Greater Los Angeles


Greater Los Angeles
Greater Los Angeles
One of 5 directories in Los Angeles County
Provider Directory/Directorio de Proveedores
Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO)
Date printed/Fecha de impresión: May 2015
Plan year/Año del plan: 2015
This directory represents only those providers who are in the Greater Los Angeles area and is not a full
list of our network providers. If you don't find the provider you're looking for or would like to see a
complete listing of the providers available to you by area visit Find a Provider on
You may also call Blue Shield 65 Plus Member Services to have a list sent to you.
Please refer to the next page for a listing of the plan's service area.
Este directorio representa solo a aquellos proveedores ubicados en el área de Greater Los Angeles y
no es una lista completa de nuestros proveedores de la red. Si no encuentra al proveedor que busca
o le gustaría ver una lista completa de los proveedores disponibles para usted, clasificados por área,
visite la sección Find a Provider (Buscar un proveedor) en También puede
comunicarse con Servicio para Miembros de Blue Shield 65 Plus para que le envíen una lista.
Consulte la página siguiente para ver una lista del área de servicio del plan.
H0504_14_126 CMS Approved 08112014
The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus is all of Orange, Fresno, and San Diego counties and parts of
Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, Santa Clara, and Ventura counties.
The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan is all of Orange County and parts of Los Angeles
Please refer to the plan Summary of Benefits or Evidence of Coverage for a full list of zip codes for your
applicable partial county in the service area.
This directory lists providers who are in the Greater Los Angeles area. The following zip codes are part of
the Greater Los Angeles area.
El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus es la totalidad de los condados de Orange, Fresno y San Diego,
y algunos sectores de los condados de Contra Costa, Los Ángeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino,
Santa Clara y Ventura.
El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan es la totalidad del condado de Orange y algunos
sectores del condado de Los Ángeles.
Consulte el Resumen de Beneficios o la Evidencia de Cobertura del plan para acceder a la lista completa
de códigos postales correspondientes al área de servicio de los sectores parciales de su condado.
Este directorio incluye a los proveedores ubicados en el área de Greater Los Angeles. Los siguientes
códigos postales forman parte del área de Greater Los Angeles.
Los Angeles
County Partial
Table of Contents
Using This Directory............................................................ p. ix
Choosing Your PCP............................................................. p. x
Changing Your PCP............................................................. p. x
Physician Groups
Allied Physicians IPA ....................................................... p. 1
Alhambra Hospital
Garfield Medical Center
Methodist Hospital of Southern California
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
Angeles IPA ..................................................................... p. 39
Pacific Alliance Medical Center
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc ........................................ p. 59
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis .............................. p. 80
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier .................................. p. 94
Beverly Hospital
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
AppleCare Select ............................................................ p. 107
AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP
Beverly Hospital
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Los Alamitos Medical Center
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Placentia Linda Hospital
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA ............................... p. 134
Monterey Park Hospital
St Vincent Medical Center
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA ........................................ p. 143
Beverly Hospital
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Monterey Park Hospital
White Memorial Medical Center
Table of Contents, continued
Brookshire IPA .................................................................p. 152
Downey Regional Medical Center
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Cedars Sinai Health Associates .......................................p. 163
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
Cedars Sinai Medical Group ............................................p. 175
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
Family Care Specialists ....................................................p. 181
Beverly Hospital
White Memorial Medical Center
Good Samaritan Medical Practice ....................................p. 189
Beverly Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles ....................................p. 199
Beverly Hospital
Glendale Memorial Hospital & Health Center
Good Samaritan Hospital
Monterey Park Hospital
Providence St Joseph Medical Center
San Gabriel Valley Medical Center
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
Korean American Medical Group .....................................p. 219
Good Samaritan Hospital
Maverick Medical Group ..................................................p. 225
California Hospital Medical Center/Los Angeles
Glendale Memorial Hospital & Health Center
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Nuestra Familia Medical Group ........................................p. 236
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
St Francis Medical Center
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
OmniCare Medical Group ................................................p. 245
St Francis Medical Center
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello .......................p. 254
Beverly Hospital
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers .......................p. 258
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group .............................p. 270
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital
Table of Contents, continued
Pioneer Provider Network ............................................... p. 278
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Los Alamitos Medical Center
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Preferred IPA of California/Hollywood/West Hollywood .. p. 283
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles .......................... p. 285
White Memorial Medical Center
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group .................... p. 291
Placentia Linda Hospital
Western Medical Center Santa Ana
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
Prudent Medical Group ................................................... p. 323
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Seoul Medical Group ....................................................... p. 328
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
St Vincent Medical Center
St Vincent IPA ................................................................. p. 335
St Vincent Medical Center
Dental Providers .................................................................. p. 353
Skilled Nursing Facilities .................................................... p. 383
Index ..................................................................................... p. 385
Information in this directory is current as of the date on the front
cover. Some network providers may have been added or removed
from our network after this directory was printed. Since information
changes often, a provider's listing in this directory does not
guarantee that the provider is still in the network or accepting new
To get the most up-to-date information about network providers in
your area, please visit or
call Blue Shield 65 Plus.
Table of Contents, continued
Prospective Members
Please call your broker or call Blue Shield 65 Plus or Blue Shield 65
Plus Choice Plan at:
(800) 488-8000
TTY 711
8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week
Current Members
Please call Member Services at:
(800) 776-4466
TTY 771
Hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1
through February 14. However, after February 14, your call will be
handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays.
Cómo utilizar este directorio .............................................. p. xii
Cómo elegir a su PCP ......................................................... p. xiii
Cómo cambiar de PCP ........................................................ p. xiii
Grupos de Médicos
Allied Physicians IPA ....................................................... p. 1
Alhambra Hospital
Garfield Medical Center
Methodist Hospital of Southern California
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
Angeles IPA ..................................................................... p. 39
Pacific Alliance Medical Center
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc ........................................ p. 59
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis .............................. p. 80
St Francis Medical Center
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier .................................. p. 94
Beverly Hospital
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
AppleCare Select ............................................................ p. 107
AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center LP
Beverly Hospital
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Los Alamitos Medical Center
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Placentia Linda Hospital
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA ............................... p. 134
Monterey Park Hospital
St Vincent Medical Center
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA ........................................ p. 143
Beverly Hospital
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Monterey Park Hospital
White Memorial Medical Center
Índice, continuación
Brookshire IPA .................................................................p. 152
Downey Regional Medical Center
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Cedars Sinai Health Associates .......................................p. 163
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
Cedars Sinai Medical Group ............................................p. 175
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
Family Care Specialists ....................................................p. 181
Beverly Hospital
White Memorial Medical Center
Good Samaritan Medical Practice ....................................p. 189
Beverly Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles ....................................p. 199
Beverly Hospital
Glendale Memorial Hospital & Health Center
Good Samaritan Hospital
Monterey Park Hospital
Providence St Joseph Medical Center
San Gabriel Valley Medical Center
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
Korean American Medical Group .....................................p. 219
Good Samaritan Hospital
Maverick Medical Group ..................................................p. 225
California Hospital Medical Center/Los Angeles
Glendale Memorial Hospital & Health Center
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Nuestra Familia Medical Group ........................................p. 236
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
St Francis Medical Center
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
OmniCare Medical Group ................................................p. 245
St Francis Medical Center
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello .......................p. 254
Beverly Hospital
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers .......................p. 258
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group .............................p. 270
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital
Índice, continuación
Pioneer Provider Network ................................................p. 278
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
Los Alamitos Medical Center
PIH Health Hospital-Downey
Preferred IPA of California/Hollywood/West Hollywood ...p. 283
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles ..........................p. 285
White Memorial Medical Center
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group .....................p. 291
Placentia Linda Hospital
Western Medical Center Santa Ana
Whittier Hospital Medical Center
Prudent Medical Group ....................................................p. 323
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Seoul Medical Group ........................................................p. 328
Good Samaritan Hospital
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
St Vincent Medical Center
St Vincent IPA ..................................................................p. 335
St Vincent Medical Center
Dentistas ...............................................................................p. 353
Centros de Enfermería Especializada ................................p. 383
Índice alfabético ...................................................................p. 385
La información incluida en este directorio tiene vigencia a partir de la
fecha que figura en la portada. Tal vez se hayan agregado o quitado
algunos proveedores de la red luego de la impresión de este
directorio. Dado que la información cambia a menudo, el hecho de
que un proveedor figure en este directorio no garantiza que aún
forme parte de la red o que acepte nuevos pacientes.
Para obtener la información más actualizada sobre los proveedores
de la red disponibles en su área, visite o llame a Blue Shield 65
Índice, continuación
Futuros miembros
Comuníquese con su corredor o llame a Blue Shield 65 Plus o Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan al:
(800) 488-8000
TTY 711
De 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días de la semana
Miembros actuales
Llame a Servicio para Miembros al:
(800) 776-4466
TTY 771
El horario de atención es de 7:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días
de la semana, desde el 1 de octubre hasta el 14 de febrero. Sin
embargo, después del 14 de febrero, su llamada será atendida por
nuestro sistema telefónico automático los fines de semana y
Using This Directory
This directory lists the provider
network in the region indicated
on the front cover of this
• Network PCPs, specialists,
hospitals, clinics and urgent
care centers are listed by
physician group.
If you don't find the provider
you're looking for or would like
to see a complete listing of the
providers available to you by
area visit Find a Provider on You may also
call Member Services to have a
directory sent to you.
• The hospital or hospitals
affiliated with the physician
group are listed at the
beginning of the physician
group section in this directory.
To get detailed information about
your health care coverage, please
see your Evidence of Coverage.
The "network providers" listed in
this directory have agreed to
provide you with your health
care coverage. You may go to
any of our network providers
listed in this directory; however
some services may require a
You will have to choose one of
our network providers who are
listed in this directory to be your
Primary Care Physician (PCP).
The term "PCP" will be used
throughout this directory.
Generally, you must get your
health care coverage from your
PCP. When you choose your
PCP, you are also choosing the
hospital(s) and specialty network
affiliated with the physician
• If you need to be hospitalized,
your PCP will coordinate your
admission to the hospital
associated with your physician
group. If more than one
hospital is associated with the
physician group, your PCP
will determine which hospital
is most appropriate for your
• PCPs are listed alphabetically
under one of the following
categories: Family Practice,
General Practice, Internal
Medicine, and OB/ GYN. Your
PCP will provide or coordinate
all your covered medical care
while you are a member of our
PCPs who are not accepting
new patients are listed under
the category Accepting
Current Patients Only. You
may choose a PCP in this
category only if you are new to
plan name and are currently a
patient of that physician or
changing to a new physician
group and that physician is
also part of the new physician
• Affiliated specialists are listed
in alphabetical order under
their specialty. If your PCP
feels you need more
specialized treatment, he or
she will refer you, upon
physician group approval, to a
specialist associated with the
network physician group.
If your specialist recommends
that you continue to see him or
her for more services, those
services may need to be
authorized by your network
physician group.
• Urgent Care facilities affiliated
with your physician group are
listed under Urgent Care
Centers. You may use these
Urgent Care Facilities or any
other Urgent Care facility in
your plan service area if you
need urgent medical care when
your PCP's office is closed.
• If you decide to enroll in the
optional supplemental dental
plan, you can find a list of
network dentists in this
directory. For more
information about choosing a
network dentist, you can go to
the beginning of that section in
this directory.
Using This Directory, continued
• Plan pharmacies are not listed in
this directory. You may request a
list of these facilities by calling
our Member Services
Department or by going to
To choose your PCP, follow
these simple steps
1. Choose the doctor you want as
your PCP from this directory.
Note: If you are interested in a
particular specialist, make
sure he or she is in the same
physician group as the PCP
you select. You will need an
authorized referral from your
PCP's physician group before
you can be treated by a
specialist, except for routine
women's health care as
described below.
2. Call the office of the PCP you
have selected to make sure that
he or she is accepting new
patients and for answers to any
questions you may have about
the doctor (e.g. office hours,
availability evenings and/or
weekends and educational
3. Enter the ID number of the
PCP you have chosen in the
appropriate box on the plan
enrollment form.
If you need help choosing a
PCP, please call Member
Changing your current PCP is
If you have been going to one
network provider, you are not
required to continue going to that
same provider. You may change
your PCP at any time. However,
if you are under inpatient care in
the hospital or you are in the
middle of a course of treatment
with your PCP or a specialist, we
recommend that you do not
change your physician/physician
group until you are discharged or
complete your course of
If you decide to change your
PCP, simply call Member
Services and we will check to
make sure the doctor you choose
is accepting new patients. You
should ask whether the new PCP
you are selecting has a referral
relationship with any specialist
you are currently seeing. You
will need an authorized referral
from your PCP's physician group
before you can be treated by a
specialist, except for routine
women's health care as
described below and in your
Evidence of Coverage.
We will make the change for
you, tell you over the phone
when this change will go into
effect, and send you a new
member ID card.
If you call by the 15th of the
month, your transfer to a new
PCP will be effective on the first
day of the following month.
Sometimes a PCP, specialist, or
clinic you are using might leave
the plan. If this happens, you will
have to switch to another
network doctor. We will notify
you if this happens and make
sure you continue to have access
to all plan services.
If you are a female member
who prefers to see an OB/GYN
for your routine women's health
care (mammograms, pap tests,
and pelvic and breast exams),
you can make an appointment
with any OB/GYN listed under
your network physician group
without a referral from your PCP.
If possible, call your PCP
before you seek medical care. If
you go to a doctor, hospital or
other provider without the
approval of your PCP except in
an emergency or when you need
urgent care, out-of-area renal
dialysis (within the United
States), or paying any charges for
these certain gynecological care
or other self-referred services,
you will be responsible for
services. Neither Original
Medicare nor Blue Shield will
pay for non-emergency services
or non-urgently needed care
without the prior authorization of
your PCP.
Urgent Care refers to a
non-emergency situation where
you are temporarily absent from
the plan's authorized service
area, you need medical attention
right away for an unforeseen
illness, injury or condition, and it
isn't reasonable given the
situation for you to obtain
medical care through the plan's
provider network. Under unusual
and extraordinary circumstances,
care may be considered
Using This Directory, continued
urgently-needed when the
member is in the service area but
the provider network of the plan
is temporarily unavailable or
If you need care in an
emergency, get medical help as
quickly as possible. Call 911 for
help or go to the nearest
emergency room. You do not
need to get permission first from
your physician or other network
A medical emergency is when
you believe that your health is in
serious danger when every
second counts. A medical
emergency includes severe pain,
a bad injury, a serious illness, or
a medical condition that is
quickly getting much worse.
called "urgently needed care". If
you are in your plan's service
area please call your PCP or, if
your physician's office is closed,
go to the urgent care facility
listed in this directory.
If you are outside the service
area, first call your PCP
whenever possible. If you are
treated for an urgent care
condition while you are outside
the service area we prefer that
you return to the service area to
get follow-up care through your
PCP. However, we will cover
follow-up care that you get from
non-network providers outside
the service area as long as the
care you are getting still meets
the definition of "urgently
needed care".
You or someone else should call
to tell your physician about your
emergency care as soon as
possible, preferably within 48
hours. The number to call is
located on your plan name
member ID card.
Some hospitals and other
providers do not provide one
or more of the following
services that may be covered
under your plan contract and that
you might need: family planning;
contraceptive services; and
sterilization, including tubal
ligation at the time of labor and
delivery. To ensure that you can
obtain the healthcare services
that you need, call our Member
Services department for
What if you need medical
attention right away for an
unforeseen illness or injury,
but your health is not in
serious danger? If you need
medical help immediately but
your health is not in serious
danger, the help you need is
Some hospitals participate in
an independent quality
program. Hospitals identified
with the symbol L participate in
the Leapfrog Group, an
independent California program
that works to implement three
key practices that have been
Make sure that Blue Shield
knows about your emergency
because your physician will need
to be involved in following up on
your emergency care.
shown to improve patient safety.
Leapfrog hospitals 1) do
computer checks on
prescriptions to avoid drug
interactions; 2) have a full-time
physician specialist on staff in all
intensive care units; and 3)
perform high-risk surgical
procedures, such as heart
surgery, only when certain
quality criteria are met.
If you need skilled nursing,
transitional care or specialized
services, your PCP will arrange
for you to be transferred to a
subacute care facility contracting
with Blue Shield or another
facility with which he or she is
affiliated. You may request a list
of these facilities by calling our
Member Services department.
If you receive a bill from any
non-network provider for
covered services such as
emergency or urgently needed
care or out-of-area renal dialysis
services, please do not pay it.
Instead, please send it to us at the
following address and we will
pay the covered amount, minus
any applicable
Blue Shield 65 Plus and Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan
Claims Department
P.O. Box 272640
Chico, CA 95927-2640
Cómo utilizar este directorio
Este directorio incluye la red de
proveedores de la región
indicada en la portada.
hospitales y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo
Si no encuentra al proveedor que
busca o le gustaría ver una lista
completa de los proveedores
disponibles para usted,
clasificados por área, visite la
sección Find a Provider (Buscar
un proveedor) en También
puede comunicarse con Servicio
para Miembros para que le
envíen un directorio.
• Los PCP, especialistas,
hospitales, clínicas y centros
de atención urgente de la red
figuran por grupo médico.
Consulte su Evidencia de
Cobertura para obtener
información detallada sobre su
cobertura de atención de la salud.
• Si necesita ser hospitalizado,
su PCP coordinará su ingreso
al hospital que esté asociado
con su grupo médico. Si hay
más de un hospital asociado
con el grupo médico, su PCP
determinará cuál es el hospital
más apropiado para su
Los “proveedores de la red” que
figuran en este directorio han
acordado brindarle su cobertura
de atención de la salud. Puede
acudir a cualquier proveedor de
la red que figure en este
directorio; no obstante, es
posible que para algunos
servicios necesite una
Tendrá que elegir a uno de
nuestros proveedores de la red
incluidos en este directorio para
que sea su Médico de Atención
Primaria (PCP, por sus siglas en
inglés). Se utilizará la sigla
“PCP” en todo este directorio.
Por lo general, debe recibir su
cobertura de atención de la salud
por medio de su PCP. Cuando
elige a su PCP, también elige los
• El hospital o los hospitales
afiliados al grupo médico están
incluidos al comienzo de la
sección correspondiente a los
grupos médicos de este
• Los PCP aparecen ordenados
alfabéticamente en una de las
siguientes categorías:
Medicina Familiar, Medicina
General, Medicina Interna y
(OB/GYN, por sus siglas en
inglés). Su PCP brindará o
coordinará toda su atención
médica cubierta mientras usted
sea miembro de nuestro plan.
Los PCP que no aceptan
actualmente nuevos pacientes
se incluyen en la categoría
Solo se aceptan pacientes
actuales. Puede elegir a un
PCP en esta categoría
solamente si es miembro
nuevo de Blue Shield 65 Plus
y es paciente actual de dicho
médico, o bien si se cambia a
un nuevo grupo médico del
cual el médico mencionado
también forma parte.
• Los especialistas afiliados
aparecen ordenados
alfabéticamente según su
especialidad. Si su PCP
considera que usted necesita
tratamiento más especializado,
dicho médico lo derivará a un
especialista asociado con el
grupo médico de la red, previo
consentimiento del grupo
médico mencionado.
Si su especialista le
recomienda que siga yendo a
las consultas para recibir más
servicios, es posible que su
grupo médico de la red tenga
que autorizar tales servicios.
• Los centros de Atención
Urgente afiliados a su grupo
médico están incluidos en la
sección Centros de Atención
Urgente. Puede utilizar estos u
otros Centros de Atención
Urgente en el área de servicio
de su plan si necesita atención
médica urgente cuando el
consultorio de su PCP esté
• Si decide inscribirse en el plan
dental opcional
complementario, este
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
directorio incluye una lista de
dentistas de la red. Para
obtener más información sobre
cómo elegir a un dentista de la
red, consulte el comienzo de
esa sección en este directorio.
• Las farmacias del plan no
figuran en este directorio.
Puede solicitar una lista
llamando a nuestro
departamento de Servicio para
Miembros o ingresando en
Para elegir a su PCP, siga estos
simples pasos:
1. Elija al médico de este
directorio que quiera que sea
su PCP.
Nota: Si está interesado en un
especialista en particular,
asegúrese de que dicho
especialista esté en el mismo
grupo médico que el PCP que
eligió. Necesitará una
derivación autorizada del
grupo médico de su PCP antes
de poder tratarse con un
especialista, excepto en el caso
de la atención de rutina para la
salud femenina, tal como se
describe más adelante.
2. Llame al consultorio del PCP
que eligió para asegurarse de
que acepta nuevos pacientes y
para obtener respuestas a
cualquier pregunta que pueda
tener sobre el médico (por
ejemplo, horarios de atención,
disponibilidad por la noche y/o
los fines de semana y
formación académica).
3. Ingrese el número de
identificación del PCP que
eligió en la casilla
correspondiente del formulario
de inscripción del plan.
Nosotros haremos el cambio por
usted, le avisaremos por teléfono
cuando se lleve a cabo y le
enviaremos una nueva tarjeta de
identificación de miembro.
Si necesita ayuda para elegir a
un PCP, llame a Servicio para
Si llama antes del día 15 del mes,
su traspaso a un nuevo PCP
entrará en vigor el primer día del
mes siguiente.
A veces, puede suceder que un
PCP, un especialista o una clínica
que le brinde atención abandone
el plan. De ser así, tendrá que
cambiarse a otro médico de la
red. Le notificaremos si esto
ocurre y nos aseguraremos de
que siga teniendo acceso a todos
los servicios del plan.
Es fácil cambiar a su PCP
Si ha acudido con
anterioridad a un determinado
proveedor de la red, no es
necesario que siga acudiendo a
ese mismo proveedor. Puede
cambiar de PCP en cualquier
momento. Sin embargo, si recibe
actualmente atención para
pacientes internados en el
hospital o se encuentra en pleno
tratamiento con su PCP o con un
especialista, le recomendamos
que no cambie de médico o
grupo médico hasta que le den el
alta o complete el tratamiento.
Si decide cambiar de PCP,
simplemente llame a Servicio
para Miembros y nos
aseguraremos de que el médico
que eligió acepte nuevos
pacientes. Debería preguntar si el
nuevo PCP que eligió realiza
derivaciones a alguno de los
especialistas que visita
actualmente. Necesitará una
derivación autorizada del grupo
médico de su PCP antes de poder
tratarse con un especialista,
excepto en el caso de la atención
de rutina para la salud femenina,
tal como se describe más
adelante y en su Evidencia de
Si es mujer y prefiere visitar a
un OB/GYN para recibir su
atención de rutina para la salud
femenina (mamografías, pruebas
de Papanicolaou, y exámenes
ginecológicos y de los senos),
puede programar una cita con
cualquier OB/GYN que figure en
su grupo médico de la red sin
necesidad de contar con una
derivación de su PCP.
Si es posible, llame a su PCP
antes de solicitar atención
médica. Si visita a un médico, un
hospital u otro proveedor sin la
aprobación de su PCP, usted será
responsable de los servicios,
excepto en caso de emergencia o
cuando necesite atención
urgente, diálisis renal fuera del
área (dentro de los Estados
Unidos) o pagar cualquier cargo
por determinada atención
ginecológica u otros servicios a
los que se haya autoderivado. Ni
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
Medicare Original, ni Blue
Shield pagarán los servicios sin
carácter de emergencia ni la
atención que no sea
urgentemente necesaria sin la
autorización previa de su PCP.
La Atención Urgente hace
referencia a una situación sin
carácter de emergencia en la que
usted está temporalmente fuera
del área de servicio autorizada
del plan, necesita atención
médica inmediata para tratar una
enfermedad, lesión o afección
imprevista y no es razonable,
dada la situación, obtener
atención médica por medio de la
red de proveedores del plan. En
circunstancias inusuales y
extraordinarias, es posible que la
atención se considere
urgentemente necesaria cuando
el miembro se encuentra en el
área de servicio pero la red de
proveedores del plan es
inaccesible o no está disponible
Si necesita atención en un caso
de emergencia, obtenga
asistencia médica lo más pronto
posible. Llame al 911 para
obtener ayuda o acuda a la sala
de emergencias más cercana. No
necesita obtener primero el
permiso de su médico o de otro
proveedor de la red.
Hablamos de emergencia médica
cuando usted considera que su
salud corre grave peligro y
cuando cada segundo cuenta.
Una emergencia médica incluye
dolor intenso, una lesión seria,
una enfermedad grave o una
afección médica que empeora
Asegúrese de que se informe a
Blue Shield acerca de su
emergencia, ya que será
necesario que su médico haga un
seguimiento de su atención de
Usted u otra persona deben
llamar a su médico para
notificarle acerca de su atención
de emergencia cuanto antes, en
lo posible dentro de las 48 horas.
El número al que debe llamar se
encuentra en su tarjeta de
identificación de miembro de
Blue Shield 65 Plus.
¿Qué ocurre si necesita
atención médica inmediata
para una enfermedad o lesión
imprevista pero su salud no
corre grave peligro? Si necesita
asistencia médica inmediata pero
su salud no corre grave peligro,
dicha asistencia se denomina
"atención urgentemente
necesaria". Si se encuentra en el
área de servicio de su plan, llame
a su PCP. Si el consultorio de su
médico está cerrado, diríjase al
centro de atención urgente que
figura en este directorio.
Si se encuentra fuera del área de
servicio, siempre que sea
posible, llame primero a su PCP.
Si sufre una afección que
requiere atención de urgencia y
recibe tratamiento mientras está
fuera del área de servicio,
preferimos que regrese al área de
servicio para que su PCP le
brinde atención de seguimiento.
No obstante, cubriremos la
atención de seguimiento que
reciba de los proveedores no
pertenecientes a la red que estén
fuera del área de servicio,
siempre y cuando la atención
recibida siga cumpliendo con la
definición de "atención
urgentemente necesaria".
Algunos hospitales y demás
proveedores no proporcionan
uno o más de los siguientes
servicios, que pueden estar
cubiertos en el contrato de su
plan y que usted podría necesitar:
planificación familiar, servicios
de anticoncepción, y
esterilización, incluida la
ligadura de trompas
inmediatamente después del
parto. Para asegurarse de que
puede obtener los servicios de
atención de la salud que necesita,
llame a nuestro departamento de
Servicio para Miembros y
solicite ayuda.
Algunos hospitales participan
en un programa de calidad
independiente. Los hospitales
identificados con el símbolo L
participan en el programa de
California Leapfrog Group, un
programa independiente que
busca implementar tres prácticas
esenciales que se ha demostrado
que mejoran la seguridad del
paciente. Los hospitales que
participan del programa
Leapfrog: 1) controlan las
recetas por computadora para
evitar la interacción entre
medicamentos, 2) cuentan con un
médico especialista de tiempo
completo entre el personal de
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación
todas las unidades de cuidado
intensivo y 3) llevan a cabo
procedimientos quirúrgicos de
alto riesgo, como cirugías
cardíacas, solo cuando se cumple
con ciertos criterios de calidad.
Si necesita servicios de
enfermería especializada,
atención de transición o
servicios especializados, su PCP
coordinará su transferencia a un
centro de atención subaguda que
tenga contrato con Blue Shield o
a otro centro al cual su PCP esté
afiliado. Puede solicitar una lista
de estos centros llamando a
nuestro departamento de
Servicio para Miembros.
Si recibe una factura de
cualquier proveedor no
perteneciente a la red por
servicios cubiertos, como
atención de emergencia o
urgentemente necesaria, o bien
servicios de diálisis renal fuera
del área, no la pague. Envíenos la
factura a la siguiente dirección y
nosotros pagaremos el monto
cubierto menos el (los) monto(s)
de copago o coseguro que
Blue Shield 65 Plus and Blue
Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan
Claims Department
P.O. Box 272640
Chico, CA 95927-2640
This page intentionally left blank
Allied Physicians IPA
BlueSheidl65 Plus
Affiliated Hospitals
Alhambra Hospital
100 S Raymond Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
Family Practice
Garfield Medical Center
525 N Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Methodist Hospital of
Southern California L
300 W Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA 91007
David T aa, MD M
ID No. TX1038
1601 N Monte Vista Ave
STE 100
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 865-9977
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
2707 E Valley Blvd
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 667-8290
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Whittier Hospital Medical
9080 Colima Rd
Whittier, CA 90605
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. TX0005
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Oganes J Akopyan, MD M
ID No. TX0930
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Armenian and
Juan L Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. TX1048
545 N San Gabriel Ave
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 815-1511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Artoon Arakel, MD M
ID No. TX0854
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 407
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 543-7553
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Saro Avakian, MD M
ID No. TX0957
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 405
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 500-1233
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nagy S Awadalla, MD M
ID No. TX0652
3409 Calloway Dr
Bakersfield, CA 93312
(661) 459-1913
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Juan A Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. TX1046
325 E La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-7100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mezia O
Azinge-Obasi, MD F
ID No. TX0636
3450 W 43rd St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2832
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Bao, MD M
ID No. TX0021
17595 Almahurst St STE 202
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-4990
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Randolph J Betts, MD M
ID No. TX1039
274 W Badillo St
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 331-7369
Languages: Italian, Spanish
and Tagalog
Hao K Cao, DO F
ID No. TX1062
2550 W Main St STE 301
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 457-6900
Languages: Vietnamese
Bhavabhutanon, DO M
ID No. TX0025
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 307
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 300-8424
Languages: Thai
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ishak N Bishara, MD M
ID No. TX1052
2006 Durfee Ave
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 442-5015
Languages: Arabic, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
12116 Beach Blvd
Stanton, CA 90680
(323) 728-7355
Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at:
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Singh A Boun, MD M
ID No. TX0032
210 N Garfield Ave STE 201
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-5000
Languages: Cambodian,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
809 N Hills St STE K
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 346-9982
Languages: Cambodian,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
2237 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(323) 728-7355
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ernest Y Casillas, MD M
ID No. TX0909
2010 Wilshire Blvd STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2025 W 7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 353-0915
Languages: Spanish
Edwin T Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0051
624 W Duarte Ave STE 208
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 446-3608
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Justin L Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0052
925 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-0282
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ker Chow Chang, MD M
ID No. TX0064
18433 E Colima Rd
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 810-7772
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sheng H Chang, MD M
ID No. TX0066
330 W Las Tunas Dr STE 3
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 573-0055
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose G Castellanos, MD M
ID No. TX1020
234 E Badillo St
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 915-9992
Wen-Shi Chang, MD F
ID No. TX0926
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pei P Chao, MD F
ID No. TX0071
4082 E Whittier Blvd STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-5598
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Sreedhar Chava, MD M
ID No. TX0507
3580 Santa Anita Ave STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 444-2660
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Telugu
Kevin C Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0760
612 W Duarte Rd STE 401
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 446-8181
Languages: Mandarin and
Also located at:
1651 N Hacienda Blvd
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 917-8700
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Telugu
Luning Chen, MD F
ID No. TX0077
737 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7999
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
8401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 585-9100
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Telugu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edgar A Chavez, MD M
ID No. TX0490
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mary Chen, MD F
ID No. TX0590
18780 Amar Rd STE 107
Walnut, CA 91789
(626) 810-6777
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sun Ling Chen, MD F
ID No. TX0954
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Chung Lien Chen, MD M
ID No. TX1100
12802 Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0933
Languages: Chinese and
Angela P Cherlin, MD F
ID No. TX0091
18391 E Colima Rd STE 207
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-4147
Languages: Cantonese and
Hsiao Fen Chen, MD F
ID No. TX0076
140 W Valley Blvd STE 220
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 307-0797
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
Also located at:
1722 S Desire Ave STE 102
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-4147
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Peter C Chi, MD M
ID No. TX0982
5828 Temple City Blvd
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 285-1154
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chu Tsen T Chiu, MD M
ID No. TX0100
500 N Garfield Ave STE 311
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-2484
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thick G Chow, MD M
ID No. TX0105
817 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 385-0029
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cheryl Chu, MD F
ID No. TX0470
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ruben P Comelli, MD M
ID No. TX0654
277 E Front St
Buttonwillow, CA 93206
(661) 630-7381
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael J Cortez, MD M
ID No. TX1128
1024 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-5181
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Truc H Dao, MD M
ID No. TX0980
2411 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 987-1448
Languages: French and
Jeffrey K Gin, MD M
ID No. TX0999
218 W Badillo St
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 332-6234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fernando Q
Gonzales, MD M
ID No. TX0575
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 689-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Glenn Diaz, MD M
ID No. TX0465
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2411 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 987-2000
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jose J Guerra, MD M
ID No. TX1064
2237 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 490-2750
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
2237 E Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 490-2750
Languages: Spanish
Jennifer Elizondo, MD F
ID No. TX0953
5059 York Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 344-4144
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tadao Fujiwara, MD M
ID No. TX1098
5300 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 980-8488
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Don L Garcia, MD M
ID No. TX0181
898 S Harbor Blvd STE B1
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 491-1026
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Harel A Ho, MD M
ID No. TX0141
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 302
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-8835
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vincent A Ho, MD M
ID No. TX0548
1153 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-1961
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vincent D Ho, MD M
ID No. TX0608
8843 Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 287-8866
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Julie A Howard, MD F
ID No. TX0693
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 230
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 240-8659
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Xavier J Hsieh, DO M
ID No. TX0830
18558 Gale Ave STE 200
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-1282
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Bo T Huynh, MD M
ID No. TX0196
2630 San Gabriel Blvd
STE 105
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 288-2007
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Thomas K Hwee, MD M
ID No. TX0199
993 N Broadway STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 625-7995
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese, Mandarin and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Adam Hy, DO M
ID No. TX0201
18897 Colima Rd STE C
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 810-5272
Languages: Cambodian,
Chinese and Vietnamese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Shaheen Iqbal, MD M
ID No. TX0202
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6445
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nicholas J Jauregui, MD M
ID No. TX0985
80 W Sierra Madre Blvd
STE 352
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
(877) 830-7328
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sabah A Kadhium, MD M
ID No. TX1075
1234 Foothill Blvd STE 2
La Verne, CA 91750
(909) 596-4879
Languages: Arabic and Farsi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vigen Khojayan, MD M
ID No. TX0771
435 Arden Ave STE 360
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 637-8300
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gloria P Ko, MD F
ID No. TX0236
18575 Gale Ave STE 205
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 964-3900
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
En M Lai, DO M
ID No. TX0248
616 N Garfield Ave STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-1181
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Agustin J Lara, MD M
ID No. TX0580
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David P Lee, DO M
ID No. TX1101
2705 S Diamond Bar Blvd
STE 100
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 595-1515
Languages: Cantonese,
Korean and Mandarin
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
2705 S Diamond Bar STE 100
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 595-1515
Languages: Cantonese,
Korean and Mandarin
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Kevin T Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0513
5801 Rosemead Blvd
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 292-1241
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Su K Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0266
317 W Valley Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 293-1988
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Terry M Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0265
600 N Garfield Ave STE 111
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-3651
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
14135 Francisquito Ave
STE 106
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 960-3753
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Woo S Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0802
316 E Broadway STE B
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 956-2001
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yu Hsiang S Lee, DO M
ID No. TX1112
600 N Garfield Ave STE 100
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 927-9915
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Po-Long Lew, OD M
ID No. TX0274
9308 E Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 288-8881
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
421 E Angelino Ave STE 102
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 845-6800
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Weiguo Li, MD M
ID No. TX0277
25 S Raymond Ave STE 111
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 943-1818
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Yong Y Liang, MD F
ID No. TX0280
888 N Hill St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 687-0863
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew W Liao, MD M
ID No. TX0282
612 W Duarte Rd STE 305
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 447-4567
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thoi H Lien, MD M
ID No. TX0284
1004 E Garvey Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91755
(626) 280-5035
Languages: Chinese and
Susan Lim, MD F
ID No. TX1005
1250 S Sunset Ave STE 203
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 472-7811
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Thai
Anita L Mercado, MD F
ID No. TX1129
1024 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-5181
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
David Luna, MD M
ID No. TX0968
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Spanish
Chester D Mojica, MD M
ID No. TX1107
12511 Brookhurst St
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 643-7176
Languages: Spanish and
Lisa Ma, MD F
ID No. TX0858
4857 Huntington Drive N
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 226-9042
Languages: Japanese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Also located at:
12116 Beach Blvd
Stanton, CA 90680
(714) 898-2222
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Marcus W Lum, MD M
ID No. TX0320
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Anthony L Mendoza, MD M
ID No. TX0341
823 S Atlantic Blvd STE 5
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-0125
Languages: Spanish
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. TX0347
9200 Colima Rd STE 207
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-2128
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Angela W Liao, MD F
ID No. TX0283
612 W Duarte Rd STE 305
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 447-4567
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
George I Lin, MD M
ID No. TX0293
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Pablo C Limbo, MD M
ID No. TX0290
19036 E Colima Rd STE B
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 965-7272
Languages: Spanish and
Krunal J Mehta, MD M
ID No. TX1007
130 W Route 66 STE 214
Glendora, CA 91740
(626) 335-4129
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
2237 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 490-2750
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Musa Y Nasir, MD M
ID No. TX1099
500 N Garfield Ave STE 110
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-8900
Languages: Arabic and
Hung V Nguyen, MD M
ID No. TX0384
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: Spanish and
Burn Park, MD M
ID No. TX0602
19085 Colima Rd
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 964-5001
Languages: Korean and
Tarek R Nassif, MD M
ID No. TX0358
416 W Las Tunas Dr STE 307
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 289-0130
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
Also located at:
2411 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 987-2000
Languages: Spanish and
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. TX0506
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
303 S Loma Dr STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 201-5800
Languages: Spanish and
Jose L Perez, MD M
ID No. TX1065
5970 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 234-3280
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
12116 Beach Blvd
Stanton, CA 90680
(714) 898-2222
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Anh H Nguyen, MD F
ID No. TX0361
215 N State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 517-0467
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Franklin C Nguyen, DO M
ID No. TX0726
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Van T Nguyen, MD M
ID No. TX1088
600 W Main St STE 104
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 284-3284
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Raul A Pardave, MD M
ID No. TX0962
1530 E Chevy Chase Dr
STE 207
Glendale, CA 91206
(818) 545-7418
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2237 E Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 490-2750
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ngo C Phan, MD M
ID No. TX1105
330 S Garfield Ave STE 268
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-3265
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Juan C Ramirez, MD M
ID No. TX0733
3355 E Gage Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(632) 583-3986
Languages: Spanish
Suzanne E Schawlb, DO F
ID No. TX0510
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 305
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 570-6920
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
303 S Loma Dr STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 201-5800
Languages: Spanish
Rosemary D Reyes, MD F
ID No. TX1124
2237 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(323) 728-7355
Wei Der Show, MD M
ID No. TX0520
3301 N Eastern Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 225-2351
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carlos G Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. TX0516
1403 N Fair Oaks Ave STE 1
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 398-0354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Rafael Rubalcava, MD M
ID No. TX0517
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Juan Silva, MD M
ID No. TX0838
4857 Huntington Dr N
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 226-9042
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4425 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 908-4202
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ferdinant Saran, MD M
ID No. TX0846
1510 S Central Ave STE 515
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 243-4600
Languages: Amharic and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reuven F Sison, MD M
ID No. TX1111
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 102
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 607-0333
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. TX1096
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John T Stewart, MD M
ID No. TX1072
1024 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-5181
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Khee H Tan, MD M
ID No. TX1094
1436 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 280-7055
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Bao Khanh M Thai, DO F
ID No. TX1008
210 Grand Ave STE 415
Glendora, CA 91741
(626) 335-3627
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Benjamin Q Truong, MD M
ID No. TX0531
9014 E Garvey Ave STE I
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-3955
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marvin Urbina, MD M
ID No. TX0568
402 E Holt Blvd
Ontario, CA 91761
(909) 467-1605
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1850 N Riverside Ave
STE 230
Rialto, CA 92376
(909) 820-2725
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
23900 Ironwood Ave STE F
Moreno Valley, CA 92557
(951) 485-2570
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gilbert R Varela, MD M
ID No. TX1044
5970 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 234-3280
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jasmin A Villatoro, MD F
ID No. TX1070
4126 N Maine Ave
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 653-0800
Languages: Spanish
Jessica Wong, MD F
ID No. TX0467
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Also located at:
10050 Garvey Ave STE 111
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 652-0790
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Tri M Vo, MD M
ID No. TX0640
10107 E Valley Blvd
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 443-9050
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
303 S Loma Dr STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 201-5800
Also located at:
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
James N Wang, DO M
ID No. TX0394
3301 N Eastern Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 225-2351
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Kelly T Wong, DO F
ID No. TX0564
500 N Garfield Ave STE 105
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3828
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
103 N Garfield Ave STE B
Alhambra, CA 91801
Lorenzo M Vazquez, MD M
(626) 284-7788
ID No. TX0574
Languages: Cantonese,
1840 N Hacienda Blvd STE 10
Mandarin and Spanish
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 931-6618
Yi Wang, MD M
Languages: Spanish
ID No. TX0533
1661 Hanover Rd STE 201
Cesar A Velez, MD M
City of Industry, CA 91748
ID No. TX0387
(626) 965-4628
1411 Sunset Blvd STE 203
Languages: Chinese and
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 482-8313
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edward Z Xu, MD M
ID No. TX0438
228 N Garfield Ave STE 203
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3992
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jin Q Yang, MD M
ID No. TX0731
500 N Garfield Ave STE 110
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-0091
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Steve S Yeh, MD M
ID No. TX0447
638 W Duarte Rd STE 8
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 574-1189
Ayad J Alanizi, MD M
ID No. TX0485
127 N Madison Ave STE 106
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 744-9018
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
9939 Garvey Ave STE A
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 579-2637
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mehrangiz F Cadry, MD F
ID No. TX0043
2707 S Central Ave STE 288
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 243-5000
Languages: Chinese, Farsi
and Spanish
Jeffrey C Young, DO M
ID No. TX0683
600 N Garfield Ave STE 107
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-7958
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
David Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0841
210 N Garfield Ave STE 203
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-7397
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
ID No. TX0963
1722 S Desire Ave STE 102
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 581-0700
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Zhenghong Yuan, MD M
ID No. TX0599
416 W Las Tunas Dr STE 303
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 289-9978
Also located at:
731 E 1st St STE C
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 547-0104
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
Philip Y Zhuo, MD M
ID No. TX0579
210 N Garfield Ave STE 312
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-2266
Languages: Cantonese and
Hubert W Chow, MD M
ID No. TX0106
1111 E Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-8473
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice
Ara Airapetian, MD M
ID No. TX0932
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-General Practci e
Jose D Coting, MD M
ID No. TX0120
1160 N Logan St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-7069
Languages: Spanish and
Yen Doan, MD M
ID No. TX0158
1663 Beverly Blvd STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-4845
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -General Practci e
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. TX0180
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs -General Practci e
Karine Gaboian, MD F
ID No. TX0966
633 N Central Ave STE 207
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Blanca L Galapon, MD F
ID No. TX1063
5970 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 234-3280
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Lars E Hanson, MD M
ID No. TX0744
8811 Garvey Ave STE 101
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 375-1505
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
2112 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(626) 375-1505
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Luis Hernandez, MD M
ID No. TX0835
1817 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5524
Languages: Russian and
Philip H Lee, DO M
ID No. TX0701
9310 E Valley Blvd STE A
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 288-8671
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Chong S Hone, MD M
ID No. TX1097
17170 Colima Rd STE G
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 810-0706
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese, Chinese and
William Y Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0669
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-9111
Hin Chiu Hung, MD M
ID No. TX0195
625 W College St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 620-8730
Languages: Chinese
Simon X Jiang, MD M
ID No. TX0205
1314 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 384-5132
Languages: Chinese and
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. TX0990
1000 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
Michael Lam, MD M
ID No. TX0252
923 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-8700
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Tit S Li, MD M
ID No. TX0278
819 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 613-1255
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -General Practci e
Weiguo Li, MD M
ID No. TX0277
25 S Raymond Ave STE 111
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 943-1818
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -General Practci e
James Lin, MD M
ID No. TX1015
193 E Orange Grove Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 568-3302
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -General Practci e
Wu H Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0306
3948 N Peck Rd STE 10
El Monte, CA 91732
(626) 455-0166
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -General Practci e
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. TX0330
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Brian Mirazic, MD M
ID No. TX0697
3518 W 8th St
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 384-9949
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
Matthew K Mo, MD M
ID No. TX0708
2140 W Valley Blvd
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 284-8881
Languages: Cantonese and
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. TX1085
6425 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Alberto V Natividad, MD M
ID No. TX0753
1711 W Temple St STE 3200
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-1951
Languages: Spanish and
Zhaoyang Pan, MD M
ID No. TX0379
652 N Broadway STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 617-7673
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Thuy Q Pham, MD M
ID No. TX0380
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
4837 Huntington Dr STE N-1
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 225-0024
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-General Practci e
Earla E Quisido, MD F
ID No. TX0746
1711 W Temple St FL 6
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 483-8300
Languages: Spanish,
Swedish and Tagalog
Hoang T Ton, MD M
ID No. TX0528
642 N Broadway STE 2
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 620-1720
Languages: Chinese and
Usha K Varma, MD F
ID No. TX0385
316 E Las Tunas Dr STE 206
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 285-9705
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Francisco G
Rodriguez, DO M
ID No. TX0538
330 W Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 296-9500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Jiangnan Wang, MD M
ID No. TX1125
13768 Roswell Ave STE 118
Chino, CA 91710
(909) 591-8200
Languages: Chinese
Francisco D Run, MD M
ID No. TX1082
1730 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 573-1252
Languages: Cantonese,
Taiwanese and Vietnamese
PCPs-General Practci e
Gordon K Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0492
409 W Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 382-1263
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Kaied O Shalabi, MD M
ID No. TX1069
453 E Arrow Highway STE B
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 915-1748
Languages: Arabic and
Tuong B Trinh, MD M
ID No. TX0464
2411 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 987-2000
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Frederick N Thomas, MD M
ID No. TX1001
2707 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 234-5000
Languages: Spanish
Kai Y Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0419
711 W College St STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 625-3182
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
500 N Garfield Ave STE 105
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3828
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
500 N Garfield Ave STE 309
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3828
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
PCPs -General Practci e
Shi-Yin Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0420
407 W College St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 680-3990
Languages: Cambodian,
Cantonese and Mandarin
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
1001 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 308-0138
Languages: Cambodian,
Cantonese and Mandarin
PCPs -General Practci e
Peters S Yatar, MD M
ID No. TX1080
2040 S Brea Canyon Rd
STE 220
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 839-0808
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Yan P Zhang, MD F
ID No. TX0460
10942 Ramona Blvd STE B
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-2929
Languages: Chinese
Internal Medicine
Zahid J Abdou, MD M
ID No. TX0694
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Arabic, Armenian,
French and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mahesh V Bhuta, MD M
ID No. TX1104
9711 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 559-9884
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
Steve L Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0054
1106 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 612-5835
Languages: Cantonese and
Gary W Brown, MD M
ID No. TX0716
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Spanish
Araceli D
Chanbonpin, MD F
ID No. TX0063
225 E Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 285-5700
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dennis Y Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0059
A Shawn Adhami, MD M
500 N Garfield Ave STE 107
ID No. TX0986
Monterey Park, CA 91754
1000 W Whittier Blvd
(626) 280-3003
Montebello, CA 90640
Languages: Cantonese and
(323) 346-0555
Languages: Farsi and Spanish Mandarin
Michelle L Chan, MD M
Also located at:
ID No. TX0050
3030 Tyler Ave
320 W Valley Blvd
El Monte, CA 91731
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 350-9540
Languages: Farsi and Spanish (626) 943-0780
Languages: Cantonese
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
Robert W Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0005
ID No. TX0053
4511 Rosemead Blvd
1234 S Garfield Ave STE 103
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Alhambra, CA 91801
(562) 695-2282
(626) 576-7871
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
Languages: Cantonese and
and Urdu
Nagasamudra S
Also located at:
Ashok, MD M
3163 San Gabriel Blvd
ID No. TX0489
STE 102
1648 Tyler Ave STE B
Rosemead, CA 91770
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 571-5415
(626) 579-0103
Languages: Hindi and Spanish Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Henry Chang, DO M
ID No. TX0598
2707 E Valley Blvd STE 208
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 581-0486
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jyh C Chang, MD M
ID No. TX1047
4318 Maine Ave STE A
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 962-5141
Languages: Mandarin,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kamini S Chari, MD F
ID No. TX1053
315 N 3rd Ave STE 100
Covina, CA 91722
(626) 967-4469
Languages: Hindi and Tamil
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. TX0995
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Anthony C Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0073
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 102
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 912-2682
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Huo Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0617
600 N Garfield Ave STE 105
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-9269
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jaw Huei Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0496
1850 S Azuza Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kuancheng Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0766
622 W Duarte Rd STE 205
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 821-9075
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mary Chen, MD F
ID No. TX0590
18780 Amar Rd STE 107
Walnut, CA 91789
(626) 810-6777
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Pai-Hsiang P Chen, DO M
ID No. TX0078
301 W Huntington Dr
STE 310
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 446-2360
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shaw S Chen, MD M
ID No. TX0688
1701 Cesar Chavez STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Mandarin and
An P Chieng, MD M
ID No. TX0098
3301 N Eastern Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 225-2351
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
Victoria N Chen, MD F
ID No. TX1049
4318 N Maine Ave STE A
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 962-5141
Languages: Chinese and
Also located at:
103 N Garfield Ave STE B
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 284-7788
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Show Shan Cherng, MD M
ID No. TX1078
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 111
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 913-3661
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Raymond W Cheung, MD M
ID No. TX0093
1048 S Garfield Ave STE 201
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-8387
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Oscar L Chien, MD M
ID No. TX0097
1448 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 569-2888
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Oscar L Chien M
ID No. TX0605
1448 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 569-2888
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Max W Chiou, MD M
ID No. TX0099
210 N Garfield Ave STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 573-9875
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Josephine W Choa, MD F
ID No. TX0103
7540 E Garvey Ave STE C
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 307-4785
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hung Jen Chu, MD M
ID No. TX0109
746 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 617-0777
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
William A Chua, MD M
ID No. TX0115
3111 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0671
Languages: Mandarin,
Tagalog and Taiwanese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Jesse J Chuang, MD M
ID No. TX0819
207 S Santa Anita St STE G18
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 427-1490
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peter H Chung, MD M
ID No. TX0603
3220 Brea Canyon Rd STE H
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 594-1848
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 202
La Mirada, CA 90638
(909) 594-1848
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lucita M Cruz, MD F
ID No. TX0494
12507 E Alondra Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 802-2203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Seung S Cua, MD M
ID No. TX1035
1433 W Merced Ave
STE 114 8
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 960-4989
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nadim K Dagher, MD M
ID No. TX1002
530 W Badillo St STE D
Covina, CA 91722
(626) 332-1175
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nouneh O Danielyan, MD M
ID No. TX0793
5220 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 913-9300
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arpita A Devani, DO F
ID No. TX0839
4857 Huntington Dr N
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 226-9042
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Devinder S Gandhi, MD M
ID No. TX1021
1812 Verdugo Blvd
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 243-2222
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1560 E Chevy Chase Dr
STE 225
Glendale, CA 91206
(818) 523-0200
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Paul A Duron, MD M
ID No. TX0973
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Spanish
Johnny S Gaw, MD M
ID No. TX0879
931 Buena Vista Ave STE 106
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 359-8929
Languages: Mandarin and
Edmund B Foo, MD M
ID No. TX0173
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 201
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 912-2383
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Marco A Gomez
Garcia, MD M
ID No. TX0984
1510 S Central Ave STE 340
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 240-4031
Languages: Spanish
Casey S Fu, MD M
ID No. TX0177
1661 Hanover Rd STE 103
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
David G Gu, MD M
ID No. TX1131
723 S Garfield Ave STE 201
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-3999
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ron Y Gu, MD M
ID No. TX0193
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Wendy J Gu, MD F
ID No. TX1103
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Hakka, Mandarin
and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Steven S Ho, MD M
ID No. TX0743
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-3888
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William W Hung, MD M
ID No. TX1000
2101 W Beverly Blvd
STE 301
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5181
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
223 N Garfield Ave STE 206
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(213) 483-3888
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ray J Hsiao, MD M
ID No. TX0152
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 308
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 854-7866
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
201 W Garvey Ave STE 108
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 573-2188
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. TX0155
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
Rizwana B Hussain, MD F
ID No. TX1059
18750 E Colima Rd STE B
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-9345
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jenny M Hwang, MD F
ID No. TX0851
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 305
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 222-0137
Languages: Chinese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jennifer M Imparato, DO F
ID No. TX0577
12462 Putman St STE 506
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-8141
Languages: Italian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. TX0154
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Karo Isagholian, MD M
ID No. TX0836
900 N Pacific Ave
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 244-8241
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
435 Arden Ave STE 330
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 244-8241
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. TX0685
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Marian Jalil, MD F
ID No. TX0512
14350 E Whittier Bl STE 200
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-7671
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rajnish Jandial, MD M
ID No. TX1025
315 N 3rd Ave STE 100
Covina, CA 91722
(626) 967-4469
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Cesar A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. TX0206
2550 E Amar Rd STE A2
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 964-0099
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Alberto Jimeno, MD M
ID No. TX0207
6061 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-1795
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. TX0991
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bina A Kamdar, MD F
ID No. TX1045
520 W Foothill Blvd
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 334-1611
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Y Karapetian, MD M
ID No. TX0808
5220 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 913-9300
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arman F Karapetyan, MD M
ID No. TX0848
1332 S Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 550-5055
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3920 Eagle Rock Blvd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(818) 550-5055
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Matthew K Kaw, MD M
ID No. TX0646
4355 Peck Rd
El Monte, CA 91732
(626) 575-4511
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Salman A Khan, MD M
ID No. TX0872
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 225-2550
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sanjay N Khedia, MD M
ID No. TX1055
211 W Badillo St
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 915-7674
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Nu Khin, MD F
ID No. TX0226
1212 E Main St STE 1
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-7654
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gemma Ko, MD F
ID No. TX0499
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael Kwok, MD M
ID No. TX1009
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 202
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 943-6761
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
3220 S Brea Canyon Rd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 861-6500
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Soon Y Kwun, MD M
ID No. TX0998
3131 Santa Anita Ave
STE 105
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 442-2151
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Eddie K Lam, MD M
ID No. TX0253
333 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7333
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Chau M Le, MD M
ID No. TX0258
9206 E Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 571-2763
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Son Hong Le, MD M
ID No. TX1113
9143 E Valley Blvd STE 101A
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 573-3545
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. TX0965
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
John Che Cherng
Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0261
207 S Santa Anita St
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 282-6989
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Job R Li, MD M
ID No. TX0727
808 E Valley Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 572-3688
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
638 W Duarte Rd STE 3A
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 574-6878
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Le Young D Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0262
616 N Garfield Ave STE 303
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 457-8600
Languages: Mandarin,
Tagalog and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
127B W Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 457-8600
Languages: Mandarin,
Tagalog and Vietnamese
Pen H Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0264
600 N Garfield Ave STE 110
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-6641
Languages: Chinese
Su K Lee, MD M
ID No. TX0266
317 W Valley Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 293-1988
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1433 W Merced Ave STE 102
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 330-6003
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark W Li, MD M
ID No. TX0279
2440 S Hacienda Blvd
STE 105
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 330-6003
Languages: Chinese and
Also located at:
2101 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(626) 330-6003
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Xia Li, MD F
ID No. TX0276
1161 1/2 Logan St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-1289
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hong Liang, MD M
ID No. TX0281
3105 Del Mar Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 280-8897
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Scott H Liang, MD M
ID No. TX0756
900 S 1st Ave STE G
Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 628-0808
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Angela D Lii, MD F
ID No. TX0286
723 S Garfield Ave STE 204
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-9788
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Byron Lin, MD M
ID No. TX0299
1153 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-1961
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Charles C Lin, MD M
ID No. TX0551
1034 S San Gabriel Ave
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 287-8222
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
David Y Lin, DO M
ID No. TX0292
14362 E Ramona Blvd
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 337-0676
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
420 W Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 296-9500
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
James Y Lin, MD M
ID No. TX0294
1245 W Huntington Dr
STE 212
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 577-4800
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Xiang-Hong E Lin, MD F
ID No. TX0296
500 N Garfield Ave STE 110
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-0091
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Clifford Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0308
1801 W Romneya Dr STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dennis S Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0762
301 W Hungtington Dr
STE 310
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 445-7490
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Paul T Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0305
2233 Huntington Dr STE 10
San Marino, CA 91108
(626) 796-0821
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Wu H Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0306
3948 N Peck Rd STE 10
El Monte, CA 91732
(626) 455-0166
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Zune H Liu, MD M
ID No. TX0307
18395 E Colima Rd
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 964-1120
Languages: Chinese, Korean
and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Edmund Lo, MD M
ID No. TX0312
123 N Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 284-2264
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Julio A Loza, DO M
ID No. TX0900
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 262-4176
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Henry Y Luh, MD M
ID No. TX0319
500 N Garfield Ave STE 106
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-5955
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kyaw Lyn, MD M
ID No. TX1023
906 S Sunset Ave STE 101
West Covina, CA 91790
(620) 960-1902
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jackson C Ma, MD M
ID No. TX1110
433 N 4th St STE 208
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 725-1867
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Peter Y Ma, MD M
ID No. TX0322
612 W Duarte Rd STE 505
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 294-9978
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Lakshman D
Makandura, MD M
ID No. TX1030
2219 S Hacienda Blvd
STE 101
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-2461
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
910 S Sunset Ave STE 8
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 338-8407
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Stan Mathioulakis, MD M
ID No. TX0334
931 Buena Vista St STE 102
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 358-3204
Languages: Greek, Italian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
10 Congress St STE 506
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 584-9898
Languages: Greek, Italian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Melikterminas, MD M
ID No. TX0823
303 S Glenoaks Blvd STE 1
Burbank, CA 91502
(818) 569-7159
Languages: Armenian, Farsi
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Zaw Min, MD M
ID No. TX0886
612 W Duarte Rd STE 402
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 446-1894
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. TX0876
4433 E Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Chung W Ng, MD M
ID No. TX1004
857 Cleveland St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 620-1781
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hy P Ngo, MD M
ID No. TX0360
625 E Valley Blvd STE H
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(213) 617-8301
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
5801 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 971-3883
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Duc V Nguyen, MD M
ID No. TX0514
8748 E Valley Blvd STE H
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 288-3306
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Quy V Nguyen, MD M
ID No. TX0363
9126 B Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 573-9003
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
Maung M Oo, MD M
ID No. TX0374
705 E Garvey Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91755
(626) 312-5488
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese and Vietnamese
Vinh X Nguyen, MD M
ID No. TX0366
10050 E Garvey Ave STE 115
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 448-3550
Languages: Vietnamese
Jonathan D Ou, MD M
ID No. TX0739
2707 S Diamond Bar Blvd
STE 104
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 594-8331
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Khalid Nur, MD M
ID No. TX0497
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rita N Ogbo, MD F
ID No. TX0372
10301 E Garvey Ave STE 100
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 448-0468
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hee Y Oh, MD M
ID No. TX1067
1433 W Merced Ave STE 207
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-2421
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1722 Desire Ave STE 206
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-7620
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Arnold T Pang, DO M
ID No. TX0502
15572 E Gale Ave
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 377-4562
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chung N Pang, MD M
ID No. TX0493
228 N Garfield Ave STE 202
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-1187
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Winnie K Pang, MD F
ID No. TX0832
228 N Garfield Ave STE 202
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-1176
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dilip S Patel, MD M
ID No. TX1123
611 S 1st Ave
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 446-8818
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Vijay V Patel, MD M
ID No. TX1061
611 S 1st Ave
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 446-8818
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bosheng Qiu, MD M
ID No. TX0511
330 S Garfield Ave STE 248
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-3606
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. TX0684
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hew W Quon, MD
ID No. TX1013
201 W Garvey Ave STE 108
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 573-2188
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. TX0515
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Miguel E
Rodriguez-Colume, MD M
ID No. TX0929
5836 E Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 726-0370
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ricardo R Roman, MD M
ID No. TX0728
4708 Eagle Rock Blvd
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
(323) 254-3700
Languages: Spanish and
Annie T Shu, MD F
ID No. TX0521
623 W Duarte Rd STE 1
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 445-1278
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese and Mandarin
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. TX0601
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
Vasthi V Silva, MD F
ID No. TX0741
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ajit C Shah, MD M
ID No. TX0519
15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-1619
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Hiren C Shah, MD M
ID No. TX1010
18335 E Valley Blvd
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 810-3330
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Indravadan S Shah, MD M
ID No. TX0767
931 Buena Vista St STE 504
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 358-2576
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ranjit T Shenoy, MD M
ID No. TX0927
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 20
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
James H Song, MD M
ID No. TX0522
16404 Colima Rd FL 1
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Virgilio J Soriano, MD M
ID No. TX1026
1559 E Amar Rd STE F
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 810-1522
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
James R Stewart, MD M
ID No. TX1126
1024 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-5181
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tony C Su, MD
ID No. TX0686
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Thai
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Khee H Tan, MD M
ID No. TX1094
1436 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 280-7055
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thomas M Tseng, MD M
ID No. TX0532
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 208
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 289-9478
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Mary Wang, MD F
ID No. TX0391
1118 S Garfield Ave STE 201
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-0090
Languages: Burmese and
Radhika Tulpule, MD F
ID No. TX1054
110 N 4th Ave
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 859-6400
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
Shuo S Wang, MD
ID No. TX0845
711 W College St STE 205
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 621-2998
Languages: Chinese and
Van C Vong, MD M
ID No. TX1011
923 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-8700
Yong Wang, MD M
ID No. TX0396
11245 Lower Azusa Rd
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 579-9541
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish
and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nora K Tee, MD F
ID No. TX0526
841 W Valley Blvd STE 107
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 282-3657
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese, Mandarin and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chia Y Teng, MD M
ID No. TX0527
18575 E Gale Ave STE 235
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 810-7708
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dan Tran, MD M
ID No. TX0586
7900 Garvey Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 307-1050
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dejun Wang, MD M
ID No. TX0393
18391 E Colima Rd STE 204
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 810-2983
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kiet T Tran, MD M
ID No. TX0530
815 W Sunset Blvd STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 617-8246
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
John Z Wang, MD M
ID No. TX1056
1535 W Merced Ave STE 206
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 338-0811
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Emerald S Tay, MD F
ID No. TX0525
222 E Valley Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 307-8636
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Oliver C Tsai, MD M
ID No. TX1006
1433 W Merced Ave STE 308
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-3584
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Ida W Wang, MD F
ID No. TX0392
20 E Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA 91006
(626) 447-8000
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Yuh-Huey Wang, MD F
ID No. TX0397
1106 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 612-5835
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Rashad N Wasef, MD M
ID No. TX0404
25 S Raymond Ave STE 202
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 570-6016
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
Jacqueline C Wong, MD F
ID No. TX0417
1336 W Valley Blvd STE A
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 281-2232
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Tagalog
Sunny W Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0422
110 W Emerson Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-0676
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
Hongsheng Wei, MD M
ID No. TX0148
650 W Duarte Rd STE 208
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 446-1599
Languages: Mandarin
Jair Wong, MD M
ID No. TX1068
1535 W Merced Ave STE 102
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-9108
Languages: Chinese and
Tan L Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0423
7540 E Garvey Ave STE C
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 307-4785
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Spanish
James W Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0547
800 Fairmont Ave STE 205
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 578-7135
Kesheng Wu, MD M
ID No. TX0425
9209 S Colima Rd STE 4500
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 696-5088
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John C Wei, MD M
ID No. TX0405
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 284-0022
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3224 Santa Ana St
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2384
Languages: Mandarin and
Kin Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0542
709 N Hill St STE 8
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 628-3300
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Jiaxiong Weng, MD M
ID No. TX0679
624 W Duarte Rd STE 106
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 447-4483
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Nga W Wong, MD F
ID No. TX0418
819 W Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 613-1255
Languages: Chinese and
Henry Winn, MD M
ID No. TX0413
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 102B
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-9591
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
Siu Wan Wong, MD M
ID No. TX0421
201 W Garvey Ave STE 108
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 573-2188
Languages: Cantonese,
French and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tai Hing Wu, MD M
ID No. TX0426
415 W Valley Blvd STE C
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 943-9240
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sherry Xie, MD F
ID No. TX0436
612 W Duarte Rd STE 201
Arcadia, CA 91007
(626) 254-1281
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Wan Yao, MD M
ID No. TX0444
228 N Garfield Ave STE 302
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3219
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Yu Yao, MD M
ID No. TX0445
500 N Garfield Ave STE 304
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-1918
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Yeroshalmi, MD M
ID No. TX0969
6000 N Figeroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: Persian
Thomas S Yu, MD M
ID No. TX0454
1448 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 288-0300
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Also located at:
1722 Desire Ave STE 202
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 913-1888
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
STE 201
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 307-0550
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jimmy Yue, DO M
ID No. TX0455
1336 W Valley Blvd STE A
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 281-2232
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Zhi Zeng, MD M
ID No. TX0459
416 E Las Tunas Dr STE 203
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 300-8880
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
320 S Garfield Ave STE 206
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 308-0133
Languages: Cantonese and
Loraine V Diego, MD F
ID No. TX1022
2405 W 8th St STE 105
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 388-2229
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Tin Y Yung, MD M
ID No. TX1092
1722 Desire Ave STE 208
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 913-1888
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
Charles Chan, MD M
ID No. TX0049
500 N Garfield Ave STE 310
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-8590
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Julius C Kpaduwa, MD M
ID No. TX0243
16008 Amar Rd
City of Industry, CA 91744
(626) 330-9535
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
11017 Valley Mall
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 575-8342
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Jing Lu, MD F
ID No. TX0318
500 N Garfield Ave STE 205
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-1198
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Also located at:
17170 Colima Rd STE D
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 281-1198
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Also located at:
18575 E Gale Ave STE 295
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 281-1198
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Ovi Moas, MD M
ID No. TX0345
9815 Las Tunas Dr
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 285-7158
Languages: French, Hebrew
and Spanish
Saleh H Hamdan, MD M
ID No. TX1074
5817 Temple City Blvd
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 285-1254
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Turkish
Elsie E Wu, MD F
ID No. TX0433
1048 S Garfield Ave STE 300
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-1009
Gagik G Haroutunian, MD M
ID No. TX0772
1332 S Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 241-7147
Languages: Armenian and
Luong T Do, MD M
ID No. TX0157
193 E Orange Grove Ave
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 568-3302
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
3920 Eagle Rock Blvd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 255-5225
Languages: Armenian and
Also located at:
925 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-0282
Languages: Spanish and
Lin Huey L Hwang, MD F
ID No. TX0711
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Emil R Dominguez, MD M
ID No. TX1095
1240 N Hacienda Blvd
STE 101
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 850-5005
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
409 E Merced Ave STE A
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 931-0901
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Gancedo S Laura, MD F
ID No. TX0712
6000 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 254-5291
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
4815 Valley Blvd STE C
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 222-1134
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Connie J Li, MD F
ID No. TX0778
210 N Garfield Ave STE 316
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-7397
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pediatrci s
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Ding S Lam, MD M
ID No. TX1081
600 N Garfield Ave STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 571-6736
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Holly Lim, MD F
ID No. TX1032
14514 Ramona Blvd STE 3
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 337-0424
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Berwyn J Lin, MD M
ID No. TX1091
600 N Garfield Ave STE 203
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-1468
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Pedai trics
John S Lu, MD M
ID No. TX1114
500 N Garfield Ave STE 202
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 572-8864
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Viet Q Mai, MD M
ID No. TX0325
530 W Badillo St STE E
Covina, CA 91722
(626) 858-5370
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Jennifer L Shih, MD F
ID No. TX1089
4124 N Rosemead Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 285-2477
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Jana R Wells, MD F
ID No. TX0409
7947 S Painter Ave
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-6089
Alan C Lau, MD M
ID No. TX0689
1701 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
220 S 1st St
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 281-8663
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Also located at:
222 W Eulalia St STE 311
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 547-3101
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. TX0187
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Gow Nan Ling, MD M
ID No. TX0303
801 W Valley Blvd STE 206
Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 576-1221
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Taiwanese and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Kuan W Su, MD M
ID No. TX1090
600 N Garfield Ave STE 305
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 282-8441
Languages: Japanese and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Also located at:
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Hindi
Specialty Physicians
Chao I Lin, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Lei Ding, MD F
ID No. TX0133
1661 Hanover Rd STE 101
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 581-4298
Languages: Japanese and
Peter K Fung, MD M
ID No. TX0179
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 103
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0655
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
David W Wang, MD M
ID No. TX0395
210 N Garfield Ave STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-9009
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Vietnamese
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Ying Feng Huang, MD M
ID No. TX1076
1133 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-7666
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
320 S Garfield Ave STE 110
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 280-2803
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Marina H Fernandez, MD F
ID No. TX1051
14514 Ramona Blvd STE 3
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 337-0424
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Tagalog
Allergy & Immunology
Reyniero Castro Jr, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Peter P Parker, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology
Rainier A Manzanilla, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael K Cao, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Rajesh Chawla, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Ngoc T Nguyen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Huei Sheng V Chen, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Garo Z Pehlevanian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Simon Cheung, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Michael K Cao, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Suresha P Rao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel C Choo, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Rajesh Chawla, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Chin Shun Shih, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
John L Easthope Jr, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Simon Cheung, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Vivian R Tan, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Peter K Fung, MD M
Montebello, CA
Daniel C Choo, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Babak Tashakkor, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Joseph S Ghazal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John L Easthope Jr, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Bao B Yang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Gregory M Giesler, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Gregory M Giesler, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Timothy G Yeh, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Phillip R Harding, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Naji Kandalaft, MD M
Glendora, CA
Greg S Yen, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Ivan C Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Iftikhar A Khan, MD M
Montebello, CA
Douglas D Yun, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Arsen Hovanesyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Robert D Kummer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Raymond J Zimmer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Paul G Hovsepian, MD M
Alhambra, CA
David M Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Alireza Jafari, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Wing C Chan, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Martin H Cheung, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Paul H Chiu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Prash F Jayaraj, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Naji Kandalaft, MD M
