim General Swim Lane Swim Lane Swim Family Fun General Swim Fit Swim General Swim Lido Care Session Snorkelling Circuits Lane Swim Sunday Service General Swim Lane Swim General Swim Closed Closed 22:00 21:00 20:00 Closed Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim 19:00 Family Fun For Hire General Swim Closed Lane Swim Swim Express Family Fun and Snorkelling Lane Swim 18:00 Family Fun General Swim General Swim Closed Lane Swim Swim Express Lido Care Session 17:00 Family Fun For Hire For Hire Lane Swim Closed Lane Swim Swim Express General Swim 16:00 Family Fun For Hire General Swim Swim General Closed Lane Swim Swim Express Lane Swim Fit Swim Windrush Triclub This club is part of the British triathlon. To find out more please contact them at windrushtriclub@gmail.com or visit the website www.windrushtri.co.uk Family Fun Swim Express General Swim Fit Swim Tuesday and Thursday Dip Concession session, during these sessions, all entrance will be discounted to the casual concession price. Please ask at reception for further details. General Swim Open area of the pool where you can enjoy more freedom to paddle, bathe or swim widths or lengths. 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 Lane Swim Monday Swim Express Lane swimming during your lunch break, refresh yourself ready for the afternoon session of work. Please note; Fit swim sessions take place in October. 08:00 07:00 06:00 Pool timetable - October only Lido Sunday Service Concession dip for those first time swimmers or weaker swimmer who are looking for a chance to take the plunge. Family Fun Fun session for the whole family, this may include the inflatable, but will include toys and floats. Please note that if the inflatable is in use only those able to swim 25 metres or more are permitted to use this. Just in time June, July and August: Monday - Friday Saturday and Sunday Scuba Junior and adult scuba sessions to book contact Simon Gray on 07915 604770 / simongray@googlemail.com. Additional charges apply. Fit Swim Structured group swim fitness/technique session with Lido Mike, participants must be able to comfortably swim 200 metres front crawl. Lido Mike also offers 1:1 lessons tailored for novices to advanced tri-athletes, please contact Mike at lido.mike@hotmail. co.uk or call on 0777 026 1809. 15:00 07:00 - 13:00 Lido Care Deep clean of the lido, to maintain the hertigate of the building. Circuits A water and dry side based class, for those looking for an all round Lido experience. Our gym instructors will put you through your paces both in and out of the water. 14:00 May and September: Monday - Friday Saturday and Sunday Lane Swim For swimming lengths only, the lane may be withdrawn when there is high demand for the pool. Available for Hire Any local group may hire this pool. Pool facilities are available for hire subject to availability, please ask at reception for more details. Pool timetable Schools General Swim Schools Thurs Swim Express Dip General Swim Schools Lane Swim General Swim Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Fit Swim Lane Swim Schools Swim Express Schools General Swim Lane Swim Family Swim Lane Swim Family Swim Lane Swim General Swim Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fit Swim 13:00 12:00 11:00 Lane Swim Schools Schools Lane Swim Lane Swim Schools Lane Swim Schools General SwimSchools Schools Lido Care Session Family swim Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Fit Swim Lane Swim Schools Schools Lane Swim Schools General Swim Lane Swim Family Swim Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim General Swim *School swimming sessions finish on 22nd July 2011 Family Swim Fit Swim 20:00 19:00 General Swim Closed Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim General Swim Family Swim General Swim Tri Club Family Swim General Swim Fit Swim Family Swim General Swim Tri Club Family Swim General Swim Lane Swim Closed Closed Closed Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim Closed Lane Swim Lane Swim General Swim General Swim Tri Club Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 Family swim Family Swim Lane Swim Fit Swim General Swim Closed Closed General Swim General Swim Fit Swim Please note school sessions will be starting from 17th May 