Sept 4, 16 23rd - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Sept 4, 16 23rd - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Saint Francis of Assisi Parish 2025 Napier Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2N8 604-255-8855 h-p:// Pastor: Fr Eugenio Aloisio In Residence: Fr Aloysius Anyichie Sunday Masses: Saturday 5:00 pm (an4cipated), Sunday 9:00 am (Italian), 10:30 am, 5:00 pm Weekday Masses: Monday 8:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm (Perpetual Novena), Wednesday 8:00 am, Thursday 8:00 am & 11:00 (Italian), Friday 8:00 am, Saturday 9:00 am Confession: Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm September 4, 2016 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Interested in Becoming Catholic? Our RCIA program will be beginning September 21. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith, this is for you! RCIA (Rite of Chris4an Ini4a4on for Adults) par4cipants meet Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. Catholics who would like to learn the basics are also welcome to a-end. Call 604-255-8855 for more info. Children’s Liturgy Volunteers Needed Our Children’s Liturgy program will resume Sunday, Sept 18 during the 10:30 am Mass. Volunteers are needed to assist with the children and perhaps do some reading. To volunteer or get more informa4on, please call the Office at 604-255-8855. Radiothon for Italy Earthquake Support The Italian Cultural Centre will be hos4ng a Radiothon on Sunday, Sept 4 from 12 – 4 pm to collect dona4ons for disaster relief in the aEermath of the earthquake in Italy. Join them for a fourhour radio segment on Spice Radio 1200AM. During the program, Imagine Italia, they will be discussing disaster relief on a local level and how the community in Vancouver can help. The Italian Cultural Centre will be accep4ng phone dona4ons to the Canadian Red Cross. A dona4on of any amount is appreciated to help send relief funds to the vic4ms and families that were affected by this tragedy. Couples for Christ (CFC) Catholic Men’s Conference All men are invited to join in this Spirit-filled and fes4ve event unlocking God’s power through gra4tude Sept. 24-25 at North Delta Secondary School (theatre), 11447 82 Ave, Delta. The theme, “The Power of Gra4tude” was inspired by the CFC theme for this year, “Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks” (Philippians 4:4-7). Cost: $110. To register and for further informa4on, please contact: Rick/Rocky Ysonza at 778-855-0398 or email Marriage Enrichment Retreat All married couples are invited to St. Mary’s Parish (Vancouver) for a Marriage Enrichment Retreat on Saturday, Sept. 10, from 9am 4:30pm in the school gym, followed by Mass and renewal of vows at 5pm. Free event; lunch/snacks will be served. To register, contact Romer/Romenin 778-875-2327 or George/ Susan 778-668-7422. Mass Intenons and Parish Acvies Sat Sept 3 5:00 pm Sun Sept 4 9:00 am † Thelma Pescozo † Felice Basta † Felice & Maria Coltellaro † Silvio Bevacqua † Antonio & Rosaria Orlando 10:30 am † Basta Bosa 12:00 pm Bapsm - Welcome to Maeo Quick 4:30 pm Choir pracce - Sun 5 pm 5:00 pm All Parishioners Mon Sept 5 Labour Day 8:00 am Office Closed for the Holiday † Lida Pallo-o Tue Sept 6 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Rosary in the Church Perpetual Novena - St Anthony Wed Sept 7 8:00 am 7:00 pm † All Souls in Purgatory Choir pracce - Sat 5 pm Thur Sept 8 8:00 am † Rose-a Posteraro 11:00 am † Basta Bosa † Joe Trapasso † Maria & Luigi Aiello 11:00 am SFA Over 50 Club 5:30 pm Legion of Mary in Conf Rm 6:00 pm PEC meeng at the school Na4vity of Blessed Virgin Mary Fri Sept 9 8:00 am † All Souls in Purgatory Sat Sept 10 9:00 am Spec Inten4on St Anne † Rosina & Muoio Mollezzi Sacrament of Reconciliaon All Parishioners 4:15 pm 5:00 pm Sun Sept 11 9:00 am † Girolamo Cerato † Alfonso Gagliano † Domenico Di Tomaso 10:30 am Family Mass † Adamo & Rosa Cabrone † Rene Jaudines 11:30 am Coffee & Goodies in Hall 4:30 pm Choir pracce - Sun 5 pm 5:00 pm † A4lio Guerra & Daniele Feragoto Please support these businesses which directly support St Francis of Assisi Parish Donations of non-perishable food welcome in the Food Bank box in the Atrium (near the elevator). All Types of Roofing & Repairs Residential • Commercial • Industrial 24 Hr Emergency Service T. 604.640.ROOF (7663) MEAT MARKET Serving the Community Since 1991 Eugenio Masi Giancarlo Masi Vito Masi Tel: 604-253-2242 1310 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 2Z9 Fax: 604-253-2260 Thursdays at 11 am Mass Meeting Social Bingo All are Welcome! Italian spoken 604-253-7311 Teacher specialists After School Club Award winning academic and physical education programs Call 604-531-2141 or to download our free planning guide visit
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