Montpellier - EMBO Events
Montpellier - EMBO Events
s Clo de Rhodes de Rue Dreyfus Piré e G des Rue du tte Od s - B ys ea se ch um e Ca s pit ain e R ue esplanade charles de Gaulle From September 1 to June 31: Tuesday to Thursday from 7 am to 1:30 pm, Friday and Saturday from 7 am to 7 pm. From July 1st to August 31: Tuesday to Saturday from 5 am to 1:30 pm. La Al. de Mycenes Al. de l' Aulide Léon l' Acropole Blum m Al. de Delphes de Rue Poseiidon Imp. du Stade Mu ller M. Laf fite Rue Ru e Rue Thèbes dee Rue Tarra gone Ru e r uie Fig Rue Chappe Cla ud e Ru e Rue Rue du rs rd ie Frenay Imp. J. H achette l' Aire Rue de Isid ore F. Peri er Girard d' A lsa ce Rue ai d es Rue B ayard d' Arc Rue Jean ne Rue Rue Hen ri s Sau v Av. age R. de n Ben oit Frenay Cité Dug ues clin h al ger gu e s Flau Rue Rue Jausserand Pépin ière des rd er ne m Gu y l' Équ erre n N Ric a de de ue Xa vie r en Av Av en ue t Arc de l' R. Je u B ru yas Rue p. Im rr F R ue Ru e o nti Su bs ta uba A. L o Tassigny e Charle s De GAUL LE Allée Je an de Lattre de A. Ma res c Qu R. zy Pag e All. Miche l Austas ie All. du S aint Espr it ains Esp aggnols All. des Républic d de Bon ne Nouv elle né du C los Re ict or Via d. e Ve rni èr M. de Tu nn el Hu go Ric he lieu Boulevar éd ie Co m la de Rue Allée Pa ul Boule t Sarrail Boulevard Rue Jacq ues Coeur R. Trés oriiers d e Fran ce Cro ix d 'Or l'Argen terie Ru e e Ru R. D elpe ch Imp . Ch apta l de Rue de Ru e Par lier Rue Leenhard t vy R. Be lm on t Ru e Ve rre ri R. Ge rm a R. Ros set Tro is Le s an ce Fr el de Do de ma M ine ér ic l la de Ruee Rue Rue de l a V. du l'A Bas Can igu se Imp. n ille au Brou rie sson R . V net ent u rin Rue aïques Rue des Écoles L de l'Aiguillerie Rue de la Monnaie Rue du Collège Rue Vieille Aigu illeri e Ru e Ru e Imp. du Musée du Fab Pil R u e de la S re a alle l' É vèque Desc ely ente En B arrat R. C . Ser res R.des ÉcolesPi es de Ru e Rue Rue ie G re de din Fer nn. . de s Ta Rue Imp l' Univ ersité de rdale Imp Coust. o R. M adiè res Fer ntaine Ruedu Pland'Agde La Font Rue de La Rue R. J Volt ule s La aire trei R. l h e Co pe -C am be s Rue St Paul Sau n er de la Fg du Rondelet St v ie lle Ga la R. ue Dessale y Ba rth élé m Br ue R. Rue Rue R. R et D hin anu be Cas t ilho n And ré Mic hel Rue R. Gl. C Ru e Cambacérès u Figuie r Rue d u Bra s de n de Fo ur du Ru e cea u Mar Ru e 32 èm e la Bla nc Rue Ranc hin l'Hu ile R. d e S ts So lda de s Ru e de Ru e al ys R. Poss R.C arm es du P alais R. de la P Rue lantade Rue Alm era s Cla pa R. r ed Gl e .D um R. G as l. M aur R. G in l. M aur eilh an d' R. Gl. R. Ru e B. de Tr év ier s mb au d Ra .S t ntc alm Me rci Mo la de Ru e de Rue R. Gl. Chan zy e eri Ra ffin la de Ru e R. Placentin R. PelleR.Haute terie Plan d u P alai s Coquil le Rue Rue Di Cost ge e s ruc on Rue Ast Ru eS t R. d R . de uP l'Hô etit isto tel d Sce let l R. M ontg olfie r Bd du Prof. L. Vialleton Do nn at R. de Droit l' Éc ole Zol a Esplanad an d Rue Provi denc e la de Rue Lallem and Ca va fr Jug an Vill e R. Colb ert R rd R. Gari el Rue c omas Hen ri IV Re ine la Ru e R Ja . du rdi nd e Bo u leva R. B écha mp Rue d èd e ar d Sa uz la Bo nn de R. Ru e M ag no P. l Ma rtin rha rdt Ge Ru e Ru e Va rlin E. e Ru H. Ricard Ru e Rue Rue War nery ile es Ém Cha rl Do ria Bou leva rd Sè Ve te rs B A9 éz ie rs Al. Cyclades 42 marché de l’esPlanade l9 44 marché des Beaux-arts l11 45 marché d’antiGone m9 Place du nombre d’or From April 1 to October 31: Wednesday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. From November 1 to May 31: Moularèsfrom 7 am to 1:30 pm Wednesday Faculté de Sc. Éco et de Gestion 51 musée FaBre de montPellier aGGlomération l10 39, boulevard Bonne nouvelle +33 (0)4 67 14 83 00 ccitayrd Famers’ market m9 antigone - avenue samuel champlain Sunday from 8 am to 1:30 pm 48 comédie des Bouquinistes l10 esplanade charles de Gaulle 4th Saturday of every month Permanent collections: 6€ Temporary + permanent exhibitions: 9€. Until June 30: Open every day except Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Wednesday from 1 pm to 9 pm. Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm. From July 1st 2011: Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Odilon Redon exhibition open till 7 pm. Closed on Monday. Flowers’ market l10 esplanade charles de Gaulle Every day from 8 am to 8 pm and on Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. 63 les ateliers des métiers d’art l10 53, boulevard Bonne nouvelle +33 (0)4 67 59 48 30 or +33 (0)6 09 54 21 58 5 art groups: pottery, jewelry, glass and stained glass making, woodwork, design and fashion accessories. Art galleries open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6:30 pm. Free admission. 64 Pavillon PoPulaire - montPellier city PhotoGraPhy Gallery l10 carré sainte-anne esPace d’art contemPorain de la ville de montPellier k10 ccitayrd Discover the city with a threemuseum tour in three historical, remarkable, and unique locations. One ticket gives you access to all three museums - 3€. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm. 54 musée de l’histoire de montPellier k10 crypte notre dame des tables Place Jean Jaurès - +33 (0)4 67 54 33 16 Located beneath today’s Place Jean Jaurès, in the very foundations of the ancient Notre Dame des Tables church, this museum tells the history of Montpellier through that of the church, animated by sound and light effects. Audio guide provided. 28 musée du vieux montPellier k10 hôtel de varennes - 2 place Pétrarque +33 (0)4 67 66 02 94 This museum in the Hôtel de Varennes mansion presents collections of objects from Montpellier’s history from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. de la miséricorde l10 6 2, rue Philippy +33 (0)4 67 60 88 21 or +33 (0)4 67 60 82 11 Open every day except Monday, from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm. 65 Galerie saint-ravy k9 Place saint-ravy +33 (0)4 67 60 61 66 - +33 (0)4 34 88 76 68 Open every day except Monday, from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm. Free admission. 66 médiathèque centrale d’aGGlomération émile zola n9 218, bd de l’aéroport international +33 (0)4 67 34 87 00 Open Tuesday and Friday from 12 noon to 7 pm, Wednesday from 10 am to 7 pm, Thursday from 12 noon to 9 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 6:30 pm and Sunday from 2:30 pm to 6 pm (October to April). 67 archives municiPales de montPellier n9 287, rue Poseïdon - médiathèque centrale d’agglomération émile zola +33 (0)4 67 34 87 50 Open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. 