Fall 2013 - Huntington Hospital
Fall 2013 - Huntington Hospital
Advocate Fall 2013. Philanthropy makes us stronger. Our mission To excel at the delivery of healthcare to our community. Our vision To become the finest community‑based regional medical center in Southern California. Dear Friends: F or more than a century, philanthropic support has enabled Huntington Memorial Hospital to provide superior care to patients — creating one of the nation’s great medical institutions right here in our region. In today’s quickly evolving healthcare landscape, charitable contributions can be more transformative than ever at Huntington Hospital: Such support is essential to the continuation of above-and-beyond care here. At a time when other hospitals are sunsetting important care programs and even closing their doors, your involvement at Huntington Hospital counts. Our continued focus on high-quality patient care, satisfaction and outcomes is exemplified by our four current funding priorities. With private support we are . . . . . . providing patient-centered care that is aligned with the latest best practices. . . . ensuring caregiver excellence, by attracting, educating and retaining the most highly skilled, compassionate professionals. . . . investing in innovation, including state-of-the-art technologies and facilities. . . . promoting community health, through essential outreach, education and care programs for local residents of all ages. Without support from the community we serve, we would not be able to provide the care on which this community has come to rely — 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. With your support, we will continue to make critical investments in the people and practices needed to ensure healthcare excellence. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of local patients. Stephen A. Ralph President and CEO Advocate 1 Advocate Fall 2013. Philanthropy makes us stronger. Featured 4 Rebecca and James Sarni Inspired to Contribute 9 Dorothy M. Vaughn A Philosophy of Kindness 12 15 Francine and Marshall Katz Honored for Support of Lifesaving Care 18 Moraig “Jo” Jardon A Generous Heart 21 Pasadena Community Foundation Sixty Years of Support Shelly Lowe and Irene Sang Partnering in Service to our Community President’s Circle On our cover: The use of wrap-around cooling blankets is a leading-edge therapy for newborns who have suffered brain injury. Huntington Memorial Hospital is the first hospital in California to introduce this care protocol, which can improve outcomes for our smallest patients. The CureWrap blankets also offer an added benefit for parents, who can hold and bond with their babies during treatment. 2 Fall 2013 24 President’s Circle Member Recognition Dinner Excellence in Education 26 President’s Cocktail Reception Recognizing Extraordinary Support 28 Ben B. Pradhan, MD Physician Partners Legacy Gift Society Our Support Groups 31Huntington Memorial Hospital Engages Supporters An Educational Luncheon on Cardiac Care 48 Guild and Support Group Directory 49 Volunteer Leadership Council Supporting Students Who Give Back 50 Altadena Guild Recognizing Service, Assisting in Professional Growth 51 Fall Food & Wine Festival Ensuring Access to Lifesaving Trauma Care 33 Ann Kaiser Supporting Nurses and their Patients SCRUBS 36A New Generation of Support for Pediatric Care 38 Catherine and Casey Adams Placing Family — and Community— First 41 Avery and Fred Johnson Community and Giving Back 45 Denise and Dominick Ranalli Heart and Home in Pasadena Special Feature 47 Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center Community Support for Comprehensive Breast Cancer Care 52 Flintridge La Cañada Guild Supporting High-quality Emergency and Trauma Care 53H.E.A.R.T. Donors John and Carol McGhee 54 55 National Charity League Juniors of San Marino Compassionate Support in a Time of Need 56 57 Women’s Auxiliary An 87-year History of Support 58 S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop A Remarkable 10,000 Hours of Volunteer Service San Marino Guild Giving Back . . . Fashionably Huntington Collection A Profile in Determined Leadership: Betty MacInnes Advocate 3 REBECCA AND JAMES SARNI Inspired to Contribute “We’ve been blessed in so many ways,” says James Sarni, “including our health. We know that not everything we have is just because of our hard work,” he adds. “There’s been some divine intervention along the way, and we’re incredibly grateful. How can we not give back?” O n e of th e ways Jim and Rebecca (Becky) Sarni give back is through philanthropic support of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Their gifts express their gratitude for their good health — and for the hospital’s role in the lives of their family and community. Feeling welcome Jim — a San Gabriel Valley native — attended the University of Southern California, where he completed undergraduate studies and subsequently obtained a master’s in business administration, before taking a job with Atlantic Richfield Company. He left ARCO to enter the investment management business. After almost eight years with 4 Fall 2013 First Interstate Bank, he accepted a position with global investment management firm Payden & Rygel in 1990. He is today one of the firm’s managing principals. Becky attended Western Washington University before completing her education at California State University, Los Angeles. She went on to work as an environmental health and safety consultant, cofounding a company she continued to run with a partner until her retirement in 2003. The Sarnis’ two daughters — Jessica, 16, and Angela, 14 — were both born at the hospital, and the family has also used other hospital services over the years. “The level of care and communication at Huntington Hospital is simply superior,” says Becky. She describes her own care experiences here as “wonderful.” “One of the things that always impresses us at Huntington Hospital,” adds Jim, “is that almost everyone you encounter looks at you, smiles and acknowledges you. There’s a general friendliness and welcoming atmosphere that I’ve never experienced at any other hospital.” Giving back — a way of life The Sarnis are also dedicated members of SCRUBS. They note that this support group offers an additional way for them to say thank you, and to diversify their community and philanthropic involvement. Jim and Becky Sarni’s support for Huntington Memorial Hospital is an expression of their gratitude for good health and of their commitment to the community. They are proud to see their daughters — from left, Angela and Jessica — become increasingly involved in community service, in their turn. Advocate 5 A number of community organizations, in fact, benefit from the Sarnis’ participation. Becky is a self-proclaimed full-time soccer mom to the couple’s daughters, both of whom have a busy schedule of academic and athletic endeavors. She serves as the volunteer manager for one of the girls’ soccer teams and previously participated on the parent board of Mayfield Junior School, for example. She has also served as president of the Christ Child Society of Pasadena. Her two-year term with this all-volunteer organization concluded in June 2013, but she remains involved in other ways. She has been an adult volunteer for confirmation at St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, in Pasadena, and serves on the Cardinal’s Awards Committee for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Jim, too, is very active with the archdiocese. He also serves on the boards of the USC Marshall School of Business, USC Marshall School Center for Investment Studies, Mayfield Junior School, Pasadena City College Foundation and Descanso Gardens. In addition, he chairs the capital campaign at Mayfield Senior School. The Sarnis are grateful that their daughters are also becoming increasingly involved in community service. “It makes me incredibly proud,” says Jim. “We want them to grow up with charitable giving as part of their lives.” Where the need is greatest With regard to their support for Huntington Hospital, says Jim, “We’re particularly pleased to support an organization that has the only trauma center in our region, and that serves such a wide section of the community. The hospital does so much for people who live here — and refuses care to nobody. We feel lucky that our community has an organization like this to rely on.” Since traditional sources of reimbursement are “never going to be enough to cover everything,” adds Becky, “we know there’s a need for additional support.” ★ Generous unrestricted support from community friends like the Sarnis is vital. It sustains and enhances hospital services that are not covered by traditional reimbursements, and helps provide potentially lifesaving care to patients throughout the hospital — including Huntington Hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center (pictured here). 6 Fall 2013 Advocate 7 When Dorothy M. Vaughn decided to take a swim during a beachside picnic, she did not imagine she would be saving a life. But as she enjoyed her time in the waves, “I heard someone call my name, out beyond the pier,” she recalls. It was a friend, and he was in trouble. Without hesitation, Dorothy — a young newlywed at the time — raced toward him. When she reached him, “I told him just to hold on to me and keep kicking his feet, and we would make it,” she says. “And we did, with no fanfare.” Dorothy M. Vaughn A Philosophy of Kindness T oday, at th e age of 10 2 , Dorothy continues to make a lifesaving difference for others, through her generous support of Huntington Memorial Hospital. When asked what is the secret to her longevity, she says, “I think kindness is very important!” For more than a quarter century, she has expressed her personal kindness toward the hospital, at the President’s Circle level. Dorothy’s earliest memories of the hospital, she notes, are of a modest one-building hospital. Since then, she and her family — including her late husband, John V. Vaughn, whom she married in 1934, and their children, Dorothy Stone and John Spencer Vaughn — have relied on the hospital for care. announcement in efforts to locate it. When Dorothy received a response from a woman who lived just half a block away, she and her mother went over to retrieve the lost pet. The neighbor’s handsome young son asked to be introduced to Dorothy, and then offered to carry her dog home for her. During that brief walk, the couple struck up a conversation that sparked a 73-year romance. “It was fate,” recalls Dorothy. “A match made in heaven.” John was a freshman at the University of California, Los Angeles, at the time. While he soon proposed, Dorothy — despite her strong feelings for him — insisted he first complete his education and find employment. “Then we’ll talk,” she sagely advised him. A match made in heaven With Dorothy’s encouragement, John went on to graduate from UCLA in 1932 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science. The job market awaiting him upon graduation was the When Dorothy and John first met in 1928, it was the result of a minor misfortune. Dorothy’s dog had run away and her mother posted a newspaper Getting started Advocate 9 Dorothy Vaughn and her late husband, John, have provided generous support to Huntington Memorial Hospital over many years. Dorothy, age 102 (here with a photograph of herself as a child) feels that kindness is key to longevity. Her continued kindness in supporting Huntington Hospital helps ensure that others receive the same level of high-quality care she and her family have counted on over the years. worst in American history. However, he successfully secured a position as an assistant credit manager at National Lead Company and rapidly worked his way up the corporate ranks. By 1934, Dorothy and he were married. John’s mother owned rental properties throughout Los Angeles and provided the couple with a house in La Crescenta, rent-free, for a year. Over that time, John continued to advance in his career, enabling the Vaughns to move into their own home in West Hollywood. The move was propitiously timed, as the couple welcomed their first child shortly thereafter. After working his way up to branch manager at National Lead, John moved to Sillers Paint & Varnish Company, where he initially worked as a sales manager. In 1946, he became president and principal owner of the company. Giving back John eventually sold Sillers Paint & Varnish Company in 1958, marking his retirement from the paint industry — but not from business altogether. He acquired Dartell Laboratories — a pharmaceutical and biochemical manufacturer in downtown Los Angeles — in 1960. Later, he became vice chairman of Crocker National Bank, overseeing its Southern California operations. Throughout his prolific career, John remained active in civic life, frequently taking leadership roles in civic and political organizations. “We were very active when my husband was in business,” recalls Dorothy. “We did a great deal of entertaining in our home, and that was my responsibility — and something I enjoyed,” John, who felt he owed UCLA a great debt for his education, was active in the school’s alumni association. He was elected president in 1957, serving as an ex-officio regent to the University of California. The association recognized his commitment through various significant awards, including the prestigious Edward A. Dickson Alumnus of the Year award in 1971. During the 1970s, John also held leadership positions in more than two dozen additional organizations across the region. He remained active in civic life until his death in 2001 at the age of 92. Investing in great care The Vaughns became San Marino residents in 1944, and lived there for many years before moving to Pasadena. They began supporting Huntington Hospital at the President’s Circle level during the 1980s. “The hospital has done a lot for me and for my family,” says Dorothy. “Both our children were treated there and I’ve had many surgeries at the hospital. It is tops in everything.” She emphasizes her concern for “people who can’t afford the care they need. I feel like my contributions can help them a little bit,” she adds. Just as she has been doing for so many years, she continues to help others, without fanfare — but with true kindness. ★ Advocate 11 Francine and Marshall Katzes’ longtime charitable support of Huntington Memorial Hospital includes significant gifts toward our Emergency & Trauma Center. Francine and Marshall Katz Like other members of our community, Francine and Marshall Katz are neither hoping nor planning to get sick. Yet they are providing significant support toward lifesaving emergency and trauma care at Huntington Memorial Hospital. “ 12 W e’re supporting something we hope never to need,” explains Marshall, “but we recognize that there will likely come a time when members of our family, or our community, will need care. Emergency and trauma services benefit everyone in our