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Harry Balian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Paul D Maher, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Bruce B Bagheri, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Rex C Liu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Edgar H Aleman, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Ming W Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Yih Jen Kok, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Raed Bargout, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Robert D Kummer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sanju Sharma, MD M
Glendale, CA
Gary Chu, DC M
West Covina, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Stanley K Lau, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Chin Shun Shih, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Kenny Ho, MD
Alhambra, CA
David M Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Stephen J Soldo, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Gregory S Siegel, DC M
Whittier, CA
Ming W Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Babak Tashakkor, MD M
Arcadia, CA
George C Win, DC
Rowland Heights, CA
Xiushi S Liu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Parvindar S Wadhwa, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Paul D Maher, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Henry C Yee, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Rainier A Manzanilla, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Yeh, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Timothy G Yeh, MD M
Anaheim, CA
John P McKenzie III, MD M
Glendale, CA
Tom T Yeh, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Paul H Miller, MD M
Covina, CA
Douglas D Yun, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mark R Myers, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Raymond J Zimmer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nademanee, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Gene L Syn, MD M
Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Colon& Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Colon& Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Robert B Yavrouian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Critical Care Medicine
Mohamed A Abdel
Latif, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Mirali A Zarrabi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Darren M Hodgins, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Garo Z Pehlevanian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Radwan A Badawi, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Sid A Danesh, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Simon M
Keushkerian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Martin H Kay, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Juan A Quiros, MD M
Placentia, CA
Ramsay C Nucho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael T Lin, MD M
City of Industry, CA
James T Wu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Ralph A Massey, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Ryan A Stevens, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Suresha P Rao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Hugo Riffel Dalinger, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Edward Y Chu, DC M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Diagnostic Radiology
Diagnostic Radiology
James Lin Jr, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Ravindra Alapati, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Emergency Medicine
Frederick A
Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dai gnosticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Alireza Tabesh, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Zarmen Israelian
Konaraki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Dennis Y Chan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kwok-Leung Chung, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Araksya Koupalian, PA F
Glendale, CA
Casey S Fu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Thelma Linda S
Lamorena, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Chau M Le, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Michael Lin, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Oliver L Ong, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Family Practice
Janet A Cunningham, MD F
Glendale, CA
Firmin C Ho, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Chun Y Hsu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Martin Moradian, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Jose R Pilpa Jr, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
General Surgery
Thuc T Bach, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Steve S Bae, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sam Kam, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Robinson V Baron, MD M
Covina, CA
Mehdi Khorsandi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Bryce D Beseth, MD M
Upland, CA
Thomas S Lam, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Edgardo M Capitulo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark W Li, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Gabriel G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Craig B Carter, MD M
Covina, CA
Edgar Medhikhani, MD M
Glendale, CA
Edwin L Edillon, MD M
West Covina, CA
Edward A Mena, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Khan J Hameed, MD M
West Covina, CA
Barry A Morguelan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ara Kelekian, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Jose R Pilpa Jr, MD M
El Monte, CA
Leslie J Korostoff, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Paul C Moya, DO M
Glendora, CA
General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Almoatazbellah M
Idriss, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Endocrinology &
Shang C Wu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
Shiun T Ker, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
General Vascular
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Simon M
Keushkerian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Faisal A Khan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Armond Kotikan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Troy M Lamar, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Dustin J Lee, DO M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Alexander A
Maglunog, MD M
West Covina, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Bryce D Beseth, MD M
Upland, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Vascual r
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Richard L Friedman, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Infectious Diseases
Arash Alborzi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Chung-Yeh Wang, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Kitty Lam, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Jean Ding, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Jamie J Lin, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Weber Chen, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Tommy C Lu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Hematology Oncology
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Alan A Morgenstein, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
William A Chua, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Robert H
Papadopoulos, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Honghao Yang, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Antonio K Ong, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Henry Wang, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Karen L Tsujimoto, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Jason S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Sharon Y Wang, DO F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Shirish C Patel, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Monica E Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Brian L Spivack, MD M
Upland, CA
Raymundo Romero, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gene L Syn, MD M
Laguna Hills, CA
Lasika C Seneviratne, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bruce B Bagheri, MD M
Glendale, CA
Jon S Tyrell, MD M
Arcadia, CA
David D Shin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ethelred E Carter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David Y Wang, MD M
Covina, CA
Mihran H Shirinian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Shobha R Chowdiah
Mahesh, MD F
Bakersfield, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Libby F Wilson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Jerry K Wada, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Nguyen D Dang, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Stanley K Lau, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Bao B Yang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Julka P Dilpreet, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Brian J Leberthon, MD M
West Covina, CA
Honghao Yang, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Walter A Edmiston, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Henry C Yee, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Rex C Liu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Mirali A Zarrabi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Zahra Esmail, DO F
Los Angeles, CA
Tommy C Lu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Firmin C Ho, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Montebello, CA
Franklin A Ho, MD M
West Covina, CA
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gerald Y Ho, MD M
La Palma, CA
Edward A Mena, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Arsen Hovanesyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Haroutioun D
Mesrobian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Yih Jen Kok, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kitty Lam, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Thomas S Lam, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Dariush Arfaania, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Pradip C Chowdhury, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Sam F Daneshvari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Barry A Morguelan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jim Jer Hwu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Nelson J Owyoung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Jennifer M Imparato, DO F
Whittier, CA
Rajiv T Philip, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Anita Kamarzarian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Srinivasan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Anjana V Kamdar, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Elton S Katagihara, MD M
Arcadia, CA
John M Arcia, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Naji Kandalaft, MD M
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Anita Kamarzarian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Sam Kam, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Jim Jer Hwu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Parvindar S Wadhwa, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Lynn Wang, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Xipu Wu, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Daniel Levitan, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Chao Ming Lu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Ramesh K
Manchanda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rami G Apelian, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ilian O Marquez, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Rosa K Choy, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Ma J Binas, NP
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Nurse Practitioner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Julka P Dilpreet, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Angelina D Bucu, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Marianne M Cadiz, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Krishna J Mohan, MD M
Covina, CA
Vincent M
Fortanasce, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Henry G Nebeker, MD M
Burbank, CA
Grigor M Harutunian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Dolores F Paredones, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Ushir V Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Edielyn Quijano, NP F
Baldwin Park, CA
Artashes Patrikyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Frank P Lin, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Catherine W Wong, NP F
Hacienda Heights, CA
Luon W Peng, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
James T Lin, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Sheri A Pham, MD F
Glendora, CA
Antonio K Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Erik V Sitker, MD M
Burbank, CA
June Chih Liu, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Ashok Sunderraj, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Jessica Meir, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Lynn Wang, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Nelson J Owyoung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Kim S Yang, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Neurological Surgery
Tsang-Hung Chang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Ramin Amirnovin, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Sean Xie, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Edward J Chen, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Nuclear Medicine
Dhia Al Wardi, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Fleming F Chen, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Arthur An, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Yan P Zhang, MD F
El Monte, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Katharine L Pardave, NP F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePractioner
John A Artenos, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Daniel Barajas, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Kathleen E Bradley, MD F
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Eric S Chan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Lisa W Chang, DO F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arMedi cne
John C Chiang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arMedi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Jacqueline S De La
Merced, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
James P Lin, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Vinh Vo, DO M
Monterey Park, CA
Jamie C Lin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Kuan I Wang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Dominique L Luckey, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Kim Warner, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Marc D Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Cinna Wohlmuth, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Ruthann L Devera, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Greggory R Devore, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Gina V Hanna, MD F
Pomona, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Alfred S Hong, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Janet M Horenstein, MD F
West Covina, CA
Carl K Moy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Helen Huynh, DO F
Rosemead, CA
Kamal A Batniji, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Leroy A Reese, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hao W Zhang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Benigno R Reyes, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Payam Amini, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Pomona, CA
Albert Baktanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Brenda J Ross, MD F
West Covina, CA
Rizwan A Bhatti, MD M
Glendale, CA
Kathryn J Shaw, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rouben Khalatian, MD M
El Monte, CA
E Laurence
Spencer-Smith, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lung Chang, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Lu Wei King, MD M
Barstow, CA
Jonathan N Tam, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Julius C Kpaduwa, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Bill W Tang, MD M
West Covina, CA
Selena C Lantry, MD F
Glendale, CA
Tangchitnob, MD M
West Covina, CA
Jiunn B Hwang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Raef N Iskander, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Chasity D Jennings, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Ronald B Johnson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Yiu F Lee, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
John Lim, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Dik Sum Cheung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Kevin W Choy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jason K Darlington, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Edward P
Tangchitnob, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Luke W Deitz, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
William C Delapena, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Grant E Lee, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Alice Song, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Julia Song, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Beelein Lin, MD F
Pomona, CA
Miguel A Unzueta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Grace Liu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Garlan G Lo, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Bach L Vu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Adam Martidis, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Melissa J Mayberry, MD F
Montebello, CA
Ted C Wei, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Mercer L McClure, MD M
Diamond Bar, CA
Richard A Weise, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Martha L Mora, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Peter H Win, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Anne M Nguyen, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Jeffrey V Winston, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Lynn L Huang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Mohammad R
Nilforoushan, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Bonnie B Woo, MD F
City of Industry, CA
Morgan C Huang, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael L Byrne, OD M
Westminster, CA
Shyun Jeng, MD F
Torrance, CA
David Paikal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Orlando Camacho, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Partho S Kalyani, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Kay L Park, MD F
Montrose, CA
Chiu Chan, OD
Monterey Park, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Garry Chan, OD M
San Gabriel, CA
William W Ko, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Roberto Roizenblatt, MD M
Montebello, CA
Katie W Chu, OD
Rosemead, CA
Badrudin R Kurwa, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Albert Sheffer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lily Chung, OD F
Monterey Park, CA
Kathleen J Dennis
Zarate, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Raid P Doss, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Sherif M El Harazi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Calvin T Eng, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Randolph J Falk, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Walter M Fierson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Eddie M Garcia, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Adam Y Hsu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jennifer S Huang, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Optometry
Alma F Coron, OD F
La Puente, CA
Paul Yang, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Paulina T Han, OD F
Temple City, CA
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Hose Kim, MD M
Diane M Hernandez, OD F
La Puente, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oral Maxli ofaci alSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Hamlet C Garabedian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Kyle Low, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Edward P Hernandez, OD M
La Puente, CA
Truman T Ackerson II, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Shane S Pak, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Vincent Hsu, OD M
Arcadia, CA
Charles H Alexander, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Vahe Panossian, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Michel N Kahwaji, OD
Los Angeles, CA
Robert J Bohr, MD M
La Habra, CA
George Tang, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Alexander T Kim, OD
Los Angeles, CA
Walter H Burnham, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Anthony P Yang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Dennis W Leung, OD M
San Gabriel, CA
Jonathan L Chang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Nhu Q Ly, OD F
Fullerton, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Todd D Mishima, MD M
Montebello, CA
Matthew C Chong, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven A Battaglia, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Lethuy T Nguyen, OD F
Diamond Bar, CA
Jean Ding, MD M
Arcadia, CA
David K Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Thien Thu P Nguyen, OD F
Montebello, CA
Jan W Duncan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Artine Kokshanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Evelyn M Perez, MD
Monterey Park, CA
Randall A Farac, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Ted Y Lai, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Susan K Ung, OD F
Montebello, CA
Robert Ghatan, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Paul S Lee, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Eddie C Wang, OD
Whittier, CA
Yung Han, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pain Management
Thomas J Wiant, OD M
Montebello, CA
David W Huang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Roger L Wu, OD
City of Industry, CA
Mark J Jo, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Arkader Alexandre, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Josif Borovic, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Christopher J
Charbonnet, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pathology
Physical Therapy
Michele S Colon, DPM F
El Monte, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Tit S Li, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
William P Chu, MD
City of Industry, CA
David K Lieu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Physician Assistant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalTherapy
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pediatric Allergy
Fernando Hool, PA M
Anaheim, CA
Ara Kelekian, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Stuart Y Min, MD M
Alhambra, CA
David Saavedra, PA M
La Puente, CA
Edmond Lee, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Teresa Sanchez, PA F
Los Angeles, CA
Jimmy Lee, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Ana P Vega, PA F
Glendale, CA
Derrick C Lew, DPM M
Rosemead, CA
Physician Assistant,other
Allen Massihi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircAl ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
John Ho, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Irving R Tessler, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Letisia De La Cruz, PA F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant,o her
John Ho, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Tangchitnob, MD M
West Covina, CA
Plastic Surgery
Peter H Grossman, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Eric C Hu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Physical Medicine &
Alexander M
Majidian, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Jerry S Chuang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Murtaza Rizvi, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Susie S Kay, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Libby F Wilson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Dianne E Wu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Yuhuan Lan, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Art Y Yu, MD
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Stanley K Mathis, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Irving R Tessler, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
William F McCarron, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Philip R Shupe, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Robert J Spencer, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Wenjay Sung, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Michael R Vega, DPM M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Nuzhat F Waheed, DPM F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Phyllis A Weinstein, DPM F
Temple City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Sharon J Whang, Dpm F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Jaumaan Lee, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Hsiu-Hsien T Ling, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Hermoz B Ayvazian, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Wendy H Wu, DPM F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Psychologist
Maria G Schreiber, PhD F
West Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Pulmonary Disease
Arin Aboulian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Huo Chen, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Shan C Chu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Safaee-Semiromi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Sam H Carvajal, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Lusine Simonyants, MD M
Glendale, CA
Donna E Dudziak, MD F
Upland, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Linda Tsang, MD F
Glendora, CA
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Nga W Wong, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Matthew S Tan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Mirali A Zarrabi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
On Wang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Radiation Oncology
Bob J Wu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Luis L Dimen, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Marc I Botnick, MD M
Burbank, CA
Kuldip S Gill, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Albert C Mak, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Sheri D Marquez, MD F
Santa Maria, CA
Panch Jeyakumar, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Janice J Rha, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Elton S Katagihara, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Ming N Huang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Donald M Kroe, MD M
Pasadena, CA
James P Lin, MD M
Alhambra, CA
George Kafrouni, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kevin B Lake, MD M
Pasadena, CA
James T Wu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Therapeutic Radiology
David Huang, MD M
Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Reproductvi eEndocrni ol gy
Gerald Y Ho, MD M
La Palma, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Darren M Hodgins, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Richard D Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Winnie K Pang, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Jonathan K Leung, MD M
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
William Barba, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Thomas J Romano, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sung M Choe, MD M
West Covina, CA
Hagop A Dikranian, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Jeng Jong Liao, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Gabriel Akopian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Juan B Kaplan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Allied Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Eric L Kau, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
John Y Lee, MD M
West Covina, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sze Ching Lee, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Miguel A Martinez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Atef L Yacoub, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Felix C Yip, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Vascular Surgery
Elizabeth Lee, MD F
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Clinical Psychology
Daniel Chan, PhD
Rosemead, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Florentius Chan, PhD M
Monterey Park, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Harriet Diamond, PhD F
Monterey Park, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Kenry H Khin, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Joshua K Koh, MD M
Covina, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Sambin Wang, DO M
Glendora, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
June Yang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Shao H Ye, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
Pacific Alliance Medical
531 W College St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Family Practice
St Francis Medical Center
3630 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. R90541
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 354
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 221-5366
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Maged Z Basilios, MD M
ID No. R90015
4505 E Slauson Ave STE E
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 771-0080
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jenny L
Batongmalaque, MD F
ID No. R90428
23251 S Main St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-4561
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eleanor V Azurin, MD F
ID No. R90009
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-7771
Languages: Spanish and
Oyindamola F Carew
Akenzua, MD F
ID No. R90544
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 150
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 417-4014
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
8706 Imperial Hwy
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-8300
Languages: Spanish and
Loida P Constantino, MD F
ID No. R90029
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 961-8820
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Narciso Azurin, MD M
ID No. R90010
4075 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-4111
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Kailash R Dhamija, MD M
ID No. R90480
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
Arash Lalezary, MD M
ID No. R90444
7218 Garfield Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1111
Languages: Farsi and
Eugenia Moreno, MD F
ID No. R90727
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
Terry M Lee, MD M
ID No. R90707
14135 Francisquito Ave
STE 106
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 960-3753
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
Renato V Mungcal, MD M
ID No. R90073
133 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 480-0748
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. R90042
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
David A Guerrero, MD M
ID No. R90044
2210 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-1852
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Luis Hernandez, MD M
ID No. R90604
1817 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5524
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edwin M Mangune, MD M
ID No. R90623
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Florencia M
Mangune, MD F
ID No. R90063
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. R90736
3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 664-7777
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maribel P Khoury, MD F
ID No. R90056
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
4036 Whittier Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 796-0500
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ivan Nenadic, MD M
ID No. R90437
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
2272 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 428-0372
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alicia G Nugas, MD F
ID No. R90077
22408 Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-2188
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Virgilio C
Panganiban, MD M
ID No. R90079
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 103
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7033
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. R90649
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
Amrita Sandhu, DO F
ID No. R90543
3009 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(323) 730-1663
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. R90551
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
8301 S Vermont Ave STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 778-7772
Languages: Spanish
Randall Shue, DO M
ID No. R90095
4055 E Olympic Blvd STE 210
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-3491
Languages: Spanish
Man Vuong-Dac, MD M
ID No. R90107
3649 E Florence Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 583-6333
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose R Pilpa Jr, MD M
ID No. R90643
10302 Lower Azusa Rd
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 350-6200
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. R90084
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maria E Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. R90089
2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 881-1641
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dennis J Sanchez, MD M
ID No. R90090
3529 Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Reuven F Sison, MD M
ID No. R90445
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
ID No. R90096
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harding G Young, MD M
ID No. R90113
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 302
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-2660
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Tahani Soliman, MD M
ID No. R90097
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
William C Swanson, MD M
ID No. R90099
4200 N Peck Rd STE B
El Monte, CA 91732
(626) 350-5073
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. R90564
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
Virginia A Aguilar, MD F
ID No. R90004
7862 E Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-7007
Languages: Spanish and
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Henry S Awariefe, MD M
ID No. R90435
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
George A Bernales, MD M
ID No. R90018
2766 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2718
Languages: Spanish and
Jose Mari L Elacion, MD M
ID No. R90034
7862 E Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-7007
Languages: Spanish and
Edgardo G Binoya, MD M
ID No. R90019
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 118
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1500
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
3650 E South St
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 634-8001
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
5320 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 776-1050
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy N
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 565-4150
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Sung Nae Byun, MD M
ID No. R90451
2120 W 8th St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-2700
Languages: Korean,
Portuguese and Spanish
Jose D Delgado, MD M
ID No. R90651
5240 E Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 727-9936
Languages: Spanish
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. R90430
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
Reza R Ehsan, MD M
ID No. R90538
11600 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 390-9551
Languages: Farsi-Persian
and Spanish
Manouchehr Esmaili, MD M
ID No. R90607
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 1
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-5757
Languages: Farsi
Benjamin Behroozan, MD M
ID No. R90442
5255 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Amani A Eldessouky, MD F
ID No. R90608
1704 W Manchester Ave
STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 778-8485
Languages: Arabic and
Michael Bazel, MD M
ID No. R90016
4001 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-0595
Languages: Russian, Spanish
and Ukranian
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Basil Felahy, MD F
ID No. R90037
11017 S Atlantic Ave STE 1
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 635-3800
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Polina T Feygin, MD F
ID No. R90648
1110 W Anaheim St STE 6
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 872-3560
Languages: Russian and
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. R90039
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
200 UCLA Medical Plz
STE 265
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 825-0867
Languages: Russian and
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy N
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 250-3100
Languages: Russian and
Jacob N Flores, MD M
ID No. R90719
4300 Crenshaw Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 298-1668
Languages: Spanish
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. R90453
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
Violeta A Galdamez, MD F
ID No. R90605
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. R90537
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. R90536
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
Abraham Golbari, MD M
ID No. R90476
14030 Crenshaw Blvd
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 327-8746
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Fernando Q Gonzales, MD M
ID No. R90438
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. R90684
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Gaston C Herrera, MD M
ID No. R90534
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
Languages: Spanish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. R90598
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
Vital M Hinojosa, MD M
ID No. R90619
2012 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 989-1535
Languages: Spanish
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. R90050
11003 Lakewood Ave
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
Sanjeev K Mall, MD M
ID No. R90744
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
PCPs-General Practci e
Arman F Karapetyan, MD M
ID No. R90624
3920 Eagle Rock Blvd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 255-5225
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Nabil H Khoury, MD M
ID No. R90057
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Stanislaus Kinota, MD M
ID No. R90600
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
John Lin, MD M
ID No. R90065
1148 S Rowan Ave STE 2
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 261-6173
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
5320 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 776-1050
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 250-3100
Alva A Marsh, MD M
ID No. R90721
333 E Nutwood St STE C
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 912-6100
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1112 N Santa Fe St
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 638-1100
Languages: Spanish
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. R90652
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs -General Practci e
Hezekiah N Moore JR, MD M
ID No. R90715
1703 Termino Ave STE 204
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 498-4425
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Felicitacion S Morris, MD F
ID No. R90694
8207 Whittier Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-2522
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Daniel Matemotja, MD M
ID No. R90066
711 E Rosecrans Ave
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-5223
Languages: Russian and
Also located at:
100 Market St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 428-4222
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Celerina Medina, MD F
ID No. R90068
4149 Tweedy Blvd STE B
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-3063
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
2272 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 427-8018
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Henrico Mungcal, MD M
ID No. R90550
1937 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 591-7302
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Muhammad R Nasir, MD M
ID No. R90742
12826 E Philadelphia St
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 789-9908
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Jose C Navarrete, MD M
ID No. R90074
6043 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 771-9680
Languages: Spanish
Prode P Pascual, MD M
ID No. R90528
18331 Gridley Rd STE C
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 865-0213
Languages: Tagalog
Also located at:
1403 N Fair Oaks Ave STE 2
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 797-4477
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Ha S Nguyen, MD M
ID No. R90076
555 E Pacific Coast Hwy
STE 101
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 218-8778
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Josephine Paulo, MD F
ID No. R90081
13710 Studebaker Rd
STE 100
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 864-2666
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Omid Nassim, MD M
ID No. R90545
3533 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 734-1600
Languages: Farsi, French and
Quynam P Nguyen, MD M
ID No. R90527
3712 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8347
Also located at:
1126 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-0200
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
1530 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-9200
Languages: Farsi, French and
Also located at:
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
Languages: Farsi, French and
Guadalupe C
Pedrano, MD F
ID No. R90478
2209 San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 226-0511
Manasseh C Nwaigwe, MD M Languages: Spanish and
ID No. R90687
1159 S Lorena St
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Peter P Poon, MD M
(323) 881-6465
ID No. R90083
Languages: Spanish
9817 Arkansas St
Bellflower, CA 90706
Edgardo A Osea, MD M
(562) 867-8881
ID No. R90078
1310 W Sepulveda Blvd
Jose N Prieto, MD M
Harbor City, CA 90710
ID No. R90628
4566 E Florence Ave STE 2
(310) 534-5765
Cudahy, CA 90201
Languages: Spanish and
(323) 582-7186
Languages: Spanish
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
Osibamiro-Sedun, MD M
ID No. R90294
ID No. R90088
2637 E Carson St
16444 Paramount Blvd
Carson, CA 90810
STE 103
(310) 847-1321
Paramount, CA 90723
Languages: German, Russian (562) 531-7790
and Spanish
Languages: Spanish and Urdu
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Ana L Rodas, MD F
ID No. R90654
3559 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 581-8485
Languages: Spanish
Chander P Sharma, MD M
ID No. R90429
16415 Colorado Ave STE 304
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-4171
Languages: Spanish
Felimon A Soria, MD F
ID No. R90710
717 lincoln blvd
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 399-9883
Languages: Tagalog
Clem D Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. R90720
1200 N Vermont Ave STE E
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 426-9480
Languages: Ilocano, Spanish
and Tagalog
Also located at:
1771 W Romneya Dr STE B
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 490-1200
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Tagalog
David Y Shek, MD M
ID No. R90647
11803 E Carson St
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 924-4455
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Also located at:
5015 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 653-1677
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. R90446
3012 N San Babriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Rosario F Sison, MD F
ID No. R90618
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3342 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 267-1216
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Saeid Sadighi, MD M
ID No. R90457
2701 Firestone Blvd STE W
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 249-6162
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
714 Lincoln Blvd
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 399-9883
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. R90098
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Mercedes B Samson, MD F
ID No. R90588
8615 Knott Ave STE 3
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-4833
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Rodolfo T Tabila, MD M
ID No. R90100
1339 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90810
(562) 492-6698
Languages: Spanish and
Bharathi S
Vayuvegula, MD F
ID No. R90525
130 W Route 66 STE 212
Glendora, CA 91740
(626) 914-0174
Languages: Hindi
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. R90617
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Also located at:
21624 Figueroa St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 328-9900
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
635 S Westlake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-8703
Languages: Hindi
Also located at:
230 S Euclid St
Anaheim, CA 92802
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Teresita E Tan, MD F
ID No. R90500
244 S Oxford Ave STE 9
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 382-1770
Languages: Spanish and
Jose F Torreblanca, DO M
ID No. R90699
10001 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-4408
Languages: Spanish
Sergio I Trani Jr, MD M
ID No. R90103
15955 Paramount Blvd STE A
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9806
Languages: Spanish
Sofia Vaisman, MD F
ID No. R90105
22600 Ventura Blvd STE 101
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(818) 225-1255
Languages: Romanian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Daniel W Velasquez, MD M
ID No. R90642
6529 Seville Ave STE 115
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-5770
PCPs -General Practci e
Jose L Villagomez, MD M
ID No. R90709
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Josefina B Viste, MD F
ID No. R90106
2721 W 6th St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 386-0010
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
Phac Van Vo, MD M
ID No. R90644
611 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 591-8982
PCPs -General Practci e
Candido M Zareno, MD M
ID No. R90114
1600 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 386-5252
Languages: Spanish and
Internal Medicine
Estrella A Aguinaldo, MD F
ID No. R90006
23517 S Main St STE 104
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 233-2555
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. R90542
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 400
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alberto Wilches, MD M
ID No. R90111
7831 Jackson St
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1178
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. R90014
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Angelita S Beredo, MD F
ID No. R90017
301 N Prairie Ave STE 301
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 671-2699
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Angela S Chan, MD F
ID No. R90629
7615 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1307
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lucita M Cruz, MD F
ID No. R90532
12507 E Alondra Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 802-2203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Imad A Elasmar, MD M
ID No. R90531
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Arabic, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1234 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 660-5624
Languages: Arabic, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mirna P Elias, MD F
ID No. R90676
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arleen D
Guerrero-Nieva, MD F
ID No. R90455
330 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 595-9835
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. R90684
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gemelia Holgado
Aguilera, MD F
ID No. R90047
3761 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 663-2100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
George G Hon, MD M
ID No. R90048
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 410
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3800
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. R90460
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. R90533
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Soo W Kang, MD M
ID No. R90530
11832 E Rosecrans Ave
STE 127
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-6256
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vijaya K Katukota, MD F
ID No. R90663
2272 Pacific Ave STE A
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 427-8018
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Antuan Kiley, MD M
ID No. R90058
1711 W Temple St STE 5689
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-6995
Languages: French,
Japanese and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. R90602
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Glenn A Marshak, MD M
ID No. R90432
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Ajay G Meka, MD M
ID No. R90609
2740 S Bristol St STE 208
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 979-5734
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1501 E 7th St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 590-9800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
606 S Euclid St
Anaheim, CA 92802
(714) 635-8570
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. R90071
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Luzviminda T
Montecillo, MD F
ID No. R90072
645 Aerick St STE 1
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-2764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Faye M Montegrande, MD F
ID No. R90589
321 N Larchmont Blvd
STE 824
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 464-0286
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shura A Moreno, MD M
ID No. R90655
4146 E Olympic Blvd STE B
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 262-9948
Languages: Spanish
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. R90080
5220 Clark St STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Parmod Multani, MD M
ID No. R90549
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Ronaldo V Roque, MD M
ID No. R90669
1760 Termino Ave STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8512
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lorenzo Munoz, MD M
ID No. R90677
1234 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 660-5624
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Visal Nga, DO M
ID No. R90718
1269 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-5300
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jonathan T Nguyen, MD M
ID No. R90552
555 E Pacific Coast Hwy
STE 102
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 591-3222
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
ID No. R90621
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 105
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 762-2395
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. R90597
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jocelyn L Sumcad, MD F
ID No. R90658
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-0976
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
George U Suyat, MD M
ID No. R90479
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 131
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-8836
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Beatriz E Tamayo, MD F
ID No. R90561
1127 Wilshire Blvd STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 250-0050
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kwan T Tan, MD M
ID No. R90566
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sina Tebi, MD M
ID No. R90747
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Santos A Uy Jr, MD M
ID No. R90625
711 N Alvarado St STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-1005
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Stuart Wolf, MD M
ID No. R90665
3703 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1675
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3175 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-7722
Languages: Farsi and
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. R90433
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
Zarrabimd, MD M
ID No. R90594
3175 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-7722
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese and
Haydee G Castaneda, MD F
ID No. R90734
3331 Artesia Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 634-7431
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Odette R Tawadrous, MD F
ID No. R90526
3625 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 10
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 223-1429
Also located at:
1126 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-9200
Manoochehr Zarrabi, MD M
ID No. R90752
4827 Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 773-3000
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eric M Tate, MD M
ID No. R90711
4056 Orange Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 424-3328
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. R90109
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Samuel R Wosk, MD M
ID No. R90586
3412 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 264-4006
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jae Yoo, MD M
ID No. R90548
966 S Western Ave STE 308
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 731-2001
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Bernardita I De Los
Reyes, MD F
ID No. R90031
2760 Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-2222
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arturo R Vega, MD M
ID No. R90483
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Julie C Cheng, MD F
ID No. R90691
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs-Pedai trics
Zhanna Feldsher, MD F
ID No. R90702
1110 W Anaheim St STE 6
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 872-3560
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Pedai trics
Andrew I Florentino, MD M
ID No. R90693
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE C
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 864-7279
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Irina Godes, MD F
ID No. R90728
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 211
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-5438
Languages: Russian
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Laarni A Gutierrezd, MD F
ID No. R90706
4566 E Florence Ave STE 1
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1433
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Hanan N Haman, MD F
ID No. R90705
2777 Pacific Ave STE 209
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 989-1166
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Janet S Kim, MD F
ID No. R90681
500 S Virgil Ave STE 204
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 388-7828
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Minerva A Lobarbio, MD F
ID No. R90708
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 210
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 408-0084
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Also located at:
13710 Studebaker Rd
STE 100
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 929-9625
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Hezekiah N Moore JR, MD M
ID No. R90715
1703 Termino Ave STE 204
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 498-4425
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Woo H Paek, MD M
ID No. R90667
3663 W 16th St STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(323) 291-3228
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Pedai trics
David F Razi, MD M
ID No. R90610
3451 W Century Blvd STE B1
Inglewood, CA 90303
(310) 677-9400
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Teresita Salazar, MD F
ID No. R90683
17403 Woodruff Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-0742
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Medardo C Supnet, MD M
ID No. R90692
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE C
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-8605
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Parviz Yalzadeh, MD M
ID No. R90703
23560 Madison St STE 206
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 534-4990
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Sam H Yoon, MD M
ID No. R90717
4161 Redondo Beach
STE 100
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 214-1407
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Kunthy Prum, MD M
ID No. R90436
1082 Redondo Ave
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 434-4457
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Behrooz B
Yagoobian, MD M
ID No. R90112
15730 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-1000
Languages: Persian and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Imelda Yujuico
Danganan, MD F
ID No. R90666
16904 Bellflower Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-8046
Languages: Tagalog
Specialty Physicians
Jocelyn C Zuniga, MD F
ID No. R90668
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-2821
Languages: Spanish and
Lydia E Oftadeh, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Allergy & Immunology
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Maria V Pamaran, MD F
ID No. R90653
10230 E Artesia Blvd
STE 302
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 461-7588
Languages: Spanish and
Yu-Luen Hsu, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Lawrence D Robinson
Jr, MD M
Lancaster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Thang Q Le, MD M
Murrieta, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mehdi Zargarian, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Yih J Kok, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Stanley K Lau, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Cardiovascular Surgery
Anthony W Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Myles E Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Donald R Fluegel, DC M
Los Angeles, CA
Critical Care Medicine
Jooby Babu, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Edward Abrams, MD M
Paramount, CA
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Watson A De Sa, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Richard D Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Amin Farah, MD M
Downey, CA
Tammy H Le, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Faye Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Devang M Savani, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Konanur V Srinatha, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Richard I Seidman, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Crti cal CareMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Critical Care Medicine
Narindar Singh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Critcal CareMedicni e
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Theodore J Jekums, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Michael I Freed, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Keith E Harris, MD M
Lynwood, CA
David B Friedman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Leopoldo G
Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Harry B Kram, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Thomas J Lomis, MD M
Van Nuys, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Shih L Lue, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Nasser Z Mehrizi, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jose N Montano, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
William D Keith Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Steven Nguyen, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Antonio K Ong, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Pilsoo Oh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kenneth T Sim, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Augusto A Zablan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Angelita S Beredo, MD F
Inglewood, CA
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Alireza Tabesh, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Linda T Wang, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Michel Yadegari, MD M
Lawndale, CA
Endocrinology &
Arash I Zarimani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thelma Linda S
Lamorena, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
General Practice
Michael J Perley, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Zhanna Feldsher, MD F
Wilmington, CA
Minou P Tran, MD F
Long Beach, CA
John L Goff, MD M
Downey, CA
General Surgery
Alberto Mendivil, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Ashokkumar I Amin, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Stevan R Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ramin Mirhashemi, MD M
Torrance, CA
Mohan W Bhasker, MD M
Gardena, CA
Glenn T Hifumi, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Eung K Bai, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Jin Chen C Wang, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Genetics
Lisa N Abaid, MD F
Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Gynecology Oncology
Lisa N Abaid, MD F
Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Fikret I Atamdede, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
John V Brown, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hematology
Mohan W Bhasker, MD M
Gardena, CA
Kavitha Kanakaraj, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jerrold S Dreyer, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Samia A Khwaja, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Harmohinder S
Gogia, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Tae Y Lee, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Eduardo O Lim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Homayoun Khanlou, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Manan S Mehta, MD M
Downey, CA
Andreas T Subadya, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Hematology Oncology
Medical Oncology
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Keith I Mootoo, MD M
Cudahy, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Luon W Peng, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Adam M Sun, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Manan S Mehta, MD M
Downey, CA
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Aaron R Allen, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Antonio K Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sergio E Rojter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Jessica Meir, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Diseases
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Pradip C Chowdhury, MD M
Montebello, CA
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Jose L Pantoja, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hepatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hepatol gy
Laveeza Bhatti, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Jerrold S Dreyer, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Pankaj M Khemka, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Susan G Sanchez, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Internal Medicine
Michele L Babaie, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Sandeep S Dang, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Fidel A Santa Cruz, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Michele Y Freeman, MD F
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sean Xie, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
George G Hon, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nuclear Radiology
Sandra Nieto, MD F
Montebello, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Loy A Pham, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Yong J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Adriana Arredondo, NP F
Huntington Park, CA
Norma C Salceda, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence Kondra, MD M
Pasadena, CA
June A Concepcion, NP F
Huntington Park, CA
Ming-Yi Yen, MD M
Paramount, CA
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sarita Parajuli, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Martha L Mora, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Nuclear Radiology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Gail A Nalls, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arRadoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Nurse Practitioner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Parcti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Parcti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Parcti oner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nurse Parcti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Tom S Chang, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Maria Pesheva, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Robert L Charet, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Kenneth Cohn, MD M
South Gate, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anthony J Culotta, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Michael J Davis, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Michael A Samuel, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Jesse M De Leon, MD M
Paramount, CA
Maya C Shammas, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Luke W Deitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Abraham E Soroudi, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Melanie H Erb, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Steven P Stiles, MD M
Tarzana, CA
Syed K Khaderi, MD M
Fremont, CA
Kevin K Suk, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jose De La Rosa, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ben Ha, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Rouben Khalatian, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Chang J Lee, MD M
Bell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Wilson A Morales, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Carl K Moy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Arjang Naim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anne M Nguyen, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Theodore B Okie, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John V Brown, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Karol L Bowens, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Haifa Al Azawi, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Jesse D Sanchez, NP M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Loan N Tran, MD F
Norwalk, CA
Luigi E Galloni, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Miguel A Unzueta, MD M
Montebello, CA
Stanley G Katz, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael D Marger, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Orlando Camacho, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Feliciano S Navalta
Jr, MD M
Paramount, CA
Mary M Cheng, MD F
South Gate, CA
John D Plut, MD M
Torrance, CA
Romeo J Garza, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard C Raczka, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Thien Thu P Nguyen, OD F
Montebello, CA
Perry R Secor, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Anna M Pennino, OD F
South Gate, CA
Christopher J
Woodson, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Hwai-en J Tang, MD
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Chiwai E Chan, DO M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
George F El Khoury, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Juan J Rodriguez, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Cyrus Parsa, DO M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Pediatric Cardiology
Irving R Tessler, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Winston C Wong, MD M
Buena Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Susan K Ung, OD
Montebello, CA
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Physical Medicine &
Ziyad A Ayyoub, MD M
Paramount, CA
Hugh R Adams, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Shin C Chiu, MD M
Downey, CA
Ziyad A Ayyoub, MD M
Paramount, CA
Flaxie Fletcher, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Susie S Kay, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Artine Kokshanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Physical Therapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Ana P Vargas, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Phong H Vu, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Edward E Black, DDS M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oral Maxli ofaci alSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Henry A Helms, MD
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Edwin M Ashley, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Nainamohamed A
Rahman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Christopher J Combs, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Jahangir Sharifi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ramy N Elias, MD M
Lakewood, CA
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Dan Bonis, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Pain Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Physician Assistant
Elder O Ayala, PA M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Jenny M Chen, PA F
Inglewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Physician Assistant
Joseph M Macalalad, PA M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Don S Kim, DPM M
Hawthorne, CA
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Lucia Padilla, PA F
Los Angeles, CA
Edmond Lee, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard D Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Bobby N Towery, PA M
Los Angeles, CA
Louis G Mahairas, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Tammy H Le, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Ricardo Vega, PA M
Whittier, CA
Stanley K Mathis, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Ashok K Raheja, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Plastic Surgery
Lawrence I Rubin, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Devang M Savani, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Leonard C Sanchez, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Narindar Singh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Ashkan Soleymani, DPM M
N Hollywood, CA
Radiation Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
John A Britto, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Farbod Esmailian, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Robert J Spencer, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Sara H Kim, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Ronald F Rosso, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Dianne E Wu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Mafutaga S
Tagaloa-Tulifau, DPM F
Lakewood, CA
Preventive Medicine
William C Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Edgar A Abbes, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Martin D Finn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John A Cutrone, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Rabin Beral, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Preventvi e Medci ne
Jooby Babu, MD M
Anaheim, CA
William P Aull, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Sana Khan, MD
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Frank C Caruana, DPM M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Jagminder S Bhalla, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Brian C Wilson, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
John Chan, DPM M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
John R Chalison, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Chieh J Yang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Jyoti S Datta, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Nabil A Yassa, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Clyde J Dos Santos, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Michael J Perley, MD M
Harmohinder S Gogia, MD M Long Beach, CA
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ReproductiveEndocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Angeles IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology
Vascular Surgery
Gerald Y Ho, MD M
La Palma, CA
Harry B Kram, MD M
Torrance, CA
Sarah N Hwang, MD F
La Palma, CA
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Thomas J Romano, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Health Providers
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Nina X Trinh, MD F
La Palma, CA
Aungkhin Aungkhin, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
La Palma, CA
Gamini S Jayasinghe, MD M
Buena Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Won T Lee, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Dustin J Lee, DO M
Monterey Park, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
James S Pratty, MD M
Torrance, CA
Bob J Wu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Jose L Rivas, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Leonard W Liang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jonathan E Perley, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jules M Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Richard E Wineland II, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc
Affiliated Hospitals
St Francis Medical Center
3630 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Jose A Aceves, MD M
ID No. 1R0002
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jacqueline B Aguiluz, DO F
ID No. 1R0391
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ethan R Allen, DO M
ID No. 1R0005
12820 Studebaker Rd
STE 101
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7873
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Narciso Azurin, MD M
ID No. 1R0009
4075 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-4111
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francisco L Badar III, MD M
ID No. 1R0319
18115 Valley View STE 122
Cerritos, CA 90703
(714) 562-0124
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mehtab B Bambrah
Dhamija, MD F
ID No. 1R0394
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. 1R0385
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
Maged Z Basilios, MD M
ID No. 1R0257
4505 E Slauson Ave STE E
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 771-0080
Languages: Arabic and
Eleanor V Azurin, MD F
ID No. 1R0008
3045 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-7771
Languages: Spanish and
Jenny L
Batongmalaque, MD F
ID No. 1R0540
23251 S Main St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-4561
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
8706 Imperial Hwy
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-8300
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Eric R Batres, MD M
ID No. 1R0015
5101 E Florence Ave STE 4
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 560-4673
Languages: French and
Peter Chau, MD M
ID No. 1R0024
5979 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-0421
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
Martin M
Blanco-Eccleston, MD M
ID No. 1R0422
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2820
Languages: Spanish
Vinita Chaudhary, MD M
ID No. 1R0025
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-8110
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Birinder S Brara, MD M
ID No. 1R0515
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-7292
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
ID No. 1R0019
8142 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-8621
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Loida P Constantino, MD F
ID No. 1R0028
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 961-8820
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lucita M Cruz, MD F
ID No. 1R0029
12507 E Alondra Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 802-2203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Virendra M Desai, MD F
ID No. 1R0265
5451 La Palma Ave STE 43
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 343-9468
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ker Chow Chang, MD M
ID No. 1R0553
400 W Central Ave STE 104
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 255-1148
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
2707 E Valley Blvd STE 103
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 810-7772
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Kailash R Dhamija, MD M
ID No. 1R0031
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David C DiLettera, DO M
ID No. 1R0032
2390 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 728-7271
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Karen T Dix, MD F
ID No. 1R0034
911 E San Antonio Dr STE 4
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-8700
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose Mari L Elacion, MD M
ID No. 1R0550
3650 E South St STE 412
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 634-8001
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. 1R0039
11411 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. 1R0043
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. 1R0253
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Shobha B Govind, MD F
ID No. 1R0044
3650 South St STE 103
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-8110
Languages: Hindi
Margaret L Herrera, MD F
ID No. 1R0251
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
Khine K Khin, MD F
ID No. 1R0426
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2820
Languages: Burmese
David A Guerrero, MD M
ID No. 1R0544
2210 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-1852
Languages: Spanish
Daniel Honigman, MD M
ID No. 1R0369
3180 S Colima Rd STE A
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-1644
Languages: Spanish
Seema A
Hanamsagar, MD F
ID No. 1R0287
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 400
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
Peter C Hugh, DO M
ID No. 1R0331
3650 E South St STE 204
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Cantonese and
Maribel P Khoury, MD F
ID No. 1R0430
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic and
Also located at:
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 406
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
Also located at:
5451 La Palma Ave STE 16
La Palma, CA 90623
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 408
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 637-2521
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel E Harvey, MD M
ID No. 1R0046
824 E Carson St STE 206
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 327-3847
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. 1R0447
1000 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fred B Kyazze, MD M
ID No. 1R0249
1410 W Alondra Blvd STE C
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 637-3680
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen B Lee, MD M
ID No. 1R0392
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arturo J Lopez, MD M
ID No. 1R0371
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 215
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 236-2290
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stanley A Kaller, DO M
ID No. 1R0442
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102 Mario O Lopez, MD M
Whittier, CA 90603
ID No. 1R0335
(562) 945-6440
720 Alamitos Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
(562) 218-6200
ID No. 1R0054
Languages: Spanish and
8556 Florence Ave STE 302
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
ID No. 1R0367
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Marcus W Lum, MD M
ID No. 1R0477
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tamara Z Maher, DO F
ID No. 1R0068
10861 Cherry St STE 106
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 431-9200
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edwin M Mangune, MD M
ID No. 1R0535
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Paramjot Mann, MD F
ID No. 1R0527
3300 E South St STE 305
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. 1R0069
3300 E South St STE 305
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. 1R0513
3512 Florence Ave
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Weiping S Mei, MD F
ID No. 1R0568
5865 E Naples Plz
Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 438-5021
Languages: Mandarin
Angel G Perez, MD M
ID No. 1R0277
6517 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Languages: Spanish
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
ID No. 1R0073
16323 Clark Ave STE C
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
ID No. 1R0348
8337 Telegraph Rd STE 315
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 928-5892
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paul R Mercer, MD M
ID No. 1R0373
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian L Minkus, DO M
ID No. 1R0247
18502 Gridley Rd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 865-6160
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. 1R0468
9200 Colima Rd STE 207
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-2128
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alicia G Nugas, MD F
ID No. 1R0079
22408 Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-2188
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose N Prieto, MD M
ID No. 1R0557
4566 E Florence Ave STE 2
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 582-7186
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John R Prosser, MD M
ID No. 1R0086
6510 E Spring St
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 429-8812
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Martha L Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. 1R0345
8077 Florence Ave STE 112
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 928-4642
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rafael Rubalcava, MD M
ID No. 1R0465
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Roger M Samawi, DO M
ID No. 1R0387
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 901-9228
Languages: Arabic and
Shrikant K Tamhane, DO M
ID No. 1R0388
23517 S Main St STE 103
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 834-5388
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Mark Scheier, MD M
ID No. 1R0446
5451 La Palma Ave STE 22
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 228-1446
Languages: Spanish
Atef S Tawfik, MD M
ID No. 1R0579
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Mark D Schneider, DO M
ID No. 1R0098
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin T Sechrist, DO M
ID No. 1R0099
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shakhnovits, MD F
ID No. 1R0548
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 303
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 837-5147
Languages: Armenian
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
ID No. 1R0263
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. 1R0466
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
13820 San Antonia Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Khai Q Tran, DO M
ID No. 1R0400
15717 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-2231
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yvonne Tyson, MD F
ID No. 1R0115
925 E San Antonio Dr STE 18
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-6738
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Uribe, MD M
ID No. 1R0116
13307 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 863-0124
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venkataraman, MD F
ID No. 1R0119
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 406
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 866-1764
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Xanthe Z Victoria, MD F
ID No. 1R0344
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Man Vuong-Dac, MD M
ID No. 1R0459
3649 E Florence Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 583-6333
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Wielenga, MD M
ID No. 1R0123
10836 New St
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-9100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Donna L Wong, DO F
ID No. 1R0128
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Languages: Arabic, Chinese
and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Harding G Young, MD M
ID No. 1R0134
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 302
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-2660
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Harvey Yung, MD M
ID No. 1R0510
1781 W Romneya Dr STE F
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 808-9208
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice
Shahira S
Abdel-Malek, MD F
ID No. 1R0298
3100 E Florence Ave STE 1
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-4115
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-General Practci e
Eung Bai, MD M
ID No. 1R0013
12017 E Rosecrans Ave
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-2027
Languages: Korean
PCPs-General Practci e
Michael Bazel, MD M
ID No. 1R0264
4001 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-0595
Languages: Russian, Spanish
and Ukranian
Reza Danesh, MD F
ID No. 1R0030
6226 Spring St STE 380
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
Edgardo G Binoya, MD M
ID No. 1R0406
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 118
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1500
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
10931 Cherry St STE 200
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
Graciela Calatayud, MD F
ID No. 1R0506
3400 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 589-9384
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
11950 Inglewood Ave
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 349-8338
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6510 E Spring St
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs -General Practci e
Roy Egari, MD M
ID No. 1R0035
18011 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 402-0711
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Sheldon R Fayner, MD M
ID No. 1R0435
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Ritchard L Fishman, MD M
ID No. 1R0037
9505 E Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 949-6565
Languages: Spanish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. 1R0323
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. 1R0453
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. 1R0382
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. 1R0383
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. 1R0051
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -General Practci e
Bernard S Jorge, MD M
Fernando Q Gonzales, MD M ID No. 1R0569
ID No. 1R0376
11227 Valley Blvd
12444 E Washington Blvd
El Monte, CA 91731
Whittier, CA 90602
(626) 442-7077
Languages: Spanish
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. 1R0370
7643 Atlantic Ave
Sudha A
Cudahy, CA 90201
Govindarajan, MD F
ID No. 1R0580
(323) 771-1713
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Languages: Spanish
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-8181
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Nabil H Khoury, MD M
ID No. 1R0055
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew
and Spanish
Patrick B Lawrence, MD M
ID No. 1R0404
1061 E Vernon Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
Christopher R
Lundquist, MD M
ID No. 1R0436
2874 E Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 579-7505
Languages: Spanish
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. 1R0450
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Abdul S Masoud, MD M
ID No. 1R0070
555 W Compton Blvd STE 104
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 639-7200
Languages: Farsi and German
Daniel Matemotja, MD M
ID No. 1R0316
711 E Rosecrans Ave
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-5223
Languages: Russian and
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Celerina Medina, MD F
ID No. 1R0301
4149 Tweedy Blvd STE B
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-4545
Languages: Spanish and
Francisco E Paredes, MD M
ID No. 1R0519
9315 Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-6855
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Saturnina L Mercado, MD F
ID No. 1R0558
10230 E Artesia Blvd
STE 207
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 863-3474
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. 1R0285
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs-General Practci e
Liem P Ngo, MD M
ID No. 1R0565
8207 Whittier Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-2522
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-General Practci e
Rosalind G
Pallivathucal, MD F
ID No. 1R0081
8100 California Ave STE K
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 357-1000
Languages: Malayalam and
PCPs-General Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. 1R0085
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
Lee G Razalan, MD M
ID No. 1R0089
2511 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(323) 560-4673
Languages: Spanish and
Adoracion A Reyes, MD F
ID No. 1R0460
1350 Chestnut Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-1565
Languages: Spanish and
Hassan A Riaz, MD M
ID No. 1R0470
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
ID No. 1R0091
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Maria E Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. 1R0093
2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 881-1641
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. 1R0567
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. 1R0377
3012 N San Gabriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
3342 Whittier Blvd
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 267-1216
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Donald D Salis, MD M
ID No. 1R0352
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(626) 864-7279
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Dennis J Sanchez, MD M
ID No. 1R0096
3529 Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1700
Languages: Spanish
Emile G Shenouda, MD M
ID No. 1R0105
10132 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-4411
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
Tahani Soliman, MD M
ID No. 1R0108
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. 1R0109
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2 3
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
Rodolfo T Tabila, MD M
ID No. 1R0111
1339 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90810
(562) 492-6698
Languages: Spanish and
Terence T Tan, MD M
ID No. 1R0457
3301 Beechwood Ave
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 638-5188
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs -General Practci e
Cesar A Velez, MD M
ID No. 1R0395
4070 E Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8545
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs -General Practci e
Carlos Venegas, MD M
ID No. 1R0118
4225 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-6464
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Alberto Wilches, MD M
ID No. 1R0289
7831 Jackson St
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1178
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Behrooz Yagoobian, MD M
ID No. 1R0129
15730 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-1000
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
John D Adams Jr, DO M
ID No. 1R0003
Shokouh S Tamadon, MD F 2777 Pacific Ave STE E
ID No. 1R0458
Long Beach, CA 90806
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102 (562) 426-6571
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. 1R0357
8327 Davis St STE 202
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8055
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. 1R0514
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mir M Ali, MD M
ID No. 1R0004
3400 W Ball Rd STE 205
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 828-2554
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Juan A Almaguer, MD M
ID No. 1R0006
4525 Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 262-9249
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. 1R0454
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 200
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Nagasamudra S
Ashok, MD M
ID No. 1R0333
1533 Alamitos Ave STE B
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-5350
Languages: Hindi and
Steven J Becker, DO M
ID No. 1R0268
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Spanish
Arthur Carrasco Jr, MD M
ID No. 1R0360
8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 319-2085
Languages: Spanish
Neha H Bhansali, MD F
ID No. 1R0318
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 531-0377
Languages: Gujarati and
Angela S Chan, MD F
ID No. 1R0401
7615 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1307
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Rajiv I Bhavsar, MD M
ID No. 1R0433
1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 441-0591
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Urdu
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. 1R0463
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. 1R0434
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6673
Languages: Spanish
Kenneth L Cohen, MD M
ID No. 1R0471
2101 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 724-3210
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Etsegenet T Ayele, MD F
ID No. 1R0007
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Amharic,
German, Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azurin-Aguinaldo, MD F
ID No. 1R0010
23517 S Main St STE 104
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 233-2555
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ahmed I Badr, MD M
ID No. 1R0423
3055 W Orange Ave STE 103
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 995-2901
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. 1R0014
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
ID No. 1R0017
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 108
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-1101
Languages: French
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Emerson R
Buckhalter, MD M
ID No. 1R0018
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-5000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lawrence S Cohn, MD M
ID No. 1R0282
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9977
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Robert J Cons, MD M
ID No. 1R0321
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. 1R0445
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
ID No. 1R0036
3650 E South St STE 101
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-1765
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alan A Frischer, MD M
Nguyen D Dang, MD M
ID No. 1R0365
ID No. 1R0427
11480 Brookshire Ave
1801 W Romneya Dr STE 409 STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
Anaheim, CA 92801
(562) 806-0874
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
Casey S Fu, MD M
ID No. 1R0441
Also located at:
1661 Hanover Rd STE 103
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-8330
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-6800
Languages: Chinese,
Languages: Spanish and
Mandarin and Taiwanese
Francisco B Fuscaldo, MD M
Dwight A David, MD M
ID No. 1R0254
ID No. 1R0448
2926 N Broadway Ave
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102 Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 221-1131
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
ID No. 1R0317
1640 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 483-1251
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
4760 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 233-7624
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Beverly C Davis, MD F
ID No. 1R0407
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-5000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. 1R0464
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alla Gartsman, MD F
ID No. 1R0469
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
Languages: Russian
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Stanley A Golanty, MD M
ID No. 1R0041
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arleen D
Guerrero-Nieva, MD F
ID No. 1R0078
330 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 595-9835
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. 1R0549
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
John M Hernandez, MD M
ID No. 1R0252
1417 W Beverly Blvd STE 101
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1109
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kenneth B Horwitz, MD M
ID No. 1R0438
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. 1R0048
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
Marian Jalil, MD F
ID No. 1R0449
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 200
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-7671
Languages: Arabic and
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. 1R0047
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
Ron Javdan, MD M
ID No. 1R0577
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3533 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 734-1600
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chung O Hur, MD F
ID No. 1R0432
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-8650
Languages: Korean
Also located at:
611 E Imperial Hwy STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tzong-Yueh Hwang, MD M
ID No. 1R0049
12146 South St STE B
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 809-0288
Languages: Mandarin
Shaheen Iqbal, MD M
ID No. 1R0408
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6445
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Veassa G Johnson, MD F
ID No. 1R0570
4760 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 232-2601
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
22120 S Avalon Blvd
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 549-3210
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rozalie V Jackson, MD F
ID No. 1R0329
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 201
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 986-1450
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rebecca M Kuhn, MD F
ID No. 1R0339
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Eddie K Lam, MD M
ID No. 1R0061
333 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7333
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John I Lauridsen, MD M
ID No. 1R0405
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2820
Languages: Danish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. 1R0530
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gemma T Ko, MD F
ID No. 1R0439
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. 1R0573
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jesse J Licuanan, MD M
ID No. 1R0248
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 634-5140
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. 1R0547
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. 1R0075
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
Glenn A Marshak, MD M
ID No. 1R0296
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. 1R0475
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
Rivera M Martinez, MD M
ID No. 1R0295
4566 Florence Ave STE 5
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-7466
Also located at:
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
Thomas E McCloy, MD M
ID No. 1R0071
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 437-6213
Languages: Portuguese and
Also located at:
321 S Melnik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. 1R0074
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Keith I Mootoo, MD M
ID No. 1R0076
7503 Atlantic Ave STE D
Muhammad J Memon, MD M Cudahy, CA 90201
ID No. 1R0072
(323) 562-3414
555 W Compton Blvd STE 104 Languages: Spanish
Compton, CA 90220
Pramod Multani, MD M
(310) 639-7200
ID No. 1R0328
Languages: Urdu
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chuan M Nguyen, MD M
ID No. 1R0425
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-8650
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Minh N Nguyen, MD M
ID No. 1R0090
306 E Pacific Coast Hwy
STE 102
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 599-0981
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
2785 Pacific Ave STE B
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 981-8979
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Khalid Nur, MD M
ID No. 1R0322
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
ID No. 1R0340
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 105
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 762-2395
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
George K Pang, MD M
ID No. 1R0389
8135 Painter Ave STE 305
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-8258
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. 1R0276
3300 E South St STE 205
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. 1R0083
5220 Clark St STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shivanand R Pole, MD M
ID No. 1R0504
3650 East South Street
STE 110
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-6140
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. 1R0574
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
Leonard G Rawson, MD M
ID No. 1R0350
8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 319-2085
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. 1R0474
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Osvaldo Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. 1R0094
10720 S Paramount Blvd
STE 70
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-0490
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ronaldo V Roque, MD M
ID No. 1R0270
1760 Termino Ave STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8512
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Raghunathan, MD M
ID No. 1R0087
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 663-9191
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
Edmundo R Rubio, MD M
ID No. 1R0267
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 205
Paramount, CA 90723
(310) 637-5188
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. 1R0451
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
ID No. 1R0353
9701 Lakewood Blvd STE A
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-8999
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. 1R0462
2614 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Douglas B Segal, MD M
ID No. 1R0507
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard I Seidman, MD M
ID No. 1R0224
3737 M L King Jr Blvd
STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Manohar R Senra, MD M
ID No. 1R0102
8337 E Telegraph Rd
STE 215
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 927-6597
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
William C Sim, MD M
ID No. 1R0354
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 806-0874
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
David H Skinner, DO M
ID No. 1R0517
10010 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2425
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vannarith So, MD M
ID No. 1R0330
1777 N Long Beach Blvd
STE 101
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 986-6138
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jimmy H Soliman, MD M
ID No. 1R0576
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James H Song, MD M
ID No. 1R0440
250 S Grand Ave
Glendora, CA 91741
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kwan T Tan, MD M
ID No. 1R0284
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eric M Tate, MD M
ID No. 1R0241
4056 Orange Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 424-3328
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Odette R Tawadrous, MD F
ID No. 1R0334
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 841-1602
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sina Tebi, MD M
ID No. 1R0566
1126 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-9200
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chinedu J Ugorji, MD M
ID No. 1R0578
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 208
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 408-0131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Rafaelito Victoria, MD M
ID No. 1R0120
10230 E Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 633-3131
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. 1R0461
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
ID No. 1R0455
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-2360
Languages: Hindi and Spanish Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. 1R0121
Also located at:
16660 Paramount Blvd
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 201
STE 450
Paramount, CA 90723
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 633-3131
(562) 698-7599
Languages: Spanish
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Henry Winn, MD M
Ky M Tran, MD M
ID No. 1R0452
ID No. 1R0516
15651 E Imperial Hwy
4332 Katella Ave
STE 102B
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 430-1235
(562) 947-9591
Languages: Vietnamese
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
Mark Tsai, MD M
ID No. 1R0467
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-6341
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. 1R0127