68 la Panacée - centre d’art contemPorain de la ville de montPellier k10 14, rue de l’école de Pharmacie +33 (0)4 67 34 88 80 Currently under restoration. Due to open in Spring 2012. 69 Frac - reGional collections oF contemPorary art J9 4, rue rambaud - +33 (0)4 99 74 20 35 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm. The last remaining Montpellier Closed for bank holidays. Summer schedules: apothecary, a 18th century Tuesday to Saturday from 3 pm to 7 pm. Closed pharmacy with nearly 300 18th and for bank holidays. Admission free. 1, rue de la monnaie - +33 (0)4 67 67 93 32 espace mosson Sunday from 6 am to 1:30 pm. 50 marché de Port marianne n8 Place de Phocée From May 1 to October 31: Thursday from 4 pm to 8:30 pm From November 1 to April 30: Thursday from 12 noon to 6:30 pm. Exhibition locations 14 musée atGer k10 Faculté de médecine - 2, rue école de médecine - +33 (0)4 67 41 76 30 55 Pharmacie et chaPelle marché aux Puces et à la Brocante B11/Verso marché aux Plants B11/Verso espace mosson Tuesday from 7 am to 7 pm. 59 Galerie hamBursin-Boisanté k9 15, bd du Jeu de Paume - +33 (0)4 67 84 43 17 Open Wednesday and Thursday from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. Museum Tour Museums 58 Galerie de l’écusson k9 11, rue de l’ancien courrier +33 (0)4 67 52 80 14 esplanade charles de Gaulle +33 (0)4 67 66 13 46 Open every day except Monday, from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm. Free entrance. Opened Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm. Closed during Christmas Holidays, August and bank holidays. Considered as oneVof smost ersthe ge Port Marianne pla important fine arts museums in s e l Bus 131 France, the Fabre museum was Bus 106 created in 1825 by Montpellier painter François-Xavier Fabre. A collection of Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French masters. 46 marché des arceaux J10 Boulevard des arceaux Tuesday to Saturday from 7 am to 1:30 pm Private museum dedicated to popular Occitan traditions. Self-guided or guided tours. Groups by appointment. Free admission. A collection of drawings from the Flemish, Italian, Dutch, and French schools. PORT 50 NivôôseMARIANNE Rue Faculté AES Place albert 1 Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 7 am to 1:30 pm Place des Beaux-arts Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 1:30 pm Klein Aven ue x érau Gé n Pl. de la Révolution Française E.N.A.C.T. Bon Pierre Willy avenue d’heidelberg Every day from 7 am to 1 pm. Espace États Jacques d'Aragon R. etes Rue Verso Bibliothèque Universitaire 9 de halles quatre saisons B13/ Pl. Chr. Colomb res de Carav Plle Barons Salanganes 36 éGlise saint-denis k9 Boulevard d’antigone Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 9 pm, Sunday and holidays from 8 am to 3:30 pm. des 35 éGlise notre dame des taBles l10 41 halles Jacques cŒur m9 Rue er 49 Rue 34 éGlise dom Bosco m9 40 halles laissac k9 Place alexandre laissac Sunday to Friday from 7 am to 1 pm, Saturday from 7 am to 3 pm. Rue Costebelle 43 marché alBert Premier k11 47 Rue des Pélicans Rue Thétis 24 hôtel de varennes - 2, place Pétrarque +33 (0)4 67 84 31 58 nue Ave 33 couvent des dominicains l10 Covered and open markets Allée Also discover… Pl. du Parnasse e Ru 38 temPle rue maGuelone l9 N Rue des Albatros Platon Bleus k9 The Lez is a coastal river that provides the city with drinking water. Enhanced by pedestrian bridges and lined with trees, the riverbanks offer an ideal place for walks and bike rides. éGlise saint-roch k9 39 halles castellane k10 rue de la loge Monday to Saturday from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, Sunday and holidays from 7:30 am to 2 pm. de 29 hôtel de Guidais J10 he Folies nane Pompig 28 hôtel de varennes k10 32 chaPelle royale des Pénitents 24 les rives du lez n9 37 éGlise saint-mathieu k10 Rue Gala tée Cythère de la Bourse k10 Open on weekdays. Rue 27 hôtel des trésoriers 31 chaPelle des Pénitents Blancs l10 Conference center designed by Claude Vasconi in 1988, home to the Berlioz opera house. Rives du Lez Bus 32 Pl. Jean Bene r e M e d s nsul Bd des Co The squares and fountains of Montpellier, the trompe l’œil Open Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 12:30 pm paintings on the walls of the city, and from 2 pm to 5:30 pm and on Friday from the art works placed along 9 am to 12:30 pm. tramline 1 (see map). Churches and temple aGGlomération l10 Barq ues Pl. du Lez Mat. G. de Gaulle Anthonioz 26 hôtel de Grave l10 30 hôtel haGuenot J10 19 le corum de montPellier Commissariat Juvénal a ab Rue des Cormorans Alcyone Hôtel de Région Pont Juvén al e ns lame s Cyc R. de des Pl. du Lycabette du Plle Aphrodite Cart ier 28 musée du FouGau k10 Rue Calice Port al vén u J ont u P des Fu hsias d é s . en s R. es P Av R. d Che m in roport A9 rena aire A o xp lén Parc e seum - Mil Odys Rue Doris Plle Athéna Bassin Place de l'Europe Rates: 6€. Guided tours: 8€. Opened everyday except on Sunday and bank holidays. From 16/09 to 14/06: 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm and from 15/06 to 15/09:3 pm to 6 pm. - Aé éPontal h Rue du Capitaine es Pierre - Z nit - Plag Rue de Corin t de 25 hôtel Fizes k9 Bus 28 Museum of Languedoc art, history and archeology, located in the former mansion of Jacques Cœur and Treasurers of France. H 57 Galerie de l’ancien courrier k10 3, rue de l’ancien courrier +33 (0)4 67 60 71 88 62 Galerie Place des arts k9 8, rue de l’argenterie - +33 (0)4 67 66 05 08 53 musée lanGuedocien k10 ccitayrd 7, rue Jacques cœur +33 (0)4 67 52 93 03 places with the same numberet u Pecq are located at the same address enri liac tes Lat lages p Les Nearly 80 private mansions were built in Montpellier from the 17th to 19th centuries, with massive gates, large and bright interior courtyards, stairways with forged iron railings. Al. de Delos lgueil mte de Me Rue du Co 5 artre Tourist Office e is Private Mansions . Chau Pont R Pl. Dionysos Jacques qu Pass. Moulin dee l' Évè po R. des Cau Ursuline convent built in 1641, later transformed into a prison for women during the Revolution. It now houses the Montpellier National Choreographic Centre and Agora, the International Dance Centre. Voltaire ul Imp. Ch. Bourse Way of St. Jacques 56 atelier BoB k10 11 bis, rue saint-Firmin - +33 (0)4 34 00 15 89 61 Galerie J. c reno k10 10, rue saint-Firmin - +33 (0)4 67 66 37 30 10 Bike path Art galleries 60 Galerie hélène trintiGnant k9 21, rue saint-Guilhem - +33 (0)4 67 60 57 18 de Tramway line 2 Rue i Qu a Rue s mants Rose École Pirée Martel Rue des Fla du M