12:30-14:00 until 22nd July. Schools Lane Swim General Swim Lane Swim General Swim 10:00 09:00 08:00 07:00 06:00 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Monday Family swim Closed Pool timetable - June, July and August only Main Pool Lido Care Session General Swim Lane Swim Closed Lane Swim For Hire For Hire General Swim Tri Club Closed Closed 20:00 Lane Swim Family swim 22:00 General Swim For Hire General Swim 22:00 Lane Swim Express Swim Schools Lane Swim For Hire Lane Swim 21:00 Schools Lane Swim Circuits 21:00 Swim Express General Swim Family swim 19:00 Fit Swim 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 09:00 08:00 06:00 General Swim Tues Dip Schools Lane Swim Lido Care Session 18:00 Friday Schools General Swim For Hire 17:00 Thursday Lane Swim Express Swim Schools 16:00 Wednesday Lane Swim 15:00 Tuesday Please note school sessions will be starting from 17th May 12:30-14:00 until 22nd July. 14:00 Monday Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Main Pool 07:00 Pool timetable - May and September only Lane Swim Closed Closed Closed Closed Group exercise We run a variety of exercise classes every day, so there’s sure to be one that’s right for you. Our high quality studios are the ideal surroundings to enjoy getting active with like-minded people. Our group exercise classes take place in our gym and in our studios which have semi-sprung floors and air conditioning and are the perfect place to feel healthy, increase your fitness and have fun. Class descriptions Astanga Yoga* Classes incorporate preparatory movements to establish a stable breath, internal heat and a grounded centre before moving to the abbreviated primary series which promotes strength, flexibility and stamina through sun salutations, standing poses and seated postures. Contact Dan Levitas at danlevitas@yahoo.co.uk to book. Balinese Shaking* This cathartic class allows you to burn away blocks within the body, mind and spirit. Contact Hazel Donovan at hazel.donovan@iname.com to book. Belly dancing* An exciting, graceful, liberating and empowering dance in a friendly and relaxed Empress Bellydance class. Contact info@empressbellydance.com or call 07758 586 424. Body AttackTM A cardiovascular interval training programme that combines high intensity aerobics, strength and stabilisation exercises. Body BalanceTM A dynamic, fitness-to-music programme that leaves you feeling relaxed and renewed. Body BalanceTM combines the best of Eastern disciplines, like Yoga and Tai Chi, with popular new methods such as Pilates and Feldenkrais. Body PumpTM A class using barbells and adjustable weights to tone and condition muscles while raising metabolic rate for rapid fat-burning. Bollywood Kick A fast and furious dance aerobics class for all those who love a bit of shimmi alternated with a serious high impact rountine, all to the sound of Bollywood and beyond. Boxerfit This class utilises boxing training techniques, an excellent way to burn fat and increase fitness. Dynamic Flow Yoga This class offers grounding, mindful breath-synchronised movements around a central core to establish stability, strength and composure, cultivating and refining biomechanical awareness. Full 4 Life Gym based sessions, drop in and get advice from our gym team. Why not share a cup of tea or coffee after and meet new friends. Hatha Yoga* Open classes for all levels balancing exercise in the postures with periods of stillness and relaxtion. The breath together with awareness of the body are emphasised, creating deep release which cultivates flexibility, strength, stability and relaxation. Contact Nigel on thewitnesstree@aol.com to book classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Contact Paul Duffy, at Julia-paul@tiscali.co.uk to book Sunday classes. Group exercise Pilates Developed to offer a conditioning and toning technique that targets the deep muscles supporting the spine and major joints. Pre-School Yoga Contact Antonia at Antonia.Pollock@btinternet.com to book. Post-Natal Yoga Gentle, safe and revitalising yoga for post-natal recovery, done together with yoga for babies. All stages of post-natal recovery catered for, from 6 weeks until your baby is moblie. Pregnancy Yoga* Gentle, safe, relaxing and enjoyable yoga movement and breathing