community.” Francine and Marshall met when Francine was 16 years old and Marshall was 19, and they have been married for 58 years. Francine graduated from Northwestern University, and Marshall obtained his degree from the University of Illinois. Shortly after their wedding in 1955, the couple moved from their hometown of Chicago to San Antonio, Texas, where Marshall was required to report to Fort Sam Houston for education-deferred military service. Immediately contending with pressure, they had less than Fall 2013 24 hours to find a place to live before Marshall was required to report to base for training. As might be anticipated, this caused some early marital stress! “I’d have lived in a tent or a ditch to be with him, though,” Francine now admits. Marshall was soon selected for further training as a neuropsychiatric technician at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in Denver, Colorado, where the Katzes remained for the balance of Marshall’s tour of duty. Francine got a position as a speech pathologist with Aurora Public Schools, where she set up the entire speech program. Once he returned to civilian life, Marshall began work in the steel distribution industry. In 1962, he started Hokin-Katz Metals Service, a sheet steel distributor and processor. Following the sale of Hokin-Katz in 2004, Marshall briefly worked for the new owners before opening another company. Advocate 13 The Francine H. and B. Marshall Katz Patient Wing has been named in recognition of the Katzes’ support. Signage was unveiled at a special event in June. “I don’t want to reach the point where I get up in the morning and wonder what I’m going to do that day,” explains Marshall. “I want to remain actively involved in business, and continue to enjoy life.” Thus he started a new venture — a company working in steel brokerage — in which he remains quite active. A zest for life Francine went on to obtain a Master of Arts and is a licensed speech-language pathologist and lip-reading specialist, with an emphasis on brain aerobics for senior citizens. She worked for many years at Pasadena City College, and now provides pro bono services at the Crowell Public Library in San Marino and at two other locations. Her classes help hearing-impaired older adults acquire/improve their lip-reading skills (aiding comprehension) and mitigate memory loss. Known for her colorful and custom-created hats, Francine is an enthusiastic therapist and mentor. She regularly plans new activities for her students, including — most recently — playing the kazoo and singing, to help strengthen their vocal folds. “My students are a source of inspiration,” she says. “Even in their 80s and 90s, they don’t seem to worry about the future. They have a positive attitude and it’s infectious! I think they really encourage me to continue my work.” The Katzes have four married children and eight grandchildren. They and their very close-knit and active family all still continue to take a vacation together each year. The couple is also known for their unique Saracenic (Persian/Indian) architecture-inspired San Marino home, which took two years to design and two years to build and in which they have lived for 38 years. (“They say you can only test a marriage if you build a home together, and we had plenty of tests,” Francine laughs.) The cornerstone of the house bears the imprint of each family member’s hand. 14 Fall 2013 A history of helping When the Katzes first moved to California, they lived in Covina — but Francine and Marshall nonetheless chose Huntington Hospital for the birth of their children. “Like many expectant mothers, I worried whether my children were going to be healthy and receive the best care,” says Francine. “I had a wonderful doctor and received exceptional attention at Huntington Hospital. All the children got a good start there and have all turned out beautifully. They have all contributed and made their mark in society,” she adds. The Katzes’ youngest son, Daniel, has two daughters who were also born at Huntington Hospital. Francine and Marshall have provided regular support to the hospital for more than a decade, including unrestricted gifts as well as funding toward Emergency & Trauma Center expansion. Their most recent commitment will help sustain what goes on inside the walls of the center. Honoring their generous involvement and support, the hospital is pleased to name the Francine H. and B. Marshall Katz Patient Wing, part of a surgical unit within our east tower, for them. A special event involving many members of the Katz family, along with representatives of the hospital, was held on June 11th, during which the recognition signage was unveiled. “We had many discussions before making our most recent gift,” says Marshall, “and we’re certainly not sorry we made this decision. Whether someone needs care for something minor, or something very serious, it’s important that the care you receive is the best possible. I guess this contribution is just an extension of our original commitment to Huntington Hospital.” “The hospital is very special to us,” Francine adds. “We want to help ensure that others have access to the same level of high-quality care that our family has received in the past, and possibly may need in the future. We want to help ensure that the hospital remains the best in the region.” ★ SHELLY LOWE AND IRENE SANG Partnering in Service to our Community Doctors of optometry Shelly Lowe (left) and Irene Sang created their practice — South Pasadena Optometric Group, Inc. — with the goal of serving their community. “Our vision was to position ourselves at the highest standards of quality and ethics,” says Dr. Sang — and the close friends and business partners have been putting this vision into action since 1991. > T he optometrists, along with their husbands — Dennis Howard Lowe and David Levy — have extended their commitment to the community still further, through their support for Huntington Memorial Hospital over many years. In addition to personal contributions, the Lowes have hosted fundraising and donor stewardship events at their Pasadena home. Their daughter, Cara, has also contributed by painting a mural for the hospital’s pediatric department, as part of a Girl Scouts community service program. Dr. Sang was inspired to become involved at Huntington Hospital as a result of family illness. When her late mother was in the hospital in Chicago, “I flew out to be with her,” says Dr. Sang, “and became acutely aware of the level of knowledge nurses must have. They’re really an essential bridge in patient care.” Upon her return to California, Dr. Sang reached out to Huntington Hospital, where she helped establish a recognition program for nurses who go beyond the call of duty in caring for their patients. This award program has since been expanded to recognize clinical excellence among nurses and other hospital personnel. Dr. Sang has added to her initial support through contributions to nursing education here. The hospital is now bringing further educational and program development opportunities to nursing 16 Fall 2013 staff, via our new Institute for Nursing Excellence and Innovation. Building a dream practice Drs. Lowe and Sang met when both were attending Southern California College of Optometry in Fullerton. Dr. Lowe, originally from California, began her career as a teacher of the visually impaired and partially sighted. Particularly interested in the field of low vision, she ultimately decided to become an optometrist. Dr. Sang came to California from Chicago in order to attend Occidental College. Accepted early into optometry school, she received a bachelor’s of vision science first, followed by her doctorate. Casually acquainted in school, the two women both happened to settle in the Pasadena area following graduation. “We individually became very involved in the community,” says Dr. Sang, “and kept bumping into each other at events.” Their friendship blossomed and today the two speak of themselves as friends first, and business partners second. It was after they reconnected in Pasadena that the two doctors began talking with each other about their respective dreams for professional practice. “As we discussed our dream practice,” says Dr. Sang, “we realized it was together,” but as Dr. Lowe started a family and Dr. Sang found a position with another practice, their dream was put on hold for a while. Both ultimately realized, however, that “there’s no perfect time to start a business, and we should just go for it,” notes Dr. Lowe. Doctors of optometry Shelly Lowe (left) and Irene Sang at the opening of their practice in 1991. They are not only colleagues, but close friends who share a commitment to their community. Both are strong supporters of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Complementary skills Start-up was certainly eventful: Dr. Lowe’s second child was born by emergency Caesarean section at Huntington Hospital the same day the optometrists were picking out carpet samples for their offices. Dr. Lowe was back at work less than a month later, and she and Dr. Sang not only continue to practice together successfully, but to support each other in other aspects of life. When Dr. Sang started her own family, Dr. Lowe was on hand with advice. Their spouses are friends and their children are like siblings, they note. In business, adds Dr. Sang, “We both specialize in different areas, so we look to each other to complete the spectrum of knowledge”: While both provide general vision care to their patients, Dr. Sang also has special knowledge in fitting contact lenses for people with diseased or damaged corneas, while Dr. Lowe’s skills include a specialty in caring for pediatric patients and for the visually impaired. Further complementing this blend of knowledge and skills, a third partner, doctor of optometry Cindy P. Wang, joined the practice 10 years ago. On the short list for support While family and professional life consumes a considerable part of their schedules, the partners also make time for community involvement, both separately and as a team. Dr. Sang credits her grandparents with being community-minded role models. Following in their footsteps, two years ago she helped found Muse/ique — a San Gabriel Valley organization that provides new musical experiences through live performances and other activities. In the past, she has been actively involved in numerous civic philanthropic organizations. In addition to Huntington Hospital, the Lowes support a variety of arts organizations, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Pasadena Playhouse and The Museum of Contemporary Art. Dennis has served on the boards of the Playhouse and the Pasadena Symphony. The couple also supports The California Institute of Technology — as Caltech Associates — and the University of Southern California. Jointly, too, Drs. Lowe and Sang provide community support through their South Pasadena Optometric Group, Inc. The practice each year grants a scholarship to a graduating South Pasadena High School student who has overcome challenges and achieved success. “We honor resiliency,” says Dr. Sang. She relates this strength to Huntington Hospital, also: “Even through healthcare bumps, it’s light on its feet,” she says. The doctors also donate their professional services through InfantSEE and Young & Healthy, and they recognize that there are many community organizations that provide valuable services and require support. “We’ve given a lot to a lot of different things over the years, says Dr. Lowe, “but of all the charities we’ve been involved with, Huntington Hospital is on the short list.” ★ Advocate 17 MORAIG “JO” JARDON A Generous Heart Moraig “Jo” Jardon has high expectations when it comes to quality healthcare. This former registered nurse recently recognized Huntington Memorial Hospital’s special brand of care through a generous donation to our Heart and Vascular Center. M y husband spent his life dedicated to the medical field, and healthcare has always been such a big part of my life,” explains Jo, who worked as a nurse for many years, and was married to the late Gaspar Jardon, MD, a Los Angeles-based obstetrician/gynecologist. “I marvel at the high quality of care provided by Huntington Hospital,” she adds, “and supporting its commitment to excellence seemed like the right thing to do.” In tribute The Jardons themselves turned to Huntington Hospital for care on several occasions. Dr. Jardon was treated here before being transferred to a skilled nursing facility, where he passed away in 2002. Jo has received treatment for an elbow injury and has participated in the hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation program. She continues to receive treatment from John Easthope, Jr., MD, a cardiologist on staff at the hospital. It was in tribute to this physician, in fact, that she made her recent generous gift to the hospital’s Heart and Vascular Center. “I don’t know what I would do without him,” she says. “He’s always 18 Fall 2013 there for me, and his entire staff treats me with respect and dignity. “I wanted to show my appreciation and recognition for the quality of service I’ve received at Huntington Hospital — and from Dr. Easthope,” she adds. “I’ve realized how important it is to give back to the community and how good it makes you feel when you can do so in a meaningful way.” Love and livelihood In the 1920s, Jo’s mother came to the United States from Scotland to visit her brother in Fargo, North Dakota. It was there that she met and married Jo’s father. The young couple moved to Ohio, where they raised three children. (Jo’s brothers are deceased. She has two nieces, who still live in Ohio.) Jo earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing at Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University) in Cleveland. She worked briefly as a nurse and subsequently as a flight attendant for Trans World Airlines. Following her return to a career in nursing, she met Dr. Jardon. After marrying, the couple decided to move to California “to escape the cold Ohio winters,” Jo notes. They initially lived on the Westside, and Dr. Jardon worked for an established obstetrics/ gynecology group. He later opened his own practice on Wilshire Boulevard. Jo herself provided nursing care at Shriner’s Hospital for Children before joining her husband’s private practice. “We had a wonderful marriage,” says Jo. “We worked together for what seems like forever and enjoyed it every day!” A feel-good investment After Dr. Jardon retired from practice, he and Jo moved to Pasadena, where Jo still resides today. She is active in the community: In addition to her generous contributions to Huntington Hospital, she is involved in numerous other charitable activities, including the Shakespeare Club of Pasadena (which funds college scholarships for outstanding Pasadena high-school graduates), Shriner’s Hospital for Children, and the Pasadena Humane Society. Jo adopted her beloved dog, Coco, from the humane society here. “My gift to the Heart and Vascular Center is a way to say thank you for the outstanding care the hospital has provided for me, Gaspar and many others,” she says. “I’m getting older and I want to do something valuable with my money. Huntington Hospital does wonderful things for the community. I feel good about supporting it.” ★ Donor Jo Jardon and her late husband, Gaspar Jardon, MD, spent their careers in medicine. Jo is pictured with Coco, her companionable Shih Tzu. Jennifer DeVoll is executive director of the Pasadena Community Foundation, which is celebrating its 60th year of supporting local nonprofit organizations. Huntington Memorial Hospital was among the first recipients of funding from the foundation, and is grateful for its continued support. 