Summit 15 Calgary Flyer Oct 27


Summit 15 Calgary Flyer Oct 27
Summit 15
When Struggling Readers
Oct 27-28, 2016
Dreams Come True
Calgary Telus
Convention Centre
“Summit within
a Summit”
Full-Day Kindergarten
Grade 1 Retreat:
28 Oct 2016
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Carol
A Summit for Early Literacy Leaders:
Scholars and Practitioners Working Together
Vision: Thriving Readers by K - 3!
Action: Implementing Joyful Interventions!
Summit 15 Rate
$395.00 plus GST
Target Audience: Teams of teachers, coaches, and administrators
Everyone Who Teaches Struggling Children
O n the S ho u l ders of G iants
Recent Summits were full.
Book early.
Block bookings are available to
schools and districts. Purchase
spaces now and provide
names later. Registrations
cannot be cancelled. However,
substitutions are welcome.
Request your registration
form by emailing
Join Our International
Literacy Experts
HDr. Richard Allington
HDr. Anne Cunningham
HRuth Culham
HCharlotte Diamond
HLori Jamison
HDr. Janet Mort
HMargo Southall
HDr. Carol Tomlinson
HMiriam Trehearne
in the Preschool and Primary Literacy Field
F e a t u ri n g
Dr. Richard
World Renowned
Intervention Expert
Dr. Carol
World Renowned
Differentiation Expert
All participants will attend plenary sessions with dynamic keynote speakers who will
remind us of the research and theoretical base of the Summit.
General workshops will focus on practical classroom strategies that can be implemented
on Monday. We now have multiple stories to share about classrooms and districts that are
implementing their version of Joyful Literacy Interventions and experiencing significant
success towards the 90% success goal.
Participants in the K/1 special ‘Summit within a Summit’ will leave with a step-by-step
plan for reaching 90% success plan with students in a play- and research-based classroom
environment – led by practicing teachers who have already accomplished the same.
Registration Instructions: Page 4
The Summits are
Non-Profit Events
Co-sponsored by
A First Class Beginning:
Learning INC.
(Janet Mort PhD)
Early Years Research
3. Assessment to Inform Instruction
Each speaker will reference the key research that makes it
unequivocally clear that even if children begin school with
challenges or deficits, over 90% of them are fully capable of
reading at grade level by the end of third grade. The entire
Summit is built on this conviction. If we want to change the
trajectory of struggling readers’ lives, we must rely on this
research to guide our path. The Summit program will include
the following six essential components. A variety of the listed
speakers will be selected to address each of these topics. The
detailed program will be available in the fall.
The Summit is guided by research showing that children must
learn over 41 sets (Mort, 2014) of essential skills in their first three
years of school, and some of these key skills have sub-sets of
skills within them. The teacher needs to know if children have
been taught the skill, if they require review of the skill, and if they
need to be referred for special assistance. The teacher needs
to be able to assess each child, track mastery of each skill and
be able to group children according to skill needs. The teacher
needs to use all of this information to inform daily instruction.
How the Summit is Organized
Shared Reading and Shared Writing are listed in the research
(NELP, 2008) as two of the most impactful practices that
accelerate future literacy success. What is Shared Reading and
Shared Writing and why do they have such an impact? What
makes these two practices different from guided reading or
other traditional approaches to emergent reading and writing?
How do we merge the best of all approaches? How do we
introduce reading and writing in kindergarten and grade one?
While there are many components in a balanced literacy
program, we have selected six key topics as our focus for
Struggling Children Thrive, as the research has identified these
essential components as foundational to any successful early
literacy program. Our keynote and workshop speakers will
specifically target these areas in their addresses.
1. A Dynamic Learning Environment
“Learning environments are largely invisible yet permeate
everything that happens in the classroom. Perhaps because of
their invisibility, we tend not to talk about them very much…
These missed opportunities diminish teachers’ awareness
of this critical aspect of schooling and their intentionality in
developing environments that actively invite learning.”
(Sousa & Tomlinson, 2011)
2. Foundational Skills and Knowledge
Contrary to recent decades of practice, it is now clear that
explicit instruction must begin in kindergarten (or earlier) for
struggling children. Research tells us that mastery of alphabet
knowledge and phonological awareness will have the greatest
impact on a child’s future literacy success, as will knowledge of
high frequency words learned by memory (NELP, 2008). How
do we incorporate the instruction of these essential skills and
knowledge into a play-based learning environment?
4. Emergent Shared Reading and Shared Writing
5. Brain-based Differentiated Instruction
Recent research has revealed so much about how the brain
learns, and we can no longer ignore the implications of these
discoveries for educational practice. Teachers need to find ways
to use this brain research to develop strategies that will allow
students to succeed in classrooms that enroll students with
a diversity of abilities, cultural backgrounds, and languages.