specifically for pregnant women (all stages of pregnancy from 14-42 weeks). This class particularly welcomes women in later pregnancy, but all stages are welcome. Contact yoga@sitram.org to book. Sivananda Yoga Aims to retain the vitality of the body, retard the decaying process, and decrease chance of disease, by simply and naturally cultivating the body. SkipFit Learn to skip and have fun! A great fat burner that focuses on the whole body. Suitable for all levels. Indoor Cycle Designed to push you to the limit. This class improves endurance and burns fat fast. Suitable for all levels, this class is based on a bike, focusing on the heart and lungs, but also a great way to develop your lower body and burn plenty of calories. Tai Chi Tai Chi is the art of exercising the body’s energy system. It involves simple exercises performed in a soft, relaxed fashion combined with meditation. Ideal for relieving stress and tension, it also improves health, posture, breathing and self defense. Total Body Conditioning Total Body Conditioning is a fun filled work out that uses aerobic movements to lift your heart rate and burn calories. Uses hand weights to tone and sculpt the body. Tune Out Back by popular demand, for just 1.5 hours, no music will be played in the gym. Members can enjoy their iPods and workout in a no volume environment. Wow West End* Packed full of fun, music, dance and drama. This class works with small groups of 10-14 children, aged 5-7 years old or 7-11 years old. Wow West End is run by 2 leading professionals, Emma Clifford and Katie Knight-Adams. They have played leading roles in shows such as Phantom of the Opera, My Fair Lady, West Side Story and Chicago, all in London’s West End. They have a wealth of teaching experience and are fully CRB checked. Please visit www.wowwestend.com for more information. Youngstars* We deliver fun, energetic games in a non-competitive environment and encourage help and support for each other. The sports introduced include; basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, tennis, t-ball (similar to rounders and baseball) and cricket. For more information contact info@youngstars.co.uk or call 0845 222 1313. Zumba A Latin inspired dance fitness class, suitable for all levels. Come and workout to the sounds of Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia and Reggaeton, with easy to follow dance moves. Legs, Bums and Tums (LBT) An aerobics focused class designed to tone the lower body. A mix of high/low impact moves combined with floor work for muscle toning. Martial Arts Southern Shaolin Martial Arts and contemporary self defense, ideal for both men and women, no experience necessary. Ideal to build strength, fitness, physical awareness, focus within a practical self defense system. *External partnered class, book directly with external partner. Group exercise timetable Group exercise timetable Day Time Class Level Location Day Time Class Level Location Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 06:45-07:45 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:00-11:00 10:00-11:30 11:00-12:00 12:15-13:15 18:30-19:15 18:30-19:30 18:30-20:00 19:15-20:15 19:30-20:15 20:15-21:15 20:15-21:45 20:30-21:30 Hatha Yoga Full 4 Life Pre-school Yoga* Pilates Hatha Yoga* Pilates Body BalanceTM Dance Aerobics Body PumpTM Hatha Yoga* Zumba Boxerfit Pilates Hatha Yoga* Beginners Yoga All Over 50’s All Adv All Int/Imp All All All All All All Beg All Beg Studio 3 Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 3 Studio 2 Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 09:30-10:30 10:00-11:00 10:30-11:30 11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 14:00-15:30 18:15-19:00 19:30-20:15 19:30-20:30 20:15-21:15 20:15-21:15 Pilates* Pilates Tai Chi* Pilates Pilates Post Natal and Baby Yoga*# LBT Aerobics Skip & KickFit Body BalanceTM Astanga Yoga* All Adv All Int/Imp Beg All All All All All All Studio 1 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 3 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 1 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 06:30-09.00 07:00-08:00 09:30-10:30 10:00-11:00 10:00-11:30 11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14.00-15.00 16:00-17:00 18:30-19:30 18:30-19:30 18:30-20:00 19:30-20:15 