Tramway line 1 sa Sq. Jean Monnet ne Agglomeration es ouloffice eu de B Rue du J la Ru e s arcelles Base de Canoë-kayac Painlevé Beraca Vers A9 Les plages Antigone’s history began in 1978 when the city acquired land belonging to the army on the city’s east side. Neo-classical district designed by renowned Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill, part of Montpellier’s unique architectural appeal. la i nta Fo de s tte La Toilets Change u Droit s l10 Cimetière With its park, pond and playground for children, thisProtestant relaxing space is just minutes from the city’s medieval streets. Also a commemorative site with plaques and monuments. e Ru de s gria Al. Ale R. Gl. Vin cen t ules Pl. du Père Louis 67 P c Pl. Faulquier Rue de z L e Le ieu Math P des 21 esPlanade charles de Gaulle 23 antiGone m9 This Medieval archaeological garden is set around the remains of the 13th century Saint Esprit church which was a meeting point for pilgrims and of the 14th century Pila Saint Gely gate. en Laur Médiathèque Centrale É. Zola Rue de l' Épire Pont Juvénal R. M.P.T. Voltaire Allée Kleber One of the first reinforced concrete buildings in Montpellier, a privileged space for activities and concerts when the weather is nice. 20 Jardin des Potiers l10 Av. du Carrefour de l' Aéroport International Gymnase d' Olympie Piscine Olympique Av. u rf o Co Avenue Av. Pl. de la Petite France 22 kiosque Bosc l10 18 couvent des ursulines k11 Montréal de Allée oz de 17 chaPelle saint-charles k11 Chapel of the general hospital, created in 1678 on the order of Louis XIV. The two levels of galleries matches the floors in the hospital allowing patients to walk directly to service. Now the Maison des Chœurs, a center of choir practice and concerts. de d' Epidaure Montpellier TOWN CENTER Rue iro Cab des Ru e Modulauto Station ts Colver desSegway R. Cité Montm min s tte La of Montpellier & aggloMération area Map 2011/2012 SEE Office de Tourisme de Montpellier - Anatome - Crédit photo: Olivier Atlan, Elohin Carreau, Céline Escolano, Fotolia, Marc Ginot, Mairie de Lattes, Cécile Mathieu, Ville de Montpellier, Montpellier Agglomération - Impression Maraval - Avril 2011 Airport shuttle ouettes Rue des M Che de Barce lone Place Carnot de la Salle s en ur La nt Po L Pl. d' Acadie i du de rrané e ng ue do c a Qu Rue de L orraine Rue Médit te La Pl. des Laurentides Hôtel de Montpellier Agg lomération Poste du Clos Petit ue duparking RBus Avenue e Can des Rue Ru e laa R. Cavelier A co Bos e Ru e Pl. du Québec R. Vaissière Pl. Fr. Jaumes La du Ju v éna l e rtin ma Av. S47 . Champlain fite Laf ai Qu de n ts 34 Télécom Allée du Nou veau Ét a Pl. du Millénaire Pl. de Marathon Verge r Vélomagg’bike stations’ res petiè S R. des d' Athènes Pl. Zeus en Rue nane Pompig Car Park P et it Hôtel Sabatier d’Espeyran: 4€ Hôtel Sabatier d’Espeyran + Fabre Museum permanent collection: 7€. Reception and tickets at the Montpellier Agglomération Fabre Museum. Open every day except Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday from 10 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm. Wednesday from 2 pm to 9 pm. Saturday from 11 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm. From 1st July 2011: Tuesday to Sunday from 2 pm to 6 pm. Closed on Monday. Taxis Semalen de Pl. de Thessalie otto Underground parking rl Co u des Rue de l' Aéroport tional 66 Interna Dom Pra lo 23 Bd Sq. des Citadines Pl. de Sparte Rue Rue Rue P. Bert Av .d es d' Antigone Léon Blum ANTIGONE 45 Sq. A. Korais Henri de Place d' Olympie P Pl. du Nombre d' Or Antigone Rue P Av . Crête Halles Jacques Cœur Gr. Sc. Antigone Pl. P. Bec 41 Rue Sc Trompe l’œil lles nde Hiro Lycée Mermoz D.R.T.E. c Vin la sd Clo Pompignane Mer m t LA POMPIGNANE TAM Office is E.N.T.E. Moulin du ie es u R. d Imp. Caravelle n Jea Centre Commercial le Polygone D.R.E. Rue ple u Tem Imp. d Boulevard Avenue du Pont e tour des Pins k10 P a Ceris la Gr. Scolaire Mermoz Carrefour Mermoz D.R.A.S.S. Maison des Syndicats Monde 38 Pl. Francis Ponge Trésorerie D.R.C.E. Al. Bac ker de n rdu Ve Henri 16 The second tower, a vestige of the fortified wall contains 25 towers in all. Its name derives from two trees which grew from the top of the tower. Hôtel de Ville Hôtel ôtel de Ville Ru June 1st to September 30 from Tuesday to Sunday from 12 pm to 8 pm. October 1st to May 31, from Tuesday to Sunday from 12 pm to 6 pm. Closed every Monday. Admission free. e Vale nçay Pl. d' Aguesseau P Bau din Rue A peaceful haven, a green island, just a few paces away from the Faculty of Medicine, it is the oldest botanical garden in France! Created by Pierre Richer de Bellaval at the request of Henri IV for the study of medicinal plants, it was extended and opened to the public in the 19th century. li c ate Eiders des Rue Pedestrian aera Moulin de Salicate s ier rad R ue Montmorency de Place I.N.S.E.E. Vauban d R. Al. Rue A. O llivi er Henri II Allée m le Triangle Ru Al. J. M e R. Mi ilhau St Gil ch les ele t ane Rue Ser Jardin des Plantes J10 Joffre Sa Citadelle Pass. de l' Horloge es 15 Rue Carrefour Rimbaud de la Piv erts de s de N de Rue du Moulin des Rue nue Ave e sal Pope Urban V, a former student of Montpellier, had a monastery and church built in 1364, later to become the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre in 1536. Its southern Gothic style, massive profile, and dominating portico supported by two circular columns, give the effect of a medieval fortress. Merm oz ts P Lycée e Citadell u ea nn Va un rd Ve 14 la Faculté de médecine k10 It provides the setting for the RondeletMontpellier was only two Gymn. Amélie Blanchard mounted statue of Louis XIV, centuries old in 1181, when Dir. Rég. forming a remarkable group its Lord Guilhem VIII signed SNCF Lycée with the Arc de of monuments, a surprising and far-reaching Clemenceau Triomphe, Water tower and Saint- edict. He declared that Clément aqueduct. anyone, regardless of religion or background, could teach medicine in Montpellier… 11 aqueduc saint-clément J10 And thus was born, at the end The engineer, Henri Pitot de of the 12th century, what is Launay, drew inspiration from today’s oldest operating medical the Pont du Gard to build the school in the occidental world. Saint-Clément aqueduct in 1754. It supplied drinking water from 14 conservatoire d’anatomie k10 the springs in the town of SaintClément. Originally created for teaching anatomy, the Conservatory was an unprecedented and 12 château d’eau J10 incomparable tool for many Created at the same time as generations of students before the aqueduct in the 18th century, today’s techniques for exploring the water tower held the city’s the human body existed. Over water reserves. 