December 2013 / Janaurary 2014
December 2013 / Janaurary 2014
S P T N E W S January 11, 2014 General Membership at 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting at 6:45 p.m. 1975 Cornell - Melrose Park, IL December 2013 – January 2014 CHICAGOLAND DALMATIAN CLUB VOLUME 64 NO. 5 EST. 1953 President’s Message Page 2 Did You Know? Page 3 Minutes Page 4 Save the Date Page 6 2nd Annual Holiday Dessert Contest Results Page 7 25 Year Dalmatian Collection for sale Page 8 CDC Pedigree Book Information Page 9 PRESIDENT – Tom Kaiser VICE-PRESIDENT – Meg Hennessey TREASURER – Michael Hennessey SECRETARY - Irene Jinks DIRECTOR EMERITA - Norma Baley BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Kristine Benoit Kristine Carlsson Karen Dean Marie Kaiser Karen Naess-Wineland Gail Meyers SPOT NEWS IS PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY FOR CDC MEMBERS AND WELCOMES SIGNED LETTERS & ADVERTISING. The opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect the views of the CDC or its officers. SPOT NEWS DEADLINE 15TH OF THE MONTH Send to: SPOT NEWS C/O Susan Olsen 1433 W. Touhy Av Unit B Chicago, IL 60626 Dear CDC members, The holidays are upon us. Happy Thanksgiving to all, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy 2014 to all. I hope you can take some time this season to enjoy the company of family and friends , and to give thanks for all the blessing you have in your life, especially your spotted companions who make our lives fun. Also, there will be many opportunities to donate to charities this season, and I urge you to include a charity that provides assistance to animals in your holiday giving. At our November meeting we continued our discussion of an Obedience Trial and Conformation match. Our Chair, Meg Hennessey reported that after an exhaustive search, she was unable to find a suitable date that would coincide with the availability of show sites and that was a weekend free from other shows in the surrounding area. Unfortunately, we have tabled the plans for our Obedience match or Conformation match at this time. I hope we can find a suitable date at some time in the future, since I think this would be a very good opportunity for our club to expand and involve our members in a new club activity. Planning continues for our 2014 CDC Specialties, which will be held on Friday, June 6 and Saturday, June 7. The shows will again be held at the DuPage County Fairgrounds along with the Wheaton Kennel Club shows. We are now in the process of working with the Wheaton Kennel club to pick a judging panel and more info will be presented at our next meeting. Our annual election was held at our November meeting. Congratulations to our new officers – President Karen Naess-Wineland, Vice President Meg Hennessey, Treasurer Mike Hennessey, Secretary, Joan Lester and CDC Board members Bea Carlsson, Laura Kiedaisch and Matt Wineland. I wish our new President, Karen, and all her Officers and Board the best of luck and know they will do an excellent job in guiding CDC. Please give them your full support in the coming year. At our November meeting, a nomination letter for Member of the Year was received by Secretary Irene Jinks from Meg Hennessey, and voted on by the membership. Congratulations to Marie Kaiser on her selection as 2013 CDC Member of the Year. Marie is a very deserving recipient of this award that recognizes her efforts and dedication during the year to CDC. The award will be presented to Marie at our 2013 Holiday party. Our November meeting featured our 2nd Annual Holiday Dessert contest. We had an excellent selection of holiday treats from our 8 chefs who entered the contest and all present were treated to a delicious plateful of tempting desserts. Congratulations to First Place co-winners Kris Carlsson and Sue Olsen. Also congratulations to Award of Merit recipients Meg Hennessey, Irene Jinks, Marie Kaiser, Joan Lester, Karen NaessWineland, and. DiAnn Plaza. It was a fun event that filled everyone with good cheer. Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 29. Holiday Party Chair Gail Meyers announced previously our Holiday Party will be held at the William Tell Holiday Inn at 6201 Joliet Rd in Countryside. The party is always a fun event and it’s a great way to relax and have a wonderful breakfast with friends after all the cards are sent, the decorating is all done, the present all bought, and some of the presents are even returned. Please watch your mailbox for an invitation to the party from our chairperson Gail Meyers and send in your reservation and check promptly to her. The 2013 Chicagoland Dalmatian Club Pedigree book and DVD is now ready and available for purchase. Many thanks to our 2013 Pedigree Book committee, Meg Hennessey, Marie Kaiser and Laura Kiedaisch for doingan outstanding job on the 15th edition of the