20 Fall 2013 PASADENA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Sixty Years of Support The Pasadena Community Foundation is celebrating its 60th year of support for the greater Pasadena community. In commemoration of this important anniversary, it held its first-ever gala at the Langham Huntington, Pasadena, on October 5, 2013. Proceeds will help grow the foundation’s endowment, thus increasing its capacity to help local nonprofit organizations. H untington Memorial Hospital was one of the first recipients of funding from what was then known as the Pasadena Foundation, following its creation by Louis and Marion Webb in 1953. In an interview with the Pasadena StarNews in 1961, Louis explained his desire to create a community trust. “I wanted to do some good with my money . . . in some manner that would continue the charitable work after I was gone,” he noted. The foundation’s mission: to improve and enrich the lives of residents of the greater Pasadena area. A broad portfolio Since its inception it has provided support to many local organizations — including additional gifts to Huntington Hospital — through a board-reviewed, competitive grant program. “Our grants fall into six areas of focus that we think broadly cover the community as a whole,” says the foundation’s executive director, Jennifer DeVoll. These areas are the arts, education, the environment, health, human services, and youth. In the area of health, the foundation funds work as diverse as medical research, direct care services and fitness organizations, for example. “Huntington Hospital is a hugely important provider in our community and fits within this area of interest,” says Jennifer. In addition to providing traditional board-approved discretionary grants, the foundation manages a number of donor-advised funds. Gifts through such funds are disbursed to organizations that match donors’ own philanthropic interests. (During their lifetime, the Webbs Advocate 21 encouraged others to contribute to the foundation they had established — and community residents continue to do so today.) Underscoring a focus on its community Born in Michigan in 1882, Louis Webb later moved to Pasadena with his family, where he became a successful engineer, real estate developer and investor. He and his wife, Marion, pledged the proceeds of their estate to establish the foundation: A portion of the estate was bequeathed to the foundation after Louis passed away in 1966, with the remainder gifted following Marion’s death in 1977. Following Jennifer DeVoll’s recruitment as executive director a little over a decade ago, the foundation more fully embraced its special identity as a community foundation, changing its name (to become the Pasadena Community Foundation) to reflect this. “The foundation has grown over the years — from a tiny organization to a mature entity that complies with rigorous national standards and best practices,” says Jennifer. “Over this same time period, community foundations have become more widely known and understood. Identifying ourselves more clearly in this category helps underscore our commitment to meeting the needs of Pasadena. We remain very proud that Pasadena has its own community foundation,” she adds. Given the fact that both the hospital and the foundation are lynchpins of our community, it is logical that noted local leaders, including Lois Matthews and R-Lene Mijares de Lang should be involved on the boards of both organizations. Looking to the future Since 1954, the Pasadena Community Foundation has generously provided more than $340,000 in support for Huntington Hospital’s work, including funding to meet a variety of capital needs. “One of the reasons to celebrate 60 years is to honor our past accomplishments and our grantees,” says Jennifer. “In addition, we see this as an opportunity to talk about where we go from here, to tell our community about our longer-term goals. We want to continue having an impact and playing an important role.” Under Jennifer’s leadership, the foundation has conducted a strategic planning process to guide its work in the coming years. “We see ourselves as an endowment for the whole community, and our giving will continue to evolve as the needs of our community change,” she notes. “Of course, we will continue supporting organizations that do important work in our community,” she adds, “and Huntington Hospital is one of those organizations.” ★ The Pasadena Community Foundation (known then as the Pasadena Foundation) began supporting Huntington Memorial Hospital in the 1950s. Much has changed in the field of healthcare since then, but the foundation has remained a steadfast contributor. 22 Fall 2013 Annual Fund and President’s Circle Support Wherever the Need is Greatest rivate philanthropy helps to safeguard vital services — and ensure the availability of state-of-the-art medical facilities and technologies — at Huntington Memorial Hospital. An important way in which community members can help the hospital remain responsive to our region’s needs is through contributions to the Huntington Annual Fund. Generous annual-fund donors provide approximately $3 million in unrestricted, flexible operating support each year. We are deeply grateful for the support of more than 3,000 community members who are already involved. Their contributions help bridge the gap between available revenue streams and the actual costs of providing care. Donors to the Huntington Annual Fund are recognized in a variety of ways (see right). Those providing gifts of $2,000 and above qualify for membership in the President’s Circle of Huntington Memorial Hospital. President’s Circle donors provide approximately 80 percent of annual funds raised by the hospital and we are particularly grateful for their generous contributions. We encourage you to join President’s Circle members and other annual fund donors today, in ensuring the continued availability of high-quality care close to home. Annual Fund Benefits DONOR $1–149 • Receipt of all Huntington Hospital publications. PARTNER $150–499 The above PLUS • Recognition in the hospital’s annual report. ADVOCATE $500–1,999 All of the above PLUS • Discount at Huntington Hospital’s S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop. President’s Circle Benefits MEMBER $2,000–4,999 All of the above PLUS • Annual complimentary hospital parking. • Invitation to annual President’s Circle Member Recognition Dinner. • Access to complimentary flu shots each fall, as available. ASSOCIATE $5,000–9,999 All of the above PLUS • Annual complimentary valet parking. • Annual recognition on President’s Circle donor wall, located in Huntington Hospital’s main lobby. • Invitation to annual private President’s Circle Associates dinner seminar with hospital physicians and executive leadership. MEDICUS SOCIETY $10,000–24,999 All of the above PLUS • Invitation to annual Medicus Society VIP cocktail reception. • Annual stewardship report on the impact of your support. COLLEAGUE $25,000–49,999 All of the above PLUS • Two complimentary tickets to our annual Fall Food & Wine Festival. PATRON $50,000–99,999 All of the above PLUS • Invitation to special evening with the president, physicians and trustees of Huntington Hospital. CHAIRMAN’S COUNCIL cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000 or more All of the above PLUS • Permanent recognition on our Chairman’s Council Wall, located in the hospital’s main lobby. • A Huntington Hospital Gold Card. For benefits associated with the Gold Card, please call the office of philanthropy at (626) 397‑3241. For more information about how you can contribute to the Huntington Annual Fund or become a President’s Circle member, please contact Lia Peterson Miller, director, annual giving, at (626) 397-3241. Advocate 23 P residen t ’s Circle President’s Circle Member Recognition Dinner Excellence in Education In appreciation for President’s Circle members’ generous involvement, Huntington Memorial Hospital hosted the annual member recognition dinner on March 20, 2013. Held at the University Club, the event provided President’s Circle-level donors with an opportunity to meet hospital leaders and learn about some of the work made possible thanks to donor involvement. I n addition to gourmet dining, the approximately 200 attendees enjoyed an informative keynote address entitled Excellence is Infectious. The evening’s speaker was Kimberly Shriner, MD, chair, Graduate Medical Education Committee. She presented information about Huntington Hospital’s rigorous, internationally recognized Graduate Medical Education program. For the past four decades, Huntington Hospital has offered a medical residency program, preparing the physicians and surgeons of the future. We are one of only 25 community hospitals in California to have such a program. Since our Graduate Medical Education program’s inception, Dr. Shriner explained, nearly 1,000 internal medicine and general surgery residents have expanded their medical knowledge and enhanced their clinical practice at Huntington Hospital. Dr. Shriner underscored the ways in which being a teaching hospital benefits patients. In addition, she noted, one in three Huntington Hospital medical residents go on to practice locally, helping to ensure high-quality care for the children and grandchildren of our current patients. 24 Fall 2013 Dr. Shriner herself participated as a resident in our Graduate Medical Education program. She now practices in Pasadena, specializing in infectious diseases, and has been a member of Huntington Hospital’s medical staff since 1994. She is also the founder and director of the hospital’s Phil Simon Clinic, an outpatient teaching clinic that is dedicated to serving patients with HIV. In 2001, she founded The Phil Simon Clinic Tanzania Project, an innovative outreach program that provides free medical and surgical care — and conducts home-health visits — for patients living with AIDS in Northern Tanzania. Each year, gifts made through the Huntington Annual Fund help safeguard both the vital care services at the hospital and the quality of the care we provide. Contributions from President’s Circle members are the cornerstone of our annual fund, representing more than 80 percent of the fund’s philanthropic income each year. We are deeply grateful for this support. ★ President’s Circle members enjoy exclusive benefits. If you are interested in becoming a President’s Circle member, please contact Lia Peterson Miller, director, annual giving, at (626) 397-3241. President’s Circle members at the recognition dinner included, from left, Paul and Sherrill Colony and Lois and Phil Matthews. Contributions from President’s Circle members, including Alice Coulombe (left) and Nancy Van Tuyle, are a cornerstone of the hospital’s annual fund. President’s Circle members Diana and Charles Minning also attended the exclusive event, held at the University Club. From left, Theresé Mothershead, Diane and Fred Blum, PhD, and John, Leanne and Lee Mothershead, were among those who enjoyed mixing and mingling with fellow President’s Circle members and with hospital leadership, during the event. The dinner event included a presentation from Kimberly Shriner, MD (left), regarding Huntington Memorial Hospital’s medical residency program. Dr. Shriner chairs the hospital’s Graduate Medical Education Committee. She is joined above by Syeda Ali, MD. As members of the President’s Circle, Wai-Ling Lew (right) and her daughter Melinda Kiang (left) are among those who provide important support toward the work of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Advocate 25 P residen t ’s Circle President’s Cocktail Reception Recognizing Extraordinary Support On June 26, 2013, Huntington Memorial Hospital hosted an exclusive cocktail reception for President’s Circle members who have made contributions at the Medicus Society level and above. The elegant evening event, held at the Valley Hunt Club, provided an opportunity to recognize these leadership donors for their generous involvement and to further acquaint them with the hospital’s work. A pproximately 80 President’s Circle members, including Rosemary B. (Rary) Simmons, Louise Bryson, Allen Mathies, Jr., MD, Kathleen Good Podley and other hospital board members, were in attendance. Guests enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres and sampled from various food stations — including a risotto bar and a tapas bar — in an elegant candlelit setting. Huntington Hospital’s president and CEO, Stephen A. Ralph, welcomed guests and thanked them for their continued support, which makes a measurable difference in regional medical care. Steve also offered exclusive updates regarding new programs at the hospital. He described the 26 Fall 2013 new Huntington Hospital Neurological Rehabilitation Center — launched with generous challenge funding from Harry Tsao and Carol Chen, and from Renata and Talmadge O’Neill, along with matching gifts from other community residents. He also discussed the hospital’s new Institute for Nursing Excellence and Innovation, made possible with leadership support from Anne and Jim Rothenberg and other local donors. These important programs are consistent with our commitment to innovation, caregiver excellence and high-quality, patient-centered care. ★ Highlights of the September 12, 2013, President’s Circle dinner event will be featured in the spring 2014 issue of Advocate. From left, Brad and Susie Talt and J.C. and Pam Massar were among the generous donors attending the President’s Circle cocktail reception. During the event, contributors including Gwen and Guil Babcock received updates regarding new hospital programs. Sally White (far left), along with Joan and James Caillouette, MD, were also among the President’s Circle members at the elegant event. From left, hospital physician Sonia Singla, board member Rary Simmons, and Dan and Fran Biles mingled at the event. From left, Huntington Memorial Hospital’s president and CEO, Steve Ralph, with President’s Circle members Stephen and Linda Gill and Russ White. From left, Roger Servick and Sydney Mead with Jack Brickson, the hospital’s director, planned giving. Advocate 27 Ben Pradhan, MD, with his wife Dimple Bhasin, MD, and the couple’s daughters, Sapna (left) and Natalia. Dr. Pradhan’s commitment to Huntington Memorial Hospital extends beyond the provision of patient care. The Pradhans also provide generous philanthropic support. Ben B. Pradhan, MD Physician Partners Ben B. Pradhan, MD, began his academic career in aerospace engineering at Princeton University, with an eye to becoming a rocket scientist. As the Cold War ended, he looked for other ways of contributing to society, however. His two sisters — both physicians — inspired him to enter the field of medicine. 