5,600 priceless pieces are housed in a building constructed in 1851. 13 cathédrale saint-Pierre k10 Les Aubes llaa éru eJ ed Gare St Roch Pl. s Aug. Gibert nt y Gare SNCF Po e St Roch s Ru le ux e Ju De u Place du s Ri Mat. L. Figuier de Bicentenaire Élem. l a e ér V. Hugo es Ru n g Gé Rue Far d e Élem. a Je Routière n t P Gare Sai Rue Ve olibris Imp. des C Vallois Léon Roi tele de tte s C.R.D.P. 64 ll iro sa at Lev R ue de sO mb re C.I.O - Est J e an al de B eins istr F. M . v A Rue du Jeu de Ballo Quai du P us Bo Gr a nd Place des Sitelles Pass. A. Comte 22 é Al l R ue de lone d Rép ubl iqu 2b e ue Mag Mais. de la Démocratie nue Ave Pa s s. s de p. Im Jean de Ru de Du ran la Sq. Planchon St Mau r Cité G elly alladiu m Rue aussée Laf on de s . de Imp Rue nt Sai rfum s la F au vet te urt d' Argenco de Mars 48 Rue R. Marech e s Pa ur Ma Oreille Courte de Rue Pass. de la Citadellle Champ 21 P Parc E. Robles Rue Imp. de LES AUBES de rd va u le ve M R. L acom be d Est è Jardin du 42 Hôtel Montcalm st ne bar Imp. ier e Palais des Congrès 49 ge 10 Place royale du Peyrou J10 ue d'or bouq Em ue B K Poste 32 d' Alger De nis Ru du G l. Mat. A. France 2a Rue arc de triomPhe J10 de Cu rie c an Bl 9 At the end of the 17th century, the king’s intendant decided to erect this triumphal arch, a copy of the gates of Paris, in honour of Louis XIV, built where one of the gates of the ancient rampart used to be. V Courthouse built in 1853 in the neoclassical style, on the site of the former Château des Guilhem. al ev Ch R. Palais de Justice k10 e Ru The Hôtel Saint-Côme mansion was build in 1757 by architect Jean-Antoine Giral, with funds bequeathed by François Gigot de Lapeyronie, to serve as an amphitheater for the school of surgery up until the Revolution. Now the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 8 St in ba Ur R. ancien amPhithéâtre saint-côme k9 A ritual Jewish bath from the 13th century, the medieval Mikve shows the importance of Montpellier’s Jewish community. Accessible only during guided tours run by the Tourist Office. May be closed in the event of archeological excavations. au Rue ce n e R. ier R. H. Guin Montpellier, as a national theatre site, has two opera houses: the Comédie Opera (temporarily closed for renovation) 2a and Berlioz Opera 2b . mikvé k10 ou rd on agon . d' Ar Rue J llat Va aGGlomération k9 & l10 lutherie k10 e Rue 36 ud P le ato An Rue les oPéras de montPellier éGlise saint-roch k9 Numerous violin-makers build their fine instruments in heart of the Saint-Anne neighborhood, between the Conservatory of Music and the Saint-Anne exhibition space. 7 m ett e Ru 31 1 4 Halles Laissac e ost tour de la BaBote k9 Va i ss 40 33 e vat oire R. du Pl. du Parc Pl. St Denis ira c. P An Parc Clemenceau rd Gu e eri erb se l'H Bour de de la R. riers réso R. T la Ba B. 300m L. R. e Ru il Ru e 62 3 52 55 28 53 an t Je it S Pet du Rue ud Ro Saint-Roch is the patron Saint of Montpellier, where he was born. Pilgrims are welcomed there on their while following Saint James’ Way to Santiago de Compostela. The Church houses his remains. 6 illes Esqu e Ru GAMBETTA d Created in 1773 by Etienne d’Antoine, the Three Graces statue-fountain (Aglae, Euphrosine and Thalie) in the middle of the Place de la Comédie is one of the emblems of Montpellier. Original statue in the hall of the Comédie opera house. 5 ud e m. ton Mo Do One of the two remaining towers Gymn. 1 Place de la comédie l9 Gambardella of the commune cloture fortification Centre adm. The must-see place in Montpellier! built in the 14th century, the Tour Chaptal This oval-shaped plaza, dominated de la Babote was renovated Impôts by the Comédie opera house, in the 18th century to house is one of the largest pedestrian the astronomy observatory P areas in Europe. of the Academy of Science. les 3 Grâces l9 Cla lar 4 Puitsdes R.duP Ru e 200 ple em du T uits du P Rue e Ru Ru e t ap Ch St R. E stel le 51 54 65 58 bse r R. P E. Adam radin es R. du Chev al Ve rt B 100 fy buf Re e Ru n mi Fir t R u e du py ilip Ph R. ampredo n 39 5 um e S. O e de ta Ru e maz es Ca rd a ir re Toi ras Pin s u Je Élem. Sévigné 59 Pa e Ru t A. Nourri Des Rue Ét ienne de s de Rue e du Ru la Bd m 25 e ell ch Ro llin C.P.A.M. et 56 27 60 la e Ru a Ad Rue de - Ro mb P 61 57 de 69 r 6 Rue rni e e Bo ru Led Ga 7 35 Imp. Corum Opéra Berlioz de Aven ue R ue 63 our r Er Pin Bo Professeur 19 Tunne l du Corum des Rela Relations Internationales es 26 ire lva Ca 37 P 20 Ru Allée u R. d 68 de R. B a d Croix du Su Rue de la Urs ule Corum Av . R. G . et Rue de s n Re Daub e s s ol ra s Pa Imp.P etiite C R. orrate riie Im s Nîme p. Rue d Fg de u Ch d . du R u ape Ch au Allée .R Ro des P otiers ou ug e G ge St R. du Coll. Duve rgier Mais aison on Sain te ieu x Ru e s Rue Dé lic Imp. n so n t Gély Pila S Louis Bla 18 rd Ft. du Bd Be rna arc hé au x Mais. de Quart. Bes tia F. Chopin ux Parc Rue Beaux Arts de la R. de Louis Blanc son Rue Ru du P ed lan u Re de Rectorat fug Pl. de l'O e livi la Chapelle er R. d Neuve uB e R .E St Élo acie R. Bocaud xpe i harm rt eP D.R.A.C. le d o la R. Ch lle c É restie e l' n R. d de uquet le V erda n L De sc os sy R. D. Sa ge 44 er erg Rue Place des Beaux Arts R. M Ch a ri té Verdanson Rue A rc Ru e c Cabrières Médec ine St Pl. Pierre Cou rt Beaux Arts Ca mi lle la LES BEAUX ARTS on Rue du Ca rdinal de 70 dite Ru e de h ud ro du Coll. Cl. Royer Frè Bd Ru de Rue 30 Ba 10 Rue Barthez 9 Ru e P e rb Ge 8 Tan neu rs Bd P asteu Rue Ran r cy St-Ge rmain R. Pradel 13 Faculté de Médecine la 7 Qua i R. Co rrrate terie 14 8 e .d 6 Rue Gouan 5 s e Ru NOIR 4 16 Ru e 9 p Im JAUNE 3 ne on R 2 es um Ja Pl. Bouschet de Bernard nar d ap Cr e 1 ur l MAGENTA ÉCHELLE 1/1 - FORMAT D’IMPRESSION 100% Roi P Clappies o ll ss Ni CYAN DATE Ru e a Vid J. p. ACCORD CLIENT + QUALITÉ* du i de s Imp. Lionn des M et ourgu Imp. Le es boux R.A.G autier Rue A bbé M Sq. de la Faculté arcel Tour Monte des Pins ls Ru de Droit e de l' Éco le M age u Imp. d s Plantes n de Jardi Rue d e l'ÉÉc ole de 10 Ja du Patrimoine 2 K er 43 15 Pitot e Ru CONSULTANT t Ber Maison de l' Agriculture 1 de Plag ne Qua Place Albert 1er Jardin des Plantes 12 Im PRODUCTION Espace Pitot Place e Ru e Ru 9 de t Inst. de Botanique Inst. de Biologie n Sai lia Dah CRÉATION al Co Boulevardd TONS RECOMMANDÉS (4) MINEFI MIN_08_1926_RdVFrance_Cir Doc livré le 20/10/2008 A NOUS RETOURNER SIGNÉE AVEC VOTRE ACCORD OU VOS CORRECTIONS JFB CARRÉ NOIR - 82, bd des Batignolles - 75017 Paris - FRANCE / Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 42 35 35 / Fax : +33 (0)1 42 94 06 78 / Web : Carré cier es Ru e OFFICE DE TOURISME ev ell Albert 1 Chapelle St. Charles Maison 17 des Chœurs an Je R. R. du R. G. Pelli gè s 3 B de er ich 10 è ve Bro Ru uss onn e Ru e R. Joachim Imp. Burg ues Plan Narcissa 29 TickeTOffice OctobertoJune 9:30 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 - 6:00 pm Mon. - Fri. (10:00 Thurs.) 