Pedigree book. The committee has put in many countless hours of work on the book and all the behind the scenes jobs that are part of putting together a high quality publication and DVD. Our Club thanks them for all their efforts. Please visit CDC’s website at to purchase your copy of the 2013 Pedigree Book and DVD, as well as previous Pedigree book editions. They make great Christmas presents and stocking stuffers. As my term as President comes to an end, this will be my last President’s column and I’d like to share a few thoughts. Thank you to our outgoing Secretary Irene Jinks for her many year of service to the Club as Secretary. Irene always did a wonderful job of recording our minutes and keeping our paperwork in order. Also, I’d like to thank outgoing Board members Kristine Benoit, Karen Dean and Karen Naess-Wineland. All served and guided the Club very well during their 2 years on the Board and I thank them for their service to the Club. Finally, I’d like to thank all of our CDC members for the opportunity to be your President for the past 2 years. It’s a big job and I could not have done it without the assistance of my fellow Officers, Board members, as well as our members. I thank them all for their advice, their guidance and their hard work over the last 2 years to keep CDC an active, vibrant and functioning club. Enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving, Christmas and Holiday seasons and hope to see you at our first meeting of 2014 on Saturday, January 11. Regards, Tom Kaiser Awards Brunch It’s that time again when we honor our four legged friends who worked so hard to please us and impress our judges! Please note that we are having it in a new venue, I’d hate for you to go to the wrong hotel. Holiday Inn/William Tell, 6201 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 The date of the brunch is December 29, it starts at 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM, the cost is $15.00 per person, and we will again be having a grab bag, so don’t forget your contribution. Look for your invitation in the mail soon! And please join us for a rollicking good time with great people and wonderful food. Mark your calendars NOW!! Questions??? Call me or send me an email 708 449 5066 Hope to see you all there, Gail Meyers Banquet Chair Social Committee It is with heavy heart that I report that we lost a long time valued member of our club, Don Wageman passed away. Also, former member, Joan Smith has died recently and very unexpectedly. Our prayers and thoughts are with their families. Nominating Committee At our November meeting, this slate of new officers and board members was presented and approved. These people will be installed at our December Awards Brunch. I thank them for agreeing to take on these tasks for CDC. President – Karen Naess-Wineland Vice President – Meg Hennessey Secretary – Joan Lester Treasurer – Mike Hennessey Class of 2015 Board Members – Matt Wineland, Bea Carlsson and Laura Kiedaisch CHICAGOLAND DALMATIAN CLUB November 9, 2013 The regular meeting of the club was opened at 7:05 p.m. by the president, Tom Kaiser. There were fourteen members in attendance. A quorum was present. It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the September 14, 2013 meeting be approved as printed in the Spot News; the motion carried. The treasurer, Mike Hennessey, presented his report, indicating that during September and October receipts exceeded expenditures. Receipts were primarily for the pedigree book. The report will be filed for audit. The audit of the first three quarters of the year was done on October 13, 2013. There was discussion of how monies are invested. At present, only CD’s and money market accounts are used. Meg Hennessey reported that both DCA and DCAF have moved to invest some money in mutual funds as a way to increase interest and suggested that CDC should, perhaps, do the same. The president appointed Meg Hennessey to investigate the possibility of investing some of the club assets in managed funds and report back to the club with a recommendation. Since there is a CD maturing in late December, before the next club meeting, there was discussion about timing of a move into other funds, if this decision is made. Gail Meyers moved, it was seconded, that the treasurer take $10,000 from the CD maturing on December 29, 2013 and put it into our regular available funds account to be held until a recommendation for other investment is made and approved. The motion carried. Meg Hennessey will send information to the board and a presentation will be made in January at the regular meeting. Reports of Committees Membership: There were no membership applications. A moment of silence was observed in memory of long-time member Don Wageman. A memorial will be sent. Susan Olsen also told the group that former member Joan