May 2016 Newsletter
May 2016 Newsletter
CHADBOURNE ELEMENTARY Anette Raichbart, Principal May 8, 2016 801 Plymouth Ave. Fremont, CA 94539 T: 510-656-5242 F: 510-656-6026 Trudy Wentworth, School Secretary Patrice Ottavis, Attendance Dear Parents/Guardians, UPCOMING EVENTS … May showers bring May flowers! This is the first time we’ve been able to say that in a few years. SBAC Testing Dates: First of all, I would like to extend a message of thanks from our Chadbourne teachers to you and your children for the wonderful Teacher’s Appreciation Week cards, treats, luncheon, and surprises! It was very nice to see the way each of you acknowledged our Teachers during that week. This month we are continuing SBAC Testing. The remaining dates are list in the “Upcoming Events” column on the right so that you can see when your child’s grade level will be testing for grades 3 - 6. Please remember to make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and healthy meals during this time. OPEN HOUSE and the CHADBOURNE ART SHOW will be May 31st. Your students’ masterpieces will be on display in the MUR during our spectacular Chadbourne Art Show from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. While you are here enjoying the Art Show, take a break from cooking and savor the variety of foods available for purchase from Food Truck Mafia. We had such a great experience with the food trucks last year that we’ve invited them back. Classrooms will be open from 6:30 – 7:30. This is the chance for you to greet teachers and see your child’s many accomplishments in the classroom. I look forward to seeing every family attend! I’m excited to announce that Chadbourne has been selected to open an additional Kindergarten class next year to accommodate incoming students from the Parkmont neighborhood. Due to a burst of population growth in the City of Fremont, FUSD is working hard to place students. This new group of students will not affect placement of our incoming Chadbourne area students. We are looking forward to welcoming ALL of our new students on August 31st! Anette Raichbart – Principal SDC: Grade 3: Grade 4: Grade 5: Grade 6: 5/03, 5/05-5/12 4/26, 4/29-5/03 5/05-5/10 4/26, 4/29, 5/2, 5/4 5/05-5/06, 5/12-17, 5/19 5/2 – 5/6 Teacher Appreciation Week! 5/11 Classified Staff Day 5/19 Chadbourne Band Performs at Hopkins 5/19 Mathematics Festival Grades K-6 MUR 6:30pm – 8:00pm 5/23 Awards Assembly 9-10:30 th 5/23 6 Grade Choir Concert 2:10 – 2:40 th 5/24 – 5/27 6 Gd. Science Camp 5/27 – Last Day school lunches can be paid for by check for this school year. 5/30 – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day 5/31 OPEN HOUSE & ART SHOW 5-6:30 Art Show in MUR & Food Trucks Dinner 6:30 – 7:30 Classrooms Open 6/2 – Volunteer Tea 8:15 – 9:00 6/3 Honor Roll Assembly 6/3 Spirit Day Class Color/Beach Party Theme 6/6/ - 6/8 Early Dismissal 1:05pm 6/7 Field Day 6/8 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL th 6/8 – 6 Grade Promotion 9 – 10:35 Our newsletter is available online at: Page 1 of 10 1st Day of School 2016/2017 School Year – Wednesday, August 31st Students are expected to report to school on the first day, Wednesday, August 31, 2016. Students who have not attended the first two days of school will be dropped at the end of the third day of school. Students who are dropped will not be guaranteed a seat at their school and may have to be overloaded to other schools upon return. The only exceptions will be students who are absent due to illness. If a student is absent during the first three days of school due to illness, parents or guardians must notify the school EACH DAY the student is absent. Seats will not be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified. SBAC TESTING TIPS Remember that a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast are very important. We want our students to have “fuel” for their minds every day. Our students are working in their classrooms. Thank you, parents, for the educational support you are giving to your children by helping them with homework and studying, as well as making sure they are turning in their assignments and are well rested. Your support and attention makes such a huge difference to their success! END OF YEAR MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL If your student has required medication or health services at school this year, all medication and medical supplies must be picked up from the school office on the last day of school! Medications must be picked up by a parent or guardian unless your student is authorized (current contract on file) to self-carry his/her medication. If your student is attending summer school