10:00 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 - 5:30 pm Sat. Closed Sunday and holidays Closed December 25 and January 1 July,August,september 9:30 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 - 6:00 pm Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 1:00 pm / 2:00 - 5:30 pm Saturday Closed Sunday and holidays Chancel rg ou ub Fa du yras e nnet e Ru 46 net Bon July,August,september 9:00 am - 7:30 pm Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and holidaysr ux e Pèr recepTiOn OctobertoJune 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Monday - Friday (10:00 Thursday) 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday and holidays Closed December 25 and January 1 11 du Rue Caserne Lepic rite ue arg Rue e ste e e rr .S .H f o Pr in e Aigrefeuille R Mirouze Je e Im an Ru R. P de p. Place -Ja Ra uits Notre Dame cq t te ue du s Pa ié R. de V r a n e R r . dela l u Vie o a ille Intenda Giro Musée Ro Rue F Paladilhe Pl. du is nce ne us Place Fabre Chateau se Rue B R. d au d' Aviler onnie Place Max P e la Palais de Castel R. du Vestiaire R.C r C e a d 'Alco rbo d tt Pl. de la . a Rouquette R n R Justice ner Canourgue e ie Préfecture Pl. Rue R. d P Pl. du Pallais de du Marché Ru s Gui Place Royale Chabaneau aux Fleurs ilhem e t nttpellliere Gla R. d du Peyrou Rue Mo P ize e la Ru R. du Bar e r ale Pl. des Martyrs Rue rie de la Foch Poste Résistance idi Place Sa Rue Foch .M Pétrarque R. E h in C . ug. s e R R eR Sq. H. Rue Bau m Lis . d' Esp Log bon eisse Pa Michel etite s ne ss la P ag Rue de Pl. du Petit Plan es s Augu R. D Duché Scel ssttins rap. Pl. Giral Pl. Pierre St Fi Pl. et Halles B r a m e l y Castellane Pl. Jean in ne Flotte i v Ru le R. C JAURÈS e ite m Imp. Mer t o o e llot e P m Ste Ru ilh e Co l e Ru Gu Tribunal rr A. e C Anne Te aste lnau de Grande e an de R. de Ru die Rue Instance la Vi r e Pl. t ei Ru Passage Bru la de Pl. lle ain St-Ravy S yas des Arts los l'An e - Petit R Enc arrus cie P g as S sage Lon . a T n Rue Place j ien o n L des G . V R o Cou Ca es uzit Rue Leroy - Beaulieu rrie de oeurs Noir Place de Rue de la r R. des S la Comédie e Ru ces Rue T lan eissie Ba rs s Plan t Ru s R. des Multiplian Place e de St Roch R. St C Cabanes Rue du ôme s e Ru Faubourg du Courreau me Al Ru m Place Comédie ex Rue a lin e Ma Fl St-Côme an e ou ss dr s s M Ru an e C.C.I. le rol Opéra e e Ru u W.C. Ru ed Fig Comédiepublics n uC e s Fg a R ygn Mais. ou ve Je du ru ch e Étu Ru Guy de Montpellier Da ue er R. eE Place ’R Ca e es Molière nG nd Gl d Ru b Élem. a an r on . el de G Gambetta Mat. Pa Re a u Pl. Roger u né l F. Garnier Ru Ru e de la Palissade Salengro Rue Rue e R. L e L ape d' O RuD bilio yro Bro n i C.R.A.M. nie Bd R. d uss uP R e u de etit e J P offr n aris rdi Pl. l'O is Saint Lou AccessTOTheTOurisTOffice By car: paid parking - Comédie By tramway: Tramway line 1 - Place de la Comédie Rue recepTiOnOpening7/7 J. Durand M.P.T. J. Ricome Police Municipale Rue Aug u J du b re OfficedeTOurismedemOnTpellier**** tél.: +33 (0)4 67 60 60 60 Fax: +33 (0)4 67 60 60 61 Place de la Comédie/Esplanade Charles de Gaulle 30, allée Jean de Lattre de Tassigny 34000 Montpellier Place du Père Régis uenot Hag mn. mel M R. es Masqu M.P.T. Malherbe Élém. Fr. Bazille Clinique St Roch des Mat. Dr Roux 11 Portaliè re Vers A75 Lodève M illau ue la Cité Universitaire des Arceaux Château d' Eau de Sainte Thérèse Rue d' Assas Coll. Camille Claudel I.N.R.A. 19th century porcelain objects. The chapel itself is from 1830, ornate with pictures illustrating the history of Montpellier charity. 52 hôtel de caBrières saBatier d’esPeyran l10 ccitayrd Fabre Museum’s decorative arts department. Renovated mansion presenting numerous ceremonial pieces to recreate 18th and 19th century atmospheres. 70 le mur rouGe k11 9, rue Joachim colbert - +33 (0)9 54 48 07 46 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 5:30 pm. ntferrand Mo De lm a s t La zare ço is te l se de du lou Léon Av en ue Avenue To u Jouhaux D. 132 dus trie de as t Av en St M.P.T. J-Pierre Caillens ue d'E l Ala me in Pi Ru e lP av ele M Sortie 30 Montpellier Sud er re É ls onte ZAC de Tournezy an gu ed i oc en ne Tramway line 1 Tramway line 2 Motorways Bike path - la L e glis Tram exchange parking 2 ST JEAN DE VÉDAS s er zi e Bé Sèt 500 m A Rue Mas de Grille Ecolothèque Salle La Condamine Victoire 2 A B C D E F Modulauto Station Sortie 31 Montpellier Ouest Tourist Office use Toulo ne elo Barc Sortie 32 St Jean de Védas 1 LATTES Gossec Franç ço St Jean le Sec 1 km Vélomagg’bike stations 9 Victoire 2 G H I J K L M N New City Hall (opens in 2011) 11 source de l’avy et arBoretum A wooded estate of about ten hectares. A walking area, with a recreation site, fitness centre, paths and trails. O P Q R Villeneuve-lèsMaguelone city aquarium mare nostrum card 17 Parc zoologique de lunaret +33 (0)4 67 54 45 23 The largest greenhouse in France, offering you a fun and educational trip through the Amazon, from its estuary to its source. Fun, educational and scientific, the aquarium takes you on a fabulous journey from the Mediterranean to the south seas. The aquarium has been extended. New areas to discover. Information on 18 ccitayrd chemin de la diligence - +33 (0)4 67 27 86 26 A maze, riddles, secret codes… back to the time of knights and fortified castles. 40 games, 3.5 km of pathways and dead-ends to share pleasure, fun and finding out. Picnic area. Golf courses Baillargues 19 GolF de montPellier-massane - 18 hole GolF course a9 sortie 28 - vendargues +33 (0)4 67 87 87 89 Patinoire veGaPolis de montPellier aGGlomération q8 17 Délivrée par AFNOR Certification - 20 GolF hôtel montPellier JuviGnac - 18 and 9 hole GolF course Fun ice-skating rink: 2 tracks, 2 moods. A 1,800 m rink is connected with a fun and entertaining track with lighting effects, image walls, a tunnel, slide and music. 