28 Fall 2013 Physician Partners D r. Pradhan transferred from his doctoral program in engineering, and entered medical school. Today, he is an orthopedic surgeon with a subspecialty in spine surgery. “The spine is arguably the most complex mechanical system in the body,” Dr. Pradhan explains, “so with my background in engineering, this field is the perfect fit.” Practicing with Risser Orthopedic Group and on staff at Huntington Memorial Hospital, the surgeon is also deeply involved in a variety of research in his field. He became acquainted with the hospital through respected spine specialist Charles Prickett, MD, who also practiced with Risser Orthopedic Group. “When Dr. Prickett passed away, the group asked me to step in and help their spine patients,” notes Dr. Pradhan. “They are affiliated with Huntington Hospital, and I fell in love with the hospital and with the community. Familywise and career-wise,” he adds, “it just made sense for us to move here.” Dr. Pradhan previously worked in West Los Angeles, and he and his wife, Dimple Bhasin, MD, a radiologist, along with their two daughters, lived in Pacific Palisades. The young family now resides in La Cañada-Flintridge. “We were looking to raise our girls in a nice environment with good schools,” he says, “and the San Gabriel Valley checked all the boxes.” Mutual support. Dr. Pradhan sees Huntington Hospital’s relationship with its community as a symbiotic one. “The community is lucky to have this hospital,” he says, “with every service and technology you could need — and the hospital is lucky to be part of this community, where it enjoys such great support.” Physicians at Huntington Hospital, adds Dr. Pradhan, are also afforded a special opportunity: to work with a community healthcare institution that also offers the sophistication of a university hospital. “There’s access to the latest technologies, and to the clinical studies that are typically only available at large, urban hospitals,” he notes. “At the same time, doctors and patients are never treated as just a number here.” Dr. Pradhan not only goes above and beyond in providing care to Huntington Hospital patients. He and his family express their gratitude for all that the hospital means to them through their philanthropic support. He notes that support from others in the community also inspired his own contributions. “I saw my patients express their gratitude through charitable support,” he says, “and I felt I should support the hospital as well.” Contributing to health. As a medical professional, Dr. Pradhan is particularly aware of the need for philanthropic involvement. “The way reimbursements work,” he says, “the hospital certainly couldn’t continue to provide such quality care without community support.” Contributions help ensure, for example, that Huntington Hospital remains at the forefront in orthopedic surgery, by supporting advanced surgical technologies. In turn, this helps the hospital to attract top clinical talent — physicians like Dr. Pradhan who are committed to advancing care still further, through their research. Of particular interest to him is research that lies at the intersection of his work as a physician, and his earlier training as an engineer: He is involved in developing artificial spinal joints, and further enhancing minimally invasive surgical techniques. In addition, he has participated in research to develop drugs that help the body regenerate bone and repair itself. Dr. Pradhan regularly contributes to publications including Spine, the leading journal in the field. He has also contributed to the textbooks used by orthopedic surgeons who are preparing for board certification, including a chapter regarding osteoporotic fractures of the spine. Whether providing direct patient care, conducting and publishing research, or providing philanthropic support toward the work of Huntington Hospital, Dr. Pradhan continuously demonstrates his profound commitment to the health and well-being of our region. “Lots of things in life are important,” he says, “but the most important thing should be your health. That’s why, to me, it’s logical that everyone should support the hospital.” ★ Dr. Pradhan is one of the many physicians at Huntington Hospital who contribute to their community in more ways than one. Look for more Physician Partners features in future issues of Advocate. Advocate 29 Legacy Gift Society Make a Difference for Tomorrow, Today Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Legacy Gift Society provides donors with a means of ensuring continued high-quality care to our region, beyond their own lifetimes. Members are those who have expressed their intent of providing for the hospital through their estate. Such thoughtful and foresighted philanthropy helps sustain excellent care for future generations of local residents. A variety of gift vehicles are available, including bequest gifts through a will or living trust, gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts, for example. In general, these estate — often called planned — gifts offer the opportunity to make a difference at our region’s leading medical center, and also provide important income and/or estate tax benefits to the donors. Additionally, some even generate an income stream for the donor, or for one or more loved ones or heirs. Huntington Hospital is pleased to recognize Legacy Gift Society members in a variety of ways (see below). We encourage you to join other members of the Legacy Gift Society in providing for future generations at Huntington Hospital through a planned gift. Legacy Gift Society Benefits • • • • • • Invitation to annual Legacy Gift Society appreciation luncheon. Invitation to an insider tour of Huntington Hospital’s campus. A discount at Huntington Hospital’s S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop. Counsel from Huntington Hospital’s director of planned giving, as needed. Recognition in Huntington Hospital’s annual report. Receipt of all Huntington Hospital publications. Legacy Gift Society members who have made irrevocable planned gifts with a present value of $100,000 also enjoy: • Permanent recognition on the Legacy Wall of Honor, located by the hospital’s main entrance. • A Huntington Hospital Gold Card. For benefits associated with the Gold Card, please call the office of philanthropy at (626) 397-3241. • Annual complimentary hospital parking, including valet service. • Invitation to an annual private dinner seminar featuring physician experts from the hospital. For more information please contact Jack Brickson, director, planned giving, at (626) 397‑3241, or via email at jack.brickson@huntingtonhospital.com. You can also visit our website: www.huntingtonhospital.com/giftplanning. 30 Fall 2013 Legacy Gift Society An Educational Luncheon on Cardiac Care Huntington Memorial Hospital Engages Supporters During an educational luncheon for Huntington Memorial Hospital patients and donors, Vyshali Rao, MD, provided an overview of recent advances in cardiac care. O n June 25, 2013, a select group of Huntington Memorial Hospital patients and donors gathered at the University Club in Pasadena for an educational luncheon entitled The Latest Advances in Cardiac Care: What It Means for You at Huntington Hospital. The event’s featured speaker was Vyshali Rao, MD, a respected interventional cardiologist who serves on the hospital’s medical staff. She provided attendees an overview of recent advances in cardiac care — and of Huntington Hospital’s high-quality cardiovascular services. A three-course luncheon was served in one of the University Club’s elegant lounges, where guests were greeted by Jack Brickson, the hospital’s director, planned giving, and by Sally Hinckley, director, major gifts. Also participating was Gail Cinexi, director, cardiovascular services. In his welcoming remarks, Jack underscored the various ways in which philanthropy at the hospital makes a difference in the lives of patients. Dr. Rao is part of an outstanding team of cardiac physicians and surgeons who bring first-class heart services to Huntington Hospital patients. She completed her internal medicine Advocate 31 From left, John and Peggy Yingling, Suzanne and Joel McIntyre, Dorothy Hull and Rod Shingu were among those in attendance at the luncheon event, entitled The Latest Advances in Cardiac Care: What It Means for You at Huntington Hospital. From left, Jim Meagher, Joanne Lester, Edna Hernandez, Elsie Crespo and Cindy Dixon also attended the event, held at the University Club in Pasadena. training at the University of Southern California, and received specialized training in interventional cardiology at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center. Dr. Rao joined Huntington Hospital as a cardiologist in 2006 and also works with Foothill Cardiology, in Pasadena. She is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiology and interventional cardiology and has extensive expertise in prevention and treatment of heart disease. Following Dr. Rao’s presentation regarding heart-related topics, guests had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in further discussion. “It was a lively and informative conversation,” notes Jack. “I received uniformly positive feedback,” he adds. “People were particularly impressed with Dr. Rao’s level of knowledge and her very personable approach.” ★ 32 Fall 2013 Huntington Memorial Hospital will hold a special luncheon for members of our Legacy Gift Society on November 19, 2013. The event, to be held at the Valley Hunt Club, will thank these foresighted donors for their thoughtful support — and provide an opportunity for them to learn more from hospital leaders about our latest programs and initiatives. For more information about the Legacy Gift Society, please contact Jack Brickson, director, planned giving, at (626) 397-3241. Legacy Gift Society Supporting Nurses and their Patients Ann Kaiser Ann Kaiser served as a nursing administrator at Huntington Memorial Hospital for 20 years. Throughout her time at the hospital, she demonstrated a strong commitment to nursing excellence, and to advancing both the practice of nursing and the quality of patient care. She played a leadership role in establishing our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) — and, now, in addition to providing annual contributions to the hospital, she has chosen to create a lasting legacy by supporting the NICU through her estate. > Advocate 33 A nn’s career in nursing led her from Ontario, Canada — where she grew up — to Southern California during the early 1970s. After attending Toronto Western Hospital’s school of nursing, she and some friends rented a car and drove to Oakland, California, to take up jobs there. Ann later moved to Southern California, working in Santa Monica before being recruited to work as a nursing administrator at Huntington Hospital in 1971. She remained here until her retirement in 1991. During her tenure, Ann helped promote the hospital’s culture of nursing excellence and continuing education. Today, our ongoing work in this regard is recognized through Magnet® designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. The designation is considered the gold standard in nursing, which only 6 percent of all acute care organizations nationwide receive. Ann’s philanthropic support for the hospital began prior to her retirement. She has designated a portion of her contributions toward nursing education. “I think it’s so important that nurses continue their education,” she says, “to be sure that quality patient care is provided. Nurses are there when people are feeling at their worst,” she adds. “It requires great skill and compassion to help them.” Ann recalls how her own nursing education taught her “how to do things that were not only necessary to the patient’s recovery, but that made the patient feel comfortable.” As an administrator at the hospital, she in turn enjoyed working with student nurses and nurses in their early careers, guiding them to provide aboveand-beyond care that was both clinically excellent and truly compassionate. In addition to her contributions to nurse education at Huntington Hospital, Ann still dedicates time to mentoring nursing students. When Azusa Pacific University nursing students visit Royal Oaks (where Ann is a resident), she invites one of them to have lunch with her. “They can ask me anything they want,” she says, “and they ask all kinds of things. It’s fun.” Founding role, further support One of the accomplishments of which Ann is most proud is her role in establishing our NICU — today the only level-III NICU in our region. (At the time, Huntington Hospital had already developed a reputation for high-quality pediatric care and Ann and other hospital administrators sought to provide similarly superlative care for newborns.) She is now helping to ensure the future of the unit she helped establish through an estate gift made through her will. “My family is taken care of, and I wanted to do something to help the neonatal unit,” she says simply. Ann’s involvement at Huntington Hospital also extended to serving as a founding board member for the Huntington Collection, the upscale resale store whose proceeds help support Huntington Hospital Senior Care Network. She enjoys staying in touch with former nursing and other hospital colleagues. In addition, she is a keen swimmer, and previously volunteered to teach swimming to children with disabilities at AbilityFirst’s Camp Paivika. She is a member of Assistance League of Pasadena, and her handiwork — including seasonal decorative wreaths — can often be seen in that organization’s craft fairs. It was through friends at Assistance League that she adopted her two cats, Pinto and Jade. When Ann required knee surgery a short time ago, she counted on Huntington Hospital. “I wouldn’t go anywhere else,” she says, “and it feels wonderful to support it. It has been such an important part of my life.” ★ 34 Fall 2013 SCRUBS For me d in 2 0 0 5, SCRUBS engages next-generation community philanthropists in the work of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Members of this dynamic group make annual contributions that help sustain and enhance highquality care for our community. Most recently, members launched the SCRUBS Campaign for Pediatrics, with the ambitious goal of raising $1.8 million by 2015 toward refurbishment of the