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
230 S Euclid St
Anaheim, CA 92802
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Petra A Wong, MD F
ID No. 1R0125
3801 Katella Ave STE 300
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 430-6472
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. 1R0283
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90701
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. 1R0325
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese and
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
ID No. 1R0136
3737 M L King Jr Blvd
STE 335
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 608-6963
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kuan Pok Q Wong, MD M
ID No. 1R0126
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Samuel R Wosk, MD M
ID No. 1R0512
3412 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 264-4006
Languages: Spanish
Malvin Yan, MD M
ID No. 1R0292
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 410
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3800
Rasiq A Ahmed, MD M
ID No. 1R0551
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
15718 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-2111
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
4502 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-1100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kelly J Yepremian, MD F
ID No. 1R0132
340 Golden Shore Dr
STE 100
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562) 216-9200
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Martin R Zapata, DO M
ID No. 1R0503
9818 Paramount Blvd STE C
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-1214
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edward Austin, MD M
ID No. 1R0552
1331 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(562) 763-4250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Manisha K Bhatt, MD M
ID No. 1R0537
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4002
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Julie C Cheng, MD F
ID No. 1R0554
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Andrew I Florentino, MD M
ID No. 1R0556
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE C
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 864-7279
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Medardo C Supnet, MD M
ID No. 1R0555
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Jocelyn C Zuniga, MD F
ID No. 1R0546
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-2821
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Constant K Chan, MD M
ID No. 1R0023
10007 State St
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 566-3157
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Ronald J Correa, MD M
ID No. 1R0363
361 E Whittier Blvd STE B
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 694-3911
Languages: Spanish
Charles M Holzner, MD M
ID No. 1R0368
9040 E Telegraph Rd STE 100
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0954
Languages: Spanish
Heip D Dang, DO M
ID No. 1R0259
14160 Brookhurst St STE 5
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 590-9697
Languages: Vietnamese
Camilo S Jorge, MD M
ID No. 1R0052
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 102
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1946
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Pedro De La Rosa, MD M
ID No. 1R0261
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 412
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 377-1111
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Sylvia L Garcia, MD F
ID No. 1R0562
14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-1940
Languages: French and
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. 1R0040
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Esteban M Gomez, MD M
ID No. 1R0042
5101 E Florence Ave STE 7
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-1217
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
David S Kramer, MD M
ID No. 1R0437
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Jose M Lara, MD M
ID No. 1R0063
4670 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(235) 313-3135
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Yang W Lee, MD M
ID No. 1R0064
5981 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-1424
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Jesus L Licuanan, MD M
ID No. 1R0065
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 634-5140
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Sultan Shah, MD M
ID No. 1R0294
710 N Euclid St STE 107
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Ali Gheissari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Robert J Gottner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard A Berkson, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specialty Physicians
Harvinder Sahota, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Douglas B Segal, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Arash Tehranzadeh, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Viswanathan, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Allergy & Immunology
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Anthony W Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Thomas S Brodie, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Richard M Deits, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Asif Durrani, DC
Paramount, CA
Amin Farah, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Alireza Jafari, MD M
Whittier, CA
Endocrinology &
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Michael J Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Dan K Fox, DC M
Downey, CA
Todd Stockwell, DC M
Long Beach, CA
Gaurang B
Chaurshia, MD M
Lynwood, CA
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
David B Friedman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Mehdi Zargarian, MD M
Downey, CA
Terrence P Greeson, MD M
Downey, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Saeid Goshtasbi, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Hed Ahmadpour, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Bill H Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Laurel A Zober, MD F
Downey, CA
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Hemant Pande, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Ramon N Guadiz, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
General Practice
Hyuk Lee, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Jatin C Bhatt, MD M
Downey, CA
Mahendrakumar R
Patel, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neil E Klein, MD M
Downey, CA
David Y Shek, MD M
Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Samia A Khwaja, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Hematology Oncology
Brian M Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
George G Hon, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Andy Hong, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
General Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Jose N Montano, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Joseph M Mule, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Infectious Diseases
Hugh P Fulmer, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
Downey, CA
Internal Medicine
Alan A Frischer, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Charles M Holzner, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Jose M Lara, MD M
Bell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Leonard G Rawson, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Hung Q Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Humaira Siddiqui, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Arvind J Mehta, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Tanzina Nasreen, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Rodrigo J Rocha, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Jack E Rubin, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Ambrose Y Tsang, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Devin Chopra, DPM M
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Vikas Sachar, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
Downey, CA
William C Sim, MD M
Downey, CA
Ronald A Fischman, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Maternal & Fetal Medicine Pico Rivera, CA
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Mohammad Ismail, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Dane D Copeland, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Thomas P Di Julio, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurology
Khalifa Mansour, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Vance C Eberly, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ramy N Elias, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David A Friedberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Harley Deere Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Arthur J Edelstein, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Thomas K Peterson, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Sharoun S Porat, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Casimiro Gonzalez, MD M
Bell, CA
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Karol L Bowens, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Bernardita I De Los
Reyes, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Edward C Lai, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Samuel S Im, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Eric C Kaplan, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Hyuk Lee, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
John H Sanchez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Medhat Seif, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Aleem A Syed, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
George F El Khoury, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Maya C Shammas, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Sina Tebi, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Plastic Surgery
Herbert J Simons, MD M
Downey, CA
Pearlman D Hicks Jr, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Peter S Birnbaum, DO M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Richard Chambers, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Pain Management
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Anthony O Ogundipe, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Henry Cramer II, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jung M Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Shin C Chiu, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Peter F Mastan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Edgar A Abbes, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group, Inc, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
Lawrence E Carnow, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Nathaniel Neal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Mental Health Providers
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Jackie Chan, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Jorge Garcia, PhD M
Whittier, CA
John Chan, DPM M
Huntington Park, CA
Sports Medicine Family
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Sandhya R Gudapati, MD F
Fullerton, CA
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Bala Gulasekaram, MD M
Buena Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-SportsMedci neFamli y
Clinical Psychology
Mental Heatl hProviders-Clni calPsychol gy
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Jeri M Gruenes, DPM F
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-SportsMedci neFamli y
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Maxine M Anderson, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Viken R Konyalian, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Joel D Epstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Arthur Gelb, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Thoracic Surgery
Eli R Capouya, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Harmohinder S Gogia, MD M George P
Anaheim, CA
Panagiotides, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Vijay V Kamdar, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Harris Musafer, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Arunpal S Sehgal, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Radiation Oncology
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Sulabha A Dave, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Vascular Surgery
Thomas C Gates, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Robert C Deere, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Yuchi P Peng, MD M
Covina, CA
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Michael S Maehara, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis
Affiliated Hospitals
St Francis Medical Center
3630 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Eleanor V Azurin, MD F
ID No. 2G0007
3045 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-7771
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
8706 Imperial Hwy
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-8300
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Eric R Batres, MD M
ID No. 2G0016
5101 E Florence Ave STE 4
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 560-4673
Languages: French and
Manuel N Baculi, MD M
ID No. 2G0009
13352 S Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 973-8863
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
ID No. 2G0023
8142 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-8621
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
Narciso Azurin, MD M
ID No. 2G0006
4075 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-4111
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. 2G0400
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maged Z Basilios, MD M
ID No. 2G0015
4505 E Slauson Ave STE E
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 771-0080
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jenny L
Batongmalaque, MD F
ID No. 2G0401
23251 S Main St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-4561
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Peter Chau, MD M
ID No. 2G0026
5979 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-0421
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Uche A Chukwudi, MD M
ID No. 2G0419
15425 Crenshaw Blvd
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 355-1445
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
David C DiLettera, DO M
ID No. 2G0041
2390 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 728-7271
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Karen T Dix, MD F
ID No. 2G0042
911 E San Antonio Dr STE 4
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-8700
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jose Mari L Elacion, MD M
ID No. 2G0414
3650 E South St STE 412
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 634-8001
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. 2G0050
11411 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
11903 Downey Ave
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. 2G0053
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-3868
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. 2G0054
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kendra Gorlitsky, MD F
ID No. 2G0439
4085 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David A Guerrero, MD M
ID No. 2G0056
2210 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-1852
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Seema A
Hanamsagar, MD F
ID No. 2G0336
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 400
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 406
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Daniel E Harvey, MD M
ID No. 2G0057
824 E Carson St STE 206
Carson, CA 90746
(310) 513-9361
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. 2G0069
8556 Florence Ave
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Fred B Kyazze, MD M
ID No. 2G0073
1410 W Alondra Blvd STE C
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 637-3680
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edwin M Mangune, MD M
ID No. 2G0404
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Florencia M Mangune, MD F
ID No. 2G0079
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paramjot Mann, MD F
ID No. 2G0395
3300 E South St STE 305
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. 2G0081
3300 E South St STE 305
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. 2G0386
3512 Florence Ave
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
ID No. 2G0090
16323 Clark Ave STE C
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ivan Nenadic, MD M
ID No. 2G0443
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Bambi Nickelberry, MD F
ID No. 2G0099
248 N Locust St
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-3737
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martha L Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. 2G0454
8077 Florence Ave STE 112
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 928-4642
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Rosa A Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. 2G0428
1910 S Magnolia Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(323) 541-1411
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvonne Tyson, MD F
ID No. 2G0345
925 E San Antonio Dr STE 18
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-6738
Also located at:
2512 Alta St
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 541-1411
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark D Schneider, DO M
ID No. 2G0131
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Daniel Uribe, MD M
ID No. 2G0153
13307 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 863-0124
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin T Sechrist, DO M
ID No. 2G0132
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Man Vuong-Dac, MD M
ID No. 2G0155
3649 E Florence Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 583-6333
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shakhnovits, MD F
ID No. 2G0416
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 303
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 837-5147
Languages: Armenian
Atef S Tawfik, MD M
ID No. 2G0458
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
ID No. 2G0139
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
Robert Wielenga, MD M
ID No. 2G0159
10836 New St
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-9100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donna L Wong, DO F
ID No. 2G0162
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Languages: Arabic, Chinese
and Mandarin
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Harding G Young, MD M
ID No. 2G0164
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 302
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-2660
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
General Practice
Shahira S
Abdel-Malek, MD F
ID No. 2G0329
3100 E Florence Ave STE 1
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-4115
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -General Practci e
Jeremiah A Aguolu, MD M
ID No. 2G0434
15603 Hawthorne Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 644-4488
Languages: French, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
Michael Bazel, MD M
ID No. 2G0017
4001 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-0595
Languages: Russian, Spanish
and Ukranian
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Graciela Calatayud, MD F
ID No. 2G0022
3400 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 589-9384
Languages: Spanish
Constant K Chan, MD M
ID No. 2G0025
10007 State St
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 566-3157
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Ramiro L Futalan, MD M
ID No. 2G0047
8292 Telegraph Rd
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 928-5007
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. 2G0048
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. 2G0063
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
Languages: Arabic and
Reza Danesh, MD F
ID No. 2G0034
6226 Spring St STE 380
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. 2G0363
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Also located at:
10931 Cherry St STE 200
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. 2G0343
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Vijaya K Katukota, MD F
ID No. 2G0444
100 E Market St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 428-4222
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Also located at:
11950 Inglewood Ave
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 349-8338
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2272 Pacific Ave STE A
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 427-8018
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. 2G0341
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Nissan Kahen, MD M
ID No. 2G0068
5504 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-0167
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. 2G0364
7643 Atlantic Ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1713
Languages: Spanish
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Stanislaus Kinota, MD M
ID No. 2G0441
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
Celerina Medina, MD F
ID No. 2G0087
4149 Tweedy Blvd STE B
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-4545
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Patrick B Lawrence, MD M
ID No. 2G0362
1061 E Vernon Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
PCPs-General Practci e
Nasser Z Mehrizi, MD M
ID No. 2G0088
9914 16 San Juan Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 569-6979
Languages: Farsi
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. 2G0091
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Marilou C Lucero, MD F
ID No. 2G0077
8301 E Florence Ave
STE 104
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-3581
PCPs-General Practci e
Abdul S Masoud, MD M
ID No. 2G0083
555 W Compton Blvd
STE 104
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 639-7200
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-General Practci e
Daniel Matemotja, MD M
ID No. 2G0084
711 E Rosecrans Ave
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-5223
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-General Practci e
Jorge L Moran, MD M
ID No. 2G0368
210 S Locust St
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-9920
Languages: Spanish
Liem P Ngo, MD M
ID No. 2G0445
8207 Whittier Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-2522
Languages: Chinese and
Rosalind G
Pallivathucal, MD F
ID No. 2G0106
8100 California Ave STE K
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 357-1000
Languages: Malayalam and
Francisco E Paredes, MD M
ID No. 2G0387
9315 Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-6855
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Joseph E Pierson, MD M
ID No. 2G0112
1828 S Western Ave STE 10
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 730-0310
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
1127 Wilshire Blvd STE 909
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(323) 944-0949
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6333 Wilshire Blvd STE 411
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 944-0949
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. 2G0114
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Lee G Razalan, MD M
ID No. 2G0117
2511 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(323) 560-4673
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Adoracion A Reyes, MD F
ID No. 2G0359
1350 Chestnut Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-1565
Languages: Spanish and
Hassan A Riaz, MD M
ID No. 2G0380
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
ID No. 2G0119
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Languages: Spanish and Urdu
Maria E Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. 2G0121
2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 881-1641
Languages: Spanish
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. 2G0448
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Mahendra G Sanathra, MD M
ID No. 2G0423
2015 E Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 581-0000
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Dennis J Sanchez, MD M
ID No. 2G0128
3529 Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Emile G Shenouda, MD M
ID No. 2G0136
10132 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-4411
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Michael J Singleton, MD M
ID No. 2G0340
8888 S Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 750-1196
Languages: Spanish
Mark C Tsai, MD M
ID No. 2G0152
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-6341
Languages: Chinese and
Carlos Venegas, MD M
ID No. 2G0154
4225 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-6464
Languages: Spanish
Internal Medicine
PCPs -General Practci e
Tahani Soliman, MD M
ID No. 2G0140
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. 2G0143
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Ngoc Mai T Tran, MD F
ID No. 2G0436
15715 S Atlantic Ave FL 2
Compton, CA 90221
(323) 541-1411
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs -General Practci e
Adegbenga Adetola, MD M
ID No. 2G0326
3591 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-2838
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. 2G0002
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Estrella Aguinaldo, MD F
ID No. 2G0008
23517 S Main St STE 104
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 233-2555
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Juan A Almaguer, MD M
ID No. 2G0004
4525 Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 262-9249
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Nagasamudra S
Ashok, MD M
ID No. 2G0349
1533 Alamitos Ave STE B
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-5350
Languages: Hindi and
Emerson R
Buckhalter, MD M
ID No. 2G0021
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-5000
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. 2G0013
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jatin C Bhatt, MD M
ID No. 2G0018
7840 Imperial Hwy STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(310) 603-6552
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thomas E Brodie, MD M
ID No. 2G0335
3737 Martin L King Blvd
STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
8327 Davis St STE 101
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-6027
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
ID No. 2G0020
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 108
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-1101
Languages: French
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. 2G0411
1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 526-2880
Languages: Spanish
Angela S Chan, MD F
ID No. 2G0375
7615 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1307
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lawrence S Cohn, MD M
ID No. 2G0029
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9977
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Beverly C Davis, MD F
ID No. 2G0331
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-5000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Verretta Deorosan, MD F
ID No. 2G0039
1045 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 115
Gardena, CA 90247
(323) 779-2800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William Essilfie, MD M
ID No. 2G0394
1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 307
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 715-6100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. 2G0417
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Andy Hong, MD M
ID No. 2G0060
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 410
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3800
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
3625 Martin Lurther King Jr
Blvd STE 5
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-7504
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. 2G0061
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. 2G0062
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Augustine E Iluore, MD M
ID No. 2G0427
11633 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 103
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 219-2929
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. 2G0399
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
Veassa G Johnson, MD F
ID No. 2G0452
4760 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 232-2601
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
22120 S Avalon Blvd
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 549-3210
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ron Javdan, MD M
ID No. 2G0457
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3533 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 734-1600
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
611 E Imperial Hwy STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. 2G0398
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Antuan Kiley, MD M
ID No. 2G0437
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: French, Japanese
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ashok Kumar, MD M
ID No. 2G0071
4477 W 118th St STE 200
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 675-4440
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sen B Lai, MD M
ID No. 2G0447
2690 Pacific Ave STE 270
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 599-0609
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. 2G0410
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alva A Marsh, MD M
ID No. 2G0430
1555 W 10th St
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
4085 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Glenn A Marshak, MD M
ID No. 2G0323
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Marco A Martinez
Rivera, MD M
ID No. 2G0421
4566 Florence Ave STE 5
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-7466
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Randall W Maxey, MD M
ID No. 2G0397
323 N Prairie Ave STE 417
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 680-1810
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Thomas E McCloy, MD M
ID No. 2G0422
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 437-6213
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. 2G0086
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Muhammad J Memon, MD M
ID No. 2G0089
555 W Compton Blvd
STE 104
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 639-7200
Languages: Urdu
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. 2G0328
5220 Clark Ave STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. 2G0332
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Angel G Perez, MD M
ID No. 2G0110
6517 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Languages: Spanish
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
ID No. 2G0361
9701 Lakewood Blvd STE A
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-8999
Languages: Burmese and
Keith I Mootoo, MD M
ID No. 2G0093
7503 Atlantic Ave STE D
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 562-3414
Languages: Spanish
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. 2G0453
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
Douglas B Segal, MD M
ID No. 2G0381
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
Pramod Multani, MD M
ID No. 2G0095
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
Raghunathan, MD M
ID No. 2G0115
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 663-9191
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
David H Skinner, DO M
ID No. 2G0137
10010 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2425
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
ID No. 2G0354
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 105
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 762-2395
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. 2G0108
3300 E South St STE 205
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ronaldo V Roque, MD M
ID No. 2G0122
1760 Termino Ave STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8512
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edmundo R Rubio, MD M
ID No. 2G0124
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 205
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3133
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
James H Song, MD M
ID No. 2G0455
16404 Colima Rd FL 1
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Odette R Tawadrous, MD F
ID No. 2G0346
3625 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 10
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 223-1429
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Sina Tebi, MD M
ID No. 2G0446
1126 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-9200
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. 2G0402
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90701
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese and
Kelly J Yepremian, MD F
ID No. 2G0449
15715 Atlantic Ave FL 2
Compton, CA 90221
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Armenian and
Samuel R Wosk, MD M
ID No. 2G0321
3412 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 264-4006
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Armenian and
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. 2G0330
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese and
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
ID No. 2G0166
3737 M L King Jr Blvd
STE 335
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 608-6963
Languages: Spanish
Malvin Yan, MD M
ID No. 2G0409
15718 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-2111
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chinedu J Ugorji, MD M
ID No. 2G0426
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 208
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 408-0131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John C Wei, MD M
ID No. 2G0156
3224 Santa Ana St
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2384
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. 2G0157
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 201
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-3131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John A Williams, MD M
ID No. 2G0160
1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 309
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 329-2180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
4502 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(562) 634-2111
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Joanna M Choi, MD F
ID No. 2G0435
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
1910 S Magnolia Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 749-0947
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Linda J
Tigner-Weekes, MD F
ID No. 2G0433
1910 S Magnolia Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(323) 541-1411
Jose M Lara, MD M
ID No. 2G0365
4670 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-3135
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1400
Dwight W Malone, MD M
ID No. 2G0078
5230 Pacific Cncrs Dr
STE 110
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 649-4800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Adefolahan, MD M
ID No. 2G0325
4566 Florence Ave STE 5
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 426-5017
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Raghunathan, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Hed Ahmadpour, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Jungmee Kim, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Douglas B Segal, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Louis Marchioli, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Eric A Enriquez, MD M
ID No. 2G0327
14623 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 202
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 973-8863
Languages: Spanish
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Camilo S Jorge, MD M
ID No. 2G0066
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 102
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1946
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Eli R Capouya, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anthony W Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Donald Bach, DC M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Robert J Gottner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Thomas S Brodie, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Keerthi R Desilva, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Richard M Deits, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Amin Farah, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Cardiovascular Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Esteban M Gomez, MD M
ID No. 2G0052
5101 E Florence Ave STE 7
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-1217
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Arash Tehranzadeh, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Emergency Immunology
Eugene V Allen, DO M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyImunol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
Specialty Physicians - Endocrinology
Samia A Khwaja, MD F
Lynwood, CA
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Benjamin F Monroe, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Samuel S Im, MD M
Whittier, CA
Keith I Mootoo, MD M
Cudahy, CA
Michael J Perley, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Ramin Mirhashemi, MD M
Torrance, CA
Jesus G Ramirez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Endocrinology &
Rodrigo J Rocha, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Hematology Oncology
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sita Yanamadala, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Family Practice
Infectious Diseases
Jose N Prieto, MD M
Cudahy, CA
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Internal Medicine
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Mohan W Bhasker, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
General Practice
Alfredo Sweeny, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Hung Q Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Devin Chopra, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Humaira Siddiqui, MD F
Downey, CA
Khalifa Mansour, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Maternal & Fetal Medicine Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Vikas Sachar, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Zhanna Rapoport, MD F
Huntington Beach, CA
George G Hon, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
Lynwood, CA
George G Hon, MD M
Paramount, CA
General Surgery
Jose N Montano, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Harley Deere Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurosurgery
Duc H Duong, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Thomas K Peterson, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Clarence M Hyshaw, MD M
Lynwood, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Sharoun S Porat, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Kenneth Cohn, MD M
South Gate, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Arthur J Edelstein, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Gwen M Allen, MD F
Gardena, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
Downey, CA
Paul M Baylon, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Montebello, CA
Hiep D Dang, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Karol L Bowens, MD F
Paramount, CA
Edward C Lai, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Donna L Wong, DO F
Downey, CA
Jorge F Carreon, MD M
South Gate, CA
Peter F Mastan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Pedro Cepeda, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bernardita I De Los
Reyes, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
George F El Khoury, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Timothy V Scott, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Benjamin F Monroe, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Maya C Shammas, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Herbert J Simons, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Pain Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Sina Tebi, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Plastic Surgery
Pearlman D Hicks Jr, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Steven Steinschriber, MD M
Downey, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
John Chan, DPM M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Phuong C Truong, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Osteopathci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Silas J Thomas, MD M
Compton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Osteopathci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Medhat Seif, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Osteopathci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Loy A Pham, MD M
Downey, CA
Vance C Eberly, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Ramy N Elias, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/St Francis, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Health Providers
Lawrence I Rubin, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Rigoverto Briceno, PhD M
Lynwood, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Jorge Garcia, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
Downey, CA
Clinical Psychology
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Vijay V Kamdar, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sandhya Gudapati, MD F
Fullerton, CA
Ashok K Raheja, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Bala Gulasekaram, MD M
Cerritos, CA
John A Williams, MD M
Gardena, CA
Gamini S Jayasinghe, MD M
Buena Park, CA
Zecharia Oren, PhD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Nathaniel Neal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Rafik Sidrak, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Maxine M Anderson, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Michael H Tolwin, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Reginald J Jones, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Viken R Konyalian, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Navrose S Grewal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Richard E Wineland II, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier
Affiliated Hospitals
Juan L Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. DK0292
325 E La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-7100
Languages: Spanish
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PIH Health
Hospital-Downey L
11500 Brookshire Ave
Downey, CA 90241
Also located at:
545 N San Gariel Ave
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 815-1511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Whittier Hospital Medical
9080 Colima Rd
Whittier, CA 90605
Urgent Care Centers
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. DK0305
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
Francisco L Badar III, MD M
ID No. DK0345
18115 Valley View STE 122
Cerritos, CA 90703
(714) 562-0124
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangjun Byeon, MD M
ID No. DK0331
18391 Colima Rd STE 201
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-2911
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
ID No. DK0010
8142 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-8621
Languages: Spanish
Janine J Chamberlin, MD F
ID No. DK0263
16671 Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 100
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 729-0103
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ker Chow Chang, MD M
ID No. DK0265
400 W Central Ave STE 104
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 255-1148
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. DK0340
11903 Downey Ave
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. DK0035
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. DK0280
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Family Practice
Jose A Aceves, MD M
ID No. DK0287
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Seema A
Hanamsagar, MD F
ID No. DK0040
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 400
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 406
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 408
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 637-2521
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. DK0248
8556 Florence Ave STE 302
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Augustin A Lin, DO M
ID No. DK0057
23545 Palomino Dr STE H
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 396-1755
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
13768 Roswell Ave STE 120
Chino, CA 91710
(909) 396-1755
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. DK0316
3512 Florence Ave
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Manuel F Mendosa M
ID No. DK0327
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paul R Mercer, MD M
ID No. DK0363
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Marilou C Lucero, MD F
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
ID No. DK0203
(562) 863-8774
8301 E Florence Ave STE 104 Languages: Spanish
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-3581
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. DK0068
Marcus W Lum, MD M
9200 Colima Rd STE 207
ID No. DK0058
Whittier, CA 90605
15625 Imperial Hwy
(562) 945-2128
La Mirada, CA 90638
Languages: French, Hindi and
(562) 902-3000
Also located at:
Douglas Nitta, MD M
15034 Imperial Hwy
ID No. DK0254
La Mirada, CA 90638
301 W Bastanchury Rd
(562) 902-3000
STE 155
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
ID No. DK0298
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Margaret L Herrera, MD F
ID No. DK0043
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David R Joss, MD M
ID No. DK0048
5500 E Santa Ana Cyn Rd
STE 255
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 998-5677
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stanley A Kaller, DO M
ID No. DK0049
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael J Maguire, DO M
ID No. DK0063
7624 Painter Ave STE 100
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 945-9333
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 773-1116
Languages: Japanese and
Nikunj M Patel, MD M
ID No. DK0352
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. DK0074
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 263-9541
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. DK0293
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
Steve J Villareal, MD M
ID No. DK0306
11161 Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 695-2250
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
10050 Garvey Ave STE 111
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 562-0794
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rafael Rubalcava, MD M
ID No. DK0076
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Spanish
Atef S Tawfik, MD M
ID No. DK0368
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark D Schneider, DO M
ID No. DK0082
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin T Sechrist, DO M
ID No. DK0083
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Daniel Uribe, MD M
ID No. DK0095
121 N Euclid St
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-0811
Languages: Spanish
Shakhnovits, MD F
ID No. DK0344
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 303
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 837-5147
Languages: Armenian
Also located at:
13307 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 863-0124
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 205
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-3707
Languages: Spanish
William D Welsh, DO M
ID No. DK0098
7624 Painter Ave STE 100
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 945-9333
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Robert Wielenga, MD M
ID No. DK0099
10835 New St
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-9100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Donna L Wong, DO F
ID No. DK0101
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Languages: Arabic, Chinese
and Mandarin
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Phillip D Zaret, MD M
ID No. DK0251
15090 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 943-8444
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - General Practice
General Practice
Eung K Bai, MD M
ID No. DK0274
12017 E Rosecrans Ave
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-2027
Languages: Korean
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. DK0031
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs -General Practci e
Edgardo G Binoya, MD M
ID No. DK0227
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 118
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1500
Languages: Spanish and
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. DK0303
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Constant K Chan, MD M
ID No. DK0215
10007 State St
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 566-3157
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Fernando Q Gonzales, MD M
ID No. DK0296
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
2680 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 566-3157
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. DK0317
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Justin L Chan, MD M
ID No. DK0349
925 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-0282
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
Po Z Chen, MD M
ID No. DK0256
2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. DK0270
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
Languages: Arabic and
Sandra G Madrid, MD F
ID No. DK0221
12462 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-0725
Languages: Spanish
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. DK0062
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Abdul S Masoud, MD M
ID No. DK0212
3275 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2258
Languages: Farsi and German
Also located at:
555 W Compton Blvd STE 104
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 639-7200
Languages: Farsi and German
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Muhammad R Nasir, MD M
ID No. DK0366
12826 E Philadelphia St
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 789-9908
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
1403 N Fair Oaks Ave STE 2
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 797-4477
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-General Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. DK0365
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3342 Whittier Blvd
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 267-1216
Languages: Spanish
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. DK0088
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. DK0360
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. DK0297
3012 N San Gabriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
Shokouh S Tamadon, MD F
ID No. DK0092
15111 E Whittier Blvd
STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi
Behrooz B
Yagoobian, MD M
ID No. DK0213
15730 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-1000
Internal Medicine
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. DK0319
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
Mir M Ali, MD M
ID No. DK0004
3400 W Ball Rd STE 205
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 828-2554
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. DK0252
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 400
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Nagasamudra S
Ashok, MD M
ID No. DK0285
1533 Alamitos Ave STE B
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-5350
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rajiv I Bhavsar, MD M
ID No. DK0007
1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 441-0591
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
ID No. DK0009
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 108
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-1101
Languages: French
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Carl W Buckhorn, MD M
ID No. DK0234
515 E Commonwealth Ave
Fullerton, CA 92832
(714) 871-7118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Archna Chaudhary, MD F
ID No. DK0250
6226 E Spring St STE 240
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 938-7129
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Nguyen D Dang, MD M
ID No. DK0019
14350 Whittier Blvd STE 315
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 464-2163
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
701 E 28th St STE 415
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 988-2777
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Dwight A David, MD M
ID No. DK0024
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Also located at:
Whittier, CA 90603
4760 S Figueroa St
(562) 945-6440
Los Angeles, CA 90037
Beverly C Davis, MD F
(323) 233-7624
ID No. DK0249
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202 Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. DK0347
Lynwood, CA 90262
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
(310) 631-5000
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. DK0273
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
3175 E Firestone Blvd
Spanish and Urdu
South Gate, CA 90280
John M Hernandez, MD M
(323) 567-8910
ID No. DK0041
Languages: Spanish
1417 W Beverly Blvd STE 101
Casey S Fu, MD M
Montebello, CA 90640
ID No. DK0030
(323) 726-1109
1661 Hanover Rd STE 103A
Languages: Spanish
City of Industry, CA 91748
Kenneth B Horwitz, MD M
(626) 581-8330
ID No. DK0259
Languages: Chinese,
1211 W La Palma Ave
Mandarin and Taiwanese
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
Jaya A George, MD F
ID No. DK0257
(714) 772-8282
1211 W La Palma Ave
Languages: Spanish and
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
Also located at:
(714) 772-8282
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
Also located at:
Santa Ana, CA 92705
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
(714) 836-6800
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Languages: Spanish and
(714) 836-6800
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. DK0013
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kenneth L Cohen, MD M
ID No. DK0015
2101 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 724-3210
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert J Cons, MD M
ID No. DK0276
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. DK0017
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
ID No. DK0037
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Montebello, CA 90640
(213) 483-1251
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1640 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 483-1251
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Ali A Houshyar, MD M
ID No. DK0044
1275 N Rose Dr STE 126
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 524-3880
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gemma Ko, MD F
ID No. DK0271
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. DK0069
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. DK0362
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
Also located at:
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marian Jalil, MD F
ID No. DK0205
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 200
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-7671
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. DK0343
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ron Javdan, MD M
ID No. DK0367
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3533 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 734-1600
Clifford Liu, MD M
ID No. DK0217
1801 W Romneya Dr
STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
611 E Imperial Hwy STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. DK0330
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
321 S Melnik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Pramod Multani, MD M
ID No. DK0281
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Samuel C Nixon, MD M
ID No. DK0072
1801 W Romneya Dr
STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Khalid Nur, MD M
ID No. DK0277
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Iftikhar A Khan, MD M
ID No. DK0266
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 301
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 725-3099
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
George K Pang, MD M
ID No. DK0295
8135 Painter Ave STE 305
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-8258
Languages: Burmese and
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. DK0078
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
ID No. DK0118
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(626) 759-7599
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Mahendra S Patel, MD F
ID No. DK0261
5451 La Palma Ave STE 15
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 994-1401
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
ID No. DK0294
9701 Lakewood Blvd STE A
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-8999
Languages: Burmese and
Also located at:
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 450
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-7599
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. DK0074
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 263-9541
Languages: Spanish
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. DK0079
2614 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
10050 Garvey Ave STE 111
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 562-0794
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. DK0075
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
15034 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shahla Sadighian, MD F
ID No. DK0077
1275 N Rose Dr STE 126
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 524-3880
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Bashir Waraich, MD M
ID No. DK0096
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1038
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. DK0097
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Manohar R Senra, MD M
ID No. DK0085
Montebello, CA 90640
8337 E Telegraph Rd STE 215 (323) 722-7711
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Languages: Arabic and
(562) 927-6597
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
Henry Winn, MD M
and Tamil
ID No. DK0100
Sina Tebi, MD M
15651 E Imperial Hwy
ID No. DK0359
STE 102B
1126 E South St
La Mirada, CA 90638
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 947-9591
Languages: French, Spanish
(562) 984-9200
and Vietnamese
Also located at:
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. DK0332
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
Rasiq A Ahmed, MD M
ID No. DK0348
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90701
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Alejandro Z Montes, MD M
ID No. DK0333
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Kesheng Wu, MD M
ID No. DK0102
9209 S Colima Rd STE 4500
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 696-5088
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. DK0228
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese
Jocelyn C Zuniga, MD F
ID No. DK0342
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-2821
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
ID No. DK0156
115 Euclid Ave
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 905-2660
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Also located at:
15141 E Whittier Blvd
STE 300
Whittier, CA 90603
(714) 529-5789
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gnyecol gy
Martin M
Blanco-Eccleston, MD M
ID No. DK0025
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Yvette R Cressey, MD F
ID No. DK0223
1275 N Rose Dr STE 124
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 792-4300
Languages: French
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Lina C Dela Cruz, MD F
ID No. DK0351
140 N Orange Ave STE 100
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-3607
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Sheldon R Fayner, MD M
ID No. DK0026
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Amirtha Ajit, MD F
ID No. DK0233
1751 W Romneya Dr STE F
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 776-3180
Languages: Tamil
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Manisha K Bhatt, MD M
ID No. DK0334
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4002
Languages: Hindi
Sylvia L Garcia, MD F
ID No. DK0032
14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-1940
Languages: French and
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. DK0033
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Francisco C Gonda Jr, MD M
ID No. DK0232
1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 956-5470
Languages: Spanish and
Chuan M Nguyen, MD M
ID No. DK0071
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Spanish and
Chung O Hur, MD F
ID No. DK0046
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-8650
Languages: Korean
Mai-Tram K Nguyen, MD F
ID No. DK0341
501 S Idaho St STE 190
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-0400
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Khine Khin, MD F
ID No. DK0051
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
David S Kramer, MD M
ID No. DK0054
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
John I Lauridsen, MD M
ID No. DK0055
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Danish and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Christopher R
Lundquist, MD M
ID No. DK0059
2874 E Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 579-7505
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Alicia G Nugas, MD F
ID No. DK0268
22408 Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-2188
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Sultan Shah, MD M
ID No. DK0324
710 N Euclid St STE 107
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Reshmi Sinha, MD F
ID No. DK0350
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Bengali, Hindi and
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Peter C Hugh, DO M
La Palma, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Acupunctuer
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Jungmee Kim, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Kenneth T Kim, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Louis Marchioli, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Steven M Meltzer, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Marc A Tamaroff, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Alan O Khadavi, MD M
South Gate, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy& mI munol gy
Richard M Deits, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Harinder S Gogia, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Alireza Jafari, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Mark F Varallo, DO M
ID No. DK0358
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-0400
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Sami M Shoukair, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiovascular Disease
Hed Ahmadpour, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Aleem A Syed, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Arash Tehranzadeh, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Family Practice
Donald Bach, DC M
Downey, CA
Hung Q Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Humaira Siddiqui, MD F
Downey, CA
Ravindra Alapati, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Edward Y Chu, DC M
City of Industry, CA
Asif Durrani, DC
Paramount, CA
Dan K Fox, DC M
Downey, CA
Golriz Jafari, MD F
Montebello, CA
Robert A Mecum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Rangarao Panguluri, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Placentia, CA
General Surgery
Gadsalli R
Ravikumar, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Joseph M Mule, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ambrose Y Tsang, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Robert L Wilkinson, DC M
Brea, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
David B Friedman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Infectious Diseases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Bryan C Doo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Laurel A Zober, MD F
Downey, CA
David C Petreccia, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Todd Stockwell, DC M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Casey S Fu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Harmohinder S
Gogia, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Arnold T Pang, DO M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Joel A Trotter, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurosurgery
Herbert J Simons, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Christopher Aho, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Jeffrey V Winston, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Lawrence E Carnow, DPM M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Haig Minassian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Jackie Chan, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Peter S Birnbaum, DO M
Anaheim, CA
John Chan, DPM M
Cudahy, CA
Robert J Bohr, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Devin Chopra, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Downey, CA
Kyle Low, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Jeri M Gruenes, DPM F
Placentia, CA
Allen P Lu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Sharoun S Porat, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Stanley Lowe, DPM M
South Gate, CA
Richard C Raczka, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Jessica A Luu, DPM F
La Mirada, CA
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Michael K OShea, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Leonard C Sanchez, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Samuel S Im, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Marc D Melnik, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Azmath S Qureshi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Medhat Seif, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Deep R Dudeja, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Arthur J Edelstein, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Vinay Gutti, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Mark D Schneider, DO M
Downey, CA
Eduardo P Macias, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Osteopathci
Michael C Schilling, DPM M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
William J Spak, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Pulmonary Disease
Joseph C Peters, MD M
La Habra, CA
Sina Tebi, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Dwight A David, MD M
Whittier, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
Downey, CA
Plastic Surgery
Panch Jeyakumar, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Peter F Mastan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Maya C Shammas, MD F
Lynwood, CA
John A Britto, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Neil E Klein, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Medical Group/Whittier, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Arunpal S Sehgal, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Linda Y Shen, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Narindar Singh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Saleem A Waraich, MD M
Placentia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Thoracic Surgery
Navrose S Grewal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Stuart L Feldman, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Mental Health Providers
Bimlesh Garg, MD M
West Covina, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Michael E Harris, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhcol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select
Affiliated Hospitals
AHMC Anaheim Regional
Medical Center LP
1111 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
Lakewood Regional Medical
Center L
3700 E South St
Lakewood, CA 90712
Los Alamitos Medical
Center L
3751 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
PIH Health
Hospital-Downey L
11500 Brookshire Ave
Downey, CA 90241
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Jose A Aceves, MD M
ID No. FQ0591
14609 Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jacqueline B Aguiluz, DO F
ID No. FQ0560
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Placentia Linda Hospital L
1301 Rose Dr
Placentia, CA 92870
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Juan L Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. FQ0540
325 E La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-7100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
545 N San Gariel Ave
Azusa, CA 91702
(626) 815-1511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Ethan R Allen, DO M
ID No. FQ0004
12820 Studebaker Rd
STE 101
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7873
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. FQ0554
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francisco L Badar III, MD M
ID No. FQ0452
18115 Valley View STE 122
Cerritos, CA 90703
(714) 562-0124
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mehtab B Bambrah
Dhamija, MD F
ID No. FQ0567
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. FQ0648
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Martin M
Blanco-Eccleston, MD M
ID No. FQ0038
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Spanish
Jenny L
Batongmalaque, MD F
ID No. FQ0650
23251 S Main St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-4561
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eric R Batres, MD M
ID No. FQ0423
5101 E Florence Ave STE 4
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 560-4673
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hing M Be, DO M
ID No. FQ0543
1834 W Lincoln Ave STE D
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-5680
Languages: Cambodian
Jason C Berry, DO M
ID No. FQ0698
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 242
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-0611
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mary I Berry, DO F
ID No. FQ0703
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 242
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 221-2340
Youssef N Beshai, MD M
ID No. FQ0571
801 N Harbor Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 774-7500
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ker Chow Chang, MD M
ID No. FQ0429
400 W Central Ave STE 104
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 255-1148
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sangjun Byeon, MD M
ID No. FQ0593
18391 Colima Rd STE 201
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-2911
Languages: Korean
Peter Chau, MD M
ID No. FQ0014
5979 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-0421
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
ID No. FQ0019
8142 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-8621
Languages: Spanish
Vinita Chaudhary, MD M
ID No. FQ0015
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-0910
Languages: Hindi
Joana M Catalasan, MD F
ID No. FQ0657
6888 Lincoln Ave STE M
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 828-8400
Languages: Spanish and
Edwin H Choi, MD M
ID No. FQ0479
9535 Garden Grove Blvd
STE 104
Garden Grove, CA 92844
(714) 534-1112
Languages: Korean
Mary C Cerni, DO F
ID No. FQ0013
1325 N Rose Dr STE 203
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 529-5674
Languages: Spanish
Loida Constantino, MD F
ID No. FQ0023
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 961-8820
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Birinder S Brara, MD M
ID No. FQ0012
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-7292
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
Janine J Chamberlin, MD F
ID No. FQ0427
16671 Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 100
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 729-0103
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Yvette R Cressey, MD F
ID No. FQ0374
1275 N Rose Dr STE 124
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 792-4300
Languages: French
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reza Danesh, MD F
ID No. FQ0027
10931 Cherry St STE 200
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 497-9229
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
11950 Inglewood Ave
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 349-8338
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hiep D Dang, DO M
ID No. FQ0370
14160 Brookhurst St STE 5
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 590-9697
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Virendra M Desai, MD F
ID No. FQ0031
5451 La Palma Ave STE 43
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 343-9468
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kailash R Dhamija, MD M
ID No. FQ0626
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Karen T Dix, MD F
ID No. FQ0034
911 E San Antonio Dr STE 4
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-8700
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jose Mari L Elacion, MD M
ID No. FQ0677
3650 E South St STE 412
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 634-8001
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Roxann S Engle, DO F
ID No. FQ0439
19871 Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 104
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 777-3606
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sheldon R Fayner, MD M
ID No. FQ0039
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Navid Geula, DO M
ID No. FQ0474
710 Euclid St STE 101
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. FQ0529
11411 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. FQ0051
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. FQ0455
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kadein G Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. FQ0646
710 N Euclid St STE 101
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 517-2100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kendra Gorlitsky, MD F
ID No. FQ0719
4085 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Shobha B Govind, MD F
ID No. FQ0053
3650 South St STE 103
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-8110
Languages: Hindi
Peter C Hugh, DO M
ID No. FQ0066
5451 La Palma Ave STE 16
La Palma, CA 90623
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David A Guerrero, MD M
ID No. FQ0667
2210 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-1852
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3650 E South St STE 204
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Seema A
Hanamsagar, MD F
ID No. FQ0057
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 400
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. FQ0070
517 N Main St STE 100
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 647-0401
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 406
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-4497
Also located at:
1000 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 408
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 637-2521
Also located at:
308 N 2nd Ave
Upland, CA 91786
(714) 647-0401
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
ID No. FQ0520
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Daniel Honigman, MD M
ID No. FQ0522
3180 S Colima Rd STE A
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-1644
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David R Joss, MD M
ID No. FQ0073
5500 E Santa Ana Cyn Rd
STE 255
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 998-5677
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. FQ0407
8556 Florence Ave STE 302
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
Shefali B Khandwala, DO F
ID No. FQ0572
539 S Brea Blvd STE 100
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Khine Khin, MD F
ID No. FQ0075
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Stephen B Lee, MD M
ID No. FQ0562
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Augustin A Lin, DO M
ID No. FQ0092
13768 Roswell Ave STE 120
Chino, CA 91710
(909) 396-1755
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
23545 Palomino Dr STE H
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 396-1755
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Arturo J Lopez, MD M
ID No. FQ0525
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 215
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 236-2290
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Mario O Lopez, MD M
ID No. FQ0483
720 Alamitos Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-6200
Languages: Spanish and
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. FQ0099
3300 E South St STE 205
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Marcus W Lum, MD M
ID No. FQ0240
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. FQ0608
3512 Florence Ave
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
15034 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Weiping S Mei, MD F
ID No. FQ0736
5865 E Naples Plz
Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 438-5021
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. FQ0409
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
Languages: Farsi and Spanish ID No. FQ0104
16323 Clark Ave
Edwin M Mangune, MD M
Bellflower, CA 90706
ID No. FQ0655
(562) 925-7716
16660 Paramount Blvd
Languages: Spanish and
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Paul R Mercer, MD M
Languages: Spanish
ID No. FQ0527
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Paramjot Mann, MD F
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
ID No. FQ0637
(562) 863-8774
3300 E South St STE 305
Languages: Spanish
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 817-5602
Brian L Minkus, DO M
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
ID No. FQ0105
and Punjabi
18502 Gridley Rd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 865-6160
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Roxana P Minkus, DO F
ID No. FQ0106
2650 S Bristol St STE 105
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 800-1919
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. FQ0108
9200 Colima Rd STE 207
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-2128
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ivan Nenadic, MD M
ID No. FQ0723
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Douglas Nitta, MD M
ID No. FQ0418
301 W Bastanchury Rd
STE 155
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 773-1116
Languages: Japanese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Deepak N Patel, MD M
ID No. FQ0457
215 N State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 517-0467
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kristine S Percy, MD M
ID No. FQ0564
539 S Brea Blvd FL 1
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
ID No. FQ0501
8337 Telegraph Rd STE 315
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 928-5892
Languages: Spanish
Dennis J Sanchez, MD M
ID No. FQ0126
3529 Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1700
Languages: Spanish
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
ID No. FQ0136
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
Jose N Prieto, MD M
ID No. FQ0690
4566 E Florence Ave STE 2
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 582-7186
Languages: Spanish
Mark Scheier, MD M
ID No. FQ0130
5451 La Palma Ave STE 22
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 228-1446
Languages: Spanish
Lauren M Stearns, MD F
ID No. FQ0565
539 S Brea Blvd FL 1
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
Languages: Spanish
John R Prosser, MD M
ID No. FQ0365
6510 E Spring St
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 429-8812
Languages: Spanish
Mark D Schneider, DO M
ID No. FQ0199
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Ali R Tajik, MD M
ID No. FQ0649
3400 W Ball Rd STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 826-7440
Languages: Farsi
Lee G Razalan, MD M
ID No. FQ0120
2511 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(323) 560-4673
Languages: Spanish and
Martin T Sechrist, DO M
ID No. FQ0188
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Shrikant K Tamhane, DO M
ID No. FQ0557
23517 S Main St STE 103
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 834-5388
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rosa A Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. FQ0693
1910 S Magnolia Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(323) 541-1411
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shakhnovits, MD F
ID No. FQ0672
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 303
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 837-5147
Languages: Armenian
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger M Samawi, DO M
ID No. FQ0538
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 901-9228
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. FQ0541
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Terence T Tan, MD M
ID No. FQ0144
3301 Beechwood Ave
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 638-5188
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gardner Tarlow, MD M
ID No. FQ0444
215 N State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 772-2210
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Atef S Tawfik, MD M
ID No. FQ0754
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khai Q Tran, DO M
ID No. FQ0579
15717 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-2231
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvonne Tyson, MD F
ID No. FQ0148
925 E San Antonio Dr STE 18
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-6738
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Xanthe Z Victoria, MD F
ID No. FQ0498
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Steve J Villareal, MD M
ID No. FQ0566
11161 Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 695-2250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 205
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-3707
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
William D Welsh, DO M
ID No. FQ0158
7624 Painter Ave STE 100
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 945-9333
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Donna L Wong, DO F
ID No. FQ0216
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 402
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8333
Languages: Arabic, Chinese
and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vincent T Wong, DO M
ID No. FQ0746
710 N Euclid STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-8650
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harding G Young, MD M
ID No. FQ0589
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 302
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-2660
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harvey Yung, MD M
ID No. FQ0592
1781 W Romneya Dr STE F
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 808-9208
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Uribe, MD M
ID No. FQ0150
121 N Euclid St
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-0811
Languages: Spanish
Robert Wielenga, MD M
ID No. FQ0241
10836 New St
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-9100
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
13307 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 807-1877
Languages: Spanish
Alberto Wilches, MD M
ID No. FQ0159
7831 Jackson St
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1178
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venkataraman, MD F
ID No. FQ0153
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 406
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 497-9314
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Phillip D Zaret, MD M
ID No. FQ0412
15090 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 943-8444
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Jeremiah A Aguolu, MD M
ID No. FQ0712
15603 Hawthorne Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 644-4488
Languages: French, Spanish
and Tagalog
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Eung K Bai, MD M
ID No. FQ0536
12017 Rosecrans Ave
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-2027
Languages: Korean
PCPs-General Practci e
Edgardo G Binoya, MD M
ID No. FQ0378
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 118
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1500
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Graciela Calatayud, MD F
ID No. FQ0588
3400 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 589-9384
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Gerardo Canchola, MD M
ID No. FQ0568
2621 S Bristol St STE 302
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 662-7710
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Rosario L Cecilio, MD F
ID No. FQ0372
414 Prospector Rd STE B
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 860-3973
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
15111 E Whittier Blvd
STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-General Practci e
Justin L Chan, MD M
ID No. FQ0679
925 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-0282
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
Po Z Chen, MD M
ID No. FQ0420
2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Chinese and
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. FQ0550
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Mohamed A Hafez, MD M
ID No. FQ0700
9918 Katella Ave STE C
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 625-8320
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. FQ0611
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
James Huang, MD M
ID No. FQ0675
400 W Central Ave STE 109
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 990-0375
PCPs -General Practci e
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. FQ0551
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Fernando Q
Gonzales, MD M
ID No. FQ0544
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Mehar Iqbal, MD M
ID No. FQ0068
7851 Walker St STE 105
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 670-1261
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(714) 670-1261
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. FQ0069
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
Languages: Arabic and
Bernard S Jorge, MD M
ID No. FQ0738
11227 Valley Blvd
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-7077
Languages: Spanish
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. FQ0523
7643 Atlantic Ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1713
Languages: Spanish
Stanislaus Kinota, MD M
ID No. FQ0721
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Patrick B Lawrence, MD M
ID No. FQ0532
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
PCPs -General Practci e
Saturnina L Mercado, MD F
ID No. FQ0692
10230 E Artesia Blvd STE 207
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 863-3474
Languages: Spanish and
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. FQ0109
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Muhammad R Nasir, MD M
ID No. FQ0750
Marilou C Lucero, MD F
12826 E Philadelphia St
ID No. FQ0224
8301 E Florence Ave STE 104 Whittier, CA 90601
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 789-9908
(562) 861-3581
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Michael J Maguire, DO M
ID No. FQ0727
Rosalind G
7624 Painter Ave STE 100
Pallivathucal, MD F
Whittier, CA 90602
ID No. FQ0741
(562) 945-9333
8100 California Ave STE K
South Gate, CA 90280
Abdul S Masoud, MD M
(323) 357-1000
ID No. FQ0359
555 W Compton Blvd STE 104 Languages: Malayalam and
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 639-7200
Francisco E Paredes, MD M
Languages: Farsi and German ID No. FQ0618
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Nabil H Khoury, MD M
ID No. FQ0076
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Daniel Matemotja, MD M
ID No. FQ0416
711 E Rosecrans Ave
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-5223
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -General Practci e
9315 Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-6855
Languages: Spanish
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Mahendrakumar R
Patel, MD M
ID No. FQ0688
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Gujarati and
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
ID No. FQ0247
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Languages: Spanish and
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. FQ0118
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
Maria E Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. FQ0122
2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 881-1641
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. FQ0733
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Lee G Razalan, MD M
ID No. FQ0121
2511 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(323) 560-4673
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Hassan A Riaz, MD M
ID No. FQ0248
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
PCPs-General Practci e
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. FQ0545
3012 N San Gabriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
Adoracion A Reyes, MD F
ID No. FQ0537
1350 Chestnut Ave
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-1565
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
3342 Whittier Blvd
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 267-1216
Languages: Spanish
Donald D Salis, MD M
ID No. FQ0505
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(626) 864-7279
Mercedes B Samson, MD F
ID No. FQ0714
8615 Knott Ave STE 3
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-4833
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Mahendra G
Sanathra, MD M
ID No. FQ0689
2015 E Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 581-0000
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -General Practci e
David Y Shek, MD M
ID No. FQ0471
1401 S Anaheim Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 772-9800
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
11803 E Carson St
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 924-4455
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -General Practci e
Tahani Soliman, MD M
ID No. FQ0137
6526 Rugby Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-2247
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Rodolfo T Tabila, MD M
ID No. FQ0143
1339 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90810
(562) 492-6698
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Shokouh S Tamadon, MD F
ID No. FQ0371
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi
Ngoc Mai T Tran, MD F
ID No. FQ0716
15715 S Atlantic Ave FL 2
Compton, CA 90221
(323) 541-1411
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
Cesar A Velez, MD M
ID No. FQ0585
4070 E Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8545
Languages: Portuguese and
Samantha M Von Ins, MD F
ID No. FQ0702
5451 La Palma Ave STE 19
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 521-9126
Languages: Spanish
Kambiz Afrasiabi, MD M
ID No. FQ0569
2571 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 827-9797
Languages: Chinese, Farsi
and Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. FQ0510
8327 Davis St STE 202
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8055
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
7705 Seville Ave STE D
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. FQ0610
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. FQ0415
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 400
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nagasamudra S
Ashok, MD M
ID No. FQ0478
1533 Alamitos Ave STE B
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-5350
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
4253 Redondo Beach Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 370-5888
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
(562) 426-6571
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Michael Attoh, MD M
ID No. FQ0699
15342 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 102
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 644-8400
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Amirtha Ajit, MD F
Behrooz B Yagoobian, MD M ID No. FQ0389
ID No. FQ0364
1751 W Romneya Dr STE F
15730 Paramount Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92801
Paramount, CA 90723
(714) 776-3180
Languages: Tamil
(562) 634-1000
Languages: Persian and
Mir M Ali, MD M
ID No. FQ0003
3400 W Ball Rd STE 205
Internal Medicine
Anaheim, CA 92804
John D Adams Jr, DO M
(714) 828-2554
ID No. FQ0624
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
and Urdu
Long Beach, CA 90806
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ashokkumar I Amin, MD M
ID No. FQ0573
5451 la palma RTE 34
La Palma, CA 90623
(147) 581-5816
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Etsegenet T Ayele, MD F
ID No. FQ0006
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Amharic, German,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Ahmed I Badr, MD M
ID No. FQ0481
3055 W Orange Ave STE 103
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 995-2901
Languages: Arabic
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. FQ0530
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6673
Languages: Spanish
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. FQ0460
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
ID No. FQ0331
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 108
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-1101
Languages: French
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Carl W Buckhorn, MD M
ID No. FQ0391
515 E Commonwealth Ave
Fullerton, CA 92832
(714) 871-7118
Languages: Spanish
Steven J Becker, DO M
ID No. FQ0008
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. FQ0654
1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 526-2880
Languages: Spanish
Maurice A Bell, MD M
ID No. FQ0009
4100 Long Beach Blvd
STE 200
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 981-2355
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Arthur Carrasco Jr, MD M
ID No. FQ0513
8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 319-2085
Languages: Spanish
Neha H Bhansali, MD F
ID No. FQ0434
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 531-0377
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rajiv I Bhavsar, MD M
ID No. FQ0010
1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 441-0591
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Angela S Chan, MD F
ID No. FQ0582
7615 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1307
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Archna Chaudhary, MD F
ID No. FQ0413
701 E 28th St STE 415
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 988-2777
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. FQ0016
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kenneth L Cohen, MD M
ID No. FQ0021
2101 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 724-3210
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lawrence S Cohn, MD M
ID No. FQ0022
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9977
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Robert J Cons, MD M
ID No. FQ0447
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. FQ0024
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Regina M Cuenca, DO F
ID No. FQ0025
14350 Whittier Blvd STE 315
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 464-2163
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nguyen D Dang, MD M
ID No. FQ0028
14350 Whittier Blvd STE 315
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 464-2163
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pedro De La Rosa, MD M
ID No. FQ0029
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 412
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 377-1111
Languages: Spanish
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
ID No. FQ0041
19151 Bloomfield Ave
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 402-6707
Languages: Spanish
Lina C Dela Cruz, MD F
ID No. FQ0682
140 N Orange Ave STE 100
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-3607
Languages: Spanish and
Alan A Frischer, MD M
ID No. FQ0518
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 806-0874
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
Mohamed W El
Nachef, MD M
ID No. FQ0552
2571 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 827-9797
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
Also located at:
1801 W Romneya Dr STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. FQ0730
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
Dwight A David, MD M
ID No. FQ0332
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Amin Farah, MD M
ID No. FQ0184
3737 M L King Blvd STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Beverly C Davis, MD F
ID No. FQ0410
3628 E Imperial Hwy STE 202
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 631-5000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
8327 Davis St STE 101
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 904-6027
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Casey S Fu, MD M
ID No. FQ0045
1661 Hanover Rd STE 103
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alla Gartsman, MD F
ID No. FQ0046
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
ID No. FQ0519
9040 E Telegraph Rd STE 100
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0954
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jaya A George, MD F
ID No. FQ0421
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-6800
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Azmy F Ghaly, MD M
ID No. FQ0440
1700 Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Stanley A Golanty, MD M
ID No. FQ0050
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
Pin Hung Hsieh, MD M
ID No. FQ0681
13522 Newport Ave STE 102
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-8200
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
Also located at:
999 Tustin Ave STE 1
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-6800
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Francisco C Gonda
Jr, MD M
ID No. FQ0386
1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 956-5470
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
ID No. FQ0054
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Montebello, CA 90640
(213) 483-1251
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
ID No. FQ0056
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1640 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 483-1251
Ali A Houshyar, MD M
ID No. FQ0062
1275 N Rose Dr STE 126
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 524-3880
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manisha Goel, MD F
ID No. FQ0476
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. FQ0674
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
John M Hernandez, MD M
ID No. FQ0059
1417 W Beverly Blvd
STE 101
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1109
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kenneth B Horwitz, MD M
ID No. FQ0475
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. FQ0064
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. FQ0065
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chung O Hur, MD F
ID No. FQ0067
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 991-8650
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
4760 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 233-7624
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Augustine E Iluore, MD M
ID No. FQ0691
11633 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 103
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 219-2929
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shaheen Iqbal, MD M
ID No. FQ0495
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6445
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Ron Javdan, MD M
ID No. FQ0752
3631 Crenshaw Blvd STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 732-0100
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3533 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 734-1600
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. FQ0647
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Gemma Ko, MD F
ID No. FQ0437
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
611 E Imperial Hwy STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 732-0100
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Bijoy K John, MD M
ID No. FQ0011
1275 N Rose Dr STE 120
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 572-3698
Audrey M Konow, MD F
ID No. FQ0492
601 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 1
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 961-8500
Languages: Spanish
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. FQ0645
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
David S Kramer, MD M
ID No. FQ0078
3356 W Ball Rd STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-8890
Languages: Spanish
Veassa G Johnson, MD F
ID No. FQ0739
4760 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 232-2601
Krishan S Krishna, MD M
ID No. FQ0644
3356 W Ball Rd STE 210
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 826-0910
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Marian Jalil, MD F
ID No. FQ0408
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 200
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-7671
Languages: Arabic and
Antuan Kiley, MD M
ID No. FQ0717
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: French, Japanese
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
22120 S Avalon Blvd
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 549-3210
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Iftikhar A Khan, MD M
ID No. FQ0431
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 301
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 725-3099
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rebecca M Kuhn, MD F
ID No. FQ0490
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Jason M Kurtz, MD M
ID No. FQ0609
1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 306
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 577-9500
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. FQ0742
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
Sen B Lai, MD M
ID No. FQ0732
2690 Pacific Ave STE 270
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 599-0609
Languages: Chinese and
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. FQ0671
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Eddie K Lam, MD M
ID No. FQ0083
333 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7333
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jose M Lara, MD M
ID No. FQ0524
4670 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-3135
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
John I Lauridsen, MD M
ID No. FQ0084
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Danish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Soledad O Lee, MD F
ID No. FQ0462
6888 W Lincoln Ave STE M
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 828-8400
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ravi P Makam, MD M
ID No. FQ0745
1120 W La Palma Ave STE 14
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 774-0921
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alva A Marsh, MD M
ID No. FQ0697
1555 W 10th St
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
4085 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Glenn A Marshak, MD M
ID No. FQ0186
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rivera M Martinez, MD M
ID No. FQ0683
4566 Florence Ave STE 5
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-7466
Randall W Maxey, MD M
ID No. FQ0643
323 N Prairie Ave STE 417
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 680-1810
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Thomas E McCloy, MD M
ID No. FQ0102
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 437-6213
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. FQ0528
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Muhammad J Memon, MD M
ID No. FQ0103
3275 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2558
Languages: Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Arlena K Menda, MD F
ID No. FQ0477
710 N Euclid St STE 107
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Gonzalo F Montalvan, MD M
ID No. FQ0686
3815 Atlantic Ave STE 3
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 426-9482
Languages: German, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. FQ0180
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
Visal Nga, DO M
ID No. FQ0684
1269 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-5300
Languages: Cambodian
Also located at:
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
Chuan M Nguyen, MD M
ID No. FQ0112
710 N Euclid St STE 301
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
321 S Melnik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pramod Multani, MD M
ID No. FQ0456
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Min Min Mya, MD F
ID No. FQ0705
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-6800
Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Minh N Nguyen, MD M
ID No. FQ0113
306 E Pacific Cst Hwy
STE 102
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 599-0981
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
George K Pang, MD M
ID No. FQ0542
8135 Painter Ave STE 305
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-8258
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. FQ0376
3300 E South St STE 206
Lakewood, CA 90805
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mahendra S Patel, MD F
ID No. FQ0425
5451 La Palma Ave STE 15
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 994-1401
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Samuel C Nixon, MD M
ID No. FQ0114
1801 W Romneya Dr STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. FQ0116