13 site naturel ProtéGé du méJean Pour les activités d’accueil, d’information, de promotion/ communication, de production/commercialisation, de la boutique. Juvignac tramway line 1 - station Place de France +33 (0)4 99 52 26 00 Lattes a9 sortie 32 - direction lodève-millau 38, av. des hameaux du Golf +33 (0)4 67 45 90 10 Prices and schedules are provided for information. Only the full rate is shown. For discounts and to confirm information, check with the Montpellier Tourist Office, directly at the various tourist sites, or on Montpellier AGGLOMÉRATION Squares mark locations within the agglomération area 1 le laByrinthe de maGuelone Information on Open everyday from 2 pm to 6 pm in winter (until 8 pm in summer). maison de la nature - +33 (0)4 67 22 12 44 “White swan” path open every day (6 km). “Pink 4flamingo” trail of 7 km. A 2.5 km loop with the Tourism and Handicap label (visual, auditory, mental and motor). Picnic area, adapted public toilets and car park. From September to March 3free access, March to June from 9 am to 6 pm and July/August from 9 am to 7:30 pm. Closed on Mondays all year round. Maison de la Nature: from September to June 2 pm to 6 pm, in July and August: 9 am to 12 noon / 4 pm 2 to 8 pm. Closed on Mondays and Thursdays. Lez river lets you ride safely from Montpellier to the beaches. The path is 8 km long (one way) and accessible on foot, by bicycle and roller skates. Gently sloped paths in a natural reserve between Montpellier and its beaches. Giant Zip-lines, climbing site, snack-bar, panoramic terrace, picnic area. 12 Parc de Bocaud 5 les rochers de maGuelone chemin de la diligence - +33 (0)4 67 27 86 26 Rate: 15€50 - Children (7-12): 11€50 Children (3-6): 7€50 - Free for children under 3 Family: 42€. Open every day. Consult the opening times on Tariff: 6€40 - Young people: 12 to 18 years: 3€10 Children from 6 to 12 years: 2€60 - Free for children under 6 years old. Same hours as for Lunaret Zoological Park. The ticket office closes 1 hour before the tropical greenhouse closes. ccitayrd de montPellier aGGlomération q8 tramway line 1 - station Place de France +33 (0)4 67 13 05 50 New serre amazonienne k16 ccitayrd Vélomagg’Service: see under the “Practical” heading. Hérault Transports: Bus n° 102 (Villeneuve-lès Maguelone and Sète), n° 106 (Carnon, GrandeMotte and Grau du Roi) and n° 131 (Palavasles-Flots). TAM: Bus n° 28 (Pérols) and n° 32 (Villeneuvelès-Maguelone) + Vélomagg’bike hire. Cycle paths 16 14 Only 11 km away from Montpellier, enjoy the coastline and beaches. To get there, bus services and bike hire by the day are available. Rate: 6€30 Reduced rate and children’s tariff: 5€30 Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday except school holidays. Every day during school holidays (Zone A). Ticket office opens starting at 1:30 pm - first show at 2:00 pm. Information on A brand new cycle path along the Jacou Golf courses places with the same number are located at the T same address S U Take a trip beneath the 15-meter wide domed screen on a fabulous virtual journey through space to discover the planets and stars. Free entry. From November to April, open Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. The rest of the year, open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6:30 pm Access to the park up to 30 min before closing time. 6avenue Joseph arlery Car Park Bus parking Rd Point de Saporta ZI Mas d'Astre 3 7 Districts Médiathèque Garcia Lorca l' In To ul de Marché Gare Sabines Parc du Mas Nouguier 8 tramway line 1 - station Place de France +33 (0)4 67 13 26 26 Beaches MONTAUD BEAULIEU ST-DRÉZÉRY 9 1 2 centre réGional d’histoire de la 2 musée hoFer-Bury château de lavérune +33 (0)4 99 51 20 25 or +33 (0)4 99 51 20 00 390, av. de Pérols - +33 (0)4 67 99 77 20 Located on an archaeological site, the museum houses collections of Open from 1st April to 30th October, on Sunday from 3 pm to 6 pm. Villeneuve-lèsMaguelone cathédrale saint-Pierre de maGuelone 6 +33 (0)4 67 50 63 63 Magnificent Roman monument by the sea, marshes and vineyards. Open every day from 9 am to 6 pm. 1744, av. albert einstein - +33 (0)4 99 52 66 37 Montpellier’s oldest “folie”. A family home built in 1696, gardens and botanical park you won’t want to miss. Possibility to visit the wine cellar and taste wines produced in the vineyards. Visit of the castle rate: 8€50. Reduced rate: 6€. By appointment all year long (except Sundays), except June, July and September, open from 2:30 - 6:30 pm every day except Monday. Visit of the gardens or wine cellar rate: 6€. All year long from 9:30 am -12:30 pm and 2:30 - 7:00 pm except Free entrance to the park and gardens every day. Library on the ground floor: open Tuesday from 10 am to 12 pm, Wednesday from 10 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 6 pm, Friday from 10 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. Hofer-Bury museum on the 1st floor, opened on weekend (see Museums). 6 hectares of natural space, category-2 peaks, picnic area, gardens, roller-balding track, beach for sunbathing and swimming, walking paths… Prades le Lez Parc rimBaud n11 64, rue st-andré de novigens Opening hours: see the Domaine de Méric. 7 Parc clémenceau J8 22, avenue Georges clémenceau Opening hours: see the Domaine de Méric. 8 Lavérune ccitayrd 34880 lavérune - +33 (0)4 67 47 00 02 7 château de l’enGarran Parks and gardens Montpellier domaine de Grammont s11 Historical and viticulture landmark 1, avenue albert einstein - +33 (0)4 67 64 32 90 Open all year at any time. since 1632. Your are invited to 5 15 domaine de restinclières Exhibitions, activities, trails, play and picnic areas. maison départementale de l’environnement +33 (0)4 99 62 09 40 Saint Jean de Védas 16 château du terral quartier du terral - +33 (0)4 67 07 83 00 Open March 1st to October 31, Wednesday, avenue de heidelberg national holidays and school holidays from Open all year round at any time. 1:30 pm to 5: 30 and weekends from 1:30 pm to 10 domaine Bonnier de la mosson c10 6 pm. November 1st to February 28, Wednesday, route de lodève - 80, allée de la mosson week ends, national holidays and school holidays Open all year round at any time. from 1 pm to 5 pm. Closed in August. 9 BerGes de la mosson B14 JUVIGNAC N 10 9 A 75 vers Paris, Clermont-Ferrand MURVIEL LES MONTPELLIER Site 3 5 Archéologique PIGNAN COURNONTERRAL 7 8 ST-JEAN- DE-VÉDAS SAUSSAN N COURNONSEC 3 11 FABRÈGUES 17 , e us ulone o T o rs el ve arc B 16 A9 sortie St-Jean-de-Védas 18 Arena Parc des LATTES Expositions sortie Ouest 1 PÉROLS VILLENEUVE- Étang de l' Arnel Mauguio sortie Est 13 Étang du Méjean LÈS-MAGUELONE 9 Avenue D2 1 sortie Sud 19 sortie Vendargues 13 N1 A Odysseum LAVÉRUNE 2 CASTELNAULE-LEZ Corum MONTPELLIER 20 ST GEORGES D'ORQUES BAILLARGUES 14 Étang de l'Or D 66 musée archéoloGique lattara de montPellier aGGlomération 1 Open every day from 10 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 4 pm, except Saturdays and Sundays. Guided tours from May 1st to July 31 and from September 1st to October 31. 