hospital’s pediatric department and pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). To date, $750,000 has been raised. Through essential facilities and technology upgrades, SCRUBS’ campaign is helping Huntington Hospital become an even better place for local children and their families to receive needed care. Our work in this regard is more essential than ever since we are now the only remaining hospital in the San Gabriel Valley with an inpatient pediatric department and PICU. We are deeply grateful for SCRUBS’ support. SCRUBS Member Benefits Membership in SCRUBS is available via annual contributions starting at $300. All SCRUBS members enjoy the following annual benefits: • Invitations to interact with physicians, hospital administrators and other SCRUBS members at two Let’s Get Personal events annually. • Recognition in the hospital’s annual report. SCRUBS Partner Benefits In addition to receiving regular membership benefits, SCRUBS Partners — those who give $1,000 and above — are invited to attend a special fall dinner event at Gale’s Restaurant. SCRUBS Society Benefits SCRUBS members who give $10,000 and above qualify for membership in SCRUBS Society. This group of leading SCRUBS supporters receive all of the above, PLUS • Recognition on a special SCRUBS donor wall in Huntington Hospital’s pediatric unit. • Access to exclusive receptions and tours. SCRUBS members who contribute $25,000 and above qualify for additional prominent recognition in the pediatric unit. Those who make cumulative gifts totaling $100,000 or more receive all of the above benefits, PLUS • Permanent recognition on our Chairman’s Council Wall, located in the hospital’s main lobby. • A Huntington Hospital Gold Card. For benefits associated with the Gold Card, please call the office of philanthropy at (626) 397-3241. For information regarding SCRUBS Society, please contact Tracy Smith, director, major gifts, at (626) 397-3241. For all other SCRUBS queries, please contact Lia Peterson Miller, director, annual giving, at (626) 397-3241. Advocate 35 SCRUBS A New Generation of support for pediatric care O provided toward restoration and refurbishment of the hospin July 12, 2013, Huntington Memorial Hospital tal’s pediatric department and PICU. Steve provided context hosted Drinks on the Links at Annandale Golf Club for the importance of this work, noting that Huntington Hospiin Pasadena. The special bring-a-friend event brought SCRUBS members and their invited guests tal now operates the only remaining pediatric inpatient facility — and the only remaining PICU — in the San together for fun and networkGabriel Valley. He emphasized the essential ing — and offered guests the “Huntington Hospital’s role of private philanthropy in ensuring the opportunity to learn more about pediatric services are future of premier pediatric care for our region the SCRUBS’ Campaign for Pediatrics. founded on a simple, and encouraged guests of SCRUBS members SCRUBS’ current goal: To raise $1.8 million compelling belief: Our to become members of the group themselves. toward refurbishment of Huntington Hoscommunity’s children Such involvement, he noted, will help ensure pital’s pediatric department and pediatric deserve the very best in continued high-quality care for children in intensive care unit (PICU) by 2015. care. By underwriting our community. More than 125 SCRUBS members — upgrades to the hospital’s SCRUBS members enjoy benefits inand approximately 30 guests — attended pediatric and pediatric cluding invitations to exciting social and Drinks on the Links, which included a full intensive care units, networking events like Drinks on the Links, bar and a selection of casual gourmet food. gifts through SCRUBS’ as well as special opportunities to learn more Attendees particularly enjoyed the event’s Campaign for Pediatrics about the hospital and become acquainted with signature Blackberry Bramble cocktail. Live truly support the best in members of our medical staff. On September music by Debra Davis and the Band of Gold care. It’s simply the right 16, 2013, members of SCRUBS at the Partner filled the air, as guests mingled on the golf thing to do.” level and above gathered at Gale’s Restaurant in club’s patio and adjacent grassy common Paula Verrette, MD, Pasadena for the group’s exclusive annual dinarea. Colorful summer floral arrangements pediatrician and chief ner event. This year’s event featured the highly were provided by SCRUBS member and formedical officer rated wines of Michele Chiarlo, one of the most mer Co-chair Drew Domenghini, who owns respected producers in the Piedmont region of Italy. InformaPatterson’s Topiaries Pots & Teas in Pasadena. tion regarding the event will be provided in the spring 2014 issue of Advocate. ★ Appreciation expressed Huntington Hospital President and CEO Stephen A. Ralph For more information about SCRUBS membership, please call welcomed SCRUBS members and their guests to the event the office of philanthropy at (626) 397-3241. and conveyed the hospital’s gratitude for generous support 36 Fall 2013 2 1 3 4 5 Clockwise from upper left: 1) SCRUBS members participating at Drinks on the Links included, from left, Andy and Michele Esbenshade, David Hayden, Allison Withers and Shana Hayden. 2) SCRUBS members recognized for their generous philanthropic support included Becky and Jim Sarni. 3) Among the SCRUBS members who attended the summer event were, from left, Beatrice and Steven Usher, along with SCRUBS Co-chairs Lauren and Kevin Bender and Mabel and Tony Paine. 4) Also in attendance were Erin Carey, Robert Ferraro, SCRUBS Co-chair Tina Baker, Greg Chapman and Heather Drake. 5) From left, Phillip Baker, co-chair, Bill Hayden and Justin Watson at the event. Advocate 37 SCRUBS Catherine and Casey Adams PLACING FAMILY —and community— first Pasadena’s strong sense of community is important to SCRUBS members Catherine and Casey Adams. This, along with their families’ roots here, drew the couple to the area when they married and began looking for a place to start a family. Today, as parents of three children under the age of 5, they note a sharpened commitment to preserving their community’s most important medical institution for the future. C atherine and Casey see themselves and other SCRUBS members as playing a key role in that future. “We’re the next generation, and our community organizations need us,” says Catherine. All three of the couple’s children were born at Huntington Memorial Hospital, and many of their family members have received care here. Their involvement in SCRUBS is an expression of their gratitude for the hospital’s care. “It’s our view that Huntington Hospital is one of the crown jewels of Pasadena,” says Casey. “Not every small city has a world-class hospital. It’s so important to the community and to us.” SCRUBS’ current fundraising focus is the Campaign for Pediatrics, which will provide funds toward reconfiguration and renovation of the hospital’s pediatrics and pediatric 38 Fall 2013 intensive care unit. “The campaign is helping kids by supporting Huntington Hospital,” Casey explains. “Children are the most innocent and deserving members of society and we see an enormous benefit in supporting this campaign.” Coming home Both Catherine and Casey are Southern California natives. Casey was born and raised in Hancock Park, and Catherine in Pacific Palisades. Their fathers grew up in Pasadena and San Marino and, today, various members of their extended families live in the area. Catherine is the youngest of three girls in her family. She spent most of her high school and college years out of state, attending Proctor Academy in New Hampshire, and then moving Catherine and Casey Adams — here with their three young children, Henry, Charlotte and baby Georgia — recently provided funding toward SCRUBS’ Campaign for Pediatrics. to Chicago, where she pursued undergraduate studies at Lake Forest College. A year after graduating, she moved back to the Los Angeles area, where she worked at Gehry Partners, the architecture firm. Casey — one of six siblings — traveled extensively with his family during adolescence and early adulthood. He also took the opportunity to travel after graduating from college, including backpacking trips to Europe and China. He stayed closer to home to pursue higher education, however, obtaining an undergraduate degree in business from the University of Southern California, and a master’s in business administration from Loyola Marymount University. Having worked in commercial real estate investment since graduation, he is currently a principal of Los Angelesbased Excelsior Partners, LLC. Time for community involvement Today, “with three young children, our free time is dominated by family,” Casey says. “Spending time with them is our favorite thing to do.” However, the couple also makes time for community commitments. “Something I learned from my dad,” notes Casey, “is that if you want a nice community, you have to support the institutions that make that possible. My dad has led by example,” Casey adds, “by putting time, talents and financial support on the table for the institutions he cares about.” Casey continues this family tradition, in part through his service on the board of trustees for Hollenbeck Palms, a residential, assisted-living and skilled-nursing facility in Boyle Heights, where both his father and grandfather were involved. He also serves on the board of Five Acres. Catherine — whose parents also set an example of community engagement — is a member of the Circle of Friends, a support group for Kidspace Children’s Museum. She has been involved as a supporter of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and continues to volunteer at and support Aria Montessori School, where the couple’s eldest child recently began school. Strengthening ties Catherine and Casey were introduced to SCRUBS by Catherine’s sister and brother-in-law and attended their first SCRUBS event just two weeks after their first child was born. “We had already grown so fond of Huntington Hospital through having Henry there,” says Catherine. “SCRUBS membership was a perfect way to get to know other young families in the area while supporting the hospital.” Their commitment to the hospital — and to SCRUBS — has only grown since then. Not only have they come to know physicians in the community, but they have turned to the hospital for additional care, when Henry became ill. “The care and treatment he received in the hospital’s emergency department was incredible,” says Catherine. “We were already supporting the hospital at that point,” adds Casey, “and it made the importance of our support resonate even more.” ★ 40 Fall 2013 SCRUBS Avery and Fred Johnson are generous SCRUBS members, and have multiplied the impact of their support through matching gift programs offered by their employers. They are pictured with their daughter, Juliet, and son, Dean. Avery and Fred Johnson COMMUNITY AND GIVING BACK Advocate 41 Avery and Fred Johnson are enthusiastic supporters of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Avery has worked for several medical diagnostic companies over the years, interfacing with various departments within the hospital on numerous occasions. “My perspective has been influenced by the experience of interacting with hospitals across the country in my professional life,” she says, “and Huntington Hospital is recognized throughout the industry as one of the best. The professionalism of the staff and the quality of care are impressive.” A s a young couple living in San Francisco, Avery and Fred bonded over their shared passion for community involvement and philanthropy. In fact, they met during a fundraising event for the Edgewood Center for Children and Families, a Bay Area nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping children with learning and behavioral challenges. After moving from Northern California to Pasadena, the couple decided that the best way to feel at home in their new community was to get involved in the work of local organizations. Several of their friends helped form SCRUBS, which fosters involvement among a new generation of supporters at Huntington Hospital. That — plus Avery’s professional experiences working with the hospital — meant “making the decision to get involved was easy,” she notes. “In addition, while there are many worthy causes in the area,” says Avery, “my feeling is that our health and wellbeing should be top priorities.” Maximizing impact In 2004, the Johnsons attended the first SCRUBS event held, to learn more about the lifesaving care 42 Fall 2013 provided through our Emergency & Trauma Center. SCRUBS subsequently launched a successful campaign to raise funds toward the center’s expansion. The Johnsons provided generous philanthropic support. “We’re lucky to have such an excellent institution in our back yard,” says Fred, “and to be able to rely on it for emergency and trauma care, should the need ever arise. Enhancing and expanding that care is something we feel compelled to support.” More recently, the couple stepped up to the plate once more, in support of SCRUBS’ Campaign for Pediatrics. Through the campaign, SCRUBS members are providing generous support toward renovation and reconfiguration of our pediatric and pediatric intensive care units. To help multiply their donations to Huntington Hospital, the Johnsons have leveraged funds through matching gift programs offered by their employers. (Johnson & Johnson, which provides a two-to-one match for charitable contributions and John Hancock, which matches gifts dollar-for-dollar.) “The matching gift process is relatively easy and can be accomplished online,” says Fred. “Many people aren’t aware that their employers offer such a benefit. We think it’s important to investigate, since it can really expand the impact of your own gift.” Strong feelings, staunch support Fred holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brown University and a Master of Business Administration from San Francisco State University. He started his career in the insurance industry and has remained in the field ever since. Today, he is the managing partner for John Hancock Financial Network in Pasadena and Anaheim. Avery holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Rollins College in Florida. For the past 16 years, she has worked for LifeScan, one of the Johnson & Johnson (“No relation,” she notes) family of companies. She currently serves as senior business manager of the firm, which develops, manufactures and distributes testing and monitoring products for individuals living with diabetes. The Johnsons have two children, Dean and Juliet. Dean, who is a freshman at Polytechnic School, was born at Huntington Hospital in 1999. Juliet, a senior at Poly, volunteers as a candy striper at the hospital — continuing the family value of community service. As SCRUBS members, Avery and Fred continue to enjoy participating in the group’s events, which offer