the medication (to include the doctor’s order) must be picked up the last day of school. Then it needs to be taken to the summer school site on the first day of summer school by the parent/guardian. Please make sure the medication does not expire prior to July 31, 2016. On the last day of summer school, the student’s medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the summer school site. MEDICAMENTOS EN LA ESCUELA - FIN DE AÑO ESCOLAR Si su hijo(a) requirió este año medicamento o servicios médicos en la escuela, todos los medicamentos y artículos médicos se deben recoger en la oficina de la escuela el último día de clases. Los padres de familia/tutores legales deben recoger los medicamentos a menos que su hijo(a) esté autorizado (contrato actual en el expediente) para traer consigo su medicamento. Page 2 of 10 Si su hijo(a) asistirá a la escuela de verano, el medicamento (incluyendo la orden del doctor) se debe recoger el último día de clases. Luego, los padres de familia/tutores legales necesitan traer el medicamento a la escuela de verano el primer día de clases de verano. Asegúrese que el medicamento no venza antes del 31 de julio de 2016. Los padres de familia/tutores legales deberán recoger el medicamento el último día de clases de verano en la escuela de verano. 學年結束在校藥物處理 如果您的學⽣今年在學校存放了必⽤藥品或健康服務⽤品,所有的藥物和醫療⽤品都必須在學年結束的最後⼀天 到辦公室領回! 只有家⻑或監護⼈才能索取藥品,除⾮您已在校登記您的學⽣可⾃⾏領取他/她的藥物。 如果您的學⽣要上暑期學校,您也必須在上學的最後⼀天領取藥物(包括醫⽣處⽅) ,再于暑期學校的第⼀天由家 ⻑/監護⼈將藥物送到上課的暑期學校。請⾃⾏確定藥物的有效期限要 在 2016 年 7 月 31 曰 之 前 。 家⻑/監護⼈必須在暑期學校的最後⼀天到暑期學校校址領回藥物。 Page 3 of 10 JoinOur... Saturday,May21st,2016 WashingtonHighSchool BloodPressureTest BodyMassIndex Nutrition/Exercise Dental Vision CoveredCA MassageChair HulaDancing TahitianDemonstration YogaDemonstration ANDMORE!!!! ComeseewhatFremonthastoofferatourAnnualOhanaHealthFair! Whethersearchingforhealthcareoptions,orshowingthecommunityyour services: OhanaHealthFairistheplacetobe! Formoreinformationaboutattendingorsponsorship,pleasecontact: 38442FremontBlvd.,Fremont,CA9453610am-2pm Page 4 of 10 Hopkins Instrumental Music Department Spring Concerts Please make plans to attend these end-of-year concerts hosted by the award-winning Instrumental Music Program of Hopkins Junior High School. All performances are free and start at 7 p.m. at Hopkins Gymnasium (600 Driscoll Road). Thursday, May 19 Elementary Band Concert #1 (Groups Involved: Beginning and Intermediate Bands of Chadbourne & Mission Valley Elementary Schools, Advanced Elementary Band, and Hopkins Symphonic Band) Friday, May 27 Jazz Concert (Groups Involved: Hopkins Jazz Workshop and Hopkins Jazz Ensemble) Tuesday, May 31 Band Concert (Groups Involved: Hopkins Concert Band, Hopkins Symphonic Band, and Hopkins Wind Ensemble) Wednesday, June 1 Elementary Band Concert #2 (Groups Involved: Beginning and Intermediate Bands of Gomes & Mission San Jose Elementary Schools, Advanced Elementary Band, and Hopkins Concert Band) Thursday, June 2 Orchestra Concert (Groups Involved: Hopkins Intermediate Orchestra, Hopkins Advanced Orchestra, and Hopkins Full Orchestra) Friday, June 3 Elementary Orchestra Concert (Groups Involved: All levels of Elementary Orchestras of Chadbourne, Gomes, Mission San Jose, and Mission Valley Elementary Schools, and Hopkins Intermediate Orchestra) 6th Grade Parents – Immunization requirements for 7th grade Dear Parents of 6th grade students: The Final Date TO SUBMIT Immunization records (including Whooping Cough: Tdap) at your Elementary School is: Page 5 of 10 Friday, June 3rd, 2016 After this date you must WAIT until August, and take the official record of vaccinations to the Junior High your child will be attending. Valid proof must show: 1) type of shot given, 2) date, 3) provider’s signature/stamp. If parents have not provided proof to their Jr. High School by the First Day of School, your student CANNOT attend school. You can provide proof to your Elementary School Site up until the last day of school. Even if you think your child already received this shot, you still need to bring in valid proof. California State Law requires that students entering the 7th grade must submit official proof that they are up to date with their immunizations. Personal beliefs exemptions Effective January 1, 2016, Personal Beliefs Exemptions will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into school or child care in California. Personal belief exemptions filed at a school or child care facility before January 1, 2016 will remain valid until the student enrolls in the next grade span, typically at TK/Kindergarten or 7th grade. Students entering a home-based private school or an independent study program without