Smith had died. Spot News: Deadline for submissions to the Spot News is the 15th of the month in which the meeting is held. Fun Match: Nothing is scheduled. Ways and Means: “Favorite Holiday Dessert” contest is being held tonight. Pedigree Book: Marie Kaiser reported that hard copy has gone to the printer; the DVD will be completed soon. Copies will soon be shipped. The cost of the book is $75.00; the DVD is $25.00. The president expressed the thanks of the club to Marie Kaiser, Meg Hennessey and Laura Kiedaisch for their work. Awards/Plaques: Meg Hennessey reported that five applications have been received. Website: Meg Hennessey reported that this will be updated. Holiday Party: Gail Meyers said that invitations would be sent the week of Thanksgiving. She is working to get our deposit back from the Willowbrook facility. DCA: Meg Hennessey reported that the Regional Club Council has been disbanded. She gave the names of some of the judges for the nationals. This year, DCAF will be doing a 50/50 raffle with 200 tickets to be sold at $100 each; she suggested that CDC should consider purchasing one. 2014 Specialty: Tom Kaiser, chair, reported that the specialty will be June 6-7, 2014, at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, in conjunction with the Wheaton Kennel Club. Roy Jones will again be the superintendent. There will be a potluck on Friday evening but only water supplied on Saturday. Matt Wineland agreed to be responsible for the raffle. One of the days will be dedicated in memory of Geri Lightholder. It was moved by Susan Olsen and seconded that the other day of the show be dedicated in memory of Don Wageman. The motion carried. Unfinished Business Obedience Trial: Meg Hennessey reported that there are no available dates that are not in conflict with other shows, so scheduling is on hold. International Kennel Club: We will do a supported entry on both Saturday and Sunday and will participate in “Meet the Breed.” The show will be fully benched this year and there will be Barn Hunt on both days. Kris Carlsson and Susan Olsen will work on trophies. It was moved by Meg Hennessey and seconded that for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Winner’s Dog and Winner’s Bitch we give $25.00 gas cards and that for other prizes we use trophies that we have on hand. Motion carried. New Business Nominating Committee: Gail Meyers reported that there were some changes in the slate presented at the last meeting. The new slate presented was: Directors, Class of 2015: Bea Carlsson Laura Kiedaisch Matt Wineland Officers: Secretary: Joan Lester Treasurer: Michael Hennessey Vice President: Meg Hennessey President: Karen Naess Wineland There were no further nominations from the floor, so nominations were closed. Gail Meyers moved and it was seconded that the nominated slate become the elected slate of officers. Motion carried. The installation will be held at the holiday party in December. Awards: Only one nomination was received. Marie Kaiser was nominated to become Member of the Year. The nomination was approved by general consent. Susan Olsen informed the group that Kris Benoit was placing an ad in the Spotter in memory of Gerri Lightholder. Contributions toward the cost of the ad would be appreciated. Gail Meyers moved and it was seconded that CDC contribute $25.00 for the ad. The motion carried. Following a few “Brags” from members, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Members than enjoyed the desserts that had been brought for our contest and voted for their favorites. Irene Jinks Secretary • • • December 29th CDC Annual Christmas Party and Awards Presentation February 22nd Supported Entry and Meet the Breeds at International Kennel Club Show June 6th & 7th CDC Specialties at DuPage County Fairgrounds – Wheaton Kennel Club 25 YEAR DALMATIAN COLLECTION FOR SALE It is time to get the dust off and liquidate my large collection of Dalmatian collectibles: FIGURINES Including rare porcelains from the Norma Price/Crown Jewel Dalmatian collection, large and small ceramic Dals DISNEY and BUDWEISER Including McDonald’s complete 101 Dals display and many other 101 Dalmatian Collectibles; Budweiser beer wagon with Dals displays, back lit Dal photo displays, Dal mugs and more McCOY Original McCoy dalmatian/rocking chair cookie jar AND MUCH MORE Citgo dalmatian posters, early original Dal lithograph (as seen in Treen book), and lots more… if it showed a dalmatian, I bought it! Will sell for best offer, let me know your desires or come visit to see for yourself. Items can make get show awards and prizes or for fund-raising and raffles. PETER CAPELL DALS OF DOCTOR PEPPER 1838 West Grace Street Chicago (easy to reach by Grace and North Lincoln Ave, near Irving Park Rd) 773-871-8735, email: (member CDC and DCA) SPOT NEWS 1433 W. Touhy Av #B Chicago, IL 60626