opportunities to interact with friends — and other like-minded community members. They are also active in their children’s academic and sports activities. In addition, Fred volunteers time every year to interview local students who are applying for admission to Brown University. “Giving back to our community is an important part of our lives,” says Avery, “and we feel particularly strongly about supporting Huntington Hospital. It’s reassuring that, if necessary, we’ll have access to the highest-quality patient care,” she adds. “That’s something that benefits all of us in this region. We really encourage others to get involved in SCRUBS. It’s an investment in our future.” ★ Advocate 43 Denise and Dominick Ranalli have provided generous support to the hospital through SCRUBS’ Campaign for Pediatrics. Their beloved pet, Vincenzo “Vinnie” Ranalli, is an important member of their family. SCRUBS Denise and Dominick Ranalli HEART AND HOME IN PASADENA Denise and Dominick Ranalli both hail originally from Texas. They moved to the San Gabriel Valley, settling in Pasadena more than 15 years ago. The couple lived here until making a work-related move to Orange County in 2008. However, regardless of their current place of residence, they still consider the San Gabriel Valley home. D ominick and various family members, including Denise’s father have received medical care at Huntington Memorial Hospital and the couple initially became involved philanthropically through SCRUBS. “We provide support because of how the hospital has helped our family,” says Denise. “The care and everything they do is outstanding,” she adds. “I can’t tell you how compassionate and caring the doctors and nurses were. They acted like my daddy was a member of their own family. We consider it our responsibility to give back.” Building careers Dominick, who graduated from Texas State Technical College in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering, initially worked for Royal Construction, Inc., in Abilene, Texas, where he oversaw all field construction operations for the company’s commercial and residential projects. He went on to work for two other major construction companies before becoming a founding shareholder of LCS Constructors, Inc., in 1991. Over subsequent years, LCS has grown significantly to provide a broad range of design, construction and related services for laboratory, chemical and scientific facilities around the world. Dominick, the majority stakeholder of LCS, serves as president and chief executive officer, and is a member of the board of directors. The company has offices in Irvine, California, and Houston, Texas. Dominick works out of the company’s corporate office in Irvine. Advocate 45 Denise is an associate and principal designer with Jennifer Bevan Interiors, located in South Pasadena. The firm specializes in residential projects, designing homes locally, nationally and internationally. “We’ve been married to each other longer than to our husbands,” Denise says of Jennifer, with a laugh. In recent years, she has introduced Jennifer to SCRUBS. 2 A high priority While living in Houston, Denise and Dominick were involved in many community organizations. In fact, Denise notes, volunteering became a full-time job. When the couple settled in California, however, their calendars were full with work — Dominick was growing LCS, while Denise was involved in starting up a new business with Jennifer — thus limiting time available for community volunteerism. Becoming involved with Huntington Hospital and SCRUBS was, however, a priority. “SCRUBS is different,” says Denise. “It’s one of the best.” “It supports one of the most important institutions in our community,” adds Dominick. The couple also appreciates the opportunities SCRUBS provides to connect with other likeminded individuals, he says, and to get to know physicians and other hospital staff who participate in the group’s events. Recently, SCRUBS successfully completed a major fundraising campaign, supporting expansion of the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center. The campaign was close to the Ranallis’ hearts, says Denise, as a result of their family’s experience — and in particular, the care her father received at the center. The couple has also provided generous support toward SCRUBS’ current fundraising effort — the Campaign for Pediatrics — which will cover costs associated with reconfiguring and refurbishing the hospital’s pediatrics and pediatric intensive care units. “The campaign is helping the hospital carry out essential upgrades that will make the hospital an even better place for local children and their families to receive needed care,” says Denise. A difference in quality Dominick has turned to Huntington Hospital more than once for care. He credits the medical team here with saving his life after he acquired a potentially fatal infection several years ago. “They brought me back to life,” he notes. During this and other family experiences at Huntington Hospital, Denise and Dominick say they have noticed a markedly higher caliber of care here, when compared to other hospitals they have visited. “There is a glaringly unbelievable difference,” notes Denise. The couple would one day like to move back to Pasadena, they say, to be closer not only to their network of friends, but also to the hospital. In the meantime, they plan to continue providing support. Living in Orange County will not prevent them from turning to Huntington Hospital when the need arises: “I’ve told Denise, no matter where we’re living, if I need medical care, I want to be taken to Huntington Hospital,” says Dominick. “We want the best of care and they’re the best of the best.” ★ 46 Fall 2013 1 From left: 1) Survivor and women’s health advocate Helen Harris and friends at the Pasadena Fire Department’s Go Pink event. 2 and 3) Firefighters worked alongside staff at California Pizza Kitchen, with a portion of proceeds going toward the hospital’s Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center. 4) Tangles Salon staff (back row, standing from left, Tonya Fairley, Lilit Iskandaryan, Julie Varela, Brianna Simpson, Stephanie Contreras, Julianna Harris, Brianna Varela, Michele Barraza, and Isabel Machado, and kneeling from left, Jeannie DaSalla, Cathy Sripramong (owner), Lynn Nakamura, and Sabina Montoya) helped provide spirits-raising beauty treatments for chemotherapy patients, during Huntington-Hill Breast Center’s Pink Ribbon Spa Night. 3 4 Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center Community Support for Comprehensive Breast Cancer Care H untington Memorial Hospital’s Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center is an essential part of our commitment to high-quality patient care. The center, named for a breast cancer survivor and philanthropist who believed in a comprehensive approach to breast cancer treatment, is the only one of its kind in the San Gabriel Valley. It helps patients manage the aesthetic side-effects of breast cancer treatment. Yo Zeiman, a licensed cosmetologist, staffs the center, where services include helping patients to select and style wigs and other head coverings, and to apply makeup. Yo also provides referrals for breast prostheses and bra fittings. Huntington Hospital is grateful for the ongoing community support that makes it possible for Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center to serve more than 600 patients annually. In 2012, generous local residents and organizations again provided essential support to help sustain the center’s services. In October 2012, in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Pasadena Fire Department’s special weeklong Go Pink event raised awareness of breast cancer — and generated philanthropic support for the appearance center. Throughout the week, fire department personnel wore specially designed pink t-shirts emblazoned with the department’s logo and a breast cancer ribbon. The t-shirts were also available for purchase by community members, with 100 percent of proceeds supporting our appearance center’s work. During their Go Pink week, Pasadena firefighters also partnered with California Pizza Kitchen to raise additional support: On October 11, 2012, they worked alongside the restaurant’s regular servers during lunch and dinner shifts. A portion of each patron’s check was then donated to the appearance center. In addition, community support for comprehensive cancer care at Huntington Hospital extends beyond National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On June 10, 2013, Huntington-Hill Breast Center hosted the 10th annual Pink Ribbon Spa Night at Tangles Salon in Pasadena, in support of breast cancer patients and survivors. The event provided spirits-raising manicures, hairstyling and massage treatments for 13 women who were undergoing or had recently completed chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer at the hospital. The community came together once again around National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 2013 to support Huntington Hospital’s breast center. See back cover. * Advocate 47 Guild and Support Group Directory Altadena Guild Deborah Williams, president www.altadenaguild.org Fall Food & Wine Festival Jamie Simpson, office of philanthropy (626) 397-3241 www.fallfoodandwine.com Flintridge-La Cañada Guild Lauren Shen, president P.O. Box 563, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91012 www.jumpflintridge.com H.E.A.R.T. Tracy Smith, office of philanthropy (626) 397-3241 National Charity League Juniors of San Marino Lora Wagner, president www.ncljrsofsanmarino.org San Marino Guild Tays Bogue, president P.O. Box 80194, San Marino, CA 91108-8194 Women’s Auxiliary Diane Martin, president www.facebook.com/pages/Womens-Auxiliary-of-Huntington-Hospital/161099143914020 Huntington Collection Linda Stephens, manager 766 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105 (626) 535-2468 www.HuntingtonCollection.com Open weekdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays noon to 6 p.m. S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop Geri Hamane, manager (626) 397-5208 Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. 48 Fall 2013 Volunteer Leadership Council Each year, Huntington Memorial Hospital's Volunteer Leadership Council provides a college scholarship for an outstanding young hospital volunteer. Andrea Quach (center) and Lauren Tunzi (right) are the recipients of Volunteer Leadership Council 2013 college scholarships. The young women, who aspire to careers as physicians, have collectively spent almost 500 hours volunteering at Huntington Memorial Hospital. They are pictured with Susan D’Antuono, chair, Volunteer Leadership Council. Supporting Students Who Give Back O n May 30, 2013, Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Volunteer Leadership Council awarded $1,500 college scholarships to outstanding student volunteers Andrea Quach and Lauren Tunzi. Andrea, who recently graduated from Gabrielino High School in San Gabriel, spent more than 370 hours volunteering at Huntington Hospital, beginning in 10th grade and continuing through her high-school graduation. Her volunteerism included helping to direct patients and visitors on our campus and providing information regarding available classes and other resources via phone. Andrea will major in molecular and cellular biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and ultimately plans to pursue a career in medicine. After seeing a physician oversee care for a man suffering a seizure at the hospital, she remembers “feeling so impressed . . . by his knowledge, presence of mind, and ability to take command.” That moment, she adds, turned her budding interest in medicine into “a truly earnest infatuation . . . and made me feel that the practice of medicine was a vocation I could give myself to and thrive.” This year, the council also recognized Lauren Tunzi, a recent graduate of Alverno High School in Sierra Madre, who began volunteering at Huntington Hospital during the summer before her senior year in high school. She logged more than 125 volunteer hours at the hospital in a single year, assisting staff in discharging patients, transporting specimens to the laboratory for analysis, and assembling patient charts. She has also volunteered at several other community organizations over many years, providing more than 600 hours of service, she reports. Since she was very young, Lauren has dreamed of becoming a doctor, and “My experience at Huntington Hospital has only made me fall more in love with the idea of working in a hospital,” she notes. She is attending the University of California, Santa Cruz in the fall, majoring in human biology, and plans to go to medical school in the future. “There is nothing in the world I want to do more than become a doctor,” she says. Huntington Hospital’s Volunteer Leadership Council is comprised of current and immediate past presidents of the hospital’s support groups and meets quarterly to share information, coordinate dates for upcoming special events, and receive updates on hospital initiatives. Each year, the council awards a scholarship to at least one outstanding student volunteer who is a graduating high school senior, has volunteered a minimum of 40 hours at Huntington Hospital and is planning to pursue a career in a healthcare-related field when he or she enters college. Advocate 49 Altadena Guild In addition to supporting Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center, the Altadena Guild helps deserving hospital employees pursue higher education. Recognizing Service, Assisting in Professional Growth The Altadena Guild of Huntington Memorial Hospital annually awards scholarship funds to a deserving employee at Huntington Memorial Hospital, to help defray the costs of continuing education. By contributing to enhanced employee knowledge and skills in this way, the Altadena Guild Community Service Scholarship supports continuous quality improvement at the hospital. This year’s scholarship recipient was Janet Henderson, RN, who works in the emergency department as well as the hospital’s disaster office. The funds will help her pursue a master’s degree in healthcare administration. Altadena Guild scholarship recipients are selected based on rigorous criteria, including demonstrated excellence in community service and in healthcare. Janet is an active participant in our emergency department’s disaster planning efforts, and chairs the Emergency Department Preparedness Committee. She is also a member of the hospital’s Emergency Management Committee and Emergency Department Unit-based Council. Janet’s role with emergency management at Huntington Hospital includes coordination of services with the nonprofit organization Community Partners. Specifically, this involves helping to develop safety plans for implementation in the event a disaster should strike Pasadena or the surrounding community. Janet also serves as a volunteer captain of the Montrose Search and Rescue Team. She describes helping her community in this way as a joy. It also, she says, teaches “the importance of perseverance, teamwork and respect for one another.” Says Karen Knudsen, RN, manager, emergency services, at Huntington Hospital, “Janet is a leader in the emergency department and a resource for many of our younger nurses. She’s simply amazing — and very deserving of this scholarship.” The Altadena Guild hosted its 62nd annual Home Tour — entitled The Allure of Altadena — in May 2013. The event featured several homes on Midlothian Drive. Above: Home Tour Co-chairs Maureen Savage and Bobbie Miller; Priscilla Gamb, the hospital’s director, volunteer and customer services; and Co-chair Judy Bolenbaugh. Bagpipe music opened the event. Providing additional support Debbie Williams, president, Altadena Guild (left), congratulates Janet Henderson, RN (right). Janet is this year’s recipient of the Altadena Guild Community Service Scholarship. 