classroom-based instruction are not subject to immunization requirements for entry. Your child cannot receive a class schedule or attend Junior High until this requirement is met. Mommy and Me Classes at Fremont Adult School The Parent Education Department at Fremont Adult School offers classes for parents to attend with their toddlers and/or preschoolers. Each parent will participate with his/her child in activities provided in a preschool setting to help children develop skills in the following areas: creative art, pre-math, reading readiness, science and sensory exploration, circle time story and songs. Classes are offered Monday-Thursdays. For registration information please call 510-793-6465 or visit Health Insurance Help Beginning February 8th, 2016 through the last school day of the Fall Semester (December 2016), Tri City Health Center (TCHC) will have representatives at Student Support Services Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. TCHC is here to help families seeking help with Health insurance coverage as well as provide information about Comprehensive Health Care Services such as: Dental, Vision, Pediatric and Primary Care for adults. No appointment is necessary. For additional information about this service, please contact Shabana Sabir at Hindi and Spanish interpreter available Page 6 of 10 Box Tops for Education Remember to keep clipping box tops from any consumer products participating in Box Tops for Education and continue bringing them in to school! This is a wonderful fundraiser for Chadbourne. Your box tops really add up! Thank you all for participating. Information About After School Activities at Chadbourne The office is continually receiving information on community activities and other programs/information you may find useful. Different organizations also provide us with printed information, and we are happy to make them available to you. We do this as a public service, not as an endorsement of any program. OUR 2015 – 2016 AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Bay Area Debate Club Invent-a-bot Learning Center Bricks 4 Kidz Boy Scouts Success Chess School Euro School of Tennis Math & Science Olympiad Mad Science Girl Scouts STEM4ALL After-School Program Cub Scouts French Language Class Keep informed! Join our Yahoo Group for ongoing school updates! We are pleased to announce that you can find our newsletter on line: Page 7 of 10 FUDTA C.A.R.E.S. Second Saturday Seminars for FUSD Parents Date and Time Location Saturday, April 9, 2016 @ 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 14, 2016 @ 9:30 a.m. Blacow Elementary School Saturday, March 12, 2016 @ 9:30 a.m. Blacow Elementary School Blacow Elementary School Topic Special Services in FUSD: Language Programs, Magnet Programs, and More! Next Generation Science Standards Summer’s Coming, Now What? Space is limited. Child care will be provided. RSVP: FUDTA 510-791-8366 or email Page 8 of 10 May 2016 ◄ April Sun 1 Mon Tue 2 3 SBAC Testing SBAC Testing June ► Wed 4 Thu Fri 5 6 SBAC Testing SBAC Testing Sat 7 Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Appreciation Week Appreciation Week Appreciation Week Appreciation Week Appreciation Week 8 15 9 10 SBAC Testing SBAC Testing 16 17 SBAC Testing SBAC Testing 11 18 12 13 SBAC Testing SBAC Testing 14 19 20 21 28 SBAC Testing CHADBOURNE MATHEMATICS FESTIVAL - MUR 6:30 – 8:00 CHADBOURNE BAND PERFORMANCE AT HOPKINS JR HIGH 22 29 23 24 25 26 27 AWARDS ASSEMBLY (NOT HONOR ROLL) 6th Grade Science Camp 6th Grade Science Camp 6th Grade Science Camp 6th Grade Science Camp 30 31 Notes: NO SCHOOL Memorial Day OPEN HOUSE CHADBOURNE ART SHOW FOOD TRUCK MAFIA DINNER Page 9 of 10 June 2016 ◄ May 2016 Sun 29 Mon Tue 30 31 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day OPEN HOUSE July 2016 ► Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 VOLUNTEER TEA SPIRIT DAY – IN MUR 8:15 – 9:00 “ClassColors/Beach Party Theme” Wear your class colors (No bathing suits or sandals.) CHADBOURNE ART SHOW HONOR ROLL ASSEMBLY 6TH GRADERS VS TEACHER KICKBALL ALL LIBRARY BOOKS MUST BE TURNED IN BY TODAY. 5 6 EARLY RELEASE DAY GRADES 1 -6 1:05 DISMISSAL TIME 7 8 EARLY RELEASE DAY GRADES 1 -6 1:05 DISMISSAL TIME FIELD DAY GRADES 1 – 6 6TH GRADE SWIM PARTY 9:00AM-12:30PM ELECTION DAY POLLING PLACE – CHADBOURNE LIBRARY 9 10 11 EARLY RELEASE DAY GRADES 1 -6 1:05 DISMISSAL TIME ALL KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS ATTEND SCHOOL FROM 8:20-11;40 FOR KINDERGARTEN FIELD DAY 6TH GRADE PROMOTION 9:00AM – 10:35AM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (HAPPY SUMMER BREAK!) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: Page 10 of 10