5220 Clark St STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Khalid Nur, MD M
ID No. FQ0448
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Urdu
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. FQ0701
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
ID No. FQ0491
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 105
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 762-2395
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shivanand R Pole, MD M
ID No. FQ0586
3650 East South Street
STE 110
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-6140
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. FQ0743
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. FQ0463
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Raghunathan, MD M
ID No. FQ0119
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 663-9191
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
15034 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Leonard G Rawson, MD M
ID No. FQ0503
8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 319-2085
Languages: Spanish
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. FQ0411
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Eric R Ross, MD M
ID No. FQ0753
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 605
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 774-8822
Languages: French and
Edmundo R Rubio, MD M
ID No. FQ0358
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 205
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3133
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ronaldo V Roque, MD M
ID No. FQ0123
1760 Termino Ave STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8512
Languages: Spanish and
Shahla Sadighian, MD F
ID No. FQ0125
1275 N Rose Dr STE 126
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 524-3880
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. FQ0414
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
ID No. FQ0506
9701 Lakewood Blvd STE A
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-8999
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. FQ0127
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 100
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lutfi A Sayyur, MD M
ID No. FQ0636
6200 E Canyon Rim Rd
STE 110d
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 446-7454
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Douglas B Segal, MD M
ID No. FQ0594
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard I Seidman, MD M
ID No. FQ0192
3737 Martin L King Blvd
STE 401
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-0443
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
8327 Davis St STE 101
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 904-6027
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Manohar R Senra, MD M
ID No. FQ0535
8337 E Telegraph Rd
STE 215
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 927-6597
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Sultan Shah, MD M
ID No. FQ0058
710 N Euclid St STE 107
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Jimmy H Soliman, MD M
ID No. FQ0751
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
Prakash N Shenoy, MD M
ID No. FQ0422
1736 W Medical Ctr Dr STE A
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 635-1781
Languages: Hindi
James H Song, MD M
ID No. FQ0138
1661 Hanover Rd STE 103
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William C Sim, MD M
ID No. FQ0507
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 806-0874
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Charanpal Singh, MD M
ID No. FQ0713
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
David H Skinner, DO M
ID No. FQ0134
10010 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2425
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vannarith So, MD M
ID No. FQ0468
1777 N Long Beach Blvd
STE 101
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 986-6138
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
John E Stouffer, MD M
ID No. FQ0436
3010 W Orange Ave STE 501
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-5140
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sampath K
Suryadevara, MD M
ID No. FQ0453
1771 W Romneya Dr STE C
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 520-3000
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kwan T Tan, MD M
ID No. FQ0563
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Eric M Tate, MD M
ID No. FQ0145
4056 Orange Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 424-3328
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Odette R Tawadrous, MD F
ID No. FQ0482
3625 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 10
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 223-1429
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sina Tebi, MD M
ID No. FQ0724
1126 E South St
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 984-9200
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
ID No. FQ0198
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-2360
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 450
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-7599
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ky M Tran, MD M
ID No. FQ0612
4332 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 430-1235
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Mark C Tsai, MD M
ID No. FQ0486
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-6341
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Petra A Wong, MD F
ID No. FQ0162
3801 Katella Ave STE 300
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 430-6472
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Armenian and
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. FQ0163
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
Martin R Zapata, DO M
ID No. FQ0584
9818 Paramount Blvd STE C
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-1214
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90701
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese and
Phuong C Truong, MD F
ID No. FQ0509
8500 E Florence Ave FL 2
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 869-4579
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Bashir A Waraich, MD M
ID No. FQ0155
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1038
Languages: Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. FQ0156
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. FQ0157
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 201
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-3131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. FQ0379
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. FQ0160
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Kelly J Yepremian, MD F
ID No. FQ0735
15715 Atlantic Ave FL 2
Compton, CA 90221
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rafaelito Victoria, MD M
ID No. FQ0154
10230 E Artesia Blvd
STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kuan Pok Q Wong, MD M
ID No. FQ0161
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
Languages: Spanish and
Malvin Yan, MD M
ID No. FQ0642
15718 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-2111
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
4502 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-1100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol ogy
Rasiq A Ahmed, MD M
ID No. FQ0678
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Julie C Cheng, MD F
ID No. FQ0685
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Joanna M Choi, MD F
ID No. FQ0715
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1411
Languages: Mandarin
Alejandro Z Montes, MD M
ID No. FQ0694
11822 Floral Dr STE A
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1910 S Magnolia Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 749-0947
Languages: Mandarin
Also located at:
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
Andrew I Florentino, MD M
ID No. FQ0687
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
321 S Mednik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE C
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 864-7279
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pediatrci s
PCPs -Pediatrci s
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Also located at:
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Linda J
Tigner-Weekes, MD F
ID No. FQ0711
1910 S Magnolia Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(323) 541-1411
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Also located at:
808 W 58th St
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 541-1400
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Jocelyn C Zuniga, MD F
ID No. FQ0670
11525 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-2821
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Manisha K Bhatt, MD M
ID No. FQ0658
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4002
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Ronald J Correa, MD M
ID No. FQ0516
361 E Whittier Blvd STE B
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 694-3911
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Kristin M Dark, MD F
ID No. FQ0443
10601 Walker St STE 250
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 252-8311
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Robert S Doomun, DO M
ID No. FQ0441
19871 Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 104
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 777-3606
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Sylvia L Garcia, MD F
ID No. FQ0708
14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-1940
Languages: French and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. FQ0377
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4001
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Charles M Holzner, MD M
ID No. FQ0521
9040 E Telegraph Rd
STE 100
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0954
Languages: Spanish
Mai-Tram K Nguyen, MD F
ID No. FQ0669
501 S Idaho St STE 190
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-0400
Languages: Spanish and
Yang Lee, MD M
ID No. FQ0086
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 208
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-0015
Languages: Mandarin and
Alicia G Nugas, MD F
ID No. FQ0360
22408 Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-2188
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
5981 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-1424
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Jesse J Licuanan, MD M
ID No. FQ0088
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 634-5140
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Jesus L Licuanan, MD M
ID No. FQ0496
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 634-5140
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Christopher R
Lundquist, MD M
ID No. FQ0094
2874 E Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 579-7505
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Mark F Varallo, DO M
ID No. FQ0720
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-0400
Allergy & Immunology
Alan O Khadavi, MD M
South Gate, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Duane E Bridges, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Thomas S Brodie, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Richard M Deits, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Harinder S Gogia, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specialty Physicians
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Alireza Jafari, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
La Palma, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Prakash N Shenoy, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Jungmee Kim, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Sami M Shoukair, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Kenneth T Kim, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Louis Marchioli, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Steven M Meltzer, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Cardiovascular Disease
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Hed Ahmadpour, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Marc A Tamaroff, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Harvinder Sahota, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Laurel A Zober, MD F
Downey, CA
Bill H Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Robert A Mecum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Douglas B Segal, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Arash Tehranzadeh, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Kartik B Thaker, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Michael J Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Rangarao Panguluri, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Aleem A Syed, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Lisandro Quinones, MD M
Montebello, CA
Viswanathan, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Zelman G Weingarten, MD M
Montebello, CA
Endocrinology &
Esteban M Gomez, MD M
Bell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Donald Bach, DC M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Edward Y Chu, DC M
City of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Asif Durrani, DC
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Dan K Fox, DC M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Todd Stockwell, DC M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Robert L Wilkinson, DC M
Brea, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
David B Friedman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Minou P Tran, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Family Practice
Arnold T Pang, DO M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Reshmi Sinha, MD F
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
General Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
General Surgery
Nathan S Chung, MD M
Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Stevan R Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Ravindra Alapati, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mohan W Bhasker, MD M
Gardena, CA
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Joseph M Mule, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark W Odou, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Terrence P Greeson, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Denise P Joseph
Brown, MD F
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Walter S Green, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Hemant Pande, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
Specialty Physicians - Geriatrics
Infectious Diseases
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
Downey, CA
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Alan A Frischer, MD M
Downey, CA
Bryan C Doo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
Downey, CA
Hugh P Fulmer, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Charles M Holzner, MD M
Downey, CA
Pauline Ho, MD F
Placentia, CA
Jose M Lara, MD M
Bell, CA
David C Petreccia, MD M
Placentia, CA
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Gadsalli R
Ravikumar, MD M
La Palma, CA
Leonard G Rawson, MD M
Downey, CA
Joel A Trotter, MD M
Placentia, CA
Rodrigo J Rocha, MD M
Downey, CA
Kyi Kyi San, MD F
Downey, CA
Internal Medicine
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Arvind J Mehta, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Tanzina Nasreen, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Jesus G Ramirez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
William C Sim, MD M
Downey, CA
Eric A Enriquez, MD M
Lawndale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jack E Rubin, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Tariq Shah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Cynthia W Chao, DO F
Long Beach, CA
Harmonhinder Gogia, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Hyuk Lee, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Humaira Siddiqui, MD F
Downey, CA
Devin Chopra, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Nicole L Sharkey, MD F
Yorba Linda, CA
Alan H Cohen, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Ronald A Fischman, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
George G Hon, MD M
Paramount, CA
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Andy Hong, MD M
Paramount, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Ambrose Y Tsang, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurology
Omid Omidvar, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
La Habra, CA
Nirav S Patel, MD M
San Clemente, CA
Jung M Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Maya C Shammas, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Loy A Pham, MD M
Downey, CA
Herbert J Simons, MD M
Downey, CA
Medhat Seif, MD M
Downey, CA
Steven Steinschriber, MD M
Downey, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Peter S Birnbaum, DO M
Anaheim, CA
Robert J Bohr, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Zhanna Rapoport, MD F
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Christopher Aho, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Harley Deere Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Duc H Duong, MD M
Downey, CA
Deep R Dudeja, MD M
La Habra, CA
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Arthur J Edelstein, MD M
Downey, CA
Haig Minassian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Mark S Schnitzer, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Vinay Gutti, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Karol L Bowens, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Raymond H Folmer, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Jan S Lukac, MD M
Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David A Friedberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Eduardo P Macias, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Peter F Mastan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kyle Low, MD M
Mission Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Joseph C Peters, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
La Habra, CA
Ramy N Elias, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Marc D Melnik, MD M
La Habra, CA
Vance C Eberly, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Hyuk Lee, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Eric C Kaplan, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Richard Chambers, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Samuel S Im, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gerald W Cara, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Allen P Lu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Timothy V Scott, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
AppleCare Select, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Sharoun S Porat, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Lawrence E Carnow, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Robby T Ayoub, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Jackie Chan, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Joel D Epstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
John Chan, DPM M
Huntington Park, CA
Arthur Gelb, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Pico Rivera, CA
Harmohinder S
Gogia, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Richard C Raczka, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Jose Senador Jr, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Ruben A Ezquerro, DPM M
Santa Ana, CA
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
Jeri M Gruenes, DPM F
Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Harmonhinder Gogia, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Panch Jeyakumar, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
David K Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Vijay V Kamdar, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Shin C Chiu, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Henry B Cramer II, MD M
Downey, CA
Stanley Lowe, DPM M
South Gate, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Arunpal S Sehgal, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Hassney A Hamood, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Jessica A Luu, DPM F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Linda Y Shen, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Michael K OShea, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Physical Med & Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Sina Tebi, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Narindar Singh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Craig J Pastor, DPM M
Bellflower, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Plastic Surgery
John A Williams, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
John A Britto, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark Reed, DPM M
Placentia, CA
Pearlman D Hicks Jr, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Lawrence I Rubin, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Yuchi P Peng, MD M
Covina, CA
Neil E Klein, MD M
Downey, CA
Michael C Schilling, DPM M
Anaheim, CA
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
William J Spak, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Radiation Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Michael S Maehara, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Nathaniel Neal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
AppleCare Select, continued
Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Stuart L Feldman, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Saleem A Waraich, MD M
Placentia, CA
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sports Medicine Family
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ronald J Correa, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SportsMedci neFamiyl
Vascular Surgery
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Daniel Honigman, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Whittier, CA
Arturo J Lopez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Mental Health Providers
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SportsMedci neFamiyl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SportsMedci neFamiyl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SportsMedci neFamiyl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SportsMedci neFamiyl
Maxine M Anderson, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Viken R Konyalian, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Navrose S Grewal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Aziz A Khan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Anthony W Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
George P
Panagiotides, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Clinical Psychology
Rigoverto Briceno, PhD M
Lynwood, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Jorge Garcia, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Michael E Harris, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Zecharia Oren, PhD M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
Sandhya R Gudapati, MD F
Fullerton, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Bala Gulasekaram, MD M
Cerritos, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Rafik Sidrak, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
Monterey Park Hospital L
900 S Atlantic Blvd
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Family Practice
Ara Airapetian, MD M
ID No. VN0222
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Vincent Medical Center
2131 W Third St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Also located at:
5059 York Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 344-4144
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry S Awariefe, MD M
ID No. VN0193
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(562) 776-1500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mezia O
Azinge-Obasi, MD F
ID No. VN0003
3450 W 43rd St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2832
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Wen Shi Chang, MD F
ID No. VN0270
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Chinese, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sreedhar Chava, MD M
ID No. VN0189
3580 Santa Anita Ave STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 444-2660
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Telugu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Maged M Faragalla, MD M
ID No. VN0006
605 N Mednik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 262-6700
Languages: Arabic, Farsi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Manuel I Figueroa, MD M
ID No. VN0007
816 S Indiana St
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 262-5432
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John S Burns, MD M
ID No. VN0214
740 S Olive St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 627-8018
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Raffi J Ghurabi, DO M
ID No. VN0237
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Spanish
Patrick B Lawrence, MD M
ID No. VN0199
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 250-3100
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. VN0010
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Claudia Hernandez, MD F
ID No. VN0246
4530 S Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-0521
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harel A Ho, MD M
ID No. VN0011
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 302
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-8835
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vigen Khojayan, MD M
ID No. VN0238
435 Arden Ave STE 360
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 637-8300
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Thoi H Lien, MD M
ID No. VN0013
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 289-0039
Languages: Chinese and
David Luna, MD M
ID No. VN0224
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Juan C Ramirez, MD M
ID No. VN0175
3355 E Gage Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-3986
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4762 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 269-4060
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 305
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 570-6920
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ferdinant Saran, MD M
ID No. VN0196
1510 S Central Ave STE 515
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 243-4600
ID No. VN0190
3512 E Florence STE 102 103 Languages: Amharic and Farsi
Huntington Park, CA 90255
Vincent R Sghiatti, MD M
(323) 582-1180
ID No. VN0017
Languages: Spanish
6316 Holmes Ave
Anthony L Mendoza, MD M
Los Angeles, CA 90001
ID No. VN0014
(323) 583-5887
823 S Atlantic Blvd STE 5
Languages: Spanish
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Reuven F Sison, MD M
(626) 280-0125
ID No. VN0018
Languages: Spanish
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
Angel G Perez, MD M
ID No. VN0015
(323) 567-9782
6517 Eastern Ave
Languages: Spanish and
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Rosario F Sison, MD F
Languages: Spanish
ID No. VN0019
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 582-8612
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. VN0234
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. VN0216
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Antonio Zamorano, DO M
ID No. VN0217
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 103
Glendale, CA 91205
(626) 850-5667
Languages: Spanish
Luis Hernandez, MD M
ID No. VN0029
1817 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5524
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice
Mahendrakumar R
Patel, MD M
ID No. VN0035
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -General Practci e
Omar Perez, MD M
ID No. VN0036
10728 E Ramona Blvd STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-9430
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Joseph A Carella, MD M
ID No. VN0204
2631 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 383-9955
Languages: Spanish
Maria C Hernandez, MD F
ID No. VN0031
4530 S Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-0621
Languages: Spanish
Maria E Rodriguez, MD F
ID No. VN0038
2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 881-1641
Languages: Spanish
Miguel De Perio, MD M
ID No. VN0024
4762 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 269-4060
Jorge L Navarrete, MD M
ID No. VN0185
635 S Westlake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-8987
Languages: Spanish
Karine Gaboian, MD F
ID No. VN0202
633 N Central Ave STE 207
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Armenian and
Jose C Navarrete, MD M
ID No. VN0033
6043 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 771-9680
Languages: Spanish
Mark N Samonte, MD M
ID No. VN0275
3621 Martin Luther King Jr.
Lynwood, CA 90262
(888) 568-1788
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Jorge E Galindo, MD M
ID No. VN0247
15115 Amar Rd
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 918-4700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
John Onofre, PA M
ID No. VN0034
7301 State St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-5120
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Elvia E Stavropoulos, MD F
ID No. VN0022
5373 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 721-6103
PCPs -General Practci e
Thomas M Tseng, MD M
ID No. VN0042
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 208
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 289-9478
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Harold C Valery, MD M
ID No. VN0043
1655 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 737-5200
Languages: Spanish
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. VN0205
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6674
Languages: Spanish
Ali Hadadz, MD M
ID No. VN0273
9808 Venice Blvd STE 503
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 204-5510
Languages: Farsi and Turkish
Internal Medicine
Duc C Bui, MD M
ID No. VN0198
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 105
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2204
Languages: Vietnamese
Jong T Huang, MD M
ID No. VN0141
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 501
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1257
Languages: Mandarin
A Shawn Adhami, MD M
ID No. VN0020
3030 Tyler Ave
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 350-9540
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Muhammad A Alim, MD M
ID No. VN0219
5220 Clark Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(800) 928-5660
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
ID No. VN0158
3114 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-3868
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
15942 S Colorado Avenue
Paramount, CA 90723
(323) 726-3868
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joel Arroyo, MD M
ID No. VN0047
5305 E Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 726-3571
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Araceli D
Chanbonpin, MD F
ID No. VN0049
225 E Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 285-5700
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
William A Chua, MD M
ID No. VN0050
3111 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0671
Languages: Mandarin,
Tagalog and Taiwanese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Paul A Duron, MD M
ID No. VN0203
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Juan A Escobar, MD M
ID No. VN0213
1711 W Temple St STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Cesar A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. VN0053
2550 E Amar Rd STE A2
West Covina, CA 91792
(626) 964-0099
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Diana M Kim, MD F
ID No. VN0282
3919 Beverly Blvd STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 662-1175
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Julio A Loza, DO M
ID No. VN0055
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 262-4176
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
326 N Soto St
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 268-5060
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Hector F Luque, DO M
ID No. VN0056
326 N Soto St
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 268-5060
Languages: Spanish
Omar Perez, MD M
ID No. VN0036
10728 E Ramona Blvd STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-9430
Languages: Spanish
Henry C Yee, MD M
ID No. VN0081
35 S Garfield Ave
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 458-8818
Languages: Burmese
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 457-5737
Languages: Spanish
Jesus G Ramirez, MD M
ID No. VN0163
6128 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 721-5158
Languages: Spanish
Martin R Zapata, DO M
ID No. VN0271
9818 Paramount Blvd STE C
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-1214
Languages: Spanish
Min S Shin, MD M
ID No. VN0062
2968 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-1500
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Faye M Montegrande, MD F
ID No. VN0276
321 N Larchmont Blvd
STE 824
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 464-0286
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Charles I Okonkwo, MD M
ID No. VN0281
231 W Vernon Ave STE 105
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 234-7200
Languages: Nigerian and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Victor M Pedroza, MD M
ID No. VN0060
2705 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 263-3861
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Luon W Peng, DO M
ID No. VN0230
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 536
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 222-4848
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael J Singleton, MD M
ID No. VN0187
8880 S Broadway St
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 750-1196
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thomas M Tseng, MD M
ID No. VN0042
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 208
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 289-9478
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. VN0064
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Masad I Arbid, MD M
ID No. VN0252
4055 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Zhanna Feldsher, MD F
ID No. VN0257
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Russian
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
1110 W Anaheim St STE 6
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 872-3560
Languages: Russian
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Polina T Feygin, MD F
ID No. VN0249
1110 W Anaheim St STE 6
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 872-3560
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Scott J Foust, MD M
ID No. VN0256
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Languages: Armenian and
Anil K Bhandari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mary Schoenbaum, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Azucena A Porral, MD M
ID No. VN0250
5546 Rosemead Blvd
STE 102
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 285-9600
Languages: Spanish and
Robert D Lerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Henry C Yee, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Cardiovascular Disease
Ismael N Nuno, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert D Lerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jose L Rivas, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Gia D Le, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Janga A Reddy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Stanley Wijesekera, MD M
ID No. VN0251
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 305
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 888-8981
Languages: Sinhalese and
Suresha P Rao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Alberto L Cuevas, DC
Bell Gardens, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Anil K Bhandari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Chun W Lee, DC M
Monterey Park, CA
Steven Burstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
PCPs-Pedai trics
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Alfonso L Barragan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Diana M Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Kyaw Lyn, MD M
ID No. VN0057
1740 W Cameron Ave
STE 110
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 960-1902
Languages: Burmese
Rex C Liu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
David K Lieu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Rainier A Manzanilla, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Endocrinology &
Ray V Matthews, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Guy S Mayeda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cytopathol ogy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specialty Physicians
Chun W Lee, DC M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Charles I Okonkwo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Acupncture
Addictive Medicine
Jorge C Pena, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
James S Pratty, MD M
Torrance, CA
Charles Pollick, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ad ci tveMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy &Metaboil sm
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
General Practice
Rashad N Wasef, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
General Surgery
Alfonso L Barragan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Rosalina C See-Prats, MD F
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sharon Y Wang, DO F
Glendale, CA
Lakhi M Sakhrani, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Internal Medicine
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Moussa Moshfegh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Jesus G Ramirez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Maged M Faragalla, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Fidel A Santa Cruz, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
John B Schlaerth, MD M
Burbank, CA
Edgar P Toscano, MD M
Montebello, CA
Alberto A Zerpa, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Maternal & Fetal
Marie H Beall, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Alan C Schlaerth, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Haig Minassian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Maternal &FetalMedci ne
John B Schlaerth, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol ogy
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
David C Chen, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Brenda J Ross, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Maternal &FetalMedci ne
Marie H Beall, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Carlos S Beharie, MD M
West Covina, CA
Michael A Austerlitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Tsang-Hung Chang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Maternal &FetalMedci ne
Hematology Oncology
Sang Hoon Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
William A Chua, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Frederick H Rundall, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sergio E Rojter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hepatol gy
Jong T Huang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Infectious Diseases
Pauline Ho, MD F
Placentia, CA
Michael R Block, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Uma A Deperalta, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Jong T Huang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Nuclear Medicine
Luon W Peng, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Kourosh K
Daneshgar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Alfred S Hong, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Jiunn Bor J Hwang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Cynthia Juarez, NP F
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Margaret M Juarez, MD F
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Anna S Leung, MD F
Pomona, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Marcos Lemor, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Gary E Ford, MD M
Gardena, CA
Jamie C Lin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Kristie L Lin, MD F
Arcadia, CA
Ovi Moas, MD M
Temple City, CA
Sok H Nam, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Teresa S Ortiz, RNP F
Los Angeles, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gia D Le, MD M
West Covina, CA
Benigno R Reyes, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cheryl J Powell, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Geronimo G
Rodriguez, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Michael A Samuel, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Artine Kokshanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Pain Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Usha Dhar, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Kevin K Suk, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Pediatric Cardiology
Lennis P Burke, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Paul T Urrea, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Lung Chang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Neonatal-P
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael J Davis, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David Duenas, OD
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Albert De La Pena, MD M
Montebello, CA
Romeo J Garza, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
William C Delapena, MD M
Montebello, CA
Evelyn M Perez, OD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas J Wiant, OD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Eddie M Garcia, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Joshua Hedaya, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jennifer S Huang, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Orthopedic Surgery
Richard Zapanta, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Dana J Primo, PA
Monterey Park, CA
Elizabeth Deoliveira, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Neonat-l P
Anna S Leung, MD F
Pomona, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Neonat-l P
Brenda J Ross, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Neonat-l P
Lennis P Burke, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Amelia M Fan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Physical Medicine &
Susie S Kay, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cs
Tomas Saucedo, MD
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cs
Hiram Owen Bri
Masayon, PT
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Associated Hispanic Physicians IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy
Pulmonary Disease
Mental Health Providers
Ana Maria
Fleischman, PT M
Los Angeles, CA
Muhammad A Alim, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Joel Arroyo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hiram Owen Bri
Masayon, PT
Los Angeles, CA
Jairo Gomez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Joseph Pearce
Yarmolovich, PT
Montebello, CA
Radiation Oncology
Farhad Khossoussi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ana M Grace, MD F
Alhambra, CA
James S Pratty, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Physician Assistant
Alejandra Astorga, PA
Los Angeles, CA
David C Chen, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Hilda Flores, PA
El Monte, CA
Daniel J Gmic, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Michelle D Geelhoed, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Yanira Perez, MD F
La Puente, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Misha Lanzat, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Aziz A Khan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark S Linam, DPM M
Norwalk, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Jack Morgan, DPM M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Terrance J Roach, DPM M
Huntington Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Robert J Spencer, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoraci Surgery
Antonio J Alarcon, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Ruben Ramirez, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Sonia C Smith, NP F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Alvin W Ung, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Vascular Surgery
Aziz A Khan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Michael R Vega, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
East Los Angeles Doctors
4060 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Hollywood Presbyterian
Medical Center L
1300 North Vermont Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027
Monterey Park Hospital L
900 S Atlantic Blvd
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Po Zan Chen, MD
ID No. AV0190
2605 1/2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Japanese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sudha A
Govindarajan, MD F
ID No. AV0400
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-8181
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
1640 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 483-1251
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
White Memorial Medical
1720 Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Urgent Care Centers
Pico Urgent Care & Family
Medical Center
6632 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2828
Family Practice
Alfonso M Baez, MD M
ID No. AV0243
14127 S Vermont Ave
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 532-1650
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. AV0073
7643 Atlantic Ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1713
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Arash Lalezary, MD M
ID No. AV0210
7218 Garfield Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1111
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Renato V Mungcal, MD M
ID No. AV0342
133 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 480-0748
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Nikunj M Patel, MD M
ID No. AV0331
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phillip A Ruiz, MD M
ID No. AV0171
1234 Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 583-9544
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. AV0403
3012 San Gabriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shrikant K Tamhane, DO M
ID No. AV0204
23517 S Main St STE 103
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 834-5388
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. AV0330
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cesar A Velez, MD M
ID No. AV0247
4070 E Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8545
Languages: Portuguese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
General Practice
Massoud S Amini, MD M
ID No. AV0184
7143 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-0145
Languages: Farsi-Persian
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. AV0149
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Brian Mirazic, MD M
ID No. AV0179
4055 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4000
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Meera J Modi, MD F
ID No. AV0340
1100 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 250-3716
Languages: Hindi and
Muhammad R Nasir, MD M
ID No. AV0408
12826 E Philadelphia St
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 789-9908
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Earla E Quisido, MD F
ID No. AV0112
1711 W Temple St FL 6
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 483-8300
Languages: Spanish,
Swedish and Tagalog
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. AV0084
1000 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1011 Goodrich Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
Mahendrakumar R
Patel, MD M
ID No. AV0212
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. AV0082
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Omid Nassim, MD
ID No. AV0194
9360 Telegraph Rd
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 923-8444
Languages: Farsi, French and
Jorge L Navarrete, MD M
ID No. AV0132
3231 E Gage Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-8240
Languages: Spanish
Jose A Ortiz, MD M
ID No. AV0205
3900 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 427-0400
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Robert S Pallas, MD M
ID No. AV0346
3221 Liberty Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-9171
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. AV0106
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2 & 3
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Blanca B Almeida, MD F
ID No. AV0399
507 S Atlantic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 268-9191
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Joel Arroyo, MD M
ID No. AV0003
5305 E Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 726-3571
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Bhavabhutanon, DO M
ID No. AV0094
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 307
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 300-8424
Languages: Thai
Betty Jelen, MD F
ID No. AV0101
13710 E Whittier Blvd
STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 693-1100
Languages: Spanish
Vijay M Dhawan, MD M
ID No. AV0086
3420 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-9411
Languages: Spanish
Sara Khan, MD F
ID No. AV0405
12826 Philadelphia St STE A
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 236-3432
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Carlos V Haro, MD M
ID No. AV0015
4588 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 265-2917
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Zia Hashemi, MD M
ID No. AV0195
4750 Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-1100
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
4070 Tweedy Blvd STE E
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 563-2222
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jenny M Hwang, MD F
ID No. AV0396
1701 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 305
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 222-0137
Languages: Chinese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. AV0155
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. AV0404
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Zhi Zeng, MD M
ID No. AV0401
316 E Las Tunas Dr STE 205
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 300-8880
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Luon W Peng, DO M
ID No. AV0183
3420 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 887-1950
Languages: Chinese and
Jeffrey P Phelan, MD M
ID No. AV0191
1135 S Sunset Ave STE 402
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 337-4425
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Also located at:
605 N Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 307-2089
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3404 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-9411
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alejandro Z Montes, MD M
ID No. AV0341
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Specialty Physicians
Divyang N Trivedi, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy& mI munol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology
Robin Stan, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jerrold C Bustos, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Mason H Weiss, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Sherri Peace, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Diagnostic Radiology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Henry K Chang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Surgery
Chiu H Paul, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Darren M Hodgins, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Muni Nithyananda, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Kamran Toluie, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jose L Rivas, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Frank A Versteeg, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Thomas L Atlas, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Diagnostci Radoi l gy
Emergency Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Vincent J Bennett, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Renuka M Boyapalli, MD F
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Robert D Kummer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wendy H Chow, DC F
South El Monte, CA
Endocrinology &
Janga A Reddy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Kamlesh T Dhawan, MD F
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Robert W Beart Jr, MD M
Glendale, CA
Oscar G Zambrano, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Cardiovascular Disease
Stevan R Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert B Chesne, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Petar Vukasin, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Betty Jelen, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Kamlesh T Dhawan, MD F
Montebello, CA
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Jack J Farahi, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Keerthi R De Silva, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Vernon T Hattori, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Leopoldo G
Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Farshad Nosratian, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Don F King, MD M
Whittier, CA
Janga A Reddy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Frank R Lusher, MD M
Mission Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Mark W Li, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Rangarao Panguluri, MD M
Baldwin Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Sergio E Rojter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Encino, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Tu A Tran, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Elaheh Farhadian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Afshin E Gabayan, MD M
Zelman G Weingarten, MD M Beverly Hills, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Hematology Oncology
Fred Javedanfar, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Arash I Zarimani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Swapna Boppana, MD F
Downey, CA
Mohsen Kheradpezhouh M
Glendale, CA
General Practice
Steven J O’Day, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Mehdi Manzari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Olukemi A Wallace, MD F
Lawndale, CA
Meera J Modi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Babak Roozrokh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Frank A Versteeg, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
General Surgery
Edgardo M Capitulo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Infectious Diseases
Stevan R Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sourehnissani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Faisal A Khan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Zelman G Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jean-Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Harry B Kram, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jong T Huang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Antoine Y Mansour, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Nasser Z Mehrizi, MD M
Paramount, CA
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Antonio K Ong, MD M
Rosemead, CA
Internal Medicine
Gabriel G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Michael A Austerlitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Adel E Zaki, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Hand Surgery-Plastic
Shay B Dean, MD M
Marina Del Rey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgeryP- al stic
Alejandro M Sanchez, MD M
West Covina, CA
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Gina V Hanna, MD F
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Brenda J Ross, MD F
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal &FetaMel dci ne
Medical Oncology
Afshin E Gabayan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Jacob J Ahdoot, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Sassan Davoudi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Michael A Austerlitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kamlesh T Dhawan, MD F
Montebello, CA
Ranjit A Cordeiro, MD M
Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgeryP- al stic
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Alejandro F Aguilar, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Tommy C Lu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Lung-Hsiung Chang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Anthony L Cappelli, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mohan P Rao, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Lori Birndorf, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Lydia C Aguilera, MD F
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jesus G Ramirez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Eduardo Besser, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Kourosh K
Daneshgar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Albert De La Pena, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Zia Hashemi, MD M
Bell, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph I Kang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Eddie M Garcia, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Neurological Surgery
Rouben Khalatian, MD M
El Monte, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Montebello, CA
Ayman M Salem, MD M
Burbank, CA
Jacinto Lam, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
William W Ko, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Marc D Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Talia Kolin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Badrudin R Kurwa, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Albert A Nassir, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Marcos Lemor, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Benigno R Reyes, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Liao, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Brenda J Ross, MD F
West Covina, CA
Melissa J Mayberry, MD F
Montebello, CA
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Andrew Yeh, DO M
Arcadia, CA
Martha L Mora, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Ayman M Salem, MD M
Burbank, CA
Raghu C Murthy, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Edgar P Toscano, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Ian T Armstrong, MD M
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Raafat S Iskander, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
James T Lin, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Antonio K Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Mehrdad M Aghai, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Anne M Nguyen, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
David Huang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Divakar R
Krishnareddy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Maria Pesheva, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Walter R OBrien, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Shane S Pak, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sangdo Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Richard H Roe, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
John Ho, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatric Endocrinology
Danielle L Borut, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Endocrni ol ogy
Pediatric Infectious
Ernie Guzman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDisease
Brian Solberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Martha E
Rivera-Montez, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Benjamin C Tam, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Talia Kolin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Khaled A Tawansy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Alejandra Uchio, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Pain Management
Physical Med & Rehab
Jerrold C Bustos, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Henry A Richardson, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Behzad Emad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Physical Medicine &
Henry Levenson, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Mislynne A Charles, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Reed L Levine, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Rostam Kavoossi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael N Kahwaji, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Philip J Morgan, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Physical Therapy
Evelyn M Perez, OD F
Monterey Park, CA
Ayesha Khan-Hawkins, PT F
Monterey Park, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Usha Dhar, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Joseph P Yarmolovich, PT M
Montebello, CA
Luigi E Galloni, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert Orlando, MD M
Montebello, CA
Physician Assistant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Richard H Roe, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Albert Sheffer, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Miguel A Unzueta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jeanie N Yamanaka, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alTherapy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alTherapy
Eric J Gonzalez, PA M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Physician Assistant
Gustavo M Roldan, PA M
South Gate, CA
Radiation Oncology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Jose L Rivas, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Jui Yang Chuang, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Shay B Dean, MD M
Marina Del Rey, CA
Sulabha A Dave, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Ronald F Rosso, MD M
Torrance, CA
Arash J Gabayan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Stephen D Bragin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Alejandro M Sanchez, MD M
West Covina, CA
Albert C Mak, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph J Deorio, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Chad R Sila, MD M
Lawndale, CA
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John P Thropay, MD M
Downey, CA
Jennifer B Liu, MD F
Lakewood, CA
Rafael G Mendez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Frank A Versteeg, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Derick A Ball, DPM M
Hawthorne, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Bonnie J Lance, DPM F
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence I Rubin, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Adelaida Bustos F
Los Angeles, CA
Than V Truong, DPM M
Hawthorne, CA
Gerald Goldstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Carolyn H Wong, DPM F
Los Angeles, CA
Kaditam V Reddy, MD M
Toluca Lake, CA
Karen L Wrubel, DPM F
Hawthorne, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Jonathan E Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Jules M Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Barton Tanenbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Pulmonary Disease
Randall C Gilbert, MD M
Culver City, CA
Atef L Yacoub, MD M
Montebello, CA
Joel Arroyo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas J Romano, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Vascular Surgery
Carlos V Haro, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph I Sandler, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Hazel McKillop, MD F
Lawndale, CA
Srinivasan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Harry B Kram, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Dilip S Patel, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Assa Weinberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Encino, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Mental Health Providers
Clinical Psychology
Donald A Cadogan, PhD M
Monrovia, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Clni cal Psychol ogy
Thoracic Surgery
Muni Nithyananda, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoraci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Bella Vista Medical Group IPA, continued
Mental Health Providers - Psychiatry
Jesse M Carr, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychai try
Vera M Bell, PHD F
Long Beach, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Kathryn E Ward, PHD F
Arcadia, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
Downey Regional Medical
11500 Brookshire Ave
Downey, CA 90241
Family Practice
Jacqueline B Aguiluz, DO F
ID No. U60182
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lakewood Regional Medical
Center L
3700 E South St
Los Angeles, CA 90074
Long Beach Memorial
Medical Center L
2801 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
Also located at:
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
ID No. U60178
4318 South St
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 788-7574
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Turkish
Joseph Y Au, MD M
ID No. U60188
1777 N Bellflower Blvd
STE 206
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 498-1363
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Francisco L Badar III, MD M
ID No. U60073
18115 Valley View STE 122
Cerritos, CA 90703
(714) 562-0124
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Thomas S Bo, DO M
ID No. U60082
5203 Lakewood Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-2273
Languages: Hungarian and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ethan R Allen, DO M
ID No. U60159
12820 Studebaker Rd
STE 101
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7873
Languages: Spanish
Birinder S Brara, MD M
ID No. U60075
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-7292
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ellen G Amador, MD F
ID No. U60189
1760 Termino Ave STE 222
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 498-0029
Languages: Farsi
Peter Chau, MD M
ID No. U60076
5979 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-0421
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vinita Chaudhary, MD M
ID No. U60077
3650 E South St STE 210
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-0910
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Loida P Constantino, MD F
ID No. U60078
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 961-8820
Languages: Tagalog
Claudia Eppele, MD F
ID No. U60150
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(888) 885-9555
Languages: Spanish
Kailash R Dhamija, MD M
ID No. U60229
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
Fernando Q Gonzales, MD M
ID No. U60193
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 689-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
Shobha B Govind, MD F
ID No. U60005
3650 E South St STE 103
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-8110
Languages: Hindi
Mehtab B Dhamija, MD F
ID No. U60074
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. U60231
8556 Florence Ave
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
Also located at:
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen T Dix, MD F
ID No. U60002
911 E San Antonio Dr STE 4
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-8700
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Vijaya Krisanan, MD F
ID No. U60008
3650 E South St STE 411
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-7757
Sherif Y Labatia, MD M
ID No. U60226
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(888) 885-9555
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Stephen B Lee, MD M
ID No. U60225
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yang W Lee, MD M
ID No. U60010
5981 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-1424
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 208
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-0015
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tamara Z Maher, DO F
ID No. U60199
10861 Cherry St STE 106
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 431-9200
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew J Manos, DO M
ID No. U60186
1760 Termino Ave STE 222
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 498-0029
Languages: Greek and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
ID No. U60012
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Brian L Minkus, DO M
ID No. U60013
18502 Gridley Rd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 865-6160
Languages: Portuguese and
Dien V Pham, MD M
ID No. U60207
855 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 591-0840
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thomas S
Roccapalumbo, DO M
ID No. U60164
5203 Lakewood Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-2273
Languages: French,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edgar J Russell, DO M
ID No. U60167
5203 Lakewood Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-2273
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Reginald Yeske, MD M
ID No. U60183
1770 Clark Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 597-9402
Languages: Spanish
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. U60196
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
Paul S Yoon, MD M
ID No. U60016
3650 E South St STE 207
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 220-2727
Languages: Korean and
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. U60197
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
General Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Saturnina L Mercado, MD F
ID No. U60180
10230 E Artesia Blvd
STE 207
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 863-3474
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mark Scheier, MD M
ID No. U60157
5451 La Palma Ave STE 22
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 228-1446
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. U60184
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venkataraman, MD F
ID No. U60190
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 406
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 497-9314
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alberto Wilches, MD M
ID No. U60083
7831 Jackson St
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1178
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. U60169
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Marilou C Lucero, MD F
ID No. U60162
8301 E Florence Ave
STE 104
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-3581
PCPs -General Practci e
Roxana P Minkus, DO F
ID No. U60018
2650 S Bristol St STE 105
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 800-1919
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. U60224
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
ID No. U60019
16444 S Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Languages: Spanish and Urdu
David Y Shek, MD M
ID No. U60020
1401 S Anaheim Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 772-9800
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Behrooz B Yagoobian, MD M
ID No. U60022
15730 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-1000
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
John D Adams, DO M
ID No. U60023
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Barry S Allswang, MD M
ID No. U60084
3801 Katella Ave STE 330
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-9546
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
11803 E Carson St
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 924-4455
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Also located at:
239 N Brea
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-0070
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Rodolfo T Tabila, MD M
ID No. U60021
1339 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90810
(562) 492-6698
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
21624 Figueroa St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 328-9900
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Youssef B Awad, MD M
ID No. U60024
3530 Long Beach Blvd
STE 120
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 989-1200
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. U60025
10800 Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Maurice A Bell, MD M
ID No. U60026
4100 Long Beach Blvd
STE 200
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 981-2355
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Neha H Bhansali, MD F
ID No. U60027
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 531-0377
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Archna Chaudhary, MD F
ID No. U60028
701 E 28th St STE 415
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 988-2777
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Winston G Chung, MD M
ID No. U60029
3801 Katella Ave STE 330
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-9546
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dennis L Clark, MD M
ID No. U60030
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 401
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 420-8679
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Gerald A Cohen, MD M
ID No. U60031
3801 Katella Ave STE 330
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-9546
Languages: Spanish
Cherie R Garcia, MD F
ID No. U60037
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: Tagalog
Also located at:
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
Languages: Spanish
Alla Gartsman, MD F
ID No. U60038
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
Languages: Russian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lawrence S Cohn, MD M
ID No. U60032
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9977
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Olga R Ginzburg, MD F
ID No. U60039
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: French and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Heena M Contractor, MD F
ID No. U60033
10941 Bloomfield Ave STE A
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 596-1667
Languages: French, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Stanley A Golanty, MD M
ID No. U60040
2777 Pacific Ave STE E
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 426-6571
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2880 Atlantic Ave STE 170
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 901-3260
Languages: French, Spanish
and Urdu
Scott A Gordon, MD M
ID No. U60041
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: Spanish
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
ID No. U60035
3650 E South St STE 101
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-1765
Languages: Spanish
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. U60191
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Michael Freund, MD M
ID No. U60036
3650 E South St STE 110
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-6140
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. U60187
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tzong-Yueh Hwang, MD M
ID No. U60043
12146 South St STE B
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 809-0288
Languages: Mandarin
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. U60198
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Aaron R Kern, MD M
ID No. U60044
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rebecca M Kuhn, MD F
ID No. U60086
1777 N Bellflower Blvd
STE 210
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 719-2045
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Norman Kuo, MD M
ID No. U60045
5471 La Palma Ave STE 105
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 521-0239
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Fee S Kyan, MD M
ID No. U60046
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 300
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-0100
Languages: Spanish and Thai
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eddie K Lam, MD M
ID No. U60047
333 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7333
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Richard W Lee, MD M
ID No. U60048
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 208
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-0015
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
5981 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 423-1424
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Irene P Leech, MD F
ID No. U60168
125 E 8th St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 590-8509
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jesse J Licuanan, MD M
ID No. U60050
3300 E South St STE 205
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 531-0377
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jesus L Licuanan, MD M
ID No. U60049
3300 E South St STE 205
Lakewood, CA 90805
(562) 634-5140
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Robert Lugliani, MD M
ID No. U60051
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 902
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 437-0996
Languages: Italian
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Patricia A Maciog, MD F
ID No. U60052
6226 E Spring St STE 240
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 938-7129
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. U60223
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arvind J Mehta, MD M
ID No. U60054
2785 Pacific Ave STE A
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 424-4447
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. U60195
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Visal Nga, DO M
ID No. U60201
1269 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 599-5300
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Joseph T Nguyen, MD M
ID No. U60055
4332 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(714) 244-9651
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor A Oranusi, MD M
ID No. U60173
3737 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 105
Lynwood, CA 90262
(562) 762-2395
Languages: Ibo and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Renuka D Patel, MD F
ID No. U60174
8357 Florence Ave
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 622-2470
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. U60056
5220 Clark Ave STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and
Harold W Seifer, MD M
ID No. U60062
3650 E South St STE 110
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-6140
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manohar R Senra, MD M
ID No. U60063
8337 E Telegraph Rd
STE 215
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 927-6597
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
Rene D Perez Silva, MD M
ID No. U60057
3801 Katella Ave STE 330
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-9546
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mansoor Shah, MD M
ID No. U60064
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Also located at:
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 491-9456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shivanand R Pole, MD M
ID No. U60147
3650 East South Street
STE 110
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 531-6140
Languages: Hindi and
Vannarith So, MD M
ID No. U60065
1777 Bellflower Blvd STE 101
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 986-6138
Languages: Cambodian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jocelyn L Sumcad, MD F
ID No. U60202
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 663-0976
Languages: Spanish and
Ronaldo V Roque, MD M
ID No. U60059
1760 Termino Ave STE 104
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8512
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Khalid Saeed, MD M
ID No. U60060
5750 Downey Ave STE 100
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 630-3105
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kwan T Tan, MD M
ID No. U60066
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mark C Tsai, MD M
ID No. U60067
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-6341
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chok P Wan, MD M
ID No. U60228
2153 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 599-4833
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. U60158
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 201
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-3131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. U60070
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kuan Pok Q Wong, MD M
ID No. U60071
10230 E Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-1764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Petra A Wong, MD F
ID No. U60069
3801 Katella Ave STE 300
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 430-6472
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. U60068
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rasiq A Ahmed, MD M
ID No. U60206
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Pedai trics
Melanie J Blumenthal, MD F
ID No. U60220
3772 W Katella Ave STE 101
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-8853
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Teresa R Bondoc, MD F
ID No. U60219
2700 Bellflower Blvd STE 115
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 425-1275
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Julie C Cheng, MD F
ID No. U60205
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8943
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Also located at:
17370 Norwalk Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 809-5674
Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Liberation B De Leon, MD M
ID No. U60222
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 211
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-5438
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Arlene A
Francisco-Hugh, MD F
ID No. U60217
5451 La Palma Ave STE 16
La Palma, CA 90623
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Also located at:
3650 E South St STE 204
Lakewood, CA 90711
(562) 602-8841
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Kit H Lee, MD M
ID No. U60209
3300 E South St STE 204
Lakewood, CA 90711
(562) 602-1733
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Joseph C Oh, MD M
ID No. U60210
3650 E South St STE 405
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-5301
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Pedai trics
Eliza M Fernando, MD F
ID No. U60216
12444 Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Bothyna F Sedrak, MD F
ID No. U60211
3650 E South St STE 209
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 634-1254
PCPs-Pedai trics
Sawsan F Selem, MD F
ID No. U60212
2700 Bellflower Blvd STE 201
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 938-9711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Richard A
Blumenthal, MD M
ID No. U60221
3772 W Katella Ave STE 101
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 594-8853
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Nasir H Tejani, MD F
ID No. U60208
3801 Katella Ave STE 115
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 493-6766
Languages: Spanish
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Ayman L Neoman, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Randall K Harada, MD M
Downey, CA
Hyuk Lee, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Also located at:
3325 Palo Verde Ave
STE 203
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 421-8283
Languages: Spanish
Cardiovascular Disease
Noli Zosa, MD M
ID No. U60218
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Jerry Floro, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Ayman L Neoman, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Michael N Castro, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Cannon Milani, MD M
Downey, CA
Hematology Oncology
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Endocrinology &
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Minou P Tran, MD F
Downey, CA
Alexander Gaitanis, DO M
Downey, CA
Family Practice
Stephen Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Sam W Abdelmelek, MD M
ID No. U60148
500 W Willow St
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 427-1700
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Pedro De La Rosa, MD M
ID No. U60034
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 412
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 377-1111
Languages: Spanish
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Manouchehr Esmaili, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Manan S Mehta, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specialty Physicians
Steven J Weiss, MD M
Downey, CA
Allergy & Immunology
General Surgery
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Colon & Rectal Surgery
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Infectious Diseases
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Brian M Brown, MD M
Downey, CA
Alejandro Z Montes, MD M
Whittier, CA
Stephen Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Stanley Carson, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Jamie Oey, MD F
Downey, CA
Emma L Clay, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Plastic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ronald A Fischman, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Carl T Hartman, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Pearlman D Hicks Jr, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Victor J Kabbany, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ronald H Hartman, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kyaw Moe, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Trinh T Nhu, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Larry A Pasquali, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Richard Rosenberg, DPM M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Avedik Semerjian, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Khalifa Mansour, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Harley R Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Pulmonary Disease
Daniel E Levin, DDS M
Huntington Beach, CA
Joel D Epstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Arthur Gelb, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oral Maxli ofaci alSurgery
Richard Chambers, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Duc H Duong, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Christopher J Combs, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Padmanabha P
Shakkottai, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Radiation Oncology
Sulabha A Dave, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Manuel Chon, MD M
Downey, CA
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Eric C Kaplan, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Andrew J Wassef, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Lalitha Ananth, MD F
Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Eli Ayoub, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Michael S Maehara, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Cannon Milani, MD M
Downey, CA
Pain Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
George F Elkhoury, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Shahrad M Aynehchi, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Barton H Wachs, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Vascular Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Michael Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates
Affiliated Hospitals
Internal Medicine
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
8700 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Ehsan Ali M
ID No. SG0014
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 248-7120
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
John B Andrews, MD M
ID No. SG0029
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-6008
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David A Austin, MD M
ID No. SG0049
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 501
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-2960
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Yalda Azarmehr, MD F
ID No. SG0060
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 601
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3534
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Family Practice
Aarti R Kulkarni, MD F
ID No. SG0393
9725 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(323) 305-7150
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bruce A Olmscheid, MD M
ID No. SG0542
462 N Linden Dr STE 250
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(562) 500-2040
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Wendy W Cheng, MD F
ID No. SG0139
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 657-9841
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alice Cruz, MD F
ID No. SG0181
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 603
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3460
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Judith P Delafield, MD F
ID No. SG0198
435 N Roxburry Dr STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 278-1388
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alice R Dick, MD F
ID No. SG0206
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7006
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jack Ditlove, MD M
ID No. SG0208
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 273-1150
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Esther E Baik, MD F
ID No. SG0062
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3466
Jay E Doostan, MD M
ID No. SG0225
1700 Westwood Blvd FL 1
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(310) 703-4233
Languages: Farsi
Cheryl G Charles, MD F
ID No. SG0132
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3262
Cheryl Dunnett, MD F
ID No. SG0232
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7002
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Alan Engelberg, MD M
ID No. SG0238
150 Robertson Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 273-4722
Michelle Grotz Rhone, Md F
ID No. SG0604
9725 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(323) 305-7150
Chae Y Kim, MD F
ID No. SG0613
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7190
Eugene L Fishman, MD M
ID No. SG0259
2080 Century Park East
STE 704
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 277-9126
Michael D Harris, MD M
ID No. SG0318
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 600
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3330
Keith L Klein, MD M
ID No. SG0352
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 657-9841
Christopher R
Fitzgerald, MD M
ID No. SG0261
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7002
Languages: Spanish
Lalima A Hoq, MD F
ID No. SG0422
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3307
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Alexander P Ford, MD M
ID No. SG0262
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 277-6405
Languages: Hebrew and
Martin N Gordon, MD M
ID No. SG0559
9401 Wilshire Blvd STE 515
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(562) 432-4260
Bojana Jankovic, MD F
ID No. SG0279
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 505
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3518
Languages: Serbian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Caroline Lee, MD F
ID No. SG0435
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7072
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Charlene T Lichtash, MD F
ID No. SG0313
99 No La Cienega Blvd
STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3353
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michelle L Gabbai, Md F
ID No. SG0354
8737 Beverly Blvd STE 403
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 659-0706
Jeffrey R Gramer, MD M
ID No. SG0568
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 505
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3432
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jameel M Hourani, DO M
ID No. SG0424
8631 W 3rd St STE 735E
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 657-4170
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Adam D Karns, MD M
ID No. SG0314
5901 W Olympic Blvd
STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 954-8084
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
David N Matsumura, MD M
ID No. SG0445
8635 W Third S STE 1195W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(562) 423-8661
Languages: Japanese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michel J Mazouz, MD M
ID No. SG0453
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 730
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 201-0626
Languages: French and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Horace M Mellon, MD M
ID No. SG0481
915 Myrtle Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-3133
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
James L Meltzer, MD M
ID No. SG0482
8920 Wilshire Blvd STE 333
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 855-1288
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tamar Meszaros, MD F
ID No. SG0490
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 500
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 385-3500
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Adrian G Ostrzega, MD M
ID No. SG0476
99 N La Cienega Blvd
STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3353
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sheldon Reiss, MD M
ID No. SG0584
435 N Roxbury Dr STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 274-1070
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ruth V Russell, MD F
ID No. SG0398
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7072
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Amy S Rutman, MD F
ID No. SG0399
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 606
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3385
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joel Schneider, MD M
ID No. SG0427
9201 Sunset Blvd STE 212
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(310) 273-4291
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Samuel J Smith, MD M
ID No. SG0459
8641 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 659-3251
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael J Soffer, MD M
ID No. SG0611
9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(562) 691-1138
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Syed O Tirmizi, MD M
ID No. SG0203
9808 Venice Blvd STE 404
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 556-0702
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Abraham U Waks, MD M
ID No. SG0028
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 657-9841
Languages: Hebrew
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arthur I Waltuch, MD M
ID No. SG0037
8631 W Third St STE 540E
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 657-4768
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jerome Wang, MD M
ID No. SG0041
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-3345
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jonathan Weiner, MD M
ID No. SG0043
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3571
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Glen M Wool, MD M
ID No. SG0070
300 S Beverly Dr STE 108
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 556-7991
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Denise A Albury, MD F
ID No. SG0011
644 E Regent St STE 104
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-2223
PCPs-Pedai trics
Monique F Araya, MD F
ID No. SG0034
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 404
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 273-9533
PCPs-Pedai trics
Aviva D Biederman, MD F
ID No. SG0098
8635 W 3rd St STE 260W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 652-3324
Languages: Hebrew and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Jeffrey P Brown, MD M
ID No. SG0112
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedai trics
Robert T Coles, MD M
ID No. SG0172
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedai trics
Paria Hassouri, MD F
ID No. SG0338
8501 Wilshire Blvd. STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedai trics
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Nicole S Herzog, MD F
ID No. SG0378
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Nareen Hindoyan, MD F
ID No. SG0386
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
David H Keene, MD M
ID No. SG0329
9033 Wilshire Blvd STE 406
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 273-0330
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Aziz Nourmand, MD M
ID No. SG0566
2001 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 865W
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 829-3311
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Jennifer Ouchi, MD F
ID No. SG0479
8635 W 3rd St STE 260W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 652-3324
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Hubert A Russell, MD M
ID No. SG0599
3831 Huges Ave STE 601
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 204-0223
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Yussef Sakhai, MD M
ID No. SG0410
5797 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
(323) 452-9686
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Pejman Salimpour, MD M
ID No. SG0411
15477 Ventura Blvd STE 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 907-0322
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Margaret C Sanford, MD F
ID No. SG0417
8631 W 3rd St STE 725E
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 854-3043
PCPs-Pedai trics
Vicki Y Shimoyama, MD F
ID No. SG0252
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedai trics
Liliana P Sloninsky, MD F
ID No. SG0457
8631 W 3rd St STE 725E
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 854-3043
PCPs-Pedai trics
Monika A Symms, MD F
ID No. SG0156
2920 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 825-9223
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Stephanie Koven, MD F
ID No. SG0373
8635 W 3rd St STE 295W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 385-6064
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Clement Yang, MD M
ID No. SG0083
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3437
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Stuart Z Epstein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Richard M Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Frank K Kwong, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Douglas Tamkin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Jerome Wang, MD M
ID No. SG0041
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-3345
Gerald Whitman, MD M
ID No. SG0055
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 404
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 273-9533
Ravi K Sureddi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
PCPs-Pedai trics
Eli S Gang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
PCPs-Pedai trics
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
John C Lin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Harmik J Soukiasian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiology
Satinder J Bhatia, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Norman E Lepor, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Selvyn B Bleifer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
William J Mandel, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
David Chang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jaime Moriguchi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Robert M Davidson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jignesh K Patel, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Alexander P Ford, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert M Rose, MD M
Culver City, CA
Eli S Gang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Charles D Swerdlow, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ivor L Geft, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven W Tabak, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Antoine Hage, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Howard Allen, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Selvyn B Bleifer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
David Chang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Dael R Geft, Md M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Michele Hamilton, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Raj Khandwalla, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Asher Kimchi, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Michelle M Kittleson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Michele Hamilton, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Fardad Esmailian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jon Kobashigawa, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Debra R Judelson, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Alfredo A Trento, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Sheri Koplik, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Ronald P Karlsberg, MD M
Culver City, CA
Allen Kamrava, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Sanjay Kaul, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Stephen Yoo, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ilan Kedan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Critical Care Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Norman E Lepor, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jaime Moriguchi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Bruce A Samuels, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Asher Kimchi, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Heather D Jones, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Madan Sharma, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Michelle M Kittleson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel R Margulies, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Ravi K Sureddi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Jon Kobashigawa, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Zab Mosenifar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Cardiovascular Disease
Babak Azarbal, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Sheri Koplik, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Victor F Tapson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dermatology
Run Yu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Rachel Abuav, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Endocrinology &
Los Angeles, CA
Paul Azer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Allison Barrett, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Glenn Braunstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Miguel Burch, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ning Ai Liu, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Liza M Capiendo, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
David Aftergood, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Conrad J Tseng, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Alice P Chung, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Paul Azer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Run Yu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rex T Chung, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neil J Goldberg, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Family Practice
Steven D Colquhoun, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Joyce N Fox, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Howard L Liu, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Susan M Rabizadeh, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Ishita Sharma, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Mark O Goodarzi, Md M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Michael D Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
David Cossman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Christopher V
Almario, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Vivien S
Herman-Bonert, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Scott A Cunneen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Donald C Dafoe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Derek Cheng, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Shaun S Daneshrad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Ruchi Mathur, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Donald R Henderson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Shlomo Melmed, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jeremy R Herman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Reza Nazemi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Raena S Olsen, DO F
Beverly Hills, CA
Ruth V Russell, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Ravinder Singh, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Wendy L Sacks, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Theodore N Stein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Conrad J Tseng, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Vinay Sundaram, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Catherine M Dang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Vladimir Donchev, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Daniel S Dunkelman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Brandice T Durkan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Richard Essner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
David E Fermelia, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hematology Oncology
Ehsan Ali M
Los Angeles, CA