50 Fall 2013 In addition to its generous community service scholarship and support of Huntington Hospital’s Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center, the Altadena Guild provides a wide array of volunteer services at the hospital. Collectively, the group’s members contribute more than 400 hours monthly throughout the hospital, including service at our information desks, the Huntington Collection, and the S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop. The Altadena Guild’s fall fashion show was held on October 13, 2013. (Additional details regarding this event will appear in the spring 2014 issue of Advocate.) For more information regarding the Altadena Guild and their upcoming events, please visit www.altadenaguild.org. Fall Food & Wine Festival The 2013 Fall Food & Wine Festival took place on October 27. The event supports the lifesaving work of the Emergency & Trauma Center at Huntington Memorial Hospital. Members of the 2013 Fall Food & Wine Committee are (front row, seated from left) Nick Salata, Janet Mayeda, Lindburgh McPherson, Rachel Barker, Garrett Bell, Bob Michero, Caroline Birnie, Greg Thompson, and Michele Thompson; (back row, standing from left) Michael Demoratz, Lee Mothershead, Theresé Mothershead, Ian Bell, Wendy Senour, Lauralynn Derringer, Lynn De Groot, Jane Glover, Tom Glover, Doug Senour, John Haglund, Anne Irvine, Will Bortz, Ave Bortz, Cheryl Conway, Trish Callaghan, Kris Giordano, Sherry Taylor, Caitlin Salata, Jamie Simpson, Brittany Thompson, and Brian Birnie. Ensuring Access to Lifesaving Trauma Care O n October 27, 2013, Huntington Memorial Hospital and the Parkway Grill hosted the 29th annual Fall Food & Wine Festival. Held on the grounds between Parkway Grill and Arroyo Chop House in Pasadena, the event had a turn-of-the-20th-century theme. Approximately 2,000 guests enjoyed gourmet offerings from some of our finest local restaurants and regional wine producers, along with upbeat musical entertainment. The outstanding 2013 festival was made possible thanks to the tireless efforts of the 38-member Fall Food & Wine Committee, co-chaired for the fourth time this year by Linda Barker and Garrett Bell. Proceeds from the event will help fund the lifesaving work of Huntington Hospital Trauma Center and make a difference in the lives of patients who come to the center in the direst of need. Festival funds in action The Fall Food & Wine Committee’s important work helps support essential care for patients like Jesus “Adam” Esparza. Adam was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on the 210 freeway. He sustained major life-threatening injuries to his head and body, and was rushed by ambulance to Huntington Hospital Trauma Center, where caregivers stabilized him before transferring him to our intensive care unit. Adam ultimately received care — including inpatient and rehabilitation services — from a multidisciplinary team of Huntington Hospital professionals over several months. In appreciation of the outstanding care her son received, Adam’s mother, Patty, today volunteers at the hospital. “Adam’s story illustrates the work we do as a team and the high-quality lifesaving care we provide every day,” says Susan Thompson, manager, trauma and disaster programs, at Huntington Hospital. The superlative care provided through our trauma center would not be possible without the involvement of generous community donors. This includes supporters of our annual Fall Food & Wine Festival, which raises funds toward the latest technologies and treatment, and supports continuing education for providers to ensure they remain at the leading edge in their fields. “No other medical facility in our service area provides critical trauma care year-round, and without interruption,” says Susan. “Community support is absolutely essential.” Advocate 51 Flintridge La Cañada Guild The Flintridge La Cañada Guild has provided essential support for Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center expansion. Supporting High-quality Emergency and Trauma Care O n June 10, 2013, members of the Flintridge La Cañada Guild presented proceeds from their 92nd annual Flintridge Horse Show to Huntington Memorial Hospital. Over the years, the guild has supported the hospital in a variety of ways. Most recently, it has designated funds toward expansion of the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center — and committed $175,000 toward creation of a new conference area within the expanded center. The new multimedia conference room has been named in grateful recognition of the group’s support. The highly sophisticated space includes state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment and video-conferencing capabilities and is used for staff education, training and meetings. It also accommodates educational seminars for Huntington Memorial Hospital’s community partners, including paramedics, firefighters and police officers, and is easily reconfigured to accommodate groups of varying sizes. “We absolutely love the new space,” says Julie Gomez, nursing professional development specialist, Huntington Hospital Emergency & Trauma Center. “The hospital is committed to continuing education and the conference room has enhanced our ability to provide rich learning experiences for staff.” The Flintridge La Cañada Guild’s 92nd annual Flintridge Horse Show was held Thursday, April 25, through Sunday, April 28, 2013. The sold-out event offered entertainments including a wine tasting on Friday night and a benefit dinner and silent auction on Saturday night. Dinner attendees also watched the Land Rover Pasadena Grand Prix. Proceeds will help meet the guild’s pledge toward our Emergency & Trauma Center’s conference space. Looking ahead Preparations are now underway for the 2014 Flintridge Horse Show, scheduled for April at the Flintridge Riding Club. Proceeds from the event will be dedicated toward completion of the group’s generous pledge. 52 Fall 2013 Top: This summer, members of the Flintridge La Cañada Guild presented proceeds of their 92nd annual Flintridge Horse Show to Huntington Hospital. Center: One of the horse show’s youngest participants. Bottom: Jenny Van Slyke, RN, and James Van Slyke, with Tom and Karen Knudson, RN, were among those in attendance at the sold-out event. Jenny and Karen are caregivers in the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center. H.E.A.R.T. H.E.A.R.T. was founded in 1995 by a group of former heart patients at Huntington Memorial Hospital. The group raises funds toward cardiac rehabilitation and other essential cardiovascular services here. Donors John and Carol McGhee John McGhee and his wife, Carol, have participated in Huntington Memorial Hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation program for 20 years. John is a founding member of H.E.A.R.T., which has raised more than $1 million toward cardiovascular care and services at the hospital. The McGhees are pictured here with a new generation of the family, born at Huntington Hospital: greatgrandsons Connor (far left) and James. J ohn McGhee was first introduced to Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center on August 1, 1993. He and his wife, Carol, were already acquainted with the hospital as a result of prior family experiences here. Their two sons, David and Michael, were born at Huntington Hospital, as were four of their grandsons and two great-grandsons. The McGhees’ 1993 visit to the hospital was not to welcome a new family member, though. John was experiencing a mild heart attack. John and Carol both walked frequently as well as playing golf and tennis. They felt their lifestyle was healthy enough to ward off heart disease. However, following initial treatment for his heart attack, John took the advice of his doctor and began exercising regularly at the hospital’s physician-supervised cardiac rehabilitation program. This program also includes nutrition counseling and other support to help heart patients lower their risk and enhance heart health. A few months later, Carol joined John in the program and they have been faithful participants ever since, attending three days a week. This year marks their 20th anniversary of heart-healthy participation — a significant milestone. In addition to enjoying improved well-being, they appreciate the extensive support of the nursing staff, all of whom are “caring, dedicated and professional,” they note. The McGhees’ positive experiences spurred John to help form H.E.A.R.T. (Heart Education Association for Rehabilitation and Treatment), a group that helps raise funds in support of the cardiac rehabilitation program. H.E.A.R.T members want to give back to the program that has given them so much: “We are gratified to have raised more than a million dollars thus far to help maintain, enhance and expand this great program,” explains John. “Cardiac rehab is like a second home to us,” Carol and John agree. “If your doctor recommends cardiac rehab, go for it!” Advocate 53 National Charity League Juniors of San Marino NCL Juniors provide a variety of support toward care for children at the hospital — as well scholarships toward nursing education. Compassionate Support in a Time of Need On June 5, 2013, National Charity League Juniors of San Marino celebrated their successful spring fundraising gala — and the beginning of a new year of activities in support of Huntington Memorial Hospital. At a dinner event, NCL Juniors presented the hospital with a check for $86,500 toward facilities upgrades for our pediatric and pediatric intensive care units. The group also installed their 2013 – 2014 board, including new president, Lora Wagner. In September, NCL Juniors members visited Huntington Hospital for their annual dinner and tour of the hospital’s neonatal and pediatric intensive care units, toward which they have provided significant support over the years. Since the group’s inception in 1975, NCL Juniors has generated more than $1.7 million in support of women’s and children’s services here. Caring for patients and families In addition to their current pledge in support of pediatric facilities upgrades, NCL Juniors annually donates funds toward baby clothes for premature infants in Huntington Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The clothes are distributed through quarterly baby showers hosted by the NICU, in collaboration with Parent Connection — a hospital volunteer group made up of parents whose children have received care in the unit. “Going to a baby shower is exciting for most new parents,” explains Parent Connection volunteer Lisa Raines, whose daughter, Lorelei, born two months early, is a NICU graduate, “but you haven’t had a baby shower yet if the baby is preterm.” As a result, she says, parents of NICU patients do not have all the supplies they will need. At NICU baby showers, parents receive a layette bag of baby clothing donated by NCL Juniors. In addition, they enjoy games and refreshments and have the opportunity to connect with each other, share experiences, and provide mutual support. “It’s a great way to relieve parents’ stress,” says Lisa. “It provides comfort that we can get through the hard time to a better time ahead.” Top: NCL Juniors presented funds to Huntington Memorial Hospital, designated toward pediatric and pediatric intensive care units. Center: From left, at the presentation were Priscilla Gamb, director, volunteer and customer services; Justene Pierce, NCL Juniors president; Rene Kae Pak, NCL Juniors benefit co-chair; Jane Haderlein, senior vice president, philanthropy and public affairs; Tracy Smith, director, major gifts; and Vicky Law, NCL Juniors benefit co-chair. Bottom: Lisa Raines with daughter Lorelei. 54 Fall 2013 Annual gala On March 15, 2014, NCL Juniors will host their annual gala, Moonlight Over Paris, at The Jonathan Club in downtown Los Angeles. Funds raised will be directed toward the remodeling of Huntington Hospital’s pediatric and pediatric intensive care units, and the purchase of needed equipment for our neonatal and pediatric intensive care units. Complete event details are available online at www.ncljrsofsanmarino.org. San Marino Guild The San Marino Guild has raised more than $1.725 million toward women’s and children’s services at Huntington Memorial Hospital over the years. Left: San Marino Guild members include (seated, from left) Lois Matthews, Rary Simmons, June Banta, and (standing, from left) Kerrin Pittman and Stacy Miller. Right: Guild member Sharla Durant models an outfit generously donated for the occasion by the San Marino fashion boutique deVelle. Giving Back . . . Fashionably I n October 2010, Wynn Develle awoke in the middle of the night with chest pain. Thinking her symptoms were simply heartburn, she and her husband took the time to shower before making their way to Huntington Memorial Hospital. Within minutes of arriving at the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center, however, Wynn was being wheeled into the hospital’s catheterization laboratory, surrounded by a team of caregivers. She had suffered a heart attack. A longtime San Gabriel Valley resident and owner of deVelle, a fashion boutique on Mission Street in San Marino, Wynn says she has long been aware of the hospital and its quality of care. In turning to the hospital for treatment, “I was also impressed by the compassion of the caregivers,” she says. “Everyone was so warm and wonderful. I remember looking at a nurse and tearing up. I told her, ‘I’m so grateful you’re all taking such good care of me.’” Despite a healthy lifestyle prior to her heart attack, hereditary factors placed Wynn at greater risk of heart disease, she says. She has since become a faithful participant in Huntington Hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation program, attending three times a week. Here, she has access to physician-supervised exercise, as well as health counseling from a social worker and a nutritionist. “It’s the caring