This research pool (called educational neuroscience) offers
information and insights that can help educators make
implementation decisions.
6. Leadership and Change for Early Learning
There is no more powerful way to initiate systemic change than
to implement “pilot sites” or “demonstration sites” as laboratories
where we can implement research-based change, apply theories,
and measure success with hard data and qualitative stories.
These sites can provide a snapshot of what the change would
look like for those who are not yet ready for full implementation.
We can celebrate victories and provide evidence to skeptics
or critics. These sites will not only require key leaders to be on
board, but also committed teachers who feel ready to take a big
implementation step.
Calgary Summit Speakers
Dr. Richard Allington is a well-known author
and co-author of: What Really Matters for
Struggling Readers; What Really Matters for
Response to Intervention; Learning to Read:
Lessons from exemplary first- grade classrooms;
Classrooms that Work: They can all read
and write; and Schools That Work: Where All
Children Read and Write; as well as over 100
other articles and publications. He serves on
numerous editorial boards for research journals. Past President of
the International Reading Association and the National Reading
Panel he has been an outspoken critic of failed government
initiatives and a powerful advocate for the rights of children who
struggle with reading.
October 27-28, 2016
Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson is Chair of Educational Leadership,
Foundations, and Policy at the University of Virginia’s Curry School
of Education. She was a public school teacher for 21 years in high
school, preschool, and middle school and administered programs
for struggling and advanced learners. Carol is author or coauthor of over 300 books, book chapters and articles, including:
How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms; The
Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners;
Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom; Differentiating
Instruction and Understanding by Design; The Differentiated School; Leading and
Managing a Differentiated Classroom; Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience
Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom and others. Carol works internationally with
educators who seek to create classrooms that are more effective with academically
diverse student populations.
Dr. Janet Mort has created a powerful intervention system for primary grades. Instead of retiring she returned to university
to determine how to help struggling young learners achieve literacy success. She systematically analyzed the prevailing Early
Learning research; designed a strategy to apply the research in primary classrooms; and created an innovative assessment and
tracking tool. Since then she has worked with over 100 teachers to apply the system in their classrooms. She has documented
the research and her system in a new book – Joyful Literacy Interventions. The results have been outstanding: The goal was to
begin applying the system in kindergarten with the goal of ensuring that vulnerable children reach grade level in literacy by
the end of grade three. Hard data demonstrates that teachers are succeeding in achieving that goal in most classrooms - even
in a Tribal School where success rates had previously been very low. Janet’s system features a play-based environment where
skills are embedded in practice activities in centers and each child’s progress is tracked skill by skill. Janet will describe her
strategy in a keynote address: Representatives from the Tribal School and a school district that has implemented throughout
their system will subsequently provide workshops to provide detail, tell their stories and provide evidence of success.
Dr. Anne Cunningham (Researcher and Author) has a PhD in Developmental Psychology and is known for her research on
literacy, child development and special education (conducted at the University of Berkeley, CA). She examines the cognitive
and motiva-tional processes underlying reading ability and the interplay of context, development, and literacy instruction.
Dr. Cunningham has been awarded several prestigious research fellowships. She currently serves as principal investigator
of Teacher Quality: The Role of Teacher Study Groups as a Model of Professional Development in Early Literacy. She is a
member of multiple journal editorial boards. She has served on several expert panels for literacy initiatives, which included
the National Early Literacy Panel (NELP). Anne elegantly balances public school reading experience with rigorous scientific
research work and university level teacher training.
Ruth Culham (Author) is a featured speaker nationally on traits of the writing and effective writing instruction. Ruth is a
recognized expert in the traits of writing and author of over 40 Scholastic resources including 6+1 Traits of Writing: The
Complete Guide, Grades 3 and Up; 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for the Primary Grades; and Traits of Writing: The
Complete Guide for Middle School, winner of the 2011 Teacher’s Choice award. She launched a writing revolution with a
culmination of 40 years of educational experience, research, practice, and passion. She has two new books: What Principals
Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Writing (2014) and The Writing Thief: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Craft of Writing
(2014) from IRA. Ruth is the president of the Culham Writing Company and former Unit Manager of the Assessment Program
at Education Northwest in Portland, Oregon.
Charlotte Diamond (Performer and Educator) The Seven Intelligences Through Music: Primary educators know that
struggling learners experience joyful learning through music but often are not trained to instruct through song. Juno
Award winning Charlotte Diamond has always had a special interest in children with learning challenges. As well as being
an internationally renowned singer, composer, and performer of family and children’s music, Charlotte is also known as an
educator, and has participated in many educational conferences as a keynote speaker and workshop leader throughout
North America. Charlotte’s music is part of many classroom curricula, as the songs are easily “singable”, teachable, and
relevant to literacy... one more way to close the gap and open joyful learning possibilities for young children.