14 lac du crès Also called the Château de Lavérune. From the 18th century, this was the residence of Montpellier’s bishops. Today it houses the Hofer-Bury museum. LE CRÈS e Lattes Vestiges from archaeological discoveries around the city. Exhibition of objects from the Gallo-Roman site of Castellas. Walking is possible around the ancient site. Unguided tour. This abbey is the only remaining part of a Benedictine then Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Le Crès avenue du château +33 (0)4 99 51 20 25 or +33 (0)4 99 51 20 00 GRABELS 12 ST-BRÈS nc Fra Free entry. Open Monday and Tuesday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm - Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm - Thursday 3 musée municiPal d’archéoloGie from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 6 pm - Friday rue de l’ancienne mairie - +33 (0)4 67 27 88 28 from 9 am-12 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm. or mairie: +33 (0)4 67 47 71 74 By appointement for groups. aBBaye de viGnoGoul city château de FlauGerGues r10 card Rates: from 3€ to 6€. Castle: June 1st to September 30, open every afternoon from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm (reservations recommended on Saturday). October 1st to May 31, Saturday, Sunday, national holidays afternoon. Other days by appointment. Gardens: every day. For additional hours, please call first. château des évêques CLAPIERS vers Arles ès nd Me Murviel les Montpellier 5 25, route de saint Georges d’orques +33 (0)4 67 42 76 68 or +33 (0)6 01 73 57 70 3 8 11 rre Pie Museum of modern and résistance et de la déPortation n14 contemporary art, named after an 1, place de la liberté - +33 (0)4 67 14 27 45 art lover who donated his collection to the city. This museum offers a historical Rates: 2€ - Student and child rate (12 - 18 years): 1€ overview of the 1939-1945 era. Free for children under 12. Open weekends from Presentation of instruments 3 pm to 6 pm. By appointment for groups. belonging to the Resistance, and reconstruction of life in a camp. Pignan Montpellier 18th century Montpellier “folie”, still used today, a historical monument. Tours available of the interior or gardens. Lyon, vers Paris 10 0 11 N VENDARGUES JACOU D 986 Castelnau-le-Lez Lavérune A remarkable structure dating back to 1670, carrying water along a stretch of 6,822 m to the gardens of the Château of Castries. Considered to be the biggest private hydraulic system in France. 4 MONTFERRIERSUR-LEZ N 112 Free entry. Open Tuesday and Friday, from 10 am to 12 pm. +33 (0)4 99 74 01 77 DES MOURGUES CASTRIES 15 , es ng es Ga nn rs ve ve s Cé le Founded in 1972, this museum presents a collection of documents on pharmacology past and present. aqueduc de castries PRADESLE-LEZ 6 domaine de méric m14 634, rue de Ferran - rue de la draye Open from 8 am to 6 pm from November 1st to February 28, 9:30 pm from June 1st to August 31 and 8 pm from March 1st to May 31 and from September 1st to October 31. Sè te 15, av. charles Flahaut - +33 (0)4 67 54 80 62 4 At the end of the 17th century, the nobles of Montpellier began building houses in the countryside. Some of these residences, known as “Folies” from the Latin “Folia”, or “leaves”, are now open to the public. discover its wine museum, park, Sunday and holidays. Gardens also open Sunday and holidays from 2: 30 - 7:00 pm in June, July and costumer collection, and to taste its wines. September. Guided tours by appointment only. Visit of the museum and access to the wine cellar free every day from 10 am to 1 pm and 4 château de la moGère s8 from 3 pm to 7 pm. Acces to the park and wine 2235, route de vauguières tasting. Tariffs: to be consulted. +33 (0)4 67 65 72 01 ve rs musée de la Pharmacie J12 Castries Folies 9 1 Rates: 2€50 - Reduced rates: 1€50 Rates temporary exhibitions: 3€50 Admission free on the 1st Sunday of every month. Open everyday except Tuesday from 10 am to noon and from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Weekend and holidays from 2 pm to 6 pm. Heritage A Montpellier findings from excavation in the antique city of Lattara and nearby sites. RESTINCLIÈRES ST GENIÈS SUSSARGUES Museums So ver mm s A ièr lès, es 'E .d Mor lho Villeneuve d'Angoulême with a multiplex cinema and many activities, such as go-karts, bowling alley, climbing wall and some one hundred stores… 80 hectares, 90 species, over 500 animals, 2 swamps, 11 km of paths to discover animals from around the world. D 986 as the Montpellier city center is a pedestrian area, we highly recommend that you use public transportation or Vélomagg‘ bike rentals to get around. 12,000 parking spaces are available, as well as seven park-and-ride lots. D 66 Car park de ✿ Hôtel des ventes Rd Point du Rieucoulon s y c l a bl e Taxi Tram: +33 (0)4 67 58 10 10 e Pedestrian aera P is t e c Montpellier Taxi Bleu du Midi: +33 (0)4 67 03 20 00 PRÉS D’ARÈNES Arè ne 21 4 Patinoire 18 Planétarium Château de Galilée Vegapolis Clinique du Lycée P. R. la Mogère PORT Millénaire Pierre Mendès MARIANNE France 4 Grabels Lemasson Croix d'Argent M.P.T. Pauline Lafont nue Ave on Ly eille s ar M Lattes Beaches taxis M.P.T. L'Escoutaïre CROIX D’ARGENT 5 Odysseum Aquarium Mare Nostrum D Stade Yves du Manoir Grands Hommes 15 D. 9 25, allée de l’attique +33 (0)4 67 71 76 48 - St Cléophas vas JCCOM Mobilboard (Segway) i Sortie 29 Montpellier Est nd è Me OVALIE Rd Point M. Genevaux 17 P Bus 106 Place de France 16 Rond Point du Zénith M endès Place Ernest Granier Nouvel Hôtel de Ville ala 2 agencies: Gare sncF: +33 (0)4 67 92 78 77 / clémenceau: +33 (0)4 67 58 34 35 M.P.T. Boris Vian M.P.T. Mas Drevon Albert Camus eP Holiday Bikes Nouveau St Roch Parc Montcalm du e Bus 106 Bus 131 Mondial 98 e on es uel lag ag re s p M atu Le les la N e uv n de ne lle iso Vi Ma 86 on two wheels P Mondial 98 Château de Flaugergues Park and terraces open to the public from June 18 to September 18 every day from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 7 pm. Individual guided tours in the summer and group tours all year 9round, on request. d ran Dug 6 C. C. A. S. Faculté AES Millénaire Multiplexe Cinémas 3 nd mo Ray LAVÉRUNE Parc du Millénaire 2 Bus 32 12 M.P.T. Michel Colucci MILLÉNAIRE Bus 28 P ute Ro M.P.T. Antoine de St-Exupéry e Ru P 8 M.P.T. Marcel Pagnol 7 P P P LA CHAMBERTE IRTS Pie te d 28 bis, rue Frédéric Peyson +33 (0)4 99 64 78 96 - P Clinique Beausoleil M.P.T. François de Malherbe Einstein Parc du Millénaire 1 e 8 P Rou SP Location P Av. de Grammont Av Banque de France 6 rue du Grand saint-Jean +33 (0)8 20 00 74 98 - P 50, av. agropolis - +33 (0)4 67 54 45 23 Open all year round. Beaulieu Town Hall: +33 (0)4 67 86 60 28. With its park in the French style 11 and its aqueduct, this is one of the most important groups of monuments in the region. Also known as “The Versailles of the Languedoc”. 