people working there who make it all happen,” she says of the program — and it is the care Wynn has received at Huntington Hospital that makes her eager to contribute. Thus, when a member of the San Marino Guild asked if Wynn would help the group host its next fashion show on behalf of the hospital, she immediately agreed. Thanks to her generous contribution of clothing from deVelle, the group’s spring 2013 luncheon fashion show was a resounding success: The event drew the largest turnout in the guild’s history, with proceeds designated toward women’s and children’s services at Huntington Hospital. “My life was saved at Huntington Hospital,” says Wynn. “Since then, I’ve always known that I was going to give back. Having this opportunity to help with the fashion show made me very happy.” The San Marino Guild ’s beloved celebrity series will return for its 46th season in spring 2014. Advocate 55 Women’s Auxiliary The Women’s Auxiliary provides important medication assistance for patients at Huntington Ambulatory Care Center. An 87-year History of Support T A nurse providing care at Huntington Memorial Hospital in the 1920s — the era in which the Women’s Auxiliary began supporting the hospital’s work. he year 1926 was a relatively calm one in world history — falling between the two world wars and before the Great Depression. The Rose Parade marked its 37th anniversary that year, and was broadcast on local radio for the first time, announced by Olympic track star Charlie Paddock. The Rose Queen: reigning Miss America Fay Lanphier. Tragically, a wooden grandstand on the corner of Madison Avenue and Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena collapsed during the parade. Eleven people died and more than 200 were injured. Huntington Memorial Hospital and other hospitals in the area quickly rallied to treat the injured. (Since this tragedy, strict construction rules have been enforced at all Tournament of Roses activities.) A number of local women generously opened their homes to provide places for the injured to convalesce. Soon, they decided to organize more formally, with the goal of helping their community respond to future emergencies. Their Women’s Auxiliary — affiliated with Huntington Hospital — became the hospital’s first-ever support group. It has served the hospital and its community continuously for 87 years. Originally, the Women’s Auxiliary raised funds to support the hospital’s patient library and nurse inservice training. It did so by holding small events such as bridge luncheons and an annual fashion benefit. Today, the auxiliary holds numerous fundraising events each year, with revenues helping to provide needed medications for patients at Huntington Ambulatory Care Center. The center’s under- and uninsured patients lack insurance coverage and are typically unable to afford the costs of medications prescribed for their treatment. A special patient assistance fund has been established at the hospital to help with medication as well as other costs — until longer-term coverage can be obtained. The Women’s Auxiliary is the only guild focusing its efforts on this need and has to date provided more than $150,000 in support. Are you a fun-loving lady with a charitable spirit? The Women’s Auxiliary might be the perfect way for you to get involved at Huntington Hospital and in your community. Contact Ginny Lechler at (626) 355-2578 for more information regarding membership. 56 Fall 2013 Huntington Collection Since its inception in 1984, the Huntington Collection has provided essential support for Huntington Memorial Hospital’s Senior Care Network. A Profile in Determined Leadership: Betty MacInnes I Betty MacInnes (seated) has been instrumental in the success of the Huntington Collection since its inception in 1984. Linda Stephens (standing) has worked with Betty for the past 22 years and now serves as manager of the upscale resale store, proceeds from which help support the hospital’s Senior Care Network n 1984, Betty MacInnes announced the Huntington Collection’s first-ever sale, with proceeds designated toward Huntington Memorial Hospital’s new Senior Care Network. The Collection did not have a permanent home yet, but Betty recruited volunteers to help run the sale, and solicited donations of high-quality secondhand goods from the community, making the event a tremendous success. The Huntington Collection soon found a permanent home, and today operates as an upscale resale store and consignment shop, selling vintage items and designer goods at sensible prices. Proceeds continue to support Senior Care Network, which has become nationally recognized for its work in helping senior citizens and adults with disabilities to remain independent and healthy. Betty — the Collection’s first employee and first manager — has continued to play a key role in the store’s success. “She has been at the helm this whole time,” says Priscilla Gamb, director, volunteer and customer services, at Huntington Hospital. “Betty has more energy than anyone I know, and she has poured that energy into the Collection,” Priscilla adds. “She’s masterful at managing paid and volunteer staff and is continually developing and implementing new ideas.” “Betty has always found a way to surmount any challenge,” adds former vice president of development at the hospital, Elsie Sadler, who also played a leadership role in creating the Collection. “I give her much of the credit for the Collection’s longevity. She has been a star.” Soon after that initial sales event, and following the Huntington Collection’s move into a large space on Fair Oaks Avenue, Betty went to work filling the massive space with desirable items for purchase. In partnership with the Collection’s Advisory Committee — comprised of professionals from the retail, advertising and marketing industries, along with Collection volunteers — she led the store through decades of expansion. Betty now serves as the Collection’s assistant manager and Linda Stephens, who has worked alongside Betty for 22 years, has taken on the role of managing the store. “Betty remains so focused on the Collection’s success,” Linda says. “This place is her lifeblood.” One of the things that makes Betty so special is that “She’s got the kind of toughness that gets a lot done and, at the same time, she remains wonderfully compassionate and patient,” Linda adds. “I just can’t say enough lovely things about her.” Make a difference while you shop. Visit the Huntington Collection, located at 766 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105, at the corner of Fillmore Street. The Collection is open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Thursdays, when hours are from noon to 6 p.m. You can also preview some items at www.HuntingtonCollection.com. Advocate 57 S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop Find the perfect gift for every occasion at Huntington Memorial Hospital’s gift shop, centrally located in the hospital’s main lobby. Geri Hamane, manager, S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop; Steve Ralph, president and CEO; Denise Zeilstra, donor and volunteer; Jane Haderlein, senior vice president, philanthropy and public affairs; and Priscilla Gamb, director, volunteer and customer services, during an event honoring Denise’s 10,000 hours of volunteer service at Huntington Memorial Hospital. Denise and Robert Zeilstra have also provided generous financial support to the hospital over many years. A Remarkable 10,000 Hours of Volunteer Service I n 1979, Denise Zeilstra was a newcomer to the United States. She and her husband, Robert, had recently concluded several years of world travels — which began in their native Holland and ultimately drew them to the San Gabriel Valley, where they now spend part of the year. After being introduced to Huntington Memorial Hospital, the couple began volunteering in our rehabilitation department. It was the beginning of a long and meaningful relationship between the Zeilstras and the hospital, which continues to this day. “When Denise first started volunteering at the hospital,” recalls Priscilla Gamb, director, volunteer and customer services, “she was still becoming acclimated to life in the United States. As she supported patients in the rehab department, she became more deeply introduced to her new home community and, at the same time, she shared her incredible generosity of spirit with everyone around her. “She’s one of those people who has a real glow,” Priscilla continues. “She’s so warm and gracious and polite . . . a real lady . . . someone you just want to be around.” This March, during an inspirational ceremony in the hospital’s Benefactor Lounge, Denise received recognition from hospital leaders for the 10,000 hours of volunteer service she has contributed to the hospital. Over more than three decades, she has lent her time and talents to several hospital departments, but she found a special home at the hospital’s gift shop, where she began volunteering one day a week in 1983. (That same year, Denise also volunteered one day a week at the hospital’s medical library.) Denise has developed a close relationship with the gift shop’s manager, Geri Hamane. “Denise is such a caring and sensitive volunteer,” says Geri. “She’s always willing to lend a listening ear. Her presence really enhances the experience of people who come here to shop.” Above and beyond their history of volunteer involvement with Huntington Hospital, the Zeilstras have provided generous support toward several important hospital initiatives. In recognition of their philanthropic leadership, the S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop, as well as the S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Radiology Center, have been named for them. In addition, the Zeilstra Communication Program annually recognizes a physician who exemplifies outstanding communications with patients. Ricardo Liberman, MD, was the 2012 recipient of the program’s award. The 2013 recipient will be announced in December. “This is an incredible hospital,” says Denise. “We think people in our community are fortunate to have this great resource right in their own backyard, and there’s really no other place where I would rather be volunteering my time.” The S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop is open Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. For more information on how to get involved as a gift shop volunteer, please contact the volunteer department at (626) 397-5208. 58 Fall 2013 To Help People at All Times Local Brownies Keep Their Promise In spring 2012, Brownie Troop #1961, which involves students from Mayfield Junior School in Pasadena, presented a $1,000 gift to Huntington Memorial Hospital. Their contribution was influenced by personal experiences at the hospital. Not only were many troop members born at the hospital, but members of their families have received care for a wide range of injuries and illnesses, here. Troop leaders (not pictured) are Ann Marie Ahern, Angela Bohanec, Diane Mechaley and Patty Wickman. Lia Peterson Miller (far left), director, annual giving, at Huntington Hospital, gratefully accepted the troop’s contribution and extended thanks on behalf of all at the hospital. ★ Advocate 59 Dear Friends: H untington Memorial Hospital is your hospital . . . it is my hospital . . . and it is our community’s hospital. This vital San Gabriel Valley institution has thrived through generations, thanks to community support — and safeguarding the robust health of this vital medical institution is critical to our own health, now and for the future. In the recent past, as you know, Huntington Hospital has turned to the community for philanthropic contributions toward significant capital needs — including state-of-the-art facilities and groundbreaking technologies. It has also relied on donations from local residents and institutions to sustain and enhance a variety of essential programs and services. Today, private support remains essential in pursuing the hospital’s core mission — to excel at the delivery of healthcare to its community. Four pillars of excellence — compassionate, patient-centered care; professional caregiver excellence; ongoing innovation in facilities and technologies; and outstanding community health services — underpin the hospital’s mission-driven work. Your gifts in these areas will help safeguard and further strengthen care at Huntington Hospital, benefiting all of us. I encourage you to support superior healthcare for our community. Please join me in contributing to Huntington Hospital. James F. Rothenberg Chairman of the Board 60 Fall 2013 Please visit us at www.HuntingtonHospital.com Board of Directors Wayne Brandt Louise Henry Bryson James V. Buese, MD Michelle Quinones Chino R-lene Mijares deLang Reed S. Gardiner Armando L. Gonzalez Paul Johnson David M. Kirchheimer Ellen Lee Allen W. Mathies, Jr., MD, President Emeritus Lois S. Matthews, Secretary John Mothershead, Ex Officio Paul L.H. Ouyang, Treasurer Kathleen Good Podley Carmen A. Puliafito, MD Stephen A. Ralph, President James F. Rothenberg, Chairman James A. Shankwiler, MD, Ex Officio Charles F. Sharp, MD Rosemary B. Simmons, Director Emeritus Jaynie M. Studenmund, Vice Chairman K. Edmund Tse, MD Deborah Williams Robert Y. Yu President and CEO Stephen A. Ralph Senior Vice President, Philanthropy and Public Affairs Jane Haderlein Office of Philanthropy and Public Relations Cathi Chadwell, Executive Director, Public Affairs Jack Brickson, Director, Planned Giving Sally Hinckley, Director, Major Gifts Lia Peterson Miller, Director, Annual Giving Tracy Smith, Director, Major Gifts Kevin Andrus, Executive Director, Public Relations and Communications Eileen Neuwirth, Manager, Marketing and Public Relations Huntington Memorial Hospital is committed to improving the environment. Advocate has been printed entirely on Forest Stewardship Council‑certified paper. FSC certification ensures that the paper used contains fibers from well-managed and responsibly harvested forests that adhere to strict environmental and socioeconomic standards. We are proud to make this significant move to help our environment. Advocate Editor Eileen Neuwirth Writer/Editor Thurlow/Associates Photography Christopher Grisanti Photography David Kepner Photography Bob Paz Wayne Shimabukuro Design Terry D. Griest Printing Impress Communications Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Huntington Memorial Hospital Office of Philanthropy and Public Relations 100 West California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91105 PAID Pasadena, CA Permit No. 100 www.HuntingtonHospital.com Think pink! More than 200 survivors, family members, friends and employees attended Huntington Memorial Hospital’s first ever Paint the Wall Pink event on September 28, held in honor of those who have or are fighting breast cancer — and to raise awareness about breast health.
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