Lori Jamison (Teacher and Author) will present best practices in literacy instruction for diverse learners. Lori believes that we
need to stop thinking about our struggling learners as “at risk” and instead to start thinking of them as “with promise.” In this
way, we can focus on meeting students where they are on the learning continuum and scaffolding them to higher levels of
proficiency. A former K-12 Language Arts Consultant and past board member of the International Reading Association, Lori
is first and foremost a teacher. In her sessions, she will share new ways of thinking about classroom structures designed to
meet the needs of all the students in the class. She will discuss practical ideas for making the most of interactive, read-aloud
activities that integrate literacy with play. Lori will also outline ways for planning goal-based guided reading, and for creating
powerful mini writing lessons.
Margo Southall (Author) will demonstrate how to make standards achievable for struggling readers with lesson
sequences and hands-on learning activities that apply current brain research on how children learn. She has designed
a doable framework for differentiating both classroom and intervention programming that targets specific profiles of
reading difficulties and addresses the underlying cognitive factors behind a slow rate of progress. Margo enjoys working
collaboratively with teachers in professional learning contexts across the U.S. and has authored five books on differentiated
practice, including a best-seller.
Miriam Trehearne (Author) will focus on the best literacy practices teachers can use to build the vulnerable reader’s oral
language, knowledge of high frequency words, comprehension, and fluency. She will describe many research-based,
practical, engaging, and developmentally appropriate strategies, mini-lessons and activities, that are designed both to assess
and develop early literacy skills. Miriam has worked as a classroom teacher, resource teacher, special needs coach, literacy
specialist and University Associate. Miriam Trehearne books
A SUMMIT for Early Literacy Leaders: Scholars and Practitioners
Working Together | Primary teachers; ATA members; School trustees;
Literacy Coordinators; Aboriginal leaders; Special Education Leaders; ECE
leaders; College and University leaders; Ministry leaders and others who have
opportunities to enhance programs for vulnerable readers
To reach
or to
request a registration
For special circumstances
contact the
Summit Manager
Neil Hughes by emailing
form, please email
How to Register
(Previous Summits were
fully booked weeks before
the event. As we turned
many away, you may wish
to register early.)
October 27-28, 2016 | Calgary, AB
Calgary Telus Convention Centre
120 - 9th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
1. Review this page. This is the information that you require.
2.Email for a registration form.
3. You will receive a fill-able registration form. The form will ask you to select one of two options.
One option is attending both days of the regular Summit ($395 plus GST). The other option is attending Day One of the regular
Summit, and the special Full-Day K and Grade 1 session on Day 2 ($420 plus GST).
4. Complete the form and return it to the same email address. You are now registered!
5. Our mailing address is: Early Learning, Inc., Raincoast Business Centre, 1027 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC, Canada V8V 3P6
Room Reservations
Payment is by credit card (Visa
or Mastercard) or school district
invoice; we guarantee security.
The registration fee is $395 plus
GST for Option 1 and $420 plus GST
for Option 2. (Option 2 includes a
boxed lunch on Day 2.) Registrations
cannot be cancelled after payment;
however you can hold spaces and
provide names later if payment
is included in the registration.
The registration fee includes two
nutrition breaks. The program will be
offered on Oct 27 and 28 from
8:30 am to 4:00 pm. To ensure
your space please register early.
Registrations cannot be cancelled;
however substitutions are welcome.
Limited room rates are available in Calgary at the following
hotels. Other hotels may have available space. Registrants may
be eligible for Alberta teacher rate at the hotel of your choice.
The Summits are
Non-Profit Events
Co-sponsored by
Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel
110 – 9th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5A6.
Located downtown Calgary, adjoining the Calgary Telus
Convention Centre. For reservations call: 1-888-236-2427
and quote “Summit 15: Calgary”
Hampton Inn and Suites
2231 Banff Trail NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 4L2. Located near
the University of Calgary. Conference rate is $159 plus taxes.
Breakfast included. For reservations call: 1 888 432 6777
and quote “Summit 15: Calgary Vulnerable Readers”
Other downtown hotels include:
Delta Calgary Downtown
209 Fourth Ave SE, Calgary, AB Phone 1 403 266 1980
Fairfield Inn and Suites Downtown
239 12th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB Phone 1 403 351 6500
Hyatt Regency Calgary
700 Centre Street SE, Calgary, AB Phone 1 403 717 1234
Along with selecting one of two options,
the following information is required on
the registration form you will receive:
Job Role
School District
Email Address
Credit Card
Name on Card
Card No.
School or District Name
A First Class Beginning:
Learning INC.
(Janet Mort PhD)