19:30-20:30 20:15-20:30 20:30-21:30 20:30-21:30 20:30-21:30 Tune Out Body PumpTM Pilates * Pilates Sivananda Yoga* Zumba Ballet Tone Dynamic Flow Yoga Mum and Baby Yoga* Wow West End* Body BalanceTM Boxcircuit Hatha Yoga* Total Body Conditioning Pilates Pump Technique Kung Fu Fitness Ballet Body PumpTM All All All All All All All All All Juniors All All All All Int All All All All Gym Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio1 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 3 Studio 2 Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 10:00-11:00 12:15-13:15 18:30-19:30 18:30-19:30 19:00-21:00 19:30-20:30 Astanga Yoga* Body PumpTM Body AttackTM Hatha Yoga* Balinese Shaking* Body PumpTM All All All All All All Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday 09:00-10:00 09:30-10:30 09:30-11:00 10:00-11:00 10:30-11:30 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:30 11:30-12:30 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:30 14:45-15:45 Step* Pilates Astanga Yoga* Pliates Ballet Tone Body PumpTM Sivananda Yoga* Pilates Bollywood Kick Belly Dancing* Belly Dancing* All Adv/Int All All All All All Beg All All All Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 2 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 07:00-08:00 09:00-10:00 09:30-10:30 10:00-11:30 10:30-11:15 13:30-15:00 15:00-16.30 16:15-17:15 17:45-18:30 18:30-19:30 18:30-19:30 19:30-20:30 19:30-20:30 19:30-20:30 20:30-21:30 20:30-21:30 20:30-21:30 Pilates Full 4 Life Cardio Tone Hatha Yoga* Abs & Stretch Post-Natal and Baby Yoga*# Pregnancy Yoga*# Flamenco Kids* Pilates* Flamenco Adults* Zumba Body BalanceTM Body AttackTM Tai Chi Martial Arts Pilates Body PumpTM Beg Over 50’s All All All All All Juniors All All All All All All All Adv All Studio 2 Gym Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 3 Studio 1 Studio 2 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 09:30-10:30 10:00-11:30 10:30-11:30 11:15-12:45 11:30-12:45 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:00 15:30-17:00 16:00-17:15 17:30-19:00 Zumba Hatha Yoga* Swiss Ball Hatha Yoga* Yoga for a Healthy Back* Body BalanceTM Pilates Pilates Hatha Yoga* Hatha Yoga* Pregnancy Yoga* Pregnancy Yoga*# All All All All All All Int Adv All All All All Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 3 Studio 3 Studio 2 Studio 3 All classes are available to both members and non-members Beg - Beginner / Int - Intermediate / Imp - Improver / Adv - Advanced *Private hire, extra cost applies, pre-booking essential. Any class booking made which a member can no longer attend must be cancelled 1 hour before its start time otherwise a ‘no show’ fee will be charged to the members account. Indoor cycling timetable Group exercise booking conditions Booking a class All classes are bookable 5 days in advance for members or 3 days in advance for non members. Full payment is required at the point of booking and this payment is non-refundable. To access a class all customers must have a class ticket, available from reception. Fitness class guide All classes are designed for all abilities and allow you to exercise at your own pace. Customers are reminded that they will not be able to join the class after 5 minutes past the start time due to you missing an essential part of the class, the health screening and warm up by the instructor. Class cancellation policy Any class booking made which a member can no longer attend must be cancelled in advance otherwise a ‘NO SHOW’ fee will be charged to the members account. Zumba class at Brockwell Lido Day Time Class Level Location Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 06:45 – 07:30 13:15 – 13:45 18:00 – 18:30 18:30 – 19:15 19:30 – 20:15 Indoor Cycle Express Indoor Cycle Express Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle All All All All All Cycling studio Cycling studio Cycling studio Cycling studio Cycling studio Tuesday Tuesday 18:30 – 19:15 20:00 – 20:45 Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle All All Cycling studio Cycling studio Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 06:45 – 07:30 18:30 – 19:15 19:30 – 20:30 Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle Windrush Tri Indoor Cycle All All All Cycling studio Cycling studio Cycling