Leon I Bender, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel J Stone, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Infectious Diseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Gary Hall H Hoffman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Taryne A Imai, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Geemee Chung, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Neel Joshi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ronald S Leuchter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cyril R Gaultier, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Allen Kamrava, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Jonathan D Grein, Md M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Scott R Karlan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Rachel Zabner, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Andrew J Li, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Ali Mahtabifard, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Aruna R Murthy, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Beth Y Karlan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Eric J Ley, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Ilana Cass, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Andrew Klein, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Internal Medicine
Bobbie J Rimel, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David Aftergood, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Howard Allen, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
David A Kulber, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher V
Almario, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Daniel R Margulies, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Humberto D Martinez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Nicolas Melo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Stuart Kuschner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Ricardo Navas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ashley Simela, DO F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
David A Thordarson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Suketu B Vaishnav, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Glenn Braunstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Andrew Weiss, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Harmik J Soukiasian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Satinder J Bhatia, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Daniel Schibler, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sidharth R Anand, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Nicholas N Nissen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard L Altman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Maria E Nelson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
George E Chaux, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Hand Surgery-Plastic
Joel A Aronowitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Pl astci
Derek Cheng, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine
Andrew Y Chuang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Casey Y Kaneshiro, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ravinder Singh, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Geemee Chung, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Ronald P Karlsberg, MD M
Culver City, CA
Daniel J Stone, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Erica R Cohen, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Ilan Kedan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Vinay Sundaram, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert M Davidson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Raj Khandwalla, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Charles D Swerdlow, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Noam Z Drazin, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Frank K Kwong, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Steven W Tabak, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Cyril R Gaultier, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Michael S Levine, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Irene K Toh, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Sara Ghandehari, Md F
Los Angeles, CA
Michael I Lewis, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael B Van
Scoy-Mosher, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Neil J Goldberg, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Ning Ai Liu, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Rafael Villicana, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Ross D Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Maya M Mathew, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Michael H Weisman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Jonathan D Grein, Md M
Los Angeles, CA
Ruchi Mathur, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Victor Gura, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Reza Nazemi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Maternal & Fetal
Connie Agnew, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Antoine Hage, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Paul W Noble, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Christina S Han F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Jeremy R Herman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jignesh K Patel, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Mariko L Ishimori, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Jana Posalski, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Noam Z Drazin, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Debra R Judelson, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Richard M Ress, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Stanley Kahan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wendy L Sacks, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph M Kahwaji, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven M Simons, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Medical Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Jack Ditlove, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Victor Gura, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Joseph M Kahwaji, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
David N Matsumura, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Harvey S Richmond, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Joel Mittleman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Hector J Rodriguez, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ray Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Arie R Schwartz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rafael Villicana, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Timothy G Tsui, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Abraham U Waks, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Connie Agnew, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Neurological Surgery
Barry J Brock, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sunil P Jeswani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Allison H Canavan, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Adam Mamelak, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ilana Cass, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Chirag G Patil, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Kourosh K
Daneshgar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Bobbie J Rimel, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Christine Walsh F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Erica Wang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Melissa S Wong, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Lewis Wyatt Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Wouter I Schievink, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Maria B DiMeglio, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Sam Goldberger, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Karen Altman, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Jethro Hu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Gabriel E Hunt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Richard A Lewis, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Cyrus K Mody, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
John S Yu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Lloyd B Greig, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Barak Maguen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christina S Han F
Los Angeles, CA
Kristin E Nesburn, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Beth Y Karlan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence J Schwartz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Behnam Kashanchi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Michael C Yang M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Keren Lerner, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ronald S Leuchter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Erin E Meschter, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Shaun S Daneshrad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-OralMaxli ofacai l Surgery
Claude Jean
Langevin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-OralMaxli ofacai l Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Andrew G Berman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Daniel C Allison, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Henry H Chen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Anthony H Alter, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Allen S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Earl W Brien, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gene C Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Ryan DellaMaggiora, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard M Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Arthur W Wu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
L Stephen Gordon, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
David B Golden, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Christopher R
Fitzgerald, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
David A Ferry, MD M
Encino, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Charles E Niesen, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Ped Otolaryngology
William M Hohl, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gary S Bellack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Danica J Schulte, MD F
Encino, CA
Leonel A Hunt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Physical Med & Rehab
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PedOtoal ryngol ogy
Timothy W Casarez, MD M
Encino, CA
Arash Asher, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David A Ferry, MD M
Encino, CA
Shahriar Bamshad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
L Stephen Gordon, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Jana Baumgarten, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey A Wong, MD M
Encino, CA
Physical Medicine &
Pediatric Endocrinology
Mary Nasmyth, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Robert C Klapper, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Thomas J Kremen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Stuart Kuschner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Carol A Lin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Charles N Moon, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Guy D Paiement, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Andrew I Spitzer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Naomi D Neufeld, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Pediatric Neurology
Charles E Niesen, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Donald A Wiss, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nancy A Niparko, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Gary S Bellack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Timothy W Casarez, MD M
Encino, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Stuart Z Epstein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Jerry J Pryde Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Richard V Riggs, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Plastic Surgery
Joel A Aronowitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Andrew G Berman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Sam Goldberger, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Plastic Surgery
Elizabeth Kim, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Michael S Levine, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard Tuli, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David A Kulber, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael I Lewis, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Claude Jean
Langevin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Zab Mosenifar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Erica Wang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Paul W Noble, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ReproductiveEndocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Joanne E Low, MD F
Santa Monica, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Sheldon Reiss, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
David Dardashti, DPM M
Beverly Hills, CA
Steven M Simons, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Farshid Nejad, DPM M
Beverly Hills, CA
Michael J Soffer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Benjamin P
Nikravesh, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Victor F Tapson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Jana Posalski, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Richard M Ress, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Joel Schneider, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Syed O Tirmizi, MD M
Culver City, CA
Lillian Szydlo, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Pulmonary Disease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Mark A Weissman, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Mariko L Ishimori, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Radiation Oncology
Michael H Weisman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
David Balfe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christiane M
Burnison, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
George E Chaux, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Behrooz Hakimian M
Los Angeles, CA
Wen Cheng, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sara Ghandehari, Md F
Los Angeles, CA
Amin Mirhadi, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Clark B Fuller, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Martin N Gordon, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Howard M Sandler, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Willis H Wagner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jameel M Hourani, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Stephen Shiao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Stephen Yoo, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Heather D Jones, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Paul Y Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Surgical Oncology
Stanley Kahan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gregory K Tsushima, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Matthew Bloom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Farin Amersi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgi calOncol ogy
Richard Essner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgi calOncol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Health Associates, continued
Specialty Physicians - Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Francisco Arabia, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David Cossman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wen Cheng, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rajeev K Rao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Fardad Esmailian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Willis H Wagner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Clark B Fuller, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Health Providers
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Taryne A Imai, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Ernest Rasyidi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Ali Khoynezhad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Ali Mahtabifard, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Heather E Merry, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Danny Ramzy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Alfredo A Trento, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Transplant Surgery
Andrew Klein, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Transpl antSurgery
Jennifer T Anger, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Leon I Bender, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Karyn S Eilber, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Alan E Shapiro, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Cedars Sinai Med Ctr
8700 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Internal Medicine
Ehsan Ali M
ID No. TN0007
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 248-7120
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John B Andrews, MD M
ID No. TN0012
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-6008
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
David A Austin, MD M
ID No. TN0015
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 501
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-2960
Teresa M Dean, MD F
ID No. TN0233
99 N La Cienega Blvd
STE 2014
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 385-3353
Yalda Azarmehr, MD F
ID No. TN0017
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 601
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3534
Languages: Farsi
Alice R Dick, MD F
ID No. TN0048
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7006
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Esther E Baik, MD F
ID No. TN0018
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3466
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Cheryl G Charles, MD F
ID No. TN0035
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3262
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Andrew Y Chuang, MD M
ID No. TN0039
8501 8501 Wilshire Blvd
STE 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7070
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alice Cruz, MD F
ID No. TN0042
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 603
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3460
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Cheryl Dunnett, MD F
ID No. TN0053
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7002
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Christopher R
Fitzgerald, MD M
ID No. TN0061
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7002
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jeffrey R Gramer, MD M
ID No. TN0071
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 505
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3432
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Michael D Harris, MD M
ID No. TN0080
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 600
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3330
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Lalima A Hoq, MD F
ID No. TN0091
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3307
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Tamar Meszaros, MD F
ID No. TN0140
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 500
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 385-3500
Janet E White, MD
ID No. TN0223
99 N La Cienega Blvd
STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3353
Terry E Podell, MD M
ID No. TN0170
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(310) 248-7044
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bojana Jankovic, MD F
ID No. TN0094
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 505
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3518
Languages: Serbian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ruth V Russell, MD F
ID No. TN0183
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7072
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chae Y Kim, MD F
ID No. TN0236
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7190
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lowell R Korman, MD M
ID No. TN0111
8700 Beverly Blvd STE B220
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(562) 423-5252
Amy S Rutman, MD F
ID No. TN0184
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 606
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3385
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Caroline Lee, MD F
ID No. TN0119
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7072
Michael J Soffer, MD M
ID No. TN0234
9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90211
(562) 691-1138
Jerome Wang, MD M
ID No. TN0219
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Robert T Coles, MD M
ID No. TN0041
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-3345
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Christopher R
Fitzgerald, MD M
ID No. TN0061
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 220
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 248-7002
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Nicole S Herzog, MD F
ID No. TN0086
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
David Matsumura, MD M
ID No. TN0135
8635 W Third St STE 1195W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(562) 423-8661
Jeffrey P Brown, MD M
ID No. TN0030
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Charlene T Lichtash, MD F
ID No. TN0124
99 N La Cienega Blvd
STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3353
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jonathan M Weiner, MD M
ID No. TN0220
250 N Robertson Blvd
STE 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3571
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nareen Hindoyan, MD F
ID No. TN0087
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Evan Koursh, MD M
ID No. TN0113
8501 Wilshire Blvd RTE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Evan B Koursh, MD M
ID No. TN0112
8501 Wilshire Blvd STE 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
PCPs-Pedai trics
Cardiac Electrophysiology Michelle M Kittleson, MD F
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Clement Yang, MD M
ID No. TN0228
200 N Robertson Blvd
STE 303
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3437
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specialty Physicians
Sheri Koplik, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Alexander G Stein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jaime Moriguchi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jignesh K Patel, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Jon Kobashigawa, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Ravi K Sureddi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Vicki Y Shimoyama, MD F
ID No. TN0192
8501 Wilshire Blvd. STE 205
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 385-3345
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Jeffrey S Goodman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
David S Cannom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Steven W Tabak, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Geft R Dael, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Raj Khandwalla, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Allen Kamrava, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Charles Pollick, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Rachel Abuav, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Ravi K Sureddi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Stuart Z Epstein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Joyce N Fox, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Cardiovascular Disease
Frank K Kwong, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Babak Azarbal, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Howard L Liu, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Robert F Meth, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David H Chang, MD
Beverly Hills, CA
Ralph A Massey, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Allergy & Immunology
Robert M Davidson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Susan M Rabizadeh, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Jeffrey S Goodman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Richard M Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Douglas Tamkin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Jayson A Hymes, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Neil J Goldberg, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Antoine Hage, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Michael D Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Michele Hamilton, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Ruth V Russell, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Ilan Kedan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Henry H Chen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Paul D Di Capua, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
William W Brien, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Randy B Feldman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ryan DellaMaggiora, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neil J Goldberg, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Elizabeth Kim, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Ross D Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David A Kulber, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Violette G Gray, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Stuart Kuschner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Antoine Hage, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Richard M Ress, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Andrew Weiss, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jeremy R Herman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
General Surgery
Hematology Oncology
Liza M Capiendo, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Marina Vaysburd, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Brenda J Hermogeno, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
David E Fermelia, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Diseases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Jeremy R Herman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Raena S Olsen, DO F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Enrique Slodownik, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Theodore N Stein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Antoinette Hubenette, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Randy B Feldman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ilan Kedan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jason B Kirk, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Raj Khandwalla, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Jeffrey S Rapp, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jason B Kirk, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Internal Medicine
Steven Kwon, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Neel Joshi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Allen Kamrava, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Sergey Lyass, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Gregory K Tsushima, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Richard L Altman, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Joanne Martires, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Willis H Wagner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Sidharth R Anand, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Maya Mathew, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
General Vascular
Henry H Chen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Willis H Wagner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Vascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Robert M Davidson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Daniel J Stone, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Robert F Meth, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Said Mostafavi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Stephen Deutsch, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine
Amir H Nejad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nurse Practitioner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Adrian G Ostrzega, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Lawrence M Hopp, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jessica M Redin, NP F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Stuart Kuschner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jignesh K Patel, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Allison H Canavan, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Guy G Massry, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard M Ress, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Maria B DiMeglio, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Lydia Matkovich, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Sepehr Rokhsar, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Lloyd B Greig, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Raghu C Murthy, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Shahram Sepehri, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Keren Lerner, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Enrique Slodownik, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Ronald S Leuchter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel J Stone, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Erin E Meschter, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
John K Schofield, DO M
Beverly Hills, CA
Medical Oncology
Timothy G Tsui, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Yossi Sidikaro, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Melissa S Wong, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Alfred M Solish, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Kenneth O Sparks, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sepehr Rokhsar, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
David Matsumura, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Karen Altman, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Richard Essner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Swaraj Bose, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Cyrus K Mody, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael C Yang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Gary S Bellack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Allen S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Nicholas E Szumski, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Steven N Sykes, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Susan W Lee, DO F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Sam Goldberger, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Gene C Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
David B Golden, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Samuel R Whitaker, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Cedars Sinai Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology
Arthur W Wu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mary Nasmyth F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Pain Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Christopher Ornelas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jay J Stein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Resa Oshiro, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Philip A Yalowitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard A Riggs, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Health Providers
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Jayson A Hymes, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Christopher Ornelas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Pediatric Neurology
Plastic Surgery
Nancy A Niparko, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNeurol gy
Joel A Aronowitz, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Lydia Matkovich, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
David A Kulber, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOphthaml ol ogy
Karyn S Eilber, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Donald E Wallens, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
David Dardashti, DPM M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Benjamin P
Nikravesh, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOrthopedci Surgery
Pulmonary Disease
Said Mostafavi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Stuart Z Epstein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Michael J Soffer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard M Harris, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Paria Hassouri, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Terry E Podell, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Danica J Schulte, MD F
Encino, CA
Jana Posalski, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Jerome Wang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Lillian Szydlo, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Physical Med & Rehab
Shahriar Bamshad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Surgical Oncology
Richard Essner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgi cal Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Jana Baumgarten, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Jennifer T Anger, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Care Specialists
Affiliated Hospitals
Beverly Hospital
309 Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
White Memorial Medical
1720 Cesar Chavez
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Edward Castro, MD M
ID No. JF0002
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
Daniel C Maldonado, MD M
ID No. JF0012
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
Hector Flores, MD M
ID No. JF0088
815 W Washington Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-3955
Languages: Spanish
Jorge Martinez, MD M
ID No. JF0094
815 W Washington Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-3955
Languages: Spanish
Hector A Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. JF0085
815 W Washington Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-3955
Languages: Spanish
Morodak Meas, MD F
ID No. JF0196
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alma A Lopez, MD F
ID No. JF0102
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. JF0112
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maria C Lopez, MD F
ID No. JF0011
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
Gilberto H Medina, MD M
ID No. JF0104
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
Lisa Ma, MD F
ID No. JF0105
4857 Huntington Dr N
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 226-9042
Languages: Japanese and
Armando Pacheco, MD M
ID No. JF0018
5823 York Blvd
Highland Park, CA 90042
(323) 255-3437
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Family Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Care Specialists, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Luis Samaniego, MD M
ID No. JF0017
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Highland Park, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Juan Silva, MD M
ID No. JF0098
4857 Huntington Dr N
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 226-9042
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
David Sulam, MD M
ID No. JF0016
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Highland Park, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Lucila Tarin, MD F
ID No. JF0089
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
1701 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Sergio B Villegas, MD M
ID No. JF0015
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Bethesda Yee-Chin
Gee, MD F
ID No. JF0194
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Maurice Bueno, MD M
ID No. JF0009
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
Internal Medicine
Edgar H Aleman, MD M
ID No. JF0286
435 Arden Ave STE 410
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 242-4191
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azmy F Ghaly, MD M
ID No. JF0106
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eli E Hendel, MD M
ID No. JF0114
1500 S Central Ave STE 117
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 500-9545
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. JF0107
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Salman A Khan, MD M
ID No. JF0320
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 225-2550
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. JF0103
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. JF0108
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hugo Riffel Dalinger, MD M
ID No. JF0166
435 Arden Ave STE 410
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 242-4191
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Allergy & Immunology
Specialty Physicians
James Kulczycki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Allergy & Immunology
Peck Ong, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Robert D Lerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peter P Parker, MD M
Glendale, CA
Rex C Liu, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Stephen C Wong, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Xiushi S Liu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Peter K Fung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ivan C Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Robert D Kummer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiac Electrophysiology Bruce L Macrum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rainier A Manzanilla, MD M
Nademanee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Martha Preciado, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Herman H Ricketts, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Jayaraj F Prash, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Guy S Mayeda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Farshad Malekmehr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
John P McKenzie III, MD M
Glendale, CA
Konstantinos D
Vlachonassios, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Charina Holmes, DC F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ramsay C Nucho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
Edward E Abdullah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Edgar H Aleman, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Harry Balian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Haroutioun D
Mesrobian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ngoc T Nguyen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nguyen-Phuc, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Suresha P Rao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Joseph Bornheimer
Jr, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
David S Cannom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Phillip R Harding, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Robert W Beart Jr, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Anil K Bhandari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael A Mendoza, DC
Los Angeles, CA
Hugo Riffel Dalinger, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Sanju Sharma, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Michael Yeh, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Matthew S Tan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Petar Vukasin, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Critical Care Medicine
Mohamed A Abdel
Latif, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Armando J Huaringa, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Raymond J Zimmer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dermatology
Sergio E Rojter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hematology Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Leopoldo G
Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Martin H Kay, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Alireza Tabesh, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Zelman G
Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Miguel E
Rodriguez-Colume, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy& Metabol si m
Faisal A Khan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Mark W Odou, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
On Wang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Abdul M Alaama, MD M
Montebello, CA
Zahra Esmail, DO F
Los Angeles, CA
Isaac A Bartley, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Ethelred E Carter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christophe S Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Mehdi Khorsandi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Clifton A Mayberry, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Raymundo Romero, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Mihran H Shirinian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gerai trci s
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Hao Wei Zhang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai ds
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Stephen Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Simon M
Keushkerian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Oliver L Ong, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy& Metabol si m
Alexander Gaitanis, DO M
Downey, CA
General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Zarmen Israelian
Konaraki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Endocrinology &
Ira E Felman, MD M
Montebello, CA
Arash I Zarimani, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Ryan A Stevens, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Aamer Farooq, MD M
Downey, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Infectious Diseases
Arash Alborzi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Infectious Diseases
Jamie J Lin, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Pradip C Chowdhury, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
William L Caton III, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Jessica P Mantilla, MD F
Glendale, CA
Sam F Daneshvari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Alan A Morgenstein, MD M
Glendale, CA
Anita Kamarzarian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Cesar A Caldera, MD M
Glendale, CA
Jewel Parrilla, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Montebello, CA
Devesh N Patel, MD M
West Covina, CA
Ramesh Manchanda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jacqueline S De La
Merced, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Karen L Tsujimoto, MD F
Glendale, CA
Luon W Peng, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Sharon Y Wang, DO F
Glendale, CA
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDiseases
Internal Medicine
Michael S Chung, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Raef N Iskander, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Chasity D
Jennings-Nunez, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Neurological Surgery
Ronald B Johnson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lance K Gravely, Md M
Los Angeles, CA
Selena A Lantry, MD F
Glendale, CA
Ayman M Salem, MD M
Burbank, CA
Stephen Y Lee, MD M
Montebello, CA
Jaime Lopez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Mohamed A Latif, MD M
Glendale, CA
Raafat S Iskander, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kin C Wong, MD
Glendale, CA
Lance J Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Antonio K Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Zahra Esmail, DO F
Los Angeles, CA
Igor Fineman, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Dominique L Luckey, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Leroy A Reese, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Jessica Meir, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Dariush Arfaania, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
David A Thompson, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Victor G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kathryn J Shaw, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
E Laurence
Spencer-Smith, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Kim Warner, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Cinna Wohlmuth, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Luigi E Galloni, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Marta A Recasens, MD F
Glendale, CA
Daniel D Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kevin J Pelton, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mehran Taban, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard Zapanta, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sarah R Carroll, MD F
Glendale, CA
Kathleen J Dennis
Zarate, MD F
Glendale, CA
Jeanie N Yamanaka, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
David K Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Phillip Doss, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ana Ananikian, OD F
Montebello, CA
Hrair A Koutnouyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
David J Fuerst, MD M
Glendale, CA
Orlando Camacho, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Evelyn M Perez, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Marcos Lemor, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John C Gunnell, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSugrery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Tomas Saucedo, MD
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
David K Yun, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Pain Management
Charles H Alexander, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher J
Charbonnet, MD M
Glendale, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Henry Levenson, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Matthew C Chong, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Reed L Levine, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Michael W Cluck, MD M
San Jose, CA
Marc E Lynch, DO M
Chino, CA
Jan W Duncan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Nouriel Niamehr, DO M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anne M Nguyen, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kay L Park, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Maria Pesheva, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pain Management
Andrew G Seltzer, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Pediatric Cardiology
Michael J Marcus, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
William F McCarron, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gabriel Akopian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Elizabeth R
DeOliveira, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Physical Med & Rehab
Michael J Song, DO M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMed& Rehab
Peter S Wadhams, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Sam H Carvajal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pulmonary Disease
Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Narayanan, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Dario Perez, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Physical Medicine &
Eli E Hendel, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Jose M Perez, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Mislynne A Charles, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Armando J Huaringa, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rostam Kavoossi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rambhatla, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne& Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Thoracic Surgery
Darren M Hodgins, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Aaron T Selzer, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne& Rehab
Plastic Surgery
Radiation Oncology
Ana M Grace, MD F
Alhambra, CA
George Kafrouni, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Thuan T Nguyen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Sara H Kim, MD F
Glendale, CA
William Barba, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Anita C Patel, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Albert C Mak, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Joseph J De Orio, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Libby F Wilson, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Sheri D Marquez, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Kamyar Ebrahimi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Charles E Ananian, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Charles A Blaine, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Sze-Ching Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Dan T La, MD M
Glendale, CA
Jennifer B Liu, MD F
Los Alamitos, CA
Thomas J Romano, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Miguel A Martinez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph I Sandler, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Jules M Perley, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Jirasetpatana, DPM F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Care Specialists, continued
Specialty Physicians - Urology
Ruben A Ramirez M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Atef L Yacoub, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Vascular Surgery
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Randall F Roberts, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Michael Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Eliseo Mills Jr, MD M
Montebello, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice
Affiliated Hospitals
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
Good Samaritan Hospital L
616 S Witmer St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Edwin H Choi, MD M
ID No. L10600
3545 Wilshire Blvd STE 247
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 388-5144
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. L10058
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Urgent Care Centers
Good Samaritan Hospital
1225 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-2121
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. L10052
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Family Practice
Afshin Akhavan, DO M
ID No. L10632
530 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 747-2626
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. L10561
11903 Downey Ave
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Peiman Berdjis, MD M
ID No. L10474
6222 Wilshire Blvd STE 303
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 525-1999
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. L10497
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
Graciela Calatayud, MD F
ID No. L10345
3400 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 589-9384
Languages: Spanish
Nupur Kumar, MD F
ID No. L10601
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 607
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-0187
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alfred Lavi, MD M
ID No. L10577
2324 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 383-3600
Languages: Arabic, Farsi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Horace M Mellon, MD M
ID No. L10082
915 Myrtle Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-3133
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sarvenaz S Mobasser, MD M
ID No. L10653
204 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 457-4000
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger M Samawi, DO M
ID No. L10575
1045 Atlantic Ave STE 1019
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 901-9228
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Amrita Sandhu, DO F
ID No. L10657
530 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(323) 730-1663
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. L10680
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
Peter C Balacuit, MD M
ID No. L10566
416 S Myrtle Ave
Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 357-3296
Languages: Spanish and
Phillip Chong S Hone, MD M
ID No. L10351
17170 Colima Rd STE G
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 810-0706
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese and Mandarin
Also located at:
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Hindi and
Herman F Carrillo, MD M
ID No. L10565
14342 Ramona Blvd
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 338-4088
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 60
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 810-0706
Languages: Burmese,
Cantonese and Mandarin
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. L10357
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
David C DiLettera, DO M
ID No. L10466
2390 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 728-7271
Languages: Spanish
Patrick B Lawrence, MD M
ID No. L10661
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Karine Gaboian, MD F
ID No. L10684
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Armenian and
Kelly T Wong, DO F
ID No. L10655
711 W College St STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 625-3182
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. L10617
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Gaston C Herrera, MD M
ID No. L10662
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Masha J Livhits, MD F
ID No. L10648
6399 Wilshire Blvd RTE 910
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 653-6431
Languages: Russian
PCPs -General Practci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. L10370
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs -General Practci e
Francisco E Paredes, MD M
ID No. L10468
9315 Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-6855
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Guadalupe C
Pedrano, MD F
ID No. L10372
2209 San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 226-0511
Languages: Spanish and
Victor M Pedroza, MD M
ID No. L10465
2705 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 263-3861
Languages: Spanish and
Marvin Urbina, MD M
ID No. L10506
14342 Ramona Blvd
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 338-4088
Languages: Spanish
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. L10418
201 S Alvarado Blvd STE 401
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-0881
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
11017 Valley Mall
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 443-3922
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(818) 848-8891
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
A Shawn Adhami, MD M
ID No. L10477
1000 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 346-0555
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Earla E Quisido, MD F
ID No. L10690
1711 W Temple St FL 6
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 483-8300
Languages: Spanish, Swedish
and Tagalog
Clem D Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. L10685
1200 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 426-9480
Languages: Ilocano, Spanish
and Tagalog
Jose F Torreblanca, DO M
ID No. L10681
7128 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-2186
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Ave STE 102
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 943-8338
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. L10202
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. L10364
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anna Lourdes A
Chickey, MD F
ID No. L10656
2536 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 385-7888
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mahesh V Bhuta, MD M
ID No. L10687
9711 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 559-9884
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F Grant Buckle, MD M
ID No. L10104
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 511
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1246
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Seung Ho Choi, MD M
ID No. L10509
1711 W Temple St STE 7606
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 207-5000
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Soohun S Chong, MD M
ID No. L10109
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 481-0651
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Yung K Chun, MD M
ID No. L10625
903 S Crenshaw Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 954-1111
Languages: Korean
Carlos Haro, MD M
ID No. L10560
4588 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 265-2917
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cindy Huang, MD F
ID No. L10651
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
Dong Chung, MD F
ID No. L10563
2528 W Olympic Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 386-5002
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dennis L Clark, MD M
ID No. L10348
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 401
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 420-8679
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Soha Dolatabadi, MD F
ID No. L10659
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 804
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1030
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. L10658
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thomas T Ha, MD M
ID No. L10229
530 W Badillo St STE E
Covina, CA 91722
(626) 858-5370
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Krikor I Kalindjian, MD M
ID No. L10582
1300 N Vermont Ave STE 806
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 660-5191
Languages: Armenian,
French and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hei P Kim, MD M
ID No. L10120
3663 W 6th St STE 203
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 480-1251
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Karen Kim, MD F
ID No. L10549
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 804
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soon Y Kwun, MD M
ID No. L10377
10408 Vacco St
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 442-2151
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dong H Lee, MD M
ID No. L10683
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Yong T Lee, MD M
ID No. L10686
3544 W Olympic Blvd
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 731-0681
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Young Jik Lee, MD M
ID No. L10517
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Angela D Lii, MD F
ID No. L10403
531 W Las Tunas Dr STE D
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 289-9788
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Bun Lim, MD M
ID No. L10559
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John T Liu, MD M
ID No. L10654
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 914
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 484-8474
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Meera J Modi, MD F
ID No. L10079
1100 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 250-3716
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. L10378
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(506) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hy P Ngo, MD M
ID No. L10576
625 E Valley Blvd STE H
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(213) 617-8301
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tuan T Ngo, MD M
ID No. L10399
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 503
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(323) 482-5141
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Christine U Nguyen, MD F
ID No. L10631
7128 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-2186
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dae S Rheem, MD M
ID No. L10688
505 S Virgil Ave STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 381-3630
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Carol A Richardson
Te, MD F
ID No. L10610
1127 Wilshire Blvd STE 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-0511
Languages: Tagalog
Hyang E Sohn, MD F
ID No. L10682
2727 W Olympic Blvd
STE 305
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8822
Languages: Korean
Raymundo Romero, MD M
ID No. L10689
510 S Alvarado St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-3600
Languages: Spanish
Mark M Song, MD M
ID No. L10642
1401 S Brookhurst St STE 100
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 626-0700
Languages: Korean
Also located at:
2033 W 7th St STE 3
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-2288
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3663 W 6th St STE 307
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 736-1884
Languages: Korean
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. L10479
2614 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
Francis C Te, MD M
ID No. L10650
1127 Wilshire Blvd STE 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-0511
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sunil K Singhania, DO M
ID No. L10621
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 607
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-0187
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mohinder S Sohal, MD M
ID No. L10556
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 227
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-8186
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Santos A Uy Jr, MD M
ID No. L10138
711 N Alvarado St STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-1005
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. L10400
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 210
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
John C Wei, MD M
ID No. L10567
3224 Santa Ana St
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2384
Languages: Mandarin and
Edwin W Zevallos, MD M
ID No. L10361
6915 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-9800
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 284-0022
Languages: Mandarin and
Dilipkumar G Patel, MD M
ID No. L10538
3131 Santa Anita Ave
STE 103
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 448-9882
Languages: Gujarati and
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Harold T Peart, MD M
ID No. L10078
6091 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(323) 935-1178
Languages: Spanish
James C Hahn, MD M
ID No. L10112
3323 W Olympic Blvd
STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 735-1111
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. L10397
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Tao T Nguyen, MD M
ID No. L10237
3100 E Florence Ave STE 9
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-6516
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Alexander S Chai, MD M
ID No. L10323
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 914
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 484-8474
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Xipu Wu, MD M
ID No. L10583
18391 E Colima Rd STE 207
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-4147
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Eun J Yoon, MD F
ID No. L10633
2017 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 480-1000
Languages: Korean,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Oscar G Zambrano, MD M
ID No. L10319
6513 atlantic ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 581-1649
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Sung Jeen J Hong, MD M
ID No. L10051
3000 W Olympic Blvd
STE 304
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-1122
Languages: Korean
John M Hernandez, MD M
ID No. L10368
1417 W Beverly Blvd
STE 101
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1109
Languages: Spanish
Janet S Kim, MD F
ID No. L10660
500 S Virgil Ave STE 204
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 388-7828
Languages: Korean
Stuart Willson, MD M
ID No. L10141
1136 W 6th St STE 307
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Ellyn R Ashida, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
Specialty Physicians - Allergy
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Faye M Montegrande, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Sergio E Rojter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Charles Pollick, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mohammad J
Shakfeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Dean H Cummings, DC M
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Narinder S Batra, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Bruce D Householder II, MD
Burbank, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Anil K Bhandari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Shahid H Sial, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
General Surgery
Yeong K Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Steven Burstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wesley R Heartfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gabriel G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Cannom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
William B Cohen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Christina H
Economides, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Faye Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Guy S Mayeda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Mariola L Ficinski, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Endocrinology &
Cindy Huang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Terrence J
Fitzgibbons, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Charles A Hunter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Family Practice
Manuel I Figueroa, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Grace Jeon, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Narayanan, MD M
Montebello, CA
Anthony E Reid, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Abdul M Alaama, MD M
Montebello, CA
Charles B Witt Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Oscar G Zambrano, MD M
Cudahy, CA
Ho S Bae, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Paul M Choi, MD M
North Hills, CA
Nguyen-Phuc, MD M
Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Edward E Abdullah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Hartley Cohen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Margaret E Bates, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Martin H Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Jeffrey L Hendel, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sunil K Singhania, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Marc J Girsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Lisandro Quinones, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Richard L Friedman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gynecology Oncology
Wilfredo L
Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Eben I Feinstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kyoo S Ro, MD M
Glendale, CA
Bruce A Greenfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sean Xie, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cathleen A Godzik, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Philip Hom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jim Jer Hwu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Lydia C Aguilera, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Kim C Le, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Moon S Chang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Carlos R Meza, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Leo E Orr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark A Dwight, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
David S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hematology Oncology
Tuan T Ngo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Ellsworth R Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Jason S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neurological Surgery
Stephen Y Lee, MD M
Montebello, CA
Larry T Khoo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Lem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert M Ozaki, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Karen S Lapesarde, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Sangjoon J Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Lasika C Seneviratne, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Jerry K Wada, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Ivan A Fras, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Infectious Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Joseph M Nussbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Sandra L Wallace, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Peter H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Peter Lorber, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Samuel J Porter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Internal Medicine
Nelson J Owyoung, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Young S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark J Tramo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Patrick T Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Andrew Yeh, DO M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Malvin D Anders, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Maria Pesheva, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Othella A Owens, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Andrew S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sol Silberstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Harold E Reaves, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Physical Medicine &
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jorge D Minor, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Calvin T Eng, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Jeffrey M Sage, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Jason Rhee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Physical Therapy
Gene S Han, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Felix R Canout, PT M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alTherapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Janet J Hopkins, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Jaime Estrada, OD M
Bell, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jean Katow, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Maurice I Friedman, OD M
Culver City, CA
Joseph M Davidson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Montebello, CA
Plastic Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Lorie J Kook, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Evelyn M Perez, OD F
Monterey Park, CA
Edward H Kim, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Michael J Marcus, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Steven G Khwarg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Hans H Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Annette Billings, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Stanley S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
H Michael M Mynatt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Fred K Kurata, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Marc A Samson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Carlos F Montoya, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Tae M Shin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Babak B Abrishami, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Martha L Mora, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Lawrence Brooks, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Heamin Shin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Dennis Yenn, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Richard W Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lea Mintz, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
John R Chalison, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Good Samaritan Medical Practice, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Andrew J Fishmann, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Abbey B Gaske, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Carlos Haro, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David A Ginsberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bernard S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Moez Khorsandi, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Sucha Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
John J Kowalczyk, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Montebello, CA
Rafael G Mendez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Rambhatla, MD M
El Monte, CA
Vascular Surgery
Radiation Oncology
William B Cohen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Gabriel G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Armand Bouzaglou, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Terrence J
Fitzgibbons, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Joanna M Davies, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Clinical Psychology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Richard S Klein, PhD M
Arcadia, CA
Soha Dolatabadi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Clni cal Psychol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Naveen Raja, DO M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Randal P Arase, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Ali Gheissari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Thomas P Bogaard, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles
Affiliated Hospitals
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
Glendale Memorial Hospital
& Health Center L
1420 S Central Ave
Glendale, CA 91204
Good Samaritan Hospital L
1225 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Monterey Park Hospital L
900 S Atlantic Blvd
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Providence St Joseph
Medical Center L
501 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91505
San Gabriel Valley Medical
438 W Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital
1812 Verdugo Blvd
Glendale, CA 91208
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Vigen V Abovian, MD M
ID No. EQ0441
435 Arden Ave STE 330
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 548-8001
Languages: Arabic, Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Luis Acosta Jr, MD M
ID No. EQ0361
222 W Eulalia St STE 201
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 240-0601
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Oyindamola F
Akenzua, MD F
ID No. EQ0341
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 150
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 417-4014
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. EQ0413
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 354
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 221-5366
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vardui Arutyunyan, MD F
ID No. EQ0189
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 309
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 553-1020
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mezia O
Azinge-Obasi, MD F
ID No. EQ0479
3450 W 43rd St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2832
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. EQ0409
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Mark B Benor, MD M
ID No. EQ0687
5901 Green Valley Cir
STE 405
Culver City, CA 90230
(424) 266-7474
Languages: Spanish
Maribeth Ching, MD F
ID No. EQ0356
2603 Via Campo
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 720-1144
Languages: Spanish and
Michael S Burton, MD M
ID No. EQ0146
2101 N Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 664-2931
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Edwin H Choi, MD M
ID No. EQ0008
3545 Wilshire Blvd STE 247
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 388-5144
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Gustavo Calleros, MD M
ID No. EQ0251
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hector R Castillo, MD M
ID No. EQ0397
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Daniel Chancelor, MD M
ID No. EQ0587
12954 S Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 679-0269
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edgar A Chavez, MD M
ID No. EQ0411
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Caroucel K Chuateco, MD F
ID No. EQ0665
1663 Beverly Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-0235
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
James P Cornell, MD M
ID No. EQ0097
1818 Verdugo Blvd STE 200
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 790-1088
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvette R Cressey, MD F
ID No. EQ0606
1275 N Rose Dr STE 124
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 792-0000
Languages: French
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chancelor Daniel, MD M
ID No. EQ0577
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Dominguez, MD M
ID No. EQ0151
3144 Santa Anita Ave
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 444-0333
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Maria A Espinoza, MD F
ID No. EQ0041
2151 W 6th St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-2222
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Marlon M Farley, MD M
ID No. EQ0679
5141 Crenshaw Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 545-9100
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jabeen Fatima, MD F
ID No. EQ0708
4955 Van Nuys Blvd STE 415
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 528-1080
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Maryam S Fazel, MD F
ID No. EQ0671
837 W Imperial Hwy
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 755-9355
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Anait A Galfaian, MD F
ID No. EQ0044
445 W Broadway
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 241-2103
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Russian
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Bindu George, MD F
ID No. EQ0371
2750 E Slauson Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1863
Languages: Hindi, Malayalam
and Tamil
Hun Kang, MD M
ID No. EQ0293
2900 W 8th St
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 382-7022
Languages: Korean and
Daniel Lin, DO M
ID No. EQ0245
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 623-3065
Languages: Mandarin and
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. EQ0667
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
Also located at:
2603 Via Campo Dr
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 770-1144
Languages: Korean and
Beth S Marcus, MD F
ID No. EQ0191
1818 N Verdugo Blvd STE 200
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 790-1088
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Margaret L Herrera, MD F
ID No. EQ0252
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 354
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 221-5366
Languages: Spanish
Sirvard Khanoyan, MD F
ID No. EQ0295
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 230
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 500-5586
Languages: Armenian and
Samvel Hmayakyan, MD M
ID No. EQ0352
1019 S Central Ave
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 244-0400
Languages: Armenian and
Vigen Khojayan, MD M
ID No. EQ0410
435 Arden Ave STE 360
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 637-8300
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
George C In, MD M
ID No. EQ0237
1751 Foothill Blvd STE 3
La Canada, CA 91011
(818) 790-9990
Languages: Japanese, Korean
and Spanish
Kenneth K Kim, MD M
ID No. EQ0058
3130 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 735-7700
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Senam E Oraha, MD F
ID No. EQ0561
2101 N Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 664-2931
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Isaias D Paja Jr, MD M
ID No. EQ0365
1800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-9934
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nikunj M Patel, MD M
ID No. EQ0652
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Agustin J Lara, MD M
ID No. EQ0398
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Jose L Perez, MD M
ID No. EQ0575
5970 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 234-3280
Languages: Spanish
Jo Marie Reilly, MD F
ID No. EQ0071
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 260-5882
Also located at:
1730 W Olympic Blvd
STE 150
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 553-1830
Languages: Spanish
Ferdinant Saran, MD M
ID No. EQ0346
1510 S Central Ave STE 515
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 243-4600
Languages: Amharic and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Carlos J Perez
Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. EQ0318
24845 Narbonne Ave
Lomita, CA 90717
(310) 325-0600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Racquel S Pina, MD F
ID No. EQ0205
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jaime Ramos, MD M
ID No. EQ0254
9810 Las Tunas Dr
Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 309-7600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Noelle E Reid, MD F
ID No. EQ0640
7231 Santa Monica Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 874-1200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. EQ0392
11822 E Floral Dr STE A
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
13345 Telegraph Rd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
James M Scofield, MD M
ID No. EQ0362
222 W Eulalia St STE 201
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 240-0601
Languages: Spanish
Kristine Tatosyan, MD F
ID No. EQ0540
1818 Verdugo Blvd STE 200
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 790-1088
Languages: Armenian
Yervand W Set
Agayan, DO M
ID No. EQ0570
800 S Central Ave STE 306
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 242-5300
Languages: Armenian and
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. EQ0074
11822 Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Lina C Shammas, MD F
ID No. EQ0706
2006 W Burbank Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 843-0717
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin A Smietanka, MD M
ID No. EQ0582
2211 W Magnolia Blvd
STE 110
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 955-5773
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Gilbert R Varela, MD M
ID No. EQ0461
5970 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 234-3280
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
12116 Beach Blvd
Stanton, CA 90680
(714) 898-2222
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
12511 Brookhurst St
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 741-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2235 W Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 490-2750
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sergio Veiga, MD M
ID No. EQ0331
540 N Central Ave STE 303
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 500-9996
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ronald H Wing, MD M
ID No. EQ0465
2211 W Magnolia Blvd
STE 120
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 955-5773
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kelly T Wong, DO F
ID No. EQ0601
500 N Garfield Ave STE 105
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3828
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. EQ0261
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Raul J Bendana, MD M
ID No. EQ0585
1619 1\2 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 487-0615
Languages: Spanish
Ricardo E Chambi, MD M
ID No. EQ0649
4347 E Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 773-3137
Languages: Spanish
Aret Akian, MD M
ID No. EQ0696
1711 W Temple St STE 5662
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-8660
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Po Z Chen, MD M
ID No. EQ0155
2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
Artoon Arakel, MD M
(323) 722-5700
ID No. EQ0669
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 407 Languages: Chinese and
Glendale, CA 91205
PCPs -General Practci e
(818) 543-7553
Languages: Armenian and
Anthony S Awad, MD M
ID No. EQ0656
2515 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 384-4555
Languages: Armenian, Farsi
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Po Zan Chen, MD
ID No. EQ0589
2605 1/2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Japanese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Hubert W Chow, MD M
ID No. EQ0603
1111 E Las Tunas Dr
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-8473
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
Jack Azad, MD M
ID No. EQ0683
11900 S Avalon Blvd STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90061
(323) 756-1317
Amani A Eldessouky, MD F
Languages: Farsi and Spanish ID No. EQ0634
1704 W Manchester Ave
Ernesto B Banaag, MD M
STE 109
ID No. EQ0633
Los Angeles, CA 90047
4034 Verdugo Rd
(323) 778-8485
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Languages: Arabic and
(323) 254-1987
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Juan A Escobar, MD M
ID No. EQ0684
1711 W Temple St STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0700
Languages: Spanish
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. EQ0062
1011 Goodrich Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
Thomas J Gerke, MD M
ID No. EQ0664
4055 E Olympic Blvd
STE 207
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 262-0599
Languages: Russian and
Karine Kirakosyan, MD F
ID No. EQ0135
500 E Olive Ave STE 315
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 972-1000
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. EQ0264
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-General Practci e
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. EQ0222
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-General Practci e
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. EQ0709
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Simon X Jiang, MD M
ID No. EQ0660
13521 Telegraph Rd STE B
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 946-7571
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-General Practci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. EQ0319
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Armen Y Nercessian, DO M
ID No. EQ0668
561 S Azusa Way
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 964-9111
Languages: Armenian and
Francisco G
Rodriguez, DO M
ID No. EQ0674
330 W Las Tunas Dr STE 1
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 284-3300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Kai Y Wong, MD M
ID No. EQ0567
711 W College St STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 625-3182
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Ramadas Abboy, MD M
ID No. EQ0073
1700 Cesar Chavez
STE 3100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 263-9779
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Zhaoyang Pan, MD M
ID No. EQ0659
652 N Broadway STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 617-7673
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Zahid J Abdou, MD M
ID No. EQ0235
1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Armenian,
French and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard M Powell, MD M
ID No. EQ0641
5901 W Olympic Blvd
STE 504
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 935-5858
Languages: Spanish
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Manuel C Aguilera, MD M
ID No. EQ0523
2534 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-1175
Languages: Spanish and
Wayneinder S Anand, MD M
ID No. EQ0639
2625 W Alameda Ave
STE 506
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 843-5868
Languages: Punjabi
Also located at:
235 W Carson St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 834-4233
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
1818 Verdugo Blvd STE 309
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 842-4819
Languages: Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. EQ0670
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Olga Alarid, MD F
ID No. EQ0158
2603 Via Campo
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 720-1144
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ashkan Amooee, MD M
ID No. EQ0376
1420 South Central
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 502-2317
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Swedish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
201 S Buena Vist St STE 440
Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 842-4819
Languages: Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Emil Avanes, MD M
ID No. EQ0628
3600 N Verdugo Rd STE 202
Glendale, CA 91208
(626) 369-7470
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vladimir Ayvazyan, MD M
ID No. EQ0414
500 East Olive Ave STE 315
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 972-1000
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Wageh F Azer, MD M
ID No. EQ0351
225 W Broadway STE 100
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 545-7117
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Hossein Babaali, MD M
ID No. EQ0685
2428 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 402
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 829-3385
Languages: Farsi, Persian,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Seda Badalyan, MD F
ID No. EQ0691
435 Arden Ave STE 450
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 241-4129
Languages: Armenian
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Amir H Bahadori, MD M
ID No. EQ0534
4955 Van Nuys Blvd STE 415
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 995-8240
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jamshid J Baharvar, MD M
ID No. EQ0680
2428 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 404
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 828-6868
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Pouya Bahrami, DO M
ID No. EQ0226
1414 S Grand Ave STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 481-2200
Languages: Persian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Edgar C Banez, MD M
ID No. EQ0040
4867 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 254-6754
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Mahesh V Bhuta, MD M
ID No. EQ0626
9711 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 559-9884
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
Shaw Shen Chen, MD M
ID No. EQ0228
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Dan E Dardashti, MD M
ID No. EQ0535
12626 Riverside Dr STE 506
Valley Village, CA 91607
(818) 508-9190
Languages: Farsi
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. EQ0630
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6673
Languages: Spanish
Elena Chetver, MD F
ID No. EQ0657
7531 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 210
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 650-2991
Languages: Russian
David De La Loza, MD M
ID No. EQ0266
3800 E 1ST St
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 261-7520
Languages: Spanish
Gary W Brown, MD M
ID No. EQ0234
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 442-6200
Languages: Spanish
Anna Lourdes A
Chickey, MD F
ID No. EQ0622
2536 w temple st
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 385-7888
Languages: Tagalog
Jesus R Carlos, MD M
ID No. EQ0161
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 623-2225
Languages: Spanish
Jonathan Chien, MD M
ID No. EQ0162
2603 Via Campo
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 720-1144
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. EQ0190
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mary Chen, MD F
ID No. EQ0389
18780 Amar Rd STE 107
Walnut, CA 91789
(626) 810-6777
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
William A Chua, MD M
ID No. EQ0599
3111 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0671
Languages: Mandarin,
Tagalog and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Silvia Collazo, MD F
ID No. EQ0260
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-6969
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Verretta Deorosan, MD F
ID No. EQ0345
1045 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 115
Gardena, CA 90247
(323) 779-2800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
James Drinkard, MD M
ID No. EQ0250
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Calvin M Duong, MD M
ID No. EQ0654
901 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-8588
Languages: Cambodian,
Cantonese, Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dat Q Duong, MD M
ID No. EQ0249
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Paul A Duron, MD M
ID No. EQ0332
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Espinoza-Lopez, MD F
ID No. EQ0330
3144 Santa Anita Ave
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 444-0333
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marian A Fedak, MD F
ID No. EQ0310
1700 Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 306
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 332-2360
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marcel A Filart, MD M
ID No. EQ0681
1300 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 913-4222
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azmy F Ghaly, MD M
ID No. EQ0247
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. EQ0579
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Marco A Gomez
Garcia, MD M
ID No. EQ0682
1510 S Central Ave STE 340
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 240-4031
Languages: Spanish
Timothy Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. EQ0168
2750 E Slauson Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1963
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
ID No. EQ0619
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-8181
Also located at:
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(818) 957-4512
Drayton P Graham Jr, MD M
ID No. EQ0343
4477 W 118th St STE 401
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 970-1930
Languages: French
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Martin Hauptschein, MD M
ID No. EQ0347
2080 Century Park E STE 906
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-6777
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Eli E Hendel, MD M
ID No. EQ0197
1500 S Central Ave STE 117
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 500-9545
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael R Forsling, MD M
ID No. EQ0255
3144 Santa Anita Ave
El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 582-7908
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Noushin Haddad
Tehrani, MD F
ID No. EQ0170
225 W Broadway STE 100
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 545-7117
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Steven S Ho, MD M
ID No. EQ0621
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-3888
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
223 N Garfield Ave STE 206
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(310) 914-9150
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Daryl K Houston, MD M
ID No. EQ0624
3831 Hughes Ave STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 838-7381
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. EQ0408
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Alberto Jimeno, MD M
ID No. EQ0063
6061 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-1795
Languages: Spanish
Sarkis A Kaakijian, MD
ID No. EQ0172
1500 S Central Ave STE 318
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 548-5437
Languages: Armenian and
Anjana V Kamdar, MD F
ID No. EQ0329
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3700
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 264-4300
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Michael B Kamiel, MD M
ID No. EQ0373
9808 Venice Blvd STE 503
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-3663
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shin Wook Kang, MD M
ID No. EQ0676
2727 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-7077
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
3920 Eagle Rock Blvd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 255-5225
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Arman F Karapetyan, MD M
ID No. EQ0548
1332 S Glendale Ave
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 550-5055
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
Salman A Khan, MD M
ID No. EQ0651
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 225-2550
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
N Isabel C Kiefer, MD F
ID No. EQ0646
1025 Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 861-5841
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Karen Kim, MD F
ID No. EQ0224
1136 W 6th St STE 307
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1141
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William D King M
ID No. EQ0643
3756 Santa Rosalia Dr
STE 506
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 617-5414
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Gemma T Ko, MD F
ID No. EQ0174
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Gary K Kong, MD M
ID No. EQ0104
3808 W Riverside Drive
STE 406
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 563-1449
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Terry Kuo, MD M
ID No. EQ0175
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-6969
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
William G Lang, MD M
ID No. EQ0348
4644 Lincoln Blvd STE 111
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 306-6966
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Fidel M Lara Jr, MD M
ID No. EQ0297
8204 San Fernando Rd
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 767-1001
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Alan C Lau, MD M
ID No. EQ0232
1701 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Son Hong Le, MD M
ID No. EQ0590
8232 Garvey Ave STE 107
Rosemead, CA 91770
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Young Jik Lee, MD M
ID No. EQ0701
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stewart A Lonky, MD M
ID No. EQ0632
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 1010
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 216-1007
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hector F Luque, DO M
ID No. EQ0271
326 N Soto St
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 268-5060
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cozzette Lyons, MD M
ID No. EQ0415
1625 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 623-2225
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 623-2225
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jose F
Martinez-Cardenas, MD M
ID No. EQ0642
290 E Verdugo Ave STE 206
Burbank, CA 91502
(818) 563-9571
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Darren J McDow, MD
ID No. EQ0342
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 1007
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 410-9325
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Melikterminas, MD M
ID No. EQ0566
303 S Glenoaks Blvd STE 1
Burbank, CA 91502
(626) 331-7687
Languages: Armenian, Farsi
and Spanish
Anna Milanesi, MD F
ID No. EQ0699
5901 Green Valley Cir
STE 405
Culver City, CA 90230
(424) 266-7474
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Gayle V Mitchell, MD M
ID No. EQ0262
1700 Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 3330
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 264-4114
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Helen Mitropoulos, MD F
ID No. EQ0489
225 W Broadway STE 100
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 545-7117
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alexander J Messina, MD M
ID No. EQ0666
2021 Santa Monica STE 101E
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 453-1103
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Martha A Meza, MD F
ID No. EQ0663
4623 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 340-1500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
15216 Vanowen St
Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 785-7875
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Meera J Modi, MD F
ID No. EQ0625
1100 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 250-3716
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. EQ0623
4433 E Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Faye M Montegrande, MD F
ID No. EQ0689
321 N Larchmont Blvd
STE 824
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 464-0286
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. EQ0308
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Khalid Nur, MD M
ID No. EQ0309
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-3388
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Urdu
Bang V Pham, MD M
ID No. EQ0504
12923 Inglewood Ave STE 1
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 675-0395
Languages: Spanish and
Firooz Pak, MD M
ID No. EQ0695
8540 S Sepulveda STE 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(323) 233-9686
Languages: Farsi and
Orlando Pile, MD M
ID No. EQ0340
140 W Queen St
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 674-7453
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
321 S Melnik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
832 S Grevillea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 419-4354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mayur C Patel, MD M
ID No. EQ0552
2625 W Alameda Ave
STE 506
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 843-5864
Paryus B Patel, MD M
ID No. EQ0631
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 1010
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 216-1007
Languages: Spanish
Rodolfo B Protacio, MD M
ID No. EQ0180
1510 S Central Ave STE 540
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 500-8739
Languages: Spanish and
Tejas I Patel, MD M
ID No. EQ0399
2625 W Alameda Ave
STE 412
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 842-6400
Languages: Gujarati
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. EQ0692
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mohinderjit Neelam, MD M
ID No. EQ0178
2603 Via Campo
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 720-1144
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Barry Neidorf, MD M
ID No. EQ0337
2080 Century Park E
STE 906
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 277-2771
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ronald K Nudelman, MD M
ID No. EQ0704
11600 Wilshire Blvd STE 218
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 312-2922
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rajendra Prasad, MD M
ID No. EQ0439
9808 Venice Blvd STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 237-0023
Languages: Hindi, Korean,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jesus R Muro, MD M
ID No. EQ0349
3831 Hughes Ave STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 838-7381
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
501 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 842-6400
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. EQ0248
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Ricardo R Roman, MD M
ID No. EQ0301
4708 Eagle Rock Blvd
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
(323) 254-3700
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Helen Rostamloo, MD F
ID No. EQ0350
800 S Central Ave STE 210
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 244-3520
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ruben Ruiz, MD M
ID No. EQ0655
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(323) 728-8588
Languages: Spanish
Samir A Sawiris, MD M
ID No. EQ0274
1818 Verdugo Rd STE 200
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 790-1088
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
2515 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 384-4555
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
6368 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 469-5555
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. EQ0303
2614 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
Ronald E Schott, MD M
ID No. EQ0551
2031 W Alameda Ave
STE 310
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 841-2880
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tomas A Sevilla, MD M
ID No. EQ0438
2813 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 342-9764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jimmy H Soliman, MD M
ID No. EQ0573
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tony C Su, MD M
ID No. EQ0231
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Taiwanese and Thai
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
George U Suyat, MD M
ID No. EQ0578
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 131
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-8836
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Virna Veloso, MD F
ID No. EQ0183
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 861-5841
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nirupa Vignarajan, MD F
ID No. EQ0194
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 309
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 553-6666
Languages: Tamil
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Vasthi V Silva, MD F
ID No. EQ0233
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Zdzislaus J Wanski, MD M
ID No. EQ0307
1414 S Grand Ave STE 456
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 745-6047
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Bashir A Waraich, MD M
ID No. EQ0078
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-1038
Languages: Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. EQ0131
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 727-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1720 Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 268-5000
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kin C Wong, MD M
ID No. EQ0265
435 Arden Ave STE 310
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 247-6676
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Huey Yuan Wu, MD M
ID No. EQ0015
55 S Raymond Ave STE 200
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 570-8005
Alicia T Bazzano, MD F
ID No. EQ0694
5901 Green Valley Circle
STE 405
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 258-4256
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Gitte S Bloom, MD F
ID No. EQ0610
2211 W Magnolia St STE 110
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 955-5773
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Wan Yao, MD M
ID No. EQ0290
228 N Garfield Ave STE 302
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3219
Languages: Cantonese and
Lilian S Chuang, MD F
ID No. EQ0600
3111 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0671
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Tagalog
Francis Yemofio, MD F
ID No. EQ0187
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 236-0313
Hector M Lastra, MD M
ID No. EQ0613
2750 E Slauson Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1863
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eun Yun, MD F
ID No. EQ0081
819 S Alvarado St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 388-6000
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. EQ0289
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Grace I Wong, MD F
ID No. EQ0542
3808 W Riverside Dr STE 406
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 563-1449
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Tai Hing Wu, MD M
ID No. EQ0602
415 W Valley Blvd STE C
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 943-9240
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Onsy S Basta, MD M
ID No. EQ0611
225 W Broadway STE 100
Glendale, CA 91204
(213) 861-5841
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
3800 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 261-7520
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Also located at:
880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 101
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-6969
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Potenciano R
Paredes, MD M
ID No. EQ0574
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Lawrence D Robinson
Jr, MD M
ID No. EQ0693
7301 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 778-2131
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
Efren S Valenzuela, MD M
ID No. EQ0569
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Angela R Adelman, MD F
ID No. EQ0532
2625 W Alameda Ave
STE 400
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 846-7440
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Maurice Bueno, MD M
ID No. EQ0094
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Edward Castro, MD M
ID No. EQ0095
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
Maria C Lopez, MD F
ID No. EQ0059
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
Andrew Chan, MD M
ID No. EQ0375
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Daniel C Maldonado, MD M
ID No. EQ0067
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Sung S Choi, MD M
ID No. EQ0586
3323 W Olympic Bl STE 210
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 733-0127
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Behrouz B Dardashti, MD M
ID No. EQ0703
7230 Medical Center Dr
STE 305
West Hills, CA 91307
(818) 888-3903
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Hector A Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. EQ0065
815 W Washington Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-3955
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Alma A Lopez, MD F
ID No. EQ0388
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Gilberto H Medina, MD M
ID No. EQ0385
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 230
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Armando Pacheco, MD M
ID No. EQ0069
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Shailesh Patel, MD M
ID No. EQ0549
2625 W Alameda Ave
STE 506
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 843-5864
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Luis R Samaniego, MD M
ID No. EQ0302
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Highland Park, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
David Sulam, MD M
ID No. EQ0100
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
Languages: Spanish
Cardiovascular Surgery
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Howard S Ort, MD M
Covina, CA
Adel E Zaki, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lucila Tarin, MD F
ID No. EQ0101
5823 York Blvd STE 1
Highland Park, CA 90042
(323) 255-1575
Languages: Spanish
Allergy & Immunology
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
McElrath-Garza, MD F
Glendale, CA
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 456
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 226-1100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Sergio B Villegas, MD M
ID No. EQ0076
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Spanish
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Colon& Rectal Surgery
Christopher K
Kaypekian, MD M
Northridge, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Lori M Hobbs, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Mark Schlesinger, MD M
Burbank, CA
Phillip Valentine, MD M
Torrance, CA
Diagnostic Radiology
Norma P Camacho, MA F
Whittier, CA
David D Broumandi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael H Vo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Audoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Diagnostci Radoi l gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Bethesda Yee-Chin
Gee, MD F
ID No. EQ0568
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 402
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 317-9200
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Diagnostci Radoi l gy
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Emergency Medicine
Ibrahim D Helmy, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Daniela Drake, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Joan R Orlando, MD F
Glendale, CA
Marynel Jelinek, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Anthony E Reid, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Philip G McKinley, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Endocrinology &
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Joseph S Ghazal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Yaroslav A Gofnung, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy& Metabol si m
Ming W Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Juan C Barrio, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Aerospace
Lisa Matzer, MD F
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Family Practice
Gloria I Kim, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Bernadette A Lim, DO F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
Specialty Physicians - Family Practice
Sean M McLaughlin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jason S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Tin C Botzler, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Solomon T
Woldegiorgis, MD M
Montebello, CA
Jerry K Wada, MD M
Glendale, CA
David De La Loza, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anika Yousefian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Hiv/Aids Specialist
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Rajesh L Gade, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Mehdi Khorsandi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai dsSpeciail st
Igor Gorokhov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Infectious Diseases
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cindy Huang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Sohanjeet S Bassi, MD M
West Covina, CA
Kwei Jones Quartey, MD
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Zelman G Weingarten, MD M Grace S Bautista, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Pasadena, CA
Padma N Kasula, MD F
Sierra Madre, CA
General Practice
Ernie Guzman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mushtaq A Khan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Ankur Kundu, MD M
Montebello, CA
General Surgery
Alan A Morgenstein, MD M
Glendale, CA
Angus Lo, MD M
Glendale, CA
John K Conrad, MD M
Burbank, CA
Joseph M Nussbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lucy J Lo, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Jewell G Parilla
Marron, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Pejman Naghdechi, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Richard A Foullon, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Luis Hernandez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Alan R Weiss, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Karen L Tsujimoto, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
General Vascular
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Derek T Phan, MD M
Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Sam H Carvajal, MD M
Glendale, CA
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Internal Medicine
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Pomona, CA
Patrick Alex, MD M
Glendora, CA
Rabi U Alam, MD M
Glendale, CA
Safi Satmah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hematology Oncology
Parham Amini, MD M
Glendale, CA
Chan Win, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Vascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
Specialty Physicians - Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Maternal & Fetal
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Grigor M Harutunian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Fatima N Janjua, MD F
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Michael Lem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Linares-Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Pomona, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Henry Levenson, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Toni K Morrissey, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Margarita Oveian, MD F
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Parvaneh Bahmani, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Ravinder Singh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Noha R Barsoum, MD F
North Hollywood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
William A Origel, MD M
Montebello, CA
Alane S Park, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Victor G Carabello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Haig Minassian, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Steven A Rabin, MD M
Burbank, CA
Eben I Feinstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John B Schlaerth, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jeffrey A Glick, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Richard J Bardowell, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Anita Kamarzarian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Yvonne C Bohn, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Joon Choi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
James T Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark A Curran, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Donna Shoupe, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Lisa Marie Vasquez, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Occupational Medicine
Samantha H Han, MD F
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalMedci ne
Cynthia Boxrud, MD F
North Hollywood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurological Surgery
Allison A Hill, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Pablo M Lawner, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Janice L Hull, MD F
Inglewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Janet Schori, MD F
Glendale, CA
Michael D Hadley, MD M
El Monte, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Victor M Wassily, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Richard L Friedman, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Bialick Tabibian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Brian M Brown, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Jason K Darlington, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Kathryn S Iwata, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Danny Benmoshe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Naim S Kassar, MD M
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Bruce A Finstead, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Calvin T Eng, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Keith E Kenyon Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Alan I Mandelberg, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Annette Billings, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Mario A Meallet, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
George B Stoneman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Payam Moazzaz, MD M
Oceanside, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Richard A Weise, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jahangir Sharifi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Sooren Karayan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Khaled A Tawansy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey N Roberts, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Juan C Frisancho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Dana P Tannenbaum, MD F
North Hollywood, CA
Leah E Mintz, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Yung R Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John R Hubanks, MD M
Glendale, CA
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Walter R O’Brien, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Pain Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John A Osterkamp, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Behnoush Y Zarrini, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Stephen G Owens, MD M
Pasadena, CA
David F Camara, MD M
Monrovia, CA
Kevin J Pelton, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Betty P Chun, MD
Montebello, CA
Jonathan R Saluta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Minh C Le, OD F
Pasadena, CA
Kathleen R Savage, MD F
El Monte, CA
Christina N Lu, OD F
North Hollywood, CA
Peter H Win, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Robert Abrams, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Noah A Blumofe, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Stanley K Mathis, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Than V Truong, DPM M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Trisha T Nguyen, OD F
Glendale, CA
Michael Bublik, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Kozur I Vazagov, OD F
Montebello, CA
David K Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Richard W Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hamlet C Garabedian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Hayward L Eubanks, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Armond Kotikian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Dun H Ha, MD M
Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -OralMaxil ofacai l Surgery
Ramadas Abboy, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -OralMaxil ofacai l Surgery
Pulmonary Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Eli E Hendel, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Gary K Kong, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Kevin B Lake, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Mayur C Patel, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
HealthCare Partners/Los Angeles, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Shailesh Patel, MD M
Burbank, CA
Thomas L Vander
Laan, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Santiago Zamudio, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Sheldon Reiss, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
John J Vandyke, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Therapeutic Radiology
Mental Health Providers
Bernard S Lewinsky, MD M
West Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -TherapeuticRadoi l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Stuart H Levine, MD M
Arcadia, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Radiation Oncology
Thoracic Surgery
David C Khan, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
William J Robertello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
William Barba, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Thomas P Bogaard, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daphne K Walker, MD F
Montebello, CA
Martin K Gelbard, MD M
Burbank, CA
Robert P Zimmerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael J Hyman, MD M
Burbank, CA
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Dan T La, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Miguel A Martinez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Vickram S Reehal, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Philip I Weintraub, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Louis M Zucker, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Sports Medicine Family
Ho J Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SportsMedci neFamyli
Vascular Surgery
Samuel K Chung, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
John K Conrad, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
David A Duarte, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard A Myles, MD M
Glendale, CA
Hany Farid, MD M
Mission Hills, CA
Sasan Najibi, MD M
Burbank, CA
Kyoo S Ro, MD M
Glendale, CA
Robert Pereyra, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Korean American Medical Group
Sung Nae Byun, MD M
ID No. 930229
2120 W 8th St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-2700
Languages: Korean,
Portuguese and Spanish
James C Hahn, MD M
ID No. 930107
3323 W Olympic Blvd
STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 735-1111
Languages: Korean
Cheong W Choi, MD M
ID No. 930170
16912 Sherman Way
Van Nuys, CA 91406
(818) 881-9444
Languages: Korean and
Hee S Jeong, MD M
ID No. 930314
2675 W Olympic Blvd
STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 387-1541
Languages: Korean
Edwin H Choi, MD M
ID No. 930198
3545 Wilshire Blvd STE 247
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 388-5144
Languages: Korean
Seung Ho Choi, MD M
ID No. 930126
1711 W Temple St STE 7606
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 207-5000
Languages: Korean and
Deno D Kang, MD M
ID No. 930196
18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 402-9801
Languages: Korean
Kyung S Yoo, MD M
ID No. 930295
15449 Parthenia St
North Hills, CA 91343
(818) 891-1616
Languages: Korean and
Soohun S Chong, MD M
ID No. 930169
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 510
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 481-0651
Languages: Korean and
Internal Medicine
Dong S Chung, MD M
ID No. 930106
2528 W Olympic Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 386-5002
Languages: Korean
Affiliated Hospitals
Good Samaritan Hospital L
1225 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Urgent Care Centers
Healthcare Partners Medical
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 623-3065
Family Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jung M Bae, MD M
ID No. 930202
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 503
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 389-3200
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hei P Kim, MD M
ID No. 930175
3663 W 6th St STE 203
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 480-1251
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Karen Kim, MD F
ID No. 930201
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Seung H Kim, MD M
ID No. 930336
3663 W 6th St STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 385-5500
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Korean American Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Young S Kim, MD M
ID No. 930110
2405 W 8th St STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 383-3994
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Pyoung Il J Kwon, MD M
ID No. 930174
4220 W 3rd St STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-4141
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dong H Lee, MD M
ID No. 930335
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Duck Lim, MD M
ID No. 930338
10700 Balboa Blvd
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(818) 366-6550
Languages: Korean and
Larry T Suk, MD M
ID No. 930332
15435 S. Western Ave. Suite
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 515-9871
Languages: Korean
Wilson H Park, MD M
ID No. 930116
3663 W 6th St STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 383-4000
Languages: Korean
Seon H Whang, MD M
ID No. 930151
3663 W 6th St STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 381-7272
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dae S Rheem, MD M
ID No. 930337
505 S Virgil Ave STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 381-3630
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kyu B Lee, MD M
ID No. 930003
201 S Alvarado St STE 814
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4936
Languages: Korean
Dong W Shin, MD M
ID No. 930304
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 220
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 738-7788
Martin H Lee, MD M
ID No. 930112
3188 W Olympic Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 480-0711
Languages: Korean and
Hyang E Sohn, MD F
ID No. 930313
266 S Harvard Blvd STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 739-8822
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Young Jik Lee, MD M
ID No. 930098
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mark M Song, MD M
ID No. 930088
3663 W 6th St STE 307
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 736-1884
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jae Yoo, MD M
ID No. 930199
966 S Western Ave STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 731-2001
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Eun J Yoon, MD F
ID No. 930230
2017 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 480-1000
Languages: Korean,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sung Jeen J Hong, MD M
ID No. 930171
3000 W Olympic Blvd
STE 304
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-1122
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Pedai trci s
Mi Jeong Lee, MD F
ID No. 930315
2675 W Olympic Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 252-0036
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Korean American Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Pediatrics
Dong J Yi, MD M
ID No. 930019
1058 S Vermont Ave STE 227
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 368-6025
Languages: Korean
Guy S Mayeda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher T Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steve S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bruce S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Edward E Abdullah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mariola L Ficinski, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph S Kim, MD M
ID No. 930100
3000 W Olympic Bl STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-1388
Languages: Korean
Anil K Bhandari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven Burstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
David S Cannom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Paul M Choi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Andrew J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence S Mihalas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Faye Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Dae S Rheem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Cardiac Electrophysiology Bruce L Macrum, MD M
Marc J Girsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pilsoo Oh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
General Surgery
Carlos A Cosenza, MD M
Tarzana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Ray V Matthews, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Charles Pollick, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
William L Discepolo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Wesley R Heartfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ali Gheissari, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Grace Jeon, MD F
Sherman Oaks, CA
James T Wu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Troy M Lamar, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Vincent A O’Donnell
Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Terrence J
Fitzgibbons, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Christina H
Economides, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Ivan C Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Diana M Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Bengt F Pehrsson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Do H Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Song S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Hector C Ramos, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Augusto A Zablan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Korean American Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Hematology
Alexander Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neurological Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph M Nussbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Larry T Khoo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Cary H Gota, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Internal Medicine
Leo E Orr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Martin H Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lasika C Seneviratne, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Dae S Rheem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jerry K Wada, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Medical Oncology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Phillip C Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Daniel W Chang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Ivan A Fras, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Hematology Oncology
Cary H Gota, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sang H Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ellsworth R Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Glendale, CA
Lasika C Seneviratne, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Moon S Chang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mark A Dwight, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Elsa M Aguiniga, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Eben I Feinstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bruce A Greenfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Deno D Kang, MD M
Artesia, CA
Kim C Le, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Sora Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Tuan T Ngo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Diseases
James T Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ronald S Fishbach, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Mark M Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sangjoon J Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Sangjoon J Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Michael Lem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Alane S Park, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Min S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Jerry K Wada, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Samantha H Han, MD F
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
David D Shin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Eduardo O Lim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Monica E Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Jason S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Clan H Hahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ronald F Young, MD M
Thousand Oaks, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Ellsworth R Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Patrick T Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Peter H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Korean American Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Sang H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Edward W Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sangdo Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Soo Y Song Yoon, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan R Saluta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Min Spark, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Sun Min Park, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Marc A Samson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Occupational Therapy
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Tae M Shin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Benjamin S Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Samantha J Chai, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Andrew S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven S Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steven I Bai, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christina M McAlpin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Joanne S Kim, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Lea Mintz, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Somi Kim, OD
Los Angeles, CA
Sol Silberstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lorie J Kook, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Min Spark, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology
Gene S Han, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Annette Billings, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
John Ho, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Steven G Khwarg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cathleen A Godzik, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Hans H Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hose Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Stanley S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jai H Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sheldon K Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Yong J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
H Michael M Mynatt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jason Rhee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Sung H Chin, OT
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Therapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Gene S Han, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Richard W Clark, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Clifford J Bochner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Perinatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Physical Med & Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMed& Rehab
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Korean American Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Physical Medicine & Rehab
Sterling L Malish, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Physical Medicine &
Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Eli R Capouya, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Myeong C Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Louis S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peter C Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Radiation Oncology
Robert J Gottner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Physical Therapy
David Huang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Se Yong Choi, PT
Los Angeles, CA
Keith E Kenyon Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jimmy Hinghiran, PT M
Los Angeles, CA
David C Khan, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Hiram Masayon, PT
Los Angeles, CA
Bernard S Lewinsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Plastic Surgery
Janice J Rha, MD F
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Stephen D Bragin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Abbey B Gaske, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Moez Khorzandi, DO
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Jennifer N Keagle, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
William J Robertello, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
John J Kowalczyk, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Edward H Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Afshin A Safa, MD M
Northridge, CA
Peter Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel C Schiffner, MD M
Northridge, CA
Heamin T Shin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Robert P Zimmerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Samuel K Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Chang H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Luke W Yoon, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Roy Artal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Health Providers
Clinical Psychology
Uri M Zisblatt, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Sookyung Chang, PhD
Los Angeles, CA
Andrew J Fishmann, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Brian N Huh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Man C Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Brian S Kahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Therapeutic Radiology
Richard Sohn, PhD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
John R Chalison, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Janice J Rha, MD F
Montebello, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Clni cal Psychol ogy
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -TherapeuticRadoi l ogy
Sucha Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
California Hospital Medical
Center/Los Angeles L
1401 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Glendale Memorial Hospital
& Health Center L
1420 S Central Ave
Glendale, CA 91204
Hollywood Presbyterian
Medical Center L
1300 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Agop Aintablian, MD M
ID No. XJ0052
416 E Colorado St STE A
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 507-1305
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Italian
PCPs -Cardoi l ogy
Family Practice
Vigen V Abovian, MD M
ID No. XJ0040
435 Arden Ave STE 330
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 548-8001
Languages: Arabic, Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ernest Y Casillas, MD M
ID No. XJ0270
2010 Wilshire Blvd STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Wen Shi Chang, MD F
ID No. XJ0277
801 S Chevy Chase Dr
STE 250
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 265-2264
Languages: Chinese, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sun Ling Chen, MD F
ID No. XJ0051
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Caroucel K Chuateco, MD F
ID No. XJ0214
1663 Beverly Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-0235
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard Doyan, MD M
ID No. XJ0055
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 200
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 244-5444
Languages: Armenian,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
22201 Sherman Way
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(626) 449-9814
Languages: Armenian,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. XJ0212
14117 Hubbard St STE M
Sylmar, CA 91342
(818) 833-3066
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Terry M Lee, MD M
ID No. XJ0196
600 N Garfield Ave STE 111
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 280-3651
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
Sarvenaz S
Mobasser, MD M
ID No. XJ0018
204 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 457-4000
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
General Practice
Also located at:
14135 Francisquito Ave
STE 106
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 960-3753
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
Senam E Oraha, MD F
ID No. XJ0218
2101 N Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 664-2931
Languages: Arabic
Ara Airapetian, MD M
ID No. XJ0281
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven L Rosenblatt, MD M
ID No. XJ0093
4137 Verdugo Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 344-9255
Languages: Spanish
Po-Long Lew, OD M
ID No. XJ0028
421 E Angelino Ave
STE 102-103
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 845-6800
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ferdinant Saran, MD M
ID No. XJ0068
1510 S Central Ave STE 515
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 243-4600
Languages: Amharic and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mignon W Marquina, MD F
ID No. XJ0280
4139 Verdugo Rd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 258-2256
Languages: Spanish
Yervand W Set
Agayan, DO M
ID No. XJ0021
800 S Central Ave STE 306
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 242-5300
Languages: Armenian and
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. XJ0293
3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 664-4777
Languages: Farsi
David N Steinberg, MD M
ID No. XJ0046
1513 S Grand Ave STE 320
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 747-7307
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Aret Akian, MD M
ID No. XJ0043
1711 W Temple St STE 5662
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 431-8660
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Geoffrey K Lloyd, DO M
ID No. XJ0108
201 S Buena Vista St
STE 300
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 842-7145
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. XJ0099
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Zaven M Arslanian, MD M
ID No. XJ0229
633 N Central Ave STE 107
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 244-6633
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Farsi
PCPs -General Practci e
Ernesto B Banaag, MD M
ID No. XJ0215
3056 Fletcher Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 256-2231
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Benjamin Behroozan, MD M
ID No. XJ0102
5255 W Sunrise Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Marina Gold, MD F
ID No. XJ0065
631 E Colorado Ave STE C
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 507-8181
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
Alberto V Natividad, MD M
ID No. XJ0236
1711 W Temple St STE 3200
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-1951
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Farough Kerendi, MD
ID No. XJ0186
6360 Wilshire Blvd STE 414
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 655-1930
Earla E Quisido, MD F
ID No. XJ0115
1711 W Temple St FL 6
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 483-8300
Languages: Spanish, Swedish
and Tagalog
Elizabeth J
Covington, MD F
ID No. XJ0076
3701 Stocker St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2107
Languages: Spanish
Karine Gaboian, MD F
ID No. XJ0070
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Armenian and
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. XJ0062
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. XJ0216
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Stephen M Levine, MD M
ID No. XJ0185
1030 S Glendale Ave STE 404 Herach H Yadegarian, MD M
Glendale, CA 91205
ID No. XJ0138
(818) 240-9911
800 S Central Ave STE 308
Glendale, CA 91204
Reynaldo L Makabali, MD M (818) 240-8767
ID No. XJ0058
Languages: Armenian and
2400 W 7th St STE 114
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 389-9595
Internal Medicine
Languages: Spanish and
Gemelia H Aguilera, MD F
ID No. XJ0172
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
2411 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(213) 389-9595
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Yafa M Mishkanian, MD
ID No. XJ0080
5255 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
3761 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 663-2100
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Agop Aintablian, MD M
ID No. XJ0052
416 E Colorado St STE A
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 507-1305
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Italian
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Rao L Atluri, MD M
ID No. XJ0177
14051 E Ramona Pkwy
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 338-7338
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Emil Avanes, MD M
ID No. XJ0056
3600 N Verdugo Rd STE 202
Glendale, CA 91208
(626) 369-7470
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Harout R Balian, MD M
ID No. XJ0035
333 N Hill Ave STE 101
Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 449-9911
Languages: Armenian,
French and Russian
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. XJ0279
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6673
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Roshanak Eftekhari, MD
ID No. XJ0190
1300 N Vermont Ave STE 807
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 660-5191
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
Laila C Hanna, MD F
ID No. XJ0230
1911 W Glenoaks Blvd STE B
Glendale, CA 91201
(818) 843-6640
Languages: Arabic, Egyptian
and French
Mohamed A El
Shahawy, MD M
ID No. XJ0037
1510 S Central Ave STE 210
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 956-2111
Languages: Arabic
Martin Hauptschein, MD M
ID No. XJ0066
2080 Century Park E
STE 1006
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-6777
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Harvey V Brown, MD M
ID No. XJ0192
1400 S Grand Ave STE 605
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-0910
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ranjit A Cordeiro, MD M
ID No. XJ0191
110 N Fourth Ave
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 966-3499
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Imad A Elasmar, MD M
ID No. XJ0072
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Arabic, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mirna P Elias, MD F
ID No. XJ0213
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nouneh O Danielyan, MD M
ID No. XJ0104
5220 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 913-9300
Languages: Armenian and
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. XJ0183
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Paul A Duron, MD M
ID No. XJ0050
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Eli E Hendel, MD M
ID No. XJ0054
1500 S Central Ave STE 117
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 500-9545
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jose L Hernandez, MD M
ID No. XJ0188
201 S Buena Vista St
STE 300
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 842-7145
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Marcel A Filart, MD M
ID No. XJ0060
1300 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 913-4222
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Warren Hosseinion, MD M
ID No. XJ0031
9449 San Fernando Rd
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 252-2844
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
Krikor I Kalindjian, MD M
ID No. XJ0071
1300 N Vermont Ave STE 807
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 660-5191
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
ID No. XJ0210
1500 S Central Ave STE 300
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 242-0475
Languages: Armenian and
Also located at:
2256 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8511
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
William D King M
ID No. XJ0208
3756 Santa Rosalia Dr
STE 506
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 617-5409
Also located at:
1540 W Covina Pkwy STE 102
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 377-8546
Languages: Armenian and
Also located at:
3056 Fletcher Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 256-2231
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
Vasanth K Kumar, MD M
ID No. XJ0294
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 205
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-2577
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Tamil
Gayle V Mitchell, MD M
ID No. XJ0131
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 316-9461
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
5425 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 258-0015
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
700 N Brand Blvd STE 450
Glendale, CA 91203
(626) 396-8050
Languages: Armenian,
Persian and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Fowrooz S Joolhar, MD F
ID No. XJ0209
1510 1510 S Central Ave
STE 650
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 552-5010
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mehdi Manzari, MD M
ID No. XJ0184
9449 San Fernando Rd
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 252-2844
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Melikterminas, MD M
ID No. XJ0041
303 S Glenoaks Blvd STE 1
Burbank, CA 91502
(818) 569-7159
Languages: Armenian, Farsi
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1720 E Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 264-4114
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Barry A Morguelan, MD M
ID No. XJ0112
201 S Alvarado St STE 602
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-5010
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Charles I Okonkwo, MD M
ID No. XJ0084
231 W Vernon Ave STE 105
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 234-7200
Languages: Nigerian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Rodolfo B Protacio, MD M
ID No. XJ0146
1510 S Central Ave STE 540
Glendale, CA 91204
(818) 500-8739
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dae S Rheem, MD M
ID No. XJ0291
505 S Virgil Ave STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 381-3630
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2256 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8511
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3056 Fletcher Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 256-6211
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ricardo R Roman, MD M
ID No. XJ0233
4708 Eagle Rock Blvd
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
(323) 254-3700
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
5425 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 258-0015
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert K Rothbart, MD M
ID No. XJ0285
1400 S Grand Ave STE 605
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-0910
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Radhika Tulpule, MD F
ID No. XJ0095
110 N 4th Ave
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 859-6400
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Adrian C Vazquez, MD M
ID No. XJ0231
700 N Brand Blvd STE 220
Glendale, CA 91203
(626) 839-5200
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
9449 San Fernando Rd
Sun Valley, CA 91352
(818) 252-2844
Languages: Spanish
Tai Hing Wu, MD M
ID No. XJ0023
415 W Valley Blvd STE C
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 943-9240
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Reynaldo C Zapata, MD M
ID No. XJ0296
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 211
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-6207
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Scott J Foust, MD M
ID No. XJ0189
1704 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 256-4116
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -Pedai trci s
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arturo R Vega, MD M
ID No. XJ0295
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kin C Wong, MD M
ID No. XJ0134
435 Arden Ave STE 310
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 247-6676
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Peter P Parker, MD M
Encino, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Kin C Wong, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
John P McKenzie III, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Michael K McLean, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
James T Wu, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiology
Joseph S Ghazal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Juma A Bharadia, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Marc J Girsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Joseph S Ghazal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Yih J Kok, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Mohamed A Latif, MD M
Glendale, CA
Don W Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Don W Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Edwin A Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Edwin A Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Faye Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Faye Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Critical Care Medicine
Stanley K Lau, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Stanley K Lau, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Petar Vukasin, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Marc J Girsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
McElrath-Garza, MD F
Glendale, CA
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Eben I Feinstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Kristy F Fleming, Md F
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
John J Guagenti, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
John P McKenzie III, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
John P McKenzie III, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Haroutioun D
Mesrobian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Navid Nami, DO M
Newport Beach, CA
Charles I Okonkwo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Betty Jelen, MD F
Whittier, CA
Martha Preciado, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Thelma Linda S
Lamorena, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Sanjay Sharma, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Martha Preciado, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Haroutioun D
Mesrobian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Charles I Okonkwo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Leopoldo G
Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Family Practice
Harry Balian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Khaldoun S Sroujieh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Narine Arutyounian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Raed Bargout, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Michael S Burton, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Rita M Muradian, DC F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Juma A Bharadia, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Anait A Galfaian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Robert W Beart Jr, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Col on& Rectal Surgery
Vigen Khojayan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Family Practice
Renato V Mungcal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John C Kang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Antonio Zamorano, DO M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
McElrath-Garza, MD F
Glendale, CA
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Dario Perez, MD M
Glendale, CA
Arash Alborzi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Frederick A
Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Mehdi Khorsandi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Sawssan N Barakat, MD F
Northridge, CA
Kevin W Berger, MD M
Glendale, CA
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Bruce A Greenfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Warren Hosseinion, MD M
Sun Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Ariel Malamud, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Barry A Morguelan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sang Hoon Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ghassan M Al
Jazayrly, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Zelman G
Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Arash I Zarimani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
General Practice
Clan H Hahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Gor Agababian, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Hematology Oncology
Warren Hosseinion, MD M
Sun Valley, CA
Vasanth K Kumar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
General Surgery
Gargi H Upadhyaya, MD M
Glendora, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Carlos A Cosenza, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Infectious Diseases
Eduard Dudukgian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jean-Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Charles C Guidry Jr, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Jamie J Lin, MD F
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Jose M Perez, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Parviz Javdan, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Internal Medicine
Aaron I Jeng, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Maternal & Fetal
Kevin R Justus, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
John M Arcia, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Dariush Arfaania, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ranjit A Cordeiro, MD M
Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sam F Daneshvari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Gholam H Farboody, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Anita Kamarzarian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Kim C Le, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Krishna J Mohan, MD M
Covina, CA
Garnik A Yegyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Harold T Peart, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Nicholas A Rogers, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Henry G Nebeker, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Sean Xie, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Norma C Salceda, MD F
Pacoima, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Nurse Practitioner
Tuan T Ngo, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ana Siler, PA F
Glendale, CA
Ignacio Valdes, MD M
Glendale, CA
Artashes Patrikyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Levon A
Ter-Bagdasarian, NP M
Glendale, CA
Arus Zograbyan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Sang Hoon Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sheri A Pham, MD F
Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-NursePracti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Farhad Rezvani, MD M
Covina, CA
John F Cabrera, MD M
Glendale, CA
James T Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas J Cachur, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Ghassan M Al
Jazayrly, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Erik V Sitker, MD M
Burbank, CA
Joon Choi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Glendale, CA
Michel Zakari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Shobhana Gandhi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Nubar Boghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Neurological Surgery
Armine Ghazaryan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Clan H Hahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joslyn L Gumbs, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Lance K Gravely, Md M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Kyoo S Ro, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Albert Baktanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Samantha H Han, MD F
Burbank, CA
Armen J Cherik, MD M
Glendale, CA
Ryan K Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Grigor M Harutunian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Jose M Medrano, MD M
Burbank, CA
Mukhtair S Kundi, MD M
West Covina, CA
Eduard Minas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kathleen J Dennis
Zarate, MD F
Glendale, CA
David A Thompson, MD M
Glendale, CA
Sang H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sherif M El Harazi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Sunil G Bhandarkar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Rizwan A Bhatti, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Joseph Eshaghian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sol Silberstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Michelle Roberts, PA F
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Pain Management
Yunna Shumilova, PA
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Kay L Park, MD F
Glendale, CA
Christopher K
Kaypekian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cheryl J Powell, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Leon G Robb, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Marta A Recasens, MD F
Glendale, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Yu-Chin Chiu, DPM F
El Monte, CA
Lennis P Burke, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Robert T Hatanaka, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Elizabeth R De
Oliveira, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Nathan A Javari, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Charles A Blaine II, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pani Management
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Mehran Taban, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Bogard Chang, OD
Los Angeles, CA
Physical Medicine &
Jirasetpatana, DPM F
Glendale, CA
Myeong C Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer N Keagle, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Nouriel Niamehr, DO M
Pasadena, CA
Sooren Karayan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Andrew C La, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Physician Assistant
Martin Moradian, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Moris Aynechi, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oral Maxli ofaci alSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne& Rehab
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Christine Ayvazyan, PA F
Glendale, CA
Kevin J Pelton, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Jonathan E Casillas, PA M
Los Angeles, CA
Babak Samimi, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Peter S Park, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Richard J Sarte, DPM M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Jamie Cordoba, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Soheil Samimi, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Arturo Dominguez, PA M
Glendale, CA
Benjamin S Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Ruben Filian, PA M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Artine Kokshanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Salis K Shrestha, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Philip R Shupe, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Thu K Van, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Irving H Huynh, PA
West Covina, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
Christina M McAlpin, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Elisabeth S Youn, DPM F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Crystal L Rene De
Cotret, PA
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nAs si tant
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Maverick Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
Makabis Yousefpour, DPM M Surgery
Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer N Keagle, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Harvey V Brown, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ioan C Campeanu, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Hung Che, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Kevork K Iskenderian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Randall F Roberts, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Radiation Oncology
Inessa Essaian, MD F
Glendale, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Michael K McLean, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Robert K Rothbart, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Azhar U Haq, MD M
West Covina, CA
Lukas Alexanian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Arthur Pogosyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
James T Wu, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Abigail M Stanton, MD F
Glendale, CA
Mental Heatl hProviders-Psychai try
Sundera V Ariathurai, MD M
Glendale, CA
Transplant Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
David Huang, MD M
El Segundo, CA
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Transpl antSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
David C Khan, MD M
El Segundo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Han J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Mi Kyung Ko, MD F
El Segundo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Kevin Lin, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Daniel C Schiffner, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Uri M Zisblatt, MD M
El Segundo, CA
Thomas P Bogaard, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Derboghossian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Moez Khorsandi, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Samuel K Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Dan T La, MD M
Glendale, CA
Vascular Surgery
William B Cohen, MD M
West Hollywood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Seymour Levine, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Mental Health Providers
Clinical Psychology
Catherine Schifrin, PhD F
Burbank, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Cil nci al Psychol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Lakewood Regional Medical
Center L
3700 E South St
Lakewood, CA 90712
St Francis Medical Center
3630 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. TJ0248
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hector R Castillo, MD M
ID No. TJ0169
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
Whittier Hospital Medical
9080 Colima Rd
Whittier, CA 90605
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Edgar A Chavez, MD M
ID No. TJ0236
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David C DiLettera, DO M
ID No. TJ0251
2390 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 728-7271
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Family Practice
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. TJ0257
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
Jose Aceves, MD M
ID No. TJ0002
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. TJ0030
11903 Downey Ave
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 869-1221
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arash Lalezary, MD M
ID No. TJ0154
7218 Garfield Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1111
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Agustin J Lara, MD M
ID No. TJ0237
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. TJ0247
3300 E South St STE 305
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. TJ0151
3512 E Florence
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Samuel L McMillan, MD M
ID No. TJ0185
6300 Florence Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 928-9700
Languages: French
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
4137 N Maine Ave
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 480-0160
Languages: French
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
ID No. TJ0242
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
Reuven F Sison, MD M
ID No. TJ0142
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish and
Constant K Chan, MD M
ID No. TJ0273
10007 State St
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 566-3157
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. TJ0277
3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 664-7777
Languages: Farsi
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. TJ0252
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
Khulood Y Cotta, MD F
ID No. TJ0026
4946 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 773-0591
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
4036 Whittier Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 796-0500
Languages: Farsi
General Practice
Manouchehr Esmaili, MD M
ID No. TJ0027
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 1
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-5757
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bijan Motamedi, MD M
ID No. TJ0276
2121 S San Pedro St
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(213) 742-0300
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Angel G Perez, MD M
ID No. TJ0174
6517 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Omar Perez, MD M
ID No. TJ0046
10728 E Ramona Blvd STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-9430
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. TJ0258
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. TJ0029
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
Ludvik Artinyan, MD M
ID No. TJ0009
5300 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 461-5882
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Turkish
PCPs -General Practci e
Eung K Bai, MD M
ID No. TJ0013
12017 E Rosecrans Ave
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-2027
Languages: Korean
PCPs -General Practci e
Michael Bazel, MD M
ID No. TJ0015
4001 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-0595
Languages: Russian, Spanish
and Ukranian
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. TJ0243
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Violeta A Galdamez, MD F
ID No. TJ0245
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. TJ0244
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
Nijole Glaze, MD F
ID No. TJ0207
3611 M L King Jr Blvd
STE 102
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 608-3600
Languages: Russian
Nissan Kahen, MD M
ID No. TJ0036
5504 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-0167
Languages: Farsi and
Also located at:
937 S Alvarado St STE D1
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(310) 608-3600
Languages: Russian
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. TJ0217
7643 Atlantic Ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1713
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. TJ0219
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Fernando Q
Gonzales, MD M
ID No. TJ0170
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0161
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Shahla Kohanzadeh, MD F
ID No. TJ0136
803 S Alvarado St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 381-1117
Languages: Spanish
Clifton V Lee, MD M
ID No. TJ0267
4361 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90062
(323) 295-5446
Henrico Mungcal, MD M
ID No. TJ0238
1937 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 591-7302
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Rosalind G
Pallivathucal, MD F
ID No. TJ0044
6120 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-8393
Languages: Malayalam and
PCPs -General Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. TJ0268
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
7507 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-0088
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Saeid Sadighi, MD M
ID No. TJ0005
2701 Firestone Blvd STE W
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 249-6162
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
11702 E Imperial Hwy
STE 110
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-8655
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Dennis J Sanchez, MD M
ID No. TJ0006
9306 Alondra Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 866-9100
Languages: Spanish
Edward Alexander, MD M
ID No. TJ0259
3000 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 262-6935
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3529 Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 566-1700
Languages: Spanish
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. TJ0021
1700 E Cesar Chavez Ave
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 526-2880
Languages: Spanish
Rosario F Sison, MD F
ID No. TJ0191
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 582-8612
Languages: Spanish
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. TJ0016
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
Internal Medicine
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. TJ0004
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
8327 Davis St STE 202
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8055
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Don D Cho, MD M
ID No. TJ0271
13818 Pioneer Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-3775
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Robert J Cons, MD M
ID No. TJ0153
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Javier Davila, MD M
ID No. TJ0265
7630 Painter Ave
Whittier, CA 90602
(563) 693-4325
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
William Essilfie, MD M
ID No. TJ0066
1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 307
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 715-6100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Azmy F Ghaly, MD M
ID No. TJ0250
1700 Cesar Chavez STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shehnaz N Habib, MD F
ID No. TJ0274
8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 602-2508
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. TJ0034
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. TJ0035
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. TJ0249
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Deno D Kang, MD M
ID No. TJ0233
18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 408-9801
Languages: Korean
Shura A Moreno, MD M
ID No. TJ0266
4146 E Olympic Blvd STE B
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 262-9948
Languages: Spanish
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. TJ0246
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
Soo W Kang, MD M
ID No. TJ0232
11832 E Rosecrans Ave
STE 127
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-6256
Languages: Korean and
Also located at:
7301 State St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-5120
Languages: Spanish
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. TJ0278
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Pramod Multani, MD M
ID No. TJ0041
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. TJ0270
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Christine U Nguyen, MD F
ID No. TJ0042
7128 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-2186
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lakshman D
Makandura, MD M
ID No. TJ0261
910 S Sunset Ave STE 8
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 338-8407
Languages: Sinhalese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2219 S Hacienda Blvd
STE 101
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-2461
Languages: Sinhalese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. TJ0040
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. TJ0240
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Francicso M Quijas, MD M
ID No. TJ0254
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Raghunathan, MD M
ID No. TJ0047
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 663-9191
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Siamak Rouzroch, MD M
ID No. TJ0275
1703 Termino Ave STE 107
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8008
Languages: Farsi, German
and Thai
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shirish B Patel, MD M
ID No. TJ0045
5220 Clark St STE 125
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 925-7401
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Nagesh R Shetty, MD M
ID No. TJ0227
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2701 E Gage Ave STE 102
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 923-6060
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Min S Shin, MD M
ID No. TJ0012
2968 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-1500
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. TJ0024
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 201
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-3131
Cardiovascular Disease
Medardo C Supnet, MD M
ID No. TJ0264
3585 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 605-4260
Languages: Spanish and
Donna M Gallik, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Joseph K Song, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Konstantinos D
Vlachonassios, MD M
Downey, CA
Bruce Friedman, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
John I Lauridsen, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alireza Jafari, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Also located at:
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE C
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-8605
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. TJ0269
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Steven M Buell, DC M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Otto Y Liao, MD M
Tustin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Chao I Lin, MD M
Orange, CA
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Steven M Meltzer, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Keerthi R Desilva, MD M
Gardena, CA
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Min S Shin, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Anil K Dev, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Mehdi Zargarian, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
William Essilfie, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
Samia A Khwaja, MD F
Long Beach, CA
General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sean Cao, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Tae Y Lee, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jose N Montano, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Shahriare Nasse
Moaddeli, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Herbert L Duvivier, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kyaw Moe, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Hematology Oncology
Mojtaba Moghadam, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Medical Oncology
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Placentia, CA
Herbert L Duvivier, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Amna A Rizvi, MD F
San Dimas, CA
Syed M Rizvi, MD M
Covina, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Michael H Bien, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Rodrigo J Rocha, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Pradip C Chowdhury, MD M
Montebello, CA
John K Shaib, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jennifer M Imparato, DO F
Whittier, CA
Aamir Z Jamal, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Vellore R Bhupathy, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Pedro Cepeda, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Zia Hashemi, MD M
Bell, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Sandra Nieto, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Silas J Thomas, MD M
Compton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Neurological Surgery
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Brian M Brown, MD M
Downey, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
David S Boyer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Kevin T Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gwen M Allen, MD F
Gardena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogicalSurgery
Ramon N Guadiz, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Sita Yanamadala, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Paramount, CA
Duc H Duong, MD M
Downey, CA
Sepideh Zahedy
Kapusta, MD F
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Claudio H Gallego, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Jayakumar R Vidhun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Harley R Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Kenneth Cohn, MD M
South Gate, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Khalifa Mansour, MD M
Downey, CA
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Joseph K Hsu, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Alejandro M
Arredondo, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Alejandro M
Arrendondo, DO M
Huntington Park, CA
Physical Medicine &
Ziyad A Ayyoub, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Rostam Kavoossi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Carlos F Montoya Jr, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Orlando Camacho, OD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Anne M Nguyen, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lynne D Louie, OD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Nhu Q Ly, OD F
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Evelyn M Perez, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Orthopedic Surgery
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Charles H Alexander, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert J Bohr, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Miguel A Unzueta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
La Habra, CA
Paul T Urrea, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kyle Low, MD M
La Habra, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Bindesh A Shah, MD M
La Habra, CA
Jeffrey V Winston, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Jeanie N Yamanaka, MD F
Monterey Park, CA
Pedia Critical Care
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Mark S Linam, DPM M
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Jack Morgan, DPM M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Alvin W Ung, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Zacharia Y Reda, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi aCrti calCare
Pulmonary Disease
Vijay V Kamdar, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Joseph I Sandler, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Darice T Yang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Therapeutic Radiology
Clifford J Merlo, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Nuestra Familia Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Thoracic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
James G McPherson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Alexander G Stein, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jonathan E Perley, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
OmniCare Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
St Francis Medical Center
3630 E Imperial Hwy
Lynwood, CA 90262
Urgent Care Centers
Talbert Medical
2925 N Palo Verde
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 429-2473
Family Practice
Eleanor V Azurin, MD F
ID No. CW0302
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-7771
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
8706 Imperial Hwy
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-8300
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Man Vuong Dac, MD M
ID No. CW0274
3649 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 583-6333
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Asdghig D Daderian, MD F
ID No. CW0548
803 E Rosecrans Ave
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 605-4800
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Spanish
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. CW0066
11411 Brookshire Ave
STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
Kailash R Dhamija, MD M
ID No. CW0501
3760 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
Eduardo J Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. CW0484
3625 M L King Jr Blvd STE 7
Lynwood, CA 90262
(323) 763-1336
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
18326 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 860-5599
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Karen T Dix, MD F
ID No. CW0456
20401 S Avalon Blvd STE C
Carson, CA 90746
(562) 728-8700
Languages: Cambodian,
Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jose Mari L Elacion, MD M
ID No. CW0504
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 214
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-8001
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David A Guerrero, MD M
ID No. CW0462
2210 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(310) 635-1852
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael D Hamilton, MD M
ID No. CW0449
333 Nutwood St STE B
Inglewood, CA 90301
(562) 693-0483
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khang V Hoang, MD M
ID No. CW0481
13672 Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(610) 644-5097
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dhamija Kailash, MD M
ID No. CW0503
3670 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 595-7467
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Fred B Kyazze, MD M
ID No. CW0240
11905 S Central Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90059
(323) 566-6911
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
1410 W Alondra Blvd STE C
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 637-3680
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Florencia M
Mangune, MD F
ID No. CW0224
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 110
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-2021
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
5101 E Florence Ave STE 9
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 560-4673
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bambi Nickelberry, MD F
ID No. CW0039
248 N Locust St
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-3737
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
457 S Long Beach Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(562) 761-8461
Languages: Spanish
Shrikant Tamhane, MD M
ID No. CW0493
1045 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 135
Gardena, CA 90247
(562) 627-6812
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
General Practice
Edward Austin, MD M
ID No. CW0528
1331 E Compton Blvd
Compton, CA 90221
(562) 763-4250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. CW0556
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Virgilio C
Panganiban, MD M
ID No. CW0173
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 103
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7033
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. CW0042
7444 E Florence Ave STE G
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 806-9955
Languages: Spanish
Christopher Snyder, DO M
ID No. CW0439
2700 E Slauson Ave STE 200
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-8558
Languages: Spanish
Mohammad Riaz, MD M
ID No. CW0210
16444 Paramount Blvd
STE 103
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-7790
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Lee G Razalan, MD M
ID No. CW0013
2511 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 424-4661
Languages: Spanish and
Joseph C Rudison, MD M
ID No. CW0015
9014 S Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 755-1155
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael Bazel, MD M
ID No. CW0324
4001 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-0595
Languages: Russian, Spanish
and Ukranian
PCPs -General Practci e
Reuven F Sison, MD M
ID No. CW0510
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Jatin C Bhatt, MD M
ID No. CW0057
3621 M L King Blvd STE 8
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 637-0677
Languages: Hindi
Also located at:
2700 Slauson STE 200
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-8558
Languages: Hindi
Also located at:
457 S Long Beach Blvd
Compton, CA 90220
(310) 731-8461
Languages: Hindi
Also located at:
7840 Imperial Hwy STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 603-6552
Languages: Hindi
Hor B Chhay, MD M
ID No. CW0500
1862 E Anaheim St
Long Beach, CA 90813
(562) 218-4296
Languages: Cambodian and
Daniel Enayati, MD M
ID No. CW0506
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-8910
Languages: Spanish
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. CW0514
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Zia Hashemi, MD M
ID No. CW0281
4070 Tweedy Blvd STE E
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 563-2222
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Mahendra G Sanathra, MD M
ID No. CW0295
2015 E Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 581-0000
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Also located at:
4750 Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-1100
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
Nabil N Soliman, MD M
ID No. CW0333
11946 Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 675-1136
Languages: Arabic and
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. CW0482
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
Mark C Tsai, MD M
ID No. CW0509
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 101
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-6341
Languages: Chinese and
Nissan Kahen, MD M
ID No. CW0272
5504 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-0167
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
Behrooz B Yagoobian, MD M
ID No. CW0152
15730 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 634-1000
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Nabil H Khoury, MD M
ID No. CW0199
14906 Paramount Blvd
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 630-1991
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. CW0031
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
8327 Davis St STE 202
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-8055
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Peter P Poon, MD M
ID No. CW0442
9817 Arkansas St
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 867-8881
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Lawrence S Cohn, MD M
ID No. CW0220
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 202
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-9977
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Patel S Gnyandev, MD M
ID No. CW0498
9604 Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 599-4599
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sohail M Davoudian, MD M
ID No. CW0344
1959 Kingsdale Ave
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 214-1000
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
3300 E South St STE 206
Lakewood, CA 90805
(562) 232-2380
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Verretta Deorosan, MD F
ID No. CW0353
1045 W Redondo Beach Blvd
STE 115
Gardena, CA 90247
(323) 779-2800
Languages: Spanish and
Valentin Hernandez, MD M
ID No. CW0318
13440 S Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 219-0941
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
5230 Pacific Concourse Dr
STE 110
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 649-4800
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thutrang Do, DO F
ID No. CW0512
15735 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 111
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-1300
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. CW0491
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John K Liu, MD M
ID No. CW0565
12954 S Hawthorne Blvd
STE 104
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 679-0269
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Glenn A Marshak, MD M
ID No. CW0499
3175 E Firestone Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 587-8910
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. CW0080
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manfred Molina, MD M
ID No. CW0019
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-4373
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dat Q Nguyen, MD M
ID No. CW0494
12954 S Hawthorne Blvd
STE 104
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 679-0269
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
24007 Ventura Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90302
(562) 901-4714
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Orlando Pile, MD M
ID No. CW0342
140 W Queen St
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 674-7453
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ashok K Raheja, MD M
ID No. CW0091
3621 M L King Jr Blvd STE 10
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 638-9977
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
David F Razi, MD M
ID No. CW0502
3451 W Century Blvd STE B1
Inglewood, CA 90303
(310) 677-9400
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Edmundo R Rubio, MD M
ID No. CW0097
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 205
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-3133
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jimmy H Soliman, MD M
ID No. CW0255
1704 W Manchester Ave
STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 778-6215
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Odette R Tawadrous, MD F
ID No. CW0543
3625 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd STE 10
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 223-1429
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Specialty Physicians
Potenciano R
Paredes, MD M
ID No. CW0550
12954 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 104
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 679-0269
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Lydia E Oftadeh, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy& mI munol gy
Kenneth T Kim, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergy& mI munol gy
Also located at:
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Thomas T Togioka, MD M
Marina Del Rey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Cardiovascular Disease
Angelita S Beredo, MD F
ID No. CW0347
301 N Prairie Ave STE 301
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 671-2699
Languages: Spanish and
Edward Abrams, MD M
Paramount, CA
Pedro De La Rosa, MD M
ID No. CW0230
3816 Woodruff Ave STE 412
Long Beach, CA 90808
(562) 377-1111
Languages: Spanish
Amin Farah, MD M
Lynwood, CA
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
John C Wei, MD M
ID No. CW0026
3224 Santa Ana St
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-2384
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gerald F Bresnahan, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Also located at:
850 S Atlantic Blvd STE 300
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 284-0022
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Camilo S Jorge, MD M
ID No. CW0354
16415 S Colorado Ave
STE 102
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 531-1946
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Ibrahim D Helmy, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Howard M Staniloff, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Chiropractor
Stephen Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Asif Durrani, DC
Paramount, CA
Mohan W Bhasker, MD M
Gardena, CA
Joe E Kandalaft, DC M
Downey, CA
Shih L Lue, MD M
Paramount, CA
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Reza N Mostofi, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
James Y Tsai, MD M
Hemet, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Olukemi A Wallace, MD F
Lawndale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Adebambo O Ojuri, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Keerthi R Desilva, MD M
Gardena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
General Practice
Infectious Diseases
Hugh P Fulmer, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
William D Keith Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Violeta Anorico, MD F
Norwalk, CA
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
General Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practie
Wilbert C Jordan, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Diagnostic Radiology
Gregory T Ginsburg, MD M
Redondo Beach, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Chadi Chahin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Parviz Salehi, MD M
Reseda, CA
Internal Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Gynecology Oncology
Jatin C Bhatt, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Ramin Mirhashemi, MD M
Torrance, CA
Rodrigo J Rocha, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Diana M
Echeverry-Franck, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Downey, CA
Richard I Seidman, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Diagnostci Radiol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Endocrinology &
Sylvia J Shaw, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Eric A Enriquez, MD M
Lawndale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Maternal & Fetal
Vikas Sachar, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Medical Oncology
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Stephen Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Hematology Oncology
Alexander Gaitanis, DO M
Downey, CA
Ramon N Guadiz, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Youssef K Gamal, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Mohammad Ismail, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy& Metabol si m
Family Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jorge F Carreon, MD M
South Gate, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Montebello, CA
Bernardita I De Los
Reyes, MD F
Huntington Park, CA
Malvin Yan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Menashe Kfir, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Kenneth Cohn, MD M
South Gate, CA
Chang J Lee, MD M
Bell, CA
Jesse M De Leon, MD M
Paramount, CA
Milton Lee, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Arthur J Edelstein, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Ata O Mehrtash, MD M
Paramount, CA
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Augua A Andrews, MD F
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Mansoor Mirsaidi, MD M
Gardena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Khalifa Mansour, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Robert L Charet, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Veronique H
Jotterand, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Benjamin F Monroe, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Theodore C Prentice, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Fidel A Santa Cruz, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Harley R Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Clarence M Hyshaw, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Shereen L Beverly, MD F
Lawndale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Karol L Bowens, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Moossazadeh, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Nancy F Sand, MD F
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael P Nageotte, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Esther Schmuel, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Vineet K Shrivastava, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
P Catherine Troung, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Russell G Burton, OD M
Hawthorne, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometry
Maurice I Friedman, OD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometry
Harvey R Goldstone, OD M
Long Beach, CA
Alexander Gaitanis, DO M
Downey, CA
Curtis Knight, OD M
Inglewood, CA
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Montebello, CA
Loren Smith, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometry
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Optometry
Nabil T Subhani, OD M
Long Beach, CA
Rabin Beral, DPM M
Gardena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Stuart M Codron, DPM M
Culver City, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Gregory T Vanley, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
David A Friedberg, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Krishan S Khurana, MD F
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Pad S Krishna, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Lawrence Hodor, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Nathaniel Neal, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Thomas K Peterson, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
George G Hon, MD M
Paramount, CA
Shylaja Rachabattula, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Zhinian Wan, MD M
Lynwood, CA
James L Knudson, DPM M
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
Stanley Lowe, DPM M
Long Beach, CA
Nasser Z Mehrizi, MD M
Paramount, CA
Hayward L Eubanks, MD M
Hawthorne, CA
Shawn S Rabbani, DPM M
Artesia, CA
Jose N Montano, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Flaxie Fletcher, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Barry Richmond, DPM M
South Gate, CA
Moussa Moshfegh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peggie Walker, DPM F
Compton, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Sulochana N Trivedi, MD F
Paramount, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Karen L Wrubel, DPM F
Hawthorne, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Pulmonary Disease
William G Perkins, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Vijay V Kamdar, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Manish D Mehta, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Physical Medicine &
Ashok K Raheja, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Dana N Scott, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Ziyad A Ayyoub, MD M
Paramount, CA
John A Williams, MD M
Gardena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Michael B Scott, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Plastic Surgery
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Radiation Oncology
Sulabha A Dave, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Vascular Surgery
John J Rosental, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Derick A Ball, DPM M
Hawthorne, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Azam A Eghbal, MD F
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
OmniCare Medical Group, continued
Mental Health Providers - Clinical Psychology
Mental Health Providers
Clinical Psychology
Angelica A Morrow, PhD F
Lynwood, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Clni cal Psychol gy
Rafik Sidrak, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychai try
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello
Affiliated Hospitals
Beverly Hospital
309 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
Foothill Medical Center
6520 N Irwindale Ave
Irwindale, CA 91702
(626) 812-0366
Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm, Sun:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Holidays: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Montebello Immediate
2601 Via Campo
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 720-1144
Family Practice
Rodolfo A Arevalo, MD M
ID No. ER0090
507 Atlantic Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 446-0201
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jonathan D Ashby, MD M
ID No. ER0168
1755 E Hunington Dr
STE 104
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 303-4651
Languages: Sinhalese and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tadao Fujiwara, MD M
ID No. ER0165
5300 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 980-8488
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin
and Spanish
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. ER0010
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sudha Govindarajan, MD F
ID No. ER0087
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-8181
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Claudia Hernandez, MD F
ID No. ER0175
4530 S Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-0621
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Margaret L Herrera, MD F
ID No. ER0081
1217 W Whittier Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shaheen Iqbal, MD M
ID No. ER0013
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6445
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francisco A Jimenez, MD M
ID No. ER0014
1011 Goodrich Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-7353
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. ER0015
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mahendra N Patel, MD M
ID No. ER0077
4477 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 264-2890
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kalyani P Randeria, MD F
ID No. ER0018
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 405
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 724-9767
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kiritkumar S Shah, MD M
ID No. ER0144
3434 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-6751
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shakhnovits, MD F
ID No. ER0174
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 303
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 837-5147
Languages: Armenian
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Edwin T Yu, MD M
ID No. ER0025
6632 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2828
Languages: Spanish, Tagalog
and Taiwanese
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. ER0005
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2130
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Also located at:
2101 W Beverly Bl STE 202
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 888-2058
Languages: Spanish, Tagalog
and Taiwanese
Alexander L Cheng, MD M
ID No. ER0006
520 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-0690
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lilia V Zamora, MD F
ID No. ER0069
433 N 4th St STE 205
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 278-5525
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Maria S Hernandez, MD F
ID No. ER0148
4530 S Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 692-0621
Internal Medicine
Parveen N Ahmed, MD F
ID No. ER0178
4511 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 695-2282
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jagan N Bansal, MD M
ID No. ER0079
5540 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 478-1101
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. ER0008
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
D O Cotton, MD F
ID No. ER0166
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ruth A Hamad, MD F
ID No. ER0167
130 W Route 66 STE 208
Glendora, CA 91740
(626) 335-4079
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alberto Jimeno, MD M
ID No. ER0076
6061 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-1795
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Soon Y Kwun, MD M
ID No. ER0088
10408 Vacco St
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 442-2151
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Chau M Le, MD M
ID No. ER0104
9206 E Valley Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 571-2763
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Xiang-Hong E Lin, MD F
ID No. ER0164
500 N Garfield Ave STE 110
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-0091
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Joseph I Sandler, MD M
ID No. ER0019
2322 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 722-5300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. ER0086
2614 W Beverly Blvd
William W Hung, MD M
ID No. ER0012
Montebello, CA 90640
2101 W Beverly Blvd STE 301 (323) 728-0653
Montebello, CA 90640
Languages: Hindi
(323) 728-2148
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Chia Y Teng, MD M
ID No. ER0150
18575 E Gale Ave STE 235
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 810-7708
Languages: Chinese and
Mark J Cunningham, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mir B Ali, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Faisal A Khan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Narayanan, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Bao B Yang, MD M
ID No. ER0024
149 N 6th St
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5121
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sayeeda Sultana, MD F
ID No. ER0176
5060 Rosemead Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 942-9895
Languages: Arabic, Hindi and
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Thanh Nguyen, DO M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Joan R Orlando, MD F
Montebello, CA
Lydia C Aguilera, MD F
Montebello, CA
Michael Yeh, MD M
Glendale, CA
Fleming F Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Stephen Y Lee, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Peter K Fung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
John J Gutierrez, DC M
Temple City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Gynecology Oncology
John B Schlaerth, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy Oncol gy
Hematology Oncology
Ira E Felman, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Eddie H Hu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Lisandro Quinones, MD M
ID No. ER0017
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 208
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-4051
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Gamini D Hethumuni, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Abdul M Alaama, MD M
Montebello, CA
Tommy C Lu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Internal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Kitty Lam, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specialty Physicians
Infectious Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Rosalina C See-Prats, MD F
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Frederick Ho, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Edward P Laurance, MD M
Sierra Madre, CA
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Lisandro Quinones, MD M
Montebello, CA
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Zelman G
Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Ross M Bremner, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Physician Assoc/HCP-Beverly/Montebello, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Nina C Khoo, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Brian Chin J Su, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Alvin W Ung, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Montebello, CA
Andrew Yeh, DO M
Arcadia, CA
Michael R Vega, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Lung-Hsiung Chang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Carlos G Makabali, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Reginald Sampson, MD M
Montebello, CA
Rambhatla, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Leonard A Gale, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Gautam Ganguly, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Paul C Helfgott, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Charles E Imbus, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
William L Caton III, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Igor Fineman, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Haig Minassian, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Lydia Aguilara, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Lydia C Aguilera, MD F
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Fleming F Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Stephen Y Lee, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Pomona, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Robert C Alvarez, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Calvin Yang, MD M
El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
William Ardary, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Oral Maxli ofaci alSurgery
Brian P OConnor, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Orthopedic Surgery
Charles H Alexander, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Irene Y Tong, MD F
Pasadena, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Therapeutic Radiology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ThearpeuticRadoi l ogy
David K Chen, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
David W Rhodes, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Jeffrey N Roberts, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Plastic Surgery
Alejandro M Sanchez, MD M
West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
Ross A Berliner, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers
Affiliated Hospitals
Intercommunity Hospital
12401 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Jose A Aceves, MD M
ID No. UF0005
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Sylvia L Garcia, MD F
ID No. UF0058
14442 E Whittier Blvd
STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-1940
Languages: French and
Juan L Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. UF0429
325 E La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-7100
Languages: Spanish
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. UF0120
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
Jacqueline B Aguiluz, DO F
ID No. UF0247
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ethan R Allen, DO M
ID No. UF0031
12820 Studebaker Rd
STE 101
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7873
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Benjamin S Birdsall, MD M
ID No. UF0403
13330 Bloomfield Ave STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 789-5434
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangjun Byeon, MD M
ID No. UF0528
18391 Colima Rd STE 201
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-2911
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sherie Carnegie, DO F
ID No. UF0017
8142 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-8621
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Daniel Honigman, MD M
ID No. UF0428
3180 S Colima Rd STE A
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-1644
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ragaa Z Iskarous, MD F
ID No. UF0617
11003 Lakewood Blvd
STE 201
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1038
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
5920 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 562-2535
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Stanley A Kaller, DO M
ID No. UF0049
15111 E Whittier Blvd
STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Shinobu L Kaneko, MD F
ID No. UF0533
101 W Beverly Blvd STE 300
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1201
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. UF0022
8556 Florence Ave
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen B Lee, MD M
ID No. UF0458
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
George I Lin, MD M
ID No. UF0119
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marcus W Lum, MD M
ID No. UF0130
15034 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. UF0608
3300 E South St STE 305
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 232-2380
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alexander A Mendez, MD M
ID No. UF0303
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 201
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 903-7339
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Manuel F Mendoza, MD M
ID No. UF0629
16323 Clark Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-7716
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. UF0625
15725 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-7754
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. UF0268
11526 La Mirada Blvd
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-8383
Languages: French, Hindi and
Ingrid Patsch, MD F
ID No. UF0266
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
ID No. UF0306
8337 Telegraph Rd STE 100
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 928-5892
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rafael Rubalcava, MD M
ID No. UF0131
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donald D Salis, MD M
ID No. UF0517
14359 Pioneer Blvd STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(626) 864-7279
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Arnold T Pang, DO M
ID No. UF0437
15572 E Gale Ave
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 377-4562
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Burn Park, MD M
ID No. UF0441
19085 Colima Rd
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 964-5001
Languages: Korean and
Wilfred P Schach, MD M
ID No. UF0032
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Virag Shah, MD M
ID No. UF0185
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. UF0309
11822 Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and
Phillip D Zaret, MD M
ID No. UF0103
15090 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 943-8444
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. UF0312
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
Domingo C
Barrientos, MD M
ID No. UF0211
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 203
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 869-1322
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Daniel Uribe, MD M
ID No. UF0015
121 N Euclid St
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-0811
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
414 Prospector Rd STE B
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 860-3973
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. UF0516
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Maili Velez-Dalla Tor, MD F
ID No. UF0272
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
PCPs -General Practci e
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. UF0102
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs -General Practci e
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. UF0604
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Rosario L Cecilio, MD F
ID No. UF0037
15111 E Whittier Blvd
STE 102
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
Also located at:
13307 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 863-0124
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Roy Egari, MD M
ID No. UF0026
18011 Pioneer Blvd
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 402-0711
Languages: Farsi and
Chung-Lien Chen, MD M
ID No. UF0065
12802 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0933
Languages: Chinese and
Violeta A Galdamez, MD F
ID No. UF0606
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. UF0195
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4001
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -General Practci e
Fernando Q
Gonzales, MD M
ID No. UF0521
12444 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 689-0161
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. UF0607
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Shokouh S Tamadon, MD F
ID No. UF0143
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
Languages: Farsi
Pablo C Limbo, MD M
ID No. UF0112
19036 E Colima Rd STE B
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 965-7272
Languages: Spanish and
Carlos Venegas, MD M
ID No. UF0121
4225 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-6464
Languages: Spanish
Sandra G Madrid, MD F
ID No. UF0232
12462 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-0725
Languages: Spanish
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. UF0099
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 200
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. UF0132
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Muhammad R Nasir, MD M
ID No. UF0632
12826 E Philadelphia St
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 789-9908
Languages: Arabic, Hindi,
Spanish and Urdu
Jose N Prieto, MD M
ID No. UF0603
4566 E Florence Ave STE 2
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 582-7186
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David M Aron, MD M
ID No. UF0096
3180 Colima Rd STE A
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 336-2766
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael R Block, MD M
ID No. UF0518
6433 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 724-6673
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
ID No. UF0063
10800 S Paramount Blvd
STE 205
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-1101
Languages: French
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. UF0295
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jaw Huei Chen, MD M
ID No. UF0406
1850 S Azuza Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Show Shan Cherng, MD M
ID No. UF0269
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 111
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 913-3661
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin, Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. UF0076
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dwight David, MD M
ID No. UF0134
15111 E Whittier Blvd STE 102
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 945-6440
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Wang Dejun, MD M
ID No. UF0257
23341 Golden Springs
STE 108
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 612-1887
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
ID No. UF0116
3650 E South St STE 101
Lakewood, CA 90712
(562) 633-1765
Languages: Spanish
Philip P Lim, MD M
ID No. UF0024
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 101
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-6661
Languages: Chinese
Victor M Ganata, MD M
ID No. UF0431
1722 S Desire Ave STE 102
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 581-0700
Lakshman D
Makandura, MD M
ID No. UF0578
2219 S Hacienda Blvd
STE 101
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-2461
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ron Y Gu, MD M
ID No. UF0041
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Rowland Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. UF0094
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. UF0095
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Marian Jalil, MD F
ID No. UF0030
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 200
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-7671
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. UF0004
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pramod Multani, MD M
ID No. UF0519
8333 Iowa St STE 200
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 923-1211
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thao U Nguyen, MD F
ID No. UF0624
15725 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-7754
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
George K Pang, MD M
ID No. UF0011
8135 Painter Ave STE 305
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-8258
Languages: Burmese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. UF0610
3300 E South St STE 206
Lakewood, CA 90805
(562) 232-2380
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. UF0133
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. UF0438
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Manohar R Senra, MD M
ID No. UF0591
8337 E Telegraph Rd
STE 215
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 927-6597
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tamil
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ajit C Shah, MD M
ID No. UF0605
15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-1619
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
James H Song, MD M
ID No. UF0111
16404 Colima Rd FL 1
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Chia Y Teng, MD M
ID No. UF0047
18575 E Gale Ave STE 235
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 810-7708
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert F Tzeng, MD M
ID No. UF0439
17170 Colima Rd STE G
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 965-8202
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. UF0459
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Henry Winn, MD M
ID No. UF0038
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 102B
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-9591
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Petra A Wong, MD F
ID No. UF0124
3801 Katella Ave STE 300
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 430-6472
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kesheng Wu, MD M
ID No. UF0193
9209 S Colima Rd STE 4500
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 696-5088
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. UF0014
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Xipu Wu, MD M
ID No. UF0285
18391 E Colima Rd STE 207
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-4147
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Tin Y Yung, MD M
ID No. UF0019
1722 Desire Ave STE 202
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 913-1888
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1426 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 307-0550
Languages: Cantonese,
Japanese, Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Marilou G Cruz, MD F
ID No. UF0531
9317 Firestone Blvd
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-1245
Languages: Spanish and
Jamie Oey, MD F
ID No. UF0530
10800 Paramount Bl STE 302
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 861-9142
Languages: Indonesian and
PCPs-Pedai trics
Victoria Sanchez Bal, MD F
ID No. UF0634
9604 Artesia Blvd STE 202
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-2625
Languages: Flemish, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Pedai trics
Praful Sarode, MD M
ID No. UF0561
12371 Imperial Hwy
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 929-5000
PCPs-Pedai trics
Jana R Wells, MD F
ID No. UF0631
7947 S Painter Ave
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-6089
PCPs-Pedai trics
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Ole A Heggeness, DO M
ID No. UF0585
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Jackson C Ma, MD M
ID No. UF0577
433 N 4th St STE 208
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 725-1867
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Paul R Mercer, MD M
ID No. UF0584
10210 Orr and Day Rd STE A
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 863-8774
Languages: Spanish
Stephen C Wong, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Anatomic & Clinical
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specialty Physicians
Cardiovascular Disease
Aditya P
Ambegaonkar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Gerald E Beckham, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Colon& Rectal Surgery
David K Lieu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Chunilal G Shah, MD M
ID No. UF0054
15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-1619
Languages: Gujarati and
Armen C Gregorian, MD M
Whittier, CA
William MacDonald, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anatomic& Cil nci alPathol gy
Emilio J Padre, MD M
ID No. UF0052
164 W Carson St
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 518-6861
Languages: Spanish and
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cytopathol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tommy H Chen, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Patrick L Dominguez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Don F King, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Sudhaker Nayak, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Charles Salinger, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jungmee Kim, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Donald S Levy, MD M
Orange, CA
Eduardo A Tovar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Marilyn Li, MD
Hacienda Heights, CA
Glenn S Cloud, DC M
La Habra, CA
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Gary F Pirnat, DC M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Ghasaka A Mahmood, MD
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Louis Marchioli, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Laurel A Zober, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Edward Reece, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Abdul M Alaama, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Eugene W Tsai, MD M
Artesia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Ashwin P Ashok, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Downey, CA
Kennith O Thompson, MD M
Whittier, CA
Lisa S Wang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Kennith O Thompson, MD M
Whittier, CA
Infectious Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Robert J Cons, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
John J Lah, MD M
Whittier, CA
Miguel A Velez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Robert A Mecum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Renee Palta, DO F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Hemant Pande, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Neal M Shindel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
General Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Mark W Odou, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Mark W Odou, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Charles W Ray, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Dennis J Sargent, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Alvin C Shon, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Lawrence L Ma, MD M
Whittier, CA
John D McCarthy, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Michael O Roach, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gerai trics
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
Downey, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Whittier, CA
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Leonard G Rawson, MD M
Downey, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Edward Reece, MD M
Whittier, CA
Hematology Oncology
Martin R Zapata, DO M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Michael S Chung, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Medical Oncology
Youssef K Gamal, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Lisa S Wang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Stephen Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Edwin Y Lin, MD M
Whittier, CA
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kevin T Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jennifer M Imparato, DO F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Dustin E Stevenson, DO M
Whittier, CA
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
Specialty Physicians - Nephrology
Samuel Liu, MD M
Downey, CA
Haig Minassian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Chao Ming Lu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jen K Shen, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Sara J Soto, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Avisa Abaian, MD F
Whittier, CA
Dorsa F Maryska, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Phuong C Truong, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Karen A Filkins, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Shahriare Nasse
Moaddeli, MD F
Whittier, CA
Julia B Willner, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Brent S Gray, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Hung Chou Yen, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Ushir V Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ingrid Hernandez, MD F
Whittier, CA
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sacha Kang Chou, MD F
Whittier, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Whittier, CA
Ambrose Y Tsang, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Joy A Leong, MD F
Whittier, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jayakumar R Vidhun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jaime Lopez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Marc D Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Dane D Copeland, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Pavel Mundl, MD M
Downey, CA
Loy A Pham, MD M
Downey, CA
Kenneth Purdom II, MD M
Whittier, CA
Peter Roca, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Deep R Dudeja, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Lo Garlan, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Adam Y Hsu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Joseph K Hsu, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
John Sanchez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Christopher Aho, MD M
Whittier, CA
John H Sanchez, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Anthony J Culotta, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurosurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Richard A Rison, MD M
Whittier, CA
Thomas B Choi, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Henry LIn, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Tom S Chang, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Paul C Helfgott, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Onocl ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Gautam Ganguly, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Onocl ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Leonard A Gale, MD M
Whittier, CA
Partho S Kalyani, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Phillip V Le, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Kristie L Lin, MD F
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Harvey Chou, MD M
Whittier, CA
Elina Kari, MD F
Whittier, CA
Garlan G Lo, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Andrew Hsiao, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sasha Maher, DO
Downey, CA
Jacob Reznik, MD M
La Habra, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
La Habra, CA
Pain Management
Michael A Samuel, MD M
Arcadia, CA
David A Lewis, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kevin K Suk, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Kyle Low, MD M
La Habra, CA
Nathan S Honda, MD M
Whittier, CA
Peter H Win, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Talal Malhis, MD M
Whittier, CA
David K Lieu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Lisa Yang, MD F
La Habra, CA
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Physical Medicine &
Amir Rounaghi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ali Hafezi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Bindesh A Shah, MD M
La Habra, CA
Physical Therapy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Rostam Khoshsar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
David C Ardaya, OD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Aaron D Adame, OD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne &Rehab
Samir M Younis, PT M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alTherapy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Chester C Cheng, OD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Douglas P Flor, OD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
David B Golden, OD M
Whittier, CA
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
Celeb K Tang, OD M
La Habra, CA
Henry B Bikhazi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Walter Yim, OD
La Mirada, CA
Jonathan W Boyd, Md M
Whittier, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Shin C Chiu, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Robert J Bohr, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Shin-Fu Hsu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Roy J Caputo, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Paul F Jacobsen, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Physician Assistant
Maria W Lin, PA F
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci anAs si tant
Plastic Surgery
John A Britto, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Neil E Klein, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Jaime S Schwartz, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Byron S Alberty, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Kevin L Ho, DPM M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
Specialty Physicians - Podiatry
Anh-Thu Jessica Luu, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Radiation Oncology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Ken C Nguyen, DPM M
La Mirada, CA
Jason S Lai, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
William S Kurohara, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Sepehr Nowfar, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jeffrey C Yuen, MD M
Whittier, CA
Michael K OShea, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Leonard C Sanchez, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Michael Crade, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Gregory E Polito, MD M
Whittier, CA
Michael R Vega, DPM M
Montebello, CA
William S Kurohara, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gerald H Yoon, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jeffrey C Yuen, MD M
Whittier, CA
Scott K Yun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Vascular Surgery
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
Downey, CA
Lynn H Shin, MD F
Whittier, CA
Shylaja Rachabattula, MD F
Downey, CA
Mental Health Providers
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Mina Guirguis, Phd M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Pulmonary Disease
Daniel Akhavan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Alfredo Castellanos, MD M
Whittier, CA
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Nadeem A Chishti, MD M
Whittier, CA
Darice T Yang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Dwight David, MD M
Whittier, CA
Micheal Gotllieb, MD M
Montebello, CA
Franklin A Ho, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kennith O Thompson, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sharief Imran, MD M
Whittier, CA
Thoracic Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Yousef M Odeh, MD M
Whittier, CA
Hussein Nassr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kiumars Saketkhoo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Moataz K Giurgius, MD M
La Mirada, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Barbara J Justice, MD F
Whittier, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Chang H Lee, MD M
Long Beach, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Richard Fry, PhD M
Fullerton, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoraci Surgery
Michael E Harris, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Inglewood, CA
George E Harvey, PhD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Juan B Kaplan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kaneeza Lafir, PhD F
Norwalk, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Mukesh P Shah, MD M
Whittier, CA
Herbert Chin, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychol ogy
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychol ogy
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Affiliated Providers, continued
Mental Health Providers - Psychology
Joseph A Lantz, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Philip B Leidy, PhD
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Charles G O Malley, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Charles O’Malley Jr, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Melissa H Robertson, PhD F
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Gaius C Steiner, PhD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Intercommunity Hospital
12401 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Boonyaputthikul, DO M
ID No. 8I0364
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 350
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Languages: Mantonese and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Allison M Byrne, DO F
ID No. 8I0362
12522 E Lambert Rd STE D
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 789-5420
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Laura E Coulson, MD F
ID No. 8I0336
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 350
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Family Practice
Ana G
Bejinez-Eastman, MD F
ID No. 8I0005
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Nelson E Dalla Tor, MD M
ID No. 8I0281
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Benjamin S Birdsall, MD M
ID No. 8I0188
13330 Bloomfield Ave STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 789-5434
Bethany M Deboer, DO F
ID No. 8I0282
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Rajnish Birla, MD M
ID No. 8I0280
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 300
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi
and Urdu
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cesar Espiritu, MD M
ID No. 8I0326
12522 E Lambert Rd STE D
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 789-5420
Languages: Tagalog
Ronald Galbreath, MD M
ID No. 8I0010
12522 E Lambert Rd STE D
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-0575
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Randolph P Holmes, MD M
ID No. 8I0013
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 350
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hyejin Jae, MD F
ID No. 8I0372
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 201
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 903-7339
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Susan R Kawakami, DO F
ID No. 8I0418
8556 Florence Ave
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0101
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Scott S Lee, DO M
ID No. 8I0216
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 88
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-3040
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Norma Martinez, MD
ID No. 8I0017
12522 E Lambert Rd STE D
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-0575
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alexander A Mendez, MD M
ID No. 8I0019
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 201
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 903-7339
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Usama S Mitry, MD M
ID No. 8I0020
13330 Bloomfield Ave STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7706
Languages: Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. 8I0419
15725 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-7754
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
ID No. 8I0263
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
Languages: Italian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ronald E Pinkerton, MD M
ID No. 8I0028
8337 Telegraph Rd STE 315
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 928-5892
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Anthony Reyes Jr, MD M
ID No. 8I0030
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 201
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 903-7339
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Wilfred P Schach, MD M
ID No. 8I0031
12291 E Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Virag Shah, MD M
ID No. 8I0032
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 500
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-2541
Languages: French and
Peter E Wu, MD M
ID No. 8I0041
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 115
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-3040
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chiao Yen, MD F
ID No. 8I0265
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 300
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard L Yung, DO M
ID No. 8I0205
1400 S Harbor Blvd STE A
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 789-5950
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Vinodhini Sriram, MD
ID No. 8I0034
12522 E Lambert Rd STE D
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 698-0575
Languages: Hindi, Tamil and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sonya W Thomas, MD
ID No. 8I0204
12215 Telegraph Rd RTE 112
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 789-5450
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Antonio E Escobedo, MD M
ID No. 8I0382
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 400
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-3307
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Wendy J Gu, MD F
ID No. 8I0426
1850 S Azusa Ave STE 205
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 964-2880
Languages: Hakka, Mandarin
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tsz Ying Lee, MD F
ID No. 8I0417
9209 Colima Rd STE 4400
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-0777
Languages: Cantonese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Sy Oang, DO M
ID No. 8I0023
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 400
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-3307
Languages: Cantonese and
Allergy & Immunology
Juliet P Lener, MD F
ID No. 8I0349
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 401
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 789-5435
Languages: Hungarian
Jungmee Kim, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Bharat G Patel, MD M
ID No. 8I0026
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 400
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-3307
Languages: Gujarati and
Shoba Rao, MD F
ID No. 8I0434
12401 Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-0811
Louis Marchioli, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Anita I Sinha, MD F
ID No. 8I0350
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 201
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 789-5435
Languages: Bengali
Stephen C Wong, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Gerald E Beckham, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kathleen L Barry, MD F
ID No. 8I0004
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 300
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1669
Hossein Eftekhari, MD M
Downey, CA
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
PCPs-Pedai trics
Donald S Levy, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Marilyn Li, MD
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
PCPs-Pedai trics
Eugene W Tsai, MD M
Artesia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
PCPs-Pedai trics
Ushir V Patel, MD M
ID No. 8I0413
14350 E Whittier Blvd
STE 101
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 907-7616
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Janet R Staples
Edwards, MD F
ID No. 8I0214
401 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0321
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mary M Wahbah, MD
ID No. 8I0038
15725 E Whittier Blvd
STE 400
Whittier, CA 90603
(562) 947-1114
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Cardiovascular Disease
Aditya P
Ambegaonkar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Elisabeth D Brown, MD F
ID No. 8I0006
13330 Bloomfield Ave STE A
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-7706
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Sudhaker Nayak, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specialty Physicians
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Eduardo A Tovar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rSurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Chiropractor
Miguel A Velez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Glenn S Cloud, DC M
La Habra, CA
Abdul M Alaama, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gary F Pirnat, DC M
Whittier, CA
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Downey, CA
George E Fields, DO M
Santa Ana, CA
Armen C Gregorian, MD M
Whittier, CA
John J Lah, MD M
Whittier, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Whittier, CA
Lawrence L Ma, MD M
Whittier, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Robert A Mecum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Hematology Oncology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gerai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Brian C Chung, DDS M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dentis
Fernando B Canon, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Tommy H Chen, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Patrick L Dominguez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Don F King, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Charles Salinger, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Laurel A Zober, MD F
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Ghasaka A Mahmood, MD
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Edward Reece, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Renee Palta, DO F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hemant Pande, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Neal M Shindel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
Michael S Chung, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Youssef K Gamal, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
General Surgery
Stephen Huang, MD M
Montebello, CA
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Edwin Y Lin, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark W Odou, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Whittier, CA
Charles W Ray, MD M
Whittier, CA
Dustin E Stevenson, DO M
Whittier, CA
Dennis J Sargent, MD M
Whittier, CA
Lisa S Wang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Alvin C Shon, MD M
Whittier, CA
Infectious Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Herman L Smith, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Infectious Diseases
Bryan C Doo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Shahriare Nasse
Moaddeli, MD F
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Joy A Leong, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
John D McCarthy, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Ambrose Y Tsang, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Jaime Lopez, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Internal Medicine
Marc D Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Christian J Gastelum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jayakumar R Vidhun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Dane D Copeland, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Devadatt M Mishal, MD M
Downey, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Montebello, CA
Leonard A Gale, MD M
Whittier, CA
Loy A Pham, MD M
Downey, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gautam Ganguly, MD M
Montebello, CA
Kenneth Purdom II, MD M
Whittier, CA
Lisa S Wang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Paul C Helfgott, MD M
Montebello, CA
Peter Roca, MD M
Whittier, CA
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Boroujerdi-Rad, MD M
Whittier, CA
John H Sanchez, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Henry LIn, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jen K Shen, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Richard A Rison, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sara J Soto, MD F
Whittier, CA
Kevin T Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Phuong C Truong, MD F
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Medical Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Christopher Aho, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Jennifer M Imparato, DO F
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Haig Minassian, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Mark C Lee, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Brent S Gray, MD M
Whittier, CA
Chao Ming Lu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Ingrid Hernandez, MD F
Whittier, CA
Dorsa F Maryska, MD F
Whittier, CA
Sacha Kang Chou, MD F
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Julia B Willner, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Hung Chou Yen, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Samuel Liu, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Onocl ogy
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Onocl ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Kevin K Suk, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Harvey Chou, MD M
Whittier, CA
Peter H Win, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Andrew Hsiao, MD M
Whittier, CA
Lisa Yang, MD F
La Habra, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
La Habra, CA
David A Lewis, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Tom S Chang, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Thomas B Choi, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anthony J Culotta, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Deep R Dudeja, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Aaron D Adame, OD M
Whittier, CA
Adam Y Hsu, MD M
City of Industry, CA
David C Ardaya, OD M
Whittier, CA
Joseph K Hsu, MD M
Downey, CA
Suzanne Fabrizio, OD F
Whittier, CA
Glen D Jarus, MD M
Whittier, CA
Douglas P Flor, OD M
Whittier, CA
Partho S Kalyani, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Brent A Galvan, OD
Whittier, CA
Phillip V Le, MD M
Whittier, CA
David B Golden, OD M
Whittier, CA
Kristie L Lin, MD F
Arcadia, CA
Xavier P Ordonez, OD
Whittier, CA
Garlan G Lo, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Derek R Rice, OD M
Whittier, CA
David E Marshburn, DO M
Whittier, CA
Robert Rosenberg, OD M
Whittier, CA
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
Adam Martidis, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Celeb K Tang, OD M
La Habra, CA
Henry B Bikhazi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mohammad R
Nilforoushan, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Kozur I Vazagov, OD F
Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan W Boyd, Md M
Whittier, CA
Jacob Reznik, MD M
La Habra, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Robert J Bohr, MD M
La Habra, CA
Shin C Chiu, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Kyle Low, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Talal Malhis, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Amir Rounaghi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Bindesh A Shah, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael A Samuel, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Shin-Fu Hsu, MD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Roy J Caputo, MD M
La Habra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Paul F Jacobsen, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology
Elina Kari, MD F
Whittier, CA
Joseph A Lantz, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Thomas S Tzeng, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Sasha Maher, DO
Downey, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Pain Management
Daniel Akhavan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Rostam Khoshsar, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mark J Buchfuhrer, MD M
Downey, CA
Shahrad Aynehchi, MD M
Downey, CA
Physical Medicine &
Alfredo Castellanos, MD M
Whittier, CA
Juan B Kaplan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ali Hafezi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Nadeem A Chishti, MD M
Whittier, CA
Jason S Lai, MD M
Whittier, CA
Physician Assistant
Hussein Nassr, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sepehr Nowfar, MD M
Downey, CA
Kiumars Saketkhoo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gregory E Polito, MD M
Whittier, CA
John A Britto, MD M
Whittier, CA
Mukesh P Shah, MD M
Whittier, CA
Gerald H Yoon, MD M
Whittier, CA
Neil E Klein, MD M
Downey, CA
Radiation Oncology
Scott K Yun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Greg W Mennie, PA M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci an As si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Plastic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Byron S Alberty, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Jeffrey C Yuen, MD M
Whittier, CA
Kevin L Ho, DPM M
Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Ken C Nguyen, DPM M
La Mirada, CA
Shylaja Rachabattula, MD F
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Michael K OShea, DPM M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Leonard C Sanchez, DPM M
Whittier, CA
Darice T Yang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Michael R Vega, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
William S Kurohara, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Thoracic Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Lynn H Shin, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Herbert Chin, MD M
Whittier, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Moataz K Giurgius, MD M
La Mirada, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Gamini S Jayasinghe, MD M
Buena Park, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Barbara J Justice, MD F
Whittier, CA
MentalHeal th Porvdi ers-Psychiatry
Yousef M Odeh, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoraci Surgery
Mina Guirguis, Phd M
La Mirada, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
PIH Health Physicians Medical Group, continued
Mental Health Providers - Psychology
Mina Guirguis, Phd M
La Mirada, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Michael E Harris, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
George E Harvey, PhD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Kaneeza Lafir, PhD F
Norwalk, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Philip B Leidy, PhD
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Charles G O Malley, PhD M
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Melissa H Robertson, PhD F
Whittier, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
Gaius C Steiner, PhD M
Hacienda Heights, CA
Mental Heatl hPrvoi ders-Psychol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network
Affiliated Hospitals
Lakewood Regional Medical
Center L
3700 E South St
Lakewood, CA 90712
Family Practice
Los Alamitos Medical
Center L
3751 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
PIH Health
Hospital-Downey L
11500 Brookshire Ave
Downey, CA 90241
Pou W Chi, MD M
ID No. TQ0003
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 204
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 862-2775
Languages: Mandarin and
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Ernesto A Cortez, DO M
ID No. TQ0004
10251 E Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 867-8681
Languages: Spanish
Emerico Csepanyi, MD M
ID No. TQ0005
16510 Bloomfield Ave
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 229-0902
Languages: Italian and
Joseph A Lombardo, MD M
ID No. TQ0016
2220 Clark Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 597-4181
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Angelyn K Moultrie
Lizana, DO F
ID No. TQ0017
10251 E Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 867-8681
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dionisio F Dabu, MD M
ID No. TQ0006
2220 Clark Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 597-4181
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jorge Echeverri, MD M
ID No. TQ0008
4476 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 563-9499
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers
Thilan P Fernando, MD M
ID No. TQ0111
11480 Brookshire Ave
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 862-2775
Javier T Quesada, DO M
ID No. TQ0131
4476 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 563-9499
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Augusto Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. TQ0021
10234 Rosecrans Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 920-1632
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine
Pinal Doshi, MD M
ID No. TQ0007
16510 Bloomfield Ave
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 229-0902
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Pioneer Provider Network, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Joel G Golden, MD M
ID No. TQ0009
10234 Rosecrans Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 920-1632
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Richard Jordan, MD M
ID No. TQ0203
4476 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 563-9499
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Charles K Kung, MD M
ID No. TQ0012
10251 E Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 867-8681
Languages: Spanish
Laura K Sullivan, MD F
ID No. TQ0024
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 204
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 862-2775
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kathleen Trivich, MD F
ID No. TQ0204
4772 Katella Ave STE 200
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 344-1350
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
10234 Rosecrans Ave
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 920-1632
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vinod D Patel, MD M
ID No. TQ0020
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 204
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 862-2775
Languages: Gujarati
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Philip A Faraci, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rSurgery
Navrose S Grewal, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rSurgery
George P
Panagiotides, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rSurgery
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Todd Stockwell, DC M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sanatkumar D Patel, MD M
ID No. TQ0019
10251 E Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 867-8681
Languages: Gujarati
Cardiovascular Surgery
Bala M Venugopal, MD M
ID No. TQ0214
11480 Brookshire Ave
STE 104
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 862-2775
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Andreas Kaiser, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Howard Kaufman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Manfred P Ritter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
Marc R Baskin, MD M
Bellflower, CA
William P Baugh, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Michael N Castro, MD M
Cardiac Electrophysiology Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Walter S Green, MD M
Downey, CA
Mark F Maida, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Randall K Harada, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Fredric R Rosenberg, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Khursheed, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Henry B Cramer II, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ear,nose,throat
Jerry Floro, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology
Gaurang B
Chaurushia, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Joe M Chen, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Internal Medicine
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
David Berger, MD M
Downey, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Larisa Garbar, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Medical Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Conrad A Cox, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Anil K Dev, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Bill H Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Rodina Vatanparast, MD F
Downey, CA
Stephen Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Hematology Oncology
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Montebello, CA
Rodina Vatanparast, MD F
Downey, CA
Thai-Van X Nguyen, MD F
Los Alamitos, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Long Beach, CA
Sushil K Ojha, MD M
Downey, CA
Michael S Chung, MD M
Downey, CA
Daniel H Rodiles, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Ira E Felman, MD M
Montebello, CA
Steven J Weiss, MD M
Downey, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Anil Kumar, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
General Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Gary Y Chen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hand Surgery-Orthopaedci
Ronald A Fischman, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Joel G Golden, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Avedik Semerjian, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Youssef K Gamal, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Mindy K Bixby, DO F
Fountain Valley, CA
Stephen Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Salvatore A Danna, MD M
Downey, CA
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Montebello, CA
Duc H Duong, MD M
Downey, CA
Infectious Diseases
Munther A Hijazin, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Simon B
Rayhanabad, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gyOncol gy
Sandeep K Bansil, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Hugh P Fulmer, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Antoine E Mitri, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Lance T Hirano, MD M
Long Beach, CA
David D Neer, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Pioneer Provider Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurology
Theodore C Prentice
Jr., MD M
Downey, CA
Gary Y Chen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Daniel D Truong, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Plastic Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Christopher J Combs, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Dwight L Roberson, MD M
Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Ramy N Elias, MD M
Lakewood, CA
James C Lee, DPM M
Bellflower, CA
Daniel R Lemay, MD M
Downey, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Stanley Lowe, DPM M
South Gate, CA
Kevin S Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Craig J Pastor, DPM M
Bellflower, CA
Andrew D Rah, MD M
Downey, CA
Pulmonary Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Manuel Chon, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Eric C Kaplan, MD M
Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Jung M Park, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Perry R Secor, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Joel D Epstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Arthur Gelb, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Bindesh A Shah, MD M
La Habra, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Kourosh Shamlou, MD M
Downey, CA
Padmanabha P
Shakkottai, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Downey, CA
Andrew J Wassef, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Radiation Oncology
Sulabha A Dave, MD F
Long Beach, CA
Brian M Brown, MD M
Downey, CA
Elias I Ayoub, MD M
Downey, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Henry B Cramer II, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Rifaat D Salem, MD M
Torrance, CA
Glen D Jarus, MD M
Whittier, CA
Pain Management
Gary L Baker, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Denise P Joseph
Brown, MD F
Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Marc R Segall, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-ReproductiveEndocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgery
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Brian L Gwartz, MD M
Downey, CA
Daniel E Levin, DDS M
Huntington Beach, CA
Pediatric Orthopedic
Philip A Faraci, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Mahmood J Jazayeri, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Navrose S Grewal, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -OralMaxil ofacai l Surgery
Richard Chambers, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Orthopedci Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Thoarci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network, continued
Specialty Physicians - Thoracic Surgery
George P
Panagiotides, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Ernest H Agatstein, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Shlomi Albert, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Shahrad M Aynehchi, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sepehr Nowfar, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence R Paletz, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Vascular Surgery
Robert C Deere, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mark S Minkes, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Simon B
Rayhanabad, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Jorge N Dubin, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Stuart J Finkelstein, MD M
Lakewood, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
Chang H Lee, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
James S Pratty, MD M
Torrance, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhci atry
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Preferred IPA of California/Hollywood/West Hollywood
Affiliated Hospitals
General Practice
Hollywood Presbyterian
Medical Center L
1300 North Vermont Ave
Hollywood, CA 90027
Aret Akian, MD M
ID No. B70020
1711 W Temple St STE 5662
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-8660
Languages: Armenian and
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Caroucel K Chuateco, MD F
ID No. B70024
1663 Beverly Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-0235
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -General Practci e
Thick G Chow, MD M
ID No. B70023
817 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 385-0029
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Syed M Hossain, MD M
ID No. B70027
1711 W Temple St STE 5658
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-8660
Languages: Bengali, Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Guadalupe C
Pedrano, MD F
ID No. B70028
2209 San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 226-0511
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -General Practci e
Clem D Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. B70031
1200 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 426-9480
Languages: Ilocano, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs -General Practci e
Bruce Torkan, MD M
ID No. B70029
820-A S Alvarado St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 384-0604
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Internal Medicine
Gemelia H Aguilera, MD F
ID No. B70030
3761 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 663-2100
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Joseph R Altamirano, MD M
ID No. B70032
5300 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(323) 463-4411
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anna Lourdes A
Chickey, MD F
ID No. B70022
2536 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 385-7888
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Juan A Escobar, MD M
ID No. B70025
1711 W Temple St STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. B70026
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Preferred IPA of California/Hollywood/West Hollywood, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Specialty Physicians
Physical Med & Rehab
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Michael A Lupo, MD M
Burbank, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMed& Rehab
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Cardiovascular Disease
Hermoz B Ayvazian, DPM M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Harry Balian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Radiation Oncology
Sundera V Ariathurai, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Parviz Javdan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hematology Oncology
Randall C Gilbert, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
John C Gunnell, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Wagdy W Kades, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Infectious Diseases
Jamie J Lin, MD F
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi eases
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Neurological Surgery
Mehdi Habibi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
James J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Tinny Dinh, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Orthopedic Surgery
Christophe S Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Simon K Simonian, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles
Affiliated Hospitals
White Memorial Medical
1720 Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Noemi J Arrieta, DO F
ID No. KF0108
4129 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 771-8400
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sandra G Avila, MD F
ID No. KF0009
1400 S Grand Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 744-0801
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Josh S Baek, DO M
ID No. KF0076
4455 117th St STE 300
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(562) 765-0444
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. KF0101
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shilpi Agarwal, MD F
ID No. KF0006
1400 S Grand Ave STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 765-7500
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Chancelor Daniel, MD M
ID No. KF0105
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: French and
Afshin Akhavan, DO M
ID No. KF0007
530 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 747-2626
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Tagalog
Steven Ghalili, MD M
ID No. KF0084
648 E 21st St
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(213) 749-7110
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. KF0016
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hagos Habtezghi, MD M
ID No. KF0018
9901 S Compton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90002
(323) 835-8401
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Christopher Hiromura, MD M
ID No. KF0019
1400 S Grand Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 744-0801
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
1520 San Pablo STE 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 442-5882
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karlon H Johnson, MD M
ID No. KF0021
4455 W 117th St STE 300
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 645-0444
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kelly J Jones, MD F
ID No. KF0022
1400 S Grand Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 744-0801
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Pauline J Jose, MD F
ID No. KF0096
3710 E Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 980-7777
Languages: Spanish and
Ruben Munoz, MD M
ID No. KF0092
4129 E Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 771-8400
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
4811 Elizabeth st
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 923-1900
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
2030 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 389-4544
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Raymond M
Menchaca, MD M
ID No. KF0032
1414 E Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 588-1383
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Gilda Ngo, MD F
ID No. KF0035
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Amrita Sandhu, DO F
ID No. KF0042
530 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 747-2626
Languages: Hindi and
Also located at:
1400 S Grand Ave STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 765-7500
Stewart Tahira, MD F
ID No. KF0046
4455 W 117th St STE 300
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 645-0444
Carrie J Nichols, MD F
ID No. KF0036
1400 S Grand Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 744-0801
Languages: Spanish
Rene J Trabanino, MD M
ID No. KF0052
3751 S Harvard Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
(323) 373-9400
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alicia G Nugas, MD F
ID No. KF0099
22408 Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 421-2188
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eugenia Moreno, MD F
ID No. KF0033
12099 W Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kuon S Lo, MD M
ID No. KF0030
1400 S Grand Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 744-0801
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Isaias D Paja Jr, MD M
ID No. KF0038
1800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-9934
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tagalog
Luis N Pacheco, MD M
ID No. KF0037
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
General Practice
Feridoon Adhami, MD M
ID No. KF0005
2426 W 8th Street STE 105
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 388-4415
PCPs -General Practci e
John S Burns, MD M
ID No. KF0011
740 S Olive St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 627-8018
Languages: German and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Ruben S Casabar, MD M
ID No. KF0012
2426 W 8th St STE 105
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 388-4415
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
6017 Atlantic Blvd
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-8880
Languages: Spanish and
Ricardo E Chambi, MD M
ID No. KF0013
8225 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 585-1056
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
8427 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 585-1056
Languages: Spanish
Jose M Diaz, MD M
ID No. KF0086
7934 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 584-9644
Languages: Spanish
Amani A Eldessouky, MD F
ID No. KF0102
1704 W Manchester Ave
STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 778-8485
Languages: Arabic and
Jimmy L Ezell, MD M
ID No. KF0015
7500 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 971-2250
Languages: Spanish
Miguel A Mejia, MD M
ID No. KF0031
987 W Vernon Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 234-6300
Languages: Spanish
Jacob N Flores, MD M
ID No. KF0087
4300 Crenshaw Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 298-1668
Languages: Spanish
Ivan Nenadic, MD M
ID No. KF0034
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Spanish
Saman Ghalili, MD M
ID No. KF0091
648 E 21st St
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(213) 749-7110
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Also located at:
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. KF0079
2701 E Gage Ave STE 102
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-8876
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Stanislaus Kinota, MD M
ID No. KF0026
4450 W Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90304
(310) 671-0555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Rumi K Lakha, DO M
ID No. KF0027
7136 Pacific Blvd STE 220
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-5467
PCPs -General Practci e
Rosita D San Diego, MD F
ID No. KF0100
7100 Van Nuys Blvd STE 115
Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 786-8601
Languages: Spanish and
Michael J Singleton, MD M
ID No. KF0043
8888 S Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 750-1196
Languages: Spanish
Janet F Soliman, MD F
ID No. KF0044
11946 S Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 675-1136
Languages: Arabic and
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Nabil N Soliman, MD M
ID No. KF0045
11946 Hawthorne Blvd
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 675-1136
Languages: Arabic and
Michael Attoh, MD M
ID No. KF0082
4253 Redondo Beach Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 370-5888
Languages: Serbo-Croatian
and Spanish
Soheil Hekmat, MD M
ID No. KF0081
511 E Manchester Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 672-9000
Languages: Farsi and
Jose F Torreblanca, DO M
ID No. KF0050
10001 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 564-4408
Languages: Spanish
Jamshid Azari, MD M
ID No. KF0075
1117 W Manchester Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 215-3555
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
Augustine E Iluore, MD M
ID No. KF0020
11633 Hawthorne Blvd
STE 103
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 219-2929
Languages: Farsi and
Gary W Brown, MD M
ID No. KF0078
1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Spanish
Salman A Khan, MD M
ID No. KF0097
1701 E Cesar Chavez
STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 225-2550
Languages: Spanish
Angela S Chan, MD F
ID No. KF0014
7615 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(562) 927-1307
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Bahman Lalezari, MD M
ID No. KF0028
4944 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 939-5346
Languages: Farsi and
Shaw S Chen, MD M
ID No. KF0080
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Mandarin and
Alan C Lau, MD M
ID No. KF0085
1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jose L Villagomez, MD M
ID No. KF0053
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edwin W Zevallos, MD M
ID No. KF0055
6915 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-9800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine
Zahid J Abdou, MD M
ID No. KF0077
1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Armenian,
French and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Edward Alexander, MD M
ID No. KF0095
3000 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 262-6693
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kenneth Lee, MD M
ID No. KF0029
4455 W 117th St STE 300
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 645-0444
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Alva A Marsh, MD M
ID No. KF0088
333 E Nutwood St STE C
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 912-6100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Luzviminda T
Montecillo, MD F
ID No. KF0093
645 E Aerick St STE 1
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-2764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. KF0104
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vasthi V Silva, MD F
ID No. KF0090
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tony C Su, MD M
ID No. KF0094
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Taiwanese and Thai
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Larry T Suk, MD M
ID No. KF0047
15435 S Western Ave
STE 201
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 515-9871
Languages: Korean
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Arturo R Vega, MD M
ID No. KF0106
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Spanish
Ming W Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Monique A
White-Dominguez, DO F
ID No. KF0054
1400 S Grand Ave STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 765-7500
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Winston C Wong, MD M
ID No. KF0107
6900 Lincoln Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 527-8777
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardio/Thoraci cSurgery
Jose Spiwak, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardio/Thoraci cSurgery
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Min S Shin, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Zdzislaus J Wanski, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy
Zelman G Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
General Surgery
Tirso Del Junco Jr, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Surgery
Hematology Oncology
Ellsworth R Grant, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Bernard S Jorge, MD M
ID No. KF0023
4023 Marine Ave
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 675-9555
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Infectious Diseases
Jong T Huang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Meher F Tabatabai, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specialty Physicians
Allergy & Immunology
David S Boyer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Lydia E Oftadeh, MD F
Bell, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Divyang N Trivedi, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Preferred IPA of California/Los Angeles, continued
Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Brian Solberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Surgery
Lorenzo S Brown, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Physical Med & Rehab
Michael A Lupo, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Richard J Sarte, DPM M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atyr
Pulmonary Disease
Andrew J Fishmann, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Radiation Oncology
Bernard S Lewinsky, MD M
Burbank, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Randall C Gilbert, MD M
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Wagdy W Kades, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Umakant M Khetan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Placentia Linda Hospital L
1301 Rose Dr
Placentia, CA 92870
Cardiovascular Disease
Western Medical Center
Santa Ana L
1001 N Tustin Ave
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Whittier Hospital Medical
9080 Colima Rd
Whittier, CA 90605
Alexander P Ford, MD M
ID No. NV0998
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 277-6405
Languages: Hebrew and
PCPs -Cardoi vascual rDisease
Family Practice
Jose Aceves, MD M
ID No. NV0055
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
Oyinda F Akenzua, MD F
ID No. NV0486
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 150
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 417-4014
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 916
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 417-4014
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Jacqueline B Aguiluz, DO F
ID No. NV0803
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Martin T Ahn, MD M
ID No. NV0890
6301 Beach Blvd STE 101
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 994-5290
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Juan A Alas
Pocasangre, MD M
ID No. NV0777
325 E La Habra Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 691-7100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John G Alevizos, DO M
ID No. NV0062
800 N Tustin Ave STE A
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 285-0800
Languages: Greek and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
15751 Rockfield Blvd
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 206-9100
Languages: Greek and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sarah G Apollo, DO F
ID No. NV0065
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 206
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 921-6475
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Soma Barua, MD F
ID No. NV0912
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Bengali and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joana M Catalasan, MD F
ID No. NV0929
6888 Lincoln Ave STE M
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 828-8400
Languages: Spanish and
Shirley H Chung, MD F
ID No. NV0143
400 W Central Ave STE 106
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 990-1882
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jason C Berry, DO M
ID No. NV0086
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 242
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-0611
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Bruno Bucci, MD M
ID No. NV0106
620 S Main St
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 547-6485
Languages: Italian and
Mary C Cerni, DO F
ID No. NV0124
1325 N Rose Dr STE 203
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 529-5674
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Janine J Chamberlin, MD F
ID No. NV0324
1325 N Rose Dr STE 100
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 729-0103
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ker Chow Chang, MD M
ID No. NV0126
400 W Central Ave STE 104
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 255-1148
Languages: Chinese and
James J Burris, DO M
ID No. NV0108
2540 N Santiago Blvd
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 921-1030
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Samuel A Carlis, DO M
ID No. NV0121
20932 Brookhurst STE 101
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
(714) 963-4559
Po Z Chen, MD M
ID No. NV0133
2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5700
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark B Benor, MD M
ID No. NV1013
5901 Green Valley Cir
STE 405
Culver City, CA 90230
(424) 266-7474
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hector R Castillo, MD M
ID No. NV0817
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
Edgar A Chavez, MD M
ID No. NV0818
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gaston F Cilliani, MD M
ID No. NV0146
420 S Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 541-5252
Languages: German and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
767 W 19th St STE 101
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 574-2121
Languages: German and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose R Cilliani, DO M
ID No. NV0565
767 W 19th St STE 101
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 574-2121
Languages: French and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
420 S Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 541-5252
Languages: French and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Yvette R Cressey, MD F
ID No. NV0155
1275 N Rose Dr STE 124
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 792-0000
Languages: French
David C DiLettera, DO M
ID No. NV0562
2390 S Garfield Ave
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(323) 728-7271
Languages: Spanish
Hiep D Dang, DO M
ID No. NV0826
14160 Brookhurst St STE 5
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 590-9697
Languages: Vietnamese
Robert S Doomun, DO M
ID No. NV0176
19871 Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 104
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 777-3606
Ali R Dariushnia, MD M
ID No. NV0158
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 108
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 538-4576
Languages: French, Persian
and Spanish
Edward S Drake, DO M
ID No. NV0179
1325 N Rose Dr STE 201
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 203-1760
Languages: German and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Pamela N Davis, MD F
ID No. NV0479
9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(562) 623-1248
Alonzo J Flores, MD M
ID No. NV0194
229 S Glassell St
Orange, CA 92866
(714) 639-0303
Languages: Spanish
Lina C Dela Cruz, MD F
ID No. NV0971
140 N Orange Ave STE 100
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 800-1200
Languages: Spanish and
Nicole A Garcia, MD F
ID No. NV0571
6200 E Canyon Rim Rd
STE 105B
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 998-3627
Languages: Spanish
Maurice L Dicterow, MD M
ID No. NV0721
4849 Van Nuys Blvd STE 211
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 788-8210
Languages: Tagalog
Sylvia L Garcia, MD F
ID No. NV0781
14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-1940
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Christine Gerges, MD F
ID No. NV0847
539 S Brea Blvd STE 100
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Navid Geula, DO M
ID No. NV0393
710 Euclid St STE 101
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 533-4511
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. NV0949
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rita Glor, DO F
ID No. NV0207
11903 Downey Ave
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 869-1121
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bertha A Gonzalez, DO F
ID No. NV0348
3106 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-1274
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kadein G Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. NV0920
710 N Euclid St STE 101
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 517-2100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bethany S Gray, DO F
ID No. NV1025
6189 La Palma Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 522-2891
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Bruce P Hector, MD M
ID No. NV0764
8660 Woodley Ave
North Hills, CA 91343
(818) 891-9641
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Luis Hernandez, MD M
ID No. NV0911
1817 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5524
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
David R Joss, MD M
ID No. NV0230
5500 E Santa Ana Cyn
STE 255
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 998-5677
Languages: Spanish
Agustin J Lara, MD M
ID No. NV0819
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
Khine Khin, MD F
ID No. NV0233
500 S Anaheim Hills STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2360
Languages: Burmese
Olga Le Clercq, DO F
ID No. NV1005
6189 La Palma Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 522-2891
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Royce L Hutain, MD M
ID No. NV0295
501 N Cornell Ave
Fullerton, CA 92831
(714) 992-2730
Languages: Spanish
Daryoush Khoshrou, MD M
ID No. NV0235
801 N Tustin Ave STE 101
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 558-1310
Languages: Farsi
Daniel Jimenez, MD M
ID No. NV0978
801 N Tustin Ave STE 601
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 565-1077
Languages: Spanish
Gloria P Ko, MD F
ID No. NV0236
18575 Gale Ave STE 205
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 964-3900
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese, Mandarin and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at:
520 W 17th St STE 1
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 972-2727
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Pauline J Jose, MD F
ID No. NV0468
8631 W 3rd St STE 1135E
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 657-8455
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangamitra Kothapa, MD F
ID No. NV0770
1226 N Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 825-0940
Languages: Hindi, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pat T Kouwabunpat, MD M
ID No. NV0579
1610 W Edinger Ave STE B
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 641-1610
Languages: Thai
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Stephen B Lee, MD M
ID No. NV0804
21508 S Norwalk Blvd
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 865-5214
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
13330 Bloomfield Ave
STE 111
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-0733
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cathrin Lim, MD F
ID No. NV1024
1 Hope Dr
Tustin, CA 92782
(714) 247-0300
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at:
1100B N Tustin Ave STE D1
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 247-0300
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Augustin A Lin, DO M
ID No. NV0112
351 S Diamond Bar Blvd
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 396-1755
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Anna C Liu, DO F
ID No. NV0686
11100 Warner Ave STE 358
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 966-1500
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jorge R Lopez, MD M
ID No. NV0984
2740 S Bristol Ave STE 100
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 825-1844
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marcus W Lum, MD M
ID No. NV0307
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John B Luster, MD M
ID No. NV0302
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 306
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-1920
Languages: French
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mackenzie-Tangredi, DO F
ID No. NV0318
2540 N Santiago Blvd
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 921-1030
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian D Madden, MD M
ID No. NV0495
2143 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 575-3100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gregory A Maddex, DO M
ID No. NV0323
1111 S Grand Ave STE L
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 860-2605
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Vikram S Marfatia, MD M
ID No. NV0896
3300 E South St STE 305
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edgar I Martinez, DO M
ID No. NV0715
3512 Florence Ave
STE 102 103
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-1180
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alireza Mirzabozorg, MD M
ID No. NV0313
6189 La Palma Ave
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 522-2891
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. NV1041
3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 664-7777
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
4036 Whittier Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 796-0500
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sarvenaz S Mobasser, MD M
ID No. NV0902
204 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 457-4000
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nasir A Mohammedi, MD M
ID No. NV0310
9200 Colima Rd STE 207
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 945-2128
Languages: French, Hindi and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John M Molina, DO M
ID No. NV0304
420 S Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 541-5252
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
767 W 19th St STE 101
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 574-2121
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fernando A
Montelongo, MD M
ID No. NV0738
932 E Chapman Ave
Orange, CA 92866
(714) 997-8050
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lawrence A Mora, MD M
ID No. NV0823
633 S La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 456-0185
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Eugenia Moreno, MD F
ID No. NV0498
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
Angel G Perez, MD M
ID No. NV0700
6517 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bijan Motamedi, MD M
ID No. NV1040
2121 S San Pedro St STE E
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(213) 742-0300
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joseph Nguyen, DO M
ID No. NV0945
14571 Magnolia St STE 105
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 892-1313
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mehrdad Pakdaman, MD M
ID No. NV0907
1115 S Robertson Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 246-4171
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thomas A Parsa, MD M
ID No. NV0317
2864 E Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 996-9708
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Deepak N Patel, MD M
ID No. NV0530
215 N State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92806
(714) 517-0467
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Also located at:
5617 Eastern Ave
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 773-8295
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Omar Perez, MD M
ID No. NV0716
10728 E Ramona Blvd STE A
El Monte, CA 91731
(626) 442-9430
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maryam Rahnemun, MD F
ID No. NV0221
520 N Main St STE 220
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 547-1700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
14130 Culver Dr STE H2
Irvine, CA 92604
(949) 612-6050
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Octaviano A Roges, MD M
ID No. NV0849
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 408
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 353-3250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reza Shafee, MD M
ID No. NV0979
2010 E 1st St STE 130
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-3540
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kiritkumar S Shah, MD M
ID No. NV0111
3434 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-6751
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Reshmi Sinha, MD F
ID No. NV0931
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Bengali, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Dimitri Sirakoff, DO M
ID No. NV0858
1206 E 17th St STE 101
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 352-2911
Languages: Bulgarian, Farsi,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Reuven F Sison, MD M
ID No. NV0731
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 567-9782
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Smita M Soans, MD F
ID No. NV0654
11822 Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Khai Q Tran, MD M
ID No. NV0856
15068 Morgan St
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 897-3690
Languages: Vietnamese
Joseph H Yi, MD M
ID No. NV0893
6301 Beach Blvd STE 101
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 994-5290
Languages: Korean
Also located at:
321 S Mednik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Jose L Valdez, MD M
ID No. NV0142
1125 E 17th St STE E224
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 547-0634
Languages: Spanish
General Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rasha B Soliman, MD F
ID No. NV0122
400 W Central Ave STE 106
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 990-1882
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mark F Varallo, DO M
ID No. NV0996
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Carolina Vazquez, MD F
ID No. NV0926
6501 Eastern Ave STE A
Bell Gardens, CA 90201
(323) 771-0145
Languages: Spanish
Ali R Tajik, MD M
ID No. NV0991
3400 W Ball Rd STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 826-7440
Languages: Farsi
Roger H Wang, MD M
ID No. NV0153
1125 E 17th St STE W 239
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 835-1818
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alex L Tran, MD M
ID No. NV0655
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. NV0974
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Lauren M Stearns, MD F
ID No. NV0128
539 S Brea Blvd STE 100
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yi Wang, MD M
ID No. NV0375
1661 Hanover Rd STE 201
City of Industry, CA 91748
(626) 965-4628
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Amable R Aguiluz Jr, MD M
ID No. NV1047
21500 Pioneer Blvd STE 209
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 402-4151
Languages: Tagalog
Ludvik Artinyan, MD M
ID No. NV0690
5300 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 461-5882
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Turkish
Eung K Bai, MD M
ID No. NV0540
12017 E Rosecrans Ave
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-2027
Languages: Korean
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Benjamin Behroozan, MD M
ID No. NV0757
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Elizabeth J
Covington, MD F
ID No. NV0774
3701 Stocker St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2107
Languages: Spanish
Eshagh Ezra, MD M
ID No. NV0719
15424 Nordoff St STE B
North Hills, CA 91343
(818) 891-5500
Languages: Farsi and
Also located at:
5255 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Usha V Date, MD F
ID No. NV0839
6550 Knott Ave
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 522-3333
Geetha V Gabbita, MD F
ID No. NV0201
14568 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 698-8263
Languages: Hindi, Spanish,
Tamil and Telugu
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Gerardo Canchola, MD M
ID No. NV0118
947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 535-1415
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
2621 S Bristol St STE 302
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 662-7710
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Ricardo E Chambi, MD M
ID No. NV0792
4347 E Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 773-3137
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Seung K Chang, MD M
ID No. NV0769
19687 E Valley Blvd
Walnut, CA 91789
(909) 598-5228
PCPs-General Practci e
Ada E Del
Rivero-Yamuy, MD F
ID No. NV0481
3831 Hughes Ave STE 101
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 204-0104
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. NV0869
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Jose D Delgado, MD M
ID No. NV0172
5240 E Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 727-9936
Languages: Spanish
Violeta A Galdamez, MD F
ID No. NV0872
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Eduardo DiSarli, MD M
ID No. NV0765
1514 N Sycamore St
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 558-6800
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
Lien G Doan, MD M
ID No. NV0932
2605 W Orangethorpe Ave
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 871-2850
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Maurice S Ghattas, MD M
ID No. NV0206
11180 Warner Ave STE 259
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 546-0099
Languages: Arabic, Greek
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Nijole Glaze, MD F
ID No. NV0713
3611 M L King Jr Blvd
STE 102
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 608-3600
Languages: Russian
Also located at:
937 S Alvarado St STE D1
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(310) 608-3600
Languages: Russian
Shubhangi Godbole, MD F
ID No. NV0208
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-4000
Languages: Hindi
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. NV0734
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Ali Hadadz, MD M
ID No. NV0897
9301 Wilshire Blvd STE 405
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 274-5510
John C Hiserodt, MD M
ID No. NV1030
1720 W Ball Rd STE 4B
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 254-0224
Also located at:
9808 Venice Blvd STE 503
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 274-5510
Languages: Farsi and Turkish
Mehar Iqbal, MD F
ID No. NV0821
5471 La Palma Ave STE 103
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 670-1261
Languages: Hindi and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Mohamed A Hafez, MD M
ID No. NV0993
9918 Katella Ave STE C
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 625-8320
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
Solemon Hakimi, MD M
ID No. NV0476
2915 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 449-0098
Languages: Farsi and Hebrew
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
1140 S Robertson Blvd STE 3
Fernando Q Gonzales, MD M Los Angeles, CA 90035
ID No. NV0602
(310) 659-2029
12444 E Washington Blvd
Languages: Farsi and Hebrew
Whittier, CA 90602
Humberto Herrera, MD M
(562) 689-0161
ID No. NV0871
Languages: Spanish and
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 734-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Walter Jayasinghe, MD M
ID No. NV0865
526 W 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 558-9355
Languages: Sindhi and
Aram Keusayan, MD M
ID No. NV0725
7643 Atlantic Ave
Cudahy, CA 90201
(323) 771-1713
Languages: Spanish
Karine Kirakosyan, MD F
ID No. NV0720
500 E Olive Ave STE 315
Burbank, CA 91501
(818) 972-1000
Languages: Armenian and
Masha J Livhits, MD F
ID No. NV0737
6399 Wilshire Blvd RTE 910
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 653-6431
Languages: Russian
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Christopher R
Lundquist, MD M
ID No. NV0312
2874 E Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 579-7505
Languages: Spanish
Jamshid Maleki, MD M
ID No. NV0309
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
Languages: Farsi and
Esmaili Manouchehr, MD M
ID No. NV0760
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 1
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 686-5757
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. NV0349
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs-General Practci e
Henrico Mungcal, MD M
ID No. NV0825
1937 Pacific Ave
Long Beach, CA 90806
(562) 591-7302
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
Richard M Powell, MD M
ID No. NV0575
5901 W Olympic Blvd
STE 504
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 935-5858
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
3342 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 267-1216
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Michie C Moreno, MD F
ID No. NV0916
526 W 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 558-9355
Ruben M Ruiz III, MD M
ID No. NV0422
3012 N San Gabriel Blvd
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 572-8692
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Francisco E Paredes, MD M
ID No. NV0992
9315 Telegraph Rd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-6855
Languages: Spanish
Venancio E Prado, MD M
ID No. NV1011
6301 S Greenleaf Ave
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 693-9880
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
7507 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 587-0088
Languages: Spanish
Francisco G
Rodriguez, DO M
ID No. NV0953
330 W Las Tunas Dr STE 1
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 284-3300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Saeid Sadighi, MD M
ID No. NV0683
2701 Firestone Blvd STE W
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 249-6162
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
11702 E Imperial Hwy
STE 110
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-8655
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
Manuel A Saenz, MD M
ID No. NV1035
1215 E 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 547-4411
PCPs -General Practci e
David A Sanchez, MD M
ID No. NV0258
1800 N Bush St
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 480-6800
Languages: French and
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
ID No. NV0906
2620 S Bristol St STE B
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 545-5503
Languages: Spanish
Chunilal G Shah, MD M
ID No. NV0107
11530 La Mirada Blvd
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-1619
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Pagiel Shechter, MD M
ID No. NV0942
9808 Venice Blvd FL
Culver City, CA 90232
(562) 733-4171
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew,
Russian and Spanish
Fatemeh D Sheikhan, MD M
ID No. NV0291
1617 E 1st St STE A
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 246-0000
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
David Y Shek, MD M
ID No. NV0756
1401 S Anaheim Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 772-9800
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Also located at:
11803 E Carson St
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
(562) 924-4955
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Boris Shemer, MD M
ID No. NV0557
7607 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 28
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 656-7094
Languages: Russian
Gordon K Wong, MD M
ID No. NV0674
409 W Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 382-1263
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Mandarin
Rosario F Sison, MD F
ID No. NV0732
9401 Long Beach Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 582-8612
Languages: Spanish
General Surgery
Fe S Solmayor, MD F
ID No. NV1027
200 S Beach Blvd STE B
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 267-7000
Languages: Spanish and
Sherry A Burchell, MD F
ID No. NV0060
999 N Tustin Ave STE 116
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 547-1915
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. NV0127
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2 & 3
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Jose L Villagomez, MD M
ID No. NV0499
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Samantha M Von Ins, MD F
ID No. NV1014
5451 La Palma Ave STE 19
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 521-9126
Languages: Spanish
Mir B Ali, MD M
ID No. NV0020
18111 Brookhurst St STE 5600
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 861-4666
Sean Cao, MD M
ID No. NV0064
9940 Talbert Ave STE 204
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 378-5790
Languages: Vietnamese
Kelly A Francis, MD F
ID No. NV0054
18111 Brookhurst St STE 6400
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 350-7258
Internal Medicine
Richard B Aguilar, MD M
ID No. NV0702
7705 Seville Ave STE B
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 582-7406
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Edward Alexander, MD M
ID No. NV0951
3000 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 262-6935
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
ID No. NV0069
12675 La Mirada Blvd
STE 200
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-9853
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nagasamudra S
Ashok, MD M
ID No. NV0346
1648 Tyler Ave STE B
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 579-0103
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Etsegenet T Ayele, MD F
ID No. NV0775
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Amharic,
German, Russian and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hossein Babaali, MD M
ID No. NV0880
2428 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 402
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 829-3385
Languages: Farsi, Persian,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jamshid J Baharvar, MD M
ID No. NV0551
2428 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 404
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 828-6868
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven J Becker, DO M
ID No. NV0776
5122 Katella Ave STE 210
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 598-0600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rajiv I Bhavsar, MD M
ID No. NV0090
1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302
Fullerton, CA 92835
(714) 441-0591
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mahesh V Bhuta, MD M
ID No. NV0584
9711 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 559-9884
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dale J Brent, MD M
ID No. NV0805
4955 Van Nuys Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 784-1195
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Harvey V Brown, MD M
ID No. NV0485
1400 S Grand Ave STE 605
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-0910
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Adrienne Burrows, MD F
ID No. NV0999
9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(562) 623-1248
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. NV0684
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 526-2880
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mohammad A
Chaudhry, MD M
ID No. NV0131
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 401
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-2260
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Elena Chetver, MD F
ID No. NV1001
7531 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 210
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 650-2991
Languages: Russian
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Peter H Chung, MD M
ID No. NV0140
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 202
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 367-6761
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
3220 Brea Canyon Rd STE H
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 594-1848
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kenneth L Cohen, MD M
ID No. NV0151
2101 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 724-3210
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert J Cons, MD M
ID No. NV0423
14609 E Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 789-9592
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
D O Cotton, MD M
ID No. NV0152
12474 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 698-9779
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Javier Davila, MD M
ID No. NV0976
7630 Painter Ave
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-4325
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael P DeMicco, MD M
ID No. NV0005
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 306
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1300
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 302
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 633-1823
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Clyde J Dos Santos, MD M
ID No. NV0009
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven L Duckor, MD M
ID No. NV0012
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 306
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1300
Languages: Spanish
Omar O Fadeel Omar, MD M
ID No. NV0989
3356 W Ball Rd STE 100
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-6625
Languages: Arabic and
Also located at:
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 302
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 633-1823
Languages: Spanish
Marshal P Fichman, MD M
ID No. NV0478
8635 W 3rd St STE 292W
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 271-5784
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dana G Eisenman, MD F
ID No. NV0482
150 N Robertson Blvd
STE 350N
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 360-7671
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mohamed W El
Nachef, MD M
ID No. NV1033
2571 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 827-9797
Languages: Farsi, Persian and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Edgar Flores, MD M
ID No. NV0790
501 S Brookhurst Rd
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 870-0717
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1010 S Brookhurst Rd
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 870-0550
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David M Frisch, MD M
ID No. NV0475
150 N Robertson Blvd
STE 350A
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 659-6716
Babak Eshaghian, MD M
ID No. NV1045
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
Syam P Gaddam, MD M
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Farsi and Spanish ID No. NV0202
11922 Seacrest Dr STE A
William Essilfie, MD M
Garden Grove, CA 92840
ID No. NV0728
(714) 636-9100
1141 W Redondo Beach
Languages: Telugu
STE 307
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 715-6100
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Yulionas Gayauskas, MD M
ID No. NV1023
8540 S Sepulveda Blvd
STE 1006
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(213) 977-2121
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jaya A George, MD F
ID No. NV0083
999 N Tustin Ave STE 1
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 836-6800
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
ID No. NV0013
1801 W Romneya Dr
STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Zia Hashemi, MD M
ID No. NV0727
4750 Gage Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 562-1110
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1801 W Romneya Dr
STE 409
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Martin Hauptschein, MD M
ID No. NV0567
2080 Century Park E
STE 1006
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-6777
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azmy F Ghaly, MD M
ID No. NV0921
1700 Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
2101 N Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 664-2931
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Randy W Hawkins, MD M
ID No. NV0462
644 E Regent St STE 200
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 674-5353
Harmohinder S
Gogia, MD M
ID No. NV0092
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi,
Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edgardo M Gonzalez, MD M
ID No. NV0892
6301 Beach Blvd STE 101
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 994-5290
Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kenneth B Horwitz, MD M
ID No. NV0376
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Spanish and
Ali A Houshyar, MD M
ID No. NV0217
1275 N Rose Dr STE 126
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 524-3880
Languages: Farsi, Spanish
and Turkish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Daryl K Houston, MD M
ID No. NV0969
3831 Hughes Ave STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 838-7381
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
575 E Hardy St STE 320
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 838-7381
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hovhannisyan, MD M
ID No. NV1028
8444 Crenshaw Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90305
(310) 342-7000
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Turkish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Pin Hung Hsieh, MD
ID No. NV0218
13522 Newport Ave STE 102
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-8200
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Diana H Hsu, MD F
ID No. NV0693
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Goethe I Hsu, MD M
ID No. NV0694
12651 S Lakewood Blvd
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 861-3111
Languages: Mandarin,
Spanish, Tagalog and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Harold Hsu, MD M
ID No. NV0222
8622 Garvey Ave STE 103
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 280-6898
Languages: Burmese,
Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Julie Hwynn, MD F
ID No. NV0854
12555 Garden Grove Blvd
STE 301
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 741-0501
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shaheen Iqbal, MD M
ID No. NV0225
609 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-6445
Languages: Punjabi and Urdu
Damanpreet Jamarai, MD F
ID No. NV0981
3033 Orange Ave
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 827-3000
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Alberto Jimeno, MD M
ID No. NV0680
6061 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-1795
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lloyd E Johnson, MD M
ID No. NV0772
120 S Montebello Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 726-0533
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peter B Jalbuena, MD M
ID No. NV0913
1700 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
Michael B Kamiel, MD M
ID No. NV0460
9808 Venice Blvd STE 503
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 559-3663
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soo W Kang, MD M
ID No. NV0801
11832 E Rosecrans Ave
STE 127
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-6256
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Bang S Kim, MD M
ID No. NV0822
2500 Alton Pkwy STE 108
Irvine, CA 92606
(949) 552-8282
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kyoung A Kim, MD F
ID No. NV0717
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 207
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 772-8282
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Henry L Kirsch, MD M
ID No. NV0474
3831 Hughes Ave STE 602
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 287-3111
Languages: German and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Herbert R Kornfeld, MD M
ID No. NV0455
2080 Century Park E
STE 1105
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-2122
Languages: French
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Deno D Kang, MD M
ID No. NV0809
18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 408-9801
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
4946 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 589-3819
Languages: French
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kevin D Kuettel, MD M
ID No. NV0400
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 306
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1300
Languages: Spanish
Eddie K Lam, MD M
ID No. NV0102
333 S Garfield Ave STE A
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-7333
Languages: Cantonese and
Also located at:
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 302
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 633-1823
Languages: Spanish
John I Lauridsen, MD M
ID No. NV0105
500 S Anaheim Hills Rd
STE 230
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 974-2820
Languages: Danish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rita R Kumar, MD F
ID No. NV0609
4340 Overland Ave
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 559-4411
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jason M Kurtz, MD M
ID No. NV0853
1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd
STE 306
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 577-9500
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Michael Kwok, MD M
ID No. NV0099
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 202
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 943-6761
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Soon Y Kwun, MD M
ID No. NV0100
10408 Vacco St
South El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 442-2151
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Son H Le, MD M
ID No. NV0110
8232 Garvey Ave STE 107
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 573-3545
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soledad O Lee, MD F
ID No. NV0940
6888 W Lincoln Ave STE M
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 828-8400
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Scott Leeds, MD M
ID No. NV0472
415 N Crescent Dr STE 225
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-0159
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William Levin, MD M
ID No. NV0473
2080 Century Park E
STE 1006
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-6777
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arthur E Lipper, MD M
ID No. NV0450
150 N Robertson Blvd
STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 659-8977
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai, MD M
ID No. NV0492
2337 W 1st St
Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 547-3915
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ravi P Makam, MD M
ID No. NV0928
1120 W La Palma Ave STE 14
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 774-9747
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
1901 W Badillo St
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-5625
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lakshman D
Makandura, MD M
ID No. NV0956
910 S Sunset Ave STE 8
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 338-8407
Languages: Sinhalese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
2219 S Hacienda Blvd
STE 101
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 961-2461
Languages: Sinhalese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Richard B Mantell, MD M
ID No. NV0910
2791 Green River Rd STE 103
Corona, CA 92882
(951) 735-5570
Languages: Korean and
Mike K Mirahmadi, MD M
ID No. NV0456
435 N Bedford Dr STE 312
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 858-5090
Languages: Farsi, Russian
and Spanish
Shura A Moreno, MD M
ID No. NV0980
4146 E Olympic Blvd STE B
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 262-9948
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
1110 W Anaheim St STE 6
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 872-3560
Languages: Korean and
Also located at:
3392 Motor Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 202-1133
Languages: Farsi, Russian
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ricardo E McKenzie, MD M
ID No. NV0699
3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470
Lynwood, CA 90262
(310) 604-3456
Languages: Spanish
Luzviminda T
Montecillo, MD F
ID No. NV0986
645 E Aerick St STE 1
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-2764
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James L Meltzer, MD M
ID No. NV0566
8920 Wilshire Blvd STE 333
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 855-1288
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alexander J Messina, MD M
ID No. NV0982
2021 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 101E
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 453-1103
Languages: Italian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Juan Z Montes, MD M
ID No. NV0347
11822 E Floral Dr
Whittier, CA 90601
(862) 908-4355
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
321 S Mednik Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 266-7888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
7301 State St
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-5120
Languages: Spanish
Allan R Morrison, MD M
ID No. NV0453
4340 Overland Ave
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 559-4411
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jesus R Muro, MD M
ID No. NV0461
3831 Hughes Ave STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 838-7381
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Barry Neidorf, MD M
ID No. NV0617
2080 Century Park E STE 906
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 277-2771
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Chidao L Nguyen, DO M
ID No. NV0918
10961 Westminster Ave
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 636-1744
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Christine U Nguyen, MD F
ID No. NV0681
7128 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 588-2186
Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Jamshid Niknam, MD M
ID No. NV0542
401 S La Brea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 275-7575
Languages: Farsi
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. NV0915
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
Vlad Nusinovich, MD M
ID No. NV1043
7855 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 201
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(562) 623-9222
Languages: Russian and
Also located at:
1905 E Cage Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Stella Popova, MD F
ID No. NV1046
7258 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 654-7771
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jonathan D Ou, MD M
ID No. NV0994
2707 S Diamond Bar Blvd
STE 104
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 594-8331
Languages: Mandarin and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Raj Prasad, MD M
ID No. NV0458
9808 Venice Blvd STE 707
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 237-0023
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Su Yong Pak, MD M
ID No. NV0733
5451 La Palma Ave STE 14
La Palma, CA 90623
(714) 523-3212
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
George K Pang, MD M
ID No. NV0689
8135 Painter Ave STE 305
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-8258
Languages: Burmese and
Adrian R Quezada, MD M
ID No. NV1042
4205 Slauson Ave
Maywood, CA 90270
(323) 560-0118
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
3831 Hughes Ave STE 707
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 276-7575
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
David F Razi, MD M
ID No. NV0659
3451 W Century Blvd STE B1
Inglewood, CA 90303
(310) 677-9400
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sujata L Reddy, MD F
ID No. NV0806
18111 Brookhurst St
STE 6100
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 968-6789
Languages: Hindi and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mohammad Rezvani, MD M
ID No. NV0987
9808 Venice Blvd STE 603
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 842-8588
Languages: Persian
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Francisco M Quijas, MD M
ID No. NV0937
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 307-0800
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gnyandev S Patel, MD M
ID No. NV0828
9604 E Artesia Blvd STE 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 925-1165
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Punjabi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
David S Ramin, MD M
ID No. NV0761
9025 Wilshire Blvd STE 210
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 276-7575
Languages: Farsi and
Sherril M Rieux, MD F
ID No. NV0470
9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(562) 623-1248
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Dennis S Riff, MD M
ID No. NV0254
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 306
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 302
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 633-1823
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael O Roach, MD M
ID No. NV0226
15625 Imperial Hwy
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 902-3000
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert K Rothbart, MD M
ID No. NV0484
1400 S Grand Ave STE 605
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-0910
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Siamak Rouzroch, MD M
ID No. NV1036
1703 Termino Ave STE 107
Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 494-8008
Languages: Farsi, German
and Thai
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aida Salatinjants, MD F
ID No. NV0250
13132 Studebaker Rd STE 3
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 406-7070
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soumitra Sarkar, MD M
ID No. NV0261
2614 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 728-0653
Languages: Hindi
James A Sharkoff, MD M
ID No. NV0673
8045 Cerritos Ave
Stanton, CA 90680
(714) 828-2444
Languages: Greek
Arunpal S Sehgal, MD M
ID No. NV0763
3300 E South St STE 305
Long Beach, CA 90805
(562) 817-5602
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and
Prakash N Shenoy, MD M
ID No. NV0663
1736 W Medical Ctr Dr STE A
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 635-1781
Languages: Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Payam Shadi, MD M
ID No. NV0657
633 S La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 938-9999
Languages: Farsi, Korean and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ajit C Shah, MD M
ID No. NV0103
15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-1619
Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Zahra Shahim, MD F
ID No. NV1044
1306 W Stewart Dr STE 602
Orange, CA 92868
(714) 639-0414
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Pejman D Shamekh, MD M
ID No. NV0881
2080 Century Park E
STE 1207
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 788-0074
Languages: Farsi and Persian
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nagesh R Shetty, MD M
ID No. NV0782
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
2701 E Gage Ave STE 102
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(562) 923-6060
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Min S Shin, MD M
ID No. NV0842
2968 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-1500
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Steven M Simons, MD M
ID No. NV0463
436 N Bedford Dr STE 214
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 274-3444
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jimmy H Soliman, MD M
ID No. NV0895
3801 S Harbor Blvd STE B
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 851-5555
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
James H Song, MD M
ID No. NV0123
16404 Colima Rd FL 1
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(626) 581-8330
Languages: Mandarin and
Thuc B Tu, MD M
ID No. NV0990
6552 Bolsa Ave STE N
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
(714) 898-9635
Languages: Spanish and
Peter J Winkle, MD M
ID No. NV0418
1211 W La Palma Ave
STE 306
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1300
Languages: Spanish
Mark M Song, MD M
ID No. NV0888
1401 S Brookhurst St
STE 100
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 626-0700
Languages: Korean
Arturo R Vega, MD M
ID No. NV0930
3742 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 780-4100
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2617 E Chapman Ave
STE 302
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 633-1823
Languages: Spanish
Thuan H Vo, MD M
ID No. NV0685
9024 Bolsa Ave
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 899-2911
Languages: Vietnamese
Henry Winn, MD M
ID No. NV0159
15651 E Imperial Hwy
STE 102B
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 947-9591
Languages: French, Spanish
and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sourehnissani, MD M
ID No. NV0660
3451 W Century Blvd STE B1
Inglewood, CA 90303
(310) 677-9400
Languages: Persian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sampath K
Suryadevara, MD M
ID No. NV0489
1771 W Romneya Dr STE C
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 520-3000
Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Syed O Tirmizi, MD M
ID No. NV0762
2080 Century Park E
STE 1006
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-0702
Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Felicia K Tran, MD F
ID No. NV0891
6301 Beach Blvd STE 101
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 994-5290
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Abraham U Waks, MD M
ID No. NV0636
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 657-9841
Languages: Hebrew
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor M Wassily, MD M
ID No. NV0886
111 W Beverly Blvd STE 217
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-7711
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Philip B Weinstein, MD M
ID No. NV0723
16660 Paramount Blvd
STE 201
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-3131
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hanson P Wong, MD M
ID No. NV1002
10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7223
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Glen M Wool, MD M
ID No. NV0714
300 S Beverly Dr STE 108
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 556-7991
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu, MD M
ID No. NV0541
101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 722-5163
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Bao B Yang, MD M
ID No. NV0164
149 N 6th St
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-5121
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Taiwanese
Rena Keynigshteyn, MD F
ID No. NV0947
3831 Hughes Ave STE 602
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 204-6897
Languages: Russian and
Shahrokh Zahed, MD M
ID No. NV0840
6550 Knott Ave
Buena Park, CA 90621
(714) 522-3333
Languages: Farsi
Cynthia V Lavadia, MD F
ID No. NV0985
125 N Euclid St
Fullerton, CA 92832
(714) 773-1212
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lydia C Aguilera, MD F
ID No. NV0003
520 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 721-0690
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Steven A Feig, MD M
ID No. NV0864
3756 Santa Rosalia Dr
STE 600
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 299-3200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
David H Keene, MD M
ID No. NV1039
6330 San Vincente Blvd
STE 305
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 525-0330
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Pedai trics
PCPs -Pediatrci s
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Alejandro Z Montes, MD M
ID No. NV0927
13820 San Antonio Dr
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 944-2181
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Swati M Purohit, MD F
ID No. NV0997
501 S Idaho St STE 100
La Habra, CA 90631
(562) 690-0400
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Derek J Wu, MD M
ID No. NV1017
3801 Katella Ave STE 221
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 431-6548
Languages: Cantonese,
Chinese and Spanish
PCPs -Pediatrci s
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Steven E Davis, DO M
ID No. NV0160
1125 Via Verde Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 592-9778
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Gilbert F Gelfand, MD M
ID No. NV0079
9040 E Telegraph Rd STE 100
Downey, CA 90240
(562) 861-0954
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
12291 Washington Blvd
STE 300
Whittier, CA 90606
(562) 758-6600
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Also located at:
15627 Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 990-0911
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Shefali B Khandwala, DO F
ID No. NV0875
539 S Brea Blvd STE 100
Brea, CA 92821
(714) 671-2936
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Arturo J Lopez, MD M
ID No. NV0943
14350 Whittier Blvd STE 215
Whittier, CA 90605
(562) 236-2290
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only
Sandra G Madrid, MD F
ID No. NV0308
12462 E Washington Blvd
Whittier, CA 90602
(562) 693-0725
Languages: Spanish
Otto Y Liao, MD M
Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Chao I Lin, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
Roger L Nguyen, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Stephen C Wong, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergy& mI munol gy
George F El Khoury, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Vijay Wali, MD M
ID No. NV0150
1001 E Chapman Ave STE D
Fullerton, CA 92831
(714) 451-0000
Languages: Hindi
Steven N Witlin, MD M
ID No. NV0483
9808 Venice Blvd STE 603
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 845-9311
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Allergy & Immunology
Emil F Burger Jr, MD M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Bruce Friedman, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Pravin L Kapadia, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Duke D Kim, MD M
Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
John I Lauridsen, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy &Im unol ogy
Nguyen-Phuc, MD M
Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Michael Yeh, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Michael A Brodsky, MD M
Placentia, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Jay H Lee, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Kelly J Tucker, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Quang T Vo, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi o/Thoraci cSurgery
Specialty Physicians
Jairo J Marin, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Jyotika L Wali, MD F
ID No. NV0149
1001 E Chapman Ave STE D
Fullerton, CA 92831
(714) 451-0000
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Mahaisavariya, MD M
Downey, CA
Christina H
Economides, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Ivan Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Ivan C Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Sheri Koplik, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Rex C Liu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Edward E Abdullah, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Satinder J Bhatia, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Neil A Buchbinder, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Steven Burstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
David S Cannom, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Tyson C Cobb, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Richard M Deits, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Suhail Y Dohad, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Yaron Elad, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Peter K Fung, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Eli S Gang, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Bruce A Samuels, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Seyed A
Shazadeh-Safavi, DC M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Phillip R Harding, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Madan Sharma, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jay J Shery, DC M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Ivan C Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Anantjit Singh, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Gina Travis, MD
Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Debra R Judelson, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Nordy S Spivack, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Robert L Wilkinson, DC M
Brea, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Ronald P Karlsberg, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Charles D Swerdlow, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Sheri Koplik, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Steven W Tabak, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Tam H Le, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Jay H Lee, MD M
Orange, CA
Kaushal R Tamboli, MD M
Downey, CA
Siamak Milanchi, MD M
Irvine, CA
Robert D Lerman, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kelly J Tucker, MD M
Orange, CA
Critical Care Med (n
Ming W Liu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Keith N Yabumoto, MD M
El Segundo, CA
Rex C Liu, MD M
Montebello, CA
Paul H Yoshino, MD M
Downey, CA
Xiushi S Liu, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Reginald G Abraham, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMed(n
Devang M Savani, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMed(n
Critical Care Medicine
Tammy H Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Crti calCareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jairo J Marin, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Col n &RectalSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Ravi P Makam, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Syam P Vunnamadala, MD M Fernando B Canon, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Guy S Mayeda, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Carlos T Garcia, DC M
Santa Ana, CA
Pareshkumar J Patel, MD M
Whittier, CA
Randy S Higashi, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Charles Pollick, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peter S Jung, DC M
Anaheim, CA
Robert M Rose, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Robert J Santino, DC M
Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Joseph F Chow, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Azita Fakheri, MD F
Van Nuys, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
David B Friedman, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Tuan A Hoang Xuan, DO M
Chino, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Melissa A Watcher, MD F
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Dermatology
Sharam S Yashar, MD M
Signal Hill, CA
Rafael Rubalcava, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Zelman G
Weingarten, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Millard H Zisser, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ravindra Alapati, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Peter J Winkle, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Sawssan N Barakat, MD F
Northridge, CA
Ashokkumar I Amin, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Kong Peng Yap, MD M
Irvine, CA
Ole S Opgaard, MD M
Placentia, CA
Cyril O Anyadike, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jason S Yip, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Herbert I Rettinger, MD M
Orange, CA
Robert S Fan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Arash I Zarimani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sarah R Rettinger, MD F
Orange, CA
Syam P Gaddam, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
General Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Lucy M Saenz, MD F
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Practci e
Priya K Shah, MD F
Orange, CA
Fernando Ibarra, MD M
Montebello, CA
Aleem A Syed, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Kevin D Kuettel, MD M
Anaheim, CA
David G Balch, MD M
Placentia, CA
Endocrinology &
Edgar Mehdikhani, MD M
Glendale, CA
Pramod K Batra, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Nathan F Eitan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Duke H Nguyen, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Kim M Brandau, MD F
Anaheim, CA
Miguel E
Rodriguez-Colume, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Adebambo O Ojuri, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robin R Cole, MD M
Placentia, CA
Family Practice
Rangarao Panguluri, MD M
Baldwin Park, CA
Roxann S Engle, DO F
Yorba Linda, CA
Amer N Rayyes, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Theodos M
Daskalakis, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy& Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gy& Metabol si m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Jordan H Goodstein, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Payam Marouni, MD M
Van Nuys, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Timothy C Simmons, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Richard A Guerrero, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Merlie A
Pacheco-Ocampo, MD F
La Habra, CA
Mordo Suchov, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Kristine Percy, MD F
Brea, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Atif Iqbal, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
Barton H Ueki, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Jeffrey W Kronson, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Surgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - General Surgery
Rajesh Lal, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Culver City, CA
Bryan C Doo, MD M
Whittier, CA
Quy V Le, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Afshin E Gabayan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Jerrold S Dreyer, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Francis S Lee, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Daniel B Huang, MD M
Downey, CA
Michael S Finney, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Nichole S Meissner, MD
Placentia, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pauline Ho, MD F
Placentia, CA
Antonio K Ong, MD M
Paramount, CA
Khosrow Mahdavi, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Tommy C Lu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Gilbert D Roys, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Manan S Mehta, MD M
Downey, CA
Peter J Ruane, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard H
Stewardson, MD M
Placentia, CA
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Downey, CA
Bhanu Sud, MD M
Placentia, CA
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Tuan V Ta, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Hematology Oncology
Veena P Charu, MD F
Anaheim, CA
William M Thompson
Newport Beach, CA
Leonid Kleynberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joel A Trotter, MD M
Placentia, CA
Shala A Salem, MD F
Corona, CA
Khosrow Mahdavi, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Internal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Kenneth K Tieu, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Anwar H Arastu, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Geriatrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Parvaneh Bahmani, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Daryoosh Samimi, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Ajit S Maniam, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Randall C Gilbert, MD M
Culver City, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Manuel Zevallos, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Marian Jalil, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Hiv/Aids Specialist
Linnea I Chap, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Joel A Trotter, MD M
Placentia, CA
Gurleen S Jamarai, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Diseases
Raouf A Kayaleh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Herbert L Duvivier, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hiv/Ai dsSpeciail st
Puneet K Chahal, MD F
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy
Bharat N Chauhan, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Shahla Sadighian, MD F
Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine
Riad Y Darwish, MD M
Whittier, CA
Sampath K
Suryadevara, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Syed M Rizvi, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Son T Dinh, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
John K Shaib, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Claudio H Gallego, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Pagiel Shechter, MD M
Culver City, CA
Carlos R Gonzalez, MD M
Montebello, CA
Monica M
Thornhill-Joynes, MD F
Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Pelma R Tabrizi, MD F
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Maternal & Fetal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Bruce W Kovacs, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal & Featl Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nancy S Hernandez, DO F
Garden Grove, CA
Medical Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Herbert S Tiquia, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Herbert L Duvivier, MD M
Glendale, CA
Kevin T Huang, MD M
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jayakumar R Vidhun, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Leonid Kleynberg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer M Imparato F
Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Philip S Yang, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Montebello, CA
Aamir Z Jamal, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Ashish H Kalthia, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Mark E Anderson, MD M
Irvine, CA
Dennis T Lange, MD M
Montebello, CA
Devin K Binder, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Azita Mesbah, MD F
Irvine, CA
Bryan C Oh, MD M
Orange, CA
Mojtaba Moghadam, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Peyman R Tabrizi, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Shahriare Nasser
Moaddeli, MD M
Whittier, CA
Ramani Nathan, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
John R Dietz, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Russell L Ness, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Jack H Florin, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Hassan Boroujer Rad, MD M
Whittier, CA
Israel M Gorinshtein, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Amna A Rizvi, MD F
San Dimas, CA
Clyde D Holstein, MD M
Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Patricia M Alvarado, MD F
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Parvaneh Bahmani, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Michael H Bien, MD M
San Dimas, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Steve Q Bui, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Seyed-Farhad N
Chimeh, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Pradip C Chowdhury, MD M
Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jesse J Chuang, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sandeep S Dang, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Neurological Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Anthony M Ciabarra, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Neurology
Chan H Kim, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Kourosh K
Daneshgar, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Reza Shafee, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sayed Monis, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Randy P Fiorentino, MD M
Orange, CA
Nicole L Sharkey, MD F
Yorba Linda, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Johnson L Moon, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Michael G Muhonen, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Zhanna Rapoport, MD F
Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Donald J Snider, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Stephen R Waldman, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Edward T Chappell, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Tien T Nguyen, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Michael Forghani
Arani, DO M
Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ambica Garg, MD F
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Praveen Gupta, MD F
Culver City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Hyung O Kim, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Stephen Y Lee, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jay S Masswerman, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
David H Su, MD M
Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Jerald J Thanos, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Nicholas J Thanos, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Kevin K Tieu, MD M
Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Michael J Vizcarra, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Sepideh Zahedy
Kapusta, MD F
La Habra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Marc D Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Richy Agajanian, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Thaiyananthan, MD M
Orange, CA
Seymour J Melnik, MD M
Whittier, CA
Linnea I Chap, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Arjang Naim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Eric M Cheung, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Albert A Nassir, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jack H Freimann Jr, MD M
Culver City, CA
Sandra Nieto, MD F
Montebello, CA
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jeffrey P Phelan, MD M
Pomona, CA
Manan S Mehta, MD M
Downey, CA
Azmath S Qureshi, MD M
Whittier, CA
Thomas F Reynolds, MD M
Montebello, CA
Maria H Rodriguez, MD F
Pomona, CA
Ravin M Rupani, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Epifanio Anzaldo, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Vellore R Bhupathy, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Claire U Bravo, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Sang P Chung, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Jacquelyn D Cortez, DO F
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Oncol gy
Ana M Sanchez, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Oncology
Merrill K Shum, MD M
Downey, CA
Casimiro Gonzalez, MD M
Cudahy, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Oncol ogy
Nelson N Noguchi, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Scott Grant, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
John C Hwang, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ali A Kashani, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Joseph C Peters, MD M
Lynwood, CA
Sandeep K Khanna, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ashkan Pirouz, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Omar Krad, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Elson Lai, MD M
Orange, CA
Warren J Reingold, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
John S Lean, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Herman L Rundle, MD M
Orange, CA
Jan S Lukac, MD M
Brea, CA
Keith V Rundle, MD M
Orange, CA
Wayne H Martin, MD M
Diamond Bar, CA
Reginald Sampson, MD M
Lancaster, CA
George L Mayo, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Steven A Schmidt, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Druann J McCluskey, MD F
Huntington Beach, CA
Jerry Sebag, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Charles W Eifrig, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Desmond E McGuire, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Samir A Shah, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Selena Y Fu, MD F
Anaheim, CA
Mohammad R Neal, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Hanna F Shammas, MD M
La Habra, CA
George H Garcia, MD M
Orange, CA
Elizabeth V Nguyen, DO F
Westminster, CA
Michael A Sheety, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Nengjie J Ge, MD F
Irvine, CA
Mohammad R
Nilforoushan, MD M
La Mirada, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sean D Adrean, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Mark A Baskin, MD M
Encino, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Betsy E Blechman, MD F
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
David S Boyer, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Luis A Chanes, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lung-Hsiung Chang, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lawrence P Chong, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Blake D Crawford, MD
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Rose M Cunningham
Ahumada, MD F
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
Loan T Tran, MD F
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Robert J Bohr, MD M
La Habra, CA
Samuel R Rosenfeld, MD M
Orange, CA
Michael K Tran, MD M
Westminster, CA
Andrzej Bulczynski, MD M
Marina Del Rey, CA
Israel Rottermann, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Miguel A Unzueta, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Yung R Cho, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Michael P Rubinstein, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Khiem D Dao, MD M
Costa Mesa, CA
Bindesh A Shah, MD M
La Habra, CA
Jeffrey V Winston, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Jeffrey L Dobyns, MD M
Orange, CA
Gerald W Swanson, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
David J Downs, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Trieu T Tran, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Harry L Gibson, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Shail Vyas, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Daniel E Kaplan, MD M
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Kendall S Wagner, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Francois D Lalonde, MD M
Orange, CA
Carl R Weinert, MD M
Orange, CA
Kyle Low, MD M
La Habra, CA
Eugen D Williams, MD M
Yorba Linda, CA
Michael D Marger, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Steven J Chiana, OD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
George W Comer, OD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Jay Y Kwok, OD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Lynne D Louie, OD M
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Nhu Q Ly, OD F
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Andrew F Pilon, OD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Hamid R Mir, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Thomas C Huang, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
David P Sendrowski, OD
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Christopher C Ninh, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Ashley C Moore, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Hugh C Moore, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Charles H Alexander, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anatol Podolsky, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Gerald J Alexander, MD M
Ontario, CA
Sharoun S Porat, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Christopher J
Quilligan, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Afshin Aminian, MD M
Orange, CA
Richard C Raczka, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Robert O Ruder, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Carlo Z Biscaro, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Hamid U Rahman, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Jimmy J Sun, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology
Sarah Vakkalanka, MD F
Fountain Valley, CA
Nirav B Savalia, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Stephanie J
Nanson, DPM F
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
John F Vanore, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Steve T Vu, MD M
Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Peter S Park, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Eric Y Waki, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Robert M Wald Jr, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pal sticSurgery
Michael K Poliskie, DPM M
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pain Management
Marc B Cheng, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Michael A Alberico, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
William J Spak, DPM M
Orange, CA
Reza Mahrou, MD M
Irvine, CA
Kibrom G Asrat, DPM M
Norwalk, CA
Kevin H Tseng, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Amir A Pouradib, MD M
Laguna Hills, CA
Jonathan I Bennett, DPM M
Fullerton, CA
Jacqueline A White, DPM F
Orange, CA
Amir B Rafizad, MD M
Irvine, CA
Frank C Caruana, DPM M
Los Alamitos, CA
Lyman H Wilson, DPM M
Orange, CA
Hooman Rastegar, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Ira R Cohen, DPM M
Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pulmonary Disease
Allen D Adams, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Leon G Robb, MD M
Culver City, CA
Jeffrey R Desantis, DPM M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Jooby Babu, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Ben Shwachman, MD M
Covina, CA
Elham E Farajian, DPM F
Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Clyde J Dos Santos, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Behnoush Y Zarrini, MD M
Culver City, CA
Gabriel J Halperin, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Keyvan Zavarei, MD M
Laguna Hills, CA
Howard A Hewlett, DPM M
Orange, CA
Corey LeJeune, DPM M
Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Rosario F Sison, MD F
South Gate, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Mark S Linam, DPM M
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Physical Medicine &
Deric Lords, DPM M
Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Susie S Kay, MD F
San Gabriel, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne&Rehab
Michael J Marcus, DPM M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Plastic Surgery
Farbod Esmailian, MD M
Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pl astci Surgery
William F McCarron, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai try
Harmohinder S
Gogia, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Anooshiravan Hami, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Panch Jeyakumar, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Richard D Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Tammy H Le, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
James L Pearle, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Disease
Rambhatla, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Mir Behnam K Khaleghi
Damavandi, MD M
Orange, CA
Devang M Savani, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Seymour Levine, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Babak R Bamshad, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Narindar Singh, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Tien-I K Su, MD F
Whittier, CA
Shawn M Beck, MD M
Orange, CA
Daniel Suarez, MD M
Huntington Park, CA
Nina X Trinh, MD F
La Palma, CA
David A Chamberlin, MD M
Orange, CA
Syed O Tirmizi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Saleem A Waraich, MD M
Placentia, CA
Stuart L Feldman, MD M
Brea, CA
Radiation Oncology
Darice T Yang, MD F
Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Ali S Alavi, MD M
Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Matthew L
Greenberger, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Thomas C Gates, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Nahid Hamoui, MD F
Irvine, CA
Juan B Kaplan, MD M
Whittier, CA
Patricia S Gordon, MD F
Beverly Hills, CA
Therapeutic Radiology
Luis I Kobashi, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Arash J Gabayan, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
David C Khan, MD M
Santa Monica, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Ernest Ngo, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Therapeutci Radoi l gy
Eric S Sills, MD M
Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -ReproductiveEndocrinol ogy
Thoracic Surgery
Reginald G Abraham, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Venkata Chelvapilla
Gunupati, MD M
Glendora, CA
Venkata C Gunupati, MD M
Glendora, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
James G McPherson, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gerald Y Ho, MD M
La Palma, CA
Richard A Ott, MD M
Orange, CA
Sarah N Hwang, MD F
La Palma, CA
Quang T Vo, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Derrick V Marinelli, MD M
Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
John P Thropay, MD M
Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Harold M Klem, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Andrew K Nguyen, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Brian B Norouzi, MD M
Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
William F Pearce, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Jonathan E Perley, MD M
Norwalk, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Garo M Tertzakian, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Atef L Yacoub, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Professional Care Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Vascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Pramod K Batra, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Rajesh Lal, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prudent Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Hollywood Presbyterian
Medical Center L
1300 North Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. G30002
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David Barcohana, MD M
ID No. G30007
8929 Wilshire Blvd STE 225
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 276-6933
Languages: Armenian,
Farsi-Persian and French
Renato V Mungcal, MD M
ID No. G30044
133 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 480-0748
Languages: Spanish and
Benjamin Behroozan, MD M
ID No. G30009
5255 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Alberto V Natividad, MD M
ID No. G30045
1711 W Temple St STE 3200
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-1951
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
Randall Shue, DO M
ID No. G30233
11850 E Firestone Blvd STE 1
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 281-1008
Languages: Spanish
Michael S Burton, MD M
ID No. G30011
2101 N Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 664-2931
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Spanish
Bruce Torkan, MD M
ID No. G30056
820 A S Alvarado St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 384-0604
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Edwin H Choi, MD M
ID No. G30195
3545 Wilshire Blvd STE 247
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 388-5144
Languages: Korean
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. G30021
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Thick G Chow, MD M
ID No. G30017
817 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 385-0029
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. G30022
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prudent Medical Group, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Tit S Li, MD M
ID No. G30145
819 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 613-1255
Languages: Cantonese and
Min Young Cha, MD M
ID No. G30013
3130 W Olympic Blvd
STE 320
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 766-7770
Languages: Korean
Krikor I Kalindjian, MD M
ID No. G30215
1300 N Vermont Ave STE 806
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 660-5191
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
Also located at:
6552 Bolsa Ave STE N
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
(714) 898-9635
Languages: Cantonese and
Felipe L Chu, MD M
ID No. G30018
711 N Alvarado St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-0404
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Tagalog
Lamberto S Olaes, MD M
ID No. G30262
1267 N Virgil Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 664-7628
Languages: Spanish and
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. G30273
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
Norma C Salceda, MD F
ID No. G30264
3865 Jasmine Ave
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 839-4381
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Merlie A
Pacheco-Ocampo, MD F
ID No. G30258
679 S Westlake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4141
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Oganes Paronian, MD M
ID No. G30143
12157 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91606
(818) 750-8000
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs-General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Martin Hauptschein, MD M
ID No. G30026
2080 Century Park E
STE 906
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-6777
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Parviz Javdan, MD M
ID No. G30246
5255 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7762
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bussarakum, MD M
ID No. G30012
1321 N Vermont Ave STE 4
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 661-0559
Languages: Chinese, Laotian
and Thai
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Pagiel Shechter, MD M
ID No. G30137
9808 Venice Blvd FL
Culver City, CA 90232
(562) 733-4171
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Reynaldo C Zapata, MD M
ID No. G30152
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 211
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-6207
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Specialty Physicians
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prudent Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiology
Shaun S Daneshrad, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Walter Kwock, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Onkarjit S Marwah, MD M
Glendale, CA
Sharon Y Wang, DO F
Glendale, CA
Byron K Williams, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Eduard Minas, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Internal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Khaldoun S Sroujieh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Samuel J Porter, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Pablito A Tancinco, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David D Shin, MD M
Merced, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Santos A Uy Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Santos A Uy Jr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Simon R Valencia, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Wei Chien M Lin, MD M
Sherman Oaks, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Dariush Arfaania, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Endocrinology &
Ghassan Al Jazayrly, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Niloufar Ilani, MD F
Torrance, CA
Holly Yamada, MD F
Monrovia, CA
Hematology Oncology
Paul M Choi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Boris Bagdasarian, DO M
Glendale, CA
Jim Jer Hwu, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Hossein F Eshraghi, MD M
Glendale, CA
Cary H Gota, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Parviz Javdan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Diseases
Jean Pierre Antaki, MD M
Glendale, CA
Israel M Gorinshtein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jessica P Mantilla, MD F
Glendale, CA
Nelson J Owyoung, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Elizabeth R Maslow, MD F
Glendale, CA
Garnik A Yegyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Alan A Morgenstein, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy &Metabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Mohammed J
Shakfeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
General Surgery
Willie C Suhr, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Augusto A Zablan, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Adel E Zaki, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Sam F Daneshvari, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy
Bruce A Greenfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Mehdi Habibi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurosurgery
Joseph M Nussbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Karen L Tsujimoto, MD F
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi eases
Ramen H Chmait, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Prudent Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics/Gynecology
Shobhana Gandhi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sol Silberstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
David A Miller, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Marta A Recasens, MD F
Glendale, CA
Simon K Simonian, MD M
Hollywood, CA
Patrick M Mullin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph G
Ouzoundian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sang H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ani Baroni, OD
North Hollywood, CA
Raymond D Gritton, MD M
Glendale, CA
Luis E Duvoy, MD M
North Hollywood, CA
Physical Therapy
Luis Dvvoy, OD M
North Hollywood, CA
Andrew S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Romeo J Garza, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kourosh Harounian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Robert Kummer, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
James K Jung, DPM M
Lakewood, CA
Si M Pokpongkiat, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Oral Surgeon
Robert K
Kasamatsu, DPM M
Inglewood, CA
Edward E Black, DDS M
Los Angeles, CA
S Don Kim, MD M
Long Beach, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Matthew H Nguyen, DPM
Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Joseph Eshaghian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Paul D First, MD M
Hollywood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -OralSurgeon
Richard H Havunjian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Farkas, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Wonkyu Pak, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Therapy
Maurice I Friedman, OD M
Culver City, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Mary K Rosenberg, RPT F
Hollywood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne& Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pathol gy
Physical Medicine &
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Usha Dhar, MD F
La Mirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy
H Michael M Mynatt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Darryl A Willoughby, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atry
Pulmonary Disease
Babak B Abrishami, DO M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Zulfiqar Ahmed, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi ease
Kamal A Batniji, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prudent Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology
Brian N Huh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Srinivasan, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Misak Abdulian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Yeong K Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Andrew S Hurwitz, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Antoine Y Mansour, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Alexander G Stein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
James T Wu, MD M
Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Thoarci Surgery
Misak H Abdulian, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Bradley Landis, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Vascular Surgery
William B Cohen, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Vascul arSurgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Seoul Medical Group
Affiliated Hospitals
Good Samaritan Hospital L
1225 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Hollywood Presbyterian
Medical Center L
1300 North Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Seung R An, MD M
ID No. N20127
2655 W Olympic Blvd
STE 207
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 388-7887
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangjun Byeon, MD M
ID No. N20128
18391 Colima Rd STE 201
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-2911
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Vincent Medical Center
2131 W Third St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of
Urgent Care Centers in the
network, please contact your
medical group.
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Kay Choi, MD F
ID No. N20004
1834 W Lincoln Ave STE J
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 778-1192
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hun Kang, MD M
ID No. N20191
1025 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 382-7022
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dong S Son, MD M
ID No. N20173
408 S Beach Blvd STE 204
Anaheim, CA 92804
(714) 527-2240
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Young S Suh, MD M
ID No. N20221
966 S Western Ave STE 204
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 735-1300
Languages: Korean
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kyung S Yoo, MD M
ID No. N20197
15446 Parthenia St
North Hills, CA 91343
(818) 891-1616
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine
Sang H Baik, MD M
ID No. N20021
3663 W 6th St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 388-1111
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Family Practice
Joon Kang, MD M
ID No. N20009
18391 Colima Rd STE 201
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 912-2911
Languages: Korean
Sung Nae Byun, MD M
ID No. N20014
2120 W 8th St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-2700
Languages: Korean,
Portuguese and Spanish
Lauri I An, MD F
ID No. N20145
2655 W Olynpic Blvd
STE 207
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 388-7887
Languages: Korean
Kenneth K Kim, MD M
ID No. N20020
520 S Virgil Ave STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(323) 234-5575
Languages: Korean and
Min Young Cha, MD M
ID No. N20011
520 S Virgil Ave STE 507
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 480-7770
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Kook I Chang, MD M
ID No. N20213
14600 Sherman Way STE 270
Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 780-7771
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kyung Mo Han, MD M
ID No. N20010
2681 W Olympic Blvd
STE 221
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 387-7800
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hee S Jeong, MD M
ID No. N20137
2675 W Olympic Blvd
STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 387-1541
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shin Wook Kang, MD M
ID No. N20225
2727 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-7077
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soo W Kang, MD M
ID No. N20016
11832 E Rosecrans Ave
STE 127
Norwalk, CA 90650
(562) 868-6256
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chin S Kim, MD M
ID No. N20195
1736 Medical Center Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 520-0809
Languages: Japanese, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Karen Kim, MD F
ID No. N20211
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Victor H Kong, MD M
ID No. N20146
3727 W 6th St 200 STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 637-1070
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Pyoung Il J Kwon, MD M
ID No. N20003
4220 W 3rd St STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-4141
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dong H Lee, MD M
ID No. N20205
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kyu B Lee, MD M
ID No. N20005
201 S Alvarado St STE 814
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4976
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sonwoo Lee, MD M
ID No. N20017
505 S Virgil Ave STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 739-0007
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Duck Lim, MD M
ID No. N20220
10700 Balboa Blvd
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(818) 366-6550
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hee Y Oh, MD M
ID No. N20007
1722 Desire Ave STE 206
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 962-2421
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
1433 W Merced Ave STE 207
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 962-2421
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jason S Paek, MD M
ID No. N20143
20627 Golden Springs Dr
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
(909) 839-0455
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dong W Shin, MD M
ID No. N20190
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 220
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 738-7788
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Hyang E Sohn, MD F
ID No. N20022
2727 W Olympic Blvd
STE 305
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8822
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark M Song, MD M
ID No. N20161
3663 W 6th St STE 307
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 736-1884
Languages: Korean
Accepting Current
Patients Only
Audrey B Kim, LAC F
Sherman Oaks, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
Brian N Huh, MD M
ID No. N20071
520 S Virgil Ave STE 300
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 736-0080
Languages: Korean, Spanish
and Tagalog
Min H Lee, L.AC M
Los Angeles, CA
Diana M Kim, MD F
ID No. N20214
3919 Beverly Blvd STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 662-1175
Languages: Korean and
Young D Won, LAC M
Los Angeles, CA
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Sang Hwa Lee, CA M
Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
On J Park, CA F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at:
1401 S Brookhurst St
STE 100
Fullerton, CA 92833
(714) 626-0700
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Larry T Suk, MD M
ID No. N20012
15435 S Western Ave
STE 201
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 515-9871
Languages: Korean
Seung H Kim, MD M
ID No. N20130
3663 W 6th St STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 385-5500
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Eun J Yoon, MD F
ID No. N20134
2017 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 480-1000
Languages: Korean,
Mandarin and Spanish
Chris I Lee, MD M
ID No. N20204
18897 Colima Rd STE B
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 913-7525
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Janet S Kim, MD F
ID No. N20165
500 S Virgil Ave STE 204
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 388-7828
Languages: Korean
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Acupuncture
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Young Jik Lee, MD M
ID No. N20018
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Ellyn R Ashida, MD F
Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy
Allergy & Immunology
Joseph D Chun, MD M
Buena Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergy&Im unol ogy
Sheldon K Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Samuel R Park, MD M
Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Marc J Girsky, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery
Michael K McLean, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi /Thoraci Surgery
Andrew J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Pedi atrci s
Specialty Physicians
Eun K Cho, CA F
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Acupuncture
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease
Don W Lee, MD M
Glendale, CA
Mariola L Ficinski, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
William I Han, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Cindy Huang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Gynecology Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Steve S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Joseph K Song, MD M
Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Wilfredo L Hernandez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Jesus Vazquez, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Ho S Bae, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Cardiovascular Surgery
Paul M Choi, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
James F Coleman, MD M
Tustin, CA
Hematology Oncology
Child Neurology
Hyo Rang Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
James J Kim, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Pilsoo Oh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Dae S Rheem, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
James T Wu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gyOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-HandSurgery-Orthopaedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chli dNeurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Sang H Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Clan H Hahn, MD
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Kyung Y Kang, DC F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Sung J Yoo, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Jason S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Clinical Genetics
Linda S Cowan, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cil nci al Genetci s
General Practice
Hector C Ramos, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Monica E Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gyOncol gy
Infectious Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Esmond Gee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
General Surgery
Yeong K Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph M Nussbaum, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Stephen Yoo, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Col n &Rectal Surgery
Helen H Kang, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Myunghae Choi, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Song S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
John C Kang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher T Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Anthony S Oh, MD M
Covina, CA
MIchael T Lin, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
General Vascular
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Diana M Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
David D Shin, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Surgery
Marius Saines, MD M
Inglewood, CA
Philip S Yang, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Medical Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Vascual r
Bruce S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Daniel J Kim, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology
Lasika C Seneviratne, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Daniel W Chang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
James J Kim, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Christopher R Winkle, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsertci s/Gnyecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Elsa M Aguiniga, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sung U Park, MD
Anaheim, CA
David S Boyer, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Gholam H Farboody, MD M
Glendale, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mayank S Pathak, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Samantha J Chai, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Bruce A Greenfield, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Daniel D Truong, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Andrew S Cho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Steven S Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas G Chu, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Deno D Kang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kyoo S Ro, MD M
Glendale, CA
Pouya N Dayani, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Kim C Le, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Nuclear Medicine
Ron P Gallemore, MD M
Torrance, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurosurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
David Chien, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sora Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arMedi cne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Gene S Han, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Do H Kim, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Raffi R Minasian, MD M
Glendale, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nucel arMedi cne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jeffrey V Huang, DO M
Rowland Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Artashes Patrikyan, MD M
Glendale, CA
Edward J Chen, MD M
Monterey Park, CA
Lei Jiang, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Gadsalli R
Ravikumar, MD M
La Palma, CA
Samantha H Han, MD F
Burbank, CA
Steven G Khwarg, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
David S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hans H Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sangjoon J Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Stanley S Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Neurological Surgery
Patrick T Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Yong J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Muralidhara R Raju, MD M
Fountain Valley, CA
Peter H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Edward W Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Sang H Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Grant E Lee, MD M
Rowland Heights, CA
Charlene Y Song, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Joseph Y Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Lakhi M Sakhrani, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mark M Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gci al Surgery
Phillip C Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics/Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology
David S Liao, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sok H Nam, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sangdo Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Lily F Lee, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Thomas P
Schmalzried, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Roger L Novack, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Tae M Shin, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Firas M Rahhal, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Benjamin S Song, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pal stci Surgery
Edward H Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Nejadrasool, DPM M
Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Orthopedi cSurgery
Chris J Park, DPM M
Pomona, CA
Michael R Rose, MD M
San Gabriel, CA
Sol Silberstein, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peter S Park, DPM M
Los Angeles, CA
Mehran Taban, MD M
Torrance, CA
Pain Management
Pulmonary Disease
Joseph C Chun, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Hassan M Alkhouli, MD M
Westminster, CA
Pedia Critical Care
Asaad Hakim, MD M
Garden Grove, CA
Richard H Roe, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Alexander C Walsh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kim J Yun, MD F
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Steven I Bai, OD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Zacharia Y Reda, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi aCrti calCare
Louis S Park, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDisease
Pediatric Cardiology
John Ho, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Radiation Oncology
Ana M Grace, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Physical Med & Rehab
Chiwai E Chan, DO M
Fountain Valley, CA
Han J Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Peter C Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Albert C Mak, MD M
Alhambra, CA
Jason Rhee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Janice J Rha, MD F
Alhambra, CA
Orthopedic Surgery
Physical Medicine &
Jai H Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Myeong C Kim, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
H Michael M Mynatt, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Plastic Surgery
Heejung Koh, OD F
Rowland Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Emily K So, OD F
Lincoln Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Christine Yang, OD F
Rowland Heights, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Med &Rehab
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Orthopedci Surgery
John P Thropay, MD M
Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne& Rehab
Brian N Huh, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Dong H Ha, DO M
Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pl ascti Surgery
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
Seoul Medical Group, continued
Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology
Nicholas Y Kim, MD M
Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Francis S Lee, MD M
Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Stephen Yoo, MD M
Beverly Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
James T Wu, MD M
Pasadena, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Taro Yokoyama, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Thoraci Surgery
Samuel K Lee, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Huey C Lin, MD M
Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Luke W Yoon, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Vascular Surgery
Sam S Ahn, MD M
Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
William B Cohen, MD M
West Hollywood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Vascual rSurgery
Mental Health Providers
Richard Sohn, PhD M
Los Angeles, CA
Mental Heal thProvdi ers-Psyhcol ogy
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Vincent IPA
Affiliated Hospitals
St Vincent Medical Center
2131 W Third St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Urgent Care Centers
This plan provides coverage
for Urgent Care centers in
network and out-of-network.
For an up-to-date list of Urgent
Care Centers in the network,
please contact your medical
Este plan brinda cobertura en
los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red y no
pertenecientes a la red. Para
obtener una lista actualizada
de los Centros de Atención
Urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo
Family Practice
Nargis R Akhanjee, MD M
ID No. WJ0287
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 217A
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-5430
Languages: Bengali, Spanish
and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Benjamin Behroozan, MD M
ID No. WJ0007
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
5255 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 463-7262
Languages: Farsi, Hebrew
and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Peiman Berdjis, MD M
ID No. WJ0432
2121 S San Pedro St
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(213) 742-0300
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hector R Castillo, MD M
ID No. WJ0284
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mauricio J Castillo, MD M
ID No. WJ0012
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at:
5428 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(323) 256-3884
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edgar A Chavez, MD M
ID No. WJ0285
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Caroucel K Chuateco, MD F
ID No. WJ0019
1663 Beverly Blvd STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 250-0235
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chancelor Daniel, MD M
ID No. WJ0439
617 W Manchester Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-9715
Languages: French and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jimmy L Ezell, MD M
ID No. WJ0379
7500 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 971-2250
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cadrin E Gill, MD M
ID No. WJ0025
231 W Vernon Ave STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 231-5181
Languages: French, German
and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Julio V Guzman, MD M
ID No. WJ0030
4214 W Beverly Blvd STE 212
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 385-9912
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Nathan Hashimoto, MD M
ID No. WJ0313
420 E 3rd St STE 606
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 620-0822
Languages: Japanese
Raymond Moallemi, MD M
ID No. WJ0415
3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 664-7777
Languages: Farsi
Karlon H Johnson, MD M
ID No. WJ0033
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
Also located at:
4036 Whittier Blvd STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 796-0500
Languages: Farsi
Also located at:
4455 W 117th St STE 300
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 645-0444
Sarvenaz S
Mobasser, MD M
ID No. WJ0291
204 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 457-4000
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Houman M Kashani, MD M
ID No. WJ0419
747 Warehouse St FL 5
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(212) 622-3100
Languages: Farsi and
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Agustin J Lara, MD M
ID No. WJ0283
1005 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(213) 745-3636
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Eugenia Moreno, MD F
ID No. WJ0253
12099 W Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Renato V Mungcal, MD M
ID No. WJ0057
133 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 480-0748
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Weiguo Li, MD M
ID No. WJ0372
25 S Raymond Ave STE 111
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 943-1818
Languages: Chinese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gilda Ngo, MD F
ID No. WJ0354
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Quynam P Nguyen, MD M
ID No. WJ0395
3712 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 268-8347
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Luis N Pacheco, MD M
ID No. WJ0063
1414 S Grand Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 743-9000
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mehrdad Pakdaman, MD M
ID No. WJ0307
1115 S Robertson Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 659-9999
Languages: Farsi, French and
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose A Perez, MD M
ID No. WJ0385
3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(323) 604-0260
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Noelle E Reid, MD F
ID No. WJ0433
7231 Santa Monica Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 874-1200
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
William J Rubinson, MD M
ID No. WJ0387
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Family Practice
Daniel Sanchez, MD M
ID No. WJ0070
201 S Alvarado St STE 717
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 989-6959
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David N Steinberg, MD M
ID No. WJ0399
5832 S Vermont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-7354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Young S Suh, MD M
ID No. WJ0431
966 S Western Ave STE 204
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 735-1300
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rene J Trabanino, MD M
ID No. WJ0242
3751 S Harvard Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
(323) 373-9400
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kelly T Wong, DO F
ID No. WJ0396
711 W College St STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 625-3182
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at:
500 N Garfield Ave STE 105
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 288-3828
Languages: Cantonese and
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Alex Abbassi, MD M
ID No. WJ0340
18370 Burbank Blvd STE 309
Tarzana, CA 91356
(818) 345-7707
Languages: Farsi and French
PCPs -General Practci e
Shahira S Abdel
Malek, MD F
ID No. WJ0316
3100 E Florence Ave STE 1
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 583-4115
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Loghman Abdian, MD M
ID No. WJ0244
1107 S Alvarado St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-9999
Languages: Farsi-Persian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Ayad J Alanizi, MD M
ID No. WJ0353
127 N Madison Ave STE 106
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 744-9018
Languages: Arabic, Spanish
and Vietnamese
Ludvik Artinyan, MD M
ID No. WJ0255
5300 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 461-5882
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Turkish
Henry S Awariefe, MD M
ID No. WJ0359
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(562) 776-1500
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy N
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 776-1050
Languages: Spanish
Jonathan Adhami, MD M
ID No. WJ0401
5832 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-7354
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Raul J Bendana, MD M
ID No. WJ0008
1619 1/2 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 487-0615
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
5912 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 461-3888
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Aret Akian, MD M
ID No. WJ0334
1711 W Temple St STE 5662
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-8660
Languages: Armenian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Gisele Biamby, MD F
ID No. WJ0331
601 W Manchester Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 671-2222
Languages: French and
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Joseph A Carella, MD M
ID No. WJ0430
2631 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 383-9955
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Ernest Y Casillas, MD M
ID No. WJ0377
2010 Wilshire Blvd STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4203
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Thick G Chow, MD M
ID No. WJ0017
817 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 385-0029
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Stevan R Clark, MD M
ID No. WJ0382
10220 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 757-1744
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Elizabeth J
Covington, MD F
ID No. WJ0318
3701 Stocker St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 290-2107
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Ada E Del
Rivero-Yamuy, MD F
ID No. WJ0351
3831 Hughes Ave STE 101
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 204-0104
Languages: French, Italian
and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Amani A Eldessouky, MD F
ID No. WJ0357
1704 W Manchester Ave
STE 109
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 778-8485
Languages: Arabic and
Polina T Feygin, MD F
ID No. WJ0355
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
Languages: Russian and
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 250-3100
Languages: Russian and
Karine Gaboian, MD F
ID No. WJ0023
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Armenian and
Luis A Galdamez, MD M
ID No. WJ0358
6007 Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 725-1144
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Violeta A Galdamez, MD F
ID No. WJ0397
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6831 Seville Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 581-8234
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Thomas J Gerke, MD M
ID No. WJ0403
10811 S Grevillea Ave
Lennox, CA 90304
(310) 673-1922
Languages: Russian and
PCPs -General Practci e
Raffi J Ghurabi, DO M
ID No. WJ0356
1039 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 776-1500
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
5720 Imperial Hwy
South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 250-3100
Languages: Arabic, Armenian
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Magdi R Gindi, MD M
ID No. WJ0026
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Nabila E Gindi, MD F
ID No. WJ0027
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
Kenji Irie, MD M
ID No. WJ0303
420 E 3rd St STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 617-0266
Languages: Japanese
John L Goff, MD M
ID No. WJ0267
11942 Paramount Blvd STE B
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 923-6060
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi
and Spanish
Nabil F Khalil, MD M
ID No. WJ0402
5832 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 750-7354
Languages: Arabic and
Soleman Hakimi, MD M
ID No. WJ0257
2915 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 449-0098
Languages: Farsi and Hebrew
Abdul R Khan, MD M
ID No. WJ0410
1711 W Temple St STE 5613
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 483-8400
Languages: Hindi
Gaston C Herrera, MD M
ID No. WJ0248
1061 E Vernon Ave STE F
Los Angeles, CA 90011
(323) 233-9686
Languages: Spanish
Humberto Herrera, MD M
ID No. WJ0406
2955 E Florence Ave
Huntington Park, CA 90255
(323) 585-0732
Languages: Spanish
Syed M Hossain, MD M
ID No. WJ0408
1711 W Temple St STE 5658
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-8660
Languages: Bengali, Farsi and
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Tit S Li, MD M
ID No. WJ0252
819 W Cesar E Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 613-1255
Languages: Chinese
PCPs -General Practci e
Masha J Livhits, MD F
ID No. WJ0049
6399 Wilshire Blvd STE 910
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 653-6431
Languages: Russian
PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at:
6399 Wilshire Blvd STE 910
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 653-6431
Languages: Russian
PCPs -General Practci e
Galina Makovoz, MD F
ID No. WJ0050
7607 W Santa Monica Blvd
STE 27
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 650-5494
Languages: Russian
Horace M Mellon, MD M
ID No. WJ0052
915 Myrtle Ave
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-3133
Languages: Spanish
Mojtahedian, MD M
ID No. WJ0286
6425 E Whittier Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 728-0101
Languages: Farsi, French and
Hakop Oganyan, MD M
ID No. WJ0309
111 Glendale Blvd STE A
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 481-9900
Languages: Armenian,
Russian and Spanish
Jose A Ortiz, MD M
ID No. WJ0390
3900 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 427-0400
Languages: Spanish
Guadalupe C
Pedrano, MD F
ID No. WJ0064
2209 San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 226-0511
Languages: Spanish and
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - General Practice
Richard M Powell, MD M
ID No. WJ0068
5901 W Olympic Blvd
STE 504
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 935-5858
Languages: Spanish
Arkady B Stern, MD M
ID No. WJ0074
425 S Fairfax Ave STE 302
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 933-3459
Languages: Russian
PCPs-General Practci e
Clem D Rodriguez, MD M
ID No. WJ0414
1200 N Vermont Ave STE E
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 426-9480
Languages: Ilocano, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-General Practci e
Francisco G
Rodriguez, DO M
ID No. WJ0308
330 W Las Tunas Dr STE 1
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 284-3300
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Salvador M
Sotomayor, MD M
ID No. WJ0259
5036 Passons Blvd STE 2
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(562) 654-2800
Languages: Italian and
PCPs-General Practci e
Teresita E Tan, MD F
ID No. WJ0269
244 S Oxford Ave STE 9
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 382-1770
Languages: Spanish and
Sofia Vaisman, MD F
ID No. WJ0078
22600 Ventura Blvd STE 101
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(818) 225-1255
Languages: Romanian,
Russian and Spanish
Pagiel Shechter, MD M
ID No. WJ0342
9808 Venice Blvd FL
Culver City, CA 90232
(562) 733-4171
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew,
Russian and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at:
425 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(310) 275-3835
Languages: Russian
Harold C Valery, MD M
ID No. WJ0388
1655 S Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(323) 737-5200
Languages: Spanish
Rashad N Wasef, MD M
ID No. WJ0083
25 S Raymond Ave STE 202
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 570-6016
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Manuel C Aguilera, MD M
ID No. WJ0004
2534 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-1175
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vincent L Anthony, MD M
ID No. WJ0302
1711 W Temple St STE 7200
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(888) 522-7311
Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Myo Aung, MD M
ID No. WJ0092
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 801
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 484-1300
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jose L Villagomez, MD M
ID No. WJ0254
12099 Washington Blvd
STE 400
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 398-3803
Languages: Spanish
Also located at:
201 S Alvarado St STE 825
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-1300
Languages: Burmese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sang H Baik, MD M
ID No. WJ0368
3663 W 6th St STE 106
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 388-1111
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Mahesh V Bhuta, MD M
ID No. WJ0345
9711 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 559-9884
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi,
Punjabi and Spanish
Victor G Carabello, MD M
ID No. WJ0011
1700 E Cesar Chavez
STE L200
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 526-2880
Languages: Spanish
Michael D Borookhim, MD M
ID No. WJ0337
1711 W Temple St STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0700
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Elena Chetver, MD F
ID No. WJ0015
7531 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 210
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 650-2991
Languages: Russian
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
9301 Wilshire Blvd STE 602
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 288-0881
Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stephen J Bryda, MD M
ID No. WJ0341
166 S Alvarado St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-8361
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bussarakum, MD M
ID No. WJ0009
201 S Alvarado St STE 603
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-0500
Languages: Chinese, Laotian
and Thai
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sung Nae Byun, MD M
ID No. WJ0249
2120 W 8th St STE 102
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 382-2700
Languages: Korean,
Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Anna Lourdes A
Chickey, MD F
ID No. WJ0295
2536 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 385-7888
Languages: Tagalog
Stephen T Copen, MD M
ID No. WJ0290
874 W M L King Jr Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 232-6131
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Soha Dolatabadi, MD F
ID No. WJ0441
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 804
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1030
Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Paul A Duron, MD M
ID No. WJ0021
1141 N Brand Blvd STE 400
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 247-9717
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Seung Ho Choi, MD M
ID No. WJ0016
1711 W Temple St STE 8668
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 207-5000
Languages: Korean and
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Felipe L Chu, MD M
ID No. WJ0018
711 N Alvarado St STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-0404
Languages: Cantonese,
Mandarin and Tagalog
Imad A Elasmar, MD M
ID No. WJ0298
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Arabic, Italian and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at:
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dong S Chung, MD F
ID No. WJ0020
2528 W Olympic Blvd
STE 103
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 386-5002
Languages: Korean
Also located at:
1234 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 660-5624
Languages: Arabic and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Mirna P Elias, MD F
ID No. WJ0299
354 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 487-6867
Languages: Spanish
Gopal Govindarajan, MD M
ID No. WJ0292
1640 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 483-1251
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Juan A Escobar, MD M
ID No. WJ0328
1711 W Temple St STE 3600
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 989-0700
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Eleonora Fedonenko, MD F
ID No. WJ0288
6221 Wilshire Blvd STE 312
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 655-0990
Languages: Russian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Marcel A Filart, MD M
ID No. WJ0322
1300 N Vermont Ave FL 1
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 913-4222
Languages: Spanish and
Steven S Ho, MD M
ID No. WJ0265
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-3888
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alexander P Ford, MD M
ID No. WJ0346
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 700
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 277-6405
Languages: Hebrew and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Cindy Huang, MD F
ID No. WJ0314
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 903
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: Chinese,
Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vivian M Gindi, MD F
ID No. WJ0325
1110 N Western Ave STE 201
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 463-6881
Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gemelia Holgado
Aguilera, MD F
ID No. WJ0003
3761 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 663-2100
Languages: Spanish and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kyung M Han, MD M
ID No. WJ0031
2681 W Olympic Blvd
STE 221
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 387-7800
Languages: Korean and
Parviz Javdan, MD M
ID No. WJ0347
2221 Lincoln Blvd STE 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 396-9999
Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Krikor I Kalindjian, MD M
ID No. WJ0260
1300 N Vermont Ave STE 807
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 660-5191
Languages: Arabic, French
and Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Anjana V Kamdar, MD F
ID No. WJ0293
1701 Cesar Chavez Ave
STE 3700
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 264-4300
Languages: Gujarati and
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Deno D Kang, MD M
ID No. WJ0327
18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204
Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 402-9801
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shin Wook Kang, MD M
ID No. WJ0317
2727 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 380-7077
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John Huh, MD M
ID No. WJ0361
356 S Werstern Ave STE 200
Los Angeles, CA 90020
(213) 384-1717
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Adam D Karns, MD M
ID No. WJ0035
5901 W Olympic Blvd
STE 208
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 954-8084
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 515
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(562) 903-2857
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at:
8920 Wilshire Blvd STE 321
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 652-8084
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mushtaq A Khan, MD M
ID No. WJ0038
1800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 484-9934
Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Young S Kim, MD M
ID No. WJ0040
2405 W 8th St STE 202
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 383-3994
Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Keith L Klein, MD M
ID No. WJ0041
8900 Wilshire Blvd STE 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 657-9841
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Herbert R Kornfeld, MD M
ID No. WJ0042
2080 Century Park E
STE 1207
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 553-2122
Languages: French
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at:
4946 E Florence Ave
Bell, CA 90201
(323) 589-3819
Languages: French
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Yong T Lee, MD M
ID No. WJ0440
3544 W Olympic Blvd
STE 100
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 731-0681
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Young Jik Lee, MD M
ID No. WJ0407
3030 W Olympic Blvd
STE 206
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 739-8610
Languages: Korean and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Grace Y Lin, MD F
ID No. WJ0412
9808 Venice Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
(562) 733-4171
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Carlos S Martinez, MD M
ID No. WJ0278
4214 W Beverly Blvd STE 212
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(213) 385-9912
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Antuan Kiley, MD M
ID No. WJ0039
1711 W Temple St STE 5689
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-6995
Languages: French, Japanese
and Spanish
Vasanth K Kumar, MD M
ID No. WJ0044
2105 Beverly Blvd STE 205
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 483-2577
Languages: Hindi, Kannada
and Tamil
Karen Kim, MD F
ID No. WJ0323
1245 Wilshire Blvd STE 804
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 977-1144
Languages: French, Korean
and Spanish
Kyu B Lee, MD M
ID No. WJ0047
201 S Alvarado St STE 814
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4976
Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michel J Mazouz, MD M
ID No. WJ0051
1125 S Beverly Dr STE 730
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(310) 201-0626
Languages: French and
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mike K Mirahmadi, MD M
ID No. WJ0251
435 N Bedford Dr STE 312
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 858-5090
Languages: Farsi, Russian
and Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty
network affiliated with the physician group.
St Vincent IPA, continued
PCPs - Internal Medicine
Meera J Modi, MD F
ID No. WJ0055
1100 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 250-3716
Languages: Hindi and
Hy P Ngo, MD M
ID No. WJ0059
625 E Valley Blvd STE H
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(213) 617-8301
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
Lamberto S Olaes, MD M
ID No. WJ0062
1267 N Virgil Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 664-7628
Languages: Spanish and
Luzviminda T
Montecillo, MD F
ID No. WJ0352
645 E Aerick St STE 1
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 673-2764
Languages: Spanish and
Also located at:
5801 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 971-3883
Languages: Cantonese,
Spanish and Vietnamese
Luon W Peng, DO M
ID No. WJ0434
1701 E Cesar E Chavez
STE 536
Los Angeles, CA 90033
(323) 987-1362
Languages: Chinese and
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Barry A Morguelan, MD M
ID No. WJ0177
201 S Alvarado St STE 602
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-5010
Languages: Chinese, Spanish
and Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dong W Mun, MD M
ID No. WJ0301
3511 W Olympic Bl STE 101
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 766-1057
Languages: Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Lorenzo Munoz, MD M
ID No. WJ0300
1234 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 660-5624
Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
George Ngan, MD M
ID No. WJ0058
201 S Alvarado St STE 717
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 989-6959
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Vlad Nusinovich, MD M
ID No. WJ0429
7901 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 208
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(562) 623-9222
Languages: Russian and
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Stella Popova, MD F
ID No. WJ0067
7258 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 654-7716
Languages: Russian
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at:
7855 Santa Monica Blvd
STE 201
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(562) 626-9222
Languages: Russian and
David F Razi, MD M
ID No. WJ0374
3451 W Century Blvd STE B1
Inglewood, CA 90303
(310) 677-9400
Languages: Farsi, Persian
and Spanish
Kingsley O Ofoegbu, MD M
ID No. WJ0061
644 E Regent St STE 200
Inglewood, CA 90305
(310) 674-5353