10 4 D2 Zénith de Grammont P M.P.T. Jacques Prévert M.P.T. André Chamson la M.P.T. Melina Mercouri D. 11 Sixt Po s des Libert é Château de Grammont Planétarium Galilée de montPellier aGGlomération q8 18 Parc zooloGique de lunaret k16 Educational and commercial center office de tourisme de castries +33 (0)4 99 74 01 77 Cimetière St Etienne Funérarium rr Pie Autoroute A 75 - Paris CELLENEUVE Clinique Clémentville Avenu e Théâtre Thé âtre des 13 vents 5 ille Vie P M.P.T. Marie Curie 9 LA POMPIGNANE Av. du 10 N. Lodève Millau M.P.T. Pierre Azéma 7 13 Rate: 4€90 - Child rate (under 16): 4€ Skate rental: 2€70 Open every day. Information on odysseum s9 tramway line 1 station Place de France and odysseum +33 (0)4 67 13 50 50 (information) 12 10 château de castries Parcours Sportif de Grammont l na e tio né na ra s er ter Int édi ition rt s po r Mxpo ro lie Aé tpel es E ena d Ar on M Parc France s 9 M.P.T. Georges Sand 15 Castries Le Lez JUVIGNAC Parc Bonnier de la Mosson 13 ue Fra n ven 10 LES BEAUX ARTS Clinique IUFM Rech E.N.S.A. CAF 10 Jeu de Mail des Abbés . R.II +33 (0)4 67 69 35 50 - Boutonnet 1 École Nat. Sup. d' Agronomie I.N.R.A. M.P.T. François Villon Golf de Fontcaude CASTELNAULE-LEZ u 81 Auto Handicap 34 BOUTONNET Faculté de Pharmacie du 11 Clairval Cimetière St Lazare M.P.T. Albert Dubout R ory Pil telna Cas e e d ne 4 agencies: Près d’arènes: +33 (0)4 67 06 00 12 / mauguio: +33 (0)4 67 20 11 48 / clapiers: +33 (0)4 67 59 17 17 / aéroport: +33 (0)4 67 20 02 12 - St Lazare r ey Centurions La Galine îm les carrières de Beaulieu 15 Beaulieu stone, a construction material used in many of the buildings in the region, was first extracted in Roman times. 14 The quarries now house a theatre (summer programme) and trails can be followed on foot or on mountain bike. N Charles de Gaulle Clinique St Jean du es 2 Domaine de Méric 6 olo ADA locations sp New Open from 8 am to 5 pm from November 1st to February 28, 9 pm from June 1st to August 31 and 8 pm from March 1st to May 31 and from September 1st to October 31. 16 9 AIGUELONGUE Mosson O Self-service cars (24/24) +33 (0)4 67 58 06 06 - Ch ar iti om M.P.T. J-Pierre Chabrol M.P.T. Fanfonne Guillierme 12 Parc montcalm H7 ✿ Notre Dame de Sablassou Av en va z Via Domitia Leisure Montpellier Open all year round at any time. Beaulieu C du Modulauto D1 7 nde Me ac 18 rue arthur young gue lon St Eloi Av .S de ue Blay Palais des Sportsl' Aigue René Bougnol Université Paul Valéry ab M.P.T. Paul-Emile Victor seu r St Jean de Védas Centre tyrd cica CHR La Colombière 11 Bois de montmaur J16 U Av enue Pro fes T de Ro ute en du S Aube rouge CHR St Éloi Universités Ru e R 14 CHR Gui de Chauliac M.P.T. Emma Calvé CHU Lapeyronie Château d' Ô MOSSON 12 Hôpital Lapeyronie en ne H l' H ort us Ru e CHR Arnaud de Villeneuve s +33 (0)4 67 20 85 00 or +33 (0)4 34 888 999 (transit time around 20 minutes) Car Vin cen t enue wa y 13 Clinique Lavalette HÔPITAUX Université des FACULTÉS Sciences Occitanie Parc Malbosc Halles des Halles de 4 saisons ber La Paillade eidel de a V alsi ère Av . Fè I.U.T. st Q Parc Zoologique Henri de Lunaret les Montpellier AND AGGLOMÉRATION He mi ng St Paul Bus network around the Department: +33 (0)4 34 888 999 Airport shuttle Prie Malbosc Château d'O M.P.T. Léo Lagrange 13 i nt P JACOU nde Me Sa e 9 CHU Bellevue École d' Archi. Faculté d'odontologie O CLAPIERS 11 de el Gim N opolis PARC EUROMÉDECINE Euromédecine MALBOSCd 14 S.T.A.P.S. ute Ro Hauts de Massane Villa e nu Hérault transports h Clinique Fontfroide M 17 rue des chasseurs Parcours Sportif de Montmaur ngon Pouti 30 bus routes, 2 of which are for night owls: the amigo (serving nightclubs from thursday to Saturday, from midnight till 5 am) and bus number 15 (crossing Montpellier every evening from 9 pm to 1 am). 2 tram lines: line 1 (swallows) from Mosson to odysseum and line 2 (flowers) from Jacou to St. Jean de Védas. agency: 6, rue Jules Ferry open from 7 am to 7 pm, monday to saturday. +33 (0)4 67 22 87 87 - 15 e enu Av Complexe Sport. Mun. Veyrassy es èr tyrd cica Gr L Georges Pompidou PARC AGROPOLIS Ra TAM - City bus and tramway network M.P.T. Georges Brassens 16 de K MONTFERRIER is public transportation J uriol u Lo a great deal for bicycle rental by Montpellier agglomération: nearly 50 bike stations to enjoy some 120 km of bike paths and discover the city your way. rentals available at the tourist office. central Bikestation: 27, rue maguelone open every day from 9 am to 7 pm and from 8 am to 8 pm from april to october +33 (0)4 67 22 87 82 Ro ute e es ng Ga Vélomagg’ Nic Av. des Garrats guided tours through the historical center, starting at esplanande Charles de gaulle. open from February 19 to november 13. +33 (0)4 67 66 24 38 te Rou little tourist train I 86 Book your accommodation, a guided tour, a day trip, a ticket for a show, buy your City Card… in short, organize your stay in just a few clicks on, the central booking service at the Montpellier tourist office, and take advantage of new offers at the best prices. H D9 G A R t available for 24, 48 and 72 hours, the Montpellier City Card combines free entry and discounts for a wide range of activities, from museums to leisure sites, shows and public transportation. starting at 12 euros. on sale all year long at the montpellier tourist office. +33 (0)4 67 60 60 60 F Clinique Val d' Aurelle l' Eu City Card Montpellier E GRABELS 17 de ccitayrd D 18 Rue the Montpellier tourist office offers guided tours all year long, with experienced guides who can give you privileged access to the city’s most prestigious monuments. 2 hours covers 1,000 years of history, and everything you need to know about Montpellier. starting at 7 euros. historical center: every wednesday, saturday and sunday. every day during school holidays. theme visits following a quarterly program available at the montpellier tourist office. +33 (0)4 67 60 60 60 C e ab guided tour B s ge an s G Alè PRACTICAL MONTPELLIER A al du Can R vers Aigues Mortes La Grande Motte te à Sè hône D 62 Carnon Palavas 6 Mer Méditerranée