Studio Thursday Thursday Thursday 07:00 – 07:45 19:00 – 19:45 19:45 – 20:30 Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle Indoor Cycle All All All Cycling studio Cycling studio Cycling studio Friday Friday 06:45 – 07:30 13:15 – 13:45 Indoor Cycle Express Indoor Cycle All All Cycling studio Cycling studio Saturday 10:00 – 10:45 Indoor Cycle All Cycling studio Sunday 11:00 – 11:45 Indoor Cycle All Cycling studio Indoor Cycle at Brockwell Lido Junior activities 30/30 Teen Circuit and Spin, each lasting 30 minutes. A high energy, fun circuit class designed to increase tone and fitness - including cycle element to really improve overall body performance. For 13-15 year olds. at Capoeria - Beginners Whippersnappers led classes. Book through Whippersnappers for beginners aged 8-11 years. Capoeira - Intermediates Whippersnappers led classes. Book through Whippersnappers for beginners aged 11 years +. Creative Dance For children age 5-7 years old. This class develops children’s imagination, co-ordination and expression through dance, movement, music and play. includes: Junior Gym Gym based sessions, drop in and get advice from our gym team. Group inductions will be given for juniors 13-15 years. Kids Yoga Relax and strech. Start early for a relaxing class. Youngstars multisports Half term camp for 3-11 year olds. Our partners Youngstars will provide a fun safe environment for your children to learn and socialise in. ido ll L Brockwe Jazz/Contemporary/Street dance This class is a fusion of jazz, contemporary and street dance. For children aged 8 years and above. lido gym ite health su gramme oliday pro h s discount r parties FREE fo hild goes birthday c classes n* ter Londo Dance/Theatre/Performance This class is a fusion of contemporary, jazz, street and Latin dance, with theatre and performance. For children aged 12 years and above, as well as adults. Grea es across ure centr l leis of severa plus, use y: jo n u can e where yo nder 16s ses for u udio clas Junior activities timetable junior st ire d pitch h discounte courses & sports Day Time Class Level Location Monday Monday Monday Monday 10:00 -10:30 16:00 -16:30 16:30 -17:15 17:15 -18:00 Kids Yoga Creative Dance Jazz/Contemporary/Street Dance Dance/Theatre/Performance All 5-7 yrs 8-11 yrs 12-15 yrs Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 2 Tuesday Tuesday 16:00 -17:00 16:15 -17:15 30/30 Junior Gym Session 13-15 yrs 13-15 yrs Studio 2 and bikes Gym Wednesday Wednesday 17:00 -18:00 18:00 -19:00 Caporia Caporia 5-11 yrs 11 yrs+ Studio 2 Studio 2 Thursday 16:00 -17:00 30/30 13-15 yrs Studio 3 and bikes Saturday 10:00 -11:00 Junior Gym Session 13-15 yrs Gym wo l for t o o h c S Swim racquets rts waterspo Ask at reception for details s discount Swim l Schoo o for tdw ed inclu Half term Camp May 31st-3rd June Summer Youngstars* 3-12 yrs Book and pay direct with reception or call Youngstars on 0845 222 1313 Watch out for the Youngstars summer camp starting Monday 25th July 2011 * Required outside clothing (packed lunch for those doing full day) Youngstars full day 09:00-15:00 Youngstars half day 09:00-12:00 or 12:00-15:00 £25.00 £15.00 *Additional Greater London facilities available in Enfield, Southwark, Hounslow, Croydon & Leatherhead. Terms and conditions apply per centre. See www.fusion-lifestyle.com Contact information Where to find us Brockwell Lido Brockwell Park, Dulwich Road, London SE24 0PA Tel: 020 7274 3088 Opening times Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Bank holiday 06:30 - 22:00 07:30 - 21:30 07:30 - 21:00 10:00 - 18:00 The gym, studios and health suite begin closing 30 minutes before the published opening times, customers should therefore be ready to exit the centre by the published time. Parking is provided when using the centre only. BLU is a pressure group set up to represent Lido users with the aim to ensure that Brockwell Lido and its services are maintained and enhanced for present and future generations. Available in LARGE print www.brockwell-lido.com Brockwell Lido is brought to you by London Borough of Lambeth, working in partnership with Fusion. As an experienced sport and leisure organisation and a registered charity, Fusion continually reinvests